What does it mean to give bread to a neighbor. The most famous signs about bread

Signs about bread were formed in ancient times and almost all of them are connected with the fate of a person. Those who honored bread were treated with due respect, had both prosperity and good health, and good luck always accompanied such a person. Therefore, they tried to follow the signs about bread steadily. This has been taught since childhood. Here are the most common signs about bread.

Bread as sacred food

In the cultural traditions of many peoples, bread is more than just food. It is a sacred food that is used in certain religious activities. Among the Eastern peoples, when taking an oath, you need to hold a holy book in your hands and eat a piece of bread - flat cakes. However, the traditions and signs associated with bread are similar in many nations.

Even bread crumbs are of particular value - the one who eats them to the end will be rich, and if you shake the crumbs off the table, you will soon have to beg yourself. And as a sign of respect, first of all, bread should be served to guests. At the same time, in no case should you break it off with one hand, but throw it on the ground and even more so step over - and it’s completely sacrilegious.

The round shape of the bread or flatbread has a special meaning. The circle symbolizes the solar disk, and its light is the source of life.

The Kazakhs have a sign about bread associated with travel. Anyone who has a long journey ahead must eat a loaf of bread before leaving the house. The remaining bread until the return of the traveler is stored in the house. It is believed that higher powers will keep him on the way, and when he returns home, he must finish eating this bread as a sign of respect. In the place where they set off on their journey, they must certainly buy bread home. You can’t pass bread over the threshold - money will flow out of the house.

You can’t stick a knife into a loaf of bread or a loaf of bread, only cut it into pieces, but it’s better to break it with both hands

There are also special signs. For example, among Uzbeks, in no case should flat cakes be cut with a knife or turned over and put with the top side (cap) down - this is a big trouble, it is believed that luck can turn away for a long time. Any important event was preceded by the breaking of bread. This mission was entrusted to the elder or head of the family, from his hands all the rest received their portion of bread.

In the traditions of the peoples of the Middle East, as well as in Egypt, bread was carried as an offering to the gods, and the breaking of bread was associated with the saturation of the souls that had left the manifest world. In those days, it was believed that the god Anu kept the bread, as well as the water of immortal life, in Heaven. In ancient Egypt, up to 40 types of bread were baked.

In the Slavic tradition, bread is a symbol of mutual exchange between the deity and people, as well as between living people and deceased relatives. This is a kind of connection between generations. It was believed that the ancestors themselves invisibly take part in baking bread, and then receive their share in the form of steam or a specially allocated part of a loaf of bread or loaf.

It was customary for the Slavs to keep bread on the table in the red corner. It was also customary to store bread in front of icons as a sign of fidelity to God. It is believed that God, in response, takes care of the well-being of the family, so that there is always fresh bread on the table.

wedding omens

The wedding celebration also has its own signs about bread. So, even at the matchmaking, they take bread with them without fail. By antiquity, the hands of the young were placed on the loaf as a sign of unification and an agreement on a wedding. Already at the wedding, the loaf appears with the blessing of the young by their parents, and after the wedding, the newlyweds are greeted with bread and salt. The peoples of Central Asia still have a tradition of breaking bread over the head of the bride, as the guardian of the hearth.

There is also such a romantic sign about bread: if a guy and a girl bite off one slice of bread, they will be united by falling in love, and then, possibly, eternal love.

Of course, the traditional attribute of a wedding feast, both in antiquity and today, is a loaf. Every detail counts in its production. As a rule, in the old days, the dough for the loaf had to be kneaded by a married woman who has children and is happily married - this is how she will convey good luck to the bride. During the preparation of the dough, prayers were read without fail. But the finished loaf was put into the oven by the husband of this woman. The loaf was decorated with sprigs of viburnum, symbolizing love. In addition to the big loaf, small pies were baked, which were distributed to children during the solemn feast.

The wedding loaf after the newlyweds taste it, the godparents should share for the guests

A ready-made loaf, if baked and turned out without flaws, promised family happiness. It was not considered a particularly good omen if the wedding loaf cracked, but if on one side the dough burned during the baking process, this was a sign that the spouses would quarrel from time to time. The girls who wanted to, after the loaf was taken out of the oven, rolled out the tub in the courtyard, while the guys had to jump three times on the spot. In the center of the loaf, as a rule, there was a recess for a salt shaker. They carried the loaf on a new embroidered towel. It was considered bad luck to drop the wedding loaf, as it is sacred food.

And now such wedding signs are considered true: the bride and groom must bite off a piece of the loaf, whoever has it more will be the true head of the family. It is possible to break the loaf, then the one who got the larger half will dominate. In this case, salt should never be spilled.

Household beliefs

All signs associated with bread are designed to honor this sacred food. It is believed that if you feed dogs with bread from the table - to be a poor owner. You can not leave half-eaten pieces of bread on the table - this is a disease. There is also such a special sign - it is not recommended to eat up a piece of bread that another person began to eat, because in this way you will take away his strength and good luck. For the same reason, one should not eat bread behind someone's back.

In no case should you throw away the remnants of bread, it is better to dry the crackers and eat

You need to eat bread slowly, and making sure that crumbs do not fall out of your mouth - it is believed that this is a premature death. Among the Caucasian peoples, it is considered an insult to reject the treat offered by the owners, especially if it is bread. In some cultural traditions, it is not customary to even simply lean your elbow on a bag of flour. And if bread or a piece of it fell on the floor, it must be picked up, kissed and put on a raised platform, for example, on a windowsill.

And in general, in Russia it was believed that a person’s fate could be influenced - they brought either good luck or misfortune - the way he handles bread.

