Allergic to the first spring sun. Allergy to the sun - symptoms, treatment, causes

Allergy to the sun is a disease accompanied by an inflammatory process on the skin that occurs under the influence of sunlight. The presented pathology is considered the most common type of actinic dermatitis. If you do not start therapeutic measures in time, then this is fraught with the transition of the disease to the chronic stage or eczema. For this reason, all doctors are trying to detect pathology in a timely manner and develop the most effective treatment regimen.

  • Risk factors
  • How does it manifest
  • Types of photodermatitis
  • Diagnostics
  • Effective treatment
    • External funds
    • Allergy medications
    • Therapy in children

Risk factors

Many experts argue that the sun's rays act as an allergen. But it is not so. Allergy to the sun manifests itself under the influence of photosensitizers on the human body. These are components that increase the sensitivity of the skin to UV radiation. Under the influence of these rays, free radicals are released, which come into contact with proteins. The result of this process is the formation of new compounds. The newly formed substances serve as antigens leading to an allergic reaction.

Taking into account the type of photosensitizers, the following causes of allergy from the sun are distinguished:

  • the use of external medications;
  • exposure to the skin of household chemicals;
  • a certain group of cosmetics;
  • Causes of allergies from the sun can be hidden in the influence of plant juices: cow parsnip, some meadow herbs.

In addition, the causes contributing to allergies from the sun may be the accumulation of specific components in the body. There are the following main reasons for such accumulation:

  • metabolic disorders: diabetes mellitus, overweight;
  • diseases of organs and systems, the work of which is reduced to the removal of toxic substances from the body: cirrhosis of the liver, chronic hepatitis, insufficient kidney function, constipation;
  • systemic drug therapy.

Allergy to the sun is a disease that most affects adults with a light skin tone, hereditary predisposition. The risk group is replenished:

  • women during gestation;
  • people who frequent the solarium.

How does the disease manifest itself?

It happens that an allergy to the sun manifests itself after a short stay in the sun. Sometimes signs of pathology make themselves felt after visiting the solarium. During this procedure, there is a certain effect on the skin of UV radiation.

Consider in more detail the symptoms of sun allergy:

  1. Swelling and redness occur on the areas of the skin affected by the sun's rays. If the case is neglected, then the occurrence of Quincke's edema is not excluded. Such redness is accompanied by severe burning and itching.
  2. Multiple rashes form on the body of a person, which resemble a rash with hives. In the future, these rashes can affect those skins that have not been affected.
  3. Allergy to the sun is accompanied by a general deterioration in well-being, the formation of conjunctivitis or cheilitis.

If the disease proceeds under normal conditions, the rash disappears on its own within 3 weeks. With repeated exposure to sunlight, it occurs again. If sun allergy is not treated in time, it transforms into a chronic phase, and the presented signs are supplemented by dryness and infiltration of the skin, increased pattern, and the formation of spider veins.

Varieties of photodermatitis

The negative influence of the sun's rays contributes to the emergence of a variety of unnatural reactions in humans, which are called photosensitivity. There are the following types of allergies from the sun:

  1. Phototraumatic reactions are a pathological process that is formed after prolonged exposure to the sun. It happens that an allergic reaction occurs even in a perfectly healthy person during many hours of intense exposure to UV rays.
  2. Phototoxic reactions - a type of allergy from the sun, the manifestation of which is the formation of a sunburn. A person develops swelling, redness, blisters and erythema. Contributes to the emergence of such a process taking certain medications, herbs, products, the composition of which provides for the presence of photosensitizers.
  3. Photoallergic reactions are a type of allergy from the sun, which is formed in those people whose body, for specific reasons, does not receive UV rays. Their skin, mucous membranes perceive the sun's rays as an alien or hostile external influence. Such a pathology occurs if there are immune disorders. It manifests itself in the form of papules, weeping, vesicles and skin lichenification. The resulting rash has an enhanced pattern, thickening of the skin and a violation of pigmentation. To the touch, the skin becomes rough and wrinkled.


Preliminary diagnosis includes a patient interview and an external examination. To determine the type of allergen, the doctor prescribes application tests to the patient. To detect endogenous causes of allergy from the sun, the doctor will prescribe the following studies to the patient:

  • samples of Zimnitsky;
  • biochemical analysis of urine and blood;
  • CT and ultrasound of the kidneys;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • hormone analysis;
  • excretory urography.

During the study of allergy from the sun, a line is drawn with diseases such as:

  • lichen;
  • sunburn;
  • erysipelas;
  • atopic, allergic, contact, radiation dermatitis;
  • superficial form of SLE.

Effective treatment

What to do to get rid of photodermatitis? Only an experienced dermatologist can answer this question. Typically, sun allergy treatment includes the following:

  1. Relief of the root cause, limiting contact with photosensitizing components.
  2. The use of medicines.
  3. Protective measures against UV radiation.

If there are indications, then the presented list is added by other procedures. Today, it is possible to cure allergies from the sun, but therapy should have an integrated approach. Sun allergy pills, ointments and creams have an anti-inflammatory effect.

External funds

It is impossible to find one effective ointment that would eliminate allergies to the sun. Today, doctors offer to treat the disease with the following external preparations:

  • Fluorocort (triamcinolone cream or glucocorticoid ointment);
  • Betamethasone (corticosteroid cream based on betamethasone);
  • Nurofen (gel, ibuprofen acts as an active ingredient, has an anti-inflammatory effect);
  • Diclofenac (gel based on diclofenac sodium, relieves inflammation);
  • Zinc paste (a medicine in which zinc oxide acts as an active ingredient, helps to eliminate inflammation).

All described external means have certain contraindications and side effects. For this reason, they should be used only after they have received confirmation from a dermatologist.

Sun allergy medications

What else needs to be done to make sun allergy disappear? In addition to ointments and creams, it is advisable to use antihistamines that help stop itching and redness, relieve inflammation (Aspirin, Nimesil). The list of antihistamines will be supplemented by Alerzin, Cetirizine, Suprastin.

If there is a tendency to an allergic reaction to drugs, then Aspirin should be avoided. The reason is that this action of this medicine is aimed at thinning the blood, and with weak vascular walls, this contributes to increased rash.

What is the manifestation of solar allergy on the skin?

First of all, it is worth understanding what a solar allergy on the skin manifests itself in, and how this pathology can be differentiated from other similar diseases. First of all, in reddening of the skin of the face (less often of the arms, legs or abdomen, or back), peeling and itching of the skin. A rash may appear in the form of bubbles, turning into blisters, swelling is possible. Often, those affected by "solar allergies" may have a fever.

By the way, many mistakenly take such a rash for insect bites.

Most often, such an allergy occurs with a sharp change in climate. (Take this into account, lovers of southern beach tourism!)

Many experts believe that these kinds of allergic reactions do not occur in response to solar radiation, but are the result of exposure to the skin of inappropriate creams, perfumes, deodorants or lotions, “sunburn” (for sunburn) and “tanning products”. But it is still possible to be allergic to solar radiation. Most often, it occurs in those who have serious violations of the functions of the liver, kidneys or endocrine system. Contributes to its appearance and hypovitaminosis.

The first symptoms of sun allergy, most often manifested in the form of urticaria, usually occur within a few hours after exposure to the sun (on average, after 3-6 hours).

It should be known and remembered that the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight increases the intake of barbiturates (hypnotics), tetracycline, sulfonamides and birth control pills.

Allergy to the sun: what to do and how to treat with pills

What to do with an allergy to the sun, if it arose for the first time and its symptoms were clearly manifested.

Before treating an allergy to the sun, other influencing factors must be excluded. Sun allergy pills also help. These are antihistamines that relieve itching and eliminate swelling. You can buy them at the nearest pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. However, the recommended dosage should be carefully observed. In the event of allergic urticaria or, as solar allergies are also called, photodermatitis, special measures should be taken to prevent the development of complications.

Sun allergy. Symptoms.

Some people with special sensitivity to the sun's rays suffer at their first appearance. For those who are less sensitive, they may be in the sun for a longer time, but allergies can overtake them too. The first manifestations may appear 18-72 hours after exposure to the sun. What are the symptoms of sun allergy?

  • First, there is a slight reddening of the skin, peeling of the skin. It most often occurs on the face and décolleté, but can also occur on the arms, legs, and any other area of ​​the body.
  • A rash on the skin or the appearance of small dots (looks like freckles) is possible. I had a rash like hives. And the doctor told me that this solar urticaria. Sometimes this condition comes to eczema. And it's already scary.
  • Edema may form.
  • Severe itching and burning of the skin. It seems that the whole body is just on fire.
  • In some cases, purulent rashes appear. Especially when you don’t hold back, well, you just don’t have the strength from this itching and burning, you start combing everything and then you have such symptoms.

I personally had an allergy to the sun at the combination of sun and pool. Apparently, what they were treated with, this combination of bleach or some other disinfectant, gave such a reaction. Previously, when visiting the pool, redness on the eyes could be observed. No more. But it was the combination of the pool and the sun that provoked such an allergic reaction.

There is no such reaction to the sun in our zone. But I don't rest like that. After the sea, I can’t swim in our reservoirs. And when relaxing abroad in the beach season, how many times have there been problems. Rest is ruined. This is clear. One thought - how to get rid of all the symptoms as soon as possible. And, of course, it is very important to find out here, what are the reasons for such an allergy?

Sun allergy. Causes.

An allergy to the sun can also appear on vacation in the forest, in the field, in hot countries, after swimming in the pool, after a long stay in the sun. For some, these are just pigmented small spots that appear in bulk and do not decorate anyone, but for some it is more serious. Some people have white spots on their face, which also cause a lot of emotions.

Allergies often occur in children, including infants. Their immunity has not yet gained strength or after illness.

The causes of the skin reaction to the sun's rays lie in a combination of external and internal factors.

To external reasons can be attributed to those cosmetics that we use. From perfume, medicinal creams (for muscle pain, skin problems, sunburn), the use of certain drugs that increase sensitivity to sunlight. These are, first of all, antimicrobials and diuretics. Of course, what matters is how much and how long we are under the sun.

Therefore, it is imperative to carefully read the instructions - if they indicate that the product has such a side effect as photodermatitis, then during treatment you can not spend time in the sun, visit a solarium, you need to cover the skin to the maximum when going outside.

If you use cosmetics, look carefully to see if they contain salicylic and boric acid, essential oils, mercury preparations. Even lipstick, which includes eosin, can adversely affect the situation as a whole.

Pollen from flowering plants can also cause allergies. Also, a combination of the sun and the pool can give such a picture, as already mentioned in the article.

To internal reasons allergies to the sun include diseases of the liver, intestines, malfunctions in the body's immune system.

Any allergy is provoked by factors such as decreased immunity, lack of vitamins, hidden diseases, metabolic disorders in the body. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to your health in general.

In these cases, it is good to follow a diet, conduct a course of liver cleansing, so that such reactions subside.

The risk group of people who are prone to such an allergy to the sun:

  • Blondes and people with fair skin.
  • Small children.
  • Pregnant women.
  • Those people who are very fond of visiting the solarium.
  • Who did cosmetic procedures the day before, such as tattooing, chemical peeling.


In addition, there are special substances - photosensitizers that can provoke such a reaction in the body. All citrus fruits are included. Therefore, do not include oranges, tangerines, lemons in your diet if you are going to the beach. You need to know that the more active the sun, the more unpredictable the reaction even to such simple products. See if bergamot oil or citrus oil is included in your cosmetics, which you use daily. They can cause such an allergy.

Pay attention to the medications you are taking. The following drugs are dangerous:

  • Aspirin.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Medicines you take to treat and maintain your cardiovascular system.
  • Diuretics.
  • Antidepressants.
  • Oral contraceptives with a high content of estrogen.

If you are going on vacation, ask your doctor all the questions the day before, consult with him, and whether they provoke a solar allergy.

Sun allergy. Prevention. Treatment.

  • Be very careful with sunbathing. 20 minutes in the sun is the best time.
  • Before going to the beach, do not use decorative cosmetics and perfumes.
  • Use high protection sunscreen.
  • Do not use cosmetics containing fragrances. They can cause pigment spots.
  • Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before going out into the sun. Often we swim, get out of the water and only then remember them. For photodermatitis, this time is enough to manifest itself.
  • Do not dry yourself when leaving the water. This will help not to overdry the skin, on the other hand, it will remove water drops, which, like lenses, increase the effect of sunlight on the skin.
  • Rest in the shade after swimming.
  • Contact your doctor. You may need antihistamines. I am not a supporter of chemistry, but sometimes the body can not cope on its own. And it's best to start taking them two days before your trip.
  • For those who have problems with the sun, it is best to sunbathe before 10 am and after 5 pm. And it is better to sunbathe under an awning or in the shade.
  • If you have a severe allergy, wear long sleeves to cover the affected areas from the sun, trousers. Be sure to wear hats on the beach.
  • At the first symptoms of an allergy, it is imperative to take action. It is best to see a doctor if this is your first time and there is nothing in your first aid kit from proven products. Do not delay your visit to the doctor. Allergy is a very tricky thing!

Treatment of sun allergy with mild to moderate severity takes 7-10 days. In more severe cases - up to several weeks.

In addition to the drugs that your doctor will prescribe for you, cucumber juice, cabbage leaves and raw potatoes can help with severe itching. Cabbage leaves are simply applied in their pure form to the affected areas. Squeeze out the mass from the cucumber (remove the skin, grate), spread it on gauze and apply to the affected areas. Keep the compress for half an hour. After that, do not wash the skin. Cucumber film on the skin will protect from sunlight. And you can simply wipe your face and body with cucumber juice.

In addition, a solution of baking soda can help with itchy skin and herbal baths with chamomile, string. In severe cases, the doctor prescribes hormonal ointments.

What foods should you include in your diet to avoid an allergic reaction to the sun?

  • Include foods that are rich in vitamins C, B and E and antioxidants in your diet. All fresh fruits and berries are very useful. Blueberries, pomegranate, currants, cocoa, green tea and many others.
  • Drink plenty of clean water. This will help the body flush out toxins. But carbonated drinks, juices, and especially alcohol, categorically exclude.
  • On vacation, be very careful with exotic cuisine. If you have an increased sensitivity to the sun, do not experiment with it, at least in the very first days. Give your body some time to readjust.

My experience with allergies. Tablets, ointments, drugs for allergies to the sun.

I'll tell you about myself, how I learned to escape from solar allergies. Having suffered several beach seasons, I turned to a dermatologist before leaving. She talked about her problems. He gave me many recommendations. The most effective of them and tested specifically on experience, which seem to me personally, turned out to be quite simple: two to three days before departure, they begin to drink the Erius preparation, 1 tablet 1 time per day. On vacation, the first three to five days I continue to take it.

Be sure to take a shower immediately after the sea. I sunbathe only in the shade. And I always take La Cree cream and Travogen cream with me. These are natural creams that children can also use. At this point, I smile. I say that my skin is exactly like that of a baby. Read only the composition of the cream. If you are not allergic to these components, then I strongly advise you to pay attention to these creams. As soon as redness or inflammation begins somewhere, I immediately use them. Several beach seasons have passed, it has become very comfortable. Of course, I follow all the recommendations that were described above.

Used antihistamines

In the treatment of allergies, several main methods are used:

  • elimination of the allergen;
  • immunotherapy;
  • drug therapy.

The essence of immunotherapy is the use of the allergen itself for the treatment. Medical treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

The spectrum of antihistamine effects on the body is as follows:

  • reduce the inflammatory process;
  • stop exacerbations of any complexity;
  • block the spread of infection if there is a violation of the skin;
  • relieve redness on the skin, swelling, peeling and itching.

