Hernia umbilical internal. Umbilical hernia in adults

Hernia- this is a process in which a certain organ protrudes under the skin, into the fiber between the muscles or into other internal organs. The hernia can also protrude into the loops of the intestines or into the omentum, while the integrity of the skin will not be violated.

Abdominal hernia- one of the most common hernias. At the same time, it is diagnosed especially often in adults and children today, occupying the second place in terms of prevalence among the types of hernias of the anterior abdominal wall. In patients with umbilical hernia, the internal organs exit through the physiological opening that appears in the anterior abdominal wall. This hole is located near the navel ( umbilical ring is an inherent weakness).

Due to the fact that the symptoms and course of this disease differ markedly in people in different age periods, umbilical hernias in adults and umbilical hernias in children are distinguished.

Diagnosis of an umbilical hernia

As a rule, diagnosing an umbilical hernia can be quite simple, because in most cases, patients turn to specialists with certain symptoms. So, a pronounced protrusion in the umbilical region, which disappears when a person assumes a horizontal position, is a clear sign of an umbilical hernia. In addition, in the process of questioning and examining the patient, the doctor finds out whether pain is present in the abdomen during intense physical exertion and coughing, whether there is an expansion of the umbilical ring.

An umbilical hernia is diagnosed by a surgeon. To obtain more detailed results, an X-ray examination of the stomach and duodenum, an ultrasound examination of the hernial protrusion, and gastroscopy are performed. In some cases, the method of herniography is also used (introduction of a contrast agent into the abdominal cavity, which allows you to examine the hernia).

During the examination, it is especially important to differentiate the umbilical hernia from stomach cancer. Also, during research, diseases that accompany an umbilical hernia are often detected.

The doctors

Treatment of umbilical hernia

In general, in the treatment of umbilical hernia in children, surgery is not required. As a rule, in children, by the age of three to five years, the umbilical opening becomes smaller, after which it closes without outside influence. However, if this process does not occur by the specified age, then the intervention of a surgeon is required.

Conservative methods of hernia treatment are also used. This is the process of strengthening the abdominal wall by performing gymnastic exercises, as well as using a specially designed course. massage . Abdominal massage is actively used to treat children with congenital umbilical hernia. Under the influence of such procedures and in the process of growth and strengthening of the abdominal wall, umbilical hernia in children is mostly successfully cured.

Experts advise to be especially careful when sealing a hernia with adhesive tape. After all, this action is fraught with irritation on the skin and the subsequent spread of infection.

At the same time, in the treatment of umbilical hernia in adults, surgery is a necessary method. Conservative methods of therapy for umbilical hernia are prescribed only in the case of an uncomplicated hernia or with serious contraindications to surgical intervention in a patient. Thus, operations are not performed in case of acute diseases, as well as exacerbation of chronic ailments, people with pathologies of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, serious illnesses, women in the later stages . With conservative treatment, patients are strongly recommended to significantly reduce physical activity, reduce weight, and constantly wear a special bandage.

During a surgical operation, the doctor allocates and opens the hernial sac, after which the contents of this sac are immersed in the abdominal cavity. Next, the closure and subsequent strengthening of the hernial orifice is carried out according to the developed methodology.

Prevention of umbilical hernia

In newborn babies, to prevent the appearance of umbilical hernias, it is important to properly tie the umbilical cord and take care of the navel correctly in the first days of the baby's life. You should monitor the nutrition of the newborn - he should not overeat and suffer from constipation. Babies are laid out several times a day on the stomach in order to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Don't swaddle your newborn baby too tight. In the first days and weeks of life, you should not keep it upright and throw it up to prevent the manifestation of an umbilical hernia in children.

Pregnant women can wear a special bandage to prevent stretching of the abdominal wall. It is important to pay special attention to the quality of nutrition, to lead an active and dynamic lifestyle. An important role in the prevention of umbilical hernia is played by training the abdominal muscles with the help of special exercises. If a person is obese, the right steps should be taken to normalize the weight.

Particular attention to the prevention of hernia should be paid to those people who have previously undergone surgery on the abdominal organs. In order to prevent problems in the future, you should always wear a postoperative elastic bandage for two months after the operation, in no case should you lift weights or do exercises for the abdominal press.

Umbilical hernia in adults

In adults, umbilical hernias make up a low percentage (3-5%) of abdominal hernias in general. An umbilical hernia in adults is most often diagnosed in women who have already reached the age of thirty. The main reason for the manifestation of this disease is the weakening of the umbilical ring, which provokes stretching of the anterior abdominal wall during childbearing and during childbirth. If the hernia is very large, then the bag may have several chambers, and its contents may be intestines and stomach .

Symptoms of an umbilical hernia appear depending on how large the hernia is, what the size of the hernial orifice is, how pronounced the adhesions are, and whether the patient has.

Hernias in adults are usually distinguished reducible and unguided . In the latter case, the hernial sac grows together with the surrounding tissues due to the adhesive process.

In some cases, small umbilical hernias do not cause any particular trouble to patients. But this is possible only if the width of the hernial orifice is large enough, and at the same time the hernia can be freely reduced. If the hernia is large and the gate is relatively narrow, then the movement of the contents through the intestines can be significantly hampered. As a result, patients experience pain, vomiting and nausea. If the hernia is irreducible, then such phenomena will be more pronounced.

In the process of the development of the disease, formations can reach especially large sizes, go out in all organs located in the abdominal cavity, into the hernial sac.

As a result, patients feel significant discomfort, a hernia worsens the quality of human life in general. In this situation, it is not always possible to surgically treat a hernia, because before the operation, planned measures are necessary to prepare for such an intervention. Quite often, the condition of patients is negatively affected by the presence of .

Umbilical hernia in children

In childhood, an umbilical hernia is a consequence of a defect in the development of the anterior abdominal wall. As a rule, the occurrence of a hernia occurs due to increased intra-abdominal pressure, which is caused by a variety of factors. In infants, umbilical hernias are diagnosed quite often. In this case, the disease occurs mainly in the first months of a child's life, more often umbilical hernia occurs in girls.

