What if the nose bleeds. Nosebleeds - why and what to do? Why does the nose bleed: local causes

Nosebleeds in adults are common. The reasons for this are varied, so attention to the disease should be comprehensive. To do this, a person must study all possible circumstances that may affect nosebleeds. Additionally, information about treatment and prevention will help to solve the problem professionally and prevent its recurrence. An important point, in cases where blood from the nose in an adult appears often, then a diagnostic examination by a specialist is required, since this will reveal the real causes of the disease.

Nosebleed: what is it?

A disease called epistaxis is the medical name for nosebleeds. In 60% of cases, the disease occurs unexpectedly for the patient, which causes fear and confusion. Knowing the main causes of the problem, the stages of treatment and methods of prevention, you can not only stop the development, but also prevent the possibility of relapse. It is important for a person who is faced with the appearance of nosebleeds not to worry, but to act according to existing rules in order to quickly stop it.

Symptoms and signs

Blood loss originating from the nose has certain symptoms and signs that will allow a person to recognize the disease in advance.

The main ones are divided into 3 large groups:

  • The main signs of bleeding;
  • Acute blood loss;
  • Symptoms of the underlying disease, leading to the appearance of blood from the nose.

An important feature of the course of the disease, which is noted by experts: in some patients, nosebleeds begin quite unexpectedly, while others experience the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • Noise distinctly audible in the ears;
  • Headaches (sometimes migraine);
  • Itching. Sometimes very intense in the nose (or tickling).

The main visual sign is the release of blood or clots with it from the nasal cavity. If it got into the nasopharyngeal cavity, then the pharyngoscopy procedure will help to recognize the problem. In 75% of cases, a person observes the appearance of drops (less often blood streams) that stand out from the nose.

Separation of symptoms and signs according to the degree of blood loss

With weak blood loss, symptoms are not felt in 95% of cases. In this case, problems are noted after - in the form of dizziness from the sight of blood, a slight ringing in the ears or weakness. Pallor of the skin and palpitations are recorded in a quarter of patients, but this is due to the general susceptibility of the psyche.

Blood loss of moderate severity is accompanied by symptoms of pronounced severity, these include:

  • Dizziness;
  • Falling blood pressure;
  • The appearance of tachycardia;
  • acrocyanosis;
  • Shortness of breath.

In the case when severe blood loss is recorded, the following manifestations of the disease and the reaction of the body are noted:

  • lethargy;
  • Loss of consciousness (in rare cases);
  • Weak (called thready) pulse;
  • Tachycardia in a pronounced form;
  • A sharp decrease in blood pressure.

In case of moderate to severe nosebleed, a doctor should be called immediately. Independent attempts to stop it can lead to a worsening of the situation.

What are bleeding?

The disease varies in form and severity. In general, the total volume of blood that a person loses varies from 1-2 ml to 0.5 liters - it depends on the severity of the manifestation and the timely first aid (first aid) provided.

There are the following types of epistaxis:

  • Minor(1-5 ml, but not more than 10 ml) - such bleeding does not pose a danger to human health, there will also be no negative consequences and complications;
  • Moderate(from 10 to 199 ml) - manifestation - weakness, slight feeling of dizziness, light or dark spots - "flies" before the eyes. Sometimes there are blanching of the natural shade of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Mass(approaching 300) - blood can flow out of the nose not immediately, but gradually. This species is accompanied by pronounced symptoms: weakness, distinct tinnitus, dizziness, headache, intense thirst and shortness of breath;
  • profuse(blood loss exceeds 450 and approaches 500 ml). The manifestations are bright - there is a loss of consciousness, weakness, dizziness of varying degrees of manifestation, headaches that may resemble a migraine, a sharp or gradual, but constant decrease in blood pressure.

Important! Blood loss of 200 ml or more can lead to hemorrhagic shock, which is expressed in a sharp (sometimes leading to fainting) drop in blood pressure. There is also lethargy, insufficient blood circulation in the internal organs.

Also, the division is made a little differently - local and general bleeding from the nasal cavity is isolated. Local is the process of bleeding caused by local damage to the nose. General - bleeding that began for other reasons.

There are other forms and types of the disease.

According to the localization of the process, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • Anterior - arises and begins in the anterior sections of the nasal septum. The frequency of manifestations is 90% of all cases. The reason is vascular damage. Stopping is easy even at home;
  • Posterior epistaxis - starts from the back of the nose, develops there, the incidence of cases is 48%. This type often requires qualified medical assistance, it is difficult to stop on your own. Feature - blood can get into the throat;
  • Unilateral - blood is discharged from one nostril. The intensity of the process is different, depending on the reasons;
  • Bilateral - bleeding is fixed immediately in each of the nostrils.

The division is also made according to the frequency of occurrence.


  • Sporadic - occurs rarely, most often 1-2 times over a long period of time;
  • Recurring (relapses). It is noted by regularity, short periods between the occurrence of bleeding.

If blood appears frequently, an immediate visit to a medical institution for diagnostics and a comprehensive examination is necessary.

There is a classification that takes into account the mechanism of the problem.

She happens:

  • spontaneous;
  • traumatic;
  • operating;
  • postoperative (during surgical interventions, for example, during plastic changes in the shape of the nose or its septum).

The disease also appears due to damage to blood vessels.

In this case, allocate:

  • arterial;
  • venous;
  • capillary bleeding.

All forms and types of the disease are taken into account by the doctor during the examination. This is necessary to ensure the highest quality and fastest therapy.


They may be local or general.

The first ones include:

  • injuries (nose, face in general, head);
  • surgical interventions and specialized procedures;
  • infectious diseases;
  • allergic reactions;
  • formed polyps in the nose;
  • features of the microclimate in the room (for example, low humidity, high temperature).

Also, blood can appear as a result of inhalation of caustic substances or steam.

The general ones include:

  • high blood pressure;
  • violation of blood clotting processes;
  • various blood diseases;
  • vascular weakness;
  • systemic infections.

In order to identify the true causes of the disease, you should, without delay, consult a doctor.

Clinical picture

The clinical picture is one of the main ones in the preparation of a treatment program. Therapy and necessary procedures are prescribed based on visual observation of what is happening and the patient's condition. So anterior nosebleed is expressed in the release of a certain volume of blood from one (damaged) or from each nostril (most often a consequence of injuries or concomitant ailments). Intensity - drop by drop (1-5) or a jet of intensity. Volumes depend on the reasons.

In turn, the picture of the posterior flow of blood from the nose looks different. Starting in the back of the nose, blood can enter the throat. The intensity is varied and depends on many factors. It is important to remember that there may not be symptoms and visible causes - everything will be clear only after specialized diagnostics in a medical office.

In this case, additionally appear:

  • nausea and vomiting (cause - blood in the throat);
  • hemoptysis;
  • Coloration of digestive enzymes (stool turns black).

In turn, the clinical picture also depends on the volume of leaked blood. If the loss is up to 10 ml, then the person tolerates it normally - the general condition and well-being can remain stable. Exceptions are hysteria and fainting, which occur in people with a sensitive psyche.

If the process of blood loss continues for a long time or the volumes exceed 10 ml, then the following are added to the clinical picture:

  • General weakness;
  • The appearance of ringing and noise in the ears (lowering pressure);
  • feeling of thirst;
  • "Flies";
  • The skin turns pale.

In addition, there is a slight shortness of breath and a rapid heartbeat.

Excessive bleeding (loss of more than 20% of the total volume) causes hemorrhagic shock, manifested by characteristic signs that are taken into account when making a diagnosis and prescribing in therapy.

Danger of nosebleeds

The main danger of the disease is the development of complications and negative consequences for the body associated with the simultaneous loss of a large volume of blood. Therefore, it is important to determine the type and type of ailment as soon as possible. With minor bleeding, there will be no health consequences in 95% of cases.

Massive (abundant) outflow of blood leads to violations of some functions of the systems and their parts - individual internal organs. It must be remembered that the appearance of blood from the nose, especially for no apparent reason, is a signal that an examination is necessary, there are violations that only a specialist can recognize.

Diagnostic methods

Seeing a doctor is the first step towards determining the causes of the disease.

Diagnostics includes several methods:

  • Analysis of patient complaints;
  • Visual observation (evaluation of the problem according to the clinical picture);
  • General inspection;
  • Examination with the help of computer technologies.

The analysis of the disease includes the identification of intensity, the presence of vomiting and hemoptysis. At this stage of diagnosis, the doctor will know the approximate time of onset and duration of bleeding. The patient must tell what causes led to the disease - whether there were injuries. Visual observation allows you to compare the story of a person and the clinical picture of the disease. Diagnostic measures take into account the presence of diseases of various systems and organs, as they can cause bleeding.

A general examination allows you to pay attention to small signs that will tell the doctor about the person's condition. At this stage, the types and forms of the disease are identified, allowing to adjust the therapy. Rhinoscopy is performed - examination of the nasal cavity and pharyngoscopy - examination of the oropharynx. They can be visual and with the use of tools or appliances.

In addition, a general (for health assessment) blood test is prescribed. Its main task is to determine the number of constituent elements of the blood - erythrocytes, as well as the level of hemoglobin and platelets. The level of trace elements in the blood, primarily iron, is also assessed. If necessary, a coagulogram procedure is performed - a study of blood clotting.

Traditional treatment

Based on the results of the diagnosis, treatment is prescribed.

It should solve several problems:

  • Stop the negative process;
  • Avoid repetition;
  • Replenish the body of blood loss.

If the blood does not flow out of the nose much, then it is necessary to apply mechanical pressure to the nose - squeeze it with your fingers. Then a clean cloth soaked in cold water is applied. You can use ice for this purpose. Also, a cotton or cloth swab is placed in the nasal passages (nostrils) or one of them, which should be moistened in any vasoconstrictor ( hydrogen peroxide 3%). You can't tilt your head back! This can cause blood to enter the throat.

Bleeding can be stopped:

  • Influencing the method of cauterization with special means;
  • Applying extreme conditions - ice or strong heat (it is better to entrust to a specialist);
  • Nasal tamponade (use of natural biological tissues).

Drugs that improve the processes responsible for normal blood clotting are also used. In case of profuse blood loss, surgical intervention is performed, for example, arterial ligation or vessel embolization is performed.

Additionally, funds are prescribed to reduce pressure (according to indications), droppers and fluid replenishment. In severe cases, treatment includes transfusion of donated blood or blood components such as plasma. All medications used in treatment must be prescribed by a doctor.

Treatment with traditional medicine

Treatment with traditional medicine recipes is the use of compresses and lotions made on the basis of herbs:

  • Nettle (dioecious);
  • yarrow;
  • Shepherd bags.

They promote blood clotting, prevent inflammation and increase hemoglobin levels.


Prevention of the disease is associated with the main causes of its occurrence. It is necessary to humidify the air in the room, use saline solutions to rinse the nose. Avoid injury to the face, head and nose, get rid of dust and other irritants in a timely manner.

Allergy treatment and timely prevention (prevention of the possibility of occurrence) of colds and infectious diseases help prevent the occurrence of nosebleeds. Good rest and control of pressure indicators can also prevent negative manifestations.

Blood from the nose in an adult is not a rare phenomenon, but it requires attention. Timely diagnosis and proper treatment will help to forget about this problem forever.

Sudden bleeding is always scary or at least alarming for the reason that, ideally, the blood should be inside the vessels, and not come out of them to the surface. The same concern is always caused by blood from the nose - its causes can lie in two different planes - local problems and general diseases.

Types of nosebleeds

The nose is an olfactory organ, richly innervated and supplied with a huge number of vessels. Injured or weak vessels sometimes leak, which is characterized by varying degrees of intensity: in some cases, only a few drops flow out, in others, moderate or severe (profuse) bleeding develops.

Nosebleeds are distinguished by the following signs:

  • Localizations;
  • frequency of occurrence;
  • Mechanism and type of damaged vessels;
  • The amount of blood loss.

The totality of data obtained by the doctor during the examination (examination) of the patient, allows you to determine the nature of bleeding, causes, as well as assess possible risks and provide first aid. If necessary, further treatment is prescribed.

Causes of bleeding

Bleeding from the nose can be caused by various reasons, for example, among them :

  • High blood pressure is the most common cause of nosebleeds. An increase in blood pressure on the walls of fragile capillaries often breaks them, which is why blood comes from the nose. Usually, high blood pressure is often observed in people of retirement age.
  • Injuries. Mechanical injuries are also one of the common causes of nosebleeds. Blood can go if a person picks his nose, or during a runny nose - when the nose is injured with handkerchiefs, easily injured nasal vessels with ARVI swell and burst.
  • drying out. Drying of the mucosa occurs in cold weather or dry indoor air and can lead to bleeding.
  • Poor blood clotting. Bleeding from the nose can occur with poor blood clotting, as well as in those who take acetylsalicylic acid and other blood-thinning drugs.
  • Vitamin K. Bleeding caused by poor blood clotting may be due to a lack of vitamin K. Its source is spinach, lettuce, all types of cabbage, avocados, bananas, wheat bran, soy, meat, eggs, milk and dairy products, olive oil.
  • Vitamin C. Vitamin C affects the state of blood vessels, with a deficiency of which their fragility increases. This explains the bleeding in children after illness, when the body is weakened and lacks vitamins, as well as in winter and spring. Therefore, it is important to monitor nutrition, especially after illness and in the cold season.
  • Polyps in the nose. Polyps are growths in the nasal mucosa that prevent it from functioning normally. The processes interfere with breathing and exert physical pressure on the vessels. With polyps, nose bleeds quite often, especially in the morning. In addition, dryness of the nose and the formation of crusts leads to picking and new bleeding.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia. If spontaneous bleeding from the nose is preceded by headache and tinnitus, and blood from the nose comes against the background of watery secretions, then most likely the cause is vegetovascular dystonia. Many people, especially children, do not tolerate weather changes, due to which blood pressure also changes dramatically, the vessels either expand or narrow, as a result of which their walls cannot withstand and burst.
  • Hormones. This reason explains nosebleeds in girls during hormonal changes, this phenomenon is called replacement bleeding. The tissue of the nose and the tissue of the genital organs are of the same type, it is called cavernous tissue. If you look at it under a microscope, you can see the tight interlacing of tangles of blood vessels. Therefore, when before the onset of menstruation, blood rushes to the genitals, the cavernous tissues of the nose reflexively swell, the vessels overflow with blood, sometimes they cannot stand it, burst, and blood comes from the nose. Usually, with the establishment of a constant menstrual cycle, these problems in girls disappear, but this does not interfere with telling the endocrinologist and gynecologist about them during the appointment. By the way, similar hormonal causes of nosebleeds can be during pregnancy.
  • Overheat. Nosebleeds are often associated with overheating of the body, for example, in the summer with sunstroke, and in winter with an increase in temperature during the flu and respiratory infections.
  • Sudden changes in barometric pressure. Climbers and divers often suffer from nosebleeds due to the fact that they have to endure sudden changes in pressure.
  • Overwork. Nosebleeds can appear due to severe overwork, workload or study, lack of fresh air, lack of sleep, stress, and so on. As a result of all these factors, the walls of blood vessels become fragile and brittle, which causes bleeding from the nose. Therefore, it is important to carefully monitor your lifestyle, fully relax and eat well. In children, 90% of spontaneous nosebleeds originate from the area of ​​Kisselbach's plexus - this is a place at the lower edge of the nasal septum, where there is a very dense network of branched blood vessels. In children, the vessels are located close to the surface, while the mucous membrane is thin, so any damage to the mucous membrane and a sharp expansion of the vessels can cause bleeding.

Diseases of the body as a cause of nosebleeds

In some cases, it is not easy to establish the cause of recurring attacks in an adult, especially if the disease lurks deep in the bowels of the body.

Hypertonic disease

Most adults over 40 have high blood pressure. An increase in blood pressure at the onset of the disease is felt by tinnitus and headaches. However, people with thin walls of nasal vessels often experience bleeding. Recurring negative symptoms are a reason to measure blood pressure.

Secondary arterial hypertension

High blood pressure is not always a consequence of hypertension. The tension of the vascular bed is regulated by many factors. The greatest role is played by the substance angiotensin, secreted by the kidneys. Any violation of their work - inflammation (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis) or blood deficiency due to cholesterol plaques in the renal vessels leads to an increase in blood pressure. In addition, the tone of the vascular wall is regulated by hormones: aldosterone, thyroxine, vasopressin, adrenaline, norepinephrine, cortisol. An uncontrolled increase in their production also leads to an increase in blood pressure. Before making a conclusion about the presence of hypertension, it is necessary to exclude other possible factors.

Rondu-Osler disease

Another cause of recurring episodes of nosebleeds is a rare hereditary vascular disease - Rondu-Osler syndrome. Normally, the vascular wall is quite strong and consists of three layers: the inner intima, the muscular media, and the outer connective tissue adventitia. A hereditary disease leads to a congenital defect in the structure of the vascular bed: the absence of the middle and outer membranes. Such vessels are very thin, and therefore a slight impact can lead to profuse nosebleeds.

Systemic vasculitis

The cause of nosebleeds can be diseases that cause inflammation of the vascular wall - vasculitis. Most of them are based on the aggression of the immune system against its own tissues and organs, including blood vessels.

  • giant cell temporal aortoarteritis;
  • aortoarteritis;
  • Tokayasu disease;
  • Wegener's granulomatosis;
  • Churg-Strauss syndrome;
  • Kawasaki disease;
  • microscopic polyangiitis;
  • nodular periarteritis.

All these diseases lead to a decrease in the strength of the vascular wall, which causes blood from the nose. Pathology requires confirmation - a histological examination of a tissue sample of the nasal cavity.

Diseases of hematopoiesis

Hematopoietic diseases are another possible cause of frequent nosebleeds. Blood cells - leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets - are formed in the red bone marrow, undergoing several successive transformations. Any disruption of these processes can lead to repeated episodes. The disease can affect only one link of hematopoiesis - the formation of erythrocytes, leukocytes or platelets.

Such pathologies include:

  • anemia (anemia);
  • malignant tumor of the white germ of the bone marrow - leukemia;
  • multiple myeloma - a tumor from a certain type of white blood cells;
  • Thrombocytopenia is a disease in which not enough platelets, called platelets, are produced in the bone marrow.

To confirm a hematopoietic disease, a complete blood count and microscopic examination of a bone marrow sample taken with a sternum puncture are required.

Liver disease

The liver is an extremely important part of the human body. It performs many different functions. Among them, not the last place is occupied by the formation of substances with the help of which blood coagulation occurs. Chronic inflammation in the liver (hepatitis), proliferation of connective tissue (cirrhosis) inevitably leads to disruption of this process. The lack of blood coagulation factors can be manifested not only by nosebleeds, but also by hematomas on the skin or internal hemorrhages. Confirmation of liver disease requires a comprehensive examination using analysis, ultrasound, tomography.

Infectious diseases

Blood from the nose often occurs against the background of a common infectious disease. Influenza, a severe viral pathology, is becoming a particularly common cause. The causative agent, penetrating into the body, releases specific toxins. As a result, the integrity of the vascular wall is violated not only in the nasal cavity, but throughout the body, including the brain. In addition, the pathological process can cause not only nosebleeds. Areas of hemorrhages along the vessels, located throughout the body, are of great danger. Currently, the diagnosis of influenza requires laboratory confirmation.

First aid measures for nosebleeds

Usually, when a nosebleed occurs, out of habit, we reflexively throw our heads up, pressing a handkerchief or napkin to our nose. Unfortunately, this is a common and dangerous misconception; it is impossible to throw your head back with nosebleeds.

This can lead to ingestion and inhalation of blood, especially with heavy bleeding, vomiting and obstruction (blood blockage) of the bronchi. It is necessary to sit down and lean head forward, looking between the legs apart, this is necessary so that the blood from the wings of the nose flows forward.

In addition, it is necessary to calm down and give air access by unbuttoning a tight belt, a shirt collar or a woman's bra. If bleeding occurs at home, attach a piece of frozen meat or an ice cube to the bridge of the nose, this will narrow the blood vessels and stop the bleeding faster.

If the bleeding does not stop, you can press the nostril against the nasal septum for about ten minutes. By squeezing the vessels and slowing down the blood flow in them, a blood clot is quickly formed there, which will clog the vessel.

If these measures do not help, you can try using vasoconstrictor drops used for a cold - naphthyzinum, sanorin. After making a cotton swab and soaking it in the medicine, insert it into the nasal cavity as densely and deeply as possible. If the bleeding is caused by dry crusts in the nose from a runny nose, it is necessary to lubricate the nasal cavity with vegetable oil or petroleum jelly, the crusts will soften from this and the bleeding will stop.

If the nosebleed is caused by overheating, it is necessary to take the victim into the shade and apply a cool compress to the nose area. If you suspect a heat stroke, you should immediately examine the person by calling an ambulance and hospitalizing the victim.

When is medical help needed?

Sometimes nosebleeds are one of the symptoms of serious illnesses, so you should immediately seek help from doctors when:

  • suspected nose fracture, bleeding from the nose and a sharp deformity in the nasal bone, swelling and pain.
  • in the event of bleeding from the nose against or after taking aspirin, heparin or any other drugs, especially hormonal.
  • with bleeding from the nose against the background of a headache, darkening in the eyes or dizziness. At the same time, measure your blood pressure, lie down in bed or sit down if you are out of the house.

It is necessary to call doctors if the bleeding does not stop for more than fifteen minutes or it intensifies, is accompanied by pallor and coldness of the extremities, loss of consciousness, or occurs against the background of a head injury.

See your doctor and get tested for recurring episodes of bleeding with bruising, bruising, or bleeding gums. Another reason for contacting an ENT doctor is nosebleeds in a child or adult, especially if a foreign body is suspected in the nose. Only a doctor can correctly and accurately remove the object and stop the bleeding.

