Antibacterial and antimicrobial. List of new generation broad-spectrum antibiotics and their uses

Antimicrobials are mostly antibiotics, the appearance of which opened a new era in practical medicine and led to a number of specific consequences both in the existence of microorganisms and in the course of a variety of diseases. The main problem in the use of these drugs is the formation of adaptive mechanisms in bacteria. This is mainly enzymatic activity against antibiotics and resistance to these agents. Insensitivity can be isolated and cross, when one type of microbe is immune to several groups of antibacterial agents. The problem of allergy to antibiotics and their intolerance has also become relevant. The extreme degree of this phenomenon is polyallergy, when it is generally impossible to treat a patient with drugs of this class.
An alternative approach has been to use bacteriophages. This extracellular life form is akin to viruses. Each type of bacteriophage devours its own type of bacteria, causing microbes to become addictive to a lesser extent. Phages exist both in isolation and in mixed solutions supplied with a preservative.
The practice of self-treatment with antibiotics should be considered completely vicious, which has somewhat slowed down in recent years due to the transfer of these drugs to the prescription class. Any antibiotic should be prescribed according to indications, taking into account not only the sensitivity of infectious agents, but also taking into account the characteristics of the patient. The doctor also takes into account the frequency of use of certain drugs in a given country or locality, which leads to the peculiarities of the immunity of the same microbes in different regions.

Antimicrobial medicines

I. Betalactam antibiotics.
Drugs with a bacteriostatic effect and a wide spectrum of activity. Block the exchange of proteins of cell membranes of microbes. Block the transport of substances, weaken the protection of bacteria.
1. Natural (sodium and potassium salts of benzylpenicillin and phenoxymethylpenicillin). Used parenterally.
2. Semi-synthetic (flemoxin, ampicillin, amoxicillin, oxacillin, ticarcillin, carbenicillin). Tablets and injection forms.
3. Combined penicillins. Ampiox.
4. Inhibitor-protected (amoxicillin clavulanate: flemoklav, panklav, amoxiclav, augmentin; ampicillin sulbactam: unazine, sultamicillin, ampixid).
To protect against bacterial enzymes, they contain clavulanic acid.
Bactericidal beta-lactam agents. These antibiotics act similarly to penicillins, disrupting the structure of the microbial cell wall. Currently, they are inferior to the macrolide group, while maintaining positions in the treatment of the urinary and upper respiratory tract.
First generation: cefazolin, cephalexin.
Second generation: cefuroxime, cefaclor.
Third generation: cefoperazone, ceftibuten, ceftriaxone, cefixime, cefotaxime, cefazidime.
Fourth generation: cefepime.
Resistant to beta-lactamases. Biapenem, imipenem, faropenem, ertapenem, doripenem, meropenem.
II. Tetracyclines. Bacteriostatics, the mechanism of action of which is based on the inhibition of protein synthesis. Tetracycline hydrochloride (tablets, ointment), doxycycline (capsules), oletethrin (tablets)
III. Macrolides. By binding to fats in the composition of the membranes, they violate the integrity of the latter. Clarithromycin, josamycin, azithromycin (azithromycin, azitral, hemomycin, sumamed).
IV. Aminoglycosides. As a result, violations of protein synthesis in ribosomes have a bactericidal effect.
First generation: streptomycin, kanamycin, neomycin.
Second generation: sisomycin, tobramycin, gentamicin, netilmicin.
Third generation: amikacin.
V. Fluoroquinolones. The bactericidal action is carried out on the basis of a block of bacterial enzymes. They also disrupt the synthesis of microbial DNA. Ciprofloxacin (zindoline, quintor, ificipro), ofloxacin (kyroll, glaufos, zanotsin), lomefloxacin (lomacin, lomeflox, xenaquin), norfloxacin (loxon, negaflox, quinolox), levofloxacin, lefloxacin, moxifloxacin, gatifloxacin, sparfloxacin (sparflo).
Preparations to which microorganisms of different groups are less resistant. Ideally, along with anti-tuberculosis drugs, they should be treated as reserve antibiotics. However, the commercial interests of pharmaceutical firms have brought them into the wider arena.
VI. Lincosamides. bacteriostatic agents. Lincomycin, clindamycin. They act by binding to a component of the ribosomal membrane.
VII. Chloramphenicol (levomycetin). Due to the high toxicity to blood and bone marrow, it is mainly applied topically (Levomekol ointment).
VIII. Polymyxinv. bactericidal selectively against gram-negative flora. Polymyxin M, Polymyxin B.
IX. Antituberculous antibiotics. They are used against Pmycobacterium tuberculosis, although they are effective against a wide range of bacteria. Reserve drugs, that is, they try not to treat anything other than tuberculosis. Rifampicin, isoniazid.
X. Sulfonamides. Derivatives of amine sulfamidic acid. Today they are practically not used due to side effects.
XI. Nitrofurans. They have bacteriostatic, and in high concentrations and bactericidal action. They affect gram-negative and gram-positive flora. The main areas of application are intestinal infections (furazolidone, enterofuril, nifuroxazide) and urinary tract infections (furomak, furomax, furadonin).
in the form of solutions are used for local (rinses, washes, lotions) and systemic oral administration. Means of choice for allergic reactions to antibiotics and dysbacteriosis. Klebsiella, staphylococcal, intestinal, pyobacteriophage, salmonella.
in solutions and sprays are widely used for disinfection of the oral cavity, skin, treatment of wounds.
Self-medication with antimicrobial drugs is harmful by the development of multiple allergies, the cultivation of populations of microbes in one's own body that are insensitive to many antibacterial agents, and the risk of dysbacteriosis. Surviving after inadequate therapy, bacteria can turn any acute inflammation into a long-term chronic infection and cause immune diseases.

