Is blood donation good or bad? Review of foreign medical research, video. Harm from donating blood for the body Is it useful to donate blood from a vein

There are many situations where a person's life is hanging by a thread. And in such difficult moments, a person expects donated blood, which will save a person in a dangerous situation. Donation began a long time ago, so many myths and fears hover around this necessary procedure.

Translated from the Latin "donare" means to give.

The person voluntarily decides for a transfusion. It has medicinal properties. No expensive medicine can compare to the miracles of donated blood. Thanks to her, many lives are saved.

Today, donated blood or its components are used quite often. It all started in ancient times, when people drank the blood of an animal. There were attempts and transfusions of animal blood, but after such a method, a person simply died. In the eighteenth century it became clear that only man can save man. Blood transfusion began professionally with the First World War. It was then that many rumors about donation appeared, which in our time have been debunked.

Things to remember when donating blood

Whole blood was transfused, but even today they use component therapy - they transfuse what the patient needs. A special worker of a medical institution in sterile conditions conducts blood sampling. For the procedure uses disposable systems.

Before donating blood, the donor must undergo a medical examination, making a blood test.

If certain blood components are needed, they are separated using special devices, which are also sterile. Blood supplies are replenished systematically, because they need it constantly. And the point is not that the blood is quickly used, but that it cannot be stored for a long time. Each individual component has its own shelf life. Plasma can be stored frozen for two years. Only forty-two days erythrocytes keep their properties, and leukocytes only a day. Therefore, updating the blood bank is mandatory.

Adults can donate blood adulthood up to fifty years of age. But, there are special requirements for donors. He should not suffer from such diseases: diseases that can be transmitted through the blood, oncological, cardiovascular, skin diseases. You should never share blood after operations, vaccinations, respiratory diseases, dentist appointments, drinking alcohol three hours before donating the material, during pregnancy, menstruation and feeding the baby. There are still some restrictions that are negotiated with a future or current donor.

Only four hundred and fifty grams of blood is taken from a person, and this does not affect the general condition of the body. If the donor had a hearty breakfast and a good night's sleep, then the blood sampling will not affect him in any way.

Huge Benefits of Donating Blood

  • Firstly, it is a kind of body training in stressful situations. They can occur during injuries, operations, accidents, burns.
  • Secondly, the body will initially turn on its compensatory capabilities and correctly respond to any critical situation related to blood replenishment.

When donating blood, the body rejuvenates, because new blood cells are produced within a month.

Donation is a good prevention of heart disease. Excess blood is removed from the body.

The procedure is stimulating. This is a kind of prevention of diseases of the bone marrow, immune diseases, liver and pancreas.

Moreover, the donor, saving someone's life, experiences real pleasure from the work done.

What is the purpose of donated blood (benefit for the recipient).

  • Significant blood loss due to trauma, accident, surgery, etc.
  • Bleeding that can't be stopped
  • severe burns
  • Purulent-septic diseases
  • Anemia
  • Hematological diseases
  • Severe toxicosis
  • Difficult delivery.

What harm can a donor do when taking blood

As mentioned above, donors do wonders. But how not to harm the donor himself and his health? Doctors say that the whole procedure is safe and beneficial. But not everyone can donate blood. There is a category of citizens for whom this procedure is contraindicated.

There is no doubt that the donor must be absolutely healthy. That is why a complete medical examination and important tests are necessary to rule out various diseases. It is impossible for twenty-one days to contact with infectious patients. You can not go to the blood donation procedure for three weeks after a sore throat, flu, SARS. Complete contraindications are past hepatitis and AIDS, tuberculosis, venereal, skin diseases and cancer patients. The donor must weigh more than fifty kilograms.

Security measures

All these preventive measures make transfusion safe for both the donor and the victim. The blood is frozen and there will be a period of quarantine before it can be used. There were isolated situations when infected blood was transfused to a patient. This is extremely rare and is punishable.

After the procedure, the donor needs rest and more fluids, and a balanced diet should be added at least five times a day. On the day when the blood needs to be donated, the donor is given an official day off.

Donation is very honorable and respected in the modern world. This procedure helps save many lives. This is a great nobility aimed at good deeds.

Publication date: 07/26/2013

Since prehistoric times, it has been known that a significant loss of blood leads to death. The desire to restore balance for the sake of saving lives seems quite logical. However, the lack of understanding of human physiology in ancient times led to the wrong actions of primitive healers. The latter offered a person who had lost a lot of blood to drink the blood of an animal to restore the loss.

