Alexander Sheps: “Once I gathered six people and put them into a trance so that they would look at the world through the eyes of a stone. “Aren’t you afraid of damage?”: Nikolai Sobolev, after Sheps’ loud statement, “attacked” the Battle of Psychics Sheps Workshop

I have always been fascinated by creative activity. After graduating from school, he entered a theater university. In parallel with his studies, Alexander worked part-time as an organizer of holidays and various celebrations, and even tried himself on television. Sheps’s excessive busyness was not to the liking of the teachers, so he was expelled from the university. At some point, Alexander became interested in mysticism and esotericism. Seeing in this not only a passion, but also a calling, he began to develop psychic abilities. Well, then - the 14th season of the mystical TNT show "", the star of which he became literally right away. From the very first issues, Alexander Sheps declared himself as the strongest medium. Therefore, the fact that in the final he won the main trophy “Blue Hand” did not become a sensation for anyone.

Today, the winner of the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics” conducts seminars and also runs his own magic workshop, where anyone can come for a consultation. Sheps does not forget about the mystical project. He repeatedly took part in the shows "" and "". In an exclusive interview with Vokrug TV, Alexander told how his typical day goes, whether he follows the new seasons of Battle, what he thinks about the concept of “damage,” how he sees himself in 20 years, and much more.

– How do you feel about the concept of “psychic”?

– Neutral. When people ask me “Who are you?”, I answer that I am a medium. And although I’m not a fortune teller or a psychic, I don’t shy away from these “titles” if something happens. A psychic is a general definition of people with superpowers, and I am just one of its components - a medium - someone who is in contact with the subtle world, with the souls of the dead. He doesn’t communicate, but rather makes contact. Communication is something positive and relaxed, and when you are in contact, it is something forced. Souls do not experience pleasure when they come to the world of the living.

Alexander Sheps

– How did you feel about your abilities? Were they afraid?

– This happened in childhood. I didn’t even have time to get scared then, because I still didn’t understand where the living was and where the dead were, I didn’t make any distinctions. Therefore, at present this is all familiar to me.

The first time I heard the dead man was at the dacha, when I was sitting alone and picking at the coals with a knife. I will note what exactly I heard and did not see. The moment I noticed the ghost of a woman, my knife heated up, I waved it and drew a rune. If something similar happened to me now, it would probably shock me, I would be in some kind of tension, anxiety.

– Was there a starting point until which you lived an ordinary life, and then came to some new world? Or is this one long way?

- This is one long journey. I don't make any special divisions. That’s why I don’t experience any deep shocks when one event gives way to another.

For example, I started studying at a theater university. I wanted to become an actor, but in my second year at the institute I was kicked out of it, despite the lack of C grades. It’s just that I already worked on television, and someone didn’t like it. Then they believed that while you are studying, you are learning, there is no need to grab onto something that is supposedly not yet time for you.

I didn’t dwell on my expulsion, I just realized for myself: it means that something else will come into my life. And so it happened. After leaving the institute, I did a lot of different things: wrote books, hosted events - weddings, birthdays, and so on. I lived and live.

Alexander Sheps

- You have "M Aster Magic » , where you can buy amulets and where you can come for a consultation. Tell us in more detail how your day usually goes.

– Almost all the time I am in my workshop. The main part of my day is working with mysticism and esotericism. Magic respects the sacrament, two are already a crowd. I spend most of my time in investigations or casting amulets and receiving people.

Before I begin casting amulets and charms, I contact certain craftsmen who make them. These are top-class masters, people whom I trust infinitely, in whom I am confident and who use only natural materials when creating magical tools. Afterwards, I do the actual plotting—putting something living into non-living things. Although there are certain amulets that I make myself.

– You have a lot of stones in your workshop, tell us about their importance.

– I want people to understand: stones are living beings. They hear and see us. It happens that people throw or refuse stones because they are unable to control their energy. One time I conducted an experiment: I gathered six people and put them into a trance state so that they could momentarily look at the world through the eyes of a stone. All six of them could not calm down for two days; they were hysterical. It is impossible to describe what the stone “sees”.

– Are amulets and stones selected individually?

- Only individually. When people come for a magical instrument, I always advise them not to listen to anyone, but to select it according to their perception: it should beckon you, attract you, you should want to pick it up. “Oh, you’re Aquarius, gray agate will definitely suit you,” “And you’re Scorpio, and you’d better take a cat’s eye”... No, it doesn’t work that way. Choose from your heart, approach it as if it were your future child. After you feel that this is your stone or amulet, then I can put any spell into it.

– People come to psychics when they experience some need, anxiety and need help. Can we advise them to take their talismans in advance in order to avoid serious problems?

– Every person has a choice. If one day he feels that he now needs a magical assistant, he will come for it, he will find it. They will call to each other - this is something sublime and a mental connection that cannot be described. Signs, hearing, sight, vision, sensations - there are many ways to feel it.

– What happens at your seminars? How to attract people who doubt whether to go to them?

– Each seminar is held differently. There is no structured system of communication, I improvise a lot, but in general everything depends on the people who come.

I can’t say that I provide any training at the seminars. In my understanding, training is when you take a person, give him part of your experience, control his every step so that everything is correct and perfect, guide him in something. But a person must initially have potential, he must already find himself, and I can simply help him, somehow guide him.

I am interested in people who are ready to accept what I am trying to convey to them, use and receive certain benefits from their abilities in every sense of the word.

Alexander Sheps

– “The Battle of Psychics” is a difficult project for many participants; as a rule, it exhausts them physically and mentally. How did you become acquainted with the project? How did you get involved in it?

– It was very difficult. When I received the “Blue Hand” in the main “Battle”, I began acting in other projects – “Battle of the Strongest”, and then in “Psychics Are Investigating”. Even though it’s hard to recover from investigations, the feeling of having managed to change something and really help people is indescribable.

– Which of the participants in the “Battle of Psychics” could you mention? What is your relationship with Sonya Egorova?

– Victoria Raidos is a wonderful specialist, a master of her craft. From the past brethren, I can’t help but watch Elena Golunova and Zulia Radzhabova. It was very interesting for me to work with Sonya on the project, she is an amazing girl and a talented witch. I think that we will meet more than once, both on TNT projects and outside of them. I generally don’t like to compare anyone with anyone, I think that everyone is unique in some way.

Sonya Egorova and Alexander Sheps

Alexander Sheps with the main trophy of the “Battle of Psychics” "With a blue hand »

– Is it possible to develop psychic abilities?

- Yes, definitely. People sometimes ask me: “If my mother or grandmother has powers, then am I now also a psychic and can do magic?” This is a little funny: if a person is born with some talent, this does not mean that his children will have the same gift.

We are all born with abilities. But some people discover them in themselves, others, on the contrary, extinguish them. If you sincerely want to master some skill, no one has the right to forbid you, no one has the right to say that you won’t be able to do it because “you didn’t show your face.” You can achieve absolutely anything if you just sincerely want it and convince yourself that you really deserve it. Then all doors will open.

However, nothing happens for nothing, everything needs to be learned, you need to gain some experience in everything. Therefore, if you take the path of magic, you must understand that you cannot turn back. This will forever leave some kind of stamp on you, some kind of trace, it will even take something away.

– What are the first steps you need to take to plunge into the world of magic? Should I buy some literature?

– When opening books on esotericism, think of them as a fun magazine. If you are planning to practice magic, then you should not follow the beaten path, because real wizards should not be similar to one another.

You just need to remember that God lives in you. With your hands he creates, with your hands he destroys. The main thing is to realize that higher powers already live within you. And be prepared for the fact that at a certain moment you will be given the knowledge of what to do and how to apply it.

Alexander Sheps

– How physically and mentally energy-consuming is communication with that world? Aren't you afraid to continue this activity? How do you generally recover after sessions?

– If I was afraid, I would not continue my activities. Real mediums don't even question their own fear. We are guides, an instrument of the subtle world. We get something from the dead, they get something from us. This is absolutely fair. And when I spend some of my energy, I know what I’m doing. It’s not always possible to calculate what I should give at a certain moment, and I feel unbearably bad after that.

Sometimes it’s very difficult for me to recover, especially after large-scale filming, where the number of people present on set reaches 500. Each of them needs something, everyone wants to hear something. To recover, I first negotiate with the primordial elements: fire, water, earth and air.

– You once mentioned that spirits are always with you. Are they random spirits or those who constantly accompany you?

– These could be phantoms - energy that does not have a body, but at the same time is not devoid of mind and consciousness. The soul is also energy, it’s just capable of reincarnation, reincarnation several times. But the phantom is not.

Spirits and I exist in parallel universes. Spirits don’t always “hang out” with us; they also go about their “business” in the subtle world. And people whose third eye is open sometimes manage to look into this world.

Alexander Sheps

– Let’s say a situation: a person comes to you and asks for help in communicating with spirits. But the spirits tell you that this is an unpleasant person. What do you do in this situation?

– Every person always has both dark and light – 50 percent of both. The question is what prevails at the moment. When a person comes in some kind of negativity, he is lost. For me, first of all, this is not an evil person, but a lost one. At this moment, I set myself the task of getting him on the right path as quickly as possible.

When a person is in a positive mood, euphoria, he sees the right path, his path, and so on. To be honest, I always see both negative and positive, but I try to concentrate on the positive, so that it is easier for both me and the other person.

– Do you divide magicians into “good” and “evil”?

- In no case. For me there is no such thing as white or black magic. You can take an ax and go and chop wood, you can take an ax and kill a person. You are doing something with this axe, and the ax is just a tool here. Likewise, the world is our tool to become better at something. We come here to change, not to have fun, not to relax.

Our soul is fragmented into dark and white parts. And each of these particles considers itself separate and independent, going through its own path. She becomes better, gains some experience, reincarnates until she becomes a spirit, because spirit and soul are different concepts. The soul strives for development and is constantly in some kind of movement. And the spirit stops reincarnation. He remains in his place.

– A person can eke out an ordinary office existence: wake up, go to work, rearrange papers, return home. At some point he feels: I’m not living the right life. And he’s thinking of leaving everything and going to Tibet. How right is it to do this?

- A person never makes mistakes. Whatever he does will be terrible and unbearable for most of society, but from the point of view of the universe it is absolutely correct. If he does something in this life, he will not make the same mistake in another. He gained some experience, this is his right and his choice.

When people ask me how to become happy, the first thing I say is: “Think not only about yourself. Think about how to make others happy, and they will probably do the same to you.”

Alexander Sheps

– When a series of failures befalls us, it’s probably easiest to think: “Most likely they’ve damaged me”...

– This is simply an abdication of guilt, a waiver of responsibility, nothing more. A huge number of people come to me, allegedly with damage, and ask: “Why am I having such a collapse on all fronts?” Out of 100 people, one or two turn out to be damaged, or none at all. People simply inspire themselves with a lot; for the most part, they are subject to the opinions of others.

That's why I tell everyone that they need to start with themselves. This is simple psychology: when a person is fixated on some negativity, it will never decrease. You have to force yourself to refocus on something else, no matter how bad you feel. When a person begins to sincerely think in this way, everything around him changes.

You can always turn any negative into a positive, no matter what happens, no matter how monstrous the event may seem at first glance. When you trust yourself, you will never break a tree branch just like that, or throw a stone. You begin to see life in everything.

– Do you think you will be doing what you are doing now in 20-30 years? Would you like to go down in history?

– I would like to influence some events. But, like all psychics, I cannot look into my future. After all, we create it ourselves. Therefore, at this stage I am following the path that I have built for myself. For now, I’m interested in walking along it and I’m not going to stop. But I can’t guarantee that I won’t change anything in my life until the end of my days.

Alexander Sheps

– What is the best advice you have ever been given in your life?

– Don’t be afraid to trust yourself. Let's say you want to smoke. So smoke! This is your path and your choice. You just have to understand why you are doing it now. Most people are in disharmony with themselves, and therefore engage in self-destruction, without knowing the limits. When you are in harmony and truly trust yourself, I don’t think you will want to go and smoke.

– What do you value most in people?

– I value sincerity in people, because a negligible percentage has it. Learn to sincerely forgive. Why do people think so little about this? After all, a smile and a hug from a person sometimes cost nothing.

The dead once told me: when you do some good deed, remember about living egoism. But doing good only for selfish reasons is even worse than evil. Just remember this.

Alexander Sheps in his “Magic Workshop”

In his video, the blogger exposes the “incorruptibility” and insincerity of presenter Marat Basharov and psychics Anatoly Lidinev, Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa and Alexander Sheps.

Constantly lying, distorting reality, making up facts on the fly is another test for memory. It is difficult to remember all the details of a program that is entirely built on lies. Unfortunately, the host of the “Battle of Psychics,” Marat Basharov, cannot remember all the facts he dropped during numerous interviews, and as a result, lies surfaced. It surfaced and shone with the brilliance of a vile star, revealing all the participants in the show, which already has 19 seasons.

Sobolev’s attacks on the TV show destroyed all the illusion and magic of the story, which viewers and fans so wanted to believe in. The entire production is recognized by both the participants and the presenters of the “Battle”. Netizens actively commented on Sobolev’s video on YouTube, one of the commentators asked: “Aren’t you afraid of damage?”

The show “Battle of Psychics” is out of touch and far from reality. Time after time, psychics failed tests organized by independent journalists, exposing themselves to ridicule and damaging the reputation of the television program. But it would be nice if these were isolated cases. Things get much more serious when the finalists and winners of the “Battle” fail the tests.

Moreover, they themselves are not embarrassed to admit that everything that is happening is nothing more than theater and production: prizes are distributed in advance, and the “keys” to the tests are given to the actors in advance. The confessions of finalist Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa confirm this.

And no matter how other psychics tried to defend themselves and their honor, the entire public has already recognized them as hypocrites and liars. No matter how hard they try to talk about the “sublimity” of their motives, their sacred mission to help people, the percentage of trust in them falls with every attempt they make to prove something.

For example, the finalist of the sixth season of “Battle” Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova does not hesitate to charge 15 thousand rubles for an hour of consultation. The price of an amulet from the “medium”, the winner of season 14 Alexander Sheps, can reach up to 80 thousand rubles. It seems that the more expensive the services, the more willing and willing psychics are to help you.

Twenty years after the fall of Kashpirovsky’s career, the television project “Battle of Psychics” again stirred up the innermost in Russians: the show’s participants travel around the country instead of music stars. The winner of the television project, Samaran Alexander Sheps, was not content with touring and, together with his partner, opened the “Magic Workshop” in his homeland - a supermarket of themed goods. Although the couple now lives and works in Moscow, Sheps often comes to his homeland to advise those who are suffering and gain energy, where he spent his childhood. The Big Village spoke with the winner of the Battle of Psychics and his father, who runs a store, to find out how to make money from the magic of television fame.

Family business

Little is known about the Sheps family in Samara, but enough: the mother is a doctor, the father is an engineer who worked at the cemetery, the brother was tried in the past for fraud with land plots, but the case was closed due to the reconciliation of the parties. This year, Arseniy again came to the attention of the prosecutor's office for suspicions of fraud in his charitable foundation "Salvation". The medium himself was going to become an actor and even studied for some time to specialize in the “box,” but soon dropped out of school, became interested in vocals, and then became famous thanks to the “Battle of Psychics.” His partner Marilyn, originally from Estonia, has been drawn to spiritualistic seances and fortune-telling since childhood, and went into the modeling business as a teenager. A couple of an Estonian witch and a medium who speaks to the dead, according to the laws of the genre, met right on the air on TNT. Their “Magic Workshop” became a clear result of the relationship and, in fact, a family business. While this is the first and only store of the chain, the next one will be in Moscow.

Father of the medium Oleg Sheps

I always walk with a stone in my pocket

After a short excursion, he calls his son on Skype so that he can answer our questions himself. Sheps Jr. is friendly, he only refers to lack of time and answers very briefly. According to him, the idea to open a store in Samara came during the TV project: “My relatives are here and there is someone to look after the store. He will work not according to the rules of trade, but according to the rules of great love: my relatives do not work for a salary, but live in this workshop and are inspired by it.”

In addition to her father, the medium’s younger sister Victoria also works in the store. Despite the fact that during our hour-long visit no one entered the workshop, Oleg says that the place is popular, and the guests come exclusively with a positive message.

Oleg Sheps:“They love our store for its energy: some come as if they are in a museum, others simply because they are big fans of Alexander and Marilyn. Women are more common: they are more subtle in nature, they more often need support. They find this support here. Out of a hundred people there are only three skeptics who simply don’t understand this place.”

There is no doubt about the presence of skeptics: the display windows of the new store are already broken in two places. They bombed the windows at two o’clock in the morning from Saturday to Sunday, while the “Workshop” cameras did not work. “They’re just vandals, what can you do,” complains Sheps Sr. “People with frostbitten consciousness, with an inadequate psyche. These are not some envious people; we have no competitors.”

