Inhalations for adenoids in children with a nebulizer and their effectiveness. Inhalations for adenoids: effectiveness, performance features Saline inhalations at home for adenoids

Many parents, in order to avoid surgery to remove the pharyngeal tonsil, are ready to try all the methods of conservative treatment. And they can be understood!

In addition, in the early stages, such therapy can be very effective. Let's look at another way to help in this situation: inhalation with a nebulizer.

There is a theory that some doctors hold that when you remove a child's adenoids, you literally cripple his immune system! Is it so?

Is it possible to avoid this and, most importantly, how to avoid it? All the most useful and interesting on this difficult topic in today's article!

The meaning of this device for inhalation is reduced to its Latin translation. From the Latin language "nebula" is a cloud.

The device literally sprays any medicine that is placed in it to turn it into a cloud - an aerosol.

Once in the throat, particles of such a “medicinal cloud” instantly settle on the inflamed tissues and are very well absorbed.

Nebulizer therapy is carried out for children, adults, pregnant women. It is very effective and acceptable not only in the hospital, but also at home.

But why not choose a simple inhaler then? After all, the principle of its operation is very similar to that described above. It turns out that there is a difference. Let's see - what is it?

Inhaler and nebulizer - which is better?

In essence, it's almost the same thing. A nebulizer is a type of inhaler. Its most significant difference, perhaps, is that steam nebulizers do not exist. Only inhalers. But they are not suitable for the treatment of the disease that we are talking about today.

The nebulizer has the property of a more precise and direct effect on the upper, middle or lower parts of the respiratory system.

It is necessary to select the device together with your attending physician, since there are many types of them, which differ from each other in structure and size. These parameters depend on the particle size of the resulting aerosol.

Solutions for inhalation with a nebulizer for adenoids in children

An effective option is inhalation with Cycloferon. In the finished version, it is problematic to buy this drug, but you can take an ampoule for injecting this drug and mix it with four milliliters of saline.

The patient must breathe this mixture for 10 days, 1 time per day for a duration of 5 minutes.

The second method is a sodium chloride solution. It can be bought ready-made at any pharmacy. For one procedure you will need 5 ml. Coordinate the number and frequency of procedures with your doctor.

In order to have an anti-inflammatory effect, use pharmaceutical extracts of medicinal herbs. Well suited - Rotokan.

It is a mixture of calendula, chamomile and yarrow. The drug will gently remove inflammation from the tissues and give some relief.

If the cause of adenoiditis is infectious, then a strong natural antiseptic - Chlorophyllipt - can be used for inhalation.

Before use, as many as 10 parts of saline are added to a 1% solution of Chlorophyllipt.

Salt, soda-salt solutions are also useful, but their use must be strictly discussed with your doctor, because not all nebulizers and inhalers are suitable for this.

You need to choose the right one. The doctor will help you do just that. And at the same time will give a recipe for a solution suitable specifically for you.

All these recipes for inhalation with a nebulizer for adenoids in children will be very effective at stages 1 and 2 of the disease. At the 3rd stage, there is an opinion that they are already completely useless.

But before running and cutting the pharyngeal tonsils, if I were you, I would still try this method.

What is the reason for the effectiveness of such a procedure?

This type of inhalation can bring significant relief to the baby and stop inflammation, because:

With this method, as many as 98% of the drug gets right for its intended purpose. on inflamed tissues. And this figure is not taken “out of thin air”. These are estimates from the World Health Organization.

The nebulizer allows you to deliver the active substance directly to its destination without the use of propellants.

This type of inhaler allows you to save the drug, as it all goes “into business”.

The procedure is very simple in itself and children at a more conscious age can carry it out on their own.

Thus, this type of therapy at stages 1 and 2, in combination with other drugs and general strengthening of the child's immunity, can significantly advance you in this difficult process of treatment in a conservative way.

But even at the 3rd stage of the disease, you can use it as a relief agent, for example, at bedtime.

Other types of inhalations

With this disease, inhalations of the following types are resorted to:

Dry - a few drops of special essential oils are dripped onto the handkerchief and the child is allowed to breathe with such a handkerchief for 7-10 minutes.

