Dikul's diet is an effective way to put the body in order. Effective protein diet of Valentin Dikul

There are many diets designed to help you lose weight. But not all of them are safe for health. When choosing a diet option for gaining harmony, you should give preference to a diet that will not only allow you to remove excess, but also help improve your physical shape. An example of such an effective and healthy diet is Dr. Dikul's diet.

The author of this unique technique is Valentin Ivanovich Dikul, a well-known doctor and person who managed to recover from a serious spinal injury by developing his own rehabilitation system.

The principle of this diet is not new. The basic rule is a significant reduction in the amount of fast carbohydrates and their replacement with proteins. Such a diet allows you to quickly burn fat, and protein is used to build muscle mass.

The standard diet option is ideal for people who are actively involved in sports with intense power loads. This diet option is ideal for men, but for women, the diet needs to be somewhat adapted by reducing calorie content.

It is important to consult your doctor before starting this diet. It is necessary to undergo an examination to make sure that the body can cope with increased physical exertion. In addition, it is important to check the condition of the digestive system and kidneys to make sure that a diet high in protein will not be harmful to health.

Who will suit?

You must immediately take into account that Dikul's diet for weight loss is not suitable for those people who lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle. In order for the diet to bear fruit, you need not only to adhere to certain rules of nutrition, but also to exercise regularly. After all, the main goal of this diet is not just getting rid of fat mass, but also replacing fatty tissue with muscle tissue.

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In principle, Dikul's protein diet is not very strict, you can make a menu for a week taking into account your tastes, the only serious limitation is a significant reduction in carbohydrates. Therefore, you will have to completely abandon the following products:

  • bread and any pastries (buns, pancakes, pies, etc.);
  • alcohol;
  • sugar;
  • semi-finished products, fast food products.

Basic and rules:

  • it is necessary to control the volume of liquid, you need to drink at least two liters of plain clean water without gas per day;
  • It is important to fight constipation. On a protein diet, little fiber enters the body, which interferes with the work of the intestines. To correct this situation, it is necessary to include oat bran in the diet. On the day of this product, you need to consume at least two tablespoons;
  • in addition to playing sports, it is important to devote time to walking;
  • in the process of losing weight, you need to take vitamins, it is especially important to use vitamin-mineral complexes at the first and last stages of the diet, in total, Valentin Dikul's diet consists of four stages;
  • before training or immediately after sports, you will need to use specially prepared cocktail.

To prepare such a cocktail, you need to mix (it is convenient to use a mixer):

  • 2 packs (200 grams each) low-fat cottage cheese (cottage cheese is better to take the consistency of a paste, not lumps);
  • two fresh chicken eggs (you must first thoroughly wash the shell to avoid salmonellosis);
  • half a glass of low-fat (up to 20%) sour cream;
  • two tablespoons of liquid honey (melt in the microwave) and any fruit jam.

Diet stages

The goals of each of the stages of the diet are somewhat different. The initial stage involves the use of only protein products, its duration depends on the initial weight. Its duration should not exceed 10 days. During this time, you can lose up to 7 kilograms.

Read also: Slag-free diet: menus and food options

The author recommends making beef tongue the main product at the first stage. In addition, you can use other protein products - lean meats, any fish, offal, except for brains. Seafood is beneficial as it is low in calories and high in protein. For cooking at the first and subsequent stages of the diet, you need to choose recipes that do not include the use of oil or fat.

At the next stage, you will need to alternate the menu by day. One day should be protein, the second you can eat vegetables. Choose vegetables with a low glycemic index. These are zucchini, sweet peppers, eggplants, cabbage of all kinds, green beans, etc. Only potatoes, beets and carrots need to be limited. The duration of this stage depends on the goals set, that is, it must be followed until the desired weight is reached.

The third part of the diet allows the addition of fruits, bread, cheese to the diet. During this period, a pure protein day can be done once a week. At the final stage, it is necessary to smoothly return to the usual diet, continuing to eat only protein foods one day a week.

sample menu

What can you eat on protein days? An example diet might look like this:

  • three boiled eggs, tomato salad, a glass of kefir;
  • a glass of fermented baked milk;
  • chicken breast boiled or baked in foil, for a side dish - a vegetable mixture without corn and potatoes or stewed cabbage;
  • before and after training - a protein shake prepared according to the recipe prepared above.