Bread not only gives strength, but also promotes harmony in all spheres of life. For example, two people can become true friends if they break bread at the same time and then eat it. “I ate a piece of bread with him,” this expression still reflects a trusting relationship and spiritual closeness between people. By the way, if you want to please the owners when you go to visit, buy and give cakes only in a clear amount.

If you accidentally bought or baked and brought an odd number of cakes or other bread products to your friends' house, break one into two parts. But an odd number of pastries or bread are usually carried to the wake: it is believed that no one else will leave the house in the near future. The preparation of bread, of course, has its own characteristics, for example, a woman cannot start baking bread on the days of menstruation, immediately after childbirth, and also after sexual intercourse. They did not bake bread during major holidays and on Sundays.

Bread that they forgot to take out of the oven had special properties. Magical properties were attributed to such bread: if a person tastes it, yearning without measure for a deceased relative or loved one and wishing to start a new life, then the bread will cleanse him of all negative emotions. It was also used as a healing agent.

Love and respect for bread were instilled from childhood

Thus, bread in all cultural traditions is considered a sacred food that requires special treatment. It was believed that if parents taught their child to treat bread with due respect, then they brought him up correctly and his life would turn out well.

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Bread magic


Bread is probably one of the most ancient food products. According to historical data, it appeared about 15 thousand years ago. At first, of course, people used raw grain, but then they learned to grind it using stones, mix the resulting flour with water and make bread.

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Those who lived in the times of the USSR probably remember such a slogan: “Bread is the head of everything!”. Of course, such an important product simply could not be used in magic. Our ancestors noticed that magical operations with bread bring the expected positive results.


So there was a whole direction - the magic of bread.


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"Bread" rituals

Druids baked special, ritual bread on their fires. Everyone who tried at least a piece of such bread received its magical power. Therefore, it was accepted that all members of the clan gather together for a meal, on which ritual magic bread was necessarily eaten. It was also customary to feed this bread to pets.. Crumbs of magical bread were scattered across the fields: It was believed that this could increase the fertility of the soil.


It is interesting to note that for the preparation of ritual cakes and kneading dough, ancient people used a special sheepskin, which was considered a talisman and talisman, giving fertility.


The ancient Gauls had a tradition: bake oatmeal bread with a hole in the middle and scatter this bread over the fields where cattle usually graze. People believed that in this way it was possible to protect animals from being eaten by predators.


It is worth noting that the ancient Egyptians denoted bread, the sun and gold with the same symbol - a circle with a dot in the center.

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The ancient Greeks believed that if the owner does not serve bread to the guests, then he is poor.. People believed that not eating bread is a very big sin, for which the gods will surely punish.


In Tibet, it is customary to scatter wholemeal flour, tsampa, into the wind.. Moreover, this ritual can be performed for a very different purpose: to ask the spirits of nature for something, for the New Year, at the birth of a child, and also at a funeral - so that the soul of the deceased quickly departs to another world.



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Bread for Healing

The most important product on the table, our ancestors also used as a medicine.


For example, in Russia boils were treated applying to them chewed bread mixed with sugar or salt.


The rye dough worked really well. from broken bones.


And for that to stop the bleeding there was one proven way - to drink rye flour, which is diluted in water.


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Divination on bread

When people bake bread, Demons run away to the mountains...
Old Arabic proverb


Bread is a sacred food. But bread is not only a symbol of life, it is also an indicator of future events. Yeast dough gets its taste and quality not only from water and flour, yeast and sugar. Its properties largely depend on the bioenergy invested in it.


This was well known in Russia, and therefore, to determine the character of the future bride, they carefully watched what kind of loaf she got. Many centuries have passed since then, but the old signs, which make it possible to judge a person and his fate by the nature of baked bread, are still true.


We all know that every hostess has her own secrets. One hostess has such pies that they themselves ask to be in your mouth, and the other will bake beautiful pies, but you won’t take them in your mouth. It is also known that the same hostess - once at a time is not necessary. Yeast dough products turn out to be lush and literally melt in your mouth, or they can’t rise in any way.


Modern bioenergy research shows that it depends on the upcoming events that await the hostess and her family. While the dough rises and reaches the condition, it absorbs the aura of the house and the energy of the person preparing it. Distortions of the biofield of a person and a place are recorded in the aura of the test.


Then the bread goes through a fiery birth. Its taste and shape are living evidence of what awaits the owners in the near future.

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According to Russian tradition, bread was used for divination, that is, a round bun made from yeast dough without filling. It was baked separately from pies, although often from the same dough as the rest of the treat, but they dedicated it to the brownie and gave it to him for food.

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Modern knowledge allows us to testify to the truth of folk wisdom: bread without filling more accurately shows the strengths and weaknesses of a person's aura and it is easy to predict his character and fate from it.


Let's start with the fact that the appearance and taste of bread for each hostess have their own unique features. The tastier the bread, the more vitality a person has, the brighter and cleaner his aura, the kinder he himself is.


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The bread is fluffy and light speaks of the happy and light hand of a person and the special markedness of his fate: much in life he will get easily and effortlessly, as if by itself.


The bread is delicious but heavy quickly satiating those who eat it, indicates that the person who prepared it is a kind and wise person, but his fate will be difficult, he will suffer a lot because of the people around him. According to research, such a product is obtained from those people who have light bioenergy, but do not know how to keep it.


The bread is fluffy, but bland and tasteless says that the one who prepared it is lazy and greedy. This is the type of "sticky fish" that loves to ride at someone else's expense in life.


If a person turns out pies and bread either overbaked or underbaked, this speaks of his inability to think logically. In Russia, they did not like such housewives. They were said to attract trouble to their home and their children.


If dough products are constantly not fluffy, this suggests that evil spirits have started up in the house, and one of the household members has "the devil sitting behind the soul", that is, someone has absorbed a large amount of negative energy.


