Permission to put the facility into operation deadlines. Putting the facility into operation: necessary documents and legal subtleties

The construction of residential buildings, especially when it comes to multi-storey buildings, is a very responsible process, since violation of building codes can lead to tragic consequences during the operation of the building. Therefore, the quality of construction work is necessarily controlled by the state.

Before owners begin to move into new apartments, they must obtain permission to put the new building into operation from government regulatory agencies. How the quality of work is controlled at different stages of construction of a residential building, what documents confirm the quality of the constructed object, will be discussed in this article.

How is the quality and safety of a new building confirmed?

For citizens who become the final consumers of the product from the developer - residents of new apartments, the implementation of technologies for quality control of construction work will seem very vague. To a greater extent, they are interested in a question of a slightly different nature - when it will be possible to move into the apartment and begin to make repairs, in other words, to settle into a new home.

The technology for quality control of construction work by the state is organized in such a way that until the developer receives permission to put the facility into operation, apartments cannot be transferred to citizens for use. The received permit, in turn, is a guarantee for new residents that all work was done properly and nothing bad will happen to the house in the future.

Legislative acts and procedure for obtaining permits

So, after the completion of construction work, the time begins for the developer to prepare a number of documents. These documents are intended to confirm the quality and safety of use of the constructed facility, and also serve as the basis for the transfer of apartments to their owners. Many, out of old habit, call the quality control process a “state commission,” although in fact the procedure for handing over an object was changed quite a long time ago.

Acceptance of the house by the “state commission” in the usual sense of this wording was carried out until the end of 2004, when the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation was adopted and came into force. The commission consisted of representatives of design organizations, architectural and construction control, fire, sanitary control, as well as specialized employees of a number of other organizations. And permission had to be obtained from each organization whose representative was present on the commission. After the new acceptance procedure came into force, the preparation of the necessary documents began to take place in a comprehensive manner.

After the introduction of the Town Planning Code, the acceptance procedure was somewhat simplified; today, the commissioning of a facility is regulated by the following legislative acts:

  • Article 55 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (Federal Law No. 190), the text of which states that the acceptance of capital construction projects is carried out by local authorities. For projects under construction in Moscow, such a body is the state construction supervision committee, and for new buildings in the Moscow region - federal or local government bodies;
  • Regulations on the implementation of state construction supervision in the Russian Federation (introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 54 of February 1, 2006). Based on this document, construction supervision authorities check the work at each stage of construction - from the developer receiving permission to conduct construction to the final stages of work.

These legislative acts, in essence, reduce all measures for the acceptance of a facility to the need for the developer to obtain two documents:

  1. Conclusion of Compliance (AOC) “Conclusion on the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed, repaired capital construction facility with the requirements of technical regulations and design documentation.”

According to the “Regulations on the implementation of state construction supervision in the Russian Federation,” inspections are carried out throughout the entire period of construction work, and by the time the final inspection is carried out, a whole list of inspection reports has been accumulated, which contain information about shortcomings, the time and timing of their elimination.

The conclusion is issued on the basis of the final inspection of the facility by representatives of the State Construction Supervision Committee, as well as reports of intermediate inspections. The committee includes specialized specialists, each of them checks a certain segment of work corresponding to its specialization - these are electricians, plumbers, sanitary and epidemiological supervision, fire inspectors, etc.

  1. Based on the AIA, as well as a number of documents (not related to the acceptance procedure, this is a certificate of land ownership, etc.), the developer is issued the main document - Permission to put the facility into operation.

After permission to put into operation is received, the house is considered to have passed the state inspection, the level of quality of the work carried out has not raised any complaints, and residents can be calm about the safety of their residence. This means that the house can be registered with the state (a postal address is assigned), in addition, permission to put it into operation means that the apartments can be transferred to the owners (transfer and acceptance certificates are signed).

What should be ready at the time of the final inspection?

