Year of formation of the Russian Federation. Russian Federation - history of formation

December 25, 1991 is considered the Day of the formation of the Russian Federation (Russia). On this day, Boris Yeltsin signed Law No. 2094-I "On changing the name of the state of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic."

At first glance, everything is fine, the law is the law. The Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR by its Decision decided that the state of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) would henceforth be called the Russian Federation (Russia) and Boris Yeltsin, as the President of the RSFSR, approved this Decision of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. The document bears the date, position, and even the signature of Boris Yeltsin.

All is well except for:

1) The RSFSR is not a state, it is a union republic within the state of the USSR.

2) This law No. 2094-1 was signed by the position of "President of the Russian Federation", which is an malfeasance and forgery, since B. Yeltsin at that time had the position of "President of the RSFSR", but not "President of the Russian Federation." You cannot be self-appointed to public positions and sign any documents with a position that does not correspond to the one held, such a document loses its legal force.

For example, I am the director of Romashka LLC and I sign an agreement with you as the director of Romashka + LLC. The question is, will such an agreement have legal force? However, I do not have any supporting and registration documents. This will be a scam!

Reference: B. Yeltsin was inaugurated as "President of the Russian Federation" only on August 9, 1996.

According to the current Constitution of the RSFSR of 1978, articles 184 and 185. All laws and other acts of state bodies of the RSFSR are issued on the basis of and in accordance with the Constitution of the RSFSR, and any change in the Constitution of the RSFSR is made only by a decision of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, adopted by a majority of at least two-thirds of the total number of deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

The highest body according to the constitution of the RSFSR (Article 15) is not the president of the RSFSR, and the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. Therefore, B. Yeltsin had no right to change the name of the republic on his own. This is generally the prerogative of the referendum.


The first lines of the law indicate, "The Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR decides", but as we found out earlier, there was not and is no decision of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR on this matter, which means that:

On December 25, 1991, B. Yeltsin committed forgery (malfeasance) and self-seizure of power (state crime);

Law No. 2041-1 on renaming was signed by an unauthorized person. If then B. Yeltsin had signed the law as the President of the RSFSR, then everything would have been more or less normal, but he signed this law as the President of the Russian Federation;

In connection with the foregoing, Law No. 2041-1 is null and void, illegal and void;

In connection with the foregoing, the renaming of the RSFSR into the Russian Federation is also illegal and void;

In connection with the above, we still live in the RSFSR and are citizens of the RSFSR-USSR;

In connection with the foregoing, all legislative Acts published in the media and judicial decisions on behalf of the Russian Federation from 12/25/1991 are void and cannot be enforced;

There are no and cannot be citizens of the Russian Federation, since the Russian Federation was formed illegally;

The so-called courts of the Russian Federation do not have the right to judge citizens of the USSR.

Video evidence from the newspaper "Soviet Russia"

On the pseudo-renaming of the RSFSR in the Russian Federation

In addition, at the moment there is no legislative act indicating the withdrawal of the RSFSR from the USSR and the creation of the CIS. The RSFSR was and is one of the co-founders of the state of the USSR and the application for withdrawal from the co-founders of the USSR has not been considered by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the RSFSR so far. The UN still recognizes the USSR as its co-founder.

Realizing the danger of the actual collapse of the RSFSR under pressure from the US and NATO security forces, the Congress of People's Deputies, in order to ensure the integrity of the republic, by an overwhelming majority of votes (907 in favor, 13 against and 9 abstentions) adopted on June 12, 1990 the "Declaration on the state sovereignty of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic". And contrary to popular belief, in this Declaration there is not a word about the withdrawal of the RSFSR from the USSR. On the contrary, the RSFSR clearly stated that it intended to continue to remain an integral part of the USSR.


Citizens of the USSR who were fraudulently involved in the bureaucratic or law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation should be reminded of Article No. 64 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR "Treason", which is still in force:

"Treason to the Motherland, that is, an act deliberately committed by a citizen of the USSR to the detriment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity or state security and defense of the USSR: defecting to the side of the enemy, espionage, issuing state or military secrets to a foreign state, fleeing abroad or refusing to return from abroad in the USSR, assisting a foreign state in carrying out hostile activities against the USSR, as well as conspiracy to seize power, is punishable by imprisonment for a term of ten to fifteen years with confiscation of property or the death penalty with confiscation of property.

The Russian entrepreneur is essentially an accomplice of the occupation, as he pays taxes in the Russian Federation.

Who are you? Are you a citizen of the Russian Federation? Then read this:


P.S. Yeltsin violated not only the laws of the RSFSR, but also the laws of the Russian Federation he created.

P.S. P.S. Flipping through the pages of history, I often asked myself how the American curators who "looked after" Yeltsin could be so foolish and set up the Russian Federation so much in the future with this Law No. namely, Article 174 of the USSR and Article 185 of the RSFSR: "Changing the Constitution is carried out by a decision of the Supreme Soviet, adopted by a majority of at least two-thirds of the total number of deputies of each of its chambers."

And then I realized that the stereotype of their life worked for the Americans. In the United States, everything is decided by the President of the United States, but in our country everything was decided by the people, or rather the Supreme Council, so they did not pay much attention to these articles 184 and 185, and without the Decisions of the Supreme Council, all Decrees, Laws and Resolutions that change the constitution of the USSR / RSFSR, including including changing the names of the republics or the state itself are a state crime, are considered insignificant and are not subject to execution!

To understand what really happened in reality can be difficult for some people. Therefore, we will translate this difficult situation into everyday life. For example, someone, a relative of our neighbor, killed the former owner, forged documents and moved into his house, convincing everyone of this (by bribing some) that he was the real owner of this house. 25 years have passed ... Some facts of that crime have been revealed, have the years changed what he did 25 years ago? Not! He is a thief and a murderer! Should we put up with what he did? Everyone's decision! Personally, I don't want to.

AND NOW THE MOST IMPORTANT: According to the constitution of the RSFSR of 1978, chapter 1, article 5. The most important issues of state life are submitted for public discussion, and are also put to a popular vote (referendum). Therefore, it doesn’t matter that there was an official forgery of B. Yeltsin, with law 2094-1, which he adopted without the decision of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, to rename the RSFSR to the Russian Federation without a referendum, he DID NOT HAVE ANY RIGHT!!! In general, we are all USSR, but we live not in the Russian Federation, but in the RSFSR. It's time to get out of this matrix. Second, did we have a referendum on the withdrawal of the RSFSR from the USSR, which also did not happen? That they just took it and changed the signs on the buildings?

RUSSIAN FEDERATION IS ILLEGAL, STOP PLAYING CITIZENS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Stop beating your chest and quoting the constitution of an illegal state. Stop defending the non-existent rights of false citizens of the Russian Federation. There is no Constitution of the Russian Federation and it does not work. "Citizens of the Russian Federation" are judged not by the constitution, but by the Code of Criminal Procedure or the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

All articles of the so-called constitution of the Russian Federation have long been changed by various by-laws. The Constitution of the Russian Federation is long gone Living example, article 31 "Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to assemble peacefully without weapons, to hold meetings, rallies and demonstrations, processions and picketing." In August 2016, two female musicians were fined 10,000 Russian rubles for playing the harp in the center of Moscow, for violating the by-law “Do not gather more than three”. Link to

The Russian Federation was formed after the collapse of the USSR. The collapse of the Soviet Union into republics was the biggest geopolitical catastrophe of the 21st century. As a result, the bipolar model of the world was broken, and the only superpower remained - the United States. Only by 2014-15, Russia began to reach such levels in key indicators that allowed us to talk again about a multipolar world, the center of which is becoming not only the United States, but also Russia and China.