Excessively neat and beautiful pies, oddly enough, they testify to the hard fate of the hostess. Despite the beautiful appearance, the surface of the cake is usually uneven, it has many empty cavities. They say such "subcutaneous holes" about "holes" in the aura of the hostess. Through these holes, all the luck and well-being of this person goes away. Very often, such products are found in people born in a cursed year. It is difficult for such people to live away from relatives and the place where they were born.


Different in size and not too similar in shape to each other, but tasty and fluffy pies they speak of an interesting creative nature and often indicate a strong intellect.


Excessively fanciful shape of the product with good taste speaks of a nature that does not know how to draw conclusions and foresee the course of events. Such a person is so preoccupied with trifles that he does not notice the forest for the trees.


If the bread constantly cracks during baking- this is a very bad sign, a harbinger of the violent death of someone close to the baker. For the "author" of the product himself, this sign usually speaks of difficult trials and abrupt changes in his fate.


Constantly burning bread according to popular beliefs, - evidence of a vindictive and quarrelsome character. Such a person will suffer in life solely because of himself. If he can change his attitude to life, his fate will also change.



Very crumbly bread says that a person will have many changes in life. He will part with many friends and acquaintances, his social circle will be inconsistent.


These are signs that allow you to learn something about the life and fate of the one who bakes bread.

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Signs that allow bread to predict the life of an entire family over a certain period of time

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If you bake bread on the very first night you move to a new place, then the appearance of a bun without filling will tell you better than any oracle what to expect from life in a new house. predict your life for the new year may the shape and taste of the same bun baked the night before Christmas.


If on the day of the name day of the brownie, February 10, bake a bun without filling- her appearance will predict what awaits you and your family in the house during the year.


The best omen is considered tasty, lush, crumbly bread, which turned out to be a beautiful round shape, without sharp bulges and depressions. This form indicates that good health, prosperity, understanding and support of loved ones await you. This form also indicates that you can achieve a lot in life, relying on the help and support of people located to you. The only thing that such bread warns against is that you should not change your life.


The same bread, but not very even in shape, consisting, as it were, of separate peaks, speaks of the lack of harmony in the family, the loss of contacts with relatives and friends. Everyone in your house, as they say, "pulls the blanket over itself." This also indicates that the forecast period will be turbulent. Both in business and in money it will be “sometimes empty, sometimes thick,” and one should mentally prepare for this. There will be many strong, but internally lonely natures next to you, whose life path will tell you how best to act in this or that situation.



Sometimes a drawing on bread allows you to refine the general prediction.

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For example, if the shape resembles a bird or a bird's head- wait for important news and don't get lost in a situation where you can go upstairs.


Bird feather shape- hassle with documents (sometimes a harbinger of inheritance).


Snake- a lying friend that interferes with your happiness.


Hare- interference in your life by otherworldly forces.


Cat - look for happiness in the house.


Cow - work hard and get prosperity and health.


Dog- helping a friend.


Bear- do not be afraid of obstacles, go ahead to the goal.


Cracked bread speaks of unpleasant future events. Your family will split, you will lose many friends and relatives. Usually this form does not speak of the death of someone. To draw a conclusion about this sad event, the bread should not just crack, but, as it were, break into several parts during the baking process. In this case, one of the parts should be noticeably smaller than the others, dry and even burn a little.

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If the bread itself, despite the cracks, is lush and tasty, you will have enough health and strength to overcome the crisis. In addition, you will have a good financial condition.


If the bread is cracked and part of it is baked in such a way that it forms a small separate bun, - wait for replenishment in the family. It will lay new rhythms of life, often better than the existing ones.

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Dry bread is considered a very bad omen. O indicates poor health and financial loss. Learn to be economical, "dry crackers long before the event." Be able to sometimes reconcile with fate without wasting your strength in pursuit of the unrealizable.


burnt bread predicts bitter moments and thoughts, tears and longing that will visit the fortuneteller during this period. However, if at the same time the bread is still tasty and lush, this will not prevent you from achieving material success and forgetting longing in moments of joy and fun. Try to be in the company of friends more often - this will give you extra strength.


If the bread is lush, but tasteless It's time to take care of your appearance and health. It's time to solve your problems without interfering in someone else's life. Be where you want to be. Date those to whom the heart lies, and you will soon notice how others will pay much more attention to you.


But whatever the prediction, the Russian people have always left themselves a loophole to tweak the future..


One such example was coaxing a brownie, so that he appeases the fate of the villain and, with the help of his home charms, smooths out the difficult period. That is why they gave bread, according to which they guessed at the brownie.




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If bread is cut unevenly, a person's life will be just as uneven and difficult.


When they put bread in the oven, you should raise the hem and say: "Rise higher" so that the bread turns out good.


After sunset, you can not start a new loaf - to poverty.


To avoid causing trouble, never turn a loaf of bread upside down.


To avoid hunger and crop failure and, as a result, poverty - eat bread with great care, so that not a single crumb, not a single speck falls on the floor.


If during the meal, without finishing your piece of bread, you started on a new one, it means that someone from your loved ones is in need and hunger.


During dinner, a piece of bread fell - the guest is in a hurry.


If you left half-eaten pieces of your slice on the table after dinner, then you leave your happiness.


So that the bread does not mold, you can not put the half-eaten piece on the table.


In general, it is not customary to throw away bread in Russia - this is considered a great sin, and the punishment for sin can be hunger, need, illness. However, sometimes it happens that the bread becomes moldy, so what to do in such a case to avoid sin? It turns out that a person who ate moldy bread will never drown, so do not be afraid, eat any bread - and luck will always be on your side.

