The history of Russia from Rurik to Putin! To love your Motherland means to know it! People who changed the 20th century.

The twentieth century was one of the brightest and most terrible in the history of mankind. People lived and made history in it, whose activities are still hotly debated (Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, Lavrentiy Beria, etc.). Moreover, some personalities are perceived better over the years.

The All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion decided to find out which personalities of the 20th century Russians consider their idols. And here's who made it into the top ten.

Tenth place in Russian list The most popular people of the 20th century are shared by the author of “Quiet Don”, “The Fate of Man”, “Virgin Soil Upturned”, “They Fought for the Motherland”, and the Soviet figure skater, ten-time world champion. Mostly women voted for Rodnina (14% versus 4% of male votes).

It is curious that in 1973, Sholokhov signed a Letter from a group of Soviet writers to the editors of the newspaper Pravda, speaking out against the anti-Soviet activities and speeches of two other Russian idols of the 20th century - Sakharov (8th place on the list) and Solzhenitsyn (6th place).

9. Mikhail Bulgakov

The candidacy of Mikhail Bulgakov is more popular among women than among men (12% versus 8%, respectively). Either this is because ladies read more, or because they are more prone to mysticism, which the great writer was so generous with.

8. Andrei Sakharov and Andrei Mironov

Andrei Sakharov - one of the creators of the hydrogen bomb, and later an ardent fighter for peace, and Andrei Mironov, who embodied many characters on the screen - from the insidious but charming Kozodoev in “The Diamond Arm” to the shy Mr. Fest in “The Man from the Boulevard des Capuchins”, completely are different from each other.

7. Vladimir Lenin

One can perceive the personality of one of the leaders of the October Revolution of 1917 in different ways. However, it is impossible to deny the achievements that the country made during his time in power. Here is a far from complete list of them:

  • electrification of Russia began;
  • class inequality was abolished;
  • aerodynamics, electrical engineering, automotive engineering and a number of others developed scientific directions, vital for the country;
  • a police force and a new army were created - the Red Army;
  • Most of the territories lost during the First World War and the Civil War returned to the state;
  • According to Lenin's recommendations, the USSR was created in 1922.

6. Alexander Solzhenitsyn

The Nobel laureate and author of the book “The Gulag Archipelago”, which for some became a revelation, and for others - “deeply anti-Soviet”, used to be in fifth place in the ranking of Russian idols of the 20th century. Now the situation has changed, he lost 2% of the vote (14% left). The inclusion of Solzhenitsyn in the school curriculum may contribute to the growth of his popularity, as will be seen in the results of the next survey.

In the meantime, in the writer’s hometown - Rostov-on-Don - more than 70% of the townspeople spoke out against the appearance of his monument. It was planned to be installed on December 11, 2018, Solzhenitsyn’s birthday. At the same time, people were not only outraged on online forums, but also took to the city streets with banners, demanding that a monument not be erected to a person who “denigrated the history of the country.”

5. Joseph Stalin

The wind of history is slowly sweeping away the debris from the grave of one of the greatest rulers of Russia, who “took over the country with a plow and left it with an atomic bomb.” In 1999, Stalin was chosen as the idol of the twentieth century by 14% of respondents, while in 2018 - already 16%. Most fans of the Secretary General are among the older age group (25% versus 15% of young respondents).

In 2008, Stalin led the "Name of Russia" project, which aimed to identify the most popular characters in the country's history. The top three also included Vladimir Lenin and the last Russian autocrat, Nicholas II. However, then the voting was stopped, and its results were canceled due to hacker attacks and other problems. During the television debate on December 28, Alexander Nevsky was chosen “In the Name of Russia.”

4. Leo Tolstoy

Surprisingly, it was not the older generation who voted for the great Russian writer and humanist, but the youth (20-21% versus 11%). What is the reason for this: impressions of “War and Peace”, watching one of the film adaptations of “Anna Karenina” or the dream of learning as freely as the children in the Yasnaya Polyana school - who knows.

3. Georgy Zhukov

The personality of this great man is very ambiguous. He had all the necessary qualities for a brilliant military leader: strong will, courage, determination, a broad strategic outlook and rich military experience gained during the First World War, the Civil War and the Soviet-Japanese conflict of 1939.

During the Great Patriotic War, the marshal led the most important operations, such as Operation Bagration, thanks to which Belarus was liberated.

However, the same Zhukov was accused of “taking the path of looting”, ordering his subordinates to take out a lot of captured valuables from Germany for personal needs, as well as of “licentiousness.” He did not hesitate to live large when the country had just experienced the most terrible war in its history. Largely thanks to him, Nikita Khrushchev came to power, who subsequently “thanked” Zhukov by sending him to resign.

2. Vladimir Vysotsky

The popularly beloved Zheglov from “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” and a brilliant songwriter passed away early. However, his songs still sound and will continue to sound for a long time. Among them there are funny, philosophical, and piercingly sad. But all the songs have one thing in common - a combination of simple rhymes that are understandable even to a child, wisdom, and a strong moral message. And many singers try to copy Vysotsky’s original style of performance, but no one has succeeded completely.

1. Yuri Gagarin

Here he is, the main idol of the 20th century for the people of Russia. 35% of respondents cast their votes for the first cosmonaut on Earth. There was nationwide euphoria in the USSR when the first manned space flight successfully took place on April 12, 1961. And everyone was happy not only because they managed to overtake their main rivals - the United States. And also because a new, cosmic era of human development was beginning.

Gagarin instantly became a people's idol, and the day of April 12 forever entered into Russian calendar as "Cosmonautics Day". To this day, the phrase “Let’s go”, uttered by Yuri during the launch of the manned spacecraft “Vostok”, is a catchphrase.

There are monuments to the first Soviet cosmonaut not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world: the USA (in Houston), England (London), Montenegro, and Cyprus (Nicosia).

Complete list of idols according to VTsIOM data

Choose three people who could most rightly be called “Russian idols of the 20th century?” (closed question, no more than 3 answers, % of all respondents)
Yuri Gagarin30 35 44
Vladimir Vysotsky31 31 28
Georgy Zhukov26 20 27
Joseph Stalin14 16 22
Alexander Solzhenitsyn16 14 14
Lev Tolstoy16 17 13
Maya Plisetskaya7 8 13
Vladimir Lenin16 13 12
Andrey Sakharov26 12 11
Irina Rodnina7 9 11
Mikhail Sholokhov7 9 10
Michael Bulgakov7 10 9
Anton Chekhov6 8 9
Andrey Mironov20 12 8
Lev Yashin8 6 5
Fyodor Chaliapin7 5 5
Joseph Brodsky2 2 5
Lyubov Orlova10 7 4
Vasily Chapaev6 4 4
Dmitry Shostakovich3 4 4
Ilya Repin3 3 2
Mikhail Gorbachev7 3 2
Other1 2 5
I find it difficult to answer4 9 5

Adamovich A. M. (1927-1994) - writer, literary critic. Author of "War Under the Roofs", "Sons Going to Battle", "The Siege Book", "The Khatyn Tale".

Alexandrov A.V.(1883-1946) - composer and conductor, People's Artist of the USSR (1937), Major General (1943). Since 1928, he headed the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Red Army, which he created (since 1946 - named after him). Author of the music for the USSR State Anthem. Author of the song "Holy War".

Alexandrov A.P.(1903-1994) - physicist scientist. One of the developers of nuclear and hydrogen weapons. Three times Hero of Socialist Labor.

Asafiev B.V.(1884-1949) - musicologist, composer. Author of the ballets "Flames of Paris" and "Bakhchisarai Fountain".

Astafiev V. P.(b. 1924) - writer. Author of the novels "The Fish Tsar", "Cursed and Killed" and others. Laureate of the USSR State Prize.

Baklanov G. Ya.(b. 1923) - writer. Author of the stories "An Inch of Earth", "The Dead Have No Shame", "Forever - Nineteen Years Old", the novel "July '41".

Basov N. G.(b. 1922) - Russian physicist. Academician. One of the founders of domestic quantum electronics. Together with A. M. Prokhorov he created the first quantum generator - a maser. In 1964 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for his discoveries. Twice Hero Socialist Labor.

Batalov A.V.(b. 1928) - film actor and director. He starred in the films: “The Cranes Are Flying,” “Big Family,” “The Rumyantsev Case,” “The Lady with the Dog,” “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” etc. People’s Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor.

Bakhrushin A. A.(1865-1929) - Russian theater figure. Creator of a private literary and theater museum in Moscow. In 1919, the museum was named after Bakhrushin, and he himself was appointed director for life.

Bach A. N. (1857-1946) - biochemist scientist. In 1918, he formed the Central Chemical Laboratory at the Supreme Economic Council, which was later transformed into the L. Ya. Karpov Physico-Chemical Institute, of which Bach was director until the end of his life. In 1920 he founded the Biochemical Institute of the People's Commissariat of Health (until 1935 he was its director). Academician, Hero of Socialist Labor.

Beck A. A.(1903-1972) - writer. Author of the novel “New Assignment”, the story “Volokolamsk Highway”, etc.

Bely A. (Bugaev B. N.)(1880-1934) - Russian writer. Until 1917, he was known as a poet and prose writer, a theorist of symbolism. He expressed his attitude towards the revolution in the poem “Christ is Risen” (1918). One of the founding members of the Free Philosophical Association in 1919.

Benoit A. N.(1870-1960) - artist, art historian, art critic. In 1917 he participated in the protection of artistic values. In 1919-1926. - theater artist. Since 1926 - in exile.

Berggolts O. F.(1910-1975) - poetess. In besieged Leningrad she spoke on the radio many times with appeals to citizens and defenders of the city. Author of works: "Leningrad Notebook", "Leningrad Diary", "Day Stars".

Bernes M. N.(1911-1969) - actor, singer. He acted in films ("Two Fighters", etc.). Performer of lyrical songs and songs about war.

Block A. A. (1880-1921) - Russian symbolist poet. In January 1918, he wrote the poem “The Twelve” and the poem “Scythians,” in which one of the main ones is the idea of ​​historical retribution. In 1919 he published the study “The Last Days of the Old Regime” (based on the results of his work in the commission to investigate the crimes of the tsarist regime). In July 1920, he was elected chairman of the Petrograd branch of the All-Russian Union of Poets. He was forbidden to emigrate. I received permission to leave even when I could not leave for health reasons.

Bondarchuk S. F. (1920-1994) - film actor and director. People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor. Starred in the films: “Taras Shevchenko”, “Prygunya”, “Unfinished Tale”, etc. Made films: “The Fate of a Man”, “War and Peace”, “Waterloo”, “They Fought for the Motherland”, “Steppe”, “ Father Sergius", "Boris Godunov" and others. Laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes.

Brodsky I. A. (1940-1996) - Russian poet. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature (1987). Since 1972 he lived in the USA. Author of a number of poetry collections: “Stop in the Desert” (1967), “The End of a Beautiful Era” (1972), “Part of Speech” (1972), “Urania” (1987). Creativity is characterized by understanding the world as a single metaphysical and cultural whole. The distinctive features of the style are rigidity and hidden pathos, irony. Author of essays, stories, plays, translations.

Brodsky I. I.(1883-1939) - painter and graphic artist. Landscape painter before the revolution. After the revolution, he was the author of many historical and revolutionary paintings and portraits of the leaders of the revolutionary movement.

Bryusov V. Ya.(1873-1924) - Russian poet, one of the founders of Soviet poetry. Headed the literary department of the People's Commissariat for Education. He dedicated many of his works to proving the popular character of the October Revolution.

Bulgakov M. A. (1891-1940) - one of the largest Russian writers of the 20th century. Author of the novels "The Master and Margarita" (1929-1940), "The White Guard" (1925-1927), "Theatrical Romance" (1936-1937); stories "Heart of a Dog" (1925), "Fatal Eggs" (1925); plays "Days of the Turbins" (post. 1926), "Running" (1926-1928). The master's works raise the problems of poetry and the tragic doom of the passing world, the ethical responsibility of the intelligentsia for the fruits of social experimentation, the eternal opposition of moral and creative asceticism to the forces of evil.

Burdenko N. N.(1876-1946) - surgeon, one of the founders of Russian neurosurgery. The first president of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. Hero of Socialist Labor.

Vavilov N. I.(1887-1943) - geneticist and botanist. In 1917-1921 - Professor at Saratov University. In 1919 he substantiated the doctrine of plant immunity to infectious diseases. Led numerous field expeditions. Academician. President (1929-

1935) and vice-president (1935-1940) of VASKHNIL. Member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Central Executive Committee of the USSR. Repressed. He died in Saratov prison.

Belikov E. P.(b. 1935) - physicist scientist. Academician. Since 1988 - Director of the Institute of Atomic Energy named after I.V. Kurchatov. Since 1991 - Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Hero of Socialist Labor.

Vertinsky A. N. (1889-1957) - pop artist. He performed since 1915. In 1919 he emigrated, in 1943 he returned to the USSR. He performed his own songs and songs based on poems by A. Akhmatova, A. Blok, S. Yesenin, V. Inber and others. He starred in the films: “How People Live” (1912), “Conspiracy of the Doomed” (1950), “Anna on the Neck” " (1954), etc.

Vishnevskaya G. P.(b. 1926) - singer (soprano), soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. People's Artist of the USSR. In 1978, together with her husband M. L. Rostropovich, she was deprived of USSR citizenship (the decision was canceled in 1990).

Voznesensky A. A.(b. 1933) - Russian poet. The author of cutting-edge poetry, distinguished by a complicated figurative and rhythmic system. Author of the poetry collections "Antiworlds", "Stained Glass Master", "Temptation", poems "Masters", "Lonjumeau", "Oza" and others.

Voinovich V. N.(b. 1932) - writer. The most famous works: “The Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Soldier Ivan Chonkin”, “Ivankiada”, “Tribunal”, “Moscow 2042”.

Gaidar (Golikov) A. P.(1904-1941) - writer, one of the founders of Soviet children's literature. Author of the stories "School", "Blue Cup", "RVS" and others, and fairy tales.

Gorky Maxim (Peshkov A. M.) (1868- 1936) - the founder of the literature of socialist realism, one of the founders of Soviet literature.

Grabar I. E. (1871-1960) - painter, art critic. In 1913-1925. - Director of the Tretyakov Gallery. In 1918, he took the initiative to create a Committee (fund) for the protection of cultural monuments and artistic treasures. Participated in restoration expeditions to Vladimir, Novgorod, and the cities of the Volga region.

Graftio G. O. (1869-1949) - energy scientist. Author of the Volkhov hydroelectric power station project (1910-1911). In 1917-1920 - manager Department of Railway Electrification of the NKPS. In 1921-1927 - Head of construction of the Volkhov hydroelectric power station. Member of the USSR Central Executive Committee.

Grekov M. B.(1882-1934) - painter. The founder of Soviet battle painting ("Tachanka", "Trumpeters of the First Cavalry", etc.).

Grossman V.S.(1905-1964) - writer. Author of the novels "Life and Fate", "Everything Flows", a number of stories about Stalingrad.

Danelia G. N.(b. 1930) - film director. He directed the films: “Seryozha”, “I Walk Around Moscow”, “Afonya”, “Mimino”, “Autumn Marathon”, “Passport”, etc. People's Artist of the USSR.

Dovzhenko A. P.(1894-1956) - film director, writer, screenwriter. Author of films:

"Arsenal", "Zemlya", "Shchors", etc.

Donskoy M. S. (1901-1981) - film director and screenwriter. Author of the films: “How the Steel Was Tempered”, “Invictus”, etc.

Zharov M. I.(1899-1981) - actor, People's Artist of the USSR. He starred in the films: “A Start to Life”, “Peter 1”, “Village Detective”, etc.

Zarkhi A. G.(1908-1994) - director, screenwriter. Director of films: “Baltic Deputy”, “Member of the Government”, “Height”, “Anna Karenina”, etc. People's Artist of the USSR.

Zelinsky N. D.(1861-1953) - chemist. Academician. Hero of Socialist Labor. One of the founders of organic catalysis and petrochemistry. Creator of the coal gas mask.

Zeldovich Ya. B.(1914-1987) - physicist scientist. Main works on physical chemistry, astrophysics, elementary particle physics, nuclear physics. Together with academician Yu. B. Khariton, he created the theory of the chain decay of uranium. Three times Hero of Socialist Labor.

Ilyinsky I. V.(1901-1987) - actor, People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor. He starred in many popular films: “The Feast of St. Jorgen”, “Volga-Volga”, “Carnival Night”, etc.

Kasatkina L. I.(b. 1925) - theater and film actress. Starred in films:

“Tiger Tamer”, “Calling Fire on Ourselves”, “Darling”, “Operation Trust”, “Remember Your Name”, “Mother Mary”, etc. People's Artist of the USSR.

