How to properly feed Scottish kittens. Can Scottish Folds be given milk? It is advisable to follow a strict schedule

After the Scottish kitten is 2 months old, when he can eat on his own, he can be put up for sale. A two-month-old Scottish fold kitten is not yet fully adapted to independent living, but it can already do without a mother.

Very often, breeders do not tell future owners what the mandatory care of a two-month-old Scottish kitten will include and how to properly organize his food, teach him to use the toilet, help him adapt properly so that he feels comfortable at home and does not miss his family.

Before you buy a Scottish, you should definitely ask the breeders what conditions are necessary for this particular breed and organize them before you bring the cat home.

Properly organized diet, properly selected food will allow you to ensure the health and active growth of your baby, teach you how to properly care for him.

All rules can be classified into several subgroups, which all Scottish kittens need to fulfill at 2 months:

  • features of the regimen and diet;
  • general care and bathing;
  • communication with a Scottish kitten for 2 months in the first weeks of staying at home;
  • features of providing toys, own space and place.

We will discuss each of these points in more detail in the following sections.

The problem of choosing a diet, basic rules in 2 months

The first question that happy owners of a small animal face is how to feed a Scottish kitten 2 months after birth. There are basic recommendations, for example, that dry food can be alternated with milk, but it should not be given more than three times a week.

Breeders should definitely ask if the Scottish kitten was given any other food besides mother's milk at 2 months and which companies are preferred, since the chemical composition of the food can directly affect the health and digestion of the baby. But there are two main approaches to catering:

  • natural nutrition, which includes a large number of products that are directly consumed by the owners;
  • completely artificial nutrition, which consists of feed and special additives;
  • combined, it is most difficult to accustom a baby to such nutrition, but such feeding of a Scottish kitten at 2 months will be the most balanced and will ensure the intake of all the necessary trace elements in the body.


Scottish straight kittens at two months old cannot chew large pieces of food on their own and cope with large food, so if you choose dry food, you must definitely select it based on the age of your pet, it is advisable to grind all natural food or grind it thoroughly before feed.

Only by following these rules, you can ensure proper digestion and assimilation of all the proposed products.

If we highlight the main components of natural nutrition that Scottish Straight kittens can eat and assimilate, we get the following nutrition system:

  • beef, which must first be frozen;
  • chicken meat well boiled and completely deboned
  • chopped and well-cooked offal of chicken and veal;
  • all types of fermented milk products that have a low level of fat content, while such products are recommended to be included in the diet solely as a treat and encouragement;
  • are found on an ongoing basis, as they can provoke indigestion in a small Scottish kitten at 2 months. Despite the fact that mother's milk is the basis of his nutrition;
  • a small amount of chicken yolk, previously hard boiled, will be an excellent addition to the diet of your Scottish kitten at 2 months;
  • if you decide to properly feed a two-month-old Scottish kitten, it is worth remembering that in no case should protein be given to him in any form;
  • as an addition to meat products, you can use vegetables in any form, the main rule is that they must be chopped to a mushy state;
  • in no case should you give a small pet greens that have been grown on the window or sold in zoological stores, such grass is only acceptable for adult cats and in small quantities.

Food prohibitions

  • fish in any form;
  • bones and cartilage;
  • you can not give a small Scottish kitten at 2 months any kind of legumes and potatoes;
  • dairy and sour-milk products with a high percentage of fat can provoke indigestion, so I'd better exclude it too;
  • all kinds of sweet delicacies, as well as fatty and spicy foods, are also best excluded completely.

How to choose the right food for a 2 month old pet

Breeders recommend opting for the food company that was fed to the mother of a Scottish kitten for 2 months. However, given that it is not always possible to buy expensive food, the type and company can be selected individually, experimenting and giving your pet a small amount of food.

If a Scottish kitten at 2 months is quite frisky, active and no reactions from the digestive tract are observed, then this type of food can be introduced on an ongoing basis.

The main thing. so that it is balanced, ensures the presence of all the necessary vitamins and minerals, since a growing body especially needs proper and balanced nutrition.

How to choose the right pet at the age of 2 months

Having studied the information of a cattery in your city, you can see photos of Scottish kittens at 2 months old, choose the color you like, look at those that are recommended for sale. Also on the site you will always find information about what recommendations there are in caring for such a baby, how much a Scottish kitten weighs at 2 months and what features it has.

A Scottish kitten at 2 months old looks quite cute and it should be borne in mind that the main features of his muzzle will be preserved, special attention should be paid to the look, since quite often it is possible to read the main character traits that appear even at such a young age.

We are what we eat. This proverb is relevant not only for people, but also for animals. By purchasing a kitten, we decide to provide him with only the best conditions. And what could be better than delicious food? So, let's consider how to feed a Scottish cat, as well as representatives of other wonderful breeds.

Today, domestic cats have long left the category of mousers, becoming favorite "sofa" pets. The owner is responsible for feeding the cats, so the responsibility for the quality of food falls on his shoulders.

In order for a Scottish (or a cat of another breed) to be full and happy, its menu must be thought out and balanced.

How can you organize the diet of a domestic cat:

  • Natural food. An option for happy owners of free time. If you have the opportunity to cook separate food for your thoroughbred pet, then do so. You won't find a better balanced menu option.
  • Ready meals. In stores you can find a huge range of different pet foods. Now you do not need to puzzle over how to feed the cat. The manufacturers have already thought of everything for you. The owner only needs to choose the desired product.
  • Combined menu. In this case, the cat's diet will consist of purchased food and natural food. With proper preparation of such a diet, the cat will be full and healthy.

