Physiotherapy smt. Treatment with sinusoidal modulated currents - amplipulse

When it comes to physiotherapy, one of the most common forms of treatment is usually meant, and its essence lies not in the impact of chemical preparations, such as pills, but in the physical impact, using special devices and devices that are designed specifically for this.

Types of physiotherapy procedures

The principle of operation and operation of the apparatus

The device that is used for treatment may emit an electric field that is tuned to an average frequency. The wave amplitude ranges from 10 to 150 Hz.

Due to this modulation, the currents perfectly pass through the skin, perfectly affecting the nerve endings and muscles. Due to the fact that an electric current is used, the cell membranes are activated, and the effect of the procedure lasts all the time while it is being carried out.

Sinusoidal currents with modulated type - indications for use:

  1. Diseases that are associated with pain in the spine and joints.
    These include arthrosis, spondylarthrosis, muscle atrophy, ankylosing spondylitis, osteochondrosis.
  2. Diseases of the vegetative-vascular systems of the human body.
  3. Pathological processes of the neuralgic direction - neuritis, crying, neuralgia, neurosis.
  4. Impaired blood supply against the background of problematic functioning of peripheral arterial vessels.
  5. Diseases of urology and the genitourinary system - the tone in the prostate gland decreases, kidney stones form, as well as prostatitis, enuresis, pyelonephritis, cystitis.
  6. Diseases in the field of gynecology, this also includes inflammatory processes occurring inside the body.
  7. Diseases of the digestive system - decrease in intestinal motility in a pathological manner, colitis, constipation, biliary dyskinesia, peptic ulcer,.

  8. Edema, blood clots,
    and other problems of the venous system.
  9. Necrosis of various genesis, bedsores - almost all trophic processes.
  10. Lesions of the oral cavity of various nature (including infectious ones) - stomatitis, gingivitis, inflammation of the gums at any stage.

  11. Diseases of the central nervous system -
    brain and head injuries, brain stroke, cerebral palsy, meningoencephalitis.
  12. Diseases associated with dystrophy and inflammation of the eyes.
  13. Diseases of the cardiovascular system - failure of the blood supply to the back and brain, migraine, hypertension, Raynaud's disease, atherosclerosis of the extremities, myelopathy.
  14. Respiratory ailments - bronchial asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis.

According to the type of action of SMT, physiotherapy is divided into two types :

  1. Stimulation of material metabolism in human organs and tissues.
  2. puffiness removal, congestive venous problems and ischemia.


  • Amplipulse.
  • Darsonvalization.

For small children, therapy is carried out only in clinics and hospitals in compliance with all safety and hygiene standards.

Directly SMT acts with the help of electric current:

  • Fibers and muscles.
  • The nervous system as a whole and nerve endings.

Contraindications with SMT Physiotherapy

There are a number of diseases in which the use of SMT is strictly prohibited, because it can only worsen the already disappointing situation of the patient:

How to do SMT physical therapy at home

In life, it also happens that for a banal movement to the hospital, a person will have more harm from this than from the procedure performed. It is quite difficult for such people to attend the necessary procedures every day.

In this case, therapy is prescribed at home. Stimulation is carried out with analogues of hospital devices that are already set to certain parameters, and they are quite small (compared to the units that are installed in the hospital). The procedure can be carried out even by yourself!

It should be noted that the devices that provide amplipulse therapy have a fairly high degree of protection as much as II category. Let's say small "Amplipulse - 6" It was created so that it can be used both in the hospital and at home.

It is used to treat patients in extremely severe conditions, for example, after a myocardial infarction, or after a violation of motor ability, after coronary heart disease, or after an injury / stroke.

How is the treatment in the clinic


The device can operate in different modes, so first you need to choose the right type of impact or use the function of switching on pulses of different frequencies in turn.

Side effects of SMT physiotherapy

In general, therapy does not cause complications, but in some cases it may occur if:

  1. The technology of using the device was not observed.
  2. If the treatment was prohibited due to contraindications, but, nevertheless, it was used anyway.
  3. In cases where the device was used as a means to accelerate the penetration of drugs into the human body. In this case, side effects will be due to the action of the drug.
  4. Allergy that occurs due to intolerance to the effects of current.

Advantages of this technology

Let's list the main ones:

Beneficial features

SMT therapy provides a huge number of positive health effects:

  • Removes any pain syndromes of various etiologies.
  • Relieves spasms, tension and excessive muscle activity - muscle relaxation.
  • Stimulates the outflow of lymphatic fluid and corrects the blood supply.
  • Helps to establish a material exchange of the whole organism.
  • Has a strengthening effect.
  • Promotes metabolism in liver cells.
  • The session is psychosomatically relaxing.

Therapy for children

As you know, the body of children is not so resistant to all methods, especially during periods of illness.


The therapeutic effect of the TERA-FOT device is due to the simultaneous effect on a large area (volume) of body tissues of electromagnetic radiation of semiconductor intero-LEDs in the visible or infrared region of the spectrum (more than 350 LEDs arranged in a matrix).


1. Polyneuropathy
2. Osteochondroch of the spine
3. Shoulder-scapular repiarthritis
4. Diseases of the joints
5. Raynaud's disease
6. Skin diseases
7. Lithmostasis
8. Disease of arteries and veins, thrombophlebitis
9. Trophic ulcers, long-term non-healing wounds.


1. Photodermatosis
2. Photophtholmia

The use of the TERA-FOT device improves blood microcirculation, reduces muscle rigidity, and reduces the intensity of pain. There are changes in the configuration of protein molecules, the central and peripheral immunodynamics are normalized.


Exposure of a patient to laser radiation obtained using quantum generators has found wide application in restorative medicine over the past 20 years.

The laser beam has a number of therapeutic properties: it effectively reduces tissue inflammation, has a bactericidal effect, stimulates regeneration processes, quickly relieves pain, and strengthens the body's defenses.
The effectiveness of treatment is increased by combining the effects of laser radiation and magnetic field, used in modern physiotherapy equipment.

Sessions are usually held daily, for a course of 8-10-15 procedures.

Indications for laser therapy:

- diseases of the circulatory system
- diseases of the peripheral nervous system
- diseases of the respiratory system
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
- trophic disorders
- diseases of the genitourinary system

Contraindications for laser therapy:

Acute inflammatory diseases
- thyrotoxicosis
-diabetes mellitus, severe art.


To date, many aspects of the biological effects of a constant or alternating low-frequency magnetic field have been studied in sufficient detail.
It is known that the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, as well as the gastrointestinal tract and the musculoskeletal system are more susceptible to magnetic fields.

Magnetotherapy has a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, promotes tissue regeneration and reduces swelling. The magnetic field normalizes the vegetative functions of the body, reduces the increased vascular tone, and has a hypotensive effect. Under the influence of general magnetic therapy, the production of hormones of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, sex and other endocrine glands is enhanced, and the enzyme systems of the body are also activated. The magnetic field also has an immunomodulating, antioxidant, sedative effect.

Usually local procedures are used. Recently, general magnetotherapy has been increasingly used. Physiotherapy room JSC sanatorium "Krasny Holm" has equipment for magnetotherapy, both local (apparatus "Almag"), and general (apparatus "Hummingbird") effects.

The course is determined by the attending physician individually and is 8-10-15 procedures that are performed daily.

Indications for magnetotherapy:

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
- hypertension and coronary artery disease

-vascular damage in diabetes mellitus
-bronchial asthma
- vascular dystonia
-diseases of the digestive tract
- gynecological diseases

Contraindications to magnetotherapy:

Individual hypersensitivity to the magnetic factor
- thyrotoxicosis
- tendency to bleed

Amplipulse (SMT) - therapy

Amplipulse (SMT) - therapy- This is a type of physiotherapy in which there is an effect of sinusoidally modulated currents on certain areas of the body.

During this procedure, an alternating pulsed current of medium frequency is used. Current with such parameters easily passes through the skin, does not have an irritating effect, penetrates deep into the tissues, which ensures good tolerability of the procedure. Depending on the indications, different modes of SMT therapy are used.

Amplipulse therapy has a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, relieves muscle spasms or acts as a myostimulator (depending on the regimen), improves blood circulation in tissues, and normalizes the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. SMT-therapy procedures are prescribed by the attending physician, for a course of 5-7-10 procedures, which are carried out daily or every other day.

Indications for SMT therapy:

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
- post-traumatic conditions
- diseases of the peripheral nervous system
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
-chronic broncho-pulmonary diseases
-diseases of the female and male reproductive organs

Contraindications for SMT therapy:

Individual intolerance to the procedure
- susceptibility to thrombosis
- acute injuries (up to 72 hours)
-cm. contraindications to other physiotherapy

Medicinal electrophoresis

Medicinal electrophoresis (iontophoresis) is a method of combined effects on the body of a direct electric current and a medicinal substance administered with its help.

In this case, 90 - 92% of the medicinal substance is introduced due to electrogenic movement, 1-3% - due to electroosmosis and 5-8% - as a result of diffusion. In this case, the drug enters the body through the skin or mucous membranes.

During electrophoresis of drugs, they are deposited in the skin for a period of 1 to 2 days. From the skin depots, the medicinal substance slowly and gradually penetrates into deeper tissues, spreading with the bloodstream throughout the body. In the future, the drug is distributed in various organs and tissues.

Excretion of the drug from the body is most often carried out by the kidneys. With electrophoresis, the drug is administered in a small amount, but this is enough to obtain a good therapeutic effect. At the same time, there are no side reactions inherent in medicinal substances when administered by other methods.

The method of drug electrophoresis makes it possible to introduce a pharmacological preparation directly into the lesion, if the latter is located in superficial tissues (skin, subcutaneous adipose tissue, mucous membranes).

The duration of the procedure is from 10 to 20 - 30 minutes. The course of treatment consists of 8-10-20 procedures performed daily or every other day.

Our resort uses classical electrophoresis with drugs:

With novocaine (for severe pain syndromes)
- with lidase (to accelerate the processes of scar resorption)
- with karipazim (in the treatment of protrusions and hernias of intervertebral discs)
- with calcium chloride (for allergic and inflammatory diseases)
- with papaverine and no-shpa (for gastrointestinal diseases)
- with intal and eufillin (for diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system)
- with sodium bromide (for diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems)

Indications for electrophoresis:

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
- cardiovascular diseases
- diseases of the digestive tract
- broncho-pulmonary diseases
- diseases of the peripheral nervous system
- some skin and allergic diseases

Contraindications to the appointment of electrophoresis:

Individual intolerance to direct electric current
- the presence of an artificial pacemaker
- drug intolerance
- pustular skin lesions at the electrode sites
- oncological diseases


Darsonvalization- therapeutic effect on the patient by a constant electric field of high tension. Most often, local darsonvalization is used (arms, legs, head, collar zone, face).

This type of physiotherapy has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, promotes the expansion of peripheral vessels, normalizes their tone, improves blood supply to tissues, promotes their regeneration. It also has a pronounced bactericidal effect and relieves skin itching. With hypertension, it helps to normalize blood pressure, calms the nervous system, relieves stress, and improves sleep. It is widely used in cosmetology to improve the condition of the skin of the face and neck.

Indications for darsonvalization:

Diseases of the circulatory organs (hypertension stage 1-2, dyscirculatory encephalopathy stage 1-2, vertebrobasilar insufficiency)
- angiopathy
- varicose veins of the lower extremities
- neurosis, migraine, sleep disorders
- sensorineural hearing loss
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis of the spine, myositis, neuropathy)
- skin diseases

Contraindications to darsonvalization:

Individual intolerance to the effects of an electric field of high intensity
- acute inflammatory processes
- thyrotoxicosis

The device "Amplipulse" is a universal multifunctional device for therapeutic effects; sinusoidal modulated currents in alternating and rectified (constant) mode. The device has four independent channels, which allows you to simultaneously act on four procedural fields. The device also provides an electropuncture mode, which allows you to influence biologically active points with sinusoidal modulated SMT currents.

The main types of therapeutic effects of SMT:

analgesic action;

Vasodilating action;

Hypotensive action;

Anti-inflammatory action;

Anti-edematous action;

Resolving action;

Trophy-stimulating action;

Stimulation of striated and smooth muscles.

Differentiated therapeutic use of various types of exposure involves the use of SMT of various frequencies and depths of modulation, contrast of current bursts, as well as the ratio of the time of current bursts and pauses.

SMT with a high modulation frequency (80-100 Hz) is used for acute clinical symptoms (severe pain syndrome, irritation of sympathetic nerve formations, vegetative-vascular disorders, exudation phenomena during inflammation), with spasms of blood vessels and internal hollow organs, when exposed to head area, reflexogenic zones.

The use of SMT with a modulation frequency of 30-50 Hz is intended for the treatment of subacute and chronic diseases (moderate pain syndrome (in the absence of sympathetic pain), degenerative-dystrophic processes, stimulation of proliferative processes, hypotrophy phenomena.

Frequencies of 10-20 Hz, which have a pronounced irritating effect, are used to stimulate motor and sensory tissue elements.

With a decrease in the duration of the current sending and the depth of modulation, the irritating effect of the current decreases. An increase in the duration of the current sending and the depth of modulation has a more intense stimulating effect (electrical stimulation during denervation processes in peripheral neuritis).

The presence of a rectified operating mode of the apparatus allows electrophoresis of various medicinal substances simultaneously on four procedural fields. The largest amount of medicinal substances for the procedure is transferred when using the 1st and 4th kind of work (1st and 4th types of exposure) in a single-channel mode and when using the ring mode (6th and 7th types of exposure).

Medicinal substances used in SMT electrophoresis

Introduced ion





Vitamin C

Vitamin B 1




A nicotinic acid







When working on one channel, all known methods of influence are used both in alternating and rectified modes.

The method of treatment of obliterating diseases of the vessels of the upper and lower extremities

SMT are used to treat obliterating diseases in 1-2 stages of arterial insufficiency.

The impact is carried out on the lumbar region paravertebral - 1st field, the area of ​​the front and back of the thigh - 2nd field,

the area of ​​the inner and outer surface of the lower leg - 3rd field, the area of ​​the back and plantar surface of the foot - 4th field.

Amplipulsephoresis of nicotinic acid is recommended for the lumbar region. Rectified mode, modulation frequency 100 Hz, depth 50%, type of operation 3.4. The duration of the parcels in the period of 2-3 s. The area of ​​the extremities is affected in the mode of electrical stimulation. Variable mode. The ring principle of connecting channels is used. With simultaneous impact on both limbs: 1st procedural field - thigh, 2nd field - lower leg of one limb, 3rd field - thigh and 4th field - lower leg of the other limb.

To achieve a more pronounced effect on a certain area, it is possible to connect two channels to one procedural field.

7 types of influence are used, the 5th type of work, the modulation frequency is 100 Hz, the duration of the message is 2.5 s, the modulation depth is from 50 to 100%, depending on the degree of circulatory disturbance.

The strength of the current is from a slight sensation of vibration to weak muscle contractions. The period of operation of the channels is 10 s. The exposure time is from 10 to 20 minutes. Course 10-15 procedures.

Influence in diseases of the vessels of the upper extremities is carried out similarly.

Method of treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine with radicular syndrome

On the region of the lumbar spine, amplipulsephoresis of anesthetics or ganglionic blockers is performed in a straightened mode. Childbirth works 3 and 4 for 5 minutes. Acute process - modulation frequency 100 Hz, depth 25-50%;

Subacute modulation frequency 50-80Hz, depth 50-75%;

Chronic - modulation frequency 30 Hz, depth 75-100%.

To influence the region of the limb and the gluteal region, the ring principle of connecting channels is used.

Procedural fields - the gluteal region, the back of the thigh, the back of the leg. In the zone of maximum pain severity, it is possible to connect two channels to one procedural field. The 7th type of impact is used, the 5th type of work, the frequency of modulation and depth, depending on the sharpness of the process. Variable mode] or straightened in cases where the introduction of drugs is necessary. The duration of the message is 2.5 s. The period of operation of the channels is 10 s. Exposure time from 10 to 20 minutes Course - 8-15 daily procedures.

Muscle electrical stimulation technique in the presence of atrophy caused by prolonged immobilization

Electrical stimulation is carried out after removing the plaster cast on the area of ​​functionally weakened muscles, in the presence of joint stiffness - on the joint area. Electrodes are applied longitudinally to the area of ​​the muscles of the limbs. The region of the anterior surface of the thigh - 1 field, the region of the back surface of the thigh - 2 field, the region of the anterior surface of the lower leg - 3 field, the region of the back surface of the lower leg - 4 field.

In the presence of joint contracture, it is additionally possible to act on the joint area, then on the anterior and posterior surfaces of the joint.

Ring mode for connecting channels -1,2,3,4 procedural field, respectively.

The period of operation of the channels is from 4 to 16 s. The 6th type of impact is used, the 2nd type of work, the modulation frequency for intact muscles is -100 Hz, for damaged muscles - 20-30 Hz, the depth is 50-75%, the current strength is until a distinct muscle contraction is obtained.

The duration of the procedure is 10-25 minutes. It is advisable to carry out the procedures 2 times a day.

To obtain a faster effect, it is advisable to combine the impact on the region of the limbs with the impact of SMT of the same parameters on the region of the corresponding segments of the spinal cord.

Obesity treatment technique

Obesity treatment consists of a complex of measures, including diet therapy, drug therapy, physiotherapy exercises, psychotherapy, physiotherapy and massage. Physiotherapeutic measures are reduced to the appointment of procedures that promote the stimulation of metabolic processes, the activation of lipolysis processes.

Traditionally, for these purposes, hydrotherapy and exposure to pulsed low-frequency currents on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe greatest deposition of adipose tissue are used. When using traditional amplipulse therapy devices, the procedure is quite laborious and often requires a significant investment of time. When working with the apparatus "Amplipulse-7" in the ring mode, the time spent on the procedure is significantly reduced and the effectiveness of the treatment is increased.

1st procedural field - paravertebral to the region of the lumbar spine, 2nd field - to the region of the gluteal muscles and posterior-lateral surfaces of the thighs on the left and right (transverse or transverse-diagonal method of applying electrodes) to the region of the largest fat deposits, 3rd field - the region of the anterior abdominal wall.

The mode is variable, the ring method of connecting the electrodes. Channels are connected according to the numbering of the fields. Type of impact - 6, type of work - 2. Modulation frequency 100 Hz, modulation depth - 100%. The period of current passage is 4-8 s. The strength of the current until a distinct vibration is felt. The duration of the procedure is 25 minutes. The course is 15-20 procedures. In cases of achieving a positive result, periodic repetition of treatment is recommended. The interval between courses is selected individually.

Method of treatment of atonic state of intestinal muscles

The effect of SMT on the area of ​​the intestinal musculature contributes to an increase in the tone and peristalsis of the intestine, and also has a tonic effect on the functional state of the nervous system.

The mode is variable, the ring method of connecting the electrodes. Electrodes 1 of the procedural field are superimposed on the region of the sacral spine paravertebral, 2 - on the region of the anterior abdominal wall in the region of the ascending colon, 3 - on the region of the anterior abdominal wall in the region of the transverse colon, 4 - on the region of the anterior abdominal walls in the region of the descending colon. Connecting channels corresponds to the numbering of procedural fields.

Type of impact - 6, type of work 2, modulation frequency - 10-20 Hz, modulation depth - 100%. The current passage period is 8-16 s. The current strength is until a distinct, but painless contraction of the abdominal wall muscles under the electrodes is obtained.

The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. The procedures are carried out daily, the total number of them per course is from 8 to 15.

Method of treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases

(chronic bronchitis and pneumonia, protracted

o pneumonia in the presence of an asthmatoid component)

In the presence of a concomitant disease - osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine, this technique using the ring mode is especially effective.

Electrodes 1 of the procedural field are superimposed on the region of the lower cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae paravertebral, 2 - in the interscapular region, 3 - on the region of the lower thoracic and upper lumbar vertebrae paravertebral. The electrodes 4 of the procedural field can be connected to the electrodes of the 2nd procedural field to enhance the therapeutic effect or be superimposed on the sternum area. Variable mode 7 type of action 5 type of work, modulation frequency - 80 Hz, modulation depth 75-100%. The current passage period is 10 s. The current strength is up to the feeling of pronounced vibration.

The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. Procedures are carried out daily or every other day. Course 10-15 procedures.

To enhance the bronchodraining effect, it is advisable to carry out amplipulse eufillin in a straightened mode from the electrodes of the 2nd procedural field.

Carrying out the effects of SMT is contraindicated in the presence of a pronounced inflammatory process, accompanied by a significant increase in temperature.

A technique for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages, complicated by infertility.

As a result of inadequate therapy of chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterus and especially appendages, obliteration (complete or partial) of the fallopian tubes, as well as peritubal adhesions, may occur. All of these pathological disorders lead to the development of infertility in young women. In this case, it is necessary to carry out electrical stimulation with pulsed currents to activate the resorption of adhesive and obliterating processes, to stimulate the kinetic activity of the fallopian tubes.

INDICATIONS for electrical stimulation: chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages in remission with impaired reproductive function (infertility).

CONTRAINDICATIONS. General to electropulse therapy:

systemic blood diseases;

bleeding, tendency to bleed;

decompensation of cardiac activity, circulatory disorders above II degree;

renal and liver failure;



active tuberculosis of the lungs and kidneys;

thrombophlebitis (in the affected area);

urolithiasis and calculous cholecystitis (when exposed to the abdomen and lower back);

acute intra-articular injuries;

acute purulent inflammatory processes;

skin diseases in the acute phase in the affected area;

hypersensitivity to impulse current;

implanted pacemaker;

endometriosis, uterine fibromyoma, acute purulent inflammation of the uterus and appendages, intestinal polyposis.

Note: During the entire course of treatment and after it for 1.5 months, contraception is necessary to prevent the occurrence of an ectopic pregnancy.

Electrical stimulation technique (Fig. 1)

4 pairs of fields are affected: I - the electrodes are fixed transversely in the region of the uterine appendages transabdominally on the left;
II - similar

place the electrodes in the area of ​​the appendages on the right; III - one electrode is placed above the pubic joint, the other - in the region of the sacrum; IV - a cavity disposable vaginal electrode is inserted into the vagina, and the other (usual) is placed in the area of ​​​​the appendages, alternating its connection to the I or II channel by day. If the exacerbation of salpingo-oophoritis (adnexitis) was clearly unilateral or there are salpingography data, then in this case the second electrode of the IV channel is connected constantly to the anterior field of the I or II pair, located on the side of the pathological focus. The operation mode of the channels is mixed-ring, channels 1-III operate in the "drift" mode with the ring current migration through the channels. The current migration period gradually increases from 16 to 32 seconds. Channel IV operates in the "fixed frequencies" mode according to the scheme. The strength of the current until a strong but painless vibration is felt (until a muscle contraction is felt).

Fig.1. Electrical stimulation with current pulses in inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages complicated by infertility.

Scheme of operation (dosing) of the IV channel



Vibration Intensity

Duration of the procedure in minutes





If during electrical stimulation an aggravation of the inflammatory process occurs or pain occurs, then you should switch to the method of electrical impulse therapy recommended for the treatment of adnexitis. In the absence of a cavitary vaginal electrode, the location of the electrodes can be used as indicated in the method for treating chr. adnexitis, but the dosing of the parameters should be carried out according to the method of electrical stimulation.

During stimulation and after it for 1.5 months, a woman should use contraception to prevent ectopic pregnancy.

Methods of treatment of chronic prostatitis.

Chronic prostatitis is characterized by damage to the glandular and connective tissue of the prostate gland. In the development of the disease, the infectious inflammatory process mainly dominates, but allergic disorders play a certain role. Prostatitis may occur against the background of atony of the prostate and due to stagnation of the secret in the prostate, posterior urethritis, endocrine disorders. The torpid course of the disease and the lack of effectiveness of treatment leads to impotence and infertility. Against the background of long-term prostatitis, disturbances develop in the neuroendocrine and immune systems of the body. Long-term chronic prostatitis can also lead to pathospermia.

Indications for electropulse therapy: chronic prostatitis in the stage of incomplete and complete remission; chronic prostatitis complicated by impotence; chronic prostatitis complicated by infertility.

Contraindications to electropulse therapy, general (p. 10), as well as exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, prostate adenoma, benign and malignant neoplasms of the genital organs and rectum.

Treatment Method (Fig. 2)

Exposure is carried out on 3 pairs of fields: 1-2 fields in the projection area of ​​the adrenal glands, II - 2 paravertebral fields in the sacral zone at the level of SI - S5, III - a cavity rectal disposable electrode is inserted into the rectum, another conventional cutaneous electrode is fixed in the suprapubic region. The channels of the apparatus are connected to the indicated pairs of fields, respectively: to the 1st pair - 1 channel, to the 2nd pair - the II channel, to the 3rd pair - the III channel and the IV channel.

Rice. 2. Electropulse therapy for chronic prostatitis

The mode of operation of the channels is mixed-ring. I-II channels operate in the "drift" mode with a ring current migration through the channels. The current migration period of 16-32 seconds gradually increases in the course of treatment. Channel IV operates in the "fixed frequency" mode with a constant frequency of 100-120 Hz for chronic prostatitis in incomplete remission, and in the "drift" mode in complete remission of the disease. The duration of the procedure is gradually increased from 10-15 minutes to 20 minutes. Given the equivalence of pairs of fields in channels I and II, it is recommended to change the cathode and anode phases of the pulses for half the procedure time.

If an exacerbation of the inflammatory process occurs after the first procedures, all dosing parameters should be reduced.

Up to 12-14 procedures are prescribed for the course of treatment, carried out daily or every other day.

It is expedient to repeat the courses of treatment in 1.5-2 months.

Impotence Treatment Method

Impotence belongs to the group of sexual disorders. Violation of the copulative function (inability to have sexual intercourse) can be neurogenic, endocrine, vascular in nature, as well as due to mechanical obstacles. Neurogenic form of impotence is divided into cortical, spinal and neuroreceptor. Cortical impotence is associated with functional or organic diseases of the brain. The most common cause of spinal impotence is sexual excess, interrupted or prolonged sexual intercourse, unsatisfied sexual arousal, onanism. Neuroreceptor impotence is associated with inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland and seminal tubercle, as well as prostate atony. The endocrine form of impotence is associated with impaired testicular function. The main role in the vascular form of impotence is played by the defeat of the branches of the internal pudendal artery in atherosclerosis, arteritis, sometimes with the defeat of the atherosclerotic process of the pelvic arteries.

INDICATIONS for electrical impulse stimulation: impotence of neurogenic (spinal and neuroreceptor) forms,

impotence of the endocrine form, prostatitis with impaired reproductive function (infertility), atony of the prostate.

CONTRAINDICATIONS, general (page 10), exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, prostate adenoma, polyp (polyposis) of the rectum (intestine), suspected malignant, as well as benign diseases of the genital organs and intestines.


Impacts are carried out on 4 pairs of fields; I- 2 electrodes in the area of ​​the medial (inner) surface of the right thigh; II - 2 electrodes in the area

medial surface of the left thigh; III - 2 electrodes in the area of ​​the adrenal glands; IV - cavity rectal disposable electrode is inserted into the rectum (it can be moistened with a medicinal solution, see page 20), another conventional electrode is placed in the sacrum (SI - S5).

Rice. 3. Electrical impulse stimulation for impotence.

The mode of operation of the channels is mixed-group. Channels I-III operate in the "drift" mode with a group method of current migration through the channels. The period of current migration from 16 to 32 seconds gradually increases during the course of treatment. Channel IV operates in the "fixed frequency" mode with a constant frequency of 20 - 40 Hz. The strength of the current until you feel at first (in the first procedures) moderate, and then strong, but painless vibration (until you feel muscle contraction). The duration of the procedure - gradually increases from 10 to 20 (25) minutes. The course of electrostimulation consists of 10-15 procedures performed daily or every other day.

It is advisable to repeat the courses of electrical stimulation 2-4 times a year. In case of exacerbation of chronic prostatitis during the course of electrical stimulation, one should switch to the method of electrical impulse therapy recommended for the treatment of prostatitis (see above).

If the patient has discomfort during treatment, it is recommended to reduce all dosing parameters or the intensity (current strength) of the effects.

In the absence of a cavity rectal electrode, a conventional small-sized skin electrode can be used and placed in the perineal region.

The method of using SMT in the postoperative period
after liposuction and tummy tuck
. .

After the operation, serious violations of microhemo and lymphatic circulation are carried out the next day due to the occurrence of significant edema, tissue hypoxia, and the accumulation of underoxidized metabolic products. The use of SMT in the early postoperative period has a resolving effect, washing away the products of tissue decay. The use of SMT is especially effective in patients with a tendency to form extensive infiltrates. The impact is carried out on the 3rd day after the operation. After even a single exposure, the general condition clearly improves, pain and swelling decrease. The electrodes 1 of the procedural field are located paravertebral on area 4 behind the region of the abdominal wall.

To enhance the impact on the site of the most pronounced seals, the impact of two channels was carried out simultaneously. Rectified mode, type of action 6, type of work - 2, modulation frequency - 80-100 Hz, with pronounced edema -150 Hz, modulation depth -75-100%. The period of operation of the channels is 8-16 s. The strength of the current until a pronounced vibration is felt. Course - 5-7 daily procedures. The duration of the procedure increases during the treatment from 10 to 20 minutes.

Application of the device "Amplipulse-7"
in electropuncture mode

The use of the device in the mode of electropuncture significantly expands the possibilities of therapeutic use of sinusoidal modulated currents. To influence the BAP, 5 types of work are used in variable and rectified modes. In rectified mode, it is possible to carry out iontophoresis of drugs, observing the polarity of the electrodes.

When applying the excitatory method of influencing BAP, a negative electrode is used, which has a pronounced irritating and absorbable effect.

When applying the inhibitory method of influencing BAP, an electrode of positive polarity is used, which has a calming, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect.

The impact on the BAT in the variable mode depends on the frequency and depth of modulation, the ratio of the duration of current bursts and pauses, and the current strength. The strength of the current depends on the location of the UAS. When exposed to the back, lower extremities, the current strength ranges from 200 to 250 μA, the gluteal region can be affected by current up to 400 μA.

At the time of the procedure, the patient should feel a feeling of tingling, slight bursting, vibration, and possibly a feeling of warmth. The sensation should be pleasant and painless.

  • In case of an overdose, it is accompanied by pain at the point, complications such as burns in the affected area and a sharp exacerbation of the disease are possible. In the treatment of chronic diseases in remission, the current strength should be minimal, up to weak subjective sensations of the patient.

The time of exposure to one BAP in the mode of electropuncture is from 1 to 5 minutes. For one procedure, it is recommended to use 5-6 points. During the procedure, the impact is first on the points of the upper, then the lower part of the body, back and abdomen.

The use of electropuncture is effective in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine with the presence of radicular syndrome. With the predominance of pain, the impact is carried out on the BAP of the distal extremities in the places of greatest pain. The variable mode is used, the 2nd kind of work, the modulation frequency is 100 Hz, the modulation depth is 100%. The current strength is up to the feeling of light vibration, the exposure time is from 2 to 5 minutes.

In case of violation of motor functions, the modulation frequency is applied - 30 Hz (other parameters are the same).

Annex A

Method of application of the rectal-vaginal electrode The electrode is intended for carrying out electrotherapeutic procedures in the rectal or vaginal cavities:

constant continuous and constant low-frequency currents in widely used methods of galvanization and medicinal electrophoresis; impulse currents (dynamic, rectangular, triangular, exponential, two-phase, bipolar);

The electrode is made of a cotton swab in the inner part of which, along the entire length, an electrically conductive cord is sewn, which ensures a uniform distribution of the electrical potential. An elastic tube passes inside the electrode to fill the swab with the drug.

The electrode is placed in the inturbation tube and is equipped with a piston tube, which is a system for introducing the electrode into the cavity.

The entire system is individually sealed and sterilized.

Electrode application:

Insert the inturbation tube into the cavity to the required depth; By shifting the inturbation tube relative to the piston one, release the electrode into the cavity;

Remove the piston and inturbation tube;

The solution of the drug is administered using a syringe for injection through a catheter. The solution is absorbed slowly, but without significant delay. The amount of drug required to fill the swab is indicated on the electrode tag. The swab must be completely soaked.

Remove the catheter;

Connect the contact of the cable of the electric device to the electrical cord,
biting through the insulating coating.

At the end of the procedure, the electrode is removed by the sewn into the electrode
a thread.


Therapeutic methods of amplipulse therapy and diadynamic therapy

From the book "Guide to Physiotherapy" Ponomarenko G.N., Vorobyov M.G.

The location of the electrodes and their dimensions under the influence of SMT and DDT are the same for many treatment methods. However, during diadynamic therapy, they act with a current of a constant direction, and with one localization, several types of current are often used, while increasing the intensity of the effect. In case of acute pain, a cathode is usually placed on this area and initially exposed to the DN current for 30-60 s, after which the KP current is applied for 2-3 minutes and the procedure is completed by exposure to the DP current for the same time. In case of very acute pain, exposure in the first 2 days is limited to DN current or DV current (two-half-wave wave) for 2-3 minutes. Amplipulse therapy is carried out, as a rule, with non-rectified alternating current and is affected for 3-5 minutes of III and IV PP. The duration of exposure to current of each kind of work can be significantly increased as the pathological process (pain) subsides.

Diadynamic therapy (SMT-therapy) of the trigeminal nerve

Use small round electrodes on a manual holder. One of the electrodes (cathode) is installed at the exit site of one of the branches of the trigeminal nerve, the second - in the area of ​​pain irradiation. Influenced by the current DN 20-30 s, and then the current KP for 1-2 minutes. Current strength - up to a pronounced painless vibration; procedures are carried out daily; per course - 6 procedures. Type of current CMT - III PP 3-5 min + IV PP 3-5 min, modulation frequency 100-30 Hz, modulation depth 25-75%, mode I, duration of current bursts in a period of 2-4 s. The total duration of exposure at one localization is 6-8 minutes. Current strength - until a pronounced painless vibration appears; procedures are carried out daily or every other day; per course - 8-10 procedures. For pain in the area of ​​all three branches of the trigeminal nerve, one electrode in the form of a half-mask is placed on the affected half of the face, and the other, 15x20 cm in size, is placed in the interscapular region. The exposure parameters are the same as indicated for one branch of the trigeminal nerve.

Rice. Scheme of exposure to diadynamic currents: a - with damage to the branches of the trigeminal nerve; b - on the region of the upper cervical sympathetic node; c - with atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

Diadynamic therapy (SMT-therapy) of the region of the upper cervical sympathetic node

In the position of the patient lying on his side, they act with small round electrodes on a manual holder. The cathode is installed 2 cm behind the angle of the lower jaw on the area of ​​​​the upper cervical sympathetic node, the anode - 2 cm higher (Fig. 2.37, b). The electrodes are placed perpendicular to the surface of the neck. Apply DN current for 3 min. The current strength is up to the feeling of pronounced vibration. The impact is carried out from two sides. Course - 4-6 procedures, daily. SMT: I RR 2-4 min, mode I, modulation frequency 50-100 Hz, modulation depth 25-50%, parcels for 2-3 s, daily, course 10-12 procedures.

Diadynamic therapy of the temporal region(according to V.V. Sinitsin).

Small double electrodes are used on a manual holder, which are placed in the temporal region (at the level of the eyebrow) so that the temporal artery is in the interelectrode space. The CP is prescribed with its strength, causing a sensation of periodic vibration or flickering in the eye on the side of exposure. The duration of the first procedures is 1-2 minutes, followed by a change in polarity for 1 minute. Then the KP current is also affected for 2-3 minutes, followed by a change in polarity for 2 minutes. The procedures are carried out with the patient lying on his side, acting alternately on one and the other temporal arteries during one procedure; procedures are carried out daily or every other day; course - 10-12 procedures. If necessary, a second course of treatment is carried out after 3-4 weeks.

Diadynamic therapy (SMT-therapy) of the shoulder joint

Plate electrodes measuring 10x15 cm are placed transversely on the anterior and posterior surfaces of the joint (the cathode is at the site of the pain projection). 3 types of currents are used: DV (or DN) - 2-3 minutes, KP - 2-3 minutes, DP - 3 minutes. With pain under both electrodes, the polarity is reversed in the middle of exposure to each type of current. Current strength - up to a pronounced painless vibration; procedures are carried out daily or every other day; course - 8-10 procedures. Media: III and IV RR for 5 minutes each, modulation frequency 30-100 Hz, depth 25-75%, variable mode, parcels for 2-4 s, daily, course 10-12 procedures.

Diadynamic therapy (SMT-therapy) of the ankle joint

Large round electrodes on expanding jaws are placed on both sides of the joint at the most painful points. They act initially for 1 min with the current of the DN, then with the current of the KP for 2 minutes in the forward and reverse direction. Current strength - up to the most pronounced vibration. Procedures are carried out daily, and with fresh injuries - 2 times a day; course - 5-7 procedures. SMT: III and IV RR for 3-5 minutes each, modulation frequency 30-100 Hz, modulation depth 25-75%, variable mode, daily, course 10-12 procedures.

Diadynamic therapy (amplipulse therapy) of the branches of the trigeminal nerve

Two round cup electrodes are placed on a manual holder: one is placed in the zone of maximum pain, at the point of exit of one branch of the trigeminal nerve, the other is in the zone of pain irradiation.

Diadynamic therapy (amplipulse therapy) of the cervical spine

Two plate electrodes 3x12 cm in size are applied paravertebral to the left and right in the region of the cervical and upper thoracic spine. Influence DDT DN-1 min, CP-3 min with polarity reversal, daily, course - 6 procedures. The mode of exposure to SMT is variable. Start exposure to the current of the carrier frequency for 30-60 s. Then apply the PN current for 1 min and finish the exposure to the IF current for 4 min. The strength of the current is up to the feeling of a pronounced, but painless vibration. Under the action of the last two types of current, the modulation frequency is 80-100 Hz, the modulation depth is 50%, the duration of the messages is 1 s. The procedures are carried out daily, the course of treatment is 8-12 procedures.

Rice. The location of the electrodes when exposed to sinusoidal modulated currents on the cervical spine and the location of the electrodes when exposed to diadynamic currents on the lumbar spine

Diadynamic therapy of the lumbosacral spine

Two plate electrodes with an area of ​​200 cm 2 are placed in the region of the paravertebral zones of the lumbosacral spine (Ln IV -Sn II). One electrode above the affected area is connected to the cathode, the second - to the anode of the apparatus. Influenced by current DN - 30 s, and then KP - 3 min each with a change in the polarity of the electrodes. After 2 procedures, the duration of exposure to the KP current is increased to 4 minutes. Current pulses of 10-12 mA are used. The total duration of daily procedures is 6.5-8.5 minutes, the course of treatment is 5-10 procedures.

Amplipulse therapy of the trachea and bronchi

Two plate electrodes 8x15 cm each are placed paravertebral in the interscapular region. The mode is variable. LF current is exposed for 1 min at a modulation depth of 0%. After that, the PM current is applied for 3 minutes at a modulation frequency of 100 Hz. The procedure is completed with the current of the inverter for 3-5 minutes with a modulation frequency of 100 Hz. During the first 3-4 procedures, the duration of modulation bursts with a frequency of 100 and 150 Hz is 1 s each, then 5 s each. Depth of modulation 50-75%. The strength of the current is up to the feeling of a pronounced vibration; procedures are carried out daily; course - 8-10 procedures.

Amplipulse therapy of the stomach area

One plate electrode with an area of ​​300 cm 2 is placed in the epigastric region, the other (with an area of ​​200 cm 2) is transversely on the back (in the zone D I V -D VIII). Use alternating current mode I and III PP for 3 minutes each. Modulation frequency 100 Hz, depth 25-100%. The current strength is increased until the patient feels a pronounced painless vibration, the course of treatment is 8-12 procedures.

Diadynamic therapy (amplipulse therapy) of the large intestine area

Plate electrodes with an area of ​​150 cm 2 are placed in the region of the ascending and descending colon. The electrode at the site of the projection of the ascending intestine is connected to the cathode, the descending - to the anode. Influenced by current DN - 1 min, and then OB - 5-7 min with a change of polarity. Current pulses of 4-8 mA are used. The duration of daily procedures is 11-15 minutes, the course of treatment is 8-10 procedures.

Rice. The location of the electrodes in diadynamic therapy of the colon

Amplipulse therapy of the uterine area

One plate electrode (cathode) with an area of ​​120 cm 2 is placed above the pubic symphysis, the other is of equal size (anode) - in the lumbosacral region. In the first 3-4 procedures, the rectified mode I and III PP are used for 5-7 minutes each, the modulation frequency is 100-150 Hz, the depth is 25-50%, the duration of the bursts is 1-1.5 s. With a decrease in the severity of the process, III and IV or III and V RR are used for 7-10 minutes each, the modulation frequency is 30-60 Hz, the depth is 50-75%, the duration of the messages is 4-6 s. The current strength is increased until the patient feels a pronounced painless vibration, the course of treatment is 10-12 procedures.

Amplipulse therapy (diadynamic therapy) of the lower limb

Flat electrodes are used, which are placed paravertebral at the level of roots Th XII -L v , and then sequentially on the area of ​​the thigh, lower leg and foot. Begin exposure to LF current in an alternating mode for 30 s. Modulation depth 0%. After that, they switch to the current PN and IF for 3-5 minutes each. Modulation frequency - 80-100 Hz, modulation depth - 50-100%, burst duration - 2-3 s. Current strength - up to pronounced vibration; procedures are carried out daily or every other day; per course -12-15 procedures.

Amplipulse therapy (diadynamic therapy) of the eye area

A round electrode with a diameter of 5 cm with a pad moistened with warm water is placed on the closed eyelids of the affected eye. Another flat electrode 10x10 cm in size is placed on the back of the neck. The mode is variable. LF current is applied for 30-40 s at a modulation depth of 0%. Then apply the PN current (2 min) and the IF current (2 min). Modulation frequency 90-100 Hz, depth - 50-75%. The duration of the parcels is 1 s. The strength of the current is up to the sensation of vibration; procedures are carried out daily; course - 6-8 procedures.

Diadynamic therapy (SMT-therapy) of the lung area

Electrodes 8x12 cm are placed transversely in the projection area of ​​the affected focus. DN current - 1 min, ON and KP - 4-5 minutes each. Current 3-5 mA, daily; course of treatment - 6-10 procedures. SMT: III and IV RR for 3-5 minutes each, modulation frequency 30-100 Hz, modulation depth 25-75%, variable mode, duration of parcels for 2-4 s, daily, course 10-12 procedures.

Diadynamic therapy (SMT-therapy) of the area of ​​intercostal nerves

Electrodes 5x10 cm in size are placed along the intercostal nerves: in the area of ​​​​the exit of the nerve roots and on the anterior surface of the chest. Current DV - 3 min, then KP and DP for 3 min; or sinusoidal modulated current (30 Hz, depth 75-100%, bursts of 3 s) PN and IF for 4-6 min; current strength - up to painless vibration, daily.

Diadynamic therapy of the wound area

Local electrodes with sterile hydrophilic pads are placed on both sides of the wound edges at a distance of 4-5 cm or proximal to the wound transversely to the axis of the limb or nerve trunk. Current DN - 2-3 minutes, then CP for 8-10 minutes, daily or every other day, course - 5-7 procedures.

Diadynamic therapy (SMT-therapy) of the paranasal sinuses

A double electrode on a manual holder is placed in the projection area of ​​the cavities. With a unilateral lesion, the cathode is on the affected side. Current DV, KP and DP - 3 min each; or SMT (30-100 Hz, depth 75%, bursts of 3 s) PN and IF for 4 min. Current strength - up to painless vibration, daily; course - 6-8 procedures.

Diadynamic therapy (SMT-therapy) of the tonsils

A double local electrode is placed in the submandibular region. Use currents KP and DP - 3-4 minutes each; or SMT (30 Hz, depth 75%, bursts of 2 s) Mon and IF for 3-4 min, daily; course - 6-8 procedures.

Endoaural diadynamophoresis

The ear canal and the sink are filled with gauze turunda moistened with a warm medicinal solution of zinc, iodine, furacilin, lidase, etc. An electrode 6x8 cm in size is placed on a swab and connected to the corresponding pole. The second electrode with a pad measuring 6x8 cm is placed on the opposite cheek. DP current is used. The strength of the current - until you feel painless vibration in the ear, the duration of the procedure is 5-10 minutes, daily or every other day; course of treatment - 10-12 procedures. After a hearing-restoring operation, it is used for 7-10 days.

Diadynamic therapy (SMT-therapy) of the larynx area

The position of the patient - lying or sitting. Electrodes measuring 3x4 cm are fixed on the lateral surfaces of the larynx at the posterior edge of the thyroid cartilage. Use the current DN, KP and DP - 3 min each; or SMT (30 Hz, depth 75%, bursts of 2 s) PN and IF for 3-4 min. Current strength - until the appearance of painless vibration; daily; course - 6-8 procedures.

Diadynamic therapy (SMT-therapy) of the glossopharyngeal nerve

The position of the patient - sitting or lying down. The double local electrode is placed at the angle of the mandible. Use current DV - 1 min, then KP - 4-5 min; or SMT (30-150 Hz, depth 50-100%, bursts for 2 s) PN and IF for 4-5 min. Current strength - up to painless vibration; daily; course - 6-8 procedures.

Diadynamic therapy (SMT-therapy) of the sciatic nerve area

The position of the patient is on the stomach. One electrode measuring 6x8 cm (cathode) is placed at the exit point of the sciatic nerve - under the gluteal fold, the other measuring 8x12 cm - on the thigh, in the upper third; or a double local electrode on the handle is installed on the projection of the painful point transverse to the axis of the limb. Then the electrodes are moved to pain points in the popliteal fossa, on the gastrocnemius muscle, if necessary, in the region of the Achilles tendon. Apply current DV - 5-6 min, then - KP for 4-6 min without changing polarity; or SMT (30-100 Hz, depth 50-100%, bursts for 3-4 s) PN and IF for 5 min; current strength - up to painless vibration; daily; course - 6-8 procedures.

Diadynamic therapy (SMT-therapy) of the lumbosacral region

The position of the patient is on the stomach. Plate electrodes 8x12 cm in size are placed paravertebral longitudinally in the affected areas of the lumbosacral region; middle local electrodes are placed paravertebral longitudinally on the corresponding segments on one or both sides. Apply current DV 3-4 min, then KP for 3-5 min with a change in polarity; or SMT (30-100 Hz, depth 75-100%, bursts for 3 s) Mon and IF for 4-6 min. Current strength - up to painless vibration; daily; course - 6-8 procedures.

Diadynamic therapy (SMT-therapy) of the elbow joint

The position of the patient - sitting or lying down. Electrodes 6x8 cm in size or middle local electrodes on the jaws are fixed in the region of the external and internal condyles of the shoulder. The DV current is used for 2-3 minutes, then the KP for 4-6 minutes without changing the polarity or SMT (30-100 Hz, depth 50-75%, bursts for 3-4 s) PN and IF for 4-5 minutes; current strength - up to painless vibration; daily; course - 8-10 procedures.

Diadynamic therapy (SMT-therapy) of the hand

The position of the patient is sitting. Electrodes 12x17 cm in size are placed on the palmar and back surfaces of the hand or electrodes 15x20 cm in size - when exposed to both hands at the same time. Apply current DV 2-3 min, then KP for 4-6 min with a change in polarity; or SMT (50-100 Hz, depth by 50-75%, bursts of 3 s) PN and IF for 5-6 minutes; current strength - up to painless vibration; daily, course - 8-10 procedures.

Diadynamic therapy (SMT-therapy) of the hip joint

The position of the patient is on the back. Electrodes measuring 10x15 cm are placed in the inguinal and gluteal regions; or a double electrode - in the region of the greater trochanter. Apply current DV - 3 min, then KP and DP - 3-4 min each with a change in polarity; or SMT (30-100 Hz, depth 50-100%, bursts for 3-4 s) Mon and IF for 3-5 min; current strength - up to painless vibration; daily; course - 7-9 procedures.

Diadynamic therapy (SMT-therapy) of the knee joint

The position of the patient - lying or sitting. 8x12 cm electrodes or middle local electrodes on jaws are placed on the lateral surfaces of the joint or above and below the joint. Apply current DV - 2-3 min, then KP - 4-6 min with a change in polarity; or SMT (30-100 Hz, depth 50-100%, bursts for 2 s) PN and IF for 4-6 minutes; current strength - up to painless vibration; daily; course - 8-10 procedures.

Diadynamic therapy (SMT-therapy) of the foot

The position of the patient - sitting or lying down. Medium round electrodes or plate electrodes 4x6 cm in size are fixed in the heel area (cathode) and on the back of the foot; or the foot is immersed in a bath of water at a temperature of 38-39°C (cathode), and the second electrode in the form of a cuff is placed on the lower third of the leg. Apply current DV - 2-3 min, then KP - 4-6 min, without changing polarity; or SMT (30-100 Hz, depth 75-100%, bursts for 3 s) PN and IF for 4-6 minutes; current strength - up to painless vibration; daily; course - 8-10 procedures.

Diadynamic therapy (SMT-therapy) of the kidneys

Electrodes 8x12 cm in size are placed in the projection area of ​​the kidney and symmetrically transversely - on the abdomen. Use the current DV and DP for 4-5 minutes; or SMT (100 Hz, depth up to 100%, bursts for 4 s) PN and IF for 4-5 minutes; current strength - up to painless vibration; daily or every other day; course of treatment - 6-8 procedures.

Diadynamic therapy (SMT-therapy) of the gallbladder

The position of the patient is lying down. One electrode 6x8 cm in size is placed in the right hypochondrium at the site of the bubble projection, the other 10x15 cm in size - transversely on the back. Use the current DN and KP - 5-6 minutes each; or SMT (30-100 Hz, depth 50-100%, bursts for 3 s) PM and IF for 4-6 minutes; current strength - up to painless vibration; daily; course - 8-10 procedures.

Diadynamic therapy (SMT-therapy) of the bladder

The position of the patient is lying down. The active electrode 8x12 cm in size is placed in the hypogastric region (above the pubic symphysis), the second electrode 10x15 cm in size - in the sacrum. Apply current DV and DP for 4-5 minutes; or SMT - II RR (PN), mode 1, 20-30 Hz, modulation depth 100%, duration of bursts and pauses - 5 s each; current strength - up to painless contractions of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes, daily; course of treatment - 10-15 procedures.

Perineal diadynamic therapy

The position of the patient is on the back. Electrodes 6x8 cm in size are placed above the pubis (anode) and under the scrotum or in the area of ​​the sacrum in women. Apply current DV and DP for 4-6 minutes; or SMT (100 Hz, depth 100%, bursts of 3 s) PN and IF for 4-6 min; current strength - up to painless vibration; daily or every other day; course of treatment - 12-15 procedures.

Diadynamic therapy (SMT-therapy) muscles

After determining the boundaries of muscle stretching or bruising, plate or local electrodes are placed in this area. Use current DV - 3 min, then KP - 3-4 min with a change in polarity; or SMT (30-100 Hz, depth - 50-75%, parcels for 3 s) Mon and IF for 4-6 minutes; current strength - up to painless vibration; daily; course - 8-10 procedures.

Diadynamic therapy (SMT-therapy) of the muscles of the thigh and lower leg

10x15 cm electrodes are placed on the anterior (cathode) and posterior thigh or on the lateral surfaces of the leg. Apply DV current with a change of polarity for 5-6 minutes; or SMT (100 Hz, depth 75-100%, bursts of 2 s, PP) - 5 min; current strength - from slight vibration to muscle contraction.

SMT therapy, what it is, indications and contraindications of this method of treatment are detailed in the article below.

To alleviate or eradicate the pathologies associated with the joints, a variety of methods are used, the most effective of which is the physiotherapy method.

The most popular procedure in this method is amplipulse therapy. Its essence is extremely simple, and consists in the action of a sinusoidal modular current at the site of a painful part of the body.

Such currents should be only low-frequency, which will make it possible to protect a person and eliminate all possible negative aspects.

In this technique, the action of the electric current occurs every allotted time interval with the same pause time.

The name of this action is electrical stimulation, between which relaxation of the painful area begins and the subsequent “electrical” sleep.


For such treatment, you will need to use a device called "Amplipulse", from which the name of this method of treatment came from. It was released back in the Soviet period, in the 60s. Even then, its analgesic effect and a positive effect on the diseased tissue area were studied and proven.

At the moment, there are a large number of different models under the numbers: 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. The differences lie in the individual features of the application and functionality. The most applicable models are 4 and 5.

What is amplipulse therapy and how it works

To use such an apparatus, it is necessary to attach several electrodes through which an electric current with a low frequency will subsequently be transmitted.

After the simultaneous passage of current through the electrodes, there comes a pause time.

Each time, the current strength increases slightly, but in no case will it reach a critical limit.

With this electrical stimulation, some fibers in the human muscles begin to contract spontaneously. A person this time can feel small vibrations, or less often - tingling. The procedure does not cause severe pain.

Amplipulse therapy provides the body with the following benefits:

  • Improving the blood supply to this area
  • Regenerative processes are activated
  • Increased muscle tone
  • Improves tissue nutrition

Cells affected by the disease, with the help of improved blood supply and nutrition, begin to recover. The inflammatory process also decreases during amplipulse therapy.

A single procedure gives only an analgesic effect; to completely get rid of the disease, several sessions will be required.

Amplipulse therapy for the treatment of joints and back

Amplipulse therapy is the most effective in the treatment of diseases of the joints and bones compared to other methods. The main benefits are:

  • Pain relief effect
  • Bone restoration
  • Improving blood supply to joints and bones
  • Elimination of muscle atrophy
  • Elimination of edema and inflammation

Due to the fact that a low-frequency current is capable of deep penetration into the skin, cell regeneration occurs, and blood supply is normalized in the affected areas, and as a result, nutrition.

The muscle fibers surrounding the bones and joints become stronger and thus stop atrophy. This helps keep joints and bones from moving.

Pain and spasms stop when exposed to sinusoidal modular currents by the end of the first session.

Preparing for a session

Before the procedure of amplipulse therapy, it is not required to take any special measures. This technique can be performed on an outpatient basis, so the person does not need to go to the hospital.

The only requirement from the patient is to be in the physical room at the time appointed by the attending physician. Based on the disease and its neglect, such sessions are held every day or every other day.

In especially severe cases, two-time amplipulse therapy within one day may be required. The pause between them should be at least 5 hours.

Features of procedures for osteochondrosis

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The mode, type of work, frequency, depth of modulation, duration of the procedure, current strength, frequency of procedures and their number per course of treatment are selected individually.

The mode of operation is assigned depending on the period and characteristics of the course of the disease.

In the acute period of the disease, a variable regimen is used, in the subacute and chronic, both the rectified regimen and the variable regimen can be used.

The type of work is determined by the peculiarity of the course of the disease: I RR is prescribed for a pronounced pain syndrome, exposure to reflexogenic zones, for manual electrical stimulation. II PP is used mainly for electrical stimulation, III, IV and V PP are used to influence the pain zone.

The modulation frequency is determined by the severity of the pain syndrome: with a sharp pain syndrome, a frequency of 80-100-150 Hz is prescribed, with a slight severity - 50-75 Hz. The depth of modulation varies depending on the severity of the pain syndrome: in acute pain syndrome, the modulation depth is 25-50%, in mildly pronounced - 50-75%, for stimulation - 100%. Procedures are carried out daily or every other day. It is possible to carry out two procedures a day with an interval of 4-5 hours. The course of treatment depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease: in acute pain syndrome, 5-8 procedures are performed, in the chronic process - 8-15, 20-25 procedures can be prescribed for stimulation.

Exposure to sinusoidal modulated currents is dosed according to the current strength (in mA), at which patients experience a well-defined vibration sensation during electrical stimulation. Begin the procedure and course of treatment with lower intensities, increasing them towards the end of the procedure and course of treatment. With one localization of the electrodes, one or two types of work are used with a total duration of exposure of 10-20 minutes. During one procedure, from I to 3 localizations of electrodes can be applied with a duration of current exposure to all localizations of 30 minutes.

The procedures are carried out in most cases in such a way that the size of the electrodes and their shape correspond to the area of ​​the painful area or pathological focus. To do this, either small round electrodes on manual electric holders or plate electrodes fixed on the patient's body with a bandage are used. Most often, 2 electrodes of equal size are used, however, if it is necessary to enhance the action under one of the electrodes, the second electrode is made much larger. Split electrodes can also be used. The structure of the electrodes themselves is the same as for galvanization or diadynamic therapy, although with alternating current the hydrophilic pad can be much thinner.

In the appointment of the impact of SMT, the localization of the electrodes on the patient's body, their size (length and width), mode of operation, type of operation, modulation frequency, its depth, duration of parcels, intensity of exposure, frequency of procedures (daily or every other day), number per course of treatment .

Recently, the method of simultaneous exposure to the body of SMT and the medicinal substance administered by them has been quite widely used. In this case, the unidirectional action of the current and the medicinal substance matters.

The possibility of administering analgesics, ganglioblockers, vasodilators has been proven. To carry out the procedure, the mode switch on the Amplipulse apparatus is set to the “rectified” position, corresponding to the polarity of the medicinal substance. The solution of the medicinal substance wets the gasket of the electrode located in the area of ​​the pathological focus. Different types of work are used: I and IV or III and IV.

The frequency and depth of modulation are selected taking into account general methodological techniques. The current strength increases until a pronounced, but non-painful vibration appears, the duration of the procedure for each kind of work is 3-5 minutes.

If it is necessary to act on several fields, the time increases to 25-30 minutes. Procedures are carried out daily or every other day, for a course of treatment - 10-20 procedures.

Therapeutic techniques

When exposed to painful areas of the face (Fig. 62), the electrodes are located as follows: a) the exit point of the first branch of the trigeminal nerve - a round electrode with a diameter of up to 2 cm, the area of ​​pain irradiation - a round electrode with a diameter of up to 5 cm; b, c) the exit point of the second branch of the trigeminal nerve - a round electrode with a diameter of up to 2 cm, the zone of pain irradiation - a round electrode with a diameter of up to 5 cm; d) places of greatest pain in the temporal region - round electrodes with a diameter of up to 2 cm; e) the exit point of the third branch of the trigeminal nerve - a round electrode with a diameter of up to 2 cm, the area of ​​pain irradiation - a round electrode with a diameter of up to 5 cm.

The electrodes are fixed with a manual holder; f) exit points of the first branches of the trigeminal nerve - round electrodes up to 2 cm in diameter; g) places of exit of the second branches of the trigeminal nerve - round electrodes with a diameter of up to 2 cm; h) exit points of the third branches of the trigeminal nerve - round electrodes with a diameter of up to 2 cm; i) exit points of the second and third branches of the trigeminal nerve - round electrodes up to 2 cm in diameter; j) exit points of the first and second branches of the trigeminal nerve - round electrodes with a diameter of up to 2 cm; k, l, n) the exit point of one of the branches of the trigeminal nerve is a round electrode with a diameter of up to 2 cm; the place of greatest pain in the occipital region is a round electrode with a diameter of up to 5 cm.

Rice. 62. The location of the electrodes when exposed to SMT on the painful areas of the face (explanation in the text)

Sinusoidal modulated current is assigned with the following parameters: mode I, III RR - 3-5 minutes and IV RR - 3-5 minutes, modulation frequency - 30-100 Hz, modulation depth - 25-75%, duration of bursts in the period - 2- 4 s. The total duration of exposure at one localization is 6-10 minutes. With pronounced pain, sinusoidal modulated currents are used with a high modulation frequency (80-100 Hz) and a small depth (50-75%). The current strength is increased gradually until the appearance of pronounced, but non-painful sensations of vibration. Procedures are carried out daily or every other day. The course is prescribed 10-12 procedures.

Rice. 63. The location of the electrodes under the influence of SMT on the occipital region (explanation in the text)

When exposed to pain points and paravertebral zones in the occipital region (Fig. 63), the electrodes are placed as follows. Round electrodes up to 2 cm in diameter are used at the exit sites of the large occipital nerves (a). A round electrode with a diameter of up to 2 cm is used at the exit site of the large occipital nerve; on the upper edge of the trapezius muscle - a round electrode with a diameter of 5 cm (b).

The electrodes are fixed with a manual holder. A round electrode up to 2 cm in diameter is used at the point of greatest pain (on palpation) above the spinous processes of the cervical spine; on the upper edge of the trapezius muscle of the corresponding side - a round electrode with a diameter of 5 cm (c). The electrodes are fixed with a manual holder.

In the zone of palpation determined soreness in the paravertebral areas, round electrodes with a diameter of 5 cm (d) are used. In palpation determined soreness in the region of the upper edge of the trapezius muscle at the base of the neck, round electrodes with a diameter of 5 cm are used (e). Plate electrodes 3.5x8-9 cm in size are prescribed for the paravertebral zones along the cervical spine (c).

Sinusoidal modulated current is prescribed with the following parameters: mode I, III RR - 3-5 minutes and IV RR - 3-5 minutes, modulation frequency - 30-100 Hz, its depth - 25-75%, the duration of the current bursts in the period 2- 4 s. The current strength is gradually increased until a pronounced, but not painful sensation of vibration appears. Procedures are carried out daily or every other day. The course of treatment is prescribed 12-14 procedures.

The order of application of current types given here and below and indications of the duration of exposure are indicative, since an individual approach is necessary for patients, taking into account the course of the disease and the characteristics of the action of one or another form of current.

Rice. 64. The location of the electrodes under the influence of SMT in the area of ​​the shoulder girdle (explanation in the text)

Impact on painful areas in the shoulder girdle (Fig. 64). The electrodes are placed as follows:
On the area of ​​palpation determined soreness in the paravertebral areas at the level of the spinous processes of the lower cervical and upper thoracic spine, electrodes measuring 3.5x8-9 cm (a) are used. On the projection of the trapezius muscle, one electrode is placed along the upper edge, the second - parallel to the first at a distance of at least 6 cm. The dimensions of the electrodes are 14-16x6-8 cm (b). On the base of the lateral surface of the neck, the outer surface of the shoulder joint, electrodes measuring 6x10 cm are placed in parallel (c).

On the anterior and posterior surface of the shoulder joint, electrodes 8x10 cm in size are assigned one against the other (d). On pain zones in the occipital region below the mastoid process at the inner edge of the scapula, round electrodes with a diameter of 5 cm are used, fixed with a manual holder (e).

Sinusoidal modulated current is assigned with the following parameters: mode I, III RR - 3-5 min and IV RR - 3-5 min, modulation frequency - 30-100 Hz, depth ss - 25-75%, duration of current bursts in period - 2 -4 s. The current strength is gradually increased until a pronounced, but not painful sensation of vibration appears. Procedures are carried out daily or every other day. The course of treatment is prescribed 12-14 procedures.

When exposed to pain points and areas in the chest (Fig. 65), the electrodes are placed as follows: round electrodes with a diameter of 5 cm are used on the sternoclavicular joints, fixing with manual holders (a). Round electrodes with a diameter of 5 cm are used on the sternocostal joints, fixing over painful areas with manual holders (b).

In the area of ​​pain, palpable in the intercostal spaces of the anterior wall of the chest, in the paravertebral region of the corresponding side at the level of the upper edge of the scapula, electrodes measuring 8x12 (c) are used. In the n zone of pain, palpable along the intercostal space on the lateral surface of the chest, in the paravertebral zone of the same side of the corresponding intercostal space, electrodes 8x10 cm in size (d) are prescribed. On the paravertebral zones in the area of ​​palpable tenderness, electrodes 5x8 cm in size are placed paravertebral (e).

Rice. 65. The location of the electrodes under the influence of SMT in the chest area

Sinusoidal modulated current is assigned with the following parameters: mode 1, III RR - 3-5 min and IV RR - 3-5 min, modulation frequency - 30-100 Hz, depth - 25-75%, duration of current bursts in the period - 2- 4 s. The current strength is gradually increased until a pronounced, but not painful sensation of vibration appears. Procedures are carried out daily or every other day. The course of treatment is prescribed 12-14 procedures.

Rice. 66. The location of the electrodes when exposed to SMT on the collar zone: a - collar zone; b - lumbar region

When exposed to the “collar” zone (Fig. 66), one electrode in the form of a “collar” is placed on the lower part of the occipital region and the upper back in the projection zone of the CIV-Thn (a) segments, the other electrode measuring 11x20 cm is placed in the zone from IX thoracic to I lumbar vertebra (b).

SMT is assigned with the following parameters: mode I, I RR -3-5 minutes and IV RR - 3-5 minutes, modulation frequency 100 Hz, depth 50-75%, duration of messages in the period - 2 s. The current strength is gradually increased until moderate sensations of vibration appear under the electrodes. Procedures are carried out daily. The course of treatment is prescribed 10-12 procedures.

Rice. 67. The location of the electrodes when exposed to SMT on the area of ​​​​sympathetic nodes, wandering and
right phrenic nerve: a - lateral surfaces of the neck; b - supraclavicular region on the right and suprascapular region on the same side

When exposed to the region of the cervical sympathetic nodes, the vagus and right dnaphragmal nerves (Fig. 67), the electrodes are placed as follows: on the lateral surface of the neck below the mastoid processes, plate electrodes 3x5-6 cm in size are used on both sides, fixed with a bandage, or round electrodes with a diameter of 5 see on hand holders (a). An electrode 2x3 cm in size is used in the supraclavicular region on the right, along the upper edge of the right shoulder blade, starting from the spine, a larger electrode is used - 6-8x10-12 cm (b).

Bogolyubov V.M., Vasilyeva M.F., Vorobyov M.G.