Daria Dontsova: how to beat cancer. Have you tried non-traditional therapies?

Singer, 64 years old

According to statistics, when breast cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, 94% of the disease is successfully cured - which is why doctors urge women to regularly do mammograms. Singer Laima Vaikule did not suspect anything for decades - which is why, when she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1991, the prognosis of doctors was extremely unoptimistic: the last stage of the disease, the chance of recovery was 20%.

The singer withdrew into herself, refused a psychologist, who was provided in an American clinic, did not confess to her mother, because of the treatment she could not even come from the USA to her father's funeral.

Throughout the struggle, her husband, producer Andrey Latkovsky, supported her. According to the singer, after she nevertheless managed to defeat oncology (by breast removal and radiation), she changed a lot. The artist learned to appreciate loved ones and became softer in judgments and statements.


Darya Dontsova

Writer, 66 years old

Detective writer Daria Dontsova is one of the first and few Russian celebrities who started talking openly about breast cancer. She never made a secret of her illness, calmly telling everyone who asked: yes, I had oncology, yes, it was hard, but I managed, now everything is behind. Cancer, according to Dontsova, is just a disease that can be treated if it is recognized in time and measures are taken. However, at the beginning of the journey, in 1998, she was not so positive.

The professor, to whom the writer got an appointment, suggested that she had three months to live. According to Daria, she did not experience fear of death. But she realized that she has three children, a husband, an elderly mother and mother-in-law, as well as pets - there are those for whom to live. Dontsova was determined to win. As she later admitted, she knew that she would not die.

She had to go through 4 operations, many courses of chemotherapy, five years on pills and hormones - and in the late 1990s, drugs of that generation caused nausea and weakness.

In an interview, Daria admitted that she wrote the first few books literally in the bathroom due to constant nausea. All this time, she was kept afloat by thoughts of her husband and children.

Stories of the heroines of the TLC project "My Second Life"

Natalya Altunina from Usolye-Sibirsky is 44 years old. She has a husband, a little daughter, a 16-year-old son. For 21 years, Natalia has worked in the city administration, and for the last 3 years she has been deputy head of the administration for economic and social issues. In October 2017, Natalya lost her job and almost simultaneously her health: she was diagnosed with "breast cancer". The word "lucky" is inappropriate here, but Natalia really managed to detect the disease at an early stage.

Natalya went to the Irkutsk oncological dispensary, where she was sent for chemotherapy. She had 6 sessions to reduce the swelling before the operation. In the third week, Natalia's hair began to fall out - this happened before the New Year's corporate party. Natalya did not want to share her feelings with her former colleagues, so she whipped up her hair as much as possible, “pasted” it with varnish where possible, and went to celebrate.

After completing chemotherapy courses, when the tumor had resolved, Natalya was sent for a mastectomy - removal of the mammary glands. Due to the location of the tumor in the center of the breast and the mutation of a gene that predisposes the cancer to return, the doctors removed the healthy breast too. At the same time, she underwent reconstructive mammoplasty.

Now, looking at her body, Natalya cries only from relief and joy. She has a final course of chemotherapy ahead of her.

Irina Vishnyakova is 48 years old, she has been married for 23 years and has two daughters. Irina has always considered herself lucky, so the diagnosis of breast cancer sounded like a bolt from the blue. It was an accident: the examinations did not reveal anything suspicious, and only the gynecologist, feeling Irina's breasts during a standard examination, squeezed the nipple too hard - and blood flowed from it. Mammography and biopsy confirmed the fears: breast cancer of the second stage, carcinoma.

Irina and her husband Oleg began to explore the possibilities of treatment abroad, but a doctor's consultation convinced them to stay in the Irkutsk oncological dispensary. Irina was prescribed preoperative chemotherapy. Hair did not fall out until the very last session, but one morning Irina ran her hand over her head - and a whole tuft remained in her palm. Oleg said: "Let's go shave you." It was one of the most emotionally difficult moments of the treatment.

