Prenatal and postnatal prevention of mastitis. Causes of postpartum mastitis, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Thrush, or vulvovaginal candidiasis, is an inflammatory process caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. These infectious agents are opportunistic pathogens and are normally always present in the intestinal and vaginal microflora. However, with a decrease in immunity and other adverse factors, they can begin to actively multiply. This process is accompanied by the appearance of itching, redness, irritation and curdled discharge on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, which causes a woman severe discomfort and a desire to get rid of them as soon as possible.


Types of drugs for the treatment of thrush

If symptoms of thrush are found, you should consult a doctor and pass the tests necessary to confirm the diagnosis. A wide range of remedies for thrush that exist today, as well as their active advertising, promising to cure the disease forever after taking one pill, often misleads women. This contributes to improper self-prescribing of drugs, delaying recovery, the transition of the disease to a chronic form, and even the development of complications.

Before starting to treat thrush, it is important to perform a culture of a swab taken from the genitals of a woman, to accurately identify the causative agent of the disease and determine its sensitivity to the available antimycotic active ingredients. In most cases, the cause of thrush is the fungus Candida albicans, but there are other fungi of this genus that can cause an inflammatory process on the external and internal female genital organs. For example, Candida glabrata, which are more resistant to most of the antifungal drugs used. Only a doctor will be able to choose the right medicines and treatment regimen, taking into account contraindications, the age of the patient, and the presence of other concomitant diseases.

Medicines for the treatment of thrush in women can be local or systemic. They are found under various trade names, but they include active substances in two main groups:

  1. Azole derivatives - fluconazole, clotrimazole, miconazole, ketoconazole, itraconazole, econazole, sertaconazole, fenticonazole, isoconazole. They have fungistatic (slowing down the growth of fungi) and, to a lesser extent, fungicidal activity (completely destroying fungi). The mechanism of their action is associated with the inhibition of fungal enzymes necessary for the synthesis of ergosterol, the main structural component of the fungal cell membrane. As a result, the permeability of cell membranes increases, which leads to lysis of the fungal cell.
  2. Polyene antibiotics - levorin, nystatin, natamycin. The mechanism of action consists in strong binding to ergosterol, disruption of the integrity of the fungal cell membrane, loss of cells important for the existence of compounds and its subsequent lysis.

Local preparations are available in the form of vaginal suppositories, capsules or tablets, creams, ointments. They are used alone for mild forms of the disease and the absence of complications or as part of complex therapy with antifungal agents for oral use in severe thrush.

Systemic drugs are available as capsules or tablets for oral use. They have an effect on the entire body, including the focus of inflammation. Such funds are used in the chronic form of the disease, accompanied by frequent relapses, as well as in acute primary candidiasis with a severe course.

Principles of treatment of thrush

After the therapeutic course prescribed for thrush (not earlier than 2 weeks after its completion), a microscopic examination of a vaginal smear should be repeated to monitor the effectiveness of the therapy. If during treatment a woman experiences any side effects or an allergic reaction, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment of chronic thrush, when the characteristic symptoms of the disease appear more than four times a year, is a more complex process than the acute form. The most effective is an integrated approach, including the treatment of concomitant diseases that contribute to the development of candidiasis (diabetes mellitus, chronic infections, hormonal imbalance), and the use of the following medicines:

  • antifungal drugs of local and systemic action;
  • probiotics that normalize the intestinal microflora;
  • means for restoring the microflora of the vagina (acylact, bifidumbacterin, vagilak, lactonorm, vagiflor, gynoflor);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • drugs that strengthen the immune system;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes for general strengthening of the body.

Treatment of chronic thrush takes several months. After its completion, maintenance therapy is prescribed to prevent exacerbations. It may consist of intermittent (once a week) use of antimycotic vaginal suppositories and oral tablets (once a month or more often).

Systemic drugs

Of the systemic agents for thrush, a woman is most often prescribed tablets or capsules containing fluconazole at a dosage of 50, 100 or 150 mg. These include:

  • flucostat;
  • diflucan;
  • mycosist;
  • mycomax;
  • ciscan;
  • diflazone;
  • fucis.

In the acute form of thrush, for the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms, a single dose of fluconazole at a dose of 150 mg is sufficient, which is associated with a long-term preservation of high concentrations of the active substance in the blood plasma.

In addition to fluconazole, preparations based on itraconazole (irunin, orungal, itrazol, rumikoz, canditral), ketoconazole (nizoral, mycozoral, fungavis, oronazole), nystatin and natamycin (pimafucin) can also be used for systemic use.

A significant drawback of all these drugs, despite their high efficiency, is the inability to use for the treatment of thrush in pregnant and lactating women, a large list of contraindications and side effects, including:

  • disorders of the digestive tract (nausea, diarrhea, flatulence, pain in the abdomen);
  • toxic effects on the liver and kidneys;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • high risk of developing an allergic reaction.

Seizures and other neurological reactions may develop.

Topical preparations

Among the local drugs for the treatment of thrush, vaginal suppositories or tablets are mainly used. They are inserted into the vagina in the supine position and bent knees with a finger or with a special applicator once or twice a day. In some cases, along with them, the application of antifungal ointments or creams to the external genitalia and washing or douching with special antiseptic solutions (cyteal) are simultaneously prescribed.

The main advantage of local remedies is the minimum number of possible side effects and contraindications, as well as a direct effect on the focus of infection. The disadvantages include some inconvenience in use: the need for a woman to be in a horizontal position for 20–30 minutes after the administration of a tablet or suppository, which is not always possible, a high chance of staining underwear or sheets with the resulting suppository residues even if daily pads are used.

