Istvar bosses. Istvar: War of the Brothers - Browser RPG

Online game Istvar is a free browser-based multiplayer game that has been on the market of the domestic gaming industry for quite a long time. In order to start playing it, you need to register. It is very easy to do this - you just need to follow the link, think of a name for your protégé, choose an appearance and you can start playing. As soon as you plunge into the world, you will immediately find yourself near the portal, behind which the first task awaits you. For a more detailed acquaintance with the online game Istvar, it is better to take this task, since it will tell you the main activities in the game. If you complete it completely, you will be able to quite tolerably navigate the game mechanics of the online game Istvar.

Now let's touch on the combat mechanics in the online game Ishtvar in more detail. Your subordinates will fight for you. In general, the combat system is very similar to mutual responsibility, so you should not give up any units. You have at your disposal a militia, a farmer, a hunter. The first wins the second, the second - the third, the third - the first. And so in a circle. Therefore, you will have to plan who to pit with whom. Of course, you can strengthen your units with certain spells, elixirs and other magic, but planning still plays the main role. Therefore, build your plans in the online game Ishtvar correctly.

For the first time the game Istvar: War of the Brothers was presented to the public back in 2007. Since then, she has a huge number of fans living in all corners of the globe. It's impossible not to fall in love with an extraordinary interpretation of an ordinary RPG game. Since this is a browser game, you do not have to install any additional game clients, files or programs, and you can play right after registration right in your favorite browser. That's right, just like in most other online projects, in Istvar: War of the Brothers registration will be required to start the gameplay. Due to the fact that the entire game interface has been translated into Russian, it will not be difficult to deal with the main game nuances and intricacies of filling out the registration form. To start registration, you will need to follow the link of the same name, which is located on the start page of the game. After that, in the registration form that appears on the screen, you will need to consistently fill in all the fields in accordance with the prompts and instructions of the system. You will need to write down your username and password, as well as choose the gender and appearance of your character. After that, you can freely start playing Istvar: War of the Brothers. If desired, any newcomer will be able to register using his account on the social network Vkontakte or Facebook, which will help to significantly speed up the process. It is worth noting that for those who want to get acquainted with the game in order to decide whether to register in the project or not, there is a special function that allows you to go through a trial battle. Istvar: War of the Brothers online is a multiplayer project that is an excellent mixture of two genres: shooter and RPG. After registration, you will find a huge number of different tasks and quests. Immediately after the first entry into the game, you will be able to receive your starting task. We recommend that you accept it, because this is your unique chance to understand the essence of the game, understand all its features and imagine in colors what awaits you next. Since this game is a shooter to a certain extent, you cannot avoid fights, fights and battles. So get ready to succeed and play the game Istvar: War of the Brothers as a leader, you will have to hone your combat skills and learn how to put into practice all the basic principles of combat mechanics. Your characters will defend your honor in the game. To win the battle, you will need to carefully think over strategies, layouts of fighters. You can strengthen this or that action by applying magic, spells, spells. In some moments, it is the magical aspect that helps to win, but in most cases, the successful outcome of the battle is the result of a well-chosen strategy. In Istvar: War of the Brothers, you can choose the following character classes for free: Hunter. Farmer. Militia. Hurry up to register, because ahead of you are waiting for meetings with your like-minded people from all over the world. Join clans and create them yourself. And in a special calculator you can calculate the expected outcomes of battles.

Massively multiplayer online role-playing game Istvar: War of the Brothers, at first glance, with a rather trivial plot, which is based on the fatal confrontation between Good and Evil in a fantastic reality. However, very soon, getting acquainted with the world of Istvar: War of the Brothers online, you forget about how you played something similar before, because this legend will not fail to captivate those who are inclined to devote their time to role-playing games. What does the legend tell us? We are talking about the once peaceful coexistence of the two brothers Deborah and Zlot, which at one moment sunk into oblivion and hatred, the ashes of battles and the smell of blood reigned over Ishtvar. This confrontation has been going on for centuries, and no one can put an end to it. You, dear player, will come to this world with a mission to restore the former peace of the inhabitants of the kingdom and put an end to this bloody war.

Screenshots from the game Istvar: War of the Brothers

In order to come to this reality, first let's clarify the technical nuances. For example, the minimum system requirements required to play Istvar: Brothers War online - broadband internet connection without a proxy server, installed Flash player from version 9 and (as a recommendation) Internet Explorer browser from version 5.5. Next in line is registration in the game Istvar: War of the Brothers. It is worth noting that in parallel with how the registration of Istvar: War of the Brothers is created, the creation of the character immediately takes place - the choice of gender, appearance, hairstyle, etc. You will also need to enter a login - a game name, a valid email address and a password, and also accept the user agreement and the rules of the game.

So, is your Istvar: Brothers War online registration confirmed? Then you can start the game, and you will start it (sorry, for the abundance of tautology) with a training quest. It is thanks to this task that you will get to know the game as well as possible - you will bypass the map of Istvar, comprehend the combat system, as well as the features of resource extraction and the production of unique things (crafting). The character here has quite a few parameters - luck, speed, karma, eloquence, as well as deceit, hacking and theft - they can be distributed at will. In addition, you will accumulate perks and, of course, reputation. Your personal diary will keep a complete record - how many were killed, how many quests were completed, what personal achievements, etc.

Istvar: War of the Brothers is an online game in which the original combat system is presented - not your hero directly participates in the battles, but his units. At the start of the game, you will have only one of each type - Militia (warrior), Hunter (archer) and Farmer (horseman). According to the balance of power - the Militia is strong in defeating the Farmer, the Farmer can defeat the Hunter, and the Hunter, respectively, will be able to defeat the Militia. Further, in the course of how you start playing Istvar: War of the Brothers and earning, you will be able to buy new units at the specified price. In the meantime, these three units are the only thing that the game Istvar: War of the Brothers online gave you.

Without weapons and without ammunition, any equipment and money, this is how you will face this cruel but promising reality. But the more exciting it will be to play the online game Istvar: War of the Brothers and comprehend this amazing and adventurous world. Numerous quests will bring you experience and useful bonuses in the form of various things and totems, battles with the outside world and opponents in the game will improve your reputation, and collecting various resources will allow you to earn money and engage in crafting (by the way, you can also earn money on this).

And again, we are invited to enter into a global confrontation between good and evil, the creators of the role-playing multiplayer game Istvar: War of the Brothers online. Subject - fantasy, the plot at first glance, well, to put it mildly, is not new ... But all this prejudice blows away with a wave of pleasure when you start playing Istvar: War of the Brothers. Perfectly balanced in terms of plot, game mechanics and online implementation, the game Istvar: War of the Brothers, and its developers, are at least worthy of praise for the opportunity to play in such a professionally created reality, while without excessive commercialization on their part. So, what is the essence of the confrontation and who, in fact, opposes whom? There once lived two brothers - debor and Zlot. They lived peacefully, and the kingdom of Ishtvar was a single entity. But at one moment this whole idyll collapsed, trouble came - the brothers quarreled and went against each other. Dark times began for Istvar. And now the whole kingdom is waiting for a savior who will return the former peace and prosperity to these places.

You can play the online game Istvar: War of the Brothers on any more or less modern PC that supports stable internet connection and has installed Flash player, preferably from version 9. All browsers are supported by the game, but you are guaranteed the least number of lags in Internet Explorer(since version 5.5).

Registration in the game Istvar: War of the Brothers is the simultaneous creation of both an account and part of the character itself. When filling out the form "registration Istvar: War of the Brothers" you will need to specify unique login, E-mail address, password and accept the rules of the game. Also here you choose gender of your character and his external parameters. Having made your choice, follow the account activation link and make sure that your Istvar: Brothers War online registration was successful.

I note right away that Istvar: War of the Brothers is an online game in which you do not need to immediately take sides. This happens from the fifth level, when you are already comfortable and will have your own clear idea of ​​​​this reality. In the meantime, the beginner is waiting for the initial quest, which just gives an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with almost the entire map of Istvar. In managing your character, a large number of options are offered - speed, luck and karma, eloquence and theft, hacking and deceit. Points between them are distributed at your discretion.

The game Istvar: War of the Brothers online features an original battle system. Your character will not take part in them directly. Your arms and legs in battle will be your units, which in the game are represented by three types of troops - infantry, cavalry and archers. When you are just starting to play the game Istvar: War of the Brothers online, your hero receives one representative of each type at the disposal of your hero:

- warrior- militia, which in its characteristics is stronger than cavalry;

- farmer-cavalryman, this one is stronger than archers;

- bow hunter, who can easily defeat an infantryman, that is, a warrior.

With the alignment of forces is clear, but what about the losses? The fact is that every move you make will mean the loss of a unit, therefore, in order to successfully fight, you will need a decent army. Since a beginner, in principle, cannot acquire one yet, you will first have to make good money and buy additional units, and only then make large-scale attacks. There are several ways to earn game coins - the most popular, of course, is completing quests, as a result of which you can get and bonuses, and various totems. In addition, you can do crafting or trade which are also financially beneficial measures. In general, playing Istvar: War of the Brothers will be entertaining for fans of role-playing games with a wide variety of preferences and claims to the game.

By game:
No one can say for sure whether the Brothers created Istvar, or they once came here. But their undivided power goes back to the dark ages, when the sinister meaning of the Lot was not even known to people.
But now the die has been cast, and the ax of the Brothers has split our world in half. The people who revered them as Gods were the victims of a thousand-year dispute. A dispute mixed with blood and suffering ...
The meaning of the Lot is simple. If Light reigns over Ishtvar, then one of the Brothers - Zlot - leaves this world. If Darkness reigns, then the second one will leave - Deborah. To live together, in peace and harmony, they are no longer destined. So it is written in the Books of their Fates.
The ax plunged into the very heart of Istvar. And now brother went to brother, and son to father. Rivers of blood flowed through the streets of the Istvar cities. Tears of mothers and wives flooded the shores of the once flourishing land. Sorrow and devastation have settled in our dwellings. And instead of bread, our fields are sown with food for crows.
You, too, will not escape this Lot. The fire of war will also burn your soul to make room for either true Light or true Darkness.
But, perhaps, it is you who will become that weight, the fall of which on the scales of the universe will upset the current balance. Then one of the Brothers will leave, and peace will reign in Istvar again.
Always remember this...

Spoiler: Screenshots

What's in the archive:
Installed and slightly modified version of the game ( almost everything works!)
2) Admin documentation, psd, doc, etc.
3) Game map editor
4) Admin dumps
5) Sources and compiled java daemons
6) Promo materials

The game is written in PHP 5 using Java daemons and a MySQL database (I used to use eAcselerator before, but I disabled this function so that it works everywhere)

The main game files are in the directories:
htdocs (Scripts)
server (Demons)
cron / cron_ishtwar (Cron)
mysql / data / online (this is an already installed database, if you need a sql file, look in the Admin dump)

The game is already installed (specially made for noobs)

Game launch:
Download the archive, unzip it, and move the ishtwar folder to the root of drive C (so that the path is C:\ishtwar)
2) Download and install JDK 1.7.0_09 (
3) In environment variables:
Environment variables are located in the system properties:

Add a variable:
CLASSPATH = C:\ishtwar\server\mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jar
At the end of the Path variable add the path to the bin directory of the installed JDK (for example, my path is C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_09\bin)
4) Go to C:\ishtwar folder
5) Run xampp_start.exe file (this will start apache, mysql, php)
6) Run the file start_javaserver.bat (this will start the game's Java daemon) and don't close the window, as the daemon will shut down.
7) In a browser go to