Alexander Petrovich Nikonov: biography. Nikonov Alexander Petrovich, writer: biography, books

", "Labor", "Capital Newspaper", "Night Rendezvous", magazines "Postscript", "Ogonyok", "Capital". Actively advocates the legalization of prostitution, soft drugs, short-barreled weapons and euthanasia of newborns with genetic disorders at the request of the parents. He adheres to right-wing liberal, transhumanist and libertarian beliefs.


Known as a supporter and popularizer of scientific skepticism, in some of his books he also promotes liberalism in economics and public life and sharply criticizes “political correctness”. Cosmopolitan. Chairman of the Atheistic Society of Moscow (AtOM).


Winner of the Moscow Union of Journalists awards for 2002 and the Russian Union of Journalists for 2001, twice winner of the Ogonyok magazine award. For his contribution to national culture he was awarded a state award - the Pushkin Medal (1999). In 2005, he received the Belyaev Prize for the book “Upgrade of a Monkey”. Winner of the Nonconformism 2010 award for the novel Anna Karenina, Female.


Known for his scandalous statements.

Project "Mother"

He actively promoted profanity in the 1990s. Together with Dmitry Bykov, on April 1, 1995, he published a supplement to the weekly “Sobesednik” - the “obscene newspaper” “Mother”, wrote a corresponding column in the newspaper “Novy Vzglyad”, and was a defendant (together with Bykov) in a criminal case for using obscene expressions in the press. The chapters of his first book were published in the newspaper “New Look” and the magazine “Secret&Secret”.

Book ban

Publication on euthanasia


He was the chairman of the Federal Political Council of the Russia without Obscurantism party, registered in 2012, from June 2013 to May 2015.


Wife - Galina. Raises a son.


  • Shitty book. - M.: Vasanta, 1994. - 159 p. - 20,000 copies.
  • Dialogues about the future
  • Cream. Portraits of outstanding contemporaries painted by A. Nikonov. - M.: Globulus, 2004. - 160 p. - 10000 copies. - ISBN 5-94851-092-1, ISBN 5-93196-317-0. 2nd ed. - Cream. A mirror for the heroes of our time. - St. Petersburg: “Peter”, NC ENAS, 2009. - 288 p. - 2500 copies. - ISBN 978-5-498-07543-3
  • Monkey upgrade. The big story of a small singularity. - M.: ENAS, 2005. - 352 p. - 5000 copies. 2nd ed. - Monkey upgrade. The big story of a small singularity. - M.: ENAS, 2008. - 496 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-388-00054-5, ISBN 978-5-93196-758-5
  • Russian X-Files. Sessions of black and white magic with exposure. - M.: ENAS, 2005. - 216 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 5-93196-563-7. 2nd ed. - Beyond reality. Explanation of the inexplicable. - St. Petersburg: “Peter”, 2008. - 304 p. - 3000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-388-00456-7
  • The end of feminism. How does a woman differ from a man? - M.: ENAS, 2005. - 256 p. - 5000 copies. 2nd ed. - The end of feminism. How does a woman differ from a man? - M.: ENAS, 2008. - 368 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-388-00053-8, ISBN 978-5-93196-823-0
  • The fate of a civilizer. Theory and practice of the death of empires. - M.: ENAS, 2006. - 256 p. - 5000 copies. 2nd ed. - The fate of a civilizer. Theory and practice of the death of empires. - M.: ENAS, 2008. - 360 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-388-00052-1, ISBN 978-5-93196-821-6
  • The history of frostbite in the context of global warming. - M.: ENAS, 2007. - 296 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-93196-709-7. 2nd ed. - The history of frostbite in the context of global warming. - M.: ENAS, 2009.
  • Freedom from equality and fraternity. Moral code of the builder of capitalism. - M.: ENAS, 2007. - 360 p. - 10000 copies. 2nd ed. - Freedom from equality and fraternity. Moral code of the builder of capitalism. - M.: ENAS, 2008. - 480 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-93196-870-4, ISBN 978-5-388-00149-8
  • Selection management. The art of cutting haircuts for the masses. - M.: ENAS, 2008. - 304 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-93196-809-4, ISBN 978-5-91180-893-8
  • Riding a bomb. The fate of planet Earth and its inhabitants. - M.: ENAS, 2008. - 320 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-388-00361-4
  • Strike first! The main mystery of the Second World War. - St. Petersburg: “Peter”, 2008. - 448 p. - 4000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-93196-916-9, ISBN 978-5-388-00475-8
  • Napoleon: Attempt No. 2. - St. Petersburg: “Peter”, NC ENAS, 2008. - 376 p. - 4000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-93196-913-8, ISBN 978-5-388-00734-6
  • Opium for the people. Religion as a global business project. - St. Petersburg: “Peter”, NC ENAS, 2009. - 344 p. - 4000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-93196-954-1,ISBN 978-5-498-07473-3
  • Prediction of the past. The rise and fall of the antediluvian civilization. - St. Petersburg: “Peter”, NC ENAS, 2009. - 368 p. - 4000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-498-07458-0, ISBN 978-5-93196-962-6
  • Hello weapons! Presumption of common sense. 2010. ISBN 978-5-93196-978-7
  • Between Scylla and Charybdis. - St. Petersburg: “Peter”, NC ENAS, 2014. ISBN 978-5-4248-0091-7

