Frequent hiccups: causes in adults. Hiccups in Adults: Causes and How to Stop Hiccups Day Causes in Adults

Hiccup or Hiccup is a reaction of the body to external or internal stimuli. Short hiccups do not pose any danger to humans.

In case of frequent occurrence of seizures, available home remedies and medications are used. It all depends on the diagnostic results.

1. Definition of Hiccup

Convulsive repeated contraction of the diaphragm of a jerky nature, combined in a series, causes a violation of the function of external respiration, manifested in short, often intense respiratory movements.

In other words, hiccups are a muscle spasm located on the border of the chest and abdominal cavity, as a result of which there is a sharp change in the volume of the chest. A sharp and involuntary breath is caused by expanding lungs.

The result is irritation of the nerve endings of the mucous membrane of the larynx and reflex closure of the glottis. The duration and frequency of occurrence of seizures allows us to divide diaphragmatic cramps into two types.

Types of hiccups

The classification of Hiccup made it possible to distinguish its two main types:

  • episodic or short term. The duration of the attack is about a quarter of an hour.
  • Pathological or prolonged. The attack lasts from one hour to a day. Repeated daily for two or more weeks.

In turn, pathological hiccups are divided into three types:

  1. Central. It is a symptom of brain damage by diseases such as meningitis or encephalitis.
  2. peripheral. It provokes the pathology of the phrenic nerve.
  3. toxic. A characteristic symptom of damage to nerve endings as a result of poisoning.

Hiccups - causes and treatment. How to get rid of hiccups

2. Causes of seizures

The most common cause is hypothermia. Another reason is overeating. A stomach overloaded with food causes diaphragmatic spasms in the same way as a closed pacemaker.

The causes of pathological hiccups are no longer elementary violations of the regime, but serious health problems:

  • Violations of the activity of the central nervous system;
  • Increased intracranial pressure;
  • Sudden compression of the nerve root caused by a herniated disc;
  • The presence of neoplasms in the neck, esophagus, lungs.

3. Diseases that cause pathological hiccups

A number of diseases accompanied by the Hiccup symptom include:

4. Diagnostics

Diagnosis, which reveals the causes of hiccups of a pathological nature, includes a series of examinations and the delivery of several types of tests.


  • To determine serum electrolytes and trace element content;
  • Detection of kidney damage by determining blood urea nitrogen and creatinine;
  • Determining the level of sugar in the blood.


  • X-ray examination of the chest, which allows to identify damage to the vagus and phrenic nerves;
  • Endoscopic examination of the throat, upper gastrointestinal tract and esophagus;
  • X-ray, which reveals the presence of an obstacle with the obligatory intake of a barium mixture;
  • Determination of the level of acidity.

MRI of the brain and computed tomography of the chest are also indicated.

If, as a result of a diagnostic examination, any diseases were identified, one of the symptoms of which is hiccups, treatment is prescribed, as a result of which this symptom disappears.

5. Treatment for hiccups

Despite the fact that after the main cause of the symptom is eliminated, it usually disappears, it can and should be treated.

medical methods

You can get rid of seizures by using the following advice, which is often offered by doctors. The method consists in frequent and rapid swallowing of saliva, strong protrusion of the tongue and light pressure on the eyelids of closed eyes.

However, the best way is to eliminate the symptom with the help of medications. The list of medicines includes:

  • corvalol,
  • atropine,
  • cerucal,
  • motilium.

Their effect is aimed at normalizing the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

If we are talking about neurological causes, then drugs related to antidepressants, antipsychotics or anticonvulsants will help.

The use of drugs does not always give a positive effect. In this case, such means as hypnosis, novocaine blockade and acupressure are provided.

home remedies

Among the most common methods for eliminating attacks of convulsive contraction of the diaphragm at home, the most common are:

6. Prevention of hiccups

In order to exclude the sudden and not always timely appearance of hiccups, you must follow simple rules:

The overall prognosis of Hiccup treatment is favorable. Cure the underlying disease, and you will get rid of pathological attacks. Take medications or attend acupressure sessions, and the result will not be long in coming. As for short-term hiccups, folk methods suitable for home use are quite effective here.

He is engaged in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the stomach, esophagus and duodenum, diseases of the pancreas and liver of alcoholic etiology. Treats intestinal dysbacteriosis and constipation.

Hiccups is a reflex reaction of the body, which occurs as a result of the influence of a wide variety of factors on the body. In most cases, it is not dangerous and goes away on its own after a short period of time. However, sometimes hiccups are a symptom of certain diseases, and can last quite a long time, exhausting a person.

It is impossible to control hiccups by willpower. It leads to short-term respiratory failure. During hiccups, a person takes a spontaneous breath, as the diaphragm and the muscles located between the ribs contract. In this case, air does not enter the lungs, since the respiratory organs are blocked by the epiglottis. With hiccups, a person has a kind of shortness of breath.

Most scientists are of the opinion that hiccups are a reflex reaction of the body that is needed exclusively by the fetus during its stay in the mother's womb. Thanks to hiccups, amniotic fluid moves through the baby's respiratory organs. When he is born, the need for this reflex disappears. However, it persists and occurs in response to irritating factors.

Science knows cases when hiccups in people continued for several years and even decades. There is a man in the UK who has been hiccuping for 22 years. During the examinations, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor, but this fact did not explain such a prolonged hiccups. It's hard to imagine, but there was a man in the world who suffered from hiccups for 68 years. On average, he hiccupped 15-40 times per minute (about 400 million times in 68 years).

Hiccups can be contagious. In the Arkhangelsk region in the village of Pinega, many women suffer from hiccups. According to scientists, they simply infect each other. They were even nicknamed "Pinezhsky hiccups."

Hiccups is a topic that has become the basis for writing a huge number of scientific papers and books. There are various conspiracies against her. Even psychics and sorcerers are engaged in getting rid of hiccups.

How does hiccups develop?

The mechanism of hiccups can be understood by studying the process of human breathing.

Mechanisms of respiration

When a person takes a breath, his diaphragmatic and intercostal muscles contract. In this case, the air flow passes through the oral and nasal cavities, entering the larynx, trachea, bronchi and their small branches - the alveoli.

During inhalation, the diaphragmatic muscles tighten, and the sternum and chest rises. There is a pressure drop and air enters the lungs. When the muscles relax, the air leaves them.

When a person swallows, the airway is blocked by the epiglottis. This mechanism provides protection to the respiratory organs from food particles penetrating into them. Due to which they fall down the digestive tract without clogging the trachea and bronchi.

The nervous system is responsible for the movement of the respiratory muscles. The respiratory center is located in the medulla oblongata. Normally, it works automatically.

The brain receives signals that a large amount of carbon dioxide has accumulated in the body and the blood needs to release it. He gives a command to the respiratory muscles and it contracts, so the person takes a breath. When the lungs fill and expand sufficiently, the vagus nerve sends a signal to the respiratory center, causing the person to exhale.

The same vagus nerve is involved in the process of hiccups. It departs from the brain and is responsible for various functions. Thanks to the vagus nerve, a person's heart beats, the vessels maintain the tone they need. If necessary, it causes a person to cough, and also provides mechanisms for the occurrence of vomiting. The vagus nerve controls the digestion of food. If he is irritated, the person begins to hiccup.

Hiccup Development Mechanisms

A variety of factors can cause irritation of the vagus nerve.

This may include:

    Eating large amounts of food.

    Hypothermia, etc.

The irritated nerve sends impulses to the brain, which also reach the spinal cord. The CNS causes the respiratory muscles to contract. In this case, the respiratory center for some time is not able to control the work of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. They begin to shrink in type. At the same time, the epiglottis closes the airways, and the vocal cords close.

A person takes a breath, but the air does not penetrate into the lungs, as they are blocked by the epiglottis. The air current hits the vocal cords, so the person makes the sound characteristic of hiccups. Thus, the mechanism for the occurrence of hiccups is realized.

When the vagus nerve calms down, there is an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood. The respiratory center again gets the opportunity to control the work of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. Breathing stabilizes, hiccups disappear. If the factor that led to irritation of the vagus nerve has not been eliminated, then the hiccups will continue.

The main reasons that can provoke irritation of the vagus nerve include:

    Disorders in the work of the nervous system.

    Violations in the work of the digestive tract.

    Irritation of the larynx and pharynx.

    Inflammatory processes in the pleura and lungs.

    Applying mechanical pressure to the vagus nerve.

    Violations in the work of cardiac activity.

Hiccups are the result of irritation of the vagus nerve. It can indicate both banal causes and be a symptom of a violation in the work of internal organs.

Video: program "About the most important thing" - hiccups:

Hiccups can occur both in an absolutely healthy person and in people with certain diseases.

Hiccups as a natural reaction of the body

Hiccups may be temporary. However, it does not indicate any disease.

Causes of physiological hiccups:

    Eating large amounts of food. If a person overeats, then he may have hiccups. Sometimes it develops after taking carbonated drinks, as well as foods that can cause.

    Violation of the rules of eating. Hiccups can occur when a person talks while eating or eats too quickly. Drinking water with meals can provoke an attack of hiccups.

    Alcohol abuse. Hiccups develop when a person has taken too much alcohol or eaten too many snacks. In addition, drinking alcohol through a cocktail tube or drinking alcohol on an empty stomach can provoke an attack.

    Entry of air into the organs of the digestive system. If too much of it has accumulated, it will cause hiccups. Often this situation is observed during a strong laugh or cry, after singing, or a long monologue.

    The effect on the body of cold, which led to its hypothermia.

    Smoking. Often people note that hiccups develop if you smoke a cigarette on an empty stomach, with SARS, or while drinking coffee.

    Inhalation of air that contains dust, smoke, or other contaminants.

    Overstrain of the nervous system. Sometimes hiccups are neurogenic in nature. It develops against the background of a strong fright, with stress.

Hiccups develop in a healthy person when the vagus nerve is irritated. After he returns to his usual state, the hiccups disappear. As a rule, the attack does not last long - no more than 20 minutes. Most often, hiccups disappear after a person has a burp (if the hiccups were caused by a large amount of air entering the stomach). Sometimes even the transferred stress or fright leads to the fact that the hiccups stop.

Pathological causes of hiccups

If hiccups are a symptom of an illness, then it will occur frequently. Such attacks last for a long time and it is difficult to cope with them.

Diseases that are accompanied by hiccups

Disease name

Features of hiccups

Other symptoms

Violations in the work of the digestive tract:

    Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

    Tumor of the stomach and other digestive organs.

If a person suffers from a particular disease of the digestive system, then he will often hiccup. The attack does not last long, although sometimes it can stretch for a day. In this case, doctors talk about persistent hiccups.
To get rid of it, you need to follow a therapeutic diet and follow medical recommendations.

    Feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating.

    Diarrhea, which is often replaced by constipation.

    Loss of appetite.

Respiratory system diseases:

  • Inflammation of the pleura.

Diseases of the respiratory system are most often not accompanied by hiccups, that is, it cannot be called a characteristic symptom. However, in some cases, irritation of the vagus nerve occurs, which causes the development of an attack.
As a rule, such hiccups are long-term. It ceases to disturb a person when a full recovery occurs. You can eliminate the attack by drinking a large amount of warm liquid. Sometimes breathing techniques help. It is important to provide access to fresh air.

    Throat discomfort.

    Noises during inhalation and exhalation.

    Pain in the chest, which always accompanies inflammation of the pleura.

Diseases of the nervous system:

    Tumors growing in the brain or spinal cord.

Hiccups in diseases of the neurological sphere are persistent, last for a long time, sometimes for several years.
To get rid of such hiccups, you need to completely treat the underlying disease. You can reduce the frequency of seizures by taking sedatives and drugs aimed at relaxing the muscles.

    Muscle weakness.

    Other neurological symptoms.

Pathologies of the cardiovascular system:

    developing heart attack.

    Aortic aneurysm.

Hiccups in pathologies of the cardiovascular system rarely occur. However, it may indicate the developing onset of a serious illness.

    Pain in the sternum radiating to the upper limb on the left side.

  • An increase in the heartbeat, which a person will clearly feel.

    Hypertension etc.

Body intoxication:

    Infection in the body.

    Alcohol abuse.