With recurring nosebleeds, you will need to be thoroughly examined by a general practitioner and an ENT doctor. If necessary, they can send you for additional studies - blood for hormone levels, ECG or ultrasound of the heart. However, in most cases, episodes of bleeding have visible and easily eliminated causes.

Nosebleed Treatment

After examining, determining the degree and cause of bleeding, the doctor chooses a way to stop it and, if necessary, further treatment.

Specialized medical care consists of the following measures:

  • Nasal tamponade is a way to stop nosebleeds by introducing into its cavity tampons impregnated with one of their hemostatic agents, for example, thromboplastin. A hemostatic sponge, which includes thromboplastin and thrombin, helps well. Depending on the situation, the doctor makes an anterior tamponade - from the side of the nostrils, or a posterior one - from the pharynx.
  • Cauterization of bleeding vessels. There are many ways. The means of cauterization are some acids - lactic, trichloroacetic or chromic. Zinc salts, alum, tannin, silver nitrate solution are also used.
  • Highly effective modern methods of stopping nosebleeds are ultrasonic disintegration (intentional destruction of the existing blood supply to hypertrophied nasal conchas using an ultrasonic waveguide), laser therapy (laser coagulation), exposure to liquid nitrogen (cauterization by cold), electrocoagulation (cauterization by electricity).
  • With frequent bleeding, accompanied by a significant loss of blood, a surgical operation is indicated, which consists in ligation of large vessels and arteries, as well as in detachment of the periosteum at the site of bleeding, leading to desolation of the vessels.

It is important to know that nosebleeds are not always harmless. It is often a symptom of a serious illness. If it is strong and does not stop for a long time, and even more often it repeats, leading to a deterioration in the condition, then it is imperative to consult a doctor for a detailed examination in order to determine the causes of epistaxis and choose a method of qualified treatment.

How to prevent rebleeding?

To reduce the likelihood of recurrent nosebleeds, you must follow some simple rules:

  • No need to touch your nose during the healing process, try to blow your nose as little as possible.
  • It is necessary to use a saline solution to moisten the nasal mucosa. For the same purpose, you can use petroleum jelly, a drop of which must be applied to the inner surface of each nostril.
  • To prevent re-bleeding, it is also important to monitor the humidity in the room. Use humidifiers for this.
  • For a sufficient level of moisture in the nasal cavity, it is necessary to drink as much liquid as possible: five to six glasses of water a day will be enough.
  • Replace aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with acetaminophen if possible. But do not forget to consult your doctor.

In this article, you will learn: all the possible causes of nosebleeds in adults and children.

  • Causes in adults
  • Causes in children

There are many causes of nosebleeds. It is important to determine the cause of bleeding in a particular person in order to prevent recurring episodes.

Comparative diagram of the prevalence of causes of nosebleeds (percentage)

In children, blood flows from the nose due to polyps or adenoids, age-related unformed vessels, the presence of a foreign body in the nasal passage, anemia, prolonged use of a vasoconstrictor spray, etc.

If blood flows from the nose repeatedly, this cannot be ignored. This may be a sign of a serious disease of the blood, internal organs, or a manifestation of oncology. First you need to try to understand for yourself why nosebleeds can come, is there a frequency, notice whether the bleeding is tied to a certain time of day or not, what intensity they are, how often they go, whether there are clots or scarlet liquid blood flows.

Then be sure to contact an otolaryngologist. All these observations will help him quickly understand why your nose is bleeding. Of course, additional testing is required. The list of diagnostic methods will be selected by the doctor, in accordance with the alleged cause. It is possible that after receiving the results of the studies, you will need a consultation or treatment with another specialist - a cardiologist, endocrinologist, surgeon, oncologist. In case of trauma to the face with damage to the nasal passages, the cause of bleeding is obvious, in this case, you should immediately contact a traumatologist.

Only by eliminating the provoking factor, you will get rid of bleeding.

Causes in adults

Two groups of causes of bleeding:

  1. local (local) - affect only the nose;
  2. systemic (general) - arise due to the internal effects of the body, for example, in various diseases.

Why does the nose bleed - for other reasons:

  • Inhalation of chemical irritants.
  • Air travel.
  • Intense sneezing.

Causes in children

Why does the nose bleed in babies? There are many factors, as in adults. Very common:

  1. Foreign body in the nasal passage.
  2. Fall with broken nose.
  3. Mechanical trauma with a mucous toy or finger.

The reason when the nose bleeds in children at night may be an increase in pressure or dry air in the room. If this is an isolated case, the blood is easy to stop, there are no other symptoms, then there is no cause for concern. If bleeding occurs repeatedly, stops poorly, the child complains of weakness, various pains, then you must definitely contact a pediatrician and be examined. In such cases, nosebleeds may be due to a serious illness, such as anemia, leukemia, hemophilia, or another disease associated with poor blood clotting.

When nosebleeds are single, and when are periodic

If a child develops nosebleeds after using drops with a vasoconstrictive effect, it is worth stopping their use. The mucous membrane is so dry that the nasal capillaries burst.

Single bleeding without massive blood loss is usually not dangerous. But with repeated repetition of episodes, you should be wary and be sure to consult a specialist.

“Signal” bleeding deserves special attention. It starts suddenly, ends quickly, but the blood loss is significant, and the color of the blood can be unusual - dark, coagulated with flakes and large clots, or red foamy. This may indicate an aneurysm, rupture of a large vessel, decay of a malignant neoplasm, pulmonary, gastric bleeding, etc.

If the blood flows systematically, accompanied by other symptoms - uterine bleeding, bleeding gums, bruising, fever, joint pain, you should be wary and be sure to consult first with an ENT doctor or therapist. You may have a systemic or malignant disease, such as anemia, pheochromocytoma, thrombocytopenic purpura, leukemia, etc.

Hypertensive patients prone to nosebleeds usually note that blood from the nose flows during a hypertensive crisis. After normalization of pressure, it stops.

If you can’t stop the child’s blood on your own, bruises are noted in different parts of the body, then you should immediately call an ambulance, and then undergo an examination to rule out hemophilia.

With the repetition of cases of nosebleeds, lasting longer than 20 minutes, existing concomitant symptoms, it is necessary to visit a specialist to determine and eliminate the cause of the pathological condition.

The causes of blood from the nose in an adult lie in defects in the structure of the mucosa, features of the surrounding microclimate, or comorbidities. Epistaxis, as this symptom is scientifically designated, causes a lot of anxiety. However, it is not always the result of serious diseases. When identifying the causes, it is necessary to take into account the nature of bleeding, their intensity and frequency.

Bleeding can be triggered by external factors. They appear as a result of injury. Their nature is clear. In this case, it remains to find out the intensity of the lesion and provide first aid to the patient.

The greatest concern is caused by spontaneous hemorrhages. They start suddenly for no apparent external reason. They have varying degrees of intensity. May be episodic or regular.

Blood is secreted from the anterior and deep sections of the nose. When diagnosing, it is important to establish the location of the problem. Bleeding is unilateral (left-sided, right-sided). Blood can flow from both nostrils at once. Unilateral bleeding is the least dangerous, as it indicates damage to the vessels of the anterior parts of the nose.

When describing the problem, the frequency of its occurrence is taken into account: single, rare, frequent. Indicate the duration of the process (short-term, prolonged bleeding). Pay attention to the nature of the lesion: only capillaries or vessels and veins are affected.

