Step-by-step recipe with photos. Marinara sauce for the winter

Marinara sauce is a prominent representative of Italian cuisine. It is used as a base for preparing many other sauces, and also complements pasta, pizza and other national dishes.

The sauce is prepared from fresh or canned with the addition of garlic and Italian herbs. Next, we will tell you how to make marinara from fresh tomatoes according to the classic recipe, and also offer the option of preparing a sauce for the winter from baked tomatoes.

Marinara sauce - a classic recipe


  • ripe tomatoes – 1.5 kg;
  • dry red wine – 70 ml;
  • garlic cloves – 3-4 pcs.;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar – 20 g;
  • refined olive oil – 35 ml;
  • coarse salt;
  • ground red and black pepper;
  • parsley, cilantro, dill (greens);
  • Italian herbs (fresh or dried).


To prepare a classic version of marinara sauce, choose only ripe tomatoes. They need to be dipped in boiling water for a few seconds, then doused with ice water and peeled off the skins. Puree the tomatoes in a blender until you get tomato puree. Peel the garlic cloves, finely chop them with a knife and brown them in a frying pan or saucepan in olive oil until soft. After this, add the prepared tomato mass to the container, and after boiling, add the Italian herbs. Among them must be basil and oregano and, if desired, rosemary. Herbs can be taken either fresh or dried. We also add parsley, cilantro and dill if desired and to taste. All fresh herbs must be chopped as finely as possible with a knife or chopped in a blender.

We also add dry red wine to the sauce, add granulated sugar, red and black ground pepper and boil it until the texture of sour cream is obtained. At the end of the simmering, pour in lemon juice and add some salt to the marinara to taste.

Italian tomato marinara sauce - a recipe for the winter


  • ripe tomatoes – 2.5 kg;
  • dry red wine – 80 ml;
  • large garlic cloves – 8 pcs.;
  • thyme sprigs – 5 pcs.;
  • onion – 80 g;
  • refined – 80 ml;
  • sea ​​salt – 15 g;
  • granulated sugar – 25 g;
  • ground black pepper – 5 g;
  • chopped basil leaves - 3 tbsp. spoons.


In this case, we will prepare marinara sauce for the winter from baked tomatoes. To do this, rinse the tomatoes under running water and then put them in boiling water for a few seconds. After this, we take the tomatoes out of the hot water and immediately put them in cold water for a while. Now we can easily peel the tomatoes, cut them into slices and place them on a baking sheet. There we also put peeled and chopped large garlic cloves, chopped pre-peeled onion, add olive oil, wine, finely chopped basil and thyme sprigs. Mix the ingredients together and place on the middle level of an oven preheated to 220 degrees. After an hour, transfer the baked sauce components into a convenient container, cool slightly and puree with a blender. After this, grind the mass through a sieve, separating the seeds and hard impurities, season it to taste with salt and granulated sugar, add pepper, mix and heat on the stove until all the crystals dissolve. After this, transfer the marinara sauce into half-liter jars, cover with lids and place in boiling water for twenty minutes to sterilize. All that remains is to seal the lids and put the workpiece in storage with other workpieces.

If desired, instead of sterilizing, you can put the sauce into containers and freeze it in the freezer.

Step 1: prepare the onion.

Using a knife, peel the onion and then rinse it well under running water. Place the ingredient on a cutting board and chop it with the same available equipment into small cubes the size no more than 5 millimeters. Transfer the processed vegetable to a plate.

Step 2: prepare the garlic.

Peel the garlic with a knife and lightly rinse it under running water. Place the ingredient on a cutting board and chop it finely with a knife. We transfer the processed component of the dish to a free plate so that it does not interfere with us for now.

Step 3: Prepare the celery.

Celery is a very spicy spice. And when it is added fresh to a dish, it gives an unforgettable aroma. This plant is perfect for our Marinara sauce. So, we rinse the ingredient under running water and, if necessary, remove the top film on the celery stalk. Place the plant on a cutting board and finely chop it with a knife. We try to process the component as thinly as possible. Place the chopped celery on a clean plate.

Step 4: prepare the carrots.

Peel the carrots using a knife. Afterwards, rinse under running water. Using a coarse grater, chop the vegetable ingredient and immediately after that transfer it to a free plate. Attention: if you like to have pieces of vegetables in the sauce, then it is best to finely chop the carrots with a regular knife. And so, at your discretion. I like the first option better.

Step 5: prepare the tomatoes.

If you prefer sour sauces, then it is best to use canned tomatoes. In another case, they will even be very fresh and fresh. So, if you are using a canned ingredient, then simply cut off with a knife the place where the tail of the vegetable was, remove the peel and throw it away, and put the tomatoes themselves in a deep bowl. Otherwise, rinse the component under running water and place it in a deep bowl. Pour hot water or boiling water over the tomatoes and leave in that state. for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the skin will almost come away from the fruit itself and will be very easy to remove. Therefore, after the allotted time has elapsed, drain the warm water and, having peeled the tomatoes, place them in the same bowl, but without water. Grind the processed ingredient on a cutting board using a knife into small pieces. You can also use a coarse grater to speed up the process of preparing the sauce. Pour the tomato puree back into the bowl and proceed to the next steps.

Step 6: Prepare Marinara Sauce.

Pour olive oil into a deep saucepan or frying pan and place over medium heat. When the oil starts to heat up, place the chopped onion and garlic in a container. Stirring the ingredients from time to time with a wooden spatula, fry them 10 minutes until transparent. Then add celery, carrots, salt and ground black pepper to the container. Mix everything well again with a spatula and fry more 10 minutes until all vegetable ingredients are soft. And the last components of the sauce will be tomatoes and bay leaves. Add these products to the saucepan or frying pan, turn the heat to low and simmer the sauce without a lid. about 1 hour until the dish thickens. Attention: From time to time, be sure to mix everything with a spatula so that the chopped vegetables at the base of the container do not burn. After the allotted time has passed, we take out the bay leaf and throw it away, since we will no longer need it. Check the Marinara sauce for salt and pepper. If to your taste the dish seems under-salted and with insufficient ground pepper, then you can add these ingredients at your discretion. And again, mix everything well with available equipment. Turn off the burner, as the very tasty dressing is ready.

Step 7: Serve Marinara sauce.

When the sauce is warm, use a ladle to pour it into clean, sterilized jars and close tightly with a clean lid. And when the dish reaches room temperature, we put it in the refrigerator or we can freeze it so that, whenever we want, we can treat ourselves to such a piquant and spicy sauce. You can serve the dish with all kinds of pasta, fried potatoes, or use it as a pizza paste. Experiment, try and enjoy! Enjoy your meal!

- – If you like spicy dishes, then the amount of ingredients in the recipe, such as onions and garlic, can be increased to suit your taste. To tell the truth, I always add such vegetables “by eye” and the spicier the Marinara sauce is, the tastier it is. But in this recipe I have kept the ingredients to a minimum.

- - In addition to the ingredients indicated in the recipe, you can also add other components to the sauce to suit your taste. For example, a dish turns out to be very tasty if you add sweet bell peppers or chili peppers, capers, black olives or olives, as well as all kinds of seasonings. This includes oregano, basil, marjoram, rosemary. At the same time, it doesn’t matter what they are - fresh or dried. All the same, the aroma will be unforgettably refined and very appetizing.

- – Marinara sauce is also appropriate to add to dishes such as fried meat, use it as a dressing for borscht or baked vegetables, fried side dishes. A very tasty dish is obtained if it is added as a sauce for preparing Italian lasagna.

- – Tomatoes can also be replaced with tomato paste. True, it will slightly change the taste of the sauce and make it spicier.

- – If you want to freeze the sauce, then it is best to do it in portions in any container. After all, it is much more convenient, when preparing a dish, to immediately get the required amount of dressing, rather than wait for the entire large container to defrost. Moreover, after defrosting, I do not recommend re-freezing Marinara sauce, as this will cause it to lose its taste and shorten its shelf life.

It is impossible to imagine Italian cuisine without Marinara sauce. This is a universal seasoning that Italians add to many dishes. This sauce is so easy to prepare that even an inexperienced cook can handle the whole process with a bang! You can serve classic Marinara sauce on its own, for example, with fried breaded cheese or vegetables, or you can season pasta, ravioli or gnocchi with it, use it in making pizza and lasagna, or simmer meatballs in it. So let's get cooking!

To make classic Marinara sauce you will need:

  • passata (or tomatoes in their own juice) – 700 g
  • garlic – 3-4 cloves
  • basil (dried) – 1 tsp.
  • oregano (dried) – 1 tsp.
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. (or to taste)
  • salt – 0.5 tsp. (or to taste)
  • vinegar (wine or apple) – 0.5-1 tbsp. (optional)
  • olive oil – 2-3 tbsp.

Marinara sauce – recipe with photo:

Peel the garlic teeth and chop them with a knife. In a deep frying pan or saucepan, heat the oil moderately, add the garlic and, stirring, fry for 30-60 seconds. Do not overheat the oil under any circumstances, otherwise the garlic will burn instantly!

After the garlic, add the herbs to the saucepan and, stirring as well, heat them in the oil for half a minute.

Pour in the passata and stir. By the way, instead of passata, you can take canned tomatoes in their own juice (whole or pieces), and also during the season you can use fresh tomatoes, which need to be peeled and chopped.

Cook the Marinara sauce over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for about 20 minutes or until it reaches the desired consistency (depending on what dishes you plan to use the sauce in, you can reduce it to a thinner or thicker consistency).

About 5 minutes before the sauce is ready, season it with sugar, salt and, if the tomatoes are too sweet, add a little vinegar.

That's all! Incredibly easy to prepare, but very tasty classic Marinara sauce is ready!

We use it immediately to prepare pasta, lasagna or pizza, or pour it into a container with a lid, store it in the refrigerator and use it as needed!

Bon appetit!


Hello my dear readers! There are recipes that we should always have on hand. Marinara sauce is super easy to make at home, no need to buy it! Looked at my blog, opened the right page and cook for your health!

This year, winter bypassed our blessed Transcarpathia. That's why my husband and I go to the outdoor thermal pool every evening. My body, soaked in mineral water, completely refuses to cook anything complex for dinner.

But, if you have prepared marinara in the refrigerator and any pasta in the pantry, then the dinner issue is resolved in a couple of minutes! The sauce can be prepared in summer from fresh tomatoes, and in winter from canned tomatoes in their own juice or good tomato paste.

Marinara is such a versatile sauce that you can eat it with everything or without anything at all. It's great with kebabs, grilled chicken breast, roasted pork tenderloin, pizza, seafood and a hefty slice of ciabatta. And it’s also magical to scoop it up with a spoon, straight from the jar, cheatingly looking around to see if anyone sees this disgrace.
This is how I eat at home too.

Marinara sauce - recipe with photo

Classic recipe

According to legend, classic marinara was invented by ship's cooks - coquis. When the taste of tomatoes was discovered in Europe about two hundred years ago, sauces made from them gained unprecedented popularity. The acid contained in tomatoes contributes to the long shelf life of tomato sauce, which is important during long sea voyages under sail.

The classic sauce recipe contains only a few ingredients: tomatoes, garlic, basil, olive oil. It’s even somehow awkward to write the recipe, it’s so simple.


  • One and a half kilograms of ripe summer tomatoes or a little more than a kilogram canned in their own juice.
  • Three or four cloves of garlic.
  • Five large fresh basil leaves.
  • Three quarters of a teaspoon of salt.

How to make classic marinara

Peel fresh tomatoes by first immersing them in boiling water and then in cold water. Pass through a meat grinder, process in a blender or chop very finely. Canned ones should simply be chopped in any convenient way.

Chop the peeled garlic cloves and heat a little in olive oil, avoiding burning. When a pleasant garlic aroma appears, add tomato mass to accompany the garlic.


A large amount of sauce can be poured into sterile jars, cooled and refrigerated, sealed airtight, and frozen in a plastic container.

My favorite homemade recipe

Most often, at home, I prepare this sauce from good tomatoes or thick tomato puree, prepared in the summer. I grow basil all year round. In the warm season, I take huge pots of basil outside and plant hot peppers next to them.
After the onset of cold weather, we move this entire structure (basil plus pepper) into the house.

Thanks to this, we have the freshest leaves all year round. Look how handsome these giants are, even against the backdrop of a strong man’s hand.


  • One and a half kilos of good tomato paste.
  • Half a head of garlic.
  • One onion (optional).
  • A generous handful of basil leaves.
  • Two tablespoons of olive oil.
  • One teaspoon of ground black pepper.
  • A pinch of dry thyme, oregano, hot red pepper.
  • Sugar.
  • Salt.

How to cook

Lightly heat finely chopped garlic in olive oil.

It should change color and smell a little.
Most often I cook only with garlic, but the option with fried onions is also wonderful. In this case, fry the onion cubes and garlic together.

Add tomato, stir.

Adjust the thickness with water, add a little salt, add black and red pepper, grind dry herbs in your hands and bring to a boil (make sure the sauce does not burn). Season with salt and add a little sugar if necessary.

The final chord is to tear the basil greens. Marinara is ready!

Mussels in marinara sauce

A bourgeois dish, as it is - bourgeois. And how delicious it is... I advise you to first bake a huge ciabatta or homemade bread. Scooping out the precious sauce with brutally broken pieces of ciabatta is a special joy.


  • A kilo of live mussels in shells.
  • 250-300 ml of ready-made sauce.
  • One and a half glasses (250 ml volume) of white wine.
  • 120 g butter.
  • A small onion.
  • Parsley root.
  • 5-7 grains of black pepper.
  • Salt.

How to cook

Wash mussel shells thoroughly with a brush in several waters. They should be clean, but “...not devoid of the smell of the sea,” as my beloved Jorge Amadou wrote.


The cooking process from the start of boiling should not take more than ten minutes - seafood is tender and easy to digest.

We throw out the unopened shells and put the rest on a plate. Boil the remaining liquid by half, add the prepared sauce and the remaining butter, bring to a boil, cool slightly, add the shellfish. Serve mussels with marinara sauce in a deep bowl.

There is also this option for beautifully serving mussels marinara in tomato sauce.

Pasta with marinara sauce

We boil any pasta - linguine, tagliatelle, fettuccine, farfelle, spaghetti. Place warm pasta on plates. Place the sauce on top, sprinkle with grated Parmesan and fresh herbs.

And here is a version of pasta with mussels and marinara sauce (we put only the edible part of the shellfish).

is an Italian tomato sauce with many preparation options, as well as applications. The main ingredients are tomatoes, onions and herbs.

Totally versatile and can be used anywhere, as a pasta sauce, as a pizza sauce, for rice and for meat.

Spicy herbs in the sauce can vary according to the taste of the cook. Yes, and there may be more vegetables, in particular, it is possible to add carrots, celery, etc. But, nevertheless, this basic recipe is the most interesting - it is as laconic as possible and completely sufficient.

For the Marinara sauce you will need:

  • Tomatoes. 400 gr. Fresh summer ones are best, but if they are unavailable, you can use canned tomatoes in their own juice. It’s more convenient when they are already peeled and cut.
  • Onion. 1 small onion.
  • Garlic. 1-2 cloves.
  • Basil. Taste. Best fresh .
  • Parsley. Taste. Fresh is also best .
  • Salt.
  • Freshly ground black pepper.
  • A little olive oil or odorless vegetable oil.
  • You may need a little sugar, depending on the acidity of the tomatoes.

Prepare Marinara sauce.

Finely chop the onion, half the garlic and basil.

In a deep frying pan, preferably thick-bottomed, heat the vegetable oil and fry the garlic and basil in it until the garlic changes color slightly.

This is different from any other preparation; first, it is not the onion that is fried, but the garlic. Garlic is easy to burn, so keep the heat under the frying pan on medium, and do not overheat the oil before frying, but only warm it well. You can throw a small piece of chopped garlic into cold oil, and as soon as bubbles of oil begin to appear around this piece and the frying process begins, immediately add all the chopped garlic and chopped basil.

As soon as the garlic has darkened a little, add chopped onion to the pan, add a little salt so that the aromas stand out more intensely, and fry everything together until the onion has already become transparent and began to turn golden.

While the onions are frying, quickly chop the remaining basil along with the parsley.

Chop the remaining garlic.

We do not squeeze the garlic, but chop it - garlic squeezed through a press will be noticeably worse.

If you use fresh tomatoes, then peel them - cut them crosswise opposite the stem, pour boiling water for 3 minutes, then quickly cool in cold water and easily peel the skin off the tomatoes. Chop the tomatoes themselves into small pieces with a knife.

Since I used already peeled and chopped tomatoes, this step was not relevant for me.

Add tomatoes, chopped basil and garlic to the lightly fried onions in the frying pan and mix.