Many diets for weight loss include a low-calorie menu, following which it is difficult to engage in physical activity, because the body does not produce enough energy for this.

Dikul's methodology, on the contrary, allows and even obliges to go in for sports. If you have started going to the gym or jogging, then this diet will be a great addition to the loads, as it is aimed at converting adipose tissue into muscle.

Essence and features

Valentin Dikul is a Doctor of Rehabilitation Medicine, he helps people recover from severe injuries and illnesses. The doctor himself went through this difficult path when experts predicted that he would spend the rest of his life in bed. However, Dikul has an unshakable craving for life, so he managed to gather his will into a fist, get on his feet and start helping others.

The doctor's technique is based on protein nutrition with minimal inclusion of fats and carbohydrates. It takes more energy for the body to digest such food, which has a beneficial effect on the burning of body fat. Of course, without training, this principle will not work.

Dikul's diet is suitable for you if the following conditions are met at the same time:

  • excess weight is not more than 10 kg;
  • you regularly go in for sports - swimming, jogging, exercising on simulators;
  • you do not have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, excretory system, heart and blood vessels;
  • you have time to organize a rational diet;
  • you can afford to regularly buy meat, fish, vegetables and fruits.

The peculiarity of the technique is that everyone determines how long it will last. For some, a month is enough, others stretch it for six months. The main thing is that physical activity is present throughout such nutrition in life, otherwise the effect will be directly opposite to what is desired.

The menu is based on the alternation of carbohydrate and protein days, which depend on whether training is planned. Thanks to such a nutrition system, the body does not experience a deficiency in nutrients, and the diet is not harmful.


Valentin Dikul himself claims that most diets harm the body, because they deplete it, creating only the illusion of losing weight. To make your body slim and fit, you do not need to severely limit yourself in food - you just need to choose a balanced diet and play sports.

First you need to decide why you want to lose weight at all. This will help develop motivation that will not allow you to complete the methodology before achieving your goals. You also need to decide which parts of the body do not suit you, consult with a specialist on how to correct the situation.

Any gym should have an instructor who will tell you what exercises will help you get your body in shape. It will not be superfluous to consult with a nutritionist who will analyze what the trainer advised and make a verdict on whether such a training system is right for you.

During the Dikul diet for weight loss, you must follow the following principles:

  1. Eat 4-5 times a day in small portions. On average, the mass of dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner should not exceed 300 g; for snacks, the volume of food should be even less. It is advisable to organize meals at regular intervals, for example, 2-3 hours, so that the digestive system works without unnecessary stress.
  2. In the Dikul diet menu for every day, you need to include at least 2 liters of clean water without gas. It will help restore water-salt metabolism and prevent dehydration, which can occur due to exorbitant physical exertion.
  3. In addition to water, you can drink any drinks, except sweet and carbonated ones. Their volume is not included in the daily rate of liquid.
  4. To prevent constipation, you need to eat 2 tablespoons of oat bran every day. They can be poured with hot water, eaten dry with any permitted drink, or added to other dishes, such as cereals and soups. It is better to start with 1 tsp. bran per day, gradually increasing their intake to avoid a negative reaction from the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. It is necessary to consult with a therapist about the possibility of taking a vitamin-mineral complex. You need to tell the doctor that you are going to play sports and sit on a protein diet so that the specialist selects the most suitable complex.
  6. Once every 2 weeks, you can arrange high-carb days. The menu can include almost any food containing a high percentage of carbohydrates. It can be cereals, bananas, grapes, potatoes, beans, dried fruits, rice, etc.
  7. Sports activities can be in 1-3 days, but light exercises should be done every day. For this, a short exercise in the morning or an evening walk is well suited.
  8. You need to organize your daily routine so that you can get enough sleep. It is advisable to go to bed before 11 pm so that the body has time to rest before the next day.

Sugar, confectionery and bakery products should be excluded from the Dikul diet menu for weight loss. Salt and spices should be kept to a minimum. It is also advisable to stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.


The entire Dikul diet menu is divided into 4 phases by day. The first period will be the most difficult, since only protein foods can be included in the menu, even vegetables and fruits are prohibited. The first phase lasts from 3 to 10 days, depending on how you feel and the desired effect. Already at this stage, intensive sports should be present, so it is possible to lose from 2 to 6 kg.

At this time, you can eat the following foods:

  • meat without fat and fat;
  • offal;
  • fish;
  • seafood;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products.

These ingredients are used to prepare dishes without salt and spices. The menu itself can be customized. For example, for breakfast, you can make an omelette steamed or in the oven, bake meat or offal in foil for lunch, and cook fish or seafood for dinner. For a snack, you can eat low-fat cottage cheese or drink sour-milk drinks.

The second period of the menu, scheduled by day, is much easier to carry, since fruits, vegetables and vegetable oils (preferably olive or linseed) are allowed to be added to Dikul's diet for weight loss. The duration of this phase ranges from 10 days to 2-3 months. During this period, protein and carbohydrate days alternate, but high-carb foods are excluded from the diet.

The third phase is the longest, the duration is also determined individually. The rules are as follows: once a week you need to eat only proteins, as in the first period of the diet, twice a week you can include a high-calorie dish in the menu, every day you need to eat 2 tbsp. oat bran. In this phase, you can eat bread in limited quantities.

The fourth period is the completion of the diet. You can make a menu from any product, in fact, nutrition can be made the same as before the start of the technique, if you still have the desire to return to this regimen. There are only two rules - once a week to arrange a protein day and every day to eat bran.

In the second and third phases of the Pierre Dikul diet, you need to alternate protein and carbohydrate days. If training is not provided, then the approximate menu looks like this:

  • breakfast - steam omelet, tomato salad with apples and red onions;
  • second breakfast - fat-free cottage cheese;
  • lunch - beef baked in foil with vegetables;
  • afternoon snack - natural yogurt with a low percentage of liquid without additives;
  • dinner - boiled fillet of low-fat white fish, Chinese cabbage salad, cucumber and bell pepper.

On training days, you need to follow the carbohydrate menu. It might look like this:

  • breakfast - dietary bread with lettuce, squash caviar and slices of boiled eggs;
  • second breakfast - oatmeal with a banana;
  • lunch - pumpkin cream soup, a piece of boiled beef;
  • afternoon snack - apple, cabbage and carrot salad;
  • dinner - stewed beans with vegetables, boiled seafood or fish.

Important! Throughout the diet, you need to organize food so that it brings joy, otherwise there will be no point in the method.


Dr. Dikul offers a recipe for a cocktail that will help restore the strength spent on training and make up for the lack of nutrients in the body. To prepare a drink, you need to mix 2 packs of fat-free cottage cheese, 2 chicken eggs, 2 tbsp. natural honey and the same amount of jam. You need to drink a cocktail twice a day - before and after training.

If you do not have time to prepare such a cocktail, then you can purchase a gainer in a sports nutrition store - a nutritional mixture consisting of carbohydrates and proteins. These drinks are identical in their effects on the body.

Important! This cocktail is not intended for weight loss, but to facilitate physical activity. If you miss training on any day, then you do not need to drink this drink.

Dr. Dikul does not give other recipes, but if you wish, you can find interesting options for dishes that diversify the menu:

  1. Salad "Summer". The mass of each ingredient for this dish is 100 g. Boil the carrots, chop on a coarse grater. Cucumbers cut into circles, tomatoes - medium cubes. Boil the cauliflower and divide into florets, finely chop the asparagus and lettuce leaves. Mix everything, season with sour cream and vinegar, add your favorite spices.
  2. Protein fish soup. Put any fish fillet in a saucepan, you can choose salmon, add water, bring to a boil and cook over medium heat until tender (10-30 minutes, depending on the product chosen). Then take out the fish and divide into separate pieces. Put them back into the pan along with chopped spinach (500 g) and herbs. Add melted cheese, wait until it dissolves. You need to buy only natural cheese, not a cheese product, otherwise it will not melt in the soup.
  3. Low carb dessert. Despite the fact that you can’t eat sugar and confectionery on a diet, you can find a way to treat yourself to a delicious dessert. To prepare it, you need to pour a glass of washed rice into the pan, pour two glasses of milk and add a bag of vanillin. The mixture should be boiled over low heat until no liquid remains. Then the mass is cooled, ground with a blender, any nuts are added to it. From this mixture you need to make balls and put them in the cold.

You can find many more desserts that are suitable for Dikul's diet. The main thing is that protein foods, vegetables and fruits are present on the menu every day. Nuts and vegetable oil will make up for the deficiency of fats in the body.

Results and reviews

If you play sports and follow all the rules of the Dikul diet, then after a month you can notice significant changes in the state of your figure. You should not focus on the readings of the scales, since fat will be burned, but muscle mass will grow. There will be weight loss, but insignificant, and on this diet the main thing is the external result. The relief and fit of the body is what you should expect from the technique.

Depending on the result achieved, people who follow the Dikul diet for weight loss shared different reviews.

Girl Ludmila writes:“I started going to fitness, but the result was barely noticeable - there was quite a lot of excess weight. According to the trainer's feedback, I decided to try Dikul's diet, I liked it. I have been following these rules for 3 years, naturally, I take breaks in the diet. I constantly find something new for myself - interesting recipes, exercises. In a week you will not feel the result, it took me about two months, but all the efforts spent are justified.

Another girl, Elmira, left this review:“You can trust this diet, I tested it on myself. I started doing it relatively recently, but the results are already visible. I go jogging, I do exercises at home, now I am in the third phase of the diet. Fat has gone from the stomach and legs, it remains to bring the sides to mind. The menu is delicious, not hungry, so I don’t see any shortcomings in the diet at all. ”


Dikul's diet allows you to independently organize your meals, without trying to fit into a strict framework. Everyone decides for himself what to eat, what to do, and how long it will all last. If you follow all the rules of the diet, you will not even notice that you are sitting on it, and the body will finally begin to benefit from what you eat.

Reader's story "How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months"
All my life I was fat, suffered from excess weight. In clothing stores, I chose size L, which turned into XL by the age of 25 and continued to grow. I can talk for a long time about how I tried to fight my 30-35 extra pounds: diets, hunger strikes, physical activity, even pills and some kind of conspiracies. The effect was short-lived or non-existent. In short, despair, depression and almost resignation with its enormous weight. But one day I came across ... a chocolate bar that helps to lose weight! It cost me nothing to try it - I love chocolates. Ordered and ate. And the weight went down!! It looks like mysticism, but it's true. I began to study the issue, and understood how it all works. Girls try it! I have already lost 18 kg in 2.5 months. And I continue. It's up to you, but you don't lose anything except weight, of course. Try Choco Burn chocolate for weight loss for 147 rubles.

The name of Valentin Dikul has become a symbol of victory over a serious illness. Once this man recovered on his own and got to his feet after a severe spinal injury. His rehabilitation program has been tested by millions of patients around the world and most of them returned to a full life.

Dikul's diet is an integral part of this program, because it takes a lot of strength and energy to perform daily exercises.

The essence of Dikul's diet

Dikul's nutrition system consists of 4 main stages. Each of them has its own specific purpose. The duration of each stage varies from 3 to 10 days.

The essence of the nutrition system is to replace existing fat deposits with muscles. To lose weight on Dikul's protein diet, you will have to abandon easily digestible carbohydrates and replace them with proteins, that is, proteins.

Protein foods are taken as the basis of the diet, which include tongue, kidneys, liver, poultry, fish and lean pork. The use of seafood and fish can not be limited at all, unlike fatty foods. The same applies to oil - both vegetable and animal.

At the same time, weight loss as such will not happen, but almost all the fat in the body is transformed into muscles. Regular physical activity will help ensure this, without which there is no point in Dikul's protein diet.

First stage

Sample menu:

  • for breakfast, an omelet and a glass of milk;
  • for lunch, boil or bake meat with potatoes in the oven. Boil or purchase ready-made beans in their own juice;
  • for an afternoon snack, a pack of cottage cheese with sour cream or natural yogurt;
  • dinner consists of boiled seafood or fish, as well as rice and stewed vegetables - cauliflower and broccoli. At night, drink a glass of kefir.

Second phase

At this stage, protein-rich foods can be diluted with vegetables. I must say that it was not necessary to completely abandon them before, but now they can be included in your menu more actively.

We are talking about celery, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant, bell peppers, etc.

A sample menu for the day looks like this:

  • for breakfast, a pack of fat-free cottage cheese and a piece of cheese;
  • for lunch, liver stewed with sour cream. Boil buckwheat and vegetables for a side dish;
  • for an afternoon snack, muesli filled with yogurt and a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes;
  • for dinner, fish or seafood with potatoes. Salad of cabbage, carrots and bell peppers. At night, a glass of kefir.

Third stage

At this stage, Dikul's diet involves adding bread and fruits to the menu. In general, the diet remains quite high in calories, as the body has to spend a lot of energy during exercise. The number of protein days is reduced to one per week.

Sample menu:

  • for breakfast, corn flakes with milk, fruit and tea;
  • for lunch, meat or offal with any side dish to taste - cereals or pasta, vegetable salad;
  • for an afternoon snack, stewed vegetables with bread, jelly, fruits;
  • for dinner, fish and potatoes, vegetable salad, a glass of kefir at night.

The fourth stage - the exit from the diet

At the fourth stage, it is necessary to gradually return to the usual diet, spend a day on protein foods once a week and consume 2 tablespoons of wheat bran daily.

Observing this regimen, you can become the owner of a more proportional and athletic figure, but only under the condition of constant training.

Valentin Dikul also recommends including a special protein shake in your diet and taking it before training. It consists of 400 g fat-free cottage cheese, 100 g sour cream, 2 tablespoons of honey, 2 eggs and 2 tablespoons of any jam or syrup.

Such a cocktail will provide the body with energy and allow you to train with greater efficiency.Lose weight properly without harm and damage to health!

Almost all diets known to the world are focused on moving the arrow on the scale to the left. But for methods, using which kilograms can even be added, this does not take away the right to life. Only these will be the “correct” muscle kilograms. One of these systems is Dikul's protein diet for weight loss, which has much in common with sports "drying" of the body.

French diet according to Dikul: key principles of the methodology

In most cases, the dietary restrictions imposed by a number of diets hardly allow you to perform everyday activities such as light walking and physical activity during the work or school day. The system of a doctor who has already become famous, on the contrary, will operate for the most part only when physical loads are connected, moreover, of a forceful nature and in large volume.

Here, the main task is not to bring the figure to a fragile state, but to replace the fat mass with muscle, due to which, as mentioned, weight can increase. But at the same time, the body will still look much more attractive than with a lower weight, but with a predominance of fat mass.

The essence of this technique is based on a radical revision of the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The latter category is either eliminated or included in the diet in a minimal amount. The main role will be played by the first part of the trio, the share of which will increase. At the same time, the total caloric content of the diet will decrease from the required one by 15-20%.

Thus, the following scheme will begin to unfold: the consumed proteins will be used to create muscle tissue, and the body, which will have nowhere to get energy from, will begin to process the already accumulated “strategic reserves” in the form of body fat. In addition, the processing of protein requires more energy than the same process for carbohydrates. And physical activity will provide an increase in the calorie deficit and muscle development.

But before you make Dikul's diet your way of life for the next week, you should visit a doctor. Despite the fact that the technique is not included in the category of starvation diets, there is a clear imbalance in it due to the reduction in the proportion of carbohydrates. Increasing the amount of protein food puts a strain on the pancreas and other organs of the digestive system.

This is not scary in a healthy body, but it is undesirable in the presence of serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, experts do not advise resorting to any protein schemes, including Dikul's diet, during the warm season. The heat creates an additional load on all internal systems.

Earlier it was said that this technique has many points of contact with the classic sports “drying”. This is especially noticeable on the menu, which, however, is somewhat softer than that short-term sports nutrition. And yet, it should be used with the utmost care, and it is not worth stretching the duration of Dikul's diet.

But what is characteristic of the diet of a person who has increased physical activity, you will not have to starve here. The calorie content of the menu is actually decent.

With a red marker, you can cross out any sources of "empty" carbohydrates. This is all kinds of fast food, all products containing sugar - confectionery, sweets. Although it is not forbidden to use the cereal group with Dikul's diet, instant cereals are not included here. In addition to the fact that for this cereals are processed, depriving them of valuable substances, it is not uncommon to add flavorings, various flavor enhancers, and all the same sugar. As for bread, its appearance on the table is permissible only in very rare cases.

The main products that are proposed to be served during the Dikul diet are meat and fish, whose fat content does not play a special role. From the point of view of reducing the load on the pancreas and liver, of course, it is better to choose leaner varieties. And for reasons of weight loss, it makes no sense to go in cycles in this. Moreover, if the fat content of meat can still be a negative point, then the fat content of fish is not.

Important in the diet and eggs, not limited to chicken. Doctors advise using quail for food, although they have a higher energy value. But it is necessary to keep in mind that more than 3-4 pieces. It is better not to use it during the day.

On a par with them is the dairy group, in which cheeses, cottage cheese, and its other elements are equally useful. Again, their fat content is not important. The main factor is naturalness, especially relevant for yoghurts. The correct product does not contain "chemistry" and has at least 107 CFU per 1 g of product.

Dikul's diet for weight loss: menu and cocktail recipe

The diet will be based on animal and vegetable sources of proteins, as well as on a certain proportion of vegetables. A protein shake, created according to a special recipe, is also considered an obligatory element. It includes 100 ml of sour cream, which account for 2 tbsp. honey and jam, as well as 500 g of cottage cheese with 0% fat content and raw chicken eggs in the amount of 2 pcs. All ingredients are mixed in a blender, and a portion of such a peculiar dish is consumed first in the morning, and then before training 60-90 minutes before training.

Thus, daily meal plan might look something like this:

Drink a protein shake on an empty stomach.

  • The first breakfast is a cup of herbal tea, it is advised to boil 2 eggs. If necessary, a couple of toasts from grain bread are connected to them.
  • The second breakfast is a salad of cucumbers and celery. Can be replaced with a large unsweetened apple.
  • For lunch, a piece of beef and a weak meat broth are boiled. It is better to cook it without salt, but with onions. You can take 1-2 tomatoes.
  • An afternoon snack is represented by a portion of cottage cheese with herbs. If there is an evening workout, then it is replaced by a cocktail.
  • It is best to have dinner with fish that can be baked, or you can put it on minced meat and make steam meatballs out of it. Boiled green beans are suitable for fish.
  • Also, the presence of cheese, poultry, seafood is not forbidden in the diet. The main task is to make predominantly protein food so that this element occupies from 70% to 80% of the plate. The remaining 20-30% is mostly spent on vegetables.

Dikul's diet for weight loss protein: a side view

Among all aspects of the Dikul diet, it should be noted that it is suitable not only for active physical exertion, when the ratio of muscle and fat mass is adjusted. Such a system is also used in the case of temporary stay in a supine position, when it is necessary to prevent muscle atrophy. But, since the technique will not work without movement, recovery elements for all muscle groups are performed simultaneously with it.

Although the technique was developed by a doctor, and initially it was aimed at people who needed to restore the musculoskeletal system, she could not avoid the minuses. And the main one, of course, lies in the imbalance that appears due to the shift towards protein foods.

Such products, especially of animal origin, give a load to the pancreas. In addition, when protein is abused without a sufficient proportion of carbohydrates, ketoacidosis occurs after a long period. Also, we must not forget about the negative impact on the kidneys. Therefore, anyone who wants to try the Dikul diet is strongly recommended to consult a doctor first.

