Do they do plastic surgery? Combined plastic surgeries: one anesthesia and quick rehabilitation

Deciding on plastic surgery is a serious step, which involves not only the moral and psychological readiness of the patient to “go under the knife”, but also physical: before the operation, it is necessary to undergo a number of preparatory procedures in order to reduce the risk of complications and prepare the body for a fairly tangible intervention .

It is logical that to decide on two or three plastic surgeries is an even more serious step, because this is two or three times the load on the body. This is true when it comes to several operations carried out one after another... Fortunately, today we are relieved of the need to wait until the rehabilitation period is over after one operation in order to start preparing for the next one.

What is combined plastic surgery?

In many developed countries, for a long time, and more recently, this practice has taken root in Russia, fortunately, no one has complained about the lack of specialists. And many surgeons work in a winning tandem.

The essence of dual and triple operations (by the way, they have their own “smart” name - simultaneous) is that at a time, several operations are carried out at once, performed by one or different specialists. For example, very often both mammoplasty and breast plastic surgery are performed at the same time ... Unless, tummy tuck is not combined with liposuction of the sides. Since after the first operation you can not sit and lie on your back for some time, and after the second - on your stomach and sides. And to stand a week after the operation is unrealistic.

A special moment: (especially for recovery after childbirth) in addition to which breast plastic surgery or abdominoplasty often goes. And then all three operations together ...

Of course Not all operations can be combined with each other. No strict criteria have been developed, however, there are certain trends. So, it is believed that intimate plastic surgery is compatible with any type of surgery, but at the same time complex rhinoplasty is not recommended for many patients - it is too traumatic.

“The compatibility of operations with each other is determined individually for each individual patient,” explains the specialist in facial plastic surgery and intimate surgery, co-owner. - Here it is important to calculate both anesthesia and the degree of trauma, taking into account all the characteristics of the human body. In each individual case, we issue recommendations based on the results of the analyzes and data obtained during the examination. We also decide how best to perform operations - by one or several specialists.

How are combined plastic surgeries performed?

It is worth explaining that Simultaneous operations are performed, as a rule, not by one doctor, but by several, each of which is an expert in their field. Due to this, firstly, the operation time is reduced, and secondly, efficiency does not suffer, because each doctor works in his own narrow specialization, where he has already accumulated many years of experience and practice.

In addition, both doctors do not have to switch attention every now and then, everyone can fully concentrate on one task. There is also no fatigue factor: after all, performing several operations in a row, one doctor gets a little tired after 2-3 hours, his attention is no longer so sharp, and his movements are clear.

Usually, doctors who perform simultaneous operations work in pairs for a long time, so that they have time to adapt to each other's manner and pace.

Rehabilitation after combined operations

The rehabilitation period is calculated according to the operation, for the recovery from which the body needs more time. But in any case, it is shorter than if the recovery after each operation performed separately were taken into account. So, if full rehabilitation after takes about two and a half months, and after - one and a half, then the total duration of rehabilitation will be only two and a half months. Not four.

There will be only some additional doctor's recommendations: in this case, a restriction on a sitting position for two weeks, that is, the same as with a single operation for intimate plastic surgery.

, specializing in, expressing his opinion on the advantages of simultaneous operations, explains: “Of course, one anesthesia and one rehabilitation period is easier to tolerate than several consecutive ones. In this regard, combined operations are an ideal option, they save both time and resources of the body. Compare: either do rhinoplasty, carrying a plaster splint for a week and waiting for the convergence of the main bruises and swelling for two and a half weeks, and then the same amount for primary recovery after mammoplasty, or combine these operations, and in a month already return to your usual way of life , In his best".

Today, combined or simultaneous operations are included in the list of leading services in Russia. In Moscow, for example, the multidisciplinary clinic of aesthetic medicine "" offers quite flexible and acceptable conditions for patients who decide to improve simultaneously in several directions.

Plastic surgery: to do or not?

Beauty requires sacrifice. Do you need plastic surgery? If you are in doubt, this article is for you.

"I, please, ears like an elf"

Plastic surgery has ceased to be something stellar and inaccessible. Now not only pop divas and wives of billionaires resort to it, but also ordinary people.

From TV screens and magazine covers, faces that have not changed over the years look at us ... they insist that you need to look good at any age. Beauty has become synonymous with success.

The popularity of plastic surgery makes it even more popular. If one person resorts to aesthetic surgery, then his entire environment is considering in his mind what would be worth improving, correcting or changing.

The number of operations increases by 11% annually. Every fifth woman admits the idea that with age she will turn to the help of a plastic surgeon. The dynamics is growing due to the fact that, firstly, technologies are developing, and operations are becoming less dangerous and traumatic, secondly, the price is decreasing, and thirdly, there are more and more specialists. No need to go to Moscow or abroad; There are several plastic surgeons in every major city.

In what cases are there good reasons to have plastic surgery:

1. After injuries and accidents, when a person's appearance was seriously damaged.

2. Congenital physical defects. One can easily understand those who are not satisfied with a clear defect in their appearance.

There are not many people who really need plastic surgery: only 5% -10% of patients. For the remaining 90%, surgery is not an urgent need (for example, the fight against age-related changes). At the moment, surgeons are increasingly hearing strange requests from clients: to make an unusual cut in the eyes, to point the tips of the ears, to change the shape of the lips, to become like an idol ... In addition, the number of patients who have applied for intimate plastic surgery is growing.

The vast majority of clients are women. But there are men here too. The stronger sex is more pragmatic.

But the prince is nowhere to be seen...

All patients expect that they will not only change the shape of their nose and increase their breasts, but also internal changes will occur: the very next day they will become confident, sociable, charming. Their lives will change for the better ... But a plastic surgeon is still a doctor, not a magician. He can change the dress (your body shell), but you have to find the handsome prince yourself. Will plastic surgery change your life?

Another psychological problem is high expectations. Patients fall into despair, seeing that they did not become beautiful / handsome the very next day. We repeat, in the hands of a doctor is not a magic wand, but a scalpel. You need to wait until the swelling subsides, scars overgrow - only then you can evaluate the result. But it also happens that a woman is still not satisfied with the shape of her nose, and she again finds herself on the operating table. With plastic surgery on the face, there is a high risk of dissatisfaction with the result.

Where is plastic surgery needed and where not?

Breast augmentation can only be done through surgery. Any miraculous cream is completely useless. Some result can be obtained from physical exercises: the chest will increase slightly if you pump up the pectoral muscles. But maybe you should put on a push-up bra and smile to yourself?

Protruding ears - the case of a plastic surgeon. But isn't it easier to grow long hair and wear hairstyles that cover the ears?

Liposuction can remove excess body fat. But if you don’t go on a diet right away, you will gain weight again. So he can immediately pull himself together, buy a subscription to a fitness club and tie up with gluttony? Do not forget that after liposuction, scars remain on the body, which will become barely noticeable after a while (from a couple of months to six months - depending on the characteristics of the skin).

Abdominoplasty - correction of the shape of the abdomen. After childbirth and severe weight loss, the abdomen may become saggy, with folds of excess skin. This defect can be eliminated only with the help of surgery. But how often do you have to show your belly? Isn't it easier for the beach to buy a closed swimsuit? In addition, if you are planning a child, then you should know that pregnancy will remove all the results of abdominoplasty. True, this operation can be done any number of times, even after each birth.

It is worth realizing that the operation is a surgeon's scalpel, it is blood, it is a risk. Almost all interventions are done under general anesthesia. There is still a possibility of unpredictable side effects (no more than 1%). For example, a round eye with blepharoplasty. Such problems require a second operation.

Infinity and Beyond

After the first successful plastic surgery, clients often they come back: “here it still needs to be corrected”, “and now wrinkles have appeared”, etc. If there is a financial opportunity, the body can be improved indefinitely. And for some, the craving for abstract beauty becomes an addiction. Pathological dissatisfaction with one's appearance is a painful condition, and here the help of a psychotherapist is already needed.

In the pursuit of beauty, you need to maintain a sense of proportion. Here you have to help ... the plastic surgeon himself! And although aesthetic surgery is a profitable business, a good doctor should analyze the situation comprehensively. It happens that the idea cannot be executed exactly, it is incompatible with the physique and other individual characteristics. Or the request contradicts the possibilities of plastic surgery.

So do you have surgery or not? Answer honestly the question: is the problem preventing you from living? In any case, wait, think. No need to make hasty decisions. Look at photos of celebrities, read reviews of people who have decided to have surgery. Talk to your loved ones. Maybe your soulmate is a supporter of natural forms, and the fifth size breasts will not be the best gift for February 23?


For men and women who are dissatisfied with their appearance or are interested in "postponing the biological clock," there are many facial plastic surgery procedures that can help them meet their cosmetic goals.

Facial plastic surgery can do everything from reshaping the nose to eliminating excess skin and removing fat under the chin to improve facial contours.

Plastic surgery usually seeks to achieve one of two goals: to rejuvenate the face or improve its shape and contour by correcting the nose, eyes, cheeks, chin, forehead and ears.

There are different types and methods of correction, all of them have their own characteristics, differ in prices. It is worth understanding the varieties of plastic surgery on the face.

When will plastic help (contraindications)?

With the help of plastic surgery, you can correct a variety of defects in appearance. They can be congenital, or appear due to injury, disease, age-related changes.

Over the years, the appearance of the face worsens, the skin sags, wrinkles appear. Various skin pathologies can lead to scarring. Such aesthetic problems can be corrected by facial plastic surgery.

Not all people can go for plastic surgery.


  1. if there is inflammation in the problem area;
  2. with infectious lesions;
  3. in the presence of oncological diseases;
  4. if a woman is carrying a fetus or breastfeeding a child.

Facial plastic surgery combines a variety of surgical interventions and procedures that correct defects in appearance. It is worth familiarizing yourself with them, understanding their essence in order to choose the method of rejuvenation or defect correction that suits you.

Gentle rejuvenation methods

It is not necessary to lie down under a scalpel to improve the oval of the face, to remove wrinkles. To begin with, it is worth paying attention to more gentle methods.

Thread lifting

To date, a huge number of people are leaning towards contouring if they want to increase their lips. But there are also many surgical techniques.

Lip correction costs from 45 thousand rubles.

Bish's lump removal

Every person has Bish's lumps. What it is? - These are fat accumulations that are located in the cheek area.

They are beneficial for newborns, helping them in the process of sucking, and later chewing. Further, their role is to protect the cheekbones from injury. But this function is not particularly important.

For some people, they are very noticeable. In this case, the plastic surgeon may advise the removal of these lumps.

In addition, people who have lost weight should think about such an operation, and Bish's lumps remained pronounced. The fact is that in this area it is impossible to get rid of fat cells by physical activity.

This operation was done by many stars. For example, Angelina Jolie. As a result, emphasis is placed on the cheekbones, which improves the appearance of the face.

The doctor gets to Bish's lumps through the mucous membrane of the mouth, as well as through the skin on the cheek. But recently, more and more surgeons are leaning towards the endoscopic method.

For such an operation, you need to pay from 30 thousand rubles.

Hair transplant

Christine Blaine

plastic surgeon

Statistical calculations indicate that women often decide on facial plastic surgery after 50 years. But I would not advise waiting for extremes. The fact is that in neglected situations it is difficult to achieve a stunning result. Even before the age of 50, it is worth taking care of yourself and, perhaps, thinking about plastic. Do not be afraid of complications! In the hands of a professional, the only complications that you need to prepare for are rejuvenation, getting rid of complexes and a great mood.

Time inexorably runs forward. And life, like an hourglass, crumbles with a stream of sand, in which each grain of sand is our meetings and partings, quarrels and farewells, joys and experiences. All these events leave rays of wrinkles on our faces, formed from smiles and sorrows, which cannot be avoided in life. Looking at ourselves in the mirror, we begin to notice traces of experienced emotions in "crow's feet", heavy eyelids, drooping corners of the lips, "anxious". Today we have a great opportunity to turn back the clock and bring back the fading youth. And gives us this opportunity - modern plastic surgery.

The appeal to is always shrouded in mystery. Having got rid of wrinkles and ugly skin folds, women prefer to hide the phenomenon of their rejuvenation. Others speculate about this, arguing about what caused the change: a good choice of resort, the magical effect of masks or baths, high-quality cosmetics, or falling in love that always inspires. The names of good surgeons are also not advertised, but are passed from mouth to mouth, through friends and acquaintances. Barely noticeable seams from the operation are masked with tonal means, so that no one guesses that the luxurious appearance is the work of the surgeon.

Public opinion does not favor plastic surgery, as well as the media. The Internet and television are filled with rumors about unsuccessful attempts to get rid of wrinkles or extra pounds. At the same time, everyone looks with envy at the ageless faces of movie and pop stars who are already 60 or even 70 years old. It is common for society to create stereotypes, and whether or not to resort to plastic surgery is a personal matter for everyone.

It should be noted that in Europe it is even customary to be proud of one's appeal to an experienced one and openly recommend him to her friends. Such services in the West are prestigious, and a woman's always well-groomed appearance is a must. Split hair, yellowed teeth and bad skin are perceived there as bad form. After all, the success of a person largely depends on his external aesthetics. If you would like to get plastic surgery, but if in doubt, read this article to the end.


Fear is a natural protective reaction of a person, which can protect against wrong deeds and save life. Even the word “operation” seems scary to many, even when it comes to plastic. We list the fears that scare clients the most:

  • anesthesia, its action and consequences;
  • pain and discomfort;
  • getting an unsuccessful result.

If your main fear is that your appearance will change for the worse after the intervention, it is better to refuse the operation, or maybe you don’t need it.


In addition to modern equipment, high-quality anesthesia is used. So that the patient does not feel any pain, a combination of intravenous and inhalation anesthesia is often used. This makes it possible to reduce the total amount of drugs and significantly reduce their negative impact on the body. Of course, there are risks, but the surgeon is not interested in making the patient feel pain or uncomfortable. Not to mention the fact that her condition during the operation is monitored by experienced anesthesiologists.


The patient does not experience any pain during the operation itself, and after it, injections are performed in order to remove any discomfort during the healing process. In addition, physiotherapy and other procedures are prescribed for accelerated treatment.


Even experienced ones note that if the patient is initially set up for complications, then they can be. The main thing is to believe in the best and tune in a positive way


Plastic surgery is a real opportunity to eliminate, become more beautiful and younger. An alternative method with a similar effect in strength simply does not exist. Some women convince themselves that even after the third pregnancy, a loving husband will admire her figure without noticing her extra weight. It is more pleasant for other ladies to imagine how a husband admires their perfect forms and proudly goes for walks with his rejuvenated and slender wife. Many with age are increasingly asking the question: how to become young again and arouse the admiration of others? After all, everyone knows that men love with their eyes and you need to give them such pleasure ..

Socially adapted, successful and self-confident women often turn to a specialist for plastic surgery. After all, everything in a person should be beautiful, and women should cause delight with their appearance, and not regret. Those who have already experienced this means of rejuvenation, change not only externally, but also internally. Women return coquetry, the desire to please, a positive attitude and excellent self-esteem. The wardrobe is also changing: shapeless sweaters and long skirts give way to elegant dresses, tight jeans and blouses with open necklines. The number of bright and light outfits increases, the posture becomes more majestic, and the smile becomes more dazzling.


  1. We list the main advantages in favor of the operation to restore youth:
  2. Services are provided by private clinics with a high level of service and professional care.
  3. The use of the most advanced technologies and the best equipment, as specialists are interested in a good result.
  4. Confidentiality - information is not transferred to third parties and no one will know how you returned your youth.
  5. Comfort and safety, thanks to the quality of the drugs used.
  6. A dream come true for many women.
  7. A step towards change (in the family, work and other areas).
  8. The ability not to torture yourself with strict diets and daily workouts.
  9. An opportunity to feel more confident.
  10. The opportunity to start life anew.

Timely plastic surgery is as important as stylish clothes, a trendy hairstyle or an expensive car. Only being beautiful does a woman feel like a “real woman”. You can’t stop time, but you can control it, and every minute of your life look perfect. It is beauty that rules this world, so the question "Should I do plastic surgery?" disappears by itself.