Which is better: protein or amino acids? Choosing the right nutrition for athletes. Which is better amino acids or protein

Many novice athletes are wondering: what is better to take - amino acids or protein?

Let's take a look at this issue briefly. Protein is commonly referred to as a high-protein powder mixture, which may also contain some fat and carbohydrates. Amino acids in the common people are called that protein, but in tablets (less often - in the form of a liquid). Protein (often referred to as the same protein) - consists of amino acids.

There is an opinion that amino acids (i.e. protein in the form of tablets / liquid) are more effective than protein, but in 99% of cases this is not the case. Let's briefly explain why. The mythical "brutal" effectiveness of amino acids has developed from the belief that they are more quickly and completely absorbed, and therefore it is especially important to take them after training. But! If you look at the composition of the most popular amino acid complexes, you will realize that they are all made from the same ingredients as protein powder. After analyzing the amino acid composition of both products (as you know, a protein consists of a complex of individual amino acids), in general, we can also conclude that it is identical. So, both types of products contain a full range of amino acids necessary for an athlete.

Let's summarize. So what is the real difference between protein and amino acids?

Because the composition of both types of products in 99% of cases is the same, it turns out that they differ only in the form of release - either powder or tablets. And nothing more. But let's look at this difference. Powder - it comes out cheaper, but it must be stirred in a shaker with liquid. It's less convenient than taking pills. It is known that after visiting the gym in a short period of time, you need to consume protein. Often this is done immediately after training, in the locker room (because by the time you get home, this important gap for protein intake will pass). And some athletes will find the consumption of a powder form of protein inconvenient, and here amino acids come to the rescue - those same tablets containing protein. Throwing a few pieces in your mouth and drinking water is more convenient than stirring a cocktail in a shaker. But the pills also have a big minus. In terms of the amount of protein, they come out more expensive, in most cases - many times more expensive. And if a scoop of protein usually contains 20-30 grams of protein, then in order to gain such an amount of protein from amino acids, in most cases you will have to swallow more than 10 pieces at a time (how much specifically - calculate for your specific product by studying the label).

In our example, when considering the differences, we cited the example of protein intake immediately after training, but this applies to any other time of day. Both protein and amino acids serve to replenish the protein deficiency at any time of the day when you did not get enough protein with regular food, no matter if it is morning, afternoon or evening.

We will also answer the popular question: is it possible to take protein and amino acids together? You can, but what's the point? Use only the powder, if it does not make it difficult for you to dilute it, and forget about the tablets. Powder is much cheaper.


1) Under the amino acids, we understood exactly the products with a full complex of amino acids in the composition. There are also protein tablets containing only BCAA, some individual amino acids, but this is a completely different story and these products differ in their purpose from complex amino acids and serve other purposes.

2) We have now spoken in general, based on the composition of 99% of the products on the sports nutrition market. Yes, in the rarest cases there are amino acids with such a degree of protein processing (complete or almost complete hydrolysis) that they are really absorbed faster and more completely, and also do not contain carbohydrates and fats at all, which is especially important for competing athletes. For most sports fans, whose bicep diameter is far from 50 cm and who are not preparing for competitions, we recommend not to bother with the use of such products. You will not feel the difference anyway, but you will throw out many times more money.

WHAT better protein OR AMINO ACIDS?!

Not every seasoned athlete knows that better protein or amino acids, not to mention beginners. In fact, it is one and the same, it helps to solve the same problems. Is there a difference? Let's try to systematize the already existing knowledge.

Protein is the material from which our body is built. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Them can be taken with protein, given that these bricks are divided into:

Essential, not produced by our body. They have to be obtained only with food or dietary supplements. There are eight of them. Among them are a branched chain of three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. In English it sounds like this: "branched chain amino acids". As a result, we get the abbreviation BCAA.

Non-essential amino acids that the body makes itself. But, with high energy costs, they may not be enough. You will have to replenish stocks additionally.


Do not confuse amino acids and BCAAs - these are different supplements. The first of these are often sold under the name "Aminos", in which BCAAs are present, often in low concentrations. And the latter are called exclusively BCAA, and do not contain other amino acids.

The difference between amino acids and protein powder lies in several factors:

In faster absorption. For splitting, the body does not spend extra energy.

In the convenience of the reception. They are available in liquid and tablet form. No need to fiddle with a shaker.

When choosing an amino acid or protein supplement, remember to drink before, after, and even during your workout. There are no restrictions either in the time of day or in the preparation period.


All amino acid supplements are based on protein hydrolysates. In this case, the amino acid composition can be very different. Protein and amino acids can be taken together. In this case, it is better to drink amino acids with protein powder.

When taking two products separately, transfer protein intake to morning and evening hours, consume amino acids half an hour before and immediately after training. May be taken in place of a snack if diluting the protein is inconvenient.

There is a basic rule for taking amino complexes. They need to be taken when "refueling" is urgently needed. The rate of their assimilation is much greater than the rate of assimilation of protein. This is the answer to the question: BCAA or protein, which is better. Each supplement has its own benefits. All amino acids must be taken with plenty of water.

When taking BCAAs and protein together, keep an eye on your total daily intake. Thoughtless use can lead to serious problems in the functioning of the kidneys.

Remember that some manufacturers, reducing the cost of the production technology process, add and reduce the amount of amino acids. Carefully read the percentage composition indicated by the manufacturer so as not to pay for a pacifier.

In the sports nutrition market, there is a huge selection of both, and ready-made ones. We all know that protein, entering the body, is broken down into amino acids, which are the main building material for our muscles. From this it turns out quite a logical conclusion that the intake of amino acids is more preferable to the intake of protein. But is it really so?

The main criterion of effectiveness is the speed of assimilation

Under the influence of a heavy intense load, the body launches a number of adaptive reactions, one of which is the growth of muscle mass. The speed and efficiency of this process is influenced by many factors, the main of which is the availability of the necessary building material for creating new muscle tissue - amino acids. Amino acids are a product of the breakdown of protein (protein). At the same time, the faster the level of amino acids in the blood rises, the stronger the anabolic response and, as a result, muscle growth.

Thus, the main conclusion of the above is the following - the faster the protein is digested, the faster and better the muscles grow in response to an intense load.

Amino acids or protein?

Comparing amino acids and protein, it is obvious that the former have the highest absorption rate, since most of them are already split. Thus, amino acids are more preferable for muscle growth precisely due to the faster absorption rate.

However, if we compare the absorption rate of fast types of whey protein ( , ) with amino acids, then the difference will not be so significant as to say that one is absorbed at such a rate, and the other at a much lower rate. What can not be said about the price: the cost of amino acids is much higher than the cost of protein, and the estimated portions are deliberately underestimated by sports nutrition manufacturers to extract more profit. So, for example, the best anabolic effect from taking amino acids is observed at dosages of 10-20 g. at a time, manufacturers often calculate servings based on the norm up to 5 grams, which is clearly insufficient.

Correct conclusions

So, amino acids have some advantages over protein, in particular, they have a faster absorption rate. However, they have a significantly higher cost. If the issue of cost is not in the first place for you, then amino acids are an excellent choice for taking before, after training, and also in the morning - 10 g each.

In other cases, taking a fast protein is perfect, which in the end result is practically no different, but more affordable.

It is important to understand that amino acids and protein are just building blocks for your muscles, and do not build muscle by themselves. It can be of arbitrarily high quality, but without proper training, rest and nutrition, the effect will be minimal or absent altogether. In my memory, there were enough examples of how an athlete achieved excellent muscle relief and physical fitness without taking sports nutrition and pharmaceuticals at all, solely through proper intensive training in the gym, a competent high-protein diet and a proper rest regimen.

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Usually, after a month of training, novice athletes begin to be actively interested in various nutritional supplements. Interest could arise after a conversation overheard in the locker room or in the hall about the “miracle protein” or amino acids, from which muscles grow before our eyes. Or just wanted to “grow up” as soon as possible. But what to choose? Without a reliable adviser, you can easily get lost in the modern variety of sports nutrition.

What is the difference between protein and amino acids? Protein serves as a source of protein for the body. Any novice athlete knows that it is on the basis of protein that all muscle fibers are built. In addition, of course, it has many other important functions: reproductive, structural, hormonal, transport. It is responsible for immunity, metabolism and much more. But athletes are mainly interested in the role of protein in building muscle mass.

A part of a protein is a collection of amino acids that have peptide bonds. After the protein enters the body, all existing peptide bonds between amino acids are destroyed. This process requires a lot of energy. After that, the protein begins to be absorbed by the body.

There are "fast" and "slow" proteins. The former have weak peptide bonds, so they are quickly absorbed by the body. True, the rapid destruction of peptide bonds allows you to raise the level of amino acids in the body for only a few hours.

"Fast" proteins should be consumed between meals or immediately after exercising in the gym.

"Slow" proteins are absorbed over a long period of time. About 10 hours after eating such proteins, nutrients continue to flow into the body. It is recommended to consume them at night to prevent catabolism.

As already mentioned, amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Modern technologies have made it possible to isolate amino acids from proteins and sell them in their free form. The body does not need to spend energy and time to break peptide bonds, so amino acids begin to be absorbed almost instantly after their use. The resulting nutrients immediately begin to perform all the functions in which the protein is involved.