Local therapy of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system not only allows you to destroy pathogens, but also inevitably leads to an imbalance in the beneficial microflora of the vagina and a decrease in local immunity. If you do not make a quick recovery of lactoflora, activation of conditionally pathogenic microflora is possible, which will lead to an exacerbation of thrush or bacterial infections. For the same reason, antifungal therapy for vaginal candidiasis may not be effective enough. Therefore, after the first stage of treatment aimed at eradicating the infection, it is important to carry out the second stage - to restore the balance of beneficial microflora with the help of Lactoginal capsules. This is the only tribiotic drug registered in the Russian Federation. Lactoginal quickly restores pH, vaginal microflora and protects against re-aggravation of bacterial vaginosis and thrush for a long time. Two-stage therapy has recently become the gold standard for the treatment of conditions accompanied by pathological discharge. Many experts believe that only this method can provide a pronounced and long-term therapeutic effect, strengthen local immunity, which serves as a prevention of subsequent exacerbations. one

Preparations based on clotrimazole

This group of medicines for thrush includes:

  • tablets, cream or vaginal suppositories "Clotrimazole";
  • cream and vaginal tablets "Kanesten";
  • cream and vaginal tablets "Kandibene";
  • cream and vaginal tablets "Antifungol";
  • vaginal tablets "Candide B6".

Clotrimazole, when applied topically, penetrates well into tissues. With thrush, it is used at a dosage of 100 mg, 2 tablets per day for 3 days or 1 tablet per day for 6 days. It is effective not only against a wide range of fungi, but also against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, Trichomonas.

Clotrimazole is contraindicated in women in the first trimester of pregnancy, during menstruation and with hypersensitivity to the active substance.

Drugs with nystatin

The most famous representatives of this group, used in gynecology, are suppositories and ointment "Nystatin", vaginal tablets "Terzhinan" and vaginal capsules "Polygynax". They are contraindicated in women during pregnancy and individual intolerance. The advantage of nystatin is that the fungus does not develop resistance to it. They need to treat thrush for at least 7 days.

Suppositories "Nitstatin" are available in a dosage of 250,000 or 500,000 IU. Terzhinan vaginal tablets are a complex antimicrobial and antifungal agent. In addition to nystatin, it contains the antibiotic neomycin, the anti-inflammatory agent prednisolone, and the active compound ternidazole against anaerobic flora. Polygynax is also a complex preparation consisting of nystatin and two antibiotics (neomycin and polymyxin B).

Means based on miconazole

Miconazole for topical use is used in the form of a cream and vaginal suppositories. Suppositories with a dosage of the active substance of 100 mg are used for thrush 1 time per day. The course of treatment is more than two weeks. On the basis of miconazole, a number of antifungal agents are produced, additionally containing metronidazole, which has antibacterial and antiprotozoal activity. These include vaginal suppositories "Klion-D 100", "Neo-Penotran", "Metromicon-Neo". Analogues of miconazole include cream and suppositories "Ginezol 7", "Gino-Daktarin".

Medications with ketoconazole

Ketoconazole and its well-known analogue livarol for thrush are used for 3-5 days at a dosage of 400 mg, 1 suppository per day, which is administered at night. They can be used in both acute and chronic forms of candidiasis, with mixed fungal-bacterial infections, disorders of the vaginal microflora.


To treat thrush, a drug with a polyene antibiotic natamycin, Pimafucin, is widely used. It is available as oral tablets, vaginal suppositories, and cream. Pimafucin is well tolerated, non-toxic, can be used for women during pregnancy at any time and during lactation. The dosage of the active substance in suppositories is 100 mg, they are used once a day at night for 5-8 days.


One of the most important areas of treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system is the destruction of pathogens. Such therapy inevitably provokes a violation of the natural balance of the vaginal microflora, a weakening of local immunity, and, as a result, the development of thrush (vaginal candidiasis) or other fungal and bacterial infections. That is why it is important to restore the normal lactoflora of the vagina as soon as possible.

After the first stage of treatment, the purpose of which is to destroy the infection, as a rule, the second is prescribed - restoring the balance of beneficial bacteria with the help of special preparations. One of them is the drug Laktozhinal, the only tribiotic drug officially registered in the Russian Federation today. Laktozhinal restores the vaginal microflora and the normal acid-base balance of the mucosa, preventing the development of vaginosis and candidiasis.

Such two-stage therapy has recently been considered the gold standard for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitals. Experts say that this method gives a long-term therapeutic effect, strengthens local immunity and prevents new exacerbations.

When treating thrush, to speed up recovery and reduce the growth of pathogenic flora, a certain diet should be followed. Need to exclude:

  • sweets (cookies, sweets, chocolate), including sweet fruits and fruit juices;
  • white bread, muffins, pasta, premium wheat flour products;
  • products containing yeast;
  • spices, spices, spicy dishes.

Unsweetened fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, yogurt) containing live cultures of beneficial bacteria are recommended. They will contribute to the formation of a healthy intestinal and vaginal microflora and prevent the reproduction of the fungus.

In order to successfully treat thrush, the right choice of underwear, panty liners and cleansers is of great importance. Briefs must be made of natural cotton fabric and have a "classic" shape. Beautiful, lacy, but made of synthetic, breathable fabric, thongs will help create a greenhouse effect, additional irritation and mechanical injury to inflamed tissues.

Panty liners used should be unscented, as should intimate hygiene products. This will help prevent the development of an allergic reaction. For washing or douching with thrush, after consultation with the doctor, you can use herbal infusions of chamomile, oak bark, calendula, sage, which have an antiseptic and healing effect. You need to wash yourself with thrush often.

1. There are contraindications. Before use, consult your doctor.

Video: About thrush and how to treat it

Thrush is an inflammatory disease caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. The disease causes great discomfort and discomfort in the form of the following symptoms: itching and burning of the external genitalia, redness and swelling of the genitals, white curdled discharge, discomfort during sexual intercourse and urination.

But in addition to all of the above, thrush is a disease with far-reaching consequences. Untreated candidiasis can lead to serious sexual dysfunction, problems bearing a child, and even infertility.

In addition, if a pregnant woman has not been treated, then she can “reward” her child from the first days of her life with a fungal infection.

Given what is known about thrush, it becomes clear the importance of timely treatment of this disease. Some are stopped from going to the doctor by the lack of money. But is it possible to find an inexpensive remedy for thrush?

What medicine for thrush to choose?

As you know, any disease has its own cause, and candidiasis is no exception. Hormonal imbalance, uncontrolled use of antibiotics, malnutrition, frequent hypothermia, lack of proper hygiene, the presence of chronic diseases, the use of oral contraceptives - all this and much more can provoke the development of the disease.

Effective treatment for thrush includes the following aspects:

  • elimination of an infectious agent;
  • normalization of the microflora of the vagina;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • timely treatment of the underlying disease, against which candidiasis developed, or because of which immunity was weakened.

Drugs that have an antimycotic agent effectively fight candidiasis, to put it simply, they neutralize the causative agents of thrush - a fungal infection.

Not always expensive drugs are the most effective, there are cheap drugs that also fight fungal infection well. Consider the most affordable options for medications that will help get rid of thrush.

Effective remedies for thrush: TOP-6

Immediately I want to note that it is not permissible to self-medicate. You can’t just go to the pharmacy and buy a cheap drug against thrush. The first step should be carried out and after making an accurate diagnosis, the doctor selects the treatment. So, let's look at the most inexpensive and effective remedies for thrush.

Inexpensive tablets against thrush

Consider three tableted drugs that effectively fight the manifestations of thrush and eliminate the very cause of the disease.


These tablets occupy a leading position in the ranking of effective and inexpensive antimycotic agents. Typically, there is one tablet per package, but there are lower dosage forms, so up to six tablets may be needed. Their average price ranges from 60-100 rubles.

The main active component of the drug effectively relieves the clinical manifestations of the disease, in particular, itching and burning.

It is also worth noting that the uncontrolled growth of a fungal infection leads to the formation of entire colonies of yeast-like fungi. So fluconazole effectively fights these growths.

The dosage of the drug is selected by the doctor, based on the individual characteristics of the development of the disease. That is why, at the first symptoms of the disease, it is better to consult a doctor to undergo laboratory tests and make the correct diagnosis.


Fluconazole - the active component of the drug - contributes to the death of a fungal infection. In addition, it is able to fight bacterial vaginosis, which increases its effectiveness.

The tool is used as a stand-alone use, as it does not combine well with other drugs. Mycomax should not be used during pregnancy.

Usually, a Mycomax tablet for vaginal candidiasis is taken once. In acute forms of the disease, the remedy must be taken for six months every month. The cost of Mycomax is on average 150-200 rubles per pack.

Speaking about mycomax, some features can be distinguished:

  • the drug has a wide spectrum of action;
  • used in the treatment of not only candidiasis, but also many other infectious processes;
  • used for candidiasis of various localization;
  • the remedy is also used for prevention purposes.

Complete instructions for use Mikomax.


Nystatin is an aggressive antifungal agent that has a negative effect on fungal infection. The main active ingredient of the drug is a polyene antibiotic element. Treatment is carried out both and.

Nystatin destroys the protective membrane of the Candida cell, leading to its death. According to experts, small dosages of the drug stop the growth of yeast-like fungi, and large ones lead to their complete death.

A feature of nystatin is that it acts selectively. It neutralizes the fungal infection, while the colonies of other microorganisms are not destroyed.

However, the drug should not be used during pregnancy and lactation. Also, patients with disorders in the gastrointestinal tract should be cautious with the use of nystatin. The cost of Nystatin tablets is from 30 to 50 rubles per pack, Nystatin suppositories - from 30 to 90 rubles per pack,

Sometimes side effects may occur in the form of the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea.

Complete instructions for the use of nystatin.

The cheapest candles for thrush for women

Candles for candidiasis are the most convenient way to locally treat vaginal thrush in women. The principle of operation of vaginal suppositories is associated with their deep penetration into the mucous membrane. Due to this effect, the causative agent of the disease is destroyed, the inflammatory process is removed and clinical symptoms are reduced.

It should not be forgotten that uncontrolled intake of medicines for thrush can lead to a violation of the natural microflora and, as a result, the occurrence of relapses of the disease.


Polygynax vaginal suppositories have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. The drug differs in a wide range of its effects, therefore it is used in the treatment of such pathologies:

  • endocervicitis;
  • and etc.

The main feature of the drug is that it can be used during pregnancy. As a rule, Polygynax is prescribed to prevent complications that may result from an infectious or bacterial process before childbirth. The cost of Polygynax candles is in the range of 110-200 rubles.

The fact is that if a woman is not completely cured, then when passing through the birth canal, a child can become infected with a fungal infection and from the first days of her life, oral thrush will have to be treated. In addition, according to experts, the tool can be safely used during menstruation.

You can find a complete description of the drug Polygynax.


Clotrimazole is a cheap remedy for thrush, which, in addition to its main purpose, is prescribed in the following cases:

  • various genital infections. But on condition that the causative agents of these diseases are sensitive to the main component of vaginal suppositories.

Already from the second trimester of pregnancy, clotrimazole can be used, and it is also suitable for use during lactation.

The negative aspects of these candles include the appearance of the following side effects:

  • discomfort and pain during intercourse and urination;
  • itching and burning in the vagina;
  • headaches.

Clotrimazole should not be used during menstruation. Also, the first trimester is a contraindication to its use. The fact is that during this period there is a laying of vital organs and systems, therefore during this period it is extremely important to avoid the use of any kind of medication. The price of Clotrimazole candles is 30-60 rubles.

You can find a complete description of the drug Clotrimazole


Livarol is an effective antifungal drug that is used for primary vaginal candidiasis. Livarol is usually prescribed in the following cases:

  • acute or;
  • prevention of fungal infections;
  • to bring the microflora back to normal with uncontrolled use of antibiotics or with weakened immunity.

It is important to understand that for the successful treatment of thrush, one should approach the problem in a comprehensive manner, taking care of proper nutrition, observing the rules of intimate hygiene and increasing immunity:

  • take multivitamins to strengthen immunity;
  • eat in a balanced way. Eliminate sugary and yeasty foods, as well as alcohol and spicy foods from your diet;
  • during treatment, refuse intimacy;
  • wash your face twice a day and use special products for intimate hygiene.

As you can see, the treatment of candidiasis is not always an expensive therapy. Using cheap drugs can give excellent results. The main thing is to start treatment on time and carry it out under the supervision of a specialist. The price of this drug is above average and amounts to 350-400 rubles.

Detailed instructions for the use of Livarol are located.

First aid and excellent result

Pseudo-folk wisdom says: whoever is not familiar with a thrush is not a woman. But if you take the issue seriously, then this disease will not be so simple.

Candidiasis (thrush) affects all people, regardless of gender and age, since yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida are part of the normal microflora of the mucous membranes. But the reproduction and growth of fungi is tightly controlled by the immune system, and these microorganisms coexist with humans, without giving themselves away. But any changes that “shatter” the immune system can provoke the uncontrolled growth of fungi and, accordingly, the symptoms of thrush. A provoking factor can be a course of antibiotic treatment, hypothermia, stress, changes in diet, and, in fact, anything that upsets the delicate balance of the microflora of the mucous membranes.

Speaking of the fact that everyone is susceptible to thrush, they really mean everyone, including men and children. But, since candidiasis is still more often diagnosed in women, let's talk about the best remedies for treating thrush in them.

The best candles for thrush



Price packs of 3 candles - about 300 rubles.

The active substance is natamycin, which has an antifungal and antibacterial effect. The candle, dissolving, forms a foamy mass, which is evenly distributed over the mucous membrane. Due to this, natamycin has an effect on the entire surface of the mucosa, which is important in the treatment of "deep" candidiasis.

Advantages. The main advantage of Pimafucin is the possibility of its use for the treatment of thrush even in pregnant and lactating women. Considering that pregnancy and the postpartum period are the “leaders” in terms of the incidence of candidiasis, this advantage makes Pimafucin practically an indispensable drug. In addition, the local use of the agent excludes the penetration of natamycin into the blood. This means that the list of contraindications is reduced to individual intolerance to any component of the drug.

Disadvantages. No shortcomings as such were identified, therefore, on a ten-point scale, Pimafucin was assigned 10 points.

Reviews. “In my opinion, these candles are the best remedy for thrush. And they help quickly, and you don’t need to run to the doctor every time for tests. People like me - "chronic" candidiasis - already know all the signs that the thrush has begun, and Pimafucin quickly relieves all symptoms.



The cost of packing vaginal suppositories (5 pieces) is about 300 rubles.

The active substance of Livarol - ketoconazole - is a substance with a pronounced antifungal effect, which has an effect not only on typical representatives of the microflora that provoke thrush, but also on rarer forms. Candida.

Advantages. Ease of use and the need for a single injection per day makes this drug convenient for use both at home and on the road. The duration of treatment is 3-5 days for acute candidiasis, and 10 days for chronic forms (the number of recurrences of thrush is at least 4 times a year). In addition, Livarol is effective for staphylococcal and streptococcal lesions, which allows it to be used for mixed fungal-bacterial infections of the vaginal mucosa.

disadvantages. Livarol is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. Although this is not an absolute, but a conditional contraindication (if the benefit to the mother outweighs the risks to the fetus, the doctor may prescribe this drug), it still excludes Livarol from the list of the "best" remedies for thrush. And for this reason, on a 10-point scale, he is assigned a score of 8 points.

Reviews. “I gave preference to Livarol, because shortly before that I treated dandruff (fungal origin) with ketoconazole shampoo. The effect simply shocked me, so when I encountered thrush, I didn’t even think about it when I saw the familiar word “ketoconazole” on the package. I was not mistaken: already after the first candle, the itching and discomfort disappeared, I even had to write reminders to myself so as not to forget to complete the course of treatment.

best remedy for thrush


Price a package containing 1 capsule is about 460 rubles.

The active ingredient in Diflucan is fluconazole. Fluconazole inhibits the growth and activity of fungi that cause thrush, and in a short time relieves the symptoms and manifestations of this condition.

Advantages. The main advantage of Diflucan is the ease of use and the minimum course of treatment. Drinking just 1 capsule, you can get rid of the symptoms of acute thrush and the discomfort that this condition causes.

disadvantages. Unfortunately, convenience is not the main criterion, at least when it comes to Diflucan. This drug is contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation, kidney and liver pathologies and is prescribed only taking into account the general health of the patient. For this reason, Diflucan is difficult to attribute to thrush remedies that can be recommended as the best component of a home first-aid kit “for everyone”. The number of contraindications for this drug does not allow to evaluate it above 7 points.

Reviews. “The best pills for thrush, Diflucan has helped me more than once, and the help was really emergency. But these capsules did not fit my sister, her stomach rebelled a little - she has cholecystitis, apparently because of this. I think that the high price is the only drawback of Diflucan.”

Epigen Intim
best natural remedy for thrush


Price bottle of 60 ml. is about 1400 rubles.

The active substance, glycyrrhizic acid, is a component obtained from licorice root. The drug has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, immunostimulating, antipruritic effect, and also accelerates regenerative processes in the mucous membrane.

Advantages. The natural origin of the active substance of the drug is its main advantage, which allows it to be prescribed in the treatment of thrush throughout the entire period of pregnancy, as well as in the case of candidiasis in children. In addition, with the help of Epigen Intim it is recommended to prevent thrush using the drug while taking antibiotics, during the recovery period after any disease, etc. A convenient form of release - a spray bottle - is another plus in favor of this remedy, thanks to which Epigen Intim can be easily and simply used in any environment, not only at home.

disadvantages. The disadvantages include only the high cost of the drug, which, however, more than compensate for its advantages. We attribute Epigen Intim to the best remedies for thrush. Rating - 10 out of 10.


One of the most common infectious diseases today is candidiasis. It is caused by pathogenic fungi in the presence of favorable conditions for reproduction. It is important to know what remedies for thrush exist that are inexpensive and effective in order to start the fight against the disease in time when the first symptoms appear. In addition, for successful therapy, it is useful to study in more detail the features and causes of the development of the disease.

