What is the danger of increased levels and lack of estrogen in women? The female hormone estrogen in food and tablets. The norm of estrogen and testosterone in the female body

Estrogens are natural hormones found in the bodies of both men and women. Maintaining them at a sufficient level is of great importance for both sexes, but women need more of these hormones for the normal functioning of the body, incl. conception of a child.

During menopause, as well as in some disorders, the level of estrogen in women decreases significantly. The ways to increase estrogen levels are the same for men and women, although the stronger sex has a lower potential for this, that is, the effect will be smaller. Of course, there are medications (hormones) and supplements that can increase estrogen levels, but not all of them are suitable for individual cases, and they also have side effects and incompatibility with some other medications. What can not be said about the universal advice given below. Therefore, if there is a desire and need to increase the level of estrogen, then you can use the recommendations described in the article.

The first thing to do before trying to increase the level of estrogen is to determine their amount in the body. After all, despite the fact that their deficiency can cause many health problems, the excess is also very dangerous, and can cause menstrual irregularities, ovarian cysts and breast cancer.

If there are signs of a hormonal imbalance, then the doctor may order a blood test to make sure that the problem is a lack of estrogen. Normal estrogen levels in pre-menopausal women range from 50 pg/mL to 400 pg/mL. If the level of this group of hormones falls below 100 pg/ml, menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes may occur.

PROPER NUTRITION. Foods high in sugar should be avoided in general carbohydrates. Eating extra lean protein, as well as low-fat, high-fiber foods, can help increase estrogen levels.

Foods high in phytoestrogens, found in plants, which can mimic the function of natural estrogens in the body, will also help. These products include:

  • Legumes, and especially soybeans, because they contain isoflavones, a type of phytoestrogens.
  • Bran, beans, fruits and vegetables, flax seeds, as they contain lignans, another type of phytoestrogens.
  • Peas, pintos, and lima beans, thanks to coumestan, also a type of phytoestrogen.

But you should be careful when eating such products, because excessive consumption of large amounts of phytoestrogens along with food can cause increased tissue growth, according to scientists. This poses a danger primarily to women who have previously had breast cancer or are genetically prone to it.

Therefore, it is more important that the endocrine system is simply healthy and can work properly, providing normal levels of natural estrogens in the body. To do this, you need to eat fresh, organic foods to give the endocrine system the best chance to do it.

DO SPORTS IN MODERATION. With excessive exercise, a drop in estrogen levels is observed, as well as with regular exercise. The only difference is that regular exercise or other physical activity in a reasonable amount helps to reduce the risk of breast cancer and generally improve health and prolong life, which cannot be said about excessive exercise for the body. Therefore, you should not completely abandon sports in order to increase the level of estrogen - this "exchange" is dishonest, the main thing is just not to overdo it.

Athletes may experience a decrease in estrogen levels. This is because the body of women with low levels of body fat is less able to cope with the production of estrogens. And therefore, if you are constantly involved in sports, then you should consult a doctor to consult on the need to increase estrogen due to a possible lack. Normal weight, that is, the correct content of fatty tissues in a woman's body, is important for sufficient estrogen production.

Diet to increase estrogen

FLAX SEEDS. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and may reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes. In addition, flax seeds are high in lignan, the aforementioned phytoestrogen that mimics the action of natural estrogens. Flax seeds contain 75-800 times more lignans than other plant foods.

Consume up to half a cup (60g) of flaxseeds per day, although they will not increase the amount of natural estrogens in the body, but will act as a substitute for them, thanks to phytoestrogens.

SOY AND SOY MILK. Soy foods, especially tofu, have been shown to increase estrogen levels. These foods are high in isoflavonoids, which have already been mentioned as a variety of phytoestrogens.

Soy products can help balance hormone levels by effectively boosting estrogen levels if they weren't enough in the body. Soy milk and products made from soy beans can be found in the dairy section of many supermarkets.

Other soy products you can try to find on the market include:

  • Edamame are soybeans that have not yet been dried.
  • Miso paste, although it is high in sodium and low in protein.
  • Soy nuts - prepared from soaked soybeans, but it is easier to buy ready-made.
  • Tempeh is a fermented soy product that is considered very beneficial for many reasons. This is one of the most suitable products for vegetarians, which helps to replace animal proteins.
  • Textured soy product (TSP), or products made from textured soy flour. In simple terms, this is soy meat.