Before representatives of the State Construction Supervision Committee appear at the site and begin their work, the developer (general contractor) must complete the following work:

  • Construction and installation works;
  • Work on organizing engineering communications;
  • Conclusion of contracts for the maintenance and operation of utilities (elevator facilities, water supply, sewerage, gas supply, heating, electricity supply);
  • Improvement of the local area (paved roads for cars, lighting, parking lots, etc.);
  • Measurement of the object by employees

In other words, the property must be fully prepared for habitation. Any shortcomings may be an obstacle to obtaining an AIA and, accordingly, to obtaining Permission to put the facility into operation.

The absence of this permission determines the impossibility of transferring the apartment to the owners. That is, the developer is unable to fulfill its obligations to counterparties on time. And this is fraught with lawsuits and possible expenses for the developer.

Move-in and renovation

Before the adoption of the Town Planning Code, it was common practice to provide apartment owners with the opportunity to carry out renovations before the house was officially put into use. Today, the procedure has become stricter - occupancy can occur no earlier than the developer receives permission to put the house into operation.

After permission is received, the apartment is transferred according to the acceptance certificate (BTI measurement data must already be ready). At the time of signing the deed, as a rule, the keys are handed over, and the owner can use the living space at his own discretion.

However, the owner is advised to refrain from carrying out major repairs that involve changes in the configuration of the apartment until a certificate of ownership is issued. This document confirms that the apartment belongs to its owner; only with this document can the apartment be sold, donated or inherited.

The law quite clearly states the following: making any changes to the configuration of the apartment before receiving it is unacceptable. This provision is related to the procedure for obtaining a cadastral passport (required to obtain a certificate of ownership). During this procedure, it may be necessary to re-measure the areas of the apartment.

If various design elements (finishing with plasterboard sheets, constructing decorative elements - partitions, niches, etc.) become an obstacle for measurers, the latter can legally demand the elimination of these obstacles. Failure to comply with this requirement is an obstacle to registration of ownership rights, and implementation (dismantling of finishing elements) is associated with unnecessary costs.


So, this article listed all the measures necessary to obtain documents that guarantee sufficient quality of construction and related work, as well as safe living in apartments of a new building.

The modern permitting procedure is designed in such a way that there is a designated person responsible for performing the inspection at each stage. This made it possible to eliminate “absentee checks” carried out for a well-known incentive. During the final inspection, reports of intermediate inspections are reviewed - this way you can track the quality of the “hidden” work, as well as the level of responsibility of the developer, and the level of organization of internal control.

In addition, the modern inspection system has made it possible to slightly reduce the time required to complete the necessary documents. Now, a developer who diligently complies with all building regulations needs 2-3 months to complete the necessary documents, including transferring the apartment to the owner.

Glazov Alexander Alexandrovich

In this article we will consider key issues related to the issuance of permits for the commissioning of capital construction projects specified in paragraph 4 of part 5 and paragraph 1 of part 6 of article 51 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation (with the exception of capital construction projects for which the issuance of construction permits assigned to other federal executive authorities) using the example of Moscow.

What is a permit to put a facility into operation and why obtain it?

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation (Article 55, Town Planning Code), putting a facility into operation is possible only after receiving the appropriate permission from the regulatory authorities.

A permit to put an object into operation is a document certifying the completion of construction, reconstruction of a capital construction object in full in accordance with the construction permit, design documentation, as well as the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed capital construction object with the requirements for construction, reconstruction of a capital construction object established on the date of issue of the urban planning plan of the land plot submitted for obtaining a construction permit, the permitted use of the land plot or (in the case of construction, reconstruction of a linear object) the territory planning project and the territory surveying project, as well as restrictions established in accordance with land and other legislation of the Russian Federation .

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Permission to put an object into operation is the basis for the developer/technical customer to initiate the procedure for registering the object with cadastral registration and registration of property rights. Next, we’ll figure out how to get this document and what procedures you need to go through.

Who issues permission to commission construction projects?