    Ingestion of poisons.

    The passage of chemotherapy during the treatment of oncopathology.

    Taking certain medications. In this case, hiccups can be both a side effect and a symptom of an overdose.

    Serious disorders in the liver and kidneys.

Toxins that enter the body can cause hiccups, as they have a damaging effect on the human nervous system. You can cope with such hiccups with the help of detoxification therapy.

    Marked weakness.

    Hyperthermic reaction of the body.

  • Loss of consciousness, etc.

Surgical intervention:

    Respiratory surgery.

    Operation on organs located in the abdominal cavity.

    Otolaryngological operations.

If during the surgical intervention the main trunk of the vagus was damaged, then a person may develop shock, the heart may stop working, and sometimes breathing stops. Hiccups in patients may develop immediately after surgery if the vagus nerve has been affected. Eliminating it is difficult. Sometimes neuroleptics and other psychotropic drugs help.

    Increased heart rate.


    Blueness of legs and arms.

    Severe vegetative disorders, etc.



  • Environment systems.

    Respiratory organs.

    Organs of the digestive system.

A growing neoplasm puts pressure on the structures of the brain, or on the vagus nerve itself. This leads to the fact that a person will be haunted by hiccups all the time. Sometimes it develops after removal of the tumor, or after undergoing chemotherapy.
To cope with such attacks allows the appointment of psychotropic drugs to the patient.

Symptoms of the disease depend on where exactly the neoplasm is located. A person may suffer from a severe pain syndrome, which is accompanied by symptoms of intoxication of the body.

Science knows many reasons that can lead to the development of hiccups, but sometimes it is not possible to establish them. Therefore, it is not always possible to deal with the problem.

Video: hiccups as a symptom of a serious illness:

Complications of hiccups

If hiccups occur rarely, then it does not pose any threat to human health and life. However, in some cases it indicates serious violations. For example, if hiccups are a symptom of a cancerous tumor, or a heart pathology. By itself, it does not affect the course of the underlying disease, does not worsen its prognosis, but requires immediate medical attention. This will allow you to detect the existing problem in time and begin treatment.

It is impossible to die from hiccups, but death can occur from the disease that provoked it. To date, not a single case of death of a patient from an attack of hiccups is known. However, it impairs a person's quality of life, especially when it lasts for a long time and is repeated regularly. It disrupts sleep, does not allow normal eating, communicating with other people. The longer the hiccup attack lasts, the stronger the psychological discomfort that a person experiences.

Ways to quickly get rid of hiccups

Since hiccups are not an independent disease, it is impossible to cure it. A person cannot start and finish hiccuping by willpower. However, there are many ways to quickly get rid of an attack. Each of them can be used at home.

Steps to get rid of hiccups:

    It is necessary to "calm" the irritated vagus nerve.

    You need to relax your breathing muscles.

    You should relax as much as possible, switch the nervous system.

    You can stimulate the respiratory center, which is located in the brain.

Scientists argue that it is necessary to take measures to get rid of hiccups as early as possible from its onset. As practice shows, it will be much easier to cope with an attack if a person has not yet hiccupped 10 times.

An effective way to deal with hiccups is breathing exercises.

There are several exercises you need to take into account:

    Breath. For a minute you need to breathe quickly.

    You can use the Valsalva maneuver. To do this, take a few deep breaths, and as you exhale, you need to hold your breath. At this time, you should count to yourself up to 10-30, you can jump, make several inclinations, or some other feasible exercises. You can also hold your breath and take a few sips of water, or simply tighten the wall of the peritoneum. After completing any of the proposed actions, you need to slowly and calmly exhale the collected air.

    You can try blowing up a balloon, or a soap bubble (one or more). This exercise perfectly relaxes the diaphragm and relieves stress. A person is charged with positive emotions, which in itself helps to stop hiccups.

    You can try breathing into a paper bag. All of these exercises allow you to increase the level of carbon dioxide in the blood, which will cause the respiratory center to become more active. He will quickly rebuild and again begin to control the work of the respiratory muscles. Also, breathing exercises help relieve irritation from the vagus nerve.

    Drinking plain water- this is another way to deal with hiccups. However, you need to drink it correctly:

    • You should hold your breath and take a few small sips of water (about 12). Alternatively, you can take 4-5 large sips.

      You can quickly cope with hiccups if you complicate the process of taking water, for example, by holding a regular ballpoint pen with your lips or scrolling a glass of liquid while drinking.

      You can get rid of hiccups if you stretch the body while drinking water. To do this, they do not pour it into a glass, but drink it from the tap, or simply tilt the torso forward.

    Water has a beneficial effect on the vagus nerve, helps relieve tension from the diaphragm, and calms the nervous system as a whole.

    You can “switch” the brain and quickly get rid of hiccups if you have an effect on the taste buds:

    • You can dissolve a piece of sugar or a few grains of salt in your mouth. You can replace salt and sugar with regular mint candy.

      You can suck on a spoonful of honey.

      Sometimes you can cope with hiccups by eating a lemon slice. Alternatively, you can take an ascorbic acid tablet.

      You can apply a little mustard to the root of the tongue.

      To get rid of hiccups allows the use of spicy foods, but in small quantities.

    Influencing the taste buds causes the vagus nerve to divert from the hiccups. Such measures are effective if the attack was caused by hypothermia, nutritional errors, or nervous strain.

    There are simple gymnastic exercises that allow a person to be distracted and cope with hiccups:

    • Try to shake the press. You can do this in any way, the main thing is not to overdo it.

      You can push up or pull up.

      You can kneel and lean on your elbows. In this position, you should stand for several minutes. This will quickly get rid of hiccups.

      You can stand in the birch pose with your legs up.

    All these exercises can eliminate hiccups, but you need to breathe properly. During their implementation, the abdominal muscles tense, and the diaphragm, on the contrary, relaxes. A person copes with emotional stress more easily, the respiratory center begins to do its job better. In addition, the activity of the organs of the digestive system is activated, excess air comes out of the stomach. As a result, a person gets rid of hiccups.

    However, exercise is not always possible. If a person suffers from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, or if he has stones in the gallbladder, then it is best to refuse such gymnastics. Exercise is contraindicated for pregnant women and people who have recently undergone surgery.

    Other methods of dealing with hiccups include:

    • Tickling. You can ask another person to tickle you. This will distract the nervous system and cope with an attack of hiccups.

      Attempt to induce a gag reflex. In this case, there is no need to bring to vomiting. You just need to tickle the root of the tongue so that excess air comes out of the stomach.

      Breathing with an open mouth and tongue extended forward.

      Tongue Twisters. Speaking them, a person holds his breath and distracts the nervous system.

      The rise of the tongue. You can pull its tip with your fingers, which will make it possible to distract the vagus nerve.

      Eating a crust of bread or a small piece of ice.

      Taking a shower or bath. Warm water relaxes and calms the nervous system, as well as the respiratory muscles.

      Stimulation of active points. You can press on closed eyelids, on the earlobes, on the clavicular cavities. Sometimes applause to oneself allows to cope with hiccups.

      Stimulation of the enrichment reflex. You can bet a hiccuping person for money that in a minute he will continue to hiccup. Often this technique allows you to cope with hiccups.

      Anal massage. This is a proven method of fighting hiccups for which scientists received the Nobel Prize. They rarely resort to this method, since it is difficult to call it pleasant.

If it was not possible to cope with hiccups with improvised methods, and it haunts for a day or more, then you need to go to see a doctor.

Medicines to combat hiccups are prescribed in the following cases:

    It is not possible to get rid of hiccups for more than a day.

    Hiccups are not a one-time occurrence, but a recurring occurrence.

    A person has previously been diagnosed with a disease that could cause an attack of hiccups.

    Hiccups are accompanied by heartburn and pain in the esophagus.

    Inhalation of carbon dioxide concentration of 5-7%. This measure will activate the respiratory center.

    Acupuncture and reflexology are aimed at distracting the nervous system.

If these measures do not bring relief, then the person is shown taking medications.

medicinal group

Name of the drug

When to take?

How to take?

Sedative drugs that are designed to stabilize the nervous system. In addition, they have an antispasmodic effect.

  • Corvalol
  • Corvalcaps
  • Corvaltab.

This group of drugs allows you to get rid of hiccups, which is of a neurogenic nature, or develops against the background of cardiovascular pathologies. The drug has an antispasmodic effect, which can save a person from the discomfort that accompanies hiccups with reflux esophagitis and gastritis.

If the drug is in the form of drops, then the patient is prescribed 20-40 drops at a time. Before taking them, they must be dissolved in a small amount of water. If the drug has a tablet form of release, then it is taken 1-2 tablets 2 times a day.


Valocormid is taken 10-20 drops 2-3 times a day before meals.

Painkillers of local action. They prevent the nerve impulse from passing through the nerve fibers.


Novocain can be taken not only for hiccups provoked by diseases of the digestive tract, but also for other disorders.

2 ampoules of Novocain with a concentration of 0.25% or 0.5% are diluted in water (the volume of one ampoule is 10 ml). Such a solution is taken during hiccups, but not more than 2 times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed 3 days.

Drugs to eliminate vomiting. They affect the vagus nerve, removing irritation from it and reducing its sensitivity. As a result, neurons transmit impulses to the cerebral cortex and respiratory center more slowly.

  • Cerucal.
  • Motilium
  • metoclopramide
  • loperamide
  • Passagex
  • domperidone

Preparations of this group allow you to get rid of hiccups, which was provoked by disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract. They can help with hiccups of a different etiology, but the effect will not be as pronounced.

Take 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day (10 mg). Drink the drug half an hour before meals. Treatment may take a long time.
Since drugs affect the functioning of the central nervous system, they can only be taken with the permission of a doctor.

Neuroleptics and psychotropic drugs. They affect the nerve receptors of the vagus nerve, as well as on various parts of the brain.

  • Aminazine
  • Clozapine
  • Difenin
  • Chlorpromazine

These drugs are prescribed for persistent hiccups, when it is not possible to cope with it with the help of other drugs. They have a positive effect on hiccups, which was provoked by disorders in the functioning of the nervous system. Including, with the defeat of the vagus nerve.

These drugs very seriously affect the functioning of the nervous system, so only a doctor can recommend them. It is impossible to buy them in a pharmacy without a prescription.

Muscle relaxants allow you to relieve tension from the muscles, reduce their excitability, relax the diaphragm.

  • Baclofen
  • Sinakten
  • Baklosan
  • Lioresal

If hiccups are the result of damage to the vagus nerve and other drugs are not able to cope with it, then muscle relaxants come to the rescue. They are excellent at fighting hiccups, which develops against the background of multiple sclerosis.

Drugs affect the central nervous system, so they should be prescribed by a doctor. They are not recommended for self-administration.

If a person suffers from diseases of the digestive tract, then additional drugs that can be prescribed to him are:

    Creon, Mezim, Pancreatin - enzymatic preparations.

    Almagel, Rennie, Maalox - drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice.

    Cisapride or Peristil are drugs that stimulate the contractility of the intestinal wall.

    Ranitin, Omeprazole, Famotidine - drugs that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

    Atoxil, Enterosgel and other sorbents.

    Espumizan, Riabal, dill water - all these drugs help reduce bloating.

Sometimes even the strongest medicines do not allow you to cope with hiccups, which are persistent. Most often, it is not possible to establish its cause. As a rule, such hiccups begin suddenly and also end spontaneously.

During the bearing of a child, the body of every woman undergoes many changes. Hormonal changes affect the state of the psyche, and the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the internal organs. Therefore, pregnant women often suffer from hiccups. As a rule, it does not pose any threat to the life and health of the expectant mother and child, and after his birth, it passes on its own.

If hiccups are accompanied by pain, are persistent, then you should seek the advice of a specialist. It may indicate serious health problems that need to be addressed immediately.

Causes of hiccups in pregnant women

Depending on the stage of pregnancy, the causes of hiccups can vary.

If a woman has the first trimester, then hiccups can be triggered by the following factors:

    Errors in nutrition and indigestion. Most women have an increase in appetite, and enzymes are produced in smaller quantities. As a result, the digestive tract can hardly cope with the digestion of large volumes of food, which leads to irritation of the vagus nerve and the person begins to hiccup. If a woman leads a sedentary lifestyle, then hiccups can become her constant companion.

