Incubation period for urethritis. What is urethritis

Urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra, due to damage to the walls of the organ by various external pathogenic stimuli. Both men and women can get sick. But in the fairer sex, due to the short duration of the urinary canal, this disease is immediately complicated by cystitis.

To understand what urethritis is in men, you need to know the structure of the male urethra (urethra).

Anatomy of the male urethra

The urethra begins at the outlet of the bladder. It has the shape of a tube of small diameter, its length is 16–24 centimeters. In women - no more than 4 centimeters. Therefore, in women, the disease can occur with virtually no visible symptoms, while in men they are pronounced.

Depending on which part of the genitourinary system the urethra passes through, it is divided into several sections:

  • Prostatic - a section of the urethra located in the prostate gland (4 centimeters).
  • Webbed - the area between the prostate and the penis (2 centimeters).
  • Spongy - the part of the urethra located in the penis. At its end is an outlet - meatus.

Classification of urethritis

There are many classifications of this disease. Each of them is based on one or more fundamental criteria.

By etiology

Infectious urethritis. It is of the following types:

  • gonorrheal;
  • mycoplasma;
  • viral;
  • trichomonas;
  • bacterial;
  • candidamicotic;
  • ureaplasmic;
  • chlamydial;
  • gardnerella;
  • mixed;
  • tuberculosis.

noninfectious urethritis. It is of the following types:

  • allergic;
  • traumatic;
  • congestive (as a result of stagnation of blood in the vessels of the small pelvis).

According to the course of the disease:

  • Spicy.
  • Subacute.
  • Chronic.

Depending on the severity of symptoms:

  • with pronounced symptoms.
  • with moderate symptoms.
  • Virtually asymptomatic.

By the onset of the disease: primary, secondary.

By specificity: specific. non-specific.

Common Causes

There are many different situations after which the development of inflammation can begin. The main causes of urethritis in men:

  • Unprotected sexual intercourse with a person suffering from this disease. This usually happens with a promiscuous sex life with a constant change of sexual partners.
  • May result from hypothermia.
  • Deliberately often ignoring the urge to urinate.
  • Infectious and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.
  • Urethral injury.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Congenital and acquired pathologies of the excretory system.
  • long-term loads.
  • Neglect of hygiene.


Perhaps the very first symptom will be painful urination. But this is a fairly common phenomenon inherent in many diseases. It cannot be judged on the problem that has arisen.

It is extremely important to see a doctor. After all, early diagnosis can prevent the development of the inflammatory process. In the future, discharge from the urinary canal (blood, pus) appears. Specific symptoms depend on the type of inflammation.

As mentioned above, according to the course of the disease, acute, subacute and chronic forms are distinguished:

  • The acute form is characterized by symptoms such as discomfort in the genital area, painful urination, various kinds of discharge from the urethra, redness and swelling of the lips of the urethra.
  • With the transition of the disease to the subacute stage, the severity of symptoms begins to decrease. Puffiness and redness subside, the discharge may even stop. In the urine, usually transparent, there are thin purulent filaments.
  • With incorrect or ineffective treatment, as well as in its absence, the disease can go into a permanent, chronic stage. The most common complaint is discharge from the urinary canal. They increase when exposed to negative factors.

Common types of urethritis and their symptoms


The causative agent of inflammation is gonococcus. Infection occurs as a result of sexual contact with the carrier or by using his household items.

The acute form is distinguished by a vivid clinical picture: the incubation period lasts 3-4 days. After its completion, large discharges of yellow-white pus are observed. Pain during urination is very strong, are cutting in nature.

You should immediately contact a urologist. With timely treatment, the symptoms stop, there is a complete recovery. With a long refusal of medical care, the acute form often turns into a chronic one, with all the ensuing complications.


The reason is sexual contact with a charged person. The incubation period is about 15 days. After its completion, a slight itching appears in the genital area, slight purulent-mucous discharge of a foamy consistency from the urinary canal. Since the clinical picture is weakly expressed, such people become a source of charging.


Reasons: sexual contact with the carrier, medical procedures and surgical interventions in the urinary canal.

This type of urethritis comes in two subspecies:

  • Primary. Symptoms - a feeling of discomfort in the genital area, discharge of pus from the urethra, painful urination. May become chronic.
  • Secondary. Occurs against the background of other inflammatory processes in the body. Among the manifestations are painful urination and purulent discharge, especially large in the morning.


Usually occurs due to long-term antibiotic treatment. The causative agent is yeast. The incubation period can last up to 20 days. Symptoms are itching and burning in the genital area, slight or no white discharge.


Becomes a consequence of near genital chlamydia. Chlamydia penetrate the walls of the urethra and begin to multiply. This leads to inflammation. Symptoms are practically non-existent. The patient becomes a carrier of the disease and can infect others during sexual contact.


The reason, as in the previous case, infection with chlamydia. It proceeds almost asymptomatically and in a chronic form.


The disease of urethritis in men can be complicated by the following diseases and conditions:

  • The transition of the acute form of the disease to the chronic.
  • Inflammation of the prostate.
  • Vesiculitis.
  • Balanitis.
  • Narrowing of the lumen of the urinary canal.

As you can see, all complications relate to various organs and parts of the genitourinary system. Each of these diseases is not only unpleasant in itself, but also imposes a lot of restrictions. To avoid such problems, men need to perform a number of simple steps:

  • Refrain from casual sexual relationships.
  • Timely seek medical help and treat chronic diseases.
  • Don't get cold.
  • "Do not tolerate" the urge to urinate.
  • Limit alcohol, fatty, spicy and salty foods.
  • Do not expose yourself to constant heavy physical exertion.


To begin with, the cause of the inflammatory process is determined. To do this, various medical diagnostic tests are carried out aimed at identifying the pathogen. Microorganisms and viruses that cause inflammation of the urinary canal are usually extracted from pathological urethral secretions. But if pus is not released at the initial stage of the disease, the diagnosis becomes much more difficult. To enhance the release of pus, there are various thermal, chemical and physical methods. The simplest and most painless is a chemical test: the patient takes a drug that causes an increased release of pus.

General clinical methods

Having received the material for research, proceed to the next stage. Smears and other preparations are prepared from pus, which are then microscopically examined. This method is called bacterioscopy. If it was not possible to identify the pathogen, they proceed to the bacteriological method. The resulting biological material is placed on nutrient media, they are sent to a thermostat (a device that constantly maintains a certain temperature) for several days. With a positive result, colonies of pathogenic microorganisms are formed on the media. According to the structure of the colonies and microscopy of their individual sections, the type of causative agent of inflammation is established.

Special Methods

Many medical institutions use polymerase chain reactions. The technique consists in isolating DNA chains from any biological fluid of the patient.

Contrast radiography allows you to identify various injuries of the urethra. And with ureteroscopy, a special endoscope is inserted into the urethra. The downside of the last procedure is its pain.


Based on the results obtained during the diagnosis, treatment is prescribed. It is performed on an outpatient basis. The list of drugs is selected by the doctor. It depends on the cause of the inflammation. Most of the drugs used are antibiotics. The patient is only required to conscientiously follow all the instructions of the specialist.

Treatment of infectious urethritis


The main drugs in the treatment of this type of disease are antibiotics. Representatives of the cephalosporin group are mainly used. In certain cases, Tetracycline, Erythromycin, Oletetrin, Kanamycin are used. Means of prolonged (extended, the word “long” always follows the name of the drug) action is used for short periods. When the disease is complicated by other infections, combinations of several antibiotics are used at once, for example, Azithromycin and Gentamicin.

In addition to symptomatic therapy, the patient is prescribed vitamins and immuno-strengthening drugs. To monitor the effectiveness of treatment, the patient periodically takes swabs for gonorrhea. The complete absence of gonococci in them indicates the recovery of the patient.


As noted earlier, with this disease, there are practically no symptoms. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to diagnose. For the most part, patients with this form of inflammation of the urethra turn to polyclinics with complaints of its complications, such as ocheritis or arthritis. Polymerase chain reaction is the only method for reliable diagnosis of this disease.

As a therapy, a course of the following antibiotics is prescribed: Doxycycline, Erythromycin, Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Josamycin.


The basis for starting treatment is the detection of genetic markers of mycoplasmas in scrapings from the walls of the urinary canal. Treatment is complicated by mycoplasma resistance to most antibiotics. Before the appointment of any of them, biological material is sown on nutrient media in order to find out which drug is most effective. In case of inefficiency of all domestic antibiotics, the “remedy of last resort” is the French drug Pristinamycin.



Treatment depends on the virus that caused the inflammatory process. Adenoviruses and herpes viruses are treated by various methods with Valaciclovir, Aciclovir or Famciclovir.


The main drugs used in the treatment of this disease are the antifungal agents Fluconazole, Clotrimazole, Nystatin, Pimafucin. Since this type of urethritis usually occurs against the background of other diseases, their therapy is also of great importance.

Other infectious urethritis

Almost any microflora can cause inflammation. Depending on the type of pathogen, therapy with a certain group of antibiotics is prescribed. They can be used in the following ways:

  • means for oral administration - 81% of all drugs used;
  • administered intramuscularly - 18%;
  • for intravenous injections - 0.2%;
  • introduced through a catheter directly into the organ;
  • treatment with one remedy - 41% of patients;
  • use of two drugs at the same time - 41%;
  • the use of three or more drugs - 18%.

Non-infectious urethritis

In allergic processes, antihistamines are used, with congestive urethritis, problems with blood stasis in the small pelvis are eliminated. Traumatic urethritis, in addition to standard antimicrobial therapy, may require surgical intervention.
Traditional folk remedies:

  • Use of fresh cranberry juice.
  • For a long time, an infusion of currant leaves has been used to prevent these diseases.
  • The use of blackcurrant berries is very useful. They have a lot of different properties, including anti-inflammatory.
  • Infusions of cornflower flowers are used. Taking them a couple of spoons a day, you will protect yourself from many ailments.
  • Parsley infusions in milk, when taken daily, help to cope with many unpleasant problems.

Inflammation of the urethra is called urethritis. The disease has no gender, it affects both men and women.

The male body is more susceptible to it. Let's take a closer look at the intricacies of the disease urethritis in men, symptoms, treatment.

Inflammation of the genitourinary system is more often caused by infections, fungi or injuries. Types of urethritis are distinguished on the basis of its pathogen.

Infectious is of several types:

  • trichomonas;
  • gonorrheal;
  • ureaplasmic;
  • bacterial;
  • viral;
  • mycoplasma;
  • chlamydial.

The infectious type of the disease is caused by venereal bacteria, viruses.

Non-infectious urethritis is:

  • allergic;
  • traumatic;
  • congestive.

According to the severity of symptoms, urethritis is divided into:

  1. spicy;
  2. chronic.

Course of the disease

The process of development of inflammation begins with an incubation period. Duration from 3 days to several years. The timing of the first visible symptoms depends on the type of disease.

For gonorrheal urethritis, the incubation period is 3-7 days, for tuberculosis - 1-2 years, and for allergic - 3-4 hours.

Inflammation of the urethra in men

Particular attention should be paid to the course of the chronic form of the disease. From experience, patients who have not completed the course of treatment become hostages of their laziness or irresponsibility. Symptoms of the disease cease to appear, but the disease fades, becomes invisible.

But under the pressure of other infections or viruses, even those not related to the genitourinary system, it manifests itself in an acute form. Then the man has to urgently seek medical help. It is possible to relieve pain only with strong drugs.

Delaying treatment, especially an infectious disease, leads to a deterioration in the condition of a man.