Unfortunately, in the case of Irina, it was not possible to combine the removal and reconstruction of the breast due to the radiation therapy that followed after the mastectomy. A breast with an implant cannot be irradiated, as it can be deformed, so for a whole year after the removal of the breast, Irina walked with a prosthesis. The situation was overshadowed by the inability to return to normal life. So, Irina could not go to the pool, because in their city there are no halls with closed cabins where you can change clothes without attracting attention.


positive psychology 06.05.2018

Dear readers, today we will continue our conversation about Daria Dontsova. In the first article, we talked about, and today we’ll talk about how she found out about her illness, coped with oncology, and defeated breast cancer. Probably many of you have heard about it.

Fear of cancer in one way or another exists in many. And there is nothing to be ashamed of: the disease is really dangerous, and most importantly: extremely insidious. I would like to tell you, dear friends, how Daria Dontsova coped with this misfortune. How did it happen that a terrible illness helped her radically change her fate, and, moreover, for the better, in a happy way.

She did not just survive, having gone through the most difficult courses of treatment. But she became different, got rid of the journalistic profession that had become a routine and a burden and acquired a new, beloved one, one where she can express herself as much as possible. We owe the birth of the writer Darya Dontsova to a terrible illness. Then the most successful detective in the country will repeatedly express a paradoxical thought: she is immensely grateful to Fate for this test.

A measured existence ended for Agrippina Dontsova in 1998. She was diagnosed with cancer in the 4th stage. For many, such a verdict is a sentence. But in the biography of Darya Dontsova, he became the starting point for a happy change. She coped with a serious illness and became a famous writer.

Illness of Darya Dontsova. From despair to hope

How did Daria Dontsova find out about her illness? In interviews and other publications devoted to her biography, Daria Dontsova says that she found out about her diagnosis by accident and quite late. It happened in 1998 on vacation in Tunisia, where she was not only with her family, but also with a friend, a surgeon by profession. As they were changing in the beach cabana, the observant doctor noticed Agrippina's disproportionately "grown" breasts. She habitually laughed it off.

The "surgeon" insisted: we must immediately return to Moscow and take action. But Dontsova remained on vacation, did not want to "let down" her husband and child. Unfortunately, when she returned home, she was in no hurry to see a specialist. Like many others in her place, she delayed the visit. On the one hand, she inspired herself that this was ordinary mastopathy, on the other hand, superstitious fear interfered: what if it was still serious ...

Only when she discovered bloodstains on the pillow in the morning was the escape route cut off. Grunya went to the district clinic. There she was referred to an oncologist. He stunned the onslaught: the disease is running, the 4th stage, the patient has no more than three months to live.

But then the “miracle doctor” suggested the way to salvation: others would not dare to operate, but he was ready to take on this thankless task. If the "dying" woman pays for her salvation. And he called the amount of "services", which seemed even worse than the diagnosis.

In desperation, the woman went to the bus stop, tears flowing uncontrollably, the darkest thoughts were spinning in her head. I thought about my loved ones: about my mother and mother-in-law, about my husband and children, even about cats and dogs, who will also become orphans. The sons at that time were already quite old, and Masha was only 10 years old. Who will look after them all when she is gone?

Dontsova rushed to her friend Oksana, the one who advised her to do the examination. “You must marry my husband,” she stunned her friend from the doorway. And then she explained the situation.

The reaction of an experienced surgeon was emotional: “This doctor is an idiot, they don’t draw any conclusions without analysis, he breeds patients for money! Bastard!

Oksana brought Dontsova together with a promising young doctor, Igor Anatolyevich Groshev, who immediately reassured the patient and inspired her with hope. A long exhausting treatment began. Then, in different books, Daria Dontsova will somehow touch on the topic of choice, self-confidence, how important it is not to give up even in situations that at first seem hopeless.

No need to feel sorry for yourself! How Daria Dontsova beat cancer

But let's go back a little, to the moment when healing was still far away. The future detective was treated for free, in a regular metropolitan clinic. 4 complex operations, 18 exhausting courses of chemotherapy. And the environment in intensive care, where there are a lot of whining, whining, mourning themselves in advance.

She encouraged someone, tried to calm them down. Somewhere she was frankly annoyed, especially when hefty men buried themselves alive. Then, when they “explained” to her how hard it all was, that it was almost impossible to endure pain, she was surprised and indignant: everything is possible!