    Emotional overstrain. Hormones affect the psyche of a woman, and any experiences can provoke hiccups.

    Increased gas formation in the intestines. The cause of flatulence, and consequently hiccups, is not only overeating, but enzymatic deficiency, as well as a weakening of intestinal motility, which is associated with the influence of progesterone on it.

    Toxicosis, which can develop in the early stages. In addition to nausea and vomiting, weakness and dizziness, a woman may suffer from hiccups.

    Other causes that are not related to pregnancy.

If hiccups develop in late pregnancy, then the following reasons can provoke it:

    Errors in nutrition, increased gas formation.

    Increased nervous tension.

    Pressure on the diaphragm by the growing uterus. Often for this reason, a woman hiccups during the night's rest, especially when she sleeps on her back. The uterus can significantly compress the vena cava, which will lead to impaired blood circulation. In severe cases, even loss of consciousness is possible.

    Toxicosis and preeclampsia in late pregnancy is a dangerous condition that threatens the life of the mother and child. A woman's blood pressure rises, strong ones are observed, the central nervous system suffers, which can lead to bouts of persistent hiccups.

    Other health problems that are not related to pregnancy.

How to get rid of hiccups during pregnancy

To get rid of hiccups during pregnancy, you can follow these recommendations:

    If a woman feels that she is cold, then it is necessary to warm the body. You can drink warm tea.

    You need to eat right, eat food in small portions, do not eat at night.

    It is important to learn to remain calm. Household trifles are not a reason for frustration. The more positive emotions a woman experiences, the better for her and for the child.

    If a woman suffers from heartburn, then you can drink mineral water without gas, for example, Essentuki or Borjomi.

    To cope with hiccups, oranges and lemons can help, but you should not overeat citrus fruits.

    You can do breathing exercises, but the exercises should be feasible, and also designed specifically for women in position.

    You can drink water in different techniques: small or large sips.

    You should not exercise in early pregnancy. To cope with hiccups, you can take a knee-elbow position and stand in it for several minutes. This activity allows not only to get rid of an attack of hiccups, but also reduces the load on the back, on the joints, on the veins. In general, this posture is good for the body. When hiccups develop during a night's rest, you just need to lie on your side.

    You can hold honey or sugar in your mouth.

    Inhaling pleasant aromas can calm the nervous system. For this purpose, you can use the oil of lavender, sandalwood, pine needles, etc. It is important that they do not provoke the development of allergies.

    A pregnant woman should not be scared to help her cope with hiccups. This can lead to serious consequences, up to the fact that the child will take the wrong position.

Medicines should not be taken if the woman is pregnant. This is especially true for early pregnancy. If it is not possible to cope with hiccups with simple methods, then you need to consult a doctor. Only he can recommend medicines that will be as safe as possible during this period.

Medicines to treat hiccups in pregnancy

If a woman suffers from indigestion, then she may be prescribed medications such as:

    Enzymes (Mezim, Pancreatin, Festal).

    Activated carbon.

    Rennie, Maalox, Almagel.

    Dill water and Espumizan.

If hiccups in a pregnant woman are of a neurogenic nature, then she may be prescribed drugs such as:

  • Motherwort and Valerian.


Drugs to stop vomiting or muscle relaxants are most often not prescribed to pregnant women. They are used only in emergency cases.

A woman should lead a measured lifestyle, eat right and get enough rest. This will avoid many health problems and minimize the chance of hiccups.

5 ways to get rid of hiccups in 30 seconds

5 quick ways to get rid of hiccups:

    Reflex. To do this, press on the root of the tongue with your fingers. Spasm of the esophagus will eliminate spasm of the diaphragm. Alternatively, you can put your finger in your mouth, as if to induce vomiting, but you should not take it to the extreme.

    You can eat a spoonful of honey and drink it with a large glass of water through a straw.

    You can bet a person for money that in a minute he will stop hiccuping. As a rule, this method works very well.

    You can start pumping the press or push-ups. This quickly helps to cope with hiccups, but it should not be practiced if the person has just eaten.

    You can put pressure on the points located in the place where the phalanx of the middle finger connects to the joint. Pressure should be applied from both sides until a slight sensation of pain appears. Girls should press on the right hand, and guys on the left.

Video: 5 ways to get rid of hiccups in 30 seconds:

Education: Diploma in the specialty "Medicine" received at the Russian State Medical University. N. I. Pirogova (2005). Postgraduate studies in the specialty "Gastroenterology" - educational and scientific medical center.

hiccup- This is an innate reflex that is given to us by nature. This is the reaction of the body to external (cold) or internal (pressure of food on the walls of the esophagus and stomach) stimuli. In hiccups, the diaphragm and intercostal muscles try to take a deep breath. But at the same time there is a spasm in the larynx, and the airways overlap. A characteristic sound occurs on inspiration at the time of spasm of the vocal cords.

Each of the innate reflexes helps a person to survive. Coughing, for example, clears the lungs, and pulling the hand away from a hot object momentarily helps to avoid burns.

But why do we need hiccups?
This time, the opinions of scientists differed. Let's dwell on the two most plausible versions.

Version one. Hiccups help release the vagus nerve, which is pinched at the hiatal opening of the diaphragm. This nerve is very important, since its proper functioning ensures the functioning of vital organs: the heart, lungs, stomach, and intestines. So, hiccups are an attempt to protect the vagus nerve from irritation.

Version two. Hiccups are a defense mechanism that keeps fluid circulating in the lungs of the fetus. In the future, this reflex becomes unnecessary and slowly fades away, but its appearance is periodically provoked by various factors.

Interesting Hiccup Facts

  • Several centuries ago, hiccups were considered a sign of the evil eye and corruption.
  • The Germans from hiccups put a paper cross made with their own hands to their foreheads. And the British baptize their left foot with their right hand.
  • The longest bout of hiccups lasted 68 years.
  • Men are more likely to suffer from hiccups than women.
  • Stopping hiccups is easier before you hiccup 5-10 times. If the moment is missed, then you will hiccup about 60 more times.
  • In the Arkhangelsk region once there was a whole epidemic. Women caught hiccups from each other. This phenomenon is called "Pinezhsky hiccups". But there was no explanation for him.

Causes of hiccups

Mechanism of hiccups

Let's remember the anatomy to make it clearer what happens to our body during hiccups. The diaphragm is a broad muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities. In a calm state, it resembles a dome. When a muscle is tensed, it becomes flat. At the same time, it stretches the lungs and increases their volume. This happens with every breath. The intercostal muscles lift the ribs to further increase the volume of the chest.

During hiccups, this process occurs very quickly, the diaphragm and intercostal muscles contract convulsively. But the vocal cords close, air is blocked by the epiglottis, and instead of a full breath, we get hiccups.

We figured out how the characteristic "hic" occurs. But the muscles of the body do not work on their own. They are always controlled by the nervous system. But in this case, she does it against our will.

Hiccups occur when irritants act on the vagus nerve - a thick fiber of nerve endings covered with a protective sheath that runs from the skull to the internal organs. The irritation signal immediately gets to the “hiccup centers”. The intermediate is located in the cervical spinal cord, and the central stem section of the brain. These structures are responsible for analyzing the signal and making decisions about aperture reduction. A command from the brain in the form of a nerve impulse descends to the diaphragm and intercostal muscles and causes them to contract sharply.

The path that a nerve impulse takes is called a reflex arc. Its components: diaphragm, vagus nerve, brain, vagus nerve, phrenic nerve, diaphragm muscles. If you open this circuit and stop the transmission of the nerve impulse, then the hiccups will stop. This will happen when the respiratory center, which is normally responsible for the functioning of the lungs, will again take over the function of controlling the diaphragm and other respiratory muscles.

The mechanism of hiccups is closely related to the respiratory, nervous system and digestive organs (esophagus and stomach). Changes in the organs for which the vagus nerve is responsible can cause hiccups.

Let's take a closer look at what can cause hiccups. These factors are usually divided into two groups.

To the first we will attribute the “harmless” causes that cause short bouts of banal hiccups that last from 5 to 20 minutes and pass on their own.
To the second a group of causes include diseases that lead to hiccups. If hiccups are associated with pathology and attacks last more than 2 days, then this is long-term persistent hiccups. Her attacks are repeated often, and it is much more difficult to cope with them.

  1. Pathologies of the digestive system
    • esophagitis
    • peptic ulcer of the stomach or intestines
    Inflammation of the esophagus, stomach, intestines and glands, which are considered "subordinate" to the vagus nerve, causes malfunctions in its work. Inflammation from nearby organs affects the vagus and phrenic nerves and the diaphragmatic muscle. Any impact on the nerve endings turns into a nerve impulse that travels along the reflex arc and ends with a convulsive contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm.
  2. Diseases of the respiratory system The vagus nerve provides the muscles of the pharynx and palate, so any inflammation of the upper respiratory tract disrupts its work. This is facilitated by intoxication and compression of surrounding tissues as a result of edema. But if in the upper sections the nerve is protected by sheaths of the neurovascular bundle, then when it enters the chest, it breaks up into a number of small branches. They are more vulnerable and sensitive to inflammation of the bronchi and lungs. And, as you understand, any impact on the vagus nerve can result in hiccups.
  3. Disorders of the nervous system
    • concussion
    • occlusion of the nerve by the vertebral hernia
    Injuries or inflammatory diseases, brain damage due to poor vascular function or poisoning by toxins show a variety of symptoms. Among them, persistent prolonged hiccups are also found. In this case, spasms of the diaphragm are caused by compression of a section of the brainstem by the surrounding edematous tissues.
  4. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system
    • myocardial infarction
    • aortic aneurysm
    • artificial pacemaker
    Since the heart lies in close proximity to the vagus nerve, serious interruptions in its work can be transmitted to the nerve trunk. Through it, excitation spreads to the "center of hiccups."
  5. Body intoxication
    • chemotherapy
    • drugs (dexamethasone)
    • drugs for general anesthesia
    Intoxications caused by microorganisms that enter the bloodstream during an illness or drugs poison the nervous system. They have a toxic effect on both the brain and peripheral nerves. This causes abnormal nerve impulses that cause the diaphragm to contract.
  6. Tumors

    This, of course, is a very rare cause of hiccups, but it is quite likely. Benign or malignant tumors can occur in any organ. Hiccups are associated with those tumors that are located in the brain, along the path of the vagus nerve or on the diaphragm itself. The tumor tissue compresses the nerve endings, causing a nervous tic - hiccups.

Hiccups in newborns

Newborn babies are more likely to suffer from hiccups. Although, it must be admitted that this phenomenon worries young mothers more than the babies themselves.

Hiccups in newborns are frequent rhythmic twitches of the diaphragm, the muscular septum that separates the lungs from the digestive organs. It can last from 5 minutes to an hour.

Causes of hiccups in newborns

Hiccups in newborns can provoke many factors because this reflex is much better developed in them than in adults. This is due to the fact that in the prenatal period, hiccups help the child develop properly. The contractions of the diaphragm ensure the circulation of the fluid that fills the lungs of the baby, this is a kind of massage of the internal organs and a way of developing muscles.

After birth, this reflex becomes unnecessary, but it fades slowly. Therefore, any external influence can provoke it.

Mechanism of hiccups in newborns. An impulse occurs in the nerve endings of the vagus nerve. It appears if there is a spasm of the diaphragm, it is squeezed by a swollen tummy or after irritation of the esophagus. The impulse goes up to the brain. There is a special section there that controls the movements of the diaphragm. He gives a command that, in the form of a nerve impulse, goes down and causes the diaphragm to shudder. The following reasons can cause contractions of the vagus nerve:

  1. hypothermia. A normal child reacts to cold air with strong muscle tension. At the same time, the abdominal muscles contract, and the internal organs support the diaphragm. Hiccups, in this case, are an attempt to relax the muscles of the diaphragm so that it would be easier for the lungs to breathe.
  2. After vomiting. During regurgitation, air and a portion of food quickly pass through the esophagus, irritating nearby nerve endings.
  3. Full stomach. Incorrect attachment to the breast, when the child gasps for air with every sip, or rapid sucking often ends in hiccups. The stomach, overflowing with milk and air, presses on the diaphragm from below, causing hiccups.
  4. Bloating. Gases that have formed in the intestines cause pain. The baby's tummy becomes swollen and hard. The kid tenses up, twists his legs and thereby squeezes the diaphragm even more, lifting it up to the lungs. In response to this, the sensitive muscular septum begins to twitch.
  5. Scream. During crying, the child strongly strains all the muscles and gains a large amount of air, which enters not only the lungs, but also the stomach. It enlarges and stretches the vagus nerve, which runs along the surface of the stomach.
  6. Fright. You took the baby with cold hands, turned on a bright light or heard a loud sound next to him - this can frighten the child. Stress is always accompanied by contraction of the muscles of the body, and sometimes hiccups.
  7. Immaturity of internal organs. The internal organs of a small person continue to form even after birth, especially for babies who were born prematurely. The nervous system and digestive organs are very sensitive to various stimuli. They are just learning how to do it right. Therefore, spasms often occur, and hiccups are already their consequence.
  8. Diseases. In rare cases, increased intracranial pressure can cause hiccups - the center of the hiccups is compressed and sends impulses to the diaphragm. Another reason is pneumonia. In this case, inflammatory processes disrupt the conduction of signals along the vagus and phrenic nerves.

How does hiccups appear in newborns

Hiccups in newborns are manifested in the rhythmic trembling of the whole body, which is accompanied by a characteristic sound. This phenomenon can last from several minutes to an hour. Most often this happens after feeding or during air baths.

Most often, hiccups do not cause much concern in newborns. But it prevents some babies from falling asleep, then the child becomes capricious and whiny.


The main rule is not to worry. Hiccups in newborns are not a manifestation of the disease. Absolutely all children hiccup, but perhaps some more often or longer. But every organism has its own characteristics. Remember that over time, this reflex fades away, and your child will be less likely to worry. In the meantime, a few simple tips on how to help the baby.

What should not be done?

Treatments for hiccups that can be tried on an adult are absolutely not suitable for a newborn baby. Hiccups themselves will not do as much harm as some attempts to get rid of hiccups.

  1. Don't scare the baby. Clapping, shouting and throwing up will only cause an attack of crying and will cause a sleepless night. Try to distract the child with more civilized methods: show toys, carry them in your arms.
  2. Don't wrap. Hiccups are not a reason to put winter clothes on a child. If the temperature in the newborn's room is normal (22 ° C), then a blouse and sliders are enough. Remember that overheating a newborn is worse than hypothermia. If, nevertheless, the baby has cold hands and nose, then wrap it in a warm diaper or pick it up.
  3. Don't give water. According to WHO breastfeeding experts, newborns need only mother's milk. And a bottle of water can cause a baby to not want to breastfeed.
  4. Do not eat foods that cause gas. The menu of a nursing mother is of great importance. The use of cabbage, legumes, peanuts, tomatoes causes bloating in infants and can cause hiccups.
What to do?

Medication treatment

Drug group Representatives The mechanism of the treated action How is it prescribed
Treatment of hiccups caused by immaturity of the nervous system and nervous excitement
Homeopathic sedatives Dormikind They are prescribed for the treatment of hiccups associated with the immaturity of the nervous system and the uneven development of its departments. They have a calming effect. The child becomes less whiny, less prone to stress and sleeps better. The work of the nervous system is getting better faster, and bouts of hiccups become less frequent. Dilute 1 tablet in a teaspoon of water to drink 30 minutes before a meal or 30 minutes after a meal. Repeat 3 times a day.
Treatment of hiccups associated with intestinal colic
Carminative drugs Bebinos
Espumizan L
Used to treat hiccups caused by bloating and other digestive problems. It relieves spasms in the intestines, helps to get rid of the accumulation of gases. Reduces the load on the diaphragm from the digestive organs. 3-6 drops 3 times a day with a little water. Take after meals and before bed.

Remember, it is forbidden to give a newborn child any medicines without a doctor's prescription. Even the most harmless, from your point of view, medicine or dietary supplement can cause irreparable harm to a child. Allergic reactions, palpitations, digestive disorders are just a few of the possible consequences. Therefore, before treating hiccups in a newborn with drugs, consult a pediatrician and a neurologist.

Tell your pediatrician about these cases of hiccups:

  • hiccups last more than 2 hours after you have eliminated the possible causes of its occurrence;
  • attacks appear regularly several times a day for 2 weeks or more.

Hiccups in children

Hiccups in children a fairly common occurrence. It ends every hypothermia or bout of bursting laughter. Sometimes children hiccup several times a day. In this case, one speaks of episodic or banal hiccups. This phenomenon is familiar to absolutely everyone and should not worry parents. With age, attacks of contractions of the muscles of the diaphragm become less frequent.

Another thing is prolonged hiccups. It can go on for hours. Due to the large number of contractions of the diaphragm, the child experiences discomfort. The fact is that each “hic” is a powerful and quick breath. But it is defective, because the glottis sharply narrows and does not allow air to enter the lungs. Therefore, during prolonged hiccups, the child may experience oxygen deficiency. It is necessary to examine the baby to detect pathologies that cause hiccups. These can be worms, gastritis, disorders of the liver, brain or spinal cord,

Causes and mechanism of hiccups in children

In most cases hiccups in children cause completely harmless factors. They irritate the nerve endings of the vagus and phrenic nerves located on the esophagus, stomach and diaphragm. The nerve impulse travels along the nerve fibers to the brain. There is a special zone here - the “hiccup center”. Here, commands are formed that return along the nerve fibers to the respiratory muscles and force them to contract.

What can cause hiccups?

  1. Full stomach. Your baby ate more than usual or drank a lot of liquid. The stomach stretches and presses on the diaphragm, lifting it up. This triggers a response in the brain, and it causes the diaphragm muscles to contract.
  2. Irritation of the esophagus. Perhaps the child chewed food poorly and swallowed large pieces. This is especially true for dry products: crackers, bagels. This happens when the child is in a hurry, or his baby teeth are loose and it hurts to chew. Large pieces of food stretch the wall of the esophagus and irritate the branches of the vagus nerve.
  3. hypothermia. Wet feet, a wet diaper, or general hypothermia cause contraction of the skeletal muscles and diaphragm. Thus, the body tries to keep warm. A compressed diaphragm is discomfort for the nerves, and hence the hiccups.
  4. Swallowing air (aerophagia). This can happen during laughter, crying, when the child excitedly tells you something or chews chewing gum. Aerophagia is often observed during diseases that are accompanied by a sore throat. Air, like food, inflates the stomach and, with the help of diaphragmatic contractions, the body tries to reduce pressure.
  5. Nervous tension, fear. In stressful situations, a lot of adrenaline enters the bloodstream. This substance causes muscle contraction, including the diaphragm. And we already know what the consequences are. In addition, there is a malfunction in the nervous system. Foci of excitation arise in the "hiccup center", and he takes control of the respiratory muscles.
  6. Uncomfortable position. If the baby has been in one position for a long time, for example, sitting stooped, then the abdominal organs press on the diaphragm. This can cause her muscles to spasm.
  7. Taking medicines. Sulfanilamide drugs, which are often prescribed to children to fight bacteria, muscle relaxants that are used before surgery, and other drugs can cause intoxication. Damage to the nervous system can manifest itself in the form of prolonged bouts of hiccups.
What pathologies cause hiccups in children?

Inflammation is rarely limited to a small area. It almost always affects the surrounding tissues. They swell, the nerve endings in them are clamped. Hiccups are caused by those diseases in which the organs located along the vagus and phrenic nerves are affected. And it doesn't matter if there are disorders in the brain or in the abdominal cavity. The signal enters the "hiccup center", and there an impulse is formed that makes the child hiccup.

  1. Inflammation of different parts of the respiratory system
    • inflammation of the pharynx
    • inflammation of the trachea and bronchi
    • pneumonia
  2. Diseases of the digestive system
    • inflammation or distension of the esophagus
    • inflammation or peptic ulcer of the stomach, intestines
    • liver pathology
  3. Pathologies of the nervous system
    • brain and spinal cord injuries
    • dysfunction of the peripheral nervous system,
    • nerve damage
    • cysts and tumors
    • inflammation of the membranes of the heart
    • aortic aneurysm
In order not to frighten parents in vain, we note that such diseases are rare in children and are not always accompanied by hiccups. But still, visit a doctor if your baby hiccups for a long time, hiccup attacks cannot be removed within 48 hours; hiccups regularly appear for 2 or more weeks.

Treatment of hiccups in children

Treatment of hiccups in children in most cases does not require medication. There are a large number of methods that allow you to restore the normal functioning of the respiratory center in the brain, which makes the diaphragm move smoothly.

There is something for everyone, there are no universal recipes. Most of the methods are quite safe and children perceive them as a fun game. But among the recipes for hiccups, there are those that can be harmful, especially with frequent use.

What should not be done?

  1. Do not grease the root of the tongue with strong mustard. Another variation on this theme is to mix mustard with vinegar and grease the tip of the tongue. In children, such a procedure can cause not only allergies, but also a spasm of the muscles of the larynx and bronchi, then the child will begin to choke.
  2. Do not swallow a teaspoon of salt. Remember that the daily salt intake for a child is less than one gram, and 5 grams are placed in a teaspoon. Therefore, such a treatment for hiccups can disrupt the water and electrolyte balance in the body.
  3. Don't scare the child. Fright is unlikely to relieve hiccups, it will rather aggravate the situation. In addition, it can cause other unpleasant phenomena, such as stuttering and enuresis.
  4. Don't induce a gag reflex. Pressing on the root of the tongue helps some adults, but for a child this procedure will cause a lot of discomfort and every attack of hiccups will be associated with psychological trauma. Believe me, there are many more pleasant and no less effective ways to treat hiccups.
  5. Do not drip corvalol on sugar. This method helps many adults, but is completely unsuitable for children. Their body may behave unpredictably in response to the medication. Side effects are tachycardia, drowsiness and dizziness.
What to do?
  1. Learn to eat slowly. When the baby chews food thoroughly and swallows it in small portions, he will not swallow the air that causes hiccups. By eating slowly, he will have time to understand that he is full and is less likely to overeat. This habit will help to avoid the occurrence of hiccups associated with overeating and swallowing air.
  2. Retention of breath. Ask the child to take a deep breath, hold the breath as far as possible and draw in the stomach. Another option is to breathe in the air that is in the paper bag. At the same time, the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood rises, and the brain begins to feel a lack of oxygen. When the body is faced with such a serious problem, it "forgets" about the hiccups caused by irritation of the vagus and phrenic nerves. From an excess of carbon dioxide, the respiratory center is rebooted, which is responsible for the proper functioning of the diaphragm and lungs.
  3. Drinking water. It is necessary to hold your breath and drink 12 small sips of water during this time. Another way: put a glass on a chair and drink water through a straw, bending over it. At this time, the hands should be clasped into the castle and laid as high as possible. Drinking poda helps to relax the esophagus and diaphragm and interrupts the nerve impulse that causes hiccups.
  4. Stretch your diaphragm. Ask the child to take the deepest possible breath and hold the breath for 30 seconds. Then you can fold your lips with a tube and exhale slowly and smoothly. Repeat 5-6 times. Stretching the diaphragm and normalizing breathing restore proper muscle function. This method helps if hiccups are associated with a long stay in one position or muscle spasm after fright and hypothermia.
  5. Unusual tastes. An experiment conducted by British scientists showed that in 19 cases out of 20, hiccups in children stopped after they were offered to dissolve a teaspoon of granulated sugar. If you are not at home, sugar can be replaced with M&M's sweets, they must be chewed. American children are treated with a spoonful of peanut butter. A slice of lemon also helps. The fact is that foods with a sharp taste irritate the taste buds, switching the attention of the nervous system to this problem and distracting from hiccups.This method works in almost all cases.
  6. Massage hard palate. Massage of the hard palate (this is the area of ​​the mouth behind the upper teeth) is a distraction for the vagus nerve. The sky can be tickled with the tip of the tongue or massaged with a finger. Tactile stimulation of the palate receptors helps to relieve the excitation of the vagus nerve caused by laughter or swallowing air.
  7. Dip your face in cool water. Fill a basin with cool water and invite the child to dip his face for a few seconds. It is necessary to hold your breath, and then slowly release the air. The leaning position, holding the breath, and the unusual sensation of "diving" into cool water will relax the diaphragm and interrupt the transmission of commands from the "hiccup center" to the diaphragm.
  8. Physical exercise.
    • While inhaling, raise your arms up and stretch. As you exhale, bend down and relax.
    • Sit your child in a chair and ask them to snuggle up against the back and take a deep breath. After that, lean forward, clasp your knees and hold your breath for 5-10 seconds. Now you can exhale slowly.
    Such exercises help to relax the muscles of the diaphragm, and holding the breath is needed to increase the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood. under such conditions, the respiratory center takes control of the work of the respiratory muscles.
  9. Chamomile tea. This drink helps calm the nervous system and relax the muscles. If you drink tea in small sips, you can influence the nerve endings of the vagus nerve in the pharynx and esophagus.

Medical treatment for hiccups in children

Medicines for the treatment of hiccups in children are used very rarely, only if the attacks occur regularly, last for a long time and greatly interfere with the child. Usually such indomitable hiccups are caused by some disease.
Drug group The mechanism of the treated action Representatives How is it prescribed
Treatment of hiccups associated with increased excitability of the nervous system
Antihistamines They block the work of brain areas responsible for diaphragm contractions, reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings, prevent and eliminate hiccups. Pipolfen
Take after meals 1 tablet 1-4 times a day. Drink enough water. Dragee is not recommended to chew, so as not to cause intestinal irritation.
From 2 months, intramuscular injection of pipolfen is possible. From the age of 6, you can give a child in the form of a dragee.
Antipsychotics They calm the nervous system, relieve arousal, have a hypnotic and antiemetic effect. The mechanism of action is associated with a decrease in the sensitivity of the vagus nerve. Aminazine (Chlorpromazine)
Aminazine in syrup is prescribed from a year. In a dragee from 3-6 years. A single dose of 500 mcg / kg. Take 4-5 times a day after meals.
Treatment of hiccups associated with muscle spasm of the diaphragm
Antispasmodics Reduces the tone of smooth muscles that make up the internal organs and blood vessels, relieve spasm of the intestines and stomach. This relaxes the diaphragm and releases the pinched nerves. No-shpa
A single dose for children up to 10-20 mg, the frequency of administration depends on age. Take without regard to meals with plenty of fluids.
Papaverine is prescribed, depending on age, ¼-2 tablets.
Treatment of hiccups associated with bloating and indigestion
Carminative drugs They help to eliminate the accumulation of gases in the intestines, which puts pressure on the diaphragm. Espumizan
Plantex and other products based on fennel, dill, anise, cumin
Take 2-3 times a day after meals. If necessary, again at night.

Always check with your doctor before giving your child any medicine. He will determine the dose and frequency of administration, taking into account the condition of the baby, his age and weight.

Hiccups in adults

All adults are familiar with hiccups - this is a convulsive contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm, which is accompanied by a sharp narrowing of the glottis. This phenomenon is most often caused by: hypothermia or overeating, but there are times when hiccups can indicate a serious illness.

Causes and mechanism of hiccups in adults

Causes of episodic hiccups in adults
  1. Full stomach. If you sat down more than usual, then the stomach increases significantly in volume. It presses on the diaphragm located above it and on the vagus nerve. Overfilling is often preceded by spasm of the sphincters. These are special circular muscles that are located at the entrance and exit from the stomach. If they are compressed, then food cannot go into the intestines, and air can not come out in the form of belching. In this case, we feel an unpleasant heaviness that precedes the hiccups.
  2. Hot or cold food, dry food, spicy food. Passing through the esophagus, food irritates its membrane. This irritation is transmitted to the nearby vagus nerve, and through it to the brain. The response to the stimulus is a sharp contraction of the diaphragm
  3. Alcohol. Strong alcoholic drinks burn the mucous membrane of the pharynx and esophagus, and then cause intoxication (poisoning) by disrupting the functioning of the nerves, including the vagus and diaphragmatic. That is why hiccups so often accompanies plentiful feasts.
  4. Drug intoxication. In this case, hiccups in adults are a side effect of medications. Their components disrupt the functioning of the nervous system. More often than others, sulfanilamide drugs, muscle relaxants, and anesthetics are to blame for the appearance of hiccups.
  5. Stress, fear, hysteria - this is a load on the central nervous system. Stress disrupts the transmission of signals from the centers in the brain to the executive organs. In the center responsible for the contraction of the diaphragm, there is an excitation that is transmitted to its muscles.
  6. Hypothermia. When we are cold, we shiver. This is a convulsive contraction of the muscles aimed at keeping warm, and we feel the trembling of the diaphragm as hiccups.
  7. Laugh. When laughing, a deep breath is followed by a series of sharp exhalations. This disrupts the work of the respiratory center, and the “hiccup center” receives control over the diaphragm.

Persistent prolonged hiccups in adults can be caused by various diseases:

  1. Nervous System Damage Pathologies of the nervous system are accompanied by swelling of the nervous tissue, while some cells die and the signal transmission paths from the brain to the diaphragm are disrupted. This causes her convulsive contraction.

    Diseases of other organs cause irritation not of the central section, but of the peripheral nerves - the vagus and diaphragmatic. If the focus of inflammation is located next to them, then there is a failure in the nervous regulation of the diaphragm. Here is a list of diseases that may be accompanied by hiccups:

    • inflammation of the brain
    • concussions and bruises
    • multiple sclerosis
    • tumors
    • herniated disc that compresses nerves
  2. Diseases of the digestive system
    • heartburn and enlargement of the esophagus
    • peptic ulcer of the stomach and small intestine
  3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system
    • aortic aneurysm
    • myocardial infarction
  4. Diseases of the respiratory system
    • pneumonia
    • pleurisy
    • tumors
Disease-related hiccups last more than 48 hours and require medical attention. But remember that these diseases are never manifested only by hiccups. They cause a whole bunch of symptoms, so do not get upset ahead of time. Just seek advice from a therapist or neurologist.


episodic hiccups does not need treatment. It goes away on its own after a few minutes when you turn your attention to something else. But if hiccups bother you a lot, you can try methods that open the reflex arc (the path of the nerve impulse). There are a great many such diversions, and something helps everyone.

What should not be done?

You should not use extreme methods to combat hiccups, which, although they will stop hiccups, can also be harmful to your health.

  1. Rectal massage. American Francis Fesmire, together with Israeli scientists, received the Ig Nobel Prize in 2006 for this method. They have proven that digital rectal massage is a good cure for hiccups. But this method has not gained wide acceptance.
  2. Fright. Attempts to scare a hiccuping person can cause serious neurological disorders. It is especially dangerous if a person has heart problems.
  3. Lubricate the root of the tongue with strong mustard. This seasoning can cause spasm of the larynx. In addition, mustard, getting into the esophagus, will burn it, which can cause increased hiccups.
What to do?
  1. Drinking water. There are several exotic ways to drink water that help with hiccups. The fact is that cool water acts on receptors in the throat, which distract the vagus nerve from transmitting commands to the diaphragm. As the water travels down the esophagus, it relaxes the esophagus and pushes out trapped food that can irritate the diaphragm. In addition, focusing on counting the throats puts the nervous system in order.
    • Hold your breath and take 12 sips;
    • Drink water from the opposite side of the glass;
    • Clamp the pencil with your teeth, it should be placed horizontally between your teeth. Try to take a few sips.
    • Throw half of a wooden toothpick into the glass. Drink water, being careful not to put the toothpick in your mouth.
    • Drink water while leaning forward. You can drink from the tap or from a glass on the table. At the same time, hands should be clasped behind the back in the castle. Raise them as high as possible.
  2. Retention of breath. When you hold your breath, your blood is enriched with carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a signal for the respiratory center to take control of the diaphragm. It forces the muscle to work only to ventilate the lungs. The method helps to get rid of hiccups caused by nerves and as a result of muscle spasm.
    • Breathe slowly into the paper bag. Polyethylene for these purposes cannot be used - you can suffocate.
    • Take a deep breath, then a few more, until you feel that your lungs are full. Now tilt your head down and hold your breath for 30 seconds. After that, slowly, without effort, exhale. This method allows you to cause oxygen deficiency and relax the muscles of the diaphragm.
    • Valsalva reception. Take a deep breath, hold your breath and tense your muscles strongly, strain. Stay in this state for 10-15 seconds.
  3. Salt and sugar. Irritation of the taste buds located in the mouth helps to improve the functioning of the vagus nerve if the hiccups come from cold or irritation of the nerve when swallowing. It is recommended to dissolve, a teaspoon of granulated sugar or salt. For the same purposes, you can use a slice of lemon or a piece of candied honey, a few dragees of ascorbic acid.
  4. Physical exercise. Exercise, combined with even breathing, helps control the abdominal muscles and diaphragm. This method helps eliminate neurogenic hiccups and those associated with swallowing air.
    • Stretch, standing on your toes and raising your hands up. This exercise is done while inhaling. Lean forward while exhaling.
    • Sit on a chair, leaning against its back, take a deep breath. Lean forward and wrap your arms around yourself like you would during an emergency landing on an airplane. Hold this for 10-30 seconds, then exhale smoothly.
    • Do a handstand or lie on your back and hang your head off the bed so that it is below your diaphragm.
  5. Vomiting reflex. Tickle the root of the tongue with your fingers (no need to bring it up to vomiting). This stimulates your gag reflex. The vagus nerve is also responsible for it. Since the gag reflex is stronger than hiccups, the body switches to this task. This method of struggle copes with hiccups that have arisen for any reason.
  6. Induce a burp. If hiccups are caused by swallowing air or drinking carbonated drinks, then it is necessary to empty the stomach of the air bubble. To do this, swallow the air several times, lean forward a little and tighten your abdominal muscles.
  7. Water with mint drops. Peppermint tincture helps relax the esophageal sphincter, the muscular ring that separates the esophagus from the stomach. This will let the excess air out of it. This method is suitable if you hiccup after overeating, drinking carbonated drinks or laughing.
  8. Impact on reflex zones. Press on the biologically active points where the receptors of the nervous system are located. This causes excitation of the respiratory center, from which the diaphragm is controlled.

    Reflexology helps well with hiccups in adults of a neurogenic nature.

    • Sit down, close your eyes and lightly press on the eyeballs;
    • Intensively massage the back of the hands from the hand to the elbow;
    • Massage the upper palate with your finger or the tip of your tongue.
    • Pull your earlobes or apply something cold to them.

Medical treatment for hiccups in adults

Medical treatment is necessary for prolonged persistent hiccups. You will be prescribed medication if:
  • hiccups appear regularly;
  • the attack lasts more than 48 hours;
  • during hiccups, heartburn and chest pain appear;
  • hiccups are associated with various diseases.
Procedures for the treatment of hiccups in adults

Inhalations with carbon dioxide(5-7% carbon dioxide and 93-95% oxygen). Carbon dioxide is an irritant of the respiratory center. This procedure activates his work and makes you breathe deeply. At the same time, the lungs, diaphragm, and intercostal muscles work smoothly and without unnecessary contractions.

Intranasal catheter insertion to a depth of 10-12 cm. The catheter is a thin flexible tube. It is injected through the nose into the respiratory tract. It irritates the nerve endings of the vagus nerve. The procedure itself is not particularly pleasant. Medical manipulations make you quickly forget about hiccups and switch to your own feelings.

Novocaine blockade of the vagus nerve. 40-50 ml of a 0.25% solution of novocaine is injected with a needle at the posterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Thus, the work of the vagus and phrenic nerves is blocked. This method is used in extreme cases, when hiccups are associated with inflammatory processes in the chest.

Medical treatment

Drug group The mechanism of the treated action Representatives How is it prescribed
Treatment of hiccups associated with increased excitability of the nervous system, stress
Antipsychotics They calm the nervous system, reduce the speed of signal transmission from the brain centers to organs and muscles. Make the vagus nerve less sensitive to irritation. Inhibit the activity of reflexes, which include hiccups. Chlorpromazine
During an attack, it is administered intravenously at 25-50 mg 4 times a day. To prevent recurrence, it is taken orally at the same dosage.
The drug is administered intramuscularly at 25-50 mg 3-4 times a day.
Treatment of hiccups associated with irritation of the vagus nerve in diseases of the respiratory system
Muscle relaxants By acting on the centers in the spinal cord, it prevents involuntary muscle contractions. Helps to relax the skeletal muscles, which include the diaphragm. Reduces the excitability of the diaphragm. Baclofen
Apply inside 5-20 mg 2-4 times a day. preferably consumed after meals with 100 ml of liquid.
Antiemetics Reduce the sensitivity of nerve cells to stimuli. They block the passage of a nerve impulse to the brain centers and to the diaphragm. Accelerate the emptying of the stomach, prevents the throwing of food from the stomach into the esophagus. They have an antiemetic effect. Cerucal
They speed up the movement of food through the intestines, help food to empty faster, the stomach, relieve the feeling of fullness. Prevent heartburn and reflux of food from the stomach into the esophagus. Cisapride
Reduces the production of hydrochloric acid, reduces inflammation in gastritis and reflux esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus). Omeprazole

Even if hiccups bother you a lot, don't self-medicate. All drugs are prescribed only after examination by a doctor. Otherwise, the likelihood of side effects is high.

hiccups during pregnancy

There are many changes in the body of a pregnant woman. The nervous system becomes more sensitive and excitable due to the high concentration of hormones, and the growing fetus supports the internal organs. All this can provoke hiccups during pregnancy.

Let's hasten to reassure expectant mothers - hiccups in your condition are absolutely safe. It doesn't harm you or your baby. In addition, your unborn child hiccups regularly. He does this starting from the 6th week, but you will feel rhythmic tremors only at the 26-28th week of pregnancy. Hiccups for the fetus and massage of the internal organs, and exercises for the muscles, and the prevention of stagnation of fluid in the lungs - in general, a solid benefit. But there are also less pleasant cases. The baby may experience oxygen starvation. In this case, hiccups are the result of excitation of the respiratory center. Therefore, if you are in doubt, then tell your gynecologist about your fears. Cardiotocography, ultrasound, listening to the fetal heartbeat and counting its movements will tell you about the baby's condition.

Causes and mechanism of hiccups during pregnancy

There are many reasons why a pregnant woman may have hiccups.
  1. hypothermia. When the temperature drops, your body reflexively tries to keep warm around the baby and internal organs. And the muscles are contracting. This contraction of the diaphragm leads to the simulation of the nerve endings of the phrenic nerve. This excitation is transmitted to the brain stem. There, a command is formed to relax the diaphragm and the body does this with the help of hiccups.
  2. Full stomach. Expectant mothers often eat for two to meet the increased needs of the body. In this case, the stomach increases in size more than usual. It presses from below on the diaphragm, pinching the vagus nerve and preventing the lungs from fully relaxing. The body tries to eliminate this with the help of sharp and rhythmic contractions of the diaphragm.
  3. Drinking carbonated drinks. Bubbles of carbon dioxide are released from the liquid and collect in the upper part of the stomach. The gas bubble inflates the stomach. In this case, the fibers of the vagus nerve, which pass along its surface, are irritated. In response, the brain causes hiccups to free the stomach from the air bubble. Therefore, hiccups stop after belching.
  4. Irritation of the esophagus. Badly chewed food, hot, cold or spicy dishes can irritate the walls of the esophagus. Also, irritation causes the contents of the stomach, mixed with digestive juice, which rises during belching. In this case, you feel heartburn. The vagus nerve, which wraps around the esophagus, is very sensitive to such stimuli.
  5. Big fruit. By the third trimester of pregnancy, your baby is getting big enough that the uterus takes up a lot of space in your belly. The remaining internal organs are shifted upward, closer to the lungs. This increases the pressure on the diaphragm. The phrenic nerve endings get pinched and send signals of discomfort to the "diaphragm control center" that makes you hiccup.
  6. Experiences. Stress, anxiety, and experiences are inseparable from pregnancy, such is the peculiarity of the work of the nervous system during this period. But such loads prevent the brain from properly managing internal organs. The diaphragm, instead of making smooth respiratory movements, begins to contract rapidly.
In very rare cases, hiccups in pregnant women can be a symptom of an illness.
  • Pathologies of the nervous system: concussion, meningitis, encephalitis, tumors. Hernias of the cervical spine. Such diseases disrupt the respiratory center and can cause prolonged bouts of hiccups.
  • Respiratory diseases: laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. When the vagus and phrenic nerves pass through areas of inflammation, they are compressed and irritated. This leads to a distortion of the signals coming from the brain.
  • Diseases of the digestive system: inflammation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach. Peptic ulcer, stones in the bile ducts. Such pathologies irritate the sensitive endings of the nerves, activating hiccups.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system: infarction, myocarditis. In severe cases, swelling and inflammation is transmitted to the heart on the vagus nerve. Violating the innervation of the diaphragm.

Treatment of hiccups in pregnant women

Treatment of hiccups in pregnant women comes down to the use of reflexology and folk methods. The use of drugs during the period of bearing a child is undesirable, so do not use any drugs without a doctor's prescription.

What should not be done?

  1. No need to scare a pregnant woman. This dubious way to deal with hiccups can cause involuntary termination of pregnancy, in other words, miscarriage.
  2. Don't get carried away with exercise. Rocking the press and push-ups help to forget about hiccups, but in your position you should not do strength exercises.
  3. Breath holding is especially contraindicated those women who have a threat of premature termination of pregnancy. By holding your breath, you tense your abdominal muscles and increase the tone of the uterus. And repeated holding of the breath reduces the level of oxygen in the blood, and the baby may experience oxygen starvation.
  4. Do not overeat or drink carbonated drinks. This rule helps prevent hiccups.
  5. Give up alcohol. Even low-alcohol drinks can harm the fetus and cause intoxication, which is considered one of the causes of hiccups.
What to do?
  1. Have a cup of tea. It should be moderately warm and sweet. Slow drinking in small sips works well on the vagus nerve, which is closely adjacent to the esophagus. If you make tea from chamomile, mint or lemon balm, then such a drink will help calm the nerves and relax smooth muscles. Suitable for the treatment of hiccups after stress.
  2. Drink some water. Hold your breath and drink 12 small sips of water at a time. Having experienced a lack of oxygen, the respiratory center will quickly take control of the diaphragm. And drinking water helps to improve the function of the vagus nerve. If you add a few ice cubes to the water, then cold water will stimulate the temperature receptors of the pharynx and esophagus, which also has a positive effect on the work of the vagus nerve. This method helps to cope with hiccups caused by irritation of nerve fibers.
  3. Cover the glass with a tissue paper. Try drinking water through a cloth. For this you will have to make an effort. Such a distracting maneuver helps to break the passage of the signal along the reflex arc.
  4. Sing a rhythmic cheerful song. Singing performs several tasks at once: it normalizes breathing and soothes. In addition, the baby is pleased to hear your voice.
  5. Sugar or refined sugar. Dissolve sugar without drinking. The sweet taste and hard sugar crystals irritate the receptors in the mouth and help neutralize irritation in the lower vagus nerve.
  6. Eat small meals. Fractional nutrition helps to avoid overfilling the stomach and its pressure on the diaphragm.

Medical treatment for hiccups during pregnancy

Self-administration of drugs can affect the formation of the baby's organs and cause him irreparable harm. This applies to synthetic drugs and herbal medicines.

During pregnancy, drugs are prescribed not for hiccups, but to combat diseases that can cause prolonged attacks. In this case, the doctor will select the drugs allowed for expectant mothers and determine the required dosage.

Drug group The mechanism of the treated action Representatives How is it prescribed
Treatment of hiccups associated with inflammation of organs near the vagus nerve and diaphragm
Antibiotics Antibiotics destroy the bacteria that cause inflammation. Thus, it is possible to relieve irritation of the nerves passing nearby. Antibiotics allowed during pregnancy: Amoxiclav
The drugs are taken orally or injected intramuscularly. The doctor selects the method of application and dose individually, depending on the severity of the disease.
Treatment of hiccups associated with bloating and digestive disorders
Carminative drugs Crush gas bubbles, help get rid of bloating. Eliminate intestinal colic. Helps relieve discomfort after swallowing air. Espumizan
2 capsules 3-5 times a day with meals.
Sorbents Absorbs gases and toxins accumulated in the intestines. Reduces bloating and intestinal colic. Activated carbon Apply 5-10 tablets for swelling. Take the tablets with a sufficient amount of water or crush and stir in 100 ml of liquid. Do not use this remedy if you have a peptic ulcer or suffer from constipation.
Treatment for hiccups associated with stress
Magnesium deficiency remedy Reduces the excitability of neurons and the transmission of nervous excitation to the muscles. Magne B6 Take 3 tablets 2 times a day with meals with a glass of water.
Muscle relaxants By acting on the centers in the spinal cord, involuntary muscle contractions are prevented. Helps to relax the skeletal muscles, which include the diaphragm. Reduces the excitability of the diaphragm. Baclofen Apply inside 5-20 mg 2-4 times a day.
Treatment of hiccups associated with overeating and disruption of the digestive organs
Antiemetics They reduce the sensitivity of nerve cells to stimuli, block the passage of a nerve impulse to the brain centers and to the diaphragm. Accelerate the emptying of the stomach, prevents the throwing of food from the stomach into the esophagus. They have an antiemetic effect. Cerucal Assign 1 tablet (10 mg) 3-4 times a day. Take 30 minutes before meals with plenty of water.
Gastrointestinal motility stimulants They speed up the movement of food through the intestines, help food to empty faster, the stomach, relieve the feeling of fullness.
Prevent the reflux of food from the stomach into the esophagus and heartburn.
Take 5-10 mg 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals and at bedtime.

Take 5-20 mg 2-4 times a day. Efficiency increases if washed down with grapefruit juice.

Histamine receptor blockers Reduces the production of hydrochloric acid, reduces inflammation in gastritis and reflux esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus). Omeprazole Assign 0.02 g once in the morning (before breakfast). The duration of treatment depends on the state of health.

How to stop hiccups?

Here are proven methods that allow you to quickly stop hiccups.
  • Fill your mouth with water and try to swallow it without closing your mouth.
  • Take a deep breath, strongly tighten the abdominal muscles and freeze in this position for 15 seconds. To enhance the effect, you can sit down, wrapping your arms around yourself under the ribs.
  • Take a deep breath. Close your ears with your thumbs, placing them on the cartilaginous protrusion in front of the auricle. Close your nostrils with your little fingers. Close your eyes. Try not to breathe for as long as possible.
  • Tea from gray hiccups will soothe long-term hiccups of nervous origin. Pour 1 tablespoon of vegetable raw materials with a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 10 minutes, drink a tablespoon every half hour.

Why does hiccups occur after eating?

There are many reasons for hiccups after eating.
  • Spicy or hot food irritates the stomach;
  • With portions of food, you swallow a little air;
  • You have eaten more than normal and the stomach is full.
After eating, the stomach increases in size, compresses the vagus nerve in the hole where it passes through the diaphragm and stretches the branches of the vagus nerve lying on it. Such irritation turns into a nerve impulse, similar to a weak discharge of current.

Through the sensory fibers that make up the vagus nerve, these impulses enter the "hiccup centers". One of them is located in the cervical spinal cord, the other in the brain stem. Here another nerve impulse is formed - a command to contract for the diaphragmatic muscle. This impulse is transmitted from top to bottom along the motor fibers of the vagus nerve.

The diaphragm receives a command from the nervous system and contracts. The hiccups continue until the full stomach irritates the sensory endings of the vagus nerve.

Remember, hiccups are your body's attempt to protect your nerves. Therefore, even if the hiccups caught you in the most inappropriate place, treat it with gratitude, and the situation with humor!


"Hiccups, hiccups, go to Fedot,
From Fedot to Yakov, from Yakov to everyone,
And with everyone ... go you hiccups
To my swamp ... ".

Great conspiracy from hiccups. The most interesting, often helps. Until now, some people seriously think that hiccups are an "evil spirit" that has invaded, which should be driven out, or is it a message from a person who suddenly remembered. Others generally went far, conducting divination by hiccups, depending on the days of the week, and even the time of day, evaluating the signs by the hour when the person began to hiccup.

But it has long been known that hiccups are not an abnormal phenomenon, but a very real reflex reaction of the body to various factors. Most often, hiccups are harmless, pass through several dozen "hiccups", do not repeat and do not cause trouble to a person. But also hiccups can be one of symptoms any disease, and even exhaust the patient with constant attacks.

So, hiccups are an uncontrolled physiological reflex phenomenon, leading to a short-term respiratory failure. With hiccups, spontaneous inspiration occurs due to contraction of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, but unlike normal inspiration, air does not enter the lungs due to the epiglottis blocking the airways. So there is a kind of shortness of breath.

Why does hiccups occur?

In order to understand how hiccups occur, it is necessary to understand how breathing occurs and what provides breathing.

How does breathing happen?

So, when you inhale, air enters the upper respiratory tract, through the larynx into the trachea, bronchi and alveoli. During inhalation, the respiratory muscles contract: the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. In this case, the diaphragm, which in a relaxed state has the shape of a dome, flattens, and the chest with the sternum rises, thereby providing a pressure difference and air entering the lungs. Exhalation occurs spontaneously due to the relaxation of the respiratory muscles.

Picture 1. Schematic representation of the change in the diaphragm during inhalation and exhalation.

When swallowing, the airways are blocked by the epiglottis. This is necessary so that food does not enter the trachea and bronchi. When talking, the vocal cords that are in the larynx close - so when the air flow moves through them, sounds are formed.

Breathing regulation. Breathing is regulated by the nervous system. The centers of respiration, which are located in the medulla oblongata of the brain, are responsible for it, and work automatically. Information about the increase in the content of carbon dioxide in the blood comes to the center of respiration, they transmit impulses to the respiratory muscles, they contract - inhalation occurs. The vagus nerve "follows" the stretching of the lungs, which transmits impulses to the respiratory centers - the respiratory muscles relax and exhalation occurs.

Nervus vagus. The vagus nerve (nervus vagus) is involved in causing hiccups. This is a complex nerve that comes from the brain and performs many functions. It is the vagus nerve that is responsible for the work of internal organs, heart activity, vascular tone, protective reflexes, such as cough and vomiting, regulates the digestive process. When it is irritated, a hiccup reflex occurs.

What happens during hiccups and how does the characteristic sound come about?

1. Irritation of the vagus nerve by various factors (overeating, hypothermia, alcohol, etc.).
2. The vagus nerve transmits nerve impulses to the spinal cord and brain.
3. The central nervous system decides on the spontaneous contraction of the respiratory muscles. The respiratory centers temporarily lose control of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles.
4. The diaphragm and intercostal muscles suddenly begin to convulsively contract, but at the same time the epiglottis blocks the airways, the vocal cords close.

Figure 2. Schematic representation of hiccups.

5. An inhalation occurs, but the air flow cannot enter the lungs due to the epiglottis, the air hits the vocal cords - this is how the characteristic “hic” sound occurs.
6. The reflex arc of hiccups starts.
7. The action of the vagus nerve ends, the level of carbon dioxide in the blood rises, the respiratory centers take control of the respiratory muscles, normal breathing is restored, and hiccups stop. If irritation of the vagus nerve continues, bouts of hiccups are repeated.

Irritation of the vagus nerve occurs when:

  • disorder of the nervous system;
  • disruption of the digestive organs;
  • irritation of the pharynx and larynx;
  • inflammation of the lungs and pleura;
  • mechanical compression of the vagus nerve;
  • in case of cardiac arrhythmias.
That is, hiccups can be a sign or symptom of a disease of organs that are controlled by the vagus nerve.

Causes of hiccups

What happens and why does hiccups appear? And the reasons are very diverse, it can be temporary factors or various diseases.

Hiccups in healthy people

Hiccups sometimes occur for a short time, this may be due to such reasons:

1. Hiccups after eating: overeating, fast eating, mixing food with liquids, drinking carbonated drinks, bloating with improper diet or eating "bloating" foods.

2. Hiccups while eating: fast absorption of food, talking with a "full mouth", the use of large volumes of water with food.

3. Hiccups after alcohol: severe alcohol intoxication, a large number of snacks, taking alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach or through a cocktail tube.

4. Swallowing air after laughter, a loud cry, singing, a long conversation.

7. Air pollution smoke, smog, dust.

8. Nervous Hiccups: fright, nervous strain, emotional experience.

All these factors temporarily irritate the nerve endings of the branches of the vagus nerve and lead to the launch of an episodic attack of hiccups. After the effect on these receptors is eliminated, hiccups disappear, usually this happens after 1-20 minutes. Hiccups may be relieved by belching air, moving food more quickly out of the stomach, or after recovery from stress.

Hiccups as a symptom of the disease

But hiccups can be a manifestation of various diseases. Then it will be long-term, regularly repeated, and it is more difficult to get rid of such hiccups.

Diseases that contribute to the occurrence of hiccups:

Diseases The main symptoms of diseases The nature and characteristics of hiccups in this disease
Diseases of the digestive system:
  • hepatitis;
  • stomach cancer and other abdominal tumors.
  • Heartburn;
  • belching;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • abdominal pain;
  • heaviness after eating;
  • change in appetite;
  • hiccups.
Hiccups in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract occur frequently, the attacks are usually not long, sometimes there may be persistent hiccups that do not go away for a day or more.

You can cope with such hiccups with strict adherence to the appropriate diet and doctor's recommendations.

Respiratory diseases:
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • pneumonia.
  • sore throat;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • noisy breathing;
  • with pleurisy - pain in the chest.
Hiccups are not a typical symptom for these diseases, but these pathologies can lead to irritation of the nerve receptors of the branches of the vagus nerve, which can cause hiccups.

If such hiccups have arisen, then it is regular, disappears with recovery. Plentiful warm drink, breathing exercises, airing the room will help.

Neurological pathologies:
  • condition after a stroke;
  • tumors of the brain or spinal cord;
  • epilepsy and more.
  • focal neurological symptoms;
  • muscle weakness, etc.
Hiccups are also not an obligatory symptom of neurological pathologies, but if it occurs, then long and persistent hiccups are usually observed, which can last for days and years. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to cope with such hiccups, it is important to take the recommended therapy for the treatment of the underlying disease. Relieve the state of sedatives, antipsychotics and muscle relaxants.
Diseases of the heart and blood vessels:
  • heart attack;
  • Pain in the chest, radiating to the left arm;
  • dyspnea;
  • feeling of heartbeat;
  • increased blood pressure, etc.
Hiccups in heart disease are rare, but they can be the very first symptom of aortic aneurysm, coronary insufficiency and myocardial infarction.
Intoxication Syndrome:
  • alcohol addiction;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • chemotherapy for cancer;
  • overdose or side effects of certain drugs;
  • liver or kidney failure.
  • Weakness;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • dyspnea;
  • impaired consciousness, etc.
Hiccups often occur against the background of the action of various toxins, which is associated with a toxic effect on the nervous system. Hiccups are persistent, disappear after detoxification therapy.
Hiccups after surgery:
  • in the mediastinum and on the organs of the chest cavity;
  • on the abdominal organs;
  • ENT operations.
  • Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat);
  • lowering blood pressure up to shock;
  • dizziness;
  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • convulsions;
  • cyanosis of the extremities;
  • dyspnea;
  • indigestion and other manifestations of autonomic disorders.
Damage to the main trunk of the vagus can lead to shock, cardiac arrest, breathing and death, since this nerve is responsible for the work of all internal organs. Hiccups may occur immediately after surgery if the branches of the vagus nerve are damaged during surgery. Such hiccups are stubborn and constant, it is not always possible to cope with it. Ease the state of neuroleptics and other potent psychotic drugs.
  • brain;
  • larynx;
  • lungs and mediastinum;
  • stomach and other abdominal organs.
Symptoms can be very diverse, from no symptoms to pain and intoxication. The presence of a tumor is confirmed by x-ray, tomographic methods and biopsy.Tumors can mechanically compress the branches or trunk, and in the brain, the nucleus of the vagus nerve, which can manifest itself as persistent round-the-clock hiccups. Also, hiccups may appear after surgical treatment or chemotherapy of the tumor.

Only powerful psychopathic drugs can alleviate hiccups.

It would seem that there are many reasons for hiccups, but they can not always be identified. Hiccups and the mechanisms of its occurrence are still a mystery to medicine. There are a lot of cases of prolonged and persistent hiccups, for which it would seem that there are no grounds. As a result, doctors cannot always help hiccuping patients.

Hiccups: causes. Hiccups as a symptom of a serious illness - video

Is hiccups dangerous?

Periodic short-term hiccups happen to everyone and does not pose any danger to human life and health.

But, as we found out, hiccups are not only a temporary reflex phenomenon, but can also be a manifestation of severe diseases of the heart, brain, and some types of tumors. At the same time, hiccups themselves do not threaten life and do not aggravate the course of these diseases, but should alert and push to go to the doctors for examination and necessary treatment.

You don’t die from hiccups, you can die from diseases that provoke prolonged hiccups.

By the way, not a single case of death of a child or an adult from hiccups has been described in the world.

Another thing is psychological discomfort. Of course, constant hiccups interfere with a person's daily life, it torments anyone. A person feels uncomfortable in front of others, at night "hic" can interfere with sleep and eat, and indeed - persistent hiccups are difficult to control and drive some to despair. What can we say about hiccups that last for months and years.

How to quickly get rid of hiccups?

Hiccups are not a disease, therefore, it cannot be cured. Its occurrence does not depend on us, as in most cases, and the cessation of an attack. But hiccups are very annoying, it is hard to breathe, speak and concentrate on something is simply impossible. There are many ways to stop hiccups. Some of them are very simple, others are quite extreme. All of them can be used at home, and are inherently traditional medicine.

Each person has their own effective method of dealing with hiccups. Everything, as always, is very individual.

What is needed to stop hiccups?

1. Release of the vagus nerve from irritation.

2. Relaxation of the diaphragm.

3. Calming, switching and distraction of the nervous system from the reflex.

4. Stimulation of the respiratory center of the brain.

Interesting! Hiccups are easier to stop as long as you hiccup no more than 10 times. If this did not happen, then you will have to suffer with hiccups and try several methods of dealing with it.

Proven effective methods and ways to get rid of hiccups

Breathing and breathing exercises for hiccups:

1. After a few deep breaths, hold your breath while inhaling. The effect will be enhanced if you mentally count to 10, 20 or 30, jump, do a few bends or any physical exercise. You can drink water while holding your breath. Also, with a breath hold, you can simply tighten the abdominal muscles. This method is called Valsava maneuver. The main thing is that the exhalation should be slow and calm.
2. Rapid breathing for a minute.
3. Blow up a balloon or release a lot of soap bubbles. This will not only relax the diaphragm, but also bring positive emotions that can block the hiccup reflex.
4. Breathe through a paper bag, but don't overdo it.

2. Try not to pass on and eat right, do not eat before bedtime, walk more in the fresh air. Frequent small meals and "light meals" are essential for proper digestion, good health, and healthy weight.

3. Do not be nervous about trifles - this not only leads to hiccups, but also to impaired fetal circulation. Only positive emotions are useful for the baby and mother.

4. Drink water in different ways in small sips after holding your breath for a short time.

5. With heartburn, bicarbonate mineral water (Borjomi, Essentuki) will help. The main thing is to release gases and drink in small quantities in small sips.

6. You can eat a slice of lemon or orange.

7. Breathing exercises are also effective, but you can’t overdo it - a strong overstrain of the abdominal muscles is not recommended for expectant mothers.

8. Physical exercise for pregnant women is undesirable, especially in the period up to 12 weeks. The knee-elbow position will help reduce pressure on the diaphragm and the vagus nerve. Stay in it for a few minutes, this will not only help to cope with hiccups, but also unload other organs, in particular the kidneys and vena cava, reduce swelling, pelvic and lumbar pain. If hiccups torment you in a dream, then lie on your side or in a reclining position.

9. Suck on a piece of sugar or a spoonful of honey.

11. Do not try to scare a pregnant woman: she will not stop hiccuping, and the nervous system will suffer, the tone of the uterus will increase, and even the baby can turn into an incorrect presentation, for example, into a pelvic one.

But hiccups can also indicate that the baby is uncomfortable. If hiccups last more than 20 minutes and are accompanied by pronounced motor activity of the fetus, this is a cause for concern and an urgent trip to the doctor. Prolonged hiccups can be the cause of a lack of oxygen or fetal hypoxia. Hypoxia always negatively affects the baby, can lead to intrauterine growth retardation, to congenital pathologies of the central nervous system, and premature birth.

Hiccups in newborns

Hiccups in babies are very common, and quite normal. Babies normally hiccup much more often than adults.

Why do newborn babies often hiccup?

Frequent hiccups in newborns are associated with the physiological characteristics of this age:
  • Immaturity of the nervous system- as a result, the nerve endings of the vagus nerve and the regulatory centers of the brain are very sensitive to various irritating factors, which leads to a contraction of the diaphragm and hiccups.
  • Immaturity of the digestive system- low enzymes, intestinal cramps, small stomach quickly and often lead to overeating and bloating.
Therefore, even seemingly minor irritants can lead to hiccups. In premature babies, there is even greater immaturity of the internal organs and nervous system, so they hiccup even more often.

Causes of hiccups in babies

1. Hiccups after feeding- This is the most common variant of hiccups. It is especially pronounced in formula-fed children. During sucking, especially through the nipple, the baby swallows air, which leads to bloating. Excess air irritates the vagus nerve receptors and provokes an attack of hiccups. Also, hiccups begin if the child overeats, excess food, like excess air, irritates the vagus nerve. Formula-fed babies overeat more often. Breast milk can also trigger hiccups if the nursing mother is not on a diet.

2. Hypothermia. Children are more sensitive to low temperatures, which is associated with imperfect thermoregulation. For this reason, children very quickly become overcooled and overheated. During hypothermia, in order to generate heat, the body tones all the muscles, including the diaphragm. Any freezing can end in hiccups.

3. "Nervous hiccups." The baby may also be nervous, he may also not like something, but he still does not know how to restrain his emotions. Therefore, any "discontent" can lead to crying and hiccups. In addition to excitation of the nervous system, while crying, the child additionally swallows air, which contributes to hiccups.

4. Unpleasant odors, polluted and smoky air irritates the branches of the vagus nerve in the throat.

5. SARS also causes hiccups in babies.

Various diseases of the respiratory, nervous, digestive, cardiovascular systems can lead to pathological hiccups, the attack of which lasts more than 20 minutes and is constantly repeated.

Pathological hiccups are often found in children with hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, congenital pathologies of the stomach and intestines, as well as heart defects.

How to rid a baby of hiccups?

1. It is important to keep breastfeeding, and if artificial feeding is necessary, only highly adapted formulas that are ideal for your baby should be used. Nursing women will have to stick to a diet, do not eat foods that increase gas formation, fatty, fried, smoked, spicy and too sweet.
2. Don't overfeed your baby. If with breastfeeding the child in most cases eats no more than he needs, then with artificial feeding it is very easy to overeat. Even the packaging with the mixture often indicates larger amounts of single feeding than recommended by pediatricians.
3. Before feeding, lay the baby on his stomach for 5-10 minutes. This will improve intestinal motility and free it from excess gases, prepare it for a new meal.
4. After feeding, hold the baby in an upright "soldier" position in order to allow excess air swallowed during meals to escape and not cause bloating.
5. Feed your baby one serving, do not supplement him 10-20 minutes after the main meal, because. this will increase gas production and may lead to hiccups and regurgitation.
6. Don't feed your baby more often than every 2.5-3 hours. Free feeding is good, but the baby needs time to digest the previous portion. Eating too often leads to overeating, increased gas formation and indigestion.
7. "Don't annoy" your child. Take him in your arms more often, rock and sing lullabies. Nothing soothes like a mother's hands and voice.
8. Massage for babies and active movements will help to cope with hiccups. You can just lightly pat the baby on the "diaper" or pat on the back.
9. In most cases, hiccups go away if the child is distracted, shown a new toy, told or sung something, tickled on the heel, patted on the head, or played some kind of fun game with the baby.
10. Avoid hypothermia and overheating.
11. Do not try to scare the child with hiccups!

Can I feed my baby during hiccups?

If the child hiccups, and this is not due to overeating, then you can feed him or give him some water or tea to drink. Drinking and sucking warmly will help manage hiccups. But if hiccups occur after overeating, then any additional volume in the stomach can increase its attack.

Hiccups in a newborn - video

Hiccups in a newborn baby after feeding, what to do: personal experience of a young mother - video

Why do drunk people hiccup? How to get rid of hiccups after alcohol?

Hiccups on the background of alcohol intoxication is a fairly common occurrence. It is intense in nature, can persist for a long time, unnerving not only the most drunk, but also the people around him.

Alcohol can not only lead to hiccups, but affects the entire body at the same time and starts all the processes for the occurrence of convulsive contraction of the diaphragm.

Causes of drunken hiccups

  • The toxic effect of alcohol on the central nervous system. Alcohol completely disorients the centers of the brain and increases the excitability of nerve receptors. And these are good conditions for the development of a hiccup reflex arc. The risk of developing drunken hiccups directly depends on the degree and number of glasses.
  • Irritant effect of alcohol on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. This leads to irritation of the vagus nerve receptors and hiccups. The effect is enhanced when alcohol is taken on an empty stomach, in the presence of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as with an abundance of snacks.
  • Chronic alcoholic hepatitis often develops in chronic alcoholic hepatitis, which is manifested by an enlarged liver that compresses the branches of the vagus nerve. With the development of cirrhosis of the liver, the phenomena of venous congestion in the hepatic vessels increase. Dilated vessels can also lead to irritation of nerve receptors and hiccups.
  • Even "fumes" or alcohol vapors that are released from the stomach and lungs of a drunk person irritate the nerve endings of the esophagus and larynx, which can also trigger hiccups.
It is important to remember that hiccups can be associated not only with the direct effects of alcohol, but also with other serious problems that it can provoke. For example, a heart attack, stroke, acute liver and kidney failure can start with hiccups. Also, hiccups can appear when poisoning with methanol and other surrogates. In this case, it is long-term, not amenable to relief by the usual methods, may be accompanied by impaired consciousness and the presence of other symptoms. In such cases, it is necessary to urgently deliver the patient to a medical facility and provide first aid.

So, a seemingly harmless reflex like hiccups can be a sign of serious problems in the human body that threaten not only health, but also human life.

How to help a drunk hiccup?

What to do to not hiccup after alcohol?

How to induce hiccups?

In the article itself, we described a lot about the causes of hiccups and methods of dealing with it. But there are people who, on the contrary, want to cause hiccups. For example, the interlocutor is tired, or today is the day and hour when you need to hiccup for good luck to come.

If you suddenly decide to hiccup, then you will have to:

  • Something to eat very quickly, chewing badly and swallowing quickly, you can also talk while eating. Carefully! With such an extreme meal, you can choke!
  • Drink plenty of sparkling water, it can also be drunk through a cocktail tube.
  • Try to swallow air. To do this, you need to take air into your mouth, imagine that it is water, and swallow.
  • Can remember something bad, causing experience and negative emotions. But this can not only provoke hiccups, but also ruin your mood for the whole day.
  • You can just laugh heartily, this is more pleasant than negative emotions, and the swallowed air and contraction of the diaphragm can cause hiccups.
  • hypothermia can lead to hiccups, but this method cannot be called safe, because hypothermia can provoke tonsillitis, sinusitis, sciatica, pyelonephritis and other unpleasant "-itis".
But keep in mind that none of these methods can cause hiccups 100% of the time. Hiccups are an uncontrolled reflex process, it absolutely does not depend on the desire of the person himself.

Hiccups is a violation of external respiration, which manifests itself in the form of a series of several convulsive contractions of the diaphragm, as a result of which a person takes short, loud breaths. It can occur in healthy people, and is a harmless phenomenon that brings only aesthetic discomfort, and is not accompanied by disorders of the internal organs. However, there are also forms of hiccups that develop as a result of a pronounced lesion of the central nervous system. In this case, it is already a symptom of another disease.

Causes of hiccups can be different

Reasons for the development of hiccups

It occurs in cases of hypothermia of the body, with overstretching of the stomach with an excess amount of food. It can also develop with irritation of the vagus or phrenic nerves. The vagus nerve is located near the esophagus, and with it passes into the abdominal cavity from the chest through a small hole in the diaphragm. Therefore, with a quick, hasty meal, overeating, the wall of the esophagus can mechanically touch it, causing irritation. It also contributes to eating in an uncomfortable position.

Sometimes hiccups can develop after severe stress, fear, pronounced emotional experiences, excitement. Other factors that can contribute to its development are smoking, drinking alcohol, temperature changes.

Hiccups as a symptom of diseases of the nervous system

There are also long-term forms of hiccups. They are said to be when the symptom does not disappear within a few hours. In this case, it is most often one of the manifestations of the following diseases:

  • Encephalitis.
  • Metabolic disorders leading to neuropathies (diabetes, uremic and hepatic coma).
  • Intoxication (alcoholic, barbiturate, muscle relaxant poisoning).
  • Stroke.
  • Traumatic brain injury.
  • Intracranial neoplasm.
  • cranial hypertension.

In this case, the treatment should be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease, with an improvement in the general condition of the patient, the hiccups will also disappear.

General principles of drug therapy

Neurologists are considering using drugs to treat long-term and debilitating bouts of hiccups. For this purpose, antidepressants, tranquilizers, antipsychotics, anticonvulsants can be used.

The mechanism of action of antidepressants is based on their ability to block the breakdown of neurotransmitters or their reuptake in the synaptic cleft, thereby increasing the tone of the nervous system. This contributes to the activation of a number of processes, including the improvement of the peristalsis of the esophagus and stomach, their rapid emptying, which reduces irritation of the vagus nerve, and relieves an attack of hiccups. They are used in small doses and short courses.

Antipsychotics affect many processes in the body. Their main effect is a kind of sedative effect, which is why they are often remembered when drugs for hiccups are needed. They weaken the response to external stimuli, in the case of hiccups, they help to reduce the reflex contraction of the diaphragm in response to irritation of the vagus nerve.

In the case of hiccups, antipsychotics are used that do not have a pronounced sedative or hypnotic effect. Preference is given to drugs with a pronounced sedative effect. The antipsychotic effect in this case does not play a role, and they do not pay much attention to it.

The most commonly used agents and their combinations

Cerucal tablets

Also, Cerucal has a good effect. This drug has antiemetic activity, and normalizes the tone of the muscles of the digestive tract, including the esophagus. It blocks dopamine and serotonin synapses in the central nervous system, preventing the passage of excess impulses from the periphery to the center, thereby normalizing the functioning of the parasympathetic nervous system and the upper parts of the alimentary tract.

Another drug that has a similar effect is Motilium. It stimulates intestinal motility, at the same time it reduces the activity of the vomiting center, and the overall tone of the parasympathetic nervous system, and the vagus nerves in particular. In its action, it is somewhat similar to some antipsychotics.

The combination of Cisapride (taken 15 minutes before meals) and Omeprazole (orally once a day) has been found to be quite effective in eliminating hiccups. This is due to the blockage of afferent impulses, which can contribute to excessive excitation of the vagus nerve. Omeprazole also inhibits the secretion of hydrochloric acid and promotes faster gastric emptying, thereby preventing mechanical irritation of the vagus nerve.

It is also possible to use an agonist of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), the main inhibitory mediator of the CNS. The most commonly used is Baclofen. It helps to eliminate spasm of the diaphragm, its relaxation, and also reduces its excitability and reflex response to mechanical stimuli. The medicine is taken two to four times a day.

Baclofen may be effective for resistant hiccups

Surgical methods of dealing with hiccups

In the event that even drug therapy could not alleviate or eliminate a prolonged attack of hiccups, blockade of the phrenic nerve with novocaine can be applied. The most commonly used method is Wisniewski. This is a surgical procedure and should only be performed in a hospital setting by trained personnel.