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Show a person who could resist the golden, crispy crust of bread! Even the most exquisite salad or royal soup loses its brilliance and fullness of taste without a slice of freshly baked bread in addition.
Bread is one of the most important human food products, and along with this, it has become widespread in medicine and magic.

* The bottom crust of rye bread is wrapped in a damp cloth and warmed up a little. The joints are lubricated with vegetable oil, a warm crust is applied and tied with a damp linen cloth. The pain quickly disappears. If used regularly, you can cleanse the joints of toxins accumulated in them .

*Bread crumb mixed with linden honey in a ratio of 2:1. Steam the legs and apply the prepared composition to the corn, securing it with a bandage or plaster. After two or three days, remove the crumb and remove the raised callus. If necessary, repeat the course. Usually even from old corns manages to get rid of for three - five courses.

*The combination of bread and salt is a comprehensive symbol : bread expresses the wish for well-being and wealth, and salt protects from hostile forces and influences. At the beginning and at the end of the meal, they were advised to eat a piece of bread with salt for happiness. Treating a guest with bread and salt established friendship and trust between him and the host.

*Drugs from fresh bread are used in white magic to reconcile quarreling spouses or lovers . It is believed that if you mix a crumb of bread with menstrual blood and feed it to a prodigal husband, he will never leave for another woman.
The girl, a week before the wedding, is advised to feed the groom every day with a charmed crust of bread, and then he will be a reliable support for his young wife.

*Slice of bread with salt cajole the brownie, bannik, goblin and water .

*If an inexperienced mage is about to communicate with otherworldly forces , he just needs to stock up on a warm loaf of bread, which will help him smooth out the rough edges in dealing with the undead.
You need to feed a person who wishes you harm with a drug from black bread.
When meeting with a ghoul, you need to throw him a crust of stale bread, and he will get rid of you.

* If a young man bakes cakes himself, adding a few drops of his blood to the dough, and treats a girl he likes with these cakes for seven days on a growing moon, then she will very soon fall in love with him to the point of insanity.

* Place a church candle on the loaf of bread, light it and, letting it flow along the river, make a wish. If the bread with a burning candle floats away safely, then the wish will soon come true. If the flame of the candle goes out, then the desire will be fulfilled with great difficulty, if the bread from the candles drowns, then the desire will not only not be fulfilled, but will also entail trouble.

*Newlyweds biting off one loaf on your wedding day, determine who will be the head of the family .

* And, of course, bread dipped in wine is still the most holy christian communion protecting a person from adversity and sorrow.

*Method of working with bread . For example, when a child is sick, or stutters, or suffers from enuresis, you need to take rye bread, undress the child, put it in a bowl. On a 3-liter jar of warm water, read “Our Father” 9 times, wash the child from head to toe with this water, thus removing negative information. After that, put the bread in a bowl with the same water, where it lies for 2 hours, absorbing water. Crumble the soaked bread and give it to the birds. This is a very effective and affordable technique.

* Spikelets of bread consecrated on the feast of the Savior and placed in the room are very good draw out negative energy, needles of spikes - like astral needles. Mint, wormwood, cornflowers, poppy also work well.

* The technique of grandmother Tekla, which with bread balls completely cleansed the skin and removed skin diseases - psoriasis, eczema, spots . Roll a bread ball clockwise around a stain or problem area, then soak such a ball in sour cream and give it to the dog to eat.

*Bread treatment method for lymph nodes and benign tumors . You need to make 9 bread balls and, reading "Our Father", light a candle. Roll around the lymph nodes clockwise, set aside, and repeat 9 times in one place. Then all the balls are either buried or fed to the dog. Dogs get rid of negative energy by barking.

* A woman should not try bread for doneness with a knife or fork, and also pass a slice of bread to someone with their help. She must use a small skewer or a match, otherwise she will not be "a happy maiden or wife."

* It is bad to accidentally put bread on the table “upside down”, and intentionally - even worse. This will make the breadwinner of the family sick. It is just as bad to cut off both ends of the loaf or grab it while someone else is cutting.

*Bread baked on Good Friday or at Christmas was universally believed to have magical and healing powers.. If such bread is kept for a year, it will protect the house from fire, and its inhabitants from troubles and accidents.
Bread baked on Good Friday and at Christmas is a good remedy for dysentery, diarrhea and similar ailments. Like the cross buns that were used for the same purpose, such bread was allowed to dry and harden, and when the need arose, it was crushed into a powder and given to the sick with hot water.

* In healing, they used not only bread consecrated by the day in which it was baked, but also the most ordinary. The patient needs to take a piece of white bread, mark it with a cross and read the prayer “Our Father” over it. Then he put it on an ulcer or on a sick tooth with the side on which the cross was applied.

In 1877, a remedy for whooping cough was recorded: a slice of bread was wrapped in cloth and buried in the ground for three days. Then they dug it up and gave it to the patient to eat. The earthy taste that the bread acquired during this time was considered healing. There is also mention of such an option for healing. A whole roll was wrapped in a cloth and placed in a large hole for one day, then the bread was taken out and given not to the patient, but to his family members so that they would not become infected from him.
In the west of England, whooping cough was cured with bread begged from a posthumous (born after the death of the father) child or from a woman whose surname in marriage is the same as the maiden's, but only if the bread was taken and eaten without thanking the donor.

* Signs with bread
It is bad luck to take the last sandwich from the dish unless it is offered to you. If an unmarried woman does this, she will never marry until the end of her days. On the other hand, the last bite offered and accepted brings good luck in love or money.