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  • - portal edited by A. Nikonov
  • (link unavailable since 01/06/2014 (2125 days))- website of the publishing house that published most of the author’s books
  • Channel on

Excerpt characterizing Nikonov, Alexander Petrovich

For Prince Andrei, seven days have passed since he woke up at the dressing station of the Borodino field. All this time he was in almost constant unconsciousness. The fever and inflammation of the intestines, which were damaged, in the opinion of the doctor traveling with the wounded man, should have carried him away. But on the seventh day he happily ate a slice of bread with tea, and the doctor noticed that the general fever had decreased. Prince Andrei regained consciousness in the morning. The first night after leaving Moscow it was quite warm, and Prince Andrei was left to spend the night in a carriage; but in Mytishchi the wounded man himself demanded to be carried out and to be given tea. The pain caused to him by being carried into the hut made Prince Andrei moan loudly and lose consciousness again. When they laid him on the camp bed, he lay for a long time with his eyes closed without moving. Then he opened them and quietly whispered: “What should I have for tea?” This memory for the small details of life amazed the doctor. He felt the pulse and, to his surprise and displeasure, noticed that the pulse was better. To his displeasure, the doctor noticed this because, from his experience, he was convinced that Prince Andrei could not live and that if he did not die now, he would only die with great suffering some time later. With Prince Andrei they were carrying the major of his regiment, Timokhin, who had joined them in Moscow with a red nose and was wounded in the leg in the same Battle of Borodino. With them rode a doctor, the prince's valet, his coachman and two orderlies.
Prince Andrey was given tea. He drank greedily, looking ahead at the door with feverish eyes, as if trying to understand and remember something.
- I don’t want anymore. Is Timokhin here? - he asked. Timokhin crawled up to him on the bench.
- I'm here, your Excellency.
- How's the wound?
- Mine then? Nothing. Is that you? “Prince Andrei began to think again, as if remembering something.
-Can I get a book? - he said.
- Which book?
- Gospel! I have no.
The doctor promised to get it and began asking the prince about how he felt. Prince Andrei reluctantly, but wisely answered all the doctor’s questions and then said that he needed to put a cushion on him, otherwise it would be awkward and very painful. The doctor and the valet lifted the greatcoat with which he was covered and, wincing at the heavy smell of rotten meat spreading from the wound, began to examine this terrible place. The doctor was very dissatisfied with something, changed something differently, turned the wounded man over so that he groaned again and, from the pain while turning, again lost consciousness and began to rave. He kept talking about getting this book for him as soon as possible and putting it there.
- And what does it cost you! - he said. “I don’t have it, please take it out and put it in for a minute,” he said in a pitiful voice.
The doctor went out into the hallway to wash his hands.
“Ah, shameless, really,” the doctor said to the valet, who was pouring water on his hands. “I just didn’t watch it for a minute.” After all, you put it directly on the wound. It’s such a pain that I’m surprised how he endures it.
“It seems we set it up, Lord Jesus Christ,” said the valet.
For the first time, Prince Andrei understood where he was and what had happened to him, and remembered that he had been wounded and how at that moment when the carriage stopped in Mytishchi, he asked to go to the hut. Confused again from pain, he came to his senses another time in the hut, when he was drinking tea, and then again, repeating in his memory everything that had happened to him, he most vividly imagined that moment at the dressing station when, at the sight of the suffering of a person he did not love, , these new thoughts came to him, promising him happiness. And these thoughts, although unclear and indefinite, now again took possession of his soul. He remembered that he now had new happiness and that this happiness had something in common with the Gospel. That's why he asked for the Gospel. But the bad situation that his wound had given him, the new upheaval, again confused his thoughts, and for the third time he woke up to life in the complete silence of the night. Everyone was sleeping around him. A cricket screamed through the entryway, someone was shouting and singing on the street, cockroaches rustled on the table and icons, in the autumn a thick fly beat on his headboard and near the tallow candle, which had burned like a large mushroom and stood next to him.
His soul was not in a normal state. A healthy person usually thinks, feels and remembers simultaneously about a countless number of objects, but he has the power and strength, having chosen one series of thoughts or phenomena, to focus all his attention on this series of phenomena. A healthy person, in a moment of deepest thought, breaks away to say a polite word to the person who has entered, and again returns to his thoughts. The soul of Prince Andrei was not in a normal state in this regard. All the powers of his soul were more active, clearer than ever, but they acted outside of his will. The most diverse thoughts and ideas simultaneously possessed him. Sometimes his thought suddenly began to work, and with such strength, clarity and depth with which it had never been able to act in a healthy state; but suddenly, in the middle of her work, she broke off, was replaced by some unexpected idea, and there was no strength to return to it.
“Yes, I have discovered a new happiness, inalienable from a person,” he thought, lying in a dark, quiet hut and looking ahead with feverishly open, fixed eyes. Happiness that is outside of material forces, outside of material external influences on a person, the happiness of one soul, the happiness of love! Every person can understand it, but only God can recognize and prescribe it. But how did God prescribe this law? Why son?.. And suddenly the train of these thoughts was interrupted, and Prince Andrei heard (not knowing whether he was in delirium or in reality he was hearing this), he heard some quiet, whispering voice, incessantly repeating in rhythm: “And drink piti drink” then “and ti tii” again “and piti piti piti” again “and ti ti.” At the same time, to the sound of this whispering music, Prince Andrei felt that some strange airy building made of thin needles or splinters was erected above his face, above the very middle. He felt (although it was difficult for him) that he had to diligently maintain his balance so that the building that was being erected would not collapse; but it still fell down and slowly rose again at the sounds of steadily whispering music. “It’s stretching!” stretches! stretches and everything stretches,” Prince Andrei said to himself. Along with listening to the whisper and feeling this stretching and rising building of needles, Prince Andrei saw in fits and starts the red light of a candle surrounded in a circle and heard the rustling of cockroaches and the rustling of a fly beating on the pillow and on his face. And every time the fly touched his face, it produced a burning sensation; but at the same time he was surprised by the fact that, hitting the very area of ​​​​the building erected on his face, the fly did not destroy it. But besides this, there was one more important thing. It was white by the door, it was a sphinx statue that was also crushing him.
“But maybe this is my shirt on the table,” thought Prince Andrei, “and these are my legs, and this is the door; but why is everything stretching and moving forward and piti piti piti and tit ti - and piti piti piti... - Enough, stop, please, leave it, - Prince Andrei begged someone heavily. And suddenly the thought and feeling emerged again with extraordinary clarity and strength.
“Yes, love,” he thought again with perfect clarity), but not the love that loves for something, for something or for some reason, but the love that I experienced for the first time, when, dying, I saw my enemy and still fell in love with him. I experienced that feeling of love, which is the very essence of the soul and for which no object is needed. I still experience this blissful feeling. Love your neighbors, love your enemies. To love everything - to love God in all manifestations. You can love a dear person with human love; but only an enemy can be loved with divine love. And from this I experienced such joy when I felt that I loved that person. What about him? Is he alive... Loving with human love, you can move from love to hatred; but divine love cannot change. Nothing, not death, nothing can destroy it. She is the essence of the soul. And how many people have I hated in my life. And of all the people, I have never loved or hated anyone more than her.” And he vividly imagined Natasha, not the way he had imagined her before, with only her charm, joyful for himself; but for the first time I imagined her soul. And he understood her feeling, her suffering, shame, repentance. Now for the first time he understood the cruelty of his refusal, saw the cruelty of his break with her. “If only I could see her one more time. Once, looking into these eyes, say..."
And piti piti piti and ti ti ti, and piti piti - boom, a fly hit... And his attention was suddenly transferred to another world of reality and delirium, in which something special was happening. Still in this world, everything was erected without collapsing, a building, something was still stretching, the same candle was burning with a red circle, the same sphinx shirt was lying at the door; but, besides all this, something creaked, there was a smell of fresh wind, and a new white sphinx, standing, appeared in front of the door. And in the head of this sphinx there was the pale face and sparkling eyes of the very Natasha about whom he was now thinking.

Alexander Petrovich Nikonov (August 13, 1964, Moscow) is a Russian journalist and publicist writer.

In 1986 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (MISIS). Published in the newspapers Moskovsky Komsomolets, Trud, Stolichnaya Gazeta, and the magazines Postscriptum, Ogonyok, and Stolitsa.

Known as a supporter and popularizer of atheism and scientism, in some of his books he also promotes liberalism in economics and public life and sharply criticizes “political correctness.” Chairman of the Atheistic Society of Moscow (AtOM). Collaborated with academician Eduard Kruglyakov in exposing pseudoscience.

Winner of the Moscow Union of Journalists awards for 2002 and the Russian Union of Journalists for 2001, twice winner of the Ogonyok magazine award. For his contribution to national culture he was awarded a state award - the Pushkin Medal (1999). In 2005, he received the Belyaev Prize for the book “Upgrade of a Monkey.”

Married, has a son.

Books (23)

Russian X-files. Sessions of black and white magic with exposure

The book is an experience in literary investigation. The author gives explanations to the stories given - convincingly, intelligibly, fascinatingly and accessible even for a not very prepared reader, although he uses the most complex apparatus in his explanations: modern psychology, quantum physics and even cosmic geology. However, most often the most mysterious cases have the simplest explanations...

Strike first. The main mystery of World War II

The famous writer Alexander Nikonov analyzes the roles of the Soviet Union and Germany, Stalin and Hitler in the Second World War and in the history of the 20th century in general. Following the author of “Icebreaker” Viktor Suvorov, Nikonov cites numerous documentary facts and convincing logical conclusions that make it possible to create an objective picture of the pre-war world, the Great War and its consequences.

The topic is extremely sensitive and is still extremely painful both for the majority of our compatriots who lived in Soviet times, and for young citizens of modern Russia.

No one questions the grandiose feat of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War; We are talking about a deadly confrontation between two despotic regimes, two bloody dictators.

The main theme of A. Nikonov’s work is Civilization. As in his other books, he helps the reader to go beyond the usual stereotypes and persistent myths (on which, unfortunately, what is commonly called national identity is largely based) and learn to form his own view of historical processes.

The crown of creation in the interior of the universe

The origin of the Universe, the formation of the Solar system, the formation of planets, the origin of life on Earth... The evolution of living organisms, the emergence of man, the emergence of civilization... The most important philosophical questions, great scientific discoveries and technological breakthroughs... Problems, crises and processes in modern society ; past, present and prospects of Man and humanity...

Such topics are discussed in this unusual, bright, smart and ironic book.

