After drinking alcohol, drinking sweet tea will sober you up. How to get sober in an hour at home? What processes occur during intoxication and sobering up?

Sometimes, at the most inopportune moment, circumstances require a transition from a drunken state to a clear consciousness, the ability to act meaningfully. Next, I will tell you what you need to do to quickly sober up after vodka, beer or other alcoholic drinks. We will use only available means that are available at home and in nature.

Theory. Sobering up is minimizing the effect of alcohol on the brain to a state where a person adequately perceives reality and can solve assigned tasks for some time (maximum 40-45 minutes), for example, get behind the wheel of a car in an emergency. Next, the drunk needs rest and sleep; attempts to bring him to his senses again will not yield results.

Only special efferent (quickly removing alcohol from the body) means, which are used only in specialized drug treatment clinics, allow you to sober up in a couple of minutes. All other methods begin to work after 15-20 minutes and do not remove fumes (bad breath).

In a critical situation, the company must choose the right person who is able to sober up faster than others. It won't necessarily be the one who drank the least. In drunken men, psycho-emotional disorders first appear (slurred speech, mood swings), and only then motor skills (movements) fail; in women, it’s the other way around. This means that a man is better suited to control a complex device, and a woman is better suited for negotiations. If it is noticed that a person does not feel pain when drunk, it is better to choose someone else to sober up, even if he has drunk more.

Quick sobering technology

To get the effect, I advise you to follow all the steps in the specified sequence.

1. Induce vomiting. This is necessary so that the remaining alcohol in the stomach is not absorbed into the blood. As a last resort, you can chew a few tablets of activated carbon and wash them down with a glass of clean cold water without gas, but activated carbon is not as effective as vomiting.

Next, you need to sniff ammonia or other volatile liquid with a strong unpleasant odor 1-2 times. If a drunk person is unconscious, it is with ammonia that they begin to bring him to his senses and only then cleanse his stomach.

2. Wash with cold water. Short-term cooling activates the body's protective functions, stimulates blood flow and invigorates. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Swimming in ice water and rubbing with snow can lead to hypothermia, since a drunk person does not feel the cold.

If there are no chronic diseases, it is better to take a contrast shower. First, rinse yourself with water at a pleasant temperature, then make the water hot and pour over your entire body for 20-30 seconds, without staying in one place for a long time, then run cold water, stand for 60 seconds, then a quick hot shower and finally a cold shower again.

Contrast shower is good for sobering up

3. Drink a mug of strong brewed tea or coffee. These drinks stimulate the nervous system and are a natural diuretic, which quickly removes alcohol from the blood. If a person has heart problems, tea is recommended. After 15 minutes the procedure should be repeated. During the break between coffee (tea), you should try to drink as much water or juice as possible.

Attention! The body of a drunk person is dehydrated, so the use of pharmaceutical diuretics is contraindicated and can be harmful to health.

4. Go out into the fresh air. Ventilation of the lungs, along with increased oxygen consumption, brings the body to its senses faster. Healthy people are recommended to undergo short-term (5-10 minutes) intense physical activity with sweating and a doubling of the heart rate. For example, you can work out your abs or go for a run.

5. Exercise your mind. Quick sobering up largely depends on the activity of brain processes, which can be stimulated by having a meaningful conversation, solving arithmetic problems, solving crosswords, and reciting poetry from memory. At first glance it seems strange, but mental activity helps.

Extreme way...

After completing the required task, a person should refrain from further drinking and sleep for at least 5-6 hours. Remember that sobering up is not the removal of alcohol from the body, although it largely depends on it.

Alcohol lift a person's spirits, make him more emotional And liberated.

But sometimes it happens that you need to quickly bounce back.

Therefore, know how quickly sober up at home After vodka or other alcoholic drink, every person should.

After about 90 minutes, the largest amount of alcohol can be observed in the body.

If you need to quickly remove it from the body, then without methods that quickly remove alcohol from the body, this will not be possible.

Several techniques will help you quickly sober up from alcohol for a while.

Signs signaling sobering up

  • A person's behavior changes.
  • The urge to go “small” increases.
  • How you feel changes.
  • A specific odor appears in the oral cavity.

What reasons influence sobering up?

Before bringing a person into a sober state, you need to take into account some factors, namely:

  • How much alcohol did the person drink?
  • What foods did he consume before drinking alcohol?
  • Weight category.
  • How long has a person been drinking alcohol?
  • The state of the drinker's body.