In many English families, it is customary to prepare the so-called “groaning bread” at the time of childbirth. This bread was distributed in a piece to each of those in the house at the time of the emergence of a new life. This brought good luck to the newborn, as well as to all participants in the meal. They cut "groaning bread" in different ways. If a doctor was present at the birth, this was sometimes entrusted to him, but more often the ritual was performed by the father of the child. He had to be very careful not to cut his finger, otherwise the child would not live a year.
What was not eaten during childbirth was preserved and given to guests who came to the house in the period between birth and baptism. One portion was kept separately and then presented to the first person of the opposite sex with the baby, met on the way to church for baptism or back. It is not good to refuse the offered slice - then the child will be deprived of personal attraction, or trouble will befall him.

came to us from our great-grandparents, but is still popular and is actively used in wedding ceremonies.
Parents meet the newlyweds with bread and salt in the house where the wedding is played. A loaf of black bread is placed on a beautiful and long towel (now they use not only black bread, the variety of pastries is impressive in beauty). In the middle there should be a recess in which a well-fixed salt shaker is placed. A welcoming speech is delivered by the mother-in-law or mother-in-law:
- “Congratulations on your legal marriage! We wish you happiness, health, long married life. Bread - salt taste, and we'll see who will be the master in the house.
After these words of welcome, the newlyweds bite off or pinch off the bread, dip it in salt and eat it.
It is believed that whoever bites off a bigger chunk will be the master in the house. After that, the young couple is congratulated again and kissed.
The ritual Bread - salt at the wedding - is a symbol of true and sincere harmony and expresses a sign that the husband and wife will henceforth be like grains of one bread.
According to legend, after this ceremony, the “bitten” loaf should be put aside. And they return the bread back to the young after the wedding celebration. Only the newlyweds can eat the loaf, and, as some sources say, the loaf cannot be shared between the guests!!! The only ones they can share bread with are their parents. It is desirable to eat it at the table, but not required. This sign is the embodiment of unity in the family, prosperity in their new family life.
The salt that was on the loaf is poured from the salt shaker into a small rag bag and placed behind the icon with which the parents met the young. A towel-towel is hung on the icon, the very one on which the wedding loaf lay. This means a kind of symbol and amulet for the family.

Bread must be heavily salted, so that there is more salt than the bread itself, so that it cannot be eaten. At the same time they say:
"I salt your life (name), add salt!"
This salted bread at sunset is placed on the threshold of the debtor and they say:
"As this bread is salty, so will all the food (name of the debtor). You can’t drink water, you can’t forget about debts, return everything that you took from me. At night until those times you don’t sleep, don’t day , so according to my word it will happen. Exactly!"

Take a small piece of black bread, stick a leaf with a charm there and close it with bread crumb so that the leaf is not visible. Then dry the bread and store it so that no one will find it.
“Bread and wine, and the Lord who gives life! I seal my dwelling with this bread, I block it with bread, I consecrate it with bread, I protect it with bread. the thief will perish, the adversary will be crushed, the hater will strangle himself, the envious will go blind, and every evil thought will scatter before this bread, like dust before the face of the wind. Bread dries, and my enemy will die. Amen. Amen. Amen. " Then you need to say something on the loaf of bread, and put it behind the icons.
"My hand-written amulet, my words are cut down forever. Stand at home, do not attack the enemy. Amen."
Amulet to forge 1 time per year. Soak old bread and feed to birds.

You will need a piece of round black bread. Write on a small piece of paper
protective words and read them, like a conspiracy, 9 times. Then we fold the leaf and put it in the loaf of bread. The leaf must be properly covered with bread crumb so that it is not visible. Dry the bread and hide somewhere in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hallway and the front door.
"I seal the house with bread,
I protect and block with bread,
I protect my dwelling with bread.
The enemy will not attack through the barrier of bread,
the thief will die, the adversary will be swept aside,
the hater will strangle himself, the envious will go blind and
every evil thought will be shattered before bread,
like dust before the wind.
The bread dries up, and my enemy dies."

It is short-lived - for a week, then it is necessary to redo it. The conditions are the same. Carry in your bag.
"I speak bread for 7 days,
Slave (...) dissuade from trouble:
from the road, from the empty,
from windy and shaky,
from church and biting,
from land and bed.
from the grave death.
I'll roll away and bury
I will defend the edge."

*I draw your attention to the fact that all bread conspiracies are read in a whisper, leaning very close to the bread in order to touch it with the breath.

This simple but strong conspiracy for bread is done only on homemade bread, i.e. homemade bread. They slander specifically on the seeds that are added to the bread before baking. And everyone who eats three pieces of the spoken bread will not know the need.
Take a handful of regular sunflower seeds and peel them. Put in a small bag, add a pinch of salt there and shake well. After that, pour the seeds on a white saucer without gold patterns, take a pinch of salt in your left hand and say a conspiracy to the seeds, which are then put in bread:
Behind seven castles, behind seven courtyards,
Bitter grief sits behind seven seals,
Burning grief, shedding tears,
In mortal sadness yearns,
Yes, he wrings his hands
Yes, pulls out hair
Yes, he pierces himself with a knife.
The serpent guards mountain fuel
Yes, it does not let out
And how will that snake fall asleep,
Burning grief comes out
Opens seven locks with seven keys,
Breaks the seven seals
Yes, it passes through the seven courtyards.
Goes grief fuel to people
Look for a victim and friend,
To shed tears
Yes, she poked herself with a knife.
Salt cannot be counted (you need to throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder),
And we do not know grief
Guard the snake of grief not to sleep,
And we put down the sun.
Sunny, rise from the sea,
Fill the golden house!
Key. Lock. Language.
You need to speak the seeds for three days in a row, and do not sweep the salt from the floor, you can sweep it only after the conspiracy has been made for the last time. Seeds each time should be left in a saucer, covered with a scarf on top. Home should be warned that these seeds should not be touched. On the fourth day, you should add the seeds to the dough from which you bake the bread (it is important that they do not freeze in a heap, but are distributed over the bread, and there are seeds in each piece, because it is they that give the bread a special strength and help people). Keep in mind that if you just eat even the whole handful of charmed seeds, there will be no sense. They only work in bread.

Surely you know the hostesses whose muffin is always so lush and tasty that you would eat without stopping. She will give a recipe at your request, it seems that you will do everything, but the bread turns out to be completely different. And the secret is that the hostess simply knows the words for pastries, so she has deliciousness and it comes out. Today I will teach you these words. Previously, they were passed from mother to daughter, kept secret from strangers, so that only the daughter would have tasty and lush bread. So that the glory went about her, dear, that she was a wonderful housewife and needlewoman. And I sincerely want everyone to get beautiful and tasty.
They say twice. Once, when the dough is kneaded, another time, when the bread is placed in the oven.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Be my cooking holy, winged.
Holy Mother of God,
Bake the Lord God's gift.
Bake with God. Amen.
Or like this:
Give, Lord, spores.
High bread and yata.
Don't run, don't take a bite, God's bread. Amen.

*BEFORE MOVING (in an old apartment) knead the dough from four cups of wheat flour, two eggs, two tablespoons of sugar, butter and salt. Take this dough to a new apartment. Take an icon, salt, rye bread and a cat with you. Already in a new place (still in an empty house or apartment), bake bread from the dough and note whether the bread will crack or be smooth. If the bread cracks, it means that life in a new place will not work out. To chastise yourself from misfortune, light three candles and say:
"In the name of the Father, everything will be fine.
In the name of the Son, everything will be fine.
In the name of the Spirit, everything will be fine."
Leave the freshly baked bread and the rye bread you brought with you in an empty house or apartment. Pour a glass of wine and leave it next to the bread. As you leave, say:
"Help yourself, spirit of the house, and we will come tomorrow."



If a woman eats bread in a dream, this means that she will be upset.

To dream that you share bread with others speaks of your solid security for life.

Seeing a lot of dried bread promises need and suffering. Troubles will fall on the one who has this dream. If the bread is good and you want to take it, then this is an auspicious dream.

In a dream, there is rye bread - this is a dream that promises you a friendly and hospitable home.

If in a dream you hold a bread crust in your hand, the dream warns you of your inability to cope with the coming disaster due to your neglect of duties.


There is bread in a dream - you are hungry for normal, healthy human relationships, while Fate feeds you with enviable regularity delicacies in the form of stormy, but short and non-committal meetings and fleeting hobbies. All this, of course, adds emotions, but sometimes you want something painfully simple, like riding public transport or ... a relationship with a single, but loving partner.

Cutting a loaf of bread into pieces - when making love, you are afraid to spend too much effort, but you can’t treat sex like that - this “savings” makes it flawed and joyless. Try at least once to fully satisfy your sexual needs - both yours and your partner's - you'll see, you won't get enough!

The stale bread you saw in a dream symbolizes some very old connection, which, if it was once interesting, was very long ago. Isn't it better to give up unnecessary cargo?

If you dreamed of fresh, even hot bread, it means that soon you will meet a person on your way who will literally “infect” you with his energy and easy attitude to life.


If a woman dreams that she is eating bread, such a dream warns her of the possible death of a loved one. If in a dream you share bread with others, then nothing threatens your prosperous love. Stale bread is a harbinger of an unhappy marriage and suffering. Bread crusts are a warning that you risk losing the love of a worthy person.


-Throwing away bread is a big sin . Whoever throws half-eaten pieces, and does not feed the birds, will become poor. - The belief is very ancient, and its meaning is clear: bread must be protected, it grew with the help of Dazhbog (the Sun), a lot of work was spent on its cultivation and processing. Whoever is not thrifty with bread, the heavenly forces will punish him. This is also true in the everyday sense: whoever is not thrifty is doomed to be poor. As for birds, since ancient times the people have had a careful attitude towards them, since the birds symbolized the souls of the dead. It is better to give the bread to them and thereby accomplish a good deed than to throw away a piece without any sense.

A large harvest of bread - to a close famine. The belief is based on the observation of the cyclical nature of crops and crop failures. Usually, due to the small allotment of land, the peasants sowed cereals in the same place, not being able to alternate crops. As a result, the land could not constantly bear fruit, required "rest", and a good year was often followed by a bad one. Belief tuned to economy and foresight.

Whoever eats stale bread swims well and is not afraid of thunderstorms. Modern doctors also talk about the benefits of dried, "yesterday's" (but not stale, not moldy) bread. Maybe that's why crackers have been so popular for centuries. But, I think, it is better to agree with V.I. We give that the basis is the usual pedagogical “divorce”: they say, eat, children, what they give, do not be picky. And since everyone wants to swim well, this skill is also promised. The connection of swimming with a thunderstorm is interesting here. The fact is that in the old days it was considered very useful to swim in a thunderstorm: people who lived in unity with nature could not help but notice the energy saturation of water in a thunderstorm. We went and communicate with the god of thunder and lightning - Perun.

At the beginning and at the end of dinner, eat a piece of bread with salt - fortunately. Bread and salt is not only a symbol of hospitality, but also a magical amulet. It was believed that salt protects against evil spirits and it is useful to eat it along with another holy product - bread. The very origin of the word salt is connected with the Sun: the ancient Slavic name of the Sun is Solon (that, by the way, was the name of the Macedonian city - now the Greek port of Thessaloniki); “to go salting” (an old expression, still existing in some places) - means: “to go along the Sun”. "Bread and salt!" - a traditional wish for good, prosperity, good appetite. And hospitality is close in meaning to hospitality. Finally, one more explanation for this sign: if you can eat bread and salt before dinner, it means you are hungry; and if you can after dinner, it means you haven’t overeaten. Good omen.