To determine the presence of an umbilical hernia in children, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of some signs of this disease. So, if you hold the child vertically, then when straining, he will show a protrusion that has an oval or rounded shape. Moreover, if the baby is returned to a horizontal position, then the protrusion will independently set back into place. This happens easily if there are wide hernial orifice . With a narrow hernial orifice, the reduction of a hernia can be more difficult. This phenomenon is sometimes regarded as the presence of partial infringement. Much less often with a hernia in children, there are complete infringements.

Complications of an umbilical hernia

The most common complication of an umbilical hernia is its infringement, during which there is a sharp compression of what is contained in the hernial orifice. In this condition, the patient may require emergency care. It is important to urgently contact a specialist if a person has vomiting and nausea, there is blood in the stool or there is no defecation and gas discharge at all, the hernia cannot be reduced in a horizontal position.

Also, an inflammatory process in the organ that is in the hernial sac can become a complication. Another possible complication of an umbilical hernia is coprostasis (stagnation of feces in the large intestine).

Infringement of umbilical hernia

An umbilical hernia in adults can be infringed. Such manifestations are typical for older people, because the conditions for infringement of a hernia appear over time, and the longer the hernia exists, the more likely it is for an infringement to occur.

Infringement of a hernia can occur at any size of education. The main symptom of infringement of an umbilical hernia is considered to be a sharp manifestation of pain at the site of the hernial protrusion, as well as the impossibility of reducing the hernia, which was previously reduced simply. If the intestinal loops are infringed, then the person may show symptoms characteristic of the condition acute intestinal obstructionand .

List of sources

  • Chugunov A. N. Herniology / Chugunov A. N., Slavin L. V., Rechkovsky L. R. // Moscow, 2004.
  • Zhebrovsky, V.V. Surgery of abdominal hernias / V.V. Zhebrovsky. M.: MIA, 2005.
  • Grubnik, V.V. Modern methods of treatment of abdominal hernias / V.V. Grubnik, A.A. Losev, N.R. Baya-zitov. - 2001. - 227 p.
  • Egiev V.N. Tension-free hernioplasty. - M.: Medpraktika-M, 2002.

Article publication date: 06/03/2015

Date of article update: 05/25/2019

The occurrence of an umbilical hernia is accompanied by characteristic signs, according to which even a non-specialist can easily diagnose or at least suspect the presence of a hernial protrusion.

Symptoms of an umbilical hernia can be expressed in varying degrees: from barely noticeable and appearing only in certain situations to permanent and causing significant discomfort.

(if the table is not fully visible, scroll to the right)

The main symptoms of pathology The severity of symptoms depends
Protrusion, expansion of the umbilical ring and a decrease in the tone of its walls From the age of the patient
Pain in the navel From the condition of the muscles of the abdominal wall
constipation From the presence of provoking influences and their intensity
Nausea From what kind of abdominal organ comes out as part of the protrusion
Vomit From the presence of infringement or other complications

Massive giant formations are rare today. Most patients turn to a doctor (surgeon) in a timely manner, who removes the hernia with a simple operation. And in some cases, conservative treatment is enough.


The protrusion is the main, and in many cases the only symptom of a hernia of the navel. Visually, the protrusion of the abdominal organs through the umbilical ring looks like a bulging of the navel, which can have various sizes: from a pea to a watermelon.

In the initial stages, the protrusion is present intermittently, appearing only with a sharp increase in intra-abdominal pressure (when lifting weights, exerting pressure on the press, coughing, when straining during constipation, in children - when crying). When the action of provoking factors stops, the hernia spontaneously reduces.

In the future, in adults, if untreated, the bulging of the navel becomes permanent, straining or increasing in size with an increase in intra-abdominal pressure (in children, over time, this hernia can completely disappear by itself).

  • In the prone position, an uninjured umbilical hernia of small size can be easily set by slightly pressing the fingers on the formation - it goes back into the abdominal cavity without resistance. With large formations or with a very narrow umbilical ring, the protrusion can be irreducible, remaining with maximum relaxation of the abdominal press and causing constant discomfort, especially when walking and exercising.
  • The skin over the protrusion is thinned, blood vessels are visible through it. When exiting as part of a hernia, the loops of the small intestine through the stretched, thinned skin of the navel, you can see the contours of the intestine and its contractions.
  • To the touch, a protrusion of a soft-elastic consistency, if there are intestinal loops inside the hernia, rumbling and transfusion are felt under the fingers.
  • When the protrusion is repositioned with the fingers, a peculiar popping sound is often noted (this is the sound of bursting water bubbles).

Extension of the umbilical ring

The expansion of the umbilical ring and a decrease in the tone of its walls are the symptoms that the surgeon determines when examining the patient.

Normally, the umbilical ring is quite dense and narrow, and the finger inserted inside it rests against the walls and cannot pass into the abdominal cavity. With a hernial formation, the ring expands, which is clearly visible after the reduction of the formation, the tone of the navel decreases, and the tip of the index finger can be inserted through the ring.


Hernial protrusion in the umbilical region is not always accompanied by pain. But with a narrow umbilical ring or large formations, the exit of the hernia may be accompanied by cramping pains in the navel. Pain symptoms can be observed not only in the protrusion, but also throughout the abdomen, back, lower back, spine.

More often they are fickle, pulling in nature, not too intense, accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, rumbling in the stomach.

Acute severe pain in the abdomen, which has arisen against the background of an umbilical hernia, always requires the exclusion of a possible infringement.


Constipation occurs with large formations with a relatively narrow umbilical ring. In such cases, the intestinal loops that have left the abdominal cavity are intertwined, squeezed, and the movement of food through them is difficult.

And constipation causes an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which leads to an increase in the size of the protrusion and makes it difficult to reduce it - a vicious circle is formed.

Nausea and vomiting

Nausea, vomiting, heartburn, flatulence are also noted in patients with large irreducible formations.

With small protrusions, these symptoms are absent. Nausea and vomiting are intermittent, occur some time after eating or after exercise.

In the presence of indomitable vomiting, it must be excluded.


Even if the symptoms of the pathology are subtle and practically do not bother you, visit a surgeon, because, regardless of the size of the formation, dangerous complications may occur.

You can also be mistaken in assuming that you have a hernia - some other diseases have similar symptoms.

The doctor will confirm or refute the diagnosis, decide on the need for surgery and the timing of its implementation, or recommend measures for conservative treatment.

Owner and responsible for the site and content: Afinogenov Alexey.

Heavy lifting and an unhealthy lifestyle can lead to serious consequences, including an umbilical hernia.

This condition is a pathology, therefore, requires immediate treatment. Umbilical hernia in adults, the symptoms, the treatment of which has many features, is a special condition characterized by the protrusion of some organs. It is located near the navel.

Adults are extremely rare, as it occurs in 3-5% of the world's inhabitants. Statistics show that women over the age of 30 are most susceptible to umbilical hernia.

The main signs of an umbilical hernia are:

  • tumor protrusion in the navel;
  • vomiting reflex;
  • unpleasant belching;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • general weakness;
  • malaise;
  • painful sensations during increased physical exertion.

In most cases, the patient may not be aware that he has a tumor. An umbilical hernia in adults, symptoms, treatment, a photo of which allows you to determine the presence of a neoplasm in the umbilical region, consists of the skin, fatty tissue. Many people do not feel any manifestations of the disease, since a hernia does not cause inconvenience and anxiety. Also, a person whose hernia is growing does not observe any discomfort and pain.

An umbilical hernia, the treatment of which is complex, increases in size over several months, years. Most often, the patient learns about it suddenly and abruptly when he lifts weights or does physical exercises. Increased loads lead to the fact that the size of the protrusion of the hernia increases significantly. The appearance of a hernia can be affected by a long stay in an upright position, as well as after overeating, a strong cough.

The skin, in which the neoplasm is concentrated, becomes thinner so much that even the patient is able to see the peristalsis of the loops in the intestine. The onset of the disease is almost impossible to identify on its own, especially if it is asymptomatic.

Sometimes, when a neoplasm is detected, a person may suspect a malignant or benign tumor, which indicates a cancerous disease. And other people believe that the protrusion of organs is their individual feature of the structure of the body. But not everyone knows that cancer in the umbilical region never develops. Therefore, at the first signs of a hernia, it is necessary to seek medical help.

Ignoring the symptoms can lead to health-threatening consequences, the elimination of which will require a huge amount of money, time, moral and physical strength. Treatment of umbilical hernia in adults without surgery is possible, so do not be afraid to go to the doctor. The consequences can be much more dangerous, more terrible.

In adulthood, people develop an umbilical hernia due to factors such as:

  • expansion of the ring in the navel;
  • pregnancy at a later age;
  • complex, difficult childbirth;
  • pregnancy, accompanied by oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • weakness in connective tissues;
  • injury to the musculoskeletal system, nerve endings of muscle tissues;
  • dramatic weight loss in a short period of time;
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • the presence of obesity;
  • disturbances in the tissues of the abdominal cavity.

A huge number of reasons can lead to an umbilical hernia, which can be both external and internal. To avoid the occurrence of neoplasms, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, engage in physical education and strengthen the immune system. But not always the above risk factors can cause a disease such as umbilical hernia in adults. Their treatment takes place in several stages, including drug therapy, surgery, and the use of additional procedures.

At risk are people whose activities are associated with heavy lifting and increased physical activity. Chronic diseases that are accompanied by frequent coughing, frequent constipation, and difficulty urinating can cause a neoplasm.

Complications resulting from an umbilical hernia

When the hernia begins to grow in size, it infringes on nearby organs. In this case, the protrusion of the organs causes sharp pains in the patient, compaction and strong tension in the affected area. An umbilical hernia, the treatment of which has a long course, is characterized by a condition in which the organs cease to be set into the peritoneum. At the same time, neither pressure nor other manipulations that could help to set the organs in place help.

If the loops move into the hernial bladder, then the patient may have constipation or pronounced flatulence. When a part of the stomach enters a hernia, a person develops bouts of vomiting, a feeling of heaviness after eating. Lack of timely treatment leads to dangerous complications, which include gangrene of compressed organs, peritonitis and inflammatory processes, intestinal obstruction.

An umbilical hernia is a dangerous disease, so you need to know how to cure an umbilical hernia without surgery. There are several folk remedies that can reduce or completely eliminate the tumor. But before using them, you need to consult with your doctor. Some ingredients may cause an allergic reaction. Most often, a bandage for umbilical hernia is an effective way to alleviate the patient's condition and reduce the size of the neoplasm.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis is easy in most cases. It is almost impossible to confuse it with other diseases, tumors of a malignant, benign nature, since an umbilical hernia has peculiar, distinctive symptoms and signs. The diagnosis of the disease includes such procedures as:

  • ultrasound procedure;
  • FGDS;
  • x-ray picture.

Performing these manipulations is indicated for a hernia that will be removed surgically. Most often, an ultrasound of the peritoneum and organs that are located in close proximity is prescribed. It allows you to determine the structure, condition of the organs, as well as the degree of the pathological process. With the help of FGDS, it is possible to determine the relationship of the walls of the stomach with the formation of the contents of the tumor, and X-rays - the degree of reducibility of the neoplasm. These procedures allow you to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe an effective, surgical treatment.

Diagnosis is carried out both in a private clinic and in a public medical institution. If your work is associated with physical activity, lifting heavy objects, then you need to undergo a scheduled ultrasound examination once a year. Treatment of an umbilical hernia without surgery is possible with early detection of the disease, so you need to monitor your health and regularly undergo a medical examination.

Methods of treatment

There are several effective ways to treat an umbilical hernia. It is possible to treat an umbilical hernia with folk remedies, drug therapy and surgical removal. All methods allow you to eliminate not only the symptoms, but also the source of the disease. Only doctors who specialize in the treatment of umbilical hernia can carry out these manipulations. You can seek medical help from a local therapist, surgeon or oncologist.

Radical methods of eliminating neoplasms are operations during which a tumor is removed from the umbilical region. Only children under the age of 5 are not operated on, since defects in the umbilical ring in them are eliminated on their own over time. An umbilical hernia bandage, which you can buy at any pharmacy, can reduce the symptoms of the disease, but does not return its shape even during prolonged wear.