In an era much closer to ours, namely, in the 17th century, attempts were made to transfuse blood from an animal to a person. However, such attempts led to even more dramatic results than those of the ancients. If the amount of blood lost was not critical and the person drank the blood of an animal for his healing, then he still had a chance to survive. While with the introduction of the blood of an animal into a vein, the treatment session ended with the death of the patient.

Only in the middle of the 18th century in Russia, Professor Alexei Matveyevich Filomafitsky published a "Treatise on Blood Transfusion". However, at that time nothing was known about blood types. Therefore, the practice of blood transfusion began to be introduced everywhere only from the beginning of the First World War. The appearance of the first myths “proving” the harm of blood donation belongs to the same period.

Today, donation (from the Latin word donare - which means "to give") is a voluntary, conscious donation of blood by a donor in favor of the recipient (the one who receives, receives). In this case, whole blood or its components can be donated. The donor immediately before donating blood undergoes a medical examination, including a blood test.

What is the purpose of donated blood (benefit for the recipient)

We will list individual cases in which the benefit of donation for the recipient is not only obvious, but is often the only way to save a life. Blood transfusion, which, as you know, is possible only thanks to the goodwill of donors, is used in the following situations:

  • Significant blood loss due to trauma, accident, surgery, etc.
  • Bleeding that can't be stopped
  • severe burns
  • Purulent-septic diseases
  • Anemia
  • Hematological diseases
  • Severe toxicosis
  • Difficult delivery.

Myths about the dangers of donating blood

Without trying to find out the reasons for the emergence of various misconceptions and myths around donation, we will try to figure out whether the harm of donation actually takes place. You can often hear that the donor runs the risk of infection during blood donation. In our opinion, only those who have never donated blood themselves and have not been at a blood transfusion station can say this. The fact is that the blood sampling system is disposable, hermetically packed and opened in the presence of a donor immediately before use.

Sometimes "experts" who have never donated blood say that the blood donation procedure itself takes a lot of time. In fact, it takes longer to undergo a medical examination before donating blood, and the procedure itself lasts only a few minutes. In this case, whole blood is pumped into the system in 5-8, sometimes 15 minutes. Blood components take a little longer, since the rest, after separation, is returned to the donor.
The procedure for blood sampling can be viewed here:

Some people also believe that regular donation is addictive, the body, they say, gets used to producing an excess amount of blood, and this is unhealthy. This is a common misconception that has nothing to do with reality. Dependence does not arise, excess blood is not produced, but the donor's body is in "constant combat readiness" and in case of blood loss, the donor tolerates it much easier.

Consequences of blood donation for the donor

And, despite the debunking of all fantasies and conjectures, many people quite seriously ask whether it is harmful to be a blood donor. Well, judge for yourself. Donation contributes to a healthy lifestyle, as there are special requirements for the donor. A donor who regularly donates blood also regularly undergoes a free medical examination. Any deviation from the norm will be immediately identified and treated.

Regular blood donations help to control the amount of iron, the excess of which in the blood is not good for the body. In addition, by regularly donating blood, the donor "launches the program" of rejuvenation of the body. Men are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, women postpone the onset of menopause by several years.

Donors have a much more stable functioning of the immune system, liver, pancreas, and digestive system due to regularly renewed blood. Donors, according to statistics, live, on average, several years longer than their fellow citizens. This is due, in addition to constant monitoring of the state of health, also the emotional component. Many people already understand that giving is much more pleasant than receiving gifts. Giving blood often means giving life.

Restrictions on blood donation

Being a donor is an honor, but there is a serious list of restrictions in this business. And not because donation is harmful to the donor himself. There are simply circumstances in which donated blood can be harmful and even dangerous for the recipient. Since these circumstances are numerous, we will outline them only in general terms, more detailed information can be obtained by calling the blood transfusion station.

Briefly, the restrictions are as follows: age - at least 18 years old; local registration; the body weight of the donor must be more than 50 kg; you need to be sure that the donor is not sick and has never had some diseases (the list is impressive, so the details are at the blood transfusion station).

In addition, there is a list of diseases, therapeutic procedures, surgical operations, contacts with some patients, which imposes temporary restrictions on donation. And another additional list for women (feminists, please do not strain: this is not a violation of women's rights).

On the day of blood donation and the day before, the donor is not recommended to eat fried, smoked, spicy and simply fatty foods; you should refrain from dairy products, eggs and butter. You can not take alcohol and drugs, at least 2-3 days in advance, respectively. It is strongly not recommended to donate blood on an empty stomach, but breakfast should be lean.

Immediately before donating blood at the station, the donor is offered sweet tea with biscuits. After the procedure, you should have a hearty lunch (as a rule, a free meal coupon is issued) and physical and other activities should be abandoned on this day. The rest of the day is best to devote to rest, especially since this is provided for by law.

A bite from a spider can't turn you into a superhero, but a prick from a small medical needle can! Donating blood for donor purposes, you save at least three people from serious illness and even death.

Are there any benefits to donating blood?

Blood donation is undoubtedly useful for the person who donates it. This has been used since ancient times, when people were specially bled to cleanse the body of disease and infection. It was believed that the liver and the body produce new healthy blood, instead of the old and diseased.

Donating blood for donation: benefits and harms

Blood donation: benefits

The joy of saving human lives is a clear benefit of donating blood. It's such a great feeling that you're able to help doctors save lives!

What are the benefits of donating blood

There are no perfect substitutes for human blood in the world. Donated blood is divided by specialists into various components according to the needs of patients. Each component can be used by different recipients for different purposes.

The main benefit of donating blood for the human body is a check of his health, and free of charge.

Those who are suitable for this for health reasons can donate blood today. Therefore, before taking blood, doctors check a person’s health and conduct a series of tests to detect infections and pathologies. This will help diagnose some of the diseases at an early stage before they turn into serious health problems.

What are the benefits of donating blood

The benefit of donating blood, especially in men, is a reduced risk of heart disease. Regular blood donation helps to keep the correct level of iron in the body under control in men. This reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Although iron is an essential element for the proper functioning of the body, excessive accumulation of iron can lead to acidification of the blood. Oxidation of the body is the first culprit in premature aging, heart attacks, and so on.

Benefits of donating blood for women

A one-time blood draw helps you spend 650 Kcal at once. It is very useful for weight loss, especially for women. But keep in mind that blood can be safely donated for donor purposes once every two to three months and not more often. Everything will depend on your state of health and the level of hemoglobin and iron in your blood.

Donating blood plasma has the benefit of reducing the risk of developing cancer. High iron levels are one of the triggers for cancer development. Theoretically, donating blood often reduces the risk of cancer. A lot of research is being done today to find conclusive evidence for this.

Donating blood plasma: benefits and harms

Harm from donating blood is also recorded in medical sources. Side effects from blood donation are potentially short-term and depend on the overall health of the donor. Common side effects include:

  • dizziness;
  • tingling of the lips and nose;
  • chills.

These side effects can be minimized by drinking plenty of water before donating blood. Good nutrition with balanced food before donating blood, full sleep is the key to good health after.

There is no single answer to the question of what is the harm and benefit of donating blood. Therefore, adhere to the rule that everything is good in moderation. Of course, you do not need to donate blood on days when you are sick or not feeling well. It is also not recommended to donate blood more than once every 60 days, plasma - more than once every 2 weeks. In general, you can donate blood 3-5 times a year, and plasma 6-12 times. The rest of the time, the body should be able to recover.

Any person over the age of 18 who is in good health and physically able to donate blood can become a donor without harming their own body. The standard amount of blood that can be taken from a healthy person without affecting his well-being and physiological functions is 450 ml.

Before donating blood, you will be carefully examined by a doctor who will confirm the safety of this process for the donor. In general, a person is evolutionarily adapted to blood donation, although earlier this was encountered only with injuries and therapeutic bloodletting. In addition, bloodletting in moderate doses has a very positive effect on the human body and heals it.

Benefits of donating blood:

*Decrease in the amount of iron in the blood.

* prevention of the state of the body, it becomes more resistant to blood loss in case of possible accidents, injuries, burns, major operations and other cases.

* prolonging the youth of the body due to the stimulation of blood formation, as well as promoting the self-renewal of the human body.

* prevention of various cardiovascular diseases.

* prevention of diseases of the immune system, as well as various disorders of the digestive system, liver, pancreas.

* prevention of atherosclerosis.

* removal from the body of excess blood and substances contained in it.

*correction of arterial pressure.

* for women before menopause, donating blood prolongs youth.

* getting moral satisfaction from doing a good deed.

* the donor is entitled to a benefit - two days off from work (one - directly on the day of blood donation, and the second on any other day).

* honorary donors, i.e. those who donated blood 40 times or plasma 60 times, are entitled to a monthly allowance, as well as some other benefits.