Keldysh M. V. (1911-1978) - scientist, mathematician and mechanic. He made a huge contribution to the development of the Soviet aviation, nuclear and space industries. President of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Three times Hero of Socialist Labor.

Kozlovsky I. S.(1900-1993) - singer (tenor), People's Artist of the USSR. Soloist of the Bolshoi Theater.

Konenkov S. T.(1874-1971) - sculptor. Member of the Union of Russian Artists. Author of a number of famous works. In 1923-1945. lived in the USA. Since 1954 - full member of the USSR Academy of Arts. People's Artist of the USSR (1958). Hero of Socialist Labor.

Kukryniksy(creative pseudonym based on the first syllables of last names) - a creative team of graphic artists and painters: Kupriyanov M.V. (1903-1991), Krylov P.N. (1902-1990). Sokolov N. A. (b. 1903). The authors of topical cartoons that reflected internal and external problems political life USSR, propaganda posters, illustrations for the works of Russian classics, paintings.

Kuprin A. I.(1870-1938) - Russian writer. He reacted ambivalently to the revolution of 1917 - he admired its scope and the heroism of its leaders, but he also feared for the fate of Russian culture and criticized a number of initiatives of the new government. From 1920 to 1937 - in exile. In 1937 he returned to the USSR.

Kurchatov I. V.(1903-1960) - physicist, academician, three times Hero of Socialist Labor. One of the creators of Soviet nuclear weapons. Under his leadership, the first Soviet nuclear reactor, the first nuclear bomb in the USSR, and the first in the world were created thermonuclear bomb, the world's first nuclear power plant.

Kustodiev B. M.(1878-1927) - painter, theater artist and graphic artist. Member of the Union of Russian Artists (since 1907) and the World of Art (since 1911). Before the revolution, he criticized autocratic orders and ridiculed them in his works. After the October Revolution of 1917 created a number of works glorifying, in his opinion, “the joy of liberated labor.” Among such works, the painting “Bolshevik” can be called classic.

Landau L. D. (1908-1968) - theoretical physicist, founder of a scientific school. Academician. Hero of Socialist Labor. Works on magnetism, superfluidity and superconductivity, solid state physics, atomic nucleus and elementary particles, plasma, quantum electrodynamics, astrophysics. Nobel Prize. Lenin Prize. A number of state awards.

Landsberg G. S.(1890-1957) - physicist. Academician. Main works on optics and spectroscopy. Developed methods for spectral analysis of metals and alloys.

Lansere B. E.(1875-1946) - graphic artist and painter. In 1945-1946. worked on monumental paintings of the halls of the Kazan railway station in Moscow. He also performed a series of five gouaches “Trophies of Russian Weapons”.

Lemeshev S. Y. (1902-1977) - singer (tenor). Soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. People's Artist of the USSR.

Leonov E. P.(1926-1994) - theater and film actor. People's Artist of the USSR. He played in the films: “Striped Flight”, “Belorussky Station”, “Afonya”, “The Legend of Tila”, “The Don Tale”, “Gentlemen of Fortune”, etc.

Leontovich M. A: (1903-1981) - physicist scientist, academician. Main works on theoretical issues of optics, acoustics, vibration theory, plasma physics, etc.

Likhachev D. WITH.(b. 1906) - a prominent philologist and public figure. Researcher of ancient Russian literature. Academician. Hero of Socialist Labor. Laureate of state awards. People's Deputy of the USSR in 1989-1992. Chairman of the Soviet Cultural Foundation. Author of more than 1,500 scientific papers.

Lossky N. O. (1870-1965) - Russian idealist philosopher, representative of intuitionism. After the revolution, he published “Introduction to Philosophy,” “Basic Issues of Epistemology,” “Logic,” and “Bergson’s Intuitive Philosophy.” In 1921 he was removed from teaching. In 1922 he was exiled on the "ship of philosophers".

Manizer M. G.(1891-1966) - sculptor. Participant in the implementation of the monumental propaganda plan approved by Lenin. Since 1947 - Vice-President of the USSR Academy of Arts. People's Artist of the USSR.

Mayakovsky V.V.(1893-1930) - poet, founder of the poetry of socialist realism. In the summer of 1918 he created the first Soviet play - "Mystery-bouffe". Wrote poems:

"150,000 LLC", "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin", "Good!" and many poems.

Meyerhold V.E.(1874-1940) - director and actor. In 1908-1917 worked in the St. Petersburg imperial theaters (Alexandria and Mariinsky). Creator of the Theater of the Revolution (later - the Meyerhold Theater). Repressed.

Merkurov S. D. (1881-1952) - sculptor. Participant in the implementation of Lenin's plan for monumental propaganda. Author of the monument to Timiryazev in Moscow, the high relief "26 Baku Commissars" in Baku. People's Artist of the USSR.

Mikhalkov S. V. (b. 1913) - poet, playwright, children's writer. One of the authors of the words of the USSR National Anthem. Author of popular children's poems (the most famous is the collection about Uncle Styopa).

Moiseev I. A.(b. 1906) - ballet dancer, choreographer, director of the ballet group. In 1924-1939 - artist of the Bolshoi Theater, director of the ballet "Spartak" by A. Khachaturian and others. Organizer and director (since 1937) of the USSR Folk Dance Ensemble. The creator of a new genre - stage folk dance. People's Artist of the USSR. Hero of Socialist Labor.

Moiseev N. N.(b. 1917) - a prominent mathematician. Specialist in the field of general mechanics and applied mathematics. Works on dynamics, numerical methods of optimal control theory.

Mordyukova N.V.(b. 1925) - film actress. She was included in the top ten outstanding actresses of the 20th century. in the London Encyclopedia "Who's Who". People's Artist of the USSR. She starred in the films: “Young Guard”, “Alien Relatives”, “Commissioner”, “Chairman”, “Balzaminov’s Marriage”, “A Simple Story”, “The Diamond Arm”, etc.

Mravinsky E. A. (1903-1988) - an outstanding conductor. Since 1938 - conductor of the symphony orchestra of the Leningrad Philharmonic.

Mukhina V. I. (1889-1953) - sculptor. She studied in Moscow with K. F. Yuon, I. I. Mashkov, in Paris with E. A. Bourdelle. The author of a number of sculptural images, widely known to the mass audience. Among them, the most famous sculpture is “Worker and Collective Farm Woman,” made for the World Exhibition in Paris.

Myaskovsky N. Ya.(1881-1950) - composer, teacher, music critic and public figure. One of the largest Soviet symphonists.

Nezhdanova A.V.(1873-1950) - singer (soprano). People's Artist of the USSR (1934). Hero of Labor (1925). Since 1943 - professor at the Moscow Conservatory.

Nikulin Yu. V.(1921-1997) - actor, clown. Director of the Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. Performer of leading roles in the films: “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, “When the Trees Were Big”, “Come to Me, Mukhtar!”, “The Diamond Arm”, “Scarecrow”, etc. People’s Artist of the USSR. Hero of Socialist Labor.

Obraztsova E. V.(b. 1939) - singer (mezzo-soprano). Soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. People's Artist of the USSR. Hero of Socialist Labor.

Obukhova N. A. (1886-1961) - singer (mezzo-soprano). Soloist of the Bolshoi Theater since 1916. People's Artist of the USSR (1937).

Orlova L. P.(1902-1975) - popular theater and film actress. Performer of leading roles in the films: “Jolly Fellows”, “Circus”, “Volga-Volga”, “Shining Path”, “Spring”, etc.

Paton E. O.(1870-1953) - scientist in the field of welding and engine building, academician. Hero of Socialist Labor. Director of the Electric Welding Institute.

Pakhmutova A. N.(b. 1929) - composer. People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor. Laureate of state awards.

Platonov A.P.(1899-1951) - Russian writer. The novels “Chevengur” (published in 1972), “Happy Moscow” (published in 1991), the stories “The Pit” (published in 1969), “The Juvenile Sea” (published in 1979), etc. The main thing in them is rejection of forms of socialist reconstruction of life imposed by force.

Prokofiev S. S.(1891-1953) - one of the greatest composers of the 20th century. Pianist and conductor. Author of music for a number of films. Opera "War and Peace" and others.

Pyryev I. A.(1901-1968) - famous film director and screenwriter. Author of the films: “Tractor Drivers”, “The Pig Farmer and the Shepherd”, “The Brothers Karamazov”, etc.