Amino acids should be consumed immediately after training, especially "heavy". Amino acids begin to actively restore damaged muscle tissue and help restore strength in the shortest possible time.

So what to choose?

Now, knowing the features of the use of protein and amino acids, it is easier to understand what you need more. Protein as a source of protein is more "complete". It supplies the body and muscle tissues not only with amino acids, but also with other nutrients. Protein is good to use after sleep and before it. This allows you to slow down catabolism. Protein can significantly increase muscle mass. Amino acids are aimed specifically at nutrition and muscle recovery. The use of amino acids will not lead to a noticeable increase in muscle mass. They are well suited for athletes whose training is aimed at "drying". You can take amino acids before meals, in the morning and after training.

Having learned more about proteins and amino acids, it will be logical to ask: is it possible to combine these two supplements? Yes, you can. Due to their different properties, they perfectly complement each other. You can take advantage of two supplements: protein at night, amino acids in the morning, before meals, and after workouts. If there are no trips to the gym planned for the day, then you can get by with taking amino acids in the morning, and replace all other methods with protein.

Now you know more about some types of sports nutrition. However, it should be remembered that their use is not a miracle and a guarantee of a momentary increase in mass and volume. Protein and amino acids are just an additional source of muscle tissue growth. Basically, it all depends on the quality of training and nutrition. Use the knowledge gained wisely and do not forget that only hard training and proper balanced nutrition will achieve the desired results.

The beautiful sculpted bodies of athletes and bodybuilders delight everyone, but not everyone knows what efforts must be made to achieve such magical and unimaginable heights.

For those who are professionally involved in useful sports and scrupulously monitor their appearance, an obsessive series of questions appears that confuses them: what is more appropriate to give preference to, protein or amino acids? Is it possible to combine them? Is there a difference between the components and which one is much better? What is the productive benefit? In order to most correctly answer these burning questions, you first need to understand the structure, characteristics, benefits and nuances of these miraculous products.

Many have heard about him and his miraculous effect on our body. There is nothing strange in this, because without this substance it cannot qualitatively perform its vital functions.

It is a structure made up of amino acids having interpersonal bonds at the chemical level. They play a major role in intestinal absorption. In order for them to definitely get used well, an additional period of time is required. In analogue, this process takes a very short time, which is slightly longer than in amino acid compounds. Casein has a longer duration.

This is a protein that is involved in the appearance of muscle cells and is necessary for the athlete to accelerate and the appearance of muscle structures. In simple terms, it is a protein that is an essential component of every living being. By the way, its colossal amount is more important than the presence of vitamins, as well as macro- and microelements.

After penetrating into the body, it is broken down into amino acids, which then, together with the blood, follow to all organs and systems. They play an important role in the formation of muscles.

This is organic compounds, which are nutrients found in all body proteins. These are the building blocks of the body, which are part of many proteins.

Since muscles are 100% protein, the body takes amino acids as a repair resource in order to build and strengthen muscles, as well as to produce all the vital enzymes and antibodies. Further muscle growth, the presence of physical strength in the limbs, as well as the complete restoration of mental and physical tone after sufficiently long workouts and classes in the gym directly depend on this substance. They are very quickly absorbed, so they should be consumed after classes.

What do proteins and amino acids have in common?

The latter are an impressive part of the protein, so they have a lot in common. For example, if an athlete slightly changes his diet, then the protein can be freely replaced with amino acids, or vice versa. They can also be taken at the same time.

Differences between protein and amino acids

From the foregoing, we can conclude that amino acids and proteins play exactly the same role in the body and human life. However, for greater effect, they should be taken at different times. Amino acids should be taken when a quick set of energy is needed: With regards to casein, which is a slow protein, it will saturate the muscles for twelve hours. During the day, it is preferable to give preference to whey protein.

If we distinguish between the differences between these two substances, we can see that:

  1. An amino acid is a building block that is vital for making protein. A protein is made up entirely of amino acids that are linked together.
  2. An amino acid can be absorbed by the body even in its pure form, but protein absorption takes a much longer time - up to thirty hours. In casein, this process is longer, but whey protein is able to be absorbed much faster and more efficiently.
  3. Amino acids need to be saturated in the body both before and after the gym, and proteins are more effective at night or throughout the day so that they have time to digest.

Protein is essential for a normal and healthy life. But in order for the body to easily synthesize and use protein, amino acids are needed. Protein and amino acids are closely intertwined with each other because they are interdependent. For great results from training, it is necessary to consume amino acids before and after physical exertion, and protein only at night.