Interesting games in English for children. Material on the topic: Games in English classes for preschoolers

— a page with all the basic materials for teaching English to children) . The use of various games in the lesson is very effective for memorizing new words and grammatical structures. Lessons based on the principle of play are best suited for working with children, as they are much more interesting for younger students.

What are the games

Educational games for learning Englishare of different types. All of them are good in their own way. They can be alternated, or one or another type of game can be used, depending on the age and preferences of the students. Games can be used to repeat and consolidate the material covered, as well as to expand the vocabulary of older students and give them the opportunity to develop speech (for example, in role-playing games).

Outdoor games

Outdoor games occupy a special place in the educational process of preschoolers and younger students. It is still difficult for first- and second-graders to focus their attention for a long time, so outdoor games are ideal in this case. They allow you to switch and relax in order to maintain attention at the proper level.

  • For example, ball games. To consolidate vocabulary on the topic of food in elementary school, you can play " Eatable-Uneatable"(Edible - inedible"). The teacher throws a ball to the student and says the names of products or inedible things in English. If the item is edible, it must be caught, and if not, then do not catch it. The higher the level of the students, the more different words can be involved in the game. In addition, according to the same principle, it is possible to organize work on other topics. This game is easy for a child to play at home or while traveling.
  • Another fun game for school kids 1- 2 classes — « colors". The teacher calls the color, and the students must find a thing of the same color in the room and touch it.
  • You can play the game owl". It is identical to the Russian game, only all commands are given in English. They choose the driver and the "owl". There are two main commands - "Day!" and Night! When the host gives everyone else the command "Day!" and, for example, “Dogs run!”, all players must portray the required animal, it can be different. When the “Night” command is given, everyone should freeze, and the “owl” catches everyone moving, and they are eliminated from the game. The more children participate in the game, the more interesting it is and the longer it lasts.
  • 5th grade students and older will enjoy the game" memes". The facilitator thinks of a word that the student must show with gestures, without using speech. The one who guesses it shows the next word. Children must guess and ask questions only in English. You can gradually enter more complex words or guess the words in two teams for a while.

Role-playing games

role-playing games are more advanced. Such games help to simulate the situation of direct communication in the classroom and motivate students to actively express themselves.

  • The most popular and simple game often played by children in America, Simon Says. One of the children plays the role of Simon and gives the other children tasks. They must do them when the instruction is preceded by the phrase "Simon says", and not do it when it is not. The inattentive are out of the game. Gradually, it is worth increasing the pace of the game and complicating tasks. Since children in Russia are not native speakers, this game is suitable for older children from 3 classes or 4 classes , and the tasks themselves can be simpler.

Task examples:

Simon says walk like a penguin.

Simon says start singing.

Simon says stand on one foot.

More jobs can be foundin this video :

More complex role-playing games are designed for students who are already able to build statements and maintain a dialogue on a given topic. Examples of such games can be found in any textbook.

  • For example, student #1 should play the role of a journalist interviewing student #2. Or one plays the role of a seller in a store, and the other is a buyer, etc. It all depends on the language level of the students and the imagination of the teacher.
  • Role-playing games also include acting out dialogues and skits, so if possible, you can organize a small school theater.

Board games

To desktop games include a variety of puzzles and other activities with words. To make puzzles, you need to write phrases on a sheet and cut them into two parts, so that later you can connect the beginning to the end (you can temporarily). You can make cards with words in English and their translation, put in a hat and play in two teams. The team that collects more language pairs in a certain amount of time wins.

  • Another game popular among English teachers is " Word Race". It is played in two teams. A certain topic is given, and each team must name as many words as possible on this topic. The game is suitable for older students and perfectly activates vocabulary.
  • Board games for the whole family are very popular. Brainbox. Each set contains word cards, an hourglass, a die, and game rules. With the help of this toy, children and parents will be able to memorize new words in a fun and enjoyable way. Such sets are for different ages and audiences - on Ozone ( here ) you can buy this game at a discount. And in this video, learn about the rules in it:

Online Games

Educational Internet games often appeal to modern children much more than outdated board games. They have a nice design and are intuitive, so they can also be adapted for English lessons with a child at home or on vacation. A large number of flash games for beginners can be found here . They are aimed at memorizing the alphabet, numbers, animal names and other basic vocabulary.