You should apply for permission to put a facility into operation from the authorized executive body (the body that issued the construction permit). In Moscow, the organization responsible for issuing permission to put objects into operation is the Committee for State Construction Supervision of the City of Moscow. On the organization’s website in the “Public Services” section, detailed information is provided on the procedure for providing the state service “Obtaining permission to put a facility into operation.”

Register of permits to put an object into operation.

You can check the permission to put the facility into operation on the website of the Ministry of Construction. The Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation maintains a register of all issued permits for the commissioning of buildings and structures.

Below is a sample permit to put the facility into operation.

Commissioning of the facility: list of required documents.

To obtain permission to put into operation capital construction projects (non-linear objects) for commercial purposes, the developer submits the following documents: Application for permission. Identity document of the applicant (original for making a copy) or a document confirming the authority of the applicant’s representative to act on behalf of the applicant (if It is not the applicant himself who applies for the service, but his authorized representative).
  1. Documents confirming ownership of the land plot.
  2. The act of putting an object into operation (acceptance act) of a capital construction project. (This document is required if a general contract for the construction of the facility has been concluded).
  3. A document confirming the compliance of the constructed capital construction project with the requirements of technical regulations (executed and signed by the person carrying out the construction).
  4. A document confirming the compliance of the parameters of the constructed capital construction facility with the design documentation, including the requirements for energy efficiency and the requirements for equipping capital construction facilities with metering devices for the energy resources used (signed by the person carrying out the construction).
  5. Certificates of compliance with technical conditions, signed by representatives of organizations operating engineering and technical support networks.
  6. A diagram of the planning organization of a land plot, showing the location of the constructed capital construction facility and utility networks.
  7. AIA (Conclusion on the compliance of the constructed capital construction facility with the requirements of technical regulations and design documentation).
  8. Contract of compulsory insurance of civil liability of the owner of a hazardous facility for damage caused by an accident at a hazardous facility, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  9. Technical plan (in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 1, 2013 No. 175 “On establishing the document required to obtain permission to put a facility into operation”).
  10. For electric power facilities, gas supply systems, transport infrastructure, pipeline transport or communications, a text and graphic description of the boundaries of the security zone is also provided.

Procedure for obtaining AIA

The customer submits a notice of completion of construction (reconstruction) to the regional body of state construction supervision, which, after inspecting the facility, issues a conclusion on the conformity of the constructed (reconstructed) building or structure within up to 7 working days free of charge. You can read more about the procedure in our article about.

Additional documentation that is requested from the information system.

Also, when providing this service, Gosstroynadzor requests the following documentation from the information system:

  1. GPZU (Urban planning plan for a land plot).
  2. Construction permit.
  3. Approved AGR (Certificate of approval of the architectural and urban planning solution of the facility) (if necessary).

Commissioning period

The total period for obtaining a permit to put a facility into operation is 10 days, and you will not be required to make an in-person visit to the government agency at any stage of consideration of the application. The service is provided free of charge, and the permit (or a reasoned refusal to issue a permit) is sent to the applicant electronically to the personal account on the portal or delivered in person.

Having received permission to put the property into operation, the developer acquires the right to carry out cadastral registration of the property and register ownership of the property.

In what cases can a permit to put a facility into operation be refused?

We list the main cases in which an applicant may be denied a construction permit. These include:

  • non-compliance of the capital construction project with the requirements of the urban planning plan of the land plot;
  • non-compliance of the capital construction project with the requirements established in the construction permit;
  • discrepancy between the parameters of the constructed or reconstructed capital construction facility and the design documentation.

In what cases is it not necessary to obtain permission to put a facility into operation?

Permission to put an object into operation is not required for non-capital construction projects for which a construction permit is not required.

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Our specialists have sufficient experience and professional connections to quickly prepare an AIA. You don't have to waste precious time and delay the launch of the facility.

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The final stage of construction of a real estate property is commissioning. The key document for obtaining a certificate of commissioning of a facility is statement of conformity (AOC).