Antibiotics are a broad group of medicines that are used to treat various infections. The causative agents of diseases are fungi and pathogenic microorganisms. Antimicrobials not only stop reproduction, but also kill harmful bacteria. All microorganisms are different, so not every antibiotic can cope with them.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics can destroy many types of pathogenic bacteria. These are new generation drugs that are used in various fields of medicine, including gynecology.

Features of antibiotics with a wide spectrum of activity

Broad-spectrum antibiotics are versatile medicines that affect a large number of pathogens. These medicines are used in the following cases:

Antimicrobials are divided into the following groups:

  1. Fluoroquinolones.
  2. Aminoglycosides.
  3. Amphenicols.
  4. Carbapenems.

A description of the groups of antibacterial drugs and their representatives will follow.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics of the penicillin group are divided into 2 groups:

The most famous antibacterial drugs include Ampicillin and Amoxicillin. They are able to deal with:

  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • gonococci;
  • spirochetes;
  • meningococci and other pathogens.

Ampiccilin is a semi-synthetic antibacterial drug with a bactericidal effect that inhibits the biosynthesis of bacterial cell walls.

The drug is used for diseases of the respiratory tract, genitourinary system, ENT diseases, rheumatism, purulent infections, etc. The drug is poorly absorbed, has a short half-life. Dosage form - tablets and powder.

Amoxicillin is an antimicrobial drug that is used to treat bacterial infections. The drug is rapidly absorbed and has a long half-life.

Most of all, Amoxicillin is suitable for the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia. Other indications: tonsillitis, diseases of the genitourinary system, skin infections.

It is used as part of complex therapy for ulcers. Available in the form of capsules and chewable tablets. List of parenteral penicillins:

There are also combined medicines that suppress the effect of β-lactamases (bacterial enzymes that destroy penicillins):

Tetracycline group

Tetracyclines are broad-spectrum antibiotics that have similar chemical structures and biological properties. They lack a β-lactam ring in their structure, and therefore they are not affected by β-lactamases. These antimicrobials are able to fight gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.

These antibiotics are able to destroy intracellular pathogens due to the fact that they can penetrate into the bacterial cell. Tetracyclines cannot cope with the causative agent of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

List of commonly prescribed tetracyclines:

    This is an antimicrobial drug for internal and external use.

    Indications: pneumonia, bronchitis, purulent pleurisy, endocarditis, tonsillitis, whooping cough, purulent meningitis, cholecystitis, burns, etc. Dosage form: tablets, suspensions, ointment. Tablets negatively affect the intestinal flora. Eye ointment is considered the most effective and safe drug from this subgroup.

    Doxycycline. This is a bacteriostatic drug. It is used to treat respiratory, genitourinary, intestinal infectious diseases.

    Available in the form of tablets, capsules, powder. This drug is much more effective than Tetracycline, it is absorbed faster, the least of all representatives of the class inhibits the bacterial flora of the intestine.


    Fluoroquinolones are broad-spectrum antibiotics with a pronounced antimicrobial activity. Norfloxacin, Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin are the first representatives of fluoroquinolones that are able to destroy Escherichiosis, Klebsiella, gonococcus, the causative agent of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc.

    Staphylococci, streptococci, eirichiosis, Pfeiffer bacilli, gonococci, chlamydia, etc. are sensitive to modern fluoroquinolones.

    Important! These drugs are strictly forbidden to be taken by children under 18 years of age, as they can change cartilage tissue.

    List of popular drugs:

    Medicines of the aminoglycoside group

    Aminoglycosides are natural semi-synthetic antibiotics that have a similar structure and properties. They inhibit protein synthesis in bacteria. Their influence is aimed at the destruction of streptococci, staphylococci, Escherichiosis, Klebsiella, Salmonella, etc.

    List of commonly prescribed aminoglycolsides:


    The main representative of this class is the widely known Levomycetin. This antibiotic is active against staphylococci, streptococci, gonococci, salmonella, etc.

    Indications: typhoid fever, dysentery, whooping cough, etc. The ointment is used to treat skin infections.

    The medication is available in the following forms:

    With the help of drops, infectious diseases of the eyes are treated.

    Few people know that this drug must be taken in a course, because Levomycetin is an antibiotic. Most patients take it for diarrhea, considering that 3 tablets is the maximum.

    After such a dose, only weak bacteria die, while others survive and even become stronger. After that, the drug can no longer cope with resistant microbes. The recommended daily dose is 0.5 g 3 times a day. The duration of the minimum therapeutic course is 7 days.

    Carbapenem group

    Carbapenems are beta-lactam antimicrobials that inhibit the growth and reproduction of pathogens. These medicines are intended for the treatment of severe hospital infectious diseases that threaten life. They are active against most bacteria, including resistant ones.

    List of effective carbapenems:

    1. Meropenem. This is a synthetic antimicrobial drug that is available in the form of a lyophilisate and powder. Indications: pneumonia, complex form of appendicitis, pyelitis, various skin infections.
    2. Ertapenem. It is intended for the treatment of severe abdominal, genitourinary, skin, postoperative infections.
    3. Imipenem. An antimicrobial drug that has a bactericidal effect.

    Important! All of the above medicines are prescription and can only be prescribed by the attending physician. Drugs are administered only by intravenous method.

    Antibacterial drugs in gynecology

    List of broad spectrum antibiotics that are used in gynecology:

    These names are known to many. Antimicrobial drugs interfere with the development of bacteria, displace them, and destroy them.

    Since the spectrum of their activity is quite wide, in addition to pathogens, they also destroy beneficial ones. As a result, the intestinal flora is disturbed, immunity is reduced.

    That is why after the course of treatment it is necessary to restore the body with the help of vitamin complexes.

    For the treatment of gynecological diseases, vaginal or rectal suppositories are most often used, as well as intramuscular and intravenous medications. Types of candles:

    Broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs can be used alone or as part of complex therapy.

    It is important to remember that antibiotics are a last resort for infectious and inflammatory diseases. Do not self-medicate, because this can lead to irreparable consequences! Follow your doctor's recommendations.

The mechanism of resistance can be as follows:

  1. Microorganisms can mutate with illiterate treatment and the reactions that the antibiotic blocks become indifferent to the pathogen.
  2. The pathogen can surround itself with a protective capsule and become impenetrable to the antibiotic.
  3. The bacterium does not have a structure vulnerable to antibiotics.
  4. A bacterium may have an antibiotic-destroying enzyme at the chemical formula level, which converts the drug into a latent form (staphylococci, for example, contain lactamase that destroys penicillins).

Classification of drugs and their effect on the individual

This section of the site contains information about the group of drugs - G01 Antiseptics and antimicrobials for the treatment of gynecological diseases. Each medicinal product is described in detail by the experts of the EUROLAB portal.

The anatomical-therapeutic-chemical classification is an international classification system for medicines. Latin name - Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical.

Based on this system, all drugs are divided into groups according to their main therapeutic use. The ATC classification has a clear, hierarchical structure, which makes it easier to find the right drugs.

Each drug has its own pharmacological action. The correct identification of the right drugs is a basic step for the successful treatment of diseases.

In order to avoid undesirable consequences, before using certain drugs, consult your doctor and read the instructions for use. Pay special attention to interactions with other drugs, as well as conditions of use during pregnancy.

Medicines of the group: Antiseptics and antimicrobials for the treatment of gynecological diseases

The drugs used in gynecology have a wide range of force. There are many of them.

The main and most common:

  • antibiotic;
  • antibiotic;
  • medicine;
  • ampicillin;
  • a drug;
  • monomycin;
  • azithromycin;
  • rifampicin and others.

A lot of antibiotics have been created today and their classifications are based on the principle of action and chemical structure.

According to their effect, all antibiotic agents are divided into bacteriostatic and bactericidal. Bacteriostatics - stop the reproduction of bacteria, but do not destroy them.

In the second group, the bacteria die and are excreted from the kidneys and feces. Bactericidal activity is manifested in the suppression of all types of synthesis: proteins, DNA, bacterial cell membranes.

Can be used during pregnancy

In recent years, a number of pathogens have acquired resistance to popular antibacterial drugs of the tetracycline series. It is also worth considering that drugs in this group have a large number of side effects.

Specialists in most cases treat inflammation of the appendages with doxycycline (which has minimal side effects and is excreted by the body in a short time).

Another group of effective drugs for the problems under consideration are macrolides. They are not destroyed in the stomach, have a long half-life, therefore they accumulate in the body and thus speed up recovery.

The effectiveness of sumamed and klacid has been proven in practice today. Antibacterial drugs from the macrolide group destroy, among other things, organisms that settle inside cells, leading to inflammation.

