White opaque discharge in women. Harbingers of white thick and creamy discharge

Every woman should carefully monitor the condition of her genitals. Small colorless discharge is considered normal. But if their color has changed, irritation and itching have appeared, then you should pay attention to this. Such sensations may indicate the occurrence of diseases of the genital organs of an inflammatory nature.

Itching in intimate places bothered every girl more than once. Let's find out its causes and solutions together

How to eliminate itching in the intimate area in women with white discharge? What factors influence their occurrence? Is it possible to use traditional methods of treatment? You can find answers to all questions by reading this article.

White discharge - normal or pathological?

The walls of the female genital organs should be moist - this prevents the penetration and spread of pathogenic microorganisms. The composition of the vaginal lubricant includes bacteria that perform a protective function. That is why the presence of colorless or white discharge is considered the norm.

Normal white highlights:

  • can be transparent or creamy;
  • do not cause discomfort, there is no burning, redness and itching;
  • the discharge has no smell (or there is, but it is insignificant);
  • a little vaginal lubrication is secreted per day;
  • discharge, in consistency, sparse.

The complete absence of white discharge indicates the development of serious diseases. This often happens during menopause. This phenomenon is due to the fact that with age, the walls of the vagina become thinner, become drier.

The consistency of vaginal lubrication in women may also change during ovulation.

Discharge in the intimate area in women is a symptom that cannot be ignored

Often, the absence of discharge is observed in women with atrophic vaginitis. This disease appears when there are problems with the production of estrogen. The disease itself is not dangerous, but it weakens the female body. Due to atrophic vaginitis, various sexual infections may appear.

Pathological discharges are as follows:

  • With bacterial vaginosis, a woman develops a frothy vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor. They also have a grayish tint.
  • Trichomonas colpitis is characterized by the presence of purulent discharge. In this case, the patient needs immediate medical attention.
  • Due to irregular washing of the penis in women, the color and consistency of the vaginal lubrication may change (white, thick discharge that has a yellowish tint is characteristic). This often causes dysfunction of the reproductive system.

White discharge and itching - what could it be?

The type of vaginal lubrication can say a lot about a woman's health and the condition of her genitals. But what factors influence the occurrence of white discharge and itching? Unpleasant symptoms appear with sexually transmitted infections, as well as with inflammatory processes. They occur due to hormonal failure or damage to the vaginal mucosa.

White discharge with itching in women due to genital infections and inflammation in an intimate place:

  • Candidiasis (thrush) is an infection that affects the mucous membrane of the genital organ with Candida fungi. Infection can occur both inside the vagina itself and outside. It also happens that candidiasis covers both areas. This disease is characterized by white discharge in flakes with an unpleasant sour smell. Itching, burning and pain during intercourse, frequent urge to urinate, swelling of the mucous membrane are additional symptoms of candidiasis. They bring a lot of inconvenience to a woman, disrupt normal life. That is why it is necessary to start therapy immediately after detecting signs of the disease. If you do not carry out treatment for a long time, then thrush can develop into a chronic form. In this case, the elimination of unpleasant symptoms will be long.

Sometimes the absence of external signs of the disease indicates that the woman has become a carrier of a sexual infection.

  • Erosive lesions of the cervix. In the presence of this disease, a woman develops copious white discharge, accompanied by itching, burning and pus. Inflammation of the cervix appears as a result of infection. Also, the occurrence of the inflammatory process is affected by a decrease in immunity.

  • Bacterial vaginosis is the predominance of pathogenic bacteria in the microflora of the vagina. A similar disease appears as a result of a sharp decrease in immunity, frequent douching, with malnutrition (there are no fermented milk products in the diet) and in the presence of intestinal dysbacteriosis. All this creates favorable conditions for the reproduction and spread of pathogenic microorganisms. You can also catch the infection through sexual contact, especially with frequent changes of partners. Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis include itchy and foul-smelling white vaginal discharge (it can also be gray, yellow, or green). Their consistency can be any, both liquid and thick and foamy. In order to start treatment, you must first be examined by a doctor and pass the necessary tests.

Vaginal itching and white discharge due to hormonal changes

Any hormonal disruption can affect the occurrence of itching and white discharge. Sometimes the use of certain drugs and intrauterine devices contributes to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. This is due to an allergic reaction. In this case, it is recommended to replace the product with a more suitable one.

