Immunotherapy and hormonal therapy of metastatic cancer. Cancer immunotherapy: effective methods of fighting the disease

Good news for patients diagnosed with "": immunotherapy drug Keytruda, which was originally used to treat melanoma, proved to be much more effective than chemotherapy. According to the results of the study, in some patients suffering from metastatic lung cancer, the tumor significantly decreased, in some it disappeared completely.

The clinical study involved more than 300 patients worldwide, including in Israel. The results of the study were published in the New England Medicine journal and presented at an international oncology congress last week. The study participants were divided into two groups, one of which received treatment according to the standard protocol of chemotherapy, and the second - the drug "Keytruda".

According to the doctors, the treatment with Keytruda was so effective that the FDA (American Drug Administration) decided to transfer all participants in the clinical trial to the new drug and refuse to use chemotherapy.

Professor Nir Peled. Photo: Yeshua Yosef

A clinical study of the drug in Israel was carried out by two leading specialists in the treatment of lung cancer: a professor and a doctor.

A drug« Keytruda»

Prof. Nir Peled notes: “A positive trend in the treatment of lung cancer with Keytruda was observed in 45% of patients, compared with 28% among those undergoing chemotherapy. At the end of the first year of treatment, 70% of patients who received Keytruda and 54% of chemotherapy survived. Among the patients of the first group, there were those who completely got rid of the malignant tumor.”

Doctor, head of the oncology department of Israel's largest hospital "", states: "The study showed that a certain percentage of patients with metastatic lung cancer respond better to immunotherapy than to standard chemotherapy. Undoubtedly, for these patients, this type of treatment is revolutionary. But do not forget that not all patients respond positively to immunotherapy.”

Today, "" is included in Israel in a subsidized drug basket for patients suffering from metastatic melanoma. According to the results of the latest study, the drug was submitted for consideration to a special commission, which will make a decision on the inclusion of the drug in the list of subsidized drugs for 2017.

Keytruda is produced by the American pharmaceutical company Merck and is considered one of the most revolutionary drugs in the world for the treatment of cancer. This is an immunotherapeutic drug that mobilizes the human immune system to fight a malignant tumor, as a result of which it decreases, and in some patients even disappears completely. "Keytruda" is administered intravenously, once every three weeks, the duration of the course depends on how the tumor reacts to the drug. To date, Keytruda is one of the most expensive medicines for, the monthly cost of the drug for a patient can be more than 40,000 shekels.

We are used to fighting cancer with radiation therapy, a surgeon's knife, and antitumor antibiotics that affect all rapidly dividing cells, including hematopoietic organs. Doctors in the treatment of Jimmy Carter used a different method. They put him on a drug called pembrolizumab. The agent acts on the patient's body using the principle of immunotherapy. A few months after starting the medication, all metastases disappeared.

Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States, turned 94 in 2018. In 2015, he had a liver cancer removed. After the operation, oncologists reported that the patient's condition had not improved. The tumor has metastasized. But Jimmy Carter is cured.

Tumors are coming

Malignant neoplasms are among the top five causes of human death. According to statistics from the World Health Organization, 25% of people will experience cancer in their lifetime.

Previously, medicine tried to defeat epidemics, cope with tuberculosis, etc. Only after a person began to live to 70 years old did the problem of cardiovascular diseases and malignant pathologies become more acute. But cancer is not a death sentence. Soon, a patient who is informed about the discovery of a tumor in him will begin to perceive the diagnosis calmly. The disease can be cured. There are already advances in this direction today.

Over the past 20 years, the death rate from cancer has decreased by 20%. This is due to the improvement of surgical methods, the use of operating robots, and the development of means for delivering radiation directly to the tumor. Progress has been due to radiation therapy: gamma and cyberknives. But these methods work if the cancerous tumor has not had time to multiply in the body, there are no regional, distant metastases. However, often during the initial visit of the patient to the doctor, the 3rd, 4th stage of the disease is already set. The way out is to look for a cure for cancer, to apply new mechanisms of action.

The search for a cure is in full swing

In developed countries, there is an intensive search for cures for cancer. Oncology is a topic discussed by many pharmaceutical manufacturers. In the field of immunomodulatory therapy, facts necessary for the production of drugs are discovered almost every day.

This direction in oncology differs from other methods in a systematic approach that allows you to act on cancer cells throughout the body, regardless of location, stage of the disease. Other methods of treatment, except for chemotherapy, affect the tumor locally.

From the point of view of philosophy, the chemotherapeutic method is a method of attacking malignant cells, in which healthy tissues are inevitably affected. After the courses, the use of anti-cancer antibiotics, patients feel bad, go bald, they have a decrease in the number of leukocytes, platelets in the blood, and other complications arise. You can destroy cancer cells not only with the help of an attack. An effective method is the mobilization of all means of suppressing tumor growth from the inside. This is the philosophical meaning of cancer immunoprophylaxis. The approach has been actively developed over the past 20 years.

The definition of immunotherapy was introduced in the mid-80s of the XX century by an outstanding oncologist from the USA, Steve Rosenberg.. Soon the first immunostimulant against cancer appeared, which was called alemtuzumab. It acted on the CD52 lymphocytic antigen. The drug underwent long-term clinical trials and entered the international market in 2001. It is used for oncohematological pathologies.

There are about ten such drugs, new drugs appear on average every 3 years. Pembrolizumab and nivolumab were released in 2014, and atezolizumab was released in 2016.

At the intersection of immunology and oncology

In the body of a healthy person, cancer cells are fought by immunity, which sensitively reacts to their appearance, attacks before reproduction, fixing in a tissue, organ. This is the basis of antitumor protection. It often happens that the immune system recognizes a malignant cell with great difficulty or cannot do it at all. Immuno-oncological drugs are drugs that enhance the ability of the immune system to fight a tumor.

Immunity protects against microorganisms, viruses. Own abnormal cells are destroyed in the usual way. It does not damage living, healthy tissue. Protection mechanisms, checks allow you to stop an already running immune response, prevent damage to normal cells.

To avoid destruction, malignant neoplasms use this stop. Cancer cells pretend to be healthy. The tumor suppression blocking mechanism is triggered. One way to prevent this process is to administer a drug that removes the block. As a result, the body can destroy the tumor.

The work of immunity against a cancer cell is not much different from the killing of microbes that accidentally enter the bloodstream. The scout cell detects it by specific antigenic markers located on the membrane. The received information is delivered to the peripheral organs of the immune system, i.e. regional lymph nodes. There is a command that receives, processes the signal, directs T-lymphocytes to destroy the enemy with the help of antibodies, phagocytosis, etc. T-lymphocytes have a special membrane protein PD-1, or a programmed death molecule. When this compound is activated, the T-lymphocyte dies. Normal - after the task is completed. However, tumor cells are able to start the process ahead of time.

In the foreground are research, experiments to prevent the programmed death of immune cells, the use of a cunning tactical weapon by a tumor (melanoma, glioma, etc.).

About difficulties and prospects

The principles of immunoprophylaxis are clear, in practice everything is a little different. Dozens of studies are underway related to the third phase of drug introduction.

There are cases when monoclonal antibodies do not work. This is due to the presence in the body of several varieties of tumor tissue markers.

An oncological disease called lung cancer is a malignant, aggressive tumor. During the first 5 years after the discovery of the disease, 85% of patients die. If a patient is diagnosed with stage 4, then there is only one chance in 50 that he will live another 5 years. There are several varieties of this cancer. In one of them, tumor cells have the PD-L1 biomarker. Such patients are about 25% of the total number of patients. It was for them that pembrolizumab proved to be effective. The rest of the drug does not help. But for some, life expectancy increases, the period of stable remission is extended by 1 year.

Another promising area is immunoprophylaxis, i.e. introduction into the body of a recombinant vaccine (serum) based on tumor antigens. This prevents cervical cancer caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV).

Immunotherapy uses not only monoclonal antibodies, but also dendritic cells. They are taken from the patient using extracorporeal methods, incubated with cancer antigen. The dendritic cells are then injected back into the patient. As a result, the immune system is activated, a lymphocytic response is formed.

Another method is the introduction of destroyed, lysed tumor tissue into the body. As a result, an immune response is also elicited.

Immunotherapy is a gateway to the future that can be opened with the help of science, technological progress, well-equipped laboratories and trained personnel.

In terms of frequency of occurrence among any categories of the planet's population, they are in first place. To combat malignant neoplasms, methods are used, cytotoxic drugs, and surgical intervention are used.

But not always their use allows you to achieve complete recovery. Therefore, scientists are looking for new ways to destroy cancer cells in the body, and one of them is immunotherapy, which is widely used in medical clinics.

The concept of methodology

Oncology is a young science that studies cancer, finds out the causes of their occurrence and establishes the features of the effect of anti-cancer methods on the body.

The ongoing research has made it possible to establish that the immune system plays a significant role in the development of atypical cells inside the body, that is, a decrease in its work.

Immunity performs a certain function, it destroys cells alien to the human body, these include viruses, bacteria and those cells that change their structure under the influence of provoking factors.

If the immune system is weakened, then the development and growth of cancer cells is not blocked by anything.

Immunotherapy is a treatment whose methods are aimed at activating hidden protective resources, which allows you to stop the formation of a tumor and gradually destroy all atypical cells.

Formation of antitumor immunity is possible at any stage of cancer. With the first degrees of malignant lesions, immunotherapy is chosen as an additional method of treatment. In the last stages of cancer, an increase in protective forces makes it possible to increase the effectiveness and reduce the toxicity of chemotherapy drugs and radiation therapy.

Immunotherapy is evaluated as a promising method of fighting cancer, this technique has many advantages, these are:

  • The absence of a pronounced toxic effect on the body. For the preparation of drugs, the patient's own cells are used, so there are practically no rejection reactions.
  • Compatibility with other methods of cancer treatment.
  • Effective inhibition of further tumor growth.
  • Possibility of outpatient treatment.
  • Improving the quality of life.
  • Significant lengthening without recurrence of some types of cancer.

Immunotherapy is mainly prescribed to patients from five to 60 years. The probability of recovery when drugs that act on the immune system are included in the treatment regimen increases to 70%.

Indications and contraindications

Immunotherapy is not used as a standalone treatment. Stimulation of the functioning of the immune system is possible at any stage of cancer development, but this method of anti-cancer treatment performs different tasks.

At an early stage, with the help of immunotherapy, it is possible to achieve a stable remission or recovery; in the later stages, the general well-being of the patient is facilitated.

Immunotherapy is prescribed for the purpose of:

  • Obtaining or enhancing the antitumor effect in the body.
  • Reduction of adverse reactions from the use of cytostatics and radiation exposure. By stimulating the immune system, the general toxic effect on the body is reduced, the antioxidant effect is enhanced, and immunosuppression and myelosuppression are eliminated.
  • Prophylactic prevention of cancer recurrence and the development of other types of malignant tumors.
  • Treatment of infectious complications associated with cancer, arising under the influence of fungi, bacteria and viruses.

There are no absolute contraindications to immunotherapy. The type of this treatment is selected based on the type of tumor, the patient's condition, the presence of concomitant diseases.


Immunotherapy of malignant tumors, depending on the mechanism of immunological action on the body, is divided into several types, these are:

  • Specific active immunotherapy. The basis of this method is the stimulation of the formation of antigen-dependent T-cell cytotoxicity. This leads to the gradual destruction of only a specific subtype of tumor cells. The immunogenicity of atypical cells is increased by transfection of B7 genes or a number of cytokines directly into tumor cells. Specific immunotherapy gives high cure rates for prostate and breast cancer, melanoma, some types of brain tumors, and oncohematological lesions.
  • Nonspecific active immunotherapy aimed at activating antigen-independent cytotoxicity. This method of immunotherapy is most often used for certain types of malignant lung lesions, adenocarcinomas, bladder cancer, colorectal neoplasm, renal cell cancer.
  • Combined active immunotherapy potentiates the antigen-dependent antitumor response of the immune system through the use of non-specific types of immunostimulants and through additional stimulation of non-specific immunity.
  • Non-specific passive immunotherapy is based on the introduction into the body of the missing immunological factors - immune cells, cytokines, immunoglobulins. The introduction of these substances normalizes the functioning of the immune system or leads to the activation of antigen-independent cytotoxicity, which affects the tumor itself. Recombinant beta, alpha and gamma interferons, TNF, agents containing lectins, IL-1, IL-2, IL-12 are used.
  • Adaptive immunotherapy consists in changing the ratio between tumor cells and lymphocytes, which are suppressed during the development of a malignant process. This is achieved by introducing separate subcellular fractions and xenogenic lymphocytes.