For the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system, two or more drugs are used, monotherapy is not indicated. The reason is that the pathogens are often two or more microorganisms, both anaerobes and aerobes. For the destruction of the latter, drugs such as metronidazole and tinidazole are relevant.

Pregnancy is a contraindication for the appointment of tetracycline drugs, because these drugs through the placenta enter the fetus, can be collected in its organs and tissues. Because of this, the unborn child will develop the skeleton incorrectly.

Some macrolides are also not used during pregnancy. Clarithromycin has been shown to be harmful to the fetus.

And the action of roxithromycin and midecamycin has not been sufficiently studied today.

If no other treatment is possible, and inflammation of the appendages in a pregnant woman is severe, doctors may resort to prescribing azithromycin. Preparations from the group of fluoroquinolones during pregnancy are prohibited.

Medicines classified as tetracyclines should be taken after meals or with meals. For adult patients, the doctor prescribes 100 mg of the drug, the dose is divided into three or four doses.

If the child is over 8 years old, the dose for him is calculated according to the formula for a maximum of 25 mg / kg. The course of treatment with drugs of this group is 5-7 days, no more.

But this should be indicated directly by your attending physician, self-medication with antibiotics is life threatening.

Treatment with tetracycline antibacterial drugs is canceled if a person develops such manifestations of allergies as burning, itching, redness of the skin. It is better not to take these drugs with milk or products based on it (kefir, fermented baked milk), otherwise the product will be absorbed much worse.

A number of macrolide antibiotics should be taken 2 hours after or 60 minutes before a meal. Erythromycin is recorded with water in an amount of more than two hundred milligrams.

Suspensions for internal use must be diluted, before use, read the instructions, which indicate the features of administration and dosage. The doctor prescribes a specific treatment regimen that must be strictly followed.

The medicine is taken at certain time intervals, and this plan cannot be deviated from, only in this way the desired concentration of the medicine in the blood and tissues is achieved.

Macrolides are not taken with antacids. The latter are prescribed in the presence of acid-dependent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fluoroquinolones are also washed down with water in large quantities, taken 2 hours before meals. When treating with antibiotics, you need to drink one and a half liters of water or more per day.

Treatment of pregnant women with antibiotics is always difficult, since the teratogenicity of the prescribed drug is taken into account. In the 1st trimester, their appointment is completely excluded; in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, they can be prescribed, but with caution and in exceptional cases.

During these weeks, the main organs of the baby are already formed, but there is always a risk of adverse effects.

It is impossible not to use antibiotics for a future mother if it is diagnosed: tonsillitis, pyelonephritis, infected wound, sepsis, pneumonia, STIs; specific infections: borreliosis, brucellosis, TB, etc.

Treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection

The main goal of therapy for nonspecific vaginitis, based on the definition, is to suppress the growth of the pathogenic facultative flora that has become pathogenic and restore the normal composition of the vaginal biocenosis.

Over time, there is a change in the infectious landscape of this disease. If about 40 years ago streptococci were of primary importance in the etiology of nonspecific vaginitis, now this place has been taken by staphylococci more resistant to antibiotics.

The choice of a drug is always individual and depends on factors such as:

  1. 1 General reactivity of the organism;
  2. 2 The course of the infectious process;
  3. 3 Presence or absence of complications;
  4. 4 In chronic infection - the frequency of relapses per year and the features of the course of the inflammatory process;
  5. 5 The presence of pregnancy and its course against the background of vaginitis of nonspecific etiology.
  6. 6 The presence of concomitant chronic infections;
  7. 7 State of local and general immunity;
  8. 8 Presence of concomitant pathology.

When prescribing antibacterial agents, their effectiveness is evaluated 72 hours after the start of use. At the same time, local symptoms (such as itching, burning, swelling and hyperemia of the mucosa) should subside, the woman may notice an improvement in her general condition.

This rule is appropriate in the treatment of any infection, not just the urogenital tract.

If there is no improvement, the woman makes the same complaints as at the beginning of treatment, then the prescribed therapy regimen is reviewed. The lack of effect within 72 hours after the start of therapy indicates its ineffectiveness against the pathogen!

Broad-spectrum antibiotics of a new generation, the list of which is growing every year, are a group of medicines, the purpose of which is the destruction of bacteria and viruses. The most famous antibiotic is penicillin, which was discovered by A. Fleming back in 1928. Gradually, new antibacterial agents were created on the basis of penicillin. They are currently treating diseases that were considered incurable several decades ago.

The effect of new drugs

Broad-spectrum antibiotics of the latest generation are medicines aimed at eliminating infections and diseases that these infections caused. They allow you to speed up the treatment of the disease, alleviate the course of the disease, reduce the number of deaths. Some drugs (penicillin,) block the development of the outer cell membrane of bacteria. Other antibiotics (tetracyclines and) completely stop protein production in bacterial cells.