To choose one of the options, take a closer look at your schedule. For busy people, the option with ready-made meals is more suitable, because the time spent in preparing it is minimal. If you are a homebody, then you can afford to cook food not only for yourself, but also for the cat.

Keep in mind that by choosing an option, you are accustoming a cat to a certain diet. Switching to another menu if necessary will not work right away (if it works at all).

natural food

The option is not the easiest, and besides, it requires some costs. In order to compose a natural menu in accordance with the requirements of the Scottish cat, you will have to come up with some healthy recipes.

Food from the table harms the cat!

Consider what foods to give a cat:

  • Meat. It must be either frozen or heat treated. Normal raw meat should not be given to cats. Of the varieties, preference should be given to low-fat varieties, for example, beef.
  • Bird. The best option would be chicken meat. Before use, it must be boiled.
  • by-products, for example, the liver. Feed your pet with it no more than once a week. Be sure to boil before serving.
  • Fish. Only marine and non-greasy. The ubiquitous myth that any fish is good for cats is long overdue for debunking. River fish is dangerous for cat health! Therefore, you can treat a cat with seafood no more than once a week.
  • Dairy products. Offer your Scottish cat cheese, sour cream or kefir several times a week. It is unlikely that the pet will refuse such yummy.
  • Eggs, namely boiled chicken yolk.
  • Milk and milk porridge useful for young animals. In the diet, they are needed only until the onset of 6 months. After this period, dairy products can cause the cat to become upset.
  • Cereals. The optimal source of slow carbohydrates. Of these, the cat receives energy, so it is necessary to treat the pet with rice, buckwheat and oatmeal. If the cat thinks otherwise, convince him otherwise by mixing porridge with meat.
  • Vegetables. Source of vitamins. Most likely, boiled carrots will also have to be mixed with meat, but it's worth it. After all, the health of your pet depends on the presence of vitamins.

Someone is hungry

Cats are predators by nature, so the main ingredient in the diet of a Scottish cat should be meat. Protein is necessary for muscle building, visual acuity and reproductive function.

Remember about the compatibility of products. When feeding Scottish and other breeds, it is important not to mix incompatible foods: dairy treats should be a separate meal. The same goes for vegetables.

What can't cats

When compiling a diet, it is important not only to provide the cat with useful products, but also to protect them from harmful ones. Cats should not be given:

  • Food from the table. You can not treat cats with spicy food, as well as salty, smoked and sweet food;
  • Fatty meat is forbidden not only for the Scots, but also for other breeds;
  • Baking, flour and sweets.

I want to, but I can't


Even the highest quality natural food is not able to provide the cat's body with the necessary vitamins. To give your pet a surge of strength, buy a vitamin and mineral complex for cats at a veterinary pharmacy.

Tablets are usually "equipped" with a pleasant smell, so it will not be difficult for a cat to give a pill.

In some pharmacies you can find special complexes for the Scottish breed. The composition of such tablets takes into account the love of the breed for hunting and meat products, as well as the required amount of plant elements.

It will not be superfluous to grow a pot of "cat" grass on the windowsill. Seeds of such a delicacy can be bought at the same pet store. The sprouts will hatch in a few days, and the cat will have the opportunity to eat a fresh vitamin salad.

Personal lawn

In addition to food, the cat should have drinking water in a separate bowl. You need to change the drink daily. Some pets prefer to drink tap water, which does not cause any harm.

In order not to puzzle over what to cook a Scottish cat for lunch, use one of the tips below:

  1. Pour fresh beef (75 gr.) With boiling water and add 20 gr. lungs. All this is mixed with oatmeal steamed in boiling water. Add half a teaspoon of vegetable oil and dry yeast (on the tip of a knife) to the finished porridge.
  2. Mix boiled buckwheat with chopped liver. Add lean fish without bones. If necessary, add a small amount of water and grind the mixture with a blender.


Ready-made specialized feeds are divided into several types: dry and wet. Also, each of the species has a certain composition, according to the quality of which the feed is classified into one of three categories:

  • Economy;
  • Premium;
  • Super premium.

Economy food is not food in the truest sense of the word. Such meals are acceptable as a one-time reward, but are not suitable for a daily menu. The composition of such feeds is unbalanced, and cheap fillers make such food not only unhealthy, but also harmful.

When choosing ready-made food, it is advised to choose food of the middle and high price category. Such a diet will provide the pet with all the necessary elements, as well as saturate the necessary calories.

If you are going to feed a cat with several types of food at once, then such products should belong to the same line.

Most companies produce the same pet food in two different forms: wet and dry.

  • Royal Canin;
  • matisse;
  • advance;
  • hills;
  • Purina Van.
  • Whiskas;
  • Darling;
  • Kitiket.

Bad cat food

If it is necessary to transfer a cat from one type of food to another, the change in diet should be carried out gradually. If you decide to buy a new food, then do not immediately purchase a large amount, as the cat may be capricious and refuse an unfamiliar treat. It also happens that a new food causes an allergy in a cat, so first offer your pet a small amount of food.

Serving Size

All manufacturers of ready-made food indicate on their labels the recommended amount of the product, depending on the weight and age of the cat. However, each pet has its own lifestyle and only the owner can draw conclusions regarding the portion size.

Active young cats usually need a little more food than indicated on the package. The hungry eyes of your pet will tell you about the need to increase the portion.