Raikin A.I.(1911-1989) - the largest satirist of the Soviet stage. People's Artist of the USSR. Hero of Socialist Labor. Creator and permanent director of the Theater of Miniatures. A brilliant master of instant transformation. Lenin Prize laureate.

Rasputin V. G.(b. 1937) - Russian writer. Author of the works: “Live and Remember!”, “Farewell to Matera”, “Fire” and others. Hero of Socialist Labor. Laureate of state awards.

Rauschenbach B.V.(b. 1915) - scientist in the field of mechanics. Works on the theory of combustion, control of the orientation of spacecraft. Lenin Prize laureate. Hero of Socialist Labor.

Richter S. T.(1915-1997) - an outstanding pianist, People's Artist of the USSR (1961), Hero of Socialist Labor (1975), laureate of the Lenin Prize (1961) and state prizes of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

Rozhdestvensky R.I.(1932-1994) - poet. Secretary of the Board of the Union of Writers of the USSR. Laureate of the USSR State Prize. Author of numerous poems and songs.

Rostropovich M. L.(b. 1927) - Russian musician, cellist, conductor. Soloist of the Moscow Conservatory, professor of the Leningrad Conservatory. Since 1977 - chief conductor and director of the US National Symphony Orchestra. Laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR, numerous foreign awards. In 1978 he was deprived of Soviet citizenship, which was returned to him in 1990.

Ruslanova L. A.(1900-1973) - singer. Performer of Russian folk songs.

Sakharov A. D. (1921-1989) - the largest Soviet physicist. Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Basic works on theoretical physics. One of the creators of domestic atomic and hydrogen weapons. Outstanding human rights activist. Three times Hero of Socialist Labor. People's Deputy of the USSR (1989).

Sviridov G. V.(1915-1998) - composer, pianist, People's Artist of the USSR (1970), Hero of Socialist Labor (1975), laureate of the Lenin Prize (1960) and state prizes of the USSR and the Russian Federation. Honorary citizen of Moscow.

Smoktunovsky I. M. (1925-1994) - one of the largest Russian actors of the 20th century. Played at the Bolshoi Drama Theater. Gorky (Leningrad), Maly Theater and Moscow Art Theater (Moscow). He played more than 80 roles in films and on television. His main works include: “Hamlet”, “Beware of the Car”, “Nine Days of One Year”, “Tchaikovsky”, “Little Tragedies” and many others. People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor. Laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes.

Spivakov V. T. (b. 1944) is an outstanding violinist and conductor, artistic director, conductor and soloist of the Moscow Virtuosi chamber orchestra. Winner of domestic and foreign awards.

Sobinov L.V.(1872-1934) - singer (tenor). Since 1919 - member of the Bolshoi Theater directory. Among the best roles are Lensky (Eugene Onegin by P.I. Tchaikovsky), Lohengrin (Lohengrin by R. Wagner).

Solzhenitsyn A. I.(b. 1918) - Russian writer. Author of books and researcher of Russian history at the beginning of the 20th century. He became famous for his first major work, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, and then for his research-narrative, The Gulag Archipelago.

Stanislavsky(Alekseev) K. S. (1863-1938) - Russian, Soviet director, actor, theater, activist, theorist of performing arts. Founder of the Moscow Art Theater (1898). People's Artist of the USSR (1936).

Tamm I. B.(1895-1971) - scientist, theoretical physicist. Main works on the theory of radiation, cosmic rays, nuclear physics.

Tvardovsky A. T.(1910-1971) - poet. Editor-in-chief of the magazine "New World". Author of a number of poems ("Vasily Terkin", "Terkin in the Other World", "Beyond the Distance - Distance"), many poems.

Temirkanov Yu. X.(b. 1938) is one of the world’s recognized conductors. People's Artist of the USSR. Laureate of state awards.

Tovstonogov G. A.(1915-1988) - major production director. Since 1956 - chief director of the Bolshoi Drama Theater in Leningrad. Laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes. People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor.

Tolstoy A. N.(1882-1945) - Russian writer. Until 1917, he was a representative of the realistic trend in Russian literature. In Soviet times, he wrote the novels “Walking Through Torment,” “Peter I,” and a number of other books.

Ulanova G. S. (1909/10-1998) - an outstanding ballerina, People's Artist of the USSR (1951), twice Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin (1957) and State Prizes of the USSR. Honorary citizen of Moscow.

Ulyanov M. A.(b. 1927) - artist, director, public figure. Artistic director of the Vakhtangov Theater. Chairman of the Union of Theater Workers of the USSR and Russia. People's Artist of the USSR. Laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes. Hero of Socialist Labor.

Utesov L. O. (1895-1982) - People's Artist of the USSR. Leader of one of the first jazz orchestras in the USSR. He starred in the film "Jolly Fellows" and others.

Fadeev A. A.(1901-1956) - writer, general secretary of the USSR Writers' Union. Author of the novels "Destruction" and "The Young Guard".

Falk R.R.(1886-1958) - Russian painter. Member of the "Jack of Diamonds". Still lifes, portraits, landscapes ("Potato", 1955; "Self-portrait in a red fez", 1957) are distinguished by a finely developed color-plastic form.

Fedin K. A.(1892-1977) - writer, chairman of the board of the Union of Writers of the USSR. Author of the novels: “Cities and Years”, “Brothers”, “First Joys”, “An Extraordinary Summer”, etc.

Filonov P. N.(1883-1941) - painter and graphic artist. Founder and one of the members of the artists' society "Youth Union" (1909) in St. Petersburg. In symbolic, dramatically intense works, he sought to express the general patterns of the course of world history ("The Feast of Kings", 1913). Later he defended the principles of “analytical art”, based on the creation of highly complex compositions capable of kaleidoscopic development (“Formula of the Petrograd Proletariat”, late 20s).

Florensky P. A.(1882-1943) - philosopher, scientist. In 1912-1917 editor of the magazine "Theological Bulletin". In Soviet times, he worked at the Karbolit plant, author of twenty inventions in the field of chemistry and electrical engineering. He wrote a number of philosophical works, including “The First Steps of Philosophy” and others. He was repressed.

Frank S. L.(1877-1950) - religious philosopher. Participant in the collections of intelligentsia "Vekhi" and "From the Depths". After the revolution - professor at Saratov and Moscow universities. Together with Berdyaev he headed the Free Academy of Spiritual Culture. Author of works: “The Soul of Man”, “The Moral Divide in the Russian Revolution”, “Essay on Methodology social sciences". In 1922 he was expelled from the country along with other philosophers.

Khachaturyan A. I.(1903-1978) - composer, teacher, conductor. Author of ballets ("Spartacus", "Gayane", etc.).

Khariton Yu. B.(1904-1996) - physicist scientist, three times Hero of Socialist Labor. Together with Ya. B. Zeldovich he created the theory of chain decay of uranium. One of the creators of Soviet nuclear and thermonuclear weapons.

Cherkasov N.K.(1903-1966) - actor. People's Artist of the USSR. He starred in popular films: “Baltic Deputy”, “Peter the Great”, “Ivan the Terrible”, “Everything remains for the people”, etc.

Chirkov B. P.(1901-1982) - Soviet actor, People's Artist of the USSR. Hero of Socialist Labor. He starred in the films: “Maxim’s Youth”, “Maxim’s Return”, “Vyborg Side”, “Teacher”, “True Friends”, “The Living and the Dead”.

Chukovsky K. I. (Korneychukov N. V.) (1882-1969) - literary critic, children's writer, translator. Researcher of the creativity of N. A. Nekrasova.

Churikova I. M. (b. 1943) - Russian actress. People's Artist of the USSR. Laureate of state and international awards. She starred in the films: “There is no ford in fire”, “The Beginning”, “Please speak”, “That same Munchausen”, “Vassa”, “War Romance”, “Mother”, “Ryaba Hen”, etc.

Shalyapin F. I.(1873-1938) - singer. Since 1899 - soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. In 1918 - honorary chairman of the State Opera Council, then manager of the artistic department of all academic theaters in Russia. Since 1919 - member of the Bolshoi Theater directory. Since 1922 - in exile.

Schnittke A. G.(b. 1934) - one of the greatest composers of our time. Currently lives in Germany. Author of more than 70 major works, including the operas “The Eleventh Commandment”, “Life with an Idiot”, the ballet “Labyrinths”, the oratorio “Nagasaki”, etc. Winner of numerous foreign awards.

Sholokhov M. A.(1905-1984) - writer. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. Author of the novels: "Quiet Don", "Virgin Soil Upturned", "They Fought for the Motherland" and other works. Academician.

Shostakovich D. D. (1906-1975) - composer, pianist, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR. Hero of Socialist Labor. One of the greatest composers of the 20th century. The operas “The Nose”, “Katerina Izmailova”, a number of symphonic works (the largest is the 7th symphony, written in besieged Leningrad).

Shulzhenko K. I.(1906-1984) - Soviet pop singer.

Shchusev A.V.(1873-1949) - architect. Author of the project of the Kazan railway station in Moscow (1914-1926), the Lenin Mausoleum. Academician (1943).

Erenburg I. G.(1891-1967) - writer, public figure. Author of the novel "The Fall of Paris", the story "The Thaw", the memoirs "People. Years. Life" and others.

Yuon K.F.(1875-1958) - painter, theater artist.

Adzhubey Alexey Ivanovich

Alexey Ivanovich Adzhubey (1924-1993) - an outstanding journalist during the short period of the Khrushchev Thaw. This name appeared on the horizon of Russian journalism half a century ago and soon became widely known in our country - Chief Editor"Komsomolskaya Pravda", and then "Izvestia", which under him began to be published in millions of copies. Public interest in A.I. Adzhubey was also fueled by this. that he was the son-in-law of N.S. Khrushchev. This biographical fact, which contributed to the rise of the young talented journalist to newspaper Olympus, subsequently played a fatal role in his fate: in October 1964, the Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee removed Khrushchev from all posts and at the same time Adzhubey was removed from the post of editor-in-chief of the Izvestia newspaper.

Chingiz Aitmatov was born on December 12, 1928 in Sheker village (Kyrgyzstan). Under the influence of his family, the future writer became familiar with Russian culture, Russian language and literature from childhood. In 1937, his father, who held a leading position, was repressed, and Chingiz had to face the true life of the people: his seniority began at the age of ten, and from the age of fourteen he had to work as secretary of the village council (this was the time of the Patriotic War, and adult men were at the front), deciding the most difficult questions life of a large village. After graduating from eight classes, he entered the Dzhambul Zootechnic School, which he graduated with honors, and was accepted without exams into the Agricultural Institute. During his student years, he wrote small notes, articles, essays, publishing them in newspapers. After college, he worked as a livestock technician while continuing to write.
In 1956 he came to study in Moscow at the Higher Literary Courses, which gave him a lot. Returning to Kyrgyzstan, he became editor of the magazine “Literary Kyrgyzstan”, and for five years he was his own correspondent for the newspaper “Pravda” in Kyrgyzstan. The story “Djamila” (1958), which was later included in the book “Tales of Mountains and Steppes” (Lenin Prize, 1963), brought wide fame to the young writer. In 1961, the story “My Poplar in a Red Scarf” was published. This was followed by the stories "The First Teacher" (1962), "Mother's Field" (1965), "Farewell, Gyulsary!" (1966), “The White Steamship” (1970), etc. The first novel written by Aitmatov is “And the day lasts longer than a century” (“Stormy Station”, 1980). In 1988, the famous novel "The Scaffold" was published. Ch. Aitmatov was also able to make a diplomatic career: he was the USSR Ambassador to Luxembourg. Currently, he is the Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to Belgium, without giving up his literary activities (the novel “Cassandra’s Brand”, 1994).

Surgeon, writer, thinker and publicist. Amosov Nikolai Mikhailovich [b. 6 (19). 12.1913], Soviet surgeon, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (1961), Honored Scientist of the Ukrainian SSR. In 1939 he graduated from Arkhangelsk medical school. Since 1952, head of the thoracic surgery clinic of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Tuberculosis and Thoracic Surgery named after. F. G. Yanovsky. In 1954 he created and headed the Department of Thoracic Surgery at the Kyiv Institute for Advanced Medical Studies. A.'s works are dedicated to surgical treatment diseases of the lungs, heart, blood vessels, medical cybernetics. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 6th-7th convocations. Lenin Prize (1961). Awarded the Order Lenin, 3 other orders, as well as medals.
Author of several works of fiction (for example, the story “Thoughts and Heart”, 1965: in 1969, the film “Degree of Risk” was released based on this story).

People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes. Irina Konstantinovna Arkhipova - outstanding Russian singer(mezzosoprano). "The Queen of Russian Opera." One of the brightest Russian names on the world opera stage of the second half of the twentieth century. Architect by first education. There are buildings in Moscow built according to her designs. She began to become interested in singing during her years of study at the Architectural Institute. Already working as an architect, she graduated from the Moscow Conservatory. She performed the leading repertoire at the Opera and Ballet Theater of Sverdlovsk (Ekaterinburg). Two years after her Sverdlovsk debut, she was invited to the Bolshoi Theater and made her debut on its stage in the role of Carmen, which became iconic for the singer. In 1959, Arkhipova performed the role of Carmen in a duet with the outstanding Italian tenor Mario del Monaco in a performance at the Bolshoi Theater, after which she was invited by the Italian singer to stage the opera Carmen in Rome and Naples. The triumph of these performances marked the beginning of her brilliant international career. Irina Arkhipova is recognized as the best Carmen in the world. Four and a half decades of Irina Konstantinovna’s creative performing career included performances in the entire leading mezzo-soprano repertoire in Bolshoi Theater and other theaters in Russia, as well as the leading stages of the world - La Scala and Covent Garden, Metropolitan Opera and Colon. She is an outstanding chamber singer with a huge repertoire of classical romances and song cycles. For more than three decades, Irina Konstantinovna Arkhipova has been involved in the professional development of young Russian singers. He is the chairman of the jury of the All-Russian and International Vocal Competitions named after. Glinka. Thanks to a coherent system for identifying and nurturing vocal talents, the prestige of Russia as a vocal power was increased. President of the International Union of Musicians. President of the Irina Arkhipova Foundation. Organizer of numerous festivals, including “Irina Arkhipova Presents,” musical lounges, etc. Received all the highest awards and titles of the USSR and Russia. She is included in the Russian book of records as the most titled Russian singer.

Title: academician.
Elected: 09/27/1943.
Specialization: economics
Born December 1, 1903, Teploye village, Chern district. Tula lips. Died September 30, 1950, Moscow. Economist, party and statesman. Academician at the Department of Economics and Law (Economics) since September 27, 1943.

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin 1934-1968. Test pilot. He was the first in the world to orbit the globe on the Vostok spacecraft on April 12, 1961. Cosmonaut No. 1.

(b. 1923) Avar poet, people's poet of Dagestan (1959), Hero of Socialist Labor (1974). Son of G. Tsadasa. Poetry collections “The Year of My Birth” (1950; USSR State Prize, 1952), “High Stars” (1962; Lenin Prize, 1963), “Letters” (1963), “Rosary of Years” (1968), “At the Hearth” ( 1978), “Island of Women” (1983), “Wheel of Life” (1987), lyrical story “My Dagestan” (books 1-2, 1967-71). Gamzatov's poetry is distinguished by civic spirit, lyricism, a penchant for philosophy and aphorism, and a national-folklore flavor.

Gorkin Alexander Fedorovich (24.8.1897, village of Ramenki, Tver province - 1988), statesman, Hero of Socialist Labor (1967). The son of a peasant. In 1916 he joined the RSDLP, a Bolshevik. Since Aug. 1917 to June 1919 secretary of the Tver City Council, chairman of the provincial executive committee. In 1919-20 he served in the Red Army. Since 1921 employee of the Tver Provincial Committee. Kyrgyz regional committee, Middle Volga regional party committee, apparatus of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. In 1934-37, 1st Secretary of the Orenburg Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. Since 1937, secretary of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, since 1938 - of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In 1937-74, deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In 1939-52, candidate member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. In 1952-76 member of the Central Committee of the CPSU. After the death of I.V. Stalin was removed from the post of Secretary of the Presidium in 1953, but in 1956 he returned to his post. In 1957-72 before. Supreme Court USSR, in 1959-61 at the same time before. TsRK. He participated in the campaign for the rehabilitation of victims of the personality cult, although the bulk of the cases took place in 1954-56, i.e. before his appointment court. He retired in 1972.

Russian designer, Doctor of Technical Sciences (1971), Colonel (1969), twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1958, 1976). He created AK and AKM assault rifles, RPK, PK, PKT machine guns, etc. Lenin Prize (1964), USSR State Prize (1949). Major General (1994).

Kalinin Mikhail Ivanovich, Soviet state. and desk activist, Hero Socialist. Labor (1944). Entered the nearest watering station. entourage of I.V. Stalin; actually authorized the mass repressions of the 1930s and 40s. He graduated from the village in 1889. school. From 1896 he worked as a turner at the Putilov plant. Member communist. party since 1898. Member of St. Petersburg. The “Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class” was an agent of Iskra. He was repeatedly arrested, imprisoned, and exiled. Participant 3 grew up. rev-tions. During the years of Civil War, he led the propaganda and instructional train “October Revolution”, which made 12 trips around the center. regions of Russia, Ukraine, Northern. The Caucasus, the Urals, Siberia and almost on all fronts. Since 1926 member Party Politburo. Since March 1919 pred. All-Russian Central Executive Committee. From 30 Dec. 1922 pred. Central Executive Committee of the USSR, from 1938 to March 1946 chairman. Presidium Top. Soviet of the USSR. I visited Chel for the first time. in Nov. 1920. Morning of November 18. The train “October Revolution” arrived in Chel. After a short meeting at the station, K. held a meeting at the provincial party committee, dedicated. fight against devastation. Delivered greetings. speech to conscripts and school graduates. military commanders parade on the square Revolutions. In the evening I took part in a rally on the railway. node, spoke at a meeting of the 2nd District Congress of Soviets in People's House with a report on the strengthening of the Soviet Union. authorities in the country and its priorities. On the trail. day K. visited by Chel. coal mines, spoke at a meeting in the circus with a report on the international. position In addition to speaking at rallies, K. considered citizens’ complaints and made decisions on them. During the 2nd visit Chel. On June 1, 1933, K. attended the celebrations. launch of ChTZ, got acquainted with the work of the main workshops In the afternoon he performed at the celebrations. rally on the factory square. On the trail. day addressed the drummers and technicians. plant personnel. On the same day I visited the ferroalloy plant, ChGRES, plant named after. Kolyushchenko.

(28.01/10.02.1911-1978), Russian mathematician and mechanic. He owns a large number of fundamental research in the field of mathematics, aerohydrodynamics, vibration theory. He made an outstanding contribution to the development of a number of important issues in aviation, nuclear and space technology, placing him among the world's most prominent scientists.

(1902/03-1960), Russian physicist, organizer and leader of work on atomic science and technology in the USSR, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1943), three times Hero of Socialist Labor (1949, 1951, 1954). Researched ferroelectrics. Together with his colleagues, he discovered nuclear isomerism. Under the leadership of Kurchatov, the first domestic cyclotron was built (1939), the spontaneous fission of uranium nuclei was discovered (1940), mine protection for ships was developed, the first nuclear reactor in Europe (1946), the first atomic bomb in the USSR (1949), and the world's first thermonuclear bomb ( 1953) and NPP (1954). Founder and first director of the Institute of Atomic Energy (since 1943, since 1960 - named after Kurchatov). Lenin Prize (1957), USSR State Prize (1942, 1949, 1951, 1954).

Lysenko Trofim Denisovich (1898, village of Karlovka, Poltava province - 1976, Moscow) - agronomist. Genus. in a peasant family. After graduating from the horticulture school and the Kyiv two-year selection courses, Lysenko worked at a breeding station and studied at the Kiev Agricultural Institute. institute, which he graduated from in 1925. He worked as a breeder in Azerbaijan, then in Odessa. Having moved to Moscow, Lysenko put forward a doctrine, understandable to any ignoramus, about heredity, variability and speciation, which he called “Michurinsky”. He promised to create miracle varieties, increase the yield of all crops in a short time using methods that require virtually no costs, which gained him great popularity. Thus, in 1929, Lysenko reported that he knew how to increase grain production (vernalization) by applying cold to germinating wheat grains. Lysenko is inexhaustible for such ideas. This “people's academician” of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (1934), VASKhNIL (1935), and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1939) was the first of his colleagues to declare that pests are operating in science, and qualified scientific polemics as political sabotage. So opponents of genetics ended up in camps and prisons and were expelled from science. In 1938, after N.I. Vavilov and repressed scientists A.I. Muralova and G.K. Meister Lysenko took over as president of VASKhNIL. Lies that were pleasing to the authorities took the form of numbers, graphs and rigged experiments; hoaxes were declared reality. Lysenko was awarded the Stalin Prize three times (1941, 1943, 1949), the title of Hero of Socialism. Labor (1945), received 8 Orders of Lenin. The heroic attempts of genetic scientists to convincingly explain the part. For leaders, the harm of Lysenkoism (A.A. Lyubishchev, V.P. Efroimson in 1947, etc.) ended in arrest for them. Lysenko's activities brought enormous harm to biology and for a long time led to a total ban on genetics.

Rodion Yakovlevich Malinovsky Marshal of the Soviet Union, commander of the 2nd Ukrainian Front. Born on November 23, 1898 in Odessa. Ukrainian. After graduating from the parochial school in 1911, Malinovsky left home. In 1911-1913 worked as a farm laborer. In 1913-1914 apprentice clerk in an Odessa haberdashery store. In 1914, he begged the soldiers going to the front to take him into the military train, after which he volunteered for the machine gun team of the 256th Elisavetgrad Infantry Regiment. In October 1914, he received his first military award - the 4th degree St. George Cross and was evacuated to the rear due to injury. In February 1916, he arrived as part of the Russian expeditionary force in France, where he was awarded for bravery. After February Revolution in Russia, Malinovsky was elected chairman of the company committee. Malinovsky agreed to join Foreign Legion French army, where he fought until the surrender of Germany. In 1919 he returned to Russia and began to serve in the Red Army, fought in Eastern Front v. A.V. Kolchak. In the 1920s he rose from platoon commander to battalion commander. In 1930 he successfully graduated from the Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze. In 1937-1938 participated in the Spanish Civil War on the side of the Republican government. During the mass repressions in 1937-1938. Among the command staff, materials were collected on Malinovsky as a participant in a military-fascist conspiracy, but the case was not given any progress. Since 1939 he taught at the Military Academy. M.V. Frunze. Great Patriotic War Malinovsky met the commander of the 48th Rifle Corps on the border of the USSR. In August 1941, he was appointed commander of the 6th Army and fought heavy defensive battles. In 1941-1942. commanded the Southern and North Caucasian Front. In 1942, he distinguished himself by commanding the defeat of the fascist army group, which went to the aid of the encircled German troops near Stalingrad. Since 1943, he commanded the troops of the Southern, then the Southwestern Front, liberating Nikolaev and Odessa. He played a big role in the liberation of Romania, Hungary, Austria, and Czechoslovakia. In 1944, Malinovsky was awarded the title of Marshal of the Soviet Union. In August 1945, troops of the Transbaikal Front under the command of R.Ya. Malinovsky dealt a crushing blow to the Japanese Kwantung Army and participated in the liberation of Northeast China and the Liaodong Peninsula. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal was awarded to Rodion Yakovlevich Malinovsky on September 8, 1945. After the war, Rodion Yakovlevich commanded the district troops and was the commander-in-chief of the ground forces. Since 1957, Minister of Defense of the USSR. Recipient of the Order of Victory, five Orders of Lenin, three Orders of the Red Banner, two Orders of Suvorov, 1st degree, many medals and orders of foreign countries. R.Ya. Malinovsky is a folk hero of Yugoslavia. Died on March 31, 1967. The ashes are buried in the Kremlin wall.

Poskrebyshev Alexander Nikolaevich (1891, Vyatka - January 3, 1965, Moscow), party leader, lieutenant general. Son of a shoemaker. Paramedic by profession. In March 1917 he joined the RSDLP(b). From 1922 he worked in the apparatus of the Central Committee, in 1923-1924 he was the head of the Administration of the Affairs of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), in 1924-1929 he was assistant to I.V. Stalin. In 1929-1934, deputy head, head of the secret department, in 1934-1952 - special sector of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. Since August 1935, head of the office Secretary General Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. Since 1931, Stalin's personal secretary and his most trusted confidante. He carried out personal tasks for Stalin, prepared documents for him, etc. Through him, Stalin received all information of any nature. To each document Poskrebyshev attached a piece of paper proposing a specific solution; in most cases, Stalin agreed with his recommendations. Since 1934, a candidate member, in 1939-1956, a member of the Central Committee of the party. Since 1946, deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. He was distinguished by his amazing capacity for work (his working day was at least 16 hours) and diligence. According to a number of memoirs and studies (though unconfirmed by sources), Poskrebyshev was involved in most of the crimes of the regime, incl. murder of G.K. Ordzhonikidze, organization of political processes 1936-1938, “the doctors’ case”, etc. After the war, his wife was Bronislava Solomonovna, a distant relative of L.D. Trotsky, was arrested, Poskrebyshev begged Stalin to save her, but he refused; she spent 3 years in prison and then was shot on charges of espionage. Since 1952, Secretary of the Presidium and Bureau of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee. In November 1952, L.P. Beria managed to convince Stalin to remove Poskrebyshev from the Kremlin. “Perhaps Poskrebyshev is connected with the doctors’ case,” was one of Beria’s arguments. In 1953, he was removed from active political life and retired. In his speech at the 20th Congress of the CPSU N.S. Khrushchev called him "Stalin's faithful squire." He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Russian architect, People's Architect of the USSR (1970), full member of the USSR Academy of Arts (1979). Chief Architect of Moscow (1960-82). High-rise residential building on the square. Uprising (1954), Palace of Congresses in the Kremlin (1961), construction of New Arbat (1964-69), USSR pavilions at the World Exhibitions in Montreal (1967) and Osaka (1970) - with co-authors. Project manager of the General Plan for the Development of Moscow (approved in 1971). Lenin Prize (1962), USSR State Prize (1949, 1980).

Rokossovsky Konstantin Konstantinovich (9/21.12.1896-3.08.1968), Marshal of the Soviet Union (1944), Marshal of Poland (1949), twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1944, 1945). Born in Velikiye Luki in the family of a railway worker. In the First World War - junior non-commissioned officer. From October 1917 in the Red Guard, then in the Red Army. Participant in battles on the Chinese Eastern Railway. During the Great Patriotic War, he commanded the army in the Battle of Moscow, Bryansk, Don fronts (in the Battle of Stalingrad), Central, Belarusian, 1st 2nd Belorussian (in the Vistula-Oder and Berlin operations) fronts. In 1945-49, Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Group of Forces. In 1949 - 56 Minister of National Defense and Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the People's Republic of Poland. In 1956-57 and 1958-62, Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR.

(1896-1986) physicist, one of the founders of chemistry. physicists, founder of scientific. schools, academic USSR Academy of Sciences (1932), Hero of Socialism. Labor (1966, 1976). Graduated in Physics and Mathematics. faculty Petrogr. University (1917). In 1920-31 he worked in Physics and Technology. in-those, at the same time. (since 1921) taught in Leningrad. Polytechnic institute (since 1928 prof.; Politekhnicheskaya st., 29; memorial plaque). Since 1931 dir. Institute of Chemistry, created by him. physicist of the USSR Academy of Sciences, who in 1941 was evacuated to Kazan, in 1943 transferred to Moscow, where S. lived from that year; prof. Moscow State University. In 1957-63 academic secret. Department of Chemical Sciences, in 1963-71 vice-president. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Works in the field of chemistry. kinetics, combustion theory. Author of the theory chain reactions(1943). Nobel Ave. (1956, jointly with S. Hinshelwood), Stalin Ave. (1941, 1949), Lenin Ave. (1976).

(real name Solovyov) Vasily Pavlovich (1907, St. Petersburg - 1979, Leningrad), composer, people. art. USSR (1967), Hero of Socialism. Labor (1975). Graduated from Leningrad. Conservatory in composition class with P. B. Ryazanov (1936). From 1925 he worked as an improvising pianist for Leningrad. radio, sports. and amateurs. teams. During Vel. Otech. war organizer and hand. front-line variety theater "Yastrebok". In 1948-64 before. LO Union of Composers, 1957-74 sec. Union comp. THE USSR. Master of mass song (over 400). Melodious. the gift, spontaneity, and soulfulness of his song lyrics gained her enormous popularity. Songs of S.-S. entered the everyday life of millions, and " Moscow Nights"(words by M. L. Matusovsky, 1956) became the international musical emblem of Russia. The main theme of S.-S.’s creativity is military, soldierly. In collaboration with A. I. Fatyanov, “On a Sunny Meadow” (1943) was created , "Nightingales" (1944), "We haven't been home for a long time" (1945), "Where are you now, fellow soldiers" (1947) "Where are you, my garden" (1948); with S. B. Fogelson - " Sailor Nights" (1945), with A. D. Churkin - "Evening on the Raids" (1941), with M. V. Isakovsky - "Hear me, good one" (1945). Author of the ballet "Taras Bulba" (Opera Theater ballet named after S. M. Kirov. 1940, 1955), operettas and musical comedies, including “The Most Treasured” (1951), “Eighteen Years” (1967), “At the Native Pier” (1970); music for 36 feature films, including "Heavenly Slug" (1945), "The First Glove" (1946), "Maxim Perepelitsa" (1955), "She Loves You" (1956), "The Don Tale" "(1964), to popular science and documentary films, to dramatic performances and radio plays (c. 40). Stalinsky Ave. (1943, 1947), Leninskaya Ave. (1959). Born and lived until 1929 at 139 Nevsky Prospekt, then changed several. addresses. In 1950-79 he lived on the embankment. R. Fontanka, 131 (memorial plaque) and in the village. Komarovo (Bolshoi Avenue, 17). He was buried on the Literatorskie Mostki. In the name of S.-S. named Variety Symphony. Orchestra of the television and radio company "Petersburg".

Titov German Stepanovich (born 9/11/1935, died 9/20/2000) (September 11, 1935, village of Verkhnee Zhilino, Kosikhinsky district Altai Territory- September 20, 2000, Moscow), Russian cosmonaut. Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR (1961), Colonel General of Aviation (1988), Hero of the Soviet Union (1961). In the first squad of cosmonauts of the USSR, German Titov was one of the best and was appointed Yu. A. Gagarin’s backup during the preparation for the first in history space flight April 12, 1961. In August 1961, German Titov made a space flight on Vostok-2, which lasted 25 hours. Later he left the cosmonaut corps and worked as a test pilot. In 1968 he graduated from the Air Force Academy and worked in its development department. Then he graduated from the General Staff Academy. Military service completed in the position of first deputy commander of the Military Space Forces and the rank of colonel general, the highest among Russian cosmonauts. In the last years of his life he was a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Communist Party. Died as a result of an accident. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

[R. 15(28).9.1915, Tbilisi], Soviet director, People's Artist of the USSR (1957), Doctor of Art History (1968). In 1938 he graduated from the directing department of GITIS. In 1938-46, director of the Tbilisi Russian Theater. Griboyedov, in 1946-49 he worked at the Moscow Central Children's Theater, in 1950-56 he was the chief director of the Leningrad Theater. Lenin Komsomol, since 1956 - Bolshoi Drama Theater. Gorky. One of the aspects of T.’s talent as a director is the desire for monumental, generalized forms. This was manifested in the performances “The Road of Immortality” (1951, based on the book by Yu. Fuchik “The Word before Execution”), “Death of the Squadron” by Korneychuk (1952) and in the most significant work, “Optimistic Tragedy” by Vishnevsky (1955), awarded the Lenin Prize ( 1958). Among the best performances of T. at the Bolshoi drama theater: “The Idiot” by Dostoevsky (1957, 1966), “Barbarians” (1959) and “Philistines” (1966) by Gorky, “Virgin Soil Upturned” by Sholokhov (1964), “Three Sisters” by Chekhov (1965), “Restless Old Age” by Rakhmanov (1970), "Khanuma" by Tsagareli (1973). T. trained a team of like-minded actors and contributed to the successful debuts of a number of playwrights (A. M. Volodin, V. S. Rozov, and others). Author of books on the theory and practice of directing creativity - "On the profession of a director" (1965) and "Circle of Thoughts" (1972). In 1939-46 he taught at the Georgian Theater Institute. Sh. Rustaveli, since 1962 headed the department of directing at the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography (professor since 1960). Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 7th and 8th convocations. USSR State Prize (1950, 1952, 1968). He was awarded two Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and medals.

(1883-1945) Born on December 29 (January 11), 1883 in the village of Sosnovka, Samara province. His writing career began in 1907 with the publication of a collection of poems. Tolstoy's most significant works date back to the Soviet period, although he spent the first years after the revolution in exile in Paris (1918-1921). He returned to the USSR and was subsequently twice awarded the Stalin Prize for his outstanding contribution to literature. During the Second World War, Tolstoy devoted a lot of energy to journalism and wrote numerous front-line essays. In the 1920s, Tolstoy published a number of fantastic works: the story Aelita (1922-1923), a depiction of social upheaval on Mars; the play Riot of the Machines (1925) and the novel Hyperboloid by engineer Garin (1925-1927), about a megalomaniac scientist trying to enslave the world. The story Blue Cities (1925) describes the confrontation modern science and the patriarchal Russian village. The trilogy The Trilogy, begun in Paris in 1921 and completed in 1941, is his most important work, a realistic picture of the life of Russian society, especially the intelligentsia, during the war and revolution. His Peter I (books 1-3, 1929-1945, unfinished) is considered the best historical novel of the Soviet period in the history of Russian literature. Tolstoy died in Moscow on February 23, 1945.

Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev - Soviet aircraft designer and scientist, one of the founders of the domestic aircraft industry. Tupolev together with Zhukovsky founded TsAGI (Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute). There Tupolev created and headed the design bureau, which later developed all of his aircraft. Experiments have shown that to build heavy aircraft it is necessary to use light metals in aircraft construction, and under the leadership of Tupolev the first Soviet all-metal aircraft - ANT-2 and ANT-3 - were built. Tupolev managed to put forward and implement ideas that determined the development of multi-engine bombers for decades to come. The monoplane layout, the installation of engines on the wing, and the placement of fuel tanks inside the wing have become integral features of aircraft of this class. Bomber planes, torpedo bombers, and reconnaissance aircraft designed by Tupolev successfully fought on the fronts of World War II. In the post-war years, under the leadership of Tupolev, a number of military and civilian aircraft were created: the Tu-12 jet bomber in 1947, the first jet passenger aircraft Tu-104 in 1954, the first turboprop intercontinental passenger airliner Tu-114 in 1957. Later Tu-104 were made. 124, Tu-134, Tu-154. Tupolev also created supersonic aircraft, including the Tu-144 passenger aircraft. In total, more than 100 types of aircraft were created under the leadership of Tupolev.

(11/24(12/07/1910-10/24/1974), party member since 1930, member of the Central Committee since 1956 (candidate 1952), member of the Presidium of the Central Committee 06/29/57-10/17/61. (candidate from 02/27/56), Secretary of the Central Committee 02/27/56-05/04/60. Born in Vyshny Volochyok, Tver province (Kalinin region). Russian. In 1941 she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology named after. M.V. Lomonosov, in 1948 - the Higher Positive Staff under the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). She began her career in 1928 as a weaver. In 1930-1933 and 1935-1937 at Komsomol work, in 1933-1935. studied. Since 1942, secretary, second secretary, first secretary of the district party committee in Moscow. In 1950-1954. second secretary, 1954-1957 First Secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU. In 1956-1960 Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Since 1960, Minister of Culture of the USSR. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR 3-5 and 7-8 convocations. She was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.

(1904, St. Petersburg - 1994), physicist and physical chemist, academician. USSR Academy of Sciences (1953), Hero of Socialism. labor (1949, 1951, 1954). Graduated from Leningrad. Polytechnic Institute (1925; memorial plaque). From 1921 he worked in Physics and Technology. institute, since 1931 - in the Institute of Chemistry. physicists of the USSR Academy of Sciences and other research institutes, prof. Leningr. Industrial Institute (since 1934). In 1938 he left Leningrad. Work on nuclear physics, chemistry. kinetics, physics of combustion and explosion. One of the hands. USSR atomic project. Gene. dir. and lifelong scientist. hands State scientific center of the Russian Federation "Arzamas-16". Stalinsky Ave. (1949, 1951, 1954), Leninskaya Ave. (1956). Lived at 61 Lesnoy Avenue. Bust in the Alley of Heroes Moscow. Victory Park (1985, sculptor V. Kh. Dumanyan). Lit.: Man of the Century Yuliy Borisovich Khariton. M., 1999; Cheparukhin V.V. Yuliy Borisovich Khariton and the Polytechnic Institute // Generals of the Spirit. St. Petersburg, 2000. Book. 1. pp. 547-556. V.V. Cheparukhin.

(1903-78) Russian composer, People's Artist of the USSR (1954), Academician of the Armenian Academy of Sciences (1963), Hero of Socialist Labor (1973), Doctor of Art History. In Khachaturian’s melodically generous, rhythmically impulsive works, the tonal system of European music organically merged with oriental modes. Ballets "Gayane" (1942) and "Spartacus" (1954), 3 symphonies (1934-47), concertos for piano (1936), violin (1940) and cello (1946) with orchestra, music for the drama "Masquerade" by M. Yu. Lermontov (1941). Professor of the Moscow Conservatory, Musical Pedagogical Institute named after. Gnessins (since 1951). He acted as a conductor. Lenin Prize (1959), USSR State Prize (1941, 1943, 1946, 1950, 1971).

Khrennikov Tikhon Nikolaevich (born May 28, 1913, Yelets), composer, administrator, People's Artist of the USSR (1963). Hero of Socialist Labor (1973), three-time winner of the Stalin Prize (1942, 1946, 1952). He received his education at the Gnessin Music School (1932) and the Moscow Conservatory (1936), a student of V.Ya. Shebalin and G.G. Neuhaus. In 1939 he wrote the opera “Into the Storm” (1939), which became “the first successful experience of translating a revolutionary theme into music,” in which Khrennikov first introduced V.I. Lenin. In 1950 he wrote the opera "Frol Skobeev" (1950). Wrote music for plays and films, incl. “The Pig Farmer and the Shepherd” (1941), “At six o’clock in the evening after the war” (1944), etc. In 1947 he joined the CPSU(b). Since 1948, General (since 1957 - 1st) Secretary of the Union of Composers of the USSR. In 1941-56 he was responsible for the musical part of the Theater Soviet army. After the Great Patriotic War, he took part in the persecution of D. Shostakovich and the establishment of the “party line” in music, however, unlike the leadership of the Writers' Union, he was not involved in denunciations. After the death of I.V. Stalin retained his position and remained for almost 40 years the sole leader of Soviet music under N.S. Khrushchev, L.I. Brezhnev, Yu.V. Andropov, M.S. Gorbachev. At this time he wrote the operas “Mother” (1957), “The Golden Calf” (1985), the ballet “Love for Love” (1976), “Hussar Ballad” (1979), the operetta “One Hundred Devils and One Girl” (1963) and etc. Since 1961 member of the Central audit commission CPSU, since 1976 candidate member of the Central Committee. Since 1962, member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In 1967 he received the State Prize, in 1974 - the Lenin Prize. In 1990 he became chairman. Union of Composers of the USSR.

Soviet pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union (July 24, 1936), brigade commander. Member of the CPSU since 1936. Born into a working-class family. In 1919 he voluntarily joined the Red Army and worked as an aircraft assembler in an aviation park in Nizhny Novgorod. In 1921-1924 he studied at the Yegoryevsk and Borisoglebsk aviation schools, at the Moscow School of Aerobatics and the Serpukhov higher school aerial shooting and bombing. From 1924 he served in the Red Banner Fighter Squadron and became famous as a skilled pilot. Since 1930, a test pilot at the Air Force Research Institute, tested over 70 types of aircraft, developed and introduced new aerobatic maneuvers: an upward spin and a slow-motion “barrel”. He had exceptional courage, perseverance and endurance. On July 20-22, 1936, with G.F. Baidukov and A.V. Belyakov, he made a non-stop flight from Moscow to Petropavlovsk-on-Kamchatka and further to the island. Udd (9374 km in 56 hours 20 minutes). On June 18-20, 1937, with the same crew, he flew from Moscow to Vancouver (USA) via the North Pole (8504 km in 63 hours 16 minutes). Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 1st convocation. Awarded 2 Orders of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner. Killed while testing a new fighter. He was buried on Red Square near the Kremlin wall.

Shostakovich Dmitry Dmitrievich, Soviet composer, People's Artist of the USSR (1954), Hero of Socialist Labor (1966), Doctor of Art History (1965). Born into the family of an engineer. He graduated from the Leningrad Conservatory, studying piano with L. V. Nikolaev (1923) and composition with M. O. Steinberg (1925). In 1927 on the 1st International competition pianists named after F. Chopin (Warsaw) received an honorary diploma. He performed his own work. From 1937 he taught a composition class at the Leningrad Conservatory, and from 1943-48 at the Moscow Conservatory (from 1939 a professor). Among the students: R. S. Bunin, A. D. Gadzhiev, G. G. Galynin, O. A. Evlakhov, K. A. Karaev, G. V. Sviridov, B. I. Tishchenko, K. S. Khachaturyan , B. A. Tchaikovsky.