The list of drugs is divided according to the principle of antibacterial drugs. The annotation must necessarily indicate in which area the antibiotic is most active. Some drugs are aimed at the destruction of a specific bacterium, others are active in many cases of infection by various bacteria. If the disease develops too actively or the nature of the infection is not known, then a drug with a wide range of effects is prescribed.
IMPORTANT! Of the variety of antibiotics, it is impossible to choose the right one on your own. This should be done exclusively by the attending physician, otherwise, if you prescribe antibiotics yourself, you can cause significant harm to your health.
There are two types of bacteria that antibiotics treat:

  1. Gram negative. They become the cause of diseases of the organs of the genitourinary, respiratory systems, intestines.
  2. Gram-positive. They cause infection of wounds. Because of them, inflammatory processes occur after surgery.

Antibacterial agents are divided into 2 groups. One destroys bacteria and viruses, and the second suppresses their effect on the human body, prevents them from multiplying. Both groups of drugs act selectively and do not affect healthy cells.

List of antibiotics

There are original drugs and their copies (the so-called generics). It is better to choose originals. Although they are more expensive, they are safe and the treatment will be effective.

There is no doubt that antibiotics are good at helping to cope with such diseases that led to death even a few decades ago. This is the greatest discovery of man. But viruses and bacteria are able to adapt to the therapy of old drugs. Therefore, new generations of medicines have to be invented.

A new generation of broad-spectrum antibacterial agents have fewer side effects, they are safe, easy to use, and are available in various forms.
It is impossible to single out any most effective drug, all of them will be effective in a certain situation.
The list of broad-spectrum antibiotics includes the following medicines:

  • Antipseudomonal and natural penicillins;
  • macrolides;
  • nitrofurans;
  • sulfonamides;
  • tetracyclines;
  • quinolones;
  • fluorines;
  • 3rd and 4th generation cephalosporins.

This list includes the oldest generation and the newest very strong drugs.

Forms of release of antibacterial drugs

Antibiotics are prescribed for periodontitis, syphilis, boils, pneumonia, skin infections. They are produced in tablet form, in the form of suppositories, powders, capsules.

List of new antibiotic powders and solutions for injection

Strong and fast-acting drugs are most often administered either intravenously or intramuscularly. Due to the injection, the medicine does not enter the stomach, the effect on its mucosa is prevented and the microflora is not destroyed. So the medicine immediately begins its action. The list of new drugs for injection is extensive.

These include:

  • aminopenicillins resistant to beta-lactamase, for example, Sulbactam;
  • carbapenems (Imipinem-cilastatin, Ertapenem);
  • cephalosporins of the third and fourth generations Cefoperazone; Cefotaxime, Ceftazidime, Cefpir;
  • 3rd generation aminoglycoside antibiotics Amikacin and Netilmicin.

Tablets and capsules

Such drugs are prescribed during pregnancy and in childhood. It is believed that they do not harm health, the use of the tablet form is more gentle than injections. Modern antibiotics of the latest generation in capsules or tablets are produced in almost the same quantity as powders and injections. These include:

  • 3rd and 4th generation fluoroquinols (Moxifloxacin, Gatifloxacin);
  • macrolides (Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, Roxithromycin, Amoxicillin);
  • macrolides of natural origin (Sparfloxacin, Levofloxacin, Midecamycin);
  • nitrofurans - (Nitrofurantoin, Ersefuril);
  • 4th generation antibiotics (Posaconazole, Voriconazole, Ravuconazole).

Sometimes doctors prefer narrow-range antibiotics, as they do not affect the integrity of the intestinal microflora and have fewer side effects.

The use of antibiotics for various diseases

For adults, there is a huge list of antibiotics. The table shows the main medicines used in the treatment of various diseases.

Disease. Names of antibiotics used

Diseases of the female urinary and reproductive system
Antibacterial agents are used in gynecology for the treatment of inflammatory processes associated with the female genital area. Thrush, vaginitis are treated with Monural, Furamag. If the disease is accompanied by complications, then Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin are prescribed. To eliminate the infection of the urinary tract, it is necessary to drink a course of Metronidazole, Nalidixic acid.

Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses
With sinusitis, Cefachlor, Cefixime are prescribed. If the disease is accompanied by complications, then the doctor prescribes Azithromycin, Macropen.

Staphylococcus aureus
When the body is affected by staphylococcus, Bactroban ointment is used. It prevents the appearance of new bacteria, and those that live inside the body become weak and die.

In diseases of angina, Azitral, Spiramycin, Erythromycin are used.

Colds, flu, SARS
Assign macrolides, which are considered the safest among antibiotics. These are Erythromycin, Leukomycin, Rulid, Sumamed, Clarithromycin, Aziromycin. Cefamandol is also prescribed, which has a powerful bactericidal effect and is highly absorbable from the gastrointestinal tract.