Wet - put the child in a warm bath and drip a few drops of essential oil into it and bathe for 15 minutes.

Salt - heat a kilogram of salt, add a drop of eucalyptus or fir oil to it and let the child breathe for about 10 minutes.

Nebulizer inhalation.

Other ways to treat adenoids in children

Any adult will tell you that nasal congestion and shortness of breath are a real problem. In this state, it is very difficult to enjoy life and work effectively. This is for adults. Can you imagine what it's like for kids?

Their mood instantly deteriorates, they suffer from insomnia, they practically cannot eat anything and are very capricious!

If you notice something similar in your child, then most likely it is inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil. In an inflamed state, it is also called adenoids.

There are many ways to treat this disease. Both conservative and radical. Among them:


Instillation of various herbs and decoctions

Use of drugs

Removal of adenoids


Of course, the sooner you start inflammation therapy, the more chances you and your child will have to avoid surgical intervention. I have written many times in previous articles that removing the pharyngeal tonsil is not the best solution. But I repeat.

The tonsil is an organ of the child's immunity, which is very necessary for him before puberty. Then he himself decreases and for many disappears completely as unnecessary.

And at the age of 12-14 years, it is in it that the most important processes of determining what kind of infection the body of a little man has encountered? Then the data already enters the immune cells and the body makes a decision - what, in fact, to do with it?

Now that you understand the true nature and importance of the pharyngeal tonsil, you can make a more informed decision whether to remove it or treat it conservatively.

The pharyngeal tonsil, located on the back wall of the nasopharynx, helps in the functioning of the immune system. It protects the body from the introduction of foreign particles in the process of breathing. In some cases, the tonsils can grow and become inflamed. In this case, discomfort associated with respiratory functions occurs. Is it possible to eliminate this pathology and what methods are most effective?

Adenoids or enlarged tonsils

The tonsils are small lymphoid formations when the child is healthy. They produce blood cells - lymphocytes that destroy bacteria, flexible, viruses. As a result of colds, infectious diseases or allergies, the tonsils increase. In their treatment, the most reliable way is physiotherapy. Inhalations with adenoids give a favorable prognosis for recovery.

If a child often has a stuffy nose, he suffers from otitis media, breathes through his mouth, snores at night, then often the cause is a change in the size of the pharyngeal tonsil. It not only grows, but also becomes inflamed, causing:

  • breathing difficulties
  • otitis and hearing loss
  • development of pneumonia, bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis,
  • poor sleep, choking at night, snoring,
  • malfunctions of the cardiovascular system.

Speech changes and becomes unintelligible. In addition, the child begins to snort. In advanced cases, the structure of the facial skeleton changes: an incorrect bite is formed, the lower jaw sags. But the most dangerous thing is that the adenoids cease to perform protective functions.

The benefits of inhalation for adenoids

Inhalations for adenoids in children are used during exacerbation of inflammation and during remission. They help to reduce the size of the pharyngeal tonsil and relieve such unpleasant symptoms as cough, dryness of the pharyngeal mucosa, runny nose.

If the procedure is carried out correctly, then the effect will be as follows:

  • removal of the process of inflammation,
  • decreased cough reflex
  • mucosal hydration,
  • reduction of pain and signs of irritation,
  • reduction of discharge from the nose,
  • mucus thinning,
  • protection from the development of complications.

Attention! It is forbidden to breathe over hot steam with inflamed adenoids. If the stage is chronic, then this provokes their further growth. With an acute course of the disease in the nasopharynx, purulent processes may begin.

Methods for inhalation at home

Inhalations are carried out in different ways. Distinguish:

  1. Dry, which are quite easy to carry out. You need to apply a few drops of essential oil on a handkerchief and breathe it in pairs for 10 minutes. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day. If the child does not like it, you can put a handkerchief with essential oil next to the crib at night.
  2. Wet: with the use of an inhaler, which receives warm steam or steam at room temperature. The duration and frequency of sessions is determined by the pediatrician.
  3. Wet inhalation in the bath. Herbal decoctions (sea salt) and essential oils are added to the water. While taking a bath, the child simultaneously breathes in fumes. This procedure softens the mucous membrane of the nose and pharynx, relieves swelling and inflammation. Its duration is 10 minutes.
  4. Salt, for which you need to visit a salt cave or purchase a salt lamp. If these procedures cannot be carried out, then coarse salt is heated, to which a few drops of essential oil are added. The child breathes over dry steam for 10 minutes, covered with a towel (4-5 k. of essential oil is needed for 1 kg of salt).

Sometimes for inhalation, the widely used Zvezdochka balm is used, which also includes essential oils. It facilitates and softens breathing, reduces swelling and relieves the inflammatory process. When carrying out any of the above procedures, you need to take a slow breath through the nose and quickly exhale through the mouth.

Essential oils have a complex effect on the body. Due to aromatherapy, inflammation is reduced and pathogenic microflora is destroyed. For the treatment of adenoids, oils of cypress, juniper, arborvitae, eucalyptus, tea tree, pine or cedar are best suited.

The main contraindications are individual intolerance and allergy to a certain component. When treating children, these are important points to keep track of. In case of frequent exacerbation of the disease, as well as at its 2-3 stages (severe form of the course), inhalations will not bring the desired result. In this situation, only surgery can help.

The use of nebulizers in the treatment of adenoids

Which nebulizer for adenoids is better to use? There are three types of device: compressor, ultrasonic and membrane. Each has its own positives and negatives. It all depends on the nature of the disease and the solutions that are planned to be used.

For inhalation with a nebulizer for adenoids in children, it is desirable to use a device that can create fine particles (suspension of liquid droplets in the air). The finer the particles when sprayed, the larger area of ​​the respiratory system they will cover.

Most modern devices have a function that allows you to adjust the diameter of the microdroplets. It is desirable that their size is up to 10 microns or more. It is necessary to carry out the procedure based on the instructions for using the device.

The pharyngeal tonsil is located at the entrance to the respiratory tract, therefore, when spraying the therapeutic mixture, its particles should settle in the upper respiratory tract. Therefore, there is no need for too fine spraying.

Treatment with inhalations for adenoiditis helps only in the early stages of the development of the disease, slowing down its development. She will move to the 2nd, and then the 3rd stage much later. If the age of puberty sets in and hormonal changes in the body occur, then the symptoms of the disease may simply disappear without any manipulation or surgical intervention.

Composition of solutions for inhalation

The composition of the agent with which the treatment of adenoids with a nebulizer is carried out is prescribed by the doctor, depending on the development of the disease. But any of the prescribed compositions will reduce edematous processes on the mucous membrane, reduce inflammation and growth of the tonsil. Most often, these are temporary measures that delay the further development of pathology.

For procedures, solutions are used:

  • saline with mineral water is used most often, because it not only moisturizes the mucous membranes, but also removes sputum;
  • mucolytics: Lazolvan or Ambrobene thin the mucus in the nasopharynx;
  • preparations Fluimucil-antibiotic, Hydrocortisone, Pulmicort for children with adenoids helps to relieve swelling and eliminate inflammation;
  • the drug Derinat is prescribed when the disease proceeds in an acute form, its immunostimulating effect helps to fight the infection;
  • Mentoclar and Cedovix for inhalation are available as drops with essential oils that are added to the solution;
  • preparations with medicinal herbs in the composition: Rotokan with chamomile, calendula and yarrow gently relieves the inflammation process,
  • antiseptic Chlorophyllipt is of plant origin and is used in case of infection of the adenoids.

Treatment is a course and is carried out 1-4 times a year as the disease develops or the frequency of inflammatory processes develops. The instructions for the drugs used contain contraindications that parents should definitely read.

The use of a nebulizer is prohibited with periodic nosebleeds, with the development of tumor formations in the nose, high pressure, asthma and bronchospasm.