General information about thrush

The disease is caused by a fungus of the genus Candida. Thrush (candidiasis) occurs in patients of all ages. The causative agent of infection is a member of the microflora of the oral cavity and large intestine and does not harm health in small quantities. A sharp reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms begins under the influence of certain factors. To prevent the development of candidiasis, it is worth knowing the causes of the appearance of pathology.

Among the factors provoking thrush, it is worth noting the following:

  1. Weak immunity.
  2. Violation of metabolism (metabolic processes in the body).
  3. Treatment with antibiotics.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. The body of pregnant women (especially in the 3rd trimester).
  6. The body of newborn babies (a child can become infected with candidiasis during childbirth or during feeding).

Thrush symptoms

After infection with candidiasis, signs of the disease appear almost immediately. The main symptoms of a fungal infection are listed below:

  • burning sensation in the vagina in women;
  • pain during intercourse and urination;
  • curdled discharge in women;
  • plaque on the penis of white color in men.

Treatment of thrush

The disease is very unpleasant and dangerous, therefore, a set of measures is recommended to combat it. Even the best remedy for thrush is not able to permanently destroy microorganisms and prevent recurrence of the disease, without additional measures. Therapy for candidiasis should include the following steps:

  1. Identification of the causative agent of infection, determination of the susceptibility of the microorganism to a particular drug.
  2. Restoration of acidity and internal microflora of the body.
  3. Strengthening immunity.
  4. Therapy of concomitant hormonal disorders.
  5. Rejection of bad habits.
  6. Treatment of genital infections (if any).


Most of the patients and patients, when symptoms of candidiasis are detected, prefer to fight the disease with pills. Among the advantages of this form of drugs, it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. Rapid effect of therapy.
  2. Oral drugs destroy fungal cells not only in the focus of infection, but also throughout the patient's body.
  3. A mild form of candidiasis can be cured with antifungal tablets, without the use of ointments or suppositories.

Tablet preparations for thrush are made on the basis of various components that affect fungal cells and stop the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. The speed of their assimilation is different, so the tablets are taken in different dosages. All medicines for candidiasis contain one of the active ingredients:

  1. Fluconazole. The component is part of such tablets as Mikomax, Diflucan, Flucostat. Apply drugs with fluconazole 150 mg once. As a rule, the dose is enough for a complete recovery.
  2. Natamycin- a component of Pimafucin antifungal tablets. Medicines based on this substance are prescribed in a course for several days. The patient should take 1 tablet per day.
  3. Nystatin is part of the tablets of the same name. Medicines based on this component are taken 4 times every day, 1 pc. The course of therapy is calculated individually, up to 14 days.
  4. Miconazole- the active ingredient in Mikatin, Miconazole, Funginazole. Therapy with tablets based on this substance is 3 days, 1 pc. per day.
  5. Ketoconazole component of the drug of the same name and Nizoral tablets. Every day they take medicines with this substance, 1-2 pcs. The course of treatment is calculated individually up to 5 days.

Popular thrush pills for women

An effective drug for systemic therapy of diseases caused by pathogenic fungi is Nizoral. It is produced on the basis of ketoconazole, a substance with a pronounced mycostatic and antifungal effect. Tablets affect the composition of the cell membranes of infectious agents, which leads to their death. The drug enters the bloodstream, so it quickly spreads throughout the body. Due to this, you can take pills, regardless of the location of the infection. The course of treatment with Nizoral is at least 5 days.

The advantages of the drug:

  • does not enter the general circulation;
  • regulates the composition of the microflora of the vagina;
  • fights different types of pathogenic fungi;
  • effective for infections of varying severity.


  • causes an allergy in patients with hypersensitivity to components;
  • contraindicated in pregnancy, diseases of the liver, kidneys;
  • can provoke violations of the gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system, blood clotting.

Fluconazole - strong inexpensive capsules based on the component of the same name. After taking the medicine, it prevents the growth and reproduction of candidiasis pathogens. Mild forms of fungal infections are eliminated by these capsules after applying 1 pc. (150 mg). If the disease has become chronic, the treatment regimen is determined by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism of a particular patient.

The advantages of the drug:

  • low cost;
  • rapid absorption of components into the blood;
  • active destruction of infectious agents;
  • rapid normalization of mucosal microflora;


  1. Capsules are contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation, kidney and liver diseases.
  2. The components of the drug can affect the work of the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Against the background of therapy, the development of allergies is possible.
  4. Exceeding the recommended dose can cause mental disorders, hallucinations.

Mycosyst is another well-known oral remedy for candidiasis. The drug is produced in Hungary on the basis of fluconazole, it has a pronounced antifungal effect. Before using the tablets, it is important to study the contraindications, which the drug has a lot of. The treatment regimen is determined by the doctor after a complete examination of the patient.

The advantages of the drug:

  • fast action;
  • active destruction of various types of infectious agents;
  • prevention of recurrence of the disease.


  1. Tablets are not prescribed for breastfeeding, pregnancy.
  2. The active substances of Mycosyst can adversely affect the functioning of the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract.
  3. The patient may develop an allergy to the components of the drug.
  4. Exceeding the dose provokes mental disorders.
  5. The medicine is not suitable for patients with impaired renal function, liver.

Clotrimazole - intravaginal tablets for thrush. The tool is made on the basis of the component of the same name, it is active against yeast-like fungi and other pathogens of genital infections. Each tablet contains 100 mg of clotrimazole. The agent acts on pathogenic microorganisms, prevents them from developing and multiplying. The course of application of tablets is calculated individually from 6 to 14 days.

The main advantages of Clotrimazole:

  • rapid excretion of potassium from the body;
  • active destruction of cells of pathogenic microbes and nucleic acids;
  • fight against inflammatory processes in the body.


  1. Tablets are not prescribed for people with hypersensitivity to the main or additional components.
  2. The drug is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, during lactation.
  3. You can not use the drug to treat children under 16 years of age.

Pimafucin is a drug for thrush with a pronounced fungicidal effect. The main component of the drug is natamycin. The tool has a wide spectrum of action, has a minimum number of contraindications, is not absorbed into the general bloodstream from the stomach. Pimafucin destroys the pathogens of candidiasis by acting on their cell membrane. The treatment regimen and dosage of the drug are set by the doctor.