Common symptoms:

  1. . Later there is pain and itching;
  2. , possibly with flakes, urine;
  3. bloody discharge from the penis;
  4. pain during the completion of sexual intercourse;
  5. severe swelling of the penis, urethra;
  6. itching in the groin;
  7. discharge from the penis. It is green or white mucus, appears in the morning, has an unpleasant odor. The penis is covered with a crust of dried secretions. The urethra is red and inflamed.

Allergic urethritis is characterized by swelling of the penis, itching or burning. The traumatic form of the disease is accompanied by pain during urination, redness of the penis.

The symptoms of urethritis are similar to. The doctor can confirm the disease only by the results of the tests.


Before prescribing therapeutic measures, diagnose and identify the type of disease under the guidance of a doctor. For this, a man takes a urine and blood test. The urologist takes smears from the urethra, performs a ureteroscopy on the patient.


It is eliminated with antibiotics. In this case, it is important to follow the recommendations of the doctor. If a sick man takes medicines irregularly, drinks alcohol, then the disease becomes chronic.

Before prescribing antibiotics, it is better to take an antimicrobial susceptibility test. This procedure will allow you to choose a therapeutic agent individually.

During therapy, you can not:

  • have sex;
  • drink alcohol;
  • eat sweet, spicy, salty;
  • use drugs.

Gonorrheal urethritis is treated with Kanamycin or Tetracycline.

The doctor prescribes antibiotics from the cephalosporin group. Simultaneously with them, he uses vitamin complexes, immunomodulators.

After treatment of gonorrheal urethritis, the man takes control smears. Obtaining a negative result is a confirmation of the cure. You will have to take this analysis three times.

Tablets Tetracycline

Chlamydial urethritis does not manifest itself clinically. Men do not have discharge or pain when urinating. Therefore, it is often possible to diagnose it when the patient consults a doctor for other reasons. It is necessary to treat the disease caused by chlamydia with courses of Erythromycin, Ofloxacin and other drugs.

Mycoplasmal urethritis is complicated by arthritis or orchiepidimititis. To detect it, the doctor takes a scraping from the urethra. A few years ago, this type of infectious disease was successfully treated with standard antibiotics, such as tetracycline. But bacteria have developed protection against these drugs, so new drugs are being developed to destroy them.

Erythromycin tablets

A man receives a viral urethritis during oral sex from an infected partner's oral cavity infection. It can be herpes viruses or adenoviruses. The manifestation of the disease consists in small secretions and unpleasant painful sensations while visiting the toilet.

The symptoms are not bright, therefore, they are often written off as colds when the patient introspects his condition. To determine the type of disease, it is necessary to pass a smear from the urethra, since the virus cannot determine bacteriological culture.

Herpetic infection is effectively treated with a course of Acyclovir.


Allergic types are neutralized by antihistamines, which are widely used to eliminate the symptoms of any allergy. These are Zirtek, Zodak, etc.

Congestive urethritis requires solving problems with blood stagnation in the pelvic area in men.

Traumatic - treated with antimicrobial agents, sometimes with the help of surgery.

Complementary Therapy

In solving problems with the urethra, not only taking antibiotics helps, but also physiotherapy, which the doctor prescribes at the same time as taking medications. These include:

  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • laser therapy.

Additional methods of treatment are prescribed only for chronic types of the disease.

All procedures are supervised by the attending physician.

It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate with inflammation of the urethra. Of course, after a few injections of your chosen antibiotics, the condition will improve. But the infection will remain inside the body, can be transmitted to sexual partners during sex.


There are a lot of reasons why men get urethritis, the main ones are:

  1. genital infections. Men who lead a varied and active sex life with a large number of partners are at risk for infectious urethritis. The use of condoms is guaranteed to protect them from any viruses and sexually transmitted infections;
  2. urolithiasis disease.

Urethritis in men is a disease accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process in the urethra. The causative agent of infection are bacterial, viral or fungal agents. Most often, the pathological process in the genitourinary system is diagnosed in men who have an active sex life without the use of barrier contraceptive methods.

In the stronger sex, the disease occurs more often and is much more severe than in women. This is explained by the anatomical features of the structure of the urethra.

Urethritis in men - classification

The inflammatory process in the urethra can be:

  1. sharp;
  2. chronic.

Urethritis is divided into infectious and non-infectious. In the first case, the cause of the disease is the penetration of pathogenic microflora. Taking into account the infectious agent, physicians distinguish the following types of pathology:

  • bacterial urethritis;
  • viral;
  • fungal or candidal urethritis in men;
  • urethritis caused by pathogens of genital infections (gonorrhea, trichomonas, chlamydial, mycoplasma);
  • mixed;
  • tuberculosis.

The cause of a non-infectious inflammatory process can be an allergic process, trauma or congestion in the pelvis.

Taking into account the peculiarities of development, pathology can be primary, which develops as an independent disease, or secondary, arising against the background of concomitant diseases. Depending on the type of pathogen, urethritis is divided into:

  • nonspecific urethritis in men is caused by pathogenic microflora that is constantly present in the body;
  • specific urethritis - an inflammatory process is provoked by pathogens of tuberculosis, or sexually transmitted infections - trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia.

To understand how to properly treat the inflammatory process, it is necessary to find out what causes it to develop.

Anatomy of the male urethra

The urinary canal in men is a thin, hollow tube, with an S-shaped bend. Its length is from 16 to 24 cm, the width of the lumen is up to 0.8 cm. The female urethra is much wider and shorter, its length is only 3-4 cm. Therefore, pathogens do not linger in this section and immediately leave the woman's body with urine flow or enter the bladder. As a result, women are much less likely than men to suffer from urethritis, but are more prone to cystitis (inflammation of the bladder).

