What is a Bagua Mirror? Bagua mirror in Feng Shui. Bagua Mirror - a powerful talisman

Undoubtedly, the most wonderful and common feng shui tool is the Bagua magical symbol. In translation Bagua means "Eight signs" or "Eight trigrams". Bagua symbolism is based on the philosophical principles of the Book of Changes (I Ching), but even today it finds wide practical application in everyday life.

The Bagua symbol is an octahedron divided into 9 parts - 8 sectors and the center of the figure, and manifests the idea that everything in this world - both material objects and emotions and tastes and colors and spiritual qualities and seasons and everything else can be reflected in the characteristics of each of its 8 parts. Trigrams can be applied both in the Pre-Heavenly and Post-Heavenly sequences. Each trigram represents one of the natural forces, which are divided into four yin and four yang. The sequence of trigrams represents the balance and harmony of forces in the universe, in a house or room.

It is easy to see that the above drawing is made in the "Western manner", i.e. north is up, south is down, west is on the left, and east is on the right. In Chinese drawings, south is shown at the top, north at the bottom, west on the right, and east on the left.

The Bagua principle - the principle of 8 directions - is also a natural development of the principles of Yin / Yang and 5 elements, since it already defines 8 different types of Qi energy, stating that everything in our life is connected with the energy of one of the 8 sectors.

By imposing the Bagua symbol in a certain way on the plan of a plot, house or room, you can find out which areas of the house or room are associated with one or another aspect of our life, and knowing this and changing the energy of certain places in the house, you can change the energy of the corresponding aspects of life. Thus, the second idea of ​​Bagua is that all objects in our house have not only a direct purpose, but also a symbolic meaning that is directly related to various aspects of our life.

The Chinese have long believed that understanding the symbolism of the Bagua and using its links to home, the physical body, and good luck allows a person to control his destiny.

Since any aspect of our life is associated with the energy of one of the eight Bagua zones, we can distinguish eight different types of Qi energy corresponding to these zones.

The Bagua center has very powerful energy characteristics, but unlike the 8 directions, it is not associated with any trigram and its energy unites many aspects of all 8 directions.

The Bagua symbol is shown in the figure, and the table shows some correspondences between each of its nine sections and various natural phenomena, spheres of life, objects and concepts.

To work effectively with the energy of these zones, you need to study feng shui more deeply, but now my goal is not to teach you how to work with them.

The purpose of this note is to talk about only one kind of use of the Bagua sign - a symbol or sign of good luck in Feng Shui, namely, the Bagua mirror.

The classic and simplest Bagua mirror is an octahedron, along the perimeter of which 8 trigrams are applied, and in the center there is a round mirror. In the traditional, classic Bagua mirror, the trigrams are applied in the Precelestial sequence and hung with the “Heaven” trigram up and the “Earth” trigram down, i.e. a trigram consisting of three solid lines up and a trigram consisting of three broken lines down.

Such a mirror is designed to protect the house from negative external influences and it is always hung with a mirror outward, in the direction of the source of the negative impact. Such a source can be a cemetery, a pole, a corner of a neighboring building, a police station, a sharp corner of a roof, a straight road leading to the entrance, etc.

The mirror in the center of the symbol can be flat, convex or concave. A flat mirror simply reflects negative energy towards its source. A convex mirror reflects and dissipates negative energy in the surrounding space. A concave mirror accumulates negative energy into a highly directional beam, so such a mirror can be dangerous for the one to whom it is directed, and the use of concave mirrors causes a “mirror war” in Asian cities. I do not recommend using the Bagua symbol with a concave mirror, so as not to harm the neighbors, although some believe that a concave mirror neutralizes negative energy in the center of its concentration.

There are many highly modified Bagua mirrors on the market today. In each sector, signs inherent in the direction of this sector can be drawn, 24 mountains, signs of the zodiac can be drawn, or written characteristics of the energy of this direction can be written in words. I believe that this is acceptable and does not detract from the value of the Bagua mirror as a symbol, as a protective feng shui sign. The color of the coloring of the symbol also does not matter.

One can find Bagua symbols without a mirror in the center and with trigrams around the perimeter, applied in the Postheavenly sequence.

Strictly speaking, such symbols can no longer be called Bagua mirrors, but they are also called Bagua symbols and mirrors. Such Bagua symbols without a mirror in the center and with trigrams applied in the Postheavenly sequence are used not to reflect the negative energy directed at the house from the outside, but to neutralize the negative energy inside the house, for example, to neutralize the influence of a combination of negative flying stars 2 and 5. Such mirrors can be hung or placed on a stand indoors and, in general, they can be hung anywhere in the home simply to harmonize the energies in that spot in the home.

If the muzzle of an evil animal is drawn in the center of the symbol instead of a mirror, then such a symbol is used to neutralize negative energy inside the house or to reflect negative energy from outside the house. It happens that the Bagua symbol is drawn on the forehead of the animal's muzzle, and such objects are also used to reflect and harmonize energy.

If instead of a mirror in the center of the sign there is a Yin / Yang symbol, then such a Bagua symbol is used to harmonize the space inside the house. I believe it will be better when the Yin/Yang symbol is drawn correctly, as shown in the following figure.

Recently, the wonderful octagonal Bagua talisman has gained wide popularity and popularity, but remember to use the Yin Bagua, where the trigrams are placed in accordance with the Pre-Heavenly order.

Mascot Bagua

The Protective Bagua is renowned as a very powerful Feng Shui tool, and this is true. Hanging from the outside of the office above the door, it reflects large portions of bad energy. It is especially effective when used to counteract the deadly breath of trees, straight roads, disastrous intersections, and dangerous rooftops.

At the same time, Bagua should be used with care. This is a very powerful symbol that works by sending its own strong negative energy towards the one that is moving towards your doors. It is believed that the strength of the Bagua is not only due to its octagonal shape, but also to the mirror in its center and the trigrams arranged in a circle.

An indispensable condition is never to hang the Bagua inside your office or home. If you need to deal with bad Feng Shui in your interior, try one or more of the following, but never use Bagua. Once you do this, everyone in your home and office will start fighting each other. Relationships and productivity will suffer, and if before your problems were small, now they will become big. In fact, I am so actively trying to dissuade you from using Bagua, because, in dealing with Feng Shui problems, the Bagua mirror, unwittingly, harms everyone. Where better to use other, less dangerous means of Feng Shui.

There are two ways of placing trigrams in Bagua and in ancient times, when the practice of Feng Shui focused not only on houses for the living, but also “houses for the dead”, that is, tombs, both of these methods were used in the analysis.

Yin Feng Shui and Bagua

“Pre-heavenly” (that is, existing in an ideal world, before and outside the creation of the universe - “sky”) the arrangement of trigrams around the Bagua was used in those cases when the Feng Shui of graves and cemeteries was evaluated. Since ancient times, the Chinese have believed that this branch of Feng Shui (Yin Feng Shui) is extremely powerful and much more powerful in terms of influencing the well-being of the family over a long period of time than any other. Some people still claim that Yin Feng Shui has been working for five generations.

These days, the knowledge of Yin Feng Shui is rapidly being lost as many old masters refuse to take on the services of designing tombs and graves.

In the Yin Bagua, the qian trigram is located in the south, directly opposite the kun trigram located in the north. It is believed that the pre-heavenly arrangement of the trigrams makes the Bagua a powerful symbol of protection. It is this arrangement that is depicted on protective talismans. Such Bagua are hung over the front door of the house to repel the attack of the hostile sha qi generated by obstacles, straight roads and other attacking structures.

I urge all those who have been advised to use the Yin Bagua to ward off poison arrows to never hang it inside their home or office. This Bagua reflects the deadly energy that causes major misfortunes.

The Yin Bagua should always be hung outside the door outside and never placed inside the house itself. Even if hanging outdoors, try to use other corrective Feng Shui methods if the Bagua appears to be directed towards your neighbors. Always strive to apply corrective measures that do not harm other people.

Bagua Mirror and Yang Feng Shui

Yang Feng Shui only applies to homes for the living, and its Bagua, or the Yang Bagua that can be relied upon for analysis, is based on the Post-Heavenly (i.e. existing in the real, created universe) arrangement. In the Yang Bagua, the arrangement of the trigrams is significantly different from the Yin Bagua. You must learn to distinguish between these two Pakuas. The simplest way to recognize is to memorize the location of the main trigrams qian and kun.

In the Yang Bagua, the qian trigram is in the northwest and the kun trigram is in the southwest. Thus, in Feng Shui of houses for the living, the place of the “master of the house” is the northwest, and this orientation or corner of the house takes on special significance. Therefore, there should not be a toilet, kitchen or pantry. The place of the “mistress of the house” is the southwest, by analogy with the northwest corner, you should not place a toilet here either.