Magic shop concept

Contrary to expectations, there is no special spirit of sacredness in the workshop: no twilight or thematic surroundings, the room is moderately hipster, there are ordinary counters on the walls, in the center there is the so-called “well of happiness”: a polygon with herbal brooms and feather talismans hanging on it, “catchers” dreams." “The Well” offers Sheps’s most popular product for purchase - enchanted stones. The manager claims that the magic of stones is available only to those who believe in it: “Each of us wants to believe in something - I believe in it myself, so I always walk around with a stone in my pocket. Alexander communicates with the world of the dead. This is such a gift. We can believe it or not, but when he describes a dead person whom he has never seen and does not know, and speaks in his words, won’t you believe it?”

Voodoo dolls worth ten thousand rubles are charged with good luck, business success and love

Local merchandising segregates shelves along gender lines. On Mary’s shelves are bracelets and earrings made of natural stones, the kind you can find at almost any handmade fair. Oleg assures that the witch creates each piece of jewelry with her own hands, personally casts a spell on them or performs other necessary rituals on them. Multi-colored Voodoo dolls worth ten thousand rubles are also seated here. According to the witch's potential father-in-law, sticking needles into them as a curse is useless - these are positive characters, charged with good luck, success in business and love.

Products named after Sheps the Younger are represented by amulets. For a metal pendant in the shape of a bat you need to pay 6,000 rubles, a dragon - 8,000, a skull - 4,500. If you believe Oleg, with such jewelry you can not only remember the Gothic past, but also set yourself up for a better life - albeit with an advance payment. “We sell the amulet, but we don’t give it away right away, but put on gloves, pack it, send it by mail to Alexander, who performs a ritual with it,” says the manager. “At the time of payment, we take a photograph of the client, write down his name, year of birth and desire. A sealed amulet comes back by mail with instructions on what to do to make your wish come true.”

For those who go to look at the unusual, there will also be ritual attributes: leather cases for tarot cards (5,000 rubles), black candles in the shape of skulls (2,000 rubles), a charmed river specimen, ritual ingredients.

Opening the chakras

Here you can also do an aura analysis. “A device for reading a biofield,” or an aura chamber, is not a new attraction for Samara residents; just a few years ago, these could be found in any shopping center, but then this business did not receive much development. In the workshop, the aura chamber has a separate room on the second floor, where in a dark passage we are greeted by a full-length image of a naked Marilyn Kerro. Her fourth and seventh chakras are indicated by colored lanterns.

We work for people to have fun

Aura analysis is a technologically advanced type of palmistry: a small rectangular device connected to a computer, you just need to put your hand on it, and in a couple of minutes the consultant will issue a detailed analysis of the biofield, printed on 22 pages. The main essence of the analysis is to tell which chakra the patient should work with on his own. For the procedure and decoding they charge one and a half thousand, a short version on nine pages will cost eight hundred. According to the manager, at least a hundred people passed through the aura chamber in two months. “Each of them had an association with something very magical and good, everyone gets pleasure,” says Sheps Sr. “In fact, we work only so that people have fun.”

Alexander Sheps:“Most people want a magic pill, a wave of a magic wand, and hope that now in the store they will buy a bunch of fish that will help them. And we give them fishing rods: we teach people how to act correctly in a given situation, to achieve the desired result. Magic is a very expensive pleasure. Not in terms of finances, but in order to get something, you need to give something. In our store we teach people how to do this painlessly for themselves. Those items that are charmed or charged by me and Marilyn are absolutely safe for any person who uses them. But there are certain rules that we will not break no matter what the finances - for example, the age limit is 16+. Yes, they came, wanted to attend the reception with the children, and offered enormous money. But money is not important to me. Especially now. My reputation and what we carry are more important to me.” The Shepses found a less dirty alternative to the concept of “psychic” - a medium. In fact, he acts more like a personal growth coach than a canonized miracle worker: his “Source of Opportunity” training is dedicated to how to find the strength to solve problems. Participation is paid and amounts to twelve thousand rubles.

Trainings, enchanted stones, conversations with the dead, aura chambers and positively charged Voodoo dolls easily coexist with Orthodoxy in the Shepsov’s rhetoric. At the climax of our impromptu interview, Oleg, with the determination of Stas Mikhailov, unbuttons his shirt and shows a large gold cross: “Many people think that we are against religion. God forbid! Just this morning I was in church, stood at the service and prayed. We do not preach the devil, we do not ask to abandon the church, on the contrary! It is faith that helps you find hidden possibilities in yourself, reveal them and help yourself.”