Therefore, it is quite difficult to immediately say how to quickly sober up a person. But it is quite possible to partially reduce the level of intoxication. If you are interested in the question “How to sober up in 5 minutes?”, there is unlikely to be an answer to it. In general, it is possible to revive a drunk person in at least half an hour. To do this, you will need drugs such as diuretics, citric/ascorbic acid, etc. If a drunk person is not in the hospital, then it is almost impossible to bring him to his senses in a shorter period of time.

Also of great importance is the fact that alcohol continues to enter the body. Even if a person already stops drinking, alcohol continues to be absorbed into the blood for another hour and a half. Continued intoxication can be determined by the smell of alcohol on the breath. If alcohol begins to be eliminated from the body, frequent urination and a smell of fumes appear.

Alcohol has different effects on the male and female body. In this regard, it is necessary to select the optimally effective method of sobering up, taking into account this factor.

First of all, it is necessary to establish the degree of intoxication in order to understand how to quickly sober up after vodka. The differences between the degree of intoxication of a man and a woman are as follows:

  • Women- at the initial stage, a violation occurs in the motor sphere, and then in the psycho-emotional sphere.
  • Men- the psycho-emotional state is disrupted, and then motor skills.

To make the sobering up process much easier, you need to take alcohol in the following form:

  • Drink sweet alcohol. A semi-sweet wine is suitable for this. If you drink this alcoholic drink, a person becomes very drunk and can sober up much faster than after drinking semi-dry wine.
  • Drink in small portions alcohol, retaining it in the mouth. If you drink alcohol in this way (meaning wine), it is absorbed into the blood while still in the mouth. Therefore, intoxication and sobering up occur much faster.
  • Alcohol containing carbon dioxide. This could be champagne, sparkling wine, alcoholic cocktails with carbonated drinks.
  • Alcohol in a warm form. For example, warm mulled wine. This drink quickly intoxicates, but also leaves the body quickly.

But what to do if intoxication occurred from stronger drinks?

Sobering up in 30 minutes

How to sober up quickly at home worries many drinkers.

If you urgently need to be back to normal, you need to do the following procedures:

  • Massage the ears, feet and tip of the nose (if the person drank a small amount of alcohol the day before). This effective method must be done with intense and forceful finger movements for at least 5 minutes.
  • Induce vomiting. The method is quite unpleasant, but works great. To do this, you need to drink a large amount of warm water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Lemon. You can use lemon at home. A drunk needs to eat a couple of lemons, and in an hour he will sober up. You can also drink lemon juice in one gulp. To do this, squeeze out a couple of these fruits. The main thing is not to snack or drink anything.
  • Rinse with cold water or wipe with snow. At home, this is the most affordable way. Moreover, you need to start sobering up with a contrast shower. This method increases blood flow, which leads to the rapid removal of alcohol from the blood, and also the person becomes cheerful, his concentration increases, and drowsiness disappears. The water should not be cool, but ice-cold.
  • Drink very strong tea or black coffee. It is advisable to use this method after cleansing the stomach.
  • Rinse your mouth with carbonated water, use toothpaste to clean your teeth, chew bay leaves or mint leaves.

After the procedures, it is not advisable to go outside for an hour.

How to sober up for a long time

If alcohol still continues to be absorbed into the body, you can use the following methods:

  • Walk or sit in the fresh air to increase your oxygen intake.
  • Do an enema and rinse the stomach.
  • Provided there are no problems with heart disease, increased heart rate and blood pressure, take a steam bath in a sauna/bath.
  • Take ascorbic acid at the rate of 70 kg of body weight per 2.5 g.
  • After 15 minutes, take vitamin B1 (at least 10 ml). It can be purchased at a pharmacy. Ideally, vitamin B1 should be taken in conjunction with a 20% glucose solution.
  • Sniff the ammonia. Take diuretics (green tea paired with ginger, veroshpiron, watermelon, drinking plenty of liquid (mineral water, for example), etc.). Dandelion, oatmeal broth, garden strawberries, zucchini and strawberries also have a diuretic effect.
  • Do intense but not prolonged physical activity so that your heart rate doubles and you start sweating profusely. First, perform exercises to strengthen the heart, and then switch to strength training. After drinking alcohol, a person sobers up faster if he begins to sweat heavily. But don't be overzealous. Everything should be done in moderation.

It is forbidden to take furosemide with alcohol, otherwise complications may occur.

Problems for the brain

Alcohol affects the brain. Therefore, the degree of intoxication also depends on the meaningful activity of mental processes. This means that it is possible to bring a very drunk person to his senses with the help of a fairly intense mental load. To do this, you need to find him an interlocutor who can reason intelligently, and ask the drunk all sorts of arithmetic operations, solve mental problems, recall various little things from life situations, solve crosswords, charades and other activities on the activity of brain activity.