Having cut off a chunk, do not stick a knife into the loaf - this is to hunger. The sign reflects a special attitude to bread, which we have already talked about more than once. Researcher of folk art A.L. Toporkov also notes a number of signs: “It was not allowed for one person to eat bread after another: you will take away his happiness, strength. You can’t eat behind another person’s back - you will also eat his strength. Poverty awaits the one who gives bread from the table to the dogs during the meal, ”etc. And a knife stuck in bread idle is blasphemy. Bread can be offended and deprive the house of its patronage.

BREAD - in Russia it has always been considered a shrine, therefore, since childhood, a careful attitude towards it has been brought up. If bread is cut unevenly, a person's life will be just as uneven and difficult. When they put bread in the oven, you should raise the hem and say: "Rise higher" so that the bread turns out good. After sunset, you can not start a new loaf - to poverty. To avoid causing trouble, never turn a loaf of bread upside down. To avoid hunger and crop failure and, as a result, poverty - eat bread with great care, so that not a single crumb, not a single speck falls on the floor. If during the meal, without finishing your piece of bread, you started on a new one, it means that someone from your loved ones is in need and hunger. During dinner, a piece of bread fell - the guest is in a hurry. If you left half-eaten pieces of your slice on the table after dinner, then you leave your happiness. So that the bread does not mold, you can not put the half-eaten piece on the table.

In general, it is not customary to throw away bread in Russia - this is considered a great sin, and the punishment for sin can be hunger, need, illness. However, sometimes it happens that the bread becomes moldy, so what to do in such a case to avoid sin? It turns out that a person who has eaten moldy bread will never drown, so do not be afraid, eat any bread - and luck will always be on your side.

Perhaps some folk signs should be taken more seriously. Many are based on the observations and conclusions that our ancestors made, and they are not always amenable to explanation. To believe or not to believe is up to you.

Folk omens about bread

Bread in Russia has always been considered a sacred thing, therefore, since childhood, a careful attitude towards it has been brought up.

  • If the bread is cut unevenly, signs about bread say: a person’s life will be just as uneven and difficult.
  • When they put bread in the oven, you should raise the hem and say: "Rise higher" so that the bread turns out good.
  • After sunset, you can not start a new loaf - to poverty.
  • Russian folk sign about bread: in order not to invite trouble, never turn a loaf of bread upside down.
  • To avoid hunger and crop failure and, as a result, poverty - eat bread with great care, so that not a single crumb, not a single speck falls on the floor.
  • If during the meal, without finishing your piece of bread, you started on a new one, it means that someone from your loved ones is in need and hunger.
  • After sunset, new bread is not cut, as this can lead to quarrels and lack of money.
  • There is such a popular belief: if a slice of bread falls during dinner, the guest is in a hurry.
  • If you left half-eaten pieces of your slice on the table after dinner: leave your happiness.
  • So that the bread does not mold, you can not put the half-eaten piece on the table.

In general, it is not customary to throw away bread in Russia - this is considered a great sin, and the punishment for sin can be hunger, need, illness. However, sometimes it happens that the bread becomes moldy, so what to do in such a case to avoid sin? It turns out that a person who has eaten moldy bread will never drown, so do not be afraid, eat any bread - and luck will always be on your side.

Folk omens about the egg

Since ancient times, the egg was considered a symbol of life, it contains a huge life-giving power, thanks to which damage and the evil eye can be removed. Doctors are convinced that barley is a catarrhal disease, as well as a sign of problems with the blood, while in the villages they are still sure that barley appears only if the evil eye or damage has been brought on a person. The disease is very, very unpleasant, but with the help of an egg you can get rid of it in a matter of days. A hard-boiled egg, still hot, should be applied to the barley and kept until it cools. After such treatment, you will forget about barley about an egg.

There are many Russian folk omens about the egg. It was often used for various kinds of divination. They poured egg white into a glass of water and watched its behavior: if it froze in the form of a candle or a ring, a wedding is coming soon, and if it settles to the bottom, expect trouble or the imminent death of a relative.

There is such a popular belief: if a person died on Easter, they would definitely put a painted egg (pysanka) in his hands, but if the relatives of the deceased did not observe this custom, misfortune awaited them.

However, the life-giving power of the egg did not prevent witches from using it for dirty deeds, so be careful. If you suddenly find an egg under the door, it means they want to spoil you.

Folk omens about the moon

  • According to this sign, you can not say anything bad at night, especially on the new moon.
  • Previously, infants were especially protected from moonlight. In a house where there was a baby, for a whole year at night they hung windows from moonlight or put dishes with water on the window. If moonlight fell on a child, then he had a stomach ache or an intestinal disorder.
  • In no case should you pour the water in which the child was bathed into the moonlight.
  • Not only children, but also adults will get sick if the moon shines on a sleeping person.
  • To make the meat juicy, it is advisable to slaughter animals for a full moon.
  • Boars, bulls, rams are bachelored on the waning moon, so that the wound heals faster in the animal.
  • Any cutting, cutting, shearing will take place with less damage if they are done on a waning moon.
  • If you are preparing wood for construction, then do not cut it on a full moon - it will rot.
  • The sign says that pointing at the moon with a finger is a sin: the finger will dry out; and if they showed, then bite it.
  • Try neither to sow nor plant on the third lunar quarter - everything will rot or go to the stake.
  • Do not look at the clear moon at night - this contributes to the weakening of vision.
  • The most unfavorable time for surgical operations is the full moon and the first seven days after the full moon. If surgery is done at this time, then due to the influence of the moon on a person, the wounds rot and do not heal quickly.

