Bull: description and characteristics. Characteristics of the Year of the Ox

Ox zodiac sign, by year of birth: 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021.

Water Ox, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/06/1913 - 01/26/1914; from 02/03/1973 - 01/23/1974;
Wooden Bull, Year of birth of the sign: from 01/24/1925 - 01/02/1926; from 02/20/1985 - 02/09/1986;
Fire Ox, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/11/1937 - 01/31/1938; from 02/07/1997 - 01/28/1998;
Earth Ox, Year of birth of the sign: from 01/29/1949 - 02/17/1950; from 01/26/2009 - 02/14/2010;
Metal Ox, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/15/1961 - 02/05/1962;

Metal Ox, year of birth: 1901, 1961, 2021.

People born in the year of the Ox are characterized by an extremely strong-willed, “metallic” character, great self-confidence, frankness, straightforwardness, which allows them not to be afraid to publicly voice their position. They go to the goal very decisively and without looking around, because of which their own interests sometimes suffer. Feelings, thoughts of others are often completely ignored by the Bulls, and people do not forgive them for neglecting themselves. These people are very honest and do not allow themselves to promise what they obviously cannot deliver. The Metal Ox is able to achieve success in art, as it is endowed with abilities in this area. He has few but loyal friends who are always ready to support him.
Metal Bulls should show more restraint and, on the way to the goal, do not forget about the interests of others.

Water Ox, year of birth: 1913, 1973, 2033.

Bulls of this variety are distinguished by a grasping, tenacious mind and excellent organizational skills; they are good, diligent workers. The Water Ox differs from his fellows in greater secrecy: he prefers not to reveal his plans to anyone for the time being. For the most part, people born in these years are very moral. Many Bulls are engaged in social activities.
The character of the Water Ox is good and very friendly, which makes him a popular person among people. These qualities, coupled with self-confidence, help him achieve what he wants. People of this sign have the gift to quickly and easily find a common language with children.

Wooden Ox, year of birth: 1925, 1985, 2045.

Authority, extreme self-confidence, the ability to behave with dignity contribute to the fact that the Wood Ox in any company, without much effort on its part, becomes a leader. This is a temperamental, lively, frank person. He prefers not to hide his opinion from others. Bulls of this variety boast an excellent memory and great willpower.
Wood Bulls are distinguished by extreme devotion to the family and caring towards loved ones.
These people should at least calm down their too ardent temper and adopt a couple of tricks used in diplomacy.

Fire Ox, year of birth: 1937, 1997, 2057.

Fire Bulls can be safely called strong, hardworking, persistent, even assertive people. They know their business well and easily lose their temper if things take an undesirable turn for them. People born in these years do not like to listen to other people's opinions, considering their point of view to be the only correct one. Despite the fact that, having entered the rage, the Fire Ox can ignore the opinions of others, many representatives of this sign achieve a high social position. Contribute to this pronounced leadership qualities. Usually, Fire Bulls are well off financially. They are extremely devoted to their family and few friends.
To all their undeniable merits, the Fire Bulls should add a little endurance, as well as attention to other people's opinions: this will undoubtedly benefit them.

Earth Ox, year of birth: 1949, 2009, 2069.

A sober mind is the Earth Ox's best assistant in all his affairs. He is a very ambitious person who sets realistic goals for himself and in most cases achieves them, even if for this he has to work all day long. The representative of this sign is very dexterous in business and in financial matters in general. People respect calm, honest Earth Bulls, who will never play up, hide something, but always directly and openly express their point of view. With them, with their weighty opinion is always considered. The bull is wholeheartedly devoted to the people he loves.
When a person is guided in his actions by reason, this, of course, is wonderful. And yet, the Earth Bulls did not stop at least from time to time to listen to their hearts and feelings.

People born in the year of the Ox are modest and diligent, patient and laconic, persistent and enduring. At the same time, under certain conditions and circumstances, they can be eccentric and impatient, they can easily lose their temper. At such moments, they should be guarded and avoided, for their anger and rage are out of control, knowing no boundaries or limits. At the moment of an emotional outburst, large audiences, a whole crowd, can fall under the influence of their undeniable eloquence. And most of them have not only excellent mental, but also physical data.

Since childhood, they prefer to be only in the security zone, avoiding loneliness, trying to conclude an alliance of any kind and rank with a partner close to their hearts - sweet and likable, faithful and devoted, strong and strong-willed. Over the years, they give the impression of people of the old school, solid and respected, however, with a conservative mindset. Re-education, as a rule, is not amenable to. What is laid in them from childhood, in most cases remains until the end of life.

They go to their life goal consciously, consistently, purposefully, without fear of any obstacles. At the same time, they move, as a rule, in a very straight line, without using detour maneuvers, detours, detours. All hindrances and obstacles are taken with deliberate force, and woe to those who do not give in, do not leave their path or take it into their heads to stick sticks in the wheels. Their social ascent is quite steep, but the ascent does not stop - after all, this is a BULL. They know well that nothing is given for nothing, success, satisfaction of the soul gives only work. And they are always ready to work, but at the same time, even full return does not provide for excessive exhaustion, overstrain.

As bosses and leaders, the Bulls are simply magnificent, especially if all their orders, instructions are executed unquestioningly without resistance and contradictions. But woe to those subordinates who enter into polemics with them, they doubt them, because they will quickly feel the heavy hand of the Bull boss. Any case against them is hopeless, hopeless.

Also, one should not object to their conservative views and opinions. And if you take them out of their usual calm, do not expect anything good after that. They will do something that will immediately violate your peace of mind. In any educational action, the Bulls demand blind obedience, feeling that this, to some extent, preserves their unshakable authority, prestige, and reputation. They themselves are very executive, but only over the years they show a very tangible tendency to routine and one-sidedness.

Bulls are fiercely protective of everything they have acquired in life, be it people or things, social status or material wealth. They can be very generous, but only to relatives, friends and like-minded people. The biggest achievement is to win their trust. You can get along well with them if you accept them for who they really are.

Due to their health and strength of character, Bulls become independent early. In childhood, they are peaceful, calm, even very cute, until they are touched, not drilled. At school, they show an early interest in all practical matters, they love the world of art, especially music and singing, the theater stage and cinema, they visit concert halls and exhibitions.

There are two types of Bulls: one is very sociable, the other is more reserved. The first one is always generous and extravagant, the soul of all companies and parties. He is always and everywhere welcome, everywhere he is expected and welcomed. In all houses, in society, he has many close friends, buddies, admirers. The second type is often perceived as a person with an inferiority complex, although in fact this is not at all the case. His strangeness is manifested in the fact that he often withdraws into himself, meditates, thinks or philosophizes on the fundamental problems of our life, our being.

Bulls need things that they can delve into with their souls, go deep with their heads, where thoroughness and constancy of efforts, worldly intelligence and comprehensive understanding are required. They should avoid professions with constant business trips, moving, traveling, because in doing so they lose their peace of mind and health.

The areas of their activity, in addition to agriculture, are the world of art, sports and physical education, the world of finance and material values. Many Bulls found their calling in music and singing, drawing and sculpture. In sports, it is football and rugby, weightlifting, long-distance running. Many Bulls are engaged in stock speculation. But for all the Bulls, the best rest is classes in the garden and garden.

The BULL Woman is a real keeper of the family hearth and warmth, an excellent hostess and often even the head of the family. She can be gentle, and faithful, and devoted, but at the same time very practical and far from sentimentality.


BULL and RAT. It all depends on the behavior of the Rat. Her dexterity and agility often confuse the Bull, and he most often perceives the ability to keep his nose in the wind as a lack of character. The friendship between them is very boring due to the lack of interesting topics for conversations and conversations. Business relationships can develop in different ways. It is best if the Ox will command, and the Rat will work.

BULL and BULL. Both partners are reliable, they have a lot in common. Both materialists and conservatives will always reckon with both "dad" and "mother". There is a lot of humor and fun in their marriage. Friendship between them is impossible because of the struggle for power. Business relations can be successful in creating a joint farm, economy.

BULL and TIGER. Living together is impossible for them. This marriage is doomed to failure. In this alliance, the Bull will destroy the Tiger. Friendship between them is just as impossible, because the Ox does not perceive and does not digest the Tiger, either in whole or in part. There are no business relations, since the Ox will always try to lead in everything, completely removing the Tiger from all affairs.

BULL and RABBIT. In most cases, a marriage union between them is possible, although not ideal. Everything will depend on the behavior of the Rabbit, his diplomacy, the ability to adapt to his Ox. Friendship between them is not excluded, especially against a secular background. Business relationships will require great caution and forethought on the part of the Ox, as the Rabbit may abuse the desire to subdue the "poor" Ox to his will.

BULL and DRAGON. Their marriage union will be fragile and unpromising, because there will certainly be strife and conflicts between them, leading to discord and a break in relations. The Dragon is a lover of external brilliance, and the Ox generally does not trust that which sparkles only externally. The friendship between them also does not differ in strength, mainly due to the lack of sympathy of the Bull for the Dragon. Business relationships can turn out very unsuccessfully for the Ox, which can become an "errand boy" for the Dragon.

BULL and SNAKE. Marriage can only be successful if the Snake manages to hide its premarital relationship and does not talk about it. But this task is rather difficult for her, and if something is revealed, then one can only sympathize with the Snake. The friendship between them is possible strong and persistent, even though they are very different in nature. They often have a strong mutual understanding - at a glance, at a glance. Business relationships will not be successful.

BULL and HORSE. Difficulties here will come from misunderstanding of each other. In addition, the Horse, with its temperamental and independent nature, will always be afraid of the Bull, afraid of him and suffer from this. Their friendship is doomed to failure due to different tastes and different moral attitudes. Business relationships can exist, but only as a last resort. Both of them are hard workers, both are honest partners. But the more noticeable agility and agility of the Horse can drive the Ox into a corner.

BULL and GOAT. The marriage union between them is very problematic and has no prospects because of their incompatibility. The Bull not only does not tolerate the excessive fantasy and too vivid imagination of the Goat, but also does not want to wear horns. Friendship between them is possible, but only for a short time. They do not tolerate each other and even worse perceive each other and understand. Business relationships are out of the question.

BULL AND MONKEY. Marriage between them is possible because of their good mutual understanding. The Bull can make any concessions to the Monkey. Friendship is also possible between them, because the Ox likes the Monkey very much. But she loves to laugh at him, to mock him, and the Ox often suffers from this. Business relations between them are impossible, since the Ox, having fallen in love with the Monkey, will have to work for her.

BULL and COCK. Marriage is possible thanks to the full understanding of each other and consent. Their friendship is just perfect. They can be inseparable friends until the end of their days. Business relationships are not the best, it's still not love. There is a lot of work, and the Ox considers the Rooster too lazy, you won’t get any sense from him.

BULL and DOG. Here their difficulties because of their opposite ideology. The bull is still a called conservative, and the Dog is an ardent revolutionary. Friendship between them is excluded altogether. Business relations are aggravated by the lack of common ideas, common goals. Everyone will pull the blanket only in their own direction.

BULL and PIG. A marriage union is possible only with mutual observance of the generally accepted rules of society. The Pig can endure a lot, but not strictness and bondage, although over time she also gains courage to give the Bull an appropriate rebuff and soften his possessive habits. Friendship between them is possible, provided that they do not see each other very often. Business relationships can bring good results, as the Pig can be very useful to the Ox in his activities.

The bull is the second sign of the eastern calendar. People born in the year of the Ox can be described as patient, slow, silent and reserved. They have logical thinking and calm nature. The bulls bring the matter to the end, doing it prudently and thoroughly, but their slowness introduces everyone around them into a misunderstanding.

Representatives of this sign are faithful to traditions, and therefore for them any innovations are another reason for mental panic. Family, solidity in business and loyalty to traditions are important for them.

Bull Man

He is a true workaholic who boasts tirelessness and endless energy in front of difficult tasks. But it often happens that the Ox wastes his strength and energy without getting the desired result for it. Business trips and long trips are highly discouraged for a man of this sign, because they unsettle him. He will be more comfortable close to home, with his family. Often, the male bull does not understand the world around him, and this causes him problems, especially because of his obstinacy.

Bull Woman

She is a homely mistress, a keeper of the hearth, a loving mother and a faithful wife. In families, the female bull often dominates, due to her earthiness and solidity.


In love, representatives of this sign love straightforwardness. Hints and romantic games are clearly not for them. The bulls go ahead to the intended goal, overcoming all difficulties. You can’t call them romantics: sitting under the moon and counting the stars is clearly not their forte. All they can promise a partner is eternal love and fidelity.

Nata Karlin June 28, 2018

A person born in the year of the Ox according to the Chinese horoscope is patient, accurate, pedantic, consistent and silent. He never intrigue and gossip will not please, he is open to communication with people and tries to understand everyone who is nearby. Bulls do not like noisy companies, they are much more interested in sitting at home alone and doing their own thing. In career matters, these people very quickly achieve what they aspire to. In the family, they are peaceful, kind and gentle.

By and large, Oxen people are divided into 2 main types:

  1. Closed and locked in communication. Very often they are perceived as people with a mass of complexes, although this is far from being the case. They are thoughtful and phlegmatic most of the time, philosophizing and thinking, finding pleasure in it.
  2. Sociable and sociable. These people are extravagant, like to be in the spotlight and are always the soul of the company. They have a lot of friends and admirers everywhere.

Spiritually and physically strong, the Ox will never give in to difficulties. He is prudent and smart, every step he thinks through to the smallest detail. If the Ox sets himself a task, then he already knows what paths he will take towards it and, believe me, he will definitely achieve success.

The Ox never counts on chance, manna from heaven and gifts of fate, always relying solely on his own strengths and skills.

Like any other person, he may well be tired or feel depressed, but he endures it much easier than others.

Bull people go ahead to their goals without avoiding obstacles and without fear of interference. Climb the career ladder steeply, but do not stop there. Very often, a person born in the year of the Ox looks much older than his peers. This is because they are ambitious, reasonable and independent from a very young age. They like to have their opinions taken into account, they never adapt to anyone and do not go on about.

Meryl Streep - a woman born in the year of the Ox

Extremely conservative views on life make the Ox go only on proven paths, it is difficult for them to let something new into their lives. Always important to him core values ​​of life- family, nature, good things, prosperity, comfort and friends. Any business that a person of this zodiac sign undertakes is doomed to success.

In love relationships, from men and women born under the sign of the Ox, it is very rare to wait for romantic confessions and deeds. They always know what they want, do not build illusions and sandcastles. They are don't understand hints and they don't know how to do it themselves. It is much more pleasant for them to hear and tell the truth, no matter how bitter it may seem.

What is the year of birth of the Ox according to the eastern horoscope?

When the year of the Ox comes, the 2nd year of the eastern calendar begins. According to the Chinese horoscope, all objects on the planet are made up of 5 elements:

  • Earth;
  • wood;
  • the fire;
  • metal;
  • water.

Accordingly, each of the signs of the zodiac refers to these elements with a certain cyclicity.

YearBullPositive traitsNegative qualities
1949, 2009 earthyPracticality, purposefulness, determination, an excellent family man.Conservatism, stubbornness, lack of sociability.
1961 MetalBorn leader, diligence, friendliness, reliability.Conservatism, unsociableness, stubbornness.
1973 WaterSoftness, flexibility, friendliness, purposefulness, originality, success in all endeavors.Closure, prone to depression.
1985 WoodenSuccess, self-confidence, courage.Stubbornness, self-confidence.
1997 FieryVitality, activity, adequacy in any situation.Hot temper, stubbornness and complete unwillingness to listen to other people's opinions.

The next year will be 2021, the reign of the Metal Ox.

The metal bull is the symbol of 2021

Characteristics of the male Ox according to the Chinese horoscope

The Bull Guy is by nature a contemplative and conservative. He will make every effort to achieve well-being in life and the well-being of his own family. However, he is only happy when everything goes according to a strictly planned schedule, Any change in life is stressful.

The Bull Man is extremely stubborn, it is difficult for him to admit his mistakes and mistakes. In addition, you can never insist on your own rightness, if he is sure of the opposite. Nothing good will come of it. Most men of this zodiac sign are belligerent and aggressive. However, in a difficult situation, they are the first to come to your aid.

If you win this person's trust, you will have a friend for the rest of your life.

The Bull Man never looks for workarounds, he goes straight ahead to his goal, rarely giving in to unexpected obstacles. Even in moments of danger, he is always calm and balanced. He does not like to speak empty phrases and in the company prefers to be silent and listen. Calculating and focused, he always checks every step before taking it.

A man of this zodiac sign will never does not make a bright impression from the first meeting. Only after some time, his bright mind, sparkling sense of humor and high intellectual abilities are revealed. By and large, he will never prove anything with words, preferring actions.

A contemplative by nature Ox guy

Characteristics of the Ox woman according to the eastern calendar

The Bull Girl has a reserved and quiet character. However, inside it lies a real fighter who does not fit in with the image of a sentimental and soft creature. She will be faithful to the partner until the end of his days, but only if he does not see betrayal on his part. You can rely on them in any situation, everything that they undertake is sure to end successfully.

The Ox Woman is practical, realistic and will definitely prefer real action to romantic serenades.

She always takes everything seriously., therefore, it gives the impression of being closed and stupid. However, this is not the case. Those who know her personally are sure that it is difficult to meet a more authoritative and wise person.

Bull Woman never gossip behind your back and build intrigues. But she won’t let herself be offended either, so it’s better not to tease her and not hurt her pride. In addition to the ability to speak eloquently, a woman of this sign knows how to listen with interest to the interlocutor. She is very purposeful, hardworking and diligent, which is appreciated at work.

In comparison with the ladies of other zodiac signs, she loses. Rather, because it does not seek to seem bright and extraordinary, knowing what it is and showing it only to the man who is nearby. It is more interesting for her to sit by a blazing fireplace talking with a loved one than to visit places of entertainment with a mass of strangers.

Compatibility of people born under the sign of the Ox

Ox girl with her beloved by the blazing fireplace

Since people born in the year of the Ox are patient and diligent, they tend to strive to create a family. Besides, domestic by nature, they always feel in their home, like behind a stone wall.

Bull women are sensitive and caring, they are proud of their family nest, trying to make it cozy and warm.

They are true guardians of the family hearth, excellent mistresses and faithful wives. For children, the Bull Woman will always be an indisputable authority, a symbol of reliability and stability.

Male Bulls are extremely conservative and cynical.. In particular, they will never tolerate paintings by Pablo Picasso in a prominent place in the house. If a woman wants romance and rose-colored glasses, they will never be able to give her this feeling, regularly returning her to reality. However, these men are suitable for family relationships like no other. They are faithful companions of life and reliable partners on whom you can always rely.

The love relationship of the Ox man

Compatibility table of the Ox and other signs of the zodiac according to the eastern horoscope in love, friendship and work:

SignMaximum CompatibilityModerate CompatibilityNot compatible
Rat, Rooster, Pig, SnakeOx, Tiger, Monkey, Dragon, RabbitGoat, Horse, Dog
Boar, Dog, Rabbit, Horse, RoosterGoat, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Dragon, SnakeMonkey
Dog, Pig, Tiger, GoatSnake, Monkey, Ox, Dragon, Horse, RabbitRooster, Rat
Rooster, Monkey, Rat, Goat, SnakeTiger, Boar, Ox, Rabbit, Horse, DragonDog
Monkey, Rooster, Bull, DragonRabbit, Horse, Tiger, Goat, Snake, Dog, RatBoar
Goat, Dog, TigerDragon, Monkey, Rooster, Boar, Rabbit, Snake, HorseRat, Ox
Horse, Rabbit, Boar, DragonMonkey, Goat, Snake, Rooster, Rat, Dog, TigerBull
Snake, Rat, DragonHorse, Goat, Ox, Boar, Rooster, Monkey, Rabbit, DogTiger
Dragon, Ox, Tiger, Boar, PigRooster, Dog, Goat, Monkey, HorseRabbit, Rat
Rabbit, Tiger, Horse, BoarRat, Snake, Dog, Goat, Monkey, RoosterDragon, Ox
Tiger, Rabbit, Rooster, Goat, Ox, DogBoar, Monkey, Dragon, Rat, HorseSnake
Ox, Dragon, MonkeyDog, Rat, Goat, Snake, Pig, TigerHorse, Rabbit, Rooster

What zodiac sign corresponds to the year of the Ox?

This is one of the most reliable signs of the eastern horoscope. In China, the bull is considered a symbol of stability and prosperity. Despite his modesty and lack of pathos, over time, the Ox earns authority in society. He hates deceit, does not tolerate lies and hypocrisy, tries to extinguish any conflict peacefully. For him, the words "morality" and "ethics" are not an empty phrase.

It must be said that the same qualities are inherent in the sign of the western zodiac, which corresponds to the Ox - Capricorn

Children born in the year of the Ox

The Ox Child is very calm and balanced from an early age. He starts talking and walking late, does not like to express his emotions and has his own point of view on any issue. Homely and caring, he will never refuse to help his mother and bring a glass of water to his sick father. In relations with those whom he trusts, he is generous and generous, with strangers he is closed and taciturn.

Child-Ox according to the eastern horoscope

Children born in the year of the Bull are bright personalities, leaders by nature. They love order, are disciplined and diligent. They do not have fleeting impulses of the soul or thoughtless words and actions, everything is calculated and thought out to the smallest detail.

Parents should take into account the requests and requirements of their Ox children. They will never insist on something unreasonably. They need to be given a clear understanding of the boundaries of good and evil. to explain with examples what is really good and what is bad. In dealing with them, one should not lose patience, turning to raised tones and insisting on one's own. It is better to move away from the topic, and then return to it when everything calms down.

Celebrity Bulls according to the eastern horoscope

The industriousness and perseverance of the Ox-man

Among people born in the year of the Ox, there are a lot of celebrities. And this is not surprising, because hard work and perseverance can achieve great heights.

The career itself is not a goal for them, the benefits and benefits that can be obtained when taking off to the Olympus of fame and popularity are much more important

Moreover, they manage the money they earn no less diligently than their time. Do you think the Bull is greedy? Not! Rather than spending money several times on small gifts, he will buy you a good thing once without regretting the money spent.

Famous Ox Men:

  • Napoleon Bonaparte;
  • Felix Dzerzhinsky;
  • Saddam Hussein;
  • Carlos Castaneda;
  • Vasco da Gama;
  • Walt Disney;
  • Charlie Chaplin;
  • Richard Gere;
  • Vladimir Vysotsky.

Famous Bull Women:

  • Margaret Thatcher;
  • Anna Akhmatova;
  • Valentina Tereshkova;
  • Madeleine Albright;
  • Princess Diana;
  • Meryl Streep.

Walt Disney - a great man born in the year of the Ox

It must be said that the character of the Bull-man is not the easiest. At the same time, if you give him faith and become a reliable friend, then you can get the most devoted partner of all possible. The ideal for a person born in the year of the Ox is a life partner, completely sharing the interests and views, not hovering in the world of illusions, with mundane thoughts and actions.

Horoscope Year of the Ox: legend, character, money and career; zodiac signs and Chinese horoscope; year of the ox compatibility

1925 - Wooden bull

1937 - Fiery Bull

1949 - Earth Bull

1961 - Bull metal

1973 - Water Bull

1985 - Wooden bull

1997 - Fiery Bull

2009 - Bull earthen

2021 - Bull metal

Horoscope year of the Ox: legend

In primitive times, the bull (ox, bison, tour) was a symbol of masculinity, male power, strength, which is associated with the extraordinary fertility of this animal. Many cults that worship the Bull are based on this quality. In ancient times, they also believed: the Bull has a special connection with the sky. The bull of the sky was the Moon, more precisely, a month with horns.

According to Chinese legends, the Bull was the first to appear at the call of the Buddha (or the Jade Emperor), being stronger and more faithful than all other animals. The palm, however, went to the Rat, who cleverly took advantage of the kindness of the Ox (and his strong back).

It is already clear from the legend that the Ox endows those born in his year with industriousness, strength, perseverance, thoroughness, loyalty, but also innocence and kindness: sometimes the Ox fails to take advantage of the fruits of his efforts.

Ox character

Already from childhood, the Ox looks more solid, even older than his peers due to his prudence and independence. The word of the Ox is always weighty, the authority is beyond doubt. The bull is not accepts secondary roles, rather leaves than begins to adapt.

The bull is distinguished by seriousness, thoroughness, determination to complete what has been started. A conservative, he does not approve of innovations, not believing in their reliability, he goes to the goal in a proven way. He does not pursue fashion trends, preferring the present, durable: nature, home, family, friends, good things.

The movements and words of the Ox are usually unhurried, precise, balanced. It is attractive with its inner power, integrity and originality of nature. The bull, with a dislike for noisy companies, is by no means a silent man, not a loner. Possessing a practical mind, he knows how to listen, give advice, gaining trust. Do not try, however, to offend the Bull: there will be no trace of his inherent restraint, in a rage the Bull is terrible!

The bull is a sign of perseverance, balance, the personification of creative work. The Bull is laconic, patient, calm in nature, but not at all bullshit: the Bulls have a strong will, a steadfast character. It is almost impossible to bring them out of balance, but if you managed to do it, take your feet!

Bulls in everything are practitioners, do not hover in the clouds, stubbornly achieve their goals, are ready to overcome difficulties. These are responsible workers, whose fantastic performance can lead them to the position of leader. Sometimes the Bulls put pressure on subordinates, go ahead where it is better to think, but their devotion to the cause is undeniable and provides authority.

In love, the Bulls are straightforward, do not play complex games with a romantic entourage. The Ox will offer the chosen one reliability, fidelity, and not sublunar sighs.

Bulls are considered people of a light character, but they do not tolerate contradictions, often showing stubbornness. But usually the manifestation of the temper of the Bulls is a response to the incorrect actions of others. Bulls are especially irritated by lack of punctuality and irresponsibility. Bulls are principled in their beliefs, very honest. This is a guarantee of the trust of others. They themselves hide their thoughts, plans and desires. They value their independence, preferring independence.

Zodiac signs and Chinese horoscope

Capricorn is an incredibly serious Ox, no time for fun! Any jokes there will not be accepted!

Aquarius - Subtle nature, creative, inspired. Bullish strength and power will manifest itself calmly.

Pisces is a crazy Ox. They should turn the control levers with caution, very carefully!

Aries - Bull is a careerist and ambitious. You should beware of his horns.

Taurus - The Ox is very gentle. However, this is a doubly Ox, here the bullish nature will manifest itself in stubbornness.

Gemini - Ox is not serious, of all - the most non-family. And in general - hardworking, hardy.

Cancer - The character of the Ox is quite relaxed. The most family Bull. He works a lot, but often cannot use the results of his work due to gentleness.

Leo is a fighter. Attention! He does not accept the traditional routine, he will definitely want to break its chains.

Virgo is not bullish in nature. He better take care of his garden.

Libra - Ox is sociable, very sociable. It can be an extraordinary information source.

Scorpio - A dangerous bull: sharp, stubborn, sometimes just terribly unbearable.

Sagittarius - Bull is balanced, bullish in moderation. It can be easy to turn your shortcomings into virtues.

Ox - money and career

A career for the Ox is usually not an end in itself. He is disgusted by tricks, intrigues, with which others make their way up. Without undercover struggle, but thanks to perseverance, confidence, unquestioned authority, the Bull ensures its slow, solid career growth.

It may seem that the Ox is obsessed with luxury. This is not entirely true. He appreciates comfort, which, as you know, is not cheap: good-quality furniture in a cozy house, a reliable car, a peaceful atmosphere - the minimum that encourages the Ox not only to earn money, but also not to waste money. But the Ox is not a miser: let his chosen one not, for example, receive flowers every day, but with these funds the Ox will buy her a truly valuable, necessary gift.

Celebrity Bulls

Richard the Lionheart, Napoleon, Margaret Thatcher, Felix Dzherzhinsky, Princess Diana, Saddam Hussein, Dante, Carlos Castaneda, Vasco da Gama, Savva Mamontov, Andersen, Walt Disney, Botticelli, Charlie Chaplin, Bach, Gardner, Jim Carrey, Kipling, Hitler , Anna Akhmatova, Valentina Tereshkova, Richard Gere, Vladimir Vysotsky.

Year of the Ox Compatibility

The bull, being a smart, solid, traditional, but without particularly bold fantasies, is family-oriented: he is hardworking, "everything in the house", a big homebody. Usually the Ox family union is very strong.

Ideal relationship - with the Snake, Rat, Rooster.

Everything is not bad - with the Dragon, Cat (Rabbit), Boar (Pig), Monkey, Bull (Ox).

You should be wary of communication - with the Tiger, the Sheep (Goat).

The Bull will allow the rooster to shine. These two conservatives will be in perfect agreement.

The Rat in love will be faithful to the Ox until the end of his life, which is very much appreciated by him, the Ox loves solidity, stability.

With the Snake, if she remains faithful to him, everything will be great. She has enough innate wisdom for this. The bull will be proud of the bright half.

Monkey Bull will enchant. However, in order to earn her reciprocity, remarkable imagination and fantasy are required, and this Ox is a little lacking.

The Bull should beware of the Sheep (Goat) - her capriciousness, windiness, inconstancy will bring the Bull only suffering.

It is also risky to associate your fate with the Tiger. The Bull of the Tiger is stronger, it will endlessly suppress it until it is completely "destroyed". The ongoing unconstructive struggle can only end with the disappearance (leaving) of the Tiger.