Dental problems
Dentists prescribe antibacterial agents for acute inflammation and to prevent purulent processes if the patient undergoing surgery suffers from problems with blood vessels, diabetes in the stage of decompensation, and kidney failure. Usually prescribed Ampiox, Gentamicin, Synthomycin, Doxycycline. The most commonly used in dentistry is the prolonged drug Lincomycin. It accumulates in the bones and acts for a long time, which is very good when performing complex operations.

Diseases of the urinary system
Cystitis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis are treated with Kanefron, Palin, Nolicin. These drugs are also suitable for eliminating other urological problems. With cystitis, Ionural, Norbactin, Unidox Solutab are prescribed.

For urinary tract infections, Miconazole, Fluconazole, Ketoconazole are prescribed. With pyelonephritis, an antibiotic is prescribed from among nitrofurans, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones. If the disease proceeds normally, cephalosporins are used, if the condition worsens, then they are used.

Pneumonia and bronchitis
With bronchitis, Erythromycin, Penicillin are prescribed. But other components must be added to Penicillin, since it has long been used for treatment and bacteria have adapted to it.

Usually Penicillin is used in conjunction with Augmentin, Cefuroxime. For bronchitis and pneumonia, an individual treatment regimen is drawn up, in which different types of drugs are combined to kill more bacteria. Most often, bronchodilators are added.

With a complicated and prolonged course of bronchitis, Ceftriaxone plus Azithromycin is prescribed, which is sometimes replaced by Clarithromycin, Midecamycin.

eye inflammation
For eye infections, Eubetal, Tobrex drops are used.

New generations of broad-spectrum antibiotics, which include Ciprofloxacin, Cefepime, Levofloxacin, Ceftriaxone, inhibit pathogenic microflora and the next day after taking them, a person already feels the effect of treatment. With inflammation of the lungs, these drugs quickly suppress the pathogen and its pathogenic effect.
If drugs are combined, then the ratio of bacteriostatic drug to bactericidal should be one to one.

Limitations of antibiotic therapy for children and pregnant women

Since “adult” antibiotics are often not suitable for children, scientists, after conducting a lot of research, empirically found out which antibiotics are best taken when necessary for children. As a result, it was proved that the best antibacterial agents in childhood are macrolides (Roxithromycin, Azithromycin), aminopenicillins (Clavulanate), cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone). It is not recommended to use carbapenes, fluoroquinols. These medicines provoke the development of problems with the kidneys, liver, do not allow children's bones to grow normally.

During pregnancy, the list of antibiotics approved for use is very limited. It is recommended to use Amoxiclav, Cefazolin, Ceftriaxone. In the 3rd trimester, Clarithromycin, Midecamycin, Azithromycin are also added to the drugs. Of course, all appointments are made by a doctor.

Features of therapy

Antibiotics of the new generation do an excellent job with any pathogens of inflammatory processes. It is important to choose the optimal combination of drugs to increase the effectiveness of therapy. Only a doctor who takes into account the individual course of the disease, the presence or absence of progress in treatment can prescribe such a combination.

Basically, the course is 7-10 days. Treatment with antibiotics is carried out in several ways: through the mouth (orally), through the rectum (rectally), intravenously, intramuscularly, into the spinal cord. Do not drink alcohol or use drugs during this time. Before use, you should read the annotation to the drugs and strictly follow the instructions for use.

The new generation of antibiotics also seriously affects health, like the old one. The latest remedies help to heal, but at the same time destroy the beneficial intestinal microflora, reduce immunity. Therefore, it is necessary to take such medicines strictly according to the doctor's recommendation according to the instructions. After a course of therapy, to protect and restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to take prebiotics and probiotics, immunomodulators. It is important to follow a diet with plenty of lactic acid products, vegetables and fruits. Spicy, fatty, smoked, salty dishes are excluded.

Macrolides should not be used during pregnancy, people with impaired kidney function, liver, in the presence of allergic reactions to a certain type of antibiotic. If a broad-spectrum antibiotic was chosen incorrectly or the patient does not follow the rules for its use, then headaches, nausea, rashes, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, impaired coordination, and even anaphylactic shock may occur. In this case, you need to stop taking the medicine and consult a doctor.

Therapy with the broadest action of a new generation of antibacterial drugs helps to cure most of the ailments that are caused by pathogenic bacteria. But treatment should be taken with great responsibility, fully following the advice of a doctor. Otherwise, there is a chance of even more harm to your health.

Treatment of bacterial infections today is impossible without the use of antibiotics. Microorganisms tend to acquire resistance to chemical compounds over time, and older drugs are often ineffective. Therefore, pharmaceutical laboratories are constantly looking for new formulas. In many cases, infectious disease specialists prefer to use a new generation of broad-spectrum antibiotics, the list of which includes drugs with different active ingredients.

Antibiotics only act on bacterial cells and cannot kill viral particles.

