What is a color indicator in a blood test. Color Index (CPU)

The color of blood is no less important in a laboratory study than its quality indicators. The eye of an experienced researcher distinguishes the slightest shades, and sometimes it is by them that a preliminary judgment is made about the results. But the color indicator of blood (sometimes referred to as the color indicator of blood) is one of the mandatory types of tests that are prescribed to diagnose anemia. Determined by calculation. The determination of the color index of blood is intended to indicate the qualitative ratio of erythrocytes and hemoglobin.

What are erythrocytes

Erythrocytes are a type of cells in the blood, the purpose of which is to deliver oxygen to tissues and remove oxidized carbon from them. This is approximately one quarter of the cells in the human body. Microscopic "trucks" deliver the elements necessary for the cells of the body, take part in protective processes and maintain the correct reaction of the blood.

Its shape resembles a circle with a depressed middle. Formed in the red marrow of human bones (located in the skull, ribs and vertebrae). The cell may be mature (normocyte) or young (reticulocyte). There should be no other red blood cells in normal blood.

How are erythrocytes examined?

Many analyzes have been invented for the study of erythrocytes - each of them reflects some indicator. Absolute (quantitative) - the level in the blood test (a high or low level indicates certain human diseases), shape (studies for some diseases show round, oval or crescent-shaped red blood cells). Relative (qualitative) - the level of hemoglobin (a substance that provides oxygen transfer in the body) in the blood, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate - showing the presence of inflammatory processes in the body. There are also calculated blood indicators - they are called indices. These include:

  • average erythrocyte volume;
  • the content of hemoglobin in it;
  • distribution of hemoglobin in the total mass of these cells;
  • the ratio of the average erythrocyte volume.

The calculation of the color index of blood allows doctors to find the causes of anemia (a disease caused by a decrease in hemoglobin in the human body and manifests itself in extreme fatigue, lethargy, loss of strength).


The purpose of calculating the color index of blood is to determine whether the hemoglobin level in one erythrocyte cell corresponds to the norm, that is, how good it is, as a ratio of indicators.

The resulting index has been used for a long time and successfully; to determine the indicator, two initial values ​​​​are required - how many erythrocytes and hemoglobin are in the analyzed sample.

For such a calculation, the formula is used:

The norm of a color indicator for an adult can be indicated by a level from 0.85 to 1.00.

If the calculated indicator of the analyzed sample is above the norm, they speak of hyperchromia, if the color index of the blood is lowered - hypochromia.

When analyzed on automatic analyzers, the color indicator of blood allows you to calculate the ratio of the numerical concentration of hemoglobin to the number of erythrocyte cells per unit volume of the test fluid. It looks like the number obtained by dividing the hemoglobin number (g / l) by the number of red blood cells. The name of this analysis is MSN and its result is conditionally taken as a color indicator. Normal MCH values ​​in an adult male are 27-34 pg, similar in women, in newborns up to 14 days - 30-37 pg, up to one month - 29-36 pg, up to two months - 27-34 pg, up to 36 months - 22 -30 pg, up to 13 years 25–31 pg, up to 16 years 26–32 pg, up to 17 years 26–34 pg. What is a picogram in analysis? This is a weight unit denoting 1 trillionth of a whole.

Features of the CPU in various anemias

A color blood test (CP) is included in the complex of tests for diagnosing anemia.

A low or high weight of hemoglobin in red blood cells indicates their type. There are the following anemias:

  • normochromic;
  • hypochromic;
  • hyperchromic.

With the normochromic form of the disease, the color indicator is the norm. But it does not mean at all that a person is healthy. Anemia can be formed due to a malfunction of the internal organs - most often there may be violations of the kidneys.

With hypochromic anemia, the value of a reduced color index of blood is less than 0.85.

Hyperchromic anemia shows an analysis number above 1.15, i.e. elevated levels.

This ratio occurs in the event of a lack of folic acid and vitamin B in the human body, as well as the appearance of malignant tumors.

The color index is reduced in patients with iron deficiency. The cause of this phenomenon may be the degeneration of the liver in a cirrhotic or malignant type. Reduced color index - hemoglobin "starvation" is also caused by other reasons:

  • chemical poisoning;
  • pregnancy
  • iron deficiency anemia.

When anemia of this type is detected in adults, when conducting an examination, the doctor recommends a good diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits, lean meat. Recommended red wine and the rejection of strong tea and coffee. It is possible to use drugs, but this method is an extreme measure used exclusively to remove the patient from a critical condition.

Underestimated is the colorless liquid that is formed from the blood plasma - the ichor, or lymph, which acts as a purifier of our body.


Laboratory research is a procedure necessary for accurate diagnosis, already quite ordinary and familiar. For a long time, laboratory assistants do not manually count the number of cells, and a blood test for a color index is not done in a day - modern equipment does this quickly and accurately.

But it is still relevant to use proven methods of qualitative analysis such as color blood analysis, which still means a lot for the accurate diagnosis of diseases.

In contact with

The color index of blood is one of the main indicators of a blood test. Deviation from the norm indicates pathological processes occurring in the body.

Learn more about blood color

The color index (CP) of the blood contains data on the level of saturation of red blood cells with hemoglobin, an essential component whose function is to transport oxygen and containing iron. The calculation of the color index of blood is made according to the formula, if the calculation is done manually. Data can be obtained using a hematology analyzer, which calculates the RBC index. It is impossible to conduct research on your own.

It should be noted that CP is a non-specific way to estimate the percentage of hemoglobin in an erythrocyte, but it is now being successfully replaced by automatic blood analyzer calculations - namely, the average hemoglobin content in an erythrocyte. Therefore, like the thymol test, this type of analysis is a thing of the past, and its presence speaks of a laboratory that is not equipped with modern analyzers. Often it is still used in district and rural hospitals.

Nevertheless, several types of anemia have historically developed - normochromic, hyperchromic and hypochromic, and these conditions are still defined in this way, despite more advanced diagnostic methods.

The rate of the indicator

The numerical norm of the color index, indicating the amount of hemoglobin protein contained in the erythrocyte, is the same in an adult and in a child older than three years of age and is determined by values ​​in the range from 0.8 to 1.1. The indicator in the blood test for women is identical. In the blood of a child under three years of age, the norm of the CPU should be in the range from 0.75 to 0.96.

However, it should be borne in mind that the result obtained during the calculation does not indicate the exact concentration of the protein contained, but the total. There are precedents when the norm of the CPU is observed, however, the true concentration of hemoglobin protein is below the normal value. In this case, low CPU means the presence of normochromic anemia.

If there is a numerical result that is not within the allowable value, the doctor prescribes additional studies and tests to determine the cause of the lack or excess of protein in the patient's blood. Deviation from the norm always has a reason.

Reason for deviations

A numerical indicator that goes beyond the permissible norm indicates changes taking place in the human body.

An indicator that exceeds the permissible norm indicates the presence of diseases such as:

B-12 - deficiency anemia;

Polyposis of the stomach;

Neoplasms and tumors;

Low levels of folic acid.

With an increased content of hemoglobin in the patient's blood cells, it is not easy to establish the exact cause of the deviations due to the fact that the results of other tests, including the general blood test, do not meet the standards.

The phenomenon of a reduced color index is called hypochromia. The color index is lowered in the presence of pathological conditions such as:

Iron-deficiency anemia;

Cirrhosis of the liver;

Malignant neoplasms;

Hypothyroidism, hypothyroidism;

Anemia due to lead poisoning.

A reduced level of content can be observed in pregnant women suffering from anemia.

Blood CP is lowered in a child for the same reasons as in adults. Often a low color index of blood indicates overwork of the body.

There is a classification of anemia, differing from each other in the concentration of hemoglobin in red blood cells. There are three types in total:

Hypochromic anemia is diagnosed by a specialist with a numerical value of less than 0.8;

normochromic anemia is diagnosed by a doctor when the color index of the blood is within the acceptable range, but the amount of hemoglobin contained is not enough;

hyperchromic anemia is a diagnosis that a specialist establishes with an increased protein content in human erythrocytes.