A statement of conformity (CCO) is “a conclusion of a state construction supervision body (if state construction supervision is provided) on the compliance of a constructed or reconstructed capital construction project with the requirements of technical regulations and design documentation, including energy efficiency requirements and facility equipment requirements capital construction with metering devices for used energy resources, conclusion of state environmental control in cases provided for in part 7 of article 54 of this Code” (clause 9 of part 3 of article 55 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation).

Commissioning of a capital construction project is carried out by the technical customer in accordance with previously agreed upon design documentation. The more detailed the construction and installation work project is, the easier it is to formalize the commissioning of capital construction projects subject to strict compliance with all requirements.

Each previous stage of work is documented with hidden work reports, which must be submitted to the construction supervision inspector. All these documents must be kept by the developer throughout the entire warranty period of the building construction.

The flowchart for commissioning a capital construction project is given below:

The issuance of an AIA may be refused for the following reasons:

  1. During the construction or reconstruction of a capital construction project, there were violations of the compliance of the work performed with the requirements of technical regulations (norms and rules), other regulatory legal acts and design documentation, and such violations were not eliminated before the date of issue of the conclusion on compliance.
  2. There is no inspection report after completion of construction or reconstruction of a capital construction project.

The regulatory documents do not provide any other grounds for refusing to issue an AIA for the commissioning of capital construction projects.

Therefore, for obtaining a conclusion on the compliance of the object the following must be ensured:

a) Compliance of the work performed with the requirements of technical regulations (norms and rules), other regulations.

Monitoring of compliance with the requirements listed in paragraph a) is carried out:

  • daily by technical supervision services in the Developer's structure, with filling out the general work log and special logs provided for by construction regulations. At the same time, in accordance with the requirements in the field of construction, it is necessary to carry out inspections of hidden work with the execution of relevant documents, monitor the compliance of materials used in the production of construction and installation works in terms of nomenclature, quantity and quality, etc.
  • periodically by supervisory authorities. The responsibility for organizing interaction with state construction supervision authorities also lies with the Developer’s services from the moment of obtaining a construction permit. If violations are identified during the inspection process, the developer is obliged to take measures to eliminate these violations and prepare the relevant documents.

From an article by the head of Gosstroynadzor S.P. Bullfinch:

“It should be noted that state construction supervision is carried out from the date of receipt of the notice of the start of work (Part 5 of Article 52 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) until the date of issuance of the conclusion on the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed, repaired capital construction facility with the requirements of technical regulations (norms and rules), other regulatory legal acts and project documentation. Therefore, a positive conclusion on compliance by the state construction supervision body is issued only if construction supervision was carried out regularly throughout the entire construction period. And if, due to the fault of the developer, such supervision was not carried out, then the supervisory authority has the right to refuse to issue an AIA. The responsibility of the state construction supervision body does not include issuing a conclusion on compliance if the object was built or part of the object was built in violation of the established construction procedure.

b) Compliance of the work performed with the design documentation.

During the construction of almost any facility, it becomes necessary to adjust some design solutions and replace individual materials with similar ones. The developer is obliged to coordinate such changes with the design organization carrying out designer's supervision and to document these circumstances accordingly.

c) Receipt of the final inspection report

In accordance with paragraph 26 of RD-11-04-2006 “When conducting a final inspection, the inspection procedure provided for in Chapter III of this Procedure must be followed, and the following must be taken into account:
a) a constructed, reconstructed, repaired capital construction project in full (including individual work performed, building structures, sections of engineering support networks and used construction materials (products) is subject to visual inspection);
b) all acts (instructions, notices) on the elimination of violations (deficiencies) identified during the implementation of state construction supervision and construction control are subject to verification.”

Before the final inspection of the facility, the following must be carried out:

Individual tests of equipment and functional tests of individual systems, ending with a trial run of main and auxiliary equipment;
- trial runs;
- act of acceptance of a capital construction project (in the case of construction on the basis of a contract).

During the construction and installation of buildings and structures, intermediate acceptance of equipment units and structural elements of the structure, as well as hidden work, must be carried out.

