Pain in the heel of the right foot treatment. Why do heels hurt

Many people have come across a situation where the heel hurts, it hurts to come in the morning. Such an ailment reduces the quality of life, because it causes discomfort, because you need to walk every day. Elderly people, athletes and women during pregnancy often complain of heel pain.

Heel pain reduces a person's quality of life. How to deal with it?

To eliminate pain, you need to contact a rheumatologist or find out the cause of the pain syndrome. In some cases, consultation with an oncologist, surgeon, or is required.

Causes of heel pain

Pain in the heel, which is painful to attack, can cause the following reasons:

  1. Overweight.
  2. Pregnancy, as a result of which blood circulation worsens.
  3. Strong physical activity.
  4. Regular wearing of uncomfortable shoes.
  5. Staying on your feet for a long time.
  6. Depletion of subcutaneous fat in the heel area.
  7. Heel spur.
  8. Inflammation of the periarticular bag of the Achilles tendon.
  9. Various kinds of injuries.
  10. Infectious diseases.
  11. Malignant tumors.

In rare cases, the appearance of pain is associated with damage to the sciatic nerve.

Heel spur

If the heels hurt and it hurts to step on, then the reason lies in the injury of the feet and the inflammatory process of deep-lying tissues. This phenomenon is called a heel spur. At an early stage of the disease, the pain syndrome is more disturbing in the morning and during the first half of the day, then it can decrease and resume before going to bed. As the disease progresses, the pain becomes stronger and becomes permanent.

There are such reasons for the development of a heel spur:

  1. Foot injury.
  2. Pathologies that provoke blood flow disorders, metabolic failures.
  3. Excess weight.
  4. Strong physical activity.
  5. Constant wearing of high heels.
  6. Longitudinal flat foot.
  7. Pathology of the joints and spine.
  8. Bechterew's disease.
  9. Rheumatoid.

The clinical picture of the disease is as follows:

  • pain while walking or after running;
  • sharp pain syndrome after sleep;
  • the formation of calcium compounds;
  • deterioration in the patient's well-being;
  • gait modification leading to flat feet;
  • the appearance of edema and calluses in the heel area.

Heel spur treatment includes:

  1. Reduced stress on the feet.
  2. Use of orthoses or braces.
  3. Shock wave therapy.
  4. Introduction to the body of glucocorticoids.
  5. Wearing specialized insoles with arch supports.
  6. Therapy with ultrasound.
  7. Surgical intervention.
  8. Ensuring the immobility of the diseased limb.

Important! The patient must comply with bed rest. During treatment, it is advisable to use crutches or a cane to avoid heavy stress on the legs.

To relieve pain, inflammation and improve metabolic processes, the specialist prescribes Dimexide gel or Medical bile. Plant-based patches are also used.

Quite often, patients with heel spurs are prescribed various ointments and creams. The most common are:

  • Voltaren;
  • Butadion;
  • Piroxicam;
  • Ketorol.

If conservative treatment does not bring a positive result, then you can not do without drug blockades. Medicines are administered orally, eliminating pain and inflammation. The procedure is carried out only by an experienced orthopedist, since it is very important to adhere to the dosage and choose the right depth of drug administration. If the blockade is not carried out correctly, then complications may arise - necrosis, and others. Novocaine blockade is carried out no more than 2 times a day. To eliminate pain and inflammation, the following glucocorticosteroids are used:

  • Diprospan;
  • Kenalog;
  • Flosteron.

In addition to drug treatment, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed:

  • paraffin baths;
  • mud baths;
  • massage;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • phonophoresis.

To eliminate pain in the heel area, it is useful to perform physical therapy exercises. The complex is selected by the doctor, focusing on the individual characteristics of the patient. After performing gymnastics, it is necessary to perform taping - a procedure for applying a sports tape to the foot using a special technique.

Important! If more than one treatment method has not helped to eliminate the heel spur, then surgical intervention is indispensable. During the operation, an incision is made in the area of ​​the spur, the existing calcium build-up is removed, and the tissues are sutured. The procedure is carried out using endoscopic equipment.

What to do with pain in the heel on the inside?

If a person complains that his heel hurts on the inside, this is one of the signs of flat feet. It can develop due to such reasons:

  1. Wearing uncomfortable shoes. It is not recommended to walk only in high heels or constantly in sneakers. Shoes should be alternated.
  2. The presence of extra pounds.
  3. hereditary predisposition.
  4. Rickets, provoking softening of the bones inside the foot.
  5. Passive lifestyle.
  6. Various injuries.
  7. Prolonged standing.
  8. Pregnancy.
  9. Weight lifting.

There are 2 types of flat feet: transverse and longitudinal.

Symptoms of flat feet include:

  • rapid fatigue of the lower extremities;
  • swelling of the leg and foot;
  • feeling of heaviness;
  • increase in legs in length and width;
  • sharp pain when pressing on the middle of the foot;
  • the appearance of corns.

The course of therapy for flat feet includes the use of medicines and therapeutic exercises, with the help of which the muscles of the legs are strengthened, the gait is restored, and the foot is corrected. A set of exercises is prescribed by an orthopedic doctor. He also gives recommendations on the correct choice of orthopedic shoes and insoles.

Physiotherapy exercises should be carried out regularly several times a day. It includes the following exercises:

  • walking on toes;
  • walking on heels;
  • performing lunges forward;
  • flexion and extension of the fingers;
  • lifting the ball with your feet.
  • walking on uneven surfaces;
  • raising legs.

After therapeutic exercises, it is useful to carry out self-massage. It will help relieve muscle fatigue, improve the metabolic process and blood circulation. Massage can be done with your hands or use rubber mats and rollers. The massage course should include at least 12 sessions. Massage is contraindicated for people with skin diseases or problems with blood vessels.

Of the external agents for the treatment of flat feet, ointments, Ibuprofen and their analogues are often used. The ointment should be rubbed until completely absorbed 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 14 days.

One of the popular remedies is shark fat and golden mustache ointment. It contains many herbal ingredients with beneficial properties. Among them:

  • fir oil;
  • propolis;
  • camphor;
  • Golden mustache;
  • shark oil.

Note! The ointment should be used 2 times a day. After each procedure, it is recommended to wear woolen socks.

How to treat side heel pain?

If the heel hurts on the side, this may signal the presence of one of the diseases:

  • tendon inflammation.

Also, side pain can cause foot injuries. To eliminate them, you can use traditional medicine. In acute pain syndrome, it is useful to use garlic. It should be crushed and the resulting slurry applied to the affected area. Fix with a bandage for several hours.

A contrast shower will help get rid of the pain. It is enough to pour limbs with warm water, then cold. It is effective to use an ice cube in therapy. It is enough to attach it to the heel for a few minutes.

A common folk remedy for severe heel pain is a raw chicken mixture. It should be dipped in vinegar diluted with water for 1 week. After the time has elapsed, remove the film, grind and add 30 g of butter. Apply the mixture to your feet.

Effectively use a radish compress against heel pain. To prepare it, you need to grind the radish with a grater, put the gruel on the bandage and attach it to the foot. The course of treatment is 3-5 days until the pain syndrome disappears completely.

An equally popular folk remedy for treating pain in an adult patient or in a child is potatoes. You should cut a small potato, boil it and cool it. Next, you need to mash the potatoes to a state of puree and add the lugol. The resulting mixture must be put in a basin and keep your foot on it until the product has completely cooled down. After the procedure, wipe the foot and put on socks.

One of the effective folk remedies is the use of cabbage. You should take the sheets and rinse them under hot water, then grind, apply 40 g of natural and a couple of drops of vinegar, mix thoroughly and apply the mixture on the affected area of ​​the foot.

What to do with a heel injury?

Immediately after the injury, it is necessary to apply an ice bag to the heel and take an anesthetic. You can use Diclofenac, Indomethacin or. It is advisable to perform cold compresses on the first day and until the swelling is removed, the pain in the heel is reduced.

If there are wounds in the bruised area, then an antiseptic should be used. It can be iodine or hydrogen peroxide. A sterile bandage should be applied on top. In the presence of open injuries, it is strictly forbidden to use local anesthetics, since an additional infection can be introduced into the skin of the foot.

Treatment of reactive arthritis

The course of therapy for reactive arthritis includes the use of anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • Naproxen;
  • Diclofenac;
  • ibuprofen;
  • Ketoprofen and others.

You can not do with this disease without antibiotics. They eliminate the remnants of the infection in the patient's body. Often prescribe such drugs:

  • Spiramycin;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Rondomycin and others.

Immunosuppressive drugs are used to relieve joint and heel pain. The most common are Plaquenil, Delagil and Azathioprine.

Menovazin ointment will help reduce pain, eliminate swelling and inflammation. A few days after the removal of the tumor, the patient can use locally irritating ointments. These include Viprosal, Finalgon and Nikoflex.


Everyone has to deal with physical pain in their life. At the same time, the understanding comes that it is a symptom of an emerging disease. Why do heels hurt? The answer to this question lies in the knowledge of the anatomical structure of the feet and the diseases to which they are prone. Sharp pain in the heel is provoked by pathologies of tendons, joints, connective tissue of the foot. Some common human diseases affect the heel bone, accompanied by swelling and inflammation localized in this place. It is worth understanding what diseases cause heel pain.

What is heel pain

To make it easier for the doctor to diagnose the reason why the heels hurt, it is necessary to describe the painful sensation as accurately as possible: localization, duration, frequency and nature. It is a manifestation of foot disease or a general disease. These tables will help to more accurately characterize heel pain:

Description of the pain when it appears


external manifestations of the disease

presumptive diagnosis

burning, making you want to put your feet in cold water

all over the foot

redness with a bluish tint to the skin


sharp while walking

area of ​​tendon lesion extending throughout the sole of the foot


pressing after sleep. Dull at rest, aggravated by weight bearing

below the heel

swelling of the arch of the foot

plantar fasciitis



foot swelling

calcaneus fracture

strong, unrelenting. Sharp at night.

from ankle to calcaneus

inflammation, redness, swelling of the heel and ankle

rheumatoid arthritis

Why does the heel hurt

The upright position of the human body causes enormous loads on the legs. Each of his steps leads to pressure on the lower limbs with a force of 1.5 body weight. With sudden movements, this force increases by 3-4 times. The heel bone and tendons are the natural shock absorbers of the human musculoskeletal system. Without preventive measures, control over the weight of one's own body, there is a systematic overload of the legs, which can develop into a disease. Pain in the foot and heel is associated with many factors.

All causes of heel pain can be divided into several groups:

  • not associated with pathological changes in the body:
  1. Tension of muscles and ligaments from the need to stay on the legs for a long time, lifting weights (certain types of professions, training).
  2. Constantly wearing uncomfortable or high-heeled shoes.
  3. Atrophy of the fat layer caused by a sharp decrease in body weight or heavy physical exertion, flat feet.
  4. Obesity of a person or a rapid set of excess weight.
  5. Corn.
  • foot disease:
  1. heel spur;
  2. tendonitis (inflammation) of the Achilles tendon;
  3. apophysitis of the calcaneus;
  4. Haglund's deformity;
  5. bursitis;
  6. calcaneal exostosis;
  7. achillodynia;
  8. tarsal tunnel syndrome;
  9. Morton's neuralgia;
  10. valgus deformity of the foot, etc.
  • systemic diseases:
  1. ankylosing spondylitis;
  2. osteomyelitis of the calcaneus;
  3. bone tuberculosis;
  4. gout;
  5. rheumatoid and reactive arthritis;
  6. tumors, metastases of malignant neoplasms;
  7. diabetic angiopathy;
  8. infections that affect bone tissue;
  9. epiphysitis;
  10. cracks caused by diabetes mellitus, mycosis or dermatitis.
  • injuries:
  1. stretching, tendon rupture;
  2. injury;
  3. ligament damage;
  4. fractures, fissures of the calcaneus.

It hurts to step on

With pathologies of the heel zone, pain is felt in the heel when stepped on. This is understandable, because it consists of the heel bone, muscles, ligaments, tendons, thick adipose and connective tissue, permeated with a network of blood vessels and nerve fibers. Any inflammatory process, trauma or deformation of the parts that make up the heel under the pressure of a person's weight leads to pain. It hurts to come on:

  • Bechterov's disease. Due to genetic predisposition, some people develop chronic inflammation of the joints and vertebrae of the skeleton. The inflammatory lesion spreads first along the spine, and then affects the ankle joints, Achilles and subcalcaneal areas of the tendon. These processes cause pain, although they do not have such a destructive effect as in rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Gout. The cause of this disease is a high level of uric acid in the blood, manifested in people after 40 years of age. Urate crystals are deposited in the joints, blocking mobility and occasionally causing a severe inflammation called gouty arthritis. Such processes can cover the toes and ankle. An attack of gout is accompanied by swelling of the joint and adjacent tissues, pressing pain, which is aggravated by stepping on the foot.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic disease in which lymphocytes (immune cells) destroy the cells of the connective tissue of the joints, perceiving them as foreign. In this case, many small and large joints of the human body are simultaneously affected by the type of polyarthritis. On the foot, the tissues of the ankle and phalanges are destroyed. First, the legs ache at night, in the process of developing the disease, the pain becomes constant.
  • Osteomyelitis of the calcaneus is an infectious lesion of all elements of the bone. This process is long, manifests itself as a secondary disease on the background of diabetic ulcers or injuries of the heel zone. It is characterized by the formation of an open non-healing ulcer on the skin of the heel tubercle. The pain that occurs during this is not acute, but constant. A characteristic feature is the loss of support on the leg, the inability to walk without aids.

When walking after sleep

Sometimes it is difficult for a person to “disperse” after sleep: heaviness in the legs, numbness and dull pain in the foot are felt. You have to step carefully, choosing a comfortable position of the sole of the foot. Over time, the pain disappears when walking, but may return after the person is in a sitting or lying position. If such symptoms become a regular occurrence, you should consult a doctor, because the cause may be a disease called plantar fasciitis.

The fascia of the foot is a subcutaneous connective tissue that performs a supporting and trophic function. Constant loads on the lower extremities, unnatural position of the foot associated with wearing uncomfortable shoes or flat feet, lead to inflammatory processes of the fascia, their anatomical damage. These processes cause pain in the heel when walking. Over time, calcium salts are deposited in the area of ​​inflammation, forming a pathological bone growth. Degenerative changes in the calcaneus lead to chronic pain.

Heel bone behind

Exostosis, a non-tumor growth of bone and cartilage tissues (osteochondroma) on the posterior surface of the calcaneus, brings great inconvenience and pain. This growth can be up to 2 cm in diameter and cause pain when moving and wearing shoes. It happens that an osteocartilaginous bump is formed on the plantar part of the calcaneus. People call it "heel spur". These pathological changes can compress the nerve endings, which causes pain. Possible numbness of the foot, loss of its sensitivity.

On the inside of the foot

Flat feet cause pain on the inside of the feet. Factors influencing the development of this disease are weak leg ligaments, large excess weight and genetic predisposition. Deformation and flattening of the arches of the foot leads to the loss of its shock-absorbing function. Because of this, the spine can be bent, joints often ache. If the feeling of frequent pulling pain inside the foot, radiating to the heel, repeats, it is necessary to consult a doctor to determine flat feet and treat it.

The calcaneal tubercle on the inside can hurt with a bruise, stretching of the medial ligaments of the ankle, cracks in the calcaneus. Less often, but there may be pain in this area with epiphysitis, a childhood illness. By the age of 15, bones, ligaments and tendons are finally formed. Prior to this, there is a possibility of rupture of the apophysis from the body of the calcaneus during heavy physical exertion in children, for example, intensive sports.

Hurts inside

In infectious diseases, such as osteomyelitis, bone tuberculosis, the patient's feet ache inside the heel. The same symptom is stated by doctors with urogenital and intestinal infections. Bone tuberculosis is caused by pathogenic microbacteria. Most often they affect the lungs, but in rare cases, microbes enter the heel bone with the blood stream. This form of tuberculosis occurs only in children 10-15 years old with weak immunity.

The child has

Any indisposition of the child causes fear in the parents. In order to act wisely and provide the necessary assistance, you need to know what causes heel pain in children. Pain in the foot does not mean the presence of a serious disease, but may be the result of:

  • child obesity;
  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet of a growing organism.

If a child often complains that his legs hurt, these complaints should be taken seriously. Haglund-Shinz disease can manifest itself in the form of a similar symptom. The reason is the high mobility of children and their fragile musculoskeletal system. This disease is more often found in girls 12-15 years old. Apophysitis of the calcaneus provokes children's repetitive injuries and overstrain of the foot from exertion during sports. Restriction of movements, massages, physiotherapy lead to the complete recovery of the child.


The first manifestations of pain in the heel should be taken seriously. The doctor will prescribe a general and biochemical blood test. Disease-determining factors will be the level of leukocytes, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and uric acid levels. Depending on the indicators, anemia, gout, and the presence of an inflammatory process in the body can be diagnosed. Microbiological studies of scrapings (serological analysis) from the urethra will help determine the presence of urogenital infections.

Diagnosis of pathological changes in the foot and systemic diseases characterized by pain in the heel area depends on the age of the patient. Diagnostic methods are as follows:

  • Ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging are effective in identifying pathological neoplasms.
  • Tumor neoplasms. If their presence is suspected, the patient will be offered tests for onco-markers.
  • X-ray examination will help to detect pathologies of the calcaneus.
  • Puncture biopsy will determine osteomyelitis and bone tuberculosis.
  • If bursitis is suspected, a puncture is taken from the synovial bag of the joint.
  • Densitometry is used to quantify bone density when osteomyelitis is suspected.
  • Osteoscintigraphy is used to detect the destruction of bones by metastases, their necrosis.

What to do if your heel hurts

Often, people who experience pain in their legs turn to a surgeon, but in this case, the choice of a doctor is not entirely correct. This narrow specialist should be contacted when:

  • leg injury;
  • inflammation of muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments;
  • ulcers, ulcers on soft tissues;
  • subcutaneous hemorrhages;
  • joint pathologies;
  • tissue necrosis.

An orthopedist should be consulted if flat feet are suspected. This specialist will conduct the necessary diagnostics, advise orthopedic insoles for therapeutic correction of the foot and reduce the load on it. It is within the competence of the orthopedist to prescribe massage and therapeutic exercises, the necessary medications. A rheumatologist treats joints. With inflammation, pain and deformities in the ankle, small joints of the foot, you need to contact this doctor. If there is any doubt which doctor can help, you need to go to the therapist. He will direct you to the right specialist.

Medical treatment

If the heel hurts, you should definitely consult a doctor to obtain a qualified diagnosis of the disease and the necessary treatment. Medical care may include non-pharmacological treatment and physiotherapy. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe medications:



release form

therapeutic effect


arthritis, muscle pain due to injuries

ointment for external use

warms, soothes


rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia

has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic action

rheumatoid arthritis, articular syndrome with gout, bursitis, inflammation of the tendons and ligaments

gel, non-steroidal agent

acts as an analgesic, removes exudate


ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, bursitis

tablets, solution for intramuscular injections, ointment, gel, suppositories

exhibits antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect


articular syndrome, diffuse connective tissue diseases, tendon inflammation

tablets, ointment, gel, suppositories

relieves, relieves inflammation


acute pain in arthritis and other systemic diseases

tablets, drops, granules, injection solution, suppositories, gel

glues platelets, lowers fever, relieves pain and inflammation


sore joints or muscles

solution, ointment

has an anesthetic effect


arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis

warms, dilates blood vessels, relieves inflammation


injuries, sprains and sprains

has analgesic, resolving properties

Diclofenac is an effective, time-tested and clinical drug. Excellent relieves acute pain and has a long-term anti-inflammatory effect. With severe pain syndrome, 3 injections are prescribed intramuscularly, then a tablet form of the drug is used at the rate of 150 mg per day. Benefits: has different forms of release, quickly relieves pain. Negative properties: not suitable for long-term use, because it causes pain in the stomach, exacerbates peptic ulcers, gastritis.

Ketoprofen is a strong analgesic drug. Excellent for relieving joint pain in arthritis. It is well tolerated by patients. Convenient for outpatient use, as it has different forms of release. Advantages: optimal combination of price and quality. With occasional use of side effects does not show. Negative properties: does not help with extensive lesions, has a gastropathic effect.

Surgical treatment

If conservative treatment does not bring the desired result, the patient is prescribed surgical treatment. Surgery is performed when:

  • Haglund's deformations. The bone outgrowth is removed from the surface of the calcaneal tuber endoscopically. Thanks to the camera embedded in the heel area, the operation is fast and accurate. Surgical treatment for this disease is 90% effective. The rehabilitation period is minimal.
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome. Surgical intervention requires volumetric pathological formations in the tarsal canal. With the help of the operation, growths are removed, thereby restoring the normal patency of the canal.
  • Tuberculosis of the heel bone. In the later stages of the disease, conservative treatment is not effective. In this case, surgical intervention is prescribed: dead tissues are mechanically removed, the cavity that has formed inside the calcaneus is disinfected.
  • Osteomyelitis. Surgical intervention consists in opening an abscess in the heel bone, mechanical cleansing of dead tissues and disinfection of the affected area.

Alternative treatment

When the foot hurts, as a result of gout, diabetic angiopathy, reactive arthritis, epophysitis, osteomyelitis of the heel bone, etc., serious medical treatment is necessary, which does not exclude surgical intervention. Folk remedies can only be used when:

  • bruises;
  • stretching the tendons and ligaments of the ankle joint;
  • bursitis;
  • fasciitis.

If the heel hurts, you should get a positive response from the doctor to the use of folk remedies to get rid of pain. At home, you can prepare tinctures and compresses to relieve pain. Among the effective recipes recommend the following:

  • For fasciitis:
  1. Lubricate the sole of the foot, as often as possible, with tincture of white acacia flowers on vodka. The proportion of components is 1:3. Insist 3-7 days in a dark place.
  2. Marsh cinquefoil roots mix 1:3 with vodka, leave for 24 hours. Use orally 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
  3. Garlic compress. Garlic, grated on a fine grater, is applied to the sore spot for 3-4 hours.
  • With a heel injury, stretching of the Achilles tendon and ankle ligaments, joint bursitis:
  1. Apply a compress of grated raw potatoes several times a day.
  2. Apply a slurry of crushed aloe leaves to the sore spot in the form of a compress. Keep 6 hours.
  3. Peeled, finely chopped onion is mixed with sugar in a ratio of 2: 1, applied to the sore spot with a compress. The dressing is changed after 24 hours.


In order not to hurt the heels, measures should be taken that will protect the feet from injury and deformation. Preventive measures that prevent the occurrence of pain in the heel area include:

  • Refusal of shoes with high heels or completely flat soles such as ballet flats. It is advisable to have shoes with a wide heel 5 cm high.
  • Timely visit to the doctor at the first manifestations of painful symptoms in the foot area.
  • Control over extra pounds of the body. Excess weight increases the load on the legs, which can provoke the diseases described above.
  • Regular foot care.
  • The diet should include the necessary trace elements and vitamins.
  • The use of relaxing salt baths for the feet.
  • Skating, skateboarding, skiing with the use of protective equipment that prevents leg injuries.
  • The imposition of a nourishing cream on the skin of the feet to avoid its excessive drying.


Why do the heels of the feet hurt? Let's look at 7 main reasons.

Pills to increase immunity for adults - a list

Causes of heel pain

Heel pain (painful to step on) is an extremely common complaint that can be caused by several reasons. It is necessary to make the most accurate diagnosis so that the appropriate treatment can be selected. If you have heel pain, the reasons may be:

- Plantar fasciitis is the most common disease that causes heel pain. It occurs due to irritation and inflammation of the tough tissue that forms the arch of the foot. Common symptoms of the disease include heel pain with prolonged walking or standing.

A heel spur usually occurs with advanced chronic plantar fasciitis.

Tarsal tunnel syndrome is caused by compression of the tibial nerve that runs from the calf to the foot.

- Fractures of the heel bone are a fairly rare cause. This injury is usually caused by heel strikes during a fall in a standing position from a height.

It happens that the heel hurts (it hurts to step on it) in athletes, for example, in long-distance runners.

Posterior Achilles Bursitis causes pain behind the heel. The cause may be inflammation of the synovial bag.

Heel hurts - it hurts to step on: when to see a doctor

If you are not sure or do not know the cause of your symptoms, you should consult your doctor for specific advice. If your heels hurt, treatment should be based on an accurate diagnosis. Some signs that you should visit a doctor:

Inability to step on the affected leg.

Heel pain that occurs during rest or at night.

The pain persists for several days.

Swelling or discoloration of the back of the leg.

Signs of infection, including fever, redness, temperature.

Any other unexplained symptoms.

Sore heels: treatment

Treatment depends entirely on the cause of the disease. Therefore, it is extremely important that you know the diagnosis before starting treatment. You should not self-medicate. Be sure to consult a doctor in order for him to conduct an examination and prescribe medications and procedures. Some common treatments for heel pain are listed below:

Peace. Avoid jogging, prolonged standing and walking. Rest usually helps to eliminate the most severe pain and reduces inflammation.

If your heel hurts (it hurts to step on), then apply ice packs. Cooling down can help minimize some symptoms and control pain. In addition, it has a particularly beneficial effect during an exacerbation.

Exercises and stretches are designed to relax the muscle tissue surrounding the heel bone. Sometimes a few simple exercises done in the evening or in the morning are enough to help patients feel much better.

- Anti-inflammatory drugs help both with heel pain and reduce inflammation. Medicines are usually sold without a prescription.

Boot inserts are often the key to successful heel pain management. Orthopedic insoles for shoes sometimes allow a person to continue daily activities without heel pain.

Pain in the legs and in particular in the heels of the legs is a fairly common phenomenon that each of us regularly encounters in life - a sedentary lifestyle leads to the fact that our legs become “unprepared” for various physical activities, which is why we even after a slight walk We may experience discomfort in this area. And in order to get rid of such a pain syndrome in this situation, we just need to rest.

However, not always the pain in the heels of the feet can be provoked by ordinary fatigue during the working day, and, despite a good rest, we even experience certain painful sensations in the morning. Why is this happening? And what causes such pain? In this article, we will tell you about why the heels of the legs can hurt, as well as how to treat such painful manifestations.

External causes of heel pain

We all know that pain is a signal from our body about the presence of any disorders in it, however, in some cases, such unpleasant sensations are not associated with diseases. So, for example, the resulting pain in the heels of the legs can be triggered by the following external factors:

    Overweight. With excess body weight, our legs are subjected to excessive stress, which in turn leads to regular pain in the heels of the feet;

    Wrong shoes. Wearing tight or uncomfortable shoes also leads to regular pain in this area. Frequent wearing of high-heeled shoes also contributes to acute heel pain;

    Intensified physical activity. There are cases when after playing sports there is a painful sensation in the heel. If you experience pain in this area after performing any specific exercises, then in this case it is recommended to consult a trainer, because this pain syndrome occurs against the background of an incorrect technique for performing the exercise itself.

Causes of heel pain

Above, you have already familiarized yourself with possible external factors that can cause heel pain, however, why can such a pain syndrome occur if you wear quite comfortable shoes and do not overload yourself with excessive physical exertion? In this case, we are already talking about specific diseases that are the cause of heel pain. Below we will tell you more about these diseases:

    Plantar fasciitis. In order to understand the essence of this disease, it is initially necessary to clarify what the sole fascia itself is. This term refers to a certain compacted formation, which is located in the connective tissue and which runs along the entire foot of the foot. If you regularly wear tight and uncomfortable shoes, which, as it were, “deform” the foot and pinch it, then an inflammatory process forms in the fascia, which ultimately leads to the onset of pain. Another distinguishing feature of this disease is the deposition of salts just at the site of inflammation, which in the future can lead to the emergence and development of such a disease as a heel spur.

    Heel spur. The essence of this disease is the same as plantar fasciitis, and the only difference between the two diseases is the form of their course. So, for example, if plantar fasciitis can be cured, then the heel spur is a chronic form of the disease that occurs against the background of a long process of salt deposition at the site of inflammation. With a heel spur, the patient, as a rule, is disturbed by very severe pain in the heel area while walking or standing for a long time. In order to get rid of such pains, the patient provides rest to his legs, however, when he tries to stand up again, the pain returns with greater intensity.

    Arthritis. The essence of this disease is the presence of an inflammatory process in the joints or tissues, which in turn can occur for various reasons. So, for example, allergies, any infection, and even ordinary trauma can provoke the occurrence of this disease. With arthritis, the patient, as a rule, feels pain in the heels, which is most pronounced in the morning, immediately after waking up. With various physical exertion, pain in this area also occurs.

In addition to the above causes of arthritis, chlamydia and various sexually transmitted diseases can provoke the appearance of this disease, namely its specific type - reactive arthritis. With this type of arthritis, the patient is constantly worried about pain in the heel, which is especially aggravated at night.

    Achillodynia. The essence of this disease is the presence of an inflammatory process in the heel bag, which in turn consists of connective tissue and which, as it were, "surrounds" the Achilles tendon. Distinctive features of this disease are the presence of a slight swelling in the area of ​​​​the location of this tendon, as well as increased skin temperature in this area. Any touch to the Achilles tendon is very painful.

How to treat heel pain

Of course, any of the above diseases requires careful attention to themselves, because if they are not cured, any of the diagnoses can develop into a chronic form, which further excludes any possibility of getting rid of the disease. It is also worth considering that some diseases in their advanced stage require surgical intervention, which is why with regularly occurring pain in the heel, it is imperative to contact the appropriate specialist, who, after examining you, passing the necessary tests and after passing certain procedures, will establish a specific diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

In order to relieve pain before a visit to the doctor, it is recommended to purchase special orthopedic insoles, the “structure” of which will create the most favorable and comfortable conditions for the heel, which helps to eliminate pain. Orthopedic shoes with a recess in the heel are another option for getting rid of such painful sensations.

Prevention of heel pain

Of course, due to various circumstances, it is not possible to permanently get rid of such a problem, however, resorting to simple advice, you can help ensure that heel pain bothers us as rarely as possible:

    do morning exercises regularly. Daily exercise helps to "warm up" all the muscles, which thus makes them prepared for the upcoming physical exertion;

    choose comfortable shoes. Frequent wearing of high-heeled and flat-soled shoes should be avoided. The best option is shoes with a low wedge or shoes with a heel of three to four centimeters;

    take up swimming. Swimming is the most beneficial sport for our muscles and joints, and also serves as an excellent prevention against various diseases;

    do special exercises for the feet. To do this, you need to draw warm water into the basin, lay river pebbles on its bottom and try to roll the pebbles with your feet for 15 minutes.

Walk, run, jump, jump - verbs that describe the movement of a person. Should there be problems with the legs, each step causes suffering and pain. The causes of pathologies are different, often occur.

The symptoms are worrisome for young people and adults who do not pay attention to the problem, only when they are thoroughly worried, understanding that a doctor is required. For people far from medicine, the information that pain has multiple causes becomes a discovery.

Inflammation of the plantar fascia causes pain, restrictions in movement. A specific fibrous ligament is localized in the sole, its functions are important - the arch of the foot is supported. The people called the disease a spur. Flat feet are to blame for the pathology, with constant loads that fall out of the foot, spurs often occur.

The growth that occurs on the bone appears due to the accumulation of calcium salt in the part of inflammation, strong pressure on the tissues begins. The pain is severe even with little exertion. A spur occurs when the ligaments in the foot are overstretched. The doctor will be able to determine the type of inflammation by examining the x-ray.

It happens that the profession causes tension in the legs, when work forces you to stand for a long time. The load is taken by the legs. The feet do not have time to rest, a painful process appears. Inflammation begins if a person with a passive lifestyle decides to suddenly start a mobile life activity. Heel hurts when walking, running.

Heel pain due to injury

With a stretched tendon, its rupture, there is severe pain in the heel area. Trauma is both latent and direct. Differences are determined by the doctor:

  • Direct injury occurs due to blows to the tendons in the foot. More often when damage is caused by a hard object.
  • A hidden injury occurs due to a sharp contraction of the calf muscles.

An experienced doctor will determine the damaged tendons by touch, the patient experiences acute pain, edema appears in the sore spot, where the Achilles tendon is located. The pain radiates down the foot. Flexion and extension of the legs create a problem.

In addition to injuries, passion for stilettos gives women trouble. There are pains over the heel when walking. If you want to show the beauty of your legs, take care of changing shoes, provide rest for your legs.

With a bruised calcaneus, pain in the heel when walking is severe at the site of injury, pressure is applied to the heel. Treatment is required, otherwise neighboring tissues will become inflamed.

If a calcaneal fracture occurs, even small loads on the legs are impossible. The pain is accompanied by curvature inward, sometimes outward. The arches of the feet are compacted, painful bruises appear. Treatment is prescribed according to a given scheme.

In case of injury, swelling of soft tissues is formed, tension of the calcaneal tendon occurs, mobility is limited, capturing the ankle joint.

Sharp pain occurs in the heels if a person is sick with epiphysitis. When the disease occurs, tissue rupture occurs at the site of localization of the body of the calcaneal bones, the apophysis. Adolescents under 14 years of age are susceptible to pathology, when the body and the calcaneus are being formed. Too fast or slow development of the body affects the pain over the heel when walking. Edema appears, the temperature rises. With the development of the disease, the pain increases with movements affecting the calf muscles, you need to hurry up with a visit to the doctor.

Athletes often experience damage to the legs and heels - after an unsuccessful landing on the heels when jumping, running, severely injuring her.

Ministry of Health warns: lose weight, wear comfortable shoes

The heel also hurts when walking, if a person has a lot of weight, the body experiences an increased load from extra pounds. The muscles that form the arch of the foot begin to weaken, the reasons are that it is difficult to cope with the weight. A dietitian determines the type of diet so that excess weight does not disrupt the well-coordinated work of the body, does not burden the legs.

The causes of pain also lie in shoes: when walking, it causes tight, low-quality shoes, without heels, with too small heels. It is better to wear shoes that match the size, if the heel hurts when walking, get an auxiliary tool - orthopedic insoles. The advantage of orthotics:

  • align the feet, the pressure becomes gentle;
  • move easier;
  • Constantly using them - the pain disappears.

The doctor will advise you to take care of the feet without prescribing special treatment.

If you do not take care of your feet, cracks form on the sole, in the heel area. It is not difficult to treat small cracks at home in the early stages, treating with a brush, freeing the skin from keratinized particles.

The cause of the cracks is a fungal infection. Treatment is prescribed after laboratory tests, the doctor will recommend drugs. It is difficult to get rid of the infection, the skin is constantly re-infected. The heel does not hurt much, but it brings anxiety.

Everything in the human body is tightly interconnected

When the heel hurts, the possible cause worries - damage to the internal organs. The reasons are hidden in a local or systemic nature. In the East, the connection between organs and points on the heel has long been determined. It is not surprising that when any organ suffers, the heel hurts.

Infectious diseases cause pain in the affected area, fever. If the pain manifests itself in the heel, the treatment will not be long-term, the prognosis for recovery is favorable. Autoimmune diseases, to which the heel reacts painfully, are difficult to treat, the causes of foot deformity, destruction of articular joints are determined after the onset of the disease.

It happens that the immune system stops working one hundred percent - it suddenly starts to fight with the tissues of the body, mistaking them for an enemy invasion.

Sudden sharp pain appears due to arthritis.

There are pains in the heel area due to Bechterew's disease. It manifests itself in the form of chronic inflammation of the spinal column, joints.

A symptom of an unpleasant disease of ankylosing spondylitis - pain in the heel:

  • developing, the joints lose their flexibility;
  • the vertebral discs gradually narrow, fusing.

Causes lead to ossification of the spine in the end.

Rheumatoid arthritis brings complications. The joints are affected, there are restrictions in movements, there is no previous activity in the area of ​​​​the articular joints of the foot. Due to the appearance of severe pain, edema occurs - it is difficult and long-term to treat the disease. At the beginning of the disease, pain occurs during the load of the legs - when walking, running, lifting weights. The pain is localized in the heel, spreads higher, intensifies.

Gouty arthritis is manifested by pain in the area of ​​the big toe, spreading first to the foot, then higher - to the ankle. The skin acquires a specific redness, swelling appears in the affected area of ​​the joints. The tendons are affected, it hurts over the heel when walking, the heel itself.

It is necessary to go to the hospital in time, start treatment if purulent-necrotic processes begin, caused by osteomyelitis of the heel. Fungi, viruses related to pathogenic flora are to blame. The species responsible for the disease is determined by laboratory analysis. It progresses in the bone, bone marrow, affects soft tissues, severe shooting pain accompanies the processes, redness forms near the affected area. The heel begins to swell strongly, a pulsation is felt.

Diagnosis is made after tissue studies. Get ready for long term treatment.

When microorganisms that cause tuberculosis appear in the human body, treatment begins immediately. Tuberculosis of the calcaneus is dangerous, it is difficult to walk, it hurts above the heel when walking, the heel itself hurts, now it is very thickened. Without movement, the pain does not go away, soft tissues are affected. Dying begins, fistulas appear, purulent abscesses hidden far inside. The doctor prescribes treatment.

Bursitis is also urgently needed. This is an inflammatory process. For the legs, the disease is fatal, takes a chronic form. The pain appears not strong, redness is not pronounced, in the absence of treatment:

  • edema occurs;
  • the temperature rises;
  • at the hearth the temperature rises.

Inflammatory processes can make life gloomy, it is required to start the fight on time. The doctor prescribes a course of wellness measures.

If discomfort occurs when moving in the legs, it is better to contact a traumatologist, a rheumatologist with a complaint of pain above the heel when walking, the heel itself.

Folk remedies are also known. Make baths and compresses, if the doctor allows the methods to be used. Do not practice self-treatment, do not harm your feet, and they will reliably last for years.