When donating blood, the hematopoietic system (red bone marrow cells) is activated, and immune defense improves. Those organs that are involved in the process of removing dead red blood cells from the body, namely the spleen and liver, are “unloaded”.

The latest data from American and Finnish scientists indicate that with periodic blood donation, the overall risk of developing coronary disease, thrombosis and atherosclerosis decreases tenfold.

Male donors are much less prone to heart attacks, they suffer fewer heart attacks, and their cholesterol levels in their blood are kept low.

An interesting fact: if a woman donates plasma before planning a pregnancy, then a girl will be born, and if a man donates plasma, then a boy.

Donors who constantly donate blood are the healthiest people on the planet, according to WHO, they live 5 years more than the average person.

Do not be afraid to donate blood, because the donor's blood must be checked for infections before donation. If any infections are found in the blood, the donor is offered to undergo a course of free examinations, as well as treatment if necessary. We also want to assure readers with the editors of the site that harm from blood donation The donor cannot be inflicted during the sampling process itself, because all systems for this have long been disposable.

After treatment, the donor has no right to donate blood for another 6 months. But even after quarantine, blood tests will need to be taken again, as new infections may be detected.

And remember that your blood can save someone's life. Maybe your friend, friend, and maybe you. After all, no one is safe from misfortune.

What is blood donation?

As we know from history, before bloodletting was a well-known medical technique for the treatment of many diseases. To be honest, then it was applied both to the place and out of place. But at the end of the 11th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, this technique was increasingly abandoned. But the practice of transfusion was started, usually it was carried out in cases where the patient had severe blood loss. In this practice, the discovery of Rh factors and other properties of blood played a great role.

At the same time, since that time, doctors have been saying that this procedure is also useful for the donor. But the last statement is true only with a number of reservations.

Firstly, it is only useful to donate blood at a certain time interval. Secondly, the state of health of the dealer is very important. Thirdly, it is very important to carry out the whole complex of preparatory measures that allow blood sampling with maximum benefit for a person and without the threat of harm to his health.

Separately, the importance of these rules regarding female representatives should be emphasized. Girls are allowed to donate blood less often than men. After all, every month during menstruation, they already lose blood.

Stage of preparation for delivery

To get started, you need to go through certain procedures for passing tests. This is necessary immediately for several purposes. On the one hand, to determine the health status of the donor. Make sure that it is permissible for him to donate blood without harm to himself. On the other hand, make sure that the donated blood will not carry any diseases.

A very important point is the test for the group and the Rh factor. A general analysis is usually done to identify the possible content of viral cells. In particular, hepatitis B and C, HIV infection, syphilis, etc.

It should be emphasized that age does not play a role in terms of blood transfusion. That is, the blood of a young person can be transfused to an elderly person, and an elderly person can be transfused to a child. This is possible because human plasma is ageless.

In addition, it is imperative to undergo a general examination by a doctor in order to determine the general state of health. It happens that taking blood is contraindicated due to certain indicators. Often, the group of such people includes those who have undergone certain types of operations, have a tattoo or piercing.

Among other requirements that the donor must meet is normal weight. It must be at least 50 kg.

Separately, the issue of blood donation by nursing mothers and pregnant women should be considered. In some cases, blood sampling from them is prohibited. But in some cases, on the contrary, it is very useful, provided a small amount of donated blood.

Benefits and harms of donation

Subject to the above conditions and the absence of contraindications, donation is a very useful procedure, which has been proven by many years of practice.

Cons in this case are usually absent.

But exceeding the allowable donation volumes, too frequent blood donation, which does not allow its normal amount to be fully restored, donating blood to a person suffering from certain diseases, can lead to a number of unpleasant, and even dangerous to health, consequences.

An interesting “side effect” of blood donation is that professional donors who donate blood regularly become tempted to donate blood all the time. And if they do not pass on time, it causes psychological and physiological discomfort in a number of them.

The most useful moments of blood donation traditionally include:

  • it stimulates the normalization of blood circulation and the restoration of the body;
  • acts as one of the measures for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • the body begins to activate, the development of the immune system is stimulated;
  • there is an independent unloading of the liver, and also there is a prevention of the spleen;
  • it is noticed that after periodic blood donation, the body begins to better resist severe bleeding.

In addition, all these positive aspects are achieved without taking medications, which are usually harmful to health to some extent.

But still, despite the advantages, it is important to pay attention to the ban on excessively frequent blood donation. So, men should not take it more than 5 times a year. Women - no more than 4 times.

