If a man wants a woman - the main signs. What is a drag in the eyes of the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T

Are diamonds a girl's best friend? But no: the best friends are the right shadows. Of course, it's good when a pebble of several carats gleams on your finger, but it is unlikely to attract the attention of the opposite sex - except perhaps the envious glances of other young ladies.

But beautiful eyes can bewitch any man. But not all the fair sex has naturally large expressive eyes! In this case, eyeshadow comes to the rescue.

Properly selected shadows can work wonders! If you apply them correctly, you can enlarge too small eyes, reduce or, conversely, expand the distance between them, raise the lowered corners, lengthen the section of the eyes, give depth to the look, and generally radically change the appearance!

When choosing shadows, it is first necessary to take into account that they are dry and liquid. Which type to prefer is a matter of taste. Dry shadows will last longer as they tend to have a longer shelf life.

In addition, they can draw lines along the contour of the eyes, which is very convenient if you do not like to use a pencil and eyeliner. But these shadows dry the skin of the eyelids, so before applying them, you should use the foundation for makeup. But similar liquid cosmetics contain nutritional and moisturizing additives, vitamins and oils, and therefore nourish and moisturize the delicate skin of the eyelids.

But they have a significant drawback: they tend to “roll off”, they are extremely difficult to evenly apply and shade, they cannot be painted over the crease on the eyelid - otherwise, instead of a mysterious look, you will get a terrible lump.

Alas, nothing is perfect. Another variety is compact shadows that look like powder. When applying them, the applicator should be slightly damp, otherwise the shadows will scatter all over the face.

What shadows suit the color of the eyes

The key to success is to choose the right color. White shadows muffle bright colors and give clarity to the look, but with an excess of white, makeup will seem artificial. Black shadows suppress bright colors, the look becomes expressive, the relief of the part of the eyelid on which the shadows are applied decreases. At the same time, an excess of black shadows ages.

Gray color gives a velvety look, but an older face may look tired. A win-win option is brown shadows, which make the look expressive and deep. Pink color is also good, giving radiance, but still it is preferable for girls.

Blue is too cold a color, so make-up artists recommend using blue shadows with green, gray or purple. Green shadows, which dim the brightness of the eyes and give the face an unhealthy look, should be combined with brown, blue or pink.

As for the combination with eye color, cold shades are more suitable for brown-eyed seductresses - plum, gray, purple, lilac, blue-eyed beauties - brown, beige, mother-of-pearl, light lilac and violet shades, and owners of green eyes - dark purple, copper and plum.

How to choose shadows for hair color

But only eye color is not enough to take into account - not the last role is played by the color of hair and skin. So, for example, black or dark brown shadows are more suitable for swarthy brown-haired women, and if the skin is light, then the shadows should be chosen according to the color of the eyes. This rule also applies to fair-skinned brunettes with light eyes.

If the skin is dark, then the best choice for vamp women is green shadows. For blondes with fair skin and blue eyes, blue and gray shades are preferred. Red, no doubt, green and brown shadows will suit.

In addition to color, it must be borne in mind that the shadows can be matte or mother-of-pearl. Of course, with matte shadows there is less hassle: they are easier to apply and blend, they emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes and attract attention. But if you need to achieve the effect of an open, radiant look, then you can’t do without mother-of-pearl shadows.

Matte shadows can be applied to the entire moving eyelid, but mother-of-pearl - only in the middle. The insidiousness of mother-of-pearl shadows lies in the fact that if you overdo it, they will emphasize all existing wrinkles.

We must not forget about the shape of the eyes and the individual anatomical features of the face. If the eyes are too small or sunken, the eyelashes are short, and there are dark circles or bags under the eyes, then dark shadows are unacceptable, as they will give a tired look. With their help, you can only lengthen the shape of the eyes, emphasize and highlight them, and therefore should be applied to the outer corners of the eyes. But the shadows of light shades will make the look radiant and open, refresh the face.

You should not apply the entire existing palette of shadows to the eyelids - two or three shades of the same color scheme are enough. In the corners of the eyes and under the eyebrows, the lightest shadows are applied, in the center of the eyelids - brighter, and on the outer corners of the eyes - the darkest.

Do not forget about these simple rules, and men will be captivated by the beauty of your eyes!
Material taken from woman.mobus.com

Smoky eye makeup is mesmerizing. He creates some kind of halo of mystery around a woman, with the help of him it is easy to win male attention. How to do smoky makeup correctly, and what mistakes should be avoided?

Eye makeup - step by step instructions

  • Step 3. In the previous step, you can finish with the shadows, but if you want the makeup to be more expressive, bring the upper eyelid and outer corners of the eyes with black shadows again, and this time blend them less thoroughly so that a fairly clear outline remains. You can also draw a black contour pencil on the inside of the lower eyelid - this creates the impression of a deeper look, but this recommendation only works if the woman has naturally large eyes: small eyes will appear even smaller due to such a contour.
  • Step 4. Color the eyelashes. The classic version uses black mascara, but you can achieve an interesting and non-standard result using mascaras of various colors. For example, lilac mascara will perfectly emphasize green eyes, brown - blue, and brown eyes are very effectively combined with sapphire-colored mascara.

Additional Tips

To make smokey makeup even more impressive, use false eyelashes. . You need to take care of this in advance - before you start creating makeup.

In the first step, instead of black shadows, you can use dark gray or light gray (as well as various shades of brown and blue), but blended black shadows, when used correctly, give the most effective and elegant result.

Common mistakes and how to avoid them

  • raccoon eyes

One of the most common mistakes that young girls make is to apply a thick layer of black eye shadow on the upper and lower eyelids and call it smokey eye makeup. In fact, the face begins to resemble the muzzle of a raccoon (or a panda - this does not change the essence of the matter), and our smaller brothers with such circles around the eyes look very cute, then a person ... not very much, in a word. In order to get a real smoky makeup instead of eerie circles, the shadows must be applied moderately and blend very carefully.

  • Too much glitter

In general, shiny shadows look very impressive, they help to make the eyes brighter, and the whole makeup is fresh, but when creating a smoky makeup, it is better to refuse them. Smoky makeup is very effective in itself, and shimmery eyeshadows can make it just frilly and tasteless. It is allowed to apply a little bit of shiny shadows on the skin at the inner corners of the eyes, draw a thin contour with shadows along the lower eyelid.

  • Don't apply colored eyeshadow too high

It is worth applying shadows of any color, except for neutral ones (beige, ivory or pale pink) on the entire upper eyelid, up to the eyebrows, and about beautiful makeup
you can forget. Colored shadows (especially very dark tones) can be applied only a couple of millimeters above the crease of the eyelid. In various fashion magazines, you can sometimes see that not all makeup artists adhere to this rule, but what looks great on glossy pages is far from always acceptable, not only in everyday life, but even in nightclubs. When doing smoky makeup, remember the rule: less is more. When you have a makeup brush in your hands, it is always better to apply a little less makeup than more. If you think that you still applied the shadows too high, apply a little matte shadows on top of them, in color as close as possible to the color of your skin.

  • Too many shadows on the lower eyelid

This is a fairly common mistake. Sometimes it seems that the lower eyelids are made up even more than the upper ones - fortunately, this is not often seen. It’s easy to avoid this mistake - you just need to remember that the width of the skin area under the eyes on which the shadows are applied should not be noticeably larger than the length of the lower eyelashes. Use good quality thin brushes to make applying shadows easier.

  • hard lines

They should be avoided when creating any makeup, but this applies to smoky eye makeup in particular. In combination with carefully blended shadows, a hard contour creates an impression of disharmony, and can destroy the created image.

And how is it defined? It is definitely impossible to answer such a question. The canons of beauty adopted throughout the world are rarely the expression of universal opinion. Is it possible to express it, because each person likes something specific? The most surprising thing is that the disadvantage for one for the other is the very “highlight” that the eye clings to.

The beauty of the eyes

Since ancient times, people have said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Sometimes you can argue with this statement, insisting that appearances are much more deceptive. However, for the most part, it is the eyes that form the impression of a person.

They are different - large, small, deep-set, etc. But each look is unique, and it is almost impossible to find another one like it. But even if you find similar eyes, they will look different, because they belong to a completely different person.


What is a veil that changes the look in such a way? Academic dictionaries say that a drag is a cover, a haze, a shroud. It becomes clear that the drag is a kind of cover. Thus, one can gradually get close to the concept of mystery. After all, it is she who is especially attractive in people with such eyes. A clouded eye is always mysterious, it is almost impossible to catch it, follow it, even understand it. It doesn't say anything, it's just beautiful on its own.

It follows that the smoky gaze gained popularity precisely because of the mystery, secrecy. After all, these qualities have always attracted men. A certain mystery should always remain, and it is the eyes with a veil that allow a woman at any age to remain desirable and in demand.

What is with a blind eye?

A lot has been said about these eyes. They were sung in antiquity, they are admired to this day. What is this mysterious look? It is believed that eyes with a veil are clouded, They look gently, playfully, languidly, as if caressing with one touch. Such eyes were found in many recognized beauties of all time.

Physiological rationale

Such eyes can be in any person, of any age and gender. It is impossible to explain the bewitching look from the point of view of science. To date, it is generally accepted that this is an innate feature that either exists or not. It is definitely worth noting that this is not and there are no problems with the eyes due to the drag.

A distinctive feature of such eyes is the lack of focus on anything. To a greater extent, this is what causes a mysterious and attractive effect. But there is one more small detail - the iris of the eye does not touch the lower eyelid

Such a highlight is found in many world-famous and beloved people, such as A. Abdulov, L. Guzeeva, O. Hepburn, etc. Also, the presence of fluffy and long eyelashes that “caress” anyone looking at them should be attributed to the features of the mysterious look.

Significance in physiognomy

Physiognomy is a science that is engaged in research. It claims that appearance can tell absolutely everything about a person as a person. In this case, the smallest details are taken into account, such as the shape, cut, color, location, clarity, brightness of the eyes. And that's just one part of the face. A detailed study of his characteristic features can give complete information about the inclinations, preferences, talents and weaknesses of a person.

In the East, it is considered that the eyes are the most important part of the face. When analyzing, the area around the eyes is taken as a reference point. This is explained by the fact that only they do not change throughout life, while the nose, mouth, forehead - all this undergoes gradual change and aging.

A languid look is always distinguished by striking clarity or brilliance. People with such eyes stand out from the rest, because they seem truly alive, enthusiastic and happy. And this means the inner strength of a person. In addition, lanky eyes are distinguished by a special radiance that gives sexuality and charm to the look.

As for their size, there are no clear restrictions. A languid look enchants the beholder, even if the eyes are not quite harmonious in terms of the developed canons of beauty. Naturally, at all times caused a storm of praise. However, small female eyes speak of the spirituality of their owner and her inner strength. At the same time, we repeat, if a person has a smoky gaze, then the size of the eyes fades into the background.

What is a person with such eyes?

Physiognomy characterizes a person with a clouded eye as a romantic, passionate nature. It is about such people that books are written and poems are written - they are able to surrender to the whirlpool of passions, violating any moral and social laws. But it should not be considered that these are immoral or indifferent people - they devote themselves too much to what attracts them.

The description of the eyes in physiognomy is based on many factors that need to be analyzed comprehensively. It is not worth judging a person only by a mysterious and beautiful look - you can make a very big mistake.

There are many other features of the facial structure, and only a comprehensive approach can give a plausible picture of the character and habits of their owner. In addition, one should not ignore the cultural influence of the environment, upbringing, etc.

Male eyes with veil

For men, such eyes are a rarity. But nevertheless, you can also meet representatives of the stronger sex with a mysterious bewitching look. As noted by the female audience, lanky eyes in men cause interest, admiration and excitement. Knowing how to manage his advantage, such a man could win more than one woman.

The male gaze looks attractive if it is mysterious and cunning - this is what most of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity think. But there is a group of women who are sure that it doesn’t matter what color, size and shape of the eye, with or without languor, the main thing is that the male’s look is confident and thirsty.

A similar opinion is expressed by an increasing number of women, saying that the main thing in a man is not appearance, but strength of character. Still, it's hard to stop admiring men whose facial features and eyes are nearly perfect.

In Hollywood, well-known actors with beautifully defined eyes are at the top of the lists of sex symbols. The most attractive are: Brad Pitt, whose eyes are blue and soft, green-eyed Channing Tatum, brown-eyed Keanu Reeves, and Jude Law with big blue eyes, as well as sophisticated Jared Leto.

Famous people

Each person's eye color is unique. People just combined them into similar shades for simplicity. And yet, most people agree that the most attractive veiled eyes are green or brown. However, it is useless to judge tastes. It is worth noting that the brown color gives the look a special mystery and inspires confidence in the beholder. And beautiful green eyes are admirable, while suggesting the presence of cunning and playfulness in a person.

Many famous people, both women and men, had a mysterious charming look. Perhaps it was this feature that helped them achieve popularity?

The eyes of the famous Indian actress Aishwarya Rai belong to this mysterious type of eyes. In many photos of a girl, you can see all the qualities listed above. It is worth noting the singer Adele, who also boasts a languid look. You can not ignore the stunning Amanda Seyfried, brown eyes Mila Kunis, Kristen Stewart and Kate Winslet. Among male celebrities, John Krasinski can be noted.

Summing up, it should be said that women's eyes have great charm. It doesn’t matter if they are languid, green, brown, large or small. You should not get hung up on such standards, they only limit your own perception. A person must accept himself as he is, only under this condition is it possible to achieve harmony. As for the above, it should be remembered that loving and beloved eyes have the most charming look.