The ballerina rotates clockwise. Test "Ballerina"


SIMULATOR-EXERCISE to expand the capabilities of your brain.

BILATERAL CORRECTION. Test by psychologist Vladimir Pygach

Training activates and balances the work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. At some point, the girl begins to rotate in different directions. This is the level of informational metabolism of your brain.

Look carefully for about 2 minutes, and then by tilting your head (or otherwise) try to control the rotations in different windows in a new way.

Please note that after a few days, each repetition of the training will give NEW sensations and results. For example, if the picture is above eye level. Below eye level. What's the Difference.


You determine the strengths of your brain.

This is especially true for ambidexters. (lat. ambi - double; dextrum - right). That is, people who simultaneously have right hemisphere and left hemisphere asymmetry, dominance in the work of the brain.

Ambidextrous - This is a special group of people with abilities that are much higher than the norm. Suffice it to say that such people with a special organization of the brain are among the most prominent people. For example, Benjamin Franklin (who is featured on the $100 bill), US President Barack Obama, sheikhs in the United Arab Emirates are all ambidexters. That is, people with potentially unique abilities that may or may not be realized.

Please take this test as seriously as possible. It can be repeated from time to time. With the dominance of the left hemisphere, the "logicians" girl rotates to the right. With the dominance of the right hemisphere, in "artistic eidetics" the girl suddenly begins to rotate to the left. In ambidexters - when the head is tilted in the appropriate direction - then to the right, then to the left!

Have you all seen this gif? Pretty standard GIF (remember the spinning ballerina?). The only difference is that here we can find out exactly which way the train is going. Let's get started:

Well, do you remember the classic example?

Here we will not find out with facts in which direction it is spinning, we will deal with this exposure a little later. Let's get back to our train.

Let's find out what versions of this situation are generally popular on the Internet:
1. They say that it depends on which hemisphere a person works more, the train moves in that direction.
2. There is a version that there are 2 frames there and 2 frames back, like it was specially made so that no one would guess. GIF looped 50% forward 50% back
3. And what about the reflection of the simophora signal or what is it like there? does it make sense for him to burn if he is coming out of the tunnel?
4. This is London, it seems, and there is left-hand traffic, which means it leaves.
5. Thanks to my phone, which is bad at pulling gifs, it is clear that the train is entering the tunnel
6. He goes to the tunnel. The semaphore is reflected in the tunnel facing us, and hence the driver. PROFIT
7. all trains in the subway go to the left if you stand on the platform
8. It seems to me to Tunnel, and not from there, in the subway, it seems like they go on the right side like this)
9. he has doors on this side, so on us

And there are some versions:
1. The train is coming out of the tunnel! For there is no clock, and the clock is ALWAYS located in the direction of the train.
2. And now let's think logically... Do you see the red color of the semaphore? This means that the train has already passed this place, after which the red lights up. By the way, you can see not the semaphore itself, but the reflection of light from it. It is also very easy to determine that the train is moving on your platform. In the picture we see the end of the platform and, accordingly, the end of the train should stop there. Since at the beginning of the platform there should be mirrors or monitors for the driver, as well as a telephone for communication with the control center.
3. He goes to the camera. Because people are standing and waiting for him, and 1 car should have already stopped.
4. there is no dial, so it enters)
5. If the train is leaving - why the hell are people standing and waiting?
6. people usually look in the direction from which the transport is approaching. The man just turned his head to the left.
7. There is a camera there, in order to shoot how many people are standing on the platform - like a rear-view mirror, which means there is no driver there, which means the train is coming towards us.

So where is he going then? Have you made a conclusion? Or still the only way to find out the truth is to wait for the last carriage. Let's get hints!

Let's slow down the gif a bit:

If you look closely at the gif, you can see the connection of trains (someone thinks that these are opening doors)
Duck, this connection is approaching the camera, this is the only landmark by which you can determine the direction of movement. It turns out that the train leaves the tunnel.

Let's storyboard the gif:


And now let's give some reinforced concrete argument: The poster says Charing cross - this is a subway station in London.

It would seem that this is it! But I am tormented by vague doubts! It's not like the station recently had some kind of refurbishment. Pay attention to the floor in front of the tracks: there is no metal strip in the video, and the entrance to the tunnel without a grate at the top. There is no metal box in front of the tunnel.

and yet it is her.

, September 2011

And here is the design in black on top:

January 2011

Here is a video with these designs.

In general, 99% that the train rides on us. Only the inhabitants of London can judge us. There are such? Please go to this station, see how it is there :-)

By the way, who is still tormented by the question about the ballerina, here you come across a clue along the way,

In fact, the picture is flat, and moves left and right, and our brain "twirls" it

The picture of a dancer was created by Japanese designer Nobuyuki Kayahara and it's been making the rounds on the internet as a supposed test of which part of your brain works best. If, for example, you saw a dancer spinning clockwise, it was assumed that you have a more developed right hemisphere of the brain (= you are left-handed, live intensively), and if the dancer was spinning counterclockwise, it was assumed that you had a more developed left hemisphere brain (you are right-handed, a more logical person).

Our visual system has evolved to create some kind of intelligent, familiar, mental image of the world from a limited amount of information, and thus using a huge number of different assumptions to form a complete image. Usually these assumptions turn out to be sufficient and they can be interpreted in only one way, which is what our brain does. However, artists and scientists can use visual cues like this to trick our brains into interpreting what we see in different ways.

So, in this picture, your brain made up a dancer out of funny black shapes, and then assumed that she rotated both clockwise and counterclockwise, and in turn “shows” one of the images, or even is completely limited to one, most convenient and familiar. (Actually, the dancer moves her leg at a special angle, first in one direction, then in the other, in a flat, two-dimensional world). This is such an optical illusion.

"The brain is 78% water, 15% fat, and the rest is proteins, potassium hydrate and salt. There is nothing more complex in the universe that we know that is comparable to the brain in general."

Tatiana Chernigovskaya.

Hello Dears.

Let's get down to ruthlessly debunking one of the most popular brain myths of recent decades.

"The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the work of logic, and the right hemisphere is responsible for creativity" familiar phrase?


This hemispheric theory about the functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres is one of the most popular myths about the human brain.

Although, still the coolest myth about the brain is that a person uses only 10% of the brain.

But about this Myth another time.

Along with the myth of "hemisphericity" was born the myth of the "need for synchronization" or "balancing" of the cerebral hemispheres. Synchronization at the request of the owner is also a myth. The theory that left-handers are more creative than right-handers and right-handers are more logical than left-handers is also a myth. And now only the lazy and living on a desert island have not heard about this theory of "hemisphericity" and "synchronization of the hemispheres."

The expanses of the Internet and TV are simply filled with videos and articles on this topic. How many trainings and books have already been written on this topic and included in the work on self-development, personal growth, and even psychology.

Giant amount. It's amazing how this myth has captured humanity, sometimes professional psychologists with scientific degrees use it in their work. I won't name names now.

Why did the myth about the functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres take root and gain popularity?

Because of its simplicity of explanation, this principle of the brain has gained popularity. It is very understandable from the standpoint of logic - if there are two halves, then they should differ in functionality.

Let's debunk the MYTH about hemisphericity.

In reality, both hemispheres of the brain participate simultaneously in all processes of our activity, communicating with each other. The myth was born after a false interpretation of Roger Sperry's research on curing people with epilepsy by cutting the corpus callosum. In the course of the study, it was found out which of the hemispheres adapted better after separation to one or another form of activity. But this does not mean that a healthy person's brain works in a similar way. For the healthy functioning of the human body and psyche, it is necessary to activate and engage different parts of the brain.

The interaction of the hemispheres is already harmoniously synchronized by nature. If this natural synchronization is disturbed, then problems begin. Nature is smarter than us, everything has already been invented before us by evolution and by nature itself - the creator.

And now the Test with the Ballerina (see the video to the post).

Its rotation determines not the work of the right or left hemisphere, but the flexibility and variability of thinking, the ability to think in different directions, not to get hung up on stereotypes.

The ballerina rotates in the direction in which you, your brain, consciousness admit that she can rotate, i.e., based on your usual picture of the world, beliefs and beliefs, the ballerina spins clockwise or counterclockwise. More often people see rotation clockwise, less often counterclockwise. This is due to stereotyped thinking. If a person survives the experience of counterclockwise rotation of a ballerina, then he will already be able to consciously change the direction of her rotation at will.

The stereotype (script) of thinking has changed through the experience gained. (This is what a counseling psychologist does.)

In a state of relaxation, the brain can make assumptions that the Ballerina can also rotate counterclockwise. After the experience, there is a chance to deploy the Ballerina. (This is why it is important to be able to relax.)

All of the above applies to people who see only counterclockwise rotation. It is important to be able to see all positions and possibilities.

After watching the last frame of the video, you will be able to turn the Ballerina in different directions at will from any state, because you are convinced and gained experience that this is possible.

Interesting, liked it, want more revelations?

Have a fruitful week.

The simplest test will help to check the work of your brain in a few seconds.

The picture of a spinning girl that you see, having circled the entire Internet, has firmly won one of the leading positions as a test of which hemisphere of the brain works best for you.

When you look at the rotating silhouette of a ballerina, the direction of rotation is “thinking out” by our brain. It does not have any clear guidelines and a reference point, so some people see the rotation clockwise, others - counterclockwise.

Moreover, if you watch the rotation for a while, then at some point it may seem that the ballerina began to spin in the opposite direction. These are all tricks of our brain.

The left hemisphere processes verbal information. The left hemisphere is responsible for language abilities, controls speech, writing and reading abilities. Using the left hemisphere of the brain, a person remembers facts, dates, names and controls their writing. The left hemisphere of the brain analyzes all the facts, is responsible for analysis and logic. Mathematical symbols and numbers are also recognized by the left hemisphere. Information is processed sequentially.

The right hemisphere processes non-verbal information. The right hemisphere of the human brain processes information that is expressed not in words, but in images and symbols. Using the right hemisphere, a person is able to fantasize and dream, to compose stories. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the ability to visual arts and music. The right hemisphere simultaneously processes a lot of different information. It makes it possible to consider everything as a whole, without resorting to analysis.

For those who cannot change the direction of rotation of the dancer with a glance, there are 3 pictures below.

By briefly looking at the left or right picture, you can easily change the direction of movement in the central picture.

This simple test will help you check which part of your brain is the most active. The easiest way to understand this is if you mark the left leg and arm of the ballerina with a red line, and the right arm and leg with a blue line: