Worms in humans are symptoms of pinworm. Pinworm treatment: symptoms and drugs

Treatment of pinworms is a fairly simple process, which in the vast majority of cases ends well. Here it is important to contact a competent specialist in a timely manner, able to competently conduct examinations and choose the right drug therapy.

Enterobiasis - a consequence of the activity of pinworms

This is peculiar exclusively to humans, animals are only carriers of pinworm eggs or the so-called intermediate hosts. A person at any age can get enterobiasis, but most often it affects children aged 2 to 10 years. Therefore, if a child in the family gets sick, there is a chance that adults will also become infected. This is due to the fact that children do not follow the rules of personal hygiene with sufficient quality, as a result of which worms develop freely in their bodies. Therefore, the treatment of pinworms in adults is no less relevant than the process of getting rid of them in children.

These worms are afraid of sunlight, but despite this they are able to maintain vital activity for several hours after they leave the host's body. For this reason, in regions where a hot climate prevails, enterobiasis is much less common.

In general, the life of a pinworm is as follows:

  • penetrate the small intestine through unwashed hands or by contact with an object infected by them;
  • after its maturation, a larva appears, which begins to destroy the intestinal mucosa, sticks to it and feeds on the contents of the intestine;
  • after a couple of weeks, the larva turns into an adult and sexually mature pinworm, which can be fertilized;
  • after this process, the female begins to descend down the intestines until she reaches the rectum. Then she lays eggs in an amount of 5 to 15 thousand and immediately dies. It happens on the skin folds around the anus;
  • new larvae hatch from the eggs, which irritate the delicate skin with their presence. A person begins to intensively scratch the area with helminths, as a result of which they remain under the nails and on the hands. This contributes to the fact that the larvae continue to enter the body of the host, after which the circle of their development will begin anew.

At high temperatures, helminths quickly die

Signs of pinworms in children and adults, in addition to severe itching and scabies, include various stool disorders and colic in the intestines. Along with this, helminths in the course of their life activity secrete toxins, which also affect the body. Symptoms of pinworms in children can manifest as follows: nausea and vomiting, severe weakness and dizziness, and a person may begin to rapidly lose weight.

How can you get infected

The source of the invasion is a sick person. Upon contact with him, the eggs and larvae of helminths that are on his hands or objects that he touched fall on the hands of a healthy person. After this, autoinvasion occurs - self-infection, when the patient himself randomly swallows the larvae. There is still a possibility that pinworm eggs will enter the body along with dust - in this case, they enter the nasopharynx and then are swallowed. After that, enterobiasis in children or even adults is inevitable.

In this way, pinworm infection occurs both independently and through another person.

Choice of drug for treatment

How to get rid of pinworms? There are a huge number of options for getting rid of helminthic invasion offer traditional medicine - it can be the use of onions, garlic, processed, decoctions of tansy or wormwood. However, medications will have the greatest effect in the treatment, since their active substances directly affect the pinworms and contribute to their destruction, and then the unhindered removal from the body of both the helminths themselves and their waste products.

In order to treat enterobiosis with the right medicines, you need to contact an infectious disease specialist or helminthologist. These narrow specialists will prescribe appropriate examinations and a course of treatment. Some drugs provide treatment with just one tablet, which has a detrimental effect on worms from the first use, but such drugs should be treated with caution. This is especially true for young children, the elderly and pregnant women. Only a doctor can choose the right drug, choose a specific dosage (depending on the situation) and take into account all contraindications. Therefore, the information in the article cannot be considered a guide to action, and for more specific appointments, contact a specialist. This is especially true if you decide to learn how to get rid of pinworms at home.

Nevertheless, there are pills for pinworms, many of which can be prescribed for infants, children of primary school age, as well as pregnant and lactating women. These and other drugs:

  • Piperazine;
  • Pirantel;
  • mebendazole;
  • Zentel;
  • Decaris;
  • Wormil.

On average, the life cycle of pinworms is approximately two weeks, therefore, after a course of treatment, it is important to repeat it, which will confirm or refute the presence of sexually mature individuals or eggs of these worms in the body.

Important: any of the drugs prescribed by a doctor may not work on pinworms, as this depends on the phase of their development - first eggs, then larvae, then adults. This will lead to the fact that the course of treatment will need to be repeated.

You also need to remember that if pinworms struck one person in the family, then all his other relatives should also be tested for scraping (at least), and if necessary, then undergo a course of treatment, since in this case enterobiasis in adults is more than likely .

More about drugs


Piperazine is also known as Piperazine adipate. It is produced in the form of tablets and has been offered for treatment for quite a long time. The tool is quite effective, it is thanks to this that it has managed to gain great popularity and use it to this day.

Piperazine contributes to the fact that it causes almost complete paralysis of all muscles in pinworms. Remarkably, this condition occurs in helminths at all stages of development. On average, the course is designed for 5 days, if necessary, the therapy can be carried out 2-3 times with minor interruptions. Contraindications include:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug (allergic reactions may occur);
  • liver or kidney failure;
  • epilepsy;
  • diseases of the central nervous system.
In the event of an overdose of the medicine for pinworms, a person begins to feel pain in the abdomen and cramps, his limbs begin to tremble, and coordination of movements is disturbed. If the specialist prescribed a second course, then cleansing enemas with special solutions should be done between the first and second.