Riding a bomb. The fate of planet Earth and its inhabitants

In a popular and fascinating form, the book presents modern, revolutionary scientific ideas about the origin, structure and future of planet Earth.

The theory to which the book is devoted is based on known empirical facts; it made it possible to make several absolutely brilliant sensational predictions, thereby confirming its truth.

But the conclusions arising from this theory are so unusual, so stunning that not all experts today are ready to accept it. Captivating stories about prominent scientists and their ideas complement the narrative brilliantly.

Beyond reality. Explaining the Unexplainable

This book is not just a collection of stories about extraordinary, inexplicable, mystical phenomena - about mysterious creatures, ghosts, poltergeists, UFOs, telepathy, teleportation, etc. (connoisseurs and connoisseurs of this topic will find a lot of interesting things here!), and stories Residually reliable, told by credible sources, most of whom are named.

This book is an experience in literary investigation. The author explains the stories presented in a convincing, intelligible, fascinating and accessible way even for a less-prepared reader, although he uses the most complex apparatus in his explanations: modern psychology, quantum physics and even cosmic geology.

True, most often the most mysterious cases have the simplest explanations...

Behind the facade of the empire. A short course in Russian mythology

Why don't Russians smile?

Alexander Nikonov finds the answer to this question in Russian history, which in our country “does not just repeat itself, but goes around in circles like a blind mare...”

Hello weapons! Presumption of common sense

The book “grew” from the chapter of the same name in the famous “Monkey Upgrade” by Alexander Nikonov and develops its main ideas: the legalization of firearms is the most effective way to combat armed crime, which is becoming increasingly widespread.

This is a book not only and not so much about weapons and crime. The book is about stupidity, because of which the civilized world loses thousands of human lives every year. Actually, opposition to stupidity from the standpoint of common sense is the central theme and main goal of the writer’s work, which he strictly follows in all his works.

The author’s argument in the polemic with “banners” of weapons, based on extensive factual material, is so convincing that it leaves no doubt: citizens should not be deprived of the opportunity to protect their own lives and the lives of their loved ones.

Between Scylla and Charybdis. Civilization's Last Choice

Alexander Nikonov indicates the only possible path for our Civilization in conditions of permanent economic crisis and impending demographic collapse. This is an extremely narrow and dangerous passage between the narrow-minded Scylla of reactionary conservatism and obscurantism and the left-liberal Charybdis of soft-bodied political correctness brought to the point of absurdity.

The main factors determining our future are intelligence, common sense and a sense of humor. The author returns to his idea of ​​a “transparent” world of the future, formulated ten years ago in the famous “Monkey Upgrade.” By the way, before we knew it, a good half of his predictions had already become reality...

Opium for the people. Religion as a global business project

Alexander Nikonov, a convinced atheist and a well-known specialist in debunking various myths, analyzes the texts of the Holy Scriptures.

With constant irony, as always logical and convincing, the author shows that the Old Testament is nothing more than a collection of legends of ancient cattle-breeding tribes, which absorbed the epics of more developed civilizations, that the Gospel is basically rehashes of the myths of ancient cultures and that the church, in its own way, in essence, it is a global commercial project.

The name "Ryaba Hen" will be understood and appreciated by anyone who reads to the 21st page. The book will undoubtedly “touch the religious feelings” of certain segments of the population. Nevertheless, it is useful for everyone to read it - believers, non-believers, and insecure ones.

This book is not about faith. Faith is a personal, internal, intimate matter of every person. But religion and the church are completely different...

Predictions of the past

Alexander Nikonov has a rare and amazing ability to show various phenomena (physical, biological, social - anything related to Civilization in one way or another) from an unexpected side, making the reader shudder at the scale of the worlds opening before him and think...

Analyzing and comparing both widely known and completely new facts for readers from different fields of knowledge (mythology, ancient maps, pyramids, geology, natural disasters), the author, as always logical and convincing, paints an amazing picture: 12 thousand years ago on Earth there was an advanced civilization with technologies at the level of the 18th century.

And disappeared - due to a global catastrophe. Knowledge was lost, only random “emers from the torch of reason” remained.

And humanity learned everything again...

And, of course, Nikonov cannot help but destroy a number of established historical myths along the way.

So, reader, welcome to the antediluvium...

Freedom from equality and fraternity

Common sense, responsibility and freedom. Freedom of will, freedom from prejudice, freedom from stupidity - these are the simple principles of the new morality of the modern civilized world.

Alexander Nikonov continues to fulfill his educational mission, helping the reader to understand the patterns of development of Civilization, get rid of false illusions and find their place in a rapidly changing world.


Cream. Portraits of outstanding contemporaries painted by A. Nikonov.

Satirical portraits of famous politicians, public figures, artists and performers in an interview with journalist and writer Alexander Nikonov.

Immortality formula. On the way to the inevitable

Is it possible to overcome the finiteness of a person’s physical existence, preserve his knowledge, spiritual and intellectual world?

How does Professor Dowell's head feel?

What is our consciousness and does it affect “objective reality”?

Alexander Nikonov, a firm and consistent materialist, atheist and pragmatist, explores humanity's eternal dream of immortality. Relying, as usual, on extensive factual material, the author plays a classic four-move chess game with the problem of the frailty of our earthly life. The grandmaster is assisted by great physicists, famous doctors, psychologists, sociologists, participants and witnesses of various incredible events and phenomena, as well as such an authority as Carlos Castaneda.