Since the tonsils play a serious role in immune processes, most doctors tend to conservative treatment. It is possible if the adenoids are not greatly enlarged or there are contraindications for surgery. Inhalations, which are simple and effective at the same time, will help slow down or stop the development of the disease at an early stage.

The unpaired tonsil, located on the back wall of the nasopharynx, is called the adenoid. Often in young children, the adenoids swell, blocking the flow of air passing through the nasopharynx and the child, in order not to suffocate, is forced to breathe through the mouth.

Treatment in this case involves the use of nebulizers that provide inhalation with various healing substances. This method of treating a child helps very well at the initial stage of the disease.

To carry out inhalation with adenoids in children with a nebulizer, a variety of solutions are used. Depending on what cause caused swelling of the tonsils; bacterial infection, autoimmune disorder, and so on.

During inhalation with adenoids in children, several processes occur that relieve swelling and have a therapeutic effect:

  1. Improves blood circulation and lymph outflow from the adenoids and mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.
  2. It has a preventive effect against inflammation.
  3. The immune defense is strengthened directly in the gland and nasopharynx of the child.
  4. Nebulizer - with adenoids, it helps to overcome a cough caused by inflammation, characterized as adenoiditis.
  5. Inhalation has a moisturizing effect on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, which means that the patient loses itching and burning.
  6. During treatment, the secretion of mucus is sharply reduced. The air ducts in the nose are cleared, that is, the accumulated volumes of mucous secretions are removed from it.
  7. Timely treatment stops the spread of infection to other organs of the respiratory system - lungs, bronchi, throat.

Solutions for inhalation with a nebulizer

With adenoiditis, steam inhalation is not used, since elevated temperature and humidity are an ideal environment for the growth of a population of pathogenic microorganisms.

In this regard, there are several types of solutions used specifically in nabulizers. Each of them has its own unique effect and is intended for a certain form of the disease:

  • Sodium chloride. Purchased at any pharmacy. The solution is simple, without additional impurities, has no side effects. For one inhalation session, 5 ml of the solution is spent.
  • You can make your own sea salt solution. You just need 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of salt in 250 gr. warm water and mix thoroughly. The main thing is not to use for this, sea salt containing potassium iodine. This substance has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.
  • For the treatment of adenoids, you can use a solution of salt with soda. It is prepared independently, for this, 1 teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of soda should be poured into a glass of warm water. Mix thoroughly.
  • Nebulizer for adenoids, can be filled with water from mineral springs. The main thing is that no gas bubbles get into the device with water.
  • Pharmacological preparations for a nebulizer are used for severe adenoid. They are designed to fight infection and thin the mucus in the nasopharynx. Most often, treatment is carried out with the help of Lazolvan, ACC, Ambrobene and other similar drugs. They are readily available at any pharmacy.
  • Treatment is also possible with an extract of a medicinal herb. Most often, a mixture of such extracts is used. For example, chamomile, yarrow and calendula. This mixture is very good for inflammation. Ready mixtures are also sold in pharmacies.
  • For the treatment of adenoids subjected to infectious inflammation, Chlorophilipt helps well. The drug is purchased at a pharmacy. But before filling into the inhaler, it is necessary to dilute it in saline in a ratio of 1 to 10.
  • Treatment of adenoids can be carried out with various oils. That is, eucalyptus, juniper, pine, fir oil can be loaded into the nebulizer. In addition to coniferous plants, tea tree oil and sea buckthorn are healing.
  • For a nebulizer, you can even use the famous Vietnamese balm "Asterisk". To sample such a remedy, you can buy an inhaler pencil with the same name at the pharmacy.

Medicinal herbs and plants are used for the preparation of funds refilled in the inhaler. It can be currant, calendula, viburnum, succession, coltsfoot, mint and even oak bark. All these plants have an antiseptic and moisturize the nasal mucosa well.

What are the benefits of a nebulizer

Treatment with a nebulizer is very convenient and effective. If we consider this method of therapy in detail, then we can highlight its main advantages over other methods;

  1. The effect of the procedure comes quickly. After 10-15 minutes, the edema from the nasopharyngeal mucosa completely subsides and it becomes easier for the child to breathe.
  2. The procedure for using a nebulizer is very simple, even a very small child, 3-4 years old, can master it.
  3. Using an inhaler, the child delivers the drug directly to the adenoids. That is, the impact on the diseased organ is very accurate. And this, in turn, significantly reduces the consumption of the therapeutic drug. So, it reduces the cost of the procedure.
  4. The mechanism of the nebulizer for preparing an air suspension from a liquid preparation does not involve the use of propellants.

Types of nebulizers

There are 3 types of nebulizers, they are compressor, membrane and ultrasonic. Each type of device has its own medications.

The size of the particle obtained in the nebulizer also matters. The smaller it is, the deeper and more accurately the drug will get. This value is called dispersion.

Most modern devices have the function of adjusting the diameter of liquid particles, so when choosing a nebulizer for yourself, you must trust the opinion of a specialist.

How effective is a nebulizer

It is known that adenoiditis can be conditionally divided into 3 stages. The first stage includes an increase in the gland so much that it can cover only 30% of the nasopharynx.

The second stage includes a pathology characterized by an overlap of more than 50% of the nasopharynx. And the third stage is characterized by complete closure of the lumen of the nasopharynx. In this situation, air does not pass through it.

The nebulizer is effective mainly in the first stage of the disease. In this case, the cure can come quickly and for a long time. Of course, in other forms of the disease, the nebulizer will also help relieve swelling from the mucous membrane and adenoids, but after stopping therapy, the disease will definitely return.

Sometimes it is necessary to treat a child for several years, until the natural maturation of the body relieves him of chronic adenoiditis. The device will be able to support the child for these years.

If you leave adenoiditis. Without treatment, it can cause the development of additional pathologies. This is otitis media - inflammation of the ear, followed by deafness. And the physical development of the child can be slowed down by adenoiditis. In addition, infectious adenoiditis can develop into bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, or another dangerous disease. Due to the constant feeling of suffocation in a child, sleep may be disturbed and, as a result, mental problems may arise. A nebulizer will help with all this.

In a situation where the device does not have a therapeutic effect. A small patient is shown a surgical operation. Adenoids in this case are removed completely.

Other types of inhalations

Inhalation, as a method of treating adenoids and respiratory organs, can be carried out without the use of a special nebulizer device.

The simplest method of inhalation can be called the dry method. To do this, 2-3 drops of essential oil are dripped onto a piece of rag or cotton swab. Vapors should be inhaled through the nose for 10-15 minutes 3 times a day. In this way, you can, for example, get rid of a mild form of the common cold.

Wet inhalation, which by the way includes the use of a nebulizer, can be carried out using a bath. To do this, while bathing in hot water, you need to add essential oil or a decoction of medicinal herbs. Inhaling the steam at the same time relax and heal. A mild form of a cold with such treatment will definitely pass.

Various resorts are famous for salt inhalation. For example, Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic. A visit to the salt caves has a healing effect on the human respiratory system. Salt inhalation can be treated at home. To do this, you need to take a kilogram of ordinary salt, heat it in a frying pan and drop a few drops of essential oil into it. After that, it is enough to breathe in salt vapor for 10-15 minutes to feel how the airways are cleared of edema.

Conclusion and Conclusions

Self-acquisition and use of a nebulizer for the treatment of adenoids is not recommended. Any self-treatment can result in a complication of the disease or injury. Therefore, with symptoms of adenoiditis, and this is difficult breathing through the nose, dizziness or pain in the ears, it is necessary to consult a doctor. He will also help you choose the device for each specific case and teach you how to make the right mixtures for inhalation. It is impossible to risk the health of a child, relying only on my knowledge.

Adenoids is a common disease among children under the age of 8 years, in which there is an increase in the tonsils in the nasopharynx. This pathology causes: shortness of breath, insomnia, hearing loss and other disorders. One type of alternative treatment is inhalation. Consider how effective inhalations are for adenoids in children and the features of their implementation.

Is it possible to do inhalation with adenoids

Adenoids are overgrown tonsils that initially have an important immune function and protect the airways from infections. However, in some situations, enlarged tonsils themselves become a breeding ground for a bacterial infection.

Often, against the background of acute respiratory infections, there is inflammation of the tonsils and the development of such a pathology as adenoiditis. Together with the inflammatory process, an increase in the tonsils provokes the development of:

  • otitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • airway inflammation.

Pathology can also cause neurological disorders in a child:
  • memory impairment;
  • impaired concentration;
  • decreased ability to learn.

Attention! According to statistics, adenoids, after 8 years of age, decrease in size and by the age of 15, adolescents practically do not face this problem.

Doctors distinguish three degrees of adenoid growths:

  1. the tonsil covers the upper part, no more than 30%, of the height of the nasal passages;
  2. the tonsil covers about 60% of the passage;
  3. the tonsil closes the entire nasal passage.

There are two main methods of therapy for this disease:

  • conservative therapy - with the help of drugs;
  • surgical removal - adenotomy. It is used at 3 degrees of development of the disease.

Inhalation in the treatment of adenoids is used as an alternative, supportive therapy. It is expedient to apply the technique, with an increase in the tonsils of 1-2 degrees and the presence of an inflammatory process. Inhalation helps eliminate swelling of the tonsils, disinfects and moisturizes the nasal cavity.

Preparations for inhalation: how to dilute, dosages, recipes

For the treatment of these diseases, the following types of inhalation can be used:

  • dry - you can use salt, essential oils;
  • wet - only in the form of water procedures - taking a warm bath with the addition of essential oils.

The most effective method is to use a nebulizer. The difference between this modern device and conventional steam inhalers is that it does not heat the medicine and does not turn it into steam. Depending on the model, the nebulizer, using ultrasound or a compressor, makes an aerosol out of the drug, which ensures maximum delivery of the drug to the focus of the disease.

Moreover, the models of these inhalers differ in the size of the particles produced in the air mixture. The smaller the particle diameter, the deeper they can penetrate into the respiratory system. The tonsils are located at the top of the airways. Therefore, it is advisable to use models that produce a coarse air mixture.

Compressor types of nebulizers have such characteristics. However, it is not necessary to abandon the rhinestone from membrane or amino sound devices. Modern models often have an adjustment of the diameter of the produced particles.

With adenoids, for inhalation with a nebulizer, the following drugs are most often used:

  • "Derinat" is an immunostimulating agent that allows you to eliminate pain and increase local immunity. For carrying out, a 0.25% solution of the drug is used, which is diluted with saline in proportions of 1 to 3.
  • "Dioxidin" is an antibacterial drug. It is not an antibiotic. Used in the treatment of purulent respiratory diseases. For, a 0.5% drug is used, which is diluted with saline in proportions of 1 to 4.
  • . The drug has antiseptic properties and is used for infectious lesions of the nasopharyngeal tonsil. For the Miramistin procedure, children under 12 years of age use a 0.01% solution, which is diluted with saline in proportions of 1 to 2.
  • mineral water, saline or soda solution, procedures are carried out to moisturize the mucous membrane.

Mineral water, it is allowed to use in its pure form. The most suitable options: "Essentuki", "Borjomi" and "Narzan" without gas.

To prepare a saline solution, there is the following recipe:

  • you need to take 1 teaspoon of table or sea salt;
  • dilute it in 250 ml of saline.

Soda solution is prepared in the same way. In the manufacture, it is necessary to ensure that salt and soda dissolve without sediment.

The algorithm for the procedure in the nebulizer

The course of therapy and drugs for inhalation with a nebulizer are prescribed exclusively by the attending physician. When treating with a nebulizer device, a number of conditions must be met:

  • medicines are diluted with saline or mineral water without gas;
  • if the product was stored in the refrigerator, before use it should be taken out and allowed to stand for several minutes at room temperature;
  • in nebulizers, essential oils, herbal infusions are not used - this can disable the device.

Attention! In the absence of non-carbonated mineral water, carbonated water can be used, but it must be degassed before use. To do this, shake the bottle of water, open the lid and let stand for several hours.

Duration and frequency of treatment

An individual course of therapy can only be selected by a specialist. Usually, the duration of one session for children under 12 years of age is from 5 to 10 minutes. For older patients - up to 15 minutes.

Procedures are done 2 to 4 times a day. The duration of the full course of treatment usually does not exceed 5 or 10 days.

Inhalations at home without a nebulizer

Traditional medicine has a wide range of recipes for the treatment of adenoids. In the absence of inhalation devices, you can use other methods of therapy, which are also approved by official medicine. These include:

  • dry. Put a couple of drops of essential oil on a handkerchief and let the patient breathe for about 5 minutes. Heat 0.5 kg of table or sea salt in a frying pan, pour it into a saucepan and let the patient breathe, periodically shaking the container;
  • wet. Aromatic bath salt or essential oil should be added to the bath. The water temperature should not be hotter than 37 degrees. The duration of the session is 15 minutes.

Features of inhalation treatment

When carrying out inhalations using a nebulizer, a number of requirements must be met:

  • drugs for the nebulizer cannot be prepared in advance - the funds are diluted immediately before the procedure;
  • drugs should not have a temperature above 45 and below 25 degrees. Hot solutions can cause burns, and cold solutions can cause bronchospasm.

Before using certain drugs, you should consult a doctor.

For kids

It is necessary to carry out the procedures in a calm state, the child should not cry or act up. For this reason, you should not play outdoor games with your child immediately before the session.

For convenience, when inhaling with a nebulizer, children under 3 years of age are recommended to use a mask, not a mouthpiece, since at this age children do not know how to control their breathing. For children older than adults, it is better to use a nasal tip. During the procedure, it is recommended that the child try to breathe through the nose.

For adults

To get the maximum benefit from therapy, the patient must follow the following rules:

  • during a therapy session and for half an hour after it, it is not recommended to talk;
  • the patient should sit straight - you can not stoop, as this interferes with deep breathing;
  • after the session, it is not recommended to walk outside and eat for 1 hour.

If you experience any discomfort from inhalation, you must immediately stop the procedure and seek help from doctors.

Contraindications and side effects

Like many other medical procedures, inhalations for adenoiditis have a number of contraindications. These include:

  • individual intolerance to drug components;
  • steam types of inhalation are prohibited;
  • nasal bleeding;
  • increased body temperature and blood pressure;
  • asthma.

Attention! Any type of inhalation is prohibited during the recovery period after surgery, including after removal of the adenoids.


From all of the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • inhalations, for the treatment of this pathology, are used only at stages 1 and 2 of the development of the disease;
  • procedures can only be used as an adjunct therapy.

The feasibility and duration of the course of treatment should be established by the attending physician, in each case separately.

Adenoids is a pathological growth of the pharyngeal tonsil, which contributes to its inflammation (adenoiditis), as well as the development of other diseases of the oropharynx and nasopharynx. Inhalations for adenoiditis are recommended by many experts as an excellent tool to improve the general condition and reduce the symptoms of the disease, as well as to reduce the rate of progression of the adenoids.

The effectiveness of inhalation in adenoiditis

In children, adenoids and the resulting adenoiditis are very common. Inhalations for adenoids can be used both during remission and during exacerbation of the inflammatory process. If we are talking about the treatment of chronic hypertrophy of the tonsils, then it makes sense to carry out procedures at its 1-2 stages, when the growth of adenoids can be restrained by conservative methods. In this case, inhalations for adenoids will help:

  • reduce swelling;
  • prevent inflammation;
  • improve the outflow of lymph and blood;
  • strengthen local immunity.

Inhalations with adenoiditis have a slightly different focus. They are primarily intended to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil - cough, dryness, mucus flow down the back of the throat, runny nose. If the procedures are carried out correctly, their effect will be as follows:

  • reduction of inflammation;
  • relief of a coughing fit;
  • moisturizing the overdried mucous membrane;
  • alleviate pain and irritation;
  • decrease in the intensity of the common cold;
  • liquefaction of mucus;
  • prevention of complications of the disease (pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis).

If you use a nebulizer or other modern inhalers for adenoiditis, they will spray the drug into small droplets that will irrigate the entire inflamed surface and be completely absorbed into the lesion. Inhalation for adenoiditis is one of the best ways to reduce the inflammatory process, so such procedures are recommended for children with hypertrophied tonsils in both acute and chronic diseases.

Inhalation at home

Steam inhalation with adenoids is strictly prohibited. Firstly, in the chronic stage, this can provoke further growth of adenoid vegetations. Secondly, in the acute stage, steam procedures can lead to the development of purulent processes in the nasopharynx. Therefore, for any type of adenoids, only these types of inhalations are allowed:

  • Dry. They are the easiest to do, because it will be enough to drop a few drops of essential oil on a cloth, cotton ball or handkerchief and inhale its vapors. For dry inhalation, some pharmaceutical preparations are suitable (for example, an inhalation pencil). The duration of the dry type procedure is 10 minutes, the frequency is 2-3 per day.
  • Wet. For their implementation, inhalers (nebulizers and others) are used, where the steam will be at room temperature or warm. The order and regularity of such sessions, as well as the list of drugs, are chosen by the doctor.
  • Wet inhalation in the bathroom. Taking a bath can also treat adenoiditis. To do this, just drop essential oils into the water or pour decoctions of herbs and inhale the vapors. Any anti-inflammatory herbal remedies to which the patient is not allergic are used.
  • Salt inhalations. The easiest way to conduct them is to visit a salt cave or buy a salt lamp at home. In its absence, you can heat simple salt, drop healing essential oil on it and breathe over the steam from the salt for 5-10 minutes, covered with a towel. For 1 kg. salt you need only 4-5 drops of essential oil.

Inhalations have general contraindications, and the main ones are intolerance, allergic reactions to components. Procedures using a nebulizer are contraindicated in case of a tendency to severe nosebleeds, suspected tumor processes in the nose, hypertension, frequent bronchospasm, asthma. For adenoids, it is recommended to slowly inhale the vapors of medicines and herbal remedies through the nose, and then quickly exhale through the mouth. Parents should remember that at stages 2-3 of adenoids and with very frequent exacerbations of adenoiditis, any inhalations will bring too little effect to waste time on them: in such cases, only surgery to remove adenoid vegetations will help the child.

Is it possible to do inhalations at a child's temperature higher than 37.5 and which inhaler to choose? We will ask Dr. Komarovsky about inhalations and inhalers.

Inhalation recipes for adenoiditis

Among pharmaceuticals for adenoids, saline and mineral water are most often recommended for inhalation. In addition, the following drugs may be prescribed:

  • Ambrobene or Lazolvan - to thin the mucus;
  • Fluimucil-antibiotic - with a pronounced inflammatory process;
  • Derinat - as an immunomodulating agent;
  • Hydrocortisone, Pulmicort - to relieve severe swelling, inflammation.

Dry, saline inhalations can be done with the following means:

  • cypress oil, juniper;
  • pine oil, cedar;
  • tea tree oil;
  • eucalyptus oil;
  • lavender oil, mint;
  • fir oil, thuja;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • smoke from burnt propolis;
  • balm "Asterisk" and other similar means;
  • juice of onion, radish and garlic.

All the above oils can be poured into the inhalation bath, as well as infusions of herbs and fees:

  1. Coltsfoot, succession, St. John's wort (2 tablespoons each) are brewed with 2 liters of water, boiled in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then the product must be filtered and poured into the bath. The addition of eucalyptus oil or fir oil to the bathing water goes well with this therapy.
  2. Oak bark, mint, St. John's wort. The order of application and manufacture is similar.
  3. Currant (leaves), marigold flowers, viburnum flowers, chamomile flowers. The collection is used in a similar way.

Usually, relief after the procedure occurs within 10-15 minutes after its completion. The effect lasts for several hours, so inhalations should be carried out several times a day. A doctor's consultation before starting such home treatment is mandatory, as is the start of more serious therapy if there is no improvement.