You should not give yourself serious physical activity, at least two days before blood sampling. You will also need to limit the intake of fried and fatty foods, eggs and especially alcohol.

Not bad to donate blood after a balanced diet. A few days after the procedure, you should not lead an active lifestyle. It is better to rest, but not to go on long journeys.

Other delivery points

Donation is very honorable and important these days: every day someone needs a blood transfusion. Therefore, each donor potentially saves someone's life or preserves health.

As noted above, it is dangerous to be a donor only in case of non-compliance with the rules. In addition, it is important that blood donation is carried out only in specially equipped and designated places for this purpose. Such places, like all equipment, must be sterile. And the procedure itself should be carried out by qualified health workers.

You should not agree to a blood sampling without a preliminary examination and the entire necessary set of tests. In addition, another important point should be emphasized. Donating blood is free. In other words, do not believe if you are convinced that you must also pay for this procedure. Such a statement may be either an unsuccessful joke, or an attempt by scammers to take your money.

In addition, blood donation provides some material benefits. So, for recovery, a person should be given additional days off. Financial rewards are also provided. But with the latter, not everything is going as well as we would like.

We also note that the doctor's duty is to warn the donor about the need for a balanced diet, the rehabilitation period and other important points.

The process of donating blood takes about half an hour. Sometimes a direct transfusion is needed, which can take a little longer. In addition, there are cases when it is not a blood transfusion that is required, but only certain of its constituent parts - usually leukocytes, which are necessary to protect the body from diseases. In such cases, the transfusion is carried out from the donor to the patient through a special apparatus that filters out leukocytes and pours them into the patient's blood. The device returns the rest of the donor's blood plasma back to him.

There are special lists of donors. Becoming one of them, you should be prepared for the fact that in case of emergency, this or that hospital may turn to you for help in order to save someone's life.

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Why is it good to be a donor?

Many doctors assure that the benefits of donation for the body are irrefutable. In many civilized countries, this has become an essential attribute of a healthy lifestyle, akin to proper nutrition or physical education. What you need to know about donation in order to understand its significance, our article will tell.

Benefits of donation

Experts in the field of medicine believe that regular blood donation provides a person with the prevention of diseases of the immune system. In this case, we are talking about cumulative diseases caused by metabolic disorders, which include gout, atherosclerosis, as well as dysfunction of the pancreas, stomach and liver. The researchers also proved that the systematic donation of blood for transfusion to patients can reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular pathologies, since excess blood and its components gradually put a greater burden on the vessels and heart.

It sounds strange, but donation can be a good prevention of sudden bleeding. The body, accustomed to actively producing new blood, will be able to quickly restore strength. After all, one of the reasons for the longer life expectancy of women is precisely the systematic blood loss in the form of menstruation.

It is worth taking into account that the donor in most cases experiences a huge surge of positive emotions. In addition, another significant bonus - the diagnosis of the body before donating blood is absolutely free.

How to behave as a donor after donating blood

You need to fully rest and eat. It is no coincidence that donors at work are given an official day off on the day of blood donation. To restore the full volume and composition of blood, the human body succeeds in a maximum of a couple of weeks.

How often are you allowed to donate blood?

A man can donate his blood to good causes up to five times a year, and a woman up to four times a year.

Who is allowed to donate

A healthy person can become a donor, regardless of gender, age within a year. The weight of the donor must be fifty or more kilograms, and the constant body temperature of the donor must be up to 37 degrees Celsius. Permissible indicators of systolic pressure within units, and diastolic - units. The pulse rate is beats per minute.

People are allowed to donate blood strictly after consulting a therapist and a transfusiologist, as well as an examination of the body.

List of contraindications for donation

There are absolute and temporary contraindications to the admission of a person to a number of donors, depending on the disease or other reason.

Absolute contraindications

AIDS, HIV, syphilis, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, brucellosis, typhus, leprosy, echinococcosis, oncology, diseases of the circulatory, nervous and cardiovascular systems, pulmonary emphysema, bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis, chronic liver disease, calculous cholecystitis, liver cirrhosis , gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, urolithiasis, diffuse and focal lesions of the kidneys, pathologies of the endocrine system with a pronounced disorder of functionality and metabolism, high myopia (from 6 D), complete blindness, acute and chronic severe purulent-inflammatory diseases of the ENT- organs, psoriasis, erythroderma, eczema, pyoderma, sycosis, lupus erythematosus, blistering dermatosis, fungal lesions of internal organs and skin, acute and chronic osteomyelitis, pustular skin diseases, surgical interventions in case of organ resection or, conversely, transplantation (replacement of affected organs and tissues).

