How to grow wings at home. How to really conjure wings for yourself? "I spread my wings

Modern clubs quite often host costumed masquerades and various themed parties. But carnival costumes are useful not only for them. Many of us like to participate in photo shoots, creating very unusual and sometimes even fantastic images. Anyone who decides to try to make an angel or butterfly costume will find it very useful to know how to make wings.

The main thing is the right template

Before you start working, create a sketch and template for your future magical accessory. Wings are an indispensable attribute of a butterfly and a fairy bird. Draw at least schematically on paper how the suit should look on a person’s figure. Lack of imagination or lack of inspiration? It doesn’t matter - you can also find a ready-made picture that most accurately reflects your idea. may have a round or complex polygonal shape. For a fairy or elf, draw elongated, leaf-like wings. They can also be oval. But angelic ones are most often depicted as teardrop-shaped and elongated. Is your sketch ready? Don’t rush to ask how to make wings with your own hands. Transfer your chosen shape to pattern making paper. The template must be made in full size.

Materials for making wings and the most popular techniques

There are two ways to make the carnival accessory we need. In the first case, you need to cut out two identical parts according to a prepared template from fairly thick cardboard and then decorate them in the chosen way. The second option involves making a wire frame and then covering it with translucent fabric. How to make wings at home, what materials are needed for this? To make an accessory on a wire basis, you will need the wire itself, a fabric like tulle, or if you decide to make cardboard wings, you need cardboard. Regardless of the technique, think about fastening. Light wings can simply be sewn onto a fancy dress costume. But the most convenient option is straps made of thin elastic or with adjustable buckles. Don’t forget about decorative elements: feathers or boas are useful for angel wings, and an accessory for a fairy or butterfly outfit can be decorated with colored sparkles, beads and rhinestones.

Angel wings

The costume of a heavenly creature cannot be considered complete without weightless or, on the contrary, huge and majestic wings. Start making this element by creating the base. Using the drawn template, make a wire frame or cut out a cardboard base. Since we are making an angel costume, use white materials or paint the finished design. Once the base is ready, decide how the wings will connect to each other. The wire frames are simply fastened together, leaving a little wire at the ends. If you are making wings from cardboard, they can be glued together using a strong adhesive, or fixed in the desired position in another way, for example, sewn on a wide strip of fabric. Already at this stage of work, fastenings can be attached to the base. How to make angel wings as realistic as possible? Cover them with white feathers, in rows, starting to fill the surface of each wing from the bottom. You can also use a downy boa or pieces of faux light fur. If you don’t have similar finishing materials on hand, the feathers on the wings can be cut out of paper and glued to the base.

Wings for a fairy and a butterfly

For magical creatures and colorful insects, weightless wings created on a wire frame are best suited. Cover the wire with nylon or translucent fabric. Helpful tip: take colored tights or stockings and your accessory will turn out to be more interesting. How to make wings from nylon and wire? It's simple: first, tighten the workpiece and carefully fix the ends of the material. Next, you can paint it with multi-colored paints or even paint it with some interesting patterns. You can also add multi-colored sparkles, beads, or embed small shiny foil elements. Glue the decor onto your wings and dry well; finally, don’t forget to attach straps that will keep the accessory on your back.

Knowing how to make wings, you can not only surprise everyone with a unique fancy dress costume. Try making a fairy outfit for a doll using this principle or making an original souvenir figurine. You can also experiment with designing an accessory for an adult fancy dress. Try making wings by decorating them with colorful feathers, or make black wings for a Halloween party. What’s especially nice is that making such an accessory will take very little time, and the materials for the craft can be found in any home. Now you know how to make wings to “fly” over a crowd of other guests at any fancy dress party. We wish you creative success and only the most vivid images!


Do you like fluttering, charming, magical fairies who have miraculous powers? Surely, you secretly dream of becoming one of them, at least for a minute. Did we guess right? But this dream is real. There are ways to become a fairy, but you must take the described rituals seriously and be very careful if you decide to perform a magical ritual. After all, fairies accept only those who sincerely believe in magic.