Individual and functional tests of equipment and individual systems are carried out with the involvement of the customer according to design schemes after completion of all construction and installation work.

Defects and deficiencies made during construction and installation, as well as equipment defects identified during individual tests, must be eliminated by construction, installation organizations and manufacturing plants before the start of comprehensive tests.

Trial runs are carried out during the commissioning of a capital construction project before comprehensive testing. During the test run, the operability of the equipment and process flow diagrams and operational safety must be checked.

Comprehensive testing must be carried out by the customer during the final inspection. During comprehensive testing, the joint operation of the main units and all auxiliary equipment under load is checked.
Comprehensive testing of equipment according to schemes not provided for in the project is not permitted.
Comprehensive testing of equipment is considered to be carried out under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the main equipment for 72 hours with rated load and design parameters of steam, gas, pressure and water flow, etc.

In heating networks, comprehensive testing is considered to be carried out under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the equipment under load for 24 hours at the nominal pressure provided in the start-up complex.

In electrical networks, comprehensive testing is considered to be carried out under the condition of normal and continuous operation under load of substation equipment for 72 hours, and power line equipment for 24 hours.

At the time of signing the final inspection report, a complete set of as-built documentation is required, including:

Inspection reports:

  • layout of the axes of a capital facility under construction;
  • geodetic alignment base;
  • hidden work, control over which must be carried out in a timely manner, before subsequent work is performed;
  • building structures
  • sections of utility networks

In addition, the as-built documentation includes as-built production documentation with records of compliance with the actual work performed. It also contains:

  • executive geodetic schemes;
  • documentation (drawings and diagrams) of sections of utility networks;
  • results of tests and examinations of construction control;
  • acts of testing the technical devices used;
  • documents on the quality of building materials;
  • some other data on the actual implementation of the project;
  • special journals, the procedure for maintaining which is specified in RD-11-05-2007: general journal of work; journal of design organizations carrying out designer's supervision; quality control logs (input and operational).

In the new edition of the Town Planning Code, the previously existing procedure for putting a facility into operation was fundamentally changed. The rules are also regulated by the Regulations on the implementation of the GOS in the Russian Federation, Government Decree No. 441. Next, we will consider how construction projects are now commissioned.

Normative base

Government Decree No. 441 regulates the activities of the federal executive body that issues permission to put a facility into operation. The order of the Ministry of Regional Development regulates the activities of authorized authorities for processing papers for structures located in special territories. Such areas include land plots that are not subject to or are not established by urban planning regulations, except for capital construction projects, in respect of which the state examination of design documents or the issuance of construction permits is assigned to other federal executive agencies.

General rules

Permission to put a facility into operation is issued by the authority that issued a similar paper for the construction of a structure. To obtain it, you must contact the authorized authority with an application. The time frame for putting the facility into operation is 10 days. During this period, the authorized organization accepts and reviews submitted papers and carries out the necessary checks. Based on the results of these procedures, permission to put the facility into operation is either issued or a refusal is given. In this case, the latter must be reasoned.

Activities before the final inspection

The preparatory stage includes:

  1. Trial runs.
  2. Individual tests of installed equipment, functional launches of individual systems.
  3. Acceptance of a capital construction project (when performing work under a contract).

During the construction and installation of structures, it is necessary to carry out intermediate acceptance of structural elements and equipment units, as well as hidden work. Functional and custom tests are carried out with the customer after installation and construction are completed. Deficiencies and defects that were made during the work process, equipment deficiencies discovered during trial tests must be eliminated before the start of a comprehensive launch. General testing must be carried out by the customer during the final inspection. During its implementation, the joint functioning of the main installations and all auxiliary units under load is checked. Comprehensive testing of systems according to schemes that are not provided for in the project is not allowed.