Pyrantel is available as a suspension, tablet, or chewable tablet. It acts on pinworms in the same way as Piperazine - it inhibits the activity of the neuromuscular system of helminths, after which they cannot multiply and stay on the intestinal walls, as a result of which they freely leave the body as a result of defecation.

This remedy for pinworms has a strong effect on worms, no matter what phase of development they are in.

Tip: you can take Pirantel not only to fight pinworms, but also many other types of worms. You can find out more about this at the reception with a specialist.

Pirantel has a certain number of contraindications. It can be prescribed to pregnant women and infants, but this should be done with great care and only under the supervision of a specialist. In general, an overdose can manifest itself as follows:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • violation of the stool - diarrhea and constipation;
  • heat;
  • allergic reactions;
  • headache;
  • sleep disturbances and the occurrence of hallucinations.


This drug acts on helminths in the following way: it has a destructive effect on the synthesis of ATP. This means that it completely inhibits the process of contraction of the cells of the body of pinworms and eggs, as a result of which it does not allow them to fully function. As a result of this, the worms become unable to hold onto the walls of the intestine and simply leave the body along with the feces without multiplying.

The components that make up the drug are not absorbed into the intestinal tissue and are completely eliminated from the body in just one day. If the specialist noted the possibility of re-infection, then another course should be completed 2 weeks after the start of the first.

A feature of the drug is that laxatives are not prescribed in combination with it. If in combination with other drugs they can be prescribed, then the active substance of Mebendazole is able to independently provoke an act of defecation and accelerate the removal of pinworms from the body. Treatment of enterobiasis with this remedy is contraindicated in women in position and children under 2 years of age.

Important: In no case should mebendazole be combined with the use of alcohol, since extremely negative consequences for the liver are possible!

In case of an overdose, the following side effects may occur:

  • severe headaches and dizziness;
  • anemia;
  • nausea and vomiting.


The drug Zentel is necessary in order to disrupt the transport of glucose in pinworms. The lack of this substance in their microorganisms will lead to their death, after which they will be excreted from the body in the process of defecation.

The drug is available in tablet and suspension form. It is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, and they should not be treated for pinworms in children under one year old. It is strictly forbidden for use by people who have an individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

If an overdose is allowed, then the following symptoms may begin to bother the patient:

  • pain in the abdomen in the form of colic and spasms;
  • allergic reactions;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • hyperthermia.


The drug Decaris is also known under a different name - Levomizol. It is considered an excellent immunomodulator, as a remedy for helminthic invasion, the drug is prescribed quite rarely, although it is quite effective.

Decaris from pinworms has a devastating effect on the body of these worms, completely blocking the work of their nervous system. This leads to the fact that the helminths die without having time to start reproduction, after which they are excreted from the body naturally. It can be taken by pregnant women, but this should be done with caution. It should be borne in mind that the possible risk may be much higher than the potential help, therefore, at the slightest suspicion of a deterioration in the condition, the reception should be stopped immediately.

Decaris is one of the most effective and popular drugs.

An overdose is fraught with the following symptoms:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • the appearance of confusion in the mind;
  • dizziness;
  • cramps in the limbs.

If any of these conditions occur, it is necessary to flush the stomach with an enema as soon as possible and stop taking any drugs for pinworms. In the vast majority of cases, this helps to quickly stop almost all the symptoms of intoxication.


Vormil is a drug with a wide spectrum of action. With its help, helminthic invasion caused by more than 15 types of helminths is successfully treated. Dosage form - chewable tablets.

In the external environment, pinworm eggs persist for up to three weeks. An important condition for their viability is a moist and warm area (sewerage, open water in the summer, the surface of plants). They survive on the fur of domestic animals (cat, dog). They die quickly in the heat, in the absence of moisture. Frosty air is well tolerated. Eggs remain viable after 18 hours at minus 8 °C.

Pinworm larvae are able to exit the eggs and enter the intestine through the anus, bypassing part of the development period. This route of infection is called retrograde.

Pinworm life cycle

In the photo, adult pinworms

The growth cycle of the worm is relatively simple. Fertilization of a sexually mature individual occurs sexually, after which eggs begin to develop in the uterus. By the time they are ready, the female descends into the lower intestines. During the sleep of the host, when the anal sphincter is relaxed, the helminth crawls out and lays in the perirectal zone.

At a body temperature of 36.6–37 °C, the eggs mature and become infective after 4–6 hours. Their presence, as well as the movements of the pinworm itself, irritate the skin and cause itching. The person begins to comb the disturbing area. At the same time, the masonry sticks to his hands, gets on his clothes, and may end up in food if personal hygiene rules are not followed.

