Proud and hardy Doberman - features of education and proper care. Healthy Doberman: weight by month How much does a Doberman cost

Each breed of dog has its own standards regarding appearance, build, color, and so on.

They are fundamentally important for participating in exhibitions, but non-exhibition animals also have pay attention to physical parameters- the health of the dog itself and its offspring directly depends on them. One of the important parameters is growth.

To understand why so much attention is paid to the physical characteristics of a dog, you need to know why the dog was originally bred. Breeders of purebred animals select and cultivate traits that will help the dog cope with its prescribed duties.

age (months) height at the withers (cm) Weight, kg)
1 22-27 3-5
2 33-40 8-10
3 43-49 12-15
4 50-56 15-20
5 55-60 20-25
6 58-64 25-30
7 60-66 30-35
8 62-68 35-40
9 64-69 35-40
10 65-70 37-42
11 65-71 36-43
12 65-72 37-45

Deviations: Should You Be Worried?

Deviations in the growth of a pet (especially if the growth is too small) are of concern to almost all owners and are perceived as an obvious sign of problems with. Fortunately, the reality is somewhat different.

In most cases growth abnormalities due to genetic predisposition- this is a property of the body of a particular animal, absolutely normal and does not require concern and, moreover, correction.

Non-standard growth becomes a problem only for the owner of the exhibition animal - it may indicate that the dog is not purebred. For everyone else, he shouldn't be a cause for concern.

The above, in the first place, refers to too high growth. However, short stature can be not only a genetic feature, but also a signal of problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Small stature combined with crooked limbs is seen in dogs with an excess of calcium in the bones. This usually happens if the owners overfeed the puppy with calcium supplements.

In puppies, the excess of this substance is not excreted in the body, as in adults, but is absorbed completely, being deposited in the bones. Too much calcium makes bones brittle and slows their growth., as a result of which adult animals are characterized by short stature, short, twisted limbs and suffer from frequent fractures.

Important! A growing puppy's body absorbs all the substances that come with food. Closely monitor your pet, as at this age the risk of developing diseases associated with an excess of one or another substance is very high.

How to measure the height of a dog at the withers?

The ability to measure the height of your pet at the withers is necessary for owners of show animals: growth is the main parameter by which compliance with the breed standard is determined. For owners of non-show dogs, this skill will also be useful for monitoring the normal development of puppies and assessing the physical condition of the dog.

  • measurements should be made using tools specially designed for this. A dog is a living being, it cannot be made to freeze absolutely still, so using the wrong tool will inevitably give an error due to the movements of the animal (breathing, etc.). The most accurate result is obtained by measuring hard measuring stick. A flexible measuring tape is often used, but it gives a noticeable error in the direction of increasing growth;
  • measurement is done three times with an interval of 0.5-1 min., then the average value is calculated from the results obtained. This is done in order to reduce errors due to movement;
  • when measuring height, the dog must stand on a flat horizontal surface, always with its head up and neck straight. To keep the dog's head in the correct position, you can give her a treat while holding your hand at the right level.

The measurement itself is very simple: attach a book or other flat object to the withers of the dog, rest it with one end against the wall and make sure that it is parallel to the floor. At the resulting level make a mark and measure the distance from the mark to the floor. As already mentioned, for a more accurate result, the measurement must be repeated three times.

Measuring the growth of a show pedigreed Doberman is an important task for the owner to assess the chances of the animal at the show. Measuring the height of an ordinary, non-show dog is an opportunity for the owner to assess the physical condition of his pet. However, the Doberman will be an intelligent companion and devoted companion for you. regardless of height and build.

In contact with

The first thing to remember for you and your family is how to handle a puppy correctly. He is still small and his muscles, his ligaments are weak, and if you drag a puppy like a kitten, grabbing him by the front paws, it is very easy to disfigure him for life. It is necessary to take a puppy with both hands under the chest and under the buttock at the same time, or from both sides, capturing the area of ​​the chest and shoulder blades, and not under the stomach. Hold firmly so that the puppy does not break free and fall to the floor. It is better to squat to it yourself more often and not to lift it unless absolutely necessary.

1. Place the puppy. The place of a puppy, and even an adult dog, needs to be organized in a convenient corner: not on the aisle, not at the battery and not at the door (entrance, balcony). The bed is a mattress, and on top is a pillowcase, which, as it gets dirty, needs to be changed and washed.

2. Hygiene. Wipe wool with the following composition (about 1 time per month): vodka, vinegar, water in equal proportions. Once every two days, clean the coat with a special rubber brush-mitten. It is recommended to wash the dog in case of severe pollution, but not more than 1 time per month. After a walk, wipe the paws with a damp cloth or wash with clean water without soap. If the puppy is very dirty, wash with special shampoos for puppies (preferably from Beagroom, Beafar), rinse the coat well with water and wipe dry. Keep away from drafts after bathing. Clean the ears, at least once a month, with a cotton swab moistened with a weak solution of boric acid or boiled water, well squeezed out. Wipe the eyes with a cotton swab moistened with sleeping tea or a weak solution of boric acid. Keep the bedding clean. The cleaner the bedding, the better the dog. For convenience, it is recommended to have several removable pillowcases for bedding, periodically change them and wash them.

3. Nutrition. For food and water, it is better to have two enameled bowls (and nickel plated is even better). One with water stands constantly. The food is put only at the time of eating (15 minutes), and then the uneaten food is necessarily removed! And one more indispensable condition - the puppy must be immediately fed from a stand of such a height at which the puppy's neck will be parallel to the floor so that the cervical vertebrae, the spine itself and the joints of the front legs do not bend. The height of the stand should increase as the puppy grows. Water should also stand on a stand. Food should be moderately warm (not from the refrigerator, but not from the stove, ~ 30-37 degrees C). Feeding the baby should be frequent: 6 times a day - up to 2 months, 5 times - at 2 - 4 months, 4 times - at 4 - 6 months, 3 times - from 6 to 8 months, from 8 months. - 2 times. Do not feed the puppy at night! In terms of volume and calorie content, nutrition depends on the constitution of the dog, its physical condition, the duration and intensity of daily walks, the time of year, etc. Cook separately for the dog! She's not a pig given table scraps! The basis for the growth of a puppy is protein products: meat (including raw meat), dairy products, eggs. You can't grow a good puppy on some cereals and soups!!! MEAT - raw - give the puppy finely chopped. Minced meat is worse, because it does not linger in the stomach and passes into the intestines half-digested. In the intestines, the enzymes of digestive juices act on carbohydrates and fats, while proteins remain unused. Lean beef is best. Pork is undesirable: it weakens, in addition, pigs become infected with worms common with dogs. If you have to give pork (only to adult dogs), then by all means boil it and give it without fat. Raw meat is the most complete product. It is necessary that your puppy receives it daily, at least 1/3 of the total daily portion of meat. Be sure to boil the meat.

Daily meat intake:

up to 1 month - 50 gr.

1 month - 100 gr.

2 months - 200 gr.

3 months - 300 gr.

4 months - 400 gr.

from 5 months - 500 gr.

INTERNAL ORGANS(rumen, udder, heart, lungs, kidneys, liver) can be given from 6 months, replacing part of the meat. Offal must be boiled, because. they may contain germs of worms.

MILK PRODUCTS. In the first place is cottage cheese. Milk is less nutritious, voluminous, sometimes weak, but if milk, then 3% fat. Kefir, curdled milk is better than milk, as they have a good effect on digestion (especially with bifidobacteria). It is necessary to give calcined cottage cheese for at least 6-7 months, which is very easy to prepare: put kefir (milk) on fire, pour calcium chloride solution per 1 liter of kefir / milk - 2 tablespoons of calcium chloride before boiling, remove from heat after boiling. Stir and discard through cheesecloth (milk takes a little longer to curdle). Cottage cheese to give semi-liquid.

EGGS. A very nutritious product, but in its pure form it is poorly absorbed, as it almost does not linger in the stomach. A raw egg is best given mixed with dairy products or porridge. You can feed eggs in the form of omelettes. With systematic meat feeding, one egg per week is enough for a dog. It is desirable to increase the supply of eggs for the bitch during the period of bearing and feeding puppies, and for the male - during the mating period.

FISH. Better sea. It is given without bones and viscera in a boiled form. Fish proteins are not so complete, so you should not give it more than 3 times a week. Freshwater raw fish with entrails is often a source of tapeworm infestation.

BONES. Sugar raw and cartilage, good as toys, but have no nutritional value. Often clog the puppy's intestines. Boiled ones are often the cause of constipation and colitis. Bird tubular bones are dangerous: they can lead to intestinal perforation.

CEREALS and BREAD. They cannot be the basis of a puppy's growth, but are required to replenish the body's energy costs. In the first place oatmeal "Hercules". They are best fed with steamed hot broth. It is good to give boiled rice, buckwheat, millet. When cooking cereals in meat or bone broth, it is very useful to add carrots, cabbage, greens, etc. Semolina, barley, pearl barley, corn groats should not be given. Bread must be given in small quantities every day. You can give your puppy soups, especially vegetable ones, but without seasonings!

VEGETABLES. It is useful to add carrots and cabbage to feed raw - grated with a small amount of fat (vegetable oil, sour cream). Raw fruits and berries are good, raw and finely chopped greens (lettuce, parsley, dandelion leaves, steamed nettles) are an excellent vitamin supplement in the main feed. To all this it is necessary to accustom the puppy from an early age, and not let it wean. A small puppy can be left whole raw fruits and vegetables - like toys (apple, carrot). Never give beans, peas, potatoes, because dogs do not have enzymes that break down starch! Raw finely chopped garlic (1 clove) is useful to give weekly to both a puppy and an adult dog for the prevention of worms.

SWEETS and SAUSAGES. They spoil the appetite and disrupt digestion. Don't give.

BRAN. Good vitamin supplement. Steamed with boiling water in its pure form and mixed with other foods are readily eaten by dogs.

PHARMACY VITAMINS. Vitamins and mineral supplements are essential for proper growth of a puppy. For an adult dog with a normal good nutrition, and even in the summer, they are not needed. They can even be harmful by disrupting the natural balance of vitamins in the body. In winter, or during a period when the body is weakened, complex vitamins should be given. Good imported, in tablet form, eg Gimborn, 8 in 1, Vetzim, Canovel, Sanal. It is better not to use domestic ones, but to replace them: fish oil (or Trivit) + brewer's yeast + seaweed collection (seaweed).

DRY FOOD. It is best (and easier) to raise a puppy on dry food, but always Premium. These are Hill's, Purina, Royal Canin, Eukanuba, Advance Pedegree (not to be confused with Pedigri in yellow 400 gr. packages, which are produced in the Moscow region, Stupino!). When deciding to feed a puppy with dry food, you must definitely feed ONLY dry food, no cereals, meat, dairy products, because the above foods have everything necessary for the proper development of the puppy, and the addition, especially protein foods, will only upset the balance of nutrients in the food, which can lead to kidney and liver diseases. occasionally give fruits and vegetables as treats.The transition to dry food should be gradual - over 10-15 days, mixing it into food in increasing proportions.Do not forget that when feeding dry food, the dog's need to drink increases! REMEMBER! Each new food should be introduced into food gradually, observing the reaction of the dog's digestive system and possible allergic reactions (appearance of red pimples on the abdomen, scratching, hair loss etc.). It is very important to follow the diet! If the food is refused (if the dog is healthy), do not replace it with a tastier one, but remove it and give it to the next feeding. Do not give table food or snacks between feedings. Leftovers of the owner's food (without hot spices) can be added to the dog's main food. The work of all endocrine glands involved in digestion is adjusted to the feeding regimen. The glands, as it were, get used to the time of feeding and the norms that you give to your pet, so a sharp transition to a new feeding regimen causes indigestion, and, consequently, in other body systems. For the normal assimilation of food, it is also important that the puppy (dog) eats in a calm environment, slowly.

MINERAL SUPPLEMENT. For proper development, the puppy must be given mineral supplements, which should consist of calcium-containing preparations: glycerophosphate, calcium gluconate (the first is better), ground eggshells, quenched with lemon juice; phytin and activated carbon. Mix the listed components thoroughly, place in a jar with a lid and add to food every feeding (the dosage for each puppy is selected individually). It should be remembered that calcium is absorbed by the body much better with fermented milk products. There are very good ready-made preparations Gelakan (Slovenia) and Airishkal (Holland).

4. TREATMENT AND PREVENTION ANTIVERTISM DRUGS. At the age of 1.5-2 months (before vaccination), your pet needs to get rid of worms. Modern veterinary medicine can offer you the following antihelmintics: DRONTAL - PLUS. It is used to treat dogs against round and tapeworms. Dosage: 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. Given once. POLIVERKAN. Designed for the destruction of round and flat helminths. It is produced in the form of sugar briquettes, which are eaten with pleasure by animals or dissolved in a small amount of drinking water. Dosage: with an animal weighing from 1 to 5 kg - 0.5 cubes, then - 1 cube per 10 kg of weight, but not more than 4 cubes. Applied once. In case of severe invasion, repeat the administration of the drug on the 10-12th day. Adult dogs (if there are no special indications) are dewormed 2 times a year and before vaccinations. It is necessary to drive away worms in bitches 2 weeks before mating.

For wounds, scratches, cuts- streptocide, brilliant green, iodinol, solcoseryl (jelly or ointment), hydrogen peroxide solution. Wounds should not be licked, as being carried away by dogs very often lick them to large sizes.

5. ISSUES OF EDUCATION OF THE PUPPY. Whine on the first night. Be patient and don't take it to bed. You can put a heating pad under the puppy bed - it will warm up and fall asleep. Do not allow from the first day what cannot be done to an adult dog in the future: in bed, on the sofa, etc. In order not to get used to dirtying you with your paws, do not allow them to jump on you, rise on their hind legs and put their front legs on a person. Do not be lazy to squat to the puppy when he comes up to you, when you want to treat him or pet him. The basis of obedience is the execution of the command “Come to me!” Encourage the performance of this command both at home and on the street. After it, all "accounts" for past offenses should be forgotten. To call, and then to punish - it is impossible!! If you take a walk on a leash just to lead home, even a small puppy will quickly learn that “Come to me!” associated with an unpleasant termination of the walk. If it is possible to let the puppy run without a leash, then after he has run a little, take him on a leash, walk with him, and then let him go again. In addition to practicing the command “Come to me!” These exercises will teach your dog to walk calmly on a leash.

In modern cities, a lot of dogs die under the wheels of cars. On crowded streets and lanes, a puppy and an adult dog (even a very obedient one) should only be on a leash. When you get a puppy, get ready to endure a lot: gnawed shoes, torn wallpaper, puddles. The puppy cannot immediately learn the numerous prohibitions. It is possible to punish for "crimes" only by making a "crime" at the PLACE, at the MOMENT of its commission. You can’t punish at all for a puddle or a bunch! You just need to show that this is not good and that you are not happy (voice, facial expressions).

The exchange of a growing puppy is so rapid that in the apartment he will still get dirty up to 5 - 6 months. You will take it out into the yard after each sleep, feeding - the puddles will become much smaller. In the apartment, you can take the puppy to a specially designated place with newspapers or rags laid on the floor. When leaving a puppy at home alone, remove small and necessary things that are accessible to his teeth, especially shoes, threads, needles, etc. Raise curtains, hanging tablecloths, wires. Leave the puppy with as many toys as possible: rubber balls, squeakers, sticks, whole carrots, etc. There is no need to leave any food. The more toys, the less the puppy will be interested in the owner's shoes, clothes and furniture. If it is necessary to leave for a sufficiently long period, the puppy must be well walked and fed, then most of the time before your arrival he will oversleep.

Walking with an unvaccinated puppy should be very careful - lower it to the ground only in a clean place, keeping it away from strangers. Vaccination and relief of lice should be carried out before the start of the change of teeth, that is, up to 3.5 months. The Doberman is by nature a working dog, his ancestors cultivated efficiency for centuries and his body cannot function normally without a steady physical load. If the dog's biological need for movement is satisfied, then the Doberman will behave calmly at home, but if not, and the animal does not know where to put its energy, then it is pointless to demand good behavior in the apartment and obedience on the street from it. The role of a sofa dog for a Doberman usually turns into a torment both for himself and for the owner. Owners of puppies need to remember that the lack of physical activity, as well as inadequate feeding at the age of up to 1.5 years, that is, during the period of intensive development, cannot be compensated later, and a good breeding, working, exhibition dog will not come out of such a Doberman! A small puppy should walk often, but little by little - so as not to get tired.

Gradually, the number of walks decreases, and their duration increases. By 6 months the puppy should walk 4-5 km a day. The puppy must walk at least 4 hours a day (if the weather is good in spring, summer, autumn). Adult dog - at least 2 hours a day. Puppies should be taken out as often as possible, an adult dog - 3-2 times a day. If there is an opportunity - to walk as much as possible, to let them play with peers - in games the entire motor system develops and strengthens correctly. On walks, do not encourage aggressiveness and pugnacity, because. later, due to the quarrelsomeness brought up in this way, your Doberman will be forced to walk alone. To avoid back weakness, towing a skier - only from 2 years old and only on a riding harness.

When raising a puppy as a guard and watchman, it is very important not to overstep the boundaries of what is permitted in one direction or another, because the puppy is happy to communicate with any person who caressed him. A good-natured attitude towards people can eventually be fixed in a dog by a stable fact - every person is a friend, comrade and brother for a dog. The owner should not allow strangers to caress his student, flirt with him, treat him. If you want to see a reliable watchman and bodyguard in your dog, you need to educate it to be distrustful of others, despite your personal acquaintance with them, therefore:

  • never allow strangers (including your friends) to stroke a puppy on walks, we recommend that you initially teach a puppy not to take food from other people's hands and pick it up from the ground (it will be much more difficult to wean it off in the future).
  • if guests come to you, lock the puppy in another room or in the kitchen. As a last resort, send him to the "Place!" So that he does not squirm under his feet and does not stick to everyone in a row.
It is best to start visiting the training ground from ten months, but do not forget that it is necessary to educate a puppy from the first hours of his appearance in your apartment.


  1. Pull something from the mouth up to 6-8 months. - bite will deteriorate
    Giving sharp bird bones - internal bleeding is possible
    Give boiled, sharp bones
    Give sweets (excluding raisins, dried fruits, honey), white bread (drying, cookies, rolls).
    Give food hot or from the refrigerator (required temperature 30-35 degrees C)
    Feed from the floor - the dog must have a bowl stand. As the puppy grows, the exposure should increase.
    To go down the stairs to the puppy up to 4 months.
    Stroking on the ears - so that the puppy does not hang out his ears and does not lay them.
    Wash your dog often
    Arrange a place for the dog in a draft, on a cement floor, in a bathroom, on a balcony, loggia, etc., in a dark place or in a shed, on the aisle, near the battery.
    To make the place hard - the elbows will be rubbed.
    Putting a puppy to bed - then you will not expel.
    Beat the dog, swing at it.
    Potatoes, peas, corn, raw dough (urgently see a doctor), spices.
  2. Undesirable: pasta, liver, fried.

Doberman is a breed characterized by excellent health and a strong immune system. Dobermans are considered very strong dogs. So, how much does a Doberman weigh and what are its dimensions? The coat of Dobermans is hard and short.

Appearance, dimensions and weight of the Doberman

The puppy should be strong, bony, with thick and wide wrists, a large head, with a wide muzzle, well filled under the eyes. The dog has a hump in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. Good topic for discussion. Teeth are age appropriate.

Good day! Doberman 13 months, male, height 74 cm, weight 33 kg. There have always been problems with weight. The weight of a thirty-day-old puppy should be between 3.0 and 4.0 kg. As the Doberman grows older, his weight increases tenfold. When breeding them, it was planned to use these dogs as service dogs. For males 68-72 cm and weight 40-45kg. For females, the height at the withers is 63-68 cm, and the weight is 32-35 kg. In terms of size, this breed of dog belongs to the class of medium and medium-large sizes.

It was in honor of him that this breed got its name.

Even male littermates can have a difference in height at the time of formation from 2 to 3 cm. Care, feeding and walking, i.e., conditions of detention, have an important effect on the growth of a puppy.

Puppies with deformities, color not provided for by the standard, weak and frail are culled immediately. Such selection is called artificial.

Doberman weight loss

Some puppies grow very quickly and, having gained their height, as early as 6-7 months. practically stop. What could it be and what should we do? Analyzes are normal, nothing to worry about. No fat, no muscle. I decided to try again to switch to a straight woman. Zero effect. The dog is cheerful, active, healthy, but very thin. Physical activity is high. They took the tests - nothing critical. Severe colic began, he could neither lie nor walk.