Also, white discharge in women may appear for the following reasons:

  • Pregnancy. At this time, the presence of mucous secretions is a normal reaction of the body to hormonal changes. If the vaginal lubricant has changed its color (turned yellow, green or gray), itching, burning and pain have appeared, then you should immediately contact a gynecologist. Most infectious diseases have a negative impact on the bearing of the baby.
  • Thick, white, odorless discharge with itching may appear in girls before menstruation. They usually go away on their own in 5-7 days.
  • Sexual intimacy. Liquid discharge appears both during unprotected intercourse and when using a condom.


To completely eliminate white vaginal discharge and itching, you must first undergo a thorough examination by a gynecologist. Only then can the prescribed medications be taken. Diagnostics is carried out according to the following principle:

  • Collection of anamnesis. The patient should tell in detail about her well-being, symptoms, the presence of any diseases, etc.
  • Examination and taking a smear. Often, the external symptoms of bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis coincide, so the doctor analyzes the patient's smear.
  • Blood test (required only in some cases).
  • Examination of the vagina with colposcopy.
  • Transvaginal ultrasound.

Only after the doctor has conducted a thorough examination, can any measures be taken to eliminate vaginal itching and white, thick discharge. Strictly follow all medical recommendations.

Treatment for thrush

Today, there are many ways to treat candidiasis. The disease at the initial stage can be quickly eliminated with the help of drugs. Usually, antifungal agents are prescribed for therapy. These include: Pimafucin, Fluconazole, Clotrimazole, Candibene, Terzhinan.

Read the instructions before using the above products. Drugs may have contraindications and provoke the appearance of side effects.

Proper nutrition helps speed up the healing process. The patient should refuse all products that promote the reproduction of fungi Candida. Banned sweet, too salty and fried foods, coffee, ketchup, mayonnaise, yeast dough, beer and mushrooms. A woman should eat more cereals (except rice), lean meats, vegetables, cottage cheese and eggs.

If for some reason you cannot visit a doctor, then you can temporarily get rid of white discharge in lumps with the help of douching. To prepare the solution, ordinary baking soda is used. You can do douching no more than twice a day.

Homemade recipes for douching from thrush at the initial stage:

Recipe 1 . Pour a tablespoon of dried chamomile into a glass of hot water. Put the solution on fire for about 20 minutes, then cool and strain. The resulting decoction should be douched once a day.

Recipe 2 . A few tablespoons of eucalyptus pour 500 ml of boiled water. Infuse the remedy for 30-50 minutes. A ready-made solution from eucalyptus can be used both for douching and for washing the genitals.

Recipe 3 . 20 grams of St. John's wort pour a liter of water. Preparation of the broth takes no more than 30 minutes (on low heat). Use the resulting product for douching twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

It is worth remembering that it is possible to completely eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of this disease only with the help of complex therapy. One diet or alternative methods of treatment will not bring the desired result.

Treatment for bacterial vaginosis

You can not use the same drugs to eliminate bacterial vaginosis as for thrush.

Therapy of the disease is carried out in two stages:

  1. Conducting a survey. The doctor does a smear analysis and determines the type of bacteria that caused the disease. The patient is prescribed the most appropriate antimicrobials.
  2. The use of funds to restore the microflora of the vagina.

It is strictly forbidden to use any medicines without a preliminary medical examination. This can only aggravate your condition. Only a gynecologist will tell you how to treat this disease.

Treatment for erosive lesions of the cervix

The method of treatment and drugs are prescribed depending on the cause of the disease. Antibiotics, antifungals, and antivirals are commonly used. Also, the affected area is treated daily with a disinfectant solution.

The use of laser therapy for cervical erosion will help eliminate itching and white discharge caused by this disease.

For the treatment of the chronic form of the disease, laser therapy and cryotherapy are used. To restore the vaginal mucosa, the attending physician prescribes estrogenic drugs to the patient.

To prevent the development of various sexual diseases, you should periodically undergo a gynecological examination. Also try to study the composition of soap for intimate hygiene before using it. It should not contain alkalis and fragrances. Such recommendations will reduce the risk of unpleasant symptoms.

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White discharge from the vagina without additional pathological signs is considered the norm. Their main function is to cleanse the vagina of particles of dead cells and bacteria that can disrupt the microflora and cause inflammation. Intermenstrual white discharge in women is normally formed in the vagina in a moderate amount. They moisturize the mucous membrane, create favorable conditions for fertilization and conception. If a woman has white discharge, but there are no complaints of itching, burning and swelling, do not worry. With an increase in the amount of mucus, a change in color and the appearance of other symptoms, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

White discharge is normal

Normally, natural vaginal discharge is light, clear or slightly yellowish, not abundant and without an unpleasant odor. The main cause of white discharge in women is the secretion of glands that are located in the vulva and uterus. By the middle of the menstrual cycle, the discharge becomes as transparent as possible, they stretch noticeably and can leave marks on the linen. Also, an increase in whiteness is observed shortly before menstruation. Before her, the discharge in women of white color becomes more liquid. It is recommended to use daily, which instantly absorb the discharge and prevent the appearance of odor. Thin dailies are also suitable for use at the end of menstruation, when many women have a small amount of blood.

White discharge for women's health disorders

Not always liquid white discharge from the vagina is a normal variant. With an increase in their number, the appearance of a sharp unpleasant odor and other pathological symptoms, a woman should consult a doctor and undergo an additional examination.

Indications for consultation with a specialist:

  • copious frothy discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • itching and burning in the intimate area;
  • swelling of the external genital organs;
  • redness of the vulva;
  • painful urination and pain during intimate contact.

Abundant foamy discharge with an unpleasant odor and associated symptoms may indicate the development of diseases of the genitourinary organs.

The vagina has a unique structure, thanks to which it independently maintains an acidic environment inside and renews itself. To cleanse from pathogenic and dead cells, daily secreted mucus is intended. Depending on the period of the cycle, it acquires a characteristic color and texture.

White discharge in women - causes

The type of vaginal mucus in question may be a symptom of a particular set of diseases or may be indicative of the normal functioning of the reproductive system. To find out why white discharge appeared, it is important to consider several of their characteristics:

  • time of occurrence;
  • smell;
  • density and structure;
  • the presence of associated symptoms.

White discharge during pregnancy

The initial stages of gestation are accompanied by a sharp violation of the ratio of hormones and suppression of the immune system. White discharge during early pregnancy often indicates the successful introduction of a fertilized egg into the uterine epithelium and associated changes in the body. The mucus has a thick consistency, as during ovulation, it can become beige.

Sometimes white discharge from women about to become mothers is a symptom of genital infections. At conception, the activity of the immune system decreases slightly so that the rejection of the fetal egg does not occur, and sluggish inflammation can intensify, and pathogenic microorganisms (viruses, fungi, bacteria) begin to multiply rapidly. To accurately determine the causes of the described phenomenon, a qualified examination is needed.

White discharge before period

On the eve of the start of a new cycle, the vagina is preparing for renewal and is gradually cleaned. Mucus during this period, even normally, can become cloudy due to the content of the following components:

  • physiological transudate;
  • single leukocytes;
  • dead epithelial cells;
  • secret of the cervix and glandular secretions of the vaginal section of the uterus itself;
  • lactobacilli;
  • single microbes of the coccal group.

If a delay in menstruation and white discharge are observed in parallel, pregnancy is likely (in the absence of pathological symptoms). It is better to confirm or refute the fact of conception with the help of a doctor and a laboratory blood test for chorionic gonadotropin. At the earliest stages, the sensitivity of pharmacy tests is too low to obtain accurate results.

From the 13th-15th day of the menstrual cycle, the volume and viscosity of the vaginal secretions increase markedly. This is the most favorable period for, therefore, the body produces an increased amount of the corresponding hormones, which outwardly manifests itself as white discharge from the vagina. This phenomenon indicates the normal physiological state of the reproductive system, the readiness to become pregnant.

If fertilization does not occur, the body automatically clears the uterus and its cervix from the excess layer of basal cells. White discharge in women at this stage is a sign of renewal of the epithelial surface. When they are odorless, do not cause discomfort and inconvenience, there is no reason to worry either. Intensive secretion will stop after 30-45 hours.

white discharge after sex

Excitation is accompanied by a strong rush of blood to the genitals, which increases the amount of mucus. White discharge in women immediately or some time after sexual contact is normal. They are a mixture of vaginal lubrication and male ejaculate (semen) if intimacy occurred without barrier contraception.

White discharge, odorless

Ideally, the vaginal secretion should not have any flavor, a distinct color and structure. Sometimes it can become cloudy and light beige, become thicker (during the ovulatory period), so white discharge from odorless women is considered by gynecologists as a variant of the normal state of mucus. It is important that the discoloration is not accompanied by itching or burning, redness of the labia.

Rarely abundant white odorless discharge indicates the occurrence of pathological processes associated with a change in the functioning of the hormonal system, the ratio of estrogens and androgens, the concentration of cortisol and prolactin. It is possible to find out the cause of the imbalance only on the basis of blood tests, which are directed by an endocrinologist or gynecologist.

White discharge with odor

The main disease associated with the described symptoms is candidiasis. White discharge with a sour smell is a sign of active reproduction of opportunistic fungi (thrush). The secret may be present constantly or occur periodically, be combined with other unpleasant symptoms or not be accompanied by a feeling of discomfort.

Candidiasis white discharge in women occurs for the following reasons:

  • long-term use of oral contraceptives;
  • hormonal jumps;
  • hygiene violations;
  • external infection;
  • prolonged antibiotic therapy;
  • stress;
  • changing of the climate;
  • reaction to fragrances in toilet paper or pads;
  • improper selection of cotton swabs;
  • douching;
  • wearing synthetic panties;
  • passion for diets, errors in the preparation of the diet;
  • independent use of vaginal tablets, suppositories and more.

Normal vaginal secretion and should not be too thick. It is well absorbed by a daily panty liner or the surface of cotton underwear, even if abundant white discharge is present. An alarming sign is the presence of a smell in the mucus and an unreasonable increase in its volume. In such situations, you need to quickly get to the gynecologist and take a vaginal smear for research. Provocateurs of liquid white discharge in women can be:

  • trichomonas;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmas or other microorganisms.

White thick discharge in women

Increased viscosity and density of the secret is an ambiguous symptom, indicating either problems in the reproductive system, or its normal state. White thick discharge, combined with itching, soreness, burning or a sharp odor, indicates the progression of diseases against the background of the following processes:

  • bacterial infections;
  • hormonal pathologies;
  • viruses;
  • inflammation;
  • flora imbalance;
  • venereal infections.

When white, thick, odorless discharge and other pathological signs are present, they can be regarded as the norm. If there are any aggravating factors, negative feelings, it is better to immediately go to a specialist, take a swab from the vagina and do a bacterial culture, check the state of the hormonal background and the functionality of the ovaries.

White discharge and itching in women - causes

These clinical manifestations are characteristic of the reproduction of candidal fungus. Itching and white discharge are especially pronounced in women in the middle of the cycle and immediately before the onset of menstruation. On underwear and labia, a light coating is constantly observed, which easily rolls off, like wet paper. At the same time, a sour musty smell is felt, reminiscent of spoiled milk.

White discharge in women, combined with itching, can also be provoked by such a cause as vaginosis of bacterial origin or gardnerellosis. It is an inflammatory process caused by the spread of one or more types of opportunistic bacteria into the vagina. The discharged secret smells sharp and very unpleasant, like rotten or rotting fish. Additionally, a burning sensation may be felt when visiting the toilet for a small need.

Allocations in women are always present. It is an integral part of life, a physiological norm, a need of the body. They appear in very young girls as soon as they enter the time of puberty and practically stop only during menopause (and even then not completely).

The presence of thick, odorless discharge and itching is not considered pathological, if they are not accompanied by any uncomfortable and specific symptoms. What should you know about the features of this process and when is it necessary to urgently seek help?

Discharge as a physiological process

Nature is brilliant and wise. She took care of her most perfect and beloved offspring - a man, providing his body with many protective functions. With regard to the female body and its reproductive organs, the situation is as follows.

All internal organs of the genital area of ​​the fair sex are lined with mucous membranes. These mucous membranes are represented by squamous epithelial cells, which are produced by the secretory glands. The greatest number of them is in the vagina and cervical region (cervical canal).

Shells have the ability to constantly update themselves, which is important:

  • the process protects the genital organs located above the vagina and cervix (uterus and fallopian tubes) from the invasion of foreign pathogens, in particular sexually transmitted ones;
  • contributes to the maintenance of the normal microflora of the vagina and cervix, inhibiting the growth of opportunistic microorganisms, and in case of an increase in their number, they are removed to the outside;
  • The "mucus plug" in the cervical canal protects the uterus from pathogenic agents, promotes the process of "natural selection" of viable spermatozoa ready for fertilization.

And the release of a dense consistency is a natural lubricant that protects tissues from mechanical damage and injury, sometimes occurring even during banal hygiene procedures.

Vaginal secretions will be more liquid, cervical canal - viscous. Every woman has them, but the quantity and consistency directly depend on the individual characteristics of the body, the phase of the menstrual cycle and even the mood (or rather, the psychological state). What kind of discharge is considered the norm?

When no pathology

Thick vaginal discharge is a relative concept. After all, consistency depends on individual characteristics. But in any case, normally they should not be accompanied by any uncomfortable manifestations - itching, pain, swelling of the genitals. There is one thing about the smell.

And so, each person has his own special smell. But in view of the fact that he constantly “lives” with him, he hardly notices in everyday life. The same applies to women's secretions. The smell, of course, is there, but it is not "nasty" or too harsh, but barely perceptible, often with a slight sourness. This is due to the large number of lactobacilli in the microflora of the vagina. It is this same fact that can explain that normal physiological secretions are slightly white.

Here are some other characteristics of the mucous secretion within the normal range:

  • transparent, slightly stretchy consistency, cream or yellowish tint;
  • the consistency is watery, liquidish - immediately after menstruation and until the middle of the cycle;
  • during ovulation, viscous discharge is slightly white. The same can be just before menstruation;
  • without lumps and flakes. The only exception will be the first trimester of pregnancy, when the discharge may consist of small lumps of transparent or whitish mucus, very dense to the touch;
  • the amount should not exceed 3-5 gr. This is equal to 1 teaspoon. The trace of such secretions on underwear is approximately 5 cm per day;
  • body temperature does not rise;
  • no pain in the lower abdomen. With the exception of the ovulation period, when there may be a slight discomfort in some women (not all);
  • do not cause irritation of the vagina and external genitalia, as well as the skin around them.

Vaginal discharge is quite reasonable and is present in every woman of reproductive age. Fears should cause their change in appearance, any discomfort or unusual sensations that appeared for the first time. After all, often every lady can, even before a visit to the doctor, determine that a failure has occurred in her body.

The scarcity or cessation of the appearance of whites is also an alarm signal. It may indicate hormonal disorders, the cause of which must be identified and eliminated.

Causes of possible pathologies

Each pathological process that occurs in the human body has certain causes, both objective and subjective. Beli is no exception.

  • Frequent stress and nervous tension can cause the appearance of thick, copious, yellowish-whitish leucorrhoea, with a stretchy texture.
  • For weather-dependent people, changes in weather, atmospheric pressure, air humidity and magnetic storms always cause deterioration. In women, such cataclysms, among other things, can provoke more abundant leucorrhoea, but without much discomfort in the genitourinary system.
  • Medications, especially those taken for a long time, also become "provocateurs" of changes in the usual nature of the discharge. These can be hormonal oral contraceptives, vaginal rings, sprays, creams and other contraceptives. Drugs for the treatment of various chronic pathologies, especially those based on hormones, produce the same effect.
  • Lactation is accompanied by altered secretions, as a result of the production of prolactin and progesterone hormones in the body of a nursing mother.

But among the causes of pathological leucorrhoea, the following can be distinguished:

  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs (very thick, odorless discharge in the initial stages);
  • inflammation of the bladder is accompanied by yellowish discharge;
  • erosion of the cervix is ​​characterized by leucorrhoea streaked with blood. They may not be too plentiful, but sticky and smelling sweetly cloying;
  • in the pubertal period, abundant leucorrhea indicates a pathology of the urination system (cystitis most often);
  • infectious diseases of various origins (both sexually transmitted and due to the development of opportunistic flora).

Sometimes the appearance of secretions that are not characteristic can occur in a woman once and disappear as suddenly and for no apparent reason as they appeared. In this case, it can be argued that the immune system, in particular local immunity, copes "with the task perfectly well."

That is, the body itself coped with the problem that arose, destroyed foreign agents and recovered to the required physiological level. But if a similar situation is repeated several times or regularly at certain intervals, it is necessary to seek qualified help.

Symptoms of pathologies

As we have already said, normal physiological discharge does not cause any discomfort and does not provoke a deterioration in the general condition of the woman's body.

Among the pathological symptoms that should prompt the patient to seek immediate help, the following are distinguished:

  • pain in the lower abdomen of a aching nature, often cramping, can radiate to the lumbar region and hip joints;
  • swelling and redness of the genitals and the skin around them;
  • itching, cramps and pain in the vaginal area, spreading to the small and large labia;
  • frequent and painful urination;
  • discomfort (sometimes even severe pain) during sexual intercourse;
  • with a sharp unpleasant odor;
  • streaks or blood clots in whites, brownish color;
  • the presence of pus, which is evidenced by a yellow-green discharge that smells like rotten fish;
  • an increase in body temperature, sometimes significant, but in most cases to subfebrile indicators.

Such a clinical picture is unlikely to leave any woman calm. Seeing a doctor will make it possible to get rid of the problem. And the sooner this is done, the easier and faster it is possible to get rid of the disease that provoked such symptoms.

The nature of the discharge is not indicative of the norm

Beli, which have certain characteristics, indicate completely different diseases. Experienced gynecologists can make a diagnosis by the nature of these secretions. But this happens very rarely, especially in recent times.

The reason for this is a change in symptoms, an atypical course of diseases, as well as low immunity of the population. From this conclusion - a woman can have more than one foreign agent that provoked the disease, but several at once. And this significantly distorts the clinical picture of the disease, complicates the diagnosis and treatment.

We will consider classic examples of pathological secretions, their characteristics.

White thick

White thick discharge is one of the variants of the norm, if not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. They are the most common of the pathological ones, but with such a clinical picture:

  • a feeling of fullness in the vagina, indicating swelling of the mucosa;
  • itching and burning both inside and outside the genitals;
  • unpleasant feeling when urinating: itching, burning, pain and cramps, which progress with the course of the disease;
  • at the beginning of the disease, leucorrhea is mucous, slightly whitish, with a characteristic stretching appearance;
  • appearance .

These are classic signs of thrush - a disease that every woman has encountered at least once in her life.

Vaginal candidiasis is a pathology provoked by a yeast fungus of the genus Candida, which is a representative of the conditionally pathogenic microflora of the vagina. They are present in the body of every healthy woman in certain quantities. Only with the confluence of several factors favorable for reproduction, these fungi become the cause of inflammatory processes.

Among the reasons are the following:

  • insufficient hygiene of the genitals, but equally and excessive enthusiasm for hygiene procedures. In the first case, there is a nutrient medium for the reproduction of pathological microorganisms, and in the second, the natural microflora is washed out and the balance is disturbed;
  • unreasonable douching with bactericidal solutions;
  • use of inappropriate means for intimate procedures;
  • reaction to some barrier contraceptives (condoms, vaginal caps, and others);
  • taking medications of a certain spectrum of action. These can be hormonal agents (including contraceptives), antibiotics, sulfonamides and some others;
  • weakened immunity due to various reasons;
  • infection through unprotected sexual contact with a sick partner or latent carrier.

Signs can appear within a day after the onset of the disease, grow over time and cause significant discomfort, both physical and psychological.


The cause of this phenomenon is often bacterial vaginosis or vaginal dysbacteriosis. This is not a sexually transmitted disease, it is not sexually transmitted and does not require the treatment of both partners when diagnosing it in a woman.

The disease is considered one of the most common, since it is provoked by the development of conditionally pathogenic microflora when certain factors coincide.

The causative agent of this particular disease is gardnerella, which, along with other representatives of the "unfriendly fraternity", lives in the body, but is kept within the limits of decency by lactobacilli. They make up about 98% of the entire microflora of the vagina, and opportunistic microorganisms - only 2%.

With a significant increase in the population of Gardnerella vaginalis, vaginal dysbacteriosis develops, one of the symptoms of which is the discharge of a thick consistency with a gray-whitish color.

Yellowish and greenish

Yellowish and greenish thick discharge is almost always characterized by an unpleasant odor, although not very strong. This is in most cases evidence of a sexually transmitted pathology:

  • genital herpes;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • chlamydia;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • gonorrhea and others.

It is wrong to say that these are the only reasons for such a phenomenon. But often yes. To correctly diagnose, you need to seek qualified help. In any case, one cannot do without specific treatment, and self-medication is unacceptable.


Perhaps the most dangerous, causing the greatest number of concerns, discharge. After all, the brown color of whiter indicates the presence of blood in them. And consequently, the pathological process is so serious that it affected the tissues of the organs of the reproductive system.

But you don't need to panic right away. Indeed, under certain circumstances, they can be a kind of norm. And everything will depend on the phase of the monthly cycle.

  • If such discharges appear regularly in the middle of the cycle, in some cases they may be accompanied by minor pains in the lower abdomen, which last from several hours to a couple of days - this is evidence of ovulation. But only if such a phenomenon is regular and the woman knows about such a peculiarity.
  • Before and after menstruation for a few more days, the discharge may occasionally turn brownish. This indicates the release of endometrial cells. Before the critical days - the first, after them - the remainder of the mucosa.

If such discharge occurs for no apparent reason and is accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition, pain, cramps, burning and fever, this may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process. In particular:

  • cervical erosion;
  • cervicitis;
  • vaginitis or vulvovaginitis;
  • endometriosis;
  • ectopic pregnancy and many others.

Oncology can also manifest itself with similar signs, as well as the presence of benign neoplasms.

Discharge in women is normal, if it is not accompanied by pathological symptoms. Each representative of the weaker sex knows her body and will be able to determine when the problem came. But a specialist will help to establish its cause. No need to ignore the alarming signals of the body and put off going to the doctor. The earlier the treatment, the easier the treatment.

White discharge in women is most often a sign of thrush. Infections cause burning and itching of intimate places. In addition, the discharge from the vagina becomes grayish in color, clots can be seen in them.

Correct vaginal discharge is not abundant, clear, whitish or white, odorless, and its structure is homogeneous, without lumps. Vaginal infections cause the discharge to change color and texture, acquire an unpleasant odor.

Microflora in the vagina

Vaginal discharge is normal and completely normal. They appear during puberty. The normal pH of secretions ranges between 3.5 and 4.5. Such conditions carry out a protective function against pathogens, since the acidic environment does not contribute to their reproduction.

The amount of discharge depends on many factors, varies depending on the phase of the cycle. The same goes for their consistency.

Normal white discharge during intercourse and before menstruation may increase in quantity. Allocations are formed in the mucous membrane of the genital tract, mainly in the vagina, and are the result of their exfoliation and natural cleansing. Together with the secretions, dead cells are removed, which are replaced by new ones, as well as numerous bacteria that are in the vagina.

It is very important to monitor vaginal discharge, as a change in color, smell, or consistency can be a sign of an infection. You can prevent inflammation before symptoms appear. Physiological changes in secretions help determine whether this method is used when planning a child in couples.

Proper vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge should not be abundant, it is clear and odorless. White transparent discharge in women is a physiological norm if their structure is homogeneous, without lumps. In the first half of the monthly cycle, that is, from the end of menstruation to ovulation, their number is slightly higher than in the second half. White discharge, odorless, sticky consistency. Their appearance is influenced by estrogens, the concentration of which is very high these days, especially before ovulation. This consistency and amount of secretions promotes conception - abundant mucus facilitates the movement of the egg released during ovulation.

In the second phase of the cycle, the amount of vaginal discharge decreases, they become denser and thicker. This is due to the low concentration of estrogen compared to the amount of progesterone. If fertilization does not occur, the woman's body begins to prepare for the upcoming menstruation.

Vaginal infections

The normal balance of the vaginal environment is very easy to disturb, and then infections develop, which can also lead to inflammation of the internal organs. This is a dangerous phenomenon that should not be allowed, since recurrent inflammation of the appendages can be fatal. Abscesses or adhesions that occur during inflammatory processes significantly reduce the chances of becoming pregnant.

Vaginal infections are generally treatable if appropriate therapy is quickly adopted and implemented. The mistake of many women is their marginalization or self-treatment of bacterial infections. It is always worth seeking help from a gynecologist.

White discharge from the vagina

Why are there white discharge? The appearance of abnormal vaginal discharge depends on the type of infection. Thus, in the case of fungal infections, the discharge from the vagina is white, with lumps. Inflammation of intimate places is most often caused by fungi from the Candida family, hence the name - vaginal candidiasis. White discharge in girls is accompanied by burning and itching.

How to get rid of white discharge? An infectious disease is treated with antifungal drugs, used mainly externally. It can be candles or ointments. Treatment of fungal infections of the vagina is also carried out by oral tablets prescribed by a doctor.

Fungal infection is sexually transmitted. Therefore, there may be a need to treat the patient's sexual partner.

Appropriate diagnosis is recommended to confirm vaginal candidiasis and rule out other infections. The first step in making a diagnosis is to examine the pH of the secretions. The next laboratory test is a microscopic analysis of a white discharge in order to detect cells or fragments of the mycelium of fungal bacteria. In addition, the diagnosis can be confirmed by inoculation on a special substrate for Candida albicans fungi. These 3 methods described above are the main ones for making a diagnosis and providing adequate treatment if you are concerned about white discharge.

Treatment is given when symptoms of infection occur. Common causes of fungal infections of the vagina are metabolic diseases and long-term antibiotic therapy. Fungal infections occur more often in women:

  • with diabetes;
  • with impaired immunity;
  • with chronic stress;
  • consuming large amounts of simple sugars in the diet.

Forms of therapy can be different, ranging from local treatment to systemic. The choice of the appropriate option depends on additional loads, chronic diseases, conditions, reduced immunity and many other factors.

With a fungal infection of the vagina and white discharge, drugs are used in the form of a cream, tablets or vaginal suppositories. Among the most commonly prescribed drugs are Butoconazole, Miconazole, Ticonazole, and the well-known Clotrimazole. Local therapy with the use of Nystatin for 3-7 days also brings positive results.

Such a basic antifungal regimen is not sufficient in case of complex inflammation of the vulva and vagina. This situation also applies to women with chronic infections (recurrent inflammation more than 4 times a year).

Local treatment lasts at least a week and is often extended up to 14 days. In addition, the patient is administered two doses of oral therapy in the form of fluconazole with an interval of three days.

If the etiological factor of inflammation is vaginal trichomonas (which are mainly transmitted through sexual contact), they are characterized by abundant, frothy yellow-green discharge. Yellow-green vaginal discharge is not the only sign of Trichomonas. This inflammation is accompanied by itching and pain during urination (dysuria).

A common infection that usually resolves without symptoms is bacterial vaginosis. It is determined after the exclusion of other causes of infection. It is believed to be due to a decrease in the number of lactic acid sticks in the vaginal environment, causing a pH above 4.5, and such conditions are favorable for the development of pathogens. If a girl has white discharge, it may be caused mainly by an infection with Gardnerella vaginalis and other anaerobic bacteria that are commonly present in the anus. A characteristic symptom of these intimate infections is the fishy smell of the discharge.

How to maintain intimate health?

The most important rule for preventing infections is proper intimate hygiene. The mucous membrane of the vagina is very sensitive, so it is not recommended to use ordinary soap to wash these places. It contains too many detergents that dry out the vaginal epithelium, in addition, the pH level of the soap is too high. Therefore, for these purposes it is better to use special means for intimate hygiene. Before buying this product, it is worth checking its pH (4.5-5.5) and whether it contains only components of natural origin. Intimate hygiene products enriched with lactic acid are the best option for women. Good product for intimate hygiene:

  • should not contain soap;
  • has no smell;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • creates a natural protective barrier of intimate areas;
  • does not contain artificial dyes, SLS-s and parabens;
  • contains only natural ingredients;
  • has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antifungal effects;
  • Available in a variety of options for women of all ages.

Use a separate sponge for cleaning intimate areas that other family members do not use. A shared washcloth or body sponge is a habitat for many microbes. In addition, washing technique is also important. It should always be washed in the direction from the vulva to the anus, and never vice versa. This prevents the transfer of intestinal bacteria into the vagina. Avoid overly aggressive detergents - they destroy the natural microflora of the vagina.

If you have a white, odorless discharge, your doctor may recommend prophylactic gynecological probiotics containing beneficial lactic acid bacteria. They can be bought at any pharmacy. The diet may lack natural sources of these bacteria. They are found in natural yogurt, kefir, buttermilk, sauerkraut or cucumbers.

Removing simple sugars from your diet helps prevent fungal infections because they provide an ideal breeding ground for them. This is even more important for women with diabetes. High blood glucose levels contribute to the development of fungal infections.

During the trip, it is worth buying wet wipes for intimate hygiene.