Yes, after operations it is very difficult and painful to raise your hand, because the lymph node has been removed. Many of her friends, unfortunately, blame the doctors: they say, her arm hangs because the operation was done badly. Dontsova retorts that the hands need to be developed, constantly doing exercises. It’s not easy, but there is no other way: “You don’t have to feel sorry for yourself, it prevents you from recovering.”

Then this conclusion was confirmed by one of the reputable oncologists. Daria asked his opinion about why someone survives even in the most catastrophic state of health, while others die, although there were much more chances initially. An experienced specialist reacted emotionally: “Yes, in my department there are many people who are dying because they are sure that they will die.”

How to surpass the exploits of Hercules?

She had to exist for a very long time in intensive care, as the operations went one after another. What bothered Agrippina most of all was not the pain and fear, not the tubes sticking out of her body, but the wailing neighbors.

But she was infinitely lucky: the surgeon turned out to be not only the highest professional, but also an understanding person. He understood the state of the patient, desperately fighting the disease. And he decided to help her in an unexpected way by talking with her husband.

Alexander Ivanovich (by the way, the writer calls him all the years of marriage exactly like that, by his first name and patronymic) thought about what he could do, took a pack of paper at home and, as a “desk”, a book that first turned up under his arm. As it turned out, it was "The Twelve Labors of Hercules." On this foundation, our heroine had to accomplish her own feat.

The doctor allowed me to carry this "contraband" to the intensive care unit. According to the rules, this was forbidden due to reasons of sterility, but he decided on such an exception. And he turned out to be right. The husband brought this wealth to his wife with the words: “You have dreamed of writing a book all your life.”

The husband voiced Grunya's long-standing problem: she had long been fed up with journalistic work, and somehow relations with writing did not work out. And she decided to use this chance! Somehow the first phrase of the first work was born by itself: "I got married many times." There was a feeling that the hand itself brought out these words.

And then, as they say, away we go! It broke through: everything that had been accumulated for years, dozens of years, suddenly surged and took on a literary form. Of course, like a voice from above, phrases, chapters, plots lined up. Dontsova left the hospital in an embrace with the manuscripts of three books.

How to live without a breast?

There is a category of women who, at a Balzac age and in more respectable years, look even better than in their youth. Our heroine is one of them. It is easy to verify this by comparing the photo of Daria Dontsova in her youth and now.

But many women are baffled by the dumb question: how can one live, remain attractive and feminine after breast removal? An example is not the best change in the life of Angelina Jolie after a similar operation done for preventive purposes.

But if the situation in the star acting families is really dark, then after the mastectomy, Daria had to talk with ordinary women more than once, who were morally crushed by the consequences of the surgical intervention. “Friends in misfortune” complain that their husbands have abandoned them, and they themselves are very depressed by a new body with an artificial bust.

Dontsova refused silicone implants, deciding that her long-suffering body had enough shocks without that. She opted for a simple prosthesis. To the ladies who mourn the escaped soul mates, he categorically advises: “Rejoice, you got rid of the traitor, there will be new love in your life.” And here is what the detective says about her husband's reaction to the changes in her body.

“Firstly, Alexander Ivanovich is a professional psychologist, and secondly, he loves me very much. For us, the absence or presence of a bust does not matter, the main thing is that I remained alive.

This is a very important moment in the history of the recovery of the writer. A circumstance that is undeservedly forgotten or mentioned in passing, even when talking about the personal life of Daria Dontsova, her husbands. But it seems to me that it was the support of the family, first of all, the spouse, that became for Dontsova, if not decisive, then certainly uplifting.

All these years, he was selflessly there, lent his shoulder in time, skillfully, subtly extinguished the emotional outbursts that are inevitable in the state of his wife. Any person who has had to deal with seriously ill people understands perfectly well what kind of effort, what kind of inner work brings prosperity and peace in such families.

Poison that kills and gives a chance to survive

A lot has been said and written about chemotherapy. Enough myths, horror stories, but even discarding this husk, you understand how hard it is. At this stage in the development of medicine, mankind, alas, has not come up with anything else that is equally effective.

“Chemistry” is poison,” Daria Dontsova never tires of repeating in various variations in her biographical revelations. And he immediately puts accents: but you can’t do without it, it was and remains a real chance to survive. If you do not kill diseased cells with "chemistry", they will "swim" through the blood channels to other organs, affecting them as well.

We must endure, stoically accept this test. To perceive it not as a punishment from heaven, but as a chance, as a kind of test for understanding the meaning of life. This is an opportunity to look at yourself from the outside, analyze what you have lived, weigh your strengths, try to fix something.

It's probably not for everyone. But the example of Daria Dontsova convinces that it makes sense to fight. She, too, did not immediately become a "steadfast tin soldier." Yes, probably not at all. It is recognized that even now moments of doubt, fear, even panic attacks sometimes roll in. But she has learned to deal with them.

And in the first weeks and months after discharge from the hospital, it was much more difficult: decadent moods often prevailed. Yes, and objectively powerful treatment, subsequently fixed with lethal doses of hormonal drugs, does not have the best effect on the state and behavior.

But there came a moment when she took a close look at herself from the outside and realized: “you can’t turn into a professional patient”, this is the path to inevitable death. She stopped asking herself the obsessive, brain-eroding question: “Why did this happen to me?” I realized that the question should be put differently: “Why, why was this given to me?”

And suddenly it dawned on her: illness is luck! This is a real chance to get rid of everything that prevented you from feeling happy in the past. And learn to love yourself, learn to live this life happily! After all, emotions can also be controlled, like muscles, parts of the body!

Strong arguments against being overweight

After chemotherapy, her hair fell out, her teeth loosened. At home, she used a scarf, and “in public” went out in a wig. When it was hot, incidents happened: it happened that in the subway she took off this “burden” from her head, enjoying the reaction of the respectable public.

She's actually a bit of a provocateur. Sometimes - involuntarily, simply does not get lost in awkward situations, reacts with humor. Somehow, the chest came unfastened in the bus and slid down. The woman picked up the prosthesis, and to the dumbfounded looks of her fellow travelers she explained: “Yes, I have a wooden leg!” Interestingly, then this joke returned to her: someone in the media was already seriously broadcasting that Dontsova had one of her legs - a prosthesis. In general, what will you sow ...

But one of the most exhausting battles for the recovering Dontsova was the fight with excess weight. Many of us fall into the habit of stress eating. But here everything was much more serious. Daria had to take hormones for 10 years, this became an element of the treatment algorithm.

And the feeling of hunger just haunted her. Sometimes, the weight arrived at a rate of one kg per week. And in her youth, she was very tiny: look at the photo of Daria Dontsova in her youth and see for yourself. Her weight before the illness was stable at 45 kg. It's easy for women to imagine how she felt when the scales showed 60!

Daria cut everything and cut back on her diet, “descending” to the daily menu, which consisted of half a zucchini and a lettuce leaf. Weight continued to grow! Then she turned to a fitness specialist, and he began to “drive her like a bug.” She continues this sadomasochistic occupation for 10 years and more.

Literature Born… on the Toilet

“If only you knew from what rubbish poetry grows ...” - this poetic confession of Akhmatova is often quoted by both colleagues and readers. From what the prose books of Daria Dontsova matured, I have already told above. It remains to add only a few touches. Exclusively for the sake of the truth of life.

The author of ironic detective stories wrote the bestseller “My Husband's Wife” ... in the toilet. She returned from the hospital after the third "chemo" and continued her literary experiments. In a previous article, I talked about how her first story was written and gave a list of the writer's most famous novels.

It was not easy in the hospital, but even at home, after CT, I was constantly pretty sick. Hence the strange choice of habitat, which became a temporary "working room". Fortunately, in their stalinka, the bathroom was quite voluminous. Daria put a bench there: she sat on it, and the paper was located on the toilet lid. When it started to get very muddy, the lid opened and natural physiological reactions were carried out. Then she picked up her fountain pen again. It wasn't worth going far...

You can listen to the first part of Daria Dontsova's audiobook "My Husband's Wife" here.