What to do with a reduced color index

With a low color index of blood, it is necessary to pay attention to the diet and foods consumed. It is necessary to make each meal balanced and exclude junk food from your diet. Balanced fractional nutrition can normalize the level of hemoglobin in red blood cells.

It should be borne in mind that with a low content of a complex iron-containing protein, oxygen deficiency is observed in the blood cells, which leads to serious health problems and a deterioration in the general condition of the patient. It is necessary to increase the intake of vitamins B, C, E. An important component of a balanced diet is food rich in vitamin A. It is advisable to exclude fried foods containing a lot of fats and carbohydrates, flour products from the diet.

When the blood CP is lowered, the specialist recommends the regular use of red juices, for example, pomegranate, a small amount of red wine. You should not abuse alcohol. It is important to consider that juices must be natural and contain a minimum of dyes and preservatives. At the time of treatment, it is necessary to give up coffee and get rid of bad habits.

Deviation from the norm of the CPU most often is not treated with drugs, but involves changing the patient's lifestyle, getting rid of bad habits and adjusting the diet. Your doctor may recommend regular exercise to keep your heart functioning normally.

The color index of blood is determined as part of a general analysis in order to be able to make a differential diagnosis for anemia of various origins in both adults and children. In fact, the color index is a reflection of the relative content of the blood dye (i.e., hemoglobin) in red blood cells in relation to the norm.

What is a color index?

Normally, hemoglobin in red blood cells (erythrocytes) should contain from 27 to 33.3 pg (that is, pictograms). A unit or, in other words, a color indicator is considered to be a value of 33 pg, and the norm is the value of the color index from 0.85–0.86 to 1.05–1.15 (the norm may vary slightly in different laboratories).

The color index is calculated according to the following formula: the hemoglobin level in grams per liter is multiplied by 3 and divided by the first three digits of the number of red blood cells. Depending on how much it is lowered or increased, one can judge anemia and its type.

Color index norm

As mentioned above, the normal color index for adults is from 0.85 to 1.15. The same figure is relevant for any child over 12 years old. For children under this age, there are options.

So, for a child from one to three years old, the norm of the color index is from 0.75 to 0.96, and from four years old to 11–12 this figure will be from 0.8 to one.

Indications and rules for the analysis

The color index is examined as part of a clinical or general blood test, but the indication in this case may be a suspicion of anemia.

Special preparation for this analysis is also not needed, but it is still worth following the general rules to make the analysis more reliable. So, donate blood as early as possible in the morning and on an empty stomach. It is desirable that at least 8 hours pass after dinner (and preferably half a day). If the child is very small and needs to be fed constantly, then this analysis is done one and a half to two hours after feeding.

Color index and anemia

Depending on how low (or high) the color index is, one can judge the type of anemia.

So, if it is lowered and is less than 0.85, we are talking about hypochromic anemia. This category includes iron deficiency anemia, anemia with a malignant tumor or chronic diseases, as well as chronic posthemorrhagic.

If it is elevated (more than 1.15), hyperchromic anemia can be diagnosed (this occurs with a deficiency of folic acid or vitamin B12), as well as polycythemia.

But even if this parameter is normal, hemolytic or posthemorrhagic anemia is possible. Also, the color index is usually normal in diseases such as chronic renal failure or hypothyroidism.

With any anemia, signs such as a decrease in the general tone of the body, dizziness, shortness of breath, headaches and pallor of the skin, as well as pulsation in the temples, increased heart rate, weakening of memory and attention can be observed.

To clarify the type of anemia, it is also possible to undergo tests for ferritin, vitamin B12, serum iron and transferrin.

Blood is a liquid tissue of the body that constantly circulates through the vascular system. It transports oxygen and nutrients to all corners of the human body, removes waste products. The total quantitative volume of blood is about 7-8% of the human weight. Blood, as a connective tissue, has the following structure - the liquid part of the plasma and formed elements: red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes) and platelets (platelets). In the analysis, the color index of blood (abbreviated as CPU) is a value that reflects the content of hemoglobin in erythrocytes. This indicator is proportional to the international - the average concentration of hemoglobin in an erythrocyte, which is expressed in picograms (pg). The color index of blood is equal to 0.03 of the average concentration of hemoglobin (Hb) in picograms.