The events of the recent history of Russia can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Until October 4, 1993. Until this year, the USSR formally existed with the old Constitution. Yeltsin's attempt to change it led to armed clashes and the storming of the White House.
  2. The reign of Boris Yeltsin (1993-1999). Briefly, this period can be characterized as follows - economic decline, problems in all areas of the state's life, the war in Chechnya.
  3. 2000 - present. The reign of Vladimir Putin, interrupted once by Dmitry Medvedev. This is a period of economic stabilization and its transition to the stage of growth, the solution of social problems, and the strengthening of Russia's position in the international arena.

federal treaty

The Federal Treaty of March 31, 1992 secured the creation of Russia as a state. Before that, there was a problem - the regions wanted more independence, and some even talked about secession from Russia. This became possible after Boris Yeltsin, in the last years of the existence of the USSR, at a meeting with the leaders of the regions, repeated the same phrase "Take as much sovereignty as you want." They took it.

The federal treaty was signed with all subjects of the federation except for Chechnya and Tatarstan. Both regions spoke about their independence. And if the case with Chechnya is known to everyone - the war began, then few people know that the Russian army was one step away from marching on Kazan. Subsequently, the issue of Tatarstan was resolved through diplomacy, and the Chechen issue - by force.

Events September-October 1993

Until October 1993, the history of the Russian Federation demonstrated dual power: the President of the RSFSR (Yeltsin) on the one hand and the Supreme Council on the other. On September 21, Yeltsin issues Decree No. 1400 "On the phased constitutional reform of the Russian Federation." It was an attempt to bring Russia to the current form of the Constitution, but the problem is that this directly violated the Constitution that was then in force! Formally, Yeltsin broke the law. This resulted in the fact that on the night of September 23, 1993, the Supreme Council recognized Yeltsin's actions as a coup d'état and removed him from the presidency. In response, troops are sent into the capital, the building of the Supreme Council is stormed on October 3-4, and Yeltsin takes power into his own hands.

According to all the laws and norms of that time, it was an armed coup that almost turned into a civil war (or rather, it turned into it, but only in one region - in the Caucasus).

December 12, 1993 adopted a new Constitution. According to it, Russia becomes a presidential republic, thereby all elements of the USSR were abolished.

  • Declaration on State Sovereignty.
  • The collapse of the USSR and the formation of the CIS.
  • "Shock therapy"
  • The rise of Yeltsin's authoritarian democracy

B.N. Yeltsin

This stage of Russian history can be described in one word - A CRISIS. Moreover, it was a widespread crisis: economic, political, social, geopolitical, and so on. In all areas of the life of the state there was a decline.

This led to a crisis of power in 1996-1999, as a result of which Boris Yeltsin voluntarily leaves the post of President of the Russian Federation on December 31, 1999, appointing his successor, Vladimir Putin. At that time, there was a real problem of maintaining the integrity of the state, and the new president had to solve it.

The main events of this time:

  • Creation of a new economic and political system
  • The emergence of the oligarchs
  • Chechen War
  • 1998 default

Board V.V. Putin

Vladimir Putin got a country with a huge number of problems, but he managed to overcome all of them. Key issues that required urgent intervention:

  • The fall of the economy. Quite quickly it was possible to stop it and transfer it to the growth stage.
  • distrust of authority. The population was driven to despair by the terrible living conditions.
  • Social guarantees and obligations. Salaries, pensions, benefits - there were interruptions in almost everything.
  • War. A new round of the Chechen conflict introduced significant problems in the governance of the country.
  • NATO expansion to the East.

On all major issues, Putin managed to reform the country, directing it in a creative and positive direction. The best indicator of effectiveness is the support of the population, which is always extremely high for the president.

The main events of this period:

  • Consolidation of power
  • Solution of the Chechen problem
  • The growth of the economic well-being of the country
  • Extension of the presidential term
  • Election for 4 years as President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev
  • Conflict 08 08 08 (August 8, 2008).

Stages of state formation

Map of Russia

according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993, a democratic federal legal state with a republican form of government. The names Russian Federation and Russia are equivalent (Article 1 of the Constitution).

The former name of the state is the RSFSR (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic). The name "Russian Federation (Russia)" was introduced by the Law of the RSFSR of December 25, 1991; April 21, 1992 - Incorporated into the Constitution.

Russia as a federation consists of equal subjects of the Russian Federation (Article 5 of the Constitution): republics (21), territories (6), regions (49), federal cities (2), autonomous regions (1), autonomous regions (10). The status of the subject of the Russian Federation is determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and, accordingly, the constitution, the charter of the subject; may be changed by mutual agreement of the Russian Federation and the subject of the Russian Federation in accordance with the federal constitutional law (Article 66 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

As a state of the Russian Federation, it has all the necessary attributes (symbols) - the state flag, coat of arms, anthem. The state language of the Russian Federation throughout its territory is Russian. The capital is Moscow.

The Russian Federation has a single citizenship. It is acquired and terminated in accordance with federal law (1991 Law on Citizenship of the Russian Federation, as amended in 1993 and 1995). The territory of the Russian Federation includes the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, internal waters and the territorial sea, and the airspace above them. The sovereignty of the Russian Federation extends to all its territory.

The Russian Federation also has all the other features of the state:

The presence of the Constitution and legislation of the Russian Federation, the operation of the principle of supremacy (priority) of federal acts, i.e., as a general rule, they have a higher legal force than acts of subjects of the Federation;

The federal system of state bodies - the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly (Parliament) of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, ministries, state committees and departments of the Russian Federation, the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Supreme Arbitration Court - as a whole, the unified judicial system of the Russian Federation, the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation;

Unified domestic and foreign policy of the Russian Federation, formed with the participation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and implemented by the bodies of the Russian Federation; international recognition of the Russian Federation and its international legal personality, i.e. participation in international relations;

Unified Federal Armed Forces, headed by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (who is the President of the Russian Federation);

Unified system of internal affairs and security services;

The monetary and financial system of the state (with a single monetary unit - the ruble, a tax system, monetary circulation, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, etc.);

The presence of a single economic system built on pluralism of forms of ownership, freedom of economic activity and competition.

The Russian Federation has a diverse competence, i.e., the authority to manage state, economic and socio-cultural life throughout the territory. The Constitution of the Russian Federation divides the competence of the Russian Federation into two groups: the first group includes issues of the exclusive jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, i.e., issues that can only be resolved by federal bodies (albeit taking into account the proposals of the subjects); the second group - the powers of the Russian Federation in the areas of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its subjects. In other words, in these areas the Russian Federation decides on issues within its jurisdiction, while other issues are decided by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, of course, on the basis of and in development of federal legislation.

Issues of the exclusive competence of the Russian Federation can be divided into the following subgroups. In the field of state building: adoption and amendment of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws, control over their observance; federal structure and territory of the Russian Federation; regulation and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms; citizenship in the Russian Federation; regulation and protection of the rights of national minorities; establishment of a system of federal bodies of legislative, executive and judicial power, the procedure for their organization and activities; the formation of these organs; state awards and honorary titles of the Russian Federation; federal public service; federal programs in the field of state building and national development of the Russian Federation.

In the field of economic, social and cultural policy: federal state property and its management; establishing the foundations of federal policy and federal programs in the field of economic, environmental, social and cultural development of the Russian Federation; establishing the legal framework for the single market; financial, currency, credit, customs regulation, money issue, bases of price policy; federal economic services, including federal banks; federal energy systems, nuclear power, fissile materials; federal transport, means of communication, information and communication; activities in space; meteorological service, standards, standards, metric system and timekeeping; geodesy and cartography; names of geographical objects; official statistics and accounting.