In medicine, antihistamines are divided into 3 generations. The first includes drugs that relieve allergic manifestations, but have an excessive sedative effect. Then drugs were developed without a clear sedative effect, but negatively affecting the work of cardiac activity.

Drug manufacturers have created modern unique antihistamines, which belong to the third generation. They do not cause drowsiness and are not toxic to the heart and blood vessels.

Third generation drugs

Drugs in this category are in particular demand due to the lack of a sedative effect. They practically do not cause drowsiness and thus occupy a leading position among other popular remedies. Cardiotoxic effects from them are also minimized.

Means relieve an allergic reaction and do not negatively affect the nervous system. In admission, most of them are shown even for children from the age of two. They are also recommended for people whose specific work requires increased concentration.

Metabolites representing 3rd generation antihistamine drugs can have a side effect in the form of drowsiness. This occurs in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drugs or in the process of chronic fatigue.

New generation:

  • acelastin;
  • cetirizine;
  • ebastine;
  • loratadine;
  • astemizole;
  • acrivastine.

An important advantage of the drugs presented in this group is based on long-term and safe administration. What is especially important for people suffering from allergic reactions of various nature.

Why choose third-generation drugs:

  1. Such funds do not disrupt mental activity and physical activity.
  2. Daily intake is not tied to food intake and the removal of symptoms occurs fairly quickly.
  3. Most of these medicines have an effect on the body for two days.

To prevent problems in the liver, you need to take drugs separately from antibiotics, antimycotics and antidepressants. You can not drink antihistamines with juice from citrus fruits.

Acelastine comes in the form of eye drops and nasal spray. Signs of the disease begin to disappear after 20 minutes. Side effects from Acelastin have not been identified. Each of these funds neutralizes the signs of allergies and does not affect the patient's body.

The absence of the effect of drowsiness allows them to be used in any type of activity. Almost any of the drugs helps to relieve the condition during an asthma attack.

Which drug does not cause drowsiness

These drugs are recognized as very effective in relieving allergy symptoms. Doctors prescribe them for admission, both adults and children.

Features of such drugs:

  • do not affect mental and physical activity;
  • are not addictive;
  • are not absorbed with food;
  • act almost instantly;
  • The therapeutic effect is quite long.

However, such treatment of allergies is categorically contraindicated for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Another important condition is compliance with the control when taken together with other drugs.

It is important to know that non-sedative drugs should not be used to relieve clinical symptoms in parallel with macrolides, antifungals and antidepressants.

It is not uncommon for people to experience health problems after taking second-generation antihistamines. Usually there are problems associated with pathological processes in the liver.

List of funds:

  1. "Claritin" can be used in children from the age of two. It is prescribed for various problems associated with a negative skin reaction to certain irritants. Indicated for urticaria, rhinitis, including seasonal.
  2. "Gistalong" is unique in that it is compatible with alcoholic beverages and absolutely does not cause drowsiness. The effect of the drug lasts about three weeks. Recommended for patients with chronic allergies.
  3. "Trexil" is especially popular in the treatment of acute diseases. Contraindicated in people with cardiac problems. Does not affect the functioning of the nervous system.
  4. "Fenistil" is the best antihistamine medicine for the younger generation. Doctors often prescribe it even to newborn children. The effect after administration is long, often one dose is enough.
  5. "Semprex" is acceptable to use in treatment from the age of 12. Removes manifestations of urticaria, dermatitis, allergic eczema. Produced in capsules, dispensing in pharmacies is allowed without a doctor's prescription.

The best representative

In any medical institution, during the diagnosis, the causes and other nuances of the disease are revealed. This allows the attending physician to choose the most suitable drugs for high-quality and fast treatment of allergies.

An unpleasant diagnosis requires an individual selection of pharmaceuticals:

  1. Ksizal is recognized as one of the best antihistamines. It prevents the activation of histamines and stops inflammation on the skin. By neutralizing allergies, this fourth-generation remedy improves metabolism in a unique way. Perfectly absorbed into the skin, it begins to act within two hours. The uniqueness of "Ksizal" is also in the fact that taken with dermatitis in early childhood, it prevents the development of such problems in the future. Tablets are prescribed for adults, children are advised to take syrup or suspension.
  2. "Teflast" occupies a worthy place in the opinion of patients. As a result of clinical studies, its harmlessness to the human body has been proven. It reduces absolutely any pathological processes on the skin, but is not recommended for children under 6 years of age. Produced in the form of tablets.
  3. Desloratadine is effective in the clinical treatment of allergic problems from the first year of life. Produced in tablets and syrup. Absolute safety allows you to sell the drug in pharmacies without a prescription. Similar in composition to Erius, only it is contraindicated during pregnancy. Experts advise taking such medical products after consultation. After all, each of them has its own nuances in the reception.

Useful video on the topic

Ointments used for this disease

A negative reaction of the skin to certain irritants, sometimes may not be accompanied by any other complications.

In case of contact allergies, it is important to immediately eliminate the irritant and treat the affected areas.

  1. "Dimedrol ointment", helps to eliminate itching and irritation. It is designed to directly block inflammation and swelling. For optimal results, the remedy should consist of two percent diphenhydramine.
  2. "Fenistil gel" is in particular demand for the treatment of allergic manifestations in childhood. The special formula of the gel allows you to quickly remove signs of eczema, dermatosis, urticaria.
  3. "Hydrocortisone" is intended for first aid for severe pathologies. The hormonal composition can provoke some side effects, so it is important to consult a doctor. An overdose of the drug affects well-being.
  4. "Gistan" helps to stop the feeling of discomfort, the best remedy for the regeneration of diseased skin. Heals wounds and prevents inflammation.
  5. "Zyrtec" refers to non-sedative drugs, it is recommended for daily use. Very easy to apply, and absolutely safe even for hypersensitive skin.
  6. "Psilo-Balm" is recognized as one of the leading drugs - antihistamines for topical use. Indicated for instant relief of various irritations, including after the bites of various insects. Recommended during acute inflammations. However, in order to avoid complications, the dosage should be observed and act according to the indicated instructions.

Features of the use of funds for an allergic reaction to the sun

You should never ignore the fact that the appointment of an allergist regarding the intake of the drug, it is important to comply with a strict dosage.

Self-administration of medications or consultation with a pharmacy worker on this issue often provokes significant problems in the future.

Allergy to the sun is very often exacerbated in the spring - summer period. This is especially true in April-May. The skin of exposed areas of the body, face and neck are affected. Inadequate response to ultraviolet rays is exacerbated by the use of antibiotics, antidepressants, nutritional supplements and other means.

Allergists recommend using antihistamine ointments and gels for this disease. Taking tablets or suspensions is needed when phytodermatitis is accompanied by another type of allergy.

Before using hormonal ointments or creams, it is important to undergo an examination and take tests. Especially since they are addictive.

The general opinion of those who have used these funds

To the question: which drugs are better, patients answer: new generation drugs. Their uniqueness is that they are not metabolized in the body. The result after taking is long-term. They do not affect the functioning of the liver and cardiac system.

The fact that such drugs are suitable for almost everyone, due to minimal side effects, has a positive effect on the choice.

Tablets or syrups are preferred by people suffering from a chronic form of allergies. Minor or rare skin lesions, without recurrence, are treated quite effectively with the simplest ointments or gels. Non-hormonal drugs without sedative effect are in the greatest demand.

The complex course of allergies often forces you to undergo course therapy in a medical institution. It is important to observe the diet and rest. The undoubted advantage, according to patients, is the elimination of the allergen or the identification of causes.

Then, after the necessary diagnosis, the most suitable drug is selected. It will be correct to take the funds systematically and in appropriate dosages.

Tablets, drops, ointments, gels

Uncomplicated skin allergies, in most cases, do not require the use of tablets or drops. It is enough to apply a special ointment to the affected areas several times a day and the manifestations of irritation disappear.

Pretty easy to prescribe: Diphenhydramine, Fenistil and Diazolin. These tablets help to quickly relieve an attack, and in combination with a cream are very effective.

Modern pharmacological science has stepped far ahead in comparison with medicine of the past. Most antiallergic drugs have a combined effect on the patient's body. Therefore, experts take the appointment of such funds very seriously.

Doctors strongly recommend not to self-medicate, but to carefully listen to the advice of doctors. After all, itching of the skin, redness and other similar symptoms are manifested not only with allergies, but also in a number of other complex diseases. And such pathologies require a different approach to treatment.

Types of sun allergies

solar injury

This type of skin reaction is very common. Actually, it does not refer to allergic, but to traumatic disorders. You don't have to be allergic to get this disease. It often occurs in people who do not adhere to the correct approach to the organization of exposure to direct sunlight. A long stay under open rays, in the hourly interval from 11:00 to 16:00, is dangerous for any person. Especially if they are accompanied by immersion in water, small droplets of which act like a lens, amplifying the radiation.

Toxic reactions

In this case, the signs of sun allergy are mediated by the influence of certain substances that increase the skin's susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation. Certain plants, medicines and a number of other factors can provoke an increase in skin sensitivity.


Actually, this is an allergy to the sun. In this case, the occurrence of allergic reactions on the skin is directly related to the work of the immune system, which is hostile to substances formed in the skin tissue under the influence of sunlight.

The risk group includes:

  • people suffering from endocrine diseases;
  • people suffering from kidney and liver diseases;
  • women in a state of pregnancy;
  • people with light skin type;
  • people who have allergies in their family;
  • children under 6 years of age.

Sun allergy symptoms

Photodermatitis is a skin disease that is characterized by corresponding manifestations. The rate of development of symptoms can vary, from several tens of minutes to several days.

Areas of the skin, after contact with ultraviolet light, become reddish, rashes and areas of abscesses form on them. The epidermis on the extremities acquires a rough texture, itching and severe burning may occur at the sites of manifestation of an allergic reaction. The skin becomes rough, local bleeding may appear

The face of a patient with photodermatitis may be strewn with white spots that appear due to a failure in the pigmentation processes. Prolonged exposure to intense ultraviolet radiation causes the body to spend all its energy on the production of special pigments that lead to darkening of the skin. Such emergency activity leads to the fact that the body is subjected to intense stress.

In most cases, already after a few hours in direct sunlight, people with a tendency to this disease begin its first manifestations. Often the symptoms are urticaria, which is the appearance of red spots that are slightly raised and warm to the touch. Blisters filled with a clear liquid may also appear at the point of contact. This is a sure sign that a person has a sunburn.

Causes of Sun Allergies

  • Antibacterial components of hygiene products;
  • Essential oils, which are often used in the manufacture of cosmetics and perfumes;
  • Piercings and tattoos can increase skin sensitivity at the sites of their application;
  • Benzophenones and para-aminobenzoic acid, which are often found in sunscreens, increase the skin's sensitivity to sunlight in some people;
  • Light skin type;
  • Pregnancy and children under 6 years of age.

sun allergy cure

Treatment of photodermatitis

The main ways that modern medicine offers to avoid sun allergies are:

  • Removal of local symptoms in photodermatitis, on the surface of the epidermis with special ointments, creams and gels
  • General treatment with drugs in the form of tablets and injections
  • Preventive measures

Naturally, the last way is the most effective and safe. To avoid this disease, it will be sufficient just to follow a few rules: eliminate the factors that provoke an allergy to the sun and not be in direct sunlight during the daytime. In most people, the epidermis only reacts to extremely intense solar radiation, so following these simple instructions will allow you to avoid the problems that are provoked by this most unpleasant disorder.

Local therapy for sun allergy

This type of therapy for photodermatitis is of great importance, since the main symptoms of this disease are localized on the skin. In order to eliminate these manifestations, special medicines are used, in the form of creams, ointments and gels for application to the skin. Their use allows you to remove puffiness, accelerate the process of regeneration of damaged surfaces, eliminate itching, and relieve skin irritation.

Hormonal medications

These drugs contain the hormone cortisol, or its analogues, which is why they are called hormonal. Medicines of this group are highly effective in the treatment of skin manifestations of allergies. A large number of possible side effects makes one more careful about their use.

Proper use of hormonal ointments:

  • hormonal topical drugs can be used only if the allergic nature of skin manifestations is confirmed;
  • these funds are not used as prophylactic and are intended only to eliminate already existing symptoms;
  • hormonal ointments are divided according to the strength of action. The choice of ointment should occur, taking into account the severity of allergic manifestations;
  • if the child is less than six months old, then the use of fluoride-containing ointments is unacceptable;
  • long-acting ointments, it is desirable to prefer a form with a short therapeutic effect;
  • at the same time, corticosteroid drugs are not applied to more than 20% of the skin;
  • after a week, the effect of the treatment should be expressed, otherwise, it undergoes a change;
  • used only on clean skin.

Side effects are an extremely relevant topic when using this type of drug. Often, they appear in the case of improper use, which patients allow for self-use. Also, the intensity and degree of risk of the relevance of side effects directly depends on the strength of the hormonal drug. The most powerful ointments based on corticosteroids of the 4th category.

Local immunity of the skin often becomes a victim of drug therapy, of hormonal origin. It is due to the suppression of local immunity that the skin allergic reaction is eliminated. The suppression of local immunity is fraught with the appearance of skin infections that were in an inactive form.

Classification of hormonal ointments used to treat sun allergies:

drug category Effect denominations
1st the weakest of all local corticosteroids, which is associated with low absorption of active substances into the skin. prednisolone and hydrocortisone ointments
2nd average activity, which is combined with average assimilation rates. afloderm, lorinden, zinocort, locarotene, prednicarbate
3rd the therapeutic effect comes quickly, a good coefficient of assimilation. elocom, apulein, cutiveit, flucort, fluorocinoid, polcortolone
4th the strongest therapeutic effect, as well as the maximum coefficient of assimilation. dermovate, chalciderm, galcinonide

With allergies to the sun, hormonal ointments are prescribed in the following cases:

  • allergic processes on the surface of the skin of an acute nature (solar urticaria, dermatitis);
  • treatment with drugs of a weaker class does not bring the desired effect;
  • there are reasonable fears for the development of eczema;
  • the disease has the character of relapse;
  • complications, in the form of neurodermatitis.

Side effects of hormonal ointments

With an allergy to the sun, which has a skin manifestation, the frequent use of hormonal ointments leads to the fact that the issue of side effects is very acute. Modern therapeutic practice, the use of hormonal ointments, with photodermatitis has optimal treatment regimens that allow you to avoid side effects. Often, a negative impact on health occurs in the case of independent use.

However, it is impossible to completely avoid the risk of side effects of the drug! When using hormonal medicines, in the form of ointments, they include the following:

  • irritation and itching at the site of application;
  • exacerbation of a local fungal or viral infection;
  • the appearance of boils;
  • acne;
  • atrophic skin changes;
  • coarsening of the skin.

When using these drugs, it is worth considering that the degree of their activity in relation to the elimination of skin manifestations of allergies is directly proportional to the degree of their activity. The more powerful the effect they have, the more pronounced their side effect.

Antihistamine ointments for sun allergies

Topical antihistamines contain substances that prevent the effects of histamine on skin cells. When the hormone histamine is released, under the influence of allergens, allergy symptoms develop. This provokes the appearance of rashes, itching, swelling. The advantage of antihistamines in the form of ointments helps to eliminate the skin manifestations of allergies with a minimal risk of developing common side effects. These include those side effects that affect the action of the whole organism.

Effects of antihistamine ointments:

  • reduce itching, irritation and overdrying of the skin;
  • contribute to the narrowing of local blood vessels, which expand under the action of histamine;
  • elimination of symptoms of dermatitis and urticaria;
  • promotes hydration;
  • accelerates skin healing;
  • development of a therapeutic effect from 15 to 30 minutes.

Healing and anti-inflammatory drugs

In the treatment of allergies to the sun, these drugs can also be involved. In this case, they do not affect the mechanisms of allergic reactions, but on specific symptoms that appear with an allergy to the sun: inflammation, dry skin, local irritation, pain.

Nurofen (ointment) is a medicine whose main active ingredient is an anti-inflammatory drug based on ibuprofen. Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal drug. In addition, the use of an ointment based on ibuprofen can relieve the pain that often accompanies the skin manifestations of photodermatitis. At the same time, there is no risk of damage to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, which is present when using ibuprofen in the form of tablets.

Diclofenac (ointment) is a medicine belonging to the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Active ingredient: sodium diclofenac. Its action is based on the suppression of the production of prostaglanid proteins. The use of diclofenac allows you to remove skin swelling, pain, irritation, and also relieves local fever, in places of an allergic reaction. With urticaria, bronchial asthma, as well as in the case of peptic ulcers, this remedy is not used.

Bepantent (panthenol) is a safe drug that is based on the action of a derivative of vitamin B group. Passing through a series of biological transformations inside the skin, the active substance of the drug turns into dexpanthenol. It takes part in the regeneration of skin cells. Its use is relevant for allergies to the sun, both in the case of directly allergic reactions, and in the case of sunburn. Medicines based on panthenol promotes healing of the skin, as well as their hydration.

sun allergy pills

Medicines in the form of tablets, with allergies to the sun, may also be applicable, in some cases. This happens at the discretion of the doctor. Antihistamines are drugs that block type 1 histamine receptors. They are on the surface of the skin. Upon contact with them, skin manifestations of photodermatitis occur. Medicines containing antihistamines can eliminate the formation of edema, reduce skin itching, and reduce the expansion of blood vessels.

Diphenhydramine is one of the first antihistamines to enter the market. It well eliminates skin manifestations of allergies, reduces itching and inflammation. However, this drug has a number of side effects: it dries up the mucous membrane, retains urine, and also causes inhibition of the central nervous system. The latter, during therapy with diphenhydramine, is most acute. Under its influence, drowsiness, fatigue develops, and the thought process slows down. One of the main advantages of this drug is its low cost.

Diazolin is also a very outdated drug. The main advantage is the low cost, as well as the low probability of developing an inhibitory effect. A significant disadvantage of this drug is the ability of the active substance to irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach, in some patients. For this reason, it is not used in the treatment of patients who have peptic ulcers and gastritis.

Suprastin is an effective drug that is most often used in the treatment of allergic diseases. In particular, this applies to allergies to the sun. It has a rapid development of a therapeutic effect, which also quickly decreases. The drug does not have a cumulative effect, so it is often used for long-term therapy.

Summer is the most suitable time for trips to the sea, travel to exotic countries, or just to the country house or country house. But not only pleasant moments can await a person who stays in the sun for a long time.

So, in some people, starting from a period of increased solar activity (the month of May), symptoms of photodermatosis appear. Children who travel from one climatic zone to another (hotter) in the summer are at the greatest risk of getting sick. Allergens are not the sun's rays, but their excessive accumulation in the body and combination with other substances, due to which various allergic reactions begin to appear in people. Most diseases occur in those who suffer from diseases of the kidneys, liver, adrenal glands.

It can also occur when a person has been in the sun for a short time, and with prolonged exposure to direct rays (in the form of burns). The patient's condition does not worsen under the influence of artificial light (except for a solarium, which includes an ultraviolet spectrum).

The frequency of this problem is not too big. Only about 3 percent of the adult population is fair-skinned. Among people with dark skin, the disease is even rarer.

Causes of Sun Allergies

The reasons can be very different:

  • taking medications;
  • the use of aromatic oils of citrus or bergamot;
  • liver or kidney disease;
  • failures in pigment metabolism;
  • reduced immunity;
  • pregnancy;
  • autoimmune disease;
  • taking hormonal birth control pills;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • very light hypersensitive skin;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • malfunctions of the endocrine system.

Depending on the reasons that provoked photodermatitis, it is divided into two types:
1. exogenous. It appears due to the interaction of sunlight with substances that are applied to the skin. They may be:

  • personal hygiene products - shower gels, liquid soaps;
  • cosmetics - cream, deodorant, perfume;
  • residues of washing powders and other cleaning products that remain on clothes when they are not rinsed well.

When these allergens are removed from the surface of the skin, the problem most often disappears.

Exogenous photodermatitis can develop due to the accumulation of phototoxic substances in the body.
substances. Thus, they will accumulate in the thickness of the human skin. As a result, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, allergens are formed due to substances such as:

  • some drugs (antibiotics, sulfonamides, griseofulvins), before using them, you should consult a doctor;
  • individual representatives of legumes that contain xanthinols in their fruits.

Similarly to the first option, it is necessary to eliminate contact with these substances and the allergic reaction will stop.

2. endogenous. It is a congenital human condition, which is closely related to metabolic failures and the functioning of the immune system:

  • impaired exchange of porphyrinated compounds, which leads to the fact that porphyrin accumulates in the skin, interacting with ultraviolet rays and provoking the occurrence of allergic reactions.
  • a disturbed process of melanin metabolism, as a result of which people with very fair skin (albinos) are prone to the development of photodermatosis.
  • improper functioning of the immune system, due to which various physical factors can provoke the occurrence of cold and sun allergies.


After a person has been exposed to sunlight, after a couple of hours, the following local symptoms may begin to appear:

  • severe itching and redness of the skin;
  • rash in the form of small bubbles;
  • swelling of the skin and mucous membranes.

General symptoms:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness due to a significant drop in blood pressure.

If we are talking about minor skin lesions, the general symptoms of photodermatitis may not appear.

Body reaction

Allergy to the sun most often does not need to be treated with any special means, it goes away by itself after a few days. For weakened and hypersensitive people, the consequences may be the following: the development of bronchospasm, a significant decrease in blood pressure, fainting.

Preventive measures

People who are allergic to the sun should wear clothes made of dense material, with long sleeves, do not be in the open sun, do not use alcohol-containing products: perfumes, deodorants, and aromatic oils. When the symptoms are mild, you can train your skin - go out into the open sun for a short time.

Treatment of photodermatitis

To cure an allergy to the sun, you need to eliminate its cause. Be sure to treat the liver, kidneys. With the help of folk remedies, you can eliminate the signs of the disease: eliminate swelling, itching of the skin, rash. Among folk methods, cabbage leaves, a compress of grated potatoes, cucumber, which are applied to the affected areas of the skin, are very popular.

As for medical treatment, antihistamines are considered the most effective. They can relieve itching and swelling. You can buy them even without a prescription at any pharmacy. But it is necessary to strictly observe the correct dosage.

Having excluded the trigger, they begin treatment according to a certain algorithm in order to achieve the best results:

  1. Make wraps with a damp cloth on the first day after the manifestation of an allergic reaction.
  2. A couple of days do not take sunbathing.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids.
  4. They put on closed suits, shirts, dresses.
  5. When there are a lot of rashes, a person takes a 30-minute soda bath.
  6. After baths, wipe the body with almond oil with menthol, or freshly squeezed tomato juice.
  7. Lubricate the affected areas with aloe juice.
  8. Make compresses from chamomile.
  9. Lubricate the blisters with salicylic acid and zinc ointment.
  10. Apply decoctions and infusions from the bark of oak and juniper.
  11. Advantan, Lorinden, Oxycort, Fluorocort, Flucinar ointments are also very effective.
  12. Relieve skin inflammation with aspirin and nidomethacin.
  13. Take B vitamins and vitamin C.
  14. Antihistamines are used: diphenhydramine, suprastin, tavegil, claritin, fenkarol.

If a person has a predisposition to sun allergies, it is recommended to use creams with a high level of sun protection.

To prevent hives, people are advised to take horseradish juice, which is mixed with bee honey, or 50 ml of peppermint tincture before meals.

I consider the infusion of hops to be effective, which is prepared by pouring 1 tablespoon of hops into 200 ml of boiling water. Take 70 ml before meals.

It is very important that a person include fresh parsley and cabbage in the menu, which are very rich in vitamin C and PP. They make the skin less sensitive to solar radiation.

There is no single universal remedy that would cure an allergy to the sun. Therefore, it is necessary to follow an individual approach, which will depend on the location of the inflammation on the skin, the intensity of the rash, the presence of common symptoms.

Local treatment of allergies involves the use of creams and ointments that have anti-inflammatory properties:

  • those places where the skin is very sensitive and tender should be rubbed with cream. It can also be applied in order to prevent photodermatosis.
  • on places where the skin is denser it is worth applying ointments that will be better absorbed.
  • if photodermatitis occurs on the scalp, it is necessary to apply an emulsion.

Blisters that have formed at the site of burns should not be punched, because in this way you can introduce an infection into an open wound and contribute to the formation of pustules.

For general treatment, antiallergic drugs are used:

  • antihistamines in the form of tablets are taken for 5 days;
  • when allergic reactions are pronounced, manifested by a rash and swelling, it is necessary to seek the help of antiallergic injections.

When you take antihistamines, it is worth remembering that they reduce the intensity of allergy symptoms, and do not eliminate the cause of the disease, so you should completely limit contact with photosensitizing substances:

  • cosmetics, deodorants;
  • washing powders, detergents;
  • plants;
  • products that include legumes;
  • any drugs that can cause photosensitivity.

If we are talking about endogenous photodermatosis and it is not possible to limit contact with allergens, it is necessary to follow the rules for the prevention of allergic diseases:

  • wear a wide-brimmed hat;
  • wear light-colored clothes made of light natural fabric, with long sleeves and small cutouts;
  • apply sunscreen;
  • wear sunglasses.

The following drugs are most widely used for the treatment of photodermatitis:

  • non-hormonal ointment or cream. They are able to relieve skin inflammation, itching. For example, "Fenistil gel", "Desitin", "Dexpanthenol", "Psilo-balm".
  • corticosteroid medications. They are used in acute forms of allergy to the sun, only as directed by a doctor. They have a short course of treatment (up to five days), because an overdose of these drugs can provoke the development of erythema, vasodilation, and cosmetic skin defects.
  • other ointments. These are mainly drugs based on zinc, methyluracil, hydrocortisone. All of them are freely available in pharmacies. They help eliminate inflammation and promote skin regeneration.
  • antihistamines. Reduce itching of the skin, prevent the development of rashes, complications in the form of swelling of the mucous membranes. These drugs are "Erius", "Cetrin", "Tavegil".
    vitamin therapy, immunotherapy. Since reduced immunity, a lack of vitamins in the body can contribute to the development of allergies, special attention should be paid to strengthening immunity.
  • enterosorbents (Polysorb, Polyphepan, Enterosgel). They help cleanse the body of toxic substances, allergens. Taking them along with a sufficient amount of liquid (2-2.5 liters), a person can quickly get rid of allergy symptoms.
  • preparations for the treatment of the liver. These include such hepatoprotectors as Karsil, Glutargin, Silibor, Gepabene and other herbal preparations.

The duration of administration, the dose of any of these drugs must be prescribed by a doctor. Often, treatment is carried out from several days to a couple of weeks. If you choose the wrong treatment, it will not give any results and will contribute to the fact that the disease becomes chronic. And this will contribute to the difficulty of the treatment process and the deterioration of the patient's life.

Folk remedies

Wormwood and celandine

For the treatment of "solar" allergies, wormwood and celandine are used. If, under the influence of the rays of the sun, rashes and redness appear on the skin, it is worth wiping the affected areas with alcohol tincture of wormwood. Plus, take baths with infusion of celandine

Oil with celandine

If the skin has begun to blister and red spots from overexposure to the sun, celandine oil can be used. In order to prepare it, a liter jar is filled with celandine flowers, then they are half-filled with vegetable oil and infused for 3 weeks. At the time of sleep, the affected areas are wiped with hydrogen peroxide and a napkin soaked in this oil is placed on top. A film is placed on top of it, which is fixed with adhesive tape. The next morning, remove the compress, wipe the skin again with peroxide, and repeat the same procedure the next night. Noticeable results appear after three procedures.

A decoction of wormwood

Strong strained decoction of wormwood wipe the affected areas of the skin. She stops itching after a couple of minutes, and after a few procedures, the itching and redness completely disappear.

Herbal baths

With very bright and pronounced symptoms of sun allergy, herbal baths can help. So, if the patient's skin, eyes begin to swell from the sun's rays on the skin, severe itching appears, it is worth doing special baths several times during the day. They add birch leaves, linden, walnut, viburnum, wild rose, pine needles, spruce, celandine, mint, lemon balm, clover, plantain, chamomile, tansy, yarrow. Dry herbs can be used in spring and fresh herbs in summer.

Herculean flake baths

To prepare such a bath, you need to take half a kilogram of oatmeal, pour 500 ml of boiling water over them and leave to sour for 1 hour, then add the resulting mixture to the bath. You need to take such baths several times a week.

vegetable juice

Very effective for sunburn is juice from cucumbers, cabbage, potatoes. It is used both internally and externally, lubricating irritated skin.

celery juice

Freshly squeezed celery juice acts as a medicine. You can prepare it by passing the root of the plant through a meat grinder and squeezing the resulting mass well. It is necessary to take this juice three times a day, 1 tablespoon.

Help with fainting

First of all, you need to call an ambulance very quickly. Before the arrival of the ambulance brigade arrives, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities:

  • take the person to a shaded place;
  • lay it on a horizontal surface on the back;
  • slightly raise your legs to increase blood flow to your head;
  • unfasten clothes around the neck;
  • splash cool water on your face;
  • bring cotton wool with ammonia to the nose.

After that, it is worth carrying out activities in stationary conditions, which include normalizing blood pressure, administering antihistamines and removing toxic substances.

Warm sunny days for many people are always associated with the sea, the beach, outdoor recreation, cottages, etc. But, unfortunately, the sun's rays can sometimes lead to allergic reactions. Like any disease, an allergy delivers not only a lot of discomfort to its owner, but also spoils the appearance of the body, causes pain. When an allergy to the sun occurs, treatment should be prompt. The second name of the disease is photodermatitis (photodermatosis).

What is sun allergy? Is the treatment effective?

The peculiarity of the disease is that when sunlight hits the human skin, an inflammatory reaction of allergic origin occurs on the body. The bottom line is that ultraviolet rays can change the chemical structure of substances located on the surface of the skin or in its thickness. And such a process occurs regardless of how long a person has been exposed to insolation. If an area of ​​skin has been exposed long enough, there is a chance of sunburn.

Such a problem as allergy to the sun occurs in 5% of the adult population living in regions of temperate and hot climates. What is characteristic: only white-skinned people are prone to this type of allergic reactions, it is practically absent in dark-skinned people. Allergy to the sun in a child develops much more often, since in babies the skin is very sensitive to exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Provoking factors

There are two types of sun allergy: exogenous and endogenous photodermatitis.

1. Exogenous occurs when allergens enter the body and exposure to sunlight.

It can be:

  • perfumery and cosmetics;
  • household chemicals;
  • pollen from plants and trees.

Also, phototoxic substances can accumulate inside the skin epidermis, which, together with ultraviolet rays, cause allergies.

These include:

  • medicines in the form of antibiotics;
  • bean plants.

In the above cases, when an allergy to the sun manifests itself, treatment may be limited to washing photosensitizing compounds from the body with water.

2. Endogenous. It has an innate character. Causes:

  • disruption of the normal functioning of the immune system;
  • a decrease in the amount of brown pigment (melanin);
  • increase in skin porphyrin.

If an endogenous allergy to the sun has arisen, treatment should be complex, with the use of topical and oral antihistamines. In severe cases of the disease or for the rapid relief of symptoms, antiallergic injections are indicated.

Signs and symptoms

Every allergic person and their family members should know how an allergy to the sun manifests itself. Signs can be both local and general.

Local symptoms include:

  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • burning and itching of skin areas;
  • the appearance of blisters filled with a clear liquid;
  • swelling of the affected areas.

What an allergy to the sun looks like, the photo will clearly show.

General symptoms:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • headache;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • dizziness and fainting.

Common symptoms often appear only when a person has been exposed to ultraviolet rays for a long time.

Who is allergic to the sun?

  1. First of all, these are people who have a very low melanin index at the genetic level (fair-haired and white-skinned). They have little to no natural barrier to protect against the sun's rays, so they don't tan well and often get sunburned.
  2. The second group - women during pregnancy. Due to such circumstances, their estrogen levels rise, which contributes to itching, flaking of the skin and the appearance of various pigmentation on it.
  3. The third group consists of people with acute infectious or chronic diseases.
  4. The fourth category is children. This is the largest group.

Allergy to the sun in a child

Red curls, freckles, a white body are an indicator that the baby is prone to allergic reactions and he will first of all develop an allergy to the sun. In a child after a walk, you may notice rashes, feeling unwell, nervousness, and a number of signs indicating photodermatitis. Nobody is immune from this.

It is difficult to tolerate allergies in infants. Due to their ignorance, parents confuse a rash on the body with diathesis, a reaction to diapers, or something else. If the baby is allergic to the sun, what should I do in this case?

  1. It is necessary to take the child to a shaded place or otherwise eliminate contact with the sun's rays.
  2. If there is no shade nearby, cover the exposed skin with a piece of cloth.

Treatment of photodermatitis in children

  1. Wash the affected areas with water at room temperature.
  2. To relieve pain, apply a compress with any anesthetic (2%).
  3. A good result is the cream-foam "Panthenol". The tool quickly and effectively relieves pain and redness from burns.
  4. Give the child an antihistamine to drink according to the instructions: Claritin, Diazolin, etc.
  5. You can use creams and ointments, which include methyluracil or lanolin.

Important to remember! Children are contraindicated in hormonal drugs.

Treatment of sun allergy in adults

When an allergy to the sun has developed, what to treat and how to behave during an illness should be recommended by an allergist. What suits one patient may not be suitable for another allergy sufferer. Treatment must be individual. To date, science has not yet invented universal antiallergic drugs, but there are many effective ways to effectively relieve the symptoms of the disease.

Ointments and creams for allergies

Topical treatment is sun allergy ointment or anti-inflammatory cream. It is advisable to use:

  1. Cream Lokoid.
  2. Lipokrem.
  3. Sunscreen.
  4. Ointment "Sanaflan".
  5. Cream "Epidel".
  6. Gel "Fenistil-gel".
  7. Aerosol "Skin-Cap".
  8. Balm "Psilo-balm".


Allergy pills, like other remedies, only stop the symptoms of photodermatitis, but do not eliminate the causes of its occurrence. Without persistent elimination of the allergen, a positive effect in treatment is almost impossible to achieve.

The drugs "Diazolin", "Loratadin", "Claritin", "Suprastin", "Cetirizine" and others will help alleviate the suffering of an allergic person.

If allergic reactions are acute and pronounced, intramuscular or intravenous injections are prescribed.

Help with fainting

There are a number of activities that need to be carried out when an allergy to the sun occurs. What to do in this case when the patient faints?

  1. Minimize exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  2. Lay the victim on their back.
  3. To increase blood flow, raise your legs slightly up, that is, put a roller under your feet.
  4. Unfasten outerwear.
  5. Under the nose - ammonia.
  6. Call an ambulance.

Traditional medicine to help

People have long used the time-tested recipes of folk healers for allergies to the sun. These products are easy to use and easy to prepare. Among them are:

  1. Vegetable juice compress. Cabbage, potatoes and cucumber will do. Wash the selected vegetable, peel and twist in a meat grinder. Squeeze out the juice, soak a soft cloth in it and apply to the affected areas. For small areas, it is better to apply a raw vegetable, cut in half.
  2. Herbal decoction. Use: string, pharmacy chamomile, valerian. The crushed collection is poured with hot water, boiled for 5-10 minutes, allowed to cool. After straining, take orally 0.5 tbsp. in a day. Required proportions: 1 tbsp. l. collection for 200 gr. water.

Preventive actions

  1. Limit the use of perfumes and cosmetics.
  2. Wear well-rinsed clothing.
  3. Avoid contact of exposed skin with potential allergenic plants.
  4. Eat hypoallergenic foods.
  5. Do not use photosensitizing drugs or containing allergens.
  6. Protect your head with a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses.
  7. Wear light-coloured cotton clothing with long sleeves.

Allergy to the sun is not a sentence yet. With the observance of certain preventive measures and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, symptoms may not manifest themselves.

The sun in the summer pleases us with its warmth, and not a single fashionista will refuse a beautiful bronze tan. However, some people may develop allergies from exposure to sunlight. Next, you will learn why an allergic reaction occurs and what methods of dealing with it.

Allergy to the sun manifests itself in a specific reaction of human skin to exposure to ultraviolet rays. In medicine, the disease is called photodermatitis or photodermatosis. According to statistics, approximately 20% of people suffer from this disease.

Undoubtedly, the rays of the sun are not an allergen. Why does an allergy appear? Ultraviolet rays can provoke photodermatitis only when interacting with substances located on the skin or inside them.

When photodermatitis occurs, the causes must be sought in the general condition of the body. Attention should be paid to the functioning of the kidneys and liver. Problems with the work of these organs appear on the skin.

Allergies can also be triggered by medications, some foods, the use of perfumes and creams.

The risk group for photodermatitis includes:

Therefore, people whose skin is prone to the manifestation of photodermatosis should be attentive to their state of health and carefully select sunscreens.

What plants, medicines and foods can trigger allergies?

People prone to photodermatitis should carefully read the annotation and composition before using new cosmetic or medical products. If the description indicates that photodermatosis may occur, then you need to reduce the time spent in direct sunlight.

When choosing cosmetics, one should pay attention to the content of such components as essential oils, mercury compounds, boric acid.

These substances can increase the manifestation of symptoms of the disease.

The list of drugs that can cause allergies in rare cases:

Cosmetics, the composition of which can cause photodermatosis:

  • perfumes, lipsticks, body creams with essential oils;
  • sunscreens with a high content of PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid);
  • antibacterial soap.

The cause of photodermatitis (namely meadow dermatitis) may be meadow plants.

They secrete special substances (furocoumarins), which, settling on the skin of a person, interact with the sun's rays.

As a result, skin irritation and rashes may occur. These plants include:

  • quinoa;
  • nettle;
  • hogweed;
  • buckwheat;
  • fig tree;
  • fraxinella.

Also, some foods may have a provocative effect:

  • citrus fruits (orange, lemon);
  • carrot juice;
  • greens: parsley, dill, celery;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee, cocoa;
  • chocolate;
  • foods high in artificial additives.

Before going out in the sun, it is advisable not to consume the foods and medicines listed above. This is especially true for people prone to photodermatosis.

Types of photodermatitis

Allergies to the sun can cause different reactions:

  1. Phototraumatic reactions are the body's response to prolonged exposure to the hot sun. Possible sunburn on the skin. This reaction occurs when you stay under the sun's rays from 11 to 16 hours;
  2. Phototoxic reactions - may occur in humans due to the use of drugs or products that provoke photodermatitis;
  3. Photoallergic reactions are an abnormal reaction of the body to ultraviolet rays. Papules and vesicles appear on the skin. With such a reaction of the skin, it is impossible to appear in the sun during the day.

Of course, the sun's rays have a beneficial effect on the human body, saturating it with vitamin D. However, in some cases, ultraviolet radiation can cause photodermatitis. In order to distinguish an ordinary sunburn from an allergy, you need to familiarize yourself with the symptoms of photodermatitis.