The erythrocyte contains about 27-33.3 pg of hemoglobin, which is approximately 0.85-1.05 CP and is a normal value. The color index of blood in different types of anemia acts as a diagnostic value.

Color indicator formula

The calculation of the color index is carried out according to the level of Hb concentration in a liter of blood (g / l), divided by 3 initial numbers without decimal points.

The CPU equals: 3 times 140 divided by 410. It turns out 1.024392, or 1.02 (rounded to two digits after the existing decimal point). This number shows that the color indicator of the blood is the norm. Taking into account Hb in the blood, equal to 140 g / l, there will be 4.1 × 1012 / l = 410 erythrocytes (when the number is rounded to one after the decimal point, add 0).

Blood test: color indicator as a diagnostic value

There is a deviation of the color index in the direction of decrease or increase. Anemia is classified into subgroups, depending on the reasons that led to the change in CP in human blood:

With a lack of B vitamins in the body - folic acid and cyanocobolamin (vitamin B 12) - megaloblastic.

It is mainly found in the development of malignant neoplasms - hypoplastic.

In the presence of myelodysplastic syndrome - sideroblastic.

With heavy bleeding - acute posthemorrhagic.

Hyperchromia is combined with cirrhotic lesions in the liver.

Hyperchromia is combined with an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) or when treated with certain medications.

Anemia and the characteristic of the accompanying color index

The most basic indicator in the detection of anemia is color. In order to correctly diagnose the pathology, it is necessary to take into account both the color index of the blood and the intensity of the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow tissue and determine the RDW indicator (which determines the heterogeneous content of red blood cells in a certain volume of blood).

If the patient has a lack of iron (there is a violation of education), then a quantitative erythrocyte indicator is determined within the normal range, but they are “depleted”, that is, with a small concentration of hemoglobin.

When a patient has a lack of vitamins of group B (hypovitaminosis in this group), then the erythrocytes contain less than the norm, but they will be large and have a high hemoglobin saturation (in this situation, there is a violation of cell reproduction).

According to the color index, 3 types of anemia are classified:

lowered (less than 0.8) - hypochromic;

The color index is within the acceptable range (from 0.8 to 1.05) - normochromic;

The color index exceeds normal numbers (more than 1.05) - hyperchromic.

The state of hypochromia and the causes of its occurrence

Hypochromia - an imbalance in the absorption of iron, iron deficiency anemia, the inability or impossibility of bone marrow cells to process iron for some reason. The reduced level of the color index is also called "microcytosis". This means that the red blood cells have insufficient hemoglobin saturation. The reasons for this condition of the patient may be:

Lead poisoning;

Iron deficiency anemia;

Anemia that develops during pregnancy.

The state of hyperchromia and its causes

The increase in the level of the color index is directly dependent on the level of erythrocytes in the blood volume. This pathology has another name - "macrocytosis". The reason for the increased color index is:

Gastric polyposis;

Vitamin B 9 deficiency;

Deficiency of cyanocobolamin, or vitamin B 12;


Normochromia: causes

In this condition, the color index of the blood is in the normal range, but the erythrocyte and hemoglobin levels are reduced. In a situation where the bone marrow produces a small amount of red blood cells, there is a subspecies of normochromic anemia - aplastic. Another reason may be the presence of an excessively rapid breakdown of red blood cells (hemolysis), which also refers to deviations from normal values. This subtype of pathology is called "hemolytic anemia". It can also accompany some endocrine diseases.

So, the principle here is quite simple:

In case of violation of hemoglobin synthesis (lack of iron intake), red blood cells will be in a normal amount, but they will be poor in hemoglobin;

In the event of a violation of the division of hematopoietic cells (the cause may be a lack of intake of B vitamins - cyanocobolamin and folic acid), there will be a small number of red blood cells, but they will become larger and oversaturated with hemoglobin.

Features of the CPU in the children's body

Normal values ​​​​of the color index in children are different and depend on the age of the child. This situation is due to the fact that with age in the blood there is an increase in the concentration of specific, that is, the so-called adult Hb:

From twelve months to three years, the normal rate is from 0.75 to 0.96;

From four to twelve years - in the range from 0.8 to 1.0;

From the age of twelve, the value is closer to adult normative data, that is, it ranges from 0.85 to 1.05.

