Excision of the hood over the wisdom tooth. What is a hood on a wisdom tooth and why is it dangerous? How to remove the inflammation of the hood over the wisdom tooth

From this article you will learn:

  • inflamed gum near the wisdom tooth: what to do,
  • wisdom tooth: hood and its removal (price for 2019),
  • how to relieve inflammation at home.

The article was written by a dental surgeon with more than 19 years of experience.

Difficulty eruption of wisdom teeth is often accompanied by the development of inflammation of the gums around them. The mucous membrane of the gums, which partially covers the crown of the erupting wisdom tooth, is called the term - the hood of the wisdom tooth (Fig. 1-3).

Because the hood over the wisdom tooth is loosely attached to the crown of the tooth - a semi-enclosed space is formed between them, in which favorable conditions are created for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and the development of inflammation. In dentistry, an inflamed hood on a wisdom tooth is commonly referred to as pericoronitis.

Wisdom tooth: inflammation of the hood and its symptoms

Patients who have inflamed gums near the wisdom tooth usually complain to the doctor that they have a growing wisdom tooth, swollen gums, and there is also a smell from the wisdom tooth. The formation of an unpleasant odor is caused by the formation of pus, which is gradually released from under the hood. Also, patients complain of pain in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth. Such symptoms correspond to only a mild form of pericoronitis.

What do the symptoms of pericoronitis look like on video –
Please note that in the video below you can see the following symptoms: redness and swelling of the hood over the upper wisdom tooth, a small amount of purulent discharge (white) from under the hood. Similar symptoms correspond to a mild form of inflammation.

If pericoronitis occurs, treatment is possible only with a dental surgeon. But at the initial stage, patients try to alleviate the symptoms on their own with improvised means: antiseptic rinses, painkillers. In most cases, this is ineffective, and inflammation only increases. There is an increase in the following symptoms (in various combinations):

Important : if at this stage the removal of the wisdom tooth hood has not yet been carried out (see below), then you should be ready for the next development of events. First, because inflammation occurs in the chewing muscles - their spasm can lead to an almost complete closure of the mouth. If at this moment you still decide to go to the dentist, then he will not be able to do anything for you if you do not open your mouth enough, except to send you to the hospital.

Secondly, pus may begin to spread not into the oral cavity, but rather deep into the bones and soft tissues, which will cause the formation of an abscess or phlegmon (peropharyngeal or submandibular). The latter complications will also mean an inevitable hospital treatment, and therefore it is better not to bring the inflammation of the wisdom tooth to a critical level.

Pericoronitis: treatment

If you have inflammation of the gums near the wisdom tooth, the treatment most often consists in the fact that the dental surgeon will remove the hood over the wisdom tooth. However, if a pronounced purulent inflammation is observed, then it is undesirable to carry out a complete excision of the hood immediately, because. this can lead to various inflammatory complications.

With severe purulent inflammation, the hood is first only dissected to facilitate the outflow of purulent discharge, and anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed. And the doctor will prescribe you for its complete removal after the active inflammation has subsided. Also, in some cases, the doctor may recommend that the wisdom tooth be removed immediately.

1. Excision of the hood over the wisdom tooth -

Removing the hood from the wisdom tooth consists in excising the overhanging mucous membrane over the erupting eighth tooth. Excision of the hood over the wisdom tooth leads to the elimination of conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. This small surgical intervention is usually less traumatic, but in some cases it is necessary to excise a large amount of gum tissue.

Excision of the hood over the wisdom tooth is performed by a dental surgeon under local anesthesia. The procedure is completely painless if you get to a good specialist, if the anesthesia is set correctly and a good anesthetic is used, and not something like that. Soreness will appear only after anesthesia has passed (after 30 minutes), so even before the onset of pain, it is worth taking an analgesic.

  • Hood removal: price on the 2019
    in an economy-class clinic in Moscow, such a service costs about 2,500 rubles. In the regions, the cost of the procedure may be 2 times lower. By the way, in the clinic at the place of residence (if you have a policy and a passport), you should have this intervention completely free of charge.

Stages of excision of the hood -

2. In what cases is it better to immediately remove a tooth with a hood -

If your gums are inflamed at the wisdom tooth, the most radical treatment will be, over which the ill-fated hood appears. This will solve the problem permanently, but you must be prepared for the fact that the eighth teeth can be crooked (this can be checked by taking a picture) and the extraction can then be difficult.

Situations where deletion is the best solution to a problem −

  • First of all- with insufficient length of the lower jaw, which means there is not enough space for the eruption of the wisdom tooth. Removal in this case will prevent the displacement of the remaining teeth by the erupting tooth, and will prevent the development of crowding of the teeth in the anterior part of the lower jaw.
  • Secondly- if the 8th tooth has a strong inclination towards the cheek or the seventh tooth, then sooner or later it will have to be removed anyway, because. it will injure either the buccal mucosa or the root of the 7th tooth, respectively.