To avoid the development of complications, pathological processes, surgical correction is necessary, which is called hernioplasty. The operation is aimed at correcting the prolapsed organs in the abdomen. In addition, the doctor eliminates the defects of the affected tissues. The patient is given local anesthesia before the procedure. But in some cases, epidural anesthesia is possible. The type of anesthesia is determined by the indications of the doctor and the individual characteristics of the patient.

There are several types of hernioplasty, including:

  • tension;
  • tension-free;
  • laparoscopy.

Tension type hernioplasty closes the hernial incision with the help of its own tissues and skin. The operation is based on the techniques of Mayo and Lexer. At the same time, the walls of the abdominal cavity are strengthened with the help of an aponeurosis duplicator, a special muscular fixation. This method of surgical intervention is necessary to remove a small hernia.

Tension-free hernioplasty is performed using materials of synthetic origin, which help strengthen the abdominal walls at the site of the neoplasm. The implants have a mesh structure, so the risk of recurrence is minimal. Therefore, such an operation can be used to remove a large hernia.

Laparoscopy involves minimal invasive intervention, so today this procedure is the most popular and effective. It completely removes the tumor and has many advantages, including:

  • fast recovery time;
  • low risk of consequences, complications;
  • high recovery rate.

An umbilical hernia in newborns, the treatment of which does not involve any operations, resolves spontaneously. Therefore, surgery is required only for adults.

The operation is carried out only after a comprehensive examination and preparation of the body for manipulation, so it is tolerated without complications, easily. Emergency intervention is required only when a strangulated umbilical hernia is confirmed. It is accompanied by a median-type laparotomy, as well as an examination of the internal organs of the peritoneum, removal of sections of the intestine, omentum, in which inflammatory processes began to form.

Only a timely visit to a doctor can contribute to a favorable outcome in the treatment of umbilical hernia. Such an outcome can be without dangerous consequences, including gangrene or death.

You can cure a neoplasm without surgery using a special patch. Especially this method helps newborn children. The combination of manipulations such as massage, patching and gymnastic exercises can eliminate a hernia that has just begun to develop. In a running form, a combination of activities will not help.

A patch for an umbilical hernia, which you can buy at a pharmacy within walking distance, can be of several types. In addition, doctors do not recommend applying the patch on their own, so this manipulation should be carried out by a qualified specialist who knows all the subtleties and features of the technique. The first gluing of the patch should be carried out by a doctor, and parents can learn from him this experience.

Porofix is ​​an umbilical hernia patch that can be used on children of all ages. In addition, it is practically not felt during movements, does not cause discomfort. You need to choose a patch in such a way that it does not cause an allergic reaction in the child. It should contain safe, natural-based materials that do not irritate the skin.

Plasters of the brands Hartman, Chikko have become widespread. They help treat hernia in infants. If with the help of the plaster she took the correct application, then within one year the elimination of the disease is possible. The patch has two parts that form a kind of strap that can be tightened.

An umbilical hernia bandage is prescribed only for small children. But it is not a panacea. It can prevent the growth of neoplasm. To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to combine wearing a bandage with laying the child on his stomach. In this case, it is necessary to carry out a course of massage of the walls of the abdominal cavity, physiotherapy exercises.

The bandage should be prescribed by a pediatrician who will explain how and for how long the belt should be worn. Self-medication can lead to trouble, complications. If you follow the rules for wearing a bandage, then the hernia in the baby passes before he reaches 3 years of age. The advantages of a bandage are:

  • good elasticity;
  • natural composition;
  • security;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • excellent breathability;
  • wearing comfort.

While wearing the bandage, the child does not feel any discomfort. Moreover, the belt does not hamper movement, facilitates the child's condition.

Umbilical hernia: home treatment

Treatment of neoplasms with folk remedies will be more effective if a person refrains from lifting heavy things and wears a special belt - a bandage. Phytotherapy can also be used at home. The application of a compress of medicinal herbs and natural ingredients helps to relieve tension from the affected areas.

But it is important to remember that self-treatment can only be done after coordinating the procedures with the attending physician. Folk remedies such as oatmeal compress, plantain seed powder, cornflower tincture help well. But each recipe must be approached with extreme caution, since one of the components can cause an allergic reaction and aggravate the condition.

Also, for the treatment of a hernia, you can use a baked onion, which is applied to the affected area. To enrich depleted muscle tissues with vitamins, microelements, natural clay of red or red color is used. Many people have noticed that the neoplasm disappears after these manipulations after 3-4 weeks. But it can cause allergies. Therefore, before applying the substance to the stomach, it is recommended to conduct a test.

An umbilical hernia is a tumor-like protrusion in the umbilical region. A hernia is a sac whose walls are represented by the abdominal wall, and the contents are the intestines (small or large intestine) or the greater omentum (soft tissues that cover the intestines).

Quite often, this pathology occurs in older patients, and in frequency it ranks third after inguinal and femoral hernias. All umbilical hernias can be divided into congenital and acquired.

The disease itself is not dangerous, it progresses at a rather slow pace. Hard physical work, sports, chronic cough can help accelerate the increase in the size of the umbilical hernia.

The treatment of an umbilical hernia is carried out by a surgeon, it is worth consulting a doctor already at the first signs of discomfort.

Symptoms of an umbilical hernia

A change in appearance, an increase in the size of the navel, its protrusion forward are the main manifestations of an umbilical hernia.

The initial stage of the disease is characterized by protrusion of the navel, when the patient's body is in an upright position, when a person lies down, the navel acquires a normal size and shape. Usually a hernia is not accompanied by pronounced symptoms, rarely contributes to a deterioration in well-being. Accompanying the disease may be signs such as:

  • indigestion;
  • aching pain in the abdomen;
  • feeling of heaviness in the navel;
  • nausea.

A large umbilical hernia negatively affects the functioning of the internal organs located in the immediate vicinity of it, and can provoke:

  • twisting pains in the abdomen;
  • diarrhea; inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • constipation;
  • flatulence.

Infringement of an umbilical hernia is a dangerous condition, accompanied by pronounced symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • loss of appetite and stool for several days.

These symptoms may also indicate inflammation in the navel. If they occur, seek medical attention.

Treatment of umbilical hernia

Up to 5 years, an umbilical hernia is not operated on, since there is a possibility of self-closing of the defect. In order to cure umbilical hernia in children, general strengthening therapy, massage of the hernial ring, physiotherapy exercises are recommended. In adults, the treatment of umbilical hernia is carried out only surgically in a hospital.

Operation to remove an umbilical hernia

The indication for surgery is the very presence of a hernia.

The operation is contraindicated in patients with a large hernia, suffering from pulmonary and heart failure. This is primarily due to the fact that the reduction of hernial contents can lead to even greater dysfunction of these organs. Other contraindications for surgical treatment are:

  • pregnancy;
  • advanced age of the patient.

In this case, the treatment consists in limiting physical activity and wearing a special bandage. Emergency surgery is performed only with strangulated hernias.

During a planned operation, the surgeon gains access to the hernia, excise the hernial sac, immerses the internal organs back into the abdominal cavity and performs tummy tuck. Hernioplasty can be performed both according to the classical method using the patient's own tissues, and using allografts. The implant is a synthetic hypoallergenic mesh material used to close the hernial opening. Over time, it grows into the patient's tissues and prevents the hernia from reappearing. The probability of such a recurrence after surgery is no more than 1%.

Activities after removal of the umbilical hernia

After surgical treatment of an umbilical hernia, the patient must wear a special postoperative bandage, the use of which can reduce the load on the sutures.

An umbilical hernia is a disease in which physical activity contributes to the patient's speedy recovery - but they must be strictly dosed, and their level should correspond to the patient's condition. Getting out of bed is allowed on the day of surgery, walking and running are recommended on days 10-14, while weight training and weight lifting can be prescribed no earlier than 27-31 days, even after minimally traumatic surgical interventions.

Umbilical hernia in adults

Most adults who encounter an umbilical hernia for the first time begin to worry and panic ahead of time. To treat the disease properly, you need to understand what it is, what are the most common signs of the disease, and how best to remove the formation.

An umbilical hernia is an ailment that manifests itself in the form of a tumor-like formation in the navel. As a rule, this occurs as a result of the lack of a sufficient amount of collagen in the human body. And this, in turn, leads to a weakening of the connective tissues. Under the influence of certain conditions, the internal organs, the greater omentum and part of the intestine can protrude outward.

Causes of umbilical hernia in adults

Umbilical hernias can appear in adults for the following reasons:

  • overweight;
  • pressure in the abdomen;
  • pregnancy;
  • ascites

Other health problems can also lead to the development of an umbilical hernia. They include:

  • chronic constipation;
  • chronic cough;
  • problems with urination due to organ deformity.

Usually, diagnosing an umbilical hernia in adults is not difficult for a doctor during a standard medical examination.

An umbilical hernia, as a rule, increases over time. Surgery may be needed to remove an umbilical hernia, especially if it becomes larger or painful. Without treatment, there is a risk of strangulated hernia, which means that part of the intestine or fat will be "trapped" and the tissue will not receive blood supply. This condition can be very painful and the treatment of an umbilical hernia in adults will require emergency surgery.

Seek immediate medical attention if the bulge becomes swollen, painful, tender, or discolored.

Unlike umbilical hernias in children, which often heal on their own, umbilical hernias in adults require surgery to avoid serious complications.

Symptoms of an umbilical hernia in adults

Symptoms of an umbilical hernia in adults can manifest themselves in different ways. Firstly, they are visible to the naked eye, and secondly, accompanying signs may appear. Main symptoms:

  • enlarged umbilical ring;
  • visible protrusion in the navel, the protrusion disappears if the person lies down;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • flatulence.

In the later stages of umbilical hernia appear:

  • constipation;
  • nausea;
  • vomit.

All of these symptoms do not necessarily appear immediately. At the first stages, an umbilical hernia in adults can be painless and easily reduced, when at later stages a person cannot reduce the protrusion, and pain appears under any load. In addition, over time, the umbilical formation may begin to increase in size, as the hernial ring stretches.

Treatment of umbilical hernia in adults

Treatment of umbilical hernia in adults is carried out only surgically. In the absence of surgery, an irreducible hernia is formed.

There are several types of umbilical hernia surgery:

Hernioplasty or traditional plastic surgery

The operation involves stitching the edges of the navel in two layers in the transverse or vertical direction. During such operations, in most cases, the navel is removed, and in obese people, the excess fat apron is removed.

Hernioplasty has certain disadvantages: a high risk of re-hernia in the same place and a long rehabilitation period. During the rehabilitation period, the patient must wear an umbilical hernia bandage and strictly follow the doctor's recommendations.

Removal of umbilical hernia using mesh implants

The mesh can be placed above or below the umbilical ring. The mesh is placed over the umbilical ring when the hernial orifice is too large to be sutured.

The most optimal method of hernia treatment is the placement of a mesh under the umbilical ring, this method of operation has no drawbacks. Hernia treatment with implants is characterized by a low recurrence rate and a rehabilitation period of less than a month. The operation can be performed under any type of anesthesia.

Umbilical hernia in men

The occurrence of this type of hernia is very common in men, because they are not as attentive to their health as women.

A slight bulge above the navel will rarely alarm a man in order to undergo an examination and eliminate the cause at the very beginning. Many begin to wear a bandage and adjust to the disease. An umbilical hernia will not go away on its own. In all cases, it requires surgical intervention.

With age, men become less energetic, prefer passive rest more, which leads to excess weight and weakening of the press. It becomes more difficult for the muscles of the abdominal cavity to hold the pressure of the organs, which causes a hernial formation with a lunge through the umbilical ring.

Causes of umbilical hernia in men

Causes of the formation of pathology in men:

  • snacking on the go with low-quality food;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • excessive consumption of carbonated alcoholic beverages;
  • excess body weight;
  • previous abdominal trauma;
  • frequent constipation;
  • exorbitant physical activity;
  • postoperative sutures.

While the bulge is easily reduced by hands, there is no danger to life, but when the hernia becomes unreducible, you should immediately go to the hospital. The risk that infringement will occur is 100%. If pinched, the pain may be concentrated in the groin or scrotum. Otherwise, the symptoms in men and women are exactly the same.

Umbilical hernia in women

Among adults, women over the age of 40 most often suffer from an umbilical hernia.

Causes of umbilical hernia in women

An umbilical hernia in women is formed, as a rule, during the course of pregnancy, which occurs as a result of stretching to which the umbilical ring is subject, atrophy to which the tissues surrounding the umbilical ring are exposed, and also due to the reduced resistance characteristic of the abdominal wall in relation to the increase current intra-abdominal pressure.

In women, umbilical hernias predominate due to the peculiarities of the anatomical and physiological order, which in particular implies a large width of the white line of the abdomen and a weakening of the area of ​​concentration of the umbilical ring, which occurs during pregnancy and during childbirth itself. In general, in adults, an umbilical hernia often occurs in combination with diastasis of the rectus muscles and with flabbiness of the abdomen.

An umbilical hernia is a common postpartum complication. Experts note that this complication occurs more often in women who had a large belly during pregnancy or who gave birth by caesarean section. This problem is annoying, but fixable. There is no need to be afraid of this disease, you just need to follow the recommendations of doctors on restoring the tissues of the umbilical ring.

Umbilical hernia in children

An umbilical hernia is one of the most common diseases in children in the preschool years. According to statistics, it is diagnosed in every fifth child.

An umbilical hernia in children can also be congenital (as a result of developmental anomalies leading to a delay in the formation of the anterior abdominal wall with prolapse of internal organs) and acquired (inflammatory diseases of the bronchial tree, whooping cough, phimosis contribute to the development, leading to increased intra-abdominal pressure).

Causes of umbilical hernia in children

The main causes of hernia include:

  • defect of the umbilical ring, if the edges are too hard;
  • high intra-abdominal pressure;
  • uncovered vein of the navel and undeveloped abdominal muscles - as a rule, in infants up to 1.5 years;
  • if the baby started walking early (up to a year), a hernia may appear in an upright position;
  • hysterical crying, coughing;
  • diseases that reduce muscle tone: rickets, malnutrition;
  • heredity.

Up to 1 year, it is necessary to try to keep the hernia in a constant reduced state, while simultaneously performing strengthening exercises for the anterior abdominal wall (massage, a complex of special gymnastics), increasing the chances of spontaneous closure of the defect in the aponeurosis. Before each feeding, the baby should be laid out on the tummy, which reduces the air content in the stomach and reduces the risk of a significant increase in intra-abdominal pressure after feeding.

Treatment of umbilical hernia in children

Treatment of umbilical hernia in children under 5 years of age is carried out with the help of strengthening therapy:

  • massage for umbilical hernia;
  • physiotherapy;
  • to prevent infringement, the child is put on a bandage.

If the conservative methods used were ineffective, then the baby is prescribed surgical treatment, leading to a complete recovery.

In children after 5 years, surgical treatment is carried out: reduction of the hernial contents into the abdominal cavity in combination with strengthening the umbilical ring (suturing with special sutures, setting up a supporting structure in the form of a grid). If the hernial sac is infringed, it is opened, the viability of the contents (for example, the intestine) is assessed, and the abdominal wall defect is sutured with its strengthening.

Umbilical hernia patch

A patch for umbilical hernia is used in children, mainly up to 1 year old. Currently, a number of special non-allergenic plasters for children of various companies are being produced. Applying a patch is possible only after complete healing of the umbilical wound (normally after 7-14 days). Parents should understand that the infection of the umbilical ring with connective tissue can only occur if the hernia does not go beyond the hernial orifice. The use of a patch in adults is ineffective even with very small hernia sizes.

Umbilical hernia in newborns

In newborns, an umbilical hernia can develop due to constant crying resulting from certain pathologies. An umbilical hernia in infants can go away on its own, which is associated with an increased ability of tissues to repair, heal, and heal.

Umbilical hernia in newborns is quite common.

Causes of umbilical hernia in newborns

Causes that may contribute to the disease:

  • premature birth;
  • intrauterine defect of the umbilical opening - the organs of the peritoneum begin to bulge through this defect;
  • accumulation of gases in large quantities, which led to bloating; hereditary factor;
  • improperly bandaged umbilical cord;
  • rickets.

Being overweight can loosen the umbilical ring. And frequent crying, severe coughing and constipation lead to increased pressure in the peritoneal cavity. All this can lead to the appearance of a hernia. The main manifestation of the disease is swelling around the umbilical ring. During a cry, the protrusion may increase. But the child does not experience any pain. Hernia in newborns is treated by traditional methods. Massage and special exercises that strengthen the muscular corset of the abdomen will help you quickly get rid of the disease.

Treatment of umbilical hernia in newborns

There are general rules for the conservative, non-surgical treatment of an umbilical hernia in a newborn at home.

The first, and very important, rule of not only treatment, but also the prevention of umbilical hernias, is early laying on the stomach.

According to some sources, it is recommended to carry out this manipulation after the umbilical wound has healed. Laying out on the stomach significantly strengthens the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, helps to strengthen the lateral muscles of the abdomen, back muscles.

The second, no less necessary condition is the correction of the baby's nutrition, in order to prevent constipation and excessive gas formation.

Nursing mothers should remember about the diet, about the diversity of the diet, so that the child gets everything for efficient digestion and regular stools.

The third element of effective conservative treatment of umbilical hernia is massage and exercise therapy for the abdominal muscles.

They must be carried out by a specialist. Over time, when the baby grows up, the mother can learn the techniques in order to independently carry out therapeutic massage sessions.

Diagnosis of an umbilical hernia

To accurately determine the presence of an umbilical hernia, an ultrasound is prescribed. With the help of ultrasound diagnostics, the nature of the protrusion is clarified. If necessary, an x-ray examination of the contents of the hernial sac is carried out after the introduction of a special contrast agent into the abdominal cavity.

Through this method, it is determined which part of which organ is located in the hernial protrusion. A study of the gastrointestinal tract is also carried out, which makes it possible to detect concomitant diseases and possible complications. Such measures also help to differentiate umbilical hernia from tumors.

The following examination methods are carried out:

  • gastroduodenoscopy;
  • radiography of the digestive tract;
  • blood test.

Complications with umbilical hernia

The most frequent and dangerous complication of umbilical hernia is its infringement in the hernial orifice.

A strangulated hernia is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • it is not possible to set the umbilical hernia;
  • change in the color of the hernial formation;
  • increased pain in the area of ​​the protrusion;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • deterioration in general condition and fever.

The presence of the above symptoms is a direct indication for emergency surgery.

When they occur, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help in a specialized surgical clinic.

With untimely treatment, the consequences can be sad: the development of intestinal obstruction with peritonitis, the formation of phlegmon of the hernial sac.

The use of a bandage for umbilical hernia

An effective treatment of an umbilical hernia is provided by a bandage that can prevent the appearance of unwanted bags inside a person. It is prescribed for sprains, weakening of the muscles of the abdominal cavity.

The bandage is used for the purpose of prevention and has its own significant advantages:

The bandage is prescribed after the operation, it can be freely bought at every pharmacy at an affordable price. Consists of elastic material and performs the role of reliable fixation.

Pregnant women are also shown a bandage for umbilical hernia, an effective design allows you to wear the device for a long time and not experience significant discomfort.

The bandage can cause irritation, especially in the summer. To prevent this, it is necessary to remove the product every two to three hours and give the body a little rest. To improve the effect when wearing a bandage, it is worth doing a massage of the umbilical cord area, performing it yourself under the supervision of a specialist.

Prevention of umbilical hernia

Preventive measures in relation to the prevention of the formation of an umbilical hernia are aimed at eliminating the possible influence of producing factors. If you are in an increased risk group for the development of an umbilical hernia, it is necessary to periodically undergo preventive examinations by a surgeon with the passage of an ultrasound and x-ray examination. In addition, it is recommended to adhere to the following appointments:

  • normalization of body weight;
  • cough treatment;
  • constipation treatment;
  • dosed lifting and carrying weights.

Questions and answers on the topic "Umbilical hernia"

Question:Hello, I underwent three operations to remove an umbilical hernia. Recently I noticed a protrusion in the navel, in the morning it is gone, it appears in a day, disappears when lying down, there is a grid. Recently I visited a surgeon, he explained that there is no hernia, there was a defect and with this method of operation it should be so, the main thing is that there is a mesh and it holds the internal organs. When it came to the protrusion, he said that he did not see it. Can the mesh stretch in this way or is it torn?

Answer: It's possible.

Question:Dosed lifting and carrying weights. HOW MANY KILOGRAM CAN YOU LIFT?

Answer: Without straining.

Question:Is there a need for treatment and by what methods of hernial protrusion of the greater omentum 6x6 mm wide behind the umbilical region.

Answer: Hello. It is better to have an operation at an early stage with a small hernia, without waiting for inflammation or infringement.

Question:Hello! We are 3 years old and have an umbilical hernia. She did not pass. Appeared at about half a year. A friend also has a child of 3 years old and they recently operated on a hernia. She told me that an urgent operation was needed, or a pinching could occur at any moment. How will we be in kindergarten in about a month.

Answer: Hello. An umbilical hernia is an indication for surgery after 5 years. It is believed that before this age, it can pass on its own. In children, an umbilical hernia is almost never infringed.

Question:Hello! In the second week after being discharged from the maternity hospital, the local pediatrician, when visiting the baby, said that we had an umbilical hernia and advised us to stick it with a band-aid. We began to do so, plus we applied a copper nickel, on the 4th day I found something similar to a burn and blisters in place of the patch, what should we do, the procedure was stopped, the navel was reduced a little, but the hernia was in place.

Answer: An umbilical hernia in children under 5 years of age is considered a variant of the norm. She can walk on her own. There is a method of "gluing" the navel, but its effectiveness is doubtful. The patch, especially low-quality, often causes irritation of children's skin. I would recommend to stop all "manipulation" with the navel and let the skin heal. Massage and any exercises to strengthen the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall can contribute to the disappearance of an umbilical hernia.

Question:Hello. During a planned examination at a year old in the clinic, my daughter was diagnosed with an umbilical hernia. Tell me, please, is it true that nothing needs to be done now, but it is necessary to wait five years - either it will resolve itself, or an operation? Outwardly, the daughter's tummy seems to be inflated, and the navel sticks out a little. My daughter has been belly button all the time lately. Could this be related to a hernia? Now my daughter is 1 year 7 months old.

Answer: Hello. An umbilical hernia in children under 5 years of age is considered a variant of the norm and can close on its own. Usually, an umbilical hernia does not bother the child.

Hello dear guests! It turns out that such a phenomenon as an umbilical hernia is diagnosed most often in women after 30 years.

And this is understandable, many after childbirth have a big belly, which there is no time to deal with all the time.

The abdominal muscles become flabby and exhausted and a wonderful springboard for the development of all sorts of extra elements.
Today I will tell you what signs will help you identify this unpleasant ailment, and we will also find out how to treat this ailment and whether it can be done without surgery.

Did you know that the umbilical ring is the weakest point of the abdominal wall.

It is in this area that various bulges are formed. The omentum can exit through the ring, as well as intestinal loops. The hernia has a microbial code 10.

Here are some facts about this disease:

  1. Among all abdominal hernias, this type occupies approximately 5%.
  2. The disease is more common among women.
  3. This disease was first described in the 1st century AD by the ancient Roman physician Celsus.

The front and side walls of the abdomen are designed to protect the internal organs, and in the middle of the abdomen there is a thin line that has practically no protection.
A feature of a hernia is that it can limit the activity of the patient.

Causes of umbilical hernia in adults

Consider the reasons for this phenomenon.

Here are the main ones:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • weakening of the muscles of the abdominal wall;
  • strong pressure inside the abdominal wall.

In the case of a genetic predisposition, you need to protect yourself from significant loads and lifting all kinds of weights.
The weakening of the muscles of the peritoneum can be affected by many factors:

  • pregnancy;
  • obesity and overweight;
  • strong pressure on the press;
  • lack of stress on the muscles;
  • abdominal trauma;
  • operations.

Significant intra-abdominal pressure appears as a result of such factors:

  • persistent cough;
  • systematic constipation;
  • significant loads;
  • childbirth process.

After 30 years, the risks of hernia formation during childbirth increase. What such a neoplasm looks like can be seen in the photo.

Types of hernia

Umbilical hernias are of two types:

  1. Free or reducible is easily reduced, and also disappears in the abdominal cavity when the patient is in a horizontal position. If left untreated, it will change into another variety and require surgery.
  2. An irreducible hernia is characterized by the inability to correct the bulge. In this case, an adhesive process occurs when the tissues of the hernial opening and the hernia are fused.

There are also congenital and acquired hernias. In the first case, the bulge appears in newborns.

It is diagnosed almost immediately after birth.

hernia symptoms

What a hernia looks like can be seen in the video at the end of the article. It is important to know the symptoms of this disease.

After the onset of the disease, a bulge forms in the umbilical region, which is easily reduced. In difficult situations, the swelling ceases to enter inside the umbilical ring.
The following symptoms may appear:

  1. Painful sensations.
  2. Prolapse of internal organs into the opening of the ring.
  3. Pain during coughing and sneezing.
  4. There may be pain in the lower abdomen, in the stomach and nausea.

All symptoms are aggravated by exertion and exercise. Another important symptom is persistent constipation.
It is also worth knowing about the symptoms in women in position.

As the reviews confirm, with such a problem, the navel begins to protrude strongly, a cavity can be felt when probing, and clicks are felt in the stomach, like bursting bubbles.

Features of the disease in adults

Such a neoplasm can appear in any adult. Especially often it occurs in men and women who regularly lift weights.
In addition to examination, ultrasound and x-rays are used for diagnosis.
If there is no other way out, then the operation to remove the bulge is applied. During hernioplasty, the internal organs are returned to their place.

In newborns

An umbilical hernia is a common occurrence.

Here are the main causes of such a disease in infants:

  1. Intrauterine pathology of the umbilical orifice.
  2. Accumulation of a large amount of gases.
  3. hereditary factor.
  4. Birth before term.

Constipation can also cause unpleasant symptoms. In this case, children do not experience pain.

Features of treatment for older children

An experienced doctor will tell you what to do in this case, but massage and exercises can often bring the desired result. At the same time, the muscular corset is strengthened.
Physical exercise is necessary for a child from birth. In this case, in a year the body itself will recover. With the right approach, the hernia passes in the shortest possible time.
It is recommended to include squats, bends, turns and swings with straight legs in the morning exercises.
Hardening procedures are also effective. In this case, the water jet should move clockwise in the navel.

Such a session should be carried out twice a day for a month.
The surgeon may recommend a bandage or a special patch. Such devices should be chosen on the recommendation of a doctor.

Among women

Women's abdominal muscles are not as well developed as men's. Therefore, a hernia is more common. Most often this happens after the birth of a child.

Bad habits can also trigger premature muscle aging.

During pregnancy, the uterus enlarges and stretches the muscles of the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity. This is not uncommon in multiple pregnancies.

In some cases, a hernia may resolve on its own. This defect is not a contraindication for caesarean section.
During pregnancy, removal may be prescribed for infringement.

In other cases, surgery is performed after childbirth after some time.
In such cases, a bandage is often used, the price of which may vary depending on the quality of the material.

Special underwear is also used. Such devices allow you to reduce the load on the muscles.

Remember that the bandage must be worn correctly. If worn incorrectly, the fetus may be misplaced inside the uterus.

Possible Complications

An umbilical hernia in adults can have complications. First of all, it's a squeeze. In this case, the contents of the hernial sac are pinched in the umbilical opening.

This complication is often caused by vomiting, nausea, pain, and fever. A patient with such a problem needs urgent medical help.
Inflammation of the hernia may also occur.

This occurs when the hernial sac becomes infected. In this case, a purulent process may develop, which can develop into inflammation of the entire abdominal cavity.

Such a problem is signaled by symptoms such as weakness, nausea, vomiting and high fever.
In the hernia, stagnation of feces can occur. This phenomenon is called coprostasis. This complication develops very slowly, and is also characterized by pain in the abdomen and constipation.

This complication often appears with a sedentary lifestyle and impaired peristalsis.
With any complications, you can observe the following symptoms:

  1. Vomiting and nausea.
  2. Temperature increase.
  3. Acute pain in the region of the hernial sac and abdomen.
  4. Diarrhea or constipation.

If you have any of these signs, you should seek medical attention right away.

How to treat an umbilical hernia

Here are some surgical interventions:

  • strained hernioplasty is characterized by suturing the edges of the umbilical hernia, contraction of muscles and connective tissue;
  • for non-stressed hernioplasty, a special mesh is used.

Massage is also an effective way.

Here are some moves you can use:

  • circular movements from left to right;
  • tingling around the navel until slight redness;
  • rubbing the muscles of the peritoneum towards the ribs. You can also do a vacuum massage. Apply olive or massage oil to the skin.

Also, exercises and folk remedies are used for treatment. For example, you can make a compress from . In this case, yellow and red clay is used.

Preventive actions

Prevention must be done, especially if there is a hereditary predisposition to this disease.

Remember to exercise moderately and maintain a healthy weight. You can strengthen the press to strengthen muscle tissue.

To avoid constipation, you need to eat right.
Particular attention should be given to preventive measures for pregnant women. You need to wear special underwear and a bandage.

Such a measure will prevent a strong load on the muscles.

Proper nutrition also plays an important role. At the same time, a regular chair is established.

Do not delay and consult a doctor when the first bad symptoms appear. Since a prolonged illness can provoke unpleasant symptoms.
Take care of your health and avoid complications. If you know any special exercises or recipes for such a disease, write in the comments.

Until new useful and exciting meetings, my dear readers!