Proven methods

If someone told a girl that fairies do not exist, he is very mistaken. History describes many examples when ordinary people met sorceresses and even talked to them. Mysterious incidents are written about in books and retold from generation to generation. If a girl decides to turn into a sorceress, she should know that there is no magic for turning back. Therefore, think carefully before using the suggested methods.


Write the phrase on a piece of paper: “I want to become a fairy (and add what - earth, water, nature). Depending on what you chose, dip the paper in water, kiss it and let it go in the wind, bury it in the ground. After this, you can’t talk, otherwise the magic won’t work, so go to bed right away. The next morning you will wake up as a beautiful fairy. Just leave the window slightly open - this way magical creatures can fly into the room.

Here's another paper way to become a fairy.


Are there other ways to become a fairy? For the second method you will need cool water. Take a bowl, a mirror, a candle and a sheet of colored paper. Keep in mind that the color of the paper should match the type of fairy you want to turn into. For example, the sorceress of love loves red and pink, nature – green, water – blue and blue. Light a candle and set the paper on fire with its flame. Immediately place the leaf in a bowl of water and reflect it in the mirror. Then look in the mirror and say to yourself: “I am a sorceress.” Bring the wet sheet to the candle flame; if the flame goes out immediately, you should be congratulated on turning into a fairy!


For the sugar method you will need an empty perfume bottle. Fill it with water, add a little liquid soap, three pinches of salt and the same amount of sugar. Then leave the jar with the magic solution on the windowsill and let it sit for two weeks. When time passes, you should smother yourself with this miraculous solution every day, imagining how you turn into a beautiful fairy. In three days the wish will come true and magical power will appear!

How to become a Winx fairy

To turn into a fairy-tale sorceress, you need to become a good friend to the people, plants, and animals around you. You can’t swear, let alone fight, otherwise you won’t see magic wings. Fairy is a force for good, don’t forget that. If within a month you can fulfill the specified requirement, begin to prepare for the ritual of transformation. Choose which Winx fairy you want to become.

  1. To turn into Bloom, a sorceress who is subject to the magic of Dragon Fire, you need to do simple steps. Take the following items: a sheet of red paper, a black felt-tip pen or marker, a magnifying glass. On a sunny summer day, go to the nearest park (but don’t go deep into the planting, fairies never put themselves in danger), write your name and the words “I’m becoming Fairy Bloom” on a piece of paper with a felt-tip pen. Then, using a magnifying glass, direct the sun's ray onto the paper and set it on fire. In a few days you will feel that you have changed.
  2. To transform into the beautiful Stella, who owns the magic of the Sun, Moon and stars, you must perform a special ritual on the full moon. Keep in mind that it must be done during the normal day, and not at night. Take a dark colored glass or cup, fill it with water and look into it. You must see your own reflection and say: “I am beautiful, like Stella. The sun, moon and stars help me." Then place a vessel with water on the windowsill for several hours so that moonlight, sun rays, and stars fall into it. When the water absorbs their magic, wash yourself with it. By performing the ritual correctly, you will become a full-fledged fairy.
  3. To become Flora, you need to cooperate with the forces of nature. The ritual should be performed on the first of March, when the sorceress was born. Prepare a beautiful green flower pot and soil in advance. On the specified day, plant the seeds of any plant you like. Don’t forget to take care of it, water it on time, saying: “My helpers are the forces of nature.” When the sprout appears, know that you have found the magic of Flora herself and become a fairy.
  4. To transform into Leila, you need to use the easiest spell. Your fairy partner, Pixie Piff, will help you. Find a pillow with butterflies on it. When you go to bed, call the sorceress by saying out loud three times: “Pixie Piff, come. Help me become Leila.” Go to sleep and wait, soon you will have a dream with Leila. In the morning, look at your reflection: if you find a few sparkles on your face, then miracles have happened here at night. Congratulations, you have become a beautiful fairy!
  5. To become a sorceress named Muse, burn your favorite songs from the Winx cartoon to a disc. On the disc box, write with a marker: “Muse from (your name). I want to become a sorceress." After which the disk must be hung on a tree branch higher from the ground, and after a few days it will disappear. This means that the Muse was here and took the message. Expect a rapid transformation, which will begin when you feel that you can hear even the quietest music.
  6. You will be able to become the sorceress Tekna if you have just as much knowledge. You will have to spend effort, make friends with the computer and find the component needed for transformation - a little dust from the system unit. But you shouldn’t disassemble your dad’s computer or get under the lid. Only dust collected from above is suitable. It needs to be mixed with glitter and stored in a small box. When it's windy outside, go out onto the balcony and blow on this magic powder and scatter it in the wind. If you do the ritual correctly, you will turn into a computer fairy. You will soon notice that it has become easier to play on the computer, you will develop a thirst for knowledge, and your school grades will be higher.
  7. How to become fairy Roxy? Use your imagination, draw an imaginary dog ​​or cat on a piece of paper. Let the drawings be believable. Next, attach the drawing to the wall using a button or a magnet to the refrigerator. Go for a walk, find a similar animal on the street. When you find it, say in your mind: “Thank you, Roxy, for listening to me. I want to become like you." After a short period of time, you will feel that you have become closer to the animals.

