What does part-time education mean. What is a full-time - part-time (evening) form of education in schools and universities

Many people at the end of school ask themselves the question: “What does full-time education mean?”. In this article we will try to reveal the topic of full-time and part-time education in a higher educational institution. Let's talk about the pros and cons of each form and help you make the right choice. It is extremely important to understand that, depending on this choice, the form of training and the program of study in the specialty can seriously differ.

The roots of the word "full-time" come from the Old Slavonic languages. "Ok" in the days of Ancient Russia was called the eye, respectively, "full-time" would mean some kind of eye contact. In other words, the orders are not much different from school ones. Every day, students attend classes, receive grades in disciplines, and at the end of the semester pass tests and exams on them. However, school education can also be attributed to the full-time form, because children also go to lessons every day.

The life of a full-time university student consists of listening to lectures in huge auditoriums, attending seminars and practical classes, writing and defending tests and term papers. The load varies depending on the chosen specialty and, of course, the university itself.

It is worth noting that in most Russian institutes, in order to successfully complete the semester and, accordingly, the academic year, constant attendance is required. Students should receive knowledge from teachers. This is the meaning of full-time education. In addition, students are given an additional load on independent study of some literature, home preparation for classes, etc.


The concept itself is considered the complete opposite of full-time education. In other words, the meaning of the absentee form is that student does not attend classes at the university every day. Instead, he spends the entire semester preparing for homework and exams based on the materials he received at the beginning of the school year. At the end of the semester or in its middle (depending on the university), part-time students come to the institute for a session.

The advantage of distance learning is that the student gets almost complete freedom of action. He can sit at home for months reading books or, for example, get a job to pay for education. In most Russian universities, it is more than two times cheaper than full-time education.

In absentia, usually those who study who does not want to spend time attending lectures and the university. As a rule, these are people who have a permanent job, undergo retraining or receive additional education. If the student is officially employed, he is given a certificate, according to which he has the right not to come to work during the session.

At some universities, part-time is a way to avoid dropping out of the university, as the requirements for students are much lower than full-time studies. Students with catastrophic underachievement are usually offered a transfer to a correspondence department with the preservation of their specialty and results in the disciplines they have completed.

The first session of part-time students is for familiarization. On it you can get the minimum material necessary for passing the exams, the schedule is covered, the first lectures and practical classes are held.

How to make a choice

To understand which form of training is more suitable for you, you should understand both. What is required for enrollment in the full-time department? Let's go through the steps:

  1. The issue of admission of applicants is considered in the selection committee, so it is there that you need to take the documents for admission to the university. As a rule, this is a school certificate, passport, medical certificate, several photographs and other papers, depending on the specifics of the university.
  2. Pass entrance examinations, which are given in most Russian universities in the middle of summer, or provide an original certificate of passing the exam.
  3. After passing the necessary documents and exams, all that remains is to wait for the results and the announcement of the lists of those enrolled.
  4. If you are on this list, you will be notified of the first student meeting, which takes place in August, before the start of the school year. At the meeting, they will explain what to do in the near future, where to go and what to do.
  5. After the parade of first-year students, traditional for most universities, start classes. The first month they are exploratory in nature, however, it is strongly not recommended to skip them.
  6. Prepare for the session and successfully complete the semester.

Face-to-face training, no doubt has many positive features and here are just a few of them:

  • The knowledge gained in the classroom is of a full-fledged nature, since the student does not need to think of anything on his own - all the material comes from the lips of the teacher.
  • Speaking of teachers, contact with them will be constant, which helps a lot if some of the material is poorly absorbed by the students, or they just have any questions.
  • Constant attendance of classes, completion of assignments and timely delivery of the session temper the character and train the discipline of the student.

There are few negatives, of course., but still they are present:

  • Due to the study load, which is similar to a full-time work week with an abundance of material, there is very little time left for self-study. For many students, this problem is paramount, and the contrast in the time that you need to devote to study and yourself often makes it difficult to focus on one thing.
  • If you failed to get a budget place in your specialty, or it is not provided at all at this university, tuition fees can be very expensive, both for the student and for his parents.

If the full-time form is so good or so bad (everyone decides for himself), is it worth choosing? There is an opinion that full-time education is more suitable for in-depth study of the chosen profession. And in fact, independent study of literature does not always help to understand the material.

Questions can accumulate in the head by themselves, and there will come a time when there will be more of them than answers. At such moments, more than ever, the help of specially trained people who understand this is required. This is where teachers come to the rescue. University education is hard work. Therefore, just come and get a diploma will not work.

Thus, for people who need to understand their future specialty, this form is hardly suitable. There is more time, but the training itself is much more difficult and less effective.

Advantages of the correspondence form:

  • The cost of education is much lower.
  • Lots of time to spend on yourself. You can find a job with a regular schedule to pay for training.

Drawing conclusions

Here we come to the end of our reflections on what is better. As a result, we find that distance learning is more suitable for people who value their own time and who need it to perform other tasks. Usually, these are people who have come out of adolescence, who already have a job or a family.

What about the face shape? It is suitable for boys and girls who have just graduated from high school. For most of them, this is a chance to understand their future specialty and become a professional in their field after graduation from the university.


You can learn about the forms of education, their advantages and disadvantages from this video.

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Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Just yesterday I was visited by the question: full-time part-time education - how is it? The background about where this question came from in my head is superfluous, I’d rather try to tell what I myself understood about this form of education. As a result of searching on the Internet and reading several articles, some understanding was formed, and first of all it became clear that you first need to sort out the question of what full-time and part-time education means. I think everyone knows about this, so I'll go through briefly.

What does full-time and part-time education mean?

I repeat, everyone should know this, so we will work on the principle of brevity - the sister of talent. In general, this subparagraph of the article can easily be skipped and moved on to the next one, since it is clearly visible.

In short, it is better to resort to a small list, where you can also list the pros and cons:

  1. Full-time education. The well-known phenomenon is that, in a good way, students should attend classes 5-6 times a week, do a mountain of homework, prepare for the session and pass it. If you study at a serious higher education institution, you will have very little time for entertainment, for work ... Well, if only in the summer. But the acquired knowledge and diploma can help you get a good job. Or they may not help, then how the card will fall.
  2. Extramural studies. As a rule, those who work in parallel study at distance learning. If approached correctly, then the employer must allocate time to prepare for the session and the session itself, I'm not talking about 4 months to write a thesis. But all this is fiction, in Russia this does not happen, well, or extremely rarely. So immediately minus - there is no time for quality education, if only the weekend of 5 years is spent on learning what they are talking about. The pluses include the fact that distance education is usually inextricably linked with work, so that the student "from the inside" knows these issues and problems. By the way, correspondence education is rarely the first higher education.

For some reason, I wrote about what 99% of the inhabitants of Russia know, but suddenly it will come in handy for someone. Let's move on to the more mysterious part of the article.

Part-time education is like

Recently I heard from a girl that she is not just doing quite responsible work, but also studying, I immediately remembered this type of education as evening education. What I asked the girl about, she answered with a smile, “full-time”. I didn’t try to find out what it was and how, but I left a mark in my memory that it was necessary to look for what it was and how.

Now let's try to figure out how

Almost immediately I found that part-time and evening forms of education differ only in name, but in general they are one and the same. But it is impossible not to admit that this phenomenon is quite interesting and not without its advantages and disadvantages. But about them a little later, for now let's talk about how learning takes place in full-time part-time form.

Full-time part-time education does not involve daily training, as in full-time education, but also not training only during sessions. Part-time study can give you a choice of when it is more convenient for you to study, so as not to interfere with work. Therefore, there is training in the morning and during the day, for those who work at night, training in the evening for workers who work during the day, and even shift training days. Interesting? Try to find a university that fits your opening hours, not sure if it's that easy.

As a digression, I would like to say that this form of education is not something new at all. About 50-70 years ago in the Soviet Union, many young people worked and received education in the evening. Usually it was secondary specialized education, but this is not important in this case. You can ask your grandparents about this, they probably learned this way. At present, full-time part-time education is almost forgotten, only a few percent of students studying in higher educational institutions choose the evening form of education, perhaps this is due to the disadvantages, which will be discussed later.