The color indicator of blood is one of the most basic indicators of a clinical blood test. It shows the amount of hemoglobin in one erythrocyte, which gives its results when examining various diseases. The average rate of such an amount should not exceed the limits from 0.86 to 1.05. But, despite this, you need to clearly understand that the color indicator does not reflect the exact amount, but the total. Therefore, quite often there are cases when the analysis shows the norm, but in fact the hemoglobin is below the permissible level. This result is called the existing disease normochromic anemia.

It is of two types - aplastic and hemolytic, respectively, and the causes are different.

When is the color indicator increased or decreased?

The color index of the blood can be increased in the presence of a disease such as B-12 deficiency anemia. In such patients, the analyzes come rather disappointing, which does not always immediately reveal the presence of a cause. As for the low color level, it exists with iron deficiency anemia, cirrhosis of the liver, or in the presence of malignant tumors. In medical terms, this violation is referred to as. It is possible to identify the main diseases that occur in the presence of a low color index in the blood. This:

  • anemia in lead poisoning;
  • anemia during pregnancy;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia.

If there is a high color index in the blood above 1.1, diseases such as:

  • polyposis of the stomach;
  • deficiency of vitamin B12 in the body;
  • folate deficiency.

Normochromic anemia with normal blood color coefficient

The color indicator of blood cannot always be lowered or increased to indicate the presence of a particular disease. In this case, we are talking about that exceptional moment when the blood test is within the normal range, but at the same time the level of hemoglobin and erythrocytes is sufficiently low. Do not think that the wrong calculation was carried out. The matter is completely different. This situation can be explained by the presence of some other disease - normochromic anemia. In this case, there is another division. For example, when rapid and abnormal destruction of red blood cells occurs, this is a signal of hemolytic anemia. It is she who occurs in the case of rapid destruction of the erythrocyte mass in the plasma.

There is also a feedback disorder, which is characterized by unproductive work of the bone marrow and the production of a small - below normal - number of red blood cells. This is called aplastic anemia.

Color Index Calculation Formula

In medicine, there is a certain formula that helps to calculate and determine the color indicator in the blood. The color index of blood can be calculated as follows:
C.P. = (Hb * 3) / first 3 digits of the amount of Er
From this formula it follows that:

  • C.P. is the color coefficient;
  • Hb is the level of hemoglobin content;
  • Er is the number of erythrocytes.

Since the norm should not be lower than 0.86 and not higher than 1.15, following this calculation, you can get the corresponding results of this analysis. Of course, it is impossible to do this on your own. This requires special medical equipment and knowledge. Thus, having received this calculation, we can talk about a particular diagnosis. Most often it is either hypochromic anemia, or normochromic, or hyperchromic.

In the presence of one or another type, an appropriate additional examination is prescribed, which allows you to determine the full picture of the disease. The color indicator in the blood cannot be lowered or increased from scratch. Something preceded this and the doctor must find out the cause.

Analysis for mch gives more reliable data about the circulatory system of the body:

If the color coefficient is below normal

First of all, you need to pay attention to your diet, or rather, it should be as balanced as possible. This is also reflected in the level of hemoglobin, because if its amount is lower than it should be, then the body begins to suffer. In this case, you need to eat more vitamins, balanced with vitamins A, Group B, C and E. These can be various vegetables and fruits, protein meat, and a minimum of fried and fatty foods.

If you have a low color coefficient, then doctors may recommend that you drink red juices or some red wine every day. Eat as many foods as you can that are rich in iron and zinc. It is also not recommended to drink coffee and it is better to quit all bad habits.

It is worth noting that this pathology is generally not treated with certain drugs, except if the color level of the plasma is too low and urgent care is required for the patient. In all other cases, it is recommended to simply follow your lifestyle and a balanced diet. Then all the results of tests and other samplings will be normal and satisfactory for a healthy life. In particular, we are talking about physical activity and maintaining a stable work of the cardio system.