Feng Shui colors for the bathroom. General rules for arranging a bathroom

Even in ancient Indian texts, it was written that the ablution room should be perfectly clean, without the slightest trace of dirt and hair, filled with subtle aromas.

Since water is associated with material well-being, the location of the bathroom is an important factor in organizing Feng Shui space of the entire house.

Bathroom also symbolizes purity and purification. It is also a symbol of liberation from what you do not need in this life. By feng shui in the bathroom the design must be combined with the design of the entire apartment, otherwise the energy in the bathroom will be, as it were, split off from the biofield of the apartment as a whole.

Some consider the bathroom to be one of the most important in the home, but it tends to get the least attention in terms of layout and interior design.

The actual placement of components in a bathroom rarely leaves much room for choice, and if you're buying a new house or apartment, the last thing you'll get your hands on is a complete bathroom remodel. However, the application of some basic principles will be useful in this case as well.

feng shui (feng shui) ) there is a rule that applies to other rooms: whatever you do, you should be able to see any person who enters the room. Of course, it is unlikely that anyone will enter bathroom if you are already taking a shower or are engaged in a more intimate activity. However, each piece of furniture must be located in such a way that the person using it does not have their back to the door.

And of course, the toilet should not be the first thing you see when you enter the bathroom (this applies to the combined bath and toilet). This can be easily avoided by rearranging the door so that it "covers" the toilet instead of opening towards it.

A bath by itself or combined with a shower is the main piece of furniture in the bathroom. The bath is usually rectangular in shape, and this is quite natural for space reasons, but if you have the opportunity to install a semi-circular or oval bath, use it. According to Feng Shui, such baths are especially good because they reproduce the curves of a coin, and this, combined with the Water element, which symbolizes money, creates an impression of wealth and prosperity.

Feng Shui (feng shui) bathroom: color and decor

By feng shui in the bathroom white color or very soft pastel colors should prevail. Avoid bright colors, except for small objects to stimulate chi energy in certain areas. In the combined bathroom, the bathtub, shower and toilet have the same color and design, but white faience and chromed metal are preferable to dark colors.

The bathroom floor should be tiled, but not too cold to the touch. Now on sale there is a special tile that is slightly springy underfoot and adapts to the temperature of the room. This is the perfect choice. Moreover, in any shopping center there is a wide range of different shades, and it will not be difficult for you to choose the color scheme for the bathroom.

If your bathroom has a window, use blinds instead of curtains. The bathroom curtain in any case should be made of waterproof material so that the steam does not damage the fabric.

Feng Shui: drawers, shelves and bedside tables

These items should be simple, functional and go well with the style of the bathroom. Perhaps the most important feature of shelves, cabinets and nightstands in the bathroom is that they need to be used.

It sounds strange at first glance, but in terms of feng shui, there is nothing worse than a bathroom full of lotions, shampoos, creams and all sorts of little things that are not used regularly. The chi energy should move as smoothly as possible, and the rows of vials and bottles do not contribute to this.

If you don’t have enough free space to store these items in wall cabinets or nightstands, then either get more spacious ones, or (this is the simplest solution) leave only what you really need. In many bathrooms you can see a real exhibition of detergents and cosmetics, but not all of them are used daily. When you clean out all the excess and put things in order on the shelves and in the cabinets, the energy will circulate much more freely, and the bathroom will be more conducive to relaxation and rest.

feng shui toilet

Since water is associated with wealth and with the flow of qi, flushing the toilet regularly makes one go to Feng Shui toilet of this room with extreme care. In whatever area of ​​the house or apartment the toilet is located, some of the qualities of this area will be "washed away" along with the water in the absence of precautions. Therefore, the best position for a toilet is where the excess energy can make up for it.

If the toilet is located in a separate room from the bathroom, this helps to make it more inconspicuous. The toilet lid and toilet door should always be kept closed, especially if the toilet is located next to the front or bedroom door.

Sometimes it is good to hang a mirror on the outside of the door to reflect the flow of energy; this is especially useful if the toilet is in an unfavorable location.

The toilet brings a strong yin influence to the environment, so it is sometimes necessary to add some yang elements to the interior for balance.

Good air circulation (and therefore chi energy) is important in feng shui regardless of the location of the toilet, so it makes sense to install a small window or vent.

Unfavorable location of the toilet according to feng shui

  • Opposite the front door. If the toilet is located opposite the front door, you will constantly encounter setbacks.
  • Opposite the living room. If the toilet door opens into the living room, the atmosphere in the room will be nervous and tense.
  • Opposite the dining table. A toilet located opposite the dining room or dining table adversely affects the processes of nutrition and digestion.
  • Opposite the bed. If the toilet is located opposite the bed, the impact of sha qi will be especially harmful, since people are much more vulnerable when they are asleep than when they are awake.
  • Bed on the lower floor under the toilet. Unfavorable location, similar to the impact of the ceiling beam above the bed.
  • Bed butt with toilet. If the head of the bed is adjacent to the wall of the toilet, stagnant xi qi accumulates in this area.
  • Aquarium next to the toilet. In principle, an aquarium with fish brings good luck to the house. But an aquarium located next to a toilet can lead to losses; since the toilet is regularly flushed, the well-being that the aquarium symbolizes will flow out of the house.

Feng Shui offers in bathroom give preference to white or soft pastel colors and do not use bright colors. An exception may be small items (for example, a soap dish, a toothbrush holder, and some others). White color contributes to a good quality cleansing of our aura.

Blue - frees our thoughts, symbolizes heavenly blessing. Soothes, lowers blood pressure, promotes even and deep breathing, has a soporific effect.

Green - frees our soul from evil. In addition, green calms, gives rest to the eyes and relieves nervous tension, but does not lull.

The tone of light wood contributes to the harmonization of energy.

The mirror in the bathroom, as it were, connects us with our second subtle "I", restoring the harmony of the physical body and the subtle body. It is best if the mirror belongs to the element of your own zodiac sign:

  • Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, the shape of the mirror is round. Accepts the energy of Air and Earth. Relations with the energy of Water are bad, their forces extinguish each other.
  • Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. The shape of the mirror is oval. Compatible with the power of Fire and Water. They do not get along with Air, weakening each other.
  • Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. The shape of the mirror is a rectangle. Complement the power of Fire and Water. Incompatible with the power of the Earth.
  • Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. The shape of the mirror is square. They are combined with the biofield of the Earth and Air. Relations with Fire are bad - the forces oppress each other.

From the point of view of Feng Shui, it is undesirable to hang mirrors one opposite the other, as the images will rush from one surface to another, creating a useless movement of energy in a vicious circle. It is also undesirable to use mirror tiles in the design of the bathroom, in which the reflection of a person is crushed, which means that his personal energy is crushed.

The main thing in feng shui is to achieve harmony, so it is reasonable to complement shiny, cold surfaces with soft fabrics (curtains, rugs, towels), and light colors with contrasting accents. Bathroom lighting should be carefully thought out, as it will affect not only the quality of shaving or makeup, but also the direction of energy movement.

It would be logical to place the lamps on both sides of the mirror above the sink (directional lighting). Most of the light should be emitted by a light bulb in a frosted ceiling under the ceiling (main lighting). Lighting should be sufficient, but not too bright and colorful.

All items located in the bathroom, first of all, should be combined with the general style of this room, and, secondly, be functional. Bathroom cabinets easily accumulate stagnant energy, so you should check if you have small items on your bathroom shelves that attract such unfavorable energy. These can be old empty cream jars, expired cosmetics, as well as old brushes, sponges and others that have gone out of everyday use.

Living plants in the bathroom purify the air and bring a feeling of freshness and cheerfulness into it. A warm bathroom with a large frosted glass window is perhaps the best place in the house to keep the most beautiful plants that came to us from places with a humid climate. If your bathroom has enough light and moisture, then plants will grow well there.

Aromatic oils will also help create a pleasant environment in bathroom, as well as pleasant-looking or tactile surfaces of objects with which we surround ourselves in this room. If the bathroom has a window, it is better to use blinds instead of a curtain. The bathroom curtain should be made of waterproof material to prevent the steam from damaging the fabric.

We have already spoken about the negative impact of these premises. In Feng Shui, it is associated primarily with the flow of Qi from the house and the generation of Sha. In addition, the use of these premises is a matter, although natural, but purely personal; no one will be pleased if they are watching him at this moment, and especially if outsiders pay attention.

Therefore, the doors to the bathroom are, if possible, hidden from a casual glance, and the Feng Shui of any room located opposite such a door will be considered not very favorable.

The most unfortunate location of the toilet is in the center of the apartment. When the rest of the rooms surround it, they receive the distorted influence of the "spiritual center" instead of Qi. The center of an apartment plan, when superimposed on it by Ba Gua or Lo Shu square, is the "center of glory" - you can imagine what will happen to fame, fortune and family unity!

However, the bathroom located at one of the outer walls will have its effect - it will violate the feng shui of one of the sectors of influence in the house with its presence. In China, they tried to make a toilet away from housing, or at least an insignificant outbuilding in one of the unfavorable places in the house (to "wash away" failures). In an apartment building or an already erected mansion, this, of course, is impossible, and you will have to put up with what you have.

First of all, always close the toilet door and the toilet lid, do not forget to periodically wash the bathroom and freshen the air in it. A mirror with Ba Gua hung on the inside of the door will prevent Sha from spreading around the apartment. With the help of ordinary mirrors, you can try to symbolically destroy the toilet if you hang them on the door or wall outside or in pairs on the walls (you can do all four) inside. Mirrors should be large enough, best of all - to the height of a person, but you can get by with smaller ones. The main thing is that they reflect most of the room and the toilet.

If the bathroom is combined, then the toilet bowl should be covered from the side of the bathroom and the washbasin with a low partition, screen or curtain so that the person sitting in the bathroom or standing near the washbasin could not see the drain hole of the toilet bowl. It is best to make the same screen or curtain on the side of the door, but the layout and size of bathrooms rarely provide such an opportunity.

The bathroom is not as harmful as the toilet, but also requires precautions. In classical feng shui, the bathroom is associated primarily with money flowing out of the house.

To reduce the impact on the apartment, the same means are used as in the toilet. The only difference is that the bathroom needs to be well ventilated after use, so it is desirable to have an outward-opening window or exhaust duct in it. Lighting in the bathroom should not be too bright, it is best to use matte fixtures. For wall decoration, soft, calm tones are most preferred.

In multi-storey buildings, bathrooms are usually located one above the other, however, in custom-built houses, as well as in converted old buildings, there may be a different layout. In this case, the toilet or bathroom on the second floor may be above the hallway, kitchen, living room and even the bedroom.

All these options are not only fraught with purely plumbing troubles (for example, when a pipe breaks or clogs the sewer), but is also strictly prohibited in feng shui.

The harmful effect of the bathroom on the premises below is comparable only with the direct flow of sewage into them. If you are still unlucky and the situation cannot be corrected, try to weaken the flow of Sha by hanging a crystal or "wind music" from the ceiling under the location of the toilet.

Do not combine the bathroom and toilet with the bedroom as is sometimes done in America. If you have already decided for some reason on such a layout, then try so that the bathroom does not protrude into the room (in extreme cases, the shape of the room must be supplemented to the correct rectangle using a partition, screen or large closet).

In this case, the door must necessarily be completely opaque and constantly close tightly; it is better to hang a crystal above it. Bells and "wind music" are not allowed in this case, as they will ring when the door is opened and thereby draw attention to the toilet.

In addition to the visual masking of the bathroom, it is worth thinking about sound. It is unlikely that you or your guests will be pleased by the loud noises heard from the toilet during a festive dinner, and the noise of the water flushed down the toilet sometimes interferes with normal rest. Meanwhile, in our country, especially in panel houses, this noise often spreads over several floors.

First of all, you should take care of the seal on the door. Finishing the walls and doors from the inside with soft porous materials, such as foam or a layer of corrugated cardboard under washable wallpaper, gives a good effect. On the adjacent wall of the room or bedroom, you can hang a carpet or put a closet along it.

Water flowing into the sewer symbolizes money leaving the house, so all plumbing fixtures must always be in good condition, especially taps. The toilet tank must have not only an overflow, but also a working locking system, otherwise the water in the toilet will flow constantly.

According to Feng Shui, the bathroom should have good ventilation, windows are welcome. Fresh air and light do not allow energy to stagnate and, of course, reduce humidity. In the absence of windows, mirrors help, at the same time visually enlarging the room, and reflective materials - glossy tiles or marble. Ideally, the bathroom should be well ventilated, well lit and filled with beautiful colors that affect our energy.

- that room in the house, which is responsible for the health and well-being of the owners. It is known from the history of ancient India that the ablution room must be clean, without traces of dirt and sewage.

In general, the bathroom itself symbolizes the cleansing of life's negativity in the spiritual sense and the purity of the body in the physical.

As at the same time the purity of the soul and body of the owner of the house is intertwined with each other, so the Feng Shui device of the bathroom should be combined with the interior of the house. Otherwise, the biofield of the bathroom will be an "outsider" of the entire apartment as a whole.

The geometry of the Feng Shui bathroom in the house

The center of any apartment, like the sun, should work to maintain bright, active energy for the whole house. Then it will be extremely favorable. Therefore, it is not recommended to place a bathroom with a bath in the center of the apartment. There he will simply prevent the release of Qi energy. It is intriguing that the aforementioned energy flows out of the house along with water, therefore, it is also impossible to place a bathroom in the wealth zone (southeastern part of the apartment) - the money will simply float away into the sewer. Due to the same reason, one more action should be remembered by the owners: according to Feng Shui, the doors to the bathroom and the toilet lid should always be closed, and there should be no thresholds at the entrance to this room.

By the way, about the doors. A negative and nervous perception of the energy of the house will be if the living quarters, especially the bedroom, are door to door with a bathroom. It is believed that in a dream people are more vulnerable to illness and the negative effects of Qi energy. Even the head of the bed in a Feng Shui room is not placed against the wall adjacent to the bathroom. The location of the bathroom opposite the front door will also have a far from calm effect on the home environment and will cause great difficulties for the owners in achieving success in life and accumulating wealth.

It is great when the Feng Shui bathroom is combined with the toilet. Yes, and they are still recommended to be placed in the less favorable sides of the house, with the expectation that space will be freed up for rooms that are more significant in terms of harmonious energy, where the owners spend most of their leisure time.

We figured out the location, it's time to open the door to the Feng Shui bathroom and consider all possible options for creating internal positive energy there.

The toilet bowl should not be visible from the door, and with a combined bathroom, it must be fenced off from the bathroom itself with a moisture-repellent screen or a light partition. If the toilet is located in such a way that its location line still affects other living quarters, then according to Feng Shui it is recommended to hang mirrors opposite the toilet or on the door from the inside. In this case, the mirrors will serve as a means of correcting the energies.

By the way, if the mirrors in the bathroom are of the shape that corresponds to the zodiac sign of the owners of the apartment. If the inhabitants of the apartment are zodiacally different, then the form that will be favorable for everyone is chosen. But it is worth remembering that according to Feng Shui, the bathroom does not accept mirrors that magnify the image in the interior and they hang opposite each other. Being so arranged, they create a closed biofield between themselves and make the energy fuss aimlessly in the cold color of reflections. Mirrors in the bathroom should be solid, otherwise, reflected in a fragmented mirror canvas, a person crushes his energy.

You can lure Qi energy into the bathroom with painting, hanging paintings on the walls depicting gently curving rivers and flowing water. So that according to Feng Shui the Qi energy does not hide in the corners of the bathroom, you can place indoor plants there.

The shape of the bath itself, where everyone loves to soak in the foam, is usually oblong. It is understandable, the standard layout geometry dictates standard forms. But according to Feng Shui, the shape that resembles the bend of a coin will bring more well-being and prosperity to the house.

From the point of view of Feng Shui in the bathroom, numerous jars and bottles of shampoos and creams negatively affect the biofield of the bathroom. Standing in orderly rows, like Red Army battalions, they prevent the smooth and free flow of Qi energy, which means your harmonious stay in the bathroom. If possible, they should be hidden in lockers, leaving in a conspicuous place only what is used more often. The old cosmetics standing in front of the mirror especially interfere with the freedom-loving circulation of energy.

It would be appropriate to recall that the bathroom must be cleaned once a week. Through the process of cleaning, the owners maintain and streamline their financial income, stabilize the situation of earnings, and get the opportunity to get away “dry from the water” in delicate situations. And, of course, you always need to keep the condition of plumbing under control - in the Feng Shui bathroom, current taps contribute to the "leakage" of money from the wallet.

Bathroom priorities are relaxation and cleansing. Lurid colors do not contribute to pleasure in any way. No one, of course, would be against the use of bright colors in design details in order to stimulate the presence of Chi energy in the bathroom. But according to Feng Shui, the colors of white, pale green, menthol and blue, pastel colors feel like full-fledged owners of a favorable interior. It is these colors that give a feeling of peace and relaxation, set to rest through cleansing from negative energy.

But brown and black colors can attract a dirty biofield and negativity. They will concentrate on vigor, and instead of getting its charge, being in a brown bath, a person may lose vigor. Although the lacquered wood of light brown color will add positive to the interior, without contradicting the teachings of Feng Shui. No wonder since ancient times Russian baths are made of light wood, which promotes healing. Therefore, wood details in the interior of the bathroom will have a beneficial effect on the entire energy atmosphere of the room as a whole.

Bright borders and inserts, which are included in the tile sets, tone up the decoration of the room according to Feng Shui. With proper use, they will revive the biofield of Qi energy and create an original style for the entire interior, adding a drop of sophistication to it. The correct Feng Shui of the bathroom does not allow you to decorate the bathroom in red, orange, scarlet. The fact is that the element of Water exists in eternal conflict with the elements of Fire and Earth, so these colors will break all the energy harmony in the bathroom.

The best friend for a bathroom, no doubt, is white. This color of purity and transparent newness helps to purify the aura. Therefore, it is the most suitable for bathroom faience products. To balance the gusts of water, as well as lure prosperity into the house, you need to choose green details in the bathroom decor: bathrobes, towels, shelves, soap dishes. According to Feng Shui, there is no need to overload the bathroom with various small details and sculptures.

The cleanliness of the body and the cleanliness of the decoration of the home are reminiscent of the perfection of harmony and energy thanks to the laws of Feng Shui.

Proper arrangement of the bathroom is very important. This is the place where the energy of Water is concentrated, on which the financial well-being of the family depends. Let's talk about how to properly organize the space so that money does not "leak into the toilet."

If you have bought a ready-made apartment, you will have to put up with it if the bathroom in it is located “not according to Feng Shui”. But if you started building a house, you can design yourself where the bath will be located in the dwelling.

Why is it so important to properly organize the space in the bathroom:

  • According to Eastern teachings, it is in this room that a person is freed from the greatest amount of negativity. In the soul, it washes away not only dirt, but also accumulated negative emotions, emotional experiences, anxiety and anxiety.
  • Purifying in the “right” space, you prepare yourself for a full and restful sleep, which will give vigor, strength and energy to solve the problems of the next day.
  1. It is not very good if it is located in the center of a house or apartment. This negatively affects the overall energy space of the home.
  2. If the house has several floors, then the bathroom should not be located above the bedroom, children's or work area. In this case, the bathroom will literally "eat" the energy flows of love, happiness, money and harmony, and you will lose your luck.
  3. The entrance to the bathroom should not be located opposite the front door. It is believed that this blocks the flow of money, and people will not be able to achieve success in financial matters.


Ideally, if the bathroom is located in the northern sector of the home. Then the energy of this room will harmoniously fit into the overall picture. In this case, you do not have to additionally eliminate energy blocks with the help of oriental talismans.

There is only one caveat: if the bathroom is combined, the toilet must be separated from the bathroom by a partition or screen to create the illusion of separation.


According to Eastern philosophy, the energy in the southeastern part of the house is most conducive to rest and relaxation. Therefore, it is best to place a bedroom in it.

But the bathroom in the southeast sector is bad. Such an arrangement impedes the flow of monetary energy and blocks financial success. You will constantly watch the picture of how money "flows down the toilet."

In this case, the correct design of the room will solve the problem.

Bathroom color

The energy of Water is inextricably linked with the financial side of human life. And the bathroom is the place where this energy is most concentrated. Therefore, if the bathroom is located "not according to Feng Shui", you can constantly experience problems with money.

But everything is solvable: choose the right design, and change the situation for the better. The most important thing is to choose plumbing, tiles and furniture for the bathroom in certain shades.

  • The most favorable colors for the bathroom are the whole range of pastel shades. Avoid overly bright colors. Only muted tones: blue, beige, pale green
  • White plumbing also fits perfectly. Milky, unsaturated tones are also suitable.
  • If you want something more original, you can choose the colors of natural wood, but only warm shades.
  • The tile should also be light. Blue tones are ideal because they are associated with water and air elements. It is believed that pale blue walls and floors relieve emotional stress, relax and cleanse the room of negative energy.

There is an exception - pistachio color. It is not included in the list of recommended, but it can be used to equip the bathroom. According to Eastern philosophy, this is the color of calmness, harmony, cleansing from negativity. Therefore, it is often used for the design of Buddhist temples.

Colors to Avoid

Items of this color in the bathroom should not be:

  • Black - collects and enhances all the negative energy that is in the house, disrupts the harmony of the surrounding space, destroys spiritual values ​​and causes bad emotions
  • Brown - interacts in an unfavorable way with the energy of Water, repels the flows of monetary energy and destroys the energy balance as a whole
  • Contrasting shades of floors, walls and ceilings. It is desirable that the space be decorated in the same color scheme, a sharp contrast makes it difficult for the movement of favorable, positive energy.
  • All shades of red and orange - they are suitable for arranging a bedroom, but in the bathroom they create a tense atmosphere, interfere with relaxation and provoke negative emotions.
  • Yellow and all shades of green are also not good - they are not considered "bad", but for the bathroom they are too saturated and bright, which makes it difficult to create a calm, relaxed atmosphere.
  • Flashy and catchy shades for plumbing are strictly contraindicated. It is necessary to use light, calm tones so as not to interfere with the free circulation of monetary energy.

It is very important to monitor the cleanliness of plumbing: it must be perfect. Also, timely eliminate blockages in pipes, repair breakdowns. This is necessary so that there are no obstacles to financial flows.

Another condition - do not turn the bathroom into a place to relax. Many people like to read or surf social media while sitting on the toilet. This should not be done so as not to create energy disharmony. You should rest in the bedroom, living room, but not in the bathroom - this is a place to cleanse the soul and body.

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The eastern practice of Taoist monks gives a special place to the order in the house: it is believed that dirt and dust interfere with energy flows.

Any room in a residential building must be tidy and tidy, and cleanliness in the Feng Shui toilet is a topic that needs to be covered separately. It is no secret that it is in this part of the apartment that the most bad energy accumulates, because it is here that we regularly cleanse ourselves physically.

Feng Shui toilet: rules and nuances

So, the cleanliness of the house is a guarantee of health, prosperity, and even prosperity and longevity, according to the practice of Feng Shui. Beginners may not always realize the relationship between these concepts, and therefore it will not be superfluous to make a brief digression into the general concepts of feng shui practice. All home improvement according to Feng Shui is based on one simple rule - the energy that enters your home must freely spread throughout all living quarters, circulate tirelessly.

This living energy is called Qi, and she really doesn’t like it when the house is dirty, there is an accumulation of unnecessary rubbish and garbage.

In these cases, the flow of Qi energy is disturbed, it can be delayed, accumulate in certain places, thereby transforming into negative due to a clear imbalance. And already this leads to noticeable violations in the "work" of the entire human dwelling. Failures in family and love affairs, inexplicable difficulties and illnesses, even a period of unexpected lack of money may begin.

Cleanliness in the Feng Shui toilet is of particular importance because it is in this living space that we daily get rid of the products of our vital activity, as if we renew and cleanse our body. That is why this room in the house should always be kept clean, well-groomed and fresh.

Wise Feng Shui practitioners recommend choosing classic white faience for the toilet and bathroom, which is easy to care for and maintain its original appearance. But a toilet bowl of a strange shape or an unusual shade is far from the best solution.

The color of the “correct toilet bowl” according to Feng Shui should always be snow-white!

It is also convenient from a practical point of view, any housewife knows that it is much easier to clean white faience, because any contamination on it immediately catches the eye, and after cleaning there are no stains and stripes on the surface (unlike, say, black faience , which constantly requires additional polishing).

It is important that the toilet lid in the Feng Shui toilet always remains closed, then the wealth and living energy of Qi will not leak from your home. The same applies to the front door to the restroom - keep it covered.

Ideally, the toilet and bathroom should be in different rooms, so it is not desirable that the toilet room and shower room be combined. If you have a combined bathroom, then you need to at least visually delimit the space using a plasterboard structure, a partition or a simple screen.

Feng Shui toilet: decor and decorations

This room is dominated by the element of Water - that's why any decor, wall decorations or paintings here should reflect its essence. The picture in the Feng Shui toilet should ideally display the flow of water: pictures depicting a waterfall, rivers, oceans or seas fit well and harmoniously into the interior.

Since the element of Water does not like competition, it is important to avoid any decor that may conflict with the power of Water and upset the balance of the elements.

Categorically not suitable here are images of sunset or dawn, photographs of the sun or landscapes flooded with sunlight, deserts, as well as images made in yellow-orange and red tones. All this is controlled by the element of Fire, and there is simply no place for such things in the toilet. Such Feng Shui pictures in the toilet will create a sharp dissonance and disrupt the harmonious flow of Qi energy flows, which will inevitably affect all other living quarters in the apartment.

Winter landscapes, paintings with snowy peaks, frozen lakes and more are also perfect for decorating a restroom. Water is cold, dark and restrained shades and a muted color palette. You will not go wrong if you choose decor from blue-blue, black or gray-silver to decorate the toilet room.

But with an excess of dark tones and too much abundance of paintings and decor, you should be careful. It is better to choose one or two images or an element of decoration for the restroom, and stop there. Also, an excessive emphasis on decor can negatively affect the energy background of the room, literally “overloading” it with the elements of water. The main thing in feng shui practice is balance and balance. The dominant element of Water in a Feng Shui toilet can be unobtrusively emphasized with a picture depicting the ocean or decor with a ship or beach (but without a clear image of heat and sun!), This will be more than enough.

But do not think that the feng shui of the toilet is a boring and monotonous decor, this is not at all the case. On the contrary, experts advise to bring in some bright colors and vibrant shades: you can choose noticeable and cheerful towels for your bathroom, as well as choose a bright floor rug.

The ideal location for a Feng Shui restroom is the direction of the North. This part of the world, as you may have guessed, patronizes the elements of Water, and she, in turn, is a living force that directs wealth, prosperity and financial well-being in the house.

That is why the Chinese devote so much attention to the placement of a toilet bowl in their own home. It is believed that every time you flush the water, you literally destroy a huge amount of energy and seem to “wash away” your well-being. This will not affect the overall energy background of the entire apartment in any way if the toilet is located in the right place. But in the event that the restroom conflicts sharply with the rest of the house, this can really be a problem.

Although the toilet in the north according to Feng Shui is the most optimal area for placing the toilet, you can also get out of the situation when the restroom is placed completely wrong!

Toilet in the southern part of the house

To begin with, determine exactly which side of the world your toilet is in. The South is considered the worst place to place a restroom, because it is the southern sector that is controlled by the opposite element of Fire. To help your home overcome the conflict of the elements and energy flows, you can correct this phenomenon.

The aforementioned decor will work well: bring more elements that display water into the arrangement of the toilet. It is also desirable that they be dark (for example, a winter river, a night ocean, etc.)

Avoid warm colors in the decor and arrangement of the toilet room, when placing the toilet in the South, yellow, orange and red tones are not allowed. Make sure that they are completely absent from your restroom.

Also, in such a toilet, it would not be superfluous to “darken” the room somewhat. Dark blue tiles for the floor, blue elements for wall decoration are well suited.

Toilet in the northwest

According to Feng Shui, the northwest is also considered a fairly favorable zone, although not as ideal as the northern sector. In this case, a significant adjustment of the toilet space is not required, no additional actions or tricks need to be introduced.

In addition to the cardinal points, the toilet should be harmoniously located in relation to other interior decoration of your home. Very undesirable situations are when the toilet is located directly opposite:

In Feng Shui practice, a stove through a double wall with a toilet can also carry a negative connotation, because the stove is a symbol of Fire, and it should be placed in the southern sector.

Feng Shui: toilet in the north, what to do?

In the event that you are lucky (or you deliberately placed the restroom in the right direction), experts note that the initially harmonious flow of Qi energy in your home is already provided. All that remains for you is not to upset the balance when arranging the restroom.

  • Use white as the main color. It is ideal as a base shade for walls and even floors.
  • Avoid any fiery shades - red, yellow, orange.
  • Dark blue tones, black, blue, silver are welcome in the decor of the toilet room.
  • Place one or two accents in the restroom that will display the element of Water (for example, you can hang a ship in a bottle on the wall, a picture of the sea, etc.).
  • Metal and wooden elements are well suited for the installation of a toilet located in the northern sector.

feng shui toilet color

As you can already understand, white is considered the ideal base tone for decorating a toilet room. It is best suited for faience elements (toilet and sink). But this does not mean that the entire toilet should be crystal white, at least, such an environment can put pressure on the psyche, causing a feeling of discomfort and excessive discomfort.

Adding other tones to the decor and color palette of the restroom is a must. Since the element of Fire prefers warm sunny tones, the opposite element of Water, respectively, loves muted and cold shades, namely:

  • Blue;
  • Grey;
  • Silver;
  • Blue;
  • Black.

In addition to these “watery” shades, neutral tones are also very good: shades of juicy green (but not too dark), as well as: light peach, pink (especially beige-powder), cream tone will be appropriate. The only rule that should be followed in this case is that there should be more shades of the cold palette in the bathroom, that is, it is better to use the cold “water” scale as the main decoration of the walls, ceiling and floor. But for decor elements and placement of color accents, other colors are wonderfully suitable.

Neutral shades of light colors complement the interior of the toilet room well, especially those that do not have a clear warm undertone (golden or yellow).

The element of Water harmoniously coexists with the elements of Metal and Wood. Therefore, in the decoration of the toilet room, those tones that are present in these elements are allowed as the main ones: juicy green and brown for Wood, and silver, black and gray for Metal. However, it is worth avoiding excessive saturation with the tones of other elements, so as not to upset the balance.

It will also not be superfluous to remember that although the element of Water loves cold and dark shades (dark blue, blue, black), but an excess of them in the interior can also bring dissonance, making the room too gloomy, repulsive and cold. And the living energy of Qi loves exceptionally bright, spacious and “light” rooms.

feng shui artificial lighting in bathroom

It is considered auspicious when the toilet is not only crystal clear, washed and well maintained, but also sufficiently lit. Lack of lighting in the restroom can stifle the flow of Qi, making the overall atmosphere of the restroom oppressive and uncomfortable.

It's good if there is a window in the restroom. Natural light penetrating through it will not only make the toilet room fresher (and this is very important for feng shui), but also provide a more powerful circulation of energy flows in the house. If there is no window in your toilet, then you should worry about good artificial lighting.

Remember that in a room made according to the rules of Feng Shui practice, it should not be dark or gloomy!

Even the cleanest washroom will seem inhospitable and create a feeling of a dirty room if the lighting in it is insufficient or if the lamps give an unnatural light. Therefore, it is important to take care of the lighting fixtures in your restroom. Strive to place them in such a way as to make them as invisible as possible, to saturate the toilet room with uniform and as natural, diffused light as possible. Ideally, artificial lighting should resemble daytime sunlight.

The quality of the lighting in your closet is easy to check: if there is enough light, then the white faience will look natural and snow-white, without having a yellow or other unnatural hue under the light of the lamps.

The restroom is not just a toilet bowl, a sink and a rug, it is the inharmonious arrangement of this living space, as it turns out, that can attract lack of money and difficulties in all areas of life to the house. That is why cleanliness in the Feng Shui toilet is the first step on the path to prosperity, financial well-being and prosperity.

Recall that the knowledge and methodology of Feng Shui is based on vital energy, which, having a good quality, is called Qi, and when it gets into an unfavorable environment, it degrades and turns into Sha (harmful energy). Accordingly, the main goal pursued by Feng Shui is to harmoniously bring a sufficient amount of Qi into the room and prevent the formation of Sha in it.

Since water in the East is associated with material well-being, the location of the bathroom is an important factor in organizing the space of the whole house as a whole.

According to the principles of Feng Shui, the north side of the house belongs to the Element of Water, so the optimal location of the bathroom is there.

It is also important that this room is not located next to the front entrance or the kitchen, as such proximity can "contaminate" Qi (life energy) even before it begins to circulate around the house.

If the bathroom is already located in one of these undesirable places, an effective "barrier" must be erected: since the bathroom corresponds to the element of Water, which is ruled by the element of Earth, ceramic tiles on the opposite wall will help in this case. Since antiquity in the West, ceramic tiles have often been found in the design of bathrooms and kitchens - here is an example of the unconscious use of the principles of ancient art.

In the West, and in our country, bedrooms are very popular, each of which has a bathroom, but Feng Shui says that this is not conducive to luck. The reason is that Qi in the bathroom and toilet gets dirty and should be removed as quickly as possible before it turns into Sha (harmful energy). Therefore, it is least desirable for polluted Qi to penetrate into the bedroom, where, more than in any other room, a clean and soft flow of the “breath of life” is needed. For example, in hotels in Singapore, this Feng Shui condition is observed with the help of curtains made of small ceramic balls that prevent the movement of Sha from one room to another.

Bathroom (not to be confused with a sauna) - a place where reigns supreme Pisces aura. Beauty is very important here and the obligatory combination of bathroom design with the design of the entire apartment as a whole. Otherwise, the energy of the only pacifying sign will be, as it were, split off from the biofield of the apartment as a whole. And if there is no peace, there is no peace, there is no peace, which means quarrels in the house, etc.

As for saunas then the following can be noted. Since mini-saunas are not uncommon in homes now, we can congratulate all the fiery, energy-deprived signs on this valuable acquisition. A dry sauna is pure fiery power, so lacking in our apartment full of electrical appliances. The fire force is important in any place because it is the only energy that burns through the negative that accumulates in the room. That is why, when the stove and other sources of open fire left the houses, there were so many scandals and serious chronic diseases. Even a gas stove (although it does not store the cleanest fire) contributes to the process of cleaning the apartment from negativity, but the electric stove, alas, is completely powerless here. Of course, nothing better than a fireplace has yet been invented by mankind in this regard, but even a sauna can help you cleanse yourself of accumulated negative vibrations, otherwise you will have to clean your apartment at least once a month (even if no one did anything to you and no one wished you harm ) with the help of consecrated candles. The power of Leo rules in the sauna, and any person who gets there for a while gets rid of self-doubt and his internal complexes. By the way, in the modern world it is not at all uncommon when a sauna is used for healing purposes to get rid of psychological programs imposed on a person by upbringing or someone else's magical influence.

But back to the bathrooms. In the bathroom, we can finally isolate ourselves from the world, relax at the end of a hard day to recuperate. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right colors for this room.

The water energy field makes our aura softer and more sensitive, because it easily changes its shape and internal characteristics under any external influence. Therefore, if you do not want your biofield to be clogged with negative energy accumulated in the apartment instead of cleansing, never make a black and dark brown bathroom and toilet in your house.

The bathroom should prevail white or very soft pastel colors. Avoid bright colors, except for small objects to stimulate Chi energy in certain areas. As a rule, in a combined bathroom, the bathtub, shower and toilet have the same color and design, but, in general, white faience and chromed metal are preferable to dark colors.

The most favorable colors for the toilet and bathroom: white, blue, green and natural light wood color.

  • White color contributes to a good quality cleansing of our aura.
  • Blue helps to clean our mental energy body, freeing our thoughts from unnecessary and introduced from outside. According to Feng Shui, blue is the best color for bathroom walls, symbolizing heavenly blessings. Blue is soothing, doctors believe that it even lowers blood pressure, promotes even and deep breathing, moreover, it even has a soporific effect.
  • Green frees our soul and astral body from evil (only it should be remembered that only pure colors without an admixture of gray or black have such a beneficial effect). Green color also calms, gives rest to the eyes and relieves nervous tension, but does not lull.
  • light wood tone contributes to the harmonization of male and female energy in our body and restores the normal flow of energy flows necessary for life in our body: male - ascending from Earth to Heaven and female - descending, from Heaven to Earth.

Most often, there is high humidity in the bathroom, drops of moisture settle on pipes, walls - all this, according to Feng Shui experts, leads to the fact that the energy flow of Qi energy in this room stops, a stagnant energy atmosphere is formed. If, in addition, there is no natural light in the bathroom, this worsens the situation even more. We may not feel it by drying the air with heating elements, but it is impossible to change the character of Qi in this way.

Preferably a room with a window to the outside for ventilation. Ventilate the bathroom to reduce the humidity and keep the Qi from stagnating.

Fans do not allow air to flow in from the outside, so it is more useful to ventilate than to use air conditioning.

If your bathroom has a window, use blinds instead of a curtain. Experts recommend blinds that do not absorb a lot of dust and light. Try to keep the blinds open during the day. Curtains, especially those made of heavy fabrics, are not recommended for hanging in the bathroom.

It is best if the bathroom has natural light. The sun's rays, penetrating even through a curtained or stained-glass window, charge the atmosphere in the room with solar energy, spurring the movement of Qi. If there are no windows in the bathroom, turn on the light in it, try to illuminate the entire room. Remember: bright light animates the energy field.

A well-chosen floor covering will also increase the flow of Qi energy, which is defined as a favorable factor for the bathroom. But remember that different materials give different effects.

Thus, a wooden floor does not speed up or slow down the flow of Chi energy, it simply supports the Wood energy, favorable in the east, southeast and south directions. Marble, granite, glass, and other hard, smooth, and shiny yang surfaces speed up the flow of energy, which is great for a bathroom.

Stone and ceramic tiles have the same qualities as regular stone, but it is important that they lie flat. They are very useful in a bathroom where there is no natural light, or in those that are located on the north side of the house.

The bathroom floor should be tiled, but not too cold to the touch. Now on sale there is a special tile that is slightly springy underfoot and adapts to the temperature of the room. This is the perfect choice. Moreover, in any shopping center there is a wide range of different shades, and it will not be difficult for you to choose the color scheme for the bathroom.

Synthetic materials, such as linoleum, carpet, and plastic rugs, are bad because they accumulate static electricity, which negatively affects the flow of Chi energy. Therefore, synthetic materials as flooring in the bathroom are best avoided.

Rugs, curtains, bedding made of natural fibers, such as wool, linen, cotton, hemp, inhibit the flow of Qi energy, making the atmosphere in the room more calm and peaceful. But in small and dark bathrooms, such "retarders" should be avoided.

Drawers, shelves and nightstands - these items should be simple, functional and go well with the style of the bathroom. Perhaps the most important feature of shelves, cabinets and nightstands in the bathroom is that they need to be used.

At first glance, this sounds strange, but from a Feng Shui perspective, there is nothing worse than a bathroom full of lotions, shampoos, creams, and all sorts of little things that are not used regularly. Qi energy must move, and the rows of vials and bottles do not contribute to this.

If you don’t have enough free space to store these items in wall cabinets or nightstands, then either get more spacious ones, or (this is the simplest solution) leave only what you really need.

In many bathrooms you can see a real exhibition of detergents and cosmetics, but not all of them are used daily. When you clean out all the excess and put things in order on the shelves and in the cabinets, the energy will circulate much more freely, and the bathroom will be more conducive to relaxation and rest.

Bathroom cabinets easily accumulate stagnant Qi. Check if you have small items on your bathroom shelves that attract such unfavorable energy. These can be old empty cream jars, expired cosmetics, as well as old brushes, sponges and other items that have gone out of everyday use. Keep fewer knick-knacks in the bathroom. Especially make sure that there are not too many towels, rugs, etc. All surfaces should be smooth so that they are easy to wipe and wash. Remember that the polished surfaces of materials such as glass, metal, ceramic tiles carry the traits of Yang energy and accelerate the flow of Qi.

Therefore, keep just as many things above the sink and on the shelves by the mirror as you need for your everyday toilet. And wipe all surfaces, especially this concerns the bottom of soap dishes and hinged plastic or metal under-mirror shelves. Dirt, dust, soap stains - all this significantly worsens the energy picture of the bathroom, and if you do not follow this, then the unkemptness of the room can nullify all your efforts to harmoniously organize the bathroom space.

Anatoly Fedorchenko