Signs of pinworms in adults

The main clinical symptom of enterobiasis is itching in the perianal area. Its intensity increases as the helminth population in the intestine increases. If the number of worms is small, discomfort is noted mainly at night. With a massive infection, itching persists in the daytime. In this case, the patient combs the disturbing area, thereby exposing himself to re-infection and damaging the pararectal skin.

The presence of scratching, associated with the contamination of the anal area with intestinal microorganisms, sometimes leads to the appearance of a local inflammatory reaction. The areas of damage swell, suppurate, local hyperthermia develops. In conditions of weakened immunity, such phenomena cause paraproctitis. Common symptoms of pinworms are the development of dyspepsia. The syndrome includes the following features:

  • Vague pains in the abdomen.
  • Flatulence.
  • Bloating.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Rumbling.
  • Mucus in feces.
  • Head and muscle pain.
  • Change in psycho-emotional status (capriciousness, tearfulness).
  • In the blood of such, eosinophilia and other nonspecific signs of inflammation are found.
  • Subfebrile condition is possible (body temperature 37–37.9 ° C).

How to treat pinworms in adults

Modern drugs allow you to remove helminths in 1 dose. Means are relatively toxic and have a number of contraindications. Therefore, the treatment of pinworms is also carried out using folk recipes. Unlike most other diseases, they are really effective in enterobiasis. The course of alternative medicine medicines is 2-4 weeks.


Popular anthelmintic drugs include 4 low-toxic agents.

In practice, Pirantel is more often prescribed for the treatment of enterobiasis.. Other drugs described are equally effective, however, their safety profile is inferior to this drug in terms of strength and frequency of side effects. Levamisole is used when the patient has an immunodeficiency of non-infectious origin. In addition to anthelmintic, the drug has an immunostimulating effect.

Folk remedies

Along with chemicals, alternative medicine is used in the treatment of enterobiasis. They are less effective and require a longer course of therapy. At the same time, vegetable recipes are devoid of some of the shortcomings inherent in classic tablets and syrups.

  • Russian triad. Tansy, wormwood and cloves are dried, ground to a powder and mixed in a ratio of 4:1:2, respectively. The resulting substance is taken in dry form, three times a day, for an incomplete teaspoon. Heat treatment of herbs is not performed, as in this case they lose their medicinal properties. Course - 14 days. Troychatka is contraindicated in pregnancy and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. After the end of treatment, it is required to donate feces for helminth eggs.
  • Pumpkin seeds. They are applied according to a certain scheme. Two days before treating enterobiasis with seeds, a person receives a cleansing enema in the evenings, and a saline laxative in the mornings. On the day of the start of the therapeutic course, the patient undergoes a bowel lavage procedure, then prepares the drug. To do this, 300 grams of raw seeds are cleaned, keeping a green layer between the peel and the body of the product, and knead in a mortar. The resulting substance is poured into 50 ml of warm water, mixed, honey is added and consumed within an hour, in small portions. Treatment is carried out on an empty stomach, lying in bed. 90 minutes after taking the medicine, the patient receives a laxative, and another half an hour later - a cleansing enema. The latter is assigned, even if a chair was previously received.
  • Garlic. The vegetable can be used in its pure form, however, more often it is used in the form of a milk broth. To prepare the last clove, it is cleaned, ground, immersed in 250 ml of a protein product and boiled for 1 minute. After that, the drug is cooled, filtered and taken 1 glass, on an empty stomach, 1 time per day. It should be treated for two weeks.

The safety of herbal remedies is not complete. They have their contraindications. So, mixtures based on tansy and wormwood should not be drunk by pregnant women, as they increase the tone of the uterus. Garlic is not recommended for people suffering from gastritis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal mucosa. It is better to refuse pumpkin seeds if there is severe dyspepsia.


There are no special dietary requirements for enterobiasis. To reduce the negative impact of the worm on the intestinal wall, general recommendations should be followed:

  • Eat 5-6 times a day, in small portions.
  • Refuse spicy, salty, sour and other irritating foods.
  • Give preference to steamed or boiled products.

How to treat children

Methods of combating helminthiasis do not differ from those in adult patients. With the help of modern remedies, pinworms are cured in one dose of the medicine. Dose adjustment when using Mebendazole and Levamisole in relation to patients older than 3 years is not required. The amount of Albendazole is reduced to 200 mg per dose. The volume of Pyrantel is calculated using the formula 10 mg/kg. 5 ml of syrup contains 250 mg of active ingredient.

Herbal recipes are prescribed for both adult patients and children. The dosage of the triad is reduced to ½ teaspoon per reception. The amount of milk with honey is calculated according to the age of the child and the volume of his stomach (100-250 ml). The rate of pumpkin seeds is shown in the table:

In one-year-old children and infants, therapy is carried out with agents with minimal toxicity (Piperazine).

Treatment during pregnancy and lactation

Alternative recipes should be used taking into account their effect on the tone of the uterus and the state of the blood coagulation system. Wormwood and tansy are contraindicated, garlic and other bitterness are not recommended. Pumpkin seeds and chamomile decoction are relatively safe. Treatment should be carried out only with a massive invasion of pinworms with the development of a corresponding lesion of the intestinal walls.

Pinworms are so common that if you hear from anyone that someone has "worms", then you can say with high certainty, 80% or more, that these are pinworms.

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Pinworms - what are these worms?

what does a pinworm look like? photo 2

The process of reproduction and human infection is extremely simplified. Intermediate hosts are not needed, as in tapeworms; eggs do not need to ripen in the soil, as in roundworms. A person directly transmits infectious eggs with larvae to another person, bypassing all intermediate stages that impede reproduction. Naturally, the first thing he passes these eggs to himself. To understand how this happens, consider the "life path" of pinworms:

  • A person swallows fertilized eggs with larvae;
  • In its intestines, the larvae emerge from the eggs, gradually molt, mature, remaining within the intestines;
  • "Lovemaking" in pinworms also occurs within the large intestine. After that, the males die, and the females cease to be free, and attach themselves to the walls of the intestine, to "carry" the uterus with eggs;
  • Feeling that the eggs are maturing, the female moves to the anus area of ​​the host. Each female pinworm lays eggs in the amount of 10,000-15,000 pieces, but not in feces, but on the skin of the perineum and around the anus. There is "fresh air" with a lot of oxygen that is not in the intestines, humidity, and a fairly high temperature;
  • Egg laying occurs at night. Females crawl freely along the perineum, and stick eggs to the skin, causing severe itching. After laying eggs, the females also die;
  • Already by morning, or a little later (after 6 - 8 hours), a larva appears in the egg, ready for infection by ingestion;
  • Scratching the perineum, which is often (especially in children) involuntary and in sleep, leads to eggs getting under the nails, and the habit of gnawing them finishes the job.

If a person does not bite his nails, but sits down to breakfast without washing his hands, then the eggs also fall into the mouth. Also, a person can contaminate (seed) toys, door handles with pinworm eggs. Even at a meeting, shaking hands, there is a risk of "catching" enterobiasis.

This circle is very simple, short, efficient and effective: the host is a victim at the same time, without the participation of intermediate organisms, hosts, wintering, maturation and other difficulties. This mechanism of infection is called autoreinvasion, that is, literally - "reinfection" of oneself.

Still, you should not think that such a perfect method leads to 100% infection. In fact, infection with pinworms, even with crowding in children's groups, rarely exceeds 20-30%. Of course, it is children who most often put their hands in their mouths and do not wash them, which is why they get sick more often. In addition, we must remember that on household items, pinworm eggs retain their ability to infect for up to a month.

But still, there are special “risk groups” that are more likely to get the disease:

  • Weakened babies, with a complicated course of pregnancy in the mother, who are bottle-fed;
  • Frequently ill children;
  • Toddlers who live in unsanitary conditions, as well as with obvious crowding;
  • Children with malnutrition, with a weakened immune system;
  • About the habit of "putting everything in your mouth", biting your nails, has already been mentioned above. Those who love, sorry, literally, "scratch their ass" are also included here.

It is clear that one of the signs of pinworms in a child will be itching in the anus. Is this true, and what symptoms do pinworms cause in adults and children?

8 symptoms of pinworms in adults and children

Pinworms in adults, and especially healthy people with a large build, often do not show themselves at all. Their main, "trump" symptom - itching in the anus - can be mildly expressed, and at night it is not noticeable at all.

In an adult, the immune defense is strong enough, and the level of "intestinal stress" that pinworms cause is not high enough. But in young children, the disorders caused by these helminths can be more serious.

The symptoms of pinworms in children are much more reminiscent of a typical helminthic invasion, with all its signs, especially in a weakened child who has been subjected to autoreinfestation for a long time and "swallowed" enough eggs. Parents should look out for the following signs:

  1. Pain aching, low intensity, in the umbilical region;
  2. Instability of the chair (alternating diarrhea - constipation);
  3. Bloating, flatulence, or increased gas, intestinal discomfort;
  4. Morning lack of appetite, nausea, lightheadedness, as symptoms of intoxication;
  5. The baby becomes tired, irritable, often cries and sleeps poorly;
  6. It has long been noted that if a person grinds his teeth in a dream, then this may be. This symptom is called "bruxism";
  7. It goes without saying that in the perianal region there is severe itching, maceration of the skin, scratching appears;
  8. Children lag behind in physical and mental development, they have a delay in weight gain.

In addition to these symptoms, girls can also experience inflammatory diseases of the genital organs: vulvovaginitis,.

Of course, many of these signs of pinworm infection can occur in adults as well. But the psychological mood of an adult is such that he will explain his anomalies in well-being with anything - from pressure drops and the influence of weather to bad food and conflicts at work, but he will think about helminthic invasion only as a last resort.

Diagnosis of pinworms in humans, tests

Pinworms are very "inventive" in terms of their life path and lightning-fast method of infection. Not every helminth can boast of the fact that after leaving the intestines, it will be ready to immediately infect its owner. But this advantage has become an obvious disadvantage for pinworms when it comes to their diagnosis, or detection.

It is very simple to make a diagnosis of enterobiasis, easier than with any other helminthiasis. When, for example, multiple soundings, fecal studies are needed to detect one - the only egg of a cat fluke (after all, it hides in the liver ducts). And with enterobiasis, it is enough to stick an ordinary “adhesive tape” to the anus area, and, having “torn off” it, examine it under a microscope, simply by looking at what has stuck to the film. Eggs will be noticeable there, both singly and in groups.

In addition, such an analysis as "scraping" is popular. The contents of the folds near the anus are scraped off, placed in a test tube with a solution, centrifuged and the sediment is microscoped in search of eggs.

There are no complex methods of staining, immune reactions and methods "through the blood" and they are not needed. Enterobiasis is diagnosed easily and simply. At the same time, it must be remembered that it is pointless to look for pinworm eggs in the feces: they simply are not there, unless they get there by accident.

The main thing is that before the study, you can’t wash yourself and go to the toilet “for great need”, because, wiping yourself with toilet paper, you can simply wipe the eggs off your skin.

  • There is also an indirect diagnostic method. So, when a pronounced eosinophilia appears in a child in a blood test, it makes sense to send him for scraping.

Treatment of pinworms in children and adults, tablets

The most important rule that children and adults should remember is that any, the best medicine for pinworms will be useless if eggs remain under the nails and they enter the mouth. After all, this happens even after all the adult worms have died.

Therefore, the treatment of pinworms in adults and children should begin only when the patients are ready to follow the preventive measures very precisely at the same time as taking the medication.

What pills help with pinworms?

We proceed to the most important thing, without which treatment with drugs does not make sense - to prevent eggs from getting into the mouth. The most difficult, the cornerstone, is how to wean a child from pulling hands and toys into his mouth. To do this, someone puts on gloves, smears fingers with a bitter solution, or simply watches the child.


  • Cut your nails short, and wash under them several times a day with a brush and soap, just like your hands;
  • Before eating, wash your hands without fail, with hot water and soap;
  • It is necessary to wash the child before going to bed and in the morning, with movements necessarily in the direction from the genitals to the anus, especially girls;
  • The babies should have tight panties with an elastic band, and even on the hips, so that loose eggs do not fall on the linen;
  • It is important that eggs are not laid at all: at night, a cotton swab is inserted into the anus, which is lubricated with petroleum jelly, and carefully removed in the morning;
  • Every day, linen is changed, which is ironed on both sides, just like panties;
  • The bedroom and living quarters are cleaned with wet cleaning, all carpets and furniture covers are dry-cleaned, knocked out and vacuumed, as they may contain pinworm eggs stuck to them, and even better, they are frozen in the cold in winter. Hanging things in the sun also helps in the summer.

But in the event that they are proven by the discovery of their eggs, then treatment must be carried out along with prevention. Only in this case can success be achieved.

  • Infectious mononucleosis - symptoms (photo) in children and ...

Enterobiasis is a type of helminthic invasion that occurs only in humans.

This type of helminthic invasion occurs only in humans, domestic animals can be intermediate hosts, be carriers of their eggs. There is no age limit for enterobiasis.

According to medical statistics, it is noted that most often pinworm infection occurs in the age group from 2 to 10 years, although it can be diagnosed in people of any age.

Such a density of this disease in children is due to their insufficient observance of the rules of personal hygiene, as well as their close communication in the children's team.

Pinworms do not tolerate solar insolation, although they can spend several hours outside the host's body, so the frequency of enterobiasis is somewhat reduced in regions with a hot climate. Pinworm life cycle:

  • enters the small intestine through unwashed hands or contaminated household items.
  • As a result of the maturation of the egg, a larva appears from it, which attaches to the walls of the intestine, damages the mucous membrane and feeds on the contents of the small intestine.
  • After 2 weeks, the larva becomes a sexually mature individual capable of fertilization.
  • The female pinworm descends into the rectum, lays eggs in the folds of the anus (from 5,000 to 15,000 eggs).
  • The larvae emerge from the eggs and begin to irritate the skin of the anus. The carrier of pinworms combs the skin, transferring eggs and larvae on the skin of the hands and under the nails into the environment and again into the body (self-infection).

Symptoms of enterobiasis, in addition to itching and discomfort, can be frequent loose stools with an admixture of mucus. In addition, the waste products of pinworms have a toxic effect on the body in the form of migraines, nausea, weakness, dizziness, and allergy manifestations.

Violation of the process of absorption of nutrients from food can cause weight loss in a child, anemia. All these symptoms complicate the condition of a person infected with worms so much that it is necessary to use drugs for pinworms to expel them from the body.

Useful information about enterobiasis in children is presented in the thematic video:

How to choose drugs for pinworms

Pumpkin seeds are a folk remedy for pinworms.

Since the life cycle of pinworms is about 14 days, it is advisable to check its effectiveness after treatment by spending. It is likely that the drug did not affect the pinworm in a certain phase of its development (egg, larva, adult), and you will have to repeat the drug. And one more important nuance: if pinworms were found in only one family member, it is advisable to treat all his relatives living together.

Pyrantel is the most common drug for pinworms.

This drug is offered to consumers in dosage forms such as tablets, suspension, chewable tablets. The mechanism of its action - Pirantel blocks the neuromuscular system of worms, after which they are freely removed from.

It acts on pinworms in all phases of their development, and, in addition to pinworms, the drug is effective against several types of worms. Pirantel is taken once, it is best to do this after breakfast.

The effectiveness of the therapeutic dose depends on the weight of the pinworm carriers - it is 10 mg per kg of body weight. In order to prevent self-infection, Pirantel should be repeated after 21 days, all family members should be treated.

This remedy has contraindications in the form of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, and myasthenia gravis during the treatment period. Although Pirantel is used in pregnant women and infants under 6 months of age, caution is advised. An overdose of Pirantel is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • nausea,
  • diarrhea,
  • increase in body temperature,
  • skin rash, allergic urticaria,
  • hallucinations,
  • sleep disorders,

It is not necessary to use a laxative after taking Pyrantel.

Piperazine causes muscle paralysis in pinworms at all stages of their life.

A medicine like Piperazine is known as Piperazine adipate. It is available in the form of tablets, and has been on the drug market for quite a long time.

Piperazine causes paralysis of the muscles of the pinworm at all stages of its life. The drug is taken in a course of 5 days. If necessary, a course of such therapy is carried out 2-3 times with interruptions.

The drug is taken twice before or after meals with an interval between them of one hour. The recommended dose is from 200 mg in children up to a year to 1.5 - 2 g in adults. Contraindications for this drug are:

  • pregnancy,
  • lactation,
  • to its components
  • epilepsy,
  • nephritis,
  • kidney or liver failure,
  • CNS lesions.

In case of an overdose, abdominal pain is possible, manifested by spasms, trembling of the limbs, impaired coordination, neurotoxicosis phenomena. Between doses of Piperazine, it is recommended to do.

Decaris - paralyzes the nervous system of pinworms.

Another name for Decaris is Levomizol. This drug was originally used as an immunomodulator, but as an antihelminthic it began to be used much less frequently.

The mechanism of action of Decaris: the drug paralyzes the nervous system of pinworms, which are excreted from the intestines during the day. This drug can be taken with caution during pregnancy, but is completely unacceptable when breastfeeding, and in children under 3 years of age.

In addition to the above contraindications, the drug is not taken by patients with agranulocytosis, with caution - persons with renal or hepatic insufficiency. In case of an overdose (600 mg and above), the following symptoms may appear:

  • vomiting and
  • headache,
  • confused mind,
  • dizziness,
  • convulsions.

Gastric lavage immediately after an overdose relieves most of the symptoms of poisoning.

Mebendazole is a drug that helps get rid of pinworms.

The drug acts on worms, disrupting ATP synthesis and glucose utilization in their body. Mebendazole (Vermox) is taken as a single dose, at a dosage of 25–50 mg in children 2–10 years old, up to 100 mg in adults.

It is not absorbed into the body through the walls of the intestine, and is almost completely excreted from the body within a day. If self-infection is suspected, Mebendazole is repeated after 2 to 3 weeks.

This drug does not require concomitant use. It is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women and children under 2 years of age, as well as persons with impaired liver function. The medicine must not be taken before or after drinking alcohol. Possible phenomena in overdose:

  1. headache,
  2. dizziness,
  3. anemia,
  4. nausea and vomiting.

It is advisable to monitor the effectiveness of treatment with Mebendazole by analyzing swabs from the anus 7 to 10 days after taking the drug.

Zentel disrupts the process of transporting glucose in the body of pinworms.

The drug Zentel (Albendazole) in the treatment of enterobiasis disrupts the process of transporting glucose in the body of pinworms, thereby causing their death and excretion from the body in a natural way.

Zentel is available as a suspension and tablets. The tool is not recommended for children under one year old, lactating and pregnant women. This list also includes patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Children from one to three years old take Zentel only in the form of a suspension. The recommended dose is 400 mg once. With a small weight, the dose is calculated individually - 15 mg per kg of weight. In case of an overdose, the following symptoms may appear:

  • dizziness,
  • stomach ache,
  • vomit,
  • , urticaria,
  • hyperthermia,

Zentel is effective against enterobiasis in all phases of pinworm development.

The therapeutic effect occurs when taking 1 tablet once for 3 to 5 days. The use of Vormil is prohibited for children under 2 years of age, in lactating and pregnant women, as well as in women planning a pregnancy.

To be completely sure that a woman is not pregnant, an hCG test is performed and the use of reliable methods of contraception is recommended one month before taking Wormin and for a month after treatment. An overdose of the drug can be manifested by such symptoms:

  1. visual impairment,
  2. hallucinations,
  3. orange staining of the skin, tears, urine, feces, sweat, saliva,
  4. speech disorders,
  5. loss of consciousness,
  6. liver enlargement.

These symptoms are stopped by holding, taking enterosorbents. In order to effectively treat enterobiasis, you should know how pinworm infection occurs. Treatment is carried out by an infectious disease doctor or helminthologist at once for all family members.

Pinworms are the most common helminth. The opinion that only those who live in unsanitary conditions can become infected with them is a myth. According to statistics, 25-90% of all people are affected by this worm. Given such a large distribution, it is desirable for everyone to know the symptoms of pinworms.

Eggs laid by pinworms under a microscope

Pinworms - what is it?

Pinworms are worms belonging to the group of nematodes (roundworms). The size of their thin white body reaches a length of 3–12 mm. Pinworms look like thick cotton threads, take a look at the photo:

You can easily spot pinworms in your stool - these are small white worms.

In front of the body of the worms there is a swelling with which they can attach to the walls of the intestine. These helminths eat the contents of the intestines, as well as blood.

When pinworms enter the body, it is diagnosed. According to ICD-10, it is encrypted with the B80 code.

The only source of infection with these helminths is a person. During sleep, pinworm eggs spread to the skin of the legs, hands, bed linen, then fall on clothes, household items. They are so small that they can be contained in the dust. Worm infestation (infection) of a healthy person occurs after ingestion of eggs.

Ways of infection:

  • oral - through unwashed hands;
  • contact - through contact with an infected person;
  • household - through the use of objects on which the eggs of worms are located.

The danger of enterobiasis is often underestimated. This is a rather dangerous disease that causes significant harm to health.

Animals infected with pinworms are not dangerous to humans.

If timely treatment is not started, the worms spread throughout the body. They provoke inflammatory processes in the liver, biliary tract. Sometimes these helminths cause inflammation of appendicitis.

Invasion by pinworms certainly leads to a violation of the intestinal microflora. Their vital activity interferes with the normal absorption of nutrients obtained from food. In childhood, this negatively affects the pace of physical and intellectual development.

Common signs and symptoms of pinworms

In humans, infection with pinworms can be almost asymptomatic. The main symptom of invasion is itching around the anus. As a rule, it occurs at night. A characteristic feature is that itching is felt for 2-3 consecutive nights and disappears, and then appears after 2-3 weeks. The intensity of itching is determined by the extent of the infection.

In adults, the following signs of invasion may appear:

  • quickened chair;
  • stomach ache;
  • headache;
  • allergic reactions;
  • digestive disorders;
  • asthenia - increased fatigue;
  • vulvovaginitis in women;
  • irritability.

Symptoms in children

Mostly pinworms affect the body of the child. Invasion is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • constant attempts to scratch the anus;
  • loss of appetite;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • pain in the abdomen, localized in the navel;
  • capriciousness;
  • sleep problems;
  • sometimes the temperature rises;
  • grinding teeth in sleep;
  • enuresis.

Pinworms in children are accompanied by abdominal pain

The most dangerous enterobiasis for newborns. Worms absorb most of the nutrients, so the baby begins to lag behind in development.

The capriciousness of the child, constant crying, weight loss, excessive motor activity may indicate helminthic invasion of the baby.

Diagnosis - tests for enterobiasis

Diagnosis of the presence of pinworms involves the passage of several stages. First, the doctor collects an anamnesis in order to accurately identify what is bothering the patient. Then he prescribes the appropriate tests. In the vast majority of cases, scraping is enough. Do it with adhesive tape, applying it to the anus. Another option is to take a smear with a cotton swab. The contents of the scraping are examined under a microscope. With helminthic invasion, pinworm eggs are found in it.

If no helminth eggs are found in the contents of the scraping, this does not give a 100% negative result. To be sure, the analysis should be carried out at least three times on different days.

Accurate pinworm analysis– . If the general analysis revealed that the concentration of eosinophils exceeds 5%, and the level of erythrocytes is lowered, this may indicate infection with worms.

Effective treatment takes place in 3 stages:

  1. The body will be well prepared for anthelmintic therapy if 3-4 days before each meal, drink 1-2 tablespoons of pumpkin or linseed oil. This is necessary for the elimination of toxins.
  2. The use of drugs against pinworms.
  3. Restoration - taking vitamin complexes in order to restore the normal functioning of the body, activate the immune system.

Use pumpkin seed oil to cleanse your body

The following pills will help you quickly and effectively get rid of pinworms:

  1. - tablets with the active ingredient mebendazole. The course of treatment is 1 day. It is enough to drink 2 tablets per day.

Contraindications - hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation. Possible side effects are nausea, dizziness. Price - from 100 rubles.

  1. Medamin- a medicine with the active substance Carbendazim. It is taken within one day three times a day. The dose is calculated according to this proportion - 10 mg of the drug per 1 kg of body weight. Contraindications - intolerance to the components of the drug, pregnancy. Side effects - headaches, nausea, diarrhea.
  2. - the active component of Pirantel tablets helps to remove pinworms in 5 days. During this period, adults take the tablets three times a day. Daily rate - 3 g. Price - from 45 rubles.

Pyrantel in the form of suspension and tablets

Also, body cleansing is carried out when taking drugs such as Piperazine, Levamisole, Carbendacim.

It is possible to treat enterobiosis at home with folk remedies. Consider the most effective recipes:

  1. Garlic enemas - boil the head in 200 ml of milk. Cool the decoction and make an enema out of it before going to bed. Repeat the procedure for 7 days in a row.
  2. Decoction of wormwood - mix an equal amount of crushed and leaves. Pour 1 part of the mixture with 2 parts of vodka and leave for a week. Drink 30 minutes before meals, 50 ml in the morning and evening. Take tincture until completely cleansed of worms.
  3. Onion tincture - finely chop a medium-sized onion and pour 250 ml of boiling water for 12 hours. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning for 3-4 days.

Onion tincture is good for treating pinworms

To quickly recover from pinworms, it is advisable to stick to a diet. It provides for the exclusion of sweet, flour, fatty foods, fried foods, fast food.

The basis of a diet useful for enterobiasis is fruits, vegetables, cereals, freshly squeezed juices. It is necessary to eat light soups and sour-milk products daily.

Treatment of pinworms in children

  1. - non-toxic tablets, which are considered the safest. The course of treatment lasts 5 days. Daily dose of envy by age:
  • up to 1 year - 0.4 g;
  • 2-3 years - 0.6 g;
  • 4-6 years - 1 g;
  • 7–9 years - 1.5 g;
  • 10–14 years old - 2 years
piperazine tablets

Cleansing enemas will help enhance the effect of the tablets. Contraindications - individual intolerance. Side effects are often absent. Headaches are possible. Price - from 30 rubles.

  1. Pirvinium pamoate- suspension, which is taken once 2 hours after a meal. Dose - 5 mg of the drug per 1 kg of body weight. Contraindications - diseases of the kidneys, liver, intestinal disorders. Side effects - possible headaches, nausea, diarrhea.
  2. Vermox- can be given to children over 2 years old. From enterobiasis, you need to take 0.5 tablets 1 time.
  3. - kills pinworms at all stages of development, which is an important advantage of these tablets. It is taken once during a meal. Dose - 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight of the child. Dose for children from 3 years 125-250 mg.

Contraindications - age up to 3 years, hypersensitivity to the components. Side effects - nausea, loss of appetite, urticaria, headaches. Price - from 100 rubles.

Helmintox 250 mg

Other medicines that are prescribed for the treatment of children: Helmintox, Wormin, Levamisole, Nemozol. It is better to give preference to suspensions rather than tablets.

Also, infection with pinworms in children is treated with folk recipes:

  1. pumpkin seeds- grind 100 g of pumpkin seeds and mix with olive oil, just take 100 ml. Give the mixture to the child on an empty stomach for 3 days. After that, it is forbidden to eat for 3 hours. Repeat the course in 2-3 days.
  2. Infusion of garlic– 2 minced garlic cloves are mixed with water in a ratio of 1:1. Drink this infusion 3 days in a row before going to bed. Repeated course of treatment is carried out in a week.
  3. Onion- 100 g of grated onion, 1 teaspoon of salt, 50 ml of sunflower oil mix. 5 days the child should drink the resulting mixture at bedtime.

It is useful for children to drink freshly squeezed juices, especially carrot and beetroot.

If enterobiosis is diagnosed in pregnant women or nursing mothers, the selection of drugs and the treatment regimen should be carried out exclusively by a doctor. In this position, most medicines are contraindicated because they are toxic.

Of the medicines, you can take Piperazine, it is safe for the fetus. Folk remedies must be chosen very carefully. There are a large number of herbs that can cause miscarriage or change the taste of milk, so it's important to consider the impact each component has when considering recipes.

Drink pomegranate juice during pregnancy

Daily adherence to the following rules will help cleanse the body of helminths:

  • wear underwear that fits snugly to the body;
  • iron underwear, as well as bed linen;
  • change bed linen and towels daily;
  • daily to do damp cleaning in the house.

For prevention, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning every day.


Since enterobiasis is caused by helminths, which are very easy to get infected, it is important to observe preventive measures as much as possible.

The main ones are:

  1. Follow the rules of hygiene and teach children to them: wash your hands before eating, cut your nails, and prevent dirt from accumulating under them.
  2. Don't bite your nails.
  3. Regularly clean the house, use disinfectants to clean the toilet.
  4. Change underwear regularly.
  5. Iron underwear and bed linen, children's clothes.
  6. Wash vegetables, fruits.
  7. When diagnosing enterobiasis in a kindergarten, a school that a child attends, check it for the presence of worms.

The main risk group prone to infection with pinworms are children who attend kindergarten. From them, enterobiasis is often transmitted to parents.

When diagnosing a disease in one of the family members, everyone should undergo treatment. After 2 weeks, it is desirable to repeat the course of anthelmintic therapy in order to exclude the possibility of re-infection. The surest way to avoid pinworm infection is to practice good hygiene and keep your home clean.