But you should not get carried away with soy either, especially if the level of estrogen is not greatly reduced, as well as for men. And one more important point is that absolutely all soybeans are now genetically modified (“the scorpion gene is added”), which greatly simplified its cultivation. And everyone has their own opinion about GMOs - for Americans this is the norm, but for us it is associated with poison.

VITAMIN C, CAROTENE, B VITAMINS AND WHOLE GRAINS may also be helpful in increasing estrogen levels in women.

  • Foods rich in vitamin C: kiwi fruit, tomatoes, oranges, melon, citrus fruits, peaches, bananas, artichokes, asparagus, carrots, cauliflower, corn, and lima beans.
  • Foods rich in carotene include peppers, kale, spinach, carrots, beets, dandelion greens, turnip greens, kale, pumpkin, chard, kale, basil, and squash squash.
  • Foods rich in B vitamins: liver, beef, tuna, oats, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, bananas, potatoes, avocados, legumes, and kefir.

Choose foods that contain 100% whole grains. Instead of white flour, opt for whole grains. It is also helpful to eat whole grain pasta or brown rice, for example.

HERBS TO INCREASE ESTRONES. There are also "fruits of the flora" that will help increase estrogen. These are primarily such herbaceous plants:

  • Vitex sacred (Vitex ordinary, or Prutnyak ordinary, or Abraham's tree) under lat. called Vitex agnus-castus.
  • Angelica officinalis (Angelica officinalis, or female ginseng, or angelica, or herb of angels) under lat. called Archangelica officinalis.
  • Clover red (Clover reddish) under lat. the name Trifolium.

Their significance is not particularly scientifically confirmed, but nevertheless, it is believed that they are able to influence the level of estrogen in the body mainly due to the content of phytoestrogens. But their use, as well as other (more accessible herbs) will be described in a separate article.

QUIT SMOKING. Smoking has an adverse effect on the endocrine system, which limits the body's ability to efficiently produce estrogen. Premenopausal smoking has also been linked to menstrual dysfunction, infertility, and accelerated menopause.

TO DRINK COFFEE. Women who drink more than two cups of coffee a day have higher levels of estrogen in their blood than those who do not drink coffee at all. But unfortunately, because coffee helps raise estrogen, it also puts women at higher risk for endometriosis (a gynecological disease) and breast pain. In any case, you should follow some tips when drinking coffee:

  • Use natural coffee. Most coffee is heavily sprayed with herbicides, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers when grown. This is the main difficulty in finding natural coffee, and therefore it is not cheap.
  • Do not use bleached coffee filters. Many of these coffee filters contain bleach, which can end up in the final product. So it's best to try to find unbleached filters for safe brewing or do without them.
  • Pregnant women should not consume more than 200 mg of caffeine per day. If more than this amount of caffeine enters the body (from coffee or energy drinks), then this threatens with a higher risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

Learn also about other dangers of coffee and its alternative.

Raising the level of estrogen is under the supervision of a doctor, since its increased amount can also cause serious harm to health. Even if the doctor prescribes medications (hormones) with a greatly reduced level of estrogen, the above recommendations will not interfere. But of all the above, it is worth focusing primarily on the right diet. After all, proper nutrition plays a key role in the normalization of most hormones, incl. and estrogen.

Flax seeds deserve special mention. Due to the high content of flavonoids, they are an effective way to increase the level of estrogen in a woman's body and, moreover, they are completely natural. It is not difficult to buy them in a pharmacy. Here are a couple of additional recommendations for the use of flax seeds:

  • You can add flax seeds to your breakfast cereal or smoothie to make them easier to swallow.
  • If you soak the seeds for 5 minutes, then you can add a tablespoon of them directly to food, and they will be much softer.

A nutritionist can help build the right diet that will help restore healthy estrogen levels and fit in with your lifestyle.

During menopause, most women experience a decrease in both estrogen and testosterone. But sometimes it happens that the level of testosterone increases greatly. So learn the basics

The lack of female sex hormone in the body affects the health of men and women. Scientists have found out certain norms for the amount of the hormone, within which a person feels normal, has no health problems, but if there is a hormone deficiency, it is necessary to increase its amount with the help of special preparations.

What are the dangers of a lack of estrogen?