The structural features of the male urethra explain why the infection lingers in this section of the urinary system and causes an inflammatory process. The reproduction of pathogenic microflora contributes to mucosal edema, which leads to a violation of the outflow of urine, up to acute urinary retention and an increase in the characteristic symptoms of intoxication. The development of urethritis in women is often asymptomatic, while in the strong half of humanity, the inflammatory process leads to intense pain and the rapid spread of infection in the absence of timely treatment.

Causes of the disease

The main ways of transmission of infection in urethritis are sexual, lymphogenous, hematogenous. Already from the classification of the disease it is clear that the main cause of infectious urethritis is the penetration of pathogens into the urethra.

Good to knowNon-specific urethritis is a purulent inflammation that is caused by bacterial agents - staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli and it develops against the background of colds, problems with the digestive system, and other concomitant diseases. The causative agents of infection spread throughout the body with the blood and lymph flow and, getting into the urethra, provoke an inflammatory process.

The cause of the development of a specific inflammatory process are genital infections. This type of urethritis is diagnosed in young men who frequently change sexual partners and who have sex without protective barrier contraception. In this case, the main causative agents of infection are gonococci, Trichomonas, chlamydia, mycoplasmas, fungi of the genus Candida, etc.

Among other reasons that provoke the development of urethritis, doctors distinguish the following factors:

  • severe hypothermia - contributes to the occurrence of an acute inflammatory process, or exacerbates the chronic course of the pathology;
  • urolithiasis - causes injury to the mucous membrane of the urethra when stones or sand move;
  • complications that develop after diagnostic or therapeutic procedures on the urethra (catheterization, cystoscopy);
  • allergic factor - the inflammatory process develops against the background of an allergic reaction and the penetration of foreign agents into the body;
  • concomitant diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis);
  • the presence of chronic foci of infection in the body, from which pathogens penetrate into other organs and tissues;
  • congestion in the pelvic organs;
  • insufficient observance of rules of personal hygiene.

Often, the weakening of the immune system against the background of frequent stress, psycho-emotional stress, malnutrition, hypovitaminosis, adherence to bad habits becomes the cause of the onset of the disease. Before starting treatment, the doctor will definitely find out the cause that provokes the inflammatory process. Only this approach guarantees the effectiveness of therapy and complete recovery.

Symptoms of urethritis in men

The characteristic symptoms of urethritis appear after the end of the incubation period, the duration of which depends on the type of pathogen. So, with allergic urethritis, this period is only a few hours, with genital infections - from 3 days to 2-3 weeks, with a viral form of the disease - several months.

Acute urethritis in men is characterized by a sudden, violent onset and severe symptoms. Typical complaints:

  • itching and burning in the urethra;
  • pain when urinating;
  • the appearance of purulent discharge or impurities of blood in the urine;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • obstructed outflow of urine, up to acute retention;
  • swelling, sticking and redness of the urethra due to discharge.

In this case, the general condition of the patient usually remains normal. But in severe cases, the characteristic symptoms of urethritis are accompanied by malaise, weakness, fever, aching joints, fatigue.

At the same time, urethritis can be blurred, without pronounced symptoms, so men do not pay attention to some manifestations of the disease, considering themselves healthy. However, the disease progresses and, in the absence of adequate and timely treatment, quickly becomes chronic.

Chronic urethritis in men is characterized by an undulating course: periods of remission are replaced by an exacerbation of the inflammatory process, with mild symptoms - discomfort and slight itching along the urethra, slight discharge and mild pain during urination. After 7-10 days, the symptoms of the inflammatory process subside, and a period of temporary well-being begins again.

Possible Complications

The lack of timely treatment causes a running inflammatory process, which leads to the development of dangerous complications. From the focus of chronic infection, pathogens with blood flow penetrate into other organs and tissues and provoke the development of pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), orchitis (inflammation of the testicle), balanoposthitis, prostatitis. Inflammation of the prostate, in turn, entails diseases of the reproductive system and causes sexual dysfunction and male infertility.

The course of gonococcal urethritis is often accompanied by a narrowing of the urethra, congestion in the urethra, severe pain during acute urinary retention. Chlamydial urethritis causes complex damage to the joints, organs of the urinary system, irreversible damage to the urethra.

A man needs to be more attentive to his health and, when the first warning signs appear that indicate the development of urethritis, seek advice from a urologist. After a comprehensive examination, the specialist will select an effective drug therapy regimen and explain how to treat urethritis in men.


At the first appointment, the doctor will listen to the patient's complaints, perform a physical examination with an assessment of the appearance, the presence of swelling, soreness and compaction of the urethra, and determine whether the inguinal lymph nodes are enlarged.

Of paramount importance in the diagnosis of urethritis are methods of laboratory research. The patient is prescribed the following tests:

  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • three glass urine sample;
  • examination of smears from the urethra;
  • bacteriological culture of a smear in order to identify infectious agents;
  • PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a highly accurate method for determining any type of infectious agents.

Additionally, hardware research methods are used - ureteroscopy, ultrasound, urethrography or urethrocystoscopy. Based on the results of the examination, the urologist makes the final diagnosis and selects the appropriate methods of therapy.


Treatment of urethritis in men should be comprehensive. All procedures are carried out on an outpatient basis, medicines are selected by a specialist. The patient must scrupulously carry out all appointments and follow certain recommendations during the treatment period. These include:

  • temporary refusal of sexual intercourse;
  • strict adherence to hygiene standards;
  • implementation of all medical recommendations regarding the duration of the course of treatment and medication;
  • giving up bad habits (alcohol, smoking);

Mandatory adjustment of the diet, aimed at the exclusion of fatty, fried, spicy foods, smoked meats, marinades, pickles, carbonated drinks, in a word, all products that can increase the severity of the inflammatory process. The patient is advised to drink more fluids, observe the daily routine, avoid hypothermia, stress and the influence of other negative factors.