The benefits of the drug:

  • a small number of contraindications;
  • effectiveness against various forms of candidiasis;
  • treatment of concomitant bacterial pathologies;
  • few side effects;
  • pills are not addictive;
  • effectiveness in the chronic form of candidiasis;
  • the possibility of therapy during pregnancy, lactation.


  • incompatibility of Pimafucin with alcohol;
  • you can not drink tablets with other antibacterial agents;
  • in the first days of treatment, there may be violations of the gastrointestinal tract.


In addition to systemic drugs with antifungal action, women are often prescribed suppositories for candidiasis to treat thrush. This form of medicine has its advantages:

  1. Suppositories are easy to use.
  2. The form is suitable for the treatment of thrush with deep localization in the vagina.
  3. There is a remedy in the form of suppositories for the prevention of infection (Ginezol).
  4. Most drugs are made on the basis of several components, which increases their effectiveness.

In addition to the visible advantages, this form has significant disadvantages:

  1. Candles act inside the body, not suitable for external use.
  2. Do not use this form of medicine during menstruation.
  3. As a rule, candles are part of complex therapy due to the inability to cure thrush alone.
  4. To achieve the desired result, patients must strictly adhere to the treatment regimen.

Local therapy of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system not only allows you to destroy pathogens, but also inevitably leads to an imbalance in the beneficial microflora of the vagina and a decrease in local immunity. If you do not make a quick recovery of lactoflora, activation of conditionally pathogenic microflora is possible, which will lead to an exacerbation of thrush or bacterial infections. For the same reason, antifungal therapy for vaginal candidiasis may not be effective enough. Therefore, after the first stage of treatment aimed at eradicating the infection, it is important to carry out the second stage - to restore the balance of beneficial microflora with the help of Lactoginal capsules. This is the only tribiotic drug registered in the Russian Federation. Laktozhinal quickly restores pH, vaginal microflora and protects against re-aggravation of bacterial vaginosis and thrush for a long time. Two-stage therapy has recently become the gold standard for the treatment of conditions accompanied by pathological discharge. Many experts believe that only this method can provide a pronounced and long-term therapeutic effect, strengthen local immunity, which serves as a prevention of subsequent exacerbations.

Effective candles in the treatment of thrush

Inexpensive but effective remedy for candidiasis Livarol has a lot of positive reviews. The drug is suitable only for those patients who first encountered thrush. With frequent use of Livarol, infectious agents become resistant to its action. Suppositories based on ketoconazole are produced. After entering the body, the drug disrupts metabolic processes in the cells of yeast fungi, streptococci, dermatophytes, which leads to their death.

Advantages of Livarol:

  • effective elimination of symptoms of acute candidiasis;
  • a combination of antifungal and antibacterial action (in the absence of an antibiotic in the composition);
  • effectiveness in the prevention of chronic forms of the disease;
  • uniform distribution of the active substance along the walls of the vagina, normalization of microflora.


  • you can not use candles in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • the drug can provoke irritation of the vaginal mucosa;
  • low efficiency with repeated use.

Nystatin- an inexpensive remedy for thrush with a pronounced antifungal effect. It is used in the initial stages of candidiasis, is ineffective against pathogenic bacteria. A medicine is produced based on the polyene antibiotic levorin. The component is able to destroy the cells of the fungus and slow down their reproduction. Nystatin suppositories are prescribed to patients for the treatment of various forms of candidiasis or for the prevention of infection.

Advantages of the drug:

  • pronounced antifungal action;
  • efficiency even with re-infection;
  • elimination of unpleasant symptoms after the first day of therapy;
  • relatively low toxicity.


  • the medicine is not prescribed during pregnancy, violations of the liver;
  • suppositories can cause chills or dysbacteriosis;
  • lack of effectiveness of therapy for bacterial infection.

Polygynax- a drug with a combined action in the form of vaginal suppositories. The tool is considered effective due to the content of several active substances: neomycin sulfate, nystatin, polymexin. The components act on the cells of pathogenic fungi and bacteria, prevent the development and spread of infection. The drug is prescribed for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs: vulvovaginitis, fungal vaginitis and others.

Advantages of the tool:

  • easily tolerated;
  • suitable for prevention and treatment;
  • does not affect the microflora, is not active against lactobacilli;
  • quickly relieves the symptoms of the disease;
  • stabilizes trophic processes in the mucosa.


  • high price;
  • the possibility of developing irritation, burning;
  • the appearance of greasy stains on linen during therapy;
  • allergy in patients with hypersensitivity to components.

Terzhinan- a remedy for the treatment of gynecological pathologies of local application. To date, the drug has no structural analogues. Terzhinan contains neomycin, prednisolone, ternidazole, nystatin. Due to the powerful active ingredients, the remedy effectively fights infections of various etiologies. Candles are prescribed to patients with inflammatory processes in the vagina, vaginitis caused by bacteria, pathogenic fungi.

Advantages of the drug:

  • a wide range of activities;
  • rapid elimination of thrush of any severity;
  • normalization of the pH balance in the vagina;
  • mucosal restoration;
  • no side symptoms.


  • high price;
  • the possibility of developing allergies;
  • the possibility of a negative effect of the components of the drug on the fetus in pregnant women.

Ointments for thrush

It is difficult to choose a drug for the treatment of candidiasis on your own. When symptoms appear, be sure to contact a specialist and identify the causative agent of the infection. In addition to tablets and suppositories, patients may be prescribed remedies for thrush in the form of ointments. This option is used as part of complex therapy in conjunction with antifungal tablets. Ointments well relieve redness and itching in the focus of the disease.

Some of the benefits of this form include:

  • the possibility of using for external treatment of candidiasis of the genital organs, both in women and men;
  • low price of drugs compared to drugs in the form of suppositories or tablets;
  • rapid elimination of symptoms of infection, reduction of pain;
  • ease of use;
  • a small number of contraindications and side effects.