You can increase the level by special nutrition, in the products of which there is estrogen. Quite often, you can increase the level of the hormone by using special herbs. A table in which the rate of hormones in the body is calculated helps to detect an imbalance after taking tests.

List of foods rich in natural estrogen

The presence of estrogen in various foods. Table of the richest ingredients.

This is not the whole list of products with natural estrogen. You can raise estrogen with animal products, however, doctors do not recommend doing this. The fact is that meat and dairy products arrive on store shelves already with hormonal supplements and antibiotics. This is due to animal feed, which is fed to cattle for the fastest growth.

How to consume foods containing estrogen?

Important: The estrogen-rich foods and herbs previously listed in the table should not be consumed excessively. This can cause increased tissue growth, which is dangerous for women with a genetic predisposition to cancer.

Eating high estrogen foods requires a healthy endocrinology system that can naturally work to control hormone levels. To maintain the endocrine system, you need to eat environmentally friendly products. This is the key to the full functioning of the body.

Estrogen in foods and herbs. Usage table

Products Consumption
Flax-seedIt is used in ground form, adding to cooked dishes, or taken with honey, drinking plenty of liquid. You can consume 2 tbsp per day. l. ground product.
Lentils (beans)Helps to cope with depression and increase estrogen levels. Porridge is cooked from lentils, the cooking time is a little more than a quarter of an hour.
CoffeeWomen who consume more than 400 ml of coffee per day have elevated estrogen levels. In more than half of the cases, including this drink in the daily diet, the amount of the female hormone increases by more than 75%.
ApricotYou can use this product daily throughout the year - this is not only health, but also longevity.
HerbsDecoctions and teas are prepared from herbs.

Women who suffer from being overweight should not get involved in drinking coffee drinks to raise their estrogen levels. Otherwise, the weight may increase.

Useful herbs to raise estrogen levels

Often, to raise estrogen, women turn to folk recipes for help - the use of herbs.

Self-medication with herbs can adversely affect the health of the body. Only a doctor, after the results of the tests, can pick up food and herbal teas to raise the level of this hormone.

The selection of phyto-decoction or medicinal collection is determined by a specialist.

Recipes for decoctions, teas and tinctures to increase estrogen

Phytohormones present in herbs give high results during treatment. Female hormones are found in the upland uterus, horsetail, sage, cimicifuge, raspberry leaves, cuff, Chinese angelica, red clover and other plants.

Here are some recipes for making home remedies:

  • Raw dry raspberry leaves 300 ml of boiled water is poured, steamed for about 1 hour, filtered. This dose is designed for the day, you need to take small portions until the evening. The next day, a fresh infusion is prepared.
  • Cuff and plantain, or rather, their seeds are an effective collection in the treatment of a lack of female hormones. The raw material is poured with boiled water, allowed to brew, taken three times a day before meals.
  • Wild yam with raspberry leaves insist 50 minutes using a steam bath. Phyto infusion is taken in tablespoons, one at a time before meals.
  • Prutnyak fruits are crushed, steamed with boiled water, kept for 1 hour, taken all day in small portions.

Table of foods with high levels of estrogen

Estrogen in foods and herbs: the table indicates the food richest in female hormones:

beans, seeds Vegetable, fruit fruits Products with selenium that normalize the performance of the endocrine system
SoyaAsparagusMushrooms, eggplant
Beans (red)Carrot, tomatoPumpkin
Pumpkin, linseed, sesame seedsBeetroot, cucumberGarlic, mustard
soy productDates, pomegranate, applenuts

Estrogen lowering foods

Foods high in sulfur promote the removal of estrogens from the body and cleanse the liver. The organ is responsible for metabolic processes, breaks down estrogen.

Sulfur is located:

Thanks to resveratrol, found in the skin of red grapes, and proanthocyanidin, which is present in the seeds of these fruits, the production of estrogen in the body is blocked. For the use of red grapes, it is recommended to give preference to varieties with seeds.

A complete rejection of alcoholic beverages helps to remove the female hormone from the body.

Due to the large amount of fiber in the composition of figs, the use of this product can reduce the level of estrogen in the body. In addition, the product perfectly copes with excess body fat and reduces the risk of breast cancer.

Citrus fruits contain vitamin C. Thanks to antioxidants, the product replenishes the body with phytohormones, helping to break down synthetic estrogen.

Important to remember! The use of a large amount of peanuts and cabbage creates poor conditions for the absorption of iodine and zinc, excessive consumption of soy contributes to the complete absorption of calcium.

To increase the level of the female hormone in the body, a full-fledged work of the reproductive system is required. This requires regular sexual intimacy, in the absence of a full sexual life, estrogen is produced in small quantities.

Aromatherapy is an auxiliary option to increase the amount of estrogen.

With an increase in hormones, supervision by a specialist is required., as a large number of hormones are harmful to health.

An important factor in stabilizing the hormonal background is an acceptable body weight. Insufficiency or excess of body fat in the body leads to an imbalance in the hormonal background. Too large or too thin women have problems with the production of eggs.

You should also stop using nicotine and caffeine. Smokers have impaired levels of estradiol - this is the main steroid.

When restoring hormonal levels, it is necessary to avoid excessive physical stress, especially for girls who play sports at a professional level. Of course, movement and physical exercises are necessary, but in moderation. Preference can be given to jogging, swimming, aerobics, dancing.

In the fight against the restoration of hormonal levels, an important role is played by the vitamin balance of the body. Vitamin C stimulates the functioning of the adrenal glands, it is found in greens, currant berries, ascorbic acid can be taken from synthetic agents.

The action of vitamin P is aimed at enhancing the activity of vitamin C. A group of vitamins B, relieves the symptoms of a deficiency of the female hormone, activates the performance of the adrenal glands. For the production of estrogen, you need to take vitamins E and K.

Of all the tips for raising the level of the female hormone, you can decide that for a healthy lifestyle, you should adhere to proper nutrition, lead an active lifestyle, and do not abuse alcohol. If a hormonal failure has occurred, you cannot make decisions on the use of medical therapy on your own, for this there are doctors.

Estrogen in foods and herbs. Product table in this helpful video:

Products containing estrogen - the hormone of female youth:

Estrogen is a female sex hormone. It is produced in the ovaries and adrenal cortex during puberty and is necessary for the female body to prepare it for childbearing and to maintain the normal course of pregnancy.

But, the role of estrogen in the body does not end there. This hormone is an important protector of the cardiovascular system of the female body. Estrogen also regulates the water-salt balance in the body. The normal condition of the skin is one of the merits of this female hormone.

3 types of estrogen in a woman's body

There are three types of estrogen:

  • Estrone (E1)
  • Estrol (E3)
  • Estradiol (E2)

The level of each of these hormones depends on the genetic predisposition, on the density and amount of body fat, as well as on the age characteristics of the body. Indirectly, the level is affected by the lifestyle and nutrition system.

The most important of these three is estradiol. Its decrease or increase compared to the other two hormones can cause various problems in the female body:

  • Weight gain
  • puffiness
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Sweat gland disorders
  • convulsions
  • sore breasts

Deviation of the level of this hormone from the norm can be a symptom of serious illness.

IMPORTANT: Estradiol is the most important hormone of the described group. His "work time" begins during the first menstruation and ends at the onset of menopause. Estradiol controls over 400 functions in the body.

Normal estrogen levels in a woman's body

The rate of this hormone in the body is not constant. It changes with age and during different phases of pregnancy. In girls in childhood, the norm is 5-22 pg / ml. When a woman reaches childbearing age, the norm of estrogen is in the range of 11-191 pg / ml. During menopause, the norm of this hormone is 5-90 pg / ml.

What causes a lack of the female hormone estrogen?

  • Estrogens are steroid hormones. This means that they are responsible for growth. In this case, the growth of secondary sexual characteristics. It is estrogens that are responsible for the beauty of the female figure. These sex hormones distribute fat cells to different parts of the body. Thanks to them, the piquant roundness of the figure is formed exactly where it should be.
  • Estrogens are extremely important for the female body. It is these hormones that are responsible for the frequency of the onset of menstruation and their regularity. The lack of these hormones can lead to serious consequences. Estrogens determine women's health.
  • If a lack of sex hormones is observed in a girl, then this can cause a slow development of the child. At an older age, this can affect psychological imbalance, periodic sensations of pain in the lower abdomen, insomnia, low performance, and even frigidity.
  • After the age of 40 in women, a lack of estrogen can affect heart health, rapid aging of the body, frequent headaches and bone depletion. Which can cause osteoporosis over time.

Symptoms of estrogen deficiency in women

Symptoms of a lack of estrogen include:

  • Lack of menstruation and delayed puberty in girls
  • Forgetfulness
  • Insomnia
  • Lack of sexual desire
  • Headaches
  • Bladder infections
  • Sudden mood swings
  • Inability to get pregnant at a young age

How to increase estrogen in the female body?

Several hormones in a woman's body affect weight at once. Estrogen one of them. It is this hormone that is the main "conductor" in the distribution of body fat. In the female body, such deposits, as a rule, are located below the belt. This is the merit of just the described hormone.

About 10 years before menopause, women's estrogen levels begin to decline. The body "does not like" this and it begins to synthesize the missing hormone from body fat.

  • But, do not think that due to this the number of such deposits will decrease. On the contrary, our body begins to stock up on fat deposits with redoubled energy. After all, the need for them is growing. That is why losing weight after 40 is very difficult.
  • Also, the supply of fat cells occurs during pregnancy. The body needs another source of estrogen.
  • Therefore, in order to reduce excess weight, it is important to keep the level of "female hormone" normal.

Testosterone and estrogen in a woman's body

Testosterone (male hormone) and estrogen (female hormone) greatly affect not only the appearance of a woman and internal processes in the body, but also the psychological background. The more testosterone, the stronger the manifestation of the "masculine" principle.

The norm of testosterone in women:

  • Up to 20 years - 0.13 - 3.09 pg / ml
  • from 20 to 39 years - 0.13 - 3.09 pg / ml
  • from 40 to 59 years - 0.13 - 2.6 pg / ml
  • from 60 and older - 0.13 - 1.8 pg / ml

Excess testosterone is manifested in aggression and risk taking. The predominance of the female hormone over testosterone is manifested in frequent fears, compassion for other people, the desire for settled life and comfort.

Estrogens in foods and herbs

Phytoestrogens are found in various plant foods. You can “charge” with such hormones if you drink green tea and various herbal infusions.

There is a lot of estrogen in beans and other legumes, pumpkin, nuts, spinach, oats, bran, dried apricots, sunflower seeds and cabbage.

RECIPE TEA WITH "ESTROGEN". With a low level of estrogen, tea from such herbs as: sage, linden, chamomile, hops and arnica is indicated. This collection can be supplemented with chopped licorice and ginseng roots. The ingredients are mixed in equal parts and brewed with boiling water. For greater effect, it is best to brew such tea before each dose.

Animal foods such as full-fat milk, ice cream, yogurt, hard cheeses, and meats also contain large amounts of estrogen.

There is estrogen in beer. And many associate its presence in this popular foamy drink with changes in the male figure due to the abuse of beer. But growing a beer belly has more to do with that alcohol suppresses testosterone production. A hormone that distributes fat cells in the male body. In addition, one should not forget about the snack for beer, which lovers of this drink consume without any control.

IMPORTANT: Do not underestimate herbs and other foods in their effect on estrogen. They are able to do this no worse than pharmaceutical preparations. That is why they should be taken only under the guidance of a doctor. Otherwise, you can seriously harm the body.

Estrogen tablets: reviews

Olesya. Very good drug "Estravel". Helps a lot with hot flashes. I also noticed such a “side effect” of it as an improvement in the condition of the nails. They are naturally brittle. And Estrovel makes them beautiful and healthy. I have been drinking this drug for the 5th time with interruptions. Depending on the state.

"Estrovel". The composition of this drug includes plant extracts of soy, nettle, cimicifuga, isoflavones and wild yam root extract. In addition, this drug contains indole-3-carbinol, boron, vitamins and amino acids. It is taken 1-2 tablets per day with meals. The duration of the course is up to 2 months.

Tatyana. And I took Premarin. When I started to be treated, we did not sell it. Brought friends from abroad. At the age of 60, on an ultrasound scan, the doctor said that my body was twenty years younger. This drug does not lead to weight gain, "hairiness" and other side effects.

"Premarin". The composition of this drug includes seven horse estrogens. It is taken based on the prescribed course of treatment.

Video. Hormone analysis, estradiol and estrogen

The hormone estrogen plays an important role in a woman's body. Although this is a female hormone, I would like to note that it is also produced in the male body, but in smaller quantities. However, estrogen is about forty different substances.

The most famous:

  • Estrone.
  • Estriol.
  • Estradiol.

Its deficiency leads to suppression and insufficient development of the most important systems of the female body.

How to increase estrogen levels?

Often a woman is faced with the task of increasing the level of estrogen.

It should be noted here that:

  • Measurement of the level of the hormone in the blood can only be done by contacting a doctor.
  • Only he can give recommendations on the need to increase its level in the blood.
  • Choose the method that best suits the patient.

There are several effective ways to do this. Here we will talk a little about them.

Thyroid problems and abnormal levels of TSH, T3 and T4 hormones can lead to serious consequences such as hypothyroid coma or thyroid storm, which are often fatal.
Normalizes the production of sugar and returns to normal life!...

Foods rich in phytoestrogens

One way to treat this situation is to include in your diet foods that are rich in substances that contribute to the production of estrogen.

Among them we can include the following:

  • Carrot.
  • Spinach.
  • Pumpkin.
  • Beef.
  • Liver.
  • Basil.
  • Kefir.
  • Bananas.
  • Brazil nuts.
  • Beet.
  • Turnip greens.
  • Dandelion green.
  • Kale.

These products are rich in vitamin C, carotene and B vitamins. Olives are highly effective. They eliminate brittle hair and normalize the menstrual cycle. Brown rice and whole grain pasta are also helpful.

Limiting estrogen-lowering foods

Treatment can be carried out not only by stimulating the production of estrogen, but also by refusing products that suppress its production.

What products are we talking about here? This is:

  • Cabbage.
  • Struchkovaya.
  • Corn.
  • Figs.
  • Pineapples.
  • Grape.
  • Pears.

It has the same effect:

  • Wheat flour.
  • Caffeine.
  • Alcohol.
  • Cleaned rice.

About read here.

Percentage of body fat

Another way to remedy the situation is to control the relative amount of fat in the female body:

  • If it is too low, estrogen production is greatly reduced.
  • In order for this hormone to be produced in normal amounts, small body fat must be present.

Regular sex life

With regular sex life, estrogen production increases. This is also one of the ways to make the body healthier due to the increased production of estrogen.


Therapy based on medicinal smells - aromatherapy is also an effective way to solve this problem.

With this recovery method:

  • You need to use certain essential oils.
  • You can choose from the following fragrances: fennel, cypress, sage, anise, lavender or pink geranium.


One of the reasons for the decrease in estrogen levels is systematic stress. Yoga classes are a powerful means of dealing with them and healing the body.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

The female hormone estrogen, how to increase? Tablets can help with this.

This method is that:

  • Artificial estrogens are used.
  • They are introduced into the body and partially take on the functions of natural estrogens.

Medicinal herbs

The female hormone estrogen, how to increase? Folk remedies are at their best in this case.

There are several herbs that can provide effective help with a lack of estrogen:

  • Flax seeds, if combined with low-fat foods, they can help in this case.
  • Soy milk can have a balancing effect on the content of hormones.
  • wheat bran will not only increase the production of estrogen, but also improve your gastrointestinal system.

Estrogen is the main sex hormone in women

If a woman has enough of this hormone, then it provides a number of important things for her:

  • It contributes to the beauty and silkiness of the skin and hair, contributes to the presence of a slender and beautiful figure.
  • If there is enough estrogen in the body, then the menstrual cycle has a constant duration.
  • This hormone promotes an increase in the size of the uterus and the development of female secondary sexual characteristics.
  • In a healthy woman, the fat layer is distributed more evenly in the body. This is significantly facilitated by the hormone considered here.
  • With enough estrogen, the chances of getting pregnant increase. It also contributes to the fact that the bearing of the child will pass without problems for the mother.

Why is this hormone so important?

He plays one of the most important roles in a woman's life:

  • During menstruation, it ensures the restoration of the endometrium throughout the entire menstrual cycle.
  • It is he who is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the endometrium during gestation throughout the entire pregnancy cycle.
  • During pregnancy, estrogen ensures the growth of the uterus.
  • This hormone coordinates the entire process of bearing a child and contributes to its healthy passage.
  • If we are not talking about pregnancy, then this hormone is also actively involved in ensuring the health of the female body. It ensures the process of not only lactation of the mammary glands, but also their normal functioning in general.
  • The course of each menstrual cycle depends greatly on the normal level of estrogen concentration in the body.
  • In the circulatory system, this substance prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis.
  • Estrogen is actively involved in the regulation of metabolism. Especially strongly it affects the formation of subcutaneous adipose tissue in women and the composition of bones. Prevents the development of osteoporosis and prevents weight gain.
  • Estrogen prevents excessive activity of the skin sebaceous glands and contributes to the proper development of the skin and hairline.

Optimal estrogen levels in women:

  • The norm for estrogen in women is 50 to 400 picograms per milliliter (pg/ml).
  • Usually the amount of the substance is increased during the first half of the menstrual cycle.
  • Decreased during the second half of this cycle.
  • During pregnancy, there is an increased release of estrogen throughout its duration.
  • As menopause approaches, estrogen levels fall below 100 pg/ml.

What causes a lack of the female hormone estrogen?

  • It can cause insufficient development of not only the female reproductive system, but also slow down the development of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Menstruation will be irregular, and regular pain in the lower abdomen is possible.
  • With a low level of this hormone, it is problematic to conceive a child. Even if this happens, the lack of the female hormone estrogen will not be able to ensure the normal course of pregnancy.

Symptoms of a lack of the female hormone estrogen

If the body produces an insufficient amount of estrogen, then this leads to the appearance of some unpleasant symptoms:

  • One of them is recurring hot flashes.
  • Lack of hormone leads to increased nervousness.
  • The uterus feels very dry.
  • The lack of this substance also affects memory. With its lack, it is greatly weakened.
  • Another symptom of a lack of estrogen is excessive sweating at night.

Although the lack of the hormone is harmful, but its excess also does not contribute to the health of the woman.

  • If the concentration is too high in the body, it can in some cases lead to breast cancer.
  • Exacerbation of diseases of the circulatory system and heart is not excluded. Perhaps the appearance of blood clots, which create an immediate danger to human life.
  • Brain hemorrhage is not ruled out.
  • An excess of the hormone can provoke gallbladder disease.
  • Possible migraine.
  • In such a situation, the likelihood of inflammation of the endometrium increases.

The effect of estrogens on weight

In the event that the content of this hormone in the body of a woman is increased:

  • Helps to retain fluids in the body
  • Which, in turn, contributes to the formation of body fat.

This feature is due to nature itself, because one of the main functions of estrogen is to regulate the course of pregnancy. And for pregnant women, gaining weight is a vital necessity.

Estrogens are the main hormones in the female body. It is these substances that are responsible for female beauty, reproductive function, and the health of the fairer sex.

Lack of estrogen leads to serious metabolic disorders, worsens the appearance of a woman, makes her infertile. How to increase the level of estrogen? First of all, it is worth understanding what the hormone estrogen is responsible for.


To begin with, it is worth saying that estrogens are a group of biologically active substances. These include the following metabolites:

  • estradiol;
  • estrone;
  • estriol.

These protein molecules are produced in the ovaries of a woman of reproductive age. In a small amount, synthesis occurs in another endocrine gland - the adrenal glands. However, the contribution of this organ to the production of substances is very small.

Estrogens undergo a number of biochemical changes before becoming an active metabolite.

Substances are directly synthesized from androgens - male sex hormones, and those, in turn, from cholesterol.

As a result of the production of biological substances by the glands, the norm of hormones in the blood is formed. In an adult, healthy woman, the indicator is 15–190 pg / ml. The serious range in which the norm is located depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle, previous births and other physiological processes. If serious deviations from the norm are found in the blood, the doctor begins to look for the cause of the pathology.


What is estrogen responsible for in women? It is not possible to answer this question in monosyllables, since estrogens play a large role in the body. The functions of substances in this group include:

  1. Reproductive. A large number of effects that estrogens have on the genitals, allows a woman to become pregnant and safely give birth to a child. Under the influence of estrogens, cells of the inner lining of the uterus are produced, the egg matures, blood is delivered to the reproductive organs, and the mammary glands function properly.
  2. Differentiation of secondary sexual characteristics - it is under the influence of these biological substances that a woman acquires her special appearance. Hormones are responsible for the formation of the breast, the silhouettes of the woman's body, the development of the genital organs.
  3. Influence on metabolism. Estrogens have an active effect on many organ systems. In particular, they regulate blood pressure, cholesterol and calcium metabolism, liver and bone function, and the state of the nervous system.

From the above, it becomes clear that estrogen deficiency in the body leads to serious disruption of its work. Why is there a shortage of the hormone, and how to increase the level of estrogen? It's worth looking into it in more detail.

Lack of estrogen

Estrogen deficiency is formed in the female body both under the influence of pathological processes and in the absence of diseases in the postmenopausal period.

These two factors in the development of deficiency have fundamentally different mechanisms and methods of correction.

Pathological causes

There are conditions that are not related to the woman's age, leading to the pathology of hormone production. Pathological estrogen deficiency occurs due to the following reasons:

  1. Congenital malformation of the ovaries.
  2. Disorders of the pituitary and hypothalamus - tumors of the nervous system, traumatic brain injury, hemorrhage, strokes.
  3. Irrational nutrition of a woman, serious violations of the diet.
  4. Cachexia, weight loss, sudden weight loss.
  5. Excessive physical and mental stress, stress.

The symptoms of these pathological conditions come on faster and are more pronounced than with a lack of estrogens in menopause. Therefore, such reasons should be corrected at the first detection.


Estrogens in the blood of women decrease even in the absence of pathology. This is most typical for the period of menopause.

In menopause, a woman experiences a natural decrease in estrogen levels.

This condition is a protective natural mechanism that ensures the birth of healthy offspring in a population of women of young, reproductive age.

To avoid the unpleasant consequences of a deficiency, gynecologists prescribe hormone replacement therapy for some women with contraceptive drugs.


The problems that a woman faces with low estrogen levels affect many body systems. Symptoms are associated with the restructuring of metabolism in organs and tissues with a deficiency of biological substances. It is possible to eliminate the manifestations if the cause is found in time and treatment is started.

Symptoms resulting from estrogen deficiency:

  1. Premature aging.
  2. Increased fragility of hair and nails, dry skin and mucous membranes.
  3. Body hair according to the male type, increasing the length of hair on the body.
  4. Symptoms from the genital organs - dry mucous membranes, vaginal dysbiosis, decreased sexual desire.
  5. Menstrual disorders.
  6. Pain during menstruation.
  7. Infertility.
  8. Damage to the nervous system - headaches, increased weakness and irritability, decreased memory and intellectual abilities.
  9. Symptoms of calcium deficiency - osteoporosis, high risk of fractures.
  10. Sweating, insomnia.

Numerous manifestations of hormone deficiency lead a woman to the question: “How to increase estrogen in the body?”. Only an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist can give a full answer to the question.


Eliminating the cause of the pathological condition is not always possible. To find the source of a hormone deficiency, doctors perform a series of diagnostic procedures that do not always point to a problem.

For the purpose of therapy, a change in the patient's lifestyle, including her diet, is applied. In addition, hormonal preparations are widely used.

Sometimes you have to resort to surgery to remove a tumor that prevents the gland from functioning properly.

The impact of folk remedies is widely used by most women, but has questionable effectiveness.


It is quite difficult to isolate foods that directly increase hormone levels. However, by changing the diet, it is possible to increase the production of the hormone in the endocrine glands.

Foods that are helpful in eliminating the deficiency:

  1. Vegetables raw and steamed. Estrogen precursors are found in large quantities in cabbage.
  2. Products containing fiber. These include fruits and vegetables, beans, plant seeds. Thanks to the normalization of the digestion process, these products contribute to the proper absorption of substances.
  3. Flax seeds contain lignins, these metabolites are converted in the body into enterodiol, which favorably affects the metabolism of hormones in the glands.
  4. Soy and other legumes. In addition to protein molecules, they contain vitamins and trace elements that normalize metabolism.

Eating foods that increase the level of female hormones is often not enough. It is necessary to fill the diet with vitamin components, exclude alcohol, lead a healthy lifestyle.

Medical treatment

In the case of using them to increase estrogen in women, the use of the drug should be supervised by a gynecologist. He will select the dosage, as well as directly the drug that is suitable for the woman according to the indications and her age.

Means are also used in the event of menopause in the event of pathological symptoms of hormone deficiency. In this case, the regimen is called hormone replacement therapy.

Folk remedies

The norm of hormones in the body, according to adherents of traditional medicine, can also be achieved with folk remedies. However, professional doctors treat this method with caution. In order for estrogen to reach the required values, the following are used:

  • Plantain seeds in the form of a decoction.
  • Raspberry leaves on a steam bath.
  • Prutnyak fruits in boiling water.

Before use, you should consult with your doctor to determine the