Temporary contraindications

Transfusions of blood or its components, surgical interventions, including abortive termination of pregnancy, tattooing or acupuncture of a donor, stay on business trips for more than 2 months in a row, stay in malaria-endemic countries of subtropical and tropical climates for more than 3 months, history of malaria in the absence symptoms and negative results of immunological tests, close contact with patients with hepatitis, typhoid fever after a recent recovery, influenza, SARS, tonsillitis, tooth extraction, vegetovascular dystonia, acute or chronic inflammatory processes in a state of exacerbation, periods of menstruation, pregnancy and lactation, allergies in a state exacerbations, recent vaccinations, taking medications or alcohol-containing products. For each of these and other possible reasons, people are temporarily not allowed to donate. For more information, please make an appointment with a hematologist.

Harm of donation

Donation is undoubtedly a necessary and noble cause. But any intervention in the human body (especially at this level) is far from being as simple as it seems to many. Be that as it may, each type of donation (blood, skin, internal organs, etc.) carries certain risks for both the donor and the recipient (recipient).

recipient risk. Many people, as well as their relatives, are worried that they may be infected with some kind of disease when taking blood. In fact, the recipient of the blood is more likely to become infected. After all, for taking blood in use, there should be only disposable instruments and consumables. But the recipient receives someone's blood. For example, during difficult childbirth, you cannot use donated blood from a person who has consumed alcohol or smoked cigarettes less than 2 days before donating it. Otherwise, the newborn risks getting poisoned by the body. Immunocompromised people have the greatest risk of contracting something when transfusing donated blood.

Donor risk. It should be noted again that if the rules for donating blood are observed, the negative consequences for the health of the donor are minimal.

Summing up all that has been said, it is clear that the benefits of blood donation are obvious, and the risks of contracting infectious and other diseases are reduced to zero.

Benefits and harms of blood donation: 12 misconceptions about donation

Donor blood transfusion has almost a century of history. Despite the fact that this procedure is quite familiar to many people, the process of donating blood is still surrounded by numerous myths. Today we set out to debunk the most common of them.

Donating blood is bad for your health

The amount of blood circulating in the body of an adult is on average 4000 ml. It has been proven that the periodic loss of 12% of this volume not only does not have a negative impact on health, but also works as a kind of training that activates blood formation and stimulates resistance to stress.

The volume of a single donation of donated blood does not exceed 500 ml (of which about 40 ml is taken for the purpose of analysis). The body quickly compensates for blood loss without any negative consequences.

Donating blood is painful and tedious

Modern donor stations are equipped with everything necessary to make a person donating blood feel comfortable. Unpleasant sensations of the donor are reduced to instant pain at the time of insertion of the needle. The further procedure is absolutely painless.

Donating whole blood takes about a quarter of an hour. After its completion, the donor may experience slight fatigue, therefore, on the day of the procedure, it is not recommended to engage in heavy physical labor or go on a long trip. The donation of blood components (plasma, platelets or red blood cells) can take up to one and a half hours.

There is a risk of infection of the donor

Many believe that the donor is at risk of getting one of the dangerous blood-borne infections (for example, the hepatitis C virus or HIV). At present, this is absolutely excluded: for blood sampling, only disposable instruments and devices are used, which are unpacked in the presence of the donor, and after the procedure they are immediately disposed of.

The need for donated blood is low

Blood transfusions are needed by patients who undergo complex surgical operations, women in labor with complicated childbirth, people with severe injuries or burns. Donor blood and its components are used in the treatment of leukemia and other oncological diseases. There are artificial substitutes for blood and plasma, but their use has a number of contraindications, as it sometimes leads to negative side effects.

In order to fully provide the health care system with the necessary amount of blood, donors must be a person out of 1000. In some European countries, this ratio has been achieved, but in Russia this figure is still significantly below the norm.

According to statistics, every third person on our planet needs a blood or plasma transfusion at least once in their life. At the same time, blood of absolutely all groups is in demand, and not just rare ones, as is sometimes believed.

Anyone can become a donor

This is far from true. In Russia, you cannot become a donor:

  • under the age of 18 or over 60;
  • having a body weight of less than 50 kg;
  • being infected with hepatitis, human immunodeficiency virus or tuberculosis;
  • having any disorders of the blood composition or diseases of the blood (hematopoietic organs);
  • suffering from cancer.