According to the spectrum of action, these drugs are divided into two large groups:

  • narrowly targeted, coping with a limited number of pathogens;
  • broad spectrum of action, fighting different groups of pathogens.

In the case when the pathogen is known exactly, antibiotics of the first group can be used. If the infection is of a complex combined nature, or the pathogen is not detected by laboratory tests, drugs of the second group are used.

According to the principle of action, antibiotics can also be divided into two groups:

  • bactericides - drugs that kill bacterial cells;
  • bacteriostatics - drugs that stop the reproduction of microorganisms, but are not able to kill them.

Bacteriostatics are safer for the body, therefore, in mild forms of infections, preference is given to this particular group of antibiotics. They allow you to temporarily restrain the growth of bacteria and wait for their independent death. Severe infections are treated with bactericidal drugs.

List of new generation broad spectrum antibiotics

The division of antibiotics into generations is heterogeneous. So, for example, cephalosporin drugs and fluoroquinolones are divided into 4 generations, macrolides and aminoglycosides - into 3:

Drug groupGenerations of drugsDrug names
FluoroquinolonesIOxolinic acid

Unlike older drugs, new generation antibiotics affect the beneficial flora much less, are absorbed faster, and have a less toxic effect on the liver. They are able to quickly accumulate the active substance in the tissues, due to which the frequency of receptions is reduced, and the intervals between them increase.

What drugs to take depending on the disease?

Often the same broad-spectrum drug is prescribed for different diseases. But this does not mean that you can do without preliminary diagnosis. Only the correct diagnosis allows you to adequately choose an antibiotic.

Bronchitis treatment

Bronchitis is a common infectious and inflammatory disease that can lead to severe complications. For the treatment of bronchitis, the following drugs can be prescribed:

Name of the drugContraindicationsDosage
age up to 6 months;

Children over 3 years old - 2 tablets of 125 mg per day.
Children under 3 years old - 2.5 to 5 ml of suspension per day.
"Avelox"A group of fluoroquinolones, the active substance is Moxifloxacin.pregnancy and lactation;
age up to 18 years;
heart rhythm disturbances;
severe liver disease.
1 tablet 400 mg per day
"Gatispan"A group of fluoroquinolones, the active substance is Gatifloxacin.pregnancy and lactation;
age up to 18 years;
heart rhythm disturbances;
1 tablet 400 mg per day
"Flemoxin Solutab"lymphocytic leukemia;
pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
pregnancy and lactation;
Infectious mononucleosis.

Simultaneously with antibiotics in the treatment of bronchitis, mucolytic and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

With pneumonia

Pneumonia should never be treated on its own at home. This disease requires mandatory hospitalization and serious therapy with intramuscular or intravenous antibiotics.

For the treatment of pneumonia in a hospital, the following drugs for injection can be used:

  • "Ticarcillin";
  • "Carbenicillin";
  • "Cefepim";
  • "Meropenem".

In some cases, antibiotics are also prescribed in tablets. These can be drugs:

  • "Tigeron";
  • "Gatispan";
  • "Sumamed";
  • "Avelox".

The dosage and frequency of administration in this case is determined individually, based on the patient's condition and therapeutic strategy.

Antibiotics for sinusitis

The decision to prescribe antibiotics for the treatment of sinusitis is made by the ENT doctor. Therapy with these drugs is carried out without fail if purulent discharge from the sinuses and intense headaches are observed:

Name of the drugGroup and active substanceContraindicationsDosage
AzitRusA group of macrolides, the active substance is Azithromycin.severe liver dysfunction;
age up to 3 years;
individual intolerance.
Adults and children over 12 years old - 1 capsule or tablet 500 mg per day.
Children over 3 years old - 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day.
"Faktiv"A group of fluoroquinolones, the active substance is Gemifloxacin.pregnancy and lactation;
age up to 18 years;
heart rhythm disturbances;
severe liver disease.
1 tablet 320 mg per day
"Flemoklav Solutab"The penicillin group, the active substance is Amoxicillin.lymphocytic leukemia;
pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
pregnancy and lactation;
age up to 3 years;
Infectious mononucleosis.
Adults and children over 12 years old - 1 tablet 500 mg 3 times a day.
Children under 12 years old - 25 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day.

Before prescribing antibiotics, the ENT doctor usually gives a referral for a bacterial culture and an antibiogram to determine the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to a particular active substance.

With angina

Angina in everyday life is called acute tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils caused by viruses or bacteria. The bacterial form of angina is caused by streptococci or staphylococci, and this disease can only be treated with antibiotics:

Name of the drugGroup and active substanceContraindicationsDosage
"Macropen"A group of macrolides, the active substance is Midecamycin.liver disease;
age up to 3 years;
individual intolerance.
Adults and children weighing over 30 kg - 1 tablet 400 mg 3 times a day.
"Rulid"A group of macrolides, the active substance is Roxithromycin.age up to 2 months;
pregnancy and lactation.
Adults and children weighing over 40 kg - 2 tablets of 150 mg 1-2 times a day.
In other cases, the dosage is calculated individually.
"Flemoxin Solutab"The penicillin group, the active substance is Amoxicillin.lymphocytic leukemia;
pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
pregnancy and lactation;
Infectious mononucleosis.
Adults - 1 tablet 500 mg 2 times a day.
Children over 10 years old - 2 tablets of 250 mg 2 times a day.
Children over 3 years old - 1 tablet 250 mg 3 times a day.
Children under 3 years old - 1 tablet 125 mg 3 times a day.

It is important to understand that if acute tonsillitis is not bacterial, but viral in nature, it is useless to treat it with antibiotics. Only a doctor can distinguish between these two forms of the disease, so you should not take any drugs without his advice.

Colds and flu

Respiratory infections, which in everyday life are called colds, as well as the flu, are caused by viruses. Therefore, antibiotics in their treatment are used only in one case: if the disease becomes complicated and a bacterial infection joins the viral infection.

In such situations, therapy is usually started with penicillin antibiotics:

  • "Flemoxin Solutab";
  • "Flemoklav Solutab".

If after 72 hours after the start of taking these drugs there is no improvement, new generation macrolides are connected to therapy:

  • "Sumamed";
  • "Rulid";
  • AzitRus.

The regimen for taking antibiotics in the treatment of respiratory infections is standard, but medical supervision is also necessary in this case.

Urinary tract infections

Genitourinary infections can be caused by pathogens of different nature - viruses, fungi, bacteria, protozoa. Therefore, it makes sense to start treatment only after a thorough laboratory diagnosis and determination of the type of pathogen.

In mild cases, you can remove the infection from the urinary tract using the following drugs:

  • "Furadonin" - 2 mg per 1 kg of weight 3 times a day;
  • "Furazolidone" - 2 tablets of 0.05 g 4 times a day;
  • "Palin" - 1 capsule 2 times a day.

In more difficult situations, when pathogens are highly resistant (resistance) to chemical attack, broad-spectrum antibiotics can be prescribed:

Name of the drugGroup and active substanceContraindicationsDosage
"Abaktal"A group of fluoroquinolones, the active substance is Pefloxacin.pregnancy and lactation;
age up to 18 years;
hemolytic anemia;
individual intolerance.
1 tablet 400 mg 1-2 times a day.
MonuralA derivative of phosphonic acid, the active substance is Fosfomycin.age up to 5 years;
individual intolerance;
severe renal failure.
Single dose - dissolve 3 g of powder in 50 g of water and take on an empty stomach before bedtime.
"Cefixime"A group of cephalosporins, the active substance is Cefixime.individual intolerance.Adults and children over 12 years old - 1 tablet 400 mg 1 time per day.
Children under 12 years old - 8 mg per 1 kg of body weight 1 time per day.

Simultaneously with antibiotics in the treatment of genitourinary infections, plenty of fluids and diuretic drugs are prescribed. In severe cases, injections of the drug Amikacin are advisable.

Antifungal drugs

For the treatment of fungal infections, drugs with fungistatic or fungicidal action are used. They differ from the drugs listed above and stand out in a separate class, within which there are three groups:

As in the treatment of bacterial infections, the treatment of fungal diseases requires accurate diagnosis of the pathogen and strict control by a specialist.

For eye disease

Antibiotics for the treatment of eye diseases are available in the form of ointments or drops. They are prescribed if the ophthalmologist has diagnosed conjunctivitis, blepharitis, meibomitis, keratitis and a number of other infections.

Most often, therapy is carried out using the following drugs:

Inexpensive new generation antibiotics

The cost of new generation antibiotics is never low, so you can save money only by buying inexpensive analogues. They are produced on the basis of the same active ingredients, however, the degree of chemical purification of such drugs may be lower, and the cheapest excipients are taken for their production.

You can replace some expensive antibiotics based on the following table:

Another way to save money is to buy older antibiotics, not the latest generation.

For example, in many cases, such proven antibacterial drugs can help out:

  • "Erythromycin";
  • "Ceftriaxone";
  • "Bicillin";
  • "Cefazolin";
  • "Ampicillin".

If more than 72 hours have passed since the start of treatment with inexpensive antibiotics, and there is no improvement in the condition, it is urgent to consult a doctor and change the drug.

Can it be used during pregnancy?

Antibiotics during pregnancy are prescribed by doctors only in emergency cases and after a thorough analysis of the possible risks.

But even in such situations, drugs of the following groups are not used:

  • all fluoroquinolones;
  • macrolides based on roxithromycin, clarithromycin, midecamycin;
  • all aminoglycosides.
  • Only the attending physician can decide on the advisability of prescribing antibiotics during pregnancy. Self-administration of any drugs, even relatively safe and related to the new generation, is strictly prohibited.