Inflamed gum near the wisdom tooth: what to do at home

I would also like to say a few words to those who want to deal with the problem on their own. If you have developed pericoronitis, home treatment is possible, but for this you will have to constantly suppress the infection with antibiotics and antiseptics. If your health is not a priority for you, or you are in a remote village (where there is no surgeon) - this can really be a solution for some time.

We can recommend self-treatment only if you have the most initial minimal symptoms of inflammation (without signs of severe swelling of the gums or cheeks, suppuration, in the absence of painful swallowing or difficulty opening the mouth), or if you are in a remote area and there is no doctor nearby but have a pack of antibiotics handy.

Application scheme –
treatment is designed for 2-3 times a day (in the morning after breakfast and brushing your teeth, in the evening before bedtime). First you need to intensively rinse your mouth with a solution of chlorhexidine for 1 minute. After that, dry the surface of the mucosa at the site of application with a dry gauze swab. Squeeze a little gel onto your finger and apply to the hood with light massaging movements. After that, squeeze out the gel a little more and apply it on the hood without massaging (after that, close your mouth, swallow saliva, do not eat for 2-3 hours, you can drink).

Important: inflammation of the gums in the wisdom tooth can be stopped by such means only at the very beginning of the development of inflammation of the hood, when there is still no severe swelling, suppuration, and there are also no such extremely unfavorable symptoms as painful swallowing and difficulty opening the mouth, cheek swelling. Antibiotics are best used only if it is impossible to get to the doctor in the coming days (for example, working in remote areas).

Still, it is worth remembering that such conservative treatment with antibiotics, rinses and gels will only be a temporary solution to the problem - after all, the cause of inflammation (the hood) has not disappeared anywhere. Therefore, after such a course, inflammation of the hood will sooner or later reappear. We hope that our article on the topic: Wisdom tooth inflamed what to do - turned out to be useful to you!

In the scientific community, wisdom teeth have long been attributed to the so-called vestigial organs. In the process of evolution, they have lost their original meaning. Every year more and more people are born in whom these teeth do not grow throughout their lives. It is believed that in a couple of centuries, the third molar will become a rarity altogether. Yet, despite this, many dentists recommend not removing a wisdom tooth unless it is absolutely necessary. In the future, it can help with prosthetics. It is not always possible to follow these recommendations. Wisdom tooth growth rarely causes any problems. In most patients, it is accompanied by pain, fever and general malaise. Often there is a hood over the wisdom tooth. This phenomenon will be discussed.

What is a hood over a wisdom tooth?

The wisdom tooth begins to grow between the ages of 18 and 25, hence the poetic name. Dentists often call it the third molar. Wisdom teeth are at the very edge of the row. There are four of them, one on each side of the upper and lower jaws.

In most cases, by the time the wisdom tooth grows, the human jaw system is already formed and there is simply no free space for the third molar. Because of this, various problems arise when teething with a wisdom tooth.
There is even such a thing as an impacted tooth, that is, a molar, the growth of which is blocked by soft or hard tissue. Yet the lack of free space in the mouth is not a reason for molar growth to simply stop. He starts looking for other ways. Very often, a tooth grows into the gums or surrounding bone tissue, which causes significant pain to the patient and may be accompanied by a number of consequences. Nevertheless, such a phenomenon is not as common as a hood over a wisdom tooth, although in some way it can be considered one of the symptoms of an impacted tooth.
In some cases, the tooth grows relatively unevenly, this does not affect the integrity of the surrounding hard tissue and adjacent teeth, but may lead to the appearance of a hood. At first, only one half of the tooth is cut through. It cuts the gum and leaves an overhanging soft tissue on the second part of the molar. It is she who is called the hood.

If nothing further interferes with the growth of the tooth, the patient may not even notice the appearance of a hood, but, unfortunately, in practice, the overhanging part of the gum most often causes significant inconvenience. First of all, this includes inflammation of the hood.

Initially, the hood does not bring any inconvenience to the patient, and the person continues to live a normal life. The first problems may arise in a couple of days. In the distance between the wisdom tooth and the hood, food debris can get in. They will be an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. The situation is aggravated by the fact that saliva does not penetrate into this area. It usually performs the function of protecting the oral cavity from uncontrolled growth of bacteria and normalizes the acid-base environment. In case of penetration of food debris into hard-to-reach areas, it is powerless.

Due to the strong growth in the number of bacteria, the hood becomes inflamed. In dentistry, a disease characteristic of such a manifestation is called pericoronitis.
Its main symptoms:
- Swelling of the gums.
- Swelling of half of the face in advanced cases.
- Problems with opening and closing the mouth.
- Difficulty in swallowing.
- Purulent smell from the mouth, due to the waste products of bacteria.
- Dizziness and pain.
- Slight increase in body temperature.
The first symptoms of the disease are already unpleasant, but they can turn into even greater consequences if you do not get rid of the disease in time.
An infection that develops at the site of the lesion can also spread to surrounding tissues. In this case, the chewing muscles suffer the most, because they are the closest. With their inflammation, any movement of the jaw brings simply unbearable pain.

Since the infection develops in soft tissues, where there are quite a lot of blood vessels, it can go further into the body. This leads to a deterioration in immunity, and as a result, exacerbation of a number of chronic diseases.
With the manifestation of serious consequences of inflammation, it is no longer enough to simply remove the hood on the wisdom tooth. Treatment in this case is carried out in a hospital, in which the patient will have to stay at least a couple of days after the operation itself.

With inflammation of the hood of the wisdom tooth, surgery cannot be avoided. For a number of other diseases, dentists often give patients a choice between surgical and therapeutic methods of treatment. In this case, there are no other options, except for an operation to remove the hood or wisdom tooth.
The hood is a foreign phenomenon, the preservation of which is of no use. In addition, the operation itself is considered one of the simplest and safest. If the inflammation has not had time to affect the general state of health, the patient can go home within 15 minutes after the start of the procedure.
Local anesthesia is used to anesthetize tissues. She's more than enough. It is introduced into the body by injection into the gum area, near the affected tissue. Anesthesia acts on a small radius and does not affect the state of health in any way, it is completely safe even for pregnant women.
The injection begins to act in a couple of minutes and the dentist starts the main part of the work.

The hood is treated with an antiseptic composition, then it is completely removed with just a few incisions. During this, slight bleeding is possible, which is sufficient to eliminate with a cotton sponge. In conclusion, the incision site is again disinfected and an analgesic complex is applied to it, so that after the end of the anesthesia, the patient feels comfortable.
Despite the simplicity and speed of the operation to remove the hood, it is not always performed with a hood. In some cases, dentists recommend removing the third molar completely.

Sometimes it is not enough just to remove the hood over the wisdom tooth. Treatment of this kind may be ineffective in the following cases:
1) There is not enough space in the mouth for the wisdom tooth to cut further without complications. The decision to remove a tooth is made if it is directed towards neighboring teeth or bone tissue.
2) There are no molars adjacent to the wisdom tooth. In this case, there is no point in saving the wisdom tooth, and it is easiest to simply remove it in advance before it can cause difficulties for the patient.
The hood appears only on wisdom teeth that have not yet erupted to the end, which means that the operation to remove them will be considered difficult. There is no access to extract the tooth from the socket using conventional dental appliances. You have to divide it into several parts with a drill. The dentist then carefully removes parts of the molar from the alveolar process.

The complexity of the operation is the main feature of the removal of a wisdom tooth with a hood. It also entails additional difficulties. The operation takes much longer than simply cutting off excess soft tissue. For many patients, this is a great stress, especially for those who suffer from a panic fear of dental treatment. In these cases, general anesthesia can be applied, thanks to which the patient falls into a restful sleep and does not even notice all the manipulations of the dentist. Panic fear is not the only prescription for anesthesia. It is also used if a person has an increased gag reflex. During the operation, the specialist can touch the tongue, and thereby cause vomiting. To avoid unpleasant embarrassment, it is best to completely disable all human reflexes, which is what general anesthesia does.
Since the operation lasts a relatively short time, there is no danger of anesthesia affecting the body. Nevertheless, women during the first and last trimester of pregnancy are not recommended to use such methods of anesthesia. The effect of anesthesia on the fetus is not fully understood, but, unfortunately, it is not always possible to avoid such a complex surgical intervention, during which general anesthesia will be required.
Both after the extraction of the tooth and after cutting off the hot ones, the patient must follow several prescriptions in order for the rehabilitation period to pass comfortably.

Until the end of the day during which the procedure was performed, the patient is not allowed to drink any drinks, especially hot ones, visit baths and saunas. The fluid can cause the blood clot to wash away, which is the cut off area's first defense against bacteria. An increase in body temperature affects blood clotting.
The hole remains defenseless against the action of harmful bacteria. To avoid negative consequences, the doctor prescribes a number of antiseptic compounds to the patient, with which it is necessary to rinse the mouth for at least a week after the operation.

After about 3-4 days, a mandatory re-examination is scheduled. During it, the specialist will check how successful the operation itself was and will give additional recommendations if the healing takes place with complications.
These are the main recommendations that should be followed if the hood over the wisdom tooth is inflamed. Treatment, which consists in removing a tooth, in many cases can be avoided if you turn to a specialist in time.

Wisdom tooth hood removal is considered a safe intervention that lasts for a relatively short time. But in order to reduce the risk of complications, it is extremely important to address such a problem to the doctor at the initial stage of its development. Otherwise, the chances of side effects are too high, such as an extensive inflammatory process with the need to remove the tooth itself.

What is a dental hood?

In recent years, researchers have increasingly recorded cases when people do not grow wisdom teeth at all throughout their lives, which are called the third molar. It is believed that in two centuries they will become a rarity altogether.

By themselves, these parts of the oral cavity do not pose any threat if their growth has been stably normal. But such a successful scenario is extremely rare. Usually a person additionally suffers from severe pain, fever, general malaise.

Often the clinical picture is supplemented by the fact that a hood begins to hang over the problematic structure, which poses a serious threat to the well-being of the victim.

Since wisdom teeth are mostly pierced at about the age of 18 to 25 years old, gum growths with excess skin make themselves felt at about this age and a little older. The fact that there are four similar teeth in the body increases the risk factors. They are located on each side of both jaws.

Another difficulty is that at the time of the “birth” of the third molar, the jaw system almost always has time to fully form. This means that there is no place for a new tenant there, which provokes the imposition of a tooth on a tooth, their displacement, displacement, incorrect growth with the wrong direction, squeezing and covering with a part of the gum.

Just the last case takes place in professional medical terminology under the name of an impacted tooth. This is the name of a molar whose growth is blocked by soft or hard tissue. Some inhabitants believe that if there is not enough space in the oral cavity for a new “neighbor”, then it simply stops growing. But in fact, this is not a reason to stop, but only a reason for the "sufferer" to start looking for ways around. Because of this, he pry, and then completely grows into the surrounding space of the gums or even the bone structure, which brings not only a feeling of discomfort, but also unbearable pain.

It is strictly forbidden to tolerate such a condition, especially since it is extremely bad to stun the pain with standard painkillers in this situation. If the problem tooth grows unevenly and at the same time manages not to touch the surrounding area too much, then although this reduces the risks of complications, it provokes the development of that same hood.

The principle of its appearance is simple: first, the first half of the tooth is cut through, cutting through the gum. This forms a "roof" over the second part. Such soft tissue under the molar often becomes inflamed, bleeds, hurts, and can even secrete pus if the victim takes time to go to the dentist's office.

Stages of inflammation

Initially, the patient may not even notice that he has a hood, because in a calm state he rarely brings significant inconvenience. But after a couple of days, difficulties will begin. First, pieces of food begin to clog into the gap between the overgrown skin and the tooth component, turning it into an ideal atmosphere for the development of pathogens. But saliva does not get there, although it is she who warns against the abundant reproduction of bacteria, acting as a kind of natural stabilizer of the acid-base environment.

Due to the fact that microorganisms develop with terrifying speed, and no one controls them, a powerful inflammatory process begins. In the case of a specifically affected hood, the disease is called pericoronitis. Its main symptoms are as follows:

  • swelling not only of the gum itself, but also of part of the face;
  • inability to function normally with the jaw - open, close the mouth;
  • problems with swallowing;
  • purulent odor from the oral cavity, resulting from the release of waste products of dangerous microorganisms;
  • dizziness;
  • headaches;
  • increase in body temperature.

But all of the above is just the tip of the iceberg of the disease, as the clinical picture will worsen every few hours. This is due to the fact that a rapidly developing infection quickly moves to neighboring tissues. First, the chewing muscles will suffer, which will give pain with every movement. Then the jaw itself will start to hurt.

In the saddest development, a general infection occurs. This became possible due to the anatomical features of the human body, since many small blood vessels are hidden in the affected soft tissues.

Once the microbe enters the bloodstream, it can "travel" to all internal organs. On the part of health, such neglect threatens to awaken chronic ailments, as well as a general deterioration in immunity.

If you reach the last, then just getting rid of the problematic soft part will not be enough. You will have to contact the inpatient department of the hospital, where additional measures of assistance for the victim will be provided.

How is the operation going?

Excision of the hood, although it lasts a little, is still an operation. If for a number of other dental pathologies it is still possible to get by with alternative methods of treatment, then this will not work with the inflamed part of the third molar, and only surgical intervention remains.

The only good news is that the hood in terms of its functional characteristics does not bear any benefit. This is a foreign object that an experienced dentist will remove in about fifteen minutes, while using local anesthesia to relieve pain.

Involving general anesthesia is an unnecessary measure, even for those people who are afraid of visiting the dental office. Modern painkillers completely eliminate the ability to feel any discomfort during excision.

