Homemade beetroot juice. beetroot juice

In itself, it is not a disease, but may indicate the presence of systemic disorders in the body, including serious diseases. But most often, anemia is associated with nutritional errors, problems in metabolism, when the necessary trace elements are not absorbed properly. Therefore, in many cases, the situation is resolved by a simple change in lifestyle and nutrition, and it is possible to cure anemia at home with folk remedies.

Treatment of anemia with folk remedies is possible under the supervision of a doctor.

Causes of anemia and its varieties

May be caused by the following reasons:

  • deficiency of iron, vitamin B12, folic acid;
  • violations in the processes of iron absorption;
  • hereditary diseases associated with pathologies of the blood and bone marrow;
  • blood loss due to injuries or internal bleeding that occurs in chronic diseases;
  • in children, anemia may be associated with neonatal problems, abnormalities in pregnancy, and prematurity.

In children and adults, the treatment of anemia with folk remedies lends itself well to its deficient forms, and with their help you can improve metabolism and maintain a normal state in chronic ailments. Such methods involve the use of plants and biologically active substances found in vegetables, fruits and berries.

Main symptoms

There are common symptoms that indicate the need for accurate diagnosis and treatment of anemia:

  • pallor;
  • irritability;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • bad mood and depression;
  • dry hair, skin, brittle nails;
  • impaired attention and concentration.

Such signs are not unique and cannot unambiguously indicate the presence of anemia. A reliable way to recognize the disease is a regular scheduled blood test. Only it, in conjunction with additional examinations, will make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis and quickly. Only the attending physician can give recommendations on how to treat anemia at home.

Honey and bee products

Treatment of anemia with folk remedies at home comes down to the regular use of products that improve metabolic processes in the body, help incoming trace elements to be better absorbed. Some of the recipes are able to improve the condition and help in the treatment of chronic diseases, as well as ailments, the causes of which are not well understood. Such universal remedies include bee products, the most popular of which are honey, royal jelly and perga.

Honey contains B vitamins and is rich in vitamin C. It improves immunity, improves metabolism and helps to increase the number of red blood cells. It is better to use it on an empty stomach, it can be in its pure form, or it can be in the form of syrup. To do this, it is enough to dissolve 1 - 2 tablespoons in a glass of water. It can also be dissolved in warm milk. If you use water, it is recommended to add the squeezed juice of 1 - 2 lemon slices there.

In addition to honey itself, royal jelly is also recommended for anemia. It is the food that the larvae and the queen bee feed on. It is isolated by nurse bees, and people get it from special artificial cells. Royal jelly has a very rich nutritional composition, which contains many amino acids and vitamins. In addition to other healing properties, it activates the metabolism, improves oxygen supply to tissues. You can use it in the form of independent preparations or buy honey with the addition of royal jelly.

Perga is also a food for bees and an effective folk remedy for anemia. This is collected pollen, folded into honeycombs and filled with honey. It is the most healing of all bee products. But allergy sufferers need to be more careful with this product, since pollen is a strong allergen. Perga is very rich in vitamins B and C and has a high nutritional value. It not only increases hemoglobin, but also improves well-being, adds strength to the body.

Plants and medicinal decoctions

You can use various herbal teas and tinctures. They can be bought in the store in the form of ready-made mixtures in tea bags, or you can collect them yourself. If the recipe involves the use of dried plants, then it is better to purchase them at a pharmacy. There, the product passes control for environmental friendliness and quality. And in plants collected in the city or near roads, dangerous impurities may be present. Even the forest belt in some regions is located in the zone of polluted air, and the plants collected in this way can do more harm than good.

For the manufacture of medicinal teas and tinctures for anemia, they use:

  • dandelion leaves and roots;
  • nettle, mixed with birch leaves;
  • aloe juice;
  • tincture of wormwood;
  • meadow clover;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • yarrow;
  • strawberry leaves.

Almost all herbs can be consumed in the form of regular tea. Nettle, dandelion and yarrow leaves mutually reinforce each other's action. Aloe juice is mixed with honey in a ratio of 1 to 2 and consumed three times a day in a tablespoon. Wormwood is infused for a month on vodka: a liter jar is tightly stuffed with grass, poured and tightly closed. You can take the remedy only 1 - 2 drops once a day, diluted with water.

Healing recipes from vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits as a folk remedy are used in the form of salads and whole. Useful for low hemoglobin beets, carrots, apple, pomegranate, lemon, garlic. From the first four products, you can squeeze the juice and add a spoonful of honey. Of all that can be made from garlic, the best option in the absence of contraindications is an alcohol tincture, which can be consumed only a few drops, diluted in milk. Another good way is to grate the garlic and mix with honey. It can also be used as a condiment for any dish.