Disadvantages of antifungal ointments:

  • lack of effect with deep lesions (appendages or uterus of the patient);
  • a small amount of active ingredients in the composition;
  • duration of treatment.

The most famous antifungal agents in the form of ointments are the following drugs:

  • Ketoconazole;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Pimafucin;
  • Nystatin.

Folk remedies for thrush

In addition to medications, you can fight candidiasis in men and women with the help of folk recipes. Home remedies are no less effective in solving this delicate problem, they relieve the symptoms of infection well, and help reduce the number of recurrences of pathology in the chronic form. As a rule, infusions, decoctions of herbs, douching or a special diet are used. Folk recipes should be combined with drug therapy.

Among the home methods of treating thrush, it is worth highlighting douching. The following medicinal fees apply for the procedure:

  1. Sage leaves - 20 g, rosemary - 20 g, oak bark - 40 g. Pour the herbs with water (3 l), boil for half an hour. Strain the finished broth, use for douching in the morning and evening until complete recovery.
  2. 3 art. l. St. John's wort pour 2 liters of water, boil for 30 minutes. Strain the resulting broth, use for douching 2 times a day. The course of treatment is up to 2 weeks.
  3. Connect 3 parts of oak bark and 2 parts of linden flowers. Take 4 tbsp. l. collection, pour boiling water in an amount of 250 ml. Insist 15 minutes. Use the douche in the morning and evening as needed.

In addition to douching, you can try herbal decoctions. To make an infusion, take 2 tsp. collection, pour water, boil for 15 minutes. Leave the decoction for 12 hours, after which they drink 1/2 cup in the morning on an empty stomach. For preparation, you can use the following medicinal plants:

  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • eucalyptus;
  • yarrow;
  • juniper.


The cost of drugs for the treatment of candidiasis depends on the manufacturer, form of release, outlet. Below is a table with prices for medicines in Moscow:



Thrush or in other words "candidiasis" is an inflammatory disease of the vaginal mucosa caused by the overgrowth of fungi of the genus Candida. Such a fungus is normally present in almost 90% of women and is part of the normal microflora, however, there are a number of reasons why this microorganism begins to multiply intensively, causing discomfort.

Treatment of thrush in women

Forms of drug treatment of candidiasis

Note! Thrush is not a sexually transmitted disease, however, it can be transmitted to a partner, therefore, in case of symptoms, you should consult a gynecologist as soon as possible and use drugs against thrush in women according to the prescribed treatment.

The main forms of drugs that are used to treat disease :

1. Tablets

Tablets are good because their active substance remains in the blood for up to 30 hours and destroys the fungus throughout the body, and not just in the main localization site.

Preparations in tablet (capsule) form have a long-term effect

If the thrush has a mild form, then only 1 capsule will be enough. In acute or chronic form, local remedies alone are not enough, they will need to be combined with tablets.

Capsules against thrush in women contain substances such as: nystatin, natamycin, fluconazole, ketoconazole, miconazole. Preparations containing these components differ only in a single dosage and duration of the course of use.

2. Candles

Candles help to quickly neutralize the discomfort of candidiasis, as they penetrate deeply into the vagina and relieve inflammation with damaged mucosa.

Recovery from candidiasis, unfortunately, with the help of suppositories alone will be possible with a mild degree of the disease

In difficult cases, complex treatment is necessary. The undoubted advantage of suppositories is that they have practically no side effects, unlike tablets, so some types of suppositories can be used by women in position.

3. Ointments

The use of this form of medication is advisable if you need to quickly eliminate itching and burning. The cream is absorbed into the mucous membrane, but at the same time, unlike tablets, the active substance enters the bloodstream minimally and does not harm the body, which means it is suitable for breastfeeding women.

The use of drugs against thrush in the form of ointments has a minus - the results will be only with a mild form of the disease, and the fungus is destroyed locally. To completely eradicate the causative agent of candidiasis in the body, it is necessary to combine the ointment with tablets.

4. Traditional medicine

There are a number of home remedies for thrush in women. Pharmaceutical preparations do not have to be used, because at a very early stage, you can destroy the fungus and improvised means:

Important to remember! The use of folk methods, especially douching with solutions of soda and vinegar, is not recommended for longer than 3 days, because you can upset the pH balance.

some methods of traditional medicine can not be used categorically for certain diseases

Top 10 Popular Medicines for Thrush

Thrush is such a common disease in women that the pharmaceutical industry is constantly releasing more and more new drugs against this unpleasant disease.

Therefore, it will be discussed below top 10 effective and most popular products:

  1. Diflucan available in capsules, solution for infusion, powder for suspension.
    The capsule at a dosage of 150 mg should be taken orally without chewing; dilute the powder for suspension with two tablespoons of boiled water and consume inside; the rate of administration of the solution intravenously should be no more than 10 ml / min.
    Special instructions: people with diseases of the kidneys, liver and heart should always consult a specialist before use. Possible dizziness.
    The approximate price for a package with 1 capsule at a dosage of 150 mg is 400 rubles; powder for suspension preparation - 520 rubles; solution for infusions - 700 r.
  2. available in tablets, cream, suppositories.
    Tablets should be taken in 1 pc. 4 times a day for 7 days; candles use 1 pc. per day, 3-4 days; the cream must be applied several times a day until the symptoms disappear.
    Pimafucin is a drug that is available in three pharmacological forms

    Special instructions: Patients with intolerance to galactose, fructose, sucrose should consult a specialist. Treatment with this medicine cannot be combined with alcohol, since ethyl alcohol only exacerbates candidiasis.
    The approximate price for a package with 20 tablets is 500 rubles; vaginal suppositories - 290 rubles; cream 2% - 270 r.

  3. clotrimazole available in the form of: vaginal cream, vaginal tablets, cream, ointment, powder and solution for external use.
    A solution, ointment or cream for external use should be applied to the mucous membrane with a thin layer 3 times a day for 2-4 weeks; vaginal cream is administered at 5 mg 1 time per day for 3-4 days; vaginal tablets are used at a dosage of 100 mg 1 time per day for 5-7 days, or at a dosage of 200 mg for 3 days, or at a dosage of 500 mg once.
    Special instructions: after applying a cream, ointment or solution, it is not necessary to apply bandages. Patients with hepatic insufficiency should consult a doctor before using the drug.
    Approximate price for a pack of 6 vaginal tablets. - 25 rubles; vaginal cream 1% - 60 rubles; ointment 1% - 40 rubles; solution for external use - 170 r.
  4. available in vaginal suppositories.
    It is necessary to use 1 candle per day for 3-4 days.
    Special instructions: to prevent recurrence of the disease, parallel treatment of the partner is necessary.
    Approximate price for a pack of suppositories 5 pcs. - 480 r.
  5. Hexicon available in suppositories and solution for external use.
    Candles must be applied 2 times a day for 8-10 days; use the solution for irrigation and applications, 5–10 ml is applied to the genital mucosa.
    Special instructions: hexicon is not an antimycotic drug, it has a bactericidal effect and helps to normalize the vaginal microflora.
    Approximate price for a pack of 10 candles. - 270 rubles; solution - 80 r.
  6. Mycosist available in capsules with a dosage of 50, 100 and 150 mg and solution for infusion.
    It is necessary to choose the desired dosage depending on the course of the disease and take the capsule inside with water; the solution should be administered intravenously at a rate of 10 ml per minute.
    Special instructions: if signs of kidney and liver damage appear, stop taking the drug. Drive with caution as dizziness may occur.
    Approximate price for a pack of 7 capsules. with a dosage of 50 mg - 550 rubles; solution 100 ml - 430 r.
  7. epigen intimate available in spray and gel for intimate hygiene.
    The spray should be used intravaginally 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days; the gel is indicated to be used daily for washing in order to maintain the correct microflora of the genital organs.
    Special instructions: if signs of intolerance appear, it is necessary to immediately stop using the drug.
    The average price for a spray of 0.1% 15 ml is 950 rubles; gel 250 ml - 780 r.
  8. Terzhinan available in vaginal tablets.
    It is necessary to enter 1 tablet per day for 10-15 days.
    Special instructions: it is desirable to treat the sexual partner to prevent relapse.
    Approximate price for a pack of 6 vaginal tablets. - 320 r.
  9. Mycomax available in capsules with a dosage of 100 and 150 mg, syrup, solution for infusion.
    The capsule with the desired dosage should be taken once; syrup should be consumed 50 mg 1 time per day for 5-7 days; the solution is administered intravenously at a rate of not more than 10 ml per minute.
    Special instructions: use with caution in liver and kidney disease.
    The approximate price for a 150 mg capsule package is 230 rubles; syrup - 450 rubles; solution for infusions - 130 r.
  10. available in the form of vaginal suppositories.
    It is necessary to use 1 suppository capsule per day for 6-10 days.
    Special instructions: when using the drug, use barrier contraceptives. It is not necessary to interrupt the treatment during the menstrual cycle.
    Approximate price for a pack of 6 candles. - 300 r.

Complex therapy of the disease

For treatment to be successful, it is necessary not only take special drugs against thrush in women, but also carry out a set of the following measures:

1. Apply immunocorrective agents

Since candidiasis most often manifests itself with weak immunity. Such drugs fall into several categories:

2. Restore the acidity of the environment

After treatment of thrush, it is necessary to balance the pH balance in the intimate area, as well as normalize the microflora. Usually, suppositories are prescribed for these purposes, with lactobacilli, for example, "Acilact" or "Bifidumbacterin".

3. You need to adjust the diet

It is advisable to exclude sweet and starchy foods from the diet, because the fungus actively multiplies due to glucose, in addition, you need to give up alcohol, as well as any food that causes fermentation (mushrooms, black bread, cabbage). You should eat more vegetables and unsweetened fruits, foods rich in protein (meat, seafood, cottage cheese), garlic and onions.

4. Hygiene

Whatever anti-thrush drugs are used, women will always have relapses if basic hygiene rules are not followed. At the time of treatment, you need to abandon intimacy with a partner so as not to infect him. It is necessary to wash yourself twice a day and change linen on time, and also exclude the use of sanitary pads.

Carefully! You should not use any antibacterial soap for washing during the treatment of candidiasis, or after that, because it washes out all the microflora, including the useful one. It is better to use gels for intimate hygiene containing lactic acid.

To maintain normal hygiene, it is better to use an intimate gel with lactic acid.

5. Eliminate the factors that provoke the disease

To successfully combat thrush, as well as to prevent it, you must follow simple rules. It is best to avoid hypothermia and infectious diseases so that the immune system is normal.

It is advisable to conduct an examination of the body and if there are problems in the work of the genitourinary system, kidneys, liver, intestines, it is recommended to start treatment.

Besides, with a tendency to recurrent thrush, it is necessary to immediately exclude flour and sweet foods from the menu to prevent fungal growth. Of course, it would be useful to say about the right underwear.

If you wear synthetic and tight underwear, most likely, the main conditions for candidiasis will be created - a warm and humid environment.

New generation medicines

In conclusion, it should be noted that currently available the most modern drugs of a new generation against thrush in women:

  • Polyena- these are 4th generation antimycotics, they are less toxic, but at the same time they retain a high therapeutic effect due to amphotericin B.
    Currently, the development and registration of new drugs from this group is still underway, but several drugs can already be found on the pharmaceutical market - ambisome, amphocil and abelset.
  • Echinocandins- used in fluconazole-resistant candidiasis, low toxicity and no contraindications in renal failure.
    Echinocandins inhibit the synthesis of an important component of the fungal cell wall, which is why they are so effective. This group of drugs is represented by the following drugs - caspofungin, micafungin and anidulafungin.

There are a great many ways to get rid of thrush today, the main thing is not to forget that only a specialist can choose the necessary methods and preparations.

From this video you will learn how to properly treat thrush by watching the release of the TV show "Live great!" with Elena Malysheva:

In this video, a qualified gynecologist will share with you the correct and effective ways to treat thrush:

You can find out what drugs to use for the treatment of Candidiasis not only in women, but in children and men, in this video: