Institute of Inclusive Education MGPU. Regional public organization of disabled people “Perspective

Institute for Inclusive Education Problems created at the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University in July 2009.

The purpose of the institute– promotion and implementation of an inclusive approach in Russian education, scientific and methodological support for the process of formation and development of inclusive education at all levels of the general education system in Russia.

The main content of the institute's work– study of the experience of inclusive educational institutions, methodological support and accompaniment of educational institutions implementing an inclusive approach, technological and instrumental equipment of pedagogical work, design of inclusive educational systems in regions, development of effective organizational and administrative models of inclusive schools and kindergartens, dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience, popularization ideas of inclusive education in Russian society.

The Institute has extensive connections and partner research projects with research teams from Europe and America.

Since 2011, the institute has been holding the most important scientific event on inclusive education in Russia every two years - the International Scientific and Practical Conference, which brings together more than five hundred participants. The topics of the conference reflect the current problems of a certain stage of development of inclusive education in the country:
2011 – I International Conference “Inclusive Education: Methodology, Practice, Technologies” (Moscow, June 20–22, 2010)
2013 – .

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Institute for Inclusive Education Problems

Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University



School Book Center

Executive Editor

T.N. Gusev

Compiled by:

S.V. Alekhina, N.Ya. Semago, A.K. Fadina Inclusive education. Issue 1. – M.: Center “School Book”, 2010. – 272 p.

This collection opens a new series of methodological publications devoted to practical developments in the field of inclusive education. It concentrates the first, but already quite rich experience in promoting inclusive processes directly in various administrative districts of the city of Moscow.

For managers and teachers of educational institutions of all types and kinds Free publication for completing the libraries of educational institutions in Moscow © School Book Center, Inclusive education as a path to the development and humanization of society Guseva T.N., Ph.D., Deputy Head of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow The spread in Moscow of the process of inclusion of children with limited mental and/or physical health in educational institutions is not only a reflection of the times, but also represents another step towards ensuring the full implementation of children’s rights to receive an accessible education. Inclusive practice ensures equal access to one or another type of education, and the creation of the necessary conditions for achieving adaptation of education by all children without exception, regardless of their individual characteristics, educational achievements, native language, culture, their mental and physical capabilities.

The Law “On the Education of Persons with Disabilities in Moscow”, adopted in April of this year by the Moscow Duma

was a significant milestone on the path not only to the development of the educational system, but also to the humanization of Russian society as a whole, another step towards the integration of our country into the world community.

In this regard, the Moscow Department of Education is making significant efforts to promote this innovative system in its subordinate educational institutions. Today, in all districts of Moscow, not only educational institutions have been identified where inclusive practices will be carried out, but also district resource centers for the development of inclusive education. In most districts, Councils for the Development of Inclusive Education have been created as bodies that determine the directions for the development of this practice in the district. More than a thousand children with disabilities - with cerebral palsy, autistic disorders, hearing impairments, vision impairments, cognitive impairments, both preschool and school age, have already been included in the general educational environment, providing barrier-free and adaptable conditions. The number of educational institutions participating in the inclusive process is growing in the city.

The Institute for Problems of Inclusive Education and the City Resource Center were created on the basis of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University. A strategy for the development of inclusive education in the city is being developed. In the same institution of higher education, a lot of work has been done to improve the qualifications of specialists implementing inclusive practices in the city; moreover, the training of specialists who will come to these inclusive institutions in the future is beginning. In general, we can speak with confidence about a certain accumulation of experience at various levels of the educational system, the “launch” of an inclusive process at almost all levels of the educational vertical - from early intervention services to secondary specialized education and higher educational institutions, which gives us the right talk about continuous inclusive education. It is continuous inclusive education that should serve as the basic stage on which all subsequent human achievements depend. This is the foundation for the preservation of national culture and an important condition for the formation of a child’s personality for the social adaptation of himself and his family.

Analyzing the state of inclusive education at the moment, we can talk not only about an innovative process that allows for the training and education of children with different starting capabilities at various levels of the educational vertical. This direction has a powerful influence on the development of the educational process itself, significantly changing the relationships between its participants. The strategies being developed for psychological and pedagogical support of children with special educational needs and support technologies make it possible to build relationships among all participants in the educational process based on respect for their rights and characteristics. All this ensures the further humanization of education and the formation of a new type of professional teaching community.

Thus, the urgent need for scientific and methodological support and the development of programmatic and didactic materials and teaching aids for the implementation of this important task is determined.

The practical development of inclusive education cannot be ensured without the constant introduction into inclusive practice of methodological developments, software, methodological guidelines for the organization and content of activities, and the educational institutions themselves included in the inclusive process, and the psychological and pedagogical support services of these educational institutions, and their systems management.

This collection opens a new series of teaching aids dedicated to practical developments in the field of inclusive education. It concentrates the first, but already quite rich experience in promoting inclusive processes directly in various administrative districts of the city of Moscow. The variety of approaches and original methods of inclusive practice developed in educational districts and individual educational institutions allow us to see the general “outline” of the development of inclusive education in the city. Therefore, this collection from the “Inclusive Education” series can be safely considered as one of the first methodological guides in this innovative field of education.

We hope that its readers will find a lot of useful and useful information for their important and difficult work of including children with disabilities in educational practice.

The current stage of development of inclusive education in Moscow Alyokhina S.V., Ph.D. Sc., Director of the Institute for Problems of Inclusive Education An event of unique significance took place in Moscow - the Law “On the Education of Persons with Disabilities” was adopted, which for the first time in domestic legislative practice defines inclusive education as the joint education and upbringing of children with disabilities and children who do not have such restrictions. Without commenting on the Law itself, I will dwell on some thoughts regarding the main characteristics of the current stage of development of inclusive education. In order to better understand the actual situation, it is necessary to clarify some basic points.

Inclusion is a social concept that presupposes an unambiguous understanding of the goal - the humanization of social relations and the acceptance of the right of persons with disabilities to high-quality joint education. Inclusion in education is a stage of inclusion in society, one of the humanitarian ideas for its development. The development of inclusive education is not the creation of a new system, but a qualitative and systematic change in the education system as a whole.

Nowadays a lot of attention is paid to understanding the term itself. This is a justifiable process. Professional thinking requires determining the semantics of an activity. I will add some important, from my point of view, accents.

“Inclusion as a principle of educational organization is a phenomenon of a socio-pedagogical nature. Accordingly, inclusion is not aimed at changing or correcting an individual child, but at adapting the educational and social environment to the capabilities of a given child” (Prof. Ulf Janson).

Webster's New Unabridged Universal Dictionary defines inclusion as “the process by which something is included, that is, included, embraced, or included as part of a whole.”

The Early Childhood Division of the Council for Exceptional Children (1993) defines inclusion as “... a value that ensures the right of all children, regardless of their ability, to take an active part in society under current conditions.” As we can see, in the presented definitions there is not a word about children with disabilities, a special methodology or a new form of education. According to the ideal canons, inclusive education is not a form, but a new education with its own philosophy, the formation of opportunities and free choice. I believe that terminological disputes, which sometimes give rise to risks of misunderstanding, will lead to meaningful filling of concepts and learning new things.

The current stage of development of inclusive education is filled with a lot of contradictions and problems and requires us to have a professional open dialogue, constructive debate, take into account domestic experience and consistency of positions. In the Strategy for the Development of Inclusive Education in Moscow being developed, this period is defined as transitional.

An important circumstance of this transition is the readiness of our school to change. Developing inclusive educational practices requires systemic institutional changes, which do not happen quickly. But the most difficult of them are changes in the professional thinking and consciousness of people, starting with the psychology of the teacher (which is the most difficult), ending with the economic and financial foundations of the functioning of the entire system. The introduction of inclusive education faces not only the difficulties of organizing a so-called “barrier-free environment”, but above all social problems. They include widespread stereotypes and prejudices, the willingness or refusal of teachers, children and their parents to accept new principles of education, but also the lack of systematic, comprehensive psychological and pedagogical knowledge and technologies, and special monitoring studies directly related to the experience of domestic inclusive education. Along with the declared philosophical foundations and principles, the lack of a methodology for inclusive education gives rise to many questions related to mistrust and criticism regarding the idea itself.

Insufficient research and monitoring data leads to unreliable assessments and conclusions.

At the stage of understanding and implementing inclusive education, serious applied research can provide knowledge about the processes and results of qualitative changes and influence general ideas about the possibility and effectiveness of inclusion processes in education. Now inclusive educational practice is quite limited, largely experimental, and therefore the region is not unstable. It is necessary to study successful experience and a detailed description of the processes and mechanisms for its launch and maintenance.

The Institute for Problems of Inclusive Education at MSUPE sees its task as solving these issues, hoping for cooperation and scientific discussions with other research teams.

In addition, managerial, economic and methodological support for the successful experience of inclusive educational institutions is urgently needed.

An important characteristic of this stage of development of inclusive education is the insufficient professional training of general education teachers and support specialists capable of implementing an inclusive approach. They need specialized comprehensive assistance from specialists in the field of correctional pedagogy, special and educational psychology, in understanding and implementing approaches to individualizing the education of children with special educational needs, the category of which primarily includes students with disabilities . But the most important thing that mass school teachers must learn is to work with different children and take this diversity into account in their pedagogical approach to each.

The main question of practitioners, “how?” does not yet find a qualified answer in all cases. Sometimes a pedagogical search, an experiment, and innovative courage are needed.

In domestic education there are two rich content resources for the development of an inclusive approach in education - the experience of special and integrated education and the technological experience of psychological and pedagogical support for participants in the educational process. Only professional communication between teachers from different educational systems can influence mutual enrichment and expansion of opportunities for joint learning and education.

One of the significant characteristics of the changes taking place is the position of parents. The independent thinking of parents determines the educational trajectory of a child with special educational needs, the partner position of parents in relation to the school and their responsibility for the educational result. We want the parent to be a partner, but very often we deprive him of the right to responsible choice. Then the recommendations of specialists become a “sentence”, and the consultation does not open up opportunities and options for behavior. In the process of developing an inclusive approach to education, the position of parents will become increasingly independent and active. The ability to organize a productive dialogue with parents, to attract them to participation and cooperation, to jointly discuss the conditions of a child’s education is an important task of the school community.

There is no doubt that the process of development of inclusive education should be built on an innovative project basis. Experimental activities carried out in Moscow showed that in the modern conditions created in the capital’s education, effective design of inclusive practice is possible. Until the system has taken shape, innovative design will allow us to achieve systemic changes, organize a targeted search and the desire to obtain a new result, completely update the position of the subjects of education, transform the connections in the system and the system itself as a whole, and most importantly, will allow us to develop new criteria for the quality of performance results . Now it is important to launch the thinking of all people involved in these transformations, to initiate their author’s position, to give the opportunity to organize the conditions and spaces for such activities. In my deep conviction, each of the 187 educational institutions that have begun to implement an inclusive approach in Moscow is in serious research and project work. Such work requires support from educational administration and methodological services. In addition, right now, at the transition stage, a well-structured systemic coordination of all scientific and methodological resources is required. Only synchronicity of efforts will make it possible to make a meaningful breakthrough both in understanding and in activity. In the case of scattered (sometimes multidirectional) actions, high-quality evolutionary movement cannot be ensured.

Today, the main areas of resource provision for the development of inclusive education in Moscow are:

1. Scientific and methodological support for the activities of teaching staff;

2. Psychological support for all participants in inclusive processes;

3. Design of the process of interaction between different levels of the educational system.

4. Development of practice-oriented technologies for individual training and psychological and pedagogical support for the processes of inclusion of a child with special educational needs in the general educational environment;

5. Modeling the components and content of an inclusive educational environment.

To solve these problems, a system of activities of the City and district resource centers has been created, capable of comprehensively providing educational, methodological and consulting support to teaching staff of inclusive educational institutions.

The network of resource centers for the development of inclusive education is an effectively functioning link, in methodological, informational, analytical and practical terms, connecting educational institutions of different levels that implement an inclusive approach to education, their specialists and parents with municipal institutions of specialized assistance - psychological, pedagogical and medical centers. -social assistance, with institutions of secondary and higher vocational education, with the organizational and management level. The system of resource centers implements methodological, information and analytical areas of activity, and also serves as a real practical platform for training specialists, improving their qualifications, providing specialized assistance to the population ranging from early childhood to graduation from a higher educational institution, at all levels of the inclusive educational vertical.

The construction of inclusive practice in basic general education will be limited if the development of an inclusive approach in the system of secondary and higher professional education is not envisaged. The problem context of this problem is very broad and requires a great deal of analysis of system capabilities. The careful and thoughtful experience of the capital’s universities indicates a readiness to solve these problems responsibly, with the understanding that vocational education can provide people with disabilities with the opportunity to realize their life chances, and not remain dependent on society.

Inclusive education is becoming increasingly widespread. It is supported by legislation, justified by international requirements and processes of global integration. Foreign experience shows that this project will require a lot of time and the participation of everyone. Our efforts depend on the goal we set for ourselves.

Literature 1. Materials of the US National Inclusive Education Week, 2001. Inclusive schools: benefits for children. (Revisiting our understanding of inclusion and defining its meaning for children). Ilene S. Schwartz, University of Washington Charlene Green, Clark County School District, Las Vegas, Nevada.

2. Commentary on the TACIS report “Disability Status Survey”, Faculty of Education, Stockholm University.

3. Webster's New Unabridged Universal Dictionary, 1994.

Inclusive education:

broad aspects Lopatina V.I., Ph.D. n, head of the Education for All Movement, supported by UNESCO, arose in 1990 at the International Conference “Education for All” (Jomtien, Thailand). Over the 18 years of development of the movement, it has acquired the broadest meaning: education for everyone at various levels and throughout life. Depending on the country, with its established educational space, various movement projects took shape. At the same time, depending on the geopolitical, socio-economic, legal and cultural aspects, various strategies for introducing the movement were used. In the CIS countries, the UNESCO Moscow Office has identified the most effective policy for the introduction of new educational technologies, called the “cluster”, which identifies two key characteristics: the geographical concentration of educational resources and the interconnectedness of participants within various areas of the region’s educational system.

For Russia, many of the goals of the “Education for All” movement are not typical - in particular, in Russia all necessary measures are taken in the field of policies to ensure the upbringing and education of children under the age of three, and programs for the upbringing and education of young children are also publicly available, regardless of family income level. Issues of adult literacy and gender parity are also not relevant for our country. However, the most urgent task is to improve the quality of education.

One of the goals of the “Education for All” movement is to ensure sustainable development and variability of educational institutions in order to realize the personal potential of any child, regardless of his starting capabilities. This is dictated by the essence of the child’s main right – the right to a fully lived childhood, which combines the child’s emotional comfort and his full mental development. And this right can and should be ensured, first of all, by a unified educational environment, and not by its individual components.

The new international project “Moscow education: from infancy to school” is the result of close cooperation between the Moscow Department of Education and UNESCO. Among other things, this project involves expanding and improving the care and education of young children, offering a wide range of educational services and programs, in the broadest sense of the social development of children, based on the principle of equal opportunities. The declaration of this principle at the highest level is a reflection of the global trend towards unity and the desire for mutual understanding.

The main objectives of the project are:

1) Ensuring accessibility of the entire complex of upbringing and education of young children, paying special attention to population groups with different social status and taking into account their language needs.

2) Providing high quality comprehensive services in the field of early childhood care and education, covering the basic needs of young children, including preschool education, socio-psychological support, health care and nutrition.

3) Ensuring the well-being and comprehensive development of children aged 0 to 6 years.

It is intended that the developed models will be made available to other countries participating in the project for information and possible application. At the same time, the project itself involves expanding the range of educational services, including the development of various models designed for children with different educational needs, and improving the qualifications of teachers, including the level of their organizational and methodological support.

The set objectives identified three directions for the development of activities in the field of improving the quality of educational services, which we conventionally called: regulatory, institutional and organizational and methodological.

The priorities of legal regulation in the field of education are:

Ensuring accessibility to quality general education;

Improving the quality of educational literature;

Increasing the level of remuneration for educational workers;

Modernization of the system of training, retraining and advanced training of education workers;

Expanding public participation in education management;

Development of a network of educational institutions.