Carrots contain a lot of vitamins A and C, it is better to eat it grated on an empty stomach, mixed with vegetable oil. Regular consumption of freshly squeezed carrot juice also has a positive effect on health. Raw beetroot is the most active substance, so it should be used with caution, especially by children. At the same time, it is one of the most effective folk remedies used in the treatment of anemia. Juice can be drunk only one third of a glass three times a day. For children, this dosage should be halved.

In raw form, vegetables such as beets, radishes and garlic are acceptable in the absence of diseases of the digestive tract. If you have gastritis or a stomach ulcer, then there is a risk of greatly harming your health.

Nutrition for anemia

In addition to the use of special tools and recipes, with anemia, it is necessary to adjust the diet. Even the most effective folk remedies will be useless in the treatment of anemia if a person does not receive the necessary substances with food. With deficiency anemia, foods rich in missing trace elements should be included in the diet.

  • buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • apples;
  • meat, fish, poultry;
  • cheese and dairy products;
  • nuts, especially pistachios;
  • legumes;
  • berries: black currant, wild strawberry, wild rose, cranberry, viburnum, blackberry;
  • citrus;
  • spinach;
  • fresh greens.

Deficiency of B vitamins is replenished by:

  • red fish;
  • eggs;
  • meat and offal;
  • dairy products and cheese;
  • black bread;
  • seafood;
  • cereals.

With a lack of folic acid in the diet are added:

  • broccoli and Brussels sprouts;
  • nuts;
  • offal;
  • green salad;
  • legumes;
  • fresh fruits.

Buckwheat porridge is not only rich in trace elements, but also helps iron to be absorbed. Therefore, it is often worth starting the day with it. Meat with anemia should be present in the diet daily. And it is better to replace classic tea with herbal and berry drinks. Dairy products, eggs, seafood and apples should also be consumed daily.

Treatment with folk remedies should not replace a visit to the doctor. Supportive care has been successful at home, but in many cases medications and hospital visits are essential. Before deciding on the use of alternative methods, you must consult a doctor to determine the causes and severity of your condition.

Beets are a rich source of vitamins. With proper nutrition, beets are simply required to be on the menu. It helps the digestive process, as it includes a large amount of fiber. You can cook various dishes from beets. But properly storing it for long-term storage is not as easy as it seems. Undoubtedly, it is worth trying to prepare it as a freshly squeezed juice. Consider several options for how to prepare beetroot juice for the winter at home.

A drink of several vegetables is recommended for people who have had serious illnesses and need to recharge with vitamins, as it has a general strengthening effect. Such a mixture can be preserved and used at any time of the year. If the mixture seems too saturated, then it can be diluted with cold boiled water.

Required Ingredients:

  • Beets - 1 kilogram;
  • Carrots - 1 kilogram;
  • Apples - 2 kilograms;
  • Sugar - 200 gr.;
  • Citric acid - 1-2 gr.;
  • Zest of one orange;
  • Water - 2 liters.

  1. First you need to peel the zest from one orange;
  2. Rinse the beets and carrots thoroughly, peel and grate on a fine grater, the finer the grater, the easier it will be to separate the pulp from the liquid;
  3. Apples also peel, cut into small slices, remove the core and also grate;
  4. All types of the resulting puree must be mixed in a separate saucepan, add water, orange zest to it;
  5. The resulting mixture must be allowed to brew for two hours, then with the help of gauze from the puree, you need to squeeze the infusion;
  6. After that, you need to put the mixture on fire, heat it up to 80 degrees, add granulated sugar and citric acid, when the sugar dissolves, the drink can be poured into sterilized jars;
  7. Loosely cover the jars with lids and lower them into hot water for additional sterilization, liter containers must be sterilized for 30 minutes, and half-liter containers will be enough for 20 minutes;
  8. It remains only to get the containers out of hot water and immediately roll them up with iron lids.

Also a very successful option for harvesting for the winter is one that has useful properties and a vitamin reserve.

Recipe for beetroot juice for the winter

By itself, few people like beetroot juice, but to improve the taste, you can sweeten it with sugar. Moreover, the amount of sugar can be changed to taste. Also, sugar will be an additional protection against premature souring of the workpiece. Usually such a mixture turns out to be thick, and with sugar it will look like a dark viscous syrup. Let's find out how to make beetroot juice without a juicer.

Required Ingredients:

  • Beets - 1 kilogram;
  • Sugar - 200-500 gr.

How to make beetroot juice at home for the winter:

  1. Wash vegetables, peel and cut into comfortable pieces;
  2. Prepared pieces must be ground through a meat grinder, and then squeeze the pulp through cheesecloth. You can use a juicer, which will significantly reduce the time for preparing a drink. It doesn't matter how the fresh is obtained;
  3. At this stage, the drink can be mixed with other freshly squeezed fresh berries, fruits or vegetables. And you can mix ready-made blanks immediately before use;
  4. In the resulting mixture, you need to add granulated sugar, put on fire, simmer over low heat until the sugar dissolves, you should not overheat the drink, from this it will lose its useful qualities;
  5. Glass containers of any size must be sterilized in advance;
  6. It is necessary to pour a hot drink into prepared jars and immediately roll up with iron lids. You can close the jars with plastic lids, but in this case, the blanks should be stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe for beetroot juice with citric acid

It is customary to add sweetness to any drink for home canning; bacteria will not multiply in such a mixture. But instead of sugar, you can add acid. Moreover, the acid will give an additional taste, since the beets do not have a pronounced taste. This recipe allows you to save time and preparation, and the result is always excellent.

Required Ingredients:

  • Beetroot juice - 1 liter;
  • Citric acid - 1-2 gr.

How to make beetroot juice:

  1. For this recipe, vegetables need to be boiled in a water bath or steam, they can be put on gauze, which is attached to the surface of the pan, you can use a grate, or you can cook it in a double boiler, and you need to cook vegetables without removing the peel. It will take 25-30 minutes to cook;
  2. Also, without removing the peel, it is necessary to grind the pulp, you can punch the vegetables with a blender, chop in a meat grinder, and then squeeze the juice out of the resulting pulp;
  3. The mixture must be filtered several times through cheesecloth;
  4. Now you can add citric acid to the drink;
  5. The drink must be heated over low heat to a temperature of 70-80 degrees, most importantly, make sure that the mixture does not boil;
  6. Pour the mixture into prepared containers and dip in boiling water for 10-15 minutes;
  7. It remains only to roll up the blanks with iron lids, let them cool in a warm blanket and put them in a permanent storage place, preferably if the storage place is cool.

Beetroot and blackcurrant juice

Beetroot goes well with other vegetables, but berries can also be added. This recipe proposes to make friends with a red vegetable with a very vitamin blackcurrant. In this case, a large amount of vitamin C and other trace elements are added to fiber. Although some of the vitamins will be lost during the storage period, the body still needs these vitamins in winter or early spring.

Required Ingredients:

  • Beet juice - 700 ml;
  • Blackcurrant juice - 300 ml.

Step by step cooking instructions:

  1. Sort the berries, rinse in running water several times, squeeze the juice, this is easiest to do with a juicer, but you can pass the pulp through a meat grinder, pass through a press;
  2. Rinse the vegetables, peel, cut into small pieces, and then also squeeze the juice, since this vegetable is quite hard, it is best to first break through the pulp with a blender or meat grinder, and then squeeze the fresh juice;
  3. Combine both resulting nectars in a separate pan and heat on the stove to a temperature of 80 degrees, if the temperature cannot be measured, then the mixture must be kept on fire until bubbles appear on its surface, as soon as the first bubbles appear, the pan is immediately removed from the stove;
  4. Pour the drink into prepared containers;
  5. Place almost ready spins in a container of boiling water to sterilize. For a half-liter container, 10 minutes of sterilization is enough, and for a liter container, it is necessary to increase the sterilization time to 15 minutes;
  6. Roll up the finished blanks immediately with iron lids, the container can be put in a warm blanket until it cools down completely, and only then it will be possible to remove the twist for storage.

Beet-cabbage juice

Probably everyone knows that sauerkraut has a very large number of useful elements. No less valuable is the juice from sauerkraut. This recipe allows you to dilute the acidity and saturation of the liquid from the cabbage with fairly fresh beetroot juice, in this combination the drink turns out to be harmonious and pleasant to the taste. Additional flavor will give the drink zest obtained from one lemon.

Required Ingredients:

  • Beets - 1 kilogram;
  • Sauerkraut juice - 250 milliliters;
  • Water - 800-900 ml;
  • Zest of 1 lemon.

Step by step cooking instructions:

  1. Rinse the beets, grind as finely as possible, for this you can use a meat grinder, grater or other devices;
  2. Remove the thin peel from the lemon, that is, the zest, it should not contain white skin, otherwise the mixture will be bitter;
  3. To the resulting mixture add 400 ml. water, lemon zest and put on the stove to boil, you need to cook for about 20 minutes;
  4. After this time, add another 300 ml to the drink. water and cook for 10 minutes;
  5. Then add 200 ml. water and bring to a boil;
  6. After that, add prepared sauerkraut juice to the drink and bring it all to a boil;
  7. Pour the drink into sterilized jars and put in hot water. Half-liter jars should boil for 10 minutes, and liter jars for 15 minutes;
  8. Hot blanks must immediately be rolled up with lids.

A drink prepared according to this recipe turns out to be sweet, but after the blank is opened, the mixture can be diluted with water if desired. Only need to use boiled and cooled water. But for some recipes, the beetroot mixture can be diluted with other freshly squeezed fresh juices and then it is not necessary to dilute the drink.

Required Ingredients:

  • Beets - 500 gr.;
  • Sugar - 100 gr.

Step by step cooking instructions:

  1. Rinse vegetables, peel off the skin;
  2. Now the vegetables need to be grated on a fine grater;
  3. Spread the pulp in small portions on a fine sieve and squeeze the juice with a spoon. In this way, get all the juice from the pulp. Depending on the beet variety, 200-250 milliliters of fresh fresh juice should be obtained from this amount of fruit;
  4. Pour the drink into a saucepan, add granulated sugar and put on the fire to boil, the mixture should boil on fire for 30 minutes;
  5. While the mixture is being prepared, you can prepare the jars and wash them thoroughly, you can sterilize to be sure;
  6. When both the drink and the containers are ready, you can pour the liquid and roll them up with iron lids.

Freshly squeezed and immediately drunk juice is, of course, more healthy, but you should not refuse to prepare this healthy drink for the winter months. In addition, thanks to the above recipes, you can quickly prepare a delicious drink that will be stored for a long time. Now you know how to properly prepare beetroot juice at home. On the site you can also find other equally interesting recipes, for example, such as. Bon appetit!

A detailed study of the chemical list of beets showed that the root crop must be used in medicine without fail. The benefits of beetroot juice were discovered by ancient Chinese healers who adapted to treat colds, heart ailments, diseases of the urinary system, etc. with a drink. Many people began to prepare juice from freshly squeezed and boiled beets, combining it with carrots, celery, and apples. Consider the available recipes, highlight the important.

The benefits of beetroot juice

  1. The drink effectively cleanses the veins with varicose veins. It improves the activity of the urinary system, does not allow stones and sand to be deposited in the kidneys. Beetroot juice is involved in the release of the liver from poisons, prevents cancer. The juice owes all these qualities to the chlorine contained in the beets.
  2. Pectin cleanses the intestinal walls, envelops the gastric mucosa and is responsible for the full functioning of the digestive system. The element prevents the penetration of radiation into the body, stops the accumulation of heavy metals.
  3. Protein and amino acids are necessary for the formation of bone and muscle tissue. Elements remove excess fluid, salts and urea from the body. Amino acids also prevent atherosclerosis.
  4. Beetroot juice takes an active part in the hematopoietic function, it promotes the production of new bodies and strengthens cell membranes. The drink cleanses blood vessels (relevant for smokers), improves visual perception and memory, affects the production of red blood cells.
  5. The accumulation of macro- and microelements, such as manganese, zinc, copper, allows you to put in order all metabolic processes in the body. Minerals affect the male reproductive system, enhancing potency and reproductive function.
  6. Experienced doctors unanimously say that beetroot juice should be consumed to prevent heart attacks and strokes. The drink is responsible for the release of its own insulin, this has a positive effect on the health of diabetics.
  7. The pigment responsible for the red hue of the beet strengthens the walls of capillaries and blood vessels, promotes tissue renewal at the cellular level, lowers blood pressure and fights against surges, relieves vascular spasms.
  8. For people who regularly experience stress due to the nature of their work, beetroot juice is necessary to restore the psycho-emotional background. A drink consumed 1 hour before going to bed will relieve you of insomnia, nightmares and lingering anxiety.

There are several basic recipes for beetroot juice. Consider the options for preparing a drink from boiled and fresh root crops, with the addition of carrots and apples.

  1. First, take care of suitable raw materials. The beets should have a bright reddish hue without visible streaks of whitish. If possible, make juice from the root crop, which has an elongated shape.
  2. Rinse the vegetable, remove the tops and 1/4 of the top. If you have a juicer, dip the root vegetable into it and squeeze out the juice. In all other cases, scroll the vegetable in a blender or grate, then squeeze out the liquid with gauze.
  3. After straining, pour the juice into a glass container, let the drink stand for 2 hours. Keep composition refrigerated. This period is allotted for the evaporation of toxic enzymes that can harm the body.
  4. During the entire infusion, foam will form on the surface of the juice, it must be removed. After 2 hours, the drink can be considered ready.
  5. Take it starting from 50 ml. per day, gradually increasing the volume to 100 ml. For the prevention and treatment of ailments, pure juice is drunk for a half-moon.

Juice from boiled beets

  1. Wash the roots of a red shade and an elongated shape. Do not peel the skin, immediately load the vegetable into a pot of warm water. Boil until cooked or bake in the oven, covered with foil.
  2. After heat treatment, remove the skin from the beets, squeeze out the liquid with a juicer. If it is not there, use a fine grater, then squeeze the juice out of the gruel through cheesecloth.
  3. After preparation, let the drink stand for a third of an hour. After a given period of time, dilute the drug with drinking water in equal proportions.
  4. Juice based on boiled beets should be taken in 150 ml. daily. Start with a volume of 60-80 ml., Gradually increase the amount.

Beet juice with apple and carrot

  1. Take a sweet and sour large apple, rinse the fruit and rid it of the middle. Do not peel the peel, it contains a lot of useful elements.
  2. Now remove the tops from the beets, remove the top of the root crop. Similarly, clean large carrots, getting rid of the tails.
  3. Now you need to get juice from the listed vegetables and fruits. Carry out the manipulations with a juicer or a grater with gauze. Mix the juices together, you can add a little grated ginger.
  4. After preparation, the juice must be kept in the refrigerator for about 2 hours. Do not seal the container with a lid so that harmful compounds evaporate.
  5. To increase immunity and strengthen the heart muscle, it is better to use the prepared juice 15 minutes after waking up in the morning. The course of treatment and prevention - 2 months.

  1. Take 3 red beets. Release the root crops from the skin, remove the top. Now peel 1 carrot. Squeeze juice from vegetables in the usual way (through a special squeezer or grater with gauze cloth).
  2. Thoroughly mix 2 types of juices, pour into a glass container, let stand for 2.5-3 hours in the refrigerator. Do not clog the container with the contents so that harmful substances can escape.
  3. Drink carrot-beetroot juice 2 times a day, 100 ml. half an hour before the main meal. If the drink is highly concentrated, dilute it with drinking water in a ratio of 1:1.

How to drink beetroot juice

The use of beetroot juice is limited to specific limits. So, you should not consume more than 0.25 liters per day. composition, breaking the indicated amount into 2-3 doses. There are other rules for use in specific diseases.

  1. For the gastrointestinal tract. To normalize digestion and prevent the formation of an ulcer in the stomach, it is necessary to drink only diluted beetroot juice. For 50 ml. concentrated composition accounts for 450 ml. pure water. It is allowed to drink no more than 150 ml per day. juice. The course of treatment lasts 6 days.
  2. For the liver. To cleanse the liver of heavy metals, it is necessary to use beet-carrot juice. The allowable daily allowance is 180 ml, the intake should be divided into 3 times 60 ml. Drink fresh juice before the main meal. Before cleansing the liver, it is advisable to consult a doctor to make sure there are no contraindications.
  3. For immunity. You can increase the immune system in the off-season and the period of "walking" of viral infections with juice based on beets, apples, carrots. Drink a drink starting from 60 ml. Then gradually increase the volume to 120-150 ml. per day.
  4. For the kidneys. To prevent the formation of stones or sand in the kidneys, it is necessary to supply juice from boiled beets with lemon juice. It is enough to add a couple of drops of acidifier to 50 ml. drink, then drink the composition before the main meal. Manipulations are carried out twice a day for a month.
  5. For heart. If you have recently suffered a heart attack or want to strengthen the heart muscle, it is useful to drink beetroot juice with honey. Take 50 ml three times a day. juice with 5 gr. honey. Also, the composition perfectly normalizes the psyche and fights insomnia.
  6. For hypertensive patients. If you have high blood pressure or constant spikes, drink beetroot and carrot juice. Dilute the drink with water in equal amounts. Take 100 ml twice a day. drugs half an hour before a meal. You can supply the juice with honey.

Making juice from beetroot is not particularly difficult. Carry out manipulations with a fine grater and gauze folded in 3 layers. If you have a juicer, use it to simplify the task. Mix the root crop with carrots and apples, learn the rules for drinking.

Video: how to make beetroot juice

Beetroot is known to be a very healthy root vegetable. Fresh juice from this vegetable helps to normalize blood pressure, improves blood composition. Health conscious people are wondering how to make beetroot juice on their own. Beetroot is a dense and very hard vegetable. To make juice from it, it will be very useful to have an electric juicer, food processor or blender on the farm.

Food preparation

First of all, the beets must be thoroughly washed in running cold water, it is convenient to use a soft brush or a dense sponge. Then with a sharp knife you need to remove the remains of the tops and roots. You can prepare healthy beetroot juice with tops. In this case, it is separated from the vegetable, rotten and too dirty leaves are removed, cut into small pieces and used together with the root crop to make juice.

Beet peel is rich in nutrients. If the roots are young and their skin is thin, then it would be more correct not to peel it. In old or very dirty beets, it is better to cut the skin thinly with a knife.

How to make beetroot juice in a juicer

Prepared vegetables are cut into pieces, while making sure that they are not too large. Otherwise, there is a great risk of burning the motor of the electrical appliance. Many juicers can easily handle root quarters, but there are also devices that are weak in power. For them, it will be better to cut the beets smaller.

Then you need to assemble, configure and prepare the electrical appliance itself. You should act strictly following the instructions for use of each individual juicer.

When squeezing juice, it is important to remember that the beetroot itself is very hard, you can not put too much pressure on the pusher of the juicer, so as not to spoil the device. It is more correct to act slowly, carefully observing the process, timely cleaning the appliance grates from cake stuck in them.

We figured out the question of how to make beetroot juice using household appliances. This requires almost no effort. However, it happens that the farm does not have a juicer or a blender, but there is a need to make beetroot juice. How to proceed in this case? Give up the idea? It is not necessary to do this, because there are other ways to make a drink from your favorite vegetable.

How to make beetroot juice without a juicer

For work you will need:

  1. Clean sterile gauze.
  2. Stainless steel grater with fine holes.
  3. Utensils with a wide mouth.

Prepared beets should be grated on a fine grater, put on a piece of gauze folded in 2-3 layers, tightly wrap the ends of the gauze and squeeze the juice into a bowl. It is important not to rush, squeeze the juice gradually, otherwise the gauze may break through and you will have to start all over again.

The burgundy root crop contains many useful substances that can have a positive impact on the health of not only adults, but also babies. Young fathers and mothers often ask questions about how to make beetroot juice for babies and at what age a baby can start using this healthy product. There are contraindications to the use of beetroot juice, so it would be better to consult a pediatrician before supplementing the child's menu with such juice.

The benefits of beetroot juice

The drink has a number of useful properties:

  • The presence in the composition of beets of such important vitamins for the physical health and growth of the baby as A, P, C, vitamins of group B and others.
  • Increased content of mineral elements: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, copper, magnesium.
  • Beetroot juice improves digestive functions in general, gently neutralizes constipation.
  • Beets help strengthen blood vessels and normalize blood pressure.
  • Beetroot juice has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps in wound healing.

All this opens up a wide range of possibilities for using beetroot drink for the treatment and prevention of various ailments.

Harmful qualities of beet juice

However, do not forget that there are contraindications and restrictions on the use of the drink:

  • Beets are distinguished by the property, like a sponge, to absorb nitrates, which pass into the juice. This can adversely affect the functioning of the kidneys. Buy your favorite root crops should be only from trusted manufacturers.
  • Lowering blood pressure will benefit many adults, but it can be detrimental to the health of infants, because they usually do not suffer from high blood pressure.
  • If the baby has a tendency to diarrhea, then it would be better to refuse the use of beetroot juice, because it can further aggravate the problem.

At what age can you give beetroot juice to a baby?

The inclusion of beetroot juice in the diet should be made only after the introduction of low-allergenic vegetables into the child's complementary foods: broccoli, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots and potatoes. As a rule, this is done when they reach the age of 8-11 months from birth. Beetroot can be an allergen, it should be added to the child's menu gradually, with great care. If the baby has a tendency to allergic rashes, then the first intake of beetroot juice should be postponed until the baby reaches the age of one year. When there are no contraindications, and the child often suffers from constipation, it is possible to carefully try to introduce beetroot juice into the menu from the age of six months.

How much to start introducing beet juice into the diet?

It is more expedient to start the introduction of beets with half a teaspoon of mashed potatoes from a well-boiled root crop. It is important to carefully observe the reactions of the baby's body to an unfamiliar product. It is necessary to identify changes in the quality of the baby's stool, in the general state of health of the baby, to monitor the possible appearance of allergic rashes. If the baby's body negatively perceives the new root crop, then it is worth delaying its introduction into the menu. If the child normally endured the test with beetroot puree, you can proceed to get acquainted with raw beetroot juice, including it in the composition of dishes with a few drops and eventually bringing its amount to 50 g per day. You should not stuff your child with beetroot juice every day, it will be enough to use this product 3 times a week.

How to make beetroot juice for baby

How to make beetroot juice at home for an infant? When preparing juice for an infant, it is important to follow some rules so as not to harm the health of the baby. First you need to choose high-quality root crops. They should be outwardly healthy, firm, heavy. It is advisable to choose medium-sized beets. Cylindrical beet varieties are the sweetest. In the cut, the vegetables should have a burgundy color, the presence of light streaks is unacceptable. Beets should be washed and cleaned especially carefully, observing the known rules of sanitation when preparing meals for infants. Juice is prepared in the ways described above (with or without a juicer). Fresh beetroot juice has an unpleasant taste. The child may refuse to use it in its pure form. Here, dilution of beet juice with boiled cold water or juices and decoctions of other vegetables and fruits will help.

The use of beetroot juice in everyday life

Beetroot juice can be used not only for food, but also for other purposes in the household, for example:

  • beetroot juice can tint curls;
  • cure a runny nose;
  • paint Easter eggs
  • give the cream and icing for the cake a pink color.

As you can see, red beet juice is not only a valuable food product, but can also be used for medicinal purposes, in cosmetology, cooking and at home.

Hair coloring with beetroot juice

Beetroot juice will give the hair a red Martian tint, it is quickly washed out, so you can safely experiment with coloring without fear for the result. Let's figure out how to make colored strands with beetroot juice. You can use this recipe: take a quarter cup of fresh rosehip juice, carrots and beets. All juices must be thoroughly mixed and diluted with 2.5 cups of cold boiled water. The resulting composition must be applied to individual strands of hair or to all hair completely, leave it for 1 hour, during which it is necessary to stay in direct sunlight. Then the hair needs to be washed with water with the addition of shampoo. The procedure must be repeated daily for 2-3 weeks. This natural coloring method will not only give the curls a reddish color, but also effectively mask gray hair.

Another beet recipe for dyeing hair red-red: you need to prepare half a glass of juice from carrots and beets, mix them. You should get a deep purple color. In the resulting liquid, you just need to dip individual strands or ends of the hair and immediately dry them with a napkin so that the liquid does not flow from them. Leave the hair in this state for an hour, and then you need to wash your hair with shampoo.

Beet juice for the treatment of the common cold

How to make beetroot juice at home is described in the text above. The technology for preparing beetroot juice for the treatment of a cold will be the same. For the treatment of a runny nose, you can use juice not only from raw root crops, but also from boiled ones. Juice is made from boiled beets in the same way as from raw ones, only boiled ones are used instead of fresh vegetables.

It is advisable to stock up on beet juice for the future. For preservation, the finished juice is subjected to pasteurization (rapid heating to 90 ° C for several minutes), hot poured into small sterilized jars and rolled up.

Why does beetroot juice help in the treatment of the common cold?

Beetroot has the ability to thin the discharge from the sinuses, has an anti-inflammatory effect, prevents the occurrence of blood clots, reduces swelling, and promotes vasodilation. In addition, the juice from this vegetable is a natural product. And what could be better for our health?

Folk recipes

Raw beet juice has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. It is used to treat a wide range of diseases, including the common cold. For the preparation of a medicinal substance, you can use the following recipes:

  • Dilute the prepared beet juice with cold boiled water one to one, drip 2-3 drops into thoroughly washed sinuses several times a day.
  • Add honey to fresh beetroot juice in a ratio of 3:1, apply in the same way as juice diluted with water.
  • Dilute the juice of the burgundy root crop with carrot juice in a ratio of 3: 1, add two parts of sunflower oil and a few drops of garlic juice to the mixture. Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply in the same way as the first two recipes.
  • Add honey to a mixture of carrot and beetroot juice in a ratio of 3:1, instill 3 drops into each sinus 4 times a day.

It is possible to cure a runny nose with fresh juice from beets even in babies. It is important to remember that the mucous membrane of the sinuses in infants is more sensitive and vulnerable. Concentrated beetroot juice can cause burning and pain. To prevent these negative effects, it is better to dilute beetroot juice with water (three parts of water should be taken for one part of the juice). Such juice is dripped for babies 1-2 drops into the nostril 3 times a day for 5 days.

To give Easter eggs different tones of red, a natural natural dye - beet juice will help. The intensity of the color shade depends on the duration of the color and on the saturation of the beet juice itself. How to make beetroot juice, we discussed in detail at the beginning of the article. Now let's look at how to color eggs:

  1. To obtain a pale pink color, boiled eggs are placed in a deep bowl and poured with fresh beet juice, kept for 20 minutes. It is important to remember that the longer the eggs are kept in a bowl of juice, the more intense the color will be.
  2. Three medium-sized beets are thoroughly cleaned, passed through a grater with large holes, and poured with water. The liquid should only slightly cover the beets. Then pour in a few tablespoons of vinegar, bring to a boil and keep on fire for 10 minutes. Then the composition is filtered and boiled eggs are poured over it. The saturation of the color again depends on the exposure time.
  3. Raw beets are peeled, rubbed on a grater with small holes, the eggs are rubbed with the resulting slurry. It is better to do this work with gloves.
  4. The root crop is peeled, cut into small pieces and boiled in the same pan with eggs. This method is the easiest, but the color of the eggs will be the lightest.
  5. To obtain a green color, prepared according to the second recipe, mixed with turmeric infusion.

Natural dye for confectionery

To prepare natural red food coloring, prepared root crops are rubbed on a coarse grater, laid out in enameled or stainless steel dishes, poured with water so that it only slightly covers the beets. The contents of the dishes are boiled for 2-3 minutes from the start of the boil, then a teaspoon of vinegar is added. The resulting mixture is cooled, thrown into a colander and squeezed. Natural dye is ready! One or two drops of such a dye will give the cream or icing for the cake a delicate pinkish color.

Perhaps for the same purposes, the use of juice from fresh beets. And how to make beetroot juice at home, see at the beginning of the article.

Beetroot juice is a real balm in the right hands. With the help of ordinary beetroot juice, without any drugs and dietary supplements, you can seriously treat the heart and blood vessels. At the same time, its illiterate use can harm the body.

Do not rush to close the page! I have carefully selected the main nuances of drinking beetroot juice to help you get your bearings. Do not give up opportunities that are available to absolutely everyone.

Please note: the juice is prepared from raw beets. Squeezing juice out of boiled is impossible.

How to be treated with beet juice

As with any natural remedy - without fanaticism. If you are taking medication (any), check the possibility of juice therapy with your doctor. If you do not take, but feel unwell, first be examined and get medical prescriptions.

Remember that any freshly prepared juice contains organic acids, and therefore can pose a threat to the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. For any disturbances in the work of the stomach, pulling pains in the solar plexus, heartburn / belching and other symptoms suggestive of gastritis, give preference to dishes from boiled beets. Refrain from drinking juice.

Pure juice or with additives?

By itself, beetroot juice does not seem very tasty. And it pulls to add fragrant apple or sweet carrot to it. Of course, you can do this. Let me just remind you:

Freshly prepared beetroot juice can cause vascular spasm;

Apple juice, like carrot juice, is best consumed immediately after preparation.

Therefore, do this: leave the beetroot juice in the refrigerator for at least an hour, and then squeeze the juice from an apple and a carrot, add it to the beetroot juice and drink immediately. For preventive purposes, prepare this "cocktail" in the following proportions: 50 ml of beet + 100 ml of apple + 100 ml of carrot. Drink once every 2-3 days, more often it is not worth it. How not to get involved in fruit, vegetable, berry juices. Combine juices and raw fruits (remember that fruits have fiber, but juices do not).

Beetroot juice is perfectly combined with pumpkin, tomato, blackcurrant, as well as sweet pepper and celery juices.

More Beetroot Juice Recipes

1. Beet juice with honey: 1 tablespoon of honey per glass of juice, helps to normalize blood pressure. Course of treatment: 4-5 days, juice with honey is consumed in a third of a glass 20 minutes before meals. Do not combine with drugs that reduce blood pressure, as it will fall even lower.

2. Beet juice with kefir: a universal remedy for constipation. Can be used to stimulate metabolism in sluggish digestion associated with a sedentary lifestyle. Take 3 tablespoons of beetroot juice for a glass of kefir. Sugar is not added.

3. Vitamin mix (can be taken all year round): mix half a glass of carrot, 3 tablespoons of beetroot and 3 tablespoons of cucumber juice, drink in small sips, stretching for 1-2 hours. The course of vitamin therapy is 14-16 days, then you need to take a two-week break.

A healing mixture for prolonged menstrual bleeding, which is accompanied by copious discharge: mix a third of a glass of beetroot juice with the same amount of carrot and pomegranate. All juices must be freshly made. Drink in small sips within an hour. The course of treatment with this mixture is 2 weeks.

How to make beetroot juice in a juicer

Wash your hands. Assemble the juicer, prepare dishes for juice, preferably a glass decanter or a tall glass. Remove everything from the surface on which you will prepare the juice. Prepare the beets. Root crops should be fresh enough, without signs of spoilage, rotting, not sluggish, not wet. Wash them thoroughly, peel, cut into quarters and pass through a juicer. Additionally, juice squeezed from beets can be filtered through cheesecloth or a thick sieve.

What if there is no juicer?

Making beetroot juice without a juicer is not difficult at all. You will need a grater and clean gauze. Let the grater be plastic so that the juice does not oxidize. The holes on it must be small, then the beets will be rubbed into gruel. Boil and dry the gauze in advance. Prepare the juice bowl. Wrap the grated beets in gauze and squeeze out the juice.

Of course, even a liter of juice will be difficult to prepare in this way. But for treatment in small doses - why not. From a small beet, almost half a glass of juice is obtained. Enough, right? You will spend 10 minutes of time, besides, it is easier to wash the grater than the juicer. It is better to throw away the gauze, use a new one for the next squeeze of juice.

Beet juice: contraindications

An absolute contraindication to the use of this juice is diabetes mellitus. refers to sweet root crops, be careful! Juice and any beet dishes are contraindicated for gout, gouty arthritis. Urolithiasis and gastritis with high acidity are also on the list of contraindications.

Beetroot juice is useful for pregnant women, but you should not drink it for those who are breastfeeding: there is a risk of intestinal upset in a child. Beetroot juice can be given to children from a year old, start with a few drops, be sure to mix it with carrot juice. For an older child, a mixture of beetroot juice with others (apple, carrot, pumpkin) can be offered once a week, with a tendency to constipation - more often, 1 time in 3-4 days.