Notes about playing cards

  • Dropping a card during a game is a bad sign.
  • The one who hums and whistles during the game can invite a loss to himself and his partner.
  • You can't play cards with a cross-eyed man - that's unfortunate. Why? God marks the rogue, since ancient times, obliques have been considered sorcerers. Playing cards with them is dooming yourself to lose in advance.
  • The one who sits with his back to the moon when playing cards is sure to lose.
  • It is not good when a card falls out during a shuffle - this is a loss.
  • If you shoot a card with your left hand, you will win faster, and if you use your right hand, you will lose.
  • The one who constantly loses is happy in love.

You probably know that you can’t guess on playing cards, as they will tell a lie. What to do if there are no other cards in the house except playing cards, and you really want to tell fortunes? Take the cards and pass them seven times through the window or doorknob and then guess. But you can do it in another way: if there is an unkissed girl (child) in the house, ask her to sit on the cards and then start fortune telling.

Folk signs about a rooster

  • If the rooster crowed at an inopportune time, they say: expect changes in social and political life. If you have a rooster, you can do without a clock: the first roosters crow at exactly midnight, the second until dawn (3 a.m.), and the third at dawn (5 a.m.).
  • It cannot be said that there are many Russian folk omens in which the rooster takes part. So, for example, a bowl of millet and water and a mirror are placed in front of the rooster, then they observe which of the three objects it will fit.
  • If the rooster decides to get drunk, they say: the husband of a fortune-telling girl will be a drunkard, if he wants to eat, to be married to a wealthy man, but if the rooster admires himself in the mirror, her future husband will have only one dignity - beauty.
  • To find out which of the friends would get married earlier, they did the following: each girl poured food, whose food the rooster starts to peck, and that one will be married before the others.

Folk omens about the goblin

You will hear laughter in the forest - this goblin is laughing. Since ancient times, people believed that the goblin lives in the forest and is its master. He can help hunters, as he is considered the owner of birds and animals. If the hunter returns without game, then the goblin was in a bad mood and he interfered with the hunt. According to popular belief, it is also considered that if a drunk gets lost, then the goblin played a trick on him, confused him. According to the popular belief about the goblin, the goblin is a person cursed in the womb and lost unbaptized. This is a creature with a human appearance, it may cease to be in the form of a deceased relative or acquaintance. You can get rid of it only with the help of a cross or prayer. The people have always believed that representatives of the unreal world (brownie, goblin, water) live nearby, and tried not to anger or offend evil spirits, but, on the contrary, to appease so that the cattle and the house were safe and sound. Belief in otherworldly forces has remained with a person since the time of paganism, when people worshiped idols, made sacrifices to them and tried in every possible way to appease them so that there was a rich harvest or a good hunt, or happiness in the house.

Signs with cigarettes

It turns out that folk omens did not bypass this subject.

Folk signs about dishes

  • Another popular sign - you should not give and accept knives as a gift - you will quarrel. This warning is based on the negative energy of objects that have sharp corners.
  • Do not allow strangers to wash dishes, wipe the table and sweep the floor. There is a danger that good energy will be swept away, and in return they will leave their own. Maybe neutral, but alien, which means energy waste. The same meaning is contained in the next sign.
  • Do not put knives and forks with the tip up - you will incur anger.
  • You can not cook in a bad mood - this will lead to a quarrel and illness. This is how mothers and grandmothers teach beginner housewives, and they are absolutely right. Everything that an angry hostess cooks will carry her negative energy, and relatives, eating food, will receive a huge charge of negativity.

What does it mean if a mirror breaks

You can't look in a broken mirror. This is a common law for all peoples. According to Feng Shui, not only cracked mirrors are harmful, but also mirrors with a pattern, in general, all surfaces that break, crush the reflection, and therefore destroy the energy.

Among the ancient Slavs, it was believed that a broken mirror - to death, among the ancient Chinese - to a serious illness.

Signs about shoes

  • Shoes must not be placed on the table - the owner of the shoe can hang himself. Of course, it's hard to imagine a situation where you put someone's shoes on the table. The shoe owner will at least be surprised and offended. And it is unlikely that he will decide to commit suicide for this reason. And the point, apparently, is that the table is an energetically dirty place. There is enough dirt on the shoes, and then a real energy vinaigrette will turn out!
  • There is another interpretation. Shoes, picking up a new negative energy, destroy the owner's connection with the earth. And then he can really come to mind bad thoughts.
  • Slippers, forks, knives, etc. cannot be crossed. This folk sign is explained by the fact that crossed objects give a strong energy impulse that is dangerous to health.

We hope that the interpretation of popular beliefs described in this article will help you in life.

There has always been a special attitude towards bread in Russia - respectful, thrifty. It is not surprising that it is reflected in numerous signs. So, it was impossible to start eating a new loaf after sunset: this threatened with poverty.

A person turns a loaf of bread “face down” - he will get into serious trouble.

Unevenly sliced ​​bread suggests that a life equally uneven and filled with difficulties awaits a person.

In order to successfully bake bread, women, putting it in the oven, had to lift the hem with the words "Rise higher."

To leave your portion of bread half-eaten after dinner is to leave your happiness. Whoever ate it took away luck, happiness.

You cannot eat bread behind another person's back: in this way you can eat his strength.

Bread should be eaten very carefully and carefully, not allowing a crumb to fall. This was done to prevent crop failure and famine.

If someone, without finishing eating one slice, starts the next, this sign tells that a loved one is suffering from hunger and need.

If you leave half-eaten pieces of bread on the table, it can become moldy all over.

Those who throw away bread will face a very severe punishment - ailments, hunger, need.