Temporary restrictions on blood donation apply:

  • for pregnant women (blood will be taken no earlier than a year after childbirth);
  • for nursing mothers (they can become donors three months after the end of lactation);
  • for women during menstruation (blood donation is allowed at least a week before it starts or a week after it ends);
  • for people who have had the flu or SARS less than a month ago;
  • for patients who have undergone surgical dental intervention (at least ten days must pass);
  • for people who less than a year ago were treated by acupuncture, or who made a tattoo (piercing) of any part of the body;
  • for patients who have recently undergone vaccination (the time elapsed before blood donation depends on the type of vaccine and ranges from ten days to a year).

In addition, a withdrawal from donation can be obtained if tests on the day of the procedure show the presence of an inflammatory process in the body or traces of alcohol, body temperature is elevated, or if there are serious deviations from normal blood pressure. Men can donate blood no more than five times a year, and women no more than four times a year.

Donating blood for a transfusion involves a responsible attitude. The donor must abstain from alcohol two days prior to the procedure. You should refrain from smoking for at least an hour before blood sampling. Three days before the procedure, you must stop taking medications that reduce blood clotting (including aspirin and painkillers).

The donor must eat high-calorie foods before and after the procedure

A day before blood donation, you can not eat fatty, dairy, meat foods, eggs, smoked meats, chocolate, bananas, canned food and fast food.

It is important that the future donor does not make mistakes that may adversely affect his health. It is better to donate blood in the morning. Before the procedure, you need to sleep well, have breakfast, preferring porridge or pastries and sweet tea. After donating blood, you should eat a balanced diet (if possible, at least five times a day) and remember to drink plenty of fluids to compensate for blood loss.

Donating blood causes weight gain

Donation itself (including regular donation) does not affect body weight in any way. The risk of getting fat is for those people who, having misunderstood the recommendations for organizing nutrition, begin to intensively consume high-calorie foods for blood donation and cannot stop in time.

Donation is bad for appearance

Some women are hesitant to donate blood, believing that this will adversely affect the complexion and skin elasticity. In fact, regular donation activates the work of hematopoietic organs, makes the blood renew itself faster, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune, cardiovascular and digestive systems.

Donors, as a rule, do not have problems with the tone and complexion of the skin. They are cheerful, fit, active and positive.

Regular donation is addictive

In this case, we can talk about addiction only in the sense of increased resistance of the body to various stresses, diseases and the negative effects of the external environment. So, regular blood donation teaches the body to quickly replenish blood loss, which can play a positive role in case of injury or illness, from which no one is immune.

It is clinically confirmed that donation reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies. Some men note that regular blood donation has a positive effect on potency.

For a successful blood transfusion, the donor and recipient must be of the same nationality.

The statement has nothing to do with reality. The compatibility of the donor and the recipient (the person receiving the blood transfusion) depends solely on the composition of the blood, that is, the presence or absence of certain proteins in it. For transfusion, blood group compatibility (AB0 system) and Rh factor matters. These indicators are distributed almost equally among different races and ethnic groups.

With a suitable protein composition, the donor's blood can be transfused to the recipient, regardless of gender, age or nationality.

The personal qualities of the donor can be transferred to the recipient

Prejudice has very ancient roots. It is consonant with the ideas of primitive people that by eating the organs of the enemy, one can acquire his strength, courage, intelligence and other wonderful qualities. A similar misconception existed in the Middle Ages, when blood was considered the bearer of a part of the human soul.

In fact, blood transfusion does not add any personal qualities and abilities of the donor to the recipient. It can only aggravate health problems if an unscrupulous donor allowed himself to donate blood without giving up bad habits. The reason here is by no means in the transmission of information encrypted in the blood, but in the fact that decay products of nicotine, alcohol and other toxins that can cause harm to health can enter the recipient's bloodstream. That is why the donor must be very responsible, and the medical staff must be attentive.

The church considers donation unacceptable

Donation is approved by major denominations as an act of self-sacrifice and a deed aimed at saving human life. Adherents of some sects who refuse blood transfusions and do not allow their children to undergo the procedure are making a huge mistake, which often leads to death. Many authoritative representatives of Orthodox Christians consider this a direct violation of the commandment "Thou shalt not kill."

Stocks of blood and its components are necessary to save people, and the donation procedure itself is painless, safe and even beneficial to health. We should not deny the positive psychological effect of donation: the consciousness that you are doing a selfless and noble deed increases self-esteem. In the absence of contraindications, donation is welcome.

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Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, specialty "Medicine".

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Caries is the most common infectious disease in the world, which even the flu cannot compete with.

If your liver stopped working, death would occur within a day.

American scientists conducted experiments on mice and came to the conclusion that watermelon juice prevents the development of vascular atherosclerosis. One group of mice drank plain water, and the second group drank watermelon juice. As a result, the vessels of the second group were free from cholesterol plaques.

In an effort to get the patient out, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Jensen in the period from 1954 to 1994. survived more than 900 operations to remove neoplasms.

People who eat breakfast regularly are much less likely to be obese.

An educated person is less prone to brain diseases. Intellectual activity contributes to the formation of additional tissue that compensates for the diseased.

Our kidneys are able to purify three liters of blood in one minute.

The human stomach copes well with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that gastric juice can dissolve even coins.

The rarest disease is Kuru disease. Only representatives of the Fur tribe in New Guinea are ill with it. The patient is dying of laughter. It is believed that the cause of the disease is the eating of the human brain.

Human bones are four times stronger than concrete.

According to WHO studies, a daily half-hour conversation on a mobile phone increases the likelihood of developing a brain tumor by 40%.

With regular visits to the solarium, the chance of getting skin cancer increases by 60%.

When lovers kiss, each of them loses 6.4 calories per minute, but in the process they exchange almost 300 different types of bacteria.

According to studies, women who drink several glasses of beer or wine a week have an increased risk of developing breast cancer.

Scientists from the University of Oxford conducted a series of studies in which they came to the conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to the human brain, as it leads to a decrease in its mass. Therefore, scientists recommend not to completely exclude fish and meat from your diet.

This question worries many men: after all, according to statistics in economically developed countries, chronic inflammation of the prostate gland occurs in 80-90% of men.

Is it dangerous to be a donor?

A new study has confirmed that blood donation is not harmful to health and does not cause cancer. "Don't be afraid that if you donate blood often, you will get cancer," said study leader Gustave Etgarn from Stockholm. “What’s more, donating blood can even be beneficial.” A new study has confirmed that blood donation is not harmful to health and does not cause cancer. "Don't be afraid that if you donate blood often, you will get cancer," said study leader Gustave Etgarn from Stockholm. “What’s more, donating blood can even be beneficial.”

"People who donate frequently have fewer cancers than non-donors," said Dr. Etgarn and colleagues in a report published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

However, due to the fact that the general health of donors is usually better, frequent blood donations can mask emerging diseases. The scientist in his interview also said that there are certain prerequisites that donating blood can affect health.

The loss of blood from the body leads to the activation of the bone marrow, which stimulates the active production of blood cells. More intensive cell division, the so-called "mitotic stress", can increase the likelihood of a malignant disease of the hematopoietic system. Blood loss causes immune changes in the donor's body, and this can provoke cancer.

The positive side of donation is the fact that iron stores in the body are reduced. Excess iron can cause a variety of illnesses, so people who donate frequently can improve their health by reducing this excess supply.

Dr. Etgarn and his colleagues decided to make sure how donation actually affects the human body. They examined archival data from Swedish and Danish blood banks, which contained data on more than 1 million donors from 1968 to 2002. The researchers concluded that there was no link between frequent blood donations and cancer risk. Moreover, in male donors, there was a decrease in cancers such as liver, lung, colon, stomach and larynx cancer. The risk of getting cancer decreased the more the more often men donated their blood. As already mentioned, scientists explain the decrease in the risk of getting cancer by a decrease in the supply of iron in the body.

However, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (a malignant blood disease) was more common among donors than among ordinary people. However, this disease was recorded only in those donors who donated blood before 1986. Therefore, these data should be treated with caution, said Dr. Etgarn.

More research into the causes of lymphoma in donors is now required. Since many people donate their blood, the message that it can be at least slightly dangerous should be seriously looked into. Still, Dr. Etgarn says, "Our study showed quite clearly that donors do not have an increased risk of developing malignant diseases."

The Moscow Main Territorial Administration (MGTU) of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation called on banks to strengthen control over the state of banknotes and coins arriving at the cash desks of credit institutions. On this occasion, a circular was sent out, which refers to the detection of signs of radioactive contamination of banknotes in packages that banks hand over to MSTU branches, Novye Izvestiya writes.

More than 1,500 people have died in the cholera outbreak in Nigeria this year, Reuters reports. That's more than four times the death toll released by the government in August, the UN said in a statement Monday.


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