Tests were done multiple times and everything was normal. Tried both types of food.

The text is unique and literate.

Interesting and informative information that deserves the attention of most readers.

Before you start such a breed, think about whether you can support it.

It is easier to communicate with such a dog, it will accept all your conditions. Hills, Akana, Farmina... Now we know that she is kind, devoted to her owner and easy to train. They are very active and require proper nutrition and training. After all, it is in the interests of the breeder to give puppies only in good hands. In addition, if you are new to this business, he will provide you with invaluable help and practical advice in the future. If the breeder loves his work very much, then he will not be indifferent to the fate of the puppies.

It requires proper training and education, as it poses a real threat to its opponent.

Now more and more often you can meet Dobermans in the homes of simple dog breeders and have become the personification of reliable dogs - companions, capable of protecting or protecting if necessary.

This is how a mother dog raises her puppies.

Energetic, intelligent and cunning Doberman requires constant, patient and consistent handling.

Hello! I see a fit dog, but not exhausted. The wool began to deteriorate. He is moderately well-fed and mobile. Moreover, you can’t punish the dog several times for the same thing just because you remembered after 10 minutes about your shoes you ate. The puppies, overly naughty and bothering her, get a good beating, from which they conclude: if I behave like this, it will hurt.

You can sew a “sausage” of durable material for a puppy of a suitable size, stuffed with old rags.

A little Doberman should have three or four toys, balls, dumbbells made of durable plastic, you can give cherry sticks to play (cherry is a viscous tree and soft, does not crumble into chips).

And how pleasantly the newspaper rustles when it is fluttered!

People are strange creatures, they do not know how to deal with all this literature, “read” from cover to cover into small pieces, delivers the highest joy and pleasure.

All this can be learned by the puppy to the smallest pieces.

He can walk the puppy longer and more often. Feed and wash the bowl after the dog.

Cleaning puddles and heaps of children is not very attractive, but it is quite possible to entrust him to feed a puppy or walk him in your absence. A teenager can also be entrusted with more serious work.

And - EVERYTHING! And choose already what you will feed the dog - either ONLY with food, or ONLY NOT with food. Doctors shrug their shoulders… Transferred to Hills id. Digestion returned to normal weight, and without that small - fell. They began to sort out food ... 4-9 months sat on a straight meat Meat + offal (70%) + vegetables (15%) + porridge rice / buckwheat (15%). At one point, I stopped perceiving a straight woman from the word at all.

Whereas feeding with mother milk replacer is recommended 12 times a day! However, experience shows that 7 feedings in the first, 6 in the second and 5-6 in the third week are quite enough.

If the milk drips slowly, then the size of the hole is correct.

You can also adapt the most ordinary nipple for feeding by making a hole in it yourself.

In any case, the mixture should be homogeneous and heated to approximately 35 degrees.

Based on the above data, Professor Wolter has developed an amazing puppy daily diet chart based on 5 traditional diets.

At this time, the animal no longer needs an additional amount of food to cover the energy costs of the body (from 16 months in Dobermans).

Homemade food is less preferred, because it cannot be perfectly balanced, and, moreover, it has a reduced nutritional value compared to ready-made full-fledged concentrates.

Gluconate and glycerophosphate are "human" drugs designed for the longer intestines of humans, dogs do not absorb them well. Ultrasound without pathology. All of these vaccines have their advantages, advantages and disadvantages. This is the period during which the remaining antibodies are no longer able to provide the puppy with immune protection, but they are still strong enough to neutralize the vaccine being administered.

Orphaned puppies should be assisted by the breeder by giving them light abdominal massages to induce the bladder and bowel reflex.

Overfeeding increases the risk of becoming overweight, leading to obesity.

We feed her mainly porridge in the broth. Undesirable: pasta, liver, fried. Beat the dog, swing at it. Potatoes, peas, corn, raw dough (urgently see a doctor), spices. You can occasionally give fruits and vegetables as treats.

Carl Friedrich Louis Dobermann - this is the full name of the man who became the creator of the dog breed so popular in our time. A native of the small German town of Alpoda, he changed many professions, including tax collector and night policeman. It was during this period that Karl thought about breeding a breed that would best meet the service requirements. According to Dobermann, such a dog should have been of medium height, smooth-haired, harmoniously combining intellectual qualities with vigilance and physical endurance. Constantly attending exhibitions and sales of animals, which began to take place regularly in Apolda since 1860, he selected the most suitable animals for breeding work.

In 1880, Dobermann, together with friends, bought a small house and began to come to grips with breeding a new breed. Soon came the first success. Dobermann dogs were purchased with pleasure by numerous customers. Today it is difficult to establish which breeds were used in breeding, since no records of the progress and results of selection were kept. It can be assumed that among the ancestors of the Doberman there were Old German Pinschers, Bosserons Shepherd Dogs, Rottweilers. It is possible that the Manchester black and tan terrier, the blue dog, the pointer and even the mastiff could leave their mark. The main thing remains that the result was a dog with surprisingly diverse and pronounced characteristics.

The breed was originally called the Thuringian Pinscher. Another resident of Apolda, named Otto Goeller (Holler), was seriously engaged in its improvement. He managed to somewhat soften the overly aggressive nature of the dog, make it more docile and obedient, without sacrificing at all the amazing abilities for security and watchdog service.

Not done in the history of the Dobermans and without curiosities. Goeller's neighbor expressed his dissatisfaction with the noise and barking constantly coming from Otto's house so actively that the latter was forced to give away most of the dogs, leaving only a few representatives of the new breed. This gave an additional impetus to its distribution and contributed to the growth of popularity.

In 1894, after the death of Karl Dobermann, in memory of his merits, the breed was renamed the Doberman Pinscher. In 1897, a special show was organized in Erfurt, Germany, and an official presentation took place. In 1899, the Apolda Doberman Pinscher of the Year club was created, and just a year later, due to the huge increase in the popularity of animals, it was renamed the National Doberman Pinscher Club of Germany. The breed began its triumphal march across Europe, and then around the world.

In Russia, the wide distribution of Dobermans occurred at the very beginning of the 20th century.

In 1949, the second word was removed from the name of the breed, since the leading cynologists considered the assignment of this dog to the Pinscher group incorrect.

In February 1994, the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) entered the Doberman breed in its registry under No. 143, indicating Germany as its country of origin.

Video: Doberman

Doberman appearance

Doberman is a medium-sized dog with a strong muscular body, harmoniously combining the nobility of posture with clarity and grace of lines. This is an ideal dog with an impeccable anatomical structure. It is simply impossible to hide the flaws in the exterior of a Doberman - he is all in sight. An ensemble of power, enormous internal energy with external grace and even some refinement - this is the first general impression of this breed.


The height at the withers of the male is from 68 to 72 cm; females - 63-68 cm. Deviations in height in any direction by more than 2 cm are considered a disqualifying sign.

The weight

The mass of an adult male ranges from 40-45 kg, the female weighs from 32 to 35 kg.


Doberman is a medium-sized animal with an elegant appearance, harmoniously developed muscles, without any signs of excessive massiveness and roughness of body outlines. The dog is more square than elongated. The height at the withers is approximately equal to (or slightly less than) the length of the body.


The Doberman's head is commensurate in size with the general proportions. The shape, when viewed from above, resembles a blunt wedge. The line of the crown when viewed from the front is even, not falling to the ears. The stop is not sharp, but noticeable. The muscles are well developed. Cheekiness is absent.


The length of the muzzle of the Doberman is almost the same as the length of the skull. The incision of the oral fissure reaches the molars. The mouth opens wide. The nose is broad, but not protruding. The color of the earlobe is black or a lighter shade, depending on the color of the animal. Lips - dry and well fitting to the jaws. Jaws - well developed, wide. Scissor bite.


Oval shape medium size. The color of the iris is dark. In brown Dobermans, a lighter shade of eyes is allowed.


Doberman's ears are set high. If docked, stand upright. In countries where cupping is prohibited, they should be of medium size, with the leading edge adjacent to the ear.


Long, graceful, straight. Very muscular and strong.


The protruding withers give rise to the line of the back. The dorsal and lumbar sections are short, only in bitches higher values ​​of the elongation index are allowed. The croup is rounded.


Convex, wide with slightly protruding ribs. Well developed in front. The depth of the chest should be about half the height of the dog at the withers.


The tail of the Doberman is set high, docked very shortly - only two vertebrae remain visible. Where this operation is prohibited by law, a natural tail is permitted.

front legs

Vertical, straight when viewed from any angle. The muscles are developed.

hind legs

Straight, parallel. Thighs with well-defined strong muscles.


Both the front and hind legs are short and tight. The nails are dark. The fingers are arched.


The Doberman's coat is short, fairly hard, smooth and thick. Evenly distributed throughout the body. Fits snugly, no undercoat.


Black or brown. It is obligatory to have clearly visible, with well-defined boundaries, rusty-red tan marks on certain parts of the body.

Possible vices

Breed defects include any deviation from the requirements of the standard.

The disqualifying signs are:

  • in general appearance - a discrepancy between the dog's appearance and gender (a male in a bitch type or vice versa), blue or yellow (wolf) eyes, malocclusion and lack of teeth;
  • according to the condition of the coat - apparently elongated or wavy, rare with bald patches, the presence of white spots;
  • by nature - timidity, nervousness and aggressiveness.

Photo of an adult doberman

Doberman character

You have taken a Doberman into your house. What to expect from this dog, because opinions about the breed sometimes differ dramatically. Let's try to deal with this issue.

The most capacious way to express the nature of the animal in one word is vigilance. His "karma" is to be always on the alert. This over-caution is by no means the result of fear and intimidation, it is rather a consequence of the genetically inherent ability to think in this way, the result of his mental activity.

With the similarity of characters, each dog of this breed is a personality, paradoxical as it sounds.

Many experts call the Doberman a dog with a human mind, because he is very easy to train and never forgets the lessons he has learned. However, only the owner, who has a sufficient level of intelligence and a balanced, calm character, can cope with a Doberman, raise and educate him.

In order to make sure that the Doberman is not an ordinary dog, watch him. Does he sleep, ride with you in the car, play with your kids? Take a closer look! He sleeps at home, rides in his seat, frolics with his little ones. Everything is perceived by this amazing animal as personal, own and directly in the area of ​​​​his responsibility. He should be aware of all the events taking place in the house, and you, in his opinion, only provide him with everything he needs.

Initially, this breed was bred to perform certain tasks. And service Dobermans were brought up on the principle of unquestioning devotion to the owner and aggressive suspicion of a stranger. Hence the opinion about the Doberman as an evil inadequate creature. However, breeders managed to get rid of undesirable qualities while fully maintaining all performance characteristics, so that modern Dobermans are full-fledged family pets.

In no case should you, using the inclinations laid down by nature - strength, lack of fear, swiftness, intellect, - grow a “devil of hell” out of your Doberman. One of the most striking features of this dog is that he himself is able to understand the difference between good and bad, and to educate him with methods of bitterness and terror is simply a crime.

Doberman is a loving and very intelligent friend, a top-class security guard, a dog that can embody all your ideas about an ideal dog!

Education and training

Doberman is one of the most easily trainable breeds. But one should not think that it is possible to raise a well-trained, well-mannered dog without making any effort.

You need to work with your pet from an early age. First of all, you should make it clear to the baby who is the boss in the house and the leader of the pack. Without becoming an authority for the animal, you will never achieve the desired results. The dog is very smart by nature and will not follow the commands of the owner if he does not feel his superiority over himself.

Discipline, sequence of actions and perseverance are the main components of success in training and raising a Doberman. You must patiently enforce your commands, however, by no means resorting to violence. Cruelty is the weapon of the weak, and at best your dog will stop perceiving you, and at worst, it can hold a grudge and at one fine moment throw it out on you. Kindness and persuasion act much more effectively on the Doberman.

Love for a puppy in no way means permissiveness. Once you make the decision not to feed your dog from your table, or to not allow him to immediately run into the rooms after a walk, follow the established rules all the time, without making exceptions. But to punish a puppy, especially in pursuit, for gnawed slippers or furniture should not be. Not only will they not understand you, but they will also be offended. This is the worst thing that can happen in a relationship. Your pet should see you as a best friend and like-minded person.

It is necessary to properly organize the process of training a Doberman. First of all, you should teach the puppy to perform basic commands: “Come!”, “Sit!”, “Place!”. Do not forget to reward the dog for success in learning with a treat, or even just a kind, affectionate word.

During walks, give the command “Come to me!” better repeatedly, and not just about to go home. In this case, your pet will not have negative team associations with the completion of an event he loves so much as a walk with the owner.

The home training system should take into account all the features of your Doberman, from his temperament and character traits to gastronomic preferences. Teaching a full course of general obedience, and even more so a course of protective service, is best entrusted to professionals.

A well-trained Doberman is the pride of the owner, the subject of delight and admiration of others.

Doberman, as a short-haired breed, is perfect for keeping in a city apartment. If you live in your own house, then you can also settle the animal in a specially equipped aviary, although you still need to let the dog into the house from time to time. The enclosure itself will be correctly placed in the shade, since Dobermans do not tolerate heat very well. The floor in the aviary should be made of boards laid on logs 10-20 cm thick. Although the technical capabilities make it possible to organize the heating of the aviary with the help of narrowly focused infrared heaters, it is better to keep the dog in the house during the cold season.

It is very important to organize proper care for a Doberman baby. The room where the puppy lives should be clean and warm enough. Keeping in mind the very high motor activity of dogs of this breed, do not let a hot kid who runs around enough to lie down on a cold floor - he can catch a cold at best, and at worst, earn extremely painful inflammation of the muscle tissue. Rain and snow should not be a reason to cancel the walk, but after it you must definitely let the dog dry and warm in a warm room.

The process of caring for a Doberman does not seem very complicated. You don't need to comb your coat often. Just wipe your pet once a week with a wet towel, and then comb (or rather massage) the dog's body with a stiff-bristled brush. Frequent bathing is also not recommended. It will be enough to resort to it once every six months. Moreover, connoisseurs of the breed note a weakening of immunity in Dobermans with regular water procedures. But washing paws after a walk in bad weather is a completely ordinary and harmless procedure.

The ears and eyes of the animal need to be controlled. Periodically, they need to be cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in ordinary clean water.

The nails are neatly trimmed as needed - if they are not worn down enough.

The dog's bedding, toys, food and drink bowls must be kept clean.

Doberman must get enough physical activity. Walking with the dog, which is kept in the house, you need at least two hours a day. In winter, if you do not have special dog clothing, the duration of walks is reduced to reasonable limits.

As food for Dobermans, you can use both dry food and natural products.

When organizing food for an animal, adhere to the following basic rules.

  • Premium dry food for large dogs can be used if your pet is between 23-24 kg. For dogs weighing over 25 kg, special dietary formulations are used that block the process of obesity.
  • Most of the menu, made up of natural products, should be meat. It is desirable that it be veal. The daily intake for an active adult dog is about 1 kg. Minced meat, offal, fatty meat as an alternative are undesirable.
  • The daily diet should include: cereals (except semolina and pearl barley), vegetables (preferably carrots, cabbage, zucchini), low-fat sour-milk products.

For dogs of a "respectable" age, food can be softened in kefir; this method is not used for young individuals.

Proper care of a Doberman also implies constant monitoring by the owner of the health of the animal, adherence to the vaccination schedule.

Doberman health and disease

Despite the fact that Dobermans are classified as healthy dog ​​breeds, there are a number of diseases and hereditary problems that are more characteristic of these animals.

First of all, it is heart disease. Unfortunately, veterinarians diagnose cardiovascular diseases (ischemic disease, tachycardia, arrhythmia, heart failure), even in young animals that have not yet reached the age of five. For the treatment to be as effective as possible, monitor the condition of your pet. Breathing problems, cases of falling while walking, imbalance, convulsive trembling - all these symptoms indicate heart problems that have arisen and are a signal for an immediate visit to the veterinary clinic. Medical treatment is indicated for such animals, and it is better to always carry prescribed drugs with you. Heart problems can also be hereditary. All the same shortness of breath, weakness, up to fainting, may not appear in a Doberman immediately, but already when the disease is running, and it is problematic to cope with it. In this case, preventive measures should come first, the most effective of which are systematic examinations and cardiotests.

Narcolepsy is another genetic "problem" of the Doberman. This is a specific disorder of the nervous system, which manifests itself in a short-term (from a few seconds to 15-20 minutes) drop in muscle tone. The animal becomes completely motionless, the eyes glaze over. Loud noises or body stroking can help bring the dog to its senses. The nature of the disease is not completely clear, and your task remains only to prevent seizures with the help of the advice of a veterinarian.

There is a genetic predisposition in Dobermans to the occurrence of gastric volvulus. The provoking factor here is malnutrition. The following symptoms speak of this serious problem - bloating, excessive salivation, abdominal pain, constant urge to vomit and defecate. The dog becomes very nervous. In no case should you hesitate to seek qualified help in the event of such problems.

Unfortunately, Dobermans often suffer from allergies. It can be caused by house dust, plant pollen, molds. Among the most serious problems resulting from allergic reactions may be the occurrence of sacral licking granuloma in your pet. The disease is very difficult to treat, and simple drug therapy is no longer enough.

Proper care, balanced nutrition, timely vaccination, systematic preventive examinations at the veterinarian, love and care - these are the main conditions for maintaining your pet's good health.

How to choose a puppy

When buying a small Doberman, of course, you want to see a reliable, loyal and intelligent dog next to you. It largely depends on how responsibly you approach the choice of a puppy.

The question of where to buy a dog should be decided without alternative - only in a specialized kennel or from experienced breeders with a good reputation. Buying in the bird market or over the Internet in the vast majority of cases is not justified.

It is very important to determine the gender of the puppy. The choice, as you know, is small, but still there. The Doberman girl is usually more affectionate and attentive. The role of a formidable and self-confident companion-defender is better handled by a male.

Even a short conversation with a breeder can tell an attentive person a lot. People who love dogs and treat their breeding responsibly can be seen right away. They will answer all your questions with pleasure and knowledge of the matter, give recommendations on the care and maintenance of the animal. Professional breeders themselves usually offer their clients to familiarize themselves with training diplomas (both in general obedience and in the course of protective service) of the parents of the puppies. This, to a certain extent, guarantees that your chosen one has the necessary working qualities.

It is very important to evaluate the behavior and appearance of the mother dog. Her coat should be smooth and shiny, her eyes should be lively and clear. In relation to you, she should behave cautiously, even with a certain amount of tension, but not hysterically aggressive.

When examining a Doberman puppy, pay attention to the following points:

  • the baby should have a wide back and strong bones;
  • the body is almost square, the neck is long;
  • the jaws are quite wide, even a small Doberman has a well-defined chin;
  • the tummy is soft and painless, without signs of an umbilical hernia;
  • the coat is smooth, not dull.

A healthy baby is active and inquisitive, but cowardice and lethargy are not typical for the “correct” Doberman baby.

Curvature of the paws, traces of discharge from the eyes, white spots on the skin, a swollen belly, protruding ribs indicate that the puppy is not completely healthy.

By the age of one and a half months, the tail of the baby should already be docked, and the wound should heal well. At 1.5 months, many breeders stop the puppy's ears, although this is not always practiced. You can safely buy a "burlap", but in this case, remember that all the problems associated with bringing the appearance of your pet to the requirements of the standard will fall on your shoulders.

A responsible breeder, along with the animal, must give you a puppy card, which contains data on all vaccinations performed. The number of this document necessarily coincides with the number of the brand, which is usually applied on the stomach, less often on the dog's ear.

Photo of doberman puppies

How much does a doberman cost

Statistics show that the price of a Doberman puppy ranges from 15,000 to 40,000 rubles. Nurseries engaged in breeding elite representatives of the breed can request up to 55,000 rubles.

Prices for Doberman puppies sold in the bird market or through private ads on the Internet, of course, can be noticeably lower, but if such a baby eventually grows out of not quite, or not at all, a Doberman, you will have only yourself to blame.

The smallest amount you will have to pay for a pet class puppy. Such animals have signs, sometimes almost imperceptible to the layman's eye, due to which they will not be allowed to be bred and will never become champions. But, if you are not ambitious and just looking for a good friend and companion, a Doberman of this class is what you need.

Breed class is the basis of the breed. Dogs of good blood, fully conforming to the standard, suitable for breeding work. The cost of such a Doberman will already be noticeably higher.

Show class - the best of the best, elite puppies. Such babies are not born every day and not in every couple, so the price for them is appropriate.