It is important not to overfeed your cat. Even the most active and playful individuals can get fat if their owner is overly generous. Controlling the cat's weight is simple: run your palm along the back and sides of the cat. If the ribs and spine are palpable, your cat is not fat. If it is difficult to feel the bones, then the pet menu needs to be slightly cut back.

Don't indulge a fat beggar

Lazy and inactive cats should not double the portion. If the animal lives in an apartment and prefers to lie down on the couch, the consumed calories will have nowhere to spend, and they will be deposited on the belly. Obesity in pets may be touching, but it causes great harm to health.

Looks like it's time for someone to go on a diet

Meal frequency

Small kittens eat often, but in small quantities. As you grow older, the cat can be transferred to two meals a day. One meal should be more high-calorie and take place in the morning. The second should be lighter and carried out in the evening.

Most cats love to beg for food, so it's up to you to feed your pet or keep it strict.

Scottish cats do not like to beg for food, so the problem of begging will not arise if the main meals are high in calories.

Seasonal Features

In the warm season, the appetite of cats, as a rule, decreases. Murki drink more and eat less. Such a diet is aimed at lowering body temperature on hot days, so you should not force-feed a cat in the summer.

In winter, on the contrary, the cat tries to keep warm. And she needs calories to keep her warm. With the onset of frost, cats eat more, and their appetite increases so much that they cannot crawl through the kitchen door. Feed your Scot but make sure he doesn't overweight.

Nutrition for pregnant cats

A pregnant Scottish cat, like any other, should eat to its fullest. The weight gain is compensated by the birth of little Scots, so you should not limit the expectant mother in nutrition.

With the growth of the tummy, there is less and less room for the stomach, so the number of meals should be increased, and the portion size should be slightly reduced.

The quality of the diet also needs to be reconsidered. If the cat ate natural food before pregnancy, then it is definitely advised to add lean fish to the menu, since it contains the necessary fatty acids.

It is also worth offering fermented milk products to a pregnant cat as often as possible - sources of calcium. It is also advised to add crushed pills of the Kalceks preparation to food.

If the diet consisted of ready-made feeds, then the pregnant cat should be gradually transferred to products for kittens. Such feeds have a high calorie content and are easier to digest.

One and a half to two weeks before birth, an unlimited diet needs to be adjusted. If before that the cat ate everything she wanted, now her portion should be smaller. This is necessary so that the babies do not recover too much.

After giving birth, the cat's appetite may gradually increase. This is necessary so that the kittens receive the necessary nutrients. As babies grow older, food begins to appear in their menu in addition to mother's milk. It is advised to feed kittens and mother the same products, so that both milk and food are absorbed better.

Menu for kittens

You need to feed a Scottish kitten in the same way as kittens of other breeds. Your baby will start feeding on his own at the age of two months. Taking it away from the cat before this time is not advised. If you have a kitten younger than eight weeks old, then you will have to feed him with infant formula.

For the first few weeks of self-feeding, kittens eat very often. Between meals should be no more than two hours. Gradually, the gap between meals will increase. At the age of 3 months, the kitten eats 3-5 times a day and is absolutely satisfied with this.

When choosing the type of food for a kitten, keep in mind that this food will be the main food in his adult life. If you plan to feed an adult animal with ready-made food, then accustom the baby immediately to the chosen brand, so as not to stress him later when changing the diet.

Feeding the sterilized

Scottish cats after sterilization can quickly gain weight. To prevent your pet from becoming obese, reduce the amount of food you eat and also play active games with your pet.

In addition to reducing portions, the diet of a neutered Scottish cat should be reviewed:

  • Any kind of fish should be excluded. Fish products contain phosphorus, the abundance of which leads to urolithiasis;
  • Keep track of the amount of calories and fat in your food. Spayed coca should not eat fatty meat;
  • The main ingredient, equal to meat, should be porridge.

If the cat eats special food, her diet should consist of rulers for sterilized cats. Similar products are produced by almost all manufacturers of good food, for example, Royal Canin.

If you need to choose between dry and wet food, then it is better to give preference to the second option.

Elderly pets

Aging cats and cats need a special diet. The calorie content of the menu should be reduced, since the energy expenditure in older animals is much less than in "youth". For one kilogram of body weight of a cat, there should be no more than 65 kcal per day.

It is also worth reconsidering the structure of the feed. If a cat used to eat dry food, then with the onset of old age it must be transferred to wet varieties, since diseases of the teeth and gums do not allow them to fully chew hard snacks.

Aging Scottish cats often suffer from a condition called hyperthyroidism, which is characterized by an increase in thyroid hormones. In this case, it is recommended to increase the calorie content of the pet's diet.

A common problem with Scottish cats is kidney failure. If the veterinarian has diagnosed the pet with such a diagnosis, then the amount of protein in his diet should be reduced to a minimum. You also need to reduce the amount of salt and phosphorus.

Reducing the amount of salt is also good for the heart, as older cats often suffer from heart failure.

Caloric content of food

The amount of calories consumed by a cat should depend on the age of the animal, its weight, and lifestyle. Based on average statistics, the following table of energy costs was created:

  • Kittens up to a year spend about 200 kcal per day. For normal growth and development with food, they must receive a slightly larger amount of calories.
  • A lactating Scottish cat spends about 250 kcal and also needs some kind of supplement to the diet.
  • A pregnant cat spends only 100 kcal, but needs twice the amount of incoming energy;
  • Overweight cats burn only 60-70 calories;
  • Older animals consume about 80 kcal, which should come to them in the form of tasty and soft food.