A well-known site with a large selection of games is also funbrain . It is suitable for children up to 8th grade. Games and tasks are bright and interesting, many based on modern children's and teenage books and cartoons.

Website Week English The good thing is that it features games for all ages and levels. Here you can play simple traditional games like Hangman or something more interactive and fun.

Games are a fun and entertaining way to learn a foreign language. However, they are good as an addition to the main material and by themselves do not teach almost anything new. They are best used as a supplement or used during a short break in the lesson.

I hope you have found some interesting ideas for using games to learn English. See you soon on my blog!

Dear visitors of the site! On this page you will find materials on the following topics: Games with children in an English lesson. Game English for preschoolers: games. Games (English for children). English for kids games. Game English for children: games to download. Pictures for kindergarten (furniture).Pictures: furniture for children.Pictures: children's furniture.Furniture (pictures).Games for learning English for kids. Game English for kids: games for free.English for preschoolers. English for preschoolers.Educational games for children (English). Games that teach children English.

List of games with preschool children in the English lesson

Game number 1. “Point to the right flashcard”. On the wall (on the carpet, on the board), the teacher places pictures with images of the subjects studied in the lesson. The teacher names the object (color, animal, body part of a person, family member, dishes, piece of furniture, etc.) in English, the children take turns pointing to the corresponding picture (you can use a laser or a simple pointer). Alternatively, all children participate in the game at the same time.

Game number 2. “Run to the right flashcard”. On the wall (on the carpet, on the board), the teacher places pictures with images of the subjects studied in the lesson. The teacher names the object (color, animal, body part of a person, family member, dishes, piece of furniture etc.) in English, the children run up to the corresponding picture. You can play in teams.

Game 3. “Put the card to the right place (in the right hoop)”. The teacher invites the children in English to put pictures with the image of the objects studied in the lesson (flowers, animals, etc.) on various pieces of furniture (table, chair, nightstand), floor, carpet, etc. If it is possible to use multi-colored small hoops , you can ask the kids to put this or that picture, for example, in a red (blue, yellow, green) hoop.

Game number 4. “Swapplaces”. , piece of furnitureetc.). The teacher says the words in English. When the child hears his word, he gets up and exchanges places with another child who has the same picture. Note: there must be at least three identical cards with the image of each item.

Game number 5. “Runninggame”. Children sit in a circle on chairs, each child has a card in his hands with the image of any subject studied in the lesson (color, animal, part of the human body, family member, dishes, piece of furnitureetc.). The teacher says the words in English. When the child hears his word, he gets up, runs around the circle outside and sits down in his place.

Game number 6. “Green, green, yellow”. Children sit in a circle on chairs, one child walks around the outer circle and repeats the same name of an object (color, animal, etc.) in English, each time touching the head (or shoulder) of each sitting child. At some point, the leading child says the name of another object. The child, touched by the driver at this moment, gets up and tries to catch the driver, running around the circle. If he fails, he becomes the leader himself.

Game number 7. “Heads down, thumbs up”. Children sit at tables. Three children are drivers. They (or the teacher) say: “Heads down, thumbs up, close your eyes!” After that, the children lower their heads, placing their hands on their heads and raising the thumb of each hand and closing their eyes. Each of the three leaders approaches one of the sitting children and bends his thumbs. After that, the children say: “Heads up, open your eyes!” The children open their eyes and those of them who were touched by the drivers guess who exactly touched them (for example, “Vika touched me.”) If the child guessed correctly, he exchanges places with the child who touched him.

Game number 8. “Whatsmynumber?” The teacher calls two children and attaches stickers with numbers (within the learned numbers) to their backs. The children take turns calling the numbers, trying to guess their number. The first child to guess their number wins.

