Long names starting with n. Women's names starting with the letter n

The letter "H" symbolizes a sign of protest. The owner of this letter in his name is ready to give up everything indiscriminately. At the same time, this person has considerable inner strength and a sharp critical mind. He strives for physical and spiritual comfort, as a rule, diligent and diligent in his work. Monotonous and uninteresting work is not very attractive for him.

The presence of the consonant "H" in the name provides a person with strict selectivity not only in choosing a partner, but even in actions and words.

The denial and elusiveness that are contained in the letter "N" explain the fact that their carrier starts any business with doubt, denial or a negatively directed question. This man is good at hiding his disbelief. Sometimes constant doubts bring him to the position of a real renegade. Relatives reject this person, and he is completely thrown out of life. However, most often it is still a person with a developed sense of self-worth, standing a step above those around him. In the name of such a person there is also a desire for a society of his own kind, the desire is in the elite circle of people.

The bearer of the letter "H" in his name will always divide people into friends and foes. But at the same time, he is able to dissolve in a "foreign" society.

List of names starting with N


Name Nahum: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

Naum has a philosophical mindset, often practical questions irritate them, preventing them from fully concentrating on highly intellectual things. A worthy feature inherent in all Naums is that they know how to empathize with someone else's grief.


The name Nikanor: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

Nikanor's character is phlegmatic. A person with this name has a violent imagination, lives a rich inner life. Proud, a little timid, flexible. Nikanor has a well-developed intuition, a good memory, and a synthetic mindset. He is interested in everything related to religion and the occult.

The name Nikita (Nikitiy, Mikita): meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

As a child, Nikita is a very calm and cheerful child. But he was born to be a leader. From an early age, Nikita knows the feeling of faith in himself and victory, he stubbornly goes to the appointed goal. He is inquisitive and hardworking. Nikita also has creative abilities. He can have a great influence on his friends.

The name Nikifor: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

A person named Nikifor is cheerful, energetic, cherishes and loves life in all its manifestations. Sometimes impatient, slow people annoy him. Nikifor easily discards life's trifles and focuses his attention on the main thing. Dislikes lengthy explanations.

Name Nikolai: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

Nikolai prefers not to talk about his feelings and experiences to anyone. An exception can only be a very close person. Nikolai is inherently a very kind, honest and direct person. Intrigues are alien and disgusting to him. Sometimes, meeting such manifestations in people, he is too hot and hasty in judgments.

Name Nikon: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

Nikon, who was born in winter, has the most developed stubbornness and perseverance, prefers to work hard rather than talk. He does not like to visit, but he is happy to receive friends. Knows how to have fun, sings well, especially folk songs. He does not waste his time on personalities who do not attract him and cannot be needed in something.

The main qualities of a girl whose name begins with "N" are self-esteem, inner strength and the ability to think. So it is not surprising that her main goal is to succeed and is among successful people. For not absolutely unacceptable monotonous, monotonous life - you need comfort, self-realization, a matter to which you can apply your abilities. The combination of such strong abilities naturally gives rise to weaknesses - some distrust of everything, doubt that interferes with business, the desire to abandon everything indiscriminately - even from obviously the most useful and interesting.

  • Hope - (Nadia) the name has Greek roots. This is an independent woman for whom freedom is not just a word, but the meaning of life. She is always happy to be the center of attention, she needs the opportunity to do what she wants. -1
  • Nana - Japanese, Orthodox, Georgian name. It may have come from the names of John, Marianna, Natalia. This girl is dynamic, flexible - a born actress. -12
  • Natalia - (Natasha) the name is very ancient, formed in the first centuries of Christianity from the Latin "birth", "Christmas". Natalia is modest, friendly, self-confident, with a certain sense of superiority. A born leader, created to be in the spotlight, a very gifted, cheerful person. 8
  • Neva - possibly derived from "neva", from Old English. Neva is a bright, unusual girl, always looking for an application for her abilities. -14
  • Nellie - (Nelya) perhaps the name comes from the Greek "neos" - new. A girl with this name is not endowed with restraint. As a rule, this is a rather selfish nature, which always needs to feel superior. -9
  • Nika - victory (from ancient Greek). Calm, confident, interesting and proud girl. 42
  • Nikolina - (Nikola) Bulgarian name derived from "Nikolai". This is a cheerful and sociable girl, striving for leadership and self-realization. Despite her openness, she comes into contact for quite a long time, but if a person is interesting to her, she will communicate easily and with pleasure. -15
  • Nicole The name comes from French. Slightly mysterious, emotional and sociable nature. 25
  • Nile - a name from the ancient Greek "neos" - "young", "new". A diligent, sensible girl who never goes to extremes. -18
  • Nina - there are thousands of versions of the origin of this name. Nina is a person who prefers the golden mean and strives for the ideal in everything. -1
  • Ninel - read the other way around "Lenin" - an invention of the USSR. A kind, sympathetic, but overly sensitive girl with a penchant for fantasy. -6
  • Nona - (Nonna) translated from Latin "nona" means - the Ninth. A tireless girl full of energy and vivacity. -21

At the time when a child is born in the family, the problem of naming appears along with it. Since the choice of names today is huge, choosing the best is sometimes difficult. In this article, we will give some male names starting with "N". This list is by no means complete. Its purpose is only to offer a few examples from different cultural traditions.

Male names starting with "H": characteristics

Before proceeding directly to the list of names, let us briefly touch on the characteristics of those men whose name begins with the proposed letter. Firstly, such guys are endowed with a sharp mind and are able to think critically. At the same time, being overly critical, they tend to refuse everything that is offered to them, not separating the wheat from the chaff. Those who bear masculine names beginning with "H" are very striving for comfort, both physically and emotionally and spiritually. In work, diligence and due diligence are shown. Although if the work seems uninteresting to them due to monotony or something else, they will do everything to change it. As for the choice of a companion, such men are extremely picky and even picky. However, they are just as demanding of themselves. People who have masculine names starting with "N" are also distinguished by the fact that they demonstrate some skepticism to everything. This applies to all spheres of life, as well as the occupations of the people themselves. However, they are good at hiding their doubts when necessary.

A well-developed self-esteem is also a hallmark of the owners of names that begin with the letter "H". They do their best to constantly improve their social position and strive to enter the circle of the elite, wherever they are and whatever they do. This means that they do not profess the ideals of equality, but on the contrary, they try to occupy a dominant position, dividing the world into friends and foes.

List of names

Now let's look at our list. It will be divided into two categories. The first will be given names starting with "N". Russians are mostly descended from them. Then, for comparison, we will present several Kazakh variants. Well, then a small list of names from other languages ​​will follow.

Greek names

  • Nikolay. A very popular name in Russia. It comes from two words - "victory" and "people".
  • Nikita. It is derived from a verb meaning "to conquer".
  • Nestor. At the heart of this option is a word that can be translated as "returning home."
  • Nikon. Literally translated into Russian as "victorious".
  • Nicanor. In Greek, this name means "he who saw the victory."
  • Nikandr. As you can see, most of the names in "H" in the Greek language are associated with the concept of victory and come from the word that denotes it - "nike". This option is also one of them. Its literal meaning is "the conqueror of men".

Kazakh names

  • Nadir. Kazakh male names with the letter "N" sometimes also have roots from other languages. For example, this option is derived from the Arabic dialect and means "rare."
  • Nazarbay. It means a person glorified, to whom universal attention is drawn. Scale It translates as "leader".
  • Nurlybek. This Kazakh name means "shining". A more complete translation may look like this: "radiating light and heat."

Other names

  • Nazar. Comes from Hebrew. Translated into Russian as "dedicated to God."
  • Naum. Another Hebrew name. Means "comforting".
  • Nariman. This variant originates in Ancient Iran. Its literal translation sounds like "Fire Warrior".
  • But I. The easiest way to convey this Mongolian word is “prince” or “ruler”. To be more precise, it means the one who controls the tumen - the territorial-administrative unit in the medieval Mongolian and Turkic states.