The only important precaution should be to identify a possible allergic reaction to the components of anesthesia. To do this, the medical staff, before starting the manipulation, is always interested in whether the victim is allergic to any drugs.

If the patient is unsure, an allergy test may be performed to negate the risk of anaphylactic shock.

Separately, the issues of pregnant women who are afraid that the medicine will harm the unborn baby are considered. Here, the decision is made locally by the attending specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman's body. But since local anesthesia covers a very small working area, the risks of negative effects on the fetus are almost always reduced to zero.

The action of the injection makes itself felt in about three minutes. After that, the doctor adheres to the following algorithm of actions:

  • treats the affected area with an antiseptic;
  • removes the hood with several incisions;
  • concomitant minor bleeding eliminates by applying a cotton sponge;
  • again disinfects the site of a recent incision;
  • applies a special compress with an analgesic complex.

But sometimes it happens that in addition to the softest tissue, the dentist will insist on the removal of a wisdom tooth. In this situation, one cannot persist, since the doctor will necessarily argue his desire with evidence.

Although the third molar is an important part for successful future prosthetics, one should not risk health by leaving it if it has already begun to grow crooked. Otherwise, in six months you can lose both the last tooth in the jaw and a couple of neighboring ones, including even a bone. Such sad forecasts are confirmed by numerous reviews of those who nevertheless did not listen to a specialist.

When a wisdom tooth is removed along with the hood

There are several reasons for the ineffectiveness of only partial removal. Among them, the first place in a kind of popularity rating goes to an insufficient amount of free space.

In practice, this means that a massive tooth simply has nowhere to grow without cutting through the still healthy surrounding surfaces of varying degrees of hardness. If he has a problematic growth bias towards the adjacent tooth or even bone, then he is subject to emergency excision. After that, healing will not take long.

In second place is the absence of other teeth next to the third molar. Then the preservation of the problematic "tenant" does not bear any practical benefit, because such a large distance is not suitable for reliable prosthetics.

Difficulties are added by the fact that the formation of a hood is the prerogative of only those wisdom teeth that have not yet been able to fully pop out. Because of this, a complex operation can stretch over time, and the recovery period will be longer than usual.

The reason for the delay is that there is simply no special scheme for accessing a problem tooth from its socket using standard dental appliances. It all depends on the individual characteristics of each victim, which prompts the doctor to use a drill to divide the tooth into several parts. Only after that it will be possible to get the cut parts out of the alveolar process.

With such a long intervention, he can use general anesthesia if he sees that his patient is on the verge of starting a panic attack. To the same logical conclusion, the dentist will come, who will face an irresistible gag reflex of his ward. This is explained by the fact that even the most accurate master sometimes touches the tongue of the patient, which in some people provokes a strong vomiting reaction. To avoid traumatic situations, it is more productive to simply put a person into an artificial sleep stage.

A contraindication for general anesthesia is only pregnancy in the first and last trimester.

The price of the service will completely depend on what format of anesthesia was used, and also whether something else had to be removed besides the immediate hood.

All the advice of dentists on the topic of hood removal can be schematically divided into two camps. Some are valid for the day of surgery, while others are valid after removal.

The most important prescription is the refusal throughout the next day after surgery from eating, drinking, visiting baths and saunas.

Physiologically, the ban on drinks, especially hot ones, is explained by the fact that the liquid provokes the washing off of the blood clot. Namely, it acts as the first protective barrier of the cut-off area from microorganisms striving to settle there. Elevated body temperature affects the ability of the blood to clot, which leaves the hole without a barrier that drives away pathogenic bacteria.

For additional safety, the doctor prescribes an antiseptic composition to the ward. With him, rinse the oral cavity for at least a week after the manipulation.

To eliminate the risk of infection, it is necessary to appear at a preventive examination with a doctor a few days after the procedure. At this time, the expert will assess the dynamics of recovery, as well as give new recommendations regarding the rules of personal oral hygiene.

In dentistry, inflammation of the wisdom tooth hood is called pericoronitis. If edema appears, these are clear signs of pericoronitis. In this case, sometimes it may be necessary to remove the hood of the wisdom tooth.

Wisdom teeth are the most problematic in the human oral cavity.

They are characterized by late appearance and rapid removal, since almost immediately after eruption, this type of teeth begins to destructure and change its color.

These teeth in each person have an individual development process, that is, and when they can appear depends on the shape of the jaw and hereditary factors.

For many, the stage of the appearance of a wisdom tooth is asymptomatic, and for some it makes you feel very unpleasant pain and spasms, worsens your health and provokes swelling.

Process characteristic

In practice, dentists use certain actions to remove the wisdom tooth hood:

  1. At the very beginning, anesthesia is used so that the patient feels a minimum of pain during the procedure.
  2. Further, certain surgical accessories are used, with the help of which the doctor draws the outlines of the affected area and cuts out the inflamed part.
  3. After this, the wound should be washed with the necessary antiseptics, which will help eliminate bleeding and prevent infection.
  4. A mandatory item is the use of therapeutic agents that contribute to the most rapid and effective healing.

Unfortunately, the removal of the hood over the wisdom tooth in practice can not always give complete confidence that the inflammation has disappeared. It happens in such cases that it can begin to grow again. When the dentist makes an incision in the part that is affected, he slightly touches the healthy gum, but the recovery process does not last very long.

Always be sure to follow all the instructions given by the doctor.

Possible Complications

Sometimes it happens that the procedure for excising pericoronitis entails some negative consequences. If you do not start treatment in a timely manner and do not attach special importance to the dental hood, then the person will not be able to physically open his mouth at all.

Pericoronitis (pericronaritis) - inflammation of the gum tissue surrounding the tooth

Due to the fact that the pressure on the masticatory muscle continues, the mouth may close completely, while the pus begins to increase and fill the entire oral cavity. These actions can lead to complications that require urgent surgery on the outside of the cheek.

Prerequisites for the occurrence of complications

The hood on the wisdom tooth in ordinary words is the mucous membrane hanging over the uncut tubercles.

When the action of eruption takes place, while only a small part of the crown has protruded, a certain place is created between the mucous membranes, into which particles of food tend to fall.

Accordingly, the removal of this food from there is completely impossible. This is what causes the creation of favorable conditions for the appearance and development of harmful microflora, which contributes to the irritated process.

Signs of pericoronitis

If - this indicates inflammation of the gums. They are characterized by corresponding pain in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth, swelling of the gums, an unpleasant odor emanating from the diseased tooth, and a sensation of a strange aftertaste. The last symptoms are manifested due to the presence of pus and its constant neoplasm.

Hood over wisdom teeth

Depending on the form and level of the disease, other characteristic signs of the disease may occur. These include:

  • Difficulty or inability to open the mouth due to swelling;
  • Pain during swallowing due to swelling;
  • Increased body temperature.

So far, the visit to the dentist has not taken place, but teething? There are some ways to relieve pain at home, but it is necessary to seek qualified help from a doctor in any case.

Medical assistance

At the moment, there are few different methods for therapy, one of which is the extraction of the eighth tooth. , and what to do after removal in order to avoid complications - the doctor should explain. Negligent attitude to the recommendations is fraught with serious consequences.

Other surgical options include:

  1. anesthesia;
  2. excision of the mucosa;
  3. wound treatment;
  4. drug therapy;
  5. follow-up visit to the doctor for a final check-up.

It happens that after the initial cutting of the hood, there is a possibility of its reappearance. Then there is the option of removing the wisdom tooth.

It should be noted that a highly qualified dentist can easily identify the specifics of the future growth of the eighth tooth. To avoid trouble and complications, it is better to pull out a tooth immediately than to perform ineffective therapy.

Many people are trying to endure painful spasms, while being treated with various folk remedies, in these cases, inflammation can be stopped, but for a short time. Because further complications will be more serious and prolonged.

Features of gum excision

The action takes place under anesthesia. First of all, the doctor treats the gums and oral cavity.

The excision of the hood is carried out with the help of such accessories as a scalpel or scissors, after which a gauze pad is placed in the wound.

The pains begin to dull a couple of days after the removal of the hood over the wisdom tooth, and the healing of the gums itself occurs about a week later.

Wisdom tooth hood removal: the price of the issue

Very often, the price of this procedure also depends on which clinic the patient goes to, since the amounts in private and public clinics can vary.

The price itself must be determined directly by the attending physician. On average, for such a surgical intervention as the removal of a hood over a wisdom tooth, the price will be $ 25-35.

Related video:

For details on what trouble a wisdom tooth can give you, namely the removal of the hood, the consequences of this procedure and what can happen after the removal of the wisdom tooth hood, see the video:

What does it mean when they say that the hood on the wisdom tooth is inflamed? Let's figure it out.

Wisdom teeth are popularly called chewing teeth (large molars), located on the edge. They appear, as a rule, at the age of 16-36 years. In total, a person can have four wisdom teeth, however, dental practice is faced with situations where only 1 or 2 extreme molars erupt. At the same time, the rest continue to grow under the gum, being under a strong slope or in a supine position. In some cases, the rudiments of eights in patients are completely absent. When wisdom teeth do not erupt before the age of 35, a person should undergo an X-ray examination in order to rule out possible anomalies.

Eruption is always a painful process, which is accompanied by inflammation of the hood of the wisdom tooth. This is due to the complex interweaving of the root system. With severe inflammation, accompanied by accumulation of exudative fluid, hyperemia, abscesses extending into the deep layers of soft tissues, the patient is diagnosed with pericoronitis. This pathological condition is typical for the process of eruption of eights, but this does not mean that therapy for such a condition is not required. The neglected form of pericoronitis is capable of turning into inflammation of the deep layers of the mucosa, which has a destructive form.

Possible causes of pericoronitis

Pericoronitis is a very painful process, so it is very important to determine the causes that cause severe inflammation during the eruption of the closing teeth. When an x-ray shows an anatomical misalignment of the tooth or the presence of intertwined roots, the doctor will refer the patient for a consultation with a dental surgeon, who determines whether the gum should be excised and the tooth extracted before it begins to erupt.

The appearance of extreme molars may be accompanied by the development of complications associated with other causes. Knowledge of the factors contributing to the inflammation of the hood of the wisdom tooth will ensure timely prevention of this pathology.

thickening of the gums

In about a tenth of all patients, the tissues located at the site of wisdom tooth growth have thickened walls, which prevents tooth eruption. In this case, a person experiences severe pain, often accompanied by a rise in temperature, a headache, and a deterioration in general well-being. Some patients with thickened gum walls have hearing loss, pain in the ears and eye sockets. If teething does not occur for a long time, the lymph nodes located under the jaw begin to become inflamed.

For what other reasons does the hood on the wisdom tooth become inflamed?

Dense plaque of bacterial origin on the gums

If hygiene standards and oral care are neglected, the likelihood of developing pericoronitis in a patient increases several times. When a tooth erupts, the gums rise and then rupture. Microbes and bacteria located on it are able to penetrate into damaged areas and provoke severe inflammation.

A photo of the wisdom tooth hood is presented.

This form of pericoronitis is characterized by the appearance of the following symptoms:

  1. Strongly swells and swells the gums in the area of ​​wisdom tooth eruption.
  2. Any load on the site of the lesion causes the appearance of a pain syndrome of high intensity. Moreover, the pain affects not only the site of the molar, but the entire jaw.
  3. The temperature rises to 38.5 degrees Celsius.

In the absence of timely therapeutic measures, the pathological process can transform into a purulent-infectious one, which is dangerous because blood infection can occur.

Types of Pericoronitis and Symptoms

Symptoms of inflammation of the wisdom tooth hood depend on its shape. Acute pericoronitis is characterized by severe pain and high intensity of the main symptoms, so the diagnosis of an acute course of difficulties usually does not cause. Typical symptoms of acute pericoronitis are:

  1. The appearance of a sharp and unpleasant odor from the oral cavity, which intensifies after eating. At the same time, the use of hygiene products does not allow to eliminate it.
  2. Hyperemia of the mucous membranes develops, the temperature rises locally in the area of ​​eruption.
  3. There is an acute form of pain syndrome, which interferes with eating, talking, opening the mouth.
  4. Pain radiates to the temple area, lower or upper jaw, ear.
  5. Inflamed cervical or submandibular lymph nodes.
  6. The body temperature rises.

If at this stage the patient does not seek help from a dentist and tries to cure the disease on his own, the process begins to take on a chronic form.

Chronic pericoronitis

Chronic pericoronitis develops, as a rule, if tooth eruption occurs for a long time, and also in cases where the patient self-medicates an acute form of pericoronitis, stopping pain with analgesics and avoiding a visit to the dentist.

When the hood of the wisdom tooth is inflamed, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Unlike acute pericoronitis, chronic is not accompanied by intense pain - the patient can almost painlessly open his mouth, but when eating, the pain increases significantly. Lymph nodes with chronic pericoronitis increase slightly, palpation does not cause pain. The exceptions are cases when the pathology flows into osteomyelitis of the jaw or periostitis.


The chronic process is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Pus is released from under the gum hood.
  2. The load on adjacent teeth increases, resulting in increased mobility and fragility.
  3. Abscesses and abscesses appear at the site of teething.

In the absence of adequate therapy, chronic pericoronitis contributes to the development of phlegmon - a purulent inflammation in an acute form that has no definite boundaries.

In addition, the inflammatory process is classified according to the form of its course:

  1. Pericoronitis catarrhal. It is the initial stage in the development of the inflammatory process, the symptoms in this form of pathology are mild.
  2. Purulent pericoronitis. It is the most dangerous form of pathology. Inflammation in this form of pericoronitis is accompanied by suppuration of the affected tissues.
  3. Ulcerative pericoronitis. A distinctive feature of this form is the presence of an ulcerative necrotic process in the affected gum.
  4. Pericoronitis is retromolar. With this form of pathology, the purulent focus is hidden, as a result of which the normal outflow of exudate is disturbed. Because of this, pus begins to accumulate in soft tissues, the inflammatory process penetrates deeper, affecting the periosteum and provoking the formation of an abscess.

When the hood over the wisdom tooth is inflamed, the treatment should be comprehensive.

Treatment of pericoronitis

Dentists consider the only adequate way in the acute or chronic form of surgical intervention. Only 2% of uncomplicated pathology can be treated with anti-inflammatory ointments, gels and other means. That is why experts do not recommend wasting time and effort trying to cure pathology at home.

Taking into account the anatomical localization of the tooth and the severity of the pathology, the doctor chooses one of two surgical methods of treatment - extraction of the figure eight and its root system or excision of the gum hood over the wisdom tooth. The first technique is used only in extreme cases, since surgery can provoke various complications, and the recovery period takes up to six months. In some cases, the operation to extract the figure eight from the bone alveoli is carried out under general anesthesia in the maxillofacial surgical hospital, which significantly increases the load on the heart muscle and other important human organs.

Indications for wisdom tooth extraction

Wisdom tooth extraction is carried out only when there are strict indications:

  1. The patient has a specific anatomical structure of the jaw (for example, the jaw arch is too narrow, and there is no room for a tooth to erupt in the dentition).
  2. Pathological disorders in the formation of the rudiments of teeth in the embryonic period.
  3. Abnormal location of the figure eight, its roots, incorrect tooth growth.
  4. Lack of effect, relapse of the pathology after the hood was cut off on the wisdom tooth.
  5. The formation of a new gingival hood (occurs quite rarely, only in 5% of cases).

Both surgical methods for excision of the hood of the wisdom tooth require careful preparation and effective anesthesia. Upon completion of the surgical intervention, the patient is assigned to comply with a special regimen that involves minimizing the load on the area that has been damaged. It is also recommended to use various medications aimed at preventing possible complications.

Medical treatment after surgery

After surgical removal of a wisdom tooth or excision of the gingival hood, a patient must be prescribed drug therapy. One of its components are antibacterial drugs. The most commonly used antibiotic drugs with a wide range of effects, which show their activity against most anaerobic and aerobic pathogens. The most effective drugs are:

  1. "Hemomycin". The patient is prescribed a single use per day of one tablet, the duration of the course is about 5 days.
  2. "Amoxicillin". Shown three times a day one tablet. Therapy takes up to 10 days.
  3. "Zinnat". Assign twice the use of one tablet per day, therapy takes up to 10 days.
  4. "Metronidazole". Double or triple intake of one tablet for 10 days.
  5. "Tsiprolet". Two or three times a day one tablet for a week.
  6. "Ciprofloxacin". Three times a day, one tablet. Therapy usually takes 10 days.

Inflammation of the hood of the wisdom tooth

The use of oral preparations should be combined with the use of topical agents. Quite often, dentists recommend rinsing and mouth baths using antiseptics such as Miramistin, Hexoral, Chlorhexidine. Sometimes prescribed the use of anti-inflammatory gels, which have soothing components, antibacterial substances and antiseptics. Some of them contain lidocaine, which helps to reduce the intensity of pain after the removal of the eight.

If the hood over the wisdom tooth is inflamed, taking into account the indications, the patient may be prescribed the following gel preparations with a local type of effect: Dentinox, Metrogil Denta, Asepta, Kamistad, Cholisal.

It is important to bear in mind that any medications after surgery can only be used on the advice of a dentist, and the combination of local drugs and oral medications is allowed only in some cases. With the uncontrolled use of drugs of the antibacterial group, oral dysbacteriosis may develop, which reduces the protective functions of the mucous membranes and increases the risk of complications.

Therapy of pericoronitis with folk methods

Pericoronitis is one of the few diseases of the oral cavity that cannot be cured by using folk recipes. Alternative treatment of this disease has a very low efficiency, it is for this reason that dentists recommend immediately contacting a medical institution, without waiting for the development of a purulent form of pericoronitis.

Inflammation of the hood over the wisdom tooth is one of the most dangerous and serious pathologies in dental practice. If untreated, pericoronitis can lead to serious consequences, among which the greatest danger is systemic blood poisoning. When the eruption of eights is accompanied by the appearance of primary signs of an inflammatory process, the patient should immediately contact the dental clinic. Prevention of the disease involves periodic visits to the dentist. This will make it possible to detect existing deviations at the earliest stages, predict the further course of the pathology, take measures to prevent the development of complications, and if necessary, immediately begin treatment.

It is important to remember that only timely diagnosis and therapy will avoid undesirable consequences in case of inflammation of the wisdom tooth hood.