In the field of foreign relations, defense and security: foreign policy and international relations of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation; issues of war and peace; foreign economic relations of the Russian Federation; defense and security; defense production; determining the procedure for the sale and purchase of weapons, ammunition, military equipment and other military property; production of toxic substances, narcotic drugs and the procedure for their use; determination of the status and protection of the state border, territorial sea, airspace, exclusive economic zone and continental shelf of the Russian Federation.

In the field of public order, civil rights and justice: judiciary; prosecutor's office; criminal, criminal procedural and criminal executive legislation; amnesty and pardon; civil, civil procedural and arbitration procedural legislation; legal regulation of intellectual property.

In the areas of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its subjects, the powers of the Russian Federation can also be conditionally divided into several subgroups.

In the field of state building: ensuring the conformity of the constitutions and laws of the republics, charters, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws; protection of human and civil rights and freedoms; protection of the rights of national minorities; protection of the original habitat and traditional way of life of small ethnic communities; establishment of general principles for organizing the system of state authorities and local self-government.

In the field of economic, social and cultural policy: issues of ownership, use and disposal of land, subsoil, water and other natural resources; delimitation of state property; nature management; environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety; specially protected natural territories; protection of historical and cultural monuments; general issues of upbringing, education, science, culture, physical culture and sports; health coordination; protection of motherhood, fatherhood and childhood; social protection, including social security; implementation of measures to combat catastrophes, natural disasters, epidemics, liquidation of their consequences; establishment of general principles of taxation and fees in the Russian Federation.

In the field of external relations: coordination of international and foreign economic relations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, implementation of international treaties of the Russian Federation.

In the field of protection of public order, the rights of citizens, legislation and the activities of law enforcement agencies: ensuring the rule of law, law and order, public safety; regime of border zones; administrative, administrative-procedural, labor, family, housing, land, water, forest legislation, subsoil legislation, environmental protection; personnel of judicial and law enforcement agencies; lawyer, notary. (S.A.)

Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓

Interested in your opinion on this issue.

D e c o n t i o n s :
1. Terms and concepts
2. The banking system of the Russian Federation. No state treasury
3. Imaginary equality of subjects of the Russian Federation
4. Good work of top managers from the Rothschilds (decrees, resolutions
governments, other laws)
5. Conclusions

Chapter 1. Terms and concepts.
State- these are people living in a certain territory with established boundaries, united in order to ensure their livelihoods, established, adopted laws and obey them. It can be rephrased: the state is a union, an association of people to ensure prosperity, life, protection, etc. The basis of this union (association) may have different legal, moral, organizational and labor, etc. forms.

indigenous peoples are the descendants of people who inhabited the country or geographical area at the time when people of a different culture and ethnic group arrived there and claimed dominance through conquest, occupation, settlement or otherwise.

Russia- a geographical area, a country inhabited by people living within its borders. [The people do not live within the state authorities, but on the territory of the country. The Constitution of the Russian Federation uses the concepts of "Russia" and "RF" as equivalent, introducing confusion (see Part 2 of Article 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), arguing that society = state. According to the terminology of Konst. RF, it turns out that public property, which actually belongs to the country, turns out to be the property of officials. ]

the Russian Federation- a special kind of organization, system, subject of law, rules of law, operating in a limited area, having a management apparatus (legislative, executive and judicial authorities) according to the type of state.

Public Law, Law- this is what the people commanded and decreed. ("Roman private law")

Law, rules of law– coordination by the will of the participants, which includes two stages:
1, reaching agreement on rules of conduct.
2, an interdependent expression of will regarding the recognition of the rules of conduct as binding (signing, approval, ratification, acceptance).

Citizenship- a special status, which implies the legal recognition of the nationality of a person within the country and abroad and endowing him with a full range of rights and obligations provided for in the legislation of this state.
Lawful and illegal acts (acts) - Lawful acts produce an effect corresponding to the will of the person, an illegal act - the opposite effect, entailing a deterioration in the legal situation both for the person who committed it and for other participants in legal communication.

legal transactions- legal acts aimed at communication, having a communicative nature. A distinction is made between unilateral and multilateral transactions, depending on whether the participation of all parties to the legal relationship is required for the effect to occur. In multilateral transactions, it becomes necessary to coordinate expressions of will, i.e. reaching an agreement, all participants of the parties.

void transaction(including legal, to establish mutual rights and obligations, i.e. laws) does not entail legal consequences, except for those associated with its invalidity (including legal consequences), and is invalid from the moment it is committed.

legal facts- any legally significant phenomena that lead to the emergence and change in the rights and obligations of the subjects of turnover.

Concepts and interpretations of concepts are taken from the anthologies of the generally accepted world standard.

Brief information about the hierarchy of the legislation of the Russian Federation:

Constitution of the Russian Federation- a law that has the highest legal force, which must comply with all adopted regulatory legal acts.

Hierarchy of laws in descending order of legal force:
1 federal constitutional laws,
2 federal laws (including codes), international treaties laws of subjects of the Russian Federation
(in the event of a conflict between any regional legal act and a federal law, the federal law will operate as having greater legal force, except for the case in part 6 of article 76 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation)

In order to enforce laws, executive authorities issue by-laws that have a similar hierarchical structure:
1. acts of the President of the Russian Federation (decrees, orders),
2. government acts (decrees, orders),
3. acts of federal executive authorities (orders, instructions),
4. acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 2. The absence of the state treasury in the Russian Federation.

The treasury system of the state (state treasury) in the life of countries is of great importance. It is intended for the implementation by the state of the ability to manage the execution of the budget, or, in other words, for the life support of the country's population at all levels of life.

We are talking about the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Its second name in the terminology of the Russian Federation is the Bank of Russia. If the Bank of Russia advises the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, and does not submit to it, issues loans to the Government of the Russian Federation under various programs and various interest rates, and does not submit to it, and monitors the entire financial system in the Russian Federation.

The law on the Central Bank appeared when the USSR still existed. Legislation on the Central Bank was adopted when there was no Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The Charter of the Bank of Russia was approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR on June 24, 1991.

Earlier, at the end of 1990, elected on the third attempt with a small margin of 3 votes, Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR Yeltsin (Eltsin) B.N. signs three laws that turned the republican branch of the State Bank of the USSR into the main bank of the RSFSR - the Central Bank (Bank of Russia), which seems to be subordinate to the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. On the basis of these documents, Article 75 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation was written.

These are the laws:
Law of the RSFSR No. 394-1 dated December 2, 1990 "On the Central Bank of the RSFSR (Bank of Russia)"
Law of the RSFSR No. 395-1 of 02.12.1990 "On banks and banking activities in the RSFSR" Resolution of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR No. 396-1 of 02.12.1990 on the entry into force of the two previous laws.
Law of the RSFSR No. 394-1 dated December 2, 1990 “On the Central Bank of the RSFSR (Bank of Russia)” abolishes the status of the state treasury and names the Central Bank of the RSFSR (Bank of Russia) as a legal entity, but not registered with the tax authorities, under whose obligations the state (the law does not which one is specified) is not responsible and vice versa - the Central Bank is not responsible for the obligations of the state (Article 2 of Law No. 394-1 of 02.12.1990).
The most interesting thing is that after 9 (!) days, Gorbachev (Gerber) M.S., being the president of the entire USSR, signs three similar laws: the law of the USSR
No. 1828-1 of December 11, 1990 "On the State Bank of the USSR", Law No. 1829-1 of December 11, 1990 and Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 1830-1 of December 11, 1990 on the entry into force of the two previous laws. On the basis of these enumerated laws, the State Bank of the USSR becomes a legal entity subordinate to who knows who, with an authorized capital of 1,500 million rubles. Let's return to the Russian republic - the RSFSR. Article 5 of the Law of the RSFSR No. 394-1 dated December 2, 1990 “On the Central Bank of the RSFSR (Bank of Russia)” states that “Bank 6 of Russia is NOT DEPENDENT in its activities, state bodies and local governments do not have the right to interfere in the activities of the Bank of Russia ."
Article 6 of the same law endowed the Bank of Russia with the functions of legislative power: “The Bank of Russia issues regulations binding on the federal and state authorities ...”
Article 9 determined the authorized capital of this legal entity to be 2 times higher than the capital of the State Bank of the USSR approved by Gorbachev (Gerber):
"The authorized capital of the Bank of Russia is 3 billion rubles." Those. three billion paper candy wrappers denominated in the ruble. For reference, the authorized capital of the State Bank of the RSFSR in 1921 was equal to 2.000 billion rubles, tied to the color.

All states of the world have their own currency with distinctive symbols that belong only to this state, such as the national emblem. Just not RF.

In accordance with the Federal Constitutional Law "On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation", the image of the State Emblem is shown in Fig. 1:

Article 5 of the FKZ “On the state. coat of arms of the Russian Federation" indicates that the State Emblem of the Russian Federation is placed "... in the offices ... of the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation."
There is no official coat of arms on the banknotes of the Russian Federation. Instead, the coat of arms of the Provisional Government of 1917-1918 enclosed in a circle is used. See Fig. 2

Based on international law, this is a desecration of the coat of arms of another state and entails liability. Paragraph 4 of Article 15 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states: “The generally recognized principles and norms of international law ... are an integral part of ... the legal system” of the Russian Federation.

Even on the US one dollar bill, where the state is not responsible for securing its money, the US coat of arms is depicted as a symbol of the fact that it is a US banknote.

What state prints Russian rubles for the Russian Federation?
In the ordinary consciousness of the population of Russia, the conviction prevails that the state is the issuer of money. But in the Russian Federation, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) acts as an issuer of money as a legal entity separate from the state (see Article 75 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). A State Bank is a bank owned by the state and managed by state bodies. There are two types of state-owned banks in the countries of the world: central banks and state-owned commercial banks. The central banks of many countries are state-owned banks and, accordingly, their capital and property belong to the state, which allows them to carry out their policies and operations in accordance with the requirements of the national economy, and not for profit. Central banks regulate the economy, supervise the activities of commercial banks, influence international financial relations, and provide funding for government programs.

State commercial banks ensure the implementation of state policy in the field of lending to the economy, influence investment, intermediary and settlement operations, and through them the economic condition of the clientele. They serve the most important branches of the economy, which determine the country's position in the system of international economic relations, lending to which is not sufficiently profitable for private capital.

The Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the Central Bank (Bank of Russia)" does not provide for the protection of the rights of depositors and shareholders as an obligation of the Bank of Russia. According to the law of the Russian Federation, risks in cash circulation are a private matter of a risky person. Imposing obligations on the Bank of Russia to protect the rights of depositors and shareholders would mean that the Bank of Russia would take over the functions of the state and turn it into a body of state power.

Article 89 of the Law of the RSFSR No. 394-1 of December 2, 1990 states that the Bank of Russia creates its own Pension Fund for its employees for their further provision.

On the basis of Article 3 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 119 of 05.07.1995 "On Public Service" and amendments to the Federal Law No. 35 of 01.27.1999, the salary of employees of the Central Bank is not paid from the budgets.

From these events follows the legal fact that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is not a state body and does not exercise state supervision.

The Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the Central Bank (Bank of Russia)" does not contain direct indications of which of the top managers of the Bank of Russia (on the Board of Directors) is an official. Then there follows a legal fact about the impossibility of a citizen to exercise the right to go to court within the legal framework of the Russian Federation, if, for example, the head of a territorial branch of the Bank of Russia or the head of a branch of the Bank of Russia violated his rights and freedoms by illegal actions. Article 239 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation provides for the right of a citizen to file a complaint with the court if he believes that his rights and freedoms have been violated by the unlawful actions of a state body, public organization or official. For example, a citizen or organization wishes to file a complaint against the establishment of a 30-fold or more depreciation of the labor of the indigenous population of Russia by the extortionate exchange rate of the ruble against the US currency approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. In the Stalinist USSR, for example, the US dollar still backed by gold "weighed" 64 Soviet kopecks and the USSR State Bank was considered one of the largest and most authoritative lending institutions throughout the world. In addition, it was universal, because. performing the functions inherent in state and commercial banks, it was the emission and currency center of the country, pursued an active policy to protect its currency interests. Now the US dollar untied from gold "weighs" ± 3,000 Russian kopecks.

Then the questions arise: For what purpose are funds from the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Federation, state off-budget funds accumulated and stored on the accounts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, if, getting into the accounts of this non-state legal entity, these funds instantly depreciate by 30 or more times, depending on the exchange rate ruble of the Russian Federation against the US dollar or the euro? What is the purpose of the Government of the Russian Federation and the guarantor of the Constitution of the Russian Federation - the President of the Russian Federation ensure that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation receives all the funds of the population of Russia and the Russian Federation, collected by all banks of the Russian Federation in the form of taxes, fees for paying utility bills and other fees?

The entire labor of the population of Russia, enclosed in ruble banknotes, falling into the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, immediately depreciates 30 times in relation to the American and 40 times in relation to the European standard of living. Another interesting question follows from the two previous questions: does the Russian Federation have gold and foreign exchange reserves if all monetary values ​​are concentrated in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation?

Considering that the property that creates services, goods, etc. - belong to the people, not to the state apparatus. Services, goods, etc. created by the people, not by the state apparatus. The source of money is the people, not the state. In short, people's property belongs to the country, not to the bureaucracy. Let's rephrase the last question: do the people of Russia have gold and foreign exchange reserves? ... You work, work, and all without pants. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is not subordinate to the government bodies of the Russian Federation, but it does not serve the people of Russia either. legal fact. By all indications - a transcontinental corporation.

The author indirectly believes, but does not have supporting documents, that the founders and managers of the activities of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are:
Banque Edmound Rothschild SA, Credit Lionnais, Barcays Bank PCL and Credit Suisse First Boston are banks that are part of the Rothschild corporation. In 1994, the Moscow branch of Credit Suisse First Boston owned shares in Lukoil, RAO UES of Russia, Rostelecom, and many others. It is known that with the capitalization of Gazprom at 87 billion dollars, its debt to foreign creditors is 60 billion. Lukoil, with a capitalization of 27 billion, has a debt of 26 billion, and so on. The total aggregate debt of all industry corporations in Russia eventually turns out to be equal to the entire gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This information is given in case someone suddenly sets out to nationalize someone else's invention - the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, in other words, nationalize someone else's zero.

According to Professor of Moscow State University, Doctor of Economics M.M. Musin, over the years of the existence of the treasury system of the Russian Federation, in close friendship with the federal authorities of the Russian Federation, 10 federal budgets of the Russian Federation were stolen from the population of Russia and accumulated in Western accounts.

The European Central Bank (European Central Bank) - The central bank of the European Union and the euro area, for a long period, and even during a crisis, has been making a lot of intellectual efforts in conducting its monetary policy in such a way as to maintain, as required by it. charter, - a high level of well-being of Europeans based on low lending rates. He managed to keep the refinancing rate within 1%. For comparison, the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for today is 8%. In the robbery 1990s, the rate was ± 200%. And the Russian Federation provides the European Union with people's oil and gas. But, unlike the Russian Federation, the banking system of the European Union works for society, not against it. The countries of the European Union have developed such a system of the central bank, so that it is as independent as possible from the state (eliminating opportunities for corruption among state officials) and becomes dependent on the interests of civil society.

Chapter 3. Imaginary equality of subjects of the Russian Federation.

Following the start of the conflict between the union and the republican legislation after the adoption by the people's deputies of the RSFSR of the Declaration on the state sovereignty of the RSFSR, the August putsch of 1991, the Belovezhskaya agreement and other events that led to the paralysis of the state power of the USSR, the so-called Federal Treaty of March 31, 1992 was signed, consisting of three parts. He divided into three types according to the status as three varieties of the territory of Russia (RSFSR). These are the first type - republics (=states), the second type - territories and regions, the third type - autonomous regions and autonomous regions. It is recommended to distinguish between the concepts of Russia and the Russian Federation as not identical (see Chapter 1).

We compare the positions of subjects in the Russian Federation. Quote from the Federal Treaty for subjects of the first type:

P1. Article III of the Agreement on the delimitation of jurisdiction and powers between the federal state authorities of the Russian Federation and the authorities of the sovereign republics within the Russian Federation dated March 31, 1992: “The republics (states) within the Russian Federation have the entirety of the state (legislative, executive, judicial ) authorities on its territory, except for those powers that are transferred (assigned) to the jurisdiction of the federal government bodies of the Russian Federation in accordance with this Treaty. The territory and status of a republic within the Russian Federation cannot be changed without its consent.”
item 3. Article III of the same Treaty dated March 31, 1992, quote: “The land and its subsoil, water, flora and fauna are the property (property) of the peoples living on the territory of the respective republics. Issues of ownership, use and disposal of land, subsoil, water and other natural resources are regulated by the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the republics within the Russian Federation.

According to Article 67 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the territory of the Russian Federation does not include the subsoil of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. However, the main income of the budget of the Russian Federation is replenished precisely from the sale of extracted from the bowels.

The cited Treaty was signed by plenipotentiaries:
1. Republic of Adygea
2. Republic of Bashkortostan
3. Republic of Buryatia
4. Republic of Gorny Altai
5. Republic of Dagestan
6. Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
7. Republic of Kalmykia - Khalmg Tangch
8. Karachay-Cherkess Soviet Socialist Republic
9. Republic of Karelia
10. Komi Soviet Socialist Republic
11. Mari Soviet Socialist Republic - 12. Republic of Mari El
13. Mordovian Soviet Socialist Republic
14. Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
15. North Ossetian Soviet Socialist Republic
16. Republic of Tuva
17. Udmurt Republic
18. Republic of Khakassia
19. Chuvash Republic - Chavash Republic
20. Russian Federation

Refrained from signing: Tatarstan, Chechnya (Ichkeria) and Ingushetia. Later, on February 15, 1994, Tatarstan signed with the Russian Federation its Agreement on the delimitation of subjects of jurisdiction and the mutual delegation of powers between state authorities of the Russian Federation. and public authorities of the Republic of Tatarstan.

For territories and regions, "equal" (as stated in the Constitution of the Russian Federation) subjects of the Russian Federation, as a comparison with the situation of subjects of the first type, we quote the clauses of the Treaty on the delimitation of subjects of jurisdiction and powers between the federal state authorities of the Russian Federation and the authorities of the territories, regions, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 1992 (an integral part of the same Federal Treaty):

Clause 3 of Article III: “Issues of ownership, use and disposal of land, subsoil, water, forest and other natural resources are regulated by the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation and legal acts of the territories, regions, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. By mutual agreement of the federal state authorities of the Russian Federation and the state authorities of the territories, regions, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, the status of federal natural resources is determined.

For the third grade (type) of subjects of the Russian Federation - autonomous regions and autonomous territories - the same conditions. The difference in status with that of the national republics is obvious.

The text of the Federal Treaty of March 31 (the signing took place on the eve of the merry April 1) 1992 was not officially published.

A "parade of sovereignties" began among the autonomous republics. After 9 years, the federal authorities of the Russian Federation “woke up” and, in accordance with the Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation N 249-O of December 6, 2001, the provisions of the cited Federal Treaty of March 31, 1992, which provided for the sovereignty of the republics and thus allowed to justify restrictions on the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, its constitutional - legal status and powers, which is reflected in the constitutions of a number of republics, cannot act and are not subject to application as contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The leaders of para-constitutional formations, i.e. national republics with their constitutions, with great difficulty, the federals from the Russian Federation managed to take away the right to be called presidents.

In Article 5 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the republics are characterized as states, adopt their own constitutions and have the right to establish their own state languages. Other subjects do not have such a right (see Article 68 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

It turns out that the Russian Federation- this is an asymmetric federation, trying to delimit the previously united into "first-class" regions - national-territorial formations titularly belonging to non-Russian peoples, and "second-class" regions - regions and territories with a predominantly Russian population.

The former have full rights, their own constitutions, and conclude special agreements with the federal government on the division of powers. The latter have nothing of the kind, being nothing more than tools for the implementation of federal policy on the ground.

The heads of the former act as spokesmen for the will of their people before the federal government and the people of Russia and have the opportunity to impose the will of their people on all of Russia. The latter act primarily as representatives of the center in front of the practically voiceless population of the region.

From the point of view of the Russian Federation, there is no Russian nation, either as a civil or as an ethnic community. There is not a single constitutional document or law that would enshrine the fact of the existence of the Russian nation, or at least the Russian ethnic group.

The existence of national state autonomies within the Russian Federation reinforces the fact of the existence of small nations, while at the same time denying the right to existence of a large nation, the Russian nation. The right of Russians to statehood and self-determination is being swept under the rug by "multinationality" in the Russian Federation.

How can the statutes of territories and regions and other legal acts of territories and regions be compared in terms of legal force with the Constitutions of national Republics? How can the status of the territory of settlements be equated with the status of a state with a republican type of government, i.e. folk on mono-nationality? How can the governor of a territory or region apply for citizenship to a CIS refugee who previously lived in this territory, etc. and so on. Chechnya (Ichkeria) has been issuing its green national passports since 2011 indicating nationality.

The inequality of Russians is realized through the actual extraterritoriality (ie, in legal terminology, lack of jurisdiction of the local court) of a number of ethnic groups on the territory of Russia. Crimes committed by representatives of such an extraterritorial ethnic group are often not investigated. For some reason, representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the autonomous republic speak out about the representatives of the ethnic group who committed such crimes in Moscow or other large cities, and agreements are concluded on serving sentences by natives of autonomies on the territory of these autonomies.

Against this criminal background, the Russian population is being squeezed out of national-territorial formations (primarily in the North Caucasus, but, alas, not only there). In the schools of the autonomies, the Russian language is giving way to the “language of the titular nationality”, regardless of whether the students belong to this titular nationality or are Russians. Why, following the logic of the absence of a Russian ethnic group in the constitutional laws of the Russian Federation, not use Russian as the second state language for Russians from the multinational cauldron instead of Russian?.. Will the intentions come out too clearly?

The policy of systematic humiliation of the national dignity of Russians, the lack of evidence - legal, constitutional, political - that this national state of Russians is the modern Russian Federation. The first persons of the Russian Federation, and the legislators of the Russian Federation, and the judges of the Russian Federation constantly emphasize that the Russian Federation is a multinational state and is not a national state of the Russian people, in the sense in which Bashkortostan, for example, is the national state of the "Bashkir nation" mentioned in its constitution . None of the leaders of the Russian Federation has ever appealed to the “will of the Russian people” in the way that the head of the Chechen Republic R.A. Kadyrov.

In accordance with articles 1,2,6,7,17,20,21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948, ratified by the Russian Federation on May 5, 1998), all people are born free and equal in dignity and rights , have the right to recognition of their legal personality, have the right to own property both individually and in common with others, no one can be forced to join any association, a person has the right to take part in the government of his country directly ...

According to articles 1,2,3,9,11,26,31,37,40,42,46 of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, indigenous peoples are entitled, collectively and individually, to the full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms recognized in the Charter of the United Nations and in international law relating to human rights and fundamental freedoms. This includes: the right to preserve, protect and develop past, present and future manifestations of their culture, such as archaeological and historical sites, monuments of material culture, fine arts, etc., including the right to lands, territories and resources, as well as the right to own, use or control the lands and resources they possess, the right to control and protect their heritage, the right to access and resolve promptly through fair procedures for the resolution of conflicts and disputes with the state or other parties, and also to effective remedies for violations of their individual or collective rights.

The Russian Federation is not a spokesman for the interests of the Indigenous Russian People, who make up more than 80% of the population of Russia, and, accordingly, is not a state for them (see Chapter 5). The overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of Russia, i.e. The Russian People, the Russian Federation, are DENIED in the RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION as part of this federation, so that the Russians cannot ensure their economic, social and cultural development, as well as freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources. According to the norms of international law, this qualifies as GENOCIDE (deliberate creation for any national group of such living conditions that are calculated for its complete or partial physical destruction)

Clause 1 of part 1 of article 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, adopted by resolution 2200 A (XXI) of the UN General Assembly on December 16, 1966 (entered into force on March 23, 1976), was violated.

Russia is a common fatherland for 174 indigenous nations, peoples and ethnic groups that have settled this territory since ancient times. However, in 1992, 21 peoples of Russia sealed a federal union - the Russian Federation. This is their right. The remaining 153 peoples, including the Russian People, were not accepted into the Russian Federation, but are used as legal slaves, having usurped power throughout Russia.

In fact, the International Laws "On Human Rights" and the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legal territory of the Russian Federation is enclosed within the administrative boundaries of the 21st national republic located on the territory of Russia. See picture:

1. Republic of Adygea 2. Republic of Altai 3. Republic of Bashkortostan 4. Republic of Buryatia 5. Republic of Dagestan 6. Republic of Ingushetia 7. Kabardino-Balkarian Republic 8. Republic of Kalmykia 9. Karachay-Cherkess Republic 10. Republic of Karelia 11. Komi Republic 12. Republic of Mari El 13. Republic of Mordovia 14. Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 15. Republic of North Ossetia-Alania 16. Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan) 17. Republic of Tyva 18. Udmurt Republic 19. Republic of Khakassia 20. Chechen Republic 21. Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia

The territory of the RSFSR (Soviet Socialist Russian Federation) changed in favor of the newly minted union republics and decreased by 1/3 during the existence of the USSR. The existence of the RSFSR was the only obstacle on the path from the collapse of the USSR to the total genocide of Russians and the cessation of the existence of the Russian nation.

The current Russian Federation proclaimed itself the successor of the USSR in the international arena on the basis of the denunciation by the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR on December 12, 1991 of the 1922 Treaty on the Formation of the USSR. However, the Treaty on the Formation of the USSR on December 29-30, 1922 was neither signed nor approved. The USSR received international recognition and status only in 1944 with the expulsion of the aggressor from its territory. European countries do not recognize the Russian Federation and consider us residents of the post-Soviet space.

The general passport of the Russian Federation is not a legal document. legal fact. Because in the legislation of the Russian Federation there is no law on the approved sample of the form of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The USSR passport as a legal act preceding the current illegal act is legally significant and has the right to be presented as an identity card. Photo, full name, date of birth, even nationality - everything that is needed is present.

Possession of a notebook with the name “passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation” does not guarantee citizenship in the Russian Federation to a person, because. The Russian Federation is not a state (see Chap. 5 below), and the inhabitants of the national republics already have their own citizenship according to the provisions of the constitutions of these national republics.

According to the situation in which the indigenous peoples inhabiting the territory of Russia found themselves, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in the amount of 46 countries adopted Resolution No. 1481 of 25.01. totalitarian regimes in the post-Soviet space and continue to suffer from it to this day.

The European Parliament, progressively minded people reject and rightly do not want to recognize R.F. The Russian Federation only with the submission by the European Parliament of the Resolution "On the rule of law in the Russian Federation", the provisions of which were discussed long before its signing on February 17, 2011, adopted the Federal Constitutional Law of February 7, 2011. No. 1 "On courts of general jurisdiction in the Russian Federation".

State power, as a rule, functions by adopting laws, other legal acts, ensures their implementation - and these are normal legal forms of exercising state power. Where state power functions without this legal form, arbitrariness, personal discretion, and bureaucracy reign, and great social misfortunes arise for the population.

The Russian Empire, then the USSR, with its arbitrarily established totalitarian form of government in Russia, was illegally and forcibly formed. In the case of the formation of the Russian Empire - in Novgorod with the involvement of Rurik with his retinue due to forced measures to ensure the safety of the lives of citizens of the northern part of Russia from war (terror, robbery and violence), in Kyiv as a result of a criminal offense committed by Prince Oleg - the murder of the princes Askold and Dir (who had previously captured a peaceful settlement - the city of Kiev) and the establishment of autocracy and oppression of the state-forming indigenous Russian and Russian peoples in the future. In the case of the formation of the USSR - through an armed rebellion in October 1917, the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly on January 5-6, 1918, the subsequent illegal creation with the use of violence and weapons, physically destroying dissident people, on the basis of the RSDLP faction in the Constituent Assembly - RSDLP (hereinafter RSDLP, SNK , All-Russian Central Executive Committee, CPSU) with the assignment of state, legislative, imperious and punitive powers to the party (punitive body - the structure of the Cheka (hereinafter referred to as the OGPU, NKVD, KGB) and other structures of the Cheka (GPU, MVD, MGB, FSB, court, GULAG)) by issuing (in order to give legitimacy) internal "legal" acts by Vl. Ulyanov-Lenin (Blank).

Chapter 4

Folk joke:
Announcement on the Kremlin fence:
Family estate with stupid lackeys for sale.
The total area is 17075.4 thousand square meters. km., 140,000,000 fortress souls.
The plot has water, gas, electricity. Deposits of oil, coal, gold, silver, large deposits of iron ore and other minerals.
Extensive forests and agricultural land, huge reserves of fresh water.
Infrastructure and small-scale production are partially present (requires repair). There are nuclear weapons and energy.
The neighbors are calm. The population, the army, the FSB and law enforcement agencies are demoralized and ready to be evicted.
Details: Moscow, Red Square. Ask Dima. Trade is appropriate. Retail sale is possible.

Do not "wash" the laws of the Russian Federation. Because in the “state” of the Russian Federation there is legally no basic law - the Constitution, and the subsequent Codes and Laws formed on it, endowing a person and a citizen with rights and burdening duties, are void and not subject to execution. On December 12, 1993, there was an attempt to adopt the Draft Constitution of the Russian Federation, and not the Constitution itself. No one has ever voted for the Constitution of the Russian Federation from December 12, 1993 to the present. The Draft Constitution of the Russian Federation itself was also not adopted, since for its adoption, according to the law, 3/4 of the votes of those who have the right to vote, and those who did not come to the polls, are required. The Constitution of the RSFSR has not been repealed.

(The attempt was made on the basis of the Law of the RSFSR 241-1 of 06.10.1990 “On the referendum of the RSFSR”. Article 35 states: “During a referendum on the adoption, amendment and addition of the Constitution of the RSFSR, decisions are considered adopted if more than half of the citizens of the RSFSR voted for them 58.43% of those who took part in the voting, which accounted for 54.8% of the number of registered voters, i.e. 32%, voted for the "new Constitution".

According to the provisions of the law higher in the legal hierarchy - the Constitution, in Chapter IX on "the operation of the Constitution of the RSFSR and the procedure for changing it" in the text of the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1978 (as amended by Law 2708-I of April 21, 1992 and the last edition of 4071-I of December 10 1992), article 185: “Change and addition to the Constitution (Basic Law) of the Russian Federation - Russia is carried out by the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation by a law adopted by a majority of at least two-thirds of the total number of elected people's deputies of the Russian Federation. In the same manner, the temporary suspension of the operation of certain articles of the Constitution, as well as the delegation of the powers of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation to the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation, is carried out. Changes and additions to the articles of the Constitution (Basic Law) of the Russian Federation - Russia, relating to the federal structure of the Russian Federation, cannot be carried out unilaterally and are made in agreement with the republics within the Russian Federation, territories, regions, autonomous regions, autonomous regions, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg represented by their Councils of People's Deputies.")

And yet, to reflect the intentions of the "helmsmen" from the Russian Federation, let us dwell on some characteristic and "hushed up" "laws".

Federal Law No. 99-FZ of June 7, 2007 “On Ratification of the Agreement between the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and Other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace Program, on the Status of Their Forces of June 19, 1995 and the Additional Protocol to It” (adopted State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation 23.05.2007)

In 2007, the President of the Russian Federation signed Federal Law 99-FZ of 07.06.2007, ratifying the 1995 Agreement specified in the law, in which, from the very first article, there is a reference to the 1951 Agreement - NATO-SOFA. All who sign this Agreement (1995) undertake to accept the provisions of the agreement of June 19, 1951 - "Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty on the status of their Forces" or simply NATO-SOFA.

By ratifying the 1995 Agreement, the Russian Federation accepted the 1951 Agreement. In other words, through the 1995 Agreement, the Russian Federation can be considered as a full member of NATO, having signed the 1951 Agreement

The NATO-SOFA Agreement defines the legal status of the armed forces of the NATO countries during their stay on the territory of the countries that have signed this agreement. The Agreement states that the troops of one side can be sent by agreement to serve on the territory of another country. The Agreement also states that this agreement does not establish the reasons and conditions for which this may occur. Either the parties make a separate decision in each specific case, or there are some secret (or not secret) agreements or additional protocols that these conditions can designate. On the one hand, these motives are understandable for NATO member countries: American bases are located in almost every one of them, and the legal status of these forces must be specified. On the other hand, why is it necessary for third countries that participate in this agreement through another agreement (from 1995), participating in the Partnership for Peace program. According to Article 19 of the Agreement, it can be denounced only 4 years after it enters into force. And the denunciation takes effect one year after the notification is received by the US Government.

It turns out that US troops on our territory will have the same legal status as, for example, in Great Britain or Germany, where they have large bases. But until recently, we were very indignant at the passage of NATO troops across Red Square at the May 9 parade. That was just the visible part of what was happening. Much deeper and more terrible things are hidden just in such imperceptible, not entirely clear agreements.

Since the signing of the law of the Russian Federation No. 99-FZ, NATO has been transporting goods to Afghanistan through the territory of Russia by land transit and using airspace. First, humanitarian ones were transported, then military ones began. Every day, up to 12 American military transport aircraft fly through Russia to Afghanistan without an intermediate stop. (see Federal Law No. 36-FZ of March 9, 2011 “On Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the United States on the Transit of Weapons, Military Equipment, Military Property and Personnel Through the Territory of the Russian Federation in Connection with the U.S. Participation in Efforts to Ensure Security, Stabilization and Reconstruction of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan). When transiting, military transport aircraft and other US government transport aircraft performing transit flights in accordance with the Agreement are exempt from air navigation dues; also, the passage of weapons, military equipment, military property and personnel of the American Party is carried out without the collection of customs duties, fees, taxes and other restrictions. In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 2009 No. 1077 “On the mechanism for implementing the Agreement ...”: “Financing the costs of air navigation services for flights of aircraft of airspace users performed in accordance with the Agreement shall be carried out within the budgetary allocations provided for by the Federal Air Transport Agency in the federal budget for the corresponding year and planning period for the specified purposes. That is, the Russian Federation sponsors these transit flights. Isn't it from these NATO aircraft that the population is being persecuted by spraying chemical reagents (chemtrails, Chemtrail - a chemical trail in the form of an aerosol that appears after the spraying of chemical and biological weapons) ...

The regional newspaper "Kolsky Mayak" No. 17 (182) of October 2010 in the article "The collapse of Russia" wrote: "... This year, the admission of applicants to higher military educational institutions was unexpectedly stopped. Involuntarily, everyone has questions: who will the Russian army to be formed, and how to command it without officers? And then it suddenly turns out that several tens of thousands of officers from the Israeli army are already planned to enter our military units. They will be granted citizenship and a full social package. Our Minister of Defense met with the Minister of Israel to sign a long-term agreement on military cooperation between Russia and Israel, which Leonid Ivashov called a geopolitical betrayal of the Kremlin.And none of the Russian people, presumably, knows this, but everyone knows (although this is not emphasized) that in the conflict Georgia and Abkhazia, the attack was prepared by Israeli officers - specialists, and the Georgian troops were only executors. In fact, Israel fought against our peacekeepers. However, they forgave everything, "did not notice." Moreover, we signed an agreement on a visa-free regime and we are discussing the issue of military-technical cooperation ... "

The agreement on military cooperation between Russia and Israel was signed on September 6, 2010 by Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov. The content of this document has not been disclosed.

Under Putin (Shalomov) and Medvedev (Mendel), Russia completely sided with Israel, opposing itself to the entire Arab and Muslim world.

Israeli officers in the Russian army ... Russian-speaking Jews who left for Israel in their time, trained in the Israeli army and fought on its side, swore allegiance to him, completely converted to Jewishness, are returning to Russia to command the Russian army.

Now it becomes clear why, in 2008, Berl Lazar so insistently insisted on the introduction of a military rabbinate in the Russian army. Russian society then showed undisguised surprise. Indeed, in the Russian army, the Jews could be counted on the fingers. But the "chief military rabbi of Russia" said that he hoped to find 40 thousand (almost four divisions!) Jews in the Russian army ... And the last example of the "lawmaking" of the Russian Federation:
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 25, 2010 N1874-r For the sake of the "holy" goals of creating conditions for attracting investments, stimulating the development of the stock market, as well as modernizing and technological development of the economy, it approves a list of legal entities to organize, on behalf of the Russian Federation, the sale of a privatized federal property and (or) the implementation of the functions of the seller.

The list of companies is impressive.
1. CJSC Bank Credit Suisse (Moscow). 2. CJSC VTB Capital. 3. OOO "Deutsche Bank". 4. Vnesheconombank Investment Company (VEB Capital) LLC. 5. LLC Commercial Bank “J. P. Morgan Bank International. 6. Merrill Lynch Securities LLC. 7. Morgan Stanley Bank LLC. 8. Renaissance Broker LLC. 9. LLC Russian Auction House. 10. Branch of a private company with unlimited liability "GOLDMAN SAKS (Russia)".

This list was published only 5 months later - March 18, 2011 in Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Six Western banks and companies, including the organizer and permanent member of the US Federal Reserve, GOLDMAN SACKS, have been appointed sellers of Russian property on behalf of and at the "tearful request" of the Russian Federation. Even in the US, this bank is considered the culprit of all the last six crises and is often referred to as the epithet "gangster".

The circle is closed. The Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation, without much publicity, quietly, offers the gentlemen from the FRS to “comrades” to buy the remains of Russian property.

On December 20, 2010, the government of the Russian Federation, which Dm. Medvedev, added another 13 sellers of federal property on behalf of the Russian Federation. The algorithm is the same. Of the 13 sellers, 8 are foreign banks, including Barclay Capital LLC, UBS Bank LLC, etc.

The list of what is being sold is easy to find in the government's plan for the privatization of 10 large companies for 2011-2013. Here are Sovcomflot, and Russian Railways, and part of Sberbank, and much more. Of the 10 companies, only one is sold completely, all 100% of the shares. It is easy to guess which one: United Grain Company. So already from January 1, 2012 our grain will most likely be disposed of by Goldman Sachs.

Chapter 5. Conclusions

Any state is based not so much on the Constitution, but on the territory, power and sovereignty that originally belong to the indigenous peoples living on them. There have never been documents confirming the fact of holding a referendum of specific peoples on the election of their authorities, as well as entrusting such powers with the right to sign documents on behalf of the peoples on newly created states with the subsequent transfer of territory, power and sovereignty to management or ownership. Consequently, the Russian Federation cannot present treaties for the administration or ownership of a specific territory, power and sovereignty. There are no such documents with the indigenous inhabitants of this territory.

The Russian Federation is not a state of any people. First of all, for the Russian ethnic group. For residents of the republics within the Russian Federation, so as not to be seduced by dual citizenship, it is also not.
Signs of the state according to the Yudo-Internet encyclopedia - "Wikipedia":
? Availability of organizational documents (which set out the purpose of the creation and tasks of the state):
o constitution,
o military doctrine,
o Legislation.
? Availability of manual (control apparatus):
o president (government),
o parliament, o court.
? Management and planning:
o regulation of the life of society (system of law
o state (political and foreign policy) activities, economic activities (economics),
? own monetary system
? tax fees.
? Ownership (resources):
o territory,
o population,
o the state treasury,
o borders, etc.
? Presence of subordinate organizations:
o law enforcement,
o armed forces,
o peripheral administrative organizations.
? Availability of the state language (languages).
? Sovereignty (the ability of a state to act in the international legal field as a legal entity recognized by other states).
? public authority.
? Citizenship.
? State symbols.

None, except for state symbols, the Russian Federation shows signs of a full-fledged state.
At first glance, Russia is being controlled in whose interests it is not clear, the “state” itself does not know what it wants. At first glance, the Russian Federation does not seem to be a successful structure. On the contrary, it is a well-managed and successful structure. Only success is very specific, because this structure pursues specific goals. If “ordinary” states set as their goals the achievement of the well-being of the population, its security, external economic power, and the like, then the goals of the Russian Federation are of a completely different nature.

First of all, the Russian Federation wants to survive, and it can survive only if it keeps the system of government in its hands. However, the current Russian federal government by its nature is such that it cannot govern a country of the European type with any developed civic consciousness, with an educated and cultured population. And the current government cannot evolve either. Because she does not have the time, resources and, most importantly, desire to turn herself into an elite of the appropriate level. The ghouls will remain who they are and intend to continue to rule forever. This power will never allow anyone to replace itself. Rather, she will destroy the entire country than give up her position. Rather, this power will replace the internal structure of the country, the qualitative level and national composition of the population, and will make it an Asian country, and an underdeveloped one at that. What is being done. Consciously, systematically, consistently. There is a replacement of the country - Russia with "Aziopa" - dirty, slavish, smelly and quite deserving of the elite that is now in the power of the Russian Federation.

Therefore, the government of the Russian Federation leads the country's economy, its political system, etc. into a state that is adequate for oneself, for oneself.

Why is there no legal Constitution, legal legislation for the entire population of the country, equipped army, own treasury, fair courts, clearly defined borders, etc. etc., because this is not necessary for an ordinary firm or mechanism.

The Russian Federation, the Russian Federation is a trademark of a raw materials corporation with occupying manners.
RF - Trademark of a machine to replace the people who live in this territory.
The brand name is written in the language of the occupied people to enhance the ecstatic effect of the owners.

What to do? the reader will ask.
The best remedy is sabotage and stop supporting the criminal community financially, since it is so greedy for currency.

Moreover, according to world legal standards, this criminal community does not have documents on the ownership of people's property and the right to dispose of people's property. The material benefit from contracts for the sale of natural resources and other wealth of indigenous peoples, signed by a group of persons not delegated by the peoples, without their consent and without taking into account their legitimate interests, is appropriated by a narrow circle of people and their employers.

No system reforms are possible. Only a bad system can be reformed, and the system of the Russian Federation is approaching an ideal one. She superbly fulfills her tasks of destroying the indigenous peoples and, above all, the Russians.

All the beginnings of a developed country and the initial opportunities for the development of public institutions have been completely destroyed.

The last obstacle remains - the population, which is increasingly difficult for the system to manage, primarily the Russian population. It would be ideal for the Russian Federation if the Russians disappear due to the systematic replacement by a more suitable population - more manageable, uneducated, submissive, incapable of governing themselves independently and feeling like a stranger in the territory. Therefore, the extinction of Russians is encouraged in every possible way, therefore Russians are deprived of their presence in power, they are deprived of their property, businesses are strangled, and they are replaced by representatives of other peoples in all at least significant social positions.

And the ideal option for the population to control the Russian system will be human waste produced by the countries of the Central Asian underbelly.

There are facts of the multi-thousand-year legacy of Russia, when a great many uninvited guests appeared on OUR, RUSSIAN EARTH. They stayed here forever... as fertilizer for the RUSSIAN EARTH.

Compiled by Artyom Tarasov, Pskov

Russians live in a country where there are no clear and unambiguous answers to the simplest questions. To say how old Russia is, you need to randomly choose one of the many options or ask a lot of clarifying questions.

There is no other country in the world that several times in its history started from scratch, then completely denied its past, then again returned to its roots. It is customary for Russia to be a young country with a thousand-year history.

Reference point selection

Through the efforts of famous historians of the past, N.M. Karamzin - the author of 12 volumes of "History of the Russian State", S.M. Solovyov, who wrote "The History of Russia from Ancient Times", V.O. Klyuchevsky and many others, as well as thanks to later research and the works of modern scientists, several points have been identified from which one can count the course of Russian history. Often these are sharp boundaries between state entities that have very little in common with each other. At the same time, the understanding of Russian history as a continuous process lasting a thousand years seems natural.

The choice of the origin of coordinates often depends in our country on philosophical or ideological convictions. Their own scale for measuring historical time, their own answer to the question of how old Russia is, the Westerner and the Slavophile, the conservative and the progressive, the communist and the liberal, etc. We can assume several answers about the age of our state, and for each one will be found convinced supporters and no less fierce opponents.

prehistoric times

The earliest traces of primitive man were found in Russia in the Caucasus and Kuban. Paleoanthropologists determine the beginning of the settlement of our territory by the first hominids 2 million years ago. A fully formed biological species Homo sapiens appeared in our region about 45 thousand years ago. Fortunately, there are no people who want to start counting Russian identity from blond Neanderthals with blue eyes.

On the other hand, the time of the appearance of individual Slavic tribes in the European part of present-day Russia (around the 5th century BC) is considered by some to be quite suitable for the beginning of Russian history. Among such tribal associations with poetic names: Slovenes, Krivichi, Merya, Chud, etc. - they are trying to choose one or more around which the future power is formed, the consonant name of the Ross tribe, or Rusichi, is especially attractive.

Some say that the first education is about the same age as the years of the cities of Russia from among the most became the residence of Rurik and was already Great.

And yet, the first logically justified reference point will appear later.

The calling of the Varangians (882) - 1134

It is this time mark that is considered the earliest for a more or less correct answer to the question of how many years Russia has existed. According to ancient chronicles, several Slavic, Baltic and Finno-Ugric clans sent their representatives to the warlike tribe of the Varangians with a request to single out a ruler from their ranks who could lead such an intertribal union and turn it into a single state. Such a person was the legendary Varangian prince Rurik, the founder of the first ruling dynasty in Russia.