The outcome of the game, of course, is predetermined.

But what a fun game!

Monkey upgrade. The big story of a small singularity

The origin of the Universe, the formation of the Solar system, the formation of planets, the origin of life on Earth, the evolution of living organisms, the emergence of man, the emergence of civilization...

The most important philosophical questions, great scientific discoveries and technological breakthroughs... Problems, crises and processes in modern society, past, present and prospects of Man and humanity...

The history of frostbite in the context of global warming

How does climate give birth and kill civilizations? What “strings” does nature pull people by? Are we living in an era of global warming or cooling? What awaits Russia in connection with climate fluctuations? A new book by Alexander Nikonov is about this, as well as about Vladimir Klimenko, Boris Godunov, Egyptian pharaohs and other wonderful people.

After reading this book, you will be able to have endless conversations about the weather as well as any Englishman and about the future as well as any futurologist. For a wide range of readers.

The end of feminism. How is a woman different from a man?

This is one of the most unusual books written in the last decade. It's not just about feminism. It, like most of Alexander Nikonov’s books, is about our civilization. Even before it was published, the book caused fierce controversy and furious attacks on the author.

However, many readers (and female readers!) admitted that the book helped them reconsider their views on life in general and on the essence of feminism in particular.

Napoleon. Second try

The first attempt to unify and civilize Europe by the Romans ended in failure one and a half thousand years ago. The third attempt was a success: in our lifetime, Europe has finally united, erasing borders and introducing a single currency standard.

But there was a second attempt. After which a single system of weights and measures reigned throughout Europe, and social life, the political map and the state of minds of Europeans underwent such changes after which there was no return to the past. And all this is thanks to the genius of Napoleon.

Alexander Nikonov’s Napoleon is not a “usurper”, not a “Corsican monster”, not an “Antichrist” and “adversary”, but the most effective manager of all times, whose main goal was the development of national business. Peace was all Napoleon needed. That's why he fought all the time...

An exciting book, based on reliable documentary evidence, written, one might say, passionately - its main character is so close and dear to the author: after all, Napoleon’s contribution to world civilization (and this is Nikonov’s main theme!) is invaluable.

Herzen wrote about Napoleon’s victors at Waterloo: “They turned history from the high road right down to the nave into the mud, and into such mud from which it could not be pulled out in half a century...” If Napoleon’s victors dragged Europe into the mud, then where was Napoleon leading it? Alexander Nikonov continues to destroy myths...

The true story of World War II

Alexander Nikonov, a famous journalist and publicist, lifts the curtain on the mystery of World War II, analyzing the roles of two leaders and two states in the history of the 20th century. Unique facts and convincing logical conclusions allow us to create the most objective picture of the pre-war world, the “Great War” and its consequences.

As in his other books, Alexander Nikonov, speaking about the deadly confrontation between two despotic regimes, goes beyond the usual stereotypes and helps to form his own view of historical processes.

The conclusions made by Nikonov are very far from the official version of the entire history of World War II and may seem very unexpected and even frightening...

The fate of a civilizer

In his new book, Nikonov A.P., in his characteristic style, analyzes the socio-economic and political-psychological conditions of the formation, heyday, decline and death of great empires using the example of Ancient Rome; the author, in a large-scale historical perspective, shows the reader a stunning picture of the eternal struggle Reason and savagery, Enlightenment and ignorance, Civilization and barbarism, talks about the thorny paths of civilizers.

Easily moving to modern times, A. Nikonov comments on his point of view on the “current historical moment” and offers his own, original, witty, and, as always, controversial model of the development of Human Civilization.

I found out that I am an enemy of the women’s people quite by accident - I came across an article on the Internet by an indignant feminist. This lady (a candidate of philological sciences, by the way) wrote a long treatise about the terrible verbal oppression of their tender, fragile aunts by us, damned men. We oppress them, among other things, through the media...

“Nikonov speaks to women in the language of hostility. Inflames... Is a typical example... Calls names... Makes fun of... Demonizes women... Accuses feminism of “attacking an almost subconscious protypical value system...”

Yes, that's how scary I am! This is how I am a terrible enemy of feminism on Earth!

The author of popular and universally criticized works is Alexander Nikonov. The writer, publicist and active promoter of atheism is very well known in his circles. His works delight or cause fierce criticism, the main thing is that they never go unnoticed.

short biography

Nikonov Alexander was born in Moscow in 1964 on August 13. In 1986, he graduated from MISIS (Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys), however, he was not destined to work in his profession. Alexander Nikonov became famous as a writer-publicist and Russian journalist. The writer’s biography is not very detailed; the general reader is more aware of his work than his personal life.

Creative activity

It is known that even from his institute days, his works and articles began to be published in newspapers known at that time. His essays could be found in Moskovsky Komsomolets, Trud, Stolichnaya Gazeta, as well as in such magazines as Stolitsa, Ogonyok and Postscript.

Alexander Petrovich Nikonov is known to the public as an ardent supporter of atheism, who considers scientific knowledge to be the highest cultural value and the main factor that allows a person to interact with the outside world (a supporter of scientism). He is the chairman of AtOM (Atheistic Society of Moscow), and also actively helped academician Eduard Kruglyakov expose pseudoscience. Alexander Nikonov, whose reviews of his works are very contradictory, always strictly adheres to his life views in his works, and treats criticism with irony. Some works highlight harsh criticism of political correctness, as well as propaganda of liberalism in public life and economics.

