Business games in the classroom on "Business Communications" at the university. The tender documentation says

The big value of a small auction

Since March of this year, the capital has been using mini-auctions, which make it easier for entrepreneurs to participate in procurement. This is a fundamentally new mechanism for determining the supplier in small-volume purchases. Mini-auctions allow purchasing with the least organizational and financial costs, their duration is one day, which certainly saves time for both customers and suppliers. The annual volume of contracts that can be concluded through mini-auctions is estimated at about 5 billion rubles. - Gennady Degtev, head of the Moscow City Department for Competition Policy, spoke about this at the start of the project in March 2017. There is no doubt that this goal will be achieved. Already, more than a thousand purchases are being made on the Moscow Supplier Portal through mini-auctions.


How are mini-auctions different from regular ones? First, they are a fundamentally new mechanism for identifying a supplier in small volume purchases. Secondly, its simplified form makes it possible to optimize the expenditure of budgetary funds, because in this case prices are formed according to real market offers and the initial maximum price of the contract is significantly reduced. Thirdly, the new mechanism makes it possible to significantly expand the range of suppliers, which leads to increased competition when purchasing from a single supplier.

The mini-auction provides for a clear response of the supplier to the customer's needs through the prompt formation of price offers, - explains Gennady Degtev, head of the Moscow City Department for Competition Policy. - Based on the results of the mini-auction, the supplier who offered the best price makes an offer and concludes a contract with the customer. The mini-auction differs from the classic one in the speed of filing an application and the procedure for concluding a contract.

The first city customer in the framework of the pilot project with mini-auctions was the Moscow Department of Education, namely 28 educational institutions of Moscow, which are members of the Association of Procurement Specialists in Education. Based on the results of the procedures, the average number of suppliers exceeded five participants, and the initial maximum price was reduced by 20%. Professionals assessed the result of this work within the framework of the pilot project as optimal. Testing of an innovative supplier selection format in the city continues successfully.

The pilot project started two months ago, during this time educational institutions have held 1,100 mini-auctions worth about 180 million rubles, - said Natalia Sergunina, Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations. - According to the results of the auctions, the average decrease in initial prices amounted to more than 20%. Only within the framework of the pilot project, approximately 50 million rubles were saved in this way. budget funds.

The potential of the mini-auction format as an effective tool for reducing the NMCC, and therefore saving budget money on a metropolitan scale, is obvious, - said Gennady Degtev, head of the Moscow City Department for Competition Policy.


To participate in the mini-auction, the supplier must place a public offer. From the offers selected by the customer, included in the approved type of products (145 types), a mini-auction is automatically formed in the EAIST electronic store. Further, all suppliers who have placed the selected offers of this category of products, including the higher group of the classifier, are sent a notification of their participation in the mini-auction. A mini-auction is held for several items of the same type of products from the classifier (2nd level), for example, "Food" or "IT products". Mini-auction step: 0.5%. The time allotted for the mini-auction is one working day, including weekends. The deadline for signing the offer by the winner is also one business day from the end of the auction. Based on the results of the mini-auction, the supplier - the winner, forms a draft contract. When signing a contract, the customer uses a unique "one-time" offer available to the customer who has passed the mini-auction.

Specialists also warn about incidents that may occur with suppliers working as part of a mini-auction pilot project. So, you may see a message: "The period for publishing an offer has expired and you need to extend the counter." In your account, there may be problems in change requests. Also, in the personal account of the supplier, there may be problems with changing the electronic digital signature - the error "This certificate contains the TIN of another organization." The "Contract" section may not contain the "Sign" button. In the "Offer" an error is possible when saving - "The current user is not defined." The number of the offer may also not be displayed or a failure occurs based on the results (contract formation in UAIST 2). Here, experts advise not to panic, but to consult, try again. That's why the project is a pilot one, in order to work out the theory in practice, to debug the entire mechanism of interaction between participants in mini-auctions.

It should be noted that this is not the first time that Moscow has become an experimental platform for innovative ideas. And the way the capital copes with the tasks assigned to it affects the future fate of innovations. Most of the projects tested on the territory of our city were later successfully extended to the entire territory of the country. The authorship of many innovations belongs to Moscow itself. Today, this can be attributed to mini-auctions.

Information and analytical publication "Bulletin of Operational Information "Moscow Trades"

What is a business game? The specifics of organizing a business game at a training session at a university. What is the difference between a business game and a training game? An example of three business games in the course "Business communication / Business communications".

business game- this is an imitation of the work process, its modeling, a simplified reproduction of a real production situation. This is a method of consolidating the theoretical material received in the course "Business Communication" / Business Communications.

The main features of a quality business game as a teaching method:

  1. the presence of a problem or problem that needs to be solved;
  2. distribution of roles and role functions;
  3. modeling the process of making managerial decisions;
  4. interaction of game participants;
  5. multi-alternative solutions;
  6. the presence of conflict situations;
  7. the presence of a system for evaluating gaming activities.

