Efficiency of use of fixed production assets. Indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of the use of fixed assets

In business, the maximum number of factors should be taken into account. Fixed assets are property assets, and their use directly affects the success of the business as a whole. Therefore, the economic analysis of indicators (OS) is very important for the successful functioning of the entire organization.

Why do this analysis, what indicators and how are evaluated, how the calculation takes place, we will show below.

The purpose of the analysis of OS performance indicators

The derived economic indicators reflecting the efficiency of the use of property assets help to assess how the profit received as a result of the organization's activities correlates with the funds (meaning fixed assets) that were spent on this.

Conducted following and calculations will help clarify:

  • the degree of rationality of the use of existing fixed assets;
  • possible disadvantages and problems associated with the use of the OS;
  • potential for growth in the efficiency of the functioning of the main property assets.

If OS are used rationally, with increasing efficiency, favorable changes are made in the economy:

  • the gross domestic product is produced in greater quantities;
  • growing national income;
  • profit increases without attracting additional investments;
  • the pace of production can be accelerated;
  • production costs are reduced.

Indicator groups

There is a conditional division of indicators by which the effectiveness of OS application is assessed into two groups.

  1. General indicators- these factors evaluate the effectiveness of the OS at any economic level, from macroeconomic - the entire national economy in its entirety - to each specific organization. They affect various aspects of the functioning of funds.
  2. Private indicators- help to clarify the profitability of the use of fixed assets directly at the enterprise. They reflect the specific levels of influence of a particular indicator on the performance of the OS (mainly, this applies to equipment and areas allocated for production).

Analyzing summary indicators

This group of efficiency factors includes those that help to assess the situation as a whole - for the enterprise, for the industry, for the entire state economy. They are based on specific figures that can be accurately recorded and calculated using special formulas. Let's consider four main generalizing performance indicators of property assets.

  1. return on assets

    This indicator is designed to assess the volume of production per unit cost of fixed assets (1 ruble), that is, what income is obtained for each ruble of invested funds.

    At macro levels (for example, for the whole enterprise), it shows how the volume of output for the reporting period correlates with the average value of fixed assets for the same time period (usually one year is taken). The sectoral level will use the gross value added as the volume of output, and the general economic level will use the gross national product.

    The formula for calculating the return on assets efficiency:

    PFO \u003d Vpr / Stsr OS

    • PFO - an indicator of capital productivity;
    • Vpr - the volume of products manufactured for a certain period (in rubles);
    • Stsr OS - the average cost of fixed assets for the same time period (also in rubles).

    The higher the indicator obtained, the more effective the return on assets.

  2. capital intensity

    The indicator, the return on capital productivity, which shows what part of the value of fixed assets was spent for the production of goods for 1 ruble. The initial cost of industrial-production fixed assets is taken into account (average for the period being assessed).

    Capital intensity shows how much you need to spend on fixed assets in order to get the planned output as a result. With the effective use of property assets, the capital intensity decreases, which means that labor is saved. It is calculated according to the following formula:

    PFemk \u003d Stsr OS / Vpr

    • PFemk is an indicator of capital intensity;
    • Stsr OS - the average figure for the cost of fixed assets (usually for the year);
    • Vpr, - the volume of production released during this time.

    If you know the return on assets, you can find out the capital intensity by finding the reciprocal of:

    PFemk = 1 / PFO

  3. capital-labor ratio

    This indicator characterizes the extent to which production is equipped, which means that it directly affects both the return on assets and capital intensity. It shows how much fixed assets are accounted for by each employee working in production. To calculate capital-labor ratio, you need to find the following ratio:

    PFv \u003d Strsr OS / ChSsrsp

    • PFv - an indicator of capital-labor ratio;
    • Stsr OS - the cost of OS for the required period;
    • Nssrsp - the average number of employees for the same period.

    If you need to trace the relationship between the capital-labor ratio and the return on assets, you will need an intermediate indicator - labor productivity, showing the ratio of output and the number of personnel. So, the relationship between the two indicators mentioned is expressed by the following formula:

    PFv \u003d PrTr / PFO

    If output is growing, while fixed assets are not adding in value as quickly, then the overall efficiency of production is increasing.

  4. Profitability of fixed assets of production

    Profitability shows how much profit is obtained as a result of using each ruble from the value of fixed assets. It shows a certain percentage of efficiency. It is calculated like this:

    PR \u003d (Bpr / Stsr OS) x 100%

    • PR - profitability indicator;
    • Bpr - the balance sheet profit of the organization for the desired period (most often a year is used);
    • Stsr OS - the average cost of working capital.

We analyze private indicators

If generalized indicators are cost indicators, then private ones, studied within a particular enterprise, reflect the level of use of the OS (mainly equipment).

  1. Extensiveness indicators- reflect how the use of fixed assets is distributed over time. These include the following ratios:
    • coefficient of extensive use of funds (equipment)- it shows how much useful time the equipment has worked (the ratio between the actual operating time and the norm); formula: Kext = Tfact / Tnorm;
    • shift ratio- is used when the equipment is working without stopping (by shifts), reflects the number of worked production shifts (SM) and the number of pieces of equipment involved in the largest of them (Nmax); formula: Kcm = SM / Nmax; can be calculated based on the number of pieces of equipment: Kcm \u003d (O1 + O2 + ... + On) / Oust, where O1 - the number of equipment operating in 1 shift, On - machines operating in the last shift, Oust - the total number of installed equipment;
    • load factor- to calculate it, it is necessary to determine how the shift coefficient correlates with the one established according to the plan; formula: Kz \u003d Ksm / Kpl.
  2. Intensity indicators– give an idea of ​​the power level of asset use. To determine the intensity factor, you need to know the planned (maximum) volume of products that can be produced on this equipment, and correlate the actual volume produced with it. Formula: Kint = Vfact / Vmax.
  3. Integrity indicators- cover different aspects of the use of fixed assets or their current state. It comprehensively determines how efficiently the equipment is used in terms of time and power. To determine it, you need to multiply the coefficients of extensive and extensive use of fixed assets: Kintegr \u003d Kext x Kint.

The study of the efficiency of the use of fixed assets makes it possible to draw conclusions regarding the further economic policy of the enterprise, in particular, when planning costs and calculating profits.

Fixed assets are means of labor that repeatedly participate in the production process, while maintaining their natural form, gradually wearing out, transferring their value in parts to newly created products. These include funds with a service life of more than one year and a cost of more than 100 minimum monthly wages.

Fixed assets are fixed assets expressed in value form.

Fixed assets are divided into production and non-production assets.

Production assets are involved in the process of manufacturing products or providing services (machines, machines, devices, transmission devices, etc.).

Non-productive fixed assets do not participate in the process of creating products (residential buildings, kindergartens, clubs, stadiums, clinics, sanatoriums, etc.).

The following groups and subgroups of fixed production assets are distinguished:

1. Buildings (architectural and construction objects for industrial purposes: workshop buildings, warehouses, production laboratories, etc.).

2. Structures (engineering and construction facilities that create conditions for the implementation of the production process: tunnels, flyovers, roads, chimneys on a separate foundation, etc.).

3. Transmission devices (devices for the transmission of electricity, liquid and gaseous substances: electrical networks, heating networks, gas networks, transmissions, etc.).

4. Machinery and equipment (power machines and equipment, working machines and equipment, measuring and control instruments and devices, computer technology, automatic machines, other machines and equipment, etc.).

5. Vehicles (diesel locomotives, wagons, cars, motorcycles, carts, carts, etc., except for conveyors and conveyors included in the production equipment).

6. Tools (cutting, impact, pressing, sealing, as well as various devices for fastening, mounting, etc.), except for special tools and special equipment.

7. Production equipment and accessories (items to facilitate the performance of production operations: work tables, workbenches, fences, fans, containers, racks, etc.).

8. Household inventory (office and household items: tables, cabinets, hangers, typewriters, safes, duplicators, etc.).

9. .Other fixed assets. This group includes library collections, museum valuables, etc.

The share (in percent) of various groups of fixed assets in their total value at the enterprise represents the structure of fixed assets. At the enterprises of mechanical engineering in the structure of fixed assets, the largest share is occupied by: machinery and equipment - an average of about 50%; buildings about 37%.

Depending on the degree of direct impact on the objects of labor and the production capacity of the enterprise, the main production assets are divided into active and passive. The active part of fixed assets includes machinery and equipment, vehicles, tools. The passive part of fixed assets includes all other groups of fixed assets. They create conditions for the normal operation of the enterprise.

Indicators of the efficiency of the use of fixed assets The use of fixed assets is represented by indicators of capital productivity, capital intensity and capital-labor ratio.

Capital productivity. The efficiency of the use of fixed assets characterizes the rate of return on assets, calculated as the ratio of output per year (at the enterprise level) to the average annual total cost of fixed assets. At the level of industries, output or gross value added is used as an indicator of production, and at the level of the economy as a whole, the value of gross domestic product.

return on assets is the volume of output divided by the average amount of industrial and production fixed assets at historical cost.

Fo \u003d Production output / OFsr year

Fo \u003d Revenue / OF wed year

The rational use of fixed production assets is necessary to increase the production of the social product and the national income.

An increase in the level of use of fixed assets makes it possible to increase the size of production output without additional capital investments and in a shorter period of time. Accelerates the pace of production, reduces the cost of reproduction of new funds and reduces production costs.

The economic effect of increasing the level of use of fixed assets is the growth of social labor productivity.

Return on assets shows how much production (or profit) the organization receives from each ruble of its fixed assets.

capital intensity Capital intensity is the reciprocal of capital productivity. It characterizes how many fixed production assets account for 1 ruble of output.

Capital intensity is the average sum of industrial production fixed assets at the initial cost divided by the volume of output.

Fe=OF Wed Year Total Cost/Product Output


Reducing capital intensity means saving labor.

The value of return on assets shows how much production is received from each ruble invested in fixed assets, and serves to determine the economic efficiency of the use of existing fixed assets.

The value of capital intensity shows how much money you need to spend on fixed assets in order to obtain the required volume of production.

capital intensity shows how many fixed assets account for each ruble of output. If the use of fixed assets improves, then the return on assets should increase, and the capital intensity should decrease.

When calculating the return on assets, working machines and equipment (the active part of fixed assets) are allocated from the composition of fixed assets. Comparison of growth rates and percentages of fulfillment of the capital productivity plan per 1 ruble of the cost of fixed industrial production assets and per 1 ruble of the cost of working machinery and equipment shows the impact of changes in the structure of fixed assets on the efficiency of their use. The second indicator under these conditions should be ahead of the first (if the proportion of the active part of fixed assets increases).

capital-labor ratio The capital-labor ratio has a huge impact on the value of capital productivity and capital intensity.

The capital-labor ratio is used to characterize the degree of labor equipment working.

Fv \u003d OF wed year full st / Wed list number of employees

The capital-labor ratio and capital productivity are interconnected through the indicator of labor productivity (Labor productivity \u003d Output / Average number of employees).

Thus, return on assets = labor productivity / capital-labor ratio.

In order to increase the efficiency of production, it is important that the outstripping growth of production is ensured in comparison with the growth of fixed production assets.

return on investment- characterizes how much profit falls on 1 rub. invested in OF.

Fr \u003d profit / OF sr year

Extensive indicators of the use of fixed assets- characterize the use of fixed assets by operating time:

1. equipment efficiency ratio. It is defined as the ratio of the time actually worked by the equipment to the actual fund of the equipment's operating time.

2. Equipment utilization factor- the ratio of the equipment operation time for the entire working day (day) in hours to the time of its operation on the shift with the largest number of hours worked.

The indicator of extensive use of equipment can be improved by increasing the share of existing equipment, the speedy development of newly introduced fixed assets, reducing equipment layers, and reducing repair time.

Intensive indicators of equipment usage. Characterize the use of fixed assets by productivity. These include the coefficient of intensive use of equipment - this is the ratio of actually produced products for a certain period to the maximum possible output for the same period.

Equipment usage rates can be improved by:

1. through the use of the latest achievements of scientific and technical progress.

2. Due to the rational arrangement of equipment.

3. By reducing the weight and overall dimensions of machines.

In general, improved use of fixed assets contributes to lower production costs. If more products are received from each ruble of the cost of fixed assets, then depreciation deductions, the costs of current repairs and the maintenance of fixed assets per unit of production decrease.

A system of indicators is used to assess the level of use of fixed production assets.

I. General indicators of OS usage:

1. return on assets- indicator of output per one ruble of the average annual cost of fixed production assets:

where F o - capital productivity;

TP - the volume of marketable products, rub.;

F s.g - the average annual cost of fixed assets, rub.

2. capital intensity is the reciprocal of capital productivity. It shows the share of the cost of fixed production assets attributable to each ruble of output:

where F e - capital intensity.

The return on assets should tend to increase, and the capital intensity should tend to decrease.

3. capital-labor ratio shows the cost of OPF per employee:

where F в - capital-labor ratio, rub./person;

H PPP - the average number of PPP for the year.

4. Technical equipment of labor(F v.tech):

where F act is the average annual cost of the active part of the BPF.

5.Profitability of fixed assets (fundamental profitability) shows the share of profit attributable to the ruble of the cost of the OS:

where P - profit (balance sheet or net).

6. The criterion for the effectiveness of the use of the BPF in the enterprise(E ef). Shows how many percent of the increase in labor productivity is accounted for by 1% of the increase in capital-labor ratio:

where DPT is the growth rate of labor productivity for the period, %;

DF в – growth rate of capital-labor ratio for the period, %.

II. The movement of fixed assets is characterized by the following indicators:

1. The coefficient of receipt (input) K in:

2. Renewal coefficient K about:

This indicator characterizes the degree of technical progress of the OF for a certain period.

3. Retirement rate K vyb:

4. Liquidation coefficient K l:

5. Growth coefficient K pr:

6. Replacement coefficient K deputy:

7. Coefficient of expansion of the fleet of machinery and equipment K ext:

K ext \u003d 1 - K deputy.

III. The technical condition of the OPF is characterized by indicators:

1. Serviceability coefficient (Ke):

2. Wear coefficient (K and):

K r + K u = 1.

IV. The use of equipment is characterized by indicators:

1. Extensive equipment utilization rate is determined by the ratio of the actual number of hours of operation of the equipment to the number of hours of its operation according to the plan:

where Ф f is the time actually worked by the equipment, hours;

Ф eff - planned effective equipment time fund for the same period, h.

2. Equipment intensive utilization rate is determined by the ratio of the actual performance of the equipment to its technical (passport) performance:

where В f - the actual volume of output for the period, rub.;

In pl - the established output (production) for the same period, rub.

3. The coefficient of integral use of equipment is equal to the product of the coefficients of intensive and extensive use of equipment and comprehensively characterizes its operation in terms of time and productivity:

K int = K e * K and .

4. Equipment shift factor- the ratio of the total number of worked machine shifts to the number of installed equipment:

where t s is the number of worked machine-shifts;

N is the total number of equipment;

MS 1, 2, 3 - the number of machine-shifts of equipment operation in only one shift; in two shifts; in three shifts.

5. Equipment load factor- the ratio of the shift ratio of work to the planned shift of equipment (K pl):

The main directions for improving the use of OF and production capacities:

Reducing equipment downtime and increasing the coefficient of its shift;

Replacement and modernization of worn out and obsolete equipment;

Introduction of the latest technology and intensification of production processes;

Rapid development of newly commissioned capacities;

Motivation for the effective use of fixed assets and production capacities.

Various indicators are used to characterize the effectiveness of the use of fixed assets. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups: general and partial indicators. Generalizing indicators are used to characterize the use of fixed assets at all levels of the national economy. These include, first of all, capital productivity, capital intensity, capital-labor ratio and profitability.

Private indicators are, as a rule, natural indicators that are used in enterprises and their divisions. They are divided into indicators of intensive and extensive use of OF. Indicators of intensive use of fixed assets characterize the amount of output (work performed) per unit of time from a certain type of equipment (or production facilities). The indicators of extensive use of OFs characterize their use over time. Among the most important of these indicators are: the coefficients of use of the planned, regime and calendar operating time of the equipment, the coefficient of shift work of the equipment, the indicator of intra-shift downtime, etc. Economics of a manufacturing enterprise. - Ed. O.I. Volkov. p.213

The most important among the private indicators of extensive use is the equipment shift ratio, which is defined as the ratio of the sum of machine shifts per day to the total number of jobs. Increasing the shift ratio of fixed assets at the enterprise is an important source of growth in production volume and increasing the efficiency of the use of fixed assets. In economic practice, the shift ratio for the use of machinery and equipment is defined as the ratio of the number of machine shifts worked per day by equipment to the total number of installed equipment according to the formula:

K cm \u003d MS / KO, (1.8.)

where K cm is the shift factor for the use of equipment;

MS - the sum of actually worked machine shifts per day;

KO - the total number of installed equipment.

The main direction of increasing the efficiency of equipment use is to improve its structure and increase the degree of power utilization. It is important to eliminate the relative excess of equipment, which affects the economic performance of the enterprise.

An indicator of the extensive use of the OF is the amount of intra-shift downtime of equipment, related to the planned fund of the time of its operation. The main reasons for intra-shift downtime of equipment are the low level of organization of production, the lack of timely loading of workers, equipment malfunction, etc. To eliminate this shortcoming, it is necessary, first of all, to improve the organization of production, to establish accounting and control of equipment operation.

An increase in the shift ratio and a reduction in intra-shift downtime of equipment are the most important indicators of the extensive loading of the concentrator. But their value is limited by technical parameters. The main role is played by the intensification of production through the use of new technologies. The significance of the intensification of fixed assets lies in the fact that it provides a reduction in the cost of production and an increase in labor productivity.

Indicators of the use of production areas and facilities are of great importance. Their rational use makes it possible to obtain an increase in output without capital construction and thereby reduces the size of the required capital investments. At the same time, time is gained, since it is possible to organize production on the released production areas much faster than to carry out new construction. Among the indicators of the use of production space, the following is used: the coefficient of extensive and intensive use of production space; the volume of production from 1 m 2 of production space. The use of facilities is evaluated based on the performance of the facilities, usually their capacity or capacity (water towers, bunkers, reservoirs and cisterns).

To determine the degree of use of fixed assets in enterprises, generalizing indicators are used. The most important of them is the capital productivity of the PF. This indicator is defined as the ratio of the cost of products produced per year to the average annual cost of fixed assets. The return on assets shows what is the overall return on the use of each ruble invested in OF, that is, how effective this investment is. The most important areas for increasing capital productivity:

1) improving the structure of the OF, increasing the specific weight of their active part to the optimum value, rational ratio of different types of equipment;

2) increasing the shift ratio of equipment operation;

3) intensification of production processes through the introduction of new technologies, machines and equipment;

4) improvement of working conditions and regime, taking into account industrial aesthetics;

5) creation of favorable social conditions;

6) improvement of the organization of production and labor.

Another general indicator is the capital intensity, which is calculated as the ratio of the cost of fixed assets to the volume of output. The index of capital intensity is the inverse of the ratio of capital productivity. The capital intensity determines the value of the OF for the production of products of a given volume for the prospective period. Economics of a manufacturing enterprise. - ed. N.A. Safronova. with. 244

The return on assets should tend to increase, and capital intensity - to decrease.

The capital-labor ratio is determined by the ratio of the cost of fixed assets to the number of workers in the enterprise. This value should grow, since technical equipment, and, consequently, labor productivity, depends on it.

Along with the rate of return on assets, the level of use of OS is significantly influenced by the rate of return, or rather the rate of return. Profitability is calculated as the ratio of profit to the value of the means of production (fixed assets and working capital).

Thus, we can conclude that for a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the use of fixed assets, a system of indicators is used, including indicators of extensive (use of fixed assets over time) and intensive use (output of products per unit of fixed assets), as well as general indicators (capital productivity, capital intensity and profitability by funds) .

Fixed assets are a set of production, tangible assets that operate in the production process for a long period of time, while maintaining a natural-material form throughout the entire period of time and transfer their value to products in parts as they wear out in the form of depreciation deductions .

Fixed production assets include those fixed assets that are directly involved in the production process, i.e. machines, equipment and others, or create conditions for the production process (i.e. buildings and structures for industrial purposes, etc.). These include not only funds directly for industrial purposes, but also funds for construction, agricultural purposes, road transport, communications, trade and other activities of material production.

Monetary valuation of fixed assets is reflected in accounting at the initial, replacement, residual and salvage value.

1. In everyday practice, fixed assets are recorded and planned at historical cost - the cost of acquiring or creating fixed assets. Machinery and equipment are accepted on the balance sheet of the enterprise at their purchase price, including the wholesale price of this type of labor, delivery and other procurement costs, installation and installation costs.

Depreciation is calculated on the basis of historical cost, as well as the utilization rates of the funds.

2. Replacement cost - the cost of reproduction of fixed assets at the time of their revaluation, that is, it reflects the costs of acquiring and creating means of labor in prices, tariffs in force during the period of their revaluation, reproduction.

3. Residual value - the difference between the initial cost and accrued depreciation. It allows you to judge the degree of depreciation of the means of labor, to plan the renewal and repair of fixed assets.

4. Liquidation value - the value of the remaining elements of fixed assets at the time of their liquidation, less the costs of their liquidation.

The result of a better use of fixed assets is, above all, an increase in the volume of production. Therefore, a generalizing indicator of the effectiveness of fixed production assets should be based on the principle of commensuration of manufactured products with the totality of fixed assets used in its production.

This will be an indicator of output per one ruble of the value of fixed assets, capital productivity. To calculate it, the formula is used:

FOTD = T / F,

where T is the volume of marketable or sold products, rub.;

F is the average annual cost of fixed production assets.

The average annual cost of fixed production assets is determined as follows:

F = F1 + (FVIN × n1) / 12 – (FSEL × n2) / 12

where F1 is the cost of fixed production assets of the enterprise at the beginning of the year, rubles;

FVVOD, FVYB - the cost of fixed production assets introduced (leaving) during the year;

n1,n2 - the number of full months from the date of entry (withdrawal).

The capital intensity of production is the reciprocal of capital productivity. It shows the share of the value of fixed assets attributable to each ruble of output. If the return on assets should tend to increase, then the capital intensity should tend to decrease.

The efficiency of the enterprise is largely determined by the level of capital-labor ratio, determined by the ratio of the cost of fixed production assets to the number of workers in the enterprise.

This value must continuously increase, since technical equipment and, consequently, labor productivity depend on it.

Another important indicator of the efficiency of fixed assets is the return on assets, which is the overall level of profitability of funds, which characterizes how much profit is received per ruble of fixed assets.

FR \u003d P / OPF,

where P - profit from sales, rubles;

OPF - the average annual cost of fixed assets, rub.

The process of depreciation of fixed assets and the transfer of their value to the product made with their help is called depreciation of fixed assets.

Depreciation of fixed assets is divided into:

1) physical (i.e. direct depreciation of fixed assets, loss of original technical characteristics, loss of consumer properties, etc.);

2) obsolescence (i.e., loss of consumer value and the value of fixed assets).

Obsolescence can occur for several reasons and is expressed in the following forms:

1) instruments of labor lose part of their value, since new instruments of labor of the same design are produced cheaper;

2) a consequence of the creation of new, more economical and productive machines, as a result of which not only a lower cost is transferred to the unit of output, but also a saving of living labor is achieved.

Depreciation costs for fixed assets are fixed costs of production.

Depreciation is a method of including in parts the cost of fixed assets during their service life in the costs of their products and the subsequent use of these funds to replace the consumed fixed assets.

Part of the amount from the sale of products, corresponding to the transferred value of the funds, goes to the depreciation fund, in which the accumulation of funds takes place up to a value corresponding to the initial cost of fixed assets. Amortization fund - the amount of accumulated money that should be used to purchase new fixed assets to replace worn ones, i.e., fixed assets are restored.

The main function of depreciation is to ensure the reproduction, restoration of fixed assets. Also, depreciation performs accounting and incentive functions. So, in the fixed asset accounting cards, columns have been introduced that reflect depreciation data and determine the amount of depreciation of fixed assets over the years of their operation. In addition, depreciation to a certain extent also performs an incentive function, since it provides for the most complete use of fixed assets: the better (more fully) the equipment is used, the more products are produced and the sooner the value of fixed assets will be transferred. The period of use is of great importance when calculating depreciation. This is the period of time during which the use of fixed assets is intended to generate income and serve as a means to achieve the goals of the enterprise. The period of use of fixed assets is calculated by the enterprise at the time of their registration.

The calculation of depreciation can be carried out by a linear and non-linear method. With the straight-line method, the entire amount of depreciation is accrued evenly over the years and is determined based on the initial cost of fixed assets. The disadvantage of the method is that during the life of the equipment there are downtimes, breakdowns, incomplete loading.

Nonlinear depreciation methods. Their use makes it possible to recover a large part (60-75%) of the cost of funds already in the first half of their use. In the second half of the service life, the amount of depreciation decreases. Non-linear methods are also called accelerated depreciation methods:

1) reducing balance method;

2) the method of writing off the cost by the sum of the numbers of years of the period of use;

3) the method of writing off the cost in proportion to the volume of production.

With the reducing balance method, the annual depreciation amount is determined based on the residual value of the assets at the beginning of the year and the depreciation rate. With the method of writing off the cost by the sum of numbers of years of the period of use, the annual depreciation amount is determined based on the initial cost of funds and annual ratios, where the numerator is the number of years remaining until the end of the service, the denominator is the sum of the numbers of years of this period. With the method of writing off the cost in proportion to the volume of production, depreciation is charged based on the natural indicator of the volume of production in the reporting period and the ratio of the initial cost of fixed assets and the estimated (estimated) volume of production for the entire period of use of the funds.

Linear depreciation formula:

Ag \u003d (Sp - Sl) / Ts,

where Ag is the annual depreciation amount;

Sp, Sl. - initial and liquidation values, respectively;

Тс is the service life of fixed assets;

The depreciation rate (Na) is set in state directories and has a standard value. It is calculated as a value inversely proportional to the number of years of service of the main fund, and is expressed as a percentage. This is the share of the cost of the main fund, which is transferred over the year of its use to the cost of products.

Residual value of fixed assets - the full cost of fixed assets, taking into account its part transferred to the depreciation fund and added value due to restoration (repair, reconstruction and modernization), i.e.:

Composition \u003d Sp + Sk - Na × Sp T / 100,

where Comp - the value of the residual value of the main fund;

Sk - the cost of major repairs for the entire life of the main fund;

Na is the annual depreciation rate, in %;

T - the life of the main fund.

Reproduction of fixed assets is the process of replacing old, fully used or, for other reasons, not meeting the requirements for the production of assets.

Types of reproduction of fixed assets:

1) capital construction (the process of creating and updating fixed assets through the construction of new ones, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing ones);

2) technical re-equipment (the process of continuous technical and organizational improvement of production);

3) reconstruction (reorganization of production in order to transfer it to a higher organizational and technical level);

4) expansion of the existing enterprise (construction of additional production facilities).

The main indicators of the efficiency of the use of fixed capital can be combined into four groups:

1) indicators of extensive use of fixed production assets, reflecting the level of their use over time;

2) indicators of intensive use of fixed assets, reflecting the level of use in terms of capacity (productivity);

3) indicators of the integral use of fixed capital, taking into account the combined influence of all factors - both extensive and intensive;

4) generalizing indicators of the use of fixed production assets, characterizing various aspects of the use (state) of fixed capital in the whole enterprise.

The indicators of the extensive use of fixed assets include the coefficient of extensive use of equipment, the coefficient of shift work of equipment, the load factor of equipment.

The coefficient of extensive use of equipment is defined as the ratio of the actual number of hours of operation of the equipment to the number of hours of its operation according to the norm.

The equipment shift ratio is defined as the ratio of the total number of machine-shifts worked by the equipment to the number of machines.

The equipment load factor is defined as the ratio of the shift ratio of work to the planned shift of equipment.

The coefficient of intensive use of equipment is defined as the ratio of the actual performance of the equipment to the planned one.

The coefficient of integral use of equipment is defined as the product of the coefficients of extensive and intensive use of equipment and comprehensively characterizes its operation in terms of time and productivity (power).

General indicators of fixed capital are capital productivity, capital intensity, capital-labor ratio, profitability of fixed production assets.

The capital-labor ratio is defined as the ratio of the value of fixed assets to the number of workers in the enterprise who worked on the shift with the largest number of working hours. The profitability of fixed production assets characterizes the amount of profit attributable to one ruble of fixed capital, and is defined as the ratio of profit to the value of funds. In addition to those listed, there are other indicators of the use of fixed assets, including indicators of the technical condition of fixed assets, age, structure of funds, etc.

To increase the efficiency of the use of fixed capital, fixed production assets, it is necessary to increase the degree of their utilization, especially their active part, the effective renewal of funds (i.e. renewal on time - not earlier than the equipment effectively performs its functions, but not later than the standard period actions of equipment and other elements of fixed capital), the use of progressive equipment, modern technologies, qualified and disciplined workers.

Effective management of the enterprise as a whole, quality management can increase the efficiency of using fixed capital.