If we talk about current achievements, then at the international level this is, first of all, the “Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities”, signed on September 24, 2008 by Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov on behalf of the Russian Federation, but in order to implement all the points of the Convention, it is necessary to bring a lot of legislation corporative acts in accordance with international law. At the same time, it must be said that the most important resolutions for our country of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the indefinite re-examination of disabled people” and “On the procedure for providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation” have already been adopted.

The development of the institutionalization of the educational space is the introduction of various models and forms of organization of general education: the usual general education schools and kindergartens are enriched with education centers, family schools and kindergartens, the system of schools and kindergartens of the future is being developed. At the same time, the variability of the structure of support for preschool children is actively increasing - advisory centers, play support centers, clinics, and early assistance services are opening. This entire complex educational space is supported by Centers for psychological and pedagogical support and a developed system of additional education.

The development of variability in the educational system is one of the stages in the social development of children within the framework of increasing the accessibility of quality education and free choice by parents of forms and methods of education.

Finally, the development of the organizational and methodological direction is the introduction into educational institutions of additional components aimed at supporting disabled children, children from bilingual families, gifted children and, what is especially important, children of a different cultural space who require the preservation and development of their cultural and ethnic specificity. The main difficulty in the development of this direction lies not simply in the need to restructure a fairly strictly defined educational process, which is possible in conditions of segregation and separation of children, but in the soft inclusion of new variables in the entire educational space of the school - which is true inclusive education, and not its replacement, for example, in the form of “integration”.

Studying the experience of development of the educational space of a number of European countries in the light of the development of inclusive education, we came to the conclusion about the necessary evolutionary nature of changes in the educational environment. If developed countries spent several decades transitioning from the “medical model” implying isolation (segregation) to models of “normalization” and “inclusion,” then in Russia and the CIS countries this process should be accelerated based on an analysis of international experience, but taking into account the specific conditions of modern Russian education.

The development of the project “Moscow education: from infancy to school” is not just an experience of international interaction, not just the updating of pressing issues in the field of education. This project is the basis of those global changes that the entire educational system as a whole is undergoing, including interdisciplinary connections and interaction with non-state foundations and public associations.

And the most outstanding achievement of the development of preschool education was the creation of a network of inclusive educational institutions, because This approach represents a further development of the idea of ​​variability, no longer within the framework of individual educational institutions, but within the framework of the diversity of educational programs of the institution. This is the next step in the development of an individual, personal approach in the form of an individual educational route in a single educational space.

The introduction of inclusive education required a rethinking of the entire accumulated pedagogical experience of all types of educational institutions and updated close interdisciplinary integration. By developing a network of integrative educational institutions, we have developed a system of principles of interaction between institutions of various levels and types, a system of transferring experience, and finally, we are taking measures to overcome the stereotypes that have developed over many years of the policy of “isolation”

children with special educational needs.

Here the educational system is faced with the main principle of inclusive education - “it is not the child who is adjusted to the conditions and norms existing in the educational institution, but, on the contrary, the entire education system is adjusted to the needs and capabilities of a particular child.”

In connection with the increase in the number of bilingual children, the problem has arisen not only of teaching these children to speak Russian competently, but also of supporting their identity, showing respect for their cultural traditions. Educators working in a modern metropolis need to have knowledge of how to support the development, education and upbringing of all children, regardless of their ethnic origin. Thus, the education system is faced with the task of including such children not only in the educational, but also in the cultural space. This is complicated by the fact that, according to surveys by the Moscow Department of Education, about 13 percent of parents do not visit cultural centers with their children. In connection with the strengthening of the processes of social stratification, the role of preschool educational institutions is increasing as an institution that equalizes the starting opportunities for a child’s introduction to culture. Solving the problem of translating multiple cultural systems, while respecting the identity and integrity of the personality of each student, requires the most modern pedagogical approaches.

No less urgent for the city is the task of including children with disabilities into a single educational space. In Moscow today there are several “sources” of inclusive education for children with disabilities - the Swifts project, implemented in the Central District;

the “I-School” project based on the Educational Technologies Center;

a series of projects of the regional public organization of disabled people “Perspective”.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that all children, despite their physical, intellectual, ethnic, social and other characteristics, must be included in the general education system and raised together with their peers at their place of residence. Inclusive education not only increases the status of a child with special educational needs and his family in society, but also contributes to the development of tolerance and social equality.

To do this, the following measures must be taken:

To support, at the level of state policy and national projects, the development of an inclusive education system as one of the priority areas of the Moscow education system;

To petition the Moscow Government to accelerate the adoption of relevant regulations and the inclusion of nominations in social advertising competitions for the adoption of ideas of inclusion in society;

To propose to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation to improve the system of training and retraining of teaching staff, taking into account the needs of inclusive education, to ensure the development of scientific and methodological support in this area;

Create a coordinating interdepartmental council to support inclusive education.

Experience in the systemic development of inclusive education in the Central District Semago N.Ya., Ph.D. in psychology, associate professor, head of the City Resource Center for the Development of Inclusive Education of the Institute of Inclusive Education of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, scientific director of the State Enterprise "Approbation of the model of psychological and pedagogical support of the integrative process in an educational institution"

With sincere gratitude to the colleagues participating in this work.

The main requirement for modern education is that it should become humanistically oriented, consider a person as the main value, and be aimed at personal development. With this approach, any forms, methods, technologies of education are not an end in themselves, but should be considered in the context of one of the main objectives of education - providing the most favorable conditions for self-development and adaptation.

As a result, education turns out to be focused on helping a person realize and enrich his “I”, find his place and determine his social role in relations with the outside world.

The spread of the process of inclusion in our country—the inclusion of children with mental and/or physical disabilities in educational institutions along with their normal peers—is not only a reflection of the times, but also represents the realization of children’s rights to education in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation . Inclusive practice in education involves improving the quality of life of a special child and his family, without worsening, at the same time, the quality of life of other participants in the educational process, and creating the necessary conditions. The article was prepared for the collection of the Moscow Department of Education “Gradeless learning as a means of formation educational independence of students”, Center “School Book”, 2010.

to achieve success in social adaptation and education by all children without exception, regardless of their individual characteristics, educational achievements, language, culture, their mental and physical capabilities.

The modern state education system involves the creation of conditions under which a special child with special educational needs will have the opportunity to realize his or her potential. The inclusion of such children in the socio-cultural and general educational environment is currently an urgent problem not only in pedagogy, but also in psychology and sociology. In addition, uniting ordinary children and children with disabilities in a single social and educational space makes it possible to solve a number of pedagogical, social and humanistic problems.

Scientific and pedagogical practice have convincingly shown that a child with special educational needs, from infancy entering a community of healthy peers, advances with them and achieves a higher level of socialization.

In turn, inclusive education is based on the following priorities:

The priority of the child’s social adaptation at each age stage;

Continuity of the inclusive process at all age levels;

The natural conformity of educational (in a broad sense) tasks and methods, both the child’s capabilities and the general logic of development;

Priority development of communicative competencies, abilities to interact with other people;

Prevention and overcoming disability and artificial isolation of the family of a special child.

In addition, it is necessary to say about the basic principles of inclusive education: the evolutionary and gradual development of inclusive practice, the systematic nature of changes in education as a whole.

The effective implementation of the designated priorities for the inclusion of a special child in the environment of a general education institution seems almost impossible without specialized psychological and pedagogical support for both the inclusive process as a whole and its individual structural components, since the process of inclusion of children with disabilities in education itself turns out to be very difficult, both in organizational and content components. Creating an adequate model and specific technologies for psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive practice, to a certain extent, makes it possible to make this process as adaptive and flexible as possible.

From here we can determine the main goal of the experimental activity - the development and testing of a model and technologies for psychological and pedagogical support of the inclusive process in various educational institutions of the district.

Within the framework of this goal, we identified the main objectives of the experiment:

1. Creation of a unified educational environment for children who thus have different starting opportunities;

2. Organization of a system of effective psychological and pedagogical support for the process of inclusive education;

3. Ensuring the effectiveness of the processes of correction, adaptation and socialization of children with special needs at the stage of schooling;

4. Creation of a system for the development of tolerant self-awareness among the younger generation;

5. Creation and testing of a model of interdisciplinary interaction in a team of support specialists.

Twenty educational institutions took part in the work of the network City experimental site “Approbation of the model of psychological and pedagogical support of the integrative process in an educational institution”: three Centers (CPPRiK “Tverskoy”, which is a district resource center, CPPRiK “Harmony”, CPPRiK “Na”). Taganka");

ten preschool educational institutions – No. 288, 281, 492, 1465, 1678, 1948, 2022, 2030, 940, 255;

two central heating centers – No. 1447, 1429;

two SKOSH – No. 359, 532;

secondary school No. 518;

Health school No. 464 and school with in-depth study of a foreign language No. 1225.

All these institutions, each with their own structure and specificity, their own educational tasks and a different composition of specialists, were united in the work of the State Educational Program under a single task - creating conditions for the social and emotional adaptation of all participants in the inclusive educational process.

In the course of our work, we identified three main aspects of inclusive education – value-based, organizational and content-based.

The value aspect, as the most “subtle” one, presupposes a change in attitude towards children with disabilities and “otherness” in general.

This is recognition of the value of every child, regardless of his cognitive, academic and other achievements. These are changes at the level of the worldview of people, primarily adults.

The organizational aspect is considered by us as the need to determine the sequence of steps for organizing the actually inclusive space of learning, upbringing and life of children in a specific educational institution - kindergarten, school, center group from the point of view of management and organization of the process, including the organization of the activities of PMPK corresponding general level.

A separate task was to prepare the necessary regulatory framework and local acts necessary to implement the inclusion of children with disabilities.

The substantive aspect of the process of inclusive upbringing and education of children (in the broad sense of education) in most cases is considered as the main one. To implement it, it is necessary to develop not only technologies for psychological and pedagogical support, but also significant adaptation of educational programs and the construction of a sequence and depth of presentation of program material adequate to the child’s capabilities for various categories of children with disabilities in each individual competency or subject.

As a result of the activities of the GEP, with the support of the Central District Department of Education of Moscow, a model of psychological and pedagogical support for the inclusive educational vertical “Kindergarten – Center – School” was created and technologies for psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive processes adequate to the assigned tasks were developed, the conditions for the implementation of the developed technologies were determined .

It should be noted that all developed technologies, in turn, were based on:

– knowledge of the stages and patterns of normative ontogenesis in different age periods;

– to understand the psychological tasks of each specific age, and not the educational standards imposed by society;

– on the specifics of the mental development of children with various variants of dysontogenesis, based on an understanding of the mechanisms and causes of the occurrence of these features;

– to take into account various educational tasks within each level of education;

– knowledge of the stages and patterns of development of interaction in the children's community at different age periods.

During the work of the site, original organizational and content technologies were created that ensure maximum efficiency of education and upbringing of children, in accordance with their characteristics and capabilities in a unified educational environment, including:

Technology for modeling team interaction of specialists in the inclusive space of the State Educational Establishment Central Regional Development Center - kindergarten;

Technologies for organizing a subject-development environment in an inclusive preschool educational institution;

Technology of psychological and pedagogical support for the family of a special child in a preschool educational institution;

Model of psychological and pedagogical support for students in an experimental diagnostic class;

Technologies for adapting some sections of educational material for multi-level learning tasks;

Integration of children with different abilities within the framework of an environmental approach;

Technology for constructing an individual development program for a disabled child in conditions of integration;

Activities of a support specialist (tutor) in an inclusive class;

Technologies for working with various participants in the educational process at school.

A block of technologies for the activities of the District Resource Center was also developed as a methodological and coordinating link in the organization of inclusive education in the district.

As part of the objectives of the resource center, the following have been developed:

Organization and content of the activities of the inclusive Early Help Service;

Technology of activity of the PMPC of the resource center for determining the educational route, including the necessary conditions, for the “advancement” of a special child along the “steps” of the inclusive vertical (advisory point, Early Help Service, lekotek, short-term group “Special Child”, group for children with a complex structure of defects, inclusive group, inclusive class).

The conditions necessary for the effectiveness of the inclusion process itself were also identified. First of all, this is:

Adopting a philosophy of inclusion;

Readiness of the leader and teaching staff for changes and difficulties;

The existence of “external” support from the teaching community and management;

Availability of laws and regulations regulating inclusive education.

Certain organizational, including personnel, conditions are also necessary:

Cooperation with the resource center for inclusive education in the district, including the PMPK;

Interaction with other inclusive and special institutions of the vertical or network (school, kindergarten, technical school, etc.), including the mutual exchange of technologies, materials, information and documents;

Continuity in the work of institutions at different levels of the inclusive vertical;

Continuity in the work of educational institutions of different types and types;

Interaction with external partners;

Availability of personnel trained to implement the tasks of inclusive education;

Development of techniques, methods and forms for improving the professional competence of specialists;

Availability of a team of support specialists (coordinator (head teacher) for inclusion, psychologist, special teacher, speech therapist, social teacher, teacher’s assistant (tutor), etc.);

Organization of the activities of these specialists as PMPC of an educational institution with corresponding assigned tasks.

Among the necessary environmental conditions are:

Architectural transformations, including barrier-free environments;

Special equipment and tools that modulate the educational space of the class/group.

It should be noted that the latter, oddly enough, often does not play a key role in the formation of value systems, but their importance can hardly be overestimated in the implementation of the very process of inclusive education and raising a special child.

In the course of their activities, specialists from the Tverskoy Center for Education and Training developed a system of small forms of improving the professional competence of specialists and teachers - seminars, master classes, psychological and pedagogical workshops and professional studios for GEP participants in preschool and school institutions.

A program of advanced training courses for specialists in the integrative space “Psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education” was also developed and began to be implemented. Advanced training of specialists and teachers took place on the basis of the Faculty of Education and Training of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education.

With the active participation of specialists from educational institutions of the state educational institution, draft local regulations have been developed regulating the activities of participants in integrative education:

– Concept for the development of inclusive education in the Central Administrative District;

– Regulations on the resource center for inclusive education.

Together with the Education Department of the Central Administrative District, local regulations have been developed:

– Regulations on the diagnostic training class;

– Regulations on the inclusive classroom.

Amendments have been proposed to the Draft Law “On the education of persons with disabilities in the city of Moscow.”

Today, in educational institutions of the Central District of Moscow, more than 50 educational institutions are in inclusive practice. Almost 260 children with various types of deviant development - children with cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorders, total underdevelopment of mental functions, sensory deficits and other developmental features - attend kindergartens, schools and primary care centers together with their normal peers.

Of course, most of the problems of developing inclusive practices in education cannot be solved within the framework of experimental activities alone, especially in one district. These tasks should be solved much more systematically, at the city level, with the support of the Moscow Government and the city Department of Education, as this concerns changes in the education system as a whole.

Thus, only one thing is clear - social and educational inclusion is needed not only, and sometimes not so much for a special child, but for education itself and society as a whole.

Educational integration (inclusion) as a natural stage in the development of the education system Kovalev E.V., Director of the Center for Educational Education and Social Sciences “Interaction” of the Southern Educational Institution Staroverova M.S., Ph.D. in psychology, deputy. Director of TsPMSS "Interaction"

Creating conditions for the full upbringing and education of disabled children, adequate to their condition and health, in particular, the introduction of inclusive education is highlighted as one of the priorities of the state’s social policy. An inclusive approach to education is brought to life for various reasons. Collectively, they can be designated as a social order that has reached a certain level of economic, cultural, and legal development of society and the state. This stage is associated with a rethinking by society and the state of its attitude towards people with disabilities, with recognition not only of the equality of their rights, but also with an awareness of its responsibility to provide such people with equal opportunities as all others in various areas of life, including education.

The concept of “inclusion” has become frequently used in the education system, but, unfortunately, the substantive aspects of this concept are not disclosed. In some cases, the concepts of “inclusion” and “integration”

are considered synonymous, which from our point of view is unacceptable.

Let us only note that specialists from the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education have been successfully dealing with integration issues since the seventies of the last century. It seems even more illogical to us to apply Western experience to the Russian education system and interpret inclusion as a philosophy of “inclusive education.” The current situation necessitates the definition of a process that is designated in the orders and local acts of the Moscow Department of Education as “integrative (inclusive) education.”

First of all, we note that the phrase “inclusive education” is not entirely correct, since this type is not defined by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (Chapter 2). And in the future it will be more correct to use the concept of “inclusive form of education and upbringing.”

Inclusive education and upbringing is a natural stage in the development of the education system in any country in the world, a process in which all highly developed countries, including Russia, are involved.

Inclusive education is a logical continuation of the ideas of integrative education, which preceded inclusion chronologically, ideologically and technologically. That is why they should be considered adjacent, but not equivalent terms.

The concepts of “inclusion” and “integration” characterize different degrees of inclusion of children with disabilities in the educational system.

It should also be taken into account that successful educational integration (inclusion) is a multifactorial, multilevel process that requires restructuring at all levels of human functioning, starting with replacing the priority of the average statistical evenness of the student population with the priority of the diversity of student potentials. At the same time, the interests of one or more groups (for example, those with disabilities) cannot be allowed to dominate when implementing the ideas of inclusion.

Integration returns students with disabilities to the general education system, since before this stage, children in this category were educated only in the special (correctional) education system. It is important to note that, while in the general education system, students with disabilities must fully master the general education school curriculum.

The practice of an inclusive form of education and upbringing is based on the idea of ​​accepting the individuality of each individual student and, therefore, education should be organized in such a way as to meet the special needs of each child with disabilities. It focuses on personalizing the learning process and developing an individual educational program (hereinafter referred to as IEP).

The main difference between the process of inclusion and integration is that with inclusion, all participants in the educational process change their attitude towards children with disabilities, and the ideology of education changes towards greater humanization of the educational process and strengthening the educational and social orientation of training.

Thus, inclusion is rather a sociocultural technology, and integration is an educational technology.

Accordingly, with inclusive education and upbringing, a child with disabilities masters an IEP that takes into account the peculiarities of his development and is focused, first of all, on personal development and social adaptation. It is important to understand that the IEP does not imply complete mastery of the basic Federal State Educational Standards and special Federal State Educational Standards can be established (clause 5 of Article 7 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”).

The introduction of an inclusive form of education is considered as the highest form of development of the educational system in the direction of realizing the human right to receive quality education in accordance with his cognitive capabilities and an environment adequate to his health at the place of residence.

Inclusive teaching and upbringing is a long-term strategy, considered not as a local area of ​​work, but as a systematic approach to organizing the activities of the general education system in all areas as a whole. An inclusive form of education concerns all subjects of the educational process: children with disabilities and their parents, normally developing students and members of their families, teachers and other specialists in the educational space, administration, and structures of additional education.

Therefore, the activities of a general education institution should be aimed not only at creating special conditions for the education and upbringing of a child with disabilities, but also at ensuring mutual understanding both between teachers (specialists in the field of correctional and general pedagogy) and between students with disabilities and their healthy peers.

Inclusive education is not mandatory for children with disabilities, but at the same time, learning in conditions of educational inclusion allows a child with disabilities to preserve their usual social environment as much as possible. Early socialization has a beneficial effect on the formation of the personality of children with disabilities and their adaptation in real life. Thanks to inclusive education, some of the “extraordinary”

children attending the nearest public school will be able not to be separated from their family, as happens when a child studies in a special (correctional) boarding school. Parents thus get the opportunity to raise their child in accordance with their own life guidelines.

It should be noted that the possibility of socializing children with disabilities also exists with well-organized integrative education.

However, it must be clearly understood that with inclusion, learning is personalized and takes place according to the IEP, which will be enshrined in law in the future. Integrative learning involves students with disabilities mastering the mainstream school curriculum.

Inclusive education is one of the forms of education for children with disabilities, which should not displace traditionally established forms of effective assistance to children with disabilities, established and developed in special education. True inclusion does not oppose, but brings together two educational systems - general and special, making the boundaries between them permeable.

When analyzing the degree of development of an inclusive form of education, it should be borne in mind that in Russia there are a number of scientific developments in the field of defectology and special psychology that have no Western analogues, which are logically related to the process of integrative (inclusive) education. Among the scientists whose theoretical ideas and practical research laid the foundations of integrative education in our country, first of all, it is necessary to name E.I. Leonhard, B.D. Korsunskaya, G.L. Zaitsev, N.N. Malo Feeva, N.D. Shmatko, A.N. Konoplev, T.S. Zykov, T.V. Pelymskaya, T.L. Leshchinskaya, M.L. Lyubimova, N.M. Nazarov, L.I. Tigranov, E.A. Shkatov, L.E. Shevchuk, L.M. Kobrin, D.V. Shamsutdinov, L.M. Shchipitsina, T.V. Furyaev and others.

The programs of early psychological and pedagogical correction existing in Russia make it possible to bring many children with disabilities to a level of psychophysical development that gives them the opportunity to integrate into a normal general educational environment. That is why, when developing an inclusive form of education, one should rely on the methodology and technologies proposed by domestic scientists and practitioners. In particular, on the technology of multi-level educational integration, developed by specialists from the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education.

The main regulatory documents that set the conceptual and substantive foundations for the development of an integrative form of education and upbringing are:

1. Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” dated July 10, 1992 No. 3266-I (with amendments and additions dated July 17, 2009) Article 14 of the Law postulates general requirements for the content of education, among which is its focus on:

ensuring the self-determination of the individual, creating conditions for his self-realization;

development of society;

the formation of a person and a citizen who is integrated into his contemporary society and aimed at improving this society.

Thus, the Law sets the main goals for the activities of the entire education system.

2. The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation (2008–2020), approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2008 No. 1662-r.

Within the framework of the Concept, the strategic goal of state policy in the field of education is formulated - increasing the availability of quality education that meets the requirements of innovative economic development, the modern needs of society and every citizen.

Some of the tasks of modernizing institutions of the education system include:

creation of a system of educational services that ensures the early development of children regardless of their place of residence, health status, or social status;

creating an educational environment that ensures accessibility to quality education and successful socialization for people with disabilities.

Based on this, the education system as a whole and the education system of the capital region have identified strategic goals and development objectives for creating an educational environment for children and adolescents with disabilities.

3. Law “On the education of persons with disabilities in the city of Moscow.”

Article 1 defines the circle of persons to whom this Law applies, among them:

disabled children, other persons not recognized in the established order as disabled children, but having temporary or permanent health limitations and needing the creation of special conditions for education (upbringing), as well as disabled people and other persons with disabilities over the age of 18 years old, studying in basic professional educational programs of primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education.

This determines the contingent of students for whom it is possible to use an integrative (inclusive) form of education.

Article 2 of this draft Law defines the special conditions that must be created for the successful education (upbringing) of children and adolescents with disabilities. In particular, these are:

special educational programs and teaching methods, textbooks, teaching aids and didactic and visual materials, technical teaching aids for collective and individual use (including special ones), means of communication and communications, sign language translation in the implementation of educational programs, as well as pedagogical, psychological and pedagogical, medical, social and other services that provide a barrier-free environment for education and life, without which it is impossible (difficult) for persons with disabilities to master educational programs.

The above determines the methodology of work - an integrated approach to psychological and pedagogical support for children with special educational needs;

and it is also emphasized that special educational and methodological support is a prerequisite for the successful implementation of integrative educational programs.

4. Federal state educational standard for primary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009.

The first section, paragraph 2 of this document states that the Standard takes into account the educational needs of children with disabilities. An explanation is given for this paragraph that when implementing basic educational programs for students with disabilities, special federal state educational standards can be established.

Paragraph 4 of the same section states that the standard period for mastering the basic educational program of primary general education is four years. And the explanation states that the standard period for mastering the basic educational program of primary general education for children with disabilities can be increased taking into account the characteristics of the psychophysical development and individual capabilities of children (in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission).

Thus, there is a need to move to the creation of individual educational programs that take into account the characteristics of children with limited health capabilities, if necessary, increasing the time for their development.

5. Strategy for improving the quality of life of people with disabilities in the city of Moscow for the period until 2020 (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy), approved by Decree of the Moscow Government No. 115-PP of February 17, 2009.

This document indicates the timing of the transition to an inclusive form of education. Namely, it is said that expert estimates “show that by 2020 it is quite possible to give the opportunity to almost all Moscow children with disabilities, whose parents express a desire, to attend preschool and general school educational institutions.”

The same document names the basic principles of scientific and methodological support for the implementation of the Strategy:

reliance on modern scientific developments, the best examples of world and Russian experience in building effective social policy;

attracting the best representatives of Russian and international scientific and expert organizations;

conducting regular monitoring and prognostic studies;

prompt presentation of the obtained data and substantiated hypotheses to the Moscow Government and the professional community.

building an integrated system of training, retraining and advanced training of specialists based on advanced international and Russian experience;

maximum use of the capabilities of Moscow universities and scientific organizations, the business education system, active and interactive learning technologies, internships in Russia and abroad;

creation of a modern system for certification of specialists and assignment of qualification categories, use of modern motivational technologies, effective forms of remuneration.

These principles should form the basis of personnel policy and the organization of scientific and methodological activities of the education system in terms of the development of integrative (inclusive) education.

In addition to documents on the development of the process of integration of children with disabilities into the environment of healthy peers mentioned above, there are: Decree of the Moscow Government of August 12, 2008 No. 737-PP “On the city target program for the development of education “Capital Education-5” for 2008–2011", resolution of the Moscow Government of February 17, 2009 No. 115-PP, dated June 23, 2009 No. 576 - PP "On the Year of Equal Opportunities in the City of Moscow and the Strategy for Improving the Quality of Life of Disabled People in the City of Moscow for the period until 2020,” letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 18, 2008 No. AF-150/06.

The main postulates formulated in the listed documents determine the need to rethink the methodological, organizational and content bases of activities for educating children and adolescents with disabilities.

An inclusive form of education and upbringing is a long-term strategy, which, from our point of view, involves phased implementation. In the near future, it is advisable to talk about the preparatory stage, at which multilevel educational integration technologies are used, since in the future, the education of children with disabilities in a mass educational institution will be organized taking into account the special needs of each child with disabilities and, in fact, we are talking about development of an individual educational program (IEP). But, at the same time, there is a delay in the development of the regulatory framework and IEP training is not legally established.

A prerequisite for the development of inclusive learning and education is the creation of a barrier-free environment, including physical and psychological components. Special work is expected, using additional education resources, to organize interaction between healthy children and children with disabilities, aimed at harmonizing children's relationships;

creating an atmosphere of emotional comfort and mutual acceptance.

Regarding human resources, it is necessary to introduce a tutor position into the staff of an educational institution with mandatory training of these teachers in special psychology and special pedagogy and conduct at least short-term advanced training courses for the entire staff of the educational institution in special psychology, special pedagogy and inclusive education technologies.

At the transition stage, based on the availability of material and technical base and human resources of educational institutions, it is advisable to organize integrative training and education for the following groups of children:

with mental development disorders (mental retardation);

with dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system;

with disturbances in the emotional-volitional sphere;

with impaired hearing function;

with speech impairment.

To coordinate, provide methodological support and monitor inclusive processes, a Resource Center for the development of integrative (inclusive) education is being created in each district of Moscow.

Specialists of the Resource Center provide organizational and methodological assistance on the issues of opening, staffing and functioning of inclusive classes. They conduct psychological and pedagogical examinations of children with disabilities, coordinate the development of individual plans for providing correctional and pedagogical assistance to students with disabilities studying in integrative classes, study the success of integrative learning processes, participate in the organization of methodological work with teaching staff of general education institutions and psychological - pedagogical support for students, provide advisory assistance to parents and teaching staff of educational institutions.

Parents or legal representatives of a child who wish to place a child with disabilities in an inclusive educational institution must undergo a consultation with specialists (PMPC) at the Resource Center in order to determine the special educational needs of the child and receive recommendations on the educational resources available in the district in relation to the diagnosed characteristics .

One of the mandatory conditions for the implementation of the educational process in the conditions of inclusive education and upbringing is the provision of psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities in a general education institution. For this purpose, by order of the head of the educational institution, a group of psychological and pedagogical support is created, which includes: a representative of the administration responsible for ensuring inclusive processes in the educational institution;

pedagogical (defectologist teacher, educational psychologist, teachers, tutors working with students with disabilities) and other employees of the educational institution, as well as a specialist from the Resource Center coordinating the introduction of an inclusive form of education and activities in the field of special education in the district.

The activities of the support group are aimed, first of all, at studying the developmental characteristics of each individual student, his special educational needs, drawing up an individual educational program (IEP), developing an individual support program, which is recorded in the individual card of psychological and pedagogical support for the student’s development. For each child, a curator is appointed from among the teaching staff of the educational institution.

Throughout the entire training period, the support group works to select adequate teaching methods and techniques, adapt the curricula of general education institutions for students with disabilities based on an assessment of the condition of each child with ODD and an assessment of the dynamics of his development; the support group can initiate a revision curriculum. The administration of a general education institution is responsible for the organization, condition and quality of integrative (inclusive) education and training.

In order to timely identify children whose parents express a desire to place them in inclusive educational institutions and plan staffing in the district, joint work is being established between preschool institutions, including lekotek and the primary level of education of state educational institutions.

The transition to the main (inclusive) stage will be determined by the development of the regulatory framework to ensure the national program of inclusive education in Russia, which will allow children with disabilities to study according to the IEP in the conditions of a mass educational institution.

Building a “culture of inclusion” - preventing the risks of inclusive education Kuznetsova L.V., Ph.D. in psychology, professor at the Russian State University of Social Sciences, scientific director of the Resource Center for Inclusive Education at the Interaction Center for the Education and Training of the South Administrative District The last twenty years have been marked by the adoption of a number of documents by UNESCO and the UN, in of which one of the decisive factors in building a civil society is the development of a system of inclusive (from English inclusion - inclusion) education. The system of inclusive education implies phasing and continuity of all levels of education. Its first obvious goals are the elimination of physical barriers to the social, educational and professional inclusion of people with disabilities in the life of society.

However, the deployment of inclusive education as a full-fledged form of the educational process requires a balanced analysis of both the humanitarian and educational advantages and the risks of this form of education.

At the same time, the educational system in Russia has developed its own adequate forms of response to the ever-increasing diversity of students and pupils, and technologically, in fact, has approached an inclusive form, without calling it by this term. The concept on which the “domestic” technology of inclusion was built was the Concept of the “Adaptive educational system” as an integral educational process aimed at “creating conditions for each individual to independently choose his strategy of behavior, way of existence, directions of self-realization and self-realization.” improvement in the context of human culture".

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” proclaimed the adaptability of the education system in relation to the levels and characteristics of the development and training of students and pupils (Article 2, paragraph 3.

Edition 1996) In 1996 E.A. Yamburg, director of Education Center No. 109 in Moscow, based on a long-term experiment on joint education of children with different levels of psychophysical development, including different levels of intellectual development, published the book “School for everyone: Adaptive model. Theoretical foundations and practical implementation".

In fact, the described experience and pedagogical technologies of the adaptive school, before the arrival of the incomprehensible word “inclusion” on Russian soil, proved the relevance and effectiveness of multi-level social interaction in combination with reflection (self-analysis of one’s own mental activity and its results) in each lesson for the development of students with different levels of development.

Based on the works of A.V. Petrovsky, A.N. Perret-Clermont on the positive impact of multi-level social interaction on improving mental development, the developers of the adaptive school model, based on practical experience, came to the important conclusion that it is effective both for children with a lower level of intellectual development and with a higher one. the discrepancy is no more than one step (level). What develops in such a situation for a child with a higher intellectual level is a sense of significance in the eyes of other children and adults, which stimulates the formation of achievement motivation. For a child with a lower level of development, achieving success at the level of his capabilities is motivating. In addition, an important resource of an adaptive school is the variability of educational programs (from advanced level programs and, accordingly, specialized classes to classes of correctional and developmental education, helping to compensate for developmental deficiencies in comfortable conditions of a reduced class size and special psychological and pedagogical support. Relevant is the possibility of a student transferring from one educational program to another, taking into account the dynamics of his development.

Thus, we can say that one of the risks of inclusive education is the “splashing out” of that domestic positive “experience of inclusion” and specific psychological and pedagogical technologies that meet the main challenge of inclusive forms of education - this is the professional (methodological) and personal readiness of teachers mass schools to implement this form of education without harm to all students and to their health.

A special study we conducted on the state of psychological health of teachers of mass and special (correctional) educational institutions showed that one of the decisive factors in the development of emotional burnout syndrome in teachers working with children with sensory or intellectual disabilities is the lack of knowledge and special techniques teaching with these groups of students.

In an inclusive educational environment, an additional challenge is the teacher’s ability to organize the educational process that meets the significantly different intellectual, sensory, physical, and communicative developmental characteristics of each child. It seems important that in the desire to develop a new form of educational system built on the so-called “social model of disability”, remember the general patterns of mental and personal-social development of children with disabilities. They were formulated most clearly in the works of V.I. Lubovsky and described in the work of L. Pozhar based on materials from a synthesis of the works of E. Syrzhtieva. It is the competent consideration of the characteristics of mental development in various types of mental dysontogenesis, combined with ideas about the specific problems and resources of a child with certain deviations from the normative line of development, that underlies the effective rehabilitation process and in the formation in a person of the need and ability for independent independent life. It is the system of early detection, early psychological and pedagogical, and in some cases medical assistance to a child with various developmental difficulties and his family that becomes especially relevant and works towards the reality of the prospects for an independent life for such a child. In addition, students with special educational needs need special remedial and socialization courses, such as a spatial orientation course for the blind or learning to write in Braille. The introduction of additional courses increases the load on the child, which raises the question of the timing of training and the difficulty of learning at the same pace as normally developing peers. In other words, a child with disabilities should have the right to an individual pace of learning (or one that corresponds to the standard of learning for a child with one or another limitation) and at the same time avoid the risk of traumatization as an “underachiever.” An individual educational program is only a partial answer to the above point, since it does not resolve the issue of the final document on education that a graduate can receive and the provision of this document with further opportunities for education and professional development. In other words, this risk is associated with a contradiction between the form of inclusive education, which involves the development of individual educational programs for students and the requirement for the effectiveness of the educational process in the form of “stating that a citizen (student) has achieved the established state educational levels (educational qualifications)” // Federal law. On introducing amendments and additions to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. – M. 2000. Article 1.

The adoption by the Moscow City Duma on April 28, 2010 of the Law “On the Education of Persons with Disabilities in the City of Moscow” is an important step for further legislative initiatives, but at this stage, parents of children with disabilities have a question about the document that their child will receive upon graduation from an inclusive school, is one of the most significant, if not the most important.

A survey of teachers at preschool and school educational levels showed that for the effective implementation of an inclusive form of education, the following conditions must be met (in order of importance for teachers of schools and education centers):

Logistics support;

Advanced training programs;

Software and methodological support;

Additional staffing;

Psychological preparation of normally developing children and their parents for educational inclusion;

Stress Resilience Programs for Educators;

Regulatory support.

Preschool teachers note the need for additional staffing as the most significant condition for the effective “inclusion” of different children; the remaining points have the same importance as for school level teachers.

A generalization of work experience, existing inclusive educational institutions and a mass survey of all participants in the educational process in two districts of Moscow regarding their attitude to joint learning, risks and conditions for effectiveness, revealed on some points significant differences between the preschool and school levels of the educational system, and also showed the variability in the level of readiness of institutions for an inclusive form of education.

The main, practically important result is the fact that the preschool level of education (from the position of all participants in the educational process) is “more tolerant” of the inclusion of even children with severe intellectual development retardation, although more than 50% of teachers note that children in this category most difficult in the educational process. At the school level, more than 70% of teachers note the difficulties of including children with mental retardation. On the part of parents and children (on average at the level of 60–80%), doubts also arise as to whether they will be able to make friends with a child who has a serious delay in intellectual development and with children who have behavioral disorders. In preschool age, violations in the child’s behavior are also a complicating factor that makes it difficult to accept him. 67% of parents of preschool children and 87% of parents of schoolchildren consider it necessary to carry out special work with students and parents of general purpose schools to understand and accept classmates with pronounced differences in development and behavior. It should be noted that despite the general acceptance of an inclusive form of education as one of the forms, a significant number of teachers (at least 30%) note that they will experience difficulties when working with all categories of children with disabilities. A survey of students in special (correctional) schools of types I and III about the possibility of transitioning to an inclusive education system revealed children’s preference for special institutions as the ones that best meet their educational needs at the current stage of development of the educational system.

Taking into account all of the above, inclusive (integrated) education is considered by us as the highest form of development of the educational system towards the realization of a person’s right to receive a quality education in accordance with his cognitive capabilities and an environment adequate to his health at the place of residence.

Inclusive education is a long-term strategy that starts today and represents the construction of an educational environment that will allow every child, including children with serious disabilities in the psychophysical, emotional, social and other aspects of development, to study together in a general educational institution, but at the level of your capabilities.

Inclusive education concerns all subjects of the educational process: children with disabilities (CHD) and their parents, normally developing students. Educational inclusion is not a local area of ​​work, but a systematic approach to organizing the activities of a general education institution in all areas as a whole.

Internet Project IVROR (Disabled people in Russia - frank conversation): Education for disabled people.

Statistics of Russian Education.

National report 2005 "State and development of the general secondary education system in the Russian Federation" (1.53 MB).

INVAK.INFO: Information agency - portal for people with disabilities.

Initiative "Public Interest Law" (in Russian and English).

UNICEF: children with disabilities (in Russian and English).

Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education, resource center of the country.

Background information about educational institutions for the deaf and hard of hearing throughout Russia.

Tatyana Goguadze: diagnosis and correction of writing disorders.

Computer technologies for the blind and visually impaired.

"Integration" (website of the club of blind computer users).

i-School: a school for distance education support for disabled children and children who do not attend educational institutions for health reasons. "

Big Change" is a project aimed at public promotion of the Federal Target Program for Education Development for 2006-2010.

"Moscow Education": information portal of the Moscow Department of Education.

Official server of the Moscow Department of Education.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation: Federal Agency for Education.

Priority national project "Education".

Federation of Internet Education.

Electronic scientific and practical journal “Issues of Internet education”.

Banner exchange network “Children's Houses” (The task of the network is to promote sites helping children. Sites of organizations, projects, individuals who, in their activities, one way or another, provide assistance to children with special needs are invited to exchange.)

Charitable Foundation OIP "Celebration of Life". (Uniting the efforts of families with sick children, government officials, medical workers and sympathetic people in resolving issues of organizing treatment, rehabilitation and social adaptation of families with sick children.)

IREX: American International Research and Exchange Council (IREX/Russia).

Innovative educational network "Eureka".

Moscow Department of Health.

Department of Social Protection of the Population of Moscow.

Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region. Lists of correctional educational institutions.

Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Moscow Region. List of social rehabilitation centers.

Russian general education portal.

Website "Education for Children". Lists of all kindergartens, schools, institutions of additional education and social and psychological assistance by district.

Medical information network.

Capital non-state schools.

Electronic library "Special child".

Website "Special Childhood" (Center for Curative Pedagogy, Moscow).

Increasing discrimination against children with disabilities in the field of education. Ways to change the situation.

Useful books (book section of the site "Special Childhood").

Website of the St. Petersburg Foundation "Fathers and Sons".

Website "Child psychology for parents".

Information network of Russian psychology.

Catalog of non-profit organizations in Russia.

Conference "Other Children" on the website "".

Conference "Special Children" of the "Birth and Raise" club.

Forum on the Russian-language website of a mother of an autistic child from Canada.

Catalog of the publishing house "Terevinf" (Literature on therapeutic pedagogy - books for parents and specialists).

Portal for inclusive and special education of children with disabilities in Moscow. The portal allows specialists in the field of inclusive and special education and parents of children with disabilities to have quick access to a large-scale information resource of knowledge for quickly resolving specific professional and life situations, obtaining the necessary information materials and recommendations on organizing the education of children with disabilities in a general education institution. .

The activities of the Center for Curative Pedagogy (established in 1989) are aimed at helping every special child find his own path in life: from diagnosis and early assistance to obtaining a profession and integration into society.

The Institute for Problems of Integrative (Inclusive) Education was created by the decision of the Academic Council of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University in July 2009. The purpose of the institute is to provide scientific and methodological support for inclusive education, support educational institutions that implement an inclusive approach, train and retrain specialists in the field of inclusive education. The Institute conducts applied scientific research on the main problems of inclusive educational practice, develops training and advanced training programs for teaching staff working with children with disabilities in the system of integrative and inclusive education, creates technologies for psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education in preschool, school, additional and higher professional education.

    Resource educational and methodological center for training disabled people and persons with disabilities Tyumen State University

    At the Resource Educational and Methodological Center for the Education of People with Disabilities and Persons with Disabilities (RMTC Tyumen State University), a call center continues to operate, whose specialists are always ready to answer questions of interest in the field of higher inclusive education.

    The RUMC of Tyumen State University receives questions affecting various areas of higher inclusive education. For example: “Are there any restrictions on the admission of persons with disabilities to technical specialties? What are the features of admission?”, “How are admission tests conducted for students with disabilities and disabilities?”, “Tell me, students of which disability group are given a social scholarship? What do I need to bring for her appointment?”, “Where can I go for help with employment assistance?”, “What should I consider when working with a blind student? Where can I find up-to-date information? etc.

    In 2018, more than 300 students and their parents, employees of educational organizations and specialists from institutions for whom the topic of inclusive higher education is relevant sought advice.

    All questions related to higher inclusive education can be asked by calling the call center 8-800-700-76-62 or by email. mail [email protected].

  • Regulations on training of disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities
  • Regulations on the procedure and scope of training in physical culture and sports in undergraduate programs in full-time and part-time forms of study, with a combination of various forms of education, when mastering the educational program by disabled people and persons with disabilities
  • Action plan for the implementation of the inclusive education program at TSPU
  • Portal of information and methodological support for inclusive higher education of people with disabilities and people with limited health capabilities
  • Educational and methodological center for higher professional education of students with disabilities and disabilities
  • Regulations on a teacher-psychologist (psychologist) for disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities
  • Regulations on social pedagogues for disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities
  • Regulations on tutors for disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities
  • Regulations on a specialist in special technical and software training tools for people with disabilities and people with limited health capabilities
  • Order on the appointment of persons responsible for working with disabled people and persons with disabilities
  • Order of the TSPU on the appointment of those responsible for organizing the educational process for training disabled people and persons with disabilities
  • Information about equipped classrooms, including those adapted for use by people with disabilities and people with limited health capabilities
  • Information about facilities for practical training, including those adapted for use by disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities
  • Information about the nutritional conditions of students, including those adapted for use by disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities

    Parameter Library Dining room/Buffet Medical station Student clinic
    Location address

    Tomsk, st. Herzen, 49
    Tomsk, st. Kyiv 62a;
    Tomsk, Komsomolsky Ave., 75;

    Square 3000


    Total: 1126.26/186.7

    25,1 -
    Number of seats 405


    Total: 305/100

    1 -

    Tomsk State Pedagogical University has 4 canteens and two buffets, located at the following addresses:

    • dining room: Tomsk, Komsomolsky Ave., 75 - 2nd floor;
    • dining room: Tomsk, Komsomolsky Ave., 64 - 2nd floor;
    • dining room: Tomsk, st. Herzen, 49 – 1st floor with the possibility of serving disabled people and persons with disabilities;
    • dining room: Tomsk, st. K. Ilmera, 15/1 – 1st floor with the ability to serve disabled people and persons with disabilities;
    • buffet: Tomsk, Komsomolsky Ave., 75; - buffet: Tomsk, st. Kyiv, 60
  • Information on the conditions for protecting the health of students, including those adapted for use by disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities

    Parameter Library Dining room/Buffet Medical station Student clinic
    Location address Tomsk, st. Herzen, 66.

    Tomsk, Komsomolsky Ave., 75;
    Tomsk, Komsomolsky Ave., 64;
    Tomsk, st. Karl Ilmera, 15/1;
    Tomsk, st. Herzen, 49
    Tomsk, st. Kyiv 62a;
    Tomsk, Komsomolsky Ave., 75;
    Tomsk, st. Karl Ilmera, 15/1.

    Tomsk, Komsomolsky Ave., 75. Tomsk, st. Kyiv, 74.
    Square 3000


    Total: 1126.26/186.7

    25,1 -
    Number of seats 405


    Total: 305/100

    1 -

    In order to protect the health of students, including disabled people and persons with disabilities, Tomsk State Pedagogical University operates:

    • Medical office located at the address: Tomsk, Komsomolsky Ave., 75;
    • Sanatorium-preventorium “Teacher”, located at the address: Tomsk, st. Herzen, 49".
  • Information on the number of residential premises in the hostel, adapted for use by disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities

    • Dormitory No. 2: Tomsk, st. Kyiv, 64 (232 rooms);
    • Dormitory No. 3, 4: Tomsk, Komsomolsky Ave., 64 (431 rooms);
    • Sanatorium-preventorium “Teacher”: Tomsk, st. Herzen, 49

A complex of buildings, structures and structures of the TSPU, equipped with ramps

TSPU Library

Sports and fitness pool Poseidon

Educational building No. 4 Business incubator

Educational building No. 9

Dormitory No. 2:

Educational building No. 8:

Inclusive education at RSUH is aimed at ensuring equal access to education for all students, taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual capabilities. In accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” and other legal acts and local regulations, the Russian State University for the Humanities is actively working to provide conditions for the education of disabled students and students with disabilities.

A model of communication based on humanism and mutual respect between students of different physical abilities is the norm of university life. The university provides an opportunity for citizens with disabilities and people with disabilities to receive higher education, depending on the level of training and individual abilities of each person. The best graduates have the opportunity to enter graduate school and engage in scientific work. All work of the university structures is based on a strictly individual approach to each student and listener, on teaching materials developed by specialists from institutes, centers and university departments using modern computer and information technologies.

The university's strategy for students with disabilities and disabilities includes:

  • availability of all levels of higher education: bachelor's, master's, specialty, postgraduate studies;
  • integration into the university environment through joint lectures in general groups at the stages of study;
  • training economically independent intellectual professionals who can contribute to the development of their country.

The Russian State University for the Humanities implements a set of constantly developing elements of modern social rehabilitation:

  • vocational education and vocational rehabilitation;
  • an inclusive education system in general groups according to an individual curriculum using distance educational technologies;
  • pre-university preparation as part of the general system of pre-university preparation of applicants;
  • vocational guidance in the form of consultations on admission and training issues;
  • entrance examinations are accompanied by the provision of separate classrooms for applicants with disabilities, an increase in the duration of entrance examinations, and the possibility of choosing the form of entrance examinations (written, oral);
  • socio-psychological engineering (social and psychological correction);
  • medical rehabilitation and prevention;
  • rehabilitation sports and physical education;
  • social-environmental adaptation and social-everyday orientation and integration;
  • barrier-free architectural environment at the university for students with impairments of the musculoskeletal system, hearing, and vision - accessibility of the adjacent territory, the presence of specially equipped sanitary and hygienic premises. There are “Super-Truck” stairlifts (Public) for moving people with disabilities around the university, in the university’s academic buildings.

The university has created conditions for the education of people with disabilities and people with limited health capabilities, including the opportunity to adapt, if necessary, any educational program (clause 4. Regulations on the educational program of higher education (bachelor's, specialist's, master's)). It also provides for the organization of intermediate and final state certification of students with disabilities, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development, their individual capabilities and health status (clause 5. Regulations on the conduct of state final certification for educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialty programs and master's programs) , a special procedure has been established for mastering disciplines (modules) in physical education and sports based on compliance with the principles of health, savings and adaptive physical education (), special requirements for writing coursework have been developed (clause 5 of the Regulations on coursework) and other provisions on inclusive education .

If a disabled student requires assistance and/or special conditions for studying, during tests, exams, etc., then he must submit a written application (in free form) to the dean’s office of his faculty, and also notify the teacher, tutor, and assistant rector about this. on inclusive education.

To provide training in physical education and sports, the university has several gyms and a swimming pool, a gym, and an outdoor sports ground. For a description of RSUH sports facilities, see

The Employment Assistance Service of the Russian State University for the Humanities has created a page on the employment of students with disabilities and students with disabilities (link).

With the support of the Office for Student Relations of the Russian State University for the Humanities, the university has organized a student club “Best Friends at the Russian State University for the Humanities,” within which various events are held on an ongoing basis.