Game number 9. "Funny Animals"The participants of the game "represent" an animal and try to make the opposing team laugh. Sentences are pronounced (I m a cat, I am a hamster, etc.), facial expressions and gestures are used. Those who laugh are eliminated from the game, the game continues until one winner remains, his team wins. Another option is for the team to receive points for each opponent who smiles from the team.

Need more games with children in the english lesson? Cm.

A pleasant and lively atmosphere plays an important role in learning English. And in order to create such an environment, one should sometimes add variety to classes and play interesting games. And it does not matter for whom the lessons are conducted: for children or adults. After all, everyone will be interested in doing such an activity.

Games in English for children in the classroom can serve as a warm-up. And adults during the game can have fun and take a break from studying monotonous topics. Hundreds of different games are suitable for these tasks. But today we will give only the best and most interesting examples for games in English lessons.

This is a great game to reinforce the words you learned in the last lesson. Such grammar games in English lessons can enliven the atmosphere and make the lesson more fun. Moreover, the game is suitable for students of any age and level.

Rules of the game:

  • The students are divided into two teams;
  • The board is divided into two halves and the topic of the competition is indicated on top;
  • Then students begin to write one word at a time according to the topic;
  • One word, one point. The team that writes the most words on the board in the allotted time wins.

Students write three sentences about themselves on a piece of paper. One of them is true, the other two are false. Students are allowed to ask questions about statements. And in the end, it is necessary to determine what is true and what is false.

The game allows not only to develop grammar skills, but also to learn more about students. The more complex and personal statements you write, the more interesting it will be for you to play. For example, one could come up with the following statements:

  • I like fried fish.
  • I was at library with my friend yesterday.
  • I'm going to make a tattoo.

3. Simon says.

A very popular game in the US among younger students. Such games for children in an English lesson are so exciting that students want to spend as much time with them as possible, even to the detriment of the main classes.

How to play "Simon says":


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  • One person assumes the role of Simon and faces the participants.
  • Then Simon says a sentence in English and the others do the tasks. For example: Simon says put your hand on the left shoulder of your classmate.
  • To catch players, sometimes you should miss the phrase "Simon says". In this case, the one who performs the action is out of the game.
  • The last one remaining wins.
  • To complicate the task, you should gradually accelerate the pace and give more complex tasks.

4. Puzzles.

Great game for teamwork. It is suitable for repeating tenses, phrases, honing reading skills, etc. How to play puzzles?

  • 3-5 sentences are written on paper in different colors;
  • Then the sheet is cut so as to separate all the phrases;
  • The words are shuffled and folded into a hat;
  • The class is divided into 2-3 teams and each in turn collects proposals;
  • The team that quickly puts all the words in the correct order to get the original sentences wins.

5. Gallows (Hangman).

Hangman is a classic game for English lessons. It is better to play gallows five minutes before class and five minutes after to warm up. How to play:

  • One person comes up with a word and draws the number of letters on the board using cells (as in a crossword puzzle);
  • Students suggest letters, and if the letter is present in the word, then they write it down. If not, then a part of the gallows and the hanged man is drawn on the board.
  • Participants win when they manage to guess the word before the drawing is completed.

6. Draw a word (Pictionary).

Such popular educational games in English lessons are usually used in elementary schools. Schoolchildren like the game because it is not at all like monotonous study. And adults love it because it allows you to distract from the lessons for a while.

How to play Pictionary?

  • To begin with, words are written on separate leaves and hidden in a bag;
  • The class is divided into two teams and the board is divided into two halves;
  • One student from each team takes a random word out of the bag and then starts drawing it. The first team to guess the word correctly wins;
  • If the drawing is completed and the word is not guessed, then another member of the team takes the place of the “artist”.

7. Memes.

An interesting and fun game that will help to dispel the atmosphere in the classroom. It does not look like classic phonetic games in English lessons, but the game develops Speaking well. After all, the participants constantly pronounce their variants of words in English and communicate with each other (everyone except the mime).

Mimes are very easy to play. To do this, one student is given a word and he must show it to the rest of the students with symbols and gestures. At the same time, the mime cannot pronounce any phrases, and other students can only speak in English.

8. Guess the word (Hot Seat).

Hot Seat helps to develop speaking skills and English phonics. Such lexical games in English lessons are very popular among students.

Children spend quite a lot of time playing games on a computer or tablet. So why not show them games in English to spend this time usefully, because we know what role plays in learning the language.

There are some amazing resources for children with computer games in English, which I really like, but there is no time for them in the lesson and there will not be. Therefore, for those students who love English and ask what else they can do at home in their free time, I recommend these sites. Using them is intuitive and a child who has been studying English for more than a year can easily figure out most games on his own.

1. So first on my list Sesame Street . It is not educational, but for carrier children. However, for immersion in English, it is perfect. In chapter Games quite a few simple games with comments in English, the meaning of which is often clear from the situation. Chapter Videos for some reason it doesn’t open for me, but the video with the selected character can be viewed in Playlists, and in artmaker- color the pictures, supplementing them with all sorts of funny objects.

Well, the section deserves special attention. Sesame Street Muppets- you get into a very beautiful game where you can wander around Sesame Street, go to the heroes, click on objects and play games. Also the site Seasme Street Go educational focus, where in games attention is paid to the alphabet, numbers, emotions, etc., it has now become free and you can also find many interesting games and videos there.

Age: suitable for children 7-10 years old, although you can try with preschoolers 5-6 years old with the help of parents.

2. The next in the list is not very famous but incredibly beautiful Polish project. Yummy
is an educational rpg game similar to Sesame Street Muppets, only we do not wander along the street, but around the house, we go into different rooms and play games. Some games are difficult and may require the help of a teacher, but some are quite intuitive. I especially like the fact that the names of objects are voiced, so this resource is perfect for repeating vocabulary and expanding vocabulary, and the graphics there deserve special praise.

When entering the game, you must select Preschoolers- preschoolers or school kids- schoolchildren, although the level for preschoolers is also very good games and for younger students (grades 1-2), I advise you to wander there too, but the level for schoolchildren is suitable for children in grades 3, 4 and 5. On the first floor of the house, the games are simpler, on the second - more difficult. When entering the house, select the language by clicking on the English flag. You can also play in German, French and Polish.

Age: suitable for children 7-11 years old, 2-3 years of learning English.

3. NickJr Nickelodeon Junior website. Unfortunately, the cartoons themselves are not available for viewing if you are in Russia, but there are many games available with children's favorite characters - Max and Ruby, Dora, Peppa Pig and many others. Games, like those on Sesame Street, are not educational, but general developmental, but at the same time they are quite simple and understandable.

Age: suitable for children 7-10 years old, you can try with preschoolers 5-6 years old with the help of parents.

4. British Council Kid sthe site that I already mentioned when I wrote about, well, in addition to stories, there are also excellent educational games. And thanks to the fact that the site is partially translated into Russian, it has become easier for children and parents to use it.

Age: suitable for children 7-10 years old.

5. Poptropica And finally, another game is much more difficult, for children who started learning the language early and have already reached a good level of English proficiency. This is such a cute virtual world where the character we created travels around the islands and solves all sorts of problems there. Some of the islands are paid, but the free functionality is enough. In the game, you need to read the instructions in English on your own and choose the one you like best from several suggested answers. Depending on this, the action will develop.

Age: suitable for children aged 9-12 who have been studying English for at least 3-4 years.

I hope this article was useful for you. If there are additions - please write in the comments. Good luck with your learning English!

Absolutely wonderful collection of over 40 mini English lessons, each lesson with vocabulary, song and online games for kids. There are games on all topics of the English language for beginners: Acquaintance, Family, Birthday, Colors, Numbers, Body parts, Face, House, Food, Fruits and vegetables, Clothes, Animals, Time, Seasons, Weather, Transport, Places in the city , Verbs, Prepositions,…

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