Creativity Awards

Despite his sometimes radical position, Alexander Nikonov was awarded a large number of awards and encouragements. So in 2001 he became a laureate of the Union of Journalists, and a year later a laureate of the Moscow Union of Journalists. During the time that he worked for the Ogonyok magazine, he was twice a laureate of this magazine. Back in 1999, he was awarded the Pushkin Medal for his valuable contribution to Russian culture.

Nikonov was also awarded the Belyaev Prize for the book “Upgrade of the Monkey,” published in 2005. And for the novel “Anna Karenina, Female” he became a laureate of the “Nonconformism-2010” award.

"How is a woman different from a man"

Alexander Nikonov proposed a more precise title for his work: “The End of Feminism. How is a woman different from a man? The book was published in 2005. It is written in the genre of sociology, social science and philosophical science and is part of a series of “uncensored” works. This is not surprising. The book is unique in its kind, because no such works have been published in the last decade. A work about feminism, as can be seen from the title of the work, but also about everything else about our entire civilization, as, indeed, most of the works that Alexander Nikonov wrote.

The book consists of several parts. First, the author tries to tell on what soil various socio-psychological anomalies are currently emerging and actively flourishing. He paints real and very impressive pictures of the degradation and self-destruction of Western education systems, as against this background there is a general decline in the intellectual level of the population. He also talks about his “politically correct” upbringing brought to the point of insanity.

His words are fueled by real facts. When reading the work, the imagination begins to draw simply terrible pictures of the ideology and principles adhered to by various areas of real feminism. Alexander Petrovich Nikonov proves the correctness of his judgments with real facts of the “achievements” of these feminist movements and trends. Unfortunately, this is the case. It has already been scientifically proven that in the United States the most unprotected and vulnerable segment of the population is the white, heterosexual, mentally competent and healthy man.

The author reasons, draws historical parallels and always argues the proposed facts, deducing his point of view on this problem. And for him this is really a huge problem. It is not in the first book that he “attacks” feminism. Even in the work “Upgrade of the Monkey. The Big History of a Small Singularity” Alexander Nikonov highlighted a chapter entitled “The Bestial Grin of Feminism.”

In fact, it is worth listening to his opinion and understanding what a serious threat this trend can cause to society. Today in Russia there is no such acute problem, but “foam on the horizon” is already visible, which, as the author says, is brought by a huge tsunami.

Even before the book was published, its author, Alexander Nikonov, faced a lot of criticism and fierce controversy. The writer, however, met not only fierce attacks; a large number of readers, including women, noted that this work helped to reconsider some values ​​and views on life, as well as the very essence of feminism as an active movement.

Despite the tough politics and, at times, radical point of view, the main advantage of Alexander Nikonov’s works remains that they help their readers see the overall picture of socio-political and historical processes, seriously reflect on pressing issues and bring order to their beliefs and thoughts.

In the epigraph to the book, the author talks about an article by one woman, a candidate of philological sciences, and her work entitled “Hate Speech,” in which she strictly criticizes the media for discrediting and humiliating women. And, naturally, among all Nikons, Alexander is the most malicious opponent. The author ironically agrees with this judgment, but says that its name does not belittle women as a biological species, otherwise it would contradict the foundations of biological science.

But at the same time, he tries to draw attention to the fact that in translation from almost all languages ​​of the world, “man” is identical with the word “man,” which cannot be said about the word “woman,” which, in his opinion, says a lot.

"Monkey Upgrade"

The book has the full title: “Monkey Upgrade. The big story of a small singularity.” It was published in 2004 and has been reprinted several times since then. Belongs to the genre of popular science literature. The positivist view of life, as well as the most important global problems, are described in the book “A Monkey Upgrade.” Alexander Nikonov touches on such pressing and eternal questions about how the world was formed from a scientific point of view, about whether God really exists, what the laws of morality and evolutionary development should be.

The author of the book faced a lot of attacks and harsh criticism towards the work. They began to accuse him of immorality, aggressive atheism, lack of political correctness, a simplified view of important things, and that Alexander Nikonov writes books referring to untested scientific hypotheses.

A large number of academicians, physicists and other figures of science and art did not stand aside and wrote their opinions about this work. For example, such well-known figures as Hakob Nazaretyan and Vitaly Ginzburg, although with criticism on certain issues raised in the book, noted that it was still worth reading, and even agreed with some of the judgments.

The book was evaluated by experts and awarded the A. Belyaev Literary Prize in 2005. The award ceremony took place in the Northern capital thanks to the International Convention of Science Fiction Writers “Interpresscon” and the Union of Writers of St. Petersburg.

Book ban

Some responded more radically to Nikonov's work. Thus, the organization EGPN (European Cities Against Drugs) accused the author of promoting the use and legalization of drugs, as well as welcoming antisocial and illegal behavior.

Indeed, one of the chapters is called “Myths about drugs,” however, according to the author, the book only contains a proposal to legalize narcotic substances, which is not prohibited by Russian law.

However, the case reached the prosecutor's office, and the book was withdrawn from sale in 2009. Despite Nikonov's counterclaims, the book still had to be republished. So in 2010, “Upgrade the Monkey. The big story of a small singularity" was republished under the title "The Crown of Creation in the Interior of the Universe." The book, updated and improved in every sense, was released without a chapter on drug propaganda.

“Spiritual bonds from Chicken Ryaba”

Alexander Nikonov, in his unique manner, in the book talks about terrible things with humor and undisguised irony. He talks about the spiritual guidelines of humanity throughout the formation of the world right up to the present time, when they are steadily moving towards gradual and inevitable degradation.

Once again, opinions about the work were radically divided. Some people see the book as good, entertaining and funny reading, while others call the author a fierce atheist, which Alexander Nikonov actually is not. The publicist’s books still make you think about many pressing issues. The author manages to find paradoxical and unexpected things in simple and ordinary things, forcing readers to think about them and draw their own, purely individual conclusions.

"Physics on your fingers"

Although the book is written in the genre of children's literature, it can be suitable for both a schoolchild and an adult, if he is very inquisitive. The most important and fundamental science is physics, according to the author of the book, Alexander Nikonov. “Physics on Fingers” is intended for children and parents who want to explain to children the features of this science, and the book will help them with this. The concept of the work is so deep and incomparable with others that it leaves no one indifferent, and the unexpected denouement leaves only pleasant feelings in the soul.

"Russian X-files"

The book contains a large number of sensational stories about mystical and mysterious creatures, ghosts, unexplained phenomena, UFOs, teleportation, telepathy and much more. The target audience can learn a lot for themselves. And if the reader is not very familiar with this topic, then everything will become clear to him, since the author explains the most complex theories and facts in a fascinating, intelligible and convincing way. Despite the fact that in his descriptions he often refers to cosmic geology, quantum physics and modern psychology.

"Selection Management"

The work “Choice Management. The Art of Haircutting the Popular Masses,” like most of the works written by Nikonov Alexander, talks about research into various ways of developing Civilization. However, this book will focus on two aspects: informational and intellectual. Using examples, the author very convincingly proved that today the value of intelligence is many times greater than the value of material resources. Still convincing and based on facts, Alexander Nikonov proves how political and advertising technologies control individual groups of people and entire segments of the population.

"Riding a Bomb"

In the book, the author narrates a theory that has a scientific basis and has made it possible to make many important sensational predictions. However, the conclusions that are based on this theory today cannot be accepted even by the bravest scientific minds, they are so stunning and unusual.

So, the book “Riding the Bomb” reveals the history of the origin, structure and future development of planet Earth, based on modern and revolutionary scientific discoveries.

In 1986 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (MISIS).

In the fall of 1996, he was involved in a criminal case and brought to trial because of his professional activities: for publishing the “obscene” newspaper “Mother”.


Known as a supporter and popularizer of atheism and scientism, in some of his books he also promotes liberalism in economics and public life and sharply criticizes “political correctness.” Cosmopolitan. Chairman of the Atheistic Society of Moscow (AtOM).

Claims that he is never offended.


Winner of the Moscow Union of Journalists awards for 2002 and the Russian Union of Journalists for 2001, twice winner of the Ogonyok magazine award. For his contribution to national culture he was awarded a state award - the Pushkin Medal (1999). In 2005, he received the Belyaev Prize for the book “Upgrade of a Monkey.” Winner of the Nonconformism 2010 award for the novel Anna Karenina, Female.


Known for his scandalous and shocking statements.

Project "Mother"

He actively promoted profanity in the 90s. Together with Dmitry Bykov, for two years he published a supplement to the weekly “Sobesednik” - the “obscene newspaper” “Mother”, wrote a corresponding column in the newspaper “Novy Vzglyad”, was a defendant (together with Bykov) in a criminal case for using obscene expressions in the press. The chapters of his first book were published in the newspaper “New Look” and the magazine “Secret&Secret”.

Book ban

In September 2009, the St. Petersburg prosecutor’s office ordered the withdrawal of A. Nikonov’s book “Monkey Upgrade” from sale (according to the prosecutor’s office, the book contains a call for the legalization of drugs).

Publication on euthanasia

In February 2010, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and the SJR (Union of Journalists of Russia) discussed Nikonov’s article entitled “Finish it so that you don’t suffer”, published in December 2009 by the newspaper “AIDS-Info”, in which the journalist proposed giving mothers the opportunity to use euthanasia when the birth of disabled children (not all, but only certain diseases), calling them blanks and defective floppy disks. The publication caused a wide public outcry. Criticism of Nikonov began in the press. Following a meeting of the public board on complaints against the press, the Union of Journalists of Russia decided that the article was on the verge of extremism and was also written unprofessionally. However, some colleagues - Alexey Venediktov, Evgeny Dodolev, Viktor Loshak, Pavel Sheremet - came out in defense of the journalist, as they considered that freedom of speech was being violated.


He has a wife, Galina, who is raising a son.


He published his first book in 1994. Since 2005, it has published books regularly, sometimes several per year (including reprints).

Newborns with genetic disorders at the request of the parents. He adheres to right-wing liberal, transhumanist and libertarian beliefs.