A few more words about the consequences of the treatment of Daria Dontsova's illness. Having taken her first opus "Cool heirs" to the EKSMO publishing house, the literary "pioneer" waited for a response from professionals for about six months. When I received the happy news that her essay would be published, it turned out that a fresh photo was required. Then she was incredibly emaciated, weighed 32-33 kilos. And there was no more hair on my head. The artist had to draw her hair, and he imagined the detective as a brunette, although in real life she never had dark hair.

Epilogue as an apology for the love of life

It probably makes no sense to list her numerous heroes, retell the plots of books. It is better to look at a bookstore, a library or sites where you can read Daria Dontsova online. And draw your own conclusions about her work.

As for critics, the writer has enough of them. And those who are trying to honestly analyze the literary heritage of the detective, and those who simply scold without really reading.

Some "competitors" make claims to her in plagiarism. For example, Viktor Shenderovich decided that the phrase “Gadyukino village”, used by our heroine in the title of one of the novels (“The Emperor of the Gadyukino Village”), she borrowed from his literary lexicon. The publishing house proved that the term was encountered at the end of the 19th century by Pavel Zasodimsky in his Steppe Secrets. As a result, Shenderovich lost the case, his claim against his rival for 350 thousand rubles plus 30 thousand for incredible moral suffering was rejected.

There were other attempts to "bring to clean water" too prolific author. Many skeptics are sure that it is impossible to write so much, purely physically: someone roughly estimated that the labor productivity of the author of ironic detective stories should be at least 15-20 pages of handwritten A4 text every day, seven days a week, for the past 20 years. Hence the version about the army of "literary blacks" that work together under this promoted brand. And the age of Darya Dontsova is no longer young.

The jubilee, 200th book of the writer has recently been published. In any case, she herself assures that the total number of titles of her works for April 2018 is exactly 200! Here are novels, and film stories, scripts for ordinary theatrical productions and radio performances, small bellies and even voluminous collections of culinary recipes.

Her latest book is called Five-Star Tower. The book is on sale. And there is already an opportunity to read this novelty from Daria Dontsova online.

She not only writes bestsellers, but also participates in numerous public and charitable organizations, is a member of the Public Television Council, and has repeatedly won Writer of the Year, Bestseller of the Year and a number of other professional awards. The list of her regalia includes the Order of Peter the Great and even the medal "For Contribution to the Strengthening of Law and Order."

Now the writer, surrounded by loving loved ones, lives in a chic country house. Together with them, four pugs, a turtle and a luxurious British cat live there.

Everything she has is the result of the constant work of the mind, heart and soul. But, perhaps, the main award of Daria Dontsova is the sincere gratitude of her grateful readers.

And at the same time, the writer does not rest on her laurels. In books and numerous appearances in the media, she never tires of warning her admirers and even critics to beware of repeating her mistakes. The main thing: do not delay the disease, promptly consult a doctor. In no case should you trust your life to charlatans, the so-called "healers", who are only aimed at extracting money from gullible patients.

The experience of Daria herself suggests that even such a dangerous disease as cancer in the last stage can and should be fought. And remember the lesson taught by the fate of the writer: what at first seems to us an irreparable misfortune, in fact, often turns into a happy opportunity to change fate and ourselves.

I thank Lyubov Mironova, a reader of my blog, for her help in preparing the article.

Dear readers, I sincerely wish all of you and your loved ones health, well-being, understanding your loved ones. But if difficulties, problems suddenly arise, it will seem to you that your hands fall from an abundance of worries - remember what my today's heroine had to overcome. And you will definitely turn this “stumbling block” into the foundation of future success!

And in conclusion of the article, I propose to listen to the first part of the audiobook by Daria Dontsova "I really want to live" . She wrote this book so that both patients and their relatives know: they are not alone, we will defeat cancer, and made the words: “Never give up!”

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Louise Hay on Healing Through "Self Determination"

Daria Dontsova defeated a terrible disease after 18 operations.

Just like everyone else, I walk the earth, - Alla PUGACHEVA sang at one time, and now Cathy TOPURIA picked it up. Celebrities have always sought to emphasize that, like ordinary mortals, they are haunted by misfortunes and misfortunes. Unfortunately, many idols are forced to resist serious illnesses.

A terrible diagnosis is no reason to give up. Even the fourth stage of cancer can be defeated. The well-known writer convinces her fans of this Darya Dontsova. When doctors delivered a disappointing verdict to the future writer of ironic detective stories - a malignant tumor of the breast, she did not give up. She withstood 18 operations, several sessions of chemotherapy and, in the end, got on her feet, pulled herself together and began to write books that brought her incredible success.

I'm like Maresyev, - Dontsova smiles, - if they cut off my legs, I'll crawl on my hands. When the doctor said that it was necessary to cut off the chest on the left, I exclaimed: “Let's cut off the right one just in case!” she smiles. - Oncology is just a small stop on the way to reflect and, perhaps, rethink your life. The main thing is not to lose heart at this time.

At Nadezhda Kadysheva a lump in her chest was discovered when she was 30 years old. The soloist of the ensemble "Golden Ring" agreed to the operation, which was successful.

In the early 90s, the singer Aida Vedischeva oncologists diagnosed cancer of the third degree. After surgery and a course of chemotherapy, the disease receded. Around the same time, a malignant tumor in the lung was defeated and Emmanuil Vitorgan. “I found out about cancer only when I was operated on,” says the actor. - If I had heard about him earlier, my nerves would have been bare! And so I did not think about the disease. And in my head there was only one thought: to quickly get on my feet.

Laima Vaikule was able to recover from brain cancer:

It was my test, she once admitted. - But I was lucky - I was in America at that moment, they helped me in time. I was on the verge of death. But my guardian angel works hard. I think tests are given to us so that we become better ...

Now he is struggling with the same disease. Valentina Tolkunova. A cancerous tumor in the brain of the singer was removed in the neurosurgery department of the Burdenko Hospital. Between chemotherapy courses, the singer even sometimes began to go on stage.

At least two domestic celebrities managed to overcome the oncological disease of the lymphatic system with the complex name of lymphogranulomatosis - Alexander Medvedev(better known as shura) and the ex-soloist of the group "Na-na" Vladimir Levkin. Volodya went to the doctors in a state of disrepair. He underwent four courses of chemotherapy, after which they planned to transplant the bone marrow. The musician barely managed to find $ 25 thousand for the operation. Now he is full of energy and gives concerts again. About how a famous rocker fought with a terrible disease (colon cancer) Svetlana Surganova, became known from the book "Confession of the Four", which came out from the pen of her colleague and part-time journalist Elena Pogrebizhskaya performing on stage under a pseudonym Butch.

Sveta immediately realized herself that she had cancer, writes Pogrebizhskaya. - With her medical training, it was possible to diagnose herself.

According to Surganova, at first she self-medicated - she drank celandine, and the tumor died. But then there was a gap and came the so-called fecal peritonitis.

The doctors managed to perform a miracle - to save the artist's life. But she left the hospital with a galastoma - a colostomy bag placed on her stomach.

There is such a thing among doctors as a five-year post-cancerous milestone, the singer says in the book. - That is, if five years have passed since the operation, and nothing has developed, then you don’t seem to get sick anymore.

Fans are confident that their favorite will successfully overcome this milestone.

Win the battle for life and Yuri Nikolaev. The TV presenter is sure that not only doctors who performed a successful operation helped him to overcome cancer, but also God. Deeply believing Yuri Alexandrovich, even during his illness, did not stop visiting the temple and consulted with his confessor, Father Andrei. Now Nikolaev has resumed his television career and successfully hosts the show “Property of the Republic” on Channel One.

Star of the film "Seven Brides of Corporal Zbruev" actor Semyon Morozov found out he had throat cancer last year. The daughter of the artist Nadia wrote in her Internet diary:

Dad has a malignant tumor… Horror, he has cancer, though not neglected and curable, but the process is very hard to bear… At night he screams in pain.

And finally, Semyon Mikhailovich recovered from his illness. The other day, cheerful and cheerful, he arrived in Anapa for the Kinoshock festival.

Does not cease to lead an active creative life and Joseph Kobzon that fights prostate cancer. The primary diagnosis of Joseph Davydovich was made in the capital's Oncology Center on Kashirskoye Highway, where they helped Stanislav Lyubshin, Lyudmila Kasatkina and many other artists. After a course of chemotherapy, the singer's body weakened. And the operation made in Germany gave serious complications. Due to weakened immunity, Kobzon from time to time develops an inflammatory process in the area of ​​​​the postoperative suture. Iosif Davydovich answers all questions about his illness cheerfully:

I am undergoing treatment. I hope it will be successful. In the meantime, I live in an active working mode. True, doctors do not recommend such loads, but they do not always need to be listened to.

Daria Dontsova has repeatedly talked about how she fought the deadly disease. Many years ago, she was diagnosed with breast cancer in the last, fourth stage. Experts predicted the writer's imminent death, but she was able to cope with the disease.

“At one time, we moved out of town because of me. After chemotherapy, it was difficult for me to breathe, in the fresh air I immediately felt better. The annual rest is also always connected with my health. Doctors forbade me to fly to countries where the climate is significantly different from the Russian one. That is why I often travel to Paris, the local climate is similar to Moscow. And then I still don’t get out of the city, ”Daria emphasized.

In addition, the star is trying to remember the possible exacerbation of the disease during sports. Now the writer is passionate about strength and cardio training. However, she knows what her pulse should be, and what exercises are prohibited. Dontsova's coach specially developed a set of suitable classes for her.

Daria is not shy about talking about health problems. Communicating with Lera Kudryavtseva, she remembered how she underwent four operations, and how long and difficult the recovery process turned out to be.

“Now, instead of one breast, I have a special prosthesis, but it is almost impossible to notice. I wear special underwear, thanks to which I can appear in public both in a swimsuit and in dresses with a decollete. In this regard, I don’t feel any serious restrictions, ”the writer noted.

Relatives of the star also appeared in the studio of the program. Daria's husband Alexander once again confessed his love to his wife. He does not hide that he is absolutely happy with the chosen one, because soon they will celebrate the 35th anniversary of their life together. The stepson of Dontsova Dmitry answered the questions of Lera Kudryavtseva. A man from childhood lived in the house of a star and managed to become a truly dear person for her.

“I hardly communicate with my real mother now. She has a very complex character, she does not recognize other opinions than her own. Well, I call Daria Dontsova nothing more than mother. She adore my children, and they consider her a grandmother, ”said Dmitry.

How cancer is a terrible disease can only be judged by those who have gone through it or those who would be nearby and help to cope with the disease. We are all people, and no statuses and ranks will help this to avoid a terrible disease. Cancer has not bypassed some famous women, whose lives almost ended at one moment.

Cynthia Nixon

The heroine of "Sex and the City" faced breast cancer almost 10 years ago. Only constant examinations made it possible to detect a tumor at an early stage. Now the disease has receded.

Edie Falco

In 2003, the actress found out about her illness, after a long course of treatment, Edie reevaluated her life and at the age of 40 had two adopted children. She found someone worth living for.

Kylie Minogue

At 37, Kylie was diagnosed with breast cancer. After successful treatment, she convinced many women to get regular check-ups with a doctor, and may have saved someone's life.


Anastacia managed to overcome breast cancer only the second time. She had to undergo surgery to remove her breast, after which she had to restore it.

Rita Wilson

The actress and wife of Tom Hanks underwent surgery this year to remove and then reconstruct her breasts due to a tumor. The stage turned out to be compatible with life; after treatment, Rita actively promotes timely examinations of women after 35 years of age.

Laima Vaikule

She had to perform on the best stages in New York, she was waiting for the best musical contracts. After moving to New York, she was diagnosed with terminal breast cancer. There was practically no chance of survival, but the singer thought otherwise.

After recovery, she returned to her homeland, to close and beloved people, in order to always be with them, and not with work.

Darya Dontsova

At the age of 45, the writer was given an extremely unpleasant diagnosis: stage 4 breast cancer. Operations, chemotherapy, and more operations. Fortunately, Daria managed to survive, after which she began to write her famous novels.

Shannen Doherty

In the spring of 2015, the Charmed star found out about her illness. To this day, she is undergoing treatment. Shannen became so depressed that even