Drugs that affect the activity of the immune system are mainly administered intravenously.

Sublingual immunotherapy is also widely used, with this method of treatment sublingual tablets or drops are used.

It is believed that the dissolution of the drug in the mucous membrane reduces the severity of the toxic effects on the body.

How is immunotherapy performed in oncology?

Immunotherapy involves the introduction into the body of a patient with cancer of biological drugs with antitumor activity. In the body, they enhance the defenses, contribute to the production of substances that block nutrition and, accordingly, interrupt the growth of the tumor.

Biological products in each case are selected and manufactured individually. In some cases, it is necessary to obtain cancer cells from the neoplasm itself, and a drug is prepared on their basis.

The sampling of cellular material is also carried out from donors. The resulting material is processed and then injected or otherwise introduced into the body.

The medicine starts working immediately, but the results of its use will be visible only after a few months. All this time the patient must be under the supervision of doctors.

Immune drugs and their effectiveness

In clinics that treat cancer patients, the following groups of medicines are mainly used in immunotherapy:

  • Cytokines. This group of drugs serves to transmit information among immune cells.
  • Interleukins- inform about the formation of cancer cells.
  • Monoclonal antibodies perform two functions - they detect atypical cells and immediately destroy them.
  • Dendritic cells are made by mixing cancer cells and progenitor cells of blood elements. This combination provides the created biomaterial with the ability to destroy malignant tumors.
  • Gamma interferons drugs that work by killing cancer cells.
  • T-helpers- a group of highly active immune bodies.
  • TIL cells- an artificial material created using neoplasm tissues. In a certain way, cells with cancer-killing functions are grown from these tissues.
  • Cancer Vaccines are made from tumor antigens or from its malignant cells, which lose their ability to reproduce. Vaccines increase the production of antibodies with antitumor activity.

Side effects

There is no pronounced toxic effect of immunotherapy drugs on the body. Only 30% of treated patients have weakness, occasional nausea, hypotension, inflammation of the mucous membranes and allergic reactions, which are most often manifested by skin rashes.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

General information

Immunotherapy called a direction in medicine that deals with the cure of various ailments by influencing the immune system ( decrease or vice versa increase).

Methods of immunotherapy:

  • specific,
  • non-specific.
The former affect the immune response to a particular antigen or group of antigens. The latter use the ability of the body's defenses to respond to certain overwhelming or reinforcing factors.
Also, all methods are divided into active and passive. Active methods enhance the response of the body's defenses and its direction, while passive ones are "donors" that supply the missing links and functions.


Immunocorrection- Correction of violations of the body's defenses. To achieve this goal, methods of immunoreplacement therapy, immunomodulatory or immunoreconstruction are used.
In immunoreplacement therapy, non-working or missing factors are supplied from drugs ( serum, plasma or immunoglobulin).

Immunomodulating therapy is the effect on altered immune functions through regulatory systems. For this, immunomodulators are used - drugs that can either activate or suppress the body's defenses with different regimens. It is also possible with the help of one drug to inhibit some links and activate others. Those that activate the body's defenses are called immunostimulants, and those that suppress it are called immunosuppressants.

Immunoreconstruction- this is the construction of protective mechanisms by transplantation of stem cells of various organs ( thymus, liver, bone marrow).

Active techniques are aimed at immune bodies - lymphocytes, which detect the antigen and react to it.

One of the passive methods is serotherapy. It consists in the infusion of special immune sera.

Autoserotherapy- This is a type of non-specific autoimmune therapy, in which the patient is injected with the serum of his blood.
Serum temperature is adjusted to 56 degrees and incubated for 30 minutes. After that, it is injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly every 48 hours. The duration of treatment is from eight to twelve procedures. This treatment is effective for toxicosis of pregnant women, ichthyosis, pemphigus, prurigo ( pruritus).

The same term is called another method of therapy for pleural exudates. Using a syringe, a hole is made in the pleura, one milliliter of exudate is withdrawn and poured under the skin. Repeat the procedures once every 24 - 72 hours, the number of procedures is up to six. This is not a very effective treatment technique, so it is practically not used.

Autotopiotherapy- This is a type of immunotherapy in which a patient with a long-term ongoing suppuration is injected with his own pus in small quantities.

Replacement immunotherapy lies in the fact that with some ailments, the body ceases to independently produce immunoglobulins - special proteins that suppress the development of foreign agents. In such conditions, substitution immunotherapy is prescribed, in which immunoglobulins are infused into the patient's body in the form of drugs.

For allergies and asthma

An allergy is a violation of the body's reaction to a particular substance. That is why it is so difficult to correct this condition with the help of drugs.
One of the most effective methods is allergen-specific immunotherapy or allergy vaccination .

The advantage of the technique is that it affects the root cause of the disease, and is not a symptomatic treatment, like most medical methods.

The history of the use of this method for allergies has more than 100 years. It was originally used to treat hay fever. This method is practically the only possible one if it is not possible to completely eliminate the allergen from the patient's life.

This method of treatment affects the reactivity of the body in relation to certain substances. By changing it, you can completely heal. Thus, the manifestations of allergies either completely disappear or are significantly reduced. The main objective of the technique is to reduce the body's sensitivity to allergens.
Classical, fast, as well as accelerated allergy vaccination schemes have been developed.

Allergens are administered in a variety of ways, but subcutaneous infusion is more common. Developments are underway to allow the introduction of allergens in the form of inhalations, tablets. According to clinical data, up to 90% of patients suffering from pollen allergy are cured of their ailment using this method. Foreign experts recommend these methods for the treatment of children with various forms of allergies.

Preparations based on saline solutions are poured in.
Allergic vaccination is prescribed for persons from five to fifty years old if there is laboratory confirmation of an allergy associated with a violation of the activity of immunoglobulin E.


  • allergy to plant pollen, including in the form of a runny nose and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, manifested at certain times of the year,
  • allergic rhinitis or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, independent of the season,
  • atopic form of bronchial asthma.
This method gives very good results in the treatment of allergy to insect stings.
A separate technique is vaccination with bacterial allergens for the treatment of an infectious-allergic form of asthma.
Allergovaccination is used successfully in the hormone-dependent form of bronchial asthma. Patients can significantly reduce the use of hormonal drugs and sometimes completely refuse them.

Treatment consists in the fact that small doses of the allergen are poured into the patient's body at certain intervals. Gradually, the amount increases and begins to affect the defense mechanisms that "get used" to the allergen. The duration of therapy is 12 weeks. There are also express treatment regimens that have not yet proven their effectiveness.
This type of treatment helps 9 patients out of 10 who have completed the full treatment regimen. The technique allows for several years or even decades to prolong remission in bronchial asthma, and in 30% of patients the disease does not return at all.

In oncology - using dendritic cells

The immune system of the body also protects it from external enemies ( viruses and microbes), and from internal - mutated cells capable of uncontrolled reproduction. Every day, as many as eight cancerous tumors begin to develop in the body of each of us, but the task of immunity is to detect and suppress them in time. If the immune system fails, the tumor begins to produce substances that suppress the body's defenses, and in most patients with cancer, the immune system is very weak.
Thanks to many studies, it has been proven that dendritic cells have a very serious effect on these processes.

Method of using dendritic cells:
1. A blood sample is taken from the patient and progenitor cells are removed from it, which in the future become dendritic cells.
2. During the growing period, elements of malignant cells, extracted from the body of the patient himself or obtained artificially, are added to the cells.
3. The progenitor cell during maturation can absorb these elements.
4. During absorption, information is read, which in the future is used to recognize all such cells. This is how a dendritic cell is formed, which has signs of a tumor and gives a special signal to the defense mechanisms about this.
5. Ready-made dendritic cells are infused into the body, enter the lymph nodes, and there they activate all possible immune bodies that suppress tumor growth.
6. Having learned the signs of tumor cells, immune bodies get to the most remote corners of the body and begin to destroy tumor cells there.

7. Once an immune cell engulfs a malignant cell, it releases substances that notify all other cells in the body.

It is already known for certain that breast, prostate, kidney, skin, ovarian and colon cancer can be treated with this technique.
While there are no methods that allow treating diseases only with the help of immunotherapy, it is recommended as an adjunct to radiation or chemotherapy, since a tumor already irradiated or treated with chemotherapy drugs is more easily affected by immune cells.

The dendritic cell technique is also used in cases where other methods of treatment are not effective enough. The method is most effective at the primary stages of the development of the disease, when the number of mutated cells is still small. Therefore, before starting treatment, the degree of reactivity of the patient's immune system is necessarily examined.
This technique can cause some side effects: swollen lymph nodes, increased body temperature, lethargy, hyperemia at the injection site.

In oncology, anticancer vaccines

Vaccination allows you to set up immunity against the development of a malignant tumor. Vaccines can contain both tumor cells and antigens.

All vaccines are divided into:

  • vaccines containing whole cells,
  • vaccines containing antigens.
To create a cellular vaccine, tumor cells are removed from a patient and processed in a special way. When the cells become incapable of dividing, they are used to inject the patient, which helps to form specific immunity.

Antigenic vaccines include antigens, and there can be a number of antigens for one tumor. There are antigens that are characteristic of neoplasms of one type, and there are those that are found in the body of only one patient.

The use of cancer vaccines today is largely an experimental method, not widely used.

According to experimental data, a specific vaccine against a relapsing form of kidney cancer helps to increase the period of remission of the disease by two years. There are vaccines against different types of cancer that are being tested in different countries.

Drugs used in cancer immunotherapy:
Cytokines - they enhance the effect of antitumor vaccines, being carriers of information from one immune body to another. Sometimes cytokines are injected directly into the vaccine.

gamma interferon is an artificial version of a protein that is produced in the human body to destroy neoplasms and infections.

Interleukin - 2 - when a neoplasm appears in the body, the process of producing interleukins is disrupted. These substances are produced by the body and are necessary for the transfer of information between different cells and tissues of the body.

Filgrastim and Lenograstim - colony-stimulating factors that contribute to the activation and accumulation of granulocytes.

Deoxynate, thymogen, monoclonal antibodies - stimulants acting on various parts of the immune system.

TIL cell immunotherapy

This is one of the areas of immunotherapy in oncology, used to treat end-stage melanoma with metastases. The technique allows you to suddenly and significantly enhance the immune response of the patient's body to the malignant cells present in it. TIL cells are more active than ordinary lymphocytes by an average of 75 times.

The patient undergoes an operation to eliminate the neoplasm and metastases. TIL cells are extracted from the removed tissues. Under laboratory conditions, the most active ones are selected and left for reproduction for 15-30 days. In order for the cells to develop their antitumor capabilities to the maximum, they are placed in a special environment. This is a very complex process. If all conditions are met, the probability of obtaining an effective drug for this particular patient is 50%.

The patient undergoes a course of chemotherapy, after which the multiplied and strengthened TIL cells are returned to his blood. Since the cells were originally taken from the body of the patient himself, they do not cause any rejection reaction or side effects. The action of the drug is long-term. The introduction of TIL cells is combined with interleukin preparations and sometimes with a granulocyte colony-stimulating factor preparation.

T cell technology

One of the most active immune bodies are T-helpers, which provide the so-called adaptive immunity.

T-cell immunotherapy is used for:

  • cancer treatment,
  • treatment of HIV and other types of viruses,
  • treatment of autoimmune diseases,
  • research on immunity
  • cancer research.
There are two methods for activating T-helpers in the laboratory:
1. Using own cells from the patient's body,
2. using donor cells.

In addition, there are unique methods being tested for the activation of T-helpers by electromagnetic particles.

In advanced stages of cancer

Many patients seek medical help already at fairly advanced stages of cancer, when there are manifestations of the disease. Often, at such stages, tumor metastases are already present, which nullify all attempts at traditional treatment, contribute to an increase in the volume of malignant cells and early death. None of the conventional treatments, including aggressive enough chemotherapy and radiation, can prevent a recurrence of the disease. Immunotherapy helps to activate the body's ability to fight cancer.

Scheme for the use of immunotherapeutic methods in the terminal stages of cancer:
1. It is possible to completely eliminate the tumor and metastases by surgery.
2. Administration of a cancer vaccine.
3. Treatment with cytokines.
4. Thyroxine treatment.
5. Cleansing the body of toxins with the help of special preparations ( deoxynate).

Vaccination is carried out a week or two after surgery. A later introduction is also possible, however, the results may be worse. Such treatment regimens allow one and a half to two times to reduce the number of malignant cells in the body.

With endometriosis

Endometriosis is a disease in which the cells of the lining of the uterus ( endometrium) spread through the internal organs of a woman and take root there. According to the latest scientific data, endometriosis is a consequence of a malfunction of the immune system. Otherwise, local immune cells would not allow endometrial cells to engraft and grow anywhere. These patients have a reduced number of killer cells.

Despite the abundance of methods of treatment, none of them gives a complete cure, and also does not affect the root cause of the disease.
Immunotherapy for endometriosis is aimed at activating killer and T cells against the endometrium, which takes root in inappropriate places.

For this, the antitumor vaccine RESAN was created. The use of this vaccine is explained by the fact that the "wandering" cells of the endometrium have some qualities similar to those of malignant tissues of the uterus and ovaries.
According to clinical trials, immunotherapy helps to reduce the size of the uterus, as well as fibroids. Sometimes the cystic phenomena of the ovaries resolve. Pain decreases twice, edema disappears, the emotional state of patients and their well-being improves.

With adenoma and prostate cancer

Immunotherapy is the most modern method of treating prostate cancer, giving results in aggressive types of the disease. Unfortunately, this type of cancer often returns even after successful treatment with traditional methods. Therefore, the use of cancer vaccines can play a decisive role in some cases.

Modern doctors already know for certain that cancers appear only in people with weak immunity. Therefore, competent and timely immunotherapy will direct the body to fight the tumor.
Immunotherapy methods are very effective in the treatment of prostate cancer, since it is quite easy to strengthen the local immunity of the prostate gland with the help of already created drugs.

Methods of both active and passive immunotherapy are used, which make it possible to almost completely destroy cancer cells.
However, not in all cases, the treatment has an effect, for example, if the tumor develops clearly within the gland, it is more effective to remove it. To date, there are no effective methods of immunotherapy for the treatment of prostate cancer metastases and tumor types that are not sensitive to the level of the androgen hormone.

Vaccines contain tumor antigens that drastically increase the body's immune response to the presence of cancer cells.
But it's not just cancer that can be treated with immunotherapy. Very effective treatment for prostate adenoma. The introduction of vaccines contributes to the normalization of the level of prostate-specific antigen in the patient's blood. Thus, the body itself can control tumor processes. It takes only 4-8 weeks after the introduction of the vaccine, and this figure approaches the norm. In some forms of prostate adenoma, full recovery can be achieved.

So, if the tissues of the adenoma are represented by glandular or fibrous cells, the probability of recovery is from 80 to 85%.
If the adenoma consists of muscle fibers, the chance of recovery is 50 to 60%.
With combined forms, 60-80% of patients who have undergone immunotherapy have a chance to recover.

For periodontal disease

To enhance local immunity in periodontal diseases, local immunotherapeutic methods are used. But, despite the widespread use, the role of immunity in the development of periodontitis has not yet been proven, therefore, immunostimulants are recommended to be used only after a doctor's prescription.

Immunity correction methods are prescribed for moderate and severe forms of the disease. In particular, drugs such as licopid, cytokines and T-activin are used.
Some experts recommend using viferon, derinat and deoxynate.
There is evidence of the high efficiency of the drug imudon in the early stages of periodontitis. To strengthen local immunity in a rapidly deteriorating condition, in some cases it is very effective to use ozone therapy in the form of irrigation of the mouth and gum pockets.

With tuberculosis

One of the factors of effective treatment of tuberculosis is the prevention and elimination of secondary immunodeficiencies. According to laboratory data, almost all links of immunity are affected in patients with active tuberculosis:
  • Decreased levels of cytokines
  • The level of all types of immunoglobulins is disturbed,
  • Changes in the activity of phagocytes
  • The combination of lymphocyte cells changes.

Tuberculin therapy is widely used as a means of specific immunotherapy. Such treatment is most effective if the patient's immunity is weakened and the body's sensitization is very strong. Tuberculin is administered by electrophoresis. The dosage is selected individually depending on the body weight of the patient, but the initial doses are always less. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes, with an average of twenty sessions. If necessary, the course can be carried out once every 4 to 6 weeks.

Immunotherapy in oncology is considered to be a progressive and effective means of fighting cancer at all clinical stages of malignant tumor growth. This technique is aimed at activating specific and nonspecific immunity. The therapy is carried out with the help of biopreparations, which are made for each patient individually from his own pathological cells. The production of immunostimulating agents includes the use of the latest achievements in gene technology.

Immunotherapy in Oncology: Effectiveness and Benefits in Cancer Treatment

The interest of oncologists in immunotherapy gradually increased against the background of the successful use of vaccination in the fight against bacterial and viral infections. For example, the effectiveness of stimulating the immune system in leukemia has been proven. In this disease, bone marrow transplantation leads to the formation of new immune cells, which are a key factor in the recovery of cancer patients.

Immunotherapy benefits which has been proven by numerous studies, is used at all stages of the cancer process. This type of therapy is mainly used as part of complex anticancer treatment.

In this regard, many oncologists evaluate the results of therapy by the presence of an immune response, and not by the size of the malignant neoplasm. So, back in 2006, the US Pharmaceutical Drug Administration approved the use of the first cancer vaccine. Subsequently, vaccination against cervical cancer and prostate cancer has been widely used.

Indications for immunotherapy

This type of treatment is considered an additional method of anticancer therapy. Stimulation of the immune system in the early stages of the oncological process contributes to the onset of a stable remission or complete recovery of the patient.

Immunotherapy in the advanced stages of cancer as part of palliative care prolongs the life of a cancer patient.

For whom is cancer immunotherapy contraindicated?

Immunostimulation with cancer vaccines eliminates the occurrence of side effects. In these drugs there is no toxic effect on the body of a cancer patient.

The consequences of immunotherapy with non-specific forms of exposure in some cases can cause a slight rise in temperature, a decrease in blood pressure and allergic reactions in the patient.

Pharmaceutical preparations for immunotherapy

In the human body, these substances provide intercellular interaction between the immune, nervous and endocrine systems. Cytokines contribute to the activation of immune processes. In oncological practice, cytokines are used to treat all types of malignant neoplasms.

This biologically active substance is produced by the body in response to the penetration of a viral or bacterial infection. The introduction of modified interferons forces the immune system to recognize and fight cancer cells. Identification of a malignant neoplasm occurs due to the activation of surface tumor receptors.

Interleukins. which are one of the forms of cytokines:

These drugs stimulate the formation of t- and b-lymphocytes. Interleukins are used in complex anticancer therapy, and especially for the treatment of cancer with metastases.

These drugs are prescribed by oncologists during the period of chemotherapy. Colony-stimulating factors promote the synthesis of neutrophils and macrophages, which is the prevention of severe complications of anticancer therapy.

In modern oncological practice, immunostimulating drugs are considered an indispensable part of the combined method of cancer treatment. These funds activate the nonspecific protective abilities of the body and normalize the cellular composition of the circulatory system. Immunostimulants are also recommended to be taken in the rehabilitation period after chemotherapy and radiation exposure.

These drugs are made from immune cells based on the achievements of genetic engineering. Artificially modified antibodies, after being introduced into the body, concentrate on the receptors of mutated cells, making them visible to the body's immune system. Also, monoclonal drugs can be used as a means of delivering radioactive elements or cytotoxic substances to the focus of malignant growth. Thus, this type of immunotherapy increases the effectiveness of the main methods of anticancer treatment.

Natural Ways of Immunotherapy

  1. vitamin therapy. The inclusion of vitamin complexes in the diet helps to accelerate metabolic processes, modify immune resistance and prevent genetic mutation. Vitamins for cancer and cancer can be taken in tablet form or naturally in fruits and vegetables.
  2. Phytotherapy. In some cases, herbal cancer treatment can cause the death of cancer cells. So, for example, licorice, according to oncologists, has a pronounced anti-cancer effect. This plant can not only stabilize oncological growth, but also activate specific immunity.
  3. Aerotherapy. The essence of this technique is the dosed effect of oxygen on the patient. The therapeutic effect is achieved by walking in the open air or inhaling purified oxygen. Aerotherapy is an exclusively additional anti-cancer technique that is effective in the prevention of oncology or during the rehabilitation of an operated cancer patient.

Immunotherapy in oncology should include both traditional means and methods of non-traditional stimulation of immunity.