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Well, who doesn't agree that a good homemade sausage made from homemade meat is a real joy for our taste buds? Someone may object: why bother with cooking homemade sausages, that, indeed, it’s not the easiest thing when you can just go to the store and choose any one you like, and the choice there is really wide!

But will it be a discovery for anyone that most of the store-bought sausages are full of various preservatives, flavor enhancers and other additives that are not the most useful for our body? And what can we say about the quality of the meat that is used in production ...

No, of course, we will not generalize all manufacturers, but still, homemade sausage is always healthy, very tasty and appetizing, if, of course, you cook it according to all the rules. How? We will definitely talk about this today, and we will also try to acquaint you with all the secrets of this simple matter.

As you know, homemade sausage can be different - someone prefers boiled or semi-smoked, but today we will cook another very tasty variety - raw smoked. The main difficulty in preparing such a sausage is compliance with the temperature regime and some hygiene requirements, because the minced meat in this case does not undergo heat treatment, which means that there is always a risk that it can easily deteriorate.

How to cook sausage?

Needless to say, such meat delicacies are distinguished by really excellent taste, if properly prepared and stored, they can remain fresh and suitable for consumption for quite a long time (up to 4 months). All this more than outweighs all the difficulties of its preparation at home.

What will we need?

  • Meat first! In order for raw smoked sausage to be stored longer and to obtain the desired consistency, it is necessary to use meat exclusively from adult pigs or cows, mainly from the shoulder or back of the carcass. For 10 kg of minced sausage you will need: 3.5 kg of pork, 3.5 kg of beef, about 3 kg of bacon.
  • Garlic - 1 head, black and allspice.
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups.
  • Sodium nitrite solution - 30 g.

How is the manufacturing process carried out? The meat must be pre-processed: for this, it is thoroughly cleaned of veins and cartilage, salted and cut into small pieces of 1 kg each. Then he needs to lie down in a cold room or place (0 ° -3 °) for about 5 days.

Then the meat of the same temperature must be passed through a meat grinder (nozzle diameter is preferably about 4 mm). To keep it as cold during grinding, put the pieces of meat in the refrigerator first, and carry out the procedure itself at an air temperature of no more than 15 °.

Now that the minced meat is ready, mix all the ingredients thoroughly (sometimes add a little cognac or starch). The bacon, cut into small pieces (about 3 mm), and also pre-chilled in the freezer, is carefully distributed throughout the minced meat, mix everything again.

We spread the finished raw meat in an enameled bowl with a not very thick layer (about 20 cm), after which we cover it with cling film and keep it for about a day in a cold place at a temperature of 0 °.

Now we prepare our sausages: we fill the pre-prepared intestinal membranes tightly with ready-made minced meat (for this you can use a syringe or a special funnel nozzle in a meat grinder), then we tightly tie them with twine.

In some places, you can make several injections with a needle so that all the air comes out of the sausage, however, this must be done carefully so as not to damage the natural casing. We hang ready-made sausage bars in a cold room (0 ° -3 °) for a week.

After that, they must be cold-smoked for 2-3 days using dry smoke (relative humidity 80%). After that, the sausage is hung in a clean, well-ventilated and dry room for a month (temperature - about 10 °). That, in principle, is all, then the main thing is to wait the necessary time and enjoy delicious sausages.

As they immerse themselves in the mystery of smoking art, many owners are wondering: is raw smoked sausage at home tastier than store-bought or not? Immediately, we note that we are talking about a real delicacy with a pronounced taste and rich aroma. But all of these qualities are valid only if the product is properly prepared.

Raw smoked sausages are the best ingredient for first-class sandwiches, cold appetizers, meat salads and delicious cold cuts.

They make an appetizing delicacy from fresh meat, prescription spices and spices, which affects the cost of the delicacy. It can also be prepared at home, and in terms of taste, a hand-made product is often no worse, if not better, than store-bought counterparts.

Raw smoked sausage is the best example of a nutritious and protein-packed product. Few fans of aromatic snacks know that it contains a whole string of useful substances: vitamins (groups B and PP), iodine, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and other trace elements.

If we talk about the finished product, then per 100 grams there are: 0.18 g of carbohydrates (0%), 41 g (40-60%) of fat and 18 g of proteins (20%). The calorie content of raw smoked sausage varies from 350 to 550 kcal.

The fragrant delicacy has a high calorie content, which, combined with the technological features of preparation, imposes certain restrictions on its use for some people. To be more precise, raw smoked sausage is not eaten if there is:

  • cholecystitis, nephritis and other complications of the urinary system;
  • active inflammatory processes of the digestive tract (pancreatitis, etc.).

Spices often provoke irritation of the mucous membrane, exacerbation of underlying diseases. Before use, specify how many calories are in raw smoked sausage, since this value may be critical for people with high cholesterol. Remember that in large quantities, even the most useful foods harm the body.

Features of the production and technological process

The high price of a meat delicacy is due not only to the high cost of the components (pork, beef, horse meat, spices, spices, etc.), but also to the fact that the technology for the production of raw smoked sausages consists of several long-term stages. The average term varies from 1.5 to 2 months. To obtain a unique aroma, a small portion of cognac is added to the composition.

Home-made raw smoked sausage is distinguished by the absence of any heat treatment in the technological process. In the first 7 days, the raw materials are prepared for the main stage (salted, processed with spices, marinated). So, how to cook a fragrant delicacy? Experts recommend adhering to the following sequence:

  1. Marinated and seasoned pieces of meat are gently crushed.
  2. In accordance with the recipe, a small amount of lard or bacon is added.
  3. Minced meat is stuffed into a special shell. The ingredients are placed in special forms, where they are kept for about 5 days, while the temperature in the room should not exceed -2°C. During this time, the fat is distributed according to the consistency, due to which the original “pattern” is formed.
  4. During the specified period of time, the composition loses 50% of its original moisture, its weight decreases, and the cost increases.
  5. According to the rules and technological instructions for cooking, the sausage is smoked in a chamber, inside which the temperature does not exceed +25°C for 30 days.

In pursuit of financial gain, unscrupulous manufacturers violate established requirements and reduce the smoking period of the composition by adding additional ingredients to it. The shelf life of such raw smoked sausage is very long (within a year), but there is no benefit from it.

The most delicious products are obtained by observing the manufacturing technology, using natural and high-quality ingredients.

Making raw smoked sausage at home

It is impossible to repeat the technological process with your own hands and at home, in compliance with regulations, norms and standards. For this purpose, specialized expensive equipment is used. However, you can get a product very similar in aroma and taste. There are many recipes for making raw smoked sausage at home.

The simplest and most accessible in terms of technology:

  1. 1.5 fresh beef cut into medium-sized cubes. They are seasoned with spices, salted and marinated. The meat is infused for 12-16 hours (until the next day).
  2. On the 2nd day, minced meat is formed from pieces of beef, 0.7 kg of lard and 50 ml of cognac are added in parallel (to taste).
  3. The entire amount of sausage meat is sent to the intestines (carefully pierced over the entire area to exclude the possibility of air bubbles), tied with twine and hung for 7 days in a clean room. The temperature in the room should not exceed 3ºС.
  4. The next stage is at a temperature of up to +22ºС for 3 days, with an air humidity of at least 75%.
  5. The final stage - home-made sausage is hung and dried for 30 days, at a temperature in the room of no more than + 10ºС. To maintain a pleasant aroma, the room is periodically ventilated.

How long does raw smoked sausage keep in the refrigerator? The average duration is from 3 to 5 months, at a temperature not higher than +10ºС.

Shelf life

If no changes were made to the technology and recipe for raw smoked sausage, and only high-quality ingredients were used for cooking, the shelf life of the product does not exceed 120 days, subject to a temperature regime of 10-15 degrees. For cutting, this period does not exceed 20-30 days. The started sausage stick is stored in the refrigerator.

Now you know how to store raw smoked sausage in the refrigerator, but is it possible to freeze such meat products? Low temperature prolongs the life of the delicacy, but adversely affects its aroma and taste.

In some cases, the product loses its “presentation”, due to the loss of moisture, but not the taste. There is an effective mechanism for the "resuscitation" of the meat composition. So, how to make raw smoked sausage softer and is it possible in principle? The easiest way is to hold it over boiling water or process it in a double boiler, after wrapping it in a damp cloth. In the same way, they get rid of white plaque.

For more information about the wisdom of cold smoking, see the video below.

Raw material. For the preparation of sausages, meat with a minimum fat content and back fat are taken. You can take a piece of loin (carbonade), the specific part of the fat is 25-30%. The recipe is given for 1 kg of raw meat.
Grinding and Ambassador. The meat is passed through a meat grinder with a 4-6 mm grate. Slightly frozen bacon is cut by hand into cubes from about 5 * 5 * 5 mm to 8 * 8 * 8 mm (the spread depends on practice), you can pass the bacon through a meat grinder with a sector grate, but the structure will come out more smeared.
Further, minced meat without bacon is introduced Definitely nitrite! salt and spices.
Some home craftsmen douse spices with boiling water to sterilize them and exclude the possibility of minced meat souring from bacteria that got into the minced meat, but here lies the second pitfall - additional moisture in the minced meat, which should evaporate during drying, which automatically increases the drying time. I've been neglecting it and haven't had any problems so far.
Minced meat is carefully massaged for 5-10 minutes until a tight sticky state and the appearance of "white threads", then we add lard there and, stirring, evenly distribute it throughout the minced meat. Then there are two options:
a) Send minced meat for ripening in the refrigerator for 1-2 days
b) Immediately stuff into the shell and combine the sediment in the refrigerator with ripening.
With the first method, there is the possibility of additional contamination with bacteria in the refrigerator from nearby products, with the second, the possibility of uneven distribution of salt and spices. I still use the first option.
Draft. The precipitation lasts 5-7 days. In old refrigerators, where there were grates, not glass shelves, the sausage is hung by a loop on the upper shelf (we put the loop through the bars of the grate and fix it with a match), in new refrigerators something needs to be invented.
Smoking. Sausage is smoked from 12 to 24 hours at a temperature of 18-22 °C. The smoking process is highly dependent on the smokehouse you have.
If you do not have a smokehouse, then you can skip this step, just dry-cured sausage is also very tasty.
Drying. Drying takes place at a temperature of 12-15 ° C and a humidity of 75%. These are ideal conditions. Within reasonable limits, you can go plus or minus in all respects, humidity, especially in the first week, is a more critical parameter than temperature. Drying must be carried out in darkened rooms, as the light bacon goes rancid very quickly.
If you live in an apartment and you do not have the ability to withstand these parameters, then the second option is possible: the sausage dries for 12 hours on a darkened balcony, and rests in the refrigerator for 12 hours (evens out the moisture in the surface layers). This will protect the sausage from hardening (creating a dense crust in the outer layer of the sausage, which prevents the transfer of moisture from the inner layers to the outside). Drying takes from 2 weeks or more, it all depends on the initial moisture content of the raw materials of the drying parameters. For home use, you can use such a readiness parameter as the weight of the sausage. The sausage is ready when its weight has decreased by 30-35%. The manufacturing process of the sausage shown in the photo took 24 days, the weight decreased by 32%.