In the practice of Yang Feng Shui, it is extremely important that the correct Bagua is used in the analysis. almost all feng shui recommendations related to directions, orientations and elements are based on the Japanese arrangement of the eight trigrams. This is the fundamental basis of feng shui theory.

The Bagua Mirror is a protective amulet in Feng Shui. The complexity of its application lies in the fact that if you choose the wrong place, you can make yourself a lot of trouble.

Meaning of Bagua Mirrors

The octagonal Bagua mirror in Feng Shui is designed to combat aggressive energy. Its basis is the mirror part of Ba located in the center, on the side of which various trigrams and Chinese symbols from the Book of Changes are located in a circle.

According to Feng Shui, the central Ba is endowed with powerful energy power and is able to trap evil spirits, attracting them to itself, and the trigrams located around it prevent them from returning to freedom.

The Bagua mirror symbol in Feng Shui is used to identify energy sectors.

Each trigram represents a specific area of ​​the life path – health, relationships and finances. Taken together, they connect the material, sensual, emotional and energy directions into a single whole.


There are two Bagua:

  1. Celestial, symbolizing, according to Feng Shui, a correctly created ideal world that existed before the appearance of the Universe. On it, the trigrams are of Yin, feminine origin. Such a powerful amulet is needed against aggressive hostile energy, whose name is Sha. It endows the Celestial Bagua with special power with a special arrangement of trigrams that carry a destructive effect.
  2. Postheavenly, with symbols relating to the nature of the masculine yang energy. They often try to hang it to accumulate positive energy in everyday life in a home or work interior.

Ba mirror options

The central part of the Bagua mirror can be different.


The task of the concave mirror is to absorb negative Sha energy. Such bad energy dissipates and loses its power. It is better to give preference to the concave surfaces of Ba, so as not to cause adverse consequences for yourself in the future in your personal life.


The optical property of the convex center, in which the bend is directed outward, lies in its reflectivity against harmful energy. The convex Bagua Mirror takes its flows onto itself, dispersing it in space, leaving negative energy without power. Another property of such a convex mirror surface is to concentrate all the negativity in the center and, with the help of trigrams, prevent it from returning back outside.


The flat center Ba is considered neutral in its impact. It is able to reflect and return back to space or to an object any kind of energy flow, both negative and positive.

Location selection

For women

For a Bagua mirror with a powerful energy and power, with a feminine yin, a place where it can be hung is chosen following certain rules.

  • The main rule: the Bagua mirror should be located exclusively outside the room, and in no case should this talisman be hung inside the work or home environment. This is due to its main purpose to absorb and reflect negative energy. An object located indoors will not only not smooth out negative flows, but also increase their number.
  • The mirror should not reflect someone else's home or work office, including a doorway or part of a building. With this placement, the protective talisman will bring trouble.
  • The best place for Bagua is outside the window, where there is a noisy road, a cemetery, a garbage heap, etc. The same rule applies when placing a protective talisman outside the front door of the apartment, if it opens onto a stairway or a garbage chute, but not on the doors of neighbors. In this case, the Bagua mirror will become an obstacle to the entry of negative energy into the house.

Attention! This article is about the Bagua mirror. The Bagua map is very similar to it, but it is not the same thing at all. The Bagua mirror cannot be used inside the house, but the map can. The difference is simple: in the Bagua mirror there is a mirror in the middle, in the Bagua card there is no mirror. If you are interested in the Bagua map, see the corresponding article.

In the art of Feng Shui, it is believed that some features of the interior, architecture and landscape around us are favorable for us, and some are unfavorable. Favorable elements must be chosen, left as is or strengthened. Unfavorable - if possible, avoid or neutralize.

Qi energy is considered auspicious energy. This energy is produced by cleanliness, order, comfort, harmony, smooth lines, beautiful interior.

Unfavorable energy is the energy of Sha or Sha-Qi. This energy arises where harmony is broken. First of all, harmony is broken by straight lines and angles. They create the so-called "Sha arrows" - this is the official Feng Shui term. Sha arrows have a devastating effect. They are born where your dwelling, especially the entrance or window, is directed by a road that goes straight to the door, or the corner of a neighboring building is directed. Accordingly, Sha energy goes along this road or along the line from the corner. In Eastern culture, it is believed that spirits walk in a straight line. In this case, it is possible to neutralize the negative influence from the point of view of Feng Shui, if the road is made not even, but winding, or not going straight to the door, but parallel to it, or rounding towards the door. You can put a fence in front of the door. If the corner of the house looks out the window to you, you can put a large flower in a pot on the window (this is the element of earth, so the window should not go to the other side of the horizon, which contradicts this element). And finally, as a last resort to neutralize the Sha arrows, the Bagua mirror is used. You can read about how it works and about its meaning and choice in another article. And here we will give recommendations on its use.

The Bagua Mirror in Feng Shui is a VERY strong protective amulet. Perhaps the most powerful. Therefore, it should be used only as a last resort, if all other options are impossible.

The method of using Bagua in Feng Shui is simple. Precautions in handling it are much more complicated, but about them a little later. So, how to use the Bagua Feng Shui mirror? It must be placed outside the house, directing it to a source of negative energy. At the same time, it is IMPOSSIBLE to create harm with this mirror. To prevent this from happening, precautions must be taken. They are the following:

Never look into a Bagua mirror. It is believed that this will take your energy, "steal your soul."

  1. Never hang a Bagua mirror so that it is directed at an apartment building or at a neighbor's door. It will bring bad luck to the house. And if the owners of the house, in order to protect themselves from your mirror, also hang a mirror “in response”, this will create a line of energies that will either be absorbed or constantly “kick back” between the two mirrors - this is an extremely unhealthy situation for Feng Shui. Feng Shui generally prohibits hanging even ordinary mirrors opposite each other. In addition, if protecting your house from the corner of a residential building, you point a Bagua mirror at it, you harm people. It is naive to expect that you will benefit from this, because everything bad comes back to the one who did it.
  2. Never hang a Bagua mirror in the house - it will "suck out" all the positive energy from the house and its residents. This amulet is too strong to be in an enclosed space and do no harm.
  3. Thus, the Bagua mirror in Feng Shui should be used only as a last resort - if you cannot apply all other methods of neutralizing the negative Sha energy for some reason. And the Feng Shui Bagua mirror must be handled carefully, carefully and responsibly so as not to harm anyone.

You can read more about the 4 different types of energy that are taken into account by the science of Feng Shui in our article on

Feng Shui cannot be imagined without symbols and talismans, which serve as tools for harmonizing space - and this is precisely the task facing this doctrine. One such powerful tool that needs to be used with great care is the bagua mirror.

What is a bagua mirror used for in feng shui?

The main purpose of this unusual item is to neutralize the flows of negative energy. It captures Sha energy, accumulating it in itself. At the same time, the Sha itself does not go anywhere - which is why the mirror must be handled with extreme caution.

The main conductors of Sha energy are sharp corners, niches, beams. On the street, the negative is carried by the corners of houses directed towards your house or apartment, or intersections located very close. They form poisoned arrows that harm the occupants of the house. To reflect them from the outside, a bagua mirror is used.

What is a bagua mirror

In the center of this object is an ordinary round mirror enclosed in an octagonal frame. The frame itself is a grid of ba gua, a well-known feng shui symbol. Each of the eight sectors, resting against the central part, is a regular trigram.

On sale you can find a convex or concave bagua mirror. But both of them are dangerous to use - the first reflects the arrows of the Sha, which fly in different directions, continuing to cause harm. The second - accumulates all Sha, turning into a very dangerous talisman. If you accidentally break it, you can bring big trouble to your home. Therefore, the best option would be an ordinary mirror.

How to hang a bagua mirror

Most often, this talisman is used from the outside of buildings. It helps to keep any negative energy out of the house. If you have a noisy highway outside your window (fast moving cars generate Sha energy), a busy intersection, a corner of a building or a tall skyscraper, garbage cans or a cemetery (or any other place that causes negative emotions), hang a bagua mirror outside.

In a private house, you can hang it above the front door. It is better not to use this option in apartments - it is unacceptable that the door of another apartment is reflected in such a mirror. This method of placement is only suitable if your door opens onto a stairwell or garbage chute.

  • It is important that the bagua mirror is never used inside the house. So it will do more harm than good.

The mirror will help protect not only from Sha energy, but also from other negativity - people with evil intentions, unpleasant events.