Final check

Certain papers are attached to the application. Their list is strictly regulated by law and cannot be expanded at the request of the authorized inspection body. The developer’s application must be accompanied by a conclusion on the compliance of the structure with the requirements of technical regulations and design documentation. This document is issued by the state supervision authority. However, before a statement of compliance is issued, the item must undergo a final inspection. Based on its results, either a decision is made to issue the paper or a refusal to do so. The final inspection is carried out after completion of construction, major repairs, or reconstruction. Depending on the complexity of the structure, this procedure will take up to one month. The conclusion is issued if no inconsistencies or violations were identified at the facility, or they were eliminated within the prescribed period.

Powers of the control organization

During the final assessment, the supervisory authority, represented by officials, checks the availability of certificates from other state control and supervision bodies, as well as operating enterprises providing public services, on connecting external networks to structures according to a permanent scheme, fulfilling technical conditions and accepting them for maintenance.

Unauthorized construction of parts of the structure

In this case, and also if the developer has not notified the state supervision authority in a timely manner about the start of construction, he must contact an independent specialized organization to conduct a detailed (instrumental) study of the structural elements of the structure or the entire building. The results of this survey are in the form of a technical report. condition are provided to the state supervision authority. If they are positive, the authorized body may decide to issue a statement of compliance.

What does it take to get an AIA?

To do this, you should contact the supervisory authority with an application. The following documents must be attached to the application:

  • Final inspection report by an official of the authorized body.
  • Acceptance certificate for the construction of a structure on the basis of a contract.

Important point

State supervision is carried out from the date of receipt of notification of the start of work until the issuance of the AIA of the repaired, reconstructed or constructed facility in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations, design documentation and other documents. This means that a positive conclusion is issued if control measures were carried out throughout the entire period of construction. If supervision was not carried out due to the fault of the developer, then the authorized authority has the right to refuse to issue an AIA.

Certificate of commissioning of the facility

It is a document that certifies the construction, repair, overhaul or reconstruction of a structure in full. This paper must comply with the building permit. The form in which the facility commissioning act is drawn up is approved in Government Decree No. 698. Next, we will consider the papers that need to be provided.

Commissioning of the facility: documents

The list of papers is established in Art. 55, part 3 GrK. The list includes:

  1. Title documentation for the land plot.
  2. Papers certifying the fact of acquisition of rights to the plot where the structure was erected.
  3. Urban planning plan of the site. Its form is approved by Government Decree No. 840.
  4. Development permit. It must be drawn up in accordance with Art. 51 GrK. Papers issued before the new edition came into force are also recognized as valid.
  5. Conclusion from the fire supervision authority (if these control measures are provided).
  6. Layout of a repaired, reconstructed or constructed facility, networks of engineering and technical communications within the land plot, planning organization of the site.
  7. Conclusion from the state supervision body (if control measures are planned) on the compliance of the structure with the established requirements and technical plan.

Information subject to free transfer

To commission a real estate property, copies must be provided to the authorized body:

  1. Papers confirming the compliance of the construction parameters with the project and signed by the customer or directly by the person carrying out its construction.
  2. Object acceptance certificate. It is provided if the construction is carried out under a contract.
  3. A document confirming the construction’s compliance with the above requirements. This paper must also be signed by the customer or contractor.
  4. Documents confirming the object’s compliance with technical specifications. These papers are signed by representatives of organizations responsible for the use of utility networks.

Technical accounting and inventory

To carry them out, the following documents must be submitted to the Federal State Unitary Enterprise branch at the location of the structure:

  1. Urban planning and design documentation with a general plan diagram. The latter is provided in scale 1:2000 or 1:500.
  2. An extract from the Unified State Register of Land Cadastre (state register of land cadastre) with the plan and cadastral number of the plot.
  3. Permission to put the facility into operation.
  4. Papers confirming rights to a land plot.


This procedure is carried out by the federal authorized body at the location of the structure. For state registration you need:

  1. Title and constituent documents of the copyright holder.
  2. Construction plan.
  3. Registration certificate
  4. Extract from the state register of urban planning structures. This document is valid for a month from the date of issue.
  5. Documents certifying rights to the site.
  6. Construction and commissioning permits.

Buildings for various purposes is called putting real estate into operation. Based on the results, a corresponding document is issued confirming that the premises are ready for use.

We provide services for obtaining permits to put objects into operation both as part of comprehensive support for the construction/reconstruction of buildings, and in the presence of packages of documents not prepared by us. We work in the Moscow Region.

In the second case, the cost increases, because we will have to check the documentation and study the constructed/reconstructed building. If the inspections reveal serious inconsistencies, on the basis of which the supervisory authority may refuse permission to put into operation a capital construction project, and lawyers conclude that there is little chance of winning in court, we will refuse to work. However, you will have to pay for the research conducted.

The advantages of our company are the ability to solve problems in a comprehensive manner

Documents for obtaining permission to commission a capital construction project

If there are no complaints about the building, to obtain permission to put the facility into operation in the Moscow region, they submit following documents.

  • Package of title documents.
  • Application completed on an approved form.
  • Documents for a legal entity.
  • Urban planning plan of the land plot.
  • Permission to construct the facility.
  • Certificate of its acceptance by the customer.
  • Documents confirming the compliance of the characteristics of the constructed structure with specifications, design documentation and technical regulations.
  • Certificate from the state construction supervision authority.
  • Technical plan of the structure.
  • A diagram showing the location of the facility, utility networks and their connection points, as well as the planning organization of the site.

If necessary, submit:

  • a copy of the civil liability insurance contract;
  • act on measures taken to protect objects of cultural and historical value.

Note! In order for us to transfer documents to obtain permission to put the constructed building into operation for you, you will need not only an electronic signature, but also a notarized power of attorney.

We work in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 N 87 (as amended on April 21, 2018) “On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content”

Comprehensive support for the construction of the facility until obtaining an operating permit from IR Proekt Group of Companies

Comprehensive support for the construction of facilities until the buildings are put into operation is our main specialization. We offer the following services.

  • Obtaining a GPZU with the required parameters.
  • Conducting all types of surveys.
  • Development and approval of AGO.
  • Obtaining technical specifications for connection to utility networks.
  • Creation of all sections of the project.
  • His statement in ISOGD.
  • Carrying out all types of approvals.
  • Evaluation of design documentation.
  • Obtaining a building permit.
  • Its organization, support and control.
  • Preparation of acts and necessary additional documents.

If we perform all of the above work, you will significantly save your budget.

5 reasons to order construction support and commissioning of the facility from us

  • The entire range of services from one source. You do not need to resort to the help of other contractors and overpay.
  • Affordable prices. The cost of construction support services prior to the commissioning of residential and non-residential buildings is lower than that of our competitors.
  • Guarantees. All work is performed by experienced specialists. We guarantee that there will be no refusals or problems during approvals.
  • Efficiency. We develop documentation as quickly as possible. We are doing everything possible to speed up its approval.
  • Convenient format of mutual settlements. All services are paid as they are provided.

The procedure for putting real estate into operation

The procedure for commissioning a capital construction project is as follows.

  1. Submission of documents. The application and a package of accompanying documents are transmitted digitally through the government services website.
  2. Examination. The correctness of execution and completeness of the package of documents is confirmed.
  3. Inspection. Employees of the supervisory authorities conduct an inspection of the structure aimed at confirming the compliance of the building’s characteristics with the values ​​​​prescribed in the project and other documents.
  4. Issuance of permission to put the facility into operation. If there are no claims to the building, an approved document is drawn up.

The time for putting buildings into operation is from 15 days.

Procedure for the provision of services

Would you like to order the commissioning of an object from IR Proekt?

Cost of putting buildings into operation in the Moscow region

The cost of putting a building into operation is calculated individually and depends on the following factors.

  • The format of cooperation and the number of services we provide.
  • Purpose and type of object.
  • Its dimensions.
  • Length and features of installation of engineering systems.
  • Plot area, etc.

The cost of putting a facility into operation when ordering comprehensive construction support is from 90 thousand rubles. Notary services are paid separately.