Goals of business games:

  1. learning through workflow simulation;
  2. formation of professional mentality;
  3. motivation of students;
  4. training skills in making managerial decisions;
  5. student assessment.

The difference between a business game and training

The game models the entire work process from start to finish (for example, organizing and holding a business meeting), while the training affects a separate aspect of the process (for example, psycholinguistic aspects of business speech).

The game has a time limit (beginning and end), and training does not always have clear boundaries.

In the game, a set of skills is worked out, and the training is aimed at developing one skill.

There are always winners and losers in the game, and training is aimed only at personal indicators.

There is always a specific goal in the game, which can only be achieved with the help of effective solutions, and training does not always have clear goals.

Examples of business games

Business game "Assigning a task to a subordinate."

Purpose of the task- hold a business conversation with a subordinate regarding the assignment of a production task:

  • the task is traditional, planned;
  • task is extreme, unscheduled.

Preparing for the game. Participate in the game leader and subordinate. The group acts as an observer. The person acting as the leader needs to think through the possible task and select an official (for example, an economist, a fire safety specialist, a fire inspector, etc.) to whom it will be entrusted.

Then you should prepare for the content of a business conversation:

  • explain the task and instruct the subordinate;
  • bring the task to the stage of understanding by subordinates of its essence;
  • to motivate the subordinate to conscientious and high-quality performance of the task.

When bringing the task to the consciousness of the subordinate, the leader must ensure that the subordinate clearly imagines what, when, how, under what conditions, by what forces and by what means, by what date, with what final results the assigned task must be completed.

During a business conversation, the manager should get answers for the next questions(to make the right decision):

  1. Will this subordinate be able to complete the proposed task?
  2. Does he want to do this job?
  3. What kind of instruction and to what extent does he need it?

The person performing the role of a subordinate (from among the trainees) is given an attitude to refuse to complete the task. Lack of professional competence is used as reasons for refusal. Such an attitude will allow the person acting as a leader to apply psychological, pedagogical and communicative methods of influencing a subordinate, forming his psychological readiness to complete the task. In addition, the recognition of a subordinate in incompetence will provoke the leader to instruct.

Organization of a game lesson

The acting manager conducts a business conversation with a subordinate in two versions: first, a planned task, then an extreme one, that is, an unscheduled one. Each conversation lasts 15 to 20 minutes. The roles of performers can be played by those who wish from among the trainees.

The rest of the participants act as competent judges. Their goal is to analyze the results of a business conversation, briefing and communication techniques used. After the play, a discussion is held in which all participants are involved.

Preliminary preparation for a business conversation - task assignment

  1. Invent and formulate in the form of a management decision the task, as well as the conditions necessary for its implementation.
  2. Set goals for the upcoming conversation.
  3. Make a plan of the conversation in advance, think over the time, place and organizational conditions for it.
  4. Think over the beginning of the conversation, the introduction of the interlocutor into the conversation, the conditions for creating an atmosphere of complete trust.
  5. Prepare questions for the subordinate, the clarification of which will help achieve the goal.

Note: To complete this task, the acting leader is given 10 minutes.

Stroke: invite a subordinate to your place and announce to him the reason for the call.

  • Explain the meaning of the work to be done to the subordinate and ask him if he can handle it.
  • Answer all the questions of the subordinate regarding the upcoming work; if necessary, show him how he can do it.
  • Explain the requirements regarding the timing of this work and inform you about the progress of its implementation.
  • Ask the subordinate to repeat the task or ask where he is going to start.
  • Show confidence in the abilities of the subordinate, use the “advanced praise” technique.
  • Use communication techniques taking into account the psychological type of the subordinate. If the subordinate refuses to complete the task, find out the reasons for the refusal, try to eliminate them, motivate the specialist, taking into account his personal expectations, and bring the conversation to the end.
  • End the conversation with a specific decision and action.
Table “Conversation quality”

Business game "Meeting"

The purpose of the business game- acquisition of skills in organizing the preparation and holding of business meetings with maximum efficiency.

The order of the business game:

  • When conducting a business game, the distribution of roles is not made, and the participants are all those present at the lesson.
  • The leader of the game reminds the participants of the main theoretical provisions for the preparation of business meetings, including the following main groups of actions: planning a meeting; agenda setting; determination of the composition of participants; preparation of participants for the meeting; preparation for the meeting of the head; preparation of the premises; direct meeting.


You are the leading construction company in the city of N. Fires at your construction sites have become more frequent this year. This causes enormous damage to the business. Your budget allows you to allocate $30,000 to solve this problem.

Thus, the main task is to develop a plan for resolving the issue, which would ensure normal working conditions for the company.

Work order:

  1. Select 4 students from the group with the assignment to evaluate the actions and behavior of the meeting participants. Appoint one of them as the leader of the expert group.
  2. Form subgroups of participants in the preparation of the meeting (those who prepare documents for the meeting, those who participate in the meeting, those who prepare documents after the meeting).
  3. The rest of the group of students are the participants in the meeting, who should ask questions during the meeting.

If, in the opinion of the facilitator, the goal of the meeting has been achieved, the results of the work are summed up. If a solution fails, you can try to simplify the problem by changing the proposed circumstances. In conclusion, the final decision is formulated and recorded in the form of a resolution.

Business game "Negotiation"

The purpose of the business game- acquisition of business negotiation skills.

Instruction for participant number 1. You are the company "Pozhkontrol" engaged in fire audit, that is, it establishes the degree of compliance of the enterprise with all fire safety standards.

Your client, Aquaexpert LLC, has overdue payment for your services. Two days before the due date, you reminded the director of this company (it is he who is in charge of procurement and gives orders for the transfer of money) that the due date is approaching, he promised to pay the bill. The day of payment came, but the money never arrived, so the next day you decided to personally meet with the debtor.

Aquaexpert is a major client that brings good income, and you don't want to ruin your relationship with him. Regularly opening a new branch, this company is turning to you for services.

Your task: achieve payment for services rendered without spoiling the relationship with the client.

Instruction for participant number 2. You are the director of Aquaexpert LLC. The company "Pozhkontrol" has provided you with a fire audit service with a deferred payment, which is very beneficial for your company. As a rule, you pay your bills on time. But this time you overdue the payment date, although the manager reminded you of the payment two days before the deadline, since you need this amount for staff training. You can pay the bill, but it's not profitable for you. The day after the due date, the director came to meet you.

Your task: to delay the terms of payment for the service as much as possible, without spoiling the relationship.

Stages of the game: stages of negotiation.

Distribution of roles: We conditionally divide the audience into two teams: the Pozhkontrol company and the Aquaexpert LLC company. Participants elect directors, deputies, inspectors, economists, etc. and think through arguments to defend their positions.


  1. Protocol on the distribution of posts.
  2. Letter - a proposal (one contracting party) and a response to it (another contracting party).
  3. Agreement.
  4. Acts of work performed.

All documents are filed in a folder and transferred to the expert group.

Evaluation of the actions of the game participants:

Points: for the use of speech etiquette formulas, for the use of professional terms, for the use of speech tactics.

Penalty points: for non-observance of speech etiquette, grammatical errors, speech errors, incorrect question, excessive emotionality, incorrect use of a professional term.

Thus, an effective method of organizing and conducting practical classes is a business game that awakens the cognitive activity of students, promotes the formation of independent thinking, forms a professional mentality, terminological culture of future specialists, and helps to develop the communicative component of any professional field.

- co-founder of the website portal, associate professor, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the department of the Russian language and speech culture of the Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

Material from the tutorial:

Ermolaeva Zh.E. Official business style of speech: effective communication M., 2014.

"The book is the best travel companion"

1. "The Devil Wears Prada", Lauren Weisberg (A typical plot for any Hollywood film, when a girl from the province travels to a distant unfamiliar city to conquer it once and for all. Naturally, such a book will appeal to the female half of the population. But no matter how was typical and banal plot of a famous book, it teaches us that we must not give up in the face of difficulties.)

2. "Around the World in 80 Days", Jules Verne (Ideal for those who are going on a trip or even a short trip out of town. The story is that you should always believe in yourself, even if others do not believe in you. Book full of adventures that the hero faces when he makes a bet, but most importantly, his assistant is always with him.)

3. "Notes on Sherlock Holmes", A. K. Doyle all the time.Perfect choice to get your brain working and get you on the road faster.)

4. "The Little Prince", Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (A simple but very touching and interesting story about a little boy from another planet. The story of how he finds his friend the fox, about the love of a rose. But the most important thing that should Note to the reader that this is friendship.The theme of friendship runs like a red thread through the whole work.)

5. "Breakfast at Tiffany's" by Truman Capote (Again, a good take on the road book for the female half. This is a light, pleasant story about a girl, naive, a little wayward, who lives the way she wants. She is attracted to the world of luxury and wealth, but Holly Golightly is the most striking example of flamboyant and unusual women in literature.)

6. "The Girl on the Train", Paula Hawkins (A story about a woman who, every time she passes by houses, sees young people from the train window, to whom she gives invented names. It would seem that their life is perfect, but one day the girl disappears. And the main character understands that only she can understand what happened to the stranger in the train window.

7. The Last Tycoon, F.S. Fitzgerald was art, and although the novel ends in mid-sentence, it is very popular.)

8. A series of books "Gentleman Detective Ivan Podushkin", Daria Dantsova (A rather banal choice, but it can be ideal for spending time on the road. A light, unobtrusive detective story with elements of comedy and drama will help pass the time on the road. In addition, you will want to read it later and all other books.)