Smoke without fire. What are the benefits and harms of electronic cigarettes? What is really harmful electronic cigarette with liquid More dangerous cigarette or electronic cigarette

Not researched, but it is similar to regular cigarettes.
Electronics are a commercial hit and are offered as a healthy, affordable and advanced alternative to traditional tobacco smoking. Some sellers even call them as a means to help.

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health risks

One of the many health risks that e-vaping brings with it is that e-vapours produce more nicotine than e-cigarettes. The body will become resistant to this amount and adapt to it.

In the case of a return to the classics, a person begins to smoke more, longer and more often.

One way to prevent this is to purchase a low nicotine e-liquid. Although a certain amount of nicotine will enter the body, it will be comparable or less than conventional.

It is important to avoid the feeling of “freedom”, the ability to smoke anywhere and at any time. You need to monitor smoking and use the pipe exactly as many times as you would smoke a regular cigarette. More often than not, smokers make the fundamental mistake of having this device in their hand, all the time.

Experts after many studies have found that the vapor from electronic devices contains a significant amount of carcinogenic molecules.

The amounts of some of these toxins are even higher in e-cigarettes than in regular tobacco. The reason is probably the e-liquid heating up too fast.

Other experts have found toxic metals and antimony. Antimony is used to produce basic electronic components.

Test for smokers

Consequences of abuse

Whether e-mail has any harmful side effects on its users, although there is some controversy, no complete harm has yet been proven. There are definitely no known direct effects of use.

On the other hand, the long-term effects of smoking are not yet known. This is a relatively new invention, there is no relevant data on a wider range of people who have used vaping for an extended period of time.

Many countries have preventive regulatory measures that prohibit the sale of devices to minors. Or some of these restrictions.

It cannot be said that it is beneficial or neutral for health. When inhaled into the body, along with a number of other chemicals, nicotine, which is the main one, also penetrates. Those. Smokers continue to receive the addictive substance.

The main ingredient is addictive, it is harmful to health. is made from tobacco, and in liquid form, if swallowed, is fatal.

Smokers who have used the device for a relatively long time complain of headaches, nausea, dry mucous membranes (throat), and even diarrhea and skin deterioration.

The possibility of allergic reactions should not be overlooked. consists of a number of allergens. Its insidiousness lies in the fact that the reaction may occur not after the first use, but after a week or even a month.

All experts agree that, compared to smoking tobacco products, electronics are a healthier alternative.

Take the smoking test

The dangers of addiction for teenagers

The harm of devices with liquid is similar to classic tobacco products, ”says the findings of an American study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. According to the authors of the study, the effects of smoking are dangerously underestimated.

The most vulnerable group are children and youth, who perceive this invention as a “healthy and environmentally friendly modern accessory”.

Like classic tobacco products contain nicotine. Therefore, even despite the absence of harmful resins, significant harm is caused to the growing body. In the future, smoking can manifest itself as heart disorders, problems with blood vessels. A teenager is at risk of strokes and heart attacks!

If the consequences of the use of electronics are represented by the transition to classic tobacco products, the consumption of a large amount of the above resins is added to nicotine, which aggravates the situation.

Gradually developing addiction has a bad effect on the mental state of a teenager.

Glycerin in electronic cigarettes - its effect on the body

Regarding glycerin, the opinions of experts differ. Some indicate that it is not widely used in various fields, while others, based on research results, consider this substance to be harmful to health.

Glycerin, systematically named propane-1,2,3-triol, is a hygroscopic, colorless, viscous liquid, odorless, with a sweet taste. It is present in a lower amount and provides good smoke formation in the cigarette.

But, studies show that the glycerin that the electron tube contains can be harmful to health:

  • Dehydration - glycerin inhaled during smoking can cause dehydration of the skin, dry mucous membranes and a scratchy throat;
  • Circulation and vascular system - many studies indicate a negative effect of glycerol on blood vessels and blood circulation, until the dose that causes these manifestations is determined;
  • Carcinogenicity - it is represented by acrolein, which is released when glycerin is heated, and leads to irritation of the mucous membranes and respiratory tract.


Electronic tube with liquid explodes

The consequences are best shown in a few real examples:

  1. Recently in Albany, New York, while smoking, an electronic device exploded in the hands of a man. She left him a hole in his tongue, broken teeth and a burnt hand.
  2. Last April, a teenager was hospitalized when it exploded while being tested in a store, depriving him of both of his eyes.
  3. In November 2015, a vape explosion crippled a man in Tennessee. As a result of the explosion, some cervical vertebrae and facial bones were broken, teeth were affected.
  4. In June 2015, a young man in Alabama was hospitalized after an explosion in the vicinity of his face. In addition to 1st degree burns on the face and chest, the explosion left a hole in the upper palate, which makes life much more difficult. In early 2015, it exploded and shattered glass in a store in Southern California. The man holding her was taken to the hospital with severe burns.

A detailed report on explosions between 2009-2016 was developed by the U.S. Fire Administration.

This miniature device contains a Lithium Ion (Li-Ion) battery that provides energy to heat liquid containing nicotine.

The user then inhales the resulting vapors of nicotine and other chemicals. Lithium-ion batteries pose some risk because their heating causes them to overheat and explode.

Causes and possibilities of getting rid of cough

Up to 57% of 600 first-time vapers report that their first e-vapor experience was nausea and coughing. If this is your case, you should figure out why this is happening.

Cough, sore throat and sore throat are very common. For 93% of users, the cough goes away after a certain amount of time - usually after a week or 2 of use.

The cause of the cough is not exactly known. Several possibilities are being considered, but it has not yet been determined what is causing the nuisance.
The causative agent can be propylene glycol, to which a person is unaccustomed, has a great influence and the technique of using a vape, the renewal and growth of cilia of the lungs, the intensity of nicotine, the equipment used, or even present (or acquired due to use) dehydration.

There are some ways to reduce cough.

  • Experimenting with Techniques

Find the vaping method that suits you. Classic smokers often inhale smoke into their lungs and do the same when they first try e-cigarettes. It is much better to leave the vapor in the mouth for a short time and then inhale it. This mouth-to-lung method should help.

  • Much depends on the intensity!

Many novice vapers overestimate their addictions and unnecessarily choose stronger fillers than they need. An intensity of 2.4% is needed for those smokers who smoke more than 1 pack of unfiltered cigarettes daily. Other people need to start at 1.2% or 1.8%. A stronger intensity causes a sore throat after inhaling the vapor, which subsequently provokes a cough.

  • Dehydration

Water will help. In order for propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin to create a rich vapor cloud, they need to bind with water, which causes local cellular dehydration.

Dehydration can provoke a cough. You need to drink a glass of water.

This is proven by the testimonies of some users that after switching to an electronic cigarette, they began to feel in better physical shape. So far, there is no evidence that there is no placebo effect.

Passive form of addiction

We figured out what harm is delivered to the smoker, let's talk about the passive form of addiction. The level of absorption of nicotine by non-smokers exposed to vapors is not similar to that of conventional smoke. The absorption of nicotine by a passive smoker is so low that it does not affect his health and does not lead to nicotine addiction.

Many myths are being formed around it, various studies are being conducted that inform about passive smoking - for example, they provide information on the concentration of pollutants. The exhaled vapors are different from conventional cigarette smoke, with fewer particulates but more of some heavy metals compared to conventional cigarette smoke.

The exhaled vapor contains, in addition to nicotine, ultrafine particles and volatile organic compounds, propylene glycol. Exposure to propylene glycol may cause eye and upper respiratory tract irritation. However, estimates of the long-term effect of passive vapor inhalation from an e-cigarette are not yet available.

This is the difference in the awareness of conventional cigarettes, where the negative effects on the health of the user are proven and considered harmful to health.

While it contains some potentially dangerous substances, conventional cigarettes indicate 4,000 hazardous substances.

The lack of information about the health effects of passive smoking is the reason why more and more medical institutions and commercial organizations around the world are placing a ban on the use of electronic cigarettes in public places.

Effective disposal options

Due to the presence of nicotine, addiction still occurs.

Getting rid of the habit:

  • Remember that quitting smoking means changing your lifestyle;
  • Set a specific day when you quit smoking;
  • Announce your intention to your family and colleagues, and ask them to help you in your efforts;
  • Get rid of it - sell it, donate it, throw it away - you won't need it anymore;
  • Make a list of all situations in which you smoke and plan how you can get rid of this habit;
  • On the first day of quitting, fill your free time as much as possible - go to the movies, go for a walk, meet non-smoking friends;
  • Avoid the company of smokers;
  • Not sweets, drink plenty of water or diluted fruit juices, eat fruits and vegetables;
  • 4.5 / 5 ( 52 votes)

What harm can be from using an electronic cigarette, and is it possible to quit smoking without its help? Let's figure it out together.

What is an electronic cigarette?

An electronic cigarette is an electronic device intended for inhalation that serves as a replacement for conventional cigarettes. The device can be used not only for the purpose of smoking nicotine, but also for inhaling aromatic vapor.

During smoking, steam is formed due to the fact that a special liquid applied to the heating element evaporates. This creates the illusion of tobacco smoke. This device can be made in the form of an ordinary cigarette or have a completely different bizarre shape. Most often, the process of smoking electronics is called vaping or vaping.

Electronic cigarettes in mass consumption

To date, all smokers have the opinion that the electronic cigarette is an excellent replacement for tobacco products. An increasing number of people are trying to quit smoking by switching to vaping. For many, this is the easiest and most effective way to quit smoking tobacco products. But it is worth knowing a few important points:

  1. Advertising of electronic cigarettes is prohibited in the world, as it is illegal to use slogans such as "Electronic cigarette will not harm you", "Electronic cigarettes are your opportunity to quit smoking quickly", etc.
  2. These products are internationally equated with tobacco products.

Why do many people choose electronic devices? Sometimes it may seem that this is really the easiest and most harmless way that humanity could come up with. But it is worth remembering about the consequences of an electronic cigarette, because everything is good in moderation.

While vaping, a person is out of control: he can do it in public places, smoke a huge number of times a day, any way and anywhere. And so do almost everyone, because there will be no harm! But further we will prove to you that the abuse of the device can lead to very serious consequences.

Consequences of an electronic cigarette

An important place in the popularity of these devices belongs to a huge variety of flavors. People who might never start smoking try electronic devices and can't stop smoking because there are so many flavors to smoke! And why not try it all? And then there will be "favorites" that you will always indulge in.

Summing up the article, I would like to say that the profits of global companies are built on millions of broken or crippled lives. Advertising will always convince us that everything is “cool”, but you should think and be aware of the risk. The consequences of an electronic cigarette can be very serious, and you will not be able to present anything to the manufacturers, because all the information about the dangers of vaping is in the media, and no one forced you to buy cigarettes by force.

The harm of electronic cigarettes is shrouded in controversy, opinion and speculation. The topic of health benefits and harms from vaping is very relevant for users, and reviews on the network are very different. Manufacturers present the product in the best light, hiding the flaws, favorably emphasizing the advantages against the background of tobacco products. Users underestimate the impact of steam on health and are dismissive of the "harmless toy".

Depending on the model, vapes differ in design. Inside the device there is a reservoir with liquid, an atomizer (evaporator), a heater and a rechargeable battery. Advanced models contain an electronic board. The principle of operation of the evaporator is as follows: the battery heats up the coil, which turns the liquid into vapor.

Harm from the device determines the composition of the mixture used for smoking. Different liquids are used for the evaporator, perhaps even self-mixing according to their proportions. There are three main components:

  • nicotine (not present in all mixtures);
  • propylene glycol;
  • glycerol.

What nicotine, known to many - this substance negatively affects the body and can develop addiction. The percentage of nicotine content in a vape varies from 0 to 24 mg. By and large, vaporizers, like regular cigarettes, can be categorized by strength:

  • 0 mg are "empty" cigarettes;
  • 6-12 mg - such mixtures are comparable to weak cigarettes;
  • 18-24 mg - an analogue of strong cigarettes.

propylene glycol It is a viscous substance of a transparent color with a slight sweet aftertaste. It is widely used in the production of food and cosmetics, pharmacology. In medicine, propylene glycol is used for large blood loss, this substance is able to replace plasma. In the evaporator, this component is a link, stimulates the flow of steam into the respiratory tract. As proven by research, this component of the vape is not harmful to humans and is allowed in all countries of the world.

Glycerol widely known to many. A transparent substance of oily consistency is actively used in the manufacture of cosmetics, medicine, food and chemical industries. Glycerin is a component of various products as a thickener, used in the production of tea, coffee, baking. The substance is capable of harming the body only in large doses, its content in electronic cigarettes is classified as safe.

Among other components, smoking mixtures contain food flavors produced on the basis of natural or chemical, but safe components. The maximum content of the substance does not exceed 4%.

The effect of the mixture on the body

If all components are either safe or have already been studied, where do opinions about serious harm come from? First of all, the viper will not get any health benefits from using the vaporizer. In addition, the danger to the body brings defective or counterfeit products. It is not always easy to distinguish a real manufacturer from a cheap counterpart, good products or not. The absence of strict GOSTs allows the development of "manufacturing on the knee", when small companies neglect the rules and requirements for the production of the mixture. Poisonous compounds and substances may be present in such electronic devices. The consequences of smoking such a vaporizer will be unpredictable, it all depends on the degree of dishonesty of the developers.

Smoking of electronic cigarettes by children and adolescents under 18 years of age is not recommended, regardless of what type of device was purchased: with or without nicotine. Some vaporizer components may be harmless, but the nicotine in e-cigarettes is dangerous and no different from nicotine in tobacco. Various carcinogens also have a negative effect on the body. Thus, a teenager psychologically gets used to smoking, because outwardly the process is quite similar: a cigarette, smoke, a specific aroma. The risk of developing dependence on nicotine and, as a result, smoking regular cigarettes is very high.

As smokers with experience write in the reviews, after switching to electronic cigarettes, a return to regular tobacco is not excluded.

Devices of dubious quality can lead to body intoxication if the composition of the mixture contains toxic substances. If when buying an eGo or a mod, this moment can be controlled, then with disposable devices everything is more difficult, here the content is controlled by the manufacturer.

Also, do not forget about individual intolerance certain components. If there is an irresistible desire to try out a new product, it is wiser to opt for a mixture without nicotine that does not have flavor. Naturally, you can only trust proven and well-known companies. But it is better to think several times before exposing your body to a potential threat - a strong dependence on nicotine.

Electronic cigarette or tobacco products

People buy an electronic cigarette for different purposes, first of all, this is one of the methods to give up regular cigarettes forever. stop smoking. Secondly, they are driven by curiosity: like it or not. Also, some vape models can replace a hookah that is difficult to maintain. Finally, vaping is a special trend or fashion trend with its pros and cons.

There are even competitions and entertainment performances where experienced users blow off steam with rings or bizarre shapes. Reviews of such events are curious, and often the audience likes it.

Between a regular cigarette and a vape, it is really better to choose the latter. A quality device will require monthly costs and maintenance, there is no guarantee that this will be more profitable from a financial point of view. This is a way out for experienced smokers: replacing tobacco with a vaporizer in some cases helps to give up a bad habit.

AT habitual cigarettes contains a huge amount of various substances harmful and dangerous to humans. For this reason, vaping can be beneficial, the device can become an alternative to tobacco, but only for those who have been trying to quit smoking for a long time. Nicotine harms the liver, lungs, circulatory and nervous systems. If diacetyl is included in the composition of the vape, regular smoking contributes to the development of obliterating bronchitis - the wiper's disease.

If we consider liquid smoking, containing nicotine, the electronic cigarette will inevitably provoke the development of dependence. After that, the user of the electronic device switches to ordinary tobacco, increases its strength. Further, the fight is possible only with the help of doctors, despite the fact that nicotine in an electronic cigarette is purified and added in small amounts. Cigarettes can cause addiction. and let off steam in rings or freaks

The effect of the vaporizer on others

As such, passive soaring does not exist. Steam is much safer than tobacco smoke. However, vapers also pose a threat to those around them. It is acceptable to vape with an electronic cigarette indoors - at home or at work, but this only applies to high-quality nicotine-free models that are used from time to time.

Regularly vaping a device containing nicotine is harmful to others, although to a lesser extent than a regular cigarette, but this does not at all characterize vaporizer smoking as an absolutely safe habit. Various components of the device are heated and then converted into steam. At the same time, it is not excluded that the components will not harm others, all the more you should not count on any benefit, it will not be.

Opinion of qualified specialists

Employees of medical institutions will help to distinguish between myths and truth. Electronic cigarettes have appeared relatively recently, so not many clinical studies have been conducted. Qualified specialists were divided into three groups.

  1. There are doctors who approve of proper vape smoking. Correct does not mean regular, with a reasonable approach, the vaporizer will help get rid of addiction if the user will methodically reduce the proportion of nicotine in the composition of the liquid. The opinion of a group of scientists can be understood, electronic cigarettes are less harmful than regular ones.
  2. Neutral where doctors trust only accurate and in-depth research.
  3. And finally, if those who denies the safety of the vape. Indeed, a detailed study in the composition of electronic cigarettes can detect harmful substances and carcinogens, but their proportion is not critical.

From the reviews of doctors, a couple of interesting facts can be distinguished. In fact, the effects of regular ingestion of propylene glycol and glycerin are not fully understood. Therefore, it is difficult to clearly determine how much the evaporator harms a person. This already gives ground for thought.

The WHO also did not approve the popularization of vaping, partly for the same reason: the result of long-term vaping of glycerin and propylene glycol is unknown.

Today, tobacco prices are rising significantly, and smoking in public places is prohibited. It is for these reasons that electronic cigarettes have become so popular. Most people are sure that the harmfulness of electronic cigarettes is minimal compared to conventional ones.

On the net you can find many articles that harm to health has not been proven, and smoking it is even beneficial to some extent. It is because of this that we will consider today whether an electronic cigarette is harmful to the human body and whether it is worth smoking it.

Composition of smoking liquid and cigarette

The electronic cigarette was invented in Hong Kong at the beginning of the 21st century. In about a decade, this invention became very popular among smokers. Many of them are not even interested in whether an electronic cigarette is dangerous for human health and life. It is for this reason that in the EU and the US their sales are increasing, while conventional tobacco is declining. The Russian Federation is no exception, especially after the jump in price growth and the ban on smoking in public places.

But why can this smoking device be harmful, because it does not smoke, but soars? To answer this question, it is worth understanding the composition of the smoking mixture.:

  1. Water.
  2. Artificial fragrances.
  3. Glycerol.
  4. propylene glycol.
  5. Nicotine.

Glycerin and propylene glycol are used to create a vapor that mimics smoke, as well as to dissolve flavors.

What is electronics made of? By its structure, this is a conventional inhaler, which, due to heating, evaporates the working fluid. Such devices can be produced in the form of a box with a mouthpiece or in the form of a cigar. Instead of the usual smoke that comes from burning paper and tobacco, the smoker inhales the vapor. Lighters and ashtrays are not required to use the device, since evaporation is carried out by heating the coil from the battery (accumulator). The equipment is completely autonomous. It requires only a smoking mixture and a charged battery.

The operation of the equipment is quite simple. The required volume of liquid is poured into the container, and then the battery is inserted into the device. When a person wants to smoke, he presses the button and the coil heats up. In this case, the electronics kick in. After that, it draws air into itself, the mixture enters the spiral from the container and evaporates. This is how the vapor reaches the smoker. When the button is released, the coil cools down.

On the modern market, there are more advanced devices with a pressure sensor, in the process of smoking, air is simply drawn in through them and it starts to work.

This ritual is practically no different from the process of smoking a regular cigarette..

This device consists of the following components: an evaporator (steam generator), a battery (battery) and cartridges.

Which cigarette is safer

How harmful it is to smoke a regular cigarette, everyone knows. And all because in it, in addition to nicotine, there are also resins that are formed from the burning of paper and tobacco. The composition of these resins includes such substances:

  1. Aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbons.
  2. Naphthalene.
  3. Naphthols.
  4. complex phenols.
  5. Pyrene.
  6. aromatic amines.
  7. Nitrosamines.
  8. aromatic hydrocarbons. The most poisonous of them is benzapyrene.

And this is not the whole list of pesticides that can cause cancer. Tobacco smoke also contains substances such as:

Studies have shown that polonium, a radioactive element, is also present in tobacco smoke.

All these components are not present in the smoking mixture for electronic cigarettes, and, consequently, in the inhaled vapor.

That is why the harm of electronic cigarettes to health is less. But that doesn't mean they aren't harmless at all..

The harm of nicotine

Nicotine is found in both regular and electronic cigarettes. It is a narcotic substance with a strong neurotropic effect.. This component is very dangerous for human life, as it affects the activity of the heart and blood vessels and is poison for them.

Due to the fact that nicotine is a poison, it causes psychological and physical dependence with regular use. That is why the expediency of its use in the device is very doubtful.

There are smoking mixtures, in which the amount of nicotine can reach 25 milligrams per gram. With improper or excessive use of such cigarettes, nicotine vapor poisoning can occur. For humans, the lethal dose of nicotine is approximately 100 milligrams.

With prolonged inhalation of nicotine, such diseases can develop:

In addition to the fact that nicotine adversely affects the cardiovascular system, many questions arise about the aromatic additives that make up the composition. They differ from manufacturer to manufacturer, and due to the lack of standards and regulation of these products, carcinogens may be present in the composition.

Are glycerin and propylene glycol dangerous?

Consumers often think about how harmful glycerin is, which is part of the mixtures. Glycerin is a trihydric alcohol that has a sweet taste. This component is used in the food industry. It is added to some foods to increase viscosity.

By itself, glycerin has a low threshold of toxicity. When inhaling its vapor, there is no danger either. But in some situations, glycerin vapors can irritate the upper respiratory tract and cause an allergic reaction. But in such quantities, in which glycerin is present in the smoking mixture, it cannot harm human health.

The question of the bad effects of propylene glycol is also of interest to many consumers of this innovative electronics. This component is a viscous colorless liquid, in which there is practically no odor. Propylene glycol is a good solvent used in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Adding it to food as a stabilizer proves that if you do not abuse it, then it will not bring harm to health.

In electronics liquids, propylene glycol is used as a flavoring solvent.. It can irritate the upper respiratory tract. If consumed in excess, it can damage the kidneys and depress the central nervous system.

There are liquids that do not contain propylene glycol. Their basis is vegetable glycerin - carbohydrate. Its composition in the liquid for an electronic device is approximately 80 and 92%.

This component, when inhaled, creates a smoke-like vapor. Such glycerin makes up one fifth of the entire liquid. It produces more fumes than propylene glycol. It differs from propylene glycol in that it is sweeter and more viscous, and when inhaled, it burns the smoker's throat more.

Studies of glycerin showed the following results:

  1. It has no genotoxic potential.
  2. Potential for eye and skin irritation is low.
  3. The level of acute dermal and oral toxicity is low.
  4. Low level of toxicity by skin contact, inhalation or ingestion.

But there are still side effects from inhaling this component.. These include:

  1. Increased thirst.
  2. Sore throat.
  3. Dry mouth.

Similar symptoms are observed for several days, while the body gets used to this component. You can reduce them with more fluid intake.

When a person switches from regular smoking to electronics, he experiences the following side effects:

Diabetic patients may experience metabolic problems as glycerol is converted to glucose.

Danger to others, pregnant women and children

In the world there is a practice of banning smoking in public places of electronics. So does this mean that the steam from it is harmful and has a bad effect on the people around?

This steam does not contain carbon monoxide and carcinogenic components. But it contains nicotine. This nicotine is no different from what is found in a regular tobacco product.

When smoking indoors, the air is saturated with this component. And if other people are in this place, they are forced to inhale these nicotine vapors. Even at low concentrations in the air, it can affect inhaling people.. There is no safe amount of nicotine for the human body.

Some smoking women, having learned that they are in an interesting position, do not want to give up this addiction. And in this electronics, they believe, you can find a safer way to deliver nicotine into the bloodstream.

But electronic devices for pregnant women are not so safe. Do not forget that pregnancy, like the birth of a strong healthy child, is absolutely incompatible with nicotine. Even a small dosage has a bad effect on the health of the crumbs and the expectant mother. That is why you should not smoke any cigarettes while waiting for the baby.

The consequences of the use of electronics for breastfeeding women are as follows:

  1. Nicotine with breast milk enters the baby's body and causes sleep disturbance. It can cause indigestion in the baby, and also lowers the level of lactation in the mother.
  2. If the baby is in the womb, then nicotine can adversely affect the developing brain.
  3. Electronics is a good alternative to nicotine delivery. These cigarettes can be considered nano-engineered, so they are not regulated by the FDA. It is impossible to know how much nicotine a person inhales with each puff.
  4. The higher the dosage of nicotine, the more it enters breast milk and the side effects are aggravated.
  5. Smoke is a hazard to babies. No one should smoke near the baby. The influence of smoke can provoke the sudden death of a baby during sleep. Animal studies indicate the existence of toxins in vapors.
  6. At birth, a small body weight of the child is possible, the risk of sudden death of the infant is increased, and withdrawal symptoms are possible after birth.
  7. Due to the presence of harmful additives, the risk to the health of the mother and crumbs is very high. If you chose a nicotine-free mixture, then you inhale not pure vapor, but the chemical composition of nebulizers: flavors and propylene glycol.

Harm to the health of children can not be discussed. After all, children's smoking is completely unacceptable. But consumers of electronic devices are interested in how harmful it is for a child to be near a person who smokes electronic devices. The answer in this case is unequivocal, because the child will be forced to inhale nicotine vapors. And as you know, a child's body is more vulnerable than an adult to the inhalation of this narcotic poison.

Scientists conducted studies on mice and exposed them to cigarette vapor during pregnancy and the first weeks of life of babies. Differences in the behavior of adults, gene changes, lung damage and brain activity were identified.

The effect was more pronounced when nicotine was removed from the vapor. This suggests that other components of the mixture also affect the development of the fetus.

An electronic cigarette is a portable device that looks like a regular cigarette and allows you to simulate the process of smoking and cigarette smoke. If the gadget does not look like a cigarette in shape, it is called a vape. Consider the question of whether e-cigarette vapor is dangerous.

The principle of operation of such gadgets is to heat a liquid, which turns into an aerosol when the temperature rises. It's called a ferry. And the process of inhalation is called vaping, or soaring.

Vape liquids typically contain propylene glycol, glycerin, flavors, and nicotine. There are varieties without nicotine, but they are in little demand. We'll explain why later.

Is smoke from an electronic cigarette dangerous: the history of the creation of a gadget

Such devices are officially referred to as electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS). It is under this name that they can be found in the official documents of manufacturers, as well as in studies conducted by medical and scientific institutions on whether the smoke from an electronic cigarette is harmful.

ENDS was invented in 2003 by Chinese pharmacist Hong Lik. In 2018, most gadgets are imported from China. There are more than 500 brands of such devices, and their sales exceed $7 billion.

The design of the vape includes a battery and an e-liquid reservoir. In terms of safety for others, it should be noted that batteries can ignite and explode. Hundreds of similar videos can be found on YouTube. For this reason, these devices are prohibited not only to be used, but also transported on an airplane.

There is little clarity regarding ENDS quality control. Such gadgets have appeared recently, so it is difficult to certify them by standard standards. However, whether the steam is dangerous for smokers themselves and others is beyond doubt.

The only thing that can be assessed in terms of safety standards is the composition of the liquid and the safety of the inhaler itself. But since the electronic nicotine delivery system is not included in the list of products subject to mandatory certification, manufacturers undergo certification on a voluntary basis.

Before answering the question of whether an aerosol is dangerous, it is worth considering what the liquid for refilling gadgets contains.

What is vaping fluid made of?

When people talk about ENDS, people use the word “vapour,” but that’s not exactly what comes to mind first. It is not the vaporous state of water that we see when boiling a kettle or using an iron, which is completely harmless. Electronic cigarettes do not contain water because its boiling point is too high and the battery power is not enough for this.

The main component of the liquid is propylene glycol. This substance is widely used in dry cleaners, in small quantities it is used in the food industry. The doses that a person inhales while vaping exceed the permissible norms by hundreds and thousands of times!

The composition of the liquid contains flavors. Naturally, no one uses natural ones, since they are more expensive. It is much more profitable to use artificial flavors: they cost a penny, dissolve perfectly in the mixture and do not burn.

Are e-cigarette vapors harmful to others if they contain such substances? Most artificial flavors are made using diacetyl. It is used in cooking to create creamy, chocolate and vanilla flavors in sweets. Diacetyl on its own is safe, but when heated and steamed it is deadly.

Manufacturers of electronic nicotine delivery systems claim that their products are harmless because they do not contain carcinogens and toxic substances. Indeed, there is no sulfur, saltpeter, carbon monoxide in electronic cigarettes, but is the smoke from them so harmless? The products of combustion during vaping are still emitted.

In addition to propylene glycol and fragrances, the aerosol contains huge concentrations of formaldehyde, which is formed when the wire of the heating element of the gadget is heated. It is a toxic substance that adversely affects the respiratory tract, central nervous system, skin, reproductive system and genes.

Speaking about whether the smoke from an electronic cigarette is harmful, one cannot fail to mention the main component - nicotine. It is the main one, because without it the very meaning of vaping is lost.

Nicotine is an alkaloid, a neurotoxin, classified as a medium stimulant. It contributes to the formation of fast and stable habituation. In other words, it is a poisonous drug (the same one that is present in ordinary cigarettes and keeps millions of people on a short leash).

Is the vapor containing nicotine dangerous for the smoker and for those around him? Once in the blood, this neurotoxin acts on acetylcholine receptors, causing the release of dopamine and adrenaline. It may look encouraging: a burst of energy and a good mood. Actually it is not. As soon as the supply of nicotine stops, the withdrawal phase begins.

Withdrawal from nicotine, unlike alcohol, is not accompanied by painful sensations. After the concentration of the narcotic substance in the body falls, the smoker's working capacity decreases, he feels a breakdown and slight discomfort in the body. People who use nicotine (in any form) experience such alternations of pleasure and depression all the time.

Receiving another dose with the help of an electronic nicotine delivery system, a person experiences a rise again, mistaking it for pleasure, which over time is associated with a place, situation, smell, etc. And he no longer cares if the smoke from an electronic cigarette is harmful to him yourself or those around you.

This is how regular smokers and vapers develop nicotine addiction. This disease has its own code in the international classification - F17. And there is no difference how exactly nicotine enters the body. From this, its harmful effect is not reduced.

We hope this information will be enough to understand the dangers of active smoking of cigarettes - conventional and electronic. Of course, when vaping, the concentration of toxic substances and carcinogens is lower than when smoking. Aerosols contain less combustion products, but they are still present, and vapers inhale them.

Are electronic cigarettes harmful to others: the opinion of doctors

When regular cigarettes are smoked, then, as a rule, a person smokes a certain amount of them per day. The average is 20 pieces. Even an experienced smoker finds it difficult to smoke several cigarettes in a row, because, in addition to nicotine, he inhales about 7,000 more harmful compounds. Tobacco smoke poisoning can be called a factor limiting the number of cigarettes.

When hovering, this factor disappears. Therefore, many vaping enthusiasts simply do not let the gadget out of their mouths. Based on this, it can be assumed that vapers receive a much higher dose of nicotine than those who smoke regular cigarettes, cigars or hookahs.

Is e-cigarette smoke harmful? Unfortunately, there is not enough scientific evidence to answer this question. However, few studies show that steam degrades indoor air quality, and therefore is not harmless to others. This is evidenced by a study by Dr. Wolfgang Huber from Germany, which was published in the scientific journal International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health.

The study notes that the vapor emitted during vaping contains harmful substances in the form of particulate matter, carbonyls and metals, volatile organic compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

During the experiment, 9 volunteers vaped electronic cigarettes with and without nicotine for 6 hours in a well-ventilated room. After that, the researchers analyzed the level of air pollution in the room, and also estimated the content of harmful substances in the urine of voluntary participants in the study.

This allowed us to obtain preliminary data to understand whether the smoke from an electronic cigarette is harmful. And this is what the experiment showed. Significant amounts of nicotine, 1,2-propanediol, glycerol and a high concentration of PM 2.5 (about 197 µg/m3) were detected. In indoor air, the concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons increased by 20% (up to 147 mg/m3). The aluminum content increased by 2.4 times. Nitric monoxide levels increased in 7 out of 9 subjects. The concentration of nicotine in liquids was different (at the same time, it turned out to be 1.2 times higher than that declared by the manufacturer).

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Such data provide an answer to the question of whether the smoke from an electronic cigarette is harmful to smokers and others. These gadgets do not exclude harmful emissions, and pollutants pose a health risk to the smoker and the people around. In particular, ultrafine particles formed from supersaturated vapor of 1,2-propanediol can be deposited in the lungs. And aerosolized nicotine appears to increase the release of an inflammatory signaling molecule.

For the safety of consumers, electronic nicotine and liquid delivery systems should be officially regulated. They should also be labeled with a health warning (especially in children).

Is vape vapor dangerous? Harmful chemicals are dangerous in any quantity. Hazardous compounds present in tobacco smoke or ENDS aerosol are so small that they are difficult to see or feel. Poisonous substances from conventional and electronic cigarettes can be absorbed into wallpaper, furniture surfaces, car upholstery.

Since the American Association of Surgeons' 1964 claim that nicotine is the cause of fatal diseases, governments and authoritative international organizations have done much to educate people about the dangers of nicotine and limit smoking and the sale of cigarettes.

Today it is not customary to smoke in public places. Attitudes towards smoking are changing in a negative direction. However, this does not stop the sale of a legal drug - nicotine. But now we see how people are vaping in shopping centers, cafes and restaurants, at train stations. And they don't even think about whether electronic cigarettes are dangerous. They do not know that the aerosol contains diacetyl, flavorings and all the same nicotine (not to mention other chemistry).

The new ENDS business is not controlled. Who can guarantee that a Chinese electronic cigarette will not explode right in your mouth or that a flavored refill liquid does not contain toxic and carcinogenic substances?

The question of whether e-cigarette vapor is harmful to others has another hidden facet. Experts around the world agreed that such gadgets are becoming a kind of "loophole" in the world of nicotine addiction for teenagers and children. Young people are attracted not only by bright packaging and the pleasant smell of refill bottles, but also by the fashionable design of electronic gadgets. Some classify vapers as a separate social group, the difference of which is the enthusiastic inhalation and exhalation of puffs of smoke.

While regular cigarettes and secondhand smoke raise public health concerns, electronic gadgets are marketed as safe and even quit smoking devices.

For many years, a cigarette for people has become something banal and unoriginal. Another thing is newfangled electronic cigarettes. They are growing in popularity at an alarming rate. Are you sure that your child is not participating in the vaping championship? Have you heard of this sport? And he is!

The danger lies in the fact that young people do not think whether the smoke from an electronic cigarette is harmful to them or others. They get the impression that such gadgets and such pastime are completely safe. Children and teenagers are artificially involved in this madness!

Recently, the mother of a 12-year-old girl contacted the Allen Carr Center in Moscow with a question about the safety of electronic cigarettes. She was going to buy such a gadget as a gift for her daughter.

The danger of electronic cigarettes is that even adult educated people believe in their safety. And this is not surprising. They see how many are hovering around them, which means it is not harmful. And this picture is common throughout Russia.

But it's not! Vaping some people makes others frivolous. Actually, all this is reminiscent of the situation with smoking regular cigarettes.