Bolonka dog breed. Description, price and care of the lapdog

Bolonka (from the Italian village of Bologna) is a group of breeds of dwarf dogs with a length at the withers equal to its height, 15-30 cm. It is distinguished from other dogs, as a rule, by white hair: long, silky and thick.

Historically, lapdogs, due to their sophistication, are loved by beautiful ladies. This dog has a cheerful and friendly disposition, ready to brighten up loneliness and please the owner. You can always take her on any trip or to a dinner party - she is a wonderful companion and gets along great with children.

Bolonkas are active, unpretentious in food, eat a lot, but require regular care for six, which must be treated with special brushes and combs. This dog can only be kept indoors.

Coton de Tulear;

This breed of a group of lapdogs is simply created for establishments in living quarters. Sometimes it barks a lot and makes noise, but it will be an excellent companion and suitable for a small or large family, including those with children.

The Bichon is related to the Poodle and is descended from the Water Spaniel, the Barbet. Spanish sailors brought him to Italy at the beginning of the 14th century for the aristocracy, among whom it was fashionable to cut such dogs like a lion.

  • Therefore, for a long time in the catalogs they were listed as "lion dogs", or bichon lion. In the Canaries they were called the Tenerife breed. In 1933 the standard was approved. Currently, puppies of this breed are not very common in Russia.

The breed standard is a height at the withers of 25-26 cm and a weight of 2-3 kg. The coat covers the entire body and tail, it is fluffy, soft, pure white - the bichon looks like a plush toy. Sometimes puppies and dogs before the age of 19 months may have apricot-colored spots on their coat. Hanging ears, a scissor bite, a tail thrown behind the back - this is what a bichon looks like.

The nature of this breed of dogs is joyful and playful. They are well-mannered and noble. The behavior is most often cheerful and loving.

  • The bark is pleasant and does not hurt the ear. Bichons are in excellent health.

Bolognese (or French) are smart, obedient, intelligent dogs, ideal pets, devoted to their owner.

The Bolognese breed was the result of crossing various types of lapdogs. Their ancestors lived in all countries of the Mediterranean coast.

They gained particular popularity several centuries ago in the Italian city of Bologna, which is the main reason for the name of the breed.

The European nobility showed interest in them, but with the course of historical events, the popularity of the Bolognese was lost. Thanks to the efforts and perseverance of breeders at the beginning of the 20th century, the breed began to gain demand again, although at that time there were about a dozen Bologneses left.

The breed standard was adopted in 1995. The height of the dog is 20-30 cm at the withers, weight is 4.5-7 kg. The coat is white, silky, thick, covering the entire body and a high-set tail lying on the back. The hairy ears are hanging, and the eyes are dark and extremely expressive. Black nose, eyelids and lips look spectacular.

Bologneses are very charming and stylish. They are distrustful of strangers, but do not have a soul in the owner.

  • These dogs live for a long time, on average 12-14 years, have excellent health and adapt to any conditions and life situations.

French lapdogs have a fairly high IQ for indoor decorative dogs. They love attention and praise. These are the most contact dogs from the group of lapdogs.

havanese bichon

This is the national Cuban dog, which has a soft and accommodating character, cheerful and inquisitive.

It is believed that this breed was the result of crossing the Bolgnese and the Maltese. She was very popular with Cuban aristocrats, but over time she lost her weight in society and practically disappeared. American admirers of the Havanese did not allow this breed to disappear. Dogs were brought to Europe at the beginning of the 20th century, where they gained popularity.

The breed standard is a height of 23-27 cm at the withers and a weight of 3-5.5 kg. The coat is long and soft and can be of any color. The tail is set high, the ears covered with thick hair are located far from each other.

There are important proportions adopted for the Havanese: 4/3 (length of the body to the height at the withers) and 3/7 (length of the head to the length of the body), and the distance from the tip to the base of the nose should be equal to the length from the base of the nose to the occiput.

The character of these dogs is open. Oddly enough, they are easy to train and train to perform a watchdog function.

  • The Havanese is fearless and determined, but only when his best human friend is nearby. It is difficult to endure periods of separation from the owner.

He can play with children indefinitely, participate in all pranks and tricks. These dogs live for a long time, on average 14-15 years. There are risks of cataracts, dislocation of the patella, hip dysplasia.

Coton de Tulear

A rare breed of dog, almost never found in Russia. It owes its name to the white wool of amazing softness, similar to cotton.

The breed was first recorded on the island of Madagascar. Only in the middle of the 20th century it was brought to Europe and immediately captured everyone's attention.

The breed standard was adopted in 1970. Height 22-32 cm, weight 3.5-6 kg. The coat is white, straight and very long, the hanging ears are set high, the tail is long and raised.

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  • 1 (42%, 601 Votes)
  • I'm just about to start it 🙂 (33%, 469 Votes)
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  • 3 (4%, 58 Votes)
  • Over 5 (3%, 49 Votes)
  • 4 (2%, 24 Votes)
  • 5 (1%, 15 Votes)

Cases are allowed when the hair on the body is slightly wavy, and there are fawn spots around the ears. By nature, the dogs are very active and enterprising, they are easy to train.

  • They will feel great both in a spacious house and in a small apartment. They love long walks on the street and perform tricks with pleasure.

They coexist perfectly with the children of the owners, but are wary of strangers, they can burst into loud barking. They live long, about 15 years, have good health.

They are unpretentious in care, but require regular care of the coat (daily combing and bathing at least twice a month).

A Coton de Tulear puppy is expensive (about 1,300 euros on average), but this price is determined by the fact that, as a rule, no more than 3 puppies are born in a litter of a dog of this breed.

Small lion dog (levkhen)

It got its name because of the traditional haircut, thanks to which the dog looks like a small lion with a lush mane.
Before king and pugs came into fashion, levchen was common among high-ranking ladies. Artists painted these dogs on their canvases from the 14th century. By the beginning of the 20th century, the lion dog lost its relevance, and other types of lapdogs absorbed it, turning it into street dogs for the plebeians.

After the Second World War, the breed was revived, but remained so rare that in 1960 it was listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

  • The breed standard was defined in 1961. The height of the dog is 26-32 cm, weight is about 6 kg. The shape of the head is important, influencing the contours of the dog like a lion.
  • The coat is long, wavy (but not curly and should not hide the silhouette), can be of any color (except all shades of brown), the most valuable are black, white and fawn levkhens.

The ears are drooping and covered with hair, the muzzle is short, the eyes are dark and large, the head is broad in the skull. The tail only slightly touches the back with the tip, is set relatively low and is a semicircle. Most importantly, the levkhen should look like a miniature lion.

Like all lapdogs, the lion dog has a cheerful disposition and excellent obedience. She will be affectionate with the owner and members of his family, she is always glad to be present in all spheres of human life. Levkhenov is distinguished by courage and an intelligent attentive look.

Also known as Maltese. These are sensitive and gentle dogs with a good-natured character and a dazzling white coat.

The origin of the breed is not exactly known. Experts have speculation that the Maltese are related to the toy poodle and the small spaniel. It is believed that the breed originated on the island of Meleda at the beginning of our era and began to bear the name "melita", and since the island of Malta had the same name, the dogs were mistakenly called Maltese from the 16th century.

An important proportion for the Maltese is the ratio of the length of the body to the height at the withers (3 to 1) and the length of the head to half the height at the withers (1 to 2). Height at the withers is 20-25 cm, weight - 3-4 kg. The coat, which requires regular careful care, is dazzling white, but a slight shade of ivory is also allowed by the standards.

Puppies have a soft and fluffy coat, adult dogs are long and elegant. The ears are set high and close to the head. The muzzle is funny due to the shape of the nose, prominent forehead and large dark brown eyes.

The tail is arched, set high, thinning from the base to the tip and touching the middle of the croup (may be slightly turned to one side). The length of the body is visually much greater than the height at the withers.

  • The Maltese is distinguished by its easy learning to various commands. She loves outdoor games on the street, where she happily jumps and runs fast. Very curious and resourceful dog. He loves to have fun and can easily turn the apartment into an attraction for his entertainment. Needs games with the owner and constant physical exercise.

Life expectancy is 12-15 years on average. There are risks of eye diseases, hypoglycemia, damage to the oral cavity (gums and teeth). It is necessary to feed such a dog with the mandatory inclusion of dry food in the diet to prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal disorders. Cases of bronchial asthma have been reported.

This breed of dogs of Russian origin is not recognized by the International Cynological Federation.

The history of the appearance of the breed is connected with the end of the Great Patriotic War, at that time these, most likely, outbred dogs with a soft silky coat and a presentable appearance were brought to Leningrad.

In the early 50s, the Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka was recognized by the Leningrad section of decorative dog breeding. White puppies were rejected, so we managed to achieve a rich dark color.

The height of the dog fluctuates between 20 and 24 cm. The weight is very small, about 1.5 kg. Wool of spectacular colors, most often brown, black, gray or beige, white is strictly unacceptable.

The undercoat is well developed, the coat is long and of varying degrees of curlyness, should be of the same length throughout the body of the dog. The ears are set high on the head, small and in proportion to its size. The eyes, with eyelids painted to match the fur, are round and small. The tail is small and curled in a ring straight or slightly to one side, with the tip adjacent to the back.

Despite its miniature size, this lap dog has great endurance: it can easily withstand long walks and even multi-day hikes.

It is distinguished by a high level of intelligence and ingenuity, without any problems it learns to execute commands to the delight of guests who have come to the house.

Suitable for a large family with children, and single people of any age. She loves games and entertainment, is incredibly devoted to her owners, which can even make her sick if she stays at home alone for a long time. Always feels the mood of a person and will not be intrusive in moments of sadness.

  • Bolonka of this species is not susceptible to disease. The coat does not require special care, it is enough to bathe the dog once or twice a month and comb it out once a week. The exception is pets purchased for exhibitions and competitions. It is odorless and does not shed.


Do not forget that by purchasing a dog with documents, you will provide yourself with a guarantee of pet health, good heredity, constant support and tips from breeders. Do not be discouraged if valuable seems expensive to you.

  • Think about getting a friend and protector, a family member, if for financial reasons you cannot afford a club dog, don't be upset, you can always negotiate with breeders and take a puppy in installments.

Their coat gets dirty easily and forms tangles, so they need to be brushed every day.

The long silky snow-white coat of the Maltese lapdog needs careful care. It gets dirty easily and forms tangles, so they need to be combed every day and bathed once a week. Also, these dogs are prone to the formation of "tear stains", so the eyes and coat under them should be washed daily with warm water. Maltese do not need long walks, and due to their small size they can be trained to go to the tray.

Origin and history

Country of origin: Italy

Many believe that the Maltese is so named after the island of Malta. In fact, they have nothing in common with the island, except for the common etymological source of these words. Both words presumably come from the Semitic malat ("harbour", "refuge"). Maltese is an ancient breed of dog, its history can be traced back to ancient times. Their ancestors lived in the port and coastal cities of the central Mediterranean. Then the little hunters were engaged in catching mice and rats, which were found in abundance in warehouses and in the holds of ships. In the classification of dogs compiled by Aristotle (384-322 BC), small dogs Melitaei Catelli are mentioned. They were popular in ancient Rome, where they accompanied noble matrons; their dignity was praised by Strabo in the 1st century. These dogs can be seen on the canvases of the great masters of the Renaissance next to the most famous women of the era. Today, the Maltese is a purely decorative dog, the peculiarity of which is its small size and fragile physique.

The Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka is one of the representatives of decorative breeds that was bred in the fifties of the last century. Now the FCI has not recognized the purebredness of this species. In order to achieve a stable color color, in Leningrad after the Second World War, dog breeders culled all white puppies that were brought to the city without appropriate documents only because of their attractive appearance - small size, silky coat and short muzzle. Thus, the Russian colored lap dog appeared, the advantages and positive qualities of which are highly valued among pet lovers.

Cynologists applied several times to the International Cynological Federation in order to register the Russian lapdog as a new breed. These attempts were unsuccessful due to the fact that the experts of the organization define this dog as a classic Italian Bolognese.

Despite the fact that the Russian lapdog has no registration, it became quite popular in Russia after the Second World War. Until that time, decorative animals were not in demand in the country, as the owners needed practical and useful species. That is why the Russian lapdog appeared only as a result of the work of several enthusiasts who tried to breed a sweet, calm and beautiful domestic dog.

Initially, the Russian lapdog gained popularity in St. Petersburg. After that, the wave of spread moved to Moscow. Today in Russia there are more than 100 representatives of the breed who have a pedigree registered in accordance with the rules.

The history of the breed is not so deep - it is just over 70 years old. Such a lap dog appeared after the war, when frightened little dogs began to be brought to the city, which they wanted to protect from the difficulties of that period. That is why no documents on such animals existed at that time.

Only at the end of the 50s of the last century, the kennel club took small cute dogs into a separate group. In order to eventually achieve the absence of bright representatives, breeders weeded out puppies that had a whitish color.

On the net you can see a significant number of photographs and videos of Russian colored lapdogs. Such content is very popular due to the fact that this dog breed is very cute, interesting and playful.

Basic Breed Standards

The Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka is a small fluffy dog ​​that has small dimensions and a wonderful character. The main standards of this breed are set out in the following table:

Analyzed factorFeatures and Specifications
HeadDistinguished by its rounded shape. It is small, so in proportion to the body it fits quite well. The forehead of the dog is round, without strongly pronounced brow ridges. There is no pronounced occiput on the head
muzzleThe muzzle of the Russian colored lapdog is short and neat. The transition from the forehead to the nose is strongly pronounced. The dog's nostrils are well open, so there are no breathing problems. On the lobes of the nose and lips there are small areas of pigmentation in accordance with the color of the breed. The lips fit snugly together, so the mouth of the lapdog is closed. She has a scissor bite. A slight overshot or undershot bite without a gap is allowed. The incisors in the oral cavity are at an angle of 90 degrees to the jaw
EyesThe eyes of the dog are distinguished by a rounded appearance, brown color and lack of bulge. Their eyelids contain pigment spots in accordance with the color. As a result, the look of the dog is remarkable and intelligent.
EarsThe ears of the breed have a high fit. They are triangular in shape. Their sharp end is slightly rounded. The ears fit well to the muzzle, being hanging. They have very long hair.
NeckThe neck of the Russian colored lapdog is of medium length. It is set high enough on the body, with not very pronounced muscles.
FrameThe body of the dog has an almost square shape. It is slightly stretched in the longitudinal direction. The back of the dogs is flat, strong and wide. Her lumbar part protrudes a little, being very short. The croup is muscular, round and sloping. The chest of the dog is well developed, therefore it has an oval shape. In this regard, the stomach is slightly tucked up
TailThe tail of the representatives of the breed is set high, having the shape of a ring. It is covered with wool - quite long and thick. The tip most often goes behind the back
ForelimbsThe front legs are parallel to each other. The dog's thighs are muscular. They are set in relation to the body at an angle. The joints of the breed are rather dry, with noticeable articulations. Metatarsus at the same time sheer
PawsPaws are of medium size. They are oval in appearance. The hind limbs are slightly smaller than the front ones. Their pads are dyed dark
wool coverThe texture of the coat is wavy. Hair is of considerable length on many parts of the body. The dog has a thick undercoat. The latter does not adhere to the skin, as it is very fluffy. The fur is soft and pleasant to the touch. In appearance, it is shiny and silky.
ColorA dog of the Russian lap dog breed can have a completely different color, except for white. Now it is difficult to find pure black or bright brown animals. This is due to the fact that these colors are difficult to obtain in the selection process. Small light spots are often observed, both on the paws and on the abdomen.

The above features are clear distinguishing characteristics. Despite this, the FCI experts classify these dogs as the Italian Bolognese breed.

dog character

The Russian lapdog is able to easily and quickly become a member of the team of almost any family.

Russian lap dog is a kind of companion dog

This is due to its character, which is distinguished by the following features:

  1. Playfulness that attracts the attention of children. A dog is incapable of harming a child, regardless of his age and preferences.
  2. Endurance. Despite its size, the Russian lap dog is able to walk quite a considerable distance while walking with its owner.
  3. Significant intellectual ability. It can be revealed with gentle training, the absence of rude behavior and significant punishments. The owner can easily teach the dog certain tricks. This will ultimately allow you to entertain guests and family members.
  4. Compliance and relative calm.
  5. Attachment to the owner and sincere love. It can be felt from the dog immediately. She makes good contact and gets used to the conditions in which she is.
  6. Communication skills and the need for contact. Representatives of the Russian lapdog breed do not like to be alone.

This is a kind of companion dog, characterized by playfulness, friendliness and gentleness. She can always entertain, but at the same time she does not pester the owners much. Her affection cannot be confused with obsession. The dog knows how to feel the mood of a person, without disturbing him, if necessary. If you do not pay attention to him for a long time, he is able to get sick. This is how the psychosomatics of the breed manifests itself.

Video - Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka

dog care

In order for the Russian lapdog to be healthy, it is necessary to provide her with proper care. First of all, it is important to follow the following advice from veterinarians:

  1. Keep the animal's hair clean, comb out the tangles daily, cut the overgrown strands in a timely manner, especially those falling over the eyes and ears.
  2. You should periodically wipe your eyes so that pus does not accumulate in the corners. This must be done with cotton sponges and special solutions.
  3. Plaque often accumulates on the teeth, and it must be removed using a special brush for animals. In this case, it will be possible to achieve healthy and pleasant breathing for the pet. To prevent dental problems, some veterinarians also recommend the use of chew toys. They have a special structure that removes plaque and food debris.
  4. For the free movement of the pet, it is necessary to regularly trim the claws. This should be done as carefully as possible so as not to hurt the vessels. For this, special tools are used, which can be purchased at veterinary stores.

You also need to take care of regular walking (3 times a day) and a toilet. If the dog cannot relieve himself on the street and when it is not possible to take a walk, the pet must be accustomed to the tray.

The above features of care are mandatory. Only in this case, the dog will feel good, without any health problems.

Nutrition Features

Feeding Russian lapdogs occurs according to a certain scheme. This is due to the fact that without restrictions, the dog can gain extra pounds. Such a problem eventually leads to certain diseases.

It is best to choose a balanced diet for nutrition, in which all the necessary vitamins and minerals are present. Dogs prefer food based on natural products.

After buying a dog, it is necessary to keep it for the first time on the diet that the breeder used. After a week or two, the puppy can be given a new type of food, watching his reaction to such changes. The dog has no special preferences, so the owner can use any food available to him.

The main mistakes in feeding Russian lapdogs are as follows:

  1. In no case should you give the dog food from the table. In this way, you can train him to constantly beg.
  2. Eliminate sweets from the diet.
  3. It is forbidden to use smoked meats for feeding, including sausages.
  4. It is best to keep the diet. Even a slight deviation can cause adverse consequences.
  5. After dinner, the dog must rest.

If you follow all of the above feeding rules, the dog will feel good.

The food of the lapdog

You have a Russian colored lapdog puppy and you don't know how and what to feed him?

The main thing here is to follow the basic rules:

  1. Food should be fractional - from 3 to 6 times a day for puppies and 2-3 times for adult dogs.
  2. Feeding should be done at about the same time.
  3. Portions are small - 70-90 g for a puppy and 120-140 g for an adult.
  4. When choosing dry food, it is necessary to give preference to the super-premium class.
  5. If the owner decides to feed the pet with natural products, then it is important to remember that 75-80% of the daily diet should consist of meat and offal. The remaining 20-25% are cereals, boiled vegetables, fish, dairy products, fruits.
  6. Representatives of this breed are especially fond of quail eggs, they can be given no more than twice a week and no more than 2 pieces at a time.

Choosing a puppy

Initially, you need to decide whether your puppy will continue to take part in exhibitions or will he just be a lap dog. In the first option, it is best to choose a pet-class puppy and purchase it at the age of 3 months.

When choosing a family friend, talk to his parents, take a closer look and determine which baby you need - more active, calm or overly playful.

What nurseries exist today

Now there are a lot of nurseries where you will be offered to buy a representative of this breed. In particular, in Moscow it is "Denlin" - or "Elmirada" - their website

If you see that many breeds of dogs are offered to the attention of customers in the kennel - most likely this is a commercial enterprise for which the main thing is profit. Here it is worth thinking about acquiring a dog from a conscientious breeder who cares about the health and well-being of his puppies, providing them with proper care and proper maintenance.

The cost of the breed

It is best to purchase Russian lapdogs from official breeders. This is due to the fact that this breed is not stable and requires polishing. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to find a puppy with stable immunity, good nervous organization and excellent health indicators. Not all dogs are raised with due love and the right professional approach to this matter.

Official breeders can even provide ongoing consultation services throughout the life of the Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka. This may be required at the time of any health problems of the animal.

The average cost of a thoroughbred puppy of a Russian lap dog varies from 100 to 800 dollars. The price depends on the parameters and the pedigree of the pet. The most expensive are adult females and males for breeding.

There is no single Maltese breed standard in the world that determines the purity of the breed. There are 3 versions in total, and although they have a lot in common, there are still differences, for convenience we have put them in a table.

In Russia, the FCI standard has been adopted, they are also judged according to the British Kennel Club standard (KC standard) and the American Kennel Club standard (AKC standard).
In our opinion, the Maltese has 4 main characteristics in the description of the breed, according to which the judges have a certain impression of your dog:

  • Expression
  • Wool Condition
  • Rack in profile
  • movements

The expression consists of the correct proportions of the skull, the location of the eyes, their shape and color (eyes too close or far away from the nose dramatically change the overall picture of the expression).

  • Characteristic

    FCI Maltese Breed Standard - Fédération Cynologique Internationale

    AKC Maltese Breed Standard - American Kennel Club

    KC Maltese Breed Standard - The Kennel Club of Great Britain

    Height at the withers

    Weight: 3-4 kg. Male: 21-25 cm, Bitches: 20-23 cm.

    The weight:< 3,18 кг, оптимально: 1,82 - 2,72 кг. Но качество и тип собаки ставятся выше, чем размеры.

    Growth< 25,4 см.

    Scissor-shaped, full.

    Scissor or straight.

    Scissor-shaped, full.


    The edges of the eyes, lips, as well as the nose and paw pads are black; nails black or dark; darkly pigmented skin around the eyes; skin with dark pigment spots.

    The edges of the eyes, lips, as well as the nose and paw pads are black.

    The edges of the eyes, lips, as well as the nose and paw pads are black; dark pigmented skin around the eyes.

    No undercoat. Dense, shiny, silky, falling to the floor in a continuous mass. Straight, without curls and waves.

    No undercoat. Straight, long and silky, falling almost to the ground. No curls or fluffiness.

    No undercoat. Straight, long and silky. No frizz and fluffiness.

    Pure white. A pale shade of ivory is allowed. Undesirable, but limited shades of a very pale orange tone are possible.

    Pure white. Slight lemon or tan spots on the ears are acceptable.

    Pure white. Light lemon spots are allowed.

    Round, dark brown, with an attentive and intelligent expression.

    Dark and round. Planted close to each other.

    Dark brown, non-bulging and oval.

    Length 6/11 (half) height at withers. Forehead protrusion - 90 °.

    Proportional to the size of the dog. Forehead projection is moderate. The skull is slightly rounded at the top.

    The distance from the tip of the nose to the stop is equal to the distance from the stop to the center of the skull.ˆ

    ˆNote: Stop - transition from forehead to muzzle. The center of the skull is the point between the front edges of the ears.

    Requirements for the general appearance of the breed standard

    Dogs of the Maltese breed have a small, elongated body. The coat is white, very long. The landing of the head is proud and, according to the total external indicators, such dogs look very elegant and aristocratic.

    • Proportions required for a pure breed.

    In general terms, the length of the body should be more than a third of the height at the withers (WRH). Accordingly, the length of the head should be half the total height of the withers. The line of the back is straight (up to the base of the tail). The withers are slightly raised. The croup is elongated and fairly wide. The chest is spacious and in its girth 2/3 more than the height measured at the withers. The height at the withers for males ranges from 21 to 25 cm, and for females from 20 to 23 cm (WRH). Weight is from 2.9 to 4 kg.

    • Requirements for the shape and proportions of the head.

    The main part of the skull is slightly longer than the muzzle and slightly wider than half the total length of the head. The shape of the skull is oval, with a flat top and slightly pronounced cheekbones. The frontal protrusion is pronounced, with an angle of 90 degrees.

    • Muzzle.

    The lips are quite thin, with absolutely black edges, while the lower and upper lips are “matched” (the mucous membrane is not visible externally). Jaws of the "normal" type with perfect closure (in purebreds, the lower jaw does not protrude forward and coincides with the upper jaw). The bite of the jaws is scissor-shaped. Teeth are well shaped and white.

    • Eyes.

    The eyes appear somewhat large for a dog of this size and have a rounded slit, a dark brown iris, and the rims of the eyelids are colored black. The whites of the eyes, when viewed from the front, are not visible. The eyelids fit snugly enough to the eyeballs, while the eyes should not appear too bulging or sunken. The look is lively and attentive.

    They are triangular in shape, somewhat raised and close to the head. Landing is high, on a wide base.

    Despite the abundance of hair, the neck should be clearly visible when viewed from behind. The profile of the upper line of the neck is curved, and its length is approximately half the height at the withers (WRS). In a purebred and healthy dog, the set of the neck is straight and has no noticeable folds of the skin.

    • Tail.

    It has a high fit, thicker at the base and thin towards the end. The standard length corresponds to 68%-70% in relation to the height at the withers. In appearance, it forms an arch over the back and the tip of the tail, as a rule, reaches the croup in the region of the femurs. Some curvature of the tail in one direction or another is allowed.

    Limb requirements for the breed standard

    • Forelimbs

    The legs are straight and fit well to the body. The texture is dry with a pronounced skeleton and not too noticeable muscles. In length (measured from the pads of the feet to the elbow joint), the legs correspond to approximately 55% of the dog's height at the withers (WRH). The bones of the forearms do not have thickenings and move freely. Paws are rounded with neat, balled toes. Nails and paw pads uniformly colored black (nails may be slightly lighter, but should still be dark).

    • Hind limbs

    The skeleton is strong and pronounced. Legs are parallel. The thigh muscles are well developed. For the hocks, the front angles correspond to 140 degrees. The characteristics of the hind legs are identical to those of the front.

    • Motion

    • The step is short with a quick rearrangement of the limbs. The dog must move smoothly, evenly and without difficulty.

      • wool cover

      The coat is shiny, dense, with a silky texture. Wool fibers are long and even, not creating the appearance of waves and individual curls. The coat falls to the floor in a solid mass and looks like a heavy mantle, tightly fitting to the body. Disintegration of the woolen cover into strands and twisting into curls are excluded. Some curly and straying is allowed only on the legs (for the front - from the paws to the elbow joint and for the back - from the paws to the knees). The undercoat is missing.

      The hair on the head is also long, with the hairs of the back of the nose evenly flowing into the hairs that form the beard, and the hairs of the crest into the hairs growing on the surface of the ears.

      • Color

      Pure white, almost white. Pale ivory and faint orange tones are allowed, but they can give the impression of a dirty and unkempt coat and thus spoil the overall impression of a really good dog.

      The testicles should descend completely into the scrotum and appear normal.

      The most common defects in Maltese

      • Malocclusion;
      • Noticeable bulge on the bridge of the nose;
      • Non-compliance with standard dimensions and weight.

      Possible reasons for the disqualification of the Maltese

      • A noticeable discrepancy (pronounced convergence) of the mutual proportions and outlines of the skull and muzzle;
      • Partial violation of the pigmentation of the nose (or the lobe has a uniform color, but differs from black);
      • Absence of a tail (including if the tail is short);
      • Snack;
      • Eyes of different colors;
      • Depigmentation of the edges of the eyelids;
      • The presence of any color other than white (with the exception of permitted shades), as well as the presence of spots, regardless of their shape and size.

These beauties have conquered the world for a very long time. The advantages of the Maltese breed can be listed almost endlessly - the Maltese are smart, loyal, extraordinarily beautiful and able to be not only a fashion accessory, but also a true friend. But for this, the owner will also have to work hard.

The popularity of Maltese lapdogs can be the envy of any pop star of our time. The fashion for the “celebrity” of the canine world does not pass for centuries, and if gossip had been kept in those days, they would not have left the front pages even in the ancient world. Today, the Maltese is one of the most popular breeds that will surely interest lovers of small dogs.

Business card: the pros and cons of the Maltese breed

The Maltese or Maltese is a small decorative dog with a long beautiful coat. The body of the lap dog is slightly elongated in length, without a bevel to the croup. Paws are strong, medium length. The tail is curved, wide at the base and tapering strongly towards the end. The eyes are dark brown, round, curious. The nose and fine lines along the edge of the lips and eyes are black. The ears are small, triangular, hanging.

The Fédération Cynologique Breed Standard establishes the following criteria.

  • The weight. 3-4 kg.
  • Growth at the withers. 20-25 cm, boys are a couple of centimeters taller than girls.
  • Color. Ideally, completely white, but very pale shades of ivory or red are also allowed, although the latter is already a disadvantage.
  • Lifespan. 12-15 years, but subject to healthy heredity and good care, the Maltese lives up to 17-20 years.
  • Character. A lot depends on upbringing. By nature, they are self-confident, friendly and agile animals that remain active and playful even into adulthood. They choose one master, and treat other people as equals. Getting enough attention and time for games, the Maltese remains an affectionate puppy all his life. Deprived of this, they can become very harmful, aggressive and uncontrollable creatures.
  • Intelligence. It may not be up to the intellectual elite of the canine world, but you can’t refuse the memory, observation and quick wits of the Maltese lapdogs. They learn well the rules of behavior in the house, adapt to the family routine and are subject to training.
  • Security and guard potential. Absent, although the Maltese will bark at an aggressive stranger, or even bite.

The beauty and pride of the breed is a snow-white, thick, shiny fur coat. The coat of the Maltese is without the slightest hint of curls, heavy, elastic, falling in a single mass almost to the ground. The peculiarity of the "wardrobe" of this lap dog is the absence of undercoat, which allows people with allergies to keep these dogs.

Advantages and disadvantages: what is more

The compact size of the adult Maltese, external charm and cheerful disposition attract lovers of decorative breeds. However, do not rush to choose. The quickness of mind and the need for physical activity make the Maltese an atypical representative of the "couch dogs", which is not suitable for everyone. The advantages and disadvantages of the breed are compared in the table.

Table - Pros and Cons of Maltese

Contrary to established tradition and glamorous appearance, the Maltese cannot be a secular accessory. This is a dog that needs walks, games, socialization and education no less than larger brothers.

History of origin and interesting facts

The Maltese - Maltese - is an ancient, and even the oldest breed on Earth, living together with the ancestors of large dogs, the Molossians, more than 2 thousand years ago. This was proved by Sir Charles Darwin, who discovered a description of such dogs based on documents from the 6th century BC. Images and figurines of similar animals were found during excavations of the cities of Ancient Egypt, Hellas and Rome.

It is believed that the history of the Maltese breed originates from the Mediterranean. On the island of Malta, which is credited with the source of the name of the breed, these dogs were also found, but the name of the lapdogs was given from the Latin “malat” - a harbor - the key infrastructure facilities of the ancient world.

It is hard to believe, but these salon aristocrats were originally a thunderstorm of rats, and sailors willingly kept these miniature hunters in ports and took them with them on voyages. But the beauty and sophistication of these animals were appreciated by the nobility of those times.

These miniature beauties spread throughout Europe even before our era and even visited China. By the way, according to one of the versions, representatives of the breed took part in the selection of the favorites of the emperors of the Middle Kingdom - the Pekingese.

Over the next 2 thousand years, little has changed for the Maltese. They accompanied aristocrats and ruling persons, appeared on the canvases of great artists - Goya, Rubens - and delighted mankind with their beauty and friendly disposition.


Due to the extensive habitat of the Maltese lapdogs, two subtypes have developed in the breed, which are differently evaluated even in cynological circles.

  1. Italian. Also called classic. This subtype is oriented to the international FCI standard.
  2. American. Regulated by the standard of the Kennel Union of America. Dogs are lighter than classic Maltese - a maximum of 3.2 kg, optimally - up to 2.7 kg. In addition, the "Americans" have a smaller and slightly narrower muzzle. The coat is shorter, although, of course, you cannot call them short-haired.

When selling puppies, you can often find the characteristic "maltese baby face". This is not a subspecies or variety, but simply animals in which, for some hereditary reasons, the muzzle turned out to be shorter and snub-nosed than that of ordinary Maltese lapdogs. The appearance of such dogs is more cute, but for a show career it is better to purchase a pet with a classic look.

You can often find the phrase "mini-maltese". These include dogs weighing from 1.5 to 2.5 kg. The height of mini-males is up to 20 cm, mini-females are up to 18 cm. It cannot be said that this is a separate variety, although some breeding lines are aimed at fixing the miniature size. According to the muzzle and coat, mini can be both "Italian" and "American".

The mini-maltese is closer in size to the American standard, but many representatives will be too small even for its criteria. The mini-subspecies does not fall under the breed standard from the FCI and will not be allowed to show.

Maintenance and nutrition requirements

Maltese can only be kept in an apartment. The point is not only in compact size, because of which the dog is defenseless even before yard cats, but in a specific coat. Firstly, it does not warm without an undercoat, and secondly, in free conditions it will turn into a continuous tangle. If you live in a private house, you can let your pet out into the garden for a while, and then make sure that there are no loopholes in the fence for a curious baby to escape.

Indoors, your future pet will need the following items.

  • Bed and kitchen accessories. Buy a couch or a house, or equip a cozy corner from a blanket. Don't forget to get food and water utensils.
  • Toys . Experienced owners advise taking tweeters - the Maltese adore them. You may get bored with them on the first day, so consider different ways to entertain your puppy.
  • Collar and leash or harness. It is better to fix a tag with your contacts on the collar in advance in case the kid who has not yet mastered the rules of behavior runs away during a walk.
  • Grooming tools. Combs with different tooth frequencies, a brush (important - not a slicker, but for hair), a nail cutter. You can take a closer look at dog cosmetics that help comb out long-haired breeds in advance.
  • Disposable diaper and tray. Diapers will help at first, until the puppy is accustomed to "going about" on the street. If you plan to train your pet to use the toilet in the house, immediately buy a special tray for small dogs.

In the autumn-winter period, Maltese lapdogs are walked in clothes. This will not only keep your pet warm, but also protect the coat from dirt. If you take a puppy in the summer, you can not rush to buy clothes, if in winter you will need overalls and boots for the first outings.

In general, proper care of the Maltese is not too troublesome, except for maintaining a luxurious coat.

  • Examination of eyes and ears. Held daily. If necessary, they are cleaned with a cotton pad. If you notice that the dog's eyes are flowing, and there is also redness or irritation, you should contact your veterinarian.
  • Nail clipping. Once every two or three weeks. If you use shoes, then you will have to cut your nails more often, as they do not wear down naturally.
  • Prevention of worms, fleas and ticks. Two or three times a year. Animals must be wormed before vaccinations and mating. Consider the terms of the protective action and reprocessing indicated in the instructions.
  • Vaccinations. The first vaccination for the Maltese is done at two months. A month later revaccination, repeated - a year. Adult dogs are vaccinated annually.
  • Combing. This is a daily routine. The wool is combed with a comb, avoiding tangles and tangles. You can use special tools. Due to the lack of undercoat, the breed practically does not shed, the outer hair is updated gradually, without causing trouble for cleaning the apartment.
  • Bathing. Water procedures are allowed once a week or less. You can bathe the Maltese only with special cosmetics for long-haired dogs. It is optimal to use products for white colors, since simple shampoos can turn the coat a little yellow. After washing, the dog is dried with a hairdryer, laying the hair with a brush. Do not bathe your dog every day. It is better to use clothes and shoes to protect against street dirt, and a comb and a towel will help from dust.
  • A haircut. Many owners cut the Maltese short for the summer, leaving an elongated coat for the winter. It is important to use the services of only professional groomers who will not damage the coat.

Grooming of the Maltese participating in exhibitions is prohibited. The standard directly indicates the natural appearance and length of the coat. Scissors trim the ends of the hair, hair on the paws, around the eyes and anus.


Feeding the Maltese should be based on several important factors.

  • Do not overfeed. The breed is prone to obesity, which will lead to problems with the joints, digestion and cardiovascular system.
  • Do not feed from the table. Human food is harmful to animals - their body is not adapted to digest a number of foods that are tasty and healthy for humans. In addition, snacking from your lunch will disrupt the feeding schedule and spoil your pet.
  • Consider the preferences of the animal. Maltese tastes are individual. Some representatives of the breed recognize only dry food, others - natural. Still others require a daily menu change or recognize only a specific type of meat or canned food. Get ready to choose food according to the taste of the pet and insist on products that are healthy for him.

Of dry food, in any case, preference should be given to products no cheaper than premium, designed for small breeds. Natural nutrition must include boiled beef or chicken, low-fat kefir and cottage cheese. Periodically, miniature pets are given chicken eggs, fish, buckwheat or rice porridge, finely chopped green apples.

All mistakes in the choice of food and the preparation of the diet are primarily reflected in the coat. If it has faded, become brittle, dandruff has appeared - change the food. If the appearance persists, contact your veterinarian.

Questions of training

The Maltese is not like a service dog, and it is difficult to talk seriously about training. But it is necessary to raise a pet. It is better to start this process from the first day. At two or three months, puppies are already able to remember their own name and simple commands.

Set the rules of behavior in the house and strictly demand their observance from the pet and household members. If something is forbidden to a dog, then it is always forbidden, no matter how plaintively the puppy asks.

In training the Maltese, the main thing is patience and positive motivation. Not only violence, but even loud shouting can offend a puppy and discourage interest in learning. It is better to dress the lessons in the form of a game.

Be sure to learn the basic set of commands with your dog:

  • "ugh";
  • "it is forbidden";
  • "sit";
  • "to me";
  • "place";
  • "near".

It is important that the dog undergoes socialization - it learns to adequately respond to strangers and other animals. For this minimally trained puppy, they begin to walk on dog grounds. The example of trained relatives can teach the Maltese faster than individual lessons with the owner. Take a few lessons with a professional trainer with your pet. First of all, it will help you communicate properly with the dog.

The common belief that small dogs should not be trained is fundamentally wrong. This myth can not only spoil the character of the pet, but also put his life in serious danger. Maltese must unquestioningly follow basic commands, otherwise there is a high risk that the pet will run away, eat something on the street, or get hit by a car.

Diseases and treatment

Like most ancient breeds, the main formation of which took place in natural conditions, the Maltese lapdogs have good health and immunity from acquired diseases. With hereditary ailments, the situation is worse, since the breed has long been selected by man. The most common hereditary diseases:

  • congenital dislocation (subluxation) of the kneecap- the knee is formed incorrectly, causing lameness of the animal;
  • pyloric stenosis- pathology of the muscular tissues of the stomach;
  • blindness and deafness- often congenital, but can develop by adulthood;
  • cardio diseases- various pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypoglycemia - a sharp drop in blood sugar levels.

Also, Maltese lapdogs are prone to some diseases of an acquired nature:

  • dermatitis - often yeast, but there are also skin irritations of a different nature;
  • allergies - food, pollen, dust or some finishing materials;
  • ophthalmic diseases- distichiasis (improper eyelash growth), glaucoma (degenerative changes in the lens of the eye), retinal atrophy, lacrimal duct dysfunction.

Some members of the breed experience intestinal obstruction (often caused by an oversight of the owner, due to which the dog ate something that he cannot digest) and gastric volvulus (dangerous displacement of the stomach, leading to death without medical intervention). External signs - an enlarged dense abdomen, pain. The dog is breathing heavily and intermittently, moving with obvious effort.

When choosing a puppy, collect all possible information about the health of his ancestors. You can buy a puppy with a good heredity and with minimal health risks only in a Maltese breed kennel or from professional breeders with a proven track record.

TOP nickname

The choice of a name for the Maltese is limited only by imagination. You can emphasize the ancient origin and connections of the breed with high society, or you can proceed from the appearance and cheerful nature of these dogs.

Nicknames for the Maltese "boy":

  • Antoine;
  • Martin;
  • Oscar;
  • Henry;
  • Wagner;
  • Zephyr;
  • Marseilles;
  • Narcissus;
  • Emir;
  • Ramses.

Nicknames for the Maltese - "girls":

  • Charlotte;
  • Matilda;
  • Lucinda;
  • Snezhanna/Snowflake;
  • blondie;
  • Emmy;
  • Gertrude;
  • Juliette;
  • Milady;
  • Shelley.

The name of the pet should be euphonious, easy to remember or have an abbreviated version, and also not be consonant with commands.

Photo review

Majestic exhibition styling and creative short haircuts, aristocracy and mischievous playfulness - such different and charming photos of puppies and dogs of the Maltese breed.

Cost and where to buy

The price of the Maltese seems to emphasize the aristocratic status of these dogs. The future owner will have to come to terms with the fact that a thoroughbred animal cannot be bought cheaply and from the hands. In Moscow, a Maltese puppy costs from 20 thousand rubles (data as of February 2018). A pet with career prospects will cost much more - about 60 thousand rubles.

The final cost of each puppy is formed depending on its pedigree, the titles and awards of the parents, the class to which the baby is assigned and other factors.

Choosing a puppy

It is difficult for a non-specialist to choose a Maltese puppy. It is better to seek help from a third-party expert. At two months, namely at this age, the puppy can already be taken away from the mother, the Maltese lapdog still has baby fur, the correct structure of which is difficult to determine. The puppy's coat should not be excessively fluffy or wadded and should not curl heavily. The volume of the cover should be reasonable, not very large, and the coat itself should be silky. A light wave is allowed, often it straightens out as it grows.

Otherwise, your future pet should be clean, smelling good, not have bald patches, rashes or redness on the skin. Eyes and ears without traces of discharge. Bite - scissors. The puppy itself is active, mobile, without timidity or aggression. The proportions of the body already meet the requirements of the breed standard.

Decide and tell the consultant and the breeder whether you intend to get a dog for exhibitions and breeding, or if you are only interested in a pet. In the latter case, you will be offered a pet-class puppy, which is cheaper, has specific defects from the point of view of dog handlers, but in general is a thoroughbred, healthy dog.

If you intend to engage in breeding, it is wiser to purchase a female, since there are traditionally more males on the "matting market", and the competition between them is higher. The first estrus in the Maltese often takes up to a year, but it is recommended to breed a dog no earlier than the third. Otherwise, the body of the expectant mother may not be able to cope with pregnancy and childbirth, which will adversely affect the offspring.

When dreaming of a champion dog, remember that buying a show class puppy is only the first step. Growing and maintaining a great pet will require regular and serious financial investments.


Despite the high cost, Maltese lapdogs do not lose popularity. There are breed kennels in many large cities:

  • Selena White in Moscow-;
  • Vart Royal Escort in Saint Petersburg-;
  • "Al-Vishi" in Rostov-on-Don-;
  • Elite Mon Amoure in Kyiv (Ukraine)-

If you have not yet decided whether this decorative, but lively and ambitious pet is right for you, perhaps the reviews of the owners about the Maltese will finally convince you or even dissuade you.