Great way to save energy

The given data are approximate, so you need to focus not only on the proposed figures, but on the individual characteristics of each individual pet.

The diet of a Scottish cat at any age should be varied and tasty. Only in this case, the pet will delight the owners with good health and excellent mood.

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What to feed a Scottish fold cat (Scottish Fold)? Unfortunately, not all owners of these cats think about it, believing that such an unpretentious animal can be fed as much as necessary. And such confidence ends sadly - with health problems and visits to the veterinarian.

Scottish folds are famous for their good health, but to maintain it, proper, balanced and selected nutrition is necessary for this breed.

How to feed a Scottish Fold cat?

There are three main ways to feed:

  1. Natural food.
  2. Natural raw food. They consist of pieces of natural raw meat, as well as vegetables, offal, egg yolks, omega-3, taurine and vitamins and are healthy nutrition for an active and long life of cats. These feeds are not subjected to heat treatment, are stored and delivered frozen. On the Russian market, this type of feed is represented by the company.
  3. Dry or canned food.

Mixing natural food and ready-made food is not worth it: the stomach of these cats hardly adapts to the constant change of food. Choose one option and stick to it, changing your diet or manufacturer as little as possible.

In feeding - a fairly unpretentious breed, it does not require pickles.

The debate about what kind of food is better to feed the Scottish Fold cat has been going on for decades, but veterinarians have not been able to come to a consensus. Many experts advise choosing exclusively ready-made food for pedigreed cats, since they include all the substances necessary for the animal. And a balanced branded food, of course, will contain much more substances the cat needs than scraps from the owners' table. Indeed, there are many arguments in favor of packaged food:

  • Their use does not require additional feeding with vitamins.
  • A jar of canned food or a bag of food can reduce the time it takes to prepare food for a pet by several times.
  • It reduces to zero the risk that the animal, due to carelessness or negligence of the owner, will receive something tasty, but harmful.

You can buy ready-made food for your cat at the best price in the following online stores:

Despite all the advantages of ready-made feeds, natural products effectively supply the cat with essential trace elements and vitamins. After all, genetically any cat is a predator, and its digestive system is ideally suited for processing natural food - primarily meat.

Feeding a Scottish Fold cat with human food (prepared for people) is not worth it. Some of the foods that are perfectly digested by us can be harmful to the health of the animal. And, more importantly, animals need a completely different combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for a healthy life than humans.

If you decide to feed your pet with natural products, then make sure that the diet is based on the physiology of the animal, and not formed from the food left after your hearty lunch or dinner.

Feeding with natural food

On how to properly feed a Scottish Fold cat, it is better to consult an experienced veterinarian. The health of animals depends largely on the amount of nutrients they receive with food.

  1. At least half of all food should be meat.
  2. Vegetables are required - an average of 20 - 25%.
  3. And a third of the entire diet should be filled with cereals.

For a full life, a Scottish Fold cat should receive per day per 1 kg of weight:

  • 4 grams of proteins.
  • 2 grams of fat.
  • 12 - 15 grams of carbohydrates.

The volume of a single serving is also better calculated depending on the weight of the animal. This breed has a tendency to become obese, so owners will have to make sure that their pet does not overeat. That is, a cat weighing 5 kg should eat about 100 grams of food in one sitting, no more. And the daily portion for him will be about 200 - 250 grams.

What foods can be given to the Scots?

Food that can be fed to a Scottish Fold cat should be without the addition of salt or any spices. Any seasonings are contraindicated for cats.

  • One of the most important components of the diet is meat. The main requirement for it: not too high fat content. Ideal for this breed of chicken, turkey, beef and veal. But pork and lamb should not be given in any case.
  • 2 times a month you can pamper your pet with boiled (but not raw and not fried) fish. More often not worth it: this product creates an excessive load on the cat's liver. Please note that only sea fish, and exclusively low-fat varieties, are suitable for feeding the Scottish Fold.

Important! Before feeding a Scottish fold with fish, make sure that there are no bones left in its pulp, even small ones: otherwise the cat may choke or scratch the delicate tissues of the mouth with a sharp end.

  • Porridges are vital for cats: rice, buckwheat or barley groats. It is best to mix cereals with meat and vegetables: add 1 share of other products to 2 shares of porridge.
  • These cats digest oatmeal quite poorly, and it is better to give it only during indigestion: at these moments it really benefits and helps to speed up recovery. Also note that rice in large quantities can cause constipation.
  • In no case do not give cereals with a high protein content: peas, beans, lentils. Many cats love these foods, but the result is bloating and painful colic.
  • All cats love dairy products. But Scottish folds are contraindicated in pure cow's milk, as well as fermented milk products with a high fat content (for example, cream). It is best to give kefir, fermented baked milk and low-fat sour cream.
  • But vegetables can be given any, except for tomatoes, eggplant, garlic and onions.
  • Add a little boiled, finely chopped egg to your pet's food (no more than 1 per day). Quail is best suited to help maintain immunity, but, in extreme cases, chicken can also be given.

Scottish folds should not be fed cold or too hot food. All food should be slightly warmer than room temperature.

Food for pregnant and lactating cats

But what to feed a lactating Scottish Fold cat? In general, the diet for recently born lop-eared beauties does not change much. However, it is worth adding a spoonful of bone meal to a single serving, and pouring a few drops of fish oil on food once a week. Do not forget about vitamins: during this period, animals need additional support with microelements.

Be sure to increase the proportion of dairy products. And, of course, the volume: for a mother cat, it grows 3 or even 4 times, because she has to feed not only herself, but also her kittens. In order not to be mistaken, give your pet food on demand.

However, there is an easier way to provide the Scottish fold with good nutrition: temporarily transfer the cat to high-quality ready-made food for pregnant and lactating cats.

Scottish fold kitten at 3 months old is quite independent and perfectly adapts to a new place of residence. Therefore, it is at this age that it is recommended to buy a small pet and accustom it to a new home. The nutrition of such a kitten, as a rule, has already been established by breeders and for new owners there will be no problems in choosing food or compiling a diet.

Also, there will be no problems in order to accustom the baby to the toilet, his own place; at this age, the main character traits are perfectly visible, so you can choose the one that will fully meet your expectations. Choosing a Brit with an easy-going nature is always a pleasure. Before choosing a Scottish three-month-old kitten, you should study several sections of information:

  • with what interval and what to feed him;
  • when to vaccinate and what kind of vaccinations are needed;
  • what conditions are necessary for a comfortable location;
  • how much does a Scottish kitten weigh at 3 months and how should it look.

Scots nutrition rules at 3 months

The most common first question that arises in the owners of a Scottish kitten at 3 months: what to feed a Scottish kitten at 3 months?

Indeed, at this age, he can even chew solid food on his own, but at the same time, without knowing the basic rules of nutrition, you can lead to digestive upset of a Scottish kitten at 3 months and completely disable the digestive tract, which is unacceptable for such small kittens.

In order for this not to happen, several rules must be taken into account:

The nutrition of a three-month-old kitten of the Fold breed also includes a small amount of fermented milk products and milk, however, their fat content should be strictly limited, since the presence of very fatty foods can lead to intestinal upset. Properly feeding a kitten at the age of 3 months should be started 4 times a day, while it is necessary to constantly ensure the availability of fresh, boiled water.

If you opt for dry food, it is also necessary to give them strictly in dosage, as they are addictive and upset the feeling of satiety.

At any age, Scottish cats are very fond of eating delicious supplements to their main diet, but they should not be abused, vitamins and additional supplements should be given only after consulting a veterinarian.

Required vaccinations for Scots at 3 months

After you have taken your little cat from the cattery, one of the main questions that arise is the need for vaccination. Vaccination of a three-month-old Scottish kitten should be done exclusively by a veterinarian.

Given that vaccination is carried out in a period of 8 to 12 weeks, special attention should be paid to ensure that the doctor correctly enters the vaccination data into the veterinary passport. After all, regardless of whether the cat will take part in competitions and exhibitions or not, it must be vaccinated annually.

It is also of great importance whether the mother of the Scottish kitten was vaccinated at 3 months, since if vaccination was not given, it is necessary to vaccinate from 8 weeks, and if the mother has a veterinary passport and all the necessary vaccinations have been carried out, you can be taken to a veterinarian at the age of 12 weeks.

If for some reason you missed the deadline for vaccinations, then every veterinarian will recommend not to carry out any medical manipulations with cattle from 4 to 7 months, since during this period his teeth change. Immediately before the injection, the doctor will definitely examine your pet, as the presence of any disease is a strict contraindication. In addition, do not forget about the mandatory digitization before vaccination.

Weight and appearance of a Scottish kitten at 3 months

A Scottish kitten at 3 months old looks quite strong and tall, while the features of his physique are already clearly visible. At this age, you can easily understand what an adult cat will look like, a clear coat color is visible, and sometimes eye color. The weight of a 3 month old Scottish kitten can vary from 900 to 1600 grams.

At this age, the difference between boys and girls is already quite clearly visible, both in the structure of the body and in the expression of the muzzle. Character formation is also completely over, and such a Scottish kitten adapts perfectly to a new place.

Before picking up a baby from the nursery, you need to get his veterinary passport, find out exactly:

  • how much does a Scottish kitten weigh at 3 months;
  • what diet was observed;
  • whether all necessary vaccinations have been made;
  • what features were in the organization of his life;
  • what filler was used for the toilet.

All this is very important in order to ensure a soft adaptation to a new home and minimally injure the baby's psyche.


You should not focus solely on the appearance of the baby when meeting, it is necessary to take into account the habits, character traits and contact of a particular Scottish kitten at 3 months.

At this age, he should clearly know where the tray is, easily make contact, respond with purrs to various caresses and strokes, and also have a healthy appetite.

In the event that the baby shows aggression, it is necessary to pay attention to the conditions of its maintenance in order to determine whether this is an innate character trait, or whether it is simply the presence of annoying factors, such as: too small a territory for habitation, a large number of small kittens, insufficient care. If you carefully approach the choice of your new pet, then he will delight you for more than one year or a month and will become a great friend in a cozy home.

The kitten's nutrition should be balanced, because. otherwise, he will have problems with stool, vomiting, diarrhea, and abnormal development.

Nutrition should be limited to time frames: small straight-eared and lop-eared kittens are fed 5-6 times a day, teenagers - 3-4 times a day, adult cats - 2 times a day (morning and evening).

The kitten must have its own bowls that cannot be washed with chemicals. Bowls should be placed in a quiet place where nothing disturbs the kitten: if the animal is nervous while eating, this negatively affects health.

It is also important to know how to water a Scottish kitten. The kitten should have constant access to water, also in a quiet protected place. Water should be changed every day. It is advisable to choose a large enough capacity, because. felines love "reservoirs" more. And they are especially fanatical about running water: to imitate it, you can buy a special cat fountain, but do not allow drinking from the tap: there is harmful chlorinated water. A bowl of water should not be placed in the same place as food: cats like to drink at a distance from the feeding place, which is dictated by wild instincts - water can become infected with poisons next to food.

The kitten should eat often and in small portions, because. otherwise, the body will have difficulty digesting what is eaten, and this will lead to hiccups, vomiting and other consequences. Of course, the cat does not mind at one time eating 200 grams, laid down for a day, but the owner should follow the quantity limit: put in the bowl as much as the kitten can eat at a time, without a stock.

Additionally, vitamins are included in the diet of kittens. Read more about them in a separate article.

Scottish kitten homemade food

Disputes of breeders about what is better to feed a Scottish kitten, natural food or factory food, have been going on, probably, since the factories began to produce ready-made food. We will not give an answer to this question, because everything depends not only on the benefits or harm that certain products give the body, but also on your wallet and the availability of free time. Although, of course, if you have the time, opportunities and you properly balance the diet, there is nothing better than natural nutrition. At the same time, you may nottake time for it.

natural nutrition (People call it "straight") - this is not food from the master's table, as many people think. This is a separate food prepared according to cat rules. It includes such products.

What can and should be fed to kittens - lop-eared Scots and straight-eared

Meat Meat (poultry, rabbit, beef) is the basis of the menu: its share should reach up to 90% of the daily diet. We give the meat not fatty, raw (it must be frozen for at least 3 days in the freezer). Meat contains many useful elements that a kitten needs: protein, amino acids, etc. When cooked, many elements are destroyed. However, boiled meat is allowed for those kittens who at this stage are on the transfer from ready-made food to natural food and cannot yet fully digest the raw product.
by-products Offal (heart, stomachs, liver, kidneys, etc.) are also the basis of the diet and are included in those 90% of the meat and bone component of the menu. The heart contains the amino acid taurine, which helps the functioning of the organs of vision, digestion and heart, in the liver (it is given 1 time in 1-2 weeks or a little bit every day as part of mixes) - vitamins necessary for hair, bones, organs of vision and digestion. Although veterinarians argue about the liver: after all, it is a filter in which poisons settle. Therefore, it is desirable that the liver be taken from a more or less environmentally friendly animal, for example, from a turkey.
Bones Small kittens should not eat whole bones, especially the tubular bones of a bird, because. they can injure the digestive tract. But kittens need calcium, which is contained in the bones. Therefore, you can take chicken necks and heads, grind them in a meat grinder and serve with meat. If this is not possible, you need to add fermented milk products, crushed egg shells and calcium in the form of supplements to the diet.
Fish Fish should not be the main dish in a cat's diet. It can be given to cats only starting from a certain age (from about 5 months) and not more than once a week. The fact is that urolithiasis often develops from a large amount of fish in the diet. You can serve fish in the form of boiled pieces, separated from the bones. Good for cats (but not more than once a week) low-fat varieties of fish such as hake, catfish, hake, tuna, etc.
Cottage cheese Cottage cheese, only good, not sour, fresh and from a trusted manufacturer, is very useful for kittens. First of all, calcium, which is necessary for the skeletal system. Secondly, it is protein - a universal building material. At the same time, this part of the diet is not mandatory. Cottage cheese for Scottish Fold and Straight kittens is rather an additive.
Cheese Non-fatty, non-salty, and non-spicy cheeses are suitable for cats. Cheese contains protein and calcium for growth.
Dairy Fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, whey, but not milk), in addition to cottage cheese, are necessary for cats, because. help with the digestive system and contain proteins. All of them should be low fat.
Eggs The yolk contains amino acids, minerals and vitamins. It can be boiled (no more than 5 minutes) and crumbled into a bowl or served raw. But it’s better not to offer chicken protein, because. it is bad for hair. If you feed a kitten with quail eggs, then you can give both the protein and the yolk, and it is most useful raw. First you need to rinse the egg with boiling water to wash off infections and dirt. Eggs are served 1-2 times a week.
Vegetables Vegetables (beets, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, broccoli, etc.) can be a frequent guest in a kitten's bowl. Most of the vegetables are not absorbed by the cat's digestive system, but it is fiber that helps to forget about constipation. In addition, the cat's body absorbs the vitamins contained in vegetables. Suitable for both fresh and boiled vegetables. The second option is more loyal to the stomach, especially when it comes to carrots and beets. But there are more vitamins in fresh vegetables. The ideal option is a steamed vegetable.
Greenery Many kittens love parsley, dill and other greens. A special grass for cats, consisting mainly of wheat and oats, is useful for many vitamins and minerals. Plant it on the windowsill - your pet will appreciate and perhaps even stop pestering houseplants.
Oils Unrefined vegetable oils from flax, olive, sea buckthorn, rice, grapes and hemp are good for kittens, but rarely and in small amounts - a few drops at a time and not every day. Sunflower oil is not recommended in any case: sunflower pulls on all the contents of the soil more than any other plant, including poisons. In addition, refined oils are harmful. Although it is worth noting that any vegetable fats are practically not absorbed by the body of cats, so it is better for them to prefer animals.

The natural nutrition of a cat differs from human nutrition in that it is not salted or flavored with spices. That is, it must be fresh. Slightly salted foods are occasionally allowed.

The meat is served either raw (preferred) or boiled, but never fried, cured or marinated.

You also need to understand that it is impossible to save on a cat, that is, it is inappropriate to give spoiled and weathered products. Domestic pedigreed cats are very sensitive to food and can suffer from indigestion because of it. Slightly spoiled food can only be fed to street cats who are used to it. And then, it is better to have pity on them.

The food you serve should not be cold or hot: bring it to room temperature, or a little warmer.

What can not be fed lop-eared and straight-eared kittens?

What Scottish fold and straight-eared kittens eat with pleasure does not always coincide with what is useful for them. Learn a list of what not to do.

Sweet Not in any quantity. If a cat asks for sweets, it means that he is interested in something else in the composition of the product, because cats do not have receptors that recognize the sweet taste. Do not buy into the requests of the cat: he can develop diabetes very quickly.
Salty We do not salt food for kittens at all. We also do not give salty products from the store. Salty foods can cause kidney and bladder problems in cats, to which the Scots are already prone.
spicy Kittens shouldn't have spices at all. They upset the digestion.
Onion garlic Similarly, garlic and onions can lead to serious problems.
Chocolate Even if chocolate is not sweet, as it should be according to the classics, it is still impossible for a cat in any case: for an animal it is poison.
Coffee Similarly, coffee is poison to cats. If the cat asks for coffee, then he may be attracted to the milk that you add to the drink.
Milk Kittens are supposed to eat fermented milk, but milk, which contains lactose, in cats older than 3 months causes gas and indigestion. The owners often do not notice this, but in fact the animals do not feel well after milk. If there is a strong desire to feed a kitten with milk, pay attention to goat milk or special ready-made milk formulas for kittens. After 3 months, cats do not need milk at all.
Marinades Kittens are not allowed to eat anything marinated, not just meat. This applies to any preservation.
smoked Just remember that it is poison.
Bold Fat without measure and fried, it doesn’t matter if it’s meat or not, you can’t. The pancreas of a kitten will not withstand such nutrition. Even sour cream for a Scottish Straight and Scottish Fold kitten can be too fatty food, so nutritionists do not recommend it.
fatty pork Pork with hanging pieces of fat is not allowed for cats. But sometimes a small piece of the lean part is allowed.
canned food Any product in canned food is always generously supplied with salt, spices and preservatives. This in itself is harmful even to humans, not to mention the digestive and urinary system of a kitten, which is much worse adapted to such food than ours.
Citrus Lemons, oranges, tangerines and other citrus fruits, as a rule, cannot be tolerated by cats. But there are exceptions. Citrus fruits contain harsh essential oils that hit the seals' keen sense of smell. Plus, eating them threatens indigestion.
Fruits The digestive system of cats is not adapted to eating fruits and berries, so indigestion can occur from them.
Mushrooms Mushrooms are too heavy food. In addition, they can cause poisoning.
Potato Potatoes are pure starch, which is very difficult to digest and is poorly absorbed by the body of cats. Recently, feline nutritionists have allowed the consumption of just a few grams of potatoes per day.
beans Peas, lentils, soybeans and other legumes are banned, because. these are too heavy food for a kitten, plus they cause fermentation.
flour All flour, including bread, is harmful to kittens and has no nutritional value for them. Instead, it is better to purchase special yeast for cats in the form of a supplement.

Eating prepared food involves the use of factory-created mixtures in the form of pastes, pieces of jelly, canned food and dry pads. Usually, such mixtures include everything the same as in natural food, but it is specially processed for long-term storage. Draw your own conclusions. But in any case, you can’t feed cheap mass-market feeds like Whiskas, Kitiket, etc. According to veterinarians, cheap cat food is made from who knows what, so their use will lead to illness. Veterinarians recommend only super-premium and holistic foods.

Adherents of ready-made feeds put forward the main arguments in favor of such nutrition that, firstly, the substances in the composition of the feeds are already balanced, and, secondly, such nutrition is easier for the owners: bought - got - poured.

Please note that it is undesirable to mix natural food and ready-made food - choose one or the other. And the brand of food should also always be the same. After all, otherwise it is very difficult to create a balanced menu, because. each feed has its own characteristics.

If there are dry pads on the menu, the cat will need an increased intake of fresh water. Buy a special fountain for your cat to encourage him to drink more.

What to feed a kitten: breakdown by age

If you feed a kitten with food, then everything is simple: choose the food in accordance with the age indicated on the package, serve it in the amount in which it is written in the instructions, and as many times as required by age. But, it is worth noting that the food contains many ingredients, and if your cat has sensitive digestion and reacts negatively to some components of the food (vomits, scolds), then it is difficult to figure out what kind of product it is. For such cases, a natural diet is recommended.

Those who are going to feed a natural cat will have to study the issue. It will be difficult at first, while several meals are needed per day. As soon as the kitten becomes a teenager, that is, reaches 5 months, everything will become much easier.

Feeding raw meat is preferred for felines because in nature, they feed on it. Such nutrition is considered more balanced, because. boiled meat already lacks many necessary elements. The main thing is that the meat is of high quality, from a factory where infection with worms is minimized and where they are not fond of chemistry.

A kitten should consume a serving of approximately 10% of its weight per day. This is an average. It is not customary to restrict kittens in food: they should eat as much as they want.

For those who want to feed a cat with natural food, but there is little time for this, breeders are advised to make preparations. Mix meat, offal (heart, neck, kidneys - if your cat does not like kidneys because of a specific smell, in this case you will do without kidneys, a little liver - with an excess of liver, a cat can swear, greens, vegetables (if it contains carrots, its must be pre-boiled), raw quail egg, chopped kelp or other additive. Divide this mixture into portions into bags and freeze in the freezer. Then take out one bag at a time and bring to room temperature. The mix is ​​ready: a healthy dish can be served to the cat.