The danger of periodic nosebleeds lies in the likelihood of developing iron deficiency anemia. With intense hemorrhages affecting large vessels, there is a risk of getting a lot of blood loss.

Dangerous is considered intense bleeding from both moves. It indicates the defeat of the distant parts of the nose. This phenomenon is of particular importance, because it is not possible to stop it at home. Such bleeding can be the result of severe pathologies.

The event indicates the defeat of the large vessels of the skull. Blood into the nose through the common channel is capable of being thrown from the lungs, stomach and trachea.

A single, not prolonged bleeding most often occurs as a result of injuries. A routine examination at the Laura will help remove all concerns. During the reception, the anterior zone of the capillary plexus is diagnosed. The doctor finds out if there was an injury and whether it caused the bleeding.

An endoscope is used to install the source in the deep parts of the nose. It penetrates directly to the large vessels of the skull.

To make a general diagnosis, the doctor measures the patient's blood pressure, prescribes blood tests to determine the number of platelets and the clotting parameter. The total amount of hemoglobin is determined in the laboratory.

A common cause of nosebleeds in adults is a deviated septum. This factor affects the redistribution of air flows, as a result of which dryness, irritation, and swelling of the mucosa occur in one of the passages. All this provokes the appearance of nasal congestion and the fragility of the walls of small capillaries.

Bleeding can be caused by external factors. Dry and cold air can provoke the appearance of microtraumas on the internal capillary network of the nose. Bleeding often opens against the background of dryness of the mucosa.

Men are characterized by the presence of factors common to both sexes.

Changes in capillary permeability are associated with cardiovascular disease. Atherosclerosis is one of the reasons for the decrease in vascular elasticity. This disease is also accompanied by frequent manifestations of hypertension.

Bleeding may be due to changes in blood clotting. This pathology is often accompanied by bleeding gums.

Sometimes there are specific factors. In some professions (divers, mountain climbers, aircraft pilots), activities are associated with a sharp change in the pressure acting on the body. At some point, the walls of blood vessels may not be able to cope with the impact exerted on them.

Frequent bleeding occurs against the background of diseases of the kidneys and liver. Pathologies of the internal organs contribute to the development of hypertension, which will be the main cause of epistaxis.

The fragility of blood vessels increases as a result of taking certain medications. Drugs that reduce blood viscosity increase capillary permeability.

Causes of nosebleeds may lie in genetic abnormalities, such as hemophilia.

Sometimes the only factor is age. Due to the changes that occur in elderly people, the walls of the vessels of the far parts of the nose lose their elasticity. The result is bleeding from the deep sections of the respiratory organ.

In women, the menopause factor is added to the causes. In conditions of falling hormonal levels, the elasticity and permeability of blood vessels are disturbed.

Women in the first trimester of pregnancy are at particular risk. With an increase in the total level of estrogen, the filling of the vascular network with blood increases. The intercellular fluid tends to linger, which leads to swelling and fragility of the nasal mucosa in particular.

From the second trimester of pregnancy, the appearance of bleeding may be associated with a deficiency of certain substances, due to which background pathologies develop.

During pregnancy, the load on the cardiovascular system increases significantly. Women often suffer from high blood pressure, which is also a factor contributing to the appearance of epistaxis.

Rare phenomena do not threaten the mother and fetus. A woman should definitely pay the attention of a leading doctor to intense bleeding.

Frequent bleeding can be from the category of dangerous, not life-threatening. If the diagnosis does not reveal serious diseases, then the cause of the regular phenomenon is the constant effect on the mucous membrane of a certain factor.

These factors can be both physical defects, such as the curvature of the nasal septum or the presence of polyps in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses, and the constant exposure of the mucous membrane to dry air.

Constant exposure to a room with a hot climate leads to the appearance of signs of dry rhinitis. Overdried nasal mucosa is easily injured. The presence of negative factors throughout the day can provoke the appearance of epistaxis in the evening.

Frequent use of vasoconstrictor drugs results in degradation of the nasal mucosa. The disease is called atrophic rhinitis. The thinned vascular wall is fragile. Morning bleeding occurs even from a slight blowing of the nose.

If the blood is very intense, then after first aid, you need to call a team of doctors.

As a preventive measure, it is necessary to identify and establish the cause of bleeding. Treat the underlying disease.

If the reason lies in taking medication, this should be reported to the doctor.

To prevent bleeding, aggravating factors must be eliminated. Refrain from frequent use of vasoconstrictor drugs. Humidify indoor air. When outside in the cold, cover your nose with a scarf or hand.

It turns out that the phenomenon of epistaxis can also occur in a practically healthy adult. But to be sure of the absence of a threat, it is necessary to establish the exact reason why the nose bleeds.

The reasons why the nose bleeds can certainly be known only after examinations and tests. But often the fact that blood has come from the nose does not require immediate treatment to the hospital and does not pose a threat to health.

The situation when a person suddenly bleeds from the nose happens more often than we would like. In this case, bleeding can also be observed in healthy people who do not have any problems or diseases at all, and even more so, nose diseases.

Doctors have given this phenomenon the name "epitaxis". To the question - “Why did the nose bleed? » medicine has a number of answers, but all the reasons should be correlated with the state of one's own health and the individual characteristics of the organism.

Basically, the phenomena that entail the fact that the nose bleeds for no reason are injuries. So, it can be concussions, head bruises, actual nose injuries. At the same time, the vessels are damaged and become thin enough, as a result of which strong tension or the slightest increase in pressure can lead to epitaxis.

The second possible cause of nosebleeds are diseases of the nose and inflammatory processes occurring in the sinuses. People suffering from rhinitis or sinusitis have to deal with nosebleeds quite often.

It is worth considering that some drugs can produce this side effect, as the instructions necessarily say. So it may be worth re-reading the tab of the new drug in more detail in order to tell the doctor the real cause of the bleeding.

Some blood diseases can also affect the frequency and intensity of epitaxis. So it is worth consulting with your doctor and discussing ways to solve this particular problem.

Do not think that it was not possible to stop the blood that suddenly gushed from the nose - this is normal. If the blood does not stop with the help of improvised means, then doctors recommend that you still go to the hospital to get the necessary help and make an accurate diagnosis. Otherwise, the disease that could cause epitaxis will never be detected, which can lead to sad consequences.

But there is no need to panic at all, since it is quite rare for nosebleeds to occur due to diseases, since in most cases epitaxis is observed in absolutely healthy people.

However, this phenomenon can be explained by other reasons, including emotional overstrain, severe stress, or physical effort. But usually, the bleeding from the nose does not last long, and it is possible to stop it on your own, so medical assistance is not required. If this happens, then the best way out is to lie down for a while and try to abstract yourself from problems for at least fifteen minutes. A cold compress can be applied to the nose.

External factors also very often cause epitaxis. For example, if a person breathes in very cold or very dry air for a sufficiently long time, then the likelihood of nosebleeds increases many times over. There is no need to be afraid of this, since the usual laws of physics take place here. The sensitive and delicate mucous membrane in the nose dries up under the influence of too high or low temperatures; irritations form on it, and small blood vessels can burst at the same time. The bleeding from the nose under such circumstances will not be profuse or prolonged, so medical attention is not needed in this case either.

Much more trouble can be caused when the nose bleeds due to overheating or sunstroke, as other unpleasant sensations are often observed. Even an absolutely healthy person with a sunstroke can feel general weakness, nausea and severe headache; and no less often all this is accompanied by periodic bleeding from the nose. In some cases, even loss of consciousness is possible, so it’s still worth consulting a doctor.

Trauma to the nose or head as a result of bruises, blows or falls is a fairly common cause of epitaxis. Since with injuries of this nature, the paranasal sinuses and cartilage of the nose are most often damaged, bleeding does not come as a surprise.

The result of a traumatic effect on soft and hard tissues of a person usually becomes edema, swelling and hematoma, which leads to epitaxis; usually, such injuries are also accompanied by the presence of pain in the damaged area. Naturally, the help of a doctor is necessary, regardless of whether there is blood from the nose or not, since this is far from the most unpleasant consequence. But only a doctor can establish the severity of nosebleeds, since in rare cases it can be caused by severe injuries to internal organs. An external sign of severe injuries is the deformation of the face or nose.

Sometimes the cause of bleeding can be determined by its nature - that is, the frequency, intensity and quality of the discharge. For example, slight bleeding, in which blood clots and mucus appear from the nose, may be a symptom of inflammatory processes occurring in the mucosa. Thus, rhinitis becomes a possible cause of epitaxis. But you do not need to start self-treatment, because you can seriously harm your body. It is best to immediately consult a doctor so that he can assess the degree of damage to the blood vessels of the mucous membrane and take the necessary measures. There is no need to delay visiting the clinic, since rhinitis itself will not go away, but it can acquire a mass of concomitant diseases, so its treatment will cost much more, and it will take much more time.

It also happens that nosebleeds are accompanied by other unpleasant sensations - a runny nose, fever, weakness and headaches. In this case, inflammatory processes most likely occur in the sinuses themselves, so it can be sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and other diseases, which can only be more accurately determined by an otolaryngologist after passing the appropriate examinations and tests.

If a person suffers from high blood pressure (hypertension), then the cause of epitaxis may be a strong pressure jump, called a hypertensive crisis. In this case, nosebleeds occur due to the fact that small blood vessels burst, as the pressure rises sharply.

Some well-publicized drugs can also cause bleeding. This is especially true for some sprays and nasal drops. So, antihistamines and corticosteroids can give a similar effect. Among other drugs that can also cause nosebleeds, the leader is the usual aspirin, which is in every home, since its action is aimed at thinning the blood. Accordingly, other drugs of a similar nature can also cause epitaxis.

Sometimes bleeding is just a symptom of a more serious illness. So, blood diseases can cause this phenomenon; nosebleeds should be especially carefully considered if other symptoms are also observed. Bruises that appear for no reason, bleeding gums and periodic uterine bleeding, together with epitaxis, can draw a clinical picture of the course of many blood diseases. Among the possible diseases, anemia and leukemia are in the lead. With anemia, for example, the bone marrow no longer produces blood cells necessary for the proper flow of all processes in the body. Consultation with a doctor in case of persistent bleeding against the background of the above symptoms is required immediately, since not only treatment, but also the diagnosis of such diseases takes time and effort

Neoplasms, both benign and malignant, can also cause nosebleeds. The first signs that make it possible to suspect the presence of tumors are sores and ulcers in the nasal cavity, as well as swollen areas. If the nose suddenly changed shape, severe headaches appeared, discharges of a different nature and, in fact, bleeding are observed, then we are most likely talking about a neoplasm.

It is vital to consult a doctor, since by starting treatment in advance, you can avoid many unpleasant consequences. In any case, you should not delay a visit to the clinic, because it saves both effort and nerves.

Nosebleeds are usually frightening and take you by surprise. Even a few scarlet drops that have fallen cause anxiety, and if blood is gushing from the nose in a jet, then it will not be long to get confused. Knowing why the nose bleeds and how to act to stop it will help not to panic and competently help the victim.

Causes of nosebleeds

Epistaxis (nosebleed) is a common and familiar phenomenon to everyone. It has many reasons - from fairly harmless to serious ones, but the common thing for them is the effect on the blood vessels: they become fragile, burst, and because of this, blood runs from the nose.

Nosebleeds in adults

All causes of epistaxis in adults are divided into:

  1. Local - appear locally and affect only the nose
  2. Systemic - appear with internal exposure, affect the body completely.

Local factors for the appearance of bleeding from the nose:

  1. Injury - hits, falls
  2. Ingress of foreign bodies
  3. Sharp blowing of the nose, damage to the mucous membrane with nails
  4. Dry air in the room
  5. Inflammatory diseases. With rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, crusts form in the nose that injure the mucous membrane, and there is not excessive bleeding.
  6. Allergy - blood vessels burst from blood flow
  7. Use of steroid and hormonal nasal sprays
  8. Nasal cartilage deformities
  9. Atrophied mucosa
  10. The appearance of tumors
  11. Inhalation of narcotic powders (cocaine is especially dangerous)
  12. Operations - plastic and after injuries.

All situations and failures that occur in our body are not accidental, and they need to be listened to. Often people notice drops or a trickle of blood flowing from their nose. In this issue, we will try to figure it out.

There can be many reasons for this symptom. Among them are:

  • Received injuries is one of the most common reasons. It doesn't have to be strong. Even picking your nose or using a handkerchief for a runny nose can bleed.
  • With excessively dry air or during frosty weather, the nasal mucosa can dry out, and this also leads to bleeding.
  • If a person is not doing well with blood clotting, then this can also cause an unpleasant symptom.
  • Reception acetylsalicylic acid.
  • When the human body vitamin K deficiency, then after that an unpleasant symptom is found. Therefore, bananas, meat, soy, dairy products and eggs should be consumed in order to have the vitamin in the right amount.
  • The consumption of small amounts of citrus fruits and bell peppers and the resulting lack of vitamin C is also the cause of bloody discharge from the nose. Therefore, it is important to replenish the diet, especially in winter, with products that contain this vitamin.
  • If before seeing red drops from the nose, a person feels tinnitus and pain in the head, then the cause may be vegetative-vascular dystonia (bursting of blood vessels due to their chaotic narrowing and expansion). The reason may be an elementary change in the weather.
  • Hormonal changes in the body, especially in girls during critical days.
  • If in the hot summer time a person begins to bleed from the nose, then the reason for this is overheating of the body. In winter, this situation can also occur. Don't be surprised, there can also be a high body temperature in winter due to the temperature during illness.
  • People who frequently fly planes, skydive, climb mountains, or go deep underwater often experience this type of bleeding. All this is the result of pressure drop.

Why does the child have a nosebleed?

Most babies bleed from Kisselbach zones. This zone is located at the bottom of the nasal septum and is a dense network of branching blood vessels. In children, the location of the vessels is too close to the surface.

Mucous membranes in babies are thin and damage to it can lead to hemorrhage. Most often, scarlet discharge from the nose in children can be from the age of one year and periodically go in adolescence.

Often such an unpleasant symptom can be in children for no reason. This symptom occurs suddenly, and most often the blood comes from one nostril.

During nighttime bleeding, the baby may even swallow the blood which in the morning may show up in the feces, or the baby will begin to vomit with that blood. If this happened once, then there is no need to worry. But, if blood drops appear again and again, this can be a signal of a dangerous illness.

The causes of these symptoms in children are:

  • Foreign object stuck in the child's nose
  • Drying and cracking of the mucosa
  • Chronic runny nose

If, in addition to bleeding, the child has the following symptoms, then this is a reason to urgently consult a doctor:

  1. The child has wet skin, is pale and does not speak.
  2. Lots of blood lost
  3. In addition to bleeding, vomiting blood urges also began.
  4. Bleeding that occurred after a blow to the head

We also offer you ways, to help a child with a nosebleed:

  • If the baby has allergies and a cold, then blood can go due to irritation of the mucous membrane. In this case, it is required to apply cold to the soft tissues of the nose. You should also consult a doctor to choose a treatment.
  • If the room where you live is dry or the climate in your area is dry, then blood may flow from the nose due to the drying of the mucous membrane. Saline solution will help here (1/2 tsp per 250 g of water). Means you need to drip the nose of the baby.
  • Injury to the nose can also cause bleeding from the nose. If within 10 min. the bleeding cannot be stopped, then an ambulance should be called.
  • The frequent appearance of blood may be a sign that the vessels are formed incorrectly (most often from birth) or the presence of polyps. To do this, contact the LOR.
  • If the baby has been prescribed any medications, then the nose may bleed as a result of side effects. It also requires a doctor's consultation.
  • If there are problems with blood clotting, you need to explain to the child that you do not need to pick your nose.

Helping a child in this case it could be:

  1. Calm mother. Oddly enough, this is very important, because the mother's anxiety and panic will not do any help, but only time will be lost.
  2. The child must be seated and tilted forward so that blood does not enter the stomach.
  3. Do not insert a cotton swab into the nose, but rather pinch the soft nose for 5-7 minutes and, if possible, apply ice.

If after 20 min. bleeding does not stop after these recommendations, then consult a doctor.

Causes of nosebleeds in adults?

In adults, as in children, a not entirely pleasant symptom may also appear, but the causes and treatment will be somewhat different. It's important to know:

  • Increasing pressure. In this case, this is the most common cause, especially in older people. With age, the vessels are already more fragile and burst from blood pressure. Therefore, if this happens regularly, you should consult a doctor to prescribe a set of therapeutic measures.
  • With polyps bleeding is observed in the morning. Therefore, it is necessary to surgically remove the mucous processes that put pressure on the vessels and lead to bleeding.
  • If a person has an adrenal tumor (pheochromocytoma), then this can also lead to the symptom in question. In this case, there is a high production of the stress hormone and an increase in pressure. All these aspects lead to bleeding.

  • Harmful and dangerous habit, namely - addiction to cocaine also leads to nosebleeds. Since this component destroys the mucous membrane, and even a slight touch on the nose causes blood.
  • Reasons as simple as fatigue or stress also cause unpleasant symptoms. As well as overwork and an unhealthy lifestyle leads to the fragility of blood vessels that burst. If you do not improve your lifestyle and do not normalize getting the right portion of the vitamin, then such bleeding can become frequent.
  • With colds and inflammation of the mucosa, as well as the use of drugs that contribute to overdrying of the mucosa. That is why the vessels burst and blood flows. With a cold, the blood may clot and even contain pus. In this case, we can talk about the progression of the inflammatory process.

Similar to children's reasons are:

  1. Overheat
  2. High body temperature
  3. Weak clotting
  4. Hormonal disbalance
  5. Injuries of a different nature

But in any case, if you find scarlet drops very often or regularly in the morning, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice and treatment.

Why do pregnant women have nosebleeds?

During pregnancy, various situations can happen to a woman that can cause her to panic. One such symptom is nosebleeds.

If this symptom is the result of changes in the woman's body, then there is no reason to worry. But it can also signal a serious illness. Therefore, at the first appearance of blood, you should visit a doctor for an examination.

Causes can be:

  • Restructuring in the body. First of all, it is hormonal, and blood appears in the first trimester. This is due to an increase in progesterone. During this period, the woman notes swelling of the mucosa and stuffy nose. To alleviate the condition, the pregnant woman uses drops to narrow the vessels. It is they who dry the mucous membrane and this leads, at times, even to intense bleeding.
  • A common symptom in a pregnant woman is lack of calcium. It also leads to blood in the morning or for no reason. Also, vitamin K also joins the lack of this vitamin, which also leads to bleeding from the gums.
  • Closer to childbirth, a woman may have increased pressure, swelling appears. As previously described, high blood pressure often leads to nosebleeds.

Factors that predispose to the appearance of red drops:

  1. Dry air
  2. Thin mucosa and its damage
  3. Weak blood clotting

It is important not to panic when an unpleasant symptom appears, but to provide first aid correctly. It consists in:

  • Pinching the wings of the nose for a couple of minutes
  • Applying ice to the bridge of the nose

Not necessary:

  • Raising your head up - this will lead to swallowing
  • Blowing out blood - this will lead to increased bleeding

When the bleeding stops, rinse your nose gently with water to prevent clotted blood. Lubricate the mucous membrane with vegetable oil. All this must be done very carefully.

It is necessary to call an ambulance if the expectant mother bleeds from the nose for more than 10 minutes.

As a preventive measure follows:

  • Visit a doctor in order to rule out the possibility of a pathology.
  • Take multivitamin complexes to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • Purchase an air humidifier or simply spray the room with a sprayer. It also requires regular ventilation.
  • Daily measurement of pressure and diet with elevated rates.

Why does the nose bleed in the morning and in a dream?

As you can see, nosebleeds are a fairly common symptom. And there are many reasons for its occurrence. But it's also common for people to have nosebleeds in the morning for no reason. In fact, there are still reasons. It's just that not everyone can interpret them correctly.

The main reason for this symptom is mucosal depletion. This is due to a long stay in a dry room. This forms a crust, which, when removed, leads to bleeding.

Why does my nose bleed in my sleep?

Nosebleeds can also go at night, which is especially frightening for a person. But the reason for this is very simple - it is increased blood pressure due to the horizontal position. Because of the rush of blood to the head and fragile vessels, nosebleeds occur.

When a person wakes up, they may also feel pain and noise in the head. But extremely unpleasant is the fact that occasionally this symptom can be a signal of the tumor process. It is important to find out the cause, as it may be malignant.

But it is also worth considering the fact that nosebleeds can even come from a decrease in air temperature or prolonged exposure to the sun.

Why does the nose bleed in clots?

Do not panic too much if you see blood clots along with bloody discharge from the nose. Such a symptom can be both single and manifest regularly. In addition, clots can appear for no reason.

Most often, clots appear:

  • After a nose injury. This can be not only after a fracture, but also an ordinary injury. To begin with, the blood may flow in a trickle, and after a while clots will appear. It will be blood that leaks from healing vessels and pieces of congealed blood.
  • Clots in the older generation occur due to the fact that from time to time they have a slight bleeding that does not come out of the nose, but folds in the nostril. And when there are enough such secretions to be isolated, they are released in clots.
  • It may also be the result side effect of the drug being taken. Most often, these are blood thinners or vascular agents.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Lack of vitamins C and K, as well as routine. It is the lack of this substance that leads to the appearance of blood clots.

If clots appear during bleeding or blowing out, then you should:

  • Sit down and tilt your head forward
  • Apply something cold
  • Close the nostrils tightly with your fingers, pressing the thumb and forefinger together
  • Insert a swab into the bleeding nostril (moisten it with peroxide or vasoconstriction drops)

As we found out, with nosebleeds that occur repeatedly, you should consult a doctor. Since this symptom, although it occurs quite often, can carry negative consequences or be a warning of a serious illness. Therefore, you should not treat this symptom with disdain, as it is a rather serious signal.