You already know how to become a fairy. Some transformation methods are complex, but once you complete them, it is not difficult to gain magical power. Do not break the rules and do exactly as it is written, then the Forces of Good will give you magical abilities. But remember, if you quarrel or fight with someone, the magical power will disappear and you will have to start the ritual again.

How to become a water fairy

This transformation method is more complicated than some others, but the most effective. Wait until the full moon, try to get unnecessary thoughts out of your head. You're smart, so everything will work out! Prepare a note in advance with the name of the fairy you want to become. Then place the paper in a glass filled with water, but position yourself so that the moon is reflected in the water. You need to drink this water and go to bed. When morning comes and the moon is replaced by the sun, you will turn into a magical fairy.

How to become a fire fairy

If you wish, you can become a fire fairy. It is worth approaching the fire and imagining that you are gaining the ability to glow. Mentally say that you want to be a spark, try to feel it, but don’t touch it! If you feel uncomfortable near a fire, light a candle and do the same next to it. From now on you know how to become a beautiful fire fairy.

Fairy with wings in 1 second

Wait until your parents are not at home and sit in front of the mirror. Look carefully at your reflection and imagine that you already have magical abilities. Whisper: “I am a fairy.” Let some object lie in front of you the color of the sorceress you would like to become. A week after the ritual, the kingdom of beautiful winged sorceresses will accept you into their ranks.


Transformation into a snow and ice fairy

How to become a snow and ice fairy? Prepare a magical essence: mix a pinch of earth, a couple of flower petals, a handful of snow and a little sugar in a beautiful jar to attract the sorceress. Touch the miracle mixture with your finger every evening without saying anything. Imagine yourself as the fairy you want to become. When the night of the seventh day passes, the wish will be fulfilled.

Video: watch how to become a fairy in real life

Can you become a sorceress? Only those who sincerely believe in miracles can feel them. Learn to see magic in the most ordinary things, give joy to others, smile, say kind words to others - every person needs this. No magical rituals will help you become a beautiful magical creature until you learn kindness. The magic is already in your hands. Right now, start doing good deeds, pleasantly surprising others and making your parents happy. The video below will help you become a beautiful fairy.

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The effect of such a technique can be very strong,
to the point that significant
changes at the external level.

People around you will begin to treat you differently, you will become attractive to other people and even animals.

Don't be surprised if people start asking you for help,
as well as to the angels.

It’s simply impossible to tell everything, because
this is a real adventure.
Let it happen and enjoy this game.


1. Focus on your Divine essence.
Feel the beauty, strength, power and love
Divine Self, Lord of your heart.
Do this for as long as it takes to fill yourself with divine energy as completely as possible.

2. Feel that you and your Divine Self are one.
You are one, inseparable. You are this Divinity.
Forget about your human incarnation for this time.
Do not divide into human and divine,
now it has all become one.

3. Imagine powerful snow-white, luminous wings
behind your back. Activate all your imagination, try to physically feel them behind your back.
The wings are so huge that they can open completely,
cover your entire body like a blanket. Enjoy them.

Know that these wings are your protection from any negative energy
subtle level: negative thoughts of other people, thought forms,
low-level entities, etc. unwanted energies.
These wings are always with you, and when danger arises
or undesirable influence, they themselves reveal themselves and
protect you from all the forces of Evil.
Feel the power and energy of the wings.
Feel their white-golden light.

