What are colic in the stomach. Colic in the stomach: what to do to quickly get rid of discomfort? Prevention of intestinal colic

Symptoms and treatment of intestinal colic in adults depend on the characteristics of the disease and its origin. Symptoms can be the same even in the presence of different types of the disease.

In addition, it is possible for one disease to feel different symptoms, which will depend on the individual characteristics of the organism.

The occurrence of causes

The causes of abdominal colic in adults can be divided into two groups, which manifest themselves in connection with external and internal factors. External factors may be the use of low-quality products or malnutrition. Internal factors are various diseases of a chronic and acute nature. Thus, it is possible to divide the causes of occurrence into two groups. First group:

Internal factors of occurrence can also be different:

  • any inflammation, such as appendicitis or a tumor, can cause a pain syndrome;
  • any respiratory disease, for example, the most common flu or SARS, can cause intestinal colic, which will be accompanied by mixed symptoms of a viral disease;
  • one of the most common causes of pain syndrome is the occurrence of obstruction in the intestines. It can be caused by various factors, for example, both ordinary constipation and a malignant tumor. Any damage to the intestine, its lining, or the intestinal tract can eventually develop into a deformity that will lead to obstruction. With this form of colic, after eating, an unpleasant heaviness will initially be felt, which will develop into pain;
  • colic can be caused by any disease of the digestive system, that is, any gastritis, peptic ulcer can lead to the systematic appearance of pain. In this case, it is problematic that such a pain syndrome will not cease to manifest itself while there is a disease. In addition, there are a number of diseases associated with the pathology of the pancreas and liver, which are very dangerous. In this case, colic can be really very strong.

Any persistent cramping pain requires contacting a specialist. If the pain syndrome has a periodicity, then it is necessary to undergo an examination to determine the exact cause of the disease.


Symptoms of intestinal colic in women may have similar features with menstruation of a painful type. In addition, in all people, symptoms can be expressed by various pain syndromes and signs. Most often, intestinal colic is accompanied by various secondary or primary symptoms. The main thing here is that it is colic that is usually very painful. All symptoms can be divided into several groups:

  • the main symptom is spasmodic, sharp pain that prevents the person from even walking fast. In this case, the pain syndrome can increase and give to various zones, including the genital area. The pain can last for a couple of hours or a couple of days. In addition, the rolling of spasms will be accompanied by secondary symptoms in the form of bloating or constipation;
  • if a person has a disease, for example, an acute form of gastritis, then the pain syndrome of intestinal colic will pass along with nausea, bloating, belching, and a little less often vomiting. A strong heaviness will appear in the stomach, which will not go away;
  • in the presence of intestinal colic, diarrhea is possible;
  • any intestinal colic will be accompanied by weakness, lack of appetite and loss of strength.

If the colic does not go away, and an increase in pain begins with vomiting and a general deterioration in the condition, then these symptoms indicate acute intestinal obstruction. At home, it is not treated, hospitalization is required. In addition, any intermittent intestinal colic should be a factor for going to the doctor and for a complete examination. This will help to establish the causes of the disease and eliminate them.

Children should be immediately shown to a pediatrician, who, if necessary, will refer to a highly specialized specialist.

Colic can be of different types, so for each type there is a specific set of symptoms:

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  • for rectal or rectal colic, there are symptoms in a false and painful urge to empty the rectal tract;
  • with appendicular colic, which is the main symptom of the acute form of appendicitis, the symptom is increasing severe pain in the right iliac region. Dull pain turns into sharp directed pains;
  • with lead colic and poisoning with heavy metal salts, there is a sharp periodic, spasmodic pain. The abdominal wall is in a tense state. The temperature can rise to thirty-nine degrees. The gums may bleed, and a gray coating will appear between them and the teeth;
  • renal colic is characterized by constant intense pain that radiates to various places. For example, in the groin or lumbar region. The body temperature rises, blood pressure decreases, the pain syndrome increases with any attempt of a person to move. Secondary symptoms are gag reflexes, nausea, fainting and various disturbances in urination. This type of colic can be caused by any kidney disease, including a tumor or inflammation. With hepatic colic, pain is felt on the right side of the abdomen with a return to the shoulder region or to the area under the right shoulder blade. Gagging reflexes occur, a bile taste appears in the mouth, in addition, the person will constantly feel sick;
  • with pancreatic colic, the pain syndrome will be located in the stomach area, after which it will encircle the abdominal area completely, any pathology of the pancreas, including a tumor, has pronounced symptoms in the form of gag reflexes, bloating, constant nausea and diarrhea. Gastric colic is also characterized by a set of similar symptoms.

Each colic has its own treatment. If there is no certainty that its cause was found by the accompanying symptoms, then it is necessary to contact specialists who will help remove the cause. This is due to the fact that it is often possible to find out the real cause of the pain syndrome only with the help of an examination.

In addition, very often both the symptoms and causes are mixed, that is, a person has several diseases that together lead to intestinal colic.


If severe colic continues or has a frequency, then you need to call a doctor. Since the pain syndrome can have a variety of causes, it is not recommended to take various medications or perform various procedures, including an enema, before the arrival of an ambulance or contacting a specialist.

Tablets can only be taken if they have been prescribed or prescribed. The whole process of helping the patient consists of several important points:

  • after incessant colic, complete rest is provided;
  • an ambulance is called and a specialist is expected to arrive;
  • if an ambulance was not called, then you just need to see a doctor. Until the moment the patient is shown to a specialist, the only medicine allowed for him will be an ordinary noshpa, which will help relieve pain. If there is a history of the disease, then previous prescriptions can be used in case of a chronic disease that causes colic;
  • an examination is carried out and with the help of diagnostics the primary cause of this disease is revealed, after which treatment is carried out and it will be eliminated. When the cause is removed, the symptoms disappear. What you can eat and what you can not, the doctor establishes at the first examination.

All treatment can also be described from the moment you contact a specialist:

  1. a number of tests are prescribed, including those of a general nature, for example, if possible, analysis of feces and urine, as well as a general blood test and, in some cases, a number of social tests;
  2. diagnostics is carried out using ultrasound, while at a certain painful area, ultrasound of the liver or ultrasound of the kidneys can be performed;
  3. after identifying the accompanying pain syndrome causes and factors that contributed to this development, a number of treatment measures are taken, including drug treatment, and in case of an acute situation, surgical intervention. What to do in each case is regulated by the doctor, since self-medication can lead to poor health;
  4. if the cause has not been found, then the specialist is obliged to leave the patient under observation and after a certain time to conduct a secondary examination. Even if in this case the cause is not found, the patient will be under the supervision of a specialist for a year. In the case of a secondary manifestation of the pain syndrome, the causes will be identified until the pain and symptoms are relieved.

The whole treatment process, together with the examination, is aimed at identifying the cause and eliminating it, since the simple elimination of symptoms can lead to complications and an advanced form of the disease.

Preventive measures

All prevention can take place both in conjunction with treatment and without it. Preventive measures may include a complex, which is also used in the treatment in order to get rid of the factors that provoke the disease. For example, standard prevention includes the following items:

  • a healthy lifestyle without the abuse of alcohol and cigarettes;
  • sports, while there are various forms of maintaining health with the help of a sports method. For different categories of people, running, walking or gymnastics are used;
  • constant monitoring by specialists and treatment in accordance with the appointment;
  • if necessary, a diet is prescribed that outlines the range of permitted foods. Each cause of illness requires its own diet. For example, with pancreatitis and renal colic, there are different dietary restrictions.

In general, all prevention comes down to the fact that a person must switch to a healthy lifestyle in order to avoid the development of diseases. It will also help bring the body back to a normal healthy state.

Unfortunately, today there are practically no completely healthy people. From time to time, some problems with the body disturb everyone. In this article, I would like to talk about what intestinal colic in adults is: symptoms, treatment of this problem.

What is it?

At the very beginning, you need to understand the terminology. So, intestinal colic in medicine is also called intestinal dyskinesia. This is a complex of disorders that are the result of a violation of the motor function of the intestine. At the same time, there are no organic changes in it. To put it simply, intestinal colic is an attack of severe sharp pain. These sensations develop due to spasm of the large or small intestine. It is also worth noting that colic is not a separate disease, but a symptom of a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.


  1. Helminthization of the body. That is, a similar phenomenon can occur in those people who have worms.
  2. As already mentioned, colic is a symptom. It may accompany one of the following diseases: pancreatitis, cholecystitis, colitis, etc.
  3. Colic can occur if the patient has such diseases of the abdominal cavity that require urgent surgical intervention.
  4. It can occur when overeating, consuming low-quality, “heavy” or junk food. Also, do not consume food that has just been taken out of the refrigerator. It is difficult for the body to cope with food at low temperatures.
  5. May occur with diarrhea or flatulence.
  6. Colic occurs during acute infection of any part of the intestine.
  7. It may also occur if
  8. The cause may also be nervous overstrain stressful situations.


What are the main signs of intestinal colic?

  1. Severe sharp pain. Comes in waves (spasms).
  2. Possibly often becomes hard. Discomfort when touched.
  3. Chair disorder. Both constipation and diarrhea are possible. You can also find mucus (white ribbons) in the feces. Often characteristic of intestinal colic is a violation of fecal formation.

About pain

We further study the topic "Intestinal colic in adults: symptoms, treatment." So, I would like to say a few words separately about pain. Most often they are localized in the navel or lower abdomen. Less commonly given to the lumbar region. Spasms. The duration of colic can vary from a few seconds to tens of minutes. In the most severe situations, colic can last for days. Between bouts of pain, patients have other symptoms.


Is it possible to independently correctly determine that the patient has acute intestinal colic, and not another problem? So, you just need to be able to correctly differentiate this problem.

  1. Acute gastritis. Symptoms uncharacteristic of intestinal colic: nausea, vomiting, coated tongue. There is also an aversion to food.
  2. Lead colic. Symptoms uncharacteristic of intestinal colic: the appearance of a lead-gray border on the gums, a grayish color of the face and skin of other parts of the body.
  3. Symptoms uncharacteristic of intestinal colic: vomiting, pain, difficulty in passing feces, gases. The pain does not have a typical localization. And in the intervals between contractions completely passes.
  4. Abdominal crisis. It is also accompanied by severe sharp pains in the navel. However, with this disease, hemorrhagic rashes on the skin (bruising) also appear. There may also be blood in the stool.

This information is important, since very often intestinal colic is confused with these diseases.

The main thing

As mentioned above, intestinal colic is a symptom of a disorder in the gastrointestinal tract. How can this problem be countered? Proper nutrition is very important for intestinal colic. So, the patient is recommended to strictly adhere to a special diet.

  1. It is necessary to completely abandon the consumption of foods that contribute to gas formation (legumes, cabbage, etc.).
  2. It is also necessary to reduce the consumption of sweets and muffins as much as possible.
  3. You need to reduce your salt intake. Dishes should be as fresh as possible.
  4. You also need to give up pickles, marinades, canned food.
  5. It is completely necessary to exclude smoked meats, seasonings, ketchups and mayonnaises from the diet.
  6. The diet should contain as much fiber as possible. Useful fresh vegetables and fruits.
  7. Method of cooking: steamed, boiled or stewed.
  8. Eggs are very useful for colic: scrambled eggs or soft-boiled.
  9. It is also good to drink warm sweetened teas. Fennel tea will help to cope with colic.
  10. Help to cope with intestinal colic dill and cumin. Of these, you can make decoctions or infusions and take it orally.
  11. Mucous porridges and rice boiled in water are very useful.
  12. It is necessary to refuse soda, "colored" drinks, coffee, alcohol.


What to do if there is such a problem as intestinal colic in adults? Treatment in this case should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. After all, self-medication can do great harm to your body. Which doctor should you go to?

  1. Gastroenterologist. In most cases, you need to turn to him for help, because intestinal colic is a symptom of a malfunction in the digestive tract.
  2. Traumatologist. In the event that colic was caused by an injury to the abdominal cavity.
  3. Gynecologist. If colic torments a pregnant woman.

At the specialist

Considering the topic - intestinal colic in adults: symptoms, treatment - you need to talk about what the doctor will do with the patient.

  1. Inspection. At the very beginning, the doctor will lay the patient on the couch and examine his abdominal cavity. It is very important at this moment to indicate exactly where it hurts and what the nature of pain is.
  2. The study of anamnesis.
  3. The doctor will also give a referral for a stool test. This is necessary in order to examine the feces for the presence of worms and to find out the state of the microflora of the stomach.

Possible studies:

  1. Gastroscopy. It will be needed if the doctor has suspicions of stomach diseases.
  2. Analysis of urine. Needed if the doctor has a suspicion of problems in the work of the kidneys. Also, using this analysis, you can determine whether there are inflammatory processes in the body.

These are the main activities. However, in some cases, doctors may prescribe other studies.


So, intestinal colic in adults. Treatment will depend on the cause of the symptom. However, now I want to talk about those remedies that will help relieve pain:

  1. Warm It can significantly reduce colic and allow a person to rest. It is important to remember that the water should not be hot.
  2. Attention: in case of intestinal colic, a hot heating pad should not be placed on the stomach. If it is on the abdominal cavity, you can put a heating pad with ice.
  3. If colic is caused by the intake of poor-quality food, in this case, you need to induce vomiting (this is necessary in order to free the stomach from the remnants of the product).
  4. You can also take antispasmodics. That is, funds that help relieve pain. So, it can be the following drugs: "No-shpa", "Spasmalgon".
  5. It is also important to take funds that help the work of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, it may be the drug "Smecta".
  6. If poisoning is the cause of intestinal colic, it is also good to take a drug such as Enterosgel. It will remove toxins from the body, significantly speeding up the healing process. In parallel, the doctor may also prescribe an enema to cleanse the intestines.
  7. If the patient has intestinal colic, what should be done to alleviate the condition? So, if this symptom is a consequence of a viral disease, it is enough to limit yourself to taking the drug "Activated charcoal", a complex of vitamins and a diet.


What can you advise people who want to know how to treat intestinal colic? So, if there is no desire to resort to the use of drugs, you can turn to traditional medicine. What can help in this case?

  1. Dill. This green will do the job perfectly. To do this, prepare a milk broth from its seeds (one tablespoon per glass of milk).
  2. Collection. You need to take one tablespoon of calamus, angelica and oak bark, pour a liter of boiling water and leave for a day. You need to take the medicine two tablespoons before each meal. This tool will not only eliminate colic, but also relieve bloating.
  3. Motherwort juice. Great for relieving spasms. To do this, one teaspoon of juice should be diluted in a glass of warm boiled water.
  4. Pomegranate peels. Studying the topic "intestinal colic: symptoms and treatment", I would like to say that pomegranate peels can perfectly cope with the problem. To do this, take one teaspoon of crushed crusts, pour a glass of boiling water and boil over low heat for half an hour. This medicine is taken three times a day before meals, 30 ml.


What else can be said to those who want to have more information about what intestinal colic is, the symptoms and treatment of the problem? Preventive measures will also be important to avoid this problem:

  1. Proper nutrition. It is necessary to abandon products that promote gas formation. It is also best to stick to the usual diet of a healthy person (you need to completely abandon fast food, convenience foods and "harmful" foods).
  2. Daily regime. To avoid colic, a person's day should be quite active. If the work is sedentary, it is necessary to do a little exercise during breaks, and once every two hours go out for at least 10 minutes in the fresh air.
  3. Exercise can help relieve colic. The swing of the press works especially well in this direction.
  4. And, of course, you need to avoid stressful situations and emotional overstrain.

And intestinal colic in adults is a sign of the formation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Such paroxysmal cramps are commonly called intestinal dyskinesia. If a person has symptoms of this disease, then it is necessary to seek the advice of a specialist. The cause should be identified and appropriate treatment initiated.

Primary state of the disease formed due to psychogenic factors that affect human health. The cause of the disease can be stress, tension, nervous breakdowns, depression, emotional upheaval. The diet also influences the formation of the disease. Insufficient fiber intake leads to dyskinesia. The disease can manifest itself due to pathogens of intestinal infection.

Secondary manifestation in most cases is the result of a chronic disease or recent surgical interventions of the abdominal organs - the spleen, pancreas, liver. The disease is provoked by hormonal disruptions, pituitary gland, diabetes mellitus.

A secondary manifestation can provoke excessive use of medications - psychotropic drugs, anticonvulsants, antibiotics and muscle relaxants.

When one or more symptoms are present, urgent need to see a specialist.

The doctor must prescribe a diagnosis, find the cause of pain and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Types of intestinal dyskinesia

  1. Rectal. This type of disease is also called rectal colic. It is characterized by false sharp painful sensations to the emptying of the rectum;
  2. Pancreatic. Formed when there are pathologies of the pancreas. Symptoms include diarrhea, gag reflexes, bloating, and nausea. Localization of pain occurs in the upper abdomen on the left. The nature of the pain is excruciating. Because of this manifestation, pancreatic tumors, an acute form of pancreatitis may occur;
  3. Lead. This type of disease occurs with lead intoxication. In adults, there are cramping pains in the abdomen. There is an increase in body temperature up to 39°C. There is tension in the muscles of the abdominal wall. The gums begin to bleed. A gray coating appears between the gums and teeth. In most cases, such manifestations are observed in employees working in hazardous industries. People involved in lead mining and smelting are exposed to this risk. The disease can occur in molars, workers producing cables and batteries;
  4. Hepatic. With this type of disease, pain and cramps are observed in the right hypochondrium. They can radiate to the shoulder and shoulder blade on the right. In this case, patients experience a bitter taste in the mouth. A feeling of nausea begins to form. There is vomiting with bile. Such a disease provokes an acute form of cholecystitis, cholelithiasis;
  5. Appendicular. It is observed at the initial stage of the acute form of appendicitis. It has intense growing pain that occurs in the iliac region on the right;
  6. Renal. Accompanied by sharp intense pains extending to the genitals, groin and lower back. They can intensify with movement. Patients experience an increase in body temperature up to 39°C. There is a sharp decrease in blood pressure, impaired urination. Vomiting, feeling of nausea is formed. With the untimely intervention of specialists, a person may faint and lose consciousness. This form of the disease occurs with tumors, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, kidney tuberculosis;

Differences of intestinal colic from other similar conditions

  • Intestinal colic is accompanied by sharp pains in the abdomen that occur due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Intestinal colic with bloating indicates the formation of flatulence.
  • Spasms, colic, nausea may indicate food intoxication.
  • Intestinal colic and bitterness in the mouth indicate liver failure.
  • Acute pain on the right side, colic in the abdomen may indicate an acute form of appendicitis.

If symptoms occur, accompanied by colic in the stomach, you need to contact a specialist to determine the cause. Once diagnosed, appropriate treatment must be prescribed.


In order to find the causes of the disease, body needs to be diagnosed.

Laboratory studies include:

  • Coprogram;
  • Biochemical and clinical analysis of blood;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Analysis of fecal masses for occult blood, which is not visible to the naked eye;

You can find the cause of flatulence and colic using an instrumental examination.

This type of diagnosis includes:

  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, thanks to which it is possible to identify a disease that provokes intestinal colic;
  • Sigmoidoscopy, which is performed using an endoscope. Thanks to this device, a visual examination of the rectum occurs;
  • Colonoscopy, in which the entire intestine is examined, revealing pathological changes;
  • Computed tomography of the intestine, which is performed if a malignant tumor is suspected;


The treatment of colic includes several effective techniques. They are used in the event of pain in the abdomen, gag reflexes, flatulence and feelings of nausea. In patients, the stomach ceases to swell, pain effects are eliminated. Patients can make an appointment for a consultation with a urologist, surgeon and gastroenterologist, who should prescribe the appropriate treatment.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

  • A specialist should be contacted in case of dyskinesia in young children under three years of age;
  • Mandatory medical consultation is necessary for older adults;
  • If there are blood clots in the feces;
  • If there is bile in the vomit;
  • A visit to a doctor is necessary if spasms and cramps bother adult patients for a long time;
  • If the cramps are unbearable pain in nature, accompanied by sharp pain in the abdomen;
  • If swelling is observed, the formation of flatulence against the background of allergic reactions;
  • It is mandatory to consult a specialist for pregnant and lactating girls;
  • If the patient had any surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity, entailing pain and aching pain;


In order to eliminate excruciating pain, use antispasmodics.

Injections are prescribed as first aid.

If the cause of flatulence and intestinal colic is intoxication or an intestinal infection, then a course of antibiotics should be prescribed as a treatment.

Intestinal antiseptics may be prescribed as treatment.

In especially severe cases, specialists use intravenous infusion of glucose, various vitamins, salt preparations and blood plasma.

Folk remedies

At home, treatment can be carried out using folk methods.

  • If the stomach swells, increased gas formation occurs, then this manifestation can be eliminated with the help of pumpkin seeds. The seeds are crushed in a blender. Two teaspoons pour two cups of boiling water. Add granulated sugar or natural honey. Consume thirty minutes before a meal. The course of treatment is 5-6 days.
  • Tansy flowers are an excellent remedy. One tablespoon of dry matter is poured into a glass of boiling water. Insist for 30 minutes, filter. Consume one third of a glass three times a day. The course of treatment is 2-3 days.
  • If the stomach swells and diarrhea is present, then an infusion of alder cones, cinquefoil root, thyme, mint and dry nettle leaves will help. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture with two cups of boiling water. Consume half a glass twice a day.

Preventive actions

As a preventive measure, prevention of the causes of the disease and further treatment, it is necessary:

  • Live a healthy life. You should give up bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • Spend as much time outdoors as possible;
  • Do not be nervous, avoid conflicts, emotional upheavals;
  • Adjust your diet. Meals should be balanced and complete. To be held at certain hours;
  • When preparing food, sanitary standards must be observed;
  • It is necessary to conduct an examination of the body at least once a year;
  • You should move more, play sports, exercise. You can sign up for yoga or massage courses;

Bloating and colic can occur for a variety of reasons. They can be the result of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Simultaneously with the disease, flatulence, bloating, and fever may occur. People can have stomach swelling. Treatment includes the use of medications, the passage of physiotherapy. In especially severe cases, surgical intervention is used.

Useful information on the topic is in this TV show

The external manifestation of the diverse diseases of the digestive system are pain and spasms in the intestines. A painful attack is indicated by the phrase intestinal colic from the Greek word "kolikos", which translates as "colon hurts." Intestinal colic occurs in people of all ages - from infants to the elderly. Under the painful attacks of intestinal spasms, pathologies so different in nature are hidden that only a doctor is able to establish an accurate diagnosis and develop a treatment.

How to recognize intestinal colic

Intestinal spasm is a condition of the muscles of the intestinal wall associated with a violation of the tone of smooth muscle fibers. Muscles contract (hypertonicity) or relax (). Pain arises from an unnaturally strong contraction of the muscles of the intestinal wall. Intestinal spasms occur in both the thick and thin sections.

The first symptoms of colic begin with increasing spasmodic pain in the navel. Contractions of excruciating pain are interspersed with short periods of calm. Symptoms of intestinal colic are rapidly increasing. Painful impulses intensify, give down the abdomen. Symptoms of spasm differ not only in the underlying disease, but also in age and gender.

Signs of colic in babies

In healthy newborns, colic occurs from the first week of life and resolves on its own by six months. A child during colic has a sudden strong cry, the baby presses his legs to his stomach, arches his back. This “concert” lasts up to 3 hours, occurs with a frequency of up to 3 times a week.

Infantile colic occurs in the late afternoon, observed in a third of newborns. Accompanied by an attack of increased gas formation, bloating.

Features of female colic

In women, colic is similar to menstrual pain. Strong spasms in the intestines are given to the lower abdomen, the pain then rolls, then recedes. The abdomen is soft but very painful. There is diarrhea or constipation, flatulence, general weakness. It is necessary to distinguish signs of intestinal colic from anomalies of the uterus, ovaries in order to avoid misdiagnosis and treatment.

Signs of colic in men

Spasm of the large intestine in men spreads pain impulses to the scrotum. The symptoms are similar to inguinal hernia, prostatitis, testicular torsion, inflammation of the appendages. Cramping pains with colic last more than a day. The patient feels a noticeable deterioration, weakness, lethargy, in severe cases - loss of consciousness.

In all adults in the presence of inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines, the following is noted:

  • decreased appetite, nausea, turning into vomiting;
  • with gastritis, gastric contractions are felt, diarrhea develops with inclusions of mucus and poorly digested dietary fiber;
  • in a spasmodic intestine, a food lump stagnates. There are difficulties with the passage of intestinal gases and defecation. Intestinal obstruction begins, which gives out prolonged constipation. The patient does not stop nausea and vomiting. The intestinal wall experiences an additional stretching load, which leads to an increase in pain;
  • violation of the digestive processes is manifested by pallor, weakness, anemia, dehydration.

Often, intestinal cramps occur an hour after eating, when the food begins its journey through the thin section and stumbles upon an obstacle. If in babies everything goes away by six months, the colic of the intestines of adults only progresses. They reflect the abnormal and sometimes very disturbing position of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

When the first symptoms are detected, medical attention is needed.

Types of intestinal colic

Strong spasms in the intestines are characteristic manifestations of certain pathologies, so there are different types of colic:

  • appendicular colic happens when the stomach hurts a lot, first above the navel, and the pain gradually flows into the right hypochondrium. When it hurts on the right side of the abdomen, it means that the process of the caecum has become inflamed, appendicitis has developed;
  • damage to the pancreas by inflammation or tumor is manifested by pancreatic colic. With pancreatitis, it hurts first on the left, slowly shifting to the center and encircling the stomach in a circle. Spasm of the small intestine is expressed by bouts of nausea, vomiting, flatulence;
  • if the mouth is full of bitterness, and under the right rib it hurts so much that it is given under the shoulder blade, then the bile ducts are blocked by stones. In cholelithiasis, hepatic colic is accompanied by bile in the vomit, with a temperature of up to 37 ° C;
  • the most painful is renal colic - the pain is so severe that people lose consciousness. It happens with nephritis, neoplasms and kidney stones, tuberculous lesions of the organ. The strongest bouts of pain are felt in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region. The temperature is high, the pressure is below normal. Concentrated urine is separated in scanty portions or not at all;
  • rectal colic is observed with spasms of the large intestine. It seems to the patient that it is necessary to go to the toilet, but there is no bowel movement. The large intestine hurts, spasms cause serious discomfort;
  • workers in hazardous industries in contact with heavy metals are at risk of lead poisoning. Cramping lead colic is manifested by cutting, spastic pains, fever, a characteristic gray coating on the gums, followed by bleeding from them;
  • spasm of intestinal vessels provokes a vascular type of colic. The intestine does not receive a normal blood supply, its work is disrupted.

Any kind of intestinal pain and cramps in the abdominal muscles requires careful attention. The patient is immediately hospitalized for examination, as appendicitis, kidney and pancreas diseases directly threaten life.

What causes intestinal colic

The main cause of painful spasm of the intestines is a persistent violation of motor function. The walls of the organ experience a strong stretch, sending the appropriate signal to the brain. The muscles are trying to restore their previous state by contracting more than usual. Thus, throughout the intestine, areas with stretched, atonic walls and zones of spasmodic muscles alternate. There is stagnation of the food coma, constipation, bloating. The formed toxins enter the bloodstream, provoking symptoms of general poisoning - indomitable vomiting, loss of strength.

In reality, there are many more causes of spasms in the intestines; each organism shows an individual response to adverse environmental conditions. In life, there is a combination of provoking factors, their mutual influence. For example, a person who lives in an ecologically unfavorable area and comes into contact with chemical agents at work has received food poisoning.

How to identify intestinal colic

Identification of the underlying cause of intestinal colic is based on the diagnosis of existing diseases. A complete, comprehensive examination of the body is necessary. Diagnosis is performed by a team of doctors - gastroenterologist, neuropathologist, gynecologist, urologist, infectious disease specialist, therapist.

At the initial visit, the therapist conducts an examination, collects an anamnesis and prescribes laboratory tests:

  • blood tests for hemoglobin, leukocytes, erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Blood biochemistry will show deviations in the work of internal organs;
  • a general urine test will reveal kidney pathology;
  • stool analysis is taken for a coprogram, detection of helminths, occult blood. Examine feces for dysbacteriosis, finding out if there are pathogens of infectious diseases in the body.

After receiving the results from the laboratory, the patient is sent for hardware studies:

  • radiography:
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • colonoscopy;
  • irrigoscopy;
  • ultrasound procedure;
  • computer and magnetic resonance imaging.

With endoscopic probing, pieces of suspicious tissue are taken for microscopic examination. The nature and structure of cellular deformation, neoplasms of the digestive tract is determined.

Treatment of intestinal colic

Treatment of intestinal colic in adults consists of fighting the underlying disease and eliminating acute painful symptoms. It is important to note that with a sudden onset of severe abdominal cramps, you should immediately call the ambulance. While waiting for the doctor, you should not give the patient painkillers, antispasmodics, laxatives. Warm heating pads on the stomach, laxative enemas are prohibited. Unskillful actions will harm the patient and complicate the work of the doctor.

Acute attack of colic

Assistance with intestinal colic is provided only by competent medical specialists. A patient with suspected appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, peritonitis is urgently placed in the surgical department for emergency surgery. Symptoms of acute intestinal infection give rise to hospitalization in the infectious diseases department. Poisoning by poisonous plants, fungi, chemicals requires urgent measures to remove toxic substances from the body and prevent their absorption into the bloodstream.

Colic in the chest

Treatment of intestinal spasm in infants occurs after consultation with a pediatrician.

If, according to the results of the examination, the baby is healthy, and colic does not stop, you can advise:

  • circular in a clockwise direction for rapid discharge of gases;
  • therapeutic exercises, consisting of sequential flexion and extension of the baby's legs, pressing them to the tummy and pressing on it;
  • laying the baby on the stomach;
  • vertical position after feeding;
  • the use of decoctions of chamomile, anise, mint, fennel;
  • create psychological comfort for the baby - spend more time with him, pick him up;
  • control the baby's latch on the nipple or bottle to prevent air from entering the stomach.

Usually colic in infants disappear by 4-6 months. It is not necessary to use medications to relieve spasm in the intestines of an infant.

Colic of medium and low intensity

It is possible to treat intestinal colic caused by nervous stress in the absence of other pathologies with sedatives. For the treatment of spasms in adults, extracts of valerian, motherwort, mint, passionflower herb are used. They have a mild sedative effect, in the recommended doses do not have side effects.

A group of drugs called "intestinal antispasmodics" is called upon to relieve intestinal spasm. They relieve pain of weak and moderate strength. Medicines are taken orally for ulcers, bile duct obstruction, irritable bowel syndrome. Antispasmodic therapy is prescribed in violation of peristalsis.

Medications based on:

  • papaverine hydrochloride - Papaverine, Papazol;
  • drotaverine hydrochloride - No-shpa, Drotaverin, Spazmoverin, Spazmonet;
  • mebeverine hydrochloride - Duspatalin, Sparex, Niaspam;
  • trimebutina - Trimedat, Neobutin.

Herbal preparations Iberogast, Plantex are able to relieve intestinal spasms. Urolesan herbal drops are indicated for hepatic colic, relieve spasm of the biliary tract. Fitolizin will help eliminate the consequences of renal colic. To get rid of spasms associated with increased gas formation, pharmacological agents are called Espumizan, Smecta, Enterosgel.

Nutrition for colic

Intestinal colic in adults can be cured by changing the diet. The basic principles of the diet for intestinal colic:

  • with painful attacks, intense gas formation, they do not eat anything during the day. You can drink boiled warm water;
  • after the removal of an acute attack, they eat fractionally, in small portions, reducing the load on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dishes are warm, without temperature differences "hot-cold";
  • food is prepared by boiling, stewing in water, steaming, baking without a crust;
  • you can eat cereals on the water, soups with chicken broth, vegetable and fruit purees, low-fat minced meat and fish products;
  • it is necessary to use clean water, a decoction of wild rose, chamomile;
  • exclude products that cause gas formation - cabbage, corn, yeast bread, radishes, grapes;
  • spicy, fatty, fried foods, smoked products, canned food, marinades, sauces are prohibited.

It is necessary to follow the diet for as long as the course of treatment requires. In some pathologies, dietary restrictions are lifelong. Definitely contraindicated in intestinal spasms the use of alcohol and tobacco.

Prevention of intestinal colic consists in the timely elimination of the causes of the disease, a visit to the doctor at the first alarming symptoms.

Intestinal colic occurs as a result of spasm of smooth muscle fibers of the intestinal wall. It is a symptomatic manifestation of various diseases. The vast majority of acute attacks of colic ends with hospitalization of the patient. Treatment at home consists of the use of sedatives, antispasmodics, nutrition and lifestyle changes.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate! Be sure to contact a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and conducts treatment. Expert of the group on the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

Abdominal pain in adults occurs at least as often as in a child. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, some of them are quite serious.

Colic and their treatment

Colic is understood as a sharp, sharp pain in the abdomen or side, which occurs in the form of spasms. The duration of discomfort varies from a couple of seconds to several hours. As a rule, the symptoms are associated with increased gas formation, less often there are colic:

Pain with colic in women gives to the groin, the ovarian zone, in men - to the scrotum. In parallel, other symptoms can be observed - soreness of the abdomen when palpated, bloating, constipation, nausea, belching, and sometimes mucus or diarrhea. The causes are varied, so the treatment will also vary:

It is necessary to immediately seek help for pain from appendicitis (accompanied by fever, acute pain in the right side). Against the background of spasms, acute intestinal obstruction may occur, therefore, with painful sensations, vomiting, and a decrease in pressure, you should also go to the hospital. The hospital treats severe colic in newborns, in children under one year old. During pregnancy, the pathology of the placenta may be the cause - an examination is required! Occasionally, the cause of the problem is a tumor of the gastrointestinal tract, adhesions in the intestine.

Antispasmodics for pain syndrome

Painkillers should be taken if the person is sure of the cause of the sensations. Often, such pills cause masking of surgical pathology (appendicitis, acute pancreatitis), so it is also important to monitor additional symptoms.

Antispasmodics serve only as a temporary symptomatic remedy for colic.

Most often, for pain in the left side below or around the navel, No-shpa is recommended. Usually the prerequisite for such pain is the movement of excess gases and spasm of the intestine, and No-shpa will relax the walls of the intestine and help get rid of the pain. The analogue of the drug is Drotaverine. Not bad can help with abdominal pain also:

A modern antispasmodic is Buscopan, it is produced in tablets and suppositories. The drug has an analgesic effect in 10 minutes, it is indicated for spastic colitis, biliary and renal colic, cholecystitis, stomach ulcers. Also, for pain in the abdomen, belladonna preparations - Bekarbon, Bellalgin, Vikalin, can be prescribed, they relax smooth muscle organs and remove spasm. In parallel with taking medications in children and adults with colic in the abdomen, it is allowed to do an enema (with cool water up to 100-150 ml).

Sorbents and carminative drugs

Enterosorbents are recommended for colic in the abdomen, which are caused by poisoning and intestinal infections. They will relieve bloating if it is caused by the consumption of low-quality, fatty, heavy foods. Sorbents have an adsorbing, detoxifying effect, bind and remove various toxins, allergens, and excess drugs. Also, the drugs eliminate gases, which stop the overdistension of the intestine, which provokes pain.

The most popular sorbents are activated carbon, Polysorb, Enterosgel.

Carminative drugs are completely safe for the body, so they can be used even in pregnant women and infants. Preparations Espumizan, Bobotik, Sab Simplex based on simethicone envelop gas bubbles, remove them from the intestines, while they themselves come out unchanged. Some of the gases are absorbed by the intestinal walls. Intestinal colic when taking simethicone quickly passes.

Other treatments

Often, abdominal pain occurs due to indigestion, especially if a person suffers from pathologies of the pancreas and intestines. Enzymes can help him - these drugs contain synthetic analogues of natural digestive enzymes and contribute to faster promotion and absorption of food. Popular drugs:

When colic is repeated regularly, accompanied by diarrhea, aching pain, the cause may lie in intestinal dysbiosis or irritable bowel syndrome. Probiotics are able to cope with the disease - Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Hilak Forte, Normobact. In chronic cholecystitis, inflection of the gallbladder, they drink Allohol, Hofitol, Ursofalk, Essentiale Forte.

An important method of therapy is dietary nutrition, it is indicated for any pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

In case of digestive troubles, it is worth abandoning fatty, fried, spicy, vinegar, smoked meats, food with chemical additives, semi-finished products. It is important to eat more plant foods - this will help to cleanse the intestines in a timely manner.

Folk remedies

Traditional healers advise making an infusion of dill seeds (a teaspoon per cup of boiling water) and drinking it with colic in the stomach. You can also use dill greens - it is boiled in milk (10 g per 100 g of milk), drunk as needed. Collection helps with pain:

  • calamus roots;
  • Oak bark;
  • angelica herb.

It is necessary to pour 3 tablespoons of the collection with a liter of boiling water, leave for an hour. Drink after meals 100 ml in a course of 5 days. Bloating is quickly removed by the juice of cabbage, potatoes, ginger tea, infusion of pomegranate peels. But without finding the cause of the problem and eliminating it, the pain may return, so a visit to the doctor is mandatory.