Where can a student get money? How a student can quickly and easily make money on the Internet without investment: real ways

Today, many teenagers are wondering how to make money for a schoolboy. And this is not accidental - I want independence and independence from my parents. I would like to have, albeit small, but personally earned money, for which you do not need to report and can be spent at your discretion. Although, why small - some students achieve considerable success in this field.

Let's see how a student can earn money? Moreover, we will reveal this issue from different angles: the possibility of earning money, both in summer and in winter, both at home and beyond. We will pay special attention to ways of making money on the Internet, as the most promising direction for obtaining additional income. It should be mentioned that officially a student can work from the age of 16, in some situations employment is possible from the age of 14 or 15.

If you look back, then there are infinitely many options for how a student can earn money. Just keep in mind that your work activity should not interfere with your studies. Attending classes and doing homework should come first. Spend your free time from study at your own discretion: if you want - relax, if you want - work.

What about school holidays? This is the most fertile time for part-time jobs! Especially summer - for three whole months: enough for rest and work. Moreover, many schoolchildren spend their summer holidays "in the village with their grandmother." And there are so many job opportunities! Read about how to make money for a schoolboy in the village a little lower in the same article.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the time of the New Year holidays. New Year's fuss, relaxation after the new year - all this can be used to your advantage. So, let's start in order.

Postal and courier service

A great solution for how to make money for a student! Delivery of correspondence and letters, telegrams and small parcels will bring you not only extra money, but also a sense of satisfaction. It's always nice to make people happy! Maybe the parcel or letter that you deliver was so eagerly awaited!

And what a health benefit it is! Fresh air, exercise. By the way, having a bicycle will significantly save time on completing the task, plus, when riding a bike, other muscle groups work already than when walking. What a savings on fitness!

Don't want to deliver mail? Sort it out. During the day, a huge number of letters, newspapers and parcels arrive at the post office. Someone needs to sort them by name and address.

Not only postal services need couriers - a pizza or ready-made meal delivery service, delivery of goods from online stores, delivery of free publications, leaflets, and more.

Leaflets and announcements

Another part-time job from the "feet feed the wolf" cycle. Advertising is the engine of trade, and one of the most effective ways of advertising is various kinds of announcements, flyers and leaflets. You have probably seen young people on the streets of your city handing out brochures. It is possible that you even have a couple of them lying around in your pockets. There is still a degree of probability that it was thanks to this piece of paper that you visited the indicated institution and even used its services.

That's just the distribution of such leaflets, we suggest you do. The work is not dusty - the main thing is to "sell" the entire volume, but whether a person visits the store, whether he buys something there - this is no longer your concern.

Another variation of this type of income is posting ads. This activity is most profitable in the summer. In winter, it is unlikely that anyone will walk around at the counter with announcements, and weather conditions can help ensure that the pieces of paper do not sag for a long time.

"Escort" shaggy friends

If you are a lover of animals and fresh air, then we offer you another great option for making money for a student. Take a closer look at your neighbors who have animals, take a walk in the squares and parks located near your home in order to find “clients”. Often people do not have the time or desire to walk their pet. And you need to do this at least twice a day.

They came after school, took the neighbor's dog for a walk - and useful, and an extra penny in your pocket. And if you also have your own dog, then the work generally turns into “don’t hit a lying person” - in any case, you need to walk, why not grab one more animal at the same time.

Sphere of trade

Of course, we will not talk about any serious types of earnings, based on the target audience for which this article was written. But you can mention a part-time job in the form of selling newspapers, flowers, ice cream and other things.

In any city there are newspapers with free advertisements: about work, about buying and selling things, renting and renting premises, and so on. You can distribute such newspapers. This will be especially true in crowded places of visiting people: bus stations, railway stations, and so on. Large shopping centers and markets are also suitable for the distribution of this type of correspondence.

Seasonal goods. For example, in the summer you can earn extra money by selling ice cream, cotton candy or kvass. Moreover, this can be done both in a small kiosk and in an exit form, for example, using the same bicycle, which has a small ice cream refrigerator in front.

An interesting idea of ​​​​how to make money for a schoolboy is the sale of flowers, and not just in a kiosk, but, for example, in a cafe. Imagine you are sitting with your companion in a cafe, drinking coffee, eating cake. And suddenly a teenager comes up with a basket of flowers and offers to buy a bouquet for a lady. Won't you do it? Psychology! By the way, you can grow flowers yourself.

"Technical staff"

You can earn extra money as a janitor, cleaner, handyman. Jobs like "bring-give" is always held in high esteem. Tidy up the premises after repair, paint the fence, ennoble the territory. By the way, you can dwell on the last point in more detail.

On the territory of almost all state institutions there is a small front garden with plants and flowers. Even many schools can boast of this. Ask if you need help cleaning up the area: there is a lot of foliage in autumn, and snow in winter, and flowers and shrubs require care.

This category also includes a car washer. Of course, you don’t have to go to a car wash - now this whole process is automated. But you can walk through the cars standing in traffic jams. It happens that the car has just “washed” and suddenly it rains - the windows and headlights are dirty, and the body itself no longer shines with cleanliness. From a small "feather cleaning" many car owners will not mind.

You can also offer your services at gas stations. It happens that the driver has no time to even get out of the car to refuel the car, and then such a lifesaver in your face!

Promoters and merchandisers

A promoter is a good option for making money for a student. The essence of the work is laying out new products on small tables in the store and offering them for tasting.

In parallel, in the same store, you can deal with the design of counters, i.e. put goods on shelves. In this case, you will be "called" a merchandiser. By the way, a very useful experience. After all, the goods are laid out not just like that, but according to a special technology: forward and in the center are those goods whose expiration date is expiring, and they need to be sold faster. More profitable and cheaper goods are, as a rule, on the lowest or highest shelves. So - come in handy!

You can also try yourself in the role of a packer - put cookies, sweets and more into bags. Also not a dusty enough job.

Summer, oh summer!

A couple of ideas for a purely summer side job.

  1. The ideal option for how to make money for a student is to work as an assistant counselor in children's camps. It's not so much work as rest here. Sea, sun, entertainment, food - all this will be at your fingertips. The job is to follow the orders of the counselor.
  2. "Work in the field" is the next way to earn extra money. Weeding vegetables, harvesting, caring for plants and animals.
  3. Rental of sports equipment: bicycles, rollers, cars - any type of "transport" can be issued by any student for a certain time. Also, any teenager can sell tickets and keep track of the time spent by children on an inflatable trampoline.

From "Homework"

You can do a number of jobs without even leaving your home. Of course, this type of activity is more suitable for high school students who already have a little idea about their future profession.

  1. Everything you can do with your own hands.

Remind yourself of what you are good at and what makes you happy. Knitting, embroidery, beadwork, birch bark crafts and more - all these products can be made to order and sold independently or through special points.

  1. Repair

If the first way to make money for a student at home is more suitable for girls, then here all the attention is on the stronger sex. Think about what you like, and most importantly, it’s good to repair. Maybe it's household or computer equipment. Or maybe you are well versed in any type of transport: a bicycle, a moped, or even a car. All this can be repaired by yourself or work as an assistant.

  1. Manicure and beauty services

Are you giving yourself a stunning manicure? Or does your makeup or hairstyle cause envy among all your classmates? Or maybe this will be your calling? Start now! For a nominal fee, you can make your classmates more beautiful and gain precious experience.

  1. Computer training

Now everyone knows how to use a computer. But often the older generation has problems with this. Almost no one writes ordinary letters anymore, everything has been replaced by Skype, mail servers and social networks. Some adults don't even know how to turn on the computer - they are afraid of it! Help them - show the possibilities of both the computer itself and the World Wide Web. Many will simply be grateful to you.

Where can I get money to start my own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways of obtaining start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

We propose to supplement the list of options for how to make money for a student from the article.

How easy it is to make money on the Internet for a student: 6 simple ways

Probably one of the easiest ways to earn money for a student, and not only for him, is to earn money through the Internet. You can earn money here literally on everything, from ordinary comments to creating your own website. It all depends on your skills, desires and availability of free time.

As for schoolchildren, today almost all of them spend their free time “hanging out” on social networks, commenting and liking photos of their friends. Why not do it for money? Do you think it's not real? How real! Let's take a look at several areas of how easy it is to make money on the Internet for a student.


You can also click on links with further viewing of sites. In another way, this activity is called surfing. Your task is to go to the site, stay there for at least thirty seconds, so that your visit is counted, complete a small task and get paid, however, very little. But for a student who often roams free of charge on different sites, such an “increase” will be very pleasant. As tasks, you may be asked to leave a comment on an article, like a certain photo, and so on.

Social media

Another dirty job. For example, now in the social network on VKontakte there is only a lazy one. Here, the main direction of how easy it is to make money on the Internet for a student is the promotion of various communities. In other words, you should attract as many subscribers as possible to this group. How it's done? You can simply invite friends to join the community, or you can do it quietly.

How often do we see photos from different communities on the walls of friends. Perhaps some community interested us, and we also subscribed to it. This is roughly what you need to do. To do this, we register on a special service and perform tasks: we repost the entry, put a like or write a comment. The main thing is that all these actions are seen by your friends, who are potential subscribers. It is not difficult to guess that the more followers and friends you have, and the more your account is promoted, the more difficult tasks you will be entrusted with.

Another direction of how to make money for a student in this subgroup is to create their own community, promote it and place advertising information of the customer. Links to other communities or sites, posting photos, and so on can act as advertising.

Reading emails, taking tests, leaving feedback

Yes, and they pay for it! Read the letter, answer the question, get the money. Or you read the text on the basis of which you answer the questions by choosing one answer from several.

You can also earn money by writing reviews, for example, about a product, a movie you have watched, and so on. You can write both positive and negative reviews. It is quite possible that you will stumble upon a product that you actually purchased and be able to describe it in colors. Payment depends on the number of views of your review.

File hosting and photo bank

Nothing complicated here either. We find a just released movie, album, game, etc., i.e. the information that a large number of people want to download. We upload files to a file hosting service and advertise it. Everything can be used: your page or group on a social network, some forums, the main thing is to make a link to your file. Payment is made for a certain number of file downloads.

If you are a photography lover, you can try your hand at selling photos. Go to any site that is a photo bank - a site where photographers post their masterpieces, and anyone can download them for a certain monetary reward. Then it's a matter of technology: we photograph, post, wait for a potential buyer.

True, there may be problems associated with permission to publish. For example, the usual nature of photography will not take permission from you, but if a person suddenly finds himself in a picture without his permission, then undesirable consequences may arise.

Rewriting and copywriting

If you are fluent in Russian and you like to write or remake various articles, then this method can also be considered as an option for how to make money for a student. Here, however, you will have to work hard. But with some experience in this field, you can achieve considerable success.

Computer games

There are also several ways to earn money. First, you can play a demo game and write a short report. Or, playing some popular computer game, you can “pump” your hero and then sell him.

How to make money for a student at school: 2 options for a part-time job

An interesting question is how to earn a student at school. It turns out you can do that too. And what is convenient - you study, and at the same time you earn money. A couple of tips in this direction.

"Help" a friend

If you are strong in any subject, offer your services to classmates. There can be several variations: either you solve tests or write essays for a fee, or you help classmates to understand the material themselves, i.e. act as a tutor.

Another option is not to study with classmates, but with elementary school students. Here you can also earn extra money by tutoring or sell your already unnecessary materials: problem solving, essays, and more.

Some enterprising teenagers even make money selling cheat sheets.


You can also choose a side job such as cleaning. Let the school principal know that you are ready to fill in for an ill cleaning lady or clean up the school grounds at any time.

We offer a couple of articles for reading that may be able to encourage you to start earning as a teenager:,. Who knows, maybe you are destined to invent something new or become a successful entrepreneur.

How to make money for a schoolboy in the village: 3 great solutions

So we got to the last point of our story: how to make money for a schoolboy in the village.

First, analyze the areas of possible activity. What is typical for any village? Vegetable gardens and keeping livestock - that's what we will build on.

Household help

Pensioners and single women will always accept help in the form of digging a garden or chopping firewood. You can also offer repair services. The roof, porch, fence tend to break down and eventually become unusable. If there are no male hands in the house, then any help in repairing the house will go with a bang. And in winter, it is also necessary to clean the yard from snow almost every day.

Teenage girls can earn extra money by weeding the garden or caring for livestock. Offer services for grazing large and small cattle, preparing food for them for the winter.

Garden and forest gifts

An excellent solution for a part-time job in the summer is to sell the crop harvested from your own garden or in the forest. "Production" can be sold independently or through special organizations involved in the purchase of vegetables - berries - mushrooms from the population.

"Office" work

Take a look around. In any village there is a library, and in it, respectively, books. Ask if you need help repairing these books or designing book catalogs.

Administrative offices are also a good option. Offer your services in computer typing or design services. Often, the main workers simply have no time to deal with all these matters.

Summing up

So, there are infinitely many options for how to earn money for a student. Here - the main desire, with free time for schoolchildren, everything is in order, especially during the holidays. Well, if you yourself cannot find something to your liking, contact the employment center or the administration. In many cities, special public organizations are being created to provide employment for children.

How can a student make money on the Internet for pocket money, for large purchases, or even more than their parents earn, if at the legislative level it is only possible to officially work from the age of 14, and even then only part-time? In the article, we have collected one of the most complete lists of ways to make money on the Internet, suitable for teenagers and children!

On the Internet, there are many working ways to earn money for a student, while combining work with study:

  • Streaming on twitch;
  • Completing online tasks;
  • And more than 20 ways are described below in the article.

There are examples in the world when people of school age became multimillionaires. Of the total, one can single out the creator of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, offline millionaire Ryan Ross, who started selling chicken eggs, and the girl Ashley Quals, a designer from social networks.


Ways to earn money for a student

Consider the main ways to make money on the Internet, which a student can use right now. To understand where and how you can make money, you need not only theory, but also practice. Therefore, choosing one of these methods, proceed to action.

Completing tasks on social networks

The reward for one task is 5-10 kopecks.

Pros of the method:

  • you can earn quickly;
  • the possibility of withdrawing the minimum amount of money (usually from 15-20 rubles);
  • no skills required.

Cons of the method:

  • low cost of the task;
  • there are not always tasks;
  • risk of account hijacking;
  • the risk of getting banned for spam.

Websites for making money in social networks

Internet surfing and clicks

To earn money, you need to click on ads, links and view sites hosted by the advertiser. Exchanges of this type (boxes) are intermediaries between performers and owners or site optimizers. For normal viewing, a reward will be awarded (approximately 2-15 kopecks).

No special knowledge or skills are required. You must have an electronic wallet to withdraw funds and access to the Internet.

There are other similar types of earnings on such resources. So, after viewing an advertisement, they can ask a question on its topic in the form of a test. For such tasks, the payment is higher.

Earnings on surfing and clicking on the Internet involves receiving small amounts, but in a very short time.

Advantages of the method

  • short terms of receiving remuneration;
  • the ability to withdraw any amount of money;
  • no skills required.

Cons of the method

  • small amount of rewards;
  • there are not always tasks;
  • lack of growth.

Sites for making money on Internet surfing and clicks


There are several ways to make money for a student playing games online and offline.

On these online games you can earn without investment, which is absolutely safe. In order to receive income faster and more investments will be required, in this case there are risks of losing the invested money.

Important! Such games exist for a limited time and will soon stop paying out.

Examples of games with money withdrawal:

Sale of upgraded account

The essence of the method is to register an account, upgrade it and then sell it.

The cost of one account can vary from 100 to 100,000 rubles. Depends on the degree of pumping and the popularity of the game.

On average, a WOT account with Tier X tanks sells for $50-100.

Popular on the Internet message board for the sale of buytoplay.ru accounts.

Important! Game manufacturers are struggling with this type of income. The risk of being deceived when working with an unscrupulous buyer is also high.

Selling artifacts in multiplayer online games

Having earned or won a rare artifact in the game, he can sell it to another player, the cost of an artifact starts from 50 rubles and can reach several hundred thousand rubles.

For example, in 2013, the Basilisk Sword (World of Warcraft) was sold for $14,000

Important! The risk of being deceived is high.


The work of a moderator in online games is often paid with bonuses, virtual currency and VIP statuses.

Finding a paid job for real money is extremely difficult.

It is required to monitor the gameplay, ban gamers who violate the rules of the game server.

Streaming and video blogging

The main income consists of voluntary donations (donations). Accounts with a large number of followers can advertise from direct advertisers. Recordings of streams can be uploaded to the Internet, for example, on YouTube, with subsequent monetization.

Main streaming platforms

eSports and tournaments

Participation in tournaments and competitions with real cash prizes. A great offline way to make money on games. Tournaments can be held both at the amateur and professional levels.

  • The prize pool for the Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft World Championship is $1 million.
  • The prize fund of The International Dota 2 World Championship is $18 million.
  • The prize pool for the Valve CS:GO World Championship is $1 million.

Professional players can claim monthly payments from sponsors or from the team in which the e-sports player is a member.

Examples of professional esports organizations
  • Virtus.pro;
  • Natus Vincere;
  • fnatic;
  • Evil Geniuses;
  • mousesports;
  • Moscow Five.

Posting (comments, reviews)

Posting (viral marketing) - writing and placing custom comments and reviews for money. Posting exchanges link performers and individuals who need to advertise a product or revitalize a forum/group.

To earn money, the student needs to write comments or reviews on a specific product and get a reward.


  • does not require any investment;
  • money is paid as the review is approved;
  • reviews are required, as a rule, real, i.e., conversational style and it is not difficult to write them.


  • the account must have a positive history;
  • writing a text requires time;
  • reviews may not be approved and as a result not paid.
  • Feedback can be removed by a moderator.

Sites that pay for comments

Create accounts and groups for sale

Social networks cover a huge audience, which makes advertising on such resources effective. Promoted accounts and groups with thousands of real subscribers have a certain value. To earn in this way, you need to register in one of the popular social networks and systematically increase your audience. This can be done by chatting in other groups, sharing interesting news with members, and using simple manual invitations.

It is not recommended to use automated recruitment of subscribers, since in 90% of cases the account will expect a ban from the administration and the advertiser is unlikely to need a group with 10 thousand “non-living” potential customers.

Prices for accounts and groups depend on the number and quality of their members. So, a group with 4 thousand live subscribers can be sold for 10 thousand rubles, and a Facebook profile with 1 thousand subscribers - for 4-7 thousand rubles. This product is always in demand and is unlikely to remain without buyers.


  • you can earn by communicating;
  • prices for quality accounts are quite high;
  • does not require any investment.


  • high risks of banning the administration for excessive activity;
  • requires a long time and effort;
  • income is one-time.

Administration of groups and publics

As an administrator or moderator of groups and publics in social networks, a student is ideal.

Duties will include:

  • in writing / publishing in the group the required number of news per day;
  • spam cleaning;
  • answers to questions from group members.

You can offer your services directly to the site owners.

Payment here is negotiable and amounts to 5-30 thousand rubles per month or may depend on the number of published articles.


  • the work will be a pleasure if the topic of the group is interesting;
  • does not require initial investment;
  • is permanent.


  • writing and publishing requires significant labor and time;
  • you need to be well versed in the topic of the group, to become an expert in this field;
  • in order not to lose subscribers, it is necessary to fulfill duties constantly, and missing 1-2 days, as a rule, will result in refusal to cooperate.

Solving problems for money

One of the most affordable ways for a student is to solve problems (mathematics, physics, chemistry and other subjects) for money. You can solve problems for elementary school students in the subject that you like and in which you are well versed.

You can find a customer in school publics and chats. Or you can register as an author on one of the services, but the requirements for performers are high and not every student can become a performer:

Completing simple tasks online

Such exchanges are an extended version of the above pay-per-click boxes. Tasks can be very different: participation in Internet voting, downloading files, simple registration on the site, passing surveys and tests. This type of work is suitable for beginners.

You can earn more than on axle boxes, but not much.


  • does not require initial funds;
  • does not require special knowledge and is easy to perform;
  • money - immediately, as it is done;
  • minimum amounts for withdrawal of funds.


  • low income;
  • creativity is not developed;
  • the number of tasks is limited.


One of the easiest ways for a student to make money on the Internet. You will need to retype the text from a photo document or scan. You don't need any special skills, just typing fast. There are a lot of offers on the Internet for this type of earnings. For 1 sheet of A4 printed sheet, they promise up to 100 rubles.

In 99% of cases, such vacancies are posted by scammers who promise large fees and ask the employee to send insurance of 400 rubles so that he accurately completes the task that they promise to return with a fee. After paying for insurance, employers disappear without a trace.


  • if there is an honest customer, there will be a stable income;
  • minimum labor costs;
  • mastery of high-speed printing.


  • a large number of fraudulent customers;
  • conveyor work of the same type;
  • low pay.


Transcription is an activity similar to typing. You will need to print text from an audio or video file. At its core, a very simple job that does not require any knowledge and skills.

Customers here, in comparison with typing, are more serious and, as a rule, are ready to pay decently. You can earn 50-150 rubles for every 1 thousand characters of text printed.


  • does not require initial capital;
  • does not require any special skills;
  • may be permanent.


  • requires time;
  • some words are impossible to make out;
  • it is necessary to write the text without errors;
  • the same monotonous tasks.

Passing online surveys

The mechanism of this method is that the participant responds to surveys that are sent to him by mail, through online services, sometimes at the company's office. Tests can be on various topics and are mainly initiated by large manufacturing companies. Survey results are summarized and used as statistical information.

You need to get into the target audience of the company that ordered the survey.

Income is intermittent, as no more than 7-8 tests per month will be provided. With the withdrawal of money, there may also be troubles. Some sites award points that are exchanged for coupons that entitle you to a discount / payment for goods in a particular online store. For one survey completed on the Internet, they are ready to pay 20-70 rubles.


  • tests are simple, you do not need to invent anything;
  • payment is relatively decent;
  • if you register on several sites, the income will be higher.


  • difficulties in withdrawing funds;
  • few surveys for schoolchildren;
  • big time costs.

Smartphone (app installation)

Money is paid for the usual installation of an application on a smartphone. To work, you need an iOS or Android phone and Internet access. For work on such exchanges, the performer will receive a reward (5-10 rubles for one application), and the customer increases the popularity of his product.


  • you can earn on the way to school;
  • does not require any skills and abilities;
  • no start-up capital required.


  • there are not enough tasks on the exchanges;
  • applications cannot be deleted for some time;
  • pay is very low.

Selling photos on photo stocks

You don't have to be a professional photographer to make money with photography. On stock exchanges (photo stocks, "photobanks"), the performer exposes the photos taken. At the same time, they will be visible to a potential buyer in a blurry form. In other cases, the photo is “rented” to the exchange, which pays a fee.

Shutterstock.com pays 25 cents for every download of a photo, but this figure rises as reputation increases. Some manage to earn thousands of dollars a month only on photo stocks.

Schoolchildren should pay attention to domestic photo stocks, where the requirements for photographs are lower, although the level of income is lower.


  • earning money for a hobby;
  • decent price for the sold photo;
  • the opportunity to succeed and develop in the field of photography and illustration;
  • a great way if you plan to develop as a photographer.


  • high requirements for the quality of photographs;
  • need high-quality photographic equipment;
  • quick income.

Enter captcha

Almost all sites put protection from bots - entering captcha. To bypass these mechanisms, there are services on the Internet for automatic input of alphanumeric characters. These exchanges will be of interest to a student as a performer.

Within 5-10 seconds it will be necessary to enter the characters shown in the picture. There will be plenty of work, you can enter captcha at least around the clock.

For each correctly entered combination, the reward will be 3-4 kopecks.


  • no initial budget
  • no special knowledge required;
  • the simplest job.


  • boring monotonous work;
  • the lowest paying opportunity to make money on the Internet;
  • You need to be able to type fast.

Crypto-currency (mining)

The most famous and popular crypto-currency, bitcoin. One bitcoin at the end of October 2017 costs more than 300 thousand rubles. Mining this currency requires significant investments in equipment that are sometimes not available even to adults.

There are 2 main ways to mine cryptocurrency:

  • cloud mining;
  • mining on your own hardware.

Unlike mining on your own equipment, cloud mining is more affordable, because. does not require the purchase of special equipment and the allocation of space for it in the apartment.

Cloud mining services provide their server capacities for rent. The participant registers, where, on average, for $150, you purchase virtual equipment on which the system starts to work.

The student also needs a wallet for crypto-currency, where money will be withdrawn in bitcoin equivalent for the use of equipment. As practice has shown, in a year you can return 75% of the invested amount, and then the net income will go.

Popular cloud mining services:

The most popular crypto-currencies:

  • Bitcoin (bitcoin, btc);
  • Litecoin (LTC);
  • Ethereum (Ether, ETC);
  • Dash (Darkcoin, XCoin);


  • the ability to receive completely passive income over time;
  • the opportunity to invest in the future currency of the world;
  • earnings are posted daily.


  • unstable exchange rate of crypto-currencies;
  • it is necessary to have initial capital;
  • good knowledge of mathematics (proportions and percentages) is required;
  • before starting, it is worth learning a lot of information and new terms (Hashrate, SHA-256, Scrypt, base58check, etc.).

Affiliate and referral programs

Almost every exchange and service provider has affiliate programs. Each user is given his personal link there. Those who register using this link become referrals, from the earnings and expenses of which a small commission is charged as a percentage.

To get income, you need to attract as many referrals as possible, who will regularly buy services or goods.

Income from referrals depends on the referral program and the service sector of the company.

For example, if a student decides to attract referrals to advego.ru, then, having 1,000 copywriter referrals, one should not count on earning more than 250-500 rubles per month. At the same time, their activity will only decrease. But if a teenager can attract referrals to a hosting provider with a mandatory monthly payment, where there is a good partner commission, then even 10 referrals will come out 400-500 rubles per month.


  • does not require investments;
  • passive income;
  • there are multi-level systems (income from the income of a referral attracted by a participant);
  • referrals can be attracted from the pages of your social network;
  • classmates can be referrals.


  • it takes time to attract a lot of referrals;
  • commission amounts can be small and are regarded as a pleasant addition and bonuses for resource participants;
  • users eventually stop working and the income ends.


By uploading video files to the Internet, you can get decent money for a certain number of their views.

Subspecies of this earnings:

Video blogging

A popular way of earning money on the Internet among students. The source of income is the placement of advertisements from advertisers and the inclusion of monetization of their videos.

YouTube channel monetization is available to any student, the main requirement is to respect the copyright of music and video.


Stream is a live broadcast from a webcam, mobile phone camera or monitor screen. Most often, streaming is used by gamers, money is received with the help of donations (voluntary donations) and advertising on the air. You can also tell interesting stories, show the sights of your city, play board or active games, and much more.

A great way to make money on games for a student of any age, you play and you also get money for it.

After the online broadcast, the video can be uploaded to video hosting and views can be monetized.


  • after the video is published, it can generate passive income for a long time;
  • having a hundred videos you can earn decent money;
  • making money is easy.


  • not all videos gain subscribers and views;
  • a lot of time can pass from the moment of actions and income;
  • you need to learn how to use video editing software;
  • making money takes a lot of time.

Gray methods of making money on video

There are other not entirely legal schemes for making money on video, which will be more difficult for a student to implement. You can download someone else's video and post it on your channel. Thus, with minimal effort, a lot of views are gained and a reward is issued.

It is very difficult to avoid a ban here, but it is possible through some manipulations. So, you need to change the resolution of the video, crop it, change the music, sound frequency, etc. Although, even after doing all these procedures, there will still be no 100% protection from the ban, as well as from the owner of the video, who can protect his copyrights .


Freelancing is not just a part-time job, but a full-fledged main job on the Internet. Freelancing covers all industries from design art and copywriting to creating a full-fledged profitable website. There are a huge number of freelance exchanges on the network, where customers offer work, and service providers. Transactions can go through a system guarantee with a commission or on trust.

In order to compete and get an order, you need to have at least some skills.

However, there are tasks for beginners as well.

Consider the main types of freelance suitable for schoolchildren.

Creation of simple sites

First you need to study practical information in order to have an idea about such elementary concepts as hosting, domain, and content management system. Then step-by-step practical video tutorials are mastered.

Potential customers are users who do not want to spend time on the initial steps when starting a new project.

For the creation of one such simple site, you can get 1 - 5 thousand rubles, depending on the requirements of the customer. Over time, you can increase your price tag.


  • all information on creating sites is freely available;
  • no initial capital required;
  • the opportunity to develop as a webmaster.


  • it takes several months to master the skills of creating websites;
  • big competition;
  • portfolio required;
  • big time investment.

Advice! To get started, use Ucoz website builders, they are easy to learn and even a schoolboy can figure it out.

Writing simple texts

Without the profession of a copywriter, not a single site would have been created. 97 percent of information resources on the Internet are filled by professional copywriters. Such work is considered the most popular in the network. Good writing skills and perseverance are required. To get started, you only need to register on one of the copywriting exchanges.

At first, you should learn how to submit text, enter keywords, achieve the required uniqueness, and work with related services.

To trust a student without a portfolio, there will be only simple low-paying orders.

For 1 thousand characters of text will pay 20-50 rubles. After six months of painstaking work, incomes begin to grow. For many, work in copywriting completely replaces the main work.


  • a huge number of offers;
  • the opportunity to improve your oral speech and learn a lot of new things;
  • permanent employment;
  • big fees with the growth of reputation.


  • low pay in the early stages;
  • takes a lot of time and effort;
  • a lot of competition for expensive orders.

Drawings and illustrations

It is necessary to place your drawings or illustrations on various platforms (photostocks, photobanks). A good way for students who can draw well.


  • you can get orders with decent pay;
  • does not require investments;
  • there is an opportunity to receive income constantly;
  • you can bid for your services at any price.


  • big competition;
  • to receive expensive orders, you need a reputation and reviews;
  • there is a risk that the work on far-fetched grounds will not be paid.

Creating avatars, hats for communities

On the Internet, you can earn money by creating hats and avatars for communities and users. It is important to be able to work in graphic programs (Photoshop, Illustrator, CorelDRAW and others). The main thing that most communities require for a title or avatar is a certain image size. After the size has become known, there are several options for execution:

  • draw a picture yourself in a graphics program or scan a picture and cut it out to a given size;
  • assemble one from several paintings or photographs, that is, a montage, then cut out the size;
  • cut the desired size from the finished picture or photo.

Creating a header and an avatar costs from 100 rubles and more on the Internet, the work is simple, but it develops skills in mastering graphic design, which may come in handy in the future. But, of course, you do not need to use copyright paintings, photographs without permission.

Maintaining your website or blog

The main way to earn money on a website or blog is to place ads on it. However, you will not get instant income. For the sake of this, it will be necessary to work hard for more than one month, or even more than one year. In terms of study, blogging is a very profitable idea, because. it does not require direct presence.


  • The prospect of high income.
  • Work in your free time.
  • You can blog on the social network vk, fb, instagram.


  • The first time the work is not paid.
  • It is required to explore new directions for blog promotion.

Sale of goods

The essence of the method lies in the purchase and further resale on the Internet with a small markup of goods. You can buy original lighters, electronic cigarettes, phone cases, jewelry, tools, post it all on services like Avito or Yula and earn income.

Of course, you need to have initial capital to start this kind of business. For example, during the release of a new iPhone, it's time to buy cases for it, or even iPhones themselves from Chinese industrial factories.

Popular message boards:

  • Avito;

Sites where a student can earn money on the Internet

There are plenty of sites for making money on the Internet suitable for a teenager on the network. However, knowing where to make money does not mean that you have it. Each of the methods is individual and requires a certain investment of time and effort, and somewhere luck. Below is a summary table of sites where a student can actually earn money on the Internet:

Websites for earning money suitable for schoolchildren
Website Description Job cost affiliate program Category
likesrock.com The service allows you to earn money by watching short videos and completing tasks in social networks. 20%
v-like.ru Job exchange to perform in social networks. 5% Platforms that allow you to earn money by completing tasks in social networks
vktarget.ru The project, to earn money, you need to repost, put likes, join groups. 0.5 r Yes Platforms that allow you to earn money by completing tasks in social networks.
profitcentr.com In addition to a large number of surfing sites, here you can get money on clicks, completing tasks, downloading files. If the amount on the balance does not exceed 30 rubles, then it will be paid to you automatically. No
wmmail.ru One of the best projects. There are plenty of jobs, letters and surf sites here. The site has a forum where newbies can ask their questions. Minimum wage 0,1$ Yes Sites where pay for surfing the Internet and clicks
seosprint.net This is a ruble system, where there are also many opportunities for earning. One of the best ruble projects for making money. No Sites where pay for surfing the Internet and clicks
golden-mines.biz "Golden Mines" is a popular online game with the withdrawal of money about hardworking gnomes. This is a simple and reliable project that has been consistently paying for more than 3 years. More than 30 million rubles have already been paid! Hire gnomes, collect and process precious ore. from 50 rub Yes Games that pay to play
golden-birds.biz "Golden Birds" is an updated long-lived game about birds that works honestly and pays. The game supports all popular ways to withdraw money, incl. WebMoney. A game without "bells and whistles" with simple mechanics: you bought birds, collected eggs, and withdrew profits. No Games that pay to play
garantmarket.net Sell ​​any account. No
wot.accounts.name Sell ​​any account. No Platforms where you can sell a pumped account
seo-fast.com Performing simple tasks. Yes
etxt.ru Copywriting exchange No Exchanges specializing in posting comments and reviews
qcomment.ru The posting exchange specializes in writing comments. 3p 20% Exchanges specializing in posting comments and reviews
buytoplay.ru Bulletin board with game accounts. No Platforms where you can sell a pumped account
Selling artifacts in multiplayer online games
acc-garant.com Selling an account through a guarantor. 30% Platforms where you can sell a pumped account
old-liked.ru The system for completing tasks of varying complexity and focus 1 ruble per referral
www.turbotext.ru The TurboText exchange implemented a unique order for us - a large volume of articles was written in the shortest possible time, and the quality exceeded our expectations. No Exchanges of simple simple tasks online
socialtools.com Service for making money on simple tasks in social networks. 10% from the customer and 50% from the contractor Exchanges of simple simple tasks online
globaltestmarket.com the largest international project "Global Market Testing" fully justifies its name, covering more and more countries. No
surveyharbor.com A great option for guaranteed additional income. To withdraw money via PayPal or replenish your mobile balance, you need to collect only 300 rubles Yes Platforms for earning money by taking surveys
whaff.com Probably the best app for making money today. 5p Yes
advertapp.ru One of the most popular applications for making money on downloading games in Russia, which every Android user should have 5p No Platforms for making money on a smartphone (installing applications)
appcent.ru The third most popular program for making money by downloading games from the Play Market, which should be installed in every smartphone. 5p No Platforms for making money on a smartphone (installing applications)
shutterstock.com every week uploads one photo and one vector image for free download - these pictures can be seen immediately on the main page. 16r No
iStockphoto.com is the oldest (founded in 2000) and, along with shutterstock, the largest photo bank of images, video and audio content. up to 3$ No Platforms for selling photos (photo stocks)
en.fotolia.com owned by Adobe Corporation, created in 2005 and actively developed. At the moment, there are more than 60 million images in the database. Photolia photobank offers images and videos. 1$ No Platforms for selling photos (photo stocks)
encaptcha.com Same site 2captcha.com 0.01-0.10 r 10%
leowork.ru You need a Payeer wallet to register. 0.06 R per captcha up to 50% Platforms for earning by entering captcha
2captcha.com Instant payouts from $0.5 $0.5 per hour 10% Platforms for earning by entering captcha
www.eobot.com Eobot is one of the oldest and most profitable cloud mining on the web. No
hashing24.com Hashing24 provides the most profitable cloud mining among competitors. In addition, this provider is also one of the most reliable, as it is among the partners of the BitFury Group 10% Platforms for cloud mining of cryptocurrencies
genesis-mining.com Genesis Mining, along with Hashing24, is one of the most profitable and reliable cloud mining that newcomers to the mining industry should pay attention to. 2,5 % Platforms for cloud mining of cryptocurrencies
youtube.com The largest video hosting in the world. No Video blogging platforms
rutube.ru Russian equivalent of YouTube. Yes Video blogging platforms
hitbox.tv It is the official partner of the DreamHack championship. Latest Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Tournament No Streaming platforms
Twitch.tv Streaming platform created in 2011 with 15 million daily active users. Yes Streaming platforms
kwork.ru An online service store that offers ready-made services. from 500 r until 6%
Freelance exchanges
Exchanges of copywriters
www.fl.ru Starting work with our site, you first of all need to fill out a freelancer's portfolio, adding examples of projects and orders you have successfully completed. Indicate in the profile all the necessary information about your skills and experience, add contact information. 200 - 40 000 r No Freelance exchanges
workspace.ru a tender platform that helps customers of digital services to choose the best contractor, and agencies to find their client. 200 - 40 000 r No Freelance exchanges
www.helper.ru A resource for finding temporary work or one-time services. 200 - 40 000 r No Freelance exchanges
youdo.com A service that allows you to find contractors and customers to solve household and business problems. 200 - 40 000 r No Freelance exchanges
Completing tasks online or offline
advego.ru Exchange specializing in content writing, editing, rewriting, etc. 200 - 40 000 r up to 25% Freelance exchanges
toloka.yandex.ru Yandex.Toloka is a service that contains tasks for analyzing and evaluating content. Average $0.5 No Completing tasks online or offline
workzilla.com Exchange of remote work, for the selection and execution of a small task. from 100 r 7% from each referral payment Completing tasks online or offline
Freelance exchanges
Exchanges of copywriters

How can a student make money online without investment?

Most of the methods listed above are suitable for schoolchildren and allow you to receive money without investments and monetize what many do for free every day. Surfing the Internet, reposts, likes, sharing and following, all this allows you to make a profit.

Making money online without investment

  • Surfing and clicks;
  • Games that pay money for the gameplay;
  • Moderation;
  • Administration of groups and publics;
  • Passing paid surveys;
  • Enter captcha;
  • Some types of freelancing.

How can a student make money online easily?

Easy ways to earn money are associated with low incomes, do not use them if your goal is to earn a lot and even more so quickly.

Easy ways to make money:

  • Performing tasks in social networks;
  • Surfing and clicks;
  • Posting (comments, reviews);
  • Performing simple tasks online;
  • Games that pay for the gameplay;
  • Game moderation;
  • Creation of accounts and groups for sale;
  • Administration of groups and publics;
  • Performing simple tasks online;
  • Passing paid surveys;
  • Paid installation of applications on a smartphone;
  • Enter captcha;

How can a student make money online fast?

Quick earnings are characterized by small amounts and one-time, non-permanent work.

Quick ways to make money:

  • Performing tasks in social networks;
  • Surfing and clicks;
  • Posting (comments, reviews);
  • Performing simple tasks online;
  • Enter captcha;
  • Some types of freelancing.

How can a student make money online

Making a lot of money is problematic, but possible. This is due to the lack of experience, investment and knowledge. All of the following methods involve a large investment of time, money, as well as the acquisition of new knowledge and skills. You won't be able to earn much quickly and easily!

Ways to earn a lot:

  • Sale of a pumped account;
  • Streams and video blogging;
  • eSports and tournaments;
  • Crypto-currency mining;
  • Affiliate and referral programs;
  • Video blogging and streaming;
  • Maintaining your website or blog;
  • Freelance;
  • Sale of goods.

How to make money on the Internet for a student: video

A visual video on how a student can make money on the Internet, guided by which you can succeed in your aspirations and endeavors:


As we have understood, there are many ways to earn money on the Internet, and it doesn’t matter if you are online or not, whether you have skills or not. The choice is huge, it all depends on the potential and desire.

The main advice is to choose what you like and develop in this direction, it depends on how much money you can get and whether you will enjoy it.

A student can and should earn money!

Even more interesting

How to earn money as a student? This question is of interest to many teenagers, especially during the summer holidays: a lot of free time that needs to be spent somewhere, a shortage of pocket money - these are the reasons to look for a profitable and not too hard part-time job. How to get a legal salary for a teenager? Below are the main ways a child can receive pocket money.

How can a student make money online?

Children from 12-14 years old can quite earn money on the Web - this does not take much time, moreover, such work often brings pleasure. Here are some ways to have a good time on the Internet:

  1. Copywriting. If a teenager knows how to express his thoughts in school essays and presentations, then it will not be difficult for him to write articles for money. There are special exchanges with simple registration, where a child can take simple orders: a few thousand a month is a great option for summer holidays or for useful pastime after school.

Interesting fact: writing articles broadens horizons, makes speech more structured and correct, contributes to concentration, which is important for the student. That is why this method will not only bring money, but also help in your studies.

  1. Earnings in a social network - the "natural habitat" of a teenager. If a student likes to look at funny pictures, read funny stories and watch videos, he can try himself as a group administrator on a social network. The salary of the administrator of a popular public is about 5 thousand per month. This option is suitable for the summer holidays, because the student will need to devote a lot of time to the group for it to function successfully.
  2. How can a student make money without investment? Transcription is another simple and affordable way for everyone. Do not be afraid of a difficult word: all that is required of a teenager is to transfer information from an audio file to a text file with maximum accuracy. If the child successfully copes with monotonous and routine work and knows how to concentrate, this is a good option.
  3. Where can a student earn money? Of course, on the forums! Many children are very fond of communicating on the Internet with their peers who have common interests (computer games, music artists, and so on). Posting on the forums can get paid: you just need to write such posts on a regular basis, while making them meaningful and interesting. Since writing reviews and interesting judgments is not regulated by time, you can do this at any time, including right after your studies.

Not everyone wants to spend time within four walls at the computer during the holidays. If a teenager prefers mobile rest and work, you can offer him to deliver mail: a postman's assistant can count on several thousand rubles a month.

Interesting fact: the postman's assistant is not too easy, but useful work. If a student leads a sedentary life during his studies, it makes sense to walk from one house to another on foot, in addition, such work will teach a young person to navigate well in his city.

Another option that brings in much more money is a promoter. The applicant can be offered work on the street or indoors (the latter option is preferable). If a child has creative skills and is able to attract attention with competent and exciting speech, he can earn about 15 thousand rubles a month. Please note: this method is especially suitable for sociable guys who are ready to stand on their feet for several hours and offer customers this or that product.

The next method is more suitable for girls with creative abilities: surprisingly, embroidery, weaving bracelets, jewelry, drawing and other needlework can not only become a favorite hobby, but also bring a good income. Your work can be put up for sale in the same social networks, especially for original jewelry.

Secrets of successful earnings

If a young man wants his activity to really bring, albeit small, but profit, it is important to adhere to certain rules.

  1. Work activity should not interfere with studies. If a teenager cannot distribute labor time and time for lessons on his own, this issue needs to be controlled by parents. Some activities are suitable only during the summer holidays, and some can be spent 2-3 hours after attending classes.
  2. The Internet is not only a place where you can make good money, but also a breeding ground for scammers and other unscrupulous people. You should not click on advertising links that promise easy earnings of several thousand within five minutes: all this is a scam. It must be remembered that there is no easy money, in order to get your first salary, you will have to make a lot of effort, be diligent and focused.
  3. If a young person has chosen to work online, you should take care of the methods of transferring funds in advance. Most freelance exchanges transfer money to electronic wallets, from where wages can then be transferred to a bank card.

Interesting fact: studies have shown that the highest level of performance in young people is achieved in the first hour of activity. That is why every hour it is recommended to take a break for 10-15 minutes (but no more!) To restore strength and improve concentration. However, this option is not suitable for those who have a normal working day (for example, an ad poster or a promoter).

Thus, even a schoolboy can earn several thousand a month if he shows a little diligence and perseverance. Now every young person can choose a job to their liking, depending on their abilities, temperament and health.


The easiest way is posting. There are forums that pay for communication. For example, you need to raise their rating or promote. So if you understand something in the subject of the forum, you can participate in this.

The second way is to work with text: rewriting or copywriting. If you have at least a four in literature, then you will be able to work with the text. Rewriting is essentially a presentation. You are simply rewriting someone else's text in your own words. Copywriting is more like writing short essays on a given topic. It is not necessary to have the makings of a young writer, it is enough just to correctly express your thoughts.

Students in language special schools can try their hand at translation. Customers do not always need a high-level translation, sometimes someone may simply not know a foreign language at all, but need to figure out what a particular text is about. For such work, it is not at all necessary to have a diploma in translation.

It is equally important to organize how you will receive money. The easiest way is to use Webmoney or Yandex.Money. However, in order to cash out, you will need to open a bank account. To open an account, you must have a TIN, so it is easier to open it for one of the parents (and start an online wallet, respectively, on them). You can also transfer the received money to yourself and loved ones, for example, to mobile phones, and in return receive cash from them.

You should not expect easy and fast money from making money on the Internet, as well as from working somewhere on the distribution of leaflets. However, by organizing your work correctly and finding conscientious and regular customers, you can have quite a decent income by graduation.


Jobs for pensioners Jobs for the disabled How can a student make money online? No need to rush! For example, compare how much we have to study in order to have some kind of profession only by the age of twenty - this is an average of about 15 years and almost every day for 5-6 hours. So, to organize your business on the Internet, make it a rule to devote 1-2 hours to this work every day.

Helpful advice

Despite the seeming utopia of this desire, the student really has good chances to earn money, and very decent ones, if we are now talking about making money on the Internet. Creating websites is the best way to earn money for a student. A lot of site owners started their journey from school, and even despite such a young age, many managed to earn more than their parents brought together to the family!


  • how to make money as a student in the summer

The opportunity to earn your first personal pocket money is an important milestone in a teenager's life. Some do it to help the family, others to save up for some thing or vacation.

Most parents naturally have a question: at what age and under what conditions can children work. Physical labor, which also brings material rewards, makes a teenager more organized and responsible. When releasing a child to work, it is necessary to consider several criteria:

The absence of factors that negatively affect health in this work;

Successful combination of work and study;

Absence of medical contraindications for this type of activity;

Physical work should be within the ability and age of a teenager.

When applying for any job, permission from one of the parents may be required.

Teenagers can work upon reaching the age of 14, but only non-commercial areas of activity can be selected. As soon as the child is 16 years old, he has every right to get a job in commercial organizations.

What type of activity to choose for earning, teenagers decide for themselves: some earn money through the Internet without leaving home, others prefer physical work, which can be done both at home and outside it.

For assiduous and hardworking children, there is an opportunity to earn money by doing simple home work: making jewelry from beads or key rings, sewing bed linen, making soft or wooden toys, and so on. Some teenagers create websites, write articles or essays, lead various groups, develop games or applications.

During the summer holidays, teenagers can be engaged in landscaping, mowing bushes and lawns, walking dogs or handing out leaflets.

In big cities, you can get a job in an organization that delivers pizza or other food products, or, alternatively, delivers correspondence or puts up ads.

Some of the teenagers prefer to work in non-profit organizations that provide assistance to vulnerable categories of citizens: the disabled, the sick and the elderly, large families or single mothers. Such work does not bring a lot of money, but thanks to it, the guys learn to be attentive and responsible.

And it doesn’t matter at all what kind of work a teenager chooses, the main thing is that this activity will not only bring material rewards, but also teach the child to be more organized, disciplined and properly distribute the available funds.

Regardless of age, everyone wants to have personal money to spend it exclusively for their own pleasure. The stereotype that only adults can work has long been debunked. And the question - how to make money for a schoolboy - has long been no surprise.

In the age of technological progress, the most powerful development of the Internet and related resources, absolutely anyone can start earning. Including there are various ways to earn money online or offline for a student!

Even if you're only 10-12 years old you can still get paid. The main thing is to choose an interesting area for yourself and a comfortable way to earn money.

Below we will tell you about the possible ways of how, without particularly straining, to make money on:

  • to a concert of your favorite band;
  • cool sweatshirt;
  • delicious chocolates in unlimited quantities;
  • or even with a little more effort and patience, a new mobile phone!

After reading the article, you will understand that working on the Internet is not a boring sitting in the office, as you might have heard from adults, but an exciting quest with cool rewards after each completed task.

From this article you will learn:

Is it possible for a student to earn money?

How can a student earn personal money and what is needed for this? You will need the bare minimum.

  • First, if you plan to look for jobs to make money on the Internet, then decide on which device you will work. It can be an iPhone or Android, laptop, tablet or computer. Any of the listed devices will become your faithful assistant in earning the first money on the Internet. Think about what it will be more convenient for you to work on, or start from what you have at home.
  • Second moment of preparation is to give yourself time to work. On average, it will take you 1-3 hours. At first, employment will be longer, because you need to gain experience, fill your hand and get used to new responsibilities. Then, even in the second week, you will get involved in the process and will complete tasks at an increased speed.

IMPORTANT. Working on the Internet should not interfere with your main occupation - study. Earning personal money should become an exciting activity, one might say, a kind of hobby. But in no case do not overwork and do not take on an extra burden. First of all, you are a schoolboy, and your parents need you healthy and cheerful!

What should be the work for students?

Looking at adults, one might think that work is hard labor. But this is not so, and for 2018 there are many options for how a student can earn money on the Internet or through other work.

Even if you are in school and you are 11, 12, 14 or 16 years old, you can earn money on a par with your parents, while not even leaving your home! The Internet gives us simply amazing opportunities for developing our own potential and making money.

But before you get started, please remember the following rules:

  1. The work must be legal. This means that you must not do anything illegal. This applies to the dissemination of extremist information, incitement to violence, the distribution of personal photos/videos/audio files without the permission of the owner, hacking of personal accounts, and plagiarism. If you have any suspicions about certain ads on the Internet, be sure to consult with adults.
  2. The work should be simple. This means that even without special education and any specific skills, you can complete it and earn your first money. You're still only a schoolboy, and a minor. You shouldn't be given difficult tasks.
  3. Work should bring joy. While you are a student, your main task is to absorb basic knowledge and get good grades. Work should take you a minimum of time and bring maximum benefit. If you push your studies into the background, it will negatively affect all areas of your life.

Think for yourself - conflicts with your parents will begin, teachers will scold you and put deuces, and you yourself will find yourself with nothing and with a disgusting mood. Agree, the picture is not very happy. That is why work a maximum of 3 hours a day and only after you complete all the lessons and homework.

What do you need to start earning

First, create an email on your computer. Perhaps you already have it. If not, then use Yandex or Google.

Choose according to your personal preferences - on which resource it is more convenient for you to work, what you use more often.

Electronic mailbox you will definitely need:

  • there you will be sent assignments;
  • through it you will contact employers;
  • you will enter his data when registering on various sites.

ADVICE. For safety, write down your login and password from the mail in your phone or in a notebook.

The next stage of preparation is creating an electronic wallet. Get yourself at least one wallet, on which you will receive money earned by honest work.

If you still don’t know what exactly you want to do, in what area to earn money, you can take your time with creating a wallet. The fact is that each customer has his own preferences regarding which wallet to transfer payment to. Therefore, you can first get acquainted with what are the ways of simple earnings for a student, find out the terms of cooperation, and then create an electronic wallet, in accordance with the requirements of the employer.

In order for you to be savvy in this matter, we list you the most popular payment systems on the Internet:

  • webmoney.
  • Yandex money.
  • Qiwi.

Example with WebMoney. The shaded fields will contain your wallet numbers.

Creating an e-wallet is easy. The procedure will take 5 minutes. You will need to specify your login, email, full name. and a valid phone number. Each created wallet is assigned a unique number. This is what you will inform the customers so that they send you money transfers.

IMPORTANT. To be sure, it would be nice to create a couple of online wallets, for example, on Yandex.Money and WebMoney. Remember that your customers can live in Russia, Ukraine, CIS countries and even in Europe or America. In each case, a commission is charged for the transfer of money to the amount sent. And for some it will be more profitable to send a transfer to Yandex, and for others - to Qiwi or WebMoney. If you have several accounts at once, you can please any employer.

How can a student earn money on the Internet without investments - 10 ways

If you are determined to earn seriously and want to lay the bricks for your future on the Internet while still a schoolboy, then choose the job that will help you develop and improve, and not just bring some money.

Pay attention to offers in which there is an opportunity for growth, the prospect of learning something new and useful for yourself. Thinking about how to make money on the Internet, choose such areas as copywriting, administration of groups on social networks, design duties.

Earnings in social networks

This is how the personal account on the Etxt exchange looks like

To work, you will need to register, then you will get access to orders. The price on the exchanges is set for 1000 characters with spaces (or sometimes without them). Average cost - 20-40 rubles for the given amount.

Personal experience. According to my experience, in the early stages, for one article, you will, on average, receive 200-350 rubles. It all depends, as you understand, on the final volume. Earnings depend on your speed. A day is quite realistic. Then we can take more expensive orders for good earnings.

Earnings on games

If you love computer games and hang in mobile applications for a long time, consider making money on this. The most popular direction is esports. Even whole competitions are arranged, in which there are celebrities. What students do not like games?

Esports means passing various kinds of games with minimal errors and maximum results. But breaking into a celebrity is quite difficult, and it will take a lot of time. But how to make money on games?

HEALTHY. You can also upgrade characters and sell them. But you won’t be able to earn much, since such services are not in great demand. And if the Persian is bought, it will cost 8-10$ .

And also be aware of the possible consequences:

  • development of dependence on games;
  • deterioration of vision.

IMPORTANT. If you notice one of these signs in yourself, it is better to refuse such work. In addition, keep in mind that some games require personal financial investments, so part of the small earnings received will have to be invested in this business.

Earning from phone

The phone is a convenient tool for performing various tasks at 10 years old, at 13 years old, and indeed at any age. Payment, as a rule, is withdrawn to the mobile phone account. But you can also receive money on e-wallets.

The most common tasks for money:

  • liking;
  • posting;
  • following;
  • commenting;
  • writing reviews.

Your final earnings will depend on the chosen method. On average you can earn 50-100 rubles per hour of work .

Completing simple tasks

If you are not yet interested in some kind of global earnings on the Internet, and you just want to have a certain supply of personal funds, then think about doing simple tasks. They take a minimum of time, do not require absolutely no additional skills.

This is a job where you can earn money on the Internet for a student without investment. You only need a device in the form of a phone, tablet, laptop or PC.

What is the essence of these tasks:

  • links (clicks);
  • registration on forums and websites;
  • writing reviews.

IMPORTANT. Moderators oversee the work. They clearly display how many times this or that person clicked on the link, where he registered, what reviews he wrote. It won't work here.

If the employer sees that you treat such an easy job carelessly, then you will not be paid money. Even the simplest tasks must be done responsibly.

Earning on design skills

If you are a creative person and, in particular, love to draw, then master the basic skills of graphic design. Photoshop will help you with this. There are other developments:

  • CorelDraw;
  • Adobe Illustrator;
  • Canva.

This is what the CorelDraw panel looks like

The first two are more serious, and the third is rather amateurish and uncomplicated even for schoolchildren. You can start just with Kanva. You will need skills in creating graphic images to design posts on social networks. networks and so-called community hats.

Real examples. Group owners are willing to pay 300-1500 rubles for a well-made header or picture for a thematic post. You can fulfill an unlimited number of orders per month and earn good money accordingly. The main thing is to find those who want it!

To search for customers, use freelance exchanges on the Internet:

  • work-zilla.com
  • fl.ru;
  • freelancehunt.com.

Working in this way, you pump your professional skills, and also realize your creative potential!


If you love taking pictures of everything around, then monetize your favorite hobby. You can sell your photos for money, because this is an author's product. Thousands of employers need unique images that they can use for advertising or other purposes. Moreover, photos can be taken on a mobile phone, because now almost every phone is equipped with a decent camera.

HEALTHY. Pictures can always be processed - cropped, adjust the brightness and contrast, apply a filter, adjust the sharpness. These manipulations will improve the quality of the photo and, as a result, sell them at a higher price. This is just the answer to the question of how to make money for a student of 12 years old or even younger. Everyone takes pictures now, age does not matter here.

You can sell photos on the following resources:

  • Pressphoto;
  • Lori;
  • Fotolia;
  • Dreamtime.

The first two sites are Russian-language, the rest are foreign. The terms of cooperation are somewhat different, but on average you can earn 50 rubles from the sale of each photo. Try it right now!

Real examples. If your photos will be in demand, consider doing it professionally later. You can organize photo shoots and work as a freelancer on the Internet. According to our observations, photographers earn 50,000 rubles and more . Exhaust depends on the number of shootings and the price of them.

File hosting

File hosting is a resource for downloading files on the Internet. These can be pictures, songs, videos or text files. To make money fast, you need:

  1. Register on one of the resources.
  2. Select the category of downloaded files (movies, music, games, texts).
  3. Download the selected file.

Then you will need to place a link to download the file somewhere in order to earn money. For these purposes, it is better to choose popular sites, news outlets, and extensive groups on social networks. Your main task is to get as many people as possible to download the file you uploaded. You can do this job at least 12 years old.

This is a work without investments with the withdrawal of money to electronic wallets. Payment will go for a certain number of downloads. As a rule, this is a thousand downloads, for which 5-25$ .

HEALTHY. To get the required amount as quickly as possible, choose the most viewed resources on the Internet. And also write a captivating description for the link so that a person wants to download your file. Popular and proven file sharing services are depositfiles, turbobit and datafile.

Video earnings

Many schoolchildren love Youtube channels and hang on them for a long time. Did you know that you can start your own channel and earn money from it?

You will need to choose the topic of the channel and shoot interesting videos. You can choose anything - beauty reviews, stories about books, travel, life hacks for all occasions. Gradually, you will gain an audience, and then you will be able to advertise the products of any companies for money through your channel. On average they receive for advertising 2$ .

Another option is to watch videos via links. Many bloggers or businesses need to get a certain number of views on YouTube, so they are looking for all sorts of ways to achieve this goal. You can help them with this and earn yourself. Watch the video on how it's done and get paid.

IMPORTANT. Payment goes for a specific number of views. It is not very high and varies in each case. But if you are a video lover, then why not try this option to earn money.

Participation in affiliate programs

Participation in affiliate programs on the Internet involves the promotion of goods or services of certain companies. This option does not require investments and is available for students. You just need to post links to products or services on your social media accounts. networks. Sometimes you will need to write small reviews or calls for other people to follow the link and buy the product.

Earnings depend on how many sales will be made through your link. You get a percentage of sales, which is 5-80%. The exact figure depends on the generosity of the partner.

HEALTHY. Take a look at the Admitad.ru website - this is an aggregator that hosts hundreds of affiliate programs.

How to make money for a student in the summer without the Internet - 7 cool ideas + one more

Many guys are interested in the question of how to make money for a schoolboy in the summer, especially if there is no access to the Internet. There are also plenty of options for you to choose from.

Ways for high school students:

  • animator for children's holidays;
  • camp leader;
  • courier;
  • newspaper distributor;
  • ad poster;
  • nanny (baby sitter);
  • promoter.

However, the listed professions are available to those who are already 14 years old. If you are younger, then try to earn money from your hobby. Surely you have a favorite pastime. For example, embroidery, modeling, drawing, maybe cooking. All this can be turned into money. Sell ​​your created things or art objects, create a personal account and promote it. With due diligence, you can build a client base and tell the world about your talent, and still earn money.

Animator for children's parties

An animator is someone who entertains children during holidays and events. If you have a younger sister or brother, then you definitely know how to communicate with children. So make money on it!

Both in large and small cities, various holidays are constantly held, and leading guys are always required. Animator is a great part-time job for 11th grade students. Order search on the Internet, through friends, acquaintances.

Beware of scammers!

Unfortunately, schoolchildren are more susceptible to deception by unscrupulous employers than adults. Due to your lack of experience and knowledge of the law, you can easily be deceived and “thrown” for money. Internet scams are especially common. In this regard, never start work until you are convinced of the honesty of the customer. Gather as much information about him as possible.

  • real social media accounts networks;
  • mobile phone number (and check if it is working);
  • E-mail address;
  • skype (to be able to make a video call);
  • if this is not a private person, but a company, then find the official website, groups in the social. network or legal address of the company.

IMPORTANT. If the customer refuses to give any of his contacts other than a fake profile, then do not risk and do not cooperate with him. If a person is hiding, then there is a reason for this. Why are you such an employer? Honest people have nothing to hide, so they will always provide you with all the information you need without unnecessary excuses.

What else is typical of scammers on the Internet:

  • dubious vacancies with easy work and huge pay (50,000-100,000 rubles each);
  • no prepayment;
  • the presence of several sites of the same organization or with identical offers;
  • a request to deposit money before starting work (supposedly insurance for the employer in case you do a poor job).

IMPORTANT. Remember that you never have to pay anything to an employer. At work, only you get paid. All explanations about the "insurance" contributions, which then allegedly return, are complete nonsense. You will simply lose money and time, and besides, you will simply be offended by such a vile deceit.

An honest customer will always competently tell you about the responsibilities, clearly answer questions about the timing of the work, payment and the method of receiving money. Collaborate only with honest people, then you can earn.


So, after reading our article, you learned that a student can earn money at least for pocket expenses without any strain. Choose an occupation to your liking, do not be afraid to learn new things and receive monetary rewards for this.

Don't prioritize work over study. Everything has its time, and you still have time to work out. While earning money should not take away the lion's share of your free time. Just think of it as a hobby that pays nice dividends (a little adult language).

I also advise you to watch a video about how much money an ordinary student managed to earn. Who said you won't make it?

And don't be shy to seek advice from your parents or those comrades who have been working for some time. This will save you from unnecessary risks and loss of precious time. You can also ask anything in the comments.

Good luck in everything!