4. Wings can also heal your inner world,
transforming your own fears, feelings of guilt, sadness,
hatred is everything negative that you experience.
The embrace of wings envelops you and your bodies
(physical, emotional, mental),
Your aura is penetrated by their white transformative light.
Allow this power and divine light
transform all Darkness into Light.
Just allow and watch. No tension.

5. Angel wings can heal. Let them shelter your body for physical healing.
You can express your intention to heal a specific sore spot,
but it's better if you just let me
to heal them, since everything is interconnected,
and you just need to establish the correct flow of energy,
restore disrupted flows, heal wounds and burns.

6. Angel Wings can be summoned to activate
your chakras, for their harmonization.
Set your intention and call upon your wings
open them, feel them, let everything happen,
watch the process.

7. Angel wings can slow down the aging process
and rejuvenate.
Form an intention and call upon the wings, their light and power.

8. Angel wings can also help a loved one.
For example, you can cover your child with them or
another person close to you, someone you want to help.

9. Angel wings help improve relationships.
When communicating, you can surround yourself and your interlocutor with them.
Or just let them be
they increase your energy, power, charisma.

10. Angel wings always charge with energy,
increase vitality. Summon them
if you need Strength, Energy.

11. Work with wings for at least 30 minutes daily,
within 21-90 days.
You yourself will feel when the wings are completely fused
with you, and now they will act independently,
reacting to any negative changes,
and opening spontaneously even without your conscious
intentions to protect, heal – support
Your energy on a bright, positive vibration
or even raise it.

12. After meditation, do not fold your wings,
let them always be with you,
even when you don't think about them,
doing daily activities.

13. At first, remember them throughout the day.

14. When the wings are always with you, perform self-tuning
once a month, then once a quarter,
feeling merging with the Divine essence.
The more often you use the wings, the stronger the effect.

15. You can call for wings with the mental call “Angel Wings”
and try to feel their light, power,
feel or see.


You can learn to fly without wings in real life using one or more nearby trampolines. In this case, it is desirable that the apartment or house have high ceilings, but it is better to conduct experiments in the fresh air, for example, on the lawn in front of a country house. After practicing for a while, you will be able to stay in the air longer while jumping, and those who are especially agile will really enjoy “flying” from one trampoline to another.

Try to learn how to fly without wings using the swing in the yard. Currently on sale you can find swings made of light alloys that can be transported from place to place. Place them, for example, in front, and start swinging. When approaching the pool, push forward and try to land in the water in an upright position with your toes pointed out. This way you won't hurt yourself and still feel the euphoria of flying through the air.

You can fly without wings at home using an acrobatic lounge - a special soft rim that wraps around the body, and elastic safety ropes are attached to it from the back. The cables, in turn, are attached to metal rings in the ceiling or sports wall. The room should be high enough and spacious. Now you will be able to push off from the floor and soar up - the lounge will hold your body, preventing you from falling. If you have special skills, you can even perform various tricks - somersaults, somersaults, etc. At the same time, this method is best suited for children, who, thanks to their low weight, will be able to fly high and descend smoothly.

People who practice meditation claim that it is precisely this that allows them to achieve the feeling of floating in the air without any equipment. Typically, during meditation, a person sits on the floor in the lotus position, closes his eyes and becomes deeply immersed in his thoughts, detaching himself from everyday life. At a certain moment, a feeling arises as if the body is losing its weight, and the person begins to soar upward. This is a useful technique for dealing with stress and self-hypnosis, which helps, albeit figuratively, to learn to fly without wings in real life.

Fairies are charming creatures from fairy tales and cartoons who have incredible abilities and are incredibly beautiful. Fairies can fly, perform magical rituals, and make wishes come true. Becoming a fairy with wings is the dream of many young girls.


There is now evidence that some people have supernatural abilities. Some can, others see the past and future, others move objects with the power of thought. These abilities are rarely innate; they develop in a person over time as he trains them. Therefore, with a great desire and self-confidence, almost anyone who puts maximum effort into it can become a fairy.

Ancient witchcraft books describe many rituals that help you turn into a fairy. The best day to turn into a fairy is. On this day, the forces of heaven itself help the plan to come true. To become a fairy, take paper and a glass, pour clean water into it, and write your wish on the piece of paper. Bring the glass to the window and place it so that the disk of the moon is reflected in the water. Repeat your wish three times and dip the sheet in water until the inscription gets wet. After this, roll up the paper and throw it out the window, and place the glass under the bed overnight. In the morning you must become a fairy with wings. However, the method will be most effective if water is collected from seven rivers and seven lakes, and the inscription is written in real ink.

There is another way to become a real fairy with wings. To do this you need to learn meditation. For those who practice yoga, doing what you have planned will not be difficult. To transform, sit comfortably and concentrate on your desire, imagine that you are growing wings and you can fly. Visualize all the details carefully. Try to get out of your physical body, try to look at yourself from the outside. Look how your wings grow, how beautiful and long they are. Try to swing them and get off the ground. Do this exercise regularly, and then you will be able to become a fairy with wings.

Helpful advice

Before turning into a fairy with wings, believe in yourself. Be confident in your success. Anyone who doubts his abilities will never be able to achieve what he wants.

Tip 3: How to easily become a fairy, or a guide to making your dreams come true

The scheme for fulfilling a dream is simple and consists of only four points: formulation, reflection, preparation and implementation. However, to make your dream come true, you have to work hard.

In the section on the question of how to grow wings or how to become a fairy. at home specified by the author Neurologist the best answer is Fly on the wings of love!! ! Give night pallets to your knight!! ! And he will greet you with his fairy, queen and princess - 3in1 option....Have a nice flight!!!

Answer from Lena Gozhavina[newbie]
buy them at the store and attach them

Answer from Accomplice[guru]
Ode to my beloved:
I found myself!
I am important to myself!
I discovered myself, I need myself!
I am friends with myself, I write poetry for myself.
I will never say a bad word to myself again in my life!
I love myself, I won’t be rude to myself,
Because I accumulate respect for myself.
I can’t live a day without my beloved, without me.
I am inseparable from myself, I am my little blood!
I'll talk to myself, praise and scold,
If I doubt something, I will instill confidence.
I can chat with myself like a butterfly flutters.
I can soar like a bird and not be trampled on!
I value myself, I bring good luck!
I attract happiness and ward off unhappiness!
I sing my own tender song to myself.
I admire myself so much that sometimes I get tired.
With me, dear, I follow both water and fire!
I now live with myself as if behind a stone wall!
Among many worries, only one oppresses me:
Suddenly someone will take me away from me?.. .
Now auto-training:
read with expression daily morning and evening
"I love me! "
I love myself, sweet, gentle,
mischievous, a little careless,
I love myself in different ways,
even in the morning, awake, beautiful!
I love myself, stylish, strong,
stunning and sexy!
And sometimes serious, brave,
so skillful in this life!
I love myself completely, without a trace,
I write down all the words in a notebook,
To remind your loved one
I am a MIRACLE on our Earth!
I am unique and inimitable
I feel it, it's invisible!
I know it, I don't forget it
and I repeat to myself endlessly:
LOVE is me
LIGHT is me
LIFE is me
I am my own FREEDOM!
Sunny, dear, very beautiful,
I am darling, simply disgusting,
Sweet, smart and interesting,
my wondrous speech is heard as a song,
In the shining gaze - the rays of the sun,
streams whisper in a gentle voice.
The hair is wonderful, lush, long,
the waist is thin, just wasp:
The thread with past thoughts is broken.
How can you not love yourself, my dear????

Answer from RocketDog[active]
Yyy))) wings look natural if they are made based on anatomical nuances. A pro in your place would first recreate the bone base, then the leather one, and decorate it)) . But this)) is crazy))

Answer from Malorossky[guru]
You need to eat a special Rastishka for wings / available in all supermarkets /.

Answer from blooming[guru]
in dreams and in dreams it (it’s better to fall in love)

Answer from Unconscious[guru]
you need to imagine very well what kind of wings these are and how you fly and forget...
thoughts tend to materialize 😉
Just think carefully first if you really want this)