Evening form of education, disadvantages

It is better to list the shortcomings in order not to smear the article completely. So, part-time education has the following disadvantages:

  1. Since there are currently few people wishing to study in this form of education, there are also few universities offering to study in it, and, consequently, there are few specialties that can be obtained.
  2. It is far from always possible to find where to study at a time when you can do it and when it is convenient for you. Apparently, this is why many people choose part-time education, during which they have to study not almost every day, but much less, sessions generally last 2-3 weeks, during which a person is on paid leave.
  3. On the evening form of study, the university does not provide a deferment from the army. For young people a serious minus.
  4. Transferring to full-time education, if such a need suddenly arises, is theoretically possible, but very difficult.
  5. There will be little free time, even very much, even sleep may not be enough. Although this happens in full-time training ...

But not only does this form of education have disadvantages, there are also advantages, now we’ll talk about them.

Full-time part-time education, pluses

There are definitely advantages, now we'll figure it out

There are pluses, where without them, now I will try to bring those that I found in other articles, but I will choose the most significant of them, and not give everything in a row:

  1. I have already spoken about this, but I repeat, there is an opportunity to combine work and study.
  2. If suddenly you decide to get a non-second higher education with the help of an evening form of education, then this will help you gain financial independence earlier.
  3. Low cost of education when compared with full-time education.
  4. If you work and get an education in one specialty, then you will not have the question “where can I get an internship?”, And this question torments many full-time students.
  5. As with any training, full-time correspondence will help you with your career.
  6. The attitude of teachers will be much more loyal than to full-time students.

It seems that I have listed all the really significant advantages and disadvantages, now it remains only for you to choose whether the part-time form of study suits you or not. All thoughtful and balanced decisions! See you on the blog pages site

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Traditional forms of education (full-time and part-time) today exist in parallel with relatively new ones - part-time and distance learning. What is the difference between the forms of education at the university?

Full-time education

Full-time education is the most common way to get higher education. The daytime form of study implies that the student attends seminars and lectures every day (except weekends) during the semester, and then passes the relevant exams. Full-time students can study on a budget and receive a scholarship, or they can enroll in a paid form of education. What does face-to-face education mean for boys? For them, full-time study allows them to get a deferment from the army.

Part-time education

Part-time education is suitable for those who want to get an education and at the same time not quit their job. Classes are held on weekends or in the evening, which, respectively, are called "weekend group" or "evening training".

The evening form of education implies that not only training, but also exams are taken after hours. Often, during evening classes, classes are not held every day, but, for example, 3 times a week for 3 pairs.

What does the form of training in the weekend group mean? Classes and exams are held on weekends, which is convenient for family people who are busy at work. It is quite difficult to study this way, but the quality of this form of education at the institute is higher than, for example, at the correspondence department, because students are in direct contact with the teacher.

Extramural studies

Distance learning is a fairly independent way of learning. Admission to distance learning implies that the student comes to the installation session, receives an assignment and a list of references, prepares independently for a certain time and then passes exams to the teacher. The specialties of distance learning can be very different, but regardless of this, the session will be held twice a year.

Many employers believe that part-time education at a university does not differ in the quality of education, so it is often chosen to receive a second higher education.

distance form learning, which is considered a type of distance learning, implies that a student communicates with a teacher using Internet services: specialized distance learning systems, e-mail, chats, video conferences, etc. The main advantage of this form of education is that residents of any city can receive education remotely without leaving home. In addition, you can get a diploma from a Moscow university from any subject of Russia. There are more and more adherents of this form of education every year.

Full-time and part-time education, as well as part-time education, can be both free (budget places are allocated) and paid.

The concept of "abbreviated form of education" is not provided for by law, however, many universities meet students halfway and after the first session, subject to successful completion, they can transfer to the next course. Therefore, in fact, both full-time and part-time, an abbreviated form of education exists.

Both in full-time and part-time forms of study, the academic year is divided into 2 parts (2 semesters), after which the student takes exams and tests in the disciplines studied. As a rule, this happens in winter and summer (and summer session). In any form, exams and tests are given personally to the teacher, but the process of learning "full-time student" and "" is very different.

Full-time education

Full-time education implies the need for the direct personal presence of the student at lectures, seminars and practical classes, personal participation in other activities provided for by the curriculum of the university, college. As a rule, classes are held according to the schedule, and it is not recommended to skip them.

Sometimes during the semester, the program may provide for intermediate credit papers or other types of accounting for students' knowledge. This helps to optimize the learning process, contributes to the systematic assimilation of knowledge. In fact, the organization of the educational process, the mode of classes, the volume of assimilation of the material is regulated by the educational institution, and the student only has to adapt to the proposed system to the best of his ability and ability.

Of course, the system of full-time education helps to absorb knowledge in the best possible way. This is largely facilitated by the direct communication of the student with the teaching staff, which can go beyond the scope of training sessions.

As a rule, this form of education is chosen by school graduates and those young people who can afford not to work, but devote all their time to learning. Of course, you can combine work and study activities, but in full-time form it will still belong to study.

Extramural studies

In the correspondence form, the student independently organizes his educational process, actually being engaged in self-study. The role of the educational institution is reduced to a kind of orientation of the student. In accordance with the curriculum, certain disciplines are offered to him for study, approximate limits are given in which these disciplines should be mastered, sources are recommended that can be used in the process of self-education.

Further training, its organization, and in many respects the content remain the responsibility of the student himself. He himself chooses the time for classes, determines the amount of educational material that he needs to learn in order to be successful.

Examinations and tests, as well as in full-time education, with correspondence allow you to control the level of knowledge of the student in certain disciplines. The role of intermediate credits in correspondence form can be played by written works (abstracts, term papers and tests), which the student must send to teachers during the semester or hand over immediately before the start of the next session.

It is believed that education in the correspondence department is not as high quality and complete as in full-time education. But with a high level of self-discipline, a serious approach to the learning process, a correspondence student can approach a full-time student in terms of the level of his knowledge.

Correspondence form of education is chosen by those who need to continue working without interrupting their studies. This allows you to get additional knowledge and a diploma of education without prejudice to your financial situation and professional status.

Full-time education (full-time education)

Traditionally, it is considered to be the most common option for obtaining higher specialized education. Face-to-face teaching involves daily classes in the daytime, where student attendance is recorded in accordance with the current point-rating system. At the same time, in this educational form, the entire academic year is divided into two semesters, in which there is an alternation between such methods of cognitive activity as writing lectures and conducting seminars. Students enrolled in full-time education when passing to specially provided budget places that do not require monetary payment are required to receive a state scholarship.
In this system, there is also the option of pursuing higher education, while using its own annual fee. In this scenario, the student is excluded from receiving monthly cash payments.
What is its role for young men who have completed eleven classes and passed the exam? For them, according to the regulations, the daytime department is obliged to provide a deferment from the army, which is approved by the government of R.F.

What does part-time education mean?

Such a model, in contrast to the daytime department, includes the same procedure for lectures and seminars, but on the condition that they take place exclusively in the evening. The part-time form is suitable, first of all, for people who need to get a higher education or an additional specialty, while simultaneously combining education with their current work activity. It should be noted that the study of materials on scientific disciplines, as well as the delivery of sessions, is carried out in their free time. And among the nuances, perhaps, the main one is the number of classes, the conduct of which is established in accordance with the prescribed schedule. For example, 3 pairs 3 times a week.
There is also a so-called weekend group. It is typical for people who are very limited in free time, and therefore, especially for them, visits to established disciplines are carried out on weekends.

Extramural studies

This is learning, manifested in the independent study of the provided educational material. The structure of part-time education is as follows:
Before the start of the academic year, the student comes to the institute and takes all the necessary study tasks from the teachers.
Further, throughout the entire six months, he independently prepares for subsequent exams, by studying special literature and visiting some additional Internet resources.
The end of the semester is characterized by the subsequent passing of the exams provided for in the curriculum.
For some, this form is the most acceptable. Because it allows you to save a huge amount of time by combining work and study into one.
Entering it, a student who has not previously served in the armed forces cannot receive a deferment.

Distance learning

The advantage of this variety is the ability to make a choice in favor of non-resident institutions, while having the opportunity to stay permanently in their native place of residence. The process of knowledge transfer is carried out thanks to such computer Internet technologies as e-mail, chats, video conferences, etc.