Video: Causes of nosebleeds

In this article, you will learn: all the possible causes of nosebleeds in adults and children.

Article publication date: 04/08/2017

Article last updated: 07/29/2019

There are many causes of nosebleeds. It is important to determine the cause of bleeding in a particular person in order to prevent recurring episodes.

Comparative diagram of the prevalence of causes of nosebleeds (percentage)

In children, blood flows from the nose due to polyps or adenoids, age-related unformed vessels, the presence of a foreign body in the nasal passage, anemia, prolonged use of a vasoconstrictor spray, etc.

If blood flows from the nose repeatedly, this cannot be ignored. This may be a sign of a serious disease of the blood, internal organs, or a manifestation of oncology. First you need to try to understand for yourself why nosebleeds can come, is there a frequency, notice whether the bleeding is tied to a certain time of day or not, what intensity they are, how often they go, whether there are clots or scarlet liquid blood flows.

Then be sure to contact an otolaryngologist. All these observations will help him quickly understand why your nose is bleeding. Of course, additional testing is required. The list of diagnostic methods will be selected by the doctor, in accordance with the alleged cause. It is possible that after receiving the results of the studies, you will need a consultation or treatment with another specialist - a cardiologist, endocrinologist, surgeon, oncologist. In case of trauma to the face with damage to the nasal passages, the cause of bleeding is obvious, in this case, you should immediately contact a traumatologist.

Only by eliminating the provoking factor, you will get rid of bleeding.

Causes in adults

Two groups of causes of bleeding:

  1. local (local) - affect only the nose;
  2. systemic (general) - arise due to the internal effects of the body, for example, in various diseases.

Local factors provocateurs

  • Nose injury. Often occur during a fight due to blows to the face or in serious accidents.
  • Allergy. The walls of blood vessels rupture due to an allergic reaction and blood flow.
  • Dry hot indoor air. Often the cause of night bleeding is the drying of the mucous membrane due to the inhalation of too dry air currents with hot batteries in winter.
  • Nasal polyp or deformity of the nasal septum. This makes it difficult to breathe through the nose, due to which the load between the nostrils is not properly distributed. The polyp compresses the blood vessels, due to this, a red liquid often flows out of the nose, especially in the morning.
  • Mucosal atrophy. It develops in various inflammatory diseases, for example, chronic rhinitis. It may be the result of a hereditary disease or occupational hazard - dustiness of the room, dry air, work in the cold. Insufficient secretion of mucus, drying and thinning of the mucosa causes fragility of blood vessels, and as a result, nosebleeds.
  • Inflammation of the nasal mucosa (rhinitis) may be accompanied by minor nosebleeds. Blood clots are visible along with mucus that appears with a runny nose.
  • Prolonged use of a hormonal or vasoconstrictor spray (drops).
  • Sunstroke is one of the main causes of nosebleeds in the hot summer. Often the general overheating of the body, which occurs due to prolonged exposure to the scorching rays of the sun, is accompanied by nosebleeds. The vessels of the mucosa become fragile and burst.
  • Inhaling cocaine. It has long been observed that drug addicts who use cocaine through the nose thin the mucous membrane, lose their sense of smell, and experience nosebleeds.

General pathologies of the body

  • Arterial hypertension is the most common cause of nosebleeds in adults, especially the elderly. This "natural bloodletting" reduces the risk of stroke. Usually, after it, the person's condition does not worsen, but improves. It develops against the background of tinnitus, cephalgia (headache) and other symptoms of a crisis. The blood vessels burst, unable to withstand the pressure, due to which the blood from the nose comes in a thin stream without clots.
  • Acute infections affecting the nasal mucosa. These are sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, rhinitis, SARS and others. Inflamed vessels are more fragile and burst more often, causing blood to flow through the nose. Similar changes in the vascular walls occur with allergic rhinitis.
  • Blood diseases or other pathologies accompanied by a violation of its coagulability. What causes nosebleeds in this case? For example, in hemophilia, a deficiency in plasma coagulation factors leads not only to nasal and other external heavy bleeding, but also to serious internal bleeding. Other pathologies include hemorrhagic diathesis, vasculitis, coagulopathy, hypo- and beriberi with a deficiency of vit. K, S.
  • Hormonal changes or disruptions during puberty, menopause, or pregnancy.
  • Taking medications that thin the blood. Heparin, warfarin, aspirin can cause nosebleeds.
  • Pheochromocytoma is a hormone-dependent tumor of the adrenal gland of a malignant or benign nature. Its main symptom is arterial hypertension with frequent crises, during which nosebleeds are not excluded. The stable form of the disease is characterized by a persistent increase in blood pressure and, accordingly, frequent episodes of nosebleeds.
  • Malignant neoplasm in the nasal cavity. Various cancerous tumors lead to ulceration of the mucosa, impaired nasal breathing, and bleeding.
  • barometric pressure drop. This is faced by divers, climbers or pilots.

Why does the nose bleed - for other reasons:

  • Inhalation of chemical irritants.
  • Air travel.
  • Intense sneezing.

Causes in children

Why does the nose bleed in babies? There are many factors, as in adults. Very common:

  1. Foreign body in the nasal passage.
  2. Fall with broken nose.
  3. Mechanical trauma with a mucous toy or finger.

The reason when the nose bleeds in children at night may be an increase in pressure or dry air in the room. If this is an isolated case, the blood is easy to stop, there are no other symptoms, then there is no cause for concern. If bleeding occurs repeatedly, stops poorly, the child complains of weakness, various pains, then you must definitely contact a pediatrician and be examined. In such cases, nosebleeds may be due to a serious illness, such as anemia, leukemia, hemophilia, or another disease associated with poor blood clotting.

When nosebleeds are single, and when are periodic

Single nosebleed

  1. Injury to the mucosa with a foreign object, which is especially typical for young children.
  2. Severe fatigue or stress.
  3. Fever with acute respiratory infections or other infections.
  4. Overheating of the body during a visit to the bath, sauna, long exposure to the sun.

If a child develops nosebleeds after using drops with a vasoconstrictive effect, it is worth stopping their use. The mucous membrane is so dry that the nasal capillaries burst.

Single bleeding without massive blood loss is usually not dangerous. But with repeated repetition of episodes, you should be wary and be sure to consult a specialist.

“Signal” bleeding deserves special attention. It starts suddenly, ends quickly, but the blood loss is significant, and the color of the blood can be unusual - dark, coagulated with flakes and large clots, or red foamy. This may indicate an aneurysm, rupture of a large vessel, decay of a malignant neoplasm, pulmonary, gastric bleeding, etc.

Causes of recurrent nosebleeds

If the blood flows systematically, accompanied by other symptoms - bleeding gums, bruising, fever, joint pain, you should be wary and be sure to consult first with an ENT doctor or therapist. You may have a systemic or malignant disease, such as anemia, pheochromocytoma, thrombocytopenic purpura, leukemia, etc.

Hypertensive patients prone to nosebleeds usually note that blood from the nose flows during a hypertensive crisis. After normalization of pressure, it stops.

If you can’t stop the child’s blood on your own, bruises are noted in different parts of the body, then you should immediately call an ambulance, and then undergo an examination to rule out hemophilia.

With the repetition of cases of nosebleeds, lasting longer than 20 minutes, existing concomitant symptoms, it is necessary to visit a specialist to determine and eliminate the cause of the pathological condition.