What to feed a kitten up to 1 month old and a monthly Scottish fold and straight-eared kitten

At the age of up to 3 weeks - 1 month mother feeds kittens: up to 2 weeks - 10 times a day, including at night, at 1 month - 8 times a day. Further, complementary foods are introduced, but the kittens feed on mother's milk for up to 2.5 months, so it is impossible to wean them from her before this period. A mother cat at this time has a difficult task: her body is depleted and therefore the best thing the owner can do is to feed her mother intensively and in a balanced way. But this is a topic for a separate article. Complementary foods directly to kittens begin at about 1 month.

It happens that kittens do not have mothers for some reason. Then a person has to feed them. This occupation is difficult and painstaking: in the first week you need to feed every 2 hours, that is, you will have to take time off at work. In addition, without mother's milk, kittens do not receive her antibodies and resistance to infections. Therefore, if possible, it is better to place the kittens with another nursing cat (a healthy clean cat with all vaccinations, a street mother will not do): she usually does not refuse to shelter foundlings.

Did you know that sometimes cats even feed animals of a different species? For example, one caring mother brought up the hedgehogs thrown to her.

But sometimes there is no such possibility. Then you need to feed the kittens at the rate of 30 ml of food per 100 grams of kitten weight in the first week, 38 ml per 100 grams of kitten weight in two weeks, 48 ​​ml per 100 grams of kitten weight in the third week, 48-53 ml per 100 grams of kitten weight from four weeks. We are talking about milk (cream) or a special factory-made milk mixture for kittens. The mixture can be poured into the mouth through a bottle with a nipple, a pipette or a syringe without a needle: carefully so that the kitten does not choke. You can buy this mixture at the pet store.

Why is cow's milk worse than mother's or commercial formula? The water content in cat milk is 70%, fat content - no more than 11%, proteins in it - 11%, lactose - 3%. At first glance, cow's milk is very similar in composition to cat's milk, which contains 88% water, 3.2% protein, 3.25% fat, 5.2% lactose. It also contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B12, D, calcium, magnesium and potassium. But there is a significant difference in the amount of lactose: in cow's milk it is 5.2%, in cat's milk - only 3%, that is, almost half as much. And the kitten's digestive system hardly perceives a large amount of lactose.

If you decide to feed a kitten with a cow product (and life often dictates just such an option, because not everyone has access to special mixtures), it is better to take cream:1 sachet 10% fat mixed with 1 egg yolk. This mixture is given instead of mother's milk.

Experts consider factory-made premium cat milk replacers to be the ideal option. The substitute in its properties is as close as possible to cat's milk and corresponds to the capabilities of the kitten's digestive system. Also formilk changers are enriched with taurine - an amino acid, which is almost absent in the milk of ungulates, as well as omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.

At around 4 weeks, kittens can begin to be weaned from milk if they drink a substitute. The kitten is gradually stopped giving milk and is introduced into the diet of solid food. Scottish kitten food should be mushy, preferably crushed with a blender.

Sometimes it is necessary to introduce complementary foods up to 1 month, because. the cat has little milk. The fact that kittens are malnourished can be guessed by the way they squeak all the time, trying to stick to the cat's chest and to your fingers.

You need to start with one type of complementary food and, only when the kitten has mastered it well, proceed to the introduction of another. For example, let's start with one type of meat. It should be finely chopped or beaten with a blender into gruel. Also, complementary foods are good to start with fermented milk products (ryazhenka, cottage cheese), but not with kefir, because. it is too heavy for babies.

EXPERT COMMENT: felinologist and cattery owner Zhanna Korsunskaya

Kittens are able to eat the same food as their mother from the age of three weeks. However, this does not mean the end of breastfeeding: the cat will feed the children for quite a long time. As the kittens grow, the proportion of the main food increases, and the proportion of mother's milk decreases until it disappears. Do not be afraid that the pieces in the mother's bowl are too large, that there are bones there: in any case, the kitten will not start with a complex one. He will choose what he likes, what he can bite off, chew, swallow. The lack of necessary substances at this age is replenished by mother's milk. Therefore, there is no need for complementary foods - lightweight, crushed, fortified kitten nutrition. If the mother's diet is balanced, then it is absolutely suitable for children. If the cub has not yet begun to be interested in the mother's food, but is as well-fed and active as his brethren, there is no reason for concern. And in no case should you try to force feed. When the time comes, the kitten will begin to eat from his mother's bowl on his own and eventually completely switch to a meat diet.

What to feed a two-month-old Scottish kitten (1-2 months)

The menu of a Scottish kitten at 2 months includes meals 7 times a day. At this age, ideally, kittens still receive mother's milk, but they already eat complementary foods with pleasure. At 1.5 months, a kitten needs about 120 grams of food per day, including mother's milk, which is still the basis of the diet.

The nutrition of a Scottish kitten at 2 months old can be natural or already factory. If you plan to feed a kitten with ready-made food, then this is done starting from 1-1.5 months. To do this, you need to purchase special products for kittens in accordance with age. If these are dry foods, then they must first be soaked, because the kitten is not able to digest such solid food. Or buy canned kitten food with wet food. However, it is desirable to start complementary foods with meat.

But soup for Scottish kittens - food is not relevant. Starting from a very young age, kittens can already consume minced meat and small pieces of meat. The consistency of the soup in normal digestion is not needed.