How does sun allergy manifest itself in adults and children?

Symptoms of photodermatitis can be different and vary depending on the causes of allergies and the age of the person. However, the most common signs of photodermatitis are:

With photodermatitis in children, the general state of health can also worsen:

  • a slight increase in body temperature;
  • lacrimation;
  • nasal congestion;
  • puffiness of the face.

If you or your child has several of the above symptoms, you should consult a doctor for advice. The doctor will diagnose and prescribe treatment.

First aid

At the first sign of an allergy (the skin began to itch and spots appeared), it is necessary to move to the shade or go to a ventilated room. Reddened areas of the skin should be covered with a damp cotton cloth.

It is advisable to make cold compresses from a decoction of chamomile or calendula. The victim is given plenty of cool liquid.

If there is an antihistamine available, then it can be taken with severe attacks (a child can have suprastinex or fexofenadine).

If possible, contact the nearest medical facility.

In severe form of photodermatosis (severe swelling, high temperature), you need to call an ambulance.

Diagnosis and treatment of a child with sun allergy

Rashes on the skin in a child can be caused by various infectious diseases. Therefore, treatment is started only after making sure that the baby is allergic to the sun.

A qualified doctor will prescribe an appointment to take blood and urine tests. Then do a light test. Small areas of the body are irradiated with ultraviolet light for several minutes and look at the reaction of the skin. If the doctor doubts the diagnosis of photodermatitis, then an analysis of scrapings from the skin is prescribed.

When the diagnosis is confirmed by a doctor, complex treatment of photodermatosis begins.

Apply external means to soothe the skin:

Prescribe antihistamines:

  1. Suprastin;
  2. Diazolin;

When bathing, use ordinary baby soap. Dress the child in closed clothes before going out in the sun during the day and strengthen the child's immune system.

The duration of treatment and the final result depends on how much the parents of the child understand the importance of the problem. Otherwise, therapy will be delayed for a long time and lead to complications in the health of the baby.

What treatment is provided for adults

Photodermatitis in adults also requires adequate medical treatment. After all, it is almost impossible to avoid the influence of ultraviolet rays in the warm season. For this reason, consultations of doctors are needed: a dermatologist and an allergist.

If there are pathologies in the work of internal organs, then the necessary therapy is prescribed. At the same time, treatment is being carried out aimed at eliminating the external manifestations of allergies. As a rule, the doctor prescribes the use of the following drugs.

Allergy creams:


  • Claritin;
  • Tavegil;
  • Suprastin;
  • Cetrin;
  • Zodak;


  • group B.

The duration of therapy for photodermatosis can range from a couple of days to several weeks. It depends on the severity of the disease and the adequacy of the prescribed treatment.

Traditional medicine as an assistant in the treatment of allergies

If symptoms of photodermatitis occur and it is impossible to see a doctor, you can try traditional medicine:

Folk remedies have a cooling and anti-inflammatory effect. However, as soon as possible, you should consult a doctor.

Naturally, it is impossible to exclude the effect of sunlight on human skin. But it is quite possible to reduce the likelihood of photodermatosis by following these tips:

  1. Before leaving the house (half an hour in advance), apply a sunscreen spray to the skin;
  2. People who are prone to sun allergies should not use perfumes, essential oils and deodorants in the summer;
  3. When relaxing near water bodies after swimming, be sure to wipe the skin with a towel from moisture;
  4. With a tendency to photodermatitis in a hot period, it is necessary to start taking antihistamines in advance;
  5. In the summer it is necessary to take vitamin complexes;
  6. With light and sensitive skin, you should avoid direct exposure to the sun, relax on the beach in the shade;
  7. On vacation, it is better to sunbathe before 11 am and after 4 pm.

If you follow all the precautions, then being in the sun will turn into a joy without irritation and allergic reactions.

For more information about sun allergy, see the following video.

Allergy to the sun in recent years is quite common. Moreover, more than half of the cases of the development of the clinical picture occur in people who received a dose of ultraviolet radiation in their native climatic conditions. This is due to an increase in the aggressiveness of sunlight and certain changes in the immunological status of modern man.

Often occurs in our fellow citizens, not very accustomed to the hot embrace of the "daylight star", the so-called solar allergy.

What is the manifestation of solar allergy on the skin?

First of all, it is worth understanding what a solar allergy on the skin manifests itself in, and how this pathology can be differentiated from other similar diseases. First of all, in reddening of the skin of the face (less often of the arms, legs or abdomen, or back), peeling and itching of the skin. A rash may appear in the form of bubbles, turning into blisters, swelling is possible. Often, those affected by "solar allergies" may have a fever.

By the way, many mistakenly take such a rash for.

Most often, such an allergy occurs with a sharp change in climate. (Take this into account, lovers of southern beach tourism!)

Many experts believe that these kinds of allergic reactions do not occur in response to solar radiation, but are the result of exposure to the skin of inappropriate creams, perfumes, deodorants or lotions, “sunburn” (for sunburn) and “tanning products”. But it is still possible to be allergic to solar radiation. It most often occurs in those who have severe disorders of the liver, kidneys or system. Contributes to its appearance and hypovitaminosis.

The first symptoms of sun allergy, most often manifested in the form of urticaria, usually occur within a few hours after exposure to the sun (on average, after 3-6 hours).

It should be known and remembered that the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight increases the intake of barbiturates (hypnotics), tetracycline, sulfonamides and birth control pills.

Allergy to the sun: what to do and how to treat with pills

What to do with an allergy to the sun, if it arose for the first time and its symptoms were clearly manifested. Before treating an allergy to the sun, it is necessary to exclude other factors of influence. Sun allergy pills also help. These are antihistamines that relieve itching and eliminate swelling. You can buy them at the nearest pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. However, the recommended dosage should be carefully observed. In the event of allergic urticaria or, as solar allergies are also called, photodermatitis, special measures should be taken to prevent the development of complications.

Sun allergy treatment

Treatment of sun allergy should begin with the exclusion of the trigger, i.e. ultraviolet rays. In the future, the treatment of solar allergies can be carried out according to the following algorithm. However, it is worth remembering that a solar allergy is a significant reason for contacting a dermatologist.

1. On the first day, apply wet wraps to the affected areas of the skin.

2. Refrain from sunbathing for several days.

3. Drink more fluids.

4. Wear closed clothes when going outside.

5. With abundant rashes, you can take half-hour baths with soda 1-2 times a day (400-500 g of soda per bath).

6. After taking a bath, the body can be rubbed with almond oil with menthol, if there is one at hand, or at least fresh tomato juice.

7. Lubrication of the affected areas of the skin with aloe juice can be effective.

8. When blisters occur, it’s good to make compresses from chamomile.

9. Lubrication of blisters with salicylic-zinc paste (Lassar paste) is very effective.

10. For local treatment, decoctions and infusions of oak or juniper bark can be used.

11. Lubrication of the affected areas of the skin with a thin layer of ointment such as advantan, lorinden, oxycort, fluorocort or flucinar can be no less effective.

12. Aspirin and indomethacin can relieve skin inflammation.

13. It is advisable to take B vitamins (especially B6 and B12), as well as vitamins C and E.

In the case of a predisposition to sun allergies, it is best to use creams that protect the skin from ultraviolet rays of types A and B (and it is even better to use the appropriate creams after consulting a dermatologist).

To prevent the occurrence of urticaria for people prone to solar allergies, it is good to take horseradish juice mixed in equal proportions with bee honey (1 teaspoon 3 times a day), or 50 ml 3 times a day of peppermint infusion (it is prepared by pouring 2 tablespoons of mint leaves 300 ml of boiling water and insisting for 1 hour).

You can also drink hop infusion. How to prepare it: insist, like tea, 1 tablespoon of hops in 1 cup of boiling water. Take a third cup 3 times a day.

In addition, it is desirable that in the diet of an allergic person there should always be fresh cabbage and parsley - a storehouse of vitamins C and PP, which reduce the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation.

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