After sobering up

When you can quickly bring a drunk person back to normal at home, he should not continue to drink alcohol. Instead, you need to sleep for at least 3-6 hours. If a person wants to continue drinking, this should be done after a fairly long sleep, i.e. the next day.

What not to do to sober up quickly

In addition to sobering methods, it is advisable to know what not to do in order to sober up.

You should not use drugs that can dramatically eliminate the effects of drinking. Such drugs are ineffective, because breakdown products are completely eliminated from the body within several hours. For example, 100 g of vodka is eliminated from the body within 5 hours.

You should also not drink ammonia (even in small quantities) and other aggressive substances. If you drink ammonia, the condition will worsen sharply. This applies primarily to people with liver dysfunction.

Preventive measures

  • Drink more fluids. After each glass, it is recommended to drink plain water. This will also help avoid a severe hangover.
  • To be normal the next day, you should not mix different types of alcohol. It is better to drink one drink and not mix, for example, beer with vodka. If you still have to drink different types of alcohol, it is better to start with a weak drink and end with a stronger one.
  • Before drinking, you need to eat well at home. Rapid intoxication does not occur on a full stomach.

In any case, no matter what method is used to sober up a person, it is necessary to take into account his individual capabilities, as well as observe preventive measures before the feast.

Attention, TODAY only!

From time to time, each of us drinks alcoholic beverages, this happens especially often if you decide to meet with friends whom you have not seen for a long time and spend the evening having long conversations.

Of course, such a pastime brings a lot of positive emotions, but often at the same time it also happens that people simply do not calculate their strength and go too far with drinking.

It's no secret that the best way to cope with intoxication is to simply get a good night's sleep.. But what to do if you don’t have time for this, and you urgently need to go home, or, even worse, go to work soon? There is no need to despair; today there are many methods that will help you sober up quickly, and this can be done at home.

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How to quickly sober up for half an hour

If you need to revive a drunk person for a short period of time so that, roughly speaking, he can go down to the entrance or simply wait for a taxi to arrive, you can use proven methods. Their essence lies in the fact that they directly affect the functioning of the central nervous system.

Here are the most effective of them:

  • take a cool shower. The colder the water, the better. If you don’t have enough time for this, just put your head under running water;
  • pat the person on the face, keep in mind that the movements must be quite intense, otherwise what you have done will simply be of no use;
  • if it’s winter outside, you can wipe your face with snow;
  • Give the person a foot or palm massage. If you manage to use biologically active points, the effect will appear even faster;
  • Brush your teeth thoroughly or rinse your mouth with mint water for 8-10 minutes;
  • you can drink black tea (the stronger it is, the better) or coffee with lemon.

Take note! Do not add sugar to tea or coffee under any circumstances, otherwise the alcohol will be absorbed even faster by the intestines and the intoxication will only increase.

How to recover for the long term

If you urgently need to sober up a person for at least a couple of hours, it will be impossible to do without cleansing the intestines and stomach. The easiest and safest way to achieve what you want is to give a person an enema (and in general it is advisable to have three).

Please note that the volume of each enema must be at least 2 liters, and the water must be at room temperature.

After this, you need to start lavaging the stomach, in order to completely clean it, you will need to pour about 7 liters of water into the person. But you probably guess that it’s almost impossible to do this on your own.. In any case, the more water you can pour into the intoxicated person, the faster he will return to consciousness.

In addition to all this, you can give a person any diuretic, it will also help remove alcohol from the body faster.

What to do after gastric lavage

In order for the rinsing not to be in vain, and the result to be retained, the intoxicated person should be given a cotton wool soaked in ammonia to sniff. If you don’t have one, you can soak the cotton wool with any other liquid that also has a strong, unpleasant odor.

When about 2 minutes have passed, give the person a couple of ascorbic acid tablets, this substance will also help you bring the patient back to his senses faster.

If you need to sober up completely, about 15 minutes after washing, give an injection of vitamin B1 (optimal amount 10 ml). This drug can be easily found in any pharmacy today, but keep in mind that it should only be administered if you know exactly how to give the injection.

What foods should you eat?

Unfortunately, we do not always have the necessary tablets and diuretic infusions at hand. But you shouldn’t despair; vegetables and food products will help correct the situation, some of which you will probably find in your kitchen.

If you need to sober up after drinking, try to eat and drink as much as possible:

  • non-alcoholic beer;
  • green tea;
  • decoction of rolled oats;
  • strawberries;
  • zucchini;
  • watermelon;
  • cucumbers

All of these products are indispensable for alcohol intoxication, and they will perfectly help you cope with the task.

Note! The most effective of the above drinks is green tea. It not only has a strong diuretic effect, but also activates the central nervous system.

Using traditional methods

Often, for completely unknown reasons, we neglect methods that were invented several decades ago. And completely in vain!

Their undoubted advantage is that they are completely safe and cannot cause any harm to the body. In addition, it is worth noting that they actually have no contraindications, and you can resort to their help in any case.


This product is widely used to treat various diseases and ailments, and it will also help in cases of intoxication. As you know, honey contains a large amount of fructose, and this substance helps remove alcohol from the body.

But keep in mind that you shouldn’t drink it with a lot of water, otherwise you might just vomit and all your efforts will go down the drain.

If there is no honey in your apartment, you can try replacing it with jam or something else that also contains a huge amount of glucose.


Despite the fact that this method is extremely effective, not every person is ready to resort to its help. This is due to the fact that in this case ammonia will need to be drunk rather than sniffed.

All you need to do to clear your head is add 6 drops of ammonia to a glass of boiled water (preferably cold), and then drink the resulting liquid. Within a few minutes you will notice signs of improvement.

There is no point in sniffing the liquid, since when intoxicated, the sense of smell can sharply deteriorate, and the only thing you will be able to achieve is to activate it.

Mint tincture

It eliminates signs of intoxication no worse than specialized drugs. But there is only one catch - the tincture must be prepared in advance, at least a week in advance.

Here's how to do it: pour a small amount of dried mint (a teaspoon) into a glass of vodka, and leave it all to steep for a week.

It’s even easier to use - add 15-20 drops of mint liquid (based on the weight of the intoxicated person) to a glass of water and let the person drink it. There will be no trace of alcohol left in just 5 minutes.

By the way, today a similar remedy can be found in ready-made form in some pharmacies (you can read about other effective hangover remedies). That is why, if you like noisy companies and periodically encounter problems such as intoxication, purchase this wonderful remedy in advance, which will be indispensable in any situation.


This method has been tested for more than a decade, and it is especially common in the USA. If you need to wake up without a hangover in the morning, simply take 2 aspirin before bed. To achieve maximum effect and better absorption, drink it with a liquid containing a high content of fruit acids.

Alternatively, you can use the following juices:

  • apple;
  • tomato;
  • grapefruit;
  • orange.

If you don't have aspirin on hand, you can substitute ibuprofen.

We drink Coca-Cola

This method also came to us from the USA. If your stomach tolerates this drink well, then put it in the refrigerator for a while and drink a couple of glasses.

Of course, Coca-Cola won’t completely sober you up, but it will definitely allow you to come to your senses for at least 30 minutes. This is all due to the fact that it specifically affects the gastrointestinal tract and simply prevents alcohol from being absorbed into the walls of the stomach.

If you don’t have this drink, so widely known throughout the world, you can try replacing it with regular milk.

Note! If you know that you have a weak body, but a party is planned in the evening, drink a glass of Coca-Cola before the feast.

Physical activity

If a person can move more or less independently normally, try putting a load on him. To do this, you can use simple physical exercises, or even better, walk with him through the park at a brisk pace. Your main task is to double his heart rate.

It will be even better if it is cool outside - the frosty air will also invigorate the body and brain. But keep in mind that you must be sure that the person does not have any serious illnesses or health problems, otherwise all this could end sadly.

Let's go to the sauna or bathhouse

For Russians, the bathhouse is a real salvation from many troubles and illnesses. If you have the opportunity to steam properly in the near future, do not ignore it and go to the bathhouse.

The main thing is to make sure that you have a sober escort. The undeniable advantage of this method is that, together with alcohol, the body also gets rid of many wastes and toxins.

But be careful, this method is contraindicated for people who have heart or vascular problems. If these diseases are present, such a load may become unbearable for them.


It is also quite effective, but it will only help you come to your senses for a while. Its essence is that you will influence certain active points, which, in turn, will awaken the nervous system.

To perform reflexology, you will need:

  1. Find the point that is located between the nose and upper lip. As a rule, it is located strictly in the center of the hole.
  2. Find the point that is located on your left hand, between the thumb and index finger.

But how exactly do you know that you found exactly them, and didn’t just hit your finger in the sky? In fact, everything is very simple; if you press them hard, the person will feel quite strong pain.

In order to sober up, use your thumb to touch these points, the pressure should be strong enough. Normal touch can also be alternated with rotating circular movements, while trying to move not the finger itself, but the fold of skin that is located around the point.

If you do everything correctly, a positive result will appear within 5-8 minutes.

How to avoid this situation

Remember, in order for the holiday to be successful and fun, and in the morning you don’t wake up with a headache and a severe hangover, you need to drink correctly. Try to remember the following tips:

  1. Do not mix different types of alcohol together. In the event that this cannot be avoided, at least do not lower the temperature, but, on the contrary, go to increase it;
  2. Eat properly. Pay attention to fatty foods and meat products. Salads generously seasoned with mayonnaise and other sauces will also help avoid severe intoxication;
  3. Don't drink alcohol through a straw. This way it will begin to be absorbed in the mouth, and you will get drunk twice as fast;
  4. Try not to drink too often, keep a small interval of time. The best option is to drink half a glass in 30–40 minutes (it all depends on your body and individual characteristics).

Now you know how you can quickly sober up, and what specific methods will help you achieve this. It is impossible to say right away which method should be chosen and how much time is needed specifically for sobering up. Here it is worth clarifying that certain foods and substances act differently on each organism. Therefore, in order to find the best option for yourself, you will have to experiment.

Please note right away that if you need to drive in the morning or hold an important meeting, traditional methods may not have the desired effect.

Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is better to seek help from a specialist or refuse to hold the event altogether.

In any case, it is better to drink a little less and remember the holiday or party well than to drink too much and wake up in the morning with a sore head.

From this video You will learn how to quickly sober up at home:

As you know, a real gentleman must know exactly what needs to be done in order to meet any vicissitudes of fate fully armed even after a bottle of whiskey.

Now there is a lot of advice on the Internet on how to quickly sober up at home. However, not all of them have the desired level of efficiency.

In order to be able, if necessary, to eliminate the consequences of heavy libations in a minimum amount of time, below we will consider the most effective ways to urgently sober up.

It is worth knowing that the period how long a person needs to sober up will depend on many factors, namely:

  • own weight;
  • general health;
  • amount drunk;
  • addiction to alcohol;
  • a list of foods eaten the day before.

As you can see, it is quite difficult to predict how long it will take to eliminate the consequences of drinking alcohol.

It is also necessary to clarify that there are no natural ways to sober up in 5 minutes. In any case, it will take some time to partially eliminate the alcohol present in the blood.

In most cases, you can sober up slightly in 30 minutes, provided you use a number of medications (for example, ascorbic or citric acid, diuretics, etc.). In 10 - 15 minutes, it is almost impossible to remove most of the alcohol and its breakdown products from the body outside a hospital setting.

In addition, the choice of options for what to do to urgently sober up will depend on whether alcohol continues to enter the bloodstream. Moreover, this happens not only in the case of further consumption of strong drinks. Alcohol that enters the stomach continues to be absorbed into the bloodstream for another hour and a half after the last drink, so during this time the level of alcohol in the blood may increase even after stopping its use. A sign of continued absorption of alcohol into the blood is the presence of the smell of alcohol in the exhaled air, and the appearance of a characteristic fume odor and frequent urination indicate that alcohol has begun to be eliminated.

The rate of onset of intoxication and the period of elimination of the breakdown products of the alcohol consumed strongly depend on the type of drink. For example, with the same volume of absolute alcohol content, the duration of beer removal significantly exceeds the removal of vodka decomposition products. The intensity of intoxication when drinking carbonated drinks (for example, champagne wine) is much higher than with other types of alcohol.

Also, the choice of what to do to quickly remove alcohol from the body will depend on the period during which you need to remain in a relatively sober state.

Alcohol affects men and women differently, so when choosing a way to quickly sober up from alcohol, it is advisable to also take this factor into account. In particular, this will influence the determination of the degree of intoxication based on human behavior.

Let's sober up quickly

The difference in the effects of alcohol, due to the characteristics of the hormonal system, will be that in women, first of all, disturbances in motor skills appear, and only then do changes in the psycho-emotional state occur. For men it’s the opposite.

The simplest ways to sober up at home can be divided according to the severity of intoxication.

  • In the early stages of intoxication:

- Activated carbon;

- short but intense physical activity, causing an increase in heart rate at least twice the original value;

- intensive ear massage;

- a walk in the fresh air (very helpful in winter);

- strong coffee or tea.

  • For moderate intoxication:

- cold shower or washing with snow;

- ear massage;

- strong coffee or tea;

- a walk in the fresh air;

- lemon or citric acid;

- inhalation of ammonia vapor (ammonia);

- mint drops.

  • In case of severe intoxication:

- gastric lavage with soda solution or simply inducing vomiting;

- taking a saturated solution of citric acid or vitamin C at the rate of 2.5 g per 70 kg of body weight;

- drinking strong tea or coffee, mint drops (20 drops per glass of water);

— enterosorbents to accelerate the elimination of alcohol residues (smecta, enterosgel, activated carbon);

- drinking plenty of water;

- fruits with a high liquid content;

- diuretics compatible with alcohol (for example, veroshpiron).

Regarding the last point, it is worth clarifying that without sleep it is virtually impossible to achieve effective recovery of the body. During the rest period, the remaining alcohol and its breakdown products will be most quickly eliminated from the body. The length of rest also plays a role. For example, 7 hours after a good drinking session will clearly not be enough. There are no specific instructions on how much sleep to completely remove alcohol from the body, but if a severe stage of intoxication occurs, the duration of rest should be about 12 hours.

The ability to quickly sober up on the street will depend on the time of year and the amount of drinking.

In the warm season, fresh air will bring guaranteed relief. In cold weather, with severe intoxication, a sharp temperature change can provoke a sharp deterioration in the condition, which can lead to loss of consciousness and death from hypothermia.

In addition, when looking for ways to sober up in a short time, it is advisable to know what not to do.

First of all, it is undesirable to use any recommended means that allow you to abruptly, in a maximum of 20 minutes, completely eliminate the consequences of drinking alcohol in any quantity. Considering that after 100 g of vodka it takes approximately 5 hours for the complete removal of all decay products, immediate elimination of the consequences of heavy libations is, in principle, impossible. Thus, such remedies are pure quackery.

It is also better to abandon the “sure” methods of sobering up, associated with the ingestion of various aggressive substances, for example, ammonia.

The result of combining ammonia with ethanol metabolites can lead to a sharp deterioration of the condition, especially if there are problems with the liver.

Therefore, in order not to make things worse, it is better not to use such means.

How to get sober instantly

Basically, the problem of the class “I’m drunk, how to sober up” arises in the case when an individual realizes that taking eleven glasses of cognac has suddenly brought him into a state of real estate. Particularly zealous searches for miracle cures are carried out on the eve of important events, for example, if it is necessary to sober up and go to work. It is also urgent to sober up before the exam. Separately, we can highlight a global problem of all times and peoples: “how to quickly sober up so that your parents don’t burn you.”

The best way to solve this problem is not to overdo it with alcohol when planning anything for tomorrow. The period required to sober up will depend on many factors, but if you drink a fair amount of alcohol, it will be at least 12 hours from the moment you stop drinking alcohol. This is what we need to proceed from.

An active search for options on what to drink to instantly eliminate the consequences of many hours of libations will most likely lead not to an improvement in well-being, but to the emergency room of the local toxicology department. Various extreme means to sober up, including drugs containing ephedrine (a number of symptomatic antitussive drugs) can put such a strain on the heart that it will take more than one day to eliminate the consequences under the strict guidance of doctors.

It is worth knowing that it is in principle impossible to instantly sober up from alcohol when severe intoxication occurs.

Therefore, instead of diligently searching for ways to solve the problem, it is easier not to create it.

How to get sober in the short term

Any quick way to sober up at home does not involve eliminating intoxication, but briefly bringing the nervous system into increased tone. After the effect of the used stimulants wears off, all symptoms of intoxication will appear to the same extent.

It should be noted that finding ways to sober up a person who has reduced or no sensitivity to pain is a futile endeavor. Such manifestations indicate severe alcohol poisoning, the consequences of which cannot be eliminated in a short time.

If maintaining conditional clarity of mind requires a short time (for example, all tasks are planned to be completed in 1 hour), in order to sober up, you need to do the following:

  • use various stimulating drinks (strong tea, coffee, mint drops);
  • take a cold shower or bath, if not possible, just wash with cold water;
  • use various types of food acid to deactivate alcohol that has entered the blood, for example, take either citric or ascorbic acid, or simply eat a few slices of lemon;
  • You can also chew a bay leaf as a stimulant;
  • inhale ammonia vapor.

It is advisable to consider some of these methods in more detail.

  • How to sober up with tea or coffee.

In this case, a very strong drink is prepared. For coffee, use a double dose of powder, a minimum of four full teaspoons per large two-hundred-gram cup of water. The tea is prepared dark in color and almost opaque (“the bottom is not visible”). Do not forget that such a cocktail can cause a strong rise in blood pressure. Be careful!

  • How to sober up with ascorbic or citric acid.

Any acid reacting with alcohol causes its breakdown into simpler compounds. To ensure a sufficient concentration of ascorbic acid, approximately 2.5 g of this product is used per 70 kg of weight. For a solution of citric acid per glass of water, you will need one level teaspoon of this substance.

  • How to sober up with ammonia.

How to get sober long term

To completely remove ethanol and its breakdown products from the body and eliminate the consequences of alcohol intoxication, you will need to use an integrated approach.

All actions taken can be divided into several stages.

  • We stop the flow of alcohol into the blood.

To a large extent, the period after which you sober up depends on the moment the alcohol actually stops entering the bloodstream.

Since the absorption of alcohol continues for about an hour and a half after the end of ingestion, for the fastest sobering it is necessary to stop the flow of ethanol into the blood.

One of the things that helps in this situation is inducing vomiting to remove the alcohol in the stomach. If you want to avoid vomiting, you can take the above amount of any food acid, which will deactivate the remaining alcohol.

Among the extreme methods of accelerating the removal of alcohol from the body, it is recommended to carry out an enema with a total volume of at least two liters of warm water. If gastric lavage was performed before, this technique should significantly speed up sobering up due to the complete removal of remaining alcohol from the gastrointestinal tract.

The final action of this stage will be the intake of various adsorbents (activated carbon, enterosgel and other similar drugs), which will absorb and accelerate the removal of alcohol residues.

  • Deactivate the resulting alcohol.

After the flow of alcohol into the blood is completely stopped, the next item on the list of what to do to get in shape is deactivating the ethanol already contained in the blood.

To do this, you need to take a large amount of warm drink, as well as use food acids to accelerate the breakdown of alcohol in the blood. As for what to drink in such a situation, we can first recommend strong tea or coffee.

  • We accelerate the removal of decomposition products.

Then it is necessary to force the removal of ethanol breakdown products from the body. To do this, you will need to take any type of diuretics that combine well with alcohol. Veroshpiron is mainly recommended for this purpose. The common drug Furosemide, due to its incompatibility with ethanol, is not recommended for use in this situation.

After completing all these steps, it is advisable to take 10 ml of the drug “Thiamin chloride 5%” orally. This product is available primarily in injection form, but it can be taken orally.

How to sober up to drive

Various recommendations on how to sober up faster before driving pose a danger both to the driver and passengers of his car, and to the people nearby. A drunk driver is a threat to all road users, since the alcohol in the blood in any case leads to a slower reaction, decreased coordination of movements, and the manifestation of that same fearlessness, the consequences of which are regularly shown in the news.

At the moment, there are no techniques that can quickly sober up a driver to a state in which he can drive normally. If a person has drunk a fair amount, he will not be able to understand for himself whether he has sobered up or not.

Even in the absence of obvious signs of intoxication, the reaction speed of a completely sober person with the reaction to a change in the traffic situation of a person who has drunk a significant amount of alcohol cannot be compared.

The period depends on many factors, but in any case it requires quite a long time. For example, for a man weighing about 85 kg, the period of complete elimination of 200 g of vodka will be 10 hours. For women, the specified period will be approximately 20% longer.

Accordingly, with severe intoxication caused by drinking a large amount of alcohol - 500 g or more of vodka or cognac - the elimination time will increase proportionally. The use of various methods of accelerated sobering will reduce the period of elimination of the consequences of libation, but the possibility of driving for several hours after the end of the feast is, in principle, excluded.

Therefore, the only response to the requests of such an extreme driver in the style of “help me sober up” should be to call him a taxi home.

How to get sober the next day

If you drank so much alcohol the day before that you remain intoxicated even the next day, it is advisable to use the same methods that are used for long-term sobering up. There is no need only for gastric lavage, since all the alcohol drunk is already guaranteed to be absorbed into the blood.

In addition to these methods, a fairly effective way to get rid of a hangover is to visit a bathhouse or sauna. Active sweating and acceleration of metabolic processes without physical activity will allow you to remove the remaining alcohol in a minimum time. In the absence of the opportunity to visit such an establishment, you can arrange a steam room in the bathroom.

You can also use . It is advisable to give preference to the most well-known names of products that are sold in pharmacies. It is better not to use highly secret developments offered by sales agents for agents of the KGB, FSB and CIA at the same time. At best, it will be something like a mixture of glucose and ascorbic acid, and at worst, you can get serious heart problems as a result of taking an unknown stimulant.

Proven hangover remedies include the famous Alka-Seltzer or Zorex. To alleviate morning symptoms, it is advisable to take Askofen or Coficil-Plus before going to bed after a stormy feast.

If you need to bring a drunken person back to his senses for just a few minutes, then you can resort to one of the three simplest and most accessible methods:

  1. Several quick blows to the face;
  2. Cold shower (you can just pour water on your head);
  3. Wiping with snow.

All this affects the nervous system and stimulates the body. Therefore, each of these methods is very effective. You can also help a person sober up by massaging certain parts of the body, in particular: palms, feet and ears. They contain many biologically active points. And if they are stimulated, they will give a jolt to the intoxicated body. The nervous system can also be stimulated with mint and bay leaves, toothpaste, and sparkling water.

Traditional drinks such as tea and coffee also help sober up. It is better to use the latter, as it contains more caffeine. In this case, it is advisable not to add sugar to the drink, since this substance, being a pure carbohydrate, will increase the rate of absorption of the alcohol consumed in the stomach and intestines.

How to sober up for a long time?

If you need to stay sober not for a few minutes, but for much longer (for example, a couple of hours), then you should take measures to help increase the rate of elimination of alcohol and waste products from the body. One of the most effective ways is to cleanse the intestines with an enema.

You need to do this 2-3 times, using a total of 2 liters of water. Moreover, the liquid should not be too hot, but not cold either. After this, you need to rinse your stomach. Water is also used for this. It is recommended to take 0.7 liters at a time, and in total it should take about 7 liters.

If you need to remove alcohol that is already in the blood, then a special device called an “artificial kidney” will help speed up the process. Intravenous infusions can also come to the rescue.

However, this can only be done while in the hospital and having all the necessary substances and tools at hand. At home, you have to resort to other methods: using diuretics, visiting a bathhouse or sauna, increasing the amount of air consumed.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary to go to a pharmacy or hospital for a diuretic. Ordinary mineral water can perfectly fulfill its role. The main thing is to try to drink more. You can also use beer for the same purpose, but it must be non-alcoholic, otherwise the situation will only get worse.

Diuretic products also include many berries: strawberries, strawberries, watermelon, bearberry. Dandelion, green tea, and oatmeal have the same properties.

If a person who has lost consciousness has an athletic build, then significant physical activity can sober him up, during which a lot of sweat will be released and the heart rate will increase.

Then you can take ascorbic acid. And after a quarter of an hour after washing, it is recommended to use a 5% solution of thiamine. This substance can be easily found in any pharmacy.

Folk remedies:

  1. Fruits that contain a lot of fructose can help with intoxication. These are primarily apples, pears, etc. They are very common and therefore it is possible that they may be at hand.
  2. Bee honey helps you sober up. After all, it also contains fructose. However, you need to drink it slowly, otherwise it can lead to stomach upset.
  3. A good remedy for intoxication is cow's milk. According to doctors, it does not allow alcohol to be quickly absorbed. A couple of glasses of this product, taken before the start of the feast, will contribute to quick sobering up.
  4. You can prepare a special remedy with a sobering effect using mint or raspberries. Its recipe is as follows: you need to take a glass of vodka, put one teaspoon of mint in it, then close the container and leave for 7 days. And in order to come to your senses after intoxication, you need to take a glass of water in which 20 drops of this tincture are diluted.
  5. Ammonia can help not only with its pungent odor. It can also be taken orally by first diluting 5 drops in a glass of water.
  6. You can prepare a special remedy from pepper, tomato, vegetable oil, egg, horseradish and vinegar. First you need to take one pinch of black pepper, then the same amount of red pepper and salt and pour it all into a tablespoon filled with sunflower oil. Then the yolk and a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste are added to this mixture. In a separate container you need to mix vinegar and horseradish. Then both resulting compositions can be combined into one. This will already be a product ready for use. In order to sober up, you need to drink everything at once in one sip.
  7. When intoxicated, an aspirin tablet washed down with an sour drink always helps. This could be, for example, orange, tomato or apple juice. Another effective drug is ibuprofen.
  8. In order to sober up, you don’t have to take anything internally. A simple walk in the fresh air often helps to get rid of intoxication. But at the same time, you need to try to take steps more often, thereby putting stress on the body. In this case it will be very useful. Alcohol will be quickly processed, and soon a negligible amount will remain in the body. During such a health walk, you should try to refrain from smoking, as excess toxic substances will only worsen the situation.
  9. A similar effect can be had on the brain, forcing it to work. Doing a crossword puzzle or reading a book is a good mental exercise that can help you feel sober after doing it.