However, there are many pluses here. For example, food intake. There is no risk of falling into a hungry faint. And, most importantly, fitness during this body shaping system is not prohibited. Therefore, in their comments, women often say that Dikul's diet is very easy to tolerate. And the only difficulty that arises is the lack of fruits (other than apples) and sweets.

Speaking of sweets and sugar. It is precisely because of its deficiency that such a system will not work during active stressful periods, since the risk of the onset and development of a hypoglycemic reaction increases. And with the usual lack of glucose during the Dikul diet, you can occasionally indulge yourself with natural marmalade, which was made on the basis of fruit juice. But such indulgence should be the exception, not a permanent ritual.

Before you try the Dikul diet on yourself, carefully study all its aspects, and also consult your doctor. Although this technique is less harmful to health than rigid mono-diets, it is difficult to call it completely safe. It does not act as a possible way of life, but as a strategic necessity during the period of bringing the body into good sports shape.

Every girl wants to look good in order to please herself and others. A beautiful face and a slender body give the owner self-confidence and, most importantly, health. But if excess weight is inherent, what to do in this case? It is urgent to pull yourself together and bring your body into such a shape that it is pleasant to look at.

All girls and guys dream of seeing a happy scale arrow that deviates back. After all, this indicates weight loss and not only. The fact is that many diets help a person lose fat mass, but at the same time muscle mass also goes away with it. Although you are outwardly becoming smaller in volume, but inside your body is weakening.

Beauty is not in low weight, but in a physically strong body, and for this it is necessary to acquire muscle mass. It is for such needs that a special Dikul diet has been developed. The Valentin Dikul method is focused on replacing fat mass with muscle mass. For a good result, it is not enough just to stick to a diet, physical exercises are also necessary.

What is Dikul's diet

This method will help to acquire the desired body only if a person adheres to the correct distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The main role in dietary nutrition, according to the method of Dr. Dikul, is played by proteins. For this reason, this diet is called protein.

The weight loss system lies in the use of a sufficient amount of proteins, due to which muscle mass is built up. Carbohydrates provide the body with energy, and when we reduce their amount, the opposite effect occurs. Our body itself begins to burn fat mass. Plus, physical exercises produce that missing energy.

Remember, before any diet, you should get the recommendations of your doctor, as he knows in which diseases this or that diet is contraindicated. If there are problems with the intestines, the Dikul diet is not recommended.

To get the desired results, you must adhere to the diet. Completely exclude foods that contain harmful carbohydrates - these are confectionery, sugar, fast food. You need to click on meat and fish, which contain a sufficient amount of protein. A big plus in such a diet is that the fat content of foods does not play a role.

Eggs are a source of the same proteins, therefore they can be consumed in unlimited quantities. But it is worth remembering: what is overdone is unhealthy! Limit yourself to four per day. Also, don't forget about dairy products. You can eat everything, but try to choose more natural products so that they benefit, not harm.

Dikul's diet: diet

It is important to eat permitted food along with a protein shake. It is prepared according to a special technology and is based only on proteins. You need to take 100 ml of low-fat sour cream, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of honey, then half a kilogram of low-fat cottage cheese and 2 chicken eggs. The whole mixture is churned in a blender and divided into portions.

The first day on a protein diet without exercise looks like this:

  • drink a glass of protein shake on an empty stomach;
  • two boiled eggs, a few slices of toast and a cup of herbal tea before breakfast;
  • for breakfast, a salad of fresh cucumber and celery, if the season has already passed, you can eat one large apple, but it is important that it is not sweet;
  • for lunch, a piece of lean meat in broth, with the addition of onions and 2 tomatoes are allowed;
  • a snack can be made with low-fat cottage cheese with herbs;
  • it is desirable to have dinner with baked fish; it’s nice to cook steamed cutlets, complementing the main course of green beans.

The second day of the protein diet must be combined with exercise. The menu is the same as on the first day, only it is worth removing dinner. Drink a cocktail before and after exercise.