Alexander Nikonov
Date of Birth August 13(1964-08-13 ) (55 years)
Place of Birth
  • Moscow, USSR
Citizenship (nationality)
Occupation Writer, publicist, TV presenter
Genre Popular science literature, Journalism
Language of works Russian
Belyaev Prize
Media files on Wikimedia Commons

In the fall of 1996, he was a defendant in a criminal case and brought to trial because of his professional activities: in connection with the publication by him (together with Dmitry Bykov) of the “obscene” newspaper “Mother”.


Chairman of the Atheistic Society of Moscow (AtOM).

From June 2013 to May 2015, he was the chairman of the Federal Political Council of the Russia without Obscurantism party, registered in 2012.

From December 3, 2018 to February 14, 2019 - one of the hosts of the “Polite People” program on the NTV channel. He also takes part in the talk show of the same TV channel “Meeting Place” with Andrei Norkin.


Project "Mother"

Publication on euthanasia

Awards and prizes


  • Shitty book. - M.: Vasanta, 1994. - 159 p. - 20,000 copies.
  • Dialogues about the future
  • Cream. Portraits of outstanding contemporaries painted by A. Nikonov. - M.: Globulus, 2004. - 160 p. - 10,000 copies. - ISBN 5-94851-092-1, ISBN 5-93196-317-0. 2nd ed. - Cream. A mirror for the heroes of our time. - St. Petersburg: “Peter”, NC ENAS, 2009. - 288 p. - 2500 copies. - ISBN 978-5-498-07543-3
  • Monkey upgrade. The big story of a small singularity. - M.: ENAS, 2005. - 352 p. - 5000 copies. 2nd ed. - Monkey upgrade. The big story of a small singularity. - M.: ENAS, 2008. - 496 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-388-00054-5, ISBN 978-5-93196-758-5
  • Russian X-Files. Sessions of black and white magic with exposure. - M.: ENAS, 2005. - 216 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 5-93196-563-7. 2nd ed. - Beyond reality. Explanation of the inexplicable. - St. Petersburg. : “Peter”, 2008. - 304 p. - 3000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-388-00456-7
  • The end of feminism. How does a woman differ from a man? - M.: ENAS, 2005. - 256 p. - 5000 copies. 2nd ed. - The end of feminism. How does a woman differ from a man? - M.: ENAS, 2008. - 368 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-388-00053-8, ISBN 978-5-93196-823-0
  • The fate of a civilizer. Theory and practice of the death of empires. - M.: ENAS, 2006. - 256 p. - 5000 copies. 2nd ed. - The fate of a civilizer. Theory and practice of the death of empires. - M.: ENAS, 2008. - 360 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-388-00052-1, ISBN 978-5-93196-821-6
  • The history of frostbite in the context of global warming. - M.: ENAS, 2007. - 296 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-93196-709-7. 2nd ed. - The history of frostbite in the context of global warming. - M.: ENAS, 2009.
  • Freedom from equality and fraternity. Moral code of the builder of capitalism. - M.: ENAS, 2007. - 360 p. - 10,000 copies. 2nd ed. - Freedom from equality and fraternity. Moral code of the builder of capitalism. - M.: ENAS, 2008. - 480 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-93196-870-4, ISBN 978-5-388-00149-8
  • Selection management. The art of cutting haircuts for the masses. - M.: ENAS, 2008. - 304 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-93196-809-4, ISBN 978-5-91180-893-8
  • Riding a bomb. The fate of planet Earth and its inhabitants. - M.: ENAS, 2008. - 320 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-388-00361-4
  • Strike first! The main mystery of the Second World War. - St. Petersburg. : “Peter”, 2008. - 448 p. - 4000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-93196-916-9, ISBN 978-5-388-00475-8
  • Napoleon: Attempt No. 2. - St. Petersburg. : “Peter”, NC ENAS, 2008. - 376 p. - 4000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-93196-913-8, ISBN 978-5-388-00734-6
  • Opium for the people. Religion as a global business project. - St. Petersburg. : “Peter”, NC ENAS, 2009. - 344 p. - 4000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-93196-954-1, ISBN 978-5-498-07473-3
  • Prediction of the past. The rise and fall of the antediluvian civilization. - St. Petersburg. : “Peter”, NC ENAS, 2009. - 368 p. - 4000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-498-07458-0, ISBN 978-5-93196-962-6
  • Hello weapons! Presumption of common sense. - 2010. - ISBN 978-5-93196-978-7
  • Anna Karenina, female - M.: AST, 2013. - 320 p. - 2000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-17-077320-6
  • Between Scylla and Charybdis. - St. Petersburg. : “Peter”, NC ENAS, 2014. - ISBN 978-5-4248-0091-7
  • Spiritual bonds from Chicken Ryaba. - M.: AST, 2014. - 352 p. - ISBN 978-5-17-085874-3
  • Immortality formula. On the way to the inevitable. - “Peter”, NC ENAS, 2012. - 720 p. - ISBN 978-5-4216-0018-3
  • Physics on your fingers. - M.: AST, 2017. - 352 p. - ISBN 978-5-17-092649-7
  • Astronomy on your fingers. - 2017. - ISBN 978-5-17-101645-6


  1. Newspaper "Moskovskaya Komsomolskaya Pravda".
  2. Publishing House "New Look" CAIN, WHERE IS YOUR BROTHER ABEL?
  3. The writer's political views.
  4. Boyko M. Capitalism has not exhausted itself: Alexander Nikonov on the global crisis, the renaissance of leftism and the legalization of weapons (unavailable link)// Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 06/03/2010.