Treatment of urethritis in men with drugs

The doctor selects drug therapy taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, the severity of symptoms, the presence of concomitant diseases and possible contraindications. All infectious urethritis is treated with antibiotics. Preparations are selected taking into account the type of pathogen. In the acute period, preference is given to antibiotics with a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action; in the treatment of chronic urethritis, the appointment is carried out taking into account the result of the antibiogram.

In the treatment of nonspecific urethritis, drugs from the group of cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone, Cefazolin), tetracyclines (Doxycycline), macrolides (Azithromycin, Erythromycin) are used. If necessary, prescribe antibiotics from the group of sulfonamides or fluoroquinolones.

Treatment of a disease that develops against the background of genital infections is carried out using the following drugs:

  • gonorrheal urethritis - Fuzidin, Erythromycin, Spiramycin, Cefaclor;
  • chlamydial - drugs of the tetracycline, fluoroquinolone group, Levomycetin,;
  • trichomonas -, Natamycin, Nitazol, Trichomonacid, antiseptics,.

The treatment regimen for Trichomonas urethritis necessarily includes installations (introduction) into the urethra of a 1% solution of Trichomonacid. The procedure is carried out daily, for 5-6 days.

In chronic gonorrheal urethritis, antibiotic solutions are injected into the urethra. Therapy for chlamydial urethritis is supplemented by taking drugs containing adrenal hormones (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone).

In the treatment of candidal urethritis, antifungal agents are used - Nystatin, Levorin, Clotrimazole. Therapy of pathology provoked by viral agents requires the use of antiviral agents - Acyclovir, Valaciclovir, Famciclovir. All dosages, the optimal scheme and duration of treatment are selected by a urologist.

In the treatment of chronic urethritis, antibiotic therapy is supplemented by washing the urethra with antiseptic solutions, immunocorrectors and multivitamin complexes are prescribed to maintain the body's defenses. Methods of physiotherapy are used only for chronic urethritis outside the stage of exacerbation. The patient is offered sessions of magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, UHF, laser therapy.

Folk remedies

Treatment of urethritis in men at home can be supplemented with folk remedies, but only after agreement with the attending physician. The purpose of this treatment is to maintain immunity, fight the inflammatory process and mitigate the unpleasant symptoms of urethritis.

parsley infusion

Fresh parsley leaves should be chopped, measure 1 tbsp. l. vegetable raw materials and pour 500 ml of boiling water over it. The composition is infused for several hours under a closed lid, then filtered and, in the acute period, take 50 ml every 2 hours to alleviate inflammatory symptoms.

Zelenchuk decoction

Zelenchuk yellow is a medicinal plant with antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, it should be brewed and drunk like tea. To do this, it is enough to take one small spoonful of crushed leaves of the plant in a glass of boiling water. The herb is brewed, infused for 15-20 minutes and the drink is consumed warm throughout the day.

Currant tea

Currant leaves and berries contain a large amount of vitamin C, have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, strengthen the immune system. Therefore, during an exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to brew crushed currant leaves instead of tea and drink this drink all day. If desired, fresh currant berries, honey, sugar to taste can be added to a glass with warm broth.

Decoction of oak bark

Oak bark has a pronounced astringent and antiseptic effect. With the development of acute urethritis, accompanied by discharge, swelling, itching, 1 tbsp is recommended. l. brew 200 ml of boiling water from oak bark powder, insist, strain and use for baths and washing the urethra.

Infusion of cornflower

Helps to restore the balance of beneficial microflora and promotes the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms. Cornflower flowers (1 tbsp.) Pour a glass of boiling water, insist for an hour, filter and drink 50 ml before each meal.

Prevention of urethritis in men

  • observe personal hygiene;
  • avoid promiscuity;
  • be sure to use methods of barrier contraception to prevent the penetration of pathogenic microflora into the urethra;
  • do not tolerate the urge to urinate, empty the bladder more often;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • increase immunity, harden, play sports;
  • avoid stress factors;
  • stop drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • eat properly and balanced, increase the content of protein products, fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet.

At the first signs of an inflammatory process, contact a urologist to prevent the transition of the disease to the chronic stage and to avoid the development of concomitant complications.

Inflammation of the walls of the urethra (urethra). Signs are pain, pain and burning during urination, pathological discharge from the urethra, the nature of which depends on the causative agent of the disease. In complicated cases, the inflammatory process also passes to neighboring organs of the small pelvis: the prostate, bladder and scrotum organs. Another consequence of urethritis is the narrowing (stricture) of the urethra or its complete adhesion. An important point in the diagnosis of urethritis is to determine its etiology. For this purpose, a bacteriological examination of urine and a smear from the urethra is carried out. Treatment of urethritis is carried out in accordance with its cause (antibiotics, metronidazole, antimycotic drugs), with the development of adhesions, bougienage of the urethra is indicated.

General information

- inflammation of the wall of the urethra. Usually has an infectious nature. It rarely develops without the presence of an infectious agent (radiation, toxic, allergic urethritis). Sometimes the cause of the disease becomes an injury during a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure (bladder catheterization in men, administration of drugs, etc.).

Infectious urethritis is divided into two large groups: specific and nonspecific. A specific inflammatory process in the urethra is caused by pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases (gonococcus, trichomonas, chlamydia, ureoplasma, mycoplasma). The cause of the development of nonspecific inflammation of the urethra becomes opportunistic flora (staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, fungi, proteus, E. coli).

Allocate primary and secondary urethritis. With primary inflammation of the urethra, the infection penetrates directly into the urethra, most often through sexual contact with a partner who has a sexually transmitted disease. Secondary urethritis occurs when an infection spreads from an inflammatory focus located in another organ (from the pelvic organs, seminal vesicles, bladder, prostate gland).

Bacterial urethritis

The cause of the development of nonspecific inflammation of the urethra is conditionally pathogenic flora. Microorganisms enter the urethra during prolonged catheterization of the bladder in women and men, transurethral endoscopic manipulation, or sexual contact with a casual partner.

  • Primary bacterial urethritis

There are acute and chronic bacterial urethritis. The course of an acute nonspecific inflammatory process differs from the clinical picture of gonorrheal urethritis. The length of the incubation period may vary. Local signs of inflammation are not so pronounced. Characterized by pain during urination, itching, burning, purulent or mucopurulent discharge, slight swelling of the urethral mucosa and tissues surrounding the external opening of the urethra.

It must be remembered that on the basis of the clinical picture and the nature of the discharge, it is impossible to carry out a differential diagnosis of bacterial and gonorrheal urethritis. The diagnosis is made only upon receipt of laboratory data confirming the absence of gonococci: culture for the presence of gonorrhea, PCR diagnostics, etc.

Chronic inflammation of the urethra usually has few symptoms. There is a slight itching and burning sensation during urination, scanty mucous discharge and high resistance to therapy. The short and wide urethra in girls and women allows infection to freely enter the bladder, causing cystitis, which is diagnosed during an ultrasound of the bladder. In men, chronic urethritis in some cases is complicated by colliculitis (inflammation of the seminal tubercle). Seminal tubercle - the exit point of the excretory ducts of the prostate and the vas deferens. Its inflammation can lead to hemospermia and ejaculation disorders.

  • Secondary bacterial urethritis

The infectious agent enters the urethra from a local focus of infection (in the pelvic organs, bladder, prostate, seminal vesicles) or with an infectious disease (tonsillitis, pneumonia). Secondary nonspecific urethritis is characterized by a long latent course. Patients complain of mild pain during urination, scanty discharge from the urethra of a mucopurulent nature, more pronounced in the morning. In children, pain during urination is often absent. On examination, hyperemia and gluing of the sponges of the external opening of the urethra are revealed.

When conducting a two- or three-glass test, the first portion of urine is cloudy, contains a large number of leukocytes. In the second portion, the number of leukocytes decreases, and in the third, as a rule, it is normal. For a preliminary determination of the nature of the microflora, a bacterioscopic examination of the discharge from the urethra is carried out. To clarify the type of infectious agent and its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs, a discharge or flush from the urethra is cultured.

  • Treatment of bacterial urethritis

Modern urology has effective methods for the treatment of nonspecific urethritis. The tactics of treatment is determined depending on the type of pathogen, the severity of symptoms, the presence or absence of complications. The combination of urethritis with cystitis is an indication for complex therapy. In a chronic non-specific process, the intake of antibacterial drugs is supplemented by instillations of collargol and silver nitrate solutions into the urethra, and measures are taken to normalize immunity. The result of therapy for secondary urethritis is largely determined by the effectiveness of the treatment of the underlying disease (urethral stricture, vesiculitis, prostatitis).

gonorrheal urethritis

As a rule, it develops as a result of sexual intercourse with an infected partner, less often - through indirect contact through towels, sponges, linen, chamber pots. The reason for the development of infection in children may be a joint stay with an adult patient, the use of a shared toilet.

  • Symptoms and clinical course

The first symptoms of the disease appear 3-7 days after infection. In some cases, it is possible to increase the incubation period up to 2-3 weeks. Depending on the duration of the infection, gonorrhea is acute (less than 2 months old) and chronic (more than 2 months old) gonorrhea.

Acute gonorrheal urethritis usually begins suddenly. There are abundant yellowish-gray purulent creamy discharge from the urethra, cramps, burning and pain when urinating. With the localization of the inflammatory process in the anterior urethra, the patient's condition is satisfactory. The spread of inflammation to the posterior urethra is accompanied by hyperthermia up to 38-39 ° C and general signs of intoxication. Pain during urination becomes more pronounced.

Chronic gonorrheal urethritis develops:

  1. in patients with untreated or incompletely cured acute inflammation of the urethra of gonococcal etiology;
  2. in immunocompromised patients;
  3. when involved in the inflammatory process of the prostate and the back of the urethra.

For a chronic inflammatory process, a weak severity of symptoms is characteristic. Patients are concerned about itching and a slight burning sensation in the urethra. The beginning of urination is accompanied by mild tingling pains. Discharge from the urethra scanty, mucopurulent, mostly in the morning. The study of smears indicates the presence of gonococci and secondary microflora.

In chronic gonorrheal urethritis, the ducts of the paraurethral glands are often involved in the process. Inflammation makes it difficult to outflow, leading to blockage of the ducts, the development of infiltrates, abscesses and encysted cavities. The general condition of the patient worsens, sharp pains during urination are characteristic.

  • Diagnosis

Microscopy of discharge from the urethra is performed. The diagnosis is confirmed by the presence of gonococci (Neisseria gonorrhoeae) - gram-negative bean-shaped aerobic diplococci. The standard study consists of two stages, includes staining according to the Gram method and brilliant green (or methylene blue).

  • Differential Diagnosis

Diagnosis is usually not difficult due to the presence of characteristic symptoms (pain when urinating, purulent discharge from the urethra). A differential diagnosis is made of gonorrheal urethritis and inflammation of the urethra of another etiology (trichomonas, non-specific urethritis, etc.). Diagnostic criteria are the results of bacterioscopic examination. In the anamnesis, the presence of sexual contacts with patients with gonorrhea is revealed.

  • Treatment

Treatment of gonorrheal urethritis is carried out by venereologists. Recently, there has been an increasing resistance of gonorrhea pathogens to penicillin. The greatest efficiency is observed when taking cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones. The patient is advised to drink plenty of fluids. Alcohol, fatty and spicy foods are excluded from the diet.

Chronic gonorrheal urethritis is an indication for combination therapy. The patient is prescribed antibiotics and local treatment. With the growth of granulation tissue and cell infiltration (soft infiltrate), solutions of collargol and silver nitrate are instilled into the urethra. With the predominance of cicatricial-sclerotic processes (solid infiltrate), bougienage of the urethra with metal bougie is performed. Pronounced granulations are cauterized once a week with a 10-20% solution of silver nitrate through the ureteroscope.

  • Cure Criteria

7-10 days after the completion of treatment, a bacterioscopic examination of the discharge of the urethra is carried out. If gonococci are not detected, a combined provocation is performed: biological (pyrogenal or gonovaccine intramuscularly) and chemical (introduction of 0.5 solution of silver nitrate into the urethra). Mechanical (anterior ureteroscopy or the introduction of a bougie into the urethra), thermal (heating with inductothermic current) and alimentary (alcohol and fatty foods) provocation is also used.

Then daily for three days examine the secret of the prostate gland, urine threads and smears from the urethra. In the absence of leukocytes and gonococci, the provocation is repeated after 1 month. After another month, a third, final control study is carried out. If there are no clinical manifestations, and gonococci are not detected during crops and bacterioscopy, the patient is removed from the register. Acquired immunity in gonorrhea is not formed. A person who has had gonorrheal urethritis in the past can become infected again.

  • Forecast

With proper, timely treatment of fresh gonorrheal urethritis, the prognosis is favorable. With the transition of the process into a chronic form and the development of complications, the prognosis worsens. Gonococcal endotoxin has a sclerosing effect on the tissues of the urethra, which can lead to the formation of strictures (usually multiple) in the anterior part of the urethra. Frequent complications of chronic inflammation of the urethra in gonorrhea are vasculitis, epididymitis, chronic prostatitis. The outcome of prostatitis can be impotence, the outcome of epididymitis is infertility as a result of cicatricial narrowing of the vas deferens.

Trichomonas urethritis

  • Symptoms and Diagnosis

Symptoms of trichomonas urethritis appear 5-15 days after infection. Characterized by mild itching, moderate whitish frothy discharge from the urethra. The diagnosis is confirmed by the detection of trichomonads (Trichomonas vaginalis) in native and stained preparations. Examine the discharge of the urethra, urethral scraping or centrifugate freshly passed the first portion of urine. In native preparations, the movements of Trichomonas flagella are clearly visible.

Often, when studying a native drug (especially in men), mobile Trichomonas cannot be detected. You can increase the reliability of the study using additional methods (microscopy of stained smears, examination of crops).

  • Treatment

Specific antitrichomonas drugs are used, the most effective of which are metronidazole, ornidazole and tinidazole. The treatment regimen depends on the patient's condition, the severity of symptoms, the presence of complications and concomitant sexually transmitted infections. Self-medication is unacceptable, since it can contribute to the transition of an acute process into a chronic one.

In order to prevent re-infection, the patient's permanent sexual partner is simultaneously treated. During therapy and within one to two months after its completion, the patient is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, spicy foods and alcohol are excluded from the diet. With resistant chronic inflammation, both general and local therapy are prescribed. Within 5-6 days, the patient is instilled with a 1% solution of trichomonacid for 10-15 minutes.

In some cases, trichomoniasis in men is asymptomatic or accompanied by extremely poor symptoms. Patients are often unaware of their disease, and spread the infection among their sexual partners. In 15-20% of cases with chronic trichomonas urethritis, prostatitis develops, which worsens the patient's condition and makes it difficult to cure.

Chlamydial urethritis

A number of serotypes of Chlamydia trachomatis act as an infectious agent. Chlamydia are located intracellularly, which is typical for viruses, but the presence of certain features (DNA, RNA, ribosomes, cell wall) allows these microorganisms to be classified as bacteria. The epithelial cells of the urethra, cervix, vagina and conjunctiva are affected. Sexually transmitted.

Chlamydial urethritis usually proceeds sluggishly, with few symptoms. The inflammatory process in the urethra in some cases is accompanied by joint damage and conjunctivitis (urethro-oculo-synovial syndrome, Reiter's disease). A diagnostic criterion is the presence of semilunar intracellular inclusions in a stained scraping from the urethra.

Treatment. Problems in the treatment of chlamydia are associated with insufficient permeability of cell membranes for most antibiotics. Repeated manifestations after the courses of treatment are characteristic. To increase the effectiveness of broad-spectrum antibiotics are combined with corticosteroid drugs (dexamethasone, prednisone). The maximum dose of prednisolone is 40 mg / day, the course of treatment is 2-3 weeks. During the course of therapy, the dose of hormones is gradually reduced until it is completely canceled.

candidamicotic urethritis

Yeast-like fungi act as the causative agent. Inflammation of the urethra of fungal etiology is rare, usually a complication after long-term treatment with antibacterial drugs. Sometimes develops after sexual contact with a woman who suffers from vulvovaginal candidiasis. The risk of infection increases with a history of inflammatory diseases or damage to the urethra.

Candidiasis urethritis is characterized by blurred symptoms. Patients complain of a slight burning sensation, slight itching, whitish scanty discharge from the urethra. Microscopy during an acute process reveals a large number of yeast-like fungi. In chronic inflammation, filaments of mycelium predominate in the sample. Therapy consists in the abolition of antibacterial drugs and the appointment of antifungal agents (nystatin, terbinafine, fluconazole).

This development of a pathological process inside the urethra, in which pain increases during urination and sexual activity.

Classification of acute urethritis:

  1. infectious type. Inflammation of the urethra occurs under the influence of bacteria and microorganisms. When a pathogen enters the incubation period lasts from two to seven days.
  2. non-infectious variety. The appearance of uncomfortable conditions occurs due to individual reactions of the body, injuries and congestion. Unpleasant sensations may occur immediately or after a few hours.

A complication of urethritis are diseases such as: orchitis, and.


Venereal diseases associated with infection (gonococcus, Trichomonas, gonorrhea), lead to the development of acute urethritis.

Conditionally pathogenic microflora- Escherichia coli, staphylococcus, enterobacter - also tend to provoke the appearance of urethral inflammation, but more often with this type of urethritis, moderate or mild inflammation is observed.

An acute burning sensation in the inguinal region can also occur after hypothermia, as well as irritating elements - chemically aggressive substances - entering the urethra.

It is possible to mechanically damage the urethra due to poor-quality medical services, primarily catheterization.

Almost always, inflammation of the urethra occurs with the development of malignant tumors in the tubular organ.

Warning. At risk are people suffering from urolithiasis: the release of stones can significantly damage the urethra.

Symptoms and signs

Given the physiological differences in the structure of the male reproductive system and the female (the length of the urethra is longer), doctors distinguish some differences in the symptoms of urethritis in the strong half of humanity.

Symptoms of acute urethritis:

  • severe pain in the penis;
  • discharge of purulent and mucous clots from the urethra;
  • redness of the end of the urethra;
  • irradiation of pain in the pubic region.

With a strong inflammatory process, redness can also capture the glans penis, as well as the foreskin. The appearance of secretions (usually blue-green with a fetid odor) leads to lubrication and sticking of the outlet of the canal, leading to fractional urination.

Important. The appearance of blood in semen and urine indicates the presence of damage to the urethral mucosa.

Drug treatment of acute urethritis in men

Medications that help eliminate inflammation of the urethra include not only antibiotics and antiseptics, but also immunomodulators and vitamins.


The drug, specially created for the treatment of gonococcal urethritis, involves taking two 100 mg tablets during the week.

Restrictions on admission: individual intolerance, leukopenia, age up to 8 years.


A strong antibiotic taken for 7 days at 150 mg twice a day.

The tool is designed to eliminate microorganisms - chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma.

The remedy for acute urethritis should not be taken by persons under 18 years of age, epileptics and persons who have previously been treated with drugs with quinols.


The course of treatment involves a similar regimen of administration, as with Levofloxacin, but not two, but four times a day.

Taboo for admission: history of jaundice, functional disorders of the liver and hypersensitivity to macrolides.

It is used to treat urological infections resistant to streptomycin and tetracycline.


With trichomonas urethritis, Metronidazole, which is produced in the form of tablets, is often prescribed.

Do not take with liver failure, leukopenia and hypersensitivity.

A 10-day course of treatment for urethritis includes taking 0.25 gr. twice a day.

If necessary, a second course is carried out after 3-6 weeks.


Liquid antiseptic, actively used in dermatovenereology, has a convenient tip that is inserted into the urethra for internal injection of the solution.

Miramistin is used as the main therapy in the treatment of non-infectious inflammations and as an additional therapy for infectious urethritis (including syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis).

2-3 ml are injected into the canal three times a day, the maximum duration of treatment is 10 days. You can't urinate for an hour.

Ban on use - intolerance.


Treatment of acute allergic urethritis is carried out using an antihistamine that effectively eliminates genital allergies, including epidermal necrolysis, balanoposthitis and associated discomfort - itching, redness, swelling.

Treatment lasts up to 10 days, tablets are taken in the morning and evening, Tavegil is contraindicated while taking MAO inhibitors and bronchial diseases.


A well-known immunomodulator, which is produced by the manufacturer in the form of tablets and ampoules.

Polyoxidonium allows you to quickly cope with inflammation by activating the so-called immune response.

In acute urethritis, injection therapy is more often carried out for 5–10 days, 6 mg daily (on the fourth day, a break is made, then the course of treatment for urethritis continues).

It has no contraindications, except for hypersensitivity.


The antiviral ointment used to eliminate herpes urethritis is applied for 5 to 10 days to the lesions (up to five times a day).

The only limitation is the intolerance of the active substance.

Surgical and minimally invasive methods of elimination

In preparation for treatment in the clinic, patients often undergo an important diagnostic examination using a cystoscope. After studying the urethra, a certain treatment tactic is selected.

Warning. The contiguity of the urethra and the prostate gland increases the risk of inflammation moving to an important male organ.

Lifestyle during therapy

Sex. Long erotic contacts should be excluded in order to prevent a strong blood flow to the pelvic organs, due to which painful sensations can intensify. Proximity is possible only in a condom, but some doctors may prohibit any contact if the urethritis is infectious.

Sport. Active physical exercises should be excluded, especially with an increased load on the abdominal press. After treatment, you can play sports without restrictions.

Alcohol and smoking. The combination of these components with medical therapy is completely contraindicated: many drugs give a negative reaction in the presence of alcohol in the patient's blood.

walks. Acute urethritis can occur due to hypothermia, so the patient should stay warm for the maximum time. It is appropriate to use heating pads and thermal compresses, long walks in the fresh air should be excluded. If it is impossible to comply with such a regimen, it is necessary to wear warm underwear (for example, camel wool panties).


Inflammation of the tubular organ of the urinary system increases under the influence of too spicy, salty or sour food. Nicotine and alcohol, strong tea and coffee have an aggressive effect on the mucous membrane. For this reason, it is rational to refuse the use of certain foods.

Food taboo:

  • radish;
  • tomatoes;
  • garlic;
  • horseradish;
  • salad;
  • sorrel.

Positive effect on the urethra fermented milk products (cottage cheese, unsalted cheese), fruit juices (especially lingonberries and cranberries, blueberries, mountain ash), honey, low-fat varieties of fish and meat, pine nuts.

Herbal preparations with an antibacterial effect will also have a positive effect - phytoproducts based on bearberry, chamomile, bergenia, oregano.

The patient during urethral attacks experiences very unpleasant conditions, the elimination of which helps to get rid of the disease with the least discomfort. Important in the treatment of the acute stage of urethritis is diet therapy., which eliminates additional irritation of the urethra, as well as lifestyle correction.

Subject to the requirements of the doctor, drug treatment can prevent the chronic course of the disease and relieve discomfort in the